Plasma Torch Power Supply

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US 2017.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0034898A1
MOSS et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 2, 2017
(54) DC PLASMA TORCHELECTRICAL POWER Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(71) Applicant: MONOLITH MATERLALS, INC., H05H I/36 (2006.01)
Redwood City, CA (US) (52) U.S. Cl.
CPC ........ H05H I/36 (2013.01); H05H 2001/3431
(72) Inventors: John Jared MOSS, Palo Alto, CA (2013.01)
(US); Brian T. NOEL, Oakland, CA
Redwood City, CA (US) A method and apparatus for operating a DC plasma torch.
(21) Appl. No.: 15/221,088 The power Supply used is at least two times the average
operating Voltage used, resulting in a more stable operation
(22) Filed: Jul. 27, 2016 of the torch. The torch can include two concentric cylinder
O O electrodes, the electrodes can be graphite, and the plasma
Related U.S. Application Data forming gas can be hydrogen. The power Supply provided
(60) Provisional application No. 62/198,431, filed on Jul. also has the capability of igniting the torch at a pulse Voltage
29, 2015. of at least 20 kilovolts.

Torch Starter 22

DC Plasma Torch 23
Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 1 of 2 US 2017/0034898A1

Fig. 1

Internal Cathode 10
Plasma Forming Gas 12 Plasma Forming Gas 12

External Anode 11 - 4 External Anode 11

Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2017. Sheet 2 of 2 US 2017/0034898A1

Fig. 2

Torch Starter 22

DC Plasma Torch 23
US 2017/0034898 A1 Feb. 2, 2017

DC PLASMA TORCHELECTRICAL POWER 0008. Additional embodiments include: the apparatus

DESIGN METHOD AND APPARATUS described above where the torch includes concentric cylin
der electrodes; the apparatus described above where the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED power Supply has the capability of igniting the torch at a
APPLICATIONS pulse voltage of at least 20 kilovolts; the apparatus described
0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional above where the power supply contains inductive filters
Application No. 62/198,431, filed Jul. 29, 2015, which distributed among positive and negative legs of a regulator
application is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. to prevent conducted emissions caused by the plasma torch
and/or igniter from feeding back into sensitive electronic
TECHNICAL FIELD components; the apparatus described above including filter
ing elements that causes sensitive electronic components to
0002 The field of art to which this invention generally be exposed to 50% less energy in the form of voltage or
pertains is methods and apparatus for making use of elec current in an instantaneous or cumulative measurement; the
trical energy to effect chemical changes. apparatus described above where the power Supply contains
filtering elements at the output of a chopper regulator to
BACKGROUND shunt high frequency energy; the apparatus described above
0003) No matter how unique the product or process is, where the power Supply contains chopper regulators in a
over time, all manufacturing processes look for ways to parallel configuration to achieve redundancy; the apparatus
become more efficient and more effective. This can take the described above where the power Supply contains chopper
form of raw material costs, energy costs, or simple improve regulators in a series-parallel configuration to allow the use
ments in process stability and efficiencies, among other of lower blocking Voltages; and the apparatus described
things. In general, raw material costs and energy resources, above where the electrodes comprise graphite.
which are a substantial part of the cost of most if not all 0009. These, and additional embodiments, will be appar
manufacturing processes, tend to actually increase over ent from the following descriptions.
time, because of Scale up and increased Volumes if for no
