The Story of American History
The Story of American History
The Story of American History
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Language: English
Transcriber's Note
The position of some illustrations has been changed to improve
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Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.
The Athenæum Press
SOME sort of a first book on American history is now quite generally used in
schools as a preparation for the more intelligent study of a larger and more
formal text-book in the higher grammar grades.
For beginners, a mere compilation of facts is dry and unsatisfactory. Such
books have now given place, for the most part, to those prepared on a more
attractive and judicious plan. The real aim in a first book should be to interest
boys and girls in the history of their country, and to encourage them to cultivate
a taste for further study and reading.
This book is intended for use in the earlier grammar grades and to be
preliminary to the study of a more advanced work in the higher grades. The
author has also kept in mind the fact that the school life of many children is
brief, and that all their instruction in American history must come from a text-
book of this kind.
The author has not aimed to cover the whole range of our country's history. Of
many noted men and important affairs no mention is made. Only the leading
events of certain periods and the personal achievements of a few representative
"makers of our country" are treated in any detail. The subject is approached
through biographical sketches of a few of the more illustrious actors in our
nation's history. Some prominence is given to exceptional deeds of valor, details
of everyday living in olden times, dramatic episodes, and personal incident.
The schoolroom test demonstrates the fact that such a treatment of the subject
is more attractive and profitable to children of the lower grades than the mere
recital of minor matters and petty details of public events.
The author would acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. Homer B. Sprague of
New York City for editorial help in reading and revising the manuscript. Thanks
are also due to Dr. John E. Sanborn of Melrose, Mass., for editorial assistance.
1. The Story of our Country.—We are sure that every intelligent and
patriotic American youth must like to read the story of our country's life. To a
boy or girl of good sense no work of fiction can surpass it in interest or power.
How delightful to let the imagination summon up the forms and the deeds of
the fearless Norse sailors who dared to cross the unknown seas in their frail and
tiny vessels without compass and without charts! How interesting the oft-told
but ever-fresh narrative of the intrepid Columbus and his memorable first voyage
into and across the "Sea of Darkness"! What romance was ever more exciting
than the stories of the fierce struggles between the white men and the Indians for
existence and supremacy on this continent?
How deep the pathos of the simple tales that tell of the patient sufferings, the
severe toils, the ever-present dangers, and the heroic self-denials of the early
colonists in making for themselves homes in the New World! How richly
suggestive are those pages that record the glorious events of our American
Revolution—the splendid and immortal deeds of Washington and his illustrious
Then there is the thrilling account of the most tremendous civil war in all
history, with its four million soldiers, its two thousand battles, and its
preservation of the Union.
And to come down to a time within the memory of every schoolboy, the
echoes of the Spanish-American conflict have hardly yet died away. The story of
this short war in the summer of 1898 still rings in our ears—with its astounding
naval victories at Manila and Santiago, the freedom of Cuba, and the destruction
of the last vestige of the once mighty Spanish supremacy on this western
2. Lessons of Wisdom and Inspiration to be learned.—But beyond and
above all mere gratification and pleasure to be derived from the study of our
country's history, there are in it lessons of wisdom to be learned, there is
inspiration to noble living, there is an uplifting of the soul to a higher plane of
thought and sentiment, there is constant aid in the development and upbuilding
of manly and womanly character.
And when we think of the marvelous growth of less than three centuries
which, beginning with the infant colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth, has made
us a nation of more than seventy millions; when we think of the wonderful
record of trial and triumph and unceasing progress, and of the great and good
and wise men that have laid the foundations and reared the superstructure of this
mighty temple of liberty,—we must be blind indeed and ungrateful beyond
expression not to recognize with devout thankfulness the guiding hand of a
beneficent Providence.
America, under God, stood at Plymouth for religious freedom; in the
Revolution, for independence; in our civil war, for the preservation of the Union.
She now stands for humanity, civilization, and the uplifting of the whole race.
3. The People of Ancient America.—Wise men who have made a special
study of the subject tell us that this country has been continuously inhabited by
generations of men for many thousands of years. Rude tools, and human skulls,
intermingled with bones of animals of species long extinct, have been found in
caves or dug out of deep layers of earth; and they indicate that in the Mississippi
valley and on the Atlantic and Pacific slopes there lived, perhaps hundreds of
ages ago, men of a low grade of culture.
In the great museums—as the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, the
Peabody Museums at Cambridge and New Haven, and the natural history rooms
at New York and elsewhere—may be seen thousands of the relics of vanished
races of men and animals that once inhabited this continent.
