Water Quality 232.1 - Paper
Water Quality 232.1 - Paper
Water Quality 232.1 - Paper
billion of the world’s population still don’t have
Supplies in the City of San Jose access to clean water at home. Meanwhile in the
Del Monte (SJDM), Bulacan Philippines, almost 5 million Filipinos rely on
Sofia Joy G. Quillope1 unsafe and unsustainable water sources and
Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, nearly, 9 million of the population lacks access
College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman,
1101 Quezon City, Philippines to improved sanitation (Water.org, n.d.).
Each water quality parameters were tested for Table 4 shows the correlated variables with their
corresponding p and r-values (at 95%
Water Quality Parameters p-values
confidence interval) while Figure 2 shows the
pH 0.9064
pH temperature 0.4658
fitted line for each of the correlation coefficients,
EC 0.0001114 r.
EC temperature 0.4049
Table 4. Results of the Pearson’s product-moment
TDS 0.001796 correlation, 95% confidence interval
TDS temperature 0.5798 Parameters r-value p-value
Salinity 0.000377 correlated
Salinity temperature 0.6233 pH with EC 0.1563222 0.6663
normality through the Shapiro-Wilks test while pH with TDS 0.1156601 0.7504
the relationship between each of the variables pH with salinity 0.1350909 0.7098
was determined through the Pearson product EC with TDS 0.9126525 0.0002289
moment correlation, both in the RStudio EC with salinity 0.9157411 0.000199
software. TDS with salinity 0.9879685 9.036e-08
temperature with -0.1860067 0.6069
Table 2. Summary of p-values for Shapiro-Wilk’s Normality pH
Test, 95% level of confidence temperature with -0.2547926 0.4774
The Shapiro-Wilks normality test is design to temperature with -0.5785331 0.07975
know if a set of measurements departs from the TDS
normal distribution. The test rejects the temperature with -0.6206197 0.05554
hypothesis of normality when the p-value is less salinity
than or equal to 0.05 (Ahad et al., 2011). Table 2
shows the p-values for the normality test and it With regards to the obtained r-values of the
can be concluded that the data of all the water water samples, all the parameters only have a
quality indicators are all normally distributed small, positive linear association with pH. pH
except for EC, TDS and salinity. The non- has an only small effect to the other water
normality of a dataset can be fixed through quality parameters since water samples are
increasing the sample size. For instance, relatively alkaline-to-neutral in nature. A
Shapiro and Wilk (1965) suggested that the relatively alkaline to neutral pH means that the
sample size must be between 3 to 50. system is more or less equilibrium hence,
changes in conductivity, salinity and dissolved
solids are not that abrupt (Fondriest The range of conductivity widely varies on
Environmental Inc., 2013). different location but according to sources
(Team Clean Water), tap water usually have
For temperature, all the parameters have a conductivity values from 50-800µs/cm. For the
negative linear association. However, pH and water samples of SJDM City, its range of 144.5-
EC only have a small negative association while 155µs/cm is within the approximate values for
TDS and salinity have a large negative tap water.
association. The strength of associations is also TDS is considered as a secondary contaminant
confirmed by the correlation plots in Figure 2. by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
While pH decreases with increasing The recommended TDs levels for drinking water
temperature, this does not mean that water will by the PNSDW is 600 mg/L. TDS affects water
become more acidic or basic at changing taste and people can experience gastrointestinal
temperature because the ratio of hydrogen and irritation from drinking water with high TDS
hydroxyl ions remains the same. For neutral (Sigler & Bauder, n.d.). TDS levels is also a
water, the entire pH range will shift and will have concern in water distribution systems since high
a value other than 7 (Westlab, n.d.). TDS may result in the scaling of water pipes,
Conductivity is dependent on water temperature, water heaters, boilers and household appliances
salinity and TDS (Fondriest Environmental Inc., like kettles and steam irons. While the TDS of
2014a). While the inverse relationship was the water samples in SJDM city are well below
captured by the test, the small association of EC the maximum allowable level, it should still be
can be attributed to the nature (e.g. spread and monitored religiously by the water suppliers of
variance) of the data. As you can recall earlier, SJDM city to avoid health and environmental
the SD of EC is very large as such, data points consequences in the long run.
greatly vary. As for TDS and salinity, data are in
good agreement with each other. Therefore, the Figure 2. Correlation plots of the correlated water quality
high variance in EC values could have affected parameters. a) pH with EC b) pH with TDS c) pH with
salinity d) EC with TDS e) EC with salinity f) TDS with
the degree of association between the variables salinity g) temperature with pH h) temperature with EC i)
since values are far from each other. temperature with TDS j) temperature with salinity
d) h)
e) i)