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School Almaguer South Elementary School Grade Level Grade II

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jocelyn C. Ravelo Learning Area Mother Tongue
Date/Time November 26-30, 2018 Quarter Third Week 5


I.OBJECTIVES Spell words with dipthongs, Read and answer higher Predict possible ending in a Write a short narrative story Answer test questions given
etc. order of factual story that includes elements, in the lessons learned.
comprehension questions. setting, characters and events.
A.Content Standards Demonstrate knowledge and Demonstrates understanding Possesses developing language Demonstrate the ability to
skills in word analysis to of grade level narrative and skills and cultural awareness formulate ideas, into
read, write in cursive and informational texts. necessary to participate sentences or longer texts
successfully in oral commu-
spell grade level words. using conventional spelling.
nications in different contexts.

B.Performance Standards Applies word analysis in Uses literary and narrative Uses developing oral language Uses developing knowledge
reading, writing in cursive texts to develop to name and describe people, and skills to write clear and
and spelling words comprehension and places and concrete objects and coherent sentences, simple
communicate personal
independently. appreciation of grade level paragraphs, and friendly
experiences, ideas, thoughts,
appropriate reading actions and feelings in different
letters from a variety of
materials. contexts. stimulus materials.
C. Learning Competencies MT2PWR-IIIa-i-6.3 MT2RC-IIId-e-3.4 MT2RC-IIId-f-1.2 MT2C-IIIa-i-2.3

II.CONTENT Spelling of words with Reading and answering Predicting possible ending in Writing a short narrative Weekly Test
dipthongs, etc. higher order of factual a story story that includes the
Daniw: ” Ti Lakay” comprehension questions elements, setting, characters
Story: Dagiti Mangngalap” and events.
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages 283-286 286-288 288-290 290-291
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 128 127
3.Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources(LR
B. Other Learning Resources Chart, pictures
A.Reviewing previous Sing the song :Diay Baybay” Siasino ti agnaed diay igid ti Siasino dagiti napan nagsigay? How do we predict outcomes? Review past lessons learned.
lesson/presenting the new bantay?
B.Establishing a purpose for 1. How do you feel today? Are 1 .Show pictures of different Read words with dipthongs. Present pictures/drawings of a Setting of standards.
the lesson you happy or sad? fishes. TG, pp. 288 clean community. Giving directions to follow.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties 2. Unlocking of difficulties
C.Presenting Read the poem “Ti Lakay” 1.Setting the standards for Ask the pupils to give at least If all our communities are like Answer test items correctly
examples/instances of the TG, p, 284 reading. five important events of the this, what kind of community will
new lesson 2.Reading of thestory “Dagiti story “Dagiti Mangngalap”. we live in?
TG, p. 287
D.Discussing new concepts Answer Comprehension Check- Answer comprehension What do you think would Do Development Activity
and practicing new skills up questions. happened if Tata Selo and his TG, p. 290
TG, p. 284 TG, p. 288 friends did not use dynamites in
fishing? (Write pupils answers
on the board.)
E.Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
F.Developing Mastery Read words with dipthongs What are the effects of using Say: Do Creative Response
TG, p. 285 dynamite in fishing in the life of What have you done is TG, p.291
What can you say about the the fishermen? predicting outcomes. When you
words you read? predict, you give the possible
How do we read the last two endings to certain situations.
letters of the word?
G.Finding practical Ania dagiti napintas a galad ti If you were Tata Aldo, will you Why do we need to predict Why is it important to cooperate
applications of concepts and Lakay? use dynamite in fishing? Why? outcomes? in cleaning our community?
skills in daily living
H.Making generalizations How do we read words with How do we read and answer How do we predict outcomes? How do we write a short
and abstractions about the dipthongs? higher order factual You give the possible endings to narrative story that includes
lesson comprehension questions? certain situations. elements of setting, characters
and events.
I.Evaluating Learning Spell the words with dipthongs. Let the pupils read the story Do Aramiden 86 Do Aramiden 85 Checking
TG, p. 285 again by groups. LM, P. 128 LM, p. 127 Recording of scores
Ask: Nasayaat kadi a pagwadan
ti wagas ti panagkalap ni Tata
Aldong? Apay?
J.Additional activities for List down 10 words with Make a summary of the story Write what will happen next. Review test items not
application or remediation dipthongs. “Dagiti Mangngalap”. Write it in It’s raining hard. Rico played all answered correctly
your notebook. day in the rain.
A.No. of Learners who earned 80%
in the eveluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional for remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Grade II Adviser School Head

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