4. The Red Men or Indians.—The Indians constitute a race by themselves.
Whether they are descended from some of those prehistoric inhabitants of whom
we have just spoken no one can say; but they make up an American type with
marks as clearly recognized as those that distinguish the Mongolians and the
Malays. For long ages the red men had spread themselves over the two
continents, from Hudson Bay to Cape Horn. With few or no exceptions, all had
the same copperish or cinnamon color, deep-set and intensely black eyes, high
cheek-bones, straight black hair, with little or no beard; but the long lapse of
time, the great varieties of environment, and perhaps other causes, brought about
striking differences of appearance, of manners, customs, dialects, and the like.
5. Three Principal Divisions of the Indians.—The eminent historian, Dr.
John Fiske, groups the Indians in three leading divisions,—as savage, barbarous,
and half-civilized.
The savage Indians ranged to the west of Hudson Bay, and southward between
the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific, to the northern part of Mexico. They lived
by catching fish or game. They knew little or nothing of tilling the soil. They did
not dwell in permanent villages, but roamed from place to place like Bedouin
The barbarous Indians inhabited the country east of the Rocky Mountains.
They did not depend wholly upon hunting or fishing, but knew how to upturn the
soil slightly with rude tools, and raise squashes, beans, tomatoes, and, most
important of all, Indian corn. They lived in villages, and made houses that would
last several years. They had dogs of an inferior breed, but no other domestic
animals. Some tribes were able to weave coarse cloth and make weapons of
polished stones. They had strange social customs and singular religious beliefs.
Fighting was their principal occupation.
The half-civilized Indians once lived in New Mexico and the adjoining region.
They have had almost nothing to do with the history of the United States. They
are the Pueblo Indians, so called from the pueblos or strongholds, dwellings
which they built of stones or of sun-dried brick. Some of these strongholds, story
above story, would accommodate at least three thousand inhabitants! They were
built oftentimes in situations almost inaccessible, like eagles' nests on cliffs,
apparently that they might be defended more easily against the attack of an
6. The Northmen and their Discoveries.—The real contact between the
eastern and western halves of the world practically began in 1492, the year of the
first great voyage of Columbus. Occasional visitors may have sailed before that
date directly across the "Sea of Darkness" from the Old World to the New. The
subject is shrouded for the most part in the mists of vague stories and obscure
It seems quite certain, however, that in the year 986 a daring Scandinavian
navigator, Eric the Red, founded on the southwestern coast of Greenland a
colony that lasted four or five hundred years. In the same year, as the Iceland
Sagas (heroic legends) tell us, another Norse sailor, voyaging from Iceland to
Greenland, was driven by storms far out towards the southwest, and was perhaps
the first white man to behold the American coast.
The Norsemen went home and gave vivid and accurate descriptions of the
land they visited. They described the Indians, the fish, the animals, and the
plants, all of which are given in the Icelandic chronicles. No real relic, however,
of these people has yet been found upon our own coast.
Columbus, who visited Iceland in the year 1477, may have had access to the
Icelandic archives, and have learned of the discoveries of these rovers of the
deep. But we have no evidence on that point. After the eleventh century America
remained as much unknown as if the bold Northmen had never steered their
dragon-prowed ships along our shores. The waves that incessantly rolled upon
its sands or dashed against its rocks brought no vessel from the far-away lands of
the East. Nearly five hundred years were to come and go before, in the fullness
of time, the hour struck for the real and fruitful discovery of the New World. It
was left for Columbus, the great Genoese navigator, to open wide its gates!
Landing of the Norsemen.
The day broke, and a beautiful island appeared before them. Columbus was
the first to step upon the beach; the others followed; all knelt as the great
discoverer kissed the ground and gave thanks to God. He rose from his knees,
drew his sword, unfurled the great flag of Spain, gorgeous with its red and gold,
and in the name of Spain he took possession of the land, calling it San Salvador.
From his sublime purpose the mighty navigator had not swerved a hair's breadth!
He had solved the great problem! He had earned a name that should never die!
14. The New World and its Strange People; the Homeward Voyage.—The
island on which Columbus first landed was one of those we now call the West
Indies, the name given by him. The voyagers were wild with delight at the new
country. They gazed in wonder at the rare and lovely flowers, the bright-colored
birds flashing through the sunlight, the lofty palms, the strange trees bearing
abundant fruits; but most of all at the singular people, whom of course they
called Indians.
Not less were the natives astonished. They thought the strange visitors divine
beings from the sky, and the ships unearthly monsters from the deep. Columbus
found the natives kindly and generous with gifts. Maize or Indian corn, potatoes,
cotton, and tobacco were found; but neither gold nor diamonds.
Columbus felt sure that this land was some part of Asia. After a stay of twelve
weeks he decided to sail back to Spain with the news of his great discovery. He
took with him a number of the natives and a vast store of curiosities. On the
voyage a terrific storm raged for four days, and it seemed as if the frail vessels
must be destroyed. The peril being very great, Columbus wrote upon parchment
two brief accounts of his discoveries; each of these he wrapped in a cloth,
enclosed it in a large cake of wax, and securely packed it in a tight cask. One of
these kegs was flung into the sea, and the other was lashed to the vessel.
