Requirement Document For Tax Accounting Software
Requirement Document For Tax Accounting Software
Requirement Document For Tax Accounting Software
Accounting Software
October 2017
1. Introduction .....................................................................................2
2. Importance of Tax Accounting Software to Businesses ..............2
2.1. What is Accounting Software? ................................................................................ 2
2.2. What is a Tax Accounting Software?....................................................................... 2
2.3. Tax Accounting Software in the context of the FTA ................................................. 3
3. Guidance for Tax Accounting Software Vendors .........................4
3.1. General Principles................................................................................................... 4
3.2. Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................ 6
4. FTA Audit File ................................................................................10
5. Generation and Filing of VAT Returns .........................................11
6. Contact Information ......................................................................13
7. Conclusion.....................................................................................13
8. Appendix 1 – Key Data Elements to be present in FTA VAT Audit
File (“FAF”) .........................................................................................14
9. Appendix 2 – Key Data Elements to be present in FTA Excise
Tax Audit File (“FAF”) ........................................................................17
10. Appendix 3 – Types of VAT Supplies and Purchases ................20
11. Appendix 4 – Types of Excisable Activities ................................ 26
12. Appendix 5 – FTA VAT Audit File (FAF) .......................................28
13. Appendix 6 – FTA Excise Tax Audit File (FAF) ........................... 35
14. Appendix 7 – Producing Data Required for VAT Return
Preparation ..........................................................................................44
15. Appendix 8 – VAT return format...................................................47
16. Appendix 8 – Excise Tax return ...................................................57
Glossary .............................................................................................. 61
The accounting software must be able to produce tax invoices as well as credit/debit
notes as prescribed below:
Tax invoice
o A tax invoice is an important document for VAT. If an invoice issued by the
supplier does not comply with the VAT legislation, the buyer may not be
eligible for Input Tax Credit (ITC) claim. Therefore, software vendors must
ensure their system complies with these legislations. Furthermore, the tax
invoice must fulfil the prescribed particulars based on the legislations.
o Any recipient approved by the FTA is allowed to issue self-billed invoices
in respect of the supplier’s supplies for a period of approval effective until a
given date or period outlined in the contracts between the recipient and the
Option 2: Direct upload of VAT return file from certified tax accounting software
onto FTA’s e-tax portal.
1. Using the certified tax accounting software, every business representative should
be able to generate the encrypted VAT return file, which should automatically get
uploaded in ITAS through the steps mentioned below.
2. The encrypted VAT return file should contain the credentials as defined above for
authentication of the file.
3. Once the encrypted VAT return file is generated, TAS will call the ITAS API to
upload this file in the ITAS staging area.
4. ITAS will scan the file from the staging area to ensure it is generated using a
certified tax accounting software, verify that the format is as per FTA
requirements, and has the correct TRN.
5. If the VAT return file is found to be not as per the required format, from a non-
certified vendor or having an incorrect TRN, a notification of failure will be sent to
the business representative.
6. If the checks specified in above steps are successful, ITAS will attach the file to
the respective TRN.
7. Once the business representative logs in to the e-tax portal, the file will be
available for the specific TRN.
8. The e-tax portal will have a button to ‘Auto Fill VAT Return’ to auto-populate the
fields on the VAT return form from the VAT return file.
9. Data from the staging area will be automatically filled into the VAT return form.
6. Contact Information
For any enquiries or clarification on this software guide, please contact us at or 600 599 994.
7. Conclusion
Tax accounting software is a useful tool to help businesses keep important and useful
accounting records. Software vendors can add value by designing their tax accounting
software to be in compliance with this guide, thereby helping businesses to comply
more easily with their tax obligations and record keeping.
2. Master Files
Supplier File
GL/ID Internal identifier
Location of Supplier (Country or Location of supplier offices
Emirate) transaction with company
TRN If applicable
Reverse charges If applicable
Customer File
GL/ID Internal identifier
Location of Customer (Country or Indicator for zero rating/out of scope
TRN If applicable
3. Source Documents
Transaction Date Payment Date
General Ledger
Source type
Account receivable (AR)
AR - Cancel Credit Notes
Accounts Payable (AP)
AP - Cancel Credit Notes
Cash Book Entries
Journal Entries
Customer GL/ID
Supplier GL/ID
Source Document ID
Debit Amount In actual currency
Credit Amount In actual currency
Debit Amount Converted to AED
Credit Amount Converted to AED
VAT Amount In actual currency
VAT Amount Converted to AED
Product File
For each product/services proved by the business records of the following
Product / Service Reference
Description of the Goods/Services
VAT Code VAT Tax Code for the
VAT Rounding
If VAT rounding is used in the accounting system, this should be done using
simple arithmetic rules. A comment stating that the rounding used in the
systems complies with this requirement should be made below.
