Makalah Academic Reading
Makalah Academic Reading
Makalah Academic Reading
Text Description
LailaturRohmah (1897194029)
Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT who has given the writer
remarkable blessings and stengths, so that the writer could finish this paper by the tittle “Text
Description” as well. The paper is structured to meet one of the tasks of the courses
Paragraph Writing.
On this occasion, the writer would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped the
writer in completing the writing of this paper. To Elisa NurulLaili, S.S., M.Pd as lecturer in
“Academic Reading “ for the support and motivation and also to friends who have
contributed their ideas and motivation for writing this paper.
The writer fully aware that so many flaws in the writing of this paper, in terms of material,
technical and presentation material. Therefore, the writer except criticsm and constructive
suggestions to further refine the writing of this paper.
Finally, the writer hope that the writing of this paper can be useful for the readers.
Preface .............................................................................................................
A. Background ..........................................................................................
B. Purpose ................................................................................................
A. Conclusion ...........................................................................................
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................
A. Background
Some of the writers, particularly writers of fiction, has the ability to write descriptive text
so well that writing is very readable at the same time easy to understand. Therefore, if we
are able to master this lesson well, we might later be a great writer in the future.
Furthemore, explanations and examples of descriptive text could help my friend who is or
is still a long way to learn English. Do not hesitate to read the descriptive text below, the
more we read the more we can understand it. And it would be nice if we not only
understand it self, but also can write their own descriptive text.
B. Purpose
1) To give information about definition of Descriptive Text
2) To find out the structure of Descriptive Text
3) To describe kinds of Descriptive Text
4) To describe how to make of Descriptive Text
B. Structure Text
Descriptive text has its own rulers in writing, including in the structure or
composition of which must be written in order. If yiu are prompted to create
descriptive text, then make sure the structure is as follows :
As explained above that the text uses simple present and simple past tenses. Actually
it is possible to make descriptive text with simple sentences that do not involve many
phreses but to produce writing that is easy to read and understand. Example:
The vocabulary above can be used to learn to make Descriptive Text which of course
will be explained thoroughly below.
The initial step to practice making text is to know the word classes in English that
the article has prepared and can be read directly in the article about 8 forms of
word classes that must be known:
The thing that must be in writing is the topic. The topic chosen can be
anything important that does not complicated later. Look for topics that
you think can be understood so that you can make them well and
Second : Learn it
After getting the above topic then study the topic that you choose it, a
very effective way to study topic usually using the WH question
What or who?
How high/ low?
How beautiful?
How about the smell?
What color is the skin / shirt?
What is the most special about him?
Third : Do it
After studying the topic you chose, you can immediately start writing
using the results of the research you have done earlier and look for
vocabulary that you will likely use. For example :
“You will make text description about a cat, then what is in your mind
first? Color, fur type or face of course the vocabulary needed is drawn in
your mind. Then make simple sentences from the vocabulary that you
collacted earlier, after that combine each sentence with Conjuction and
Descriptive Text.”
After creating schematics like the one above, we will elaborate using
language that is easier to read and can be understood. For example:
“ I have very awesome cat him meong. He is male but he is so beautiful
and he has very long soft healty fur. He can run so fast I can not catch hi
when he runs. I love him so much.”
A. Conclusion
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its
purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing.
Structure Descriptive Text (generic structure ) are :
Identification is the introduction, in the form of a general overview of a
Description is contain specific characteristics possessed objects, places, or
people described .