other reasons. For these, and other reasons, there is a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
constant search in this area for ways to not only improve the
processes and products being produced, but to produce them 0010 FIG. 1 shows a schematic representation of typical
in more efficient and effective ways as well. torch as described herein.
0004. The systems described herein meet the challenges 0011 FIG. 2 shows a schematic representation of typical
described above while accomplishing additional advances as system as described
0005. A method of operating a DC plasma arc torch is 0012. The particulars shown herein are by way of
described using plasma forming gas and an operating Volt example and for purposes of illustrative discussion of the
age power Supply, where the power Supply is at least two various embodiments of the present invention only and are
times the average operating Voltage used, resulting in more presented in the cause of providing what is believed to be the
stable operation of the torch including reduced Voltage most useful and readily understood description of the prin
fluctuations and Substantially no extinguishing of the arc. ciples and conceptual aspects of the invention. In this regard,
0006 Additional embodiments include: the method no attempt is made to show details of the invention in more
described above where the torch is operated in a power detail than is necessary for a fundamental understanding of
regulating mode where the power Supply is operated at a the invention, the description making apparent to those
given power setpoint, and the power Supply adjusts both the skilled in the art how the several forms of the invention may
output voltage and the current in order to keep the output be embodied in practice.
power at the setpoint; the method described above where the 0013 The present invention will now be described by
torch is operated with a current setpoint at which the power reference to more detailed embodiments. This invention
Supply Switches into current regulated mode to keep the arc may, however, be embodied in different forms and should
from extinguishing, and then raises the current setpoint and not be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth
Switches back to power regulated mode once the current is herein. Rather, these embodiments are provided so that this
high enough to keep the arc from extinguishing, resulting in disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully
Substantial elimination of Voltage fluctuations and Substan convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the art.
tial elimination of the arc extinguishing; the method 0014. Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scien
described above where the torch includes concentric cylin tific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
der electrodes; the method described above where the power understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this
Supply has the capability of igniting the torch at a pulse invention belongs. The terminology used in the description
voltage of at least 20 kilovolts; the method described above of the invention herein is for describing particular embodi
where the electrodes comprise graphite; the method ments only and is not intended to be limiting of the inven
described above where the plasma forming gas is hydrogen. tion. As used in the description of the invention and the
0007 An apparatus is also described comprising, a DC appended claims, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the are
plasma torch and an operating Voltage power Supply, intended to include the plural forms as well, unless the
wherein the power Supply is at least two times the average context clearly indicates otherwise. All publications, patent
operating Voltage used, resulting in a more stable operation applications, patents, and other references mentioned herein
of the torch. are expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety.
US 2017/0034898 A1 Feb. 2, 2017