2. Master Files
Supplier File
GL/ID Internal identifier
Location of Supplier (Country / Location of supplier offices
Emirate) transaction with company
TIN/TRN If applicable
Reverse charges If applicable
Customer File
GL/ID Internal customer identifier
Location of Customer Indicator for zero rating/out of scope
TIN/TRN If applicable
3. Source Documents
Transaction Date Payment Date
General Ledger
Source type
Account receivable (AR)
AR - Cancel Credit Notes
Accounts Payable (AP)
AP - Cancel Credit Notes
Cash Book Entries
Journal Entries
Customer GL/ID
Supplier GL/ID
Source Document ID
Debit Amount In actual currency
Credit Amount In actual currency
Debit Amount Converted to AED
Credit Amount Converted to AED
Excise Tax Amount In actual currency
Excise Tax Amount Converted to AED
Product File
For each product/services provided by the business records of the following
Product / Service Reference
Description of the Goods/Services
Excise Tax Code Excise Tax Code for the
Stock File
For each designated zone (warehouse), records of:
Zero-rated supplies
Exempt supplies
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table)
Field Name Field Data Type Default Value
TaxablePersonNameEn Name of the String[100]
taxable person in
TaxablePersonNameAr Name of the String[100]
taxable person in
TRN Business’ Tax String[15]
TaxAgencyName Name of the Tax String[100]
Agency in case
the filing is done
by a Tax Agency
TAN Tax Agency String [20]
TaxAgentName Name of the Tax String[100]
Agent in case the
filing is done by a
Tax Agent
TAAN Tax Agent String [20]
Approval Number
PeriodStart Start of period Date 31-12-9999
covered in FAF
PeriodEnd End of period Date 31-12-9999
covering in FAF
FAFCreationDate FAF creation Date 31-12-9999
ProductVersion Accounting String[100]
software name
and version
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
CompInfoEnd This denotes the String[20] CompInfoEnd
end of the
Information Table
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
SupplierName Name of Supplier String[100]
SupplierTIN/TRN TIN/TRN of String[15]
InvoiceDate Date of Date 31-12-9999
InvoiceNo InvoiceNo String[50]
PermitNo Cargo Clearance String[20]
Import Permit
LineNo Number of Invoice Long 0
ProductDescription Description of String[250]
PurchaseValueAED Value of purchase Decimal [14,2] 0.00
excluding VAT in
Arab Emirate
VATValueAED Value of VAT in Decimal [14,2] 0.00
Arab Emirate
TaxCode Tax code for String[2] Refer to Appendix
lookup in tables 2
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Field Name Field Data Type Default Value
PurcDataEnd This denotes the String[20] PurcDataEnd
end of Purchase
Listing Table
PurchaseTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal [14,2] 0.00
purchases in this
table in Arab
Emirate Dirham
VATTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal [14,2] 0.00
VAT in this table
in Arab Emirate
TransactionCountTotal Total count of Long 0
transactions in
this table
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
Customer Name Name of Customer String[100]
CustomerTIN/TRN TIN/TRN of String[15]
InvoiceDate Date of Date 31-12-9999
InvoiceNo InvoiceNo String[50]
LineNo Number of Invoice Long 0
ProductDescription Description of String[250]
SupplyValueAED Value of supply Decimal[14,2] 0.00
excluding VAT in
Arab Emirate
VATValueAED Value of VAT in Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Arab Emirate
TaxCode Tax code for String[20]
lookup in tables
Country Destination of String[50]
goods being
FCYCode ISO 4217 currency String[3] Xxx
codes (3-letter
alphabetical code)
of foreign currency
SupplyFCY Value of supply Decimal[14,2] 0.00
excluding VAT in
Foreign Currency
(if applicable)
VATFCY Value of VAT in Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Foreign Currency
(if applicable)
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
TransactionDate Date of Payment Date 31-12-9999
AccountID GL Code for String[20]
individual account
AccountName Name of String[100]
individual GL
TransactionDescription Description of the String[250]
Name Name of entity String[100]
involved in
where applicable
TransactionID A unique number String[50]
that can group
related double
entries together
SourceDocumentID Source document String[50]
number to which
line relates (for
example, cheque
number, invoice
number. Credit
note number, trust
receipt number)
SourceType Refers to the type String[20]
of transaction
such as AR, AP,
Inventory Sale,
Purchases, Cash
Cash Receipt,
General Journal
Debit Debit Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Credit Credit Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Balance Balance Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table)
Field Name Field Data Type Default Value
TaxablePersonNameEn Name of the String[100]
taxable person in
TaxablePersonNameAr Name of the String[100]
taxable person in
TRN Business’ Tax String[15]
TaxAgencyName Name of the Tax String[100]
Agency in case
the filing is done
by a Tax Agency
TAN Tax Agency String [20]
TaxAgentName Name of the Tax String[100]
Agent in case the
filing is done by a
Tax Agent
TAAN Tax Agent String [20]
Approval Number
PeriodStart Start of period Date 31-12-9999
covered in FAF
PeriodEnd End of period Date 31-12-9999
covering in FAF
FAFCreationDate FAF creation Date 31-12-9999
ProductVersion Accounting String[100]