The two frail vessels, however, rode out the storm and at last put into one of
the Azores to refit. On the homeward way another storm overtook the weary
voyagers, and Columbus was glad to reach at last a port in Portugal. From thence
in March, 1493, he arrived safe in the harbor of Palos.
15. Columbus receives a Royal Welcome on his Return.—A royal welcome
was given Columbus on his return. The man who had been laughed at for his
strange theories, now returning from a newly discovered world beyond the sea,
was regarded as the greatest of men. Ferdinand and Isabella received him with
royal pomp and asked him to tell them his story. Marvelous it must have seemed,
and all who heard it must have listened with breathless attention. The highest
honors were bestowed upon him. His discovery of course excited intense interest
throughout the civilized world.
But the high honors paid to him aroused the jealousy of the courtiers. Once,
while sitting as a guest of honor at table, one of the courtiers said with a sneer
that it was not such a great thing after all to discover the New World; any one
else could have done it. By way of reply Columbus took an egg from a dish
before him, and handing it to the courtier, asked him to make it stand on end.
The man tried but could not do it. Others tried but failed, and the egg came back
to Columbus. He struck it upon the table with slight force, cracking the shell a
little, and then it stood upright.
"Oh, any one could do that," said the courtier. "So any one could discover the
Indies after I have shown the way," was the reply of Columbus.
16. Columbus sails on Other Voyages across the Atlantic.—In spite of the
joy among the Spanish people over the great discovery, there was general
disappointment that Columbus brought back no gold or precious stones. It was
believed that another voyage might bring better success. Accordingly he soon
prepared to sail again across the ocean. There was no trouble now in obtaining
crews; multitudes wished to go.
In September, 1493, he started—this time with seventeen ships and fifteen
hundred men! He landed among the Caribbean Islands. The natives were
frightened at the horses which were brought over, thinking the rider and the steed
all one; they were doubly terrified to see the man dismount and the strange being
come to pieces, making two separate animals!
Columbus coasted along the south side of Cuba, and being sure it was India,
tried to find the mouth of the Ganges! Seeing traces of a gold mine that had once
been worked, he concluded that in that region must have been found the gold of
Ophir, which had been used for Solomon's temple, and that probably the great
temple itself was not far off!
17. Queen Isabella proves a Friend.—After a great deal of trouble during his
absence of nearly three years, Columbus returned home in 1496. Serious
disputes followed his arrival. Much disappointment was felt that he had found no
gold or diamonds; many denounced "the foreign upstart" as a fraud and a tyrant,
saying that he cost more than he was worth. Jealousy, intrigue, disappointed
greed, hatred for fancied slights, every motive to hostility took shape against
him. Yet as Isabella was still his friend, and as he hoped for better fortune in
another trial, he prepared for a third voyage. In May, 1498, with six vessels and
two hundred men he again set sail.
On this voyage Columbus touched the mainland of South America and passed
the mouth of the river Orinoco. The broad flow of the great river, the
magnificent scenery, and the charming climate delighted him. "This must be the
river," he said, "that flows through the Garden of Eden."
Meanwhile, many of the Spaniards that had been left on the islands rebelled
against him. Evil-minded officials in Spain sent out a sort of inspector to
examine into the rebellion. Prompted by malice, he exceeded his authority and
caused Columbus to be chained as a criminal. With stern fortitude the stout-
hearted mariner endured the cruel irons, and he was thus taken back to Spain.
The captain of the vessel offered to free him from his chains. The brave
discoverer answered sadly but proudly: "No: I will wear them as a memento of
the gratitude of princes!"
18. The Fourth and Last Voyage.—His firm friend, the queen, justly
indignant, received him with tears. Then the much-enduring old man broke
down, and with sobs and weeping threw himself at her feet. The great-hearted
Isabella encouraged him to go on still another expedition. In May, 1502, with
four vessels and one hundred and fifty men, he sailed on his fourth and last
He skirted the south side of Cuba, touched at Honduras, and coasted along the
northern shores of South America. Many of his men were killed by the Indians,
his company was short of food, his ships began to leak, the vessel on which he
sailed was wrecked, and the voyage was every way disastrous. In November,
1504, old, feeble, and broken-hearted, Columbus returned to. Spain. His royal
patron and best friend, Isabella, was dead. His constitution was shattered by the
labors and perils he had undergone. His last year was passed in sickness and
poverty. In 1506 he closed his eyes in death.
19. Columbus and his Mighty Achievement.—After all his four eventful
voyages, this prince of explorers died in the belief that he had reached the
eastern shores of Asia, and that, too, by the best and most direct route. He never
imagined that he had found a new continent. Although self-deceived as to the
true nature of his discoveries, he yet well deserved all the honors that have
crowned his memory