0015. Unless otherwise indicated, all numbers expressing and the power Supply then adjust both the output voltage and
quantities of ingredients, reaction conditions, and so forth the current in order to keep the output power at the setpoint.
used in the specification and claims are to be understood as 0021 Running in power regulated mode would substan
being modified in all instances by the term “about.” Accord tially reduce the voltage fluctuations, but could lead to the
ingly, unless indicated to the contrary, the numerical param arc extinguishing more often if the current and Voltage
eters set forth in the following specification and attached drifted too far apart and the current gets too low. This can be
claims are approximations that may vary depending upon overcome by operating with a threshold at which the power
the desired properties sought to be obtained by the present Supply would switch back into current regulated mode in
invention. At the very least, and not as an attempt to limit the order to keep the arc alive, and then raising the current
application of the doctrine of equivalents to the scope of the setpoint and Switching back to power regulated mode once
claims, each numerical parameter should be construed in the current was high enough. By having a system where the
light of the number of significant digits and ordinary round power Supply runs in power mode in default, but Switches to
ing approaches. current mode if the current drops too low, substantial elimi
0016 Notwithstanding that the numerical ranges and nation of Voltage fluctuations and Substantial elimination of
parameters setting forth the broad scope of the invention are the arc extinguishing is accomplished. In other words, not
approximations, the numerical values set forth in the specific only can set Voltage fluctuation standards be met, but the arc
examples are reported as precisely as possible. Any numeri can be kept alive at the same time.
cal value, however, inherently contains certain errors nec 0022. A typical torch useful with the present invention is
essarily resulting from the standard deviation found in their shown schematically in FIG.1. The concentric cathodes (10)
respective testing measurements. Every numerical range and anodes (11) form the annulus through which conven
given throughout this specification will include every nar tional plasma forming gas can be Supplied (12) between the
rower numerical range that falls within Such broader numeri electrodes (10 and 11). FIG. 2, shows schematically the
cal range, as if Such narrower numerical ranges were all power Supply (21) connected to a separate torch starter (22)
expressly written herein. and used to provide power to the DC plasma torch (23).
0017 Additional advantages of the invention will be set 0023 The power ranges used will vary depending on
forth in part in the description which follows, and in part will Such things as the size of the reactor, the distance between
be obvious from the description, or may be learned by the electrodes, etc. And while typical operating Voltages can
practice of the invention. It is to be understood that both the be in the 600-1000 volt range, this can also vary depending
foregoing general description and the following detailed on Such things as electrode gap, gas composition, pressures
description are exemplary and explanatory only and are not and/or flow rates used, etc.
restrictive of the invention, as claimed. 0024 Sensitive electronic components are protected
0018. A typical DC (direct current) power supply for a through the use of filters as defined herein. Energy is
DC plasma arc torch will typically be sized such that its typically shunted through the filter so that the sensitive
maximum voltage is on the order of 35% above the antici electronic components are subjected a lower total Voltage or
pated operating Voltage of the torch. With a torch design that current, or rate of change of Voltage or current. Appropriate
employs concentric cylinders as the electrodes (see, for filters include capacitors, LCL (inductive filter), or common
example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,289.949 and 5,481,080, the dis mode filter or any other filter of the like.
closures of which are herein incorporated by reference), the
arc behavior can be erratic, for example, exhibited by large Definitions
fluctuations in Voltage to the arc, or even in the extinguish
ing of the arc. In order to obtain stable operation of such 0025 Plasma Voltage: the instantaneous voltage of the
torches, a maximum power Supply Voltage that is on the plasma-arc, which varies as a function of the plasma-arc
order of two times greater than average operating Voltage instantaneous impedance and the instantaneous current out
should be used. This will result in the reducing and mini put of the power Supply
mizing the fluctuations in Voltage to the arc and Substantial 0026 Operating Voltage: the ultimate output voltage
elimination of the arc extinguishing. capability of the power Supply.
0019. Additionally, for the same reasons, a higher voltage 0027 Filter: an arrangement of inductors and/or capaci
pulse (e.g., 20 kilovolts (kV)) is required to ignite the torch tors that may include resistive components, used to shunt
as opposed to more frequently used lesser Voltages (e.g., 6 electrical energy away from or block electrical energy from
kV to 12 kV). Due to the higher voltage required, an affecting sensitive electronic components.
appropriate capacitive filter is also required to prevent 0028 Sensitive Electronic Components: any device that
damage to the sensitive electronic components that control is integral to the electrical design of the power Supply and its
the power electronic switching devices. Furthermore, if various Subsystems that is susceptible to excessive Voltage,
concentric cylinder graphite rods are used, without a power current, and/or heat. This may include power electronic
Supply appropriately sized as described herein (e.g., larger Switching devices such as Insulated Gate Bipolar Transis
than typically used with conventional DC plasma torches) tors, Power Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Tran
the process would simply not be able to be run stably. sistors, Integrated Gate Commutating Thyristors, Gate Turn
0020 Operating the torch in a power regulating mode Off Thyristors, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, etc.; the control
also helps to reduce Voltage fluctuations. Typically most circuits used to switch or "gate' the power electronic
torches run in current regulated mode, where the power Switching devices; transient Voltage Surge Suppression
Supply is given a current setpoint, and the power Supply then devices; capacitors, inductors, and transformers.
adjusts its output voltage in order to keep the current at the 0029 Chopper Regulator: alternate term for a buck regu
setpoint, regardless of the load voltage. Power regulated lator, including the traditional topology and all variations,
mode is where the power Supply is given a power setpoint, wherein the input DC voltage to the converter is “chopped
US 2017/0034898 A1 Feb. 2, 2017