software name
and version
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
CompInfoEnd This denotes the String[20] CompInfoEnd
end of the
Information Table
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
SupplierName Name of Supplier String[100]
SupplierTIN/TRN TIN/TRN of String[15]
InvoiceDate Date of Date 31-12-9999
InvoiceNo InvoiceNo String[50]
PermitNo Cargo Clearance String[20]
Import Permit
LineNo Number of Invoice Long 0
ProductDescription Description of String[250]
PurchaseValueAED Value of purchase Decimal [14,2] 0.00
excluding Excise
Tax in Arab
Emirate Dirham
ExciseTaxValueAED Value of Excise Decimal [14,2] 0.00
Tax in Arab
Emirate Dirham
TaxCode Tax code for String[20]
lookup in tables
FCYCode ISO 4217 currency String[3] XXX
codes (3-letter
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Field Name Field Data Type Default Value
PurcDataEnd This denotes the String[20] PurcDataEnd
end of Purchase
Listing Table
PurchaseTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal [14,2] 0.00
purchases in this
table in Arab
Emirate Dirham
ExciseTaxTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal [14,2] 0.00
Excise Tax in this
table in Arab
Emirate Dirham
TransactionCountTotal Total count of Long 0
transactions in
this table
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
Customer Name Name of String[100]
CustomerTIN/TRN TIN/TRN of String[15]
InvoiceDate Date of Date 31-12-9999
InvoiceNo InvoiceNo String[50]
LineNo Number of Invoice Long 0
ProductDescription Description of String[250]
SupplyValueAED Value of supply Decimal[14,2] 0.00
excluding Excise
Tax in Arab
Emirate Dirham
ExciseTaxValueAED Value of Excise Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Tax in Arab
Emirate Dirham
TaxCode Tax code for String[2] Refer to Appendix
lookup in tables 1
Country Destination of String[50]
goods being
FCYCode ISO 4217 String[3] Xxx
currency codes
alphabetical code)
of foreign
SupplyFCY Value of supply Decimal[14,2] 0.00
excluding Excise
Tax in Foreign
Currency (if
Table Footer (There shall be one, and only one, row for this table)
Field Name Field Data Type Default Value
SuppDataEnd This denotes the String[20] SuppDataEnd
end of Supply
Listing Table
SupplyTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal[14,2] 0.00
supplies in this
table in Arab
Emirate Dirham
ExciseTaxTotalAED Sum of value of Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Excise Tax in this
table in Arab
Emirate Dirham
TransactionCountTotal Total count of Long 0
transactions in
this table
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
TransactionDate Date of Payment Date 31-12-9999
AccountID GL Code for String[20]
individual account
AccountName Name of String[100]
individual GL
TransactionDescription Description of the String[250]
Name Name of entity String[100]
involved in
where applicable
TransactionID A unique number String[50]
that can group
related double
entries together
SourceDocumentID Source document String[50]
number to which
line relates (for
example, cheque
number, invoice
number. Credit
note number, trust
receipt number)
SourceType Refers to the type String[20]
of transaction
such as AR, AP,
Inventory Sale,
Purchases, Cash
Cash Receipt,
General Journal
Debit Debit Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Credit Credit Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Balance Balance Amount Decimal[14,2] 0.00
Table Body (There can be one row, or multiple rows, for this table, sorted by
Field Name Field Description Data Type Default Value
WarehouseID Record of Warehouse String[20]
ProductCode Product Code received String[20]
when opening stock
balance upon excise tax
at SKU level or
ExciseRate Applied excise rate per Decimal[14,2] 0.00
product file
TransactionType Description of type of String[250]
transaction including
into other excise goods
MovementDetails Description of movement String[250]
TransferID Transfer license String[50]
reference account
TransactionDate Date of transaction Date 31-12-9999
TaxPaymentDate Date of Tax Payment Date 31-12-9999
StockDutyStatus Description of duty status String[100]
of stock regarding
StockAdjustment Description of adjustment String[250]
of stocks regarding write
offs, losses, etc
GoodsLocation Physical location of the String[50]
Form Type Prepopulated
Document Locator Prepopulated
Tax Form Filing Type Prepopulated
Submission Date Prepopulated
I declare that all information provided is true,
accurate and complete to the best of my
knowledge and belief. tick-box
Online User name (English)
Online User name (Arabic)
Declarant name (English)
Declarant name (Arabic)
Emirates Identity Card number
Form Type
Document Locator
Tax Form Filing Type
Submission Date
Value of Excise
Excise Tax due (AED)
Goods (AED)
Importation of Excise
Goods from outside of UAE
Production of Excise Goods
within UAE
Release of Excise Goods
from a Designated Zone
Stockpiling of Excise Goods
in the UAE, including 0 0
A) Tobacco and tobacco
B) Carbonated drinks
C)Energy drinks
I declare that all information
provided is true, accurate
and complete to the best of
my knowledge and belief. tick-box
Are you, as the Online
User, making this
declaration? Y/N
Online User name (English)
Online User name (Arabic)
Declarant name (English)
Declarant name (Arabic)
Emirates Identity Card