using a PWM (pulse width modulation) controlled electronic operating Voltage used, resulting in more stable operation of
Switch to Some lower output voltage. the torch including reduced Voltage fluctuations and Sub
0030 Snubber Circuit: a protection circuit placed in stantially no extinguishing of the arc.
parallel with a power electronic Switching device, the pur 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the torch is operated
pose of which is to limit high rates of change of Voltage in a power regulating mode where the power Supply is
across and/or current through the device. operated at a given power setpoint, and the power Supply
0031 Smoothing Reactor: refers to either an inductor adjusts both the output voltage and the current in order to
used as the storage element in a traditional buck/chopper keep the output power at the setpoint.
regulator, or an inductor used to limit current ripple at the 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the torch is operated
output of a DC-DC converter. with a current setpoint at which the power Supply Switches
into current regulated mode to keep the arc from extinguish
EXAMPLE 1. ing, and then raises the current setpoint and Switches back to
0032 A DC concentric cylinder, graphite electrode, power regulated mode once the current is high enough to
plasma torch is operated using an average operating Voltage keep the arc from extinguishing, resulting in Substantial
of 300-500 volts. The power supply to operate the plasma elimination of Voltage fluctuations and Substantial elimina
torch has a voltage generating capability of at least two times tion of the arc extinguishing.
the average operating voltage needed, i.e. 1000 volts. This 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the torch includes
results in a much more stable operation of the torch as concentric cylinder electrodes.
described herein. A separate starter power Supply also has 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the power supply has
the capability of igniting the torch at a pulse voltage of at the capability of igniting the torch at a pulse Voltage of at
least 20 kilovolts.
least 20 kilovolts. The starter power supply contains an 6. The method of claim 4, wherein the electrodes com
appropriate amount of capacitive filtering to shunt unwanted prise graphite.
energy away from sensitive electronic components.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein the plasma forming gas
EXAMPLE 2 is hydrogen.
8. An apparatus comprising, a DC plasma torch and an
0033. A topology for implementing the system described operating Voltage power Supply, wherein the power Supply
in Example 1 is as follows. A 6, 12, 18, or 24-pulse rectifier is at least two times the average operating Voltage used,
is used as the front end AC-DC converter. This rectifier can resulting in a more stable operation of the torch.
be phase-controlled or naturally commutated, with a capaci 9. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the torch includes
tive output filter, and with or without a commutating output concentric cylinder electrodes.
choke. Several chopper regulators composed of power elec 10. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the power supply
tronic Switching devices, Snubber circuits, and gating control has the capability of igniting the torch at a pulse Voltage of
circuits are used to control the current applied to the load. at least 20 kilovolts.
These chopper regulators can be placed in a parallel con 11. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the power supply
figuration to add redundancy, or in a series-parallel configu contains inductive filters distributed among positive and
ration to also allow for the use of devices with lower negative legs of a regulator to prevent conducted emissions
blocking Voltages. Smoothing reactors are used as the main caused by the plasma torch and/or ignitor from feeding back
energy storage device in the current regulator, and are into sensitive electronic components.
distributed among the positive and negative legs of the 12. The apparatus of claim 11, including filtering elements
regulator to add additional protection for the sensitive power that causes sensitive electronic components to be exposed to
electronics. Capacitors are used as filters on the output of the 50% less energy in the form of voltage or current in an
current regulator to absorb high frequency energy that may instantaneous or cumulative measurement.
arise from the chaotic nature of the plasma torch load. 13. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the power supply
0034. Thus, the scope of the invention shall include all contains filtering elements at the output of a chopper regu
modifications and variations that may fall within the scope lator to shunt high frequency energy.
of the attached claims. Other embodiments of the invention
will be apparent to those skilled in the art from consideration 14. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the power supply
of the specification and practice of the invention disclosed contains chopper regulators in a parallel configuration to
herein. It is intended that the specification and examples be achieve redundancy.
considered as exemplary only, with a true scope and spirit of 15. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the power supply
the invention being indicated by the following claims. contains chopper regulators in a series-parallel configuration
What is claimed is: to allow the use of lower blocking voltages.
1. A method of operating a DC plasma arc torch using 16. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the electrodes
plasma forming gas and an operating Voltage power Supply, comprise graphite.
wherein the power Supply is at least two times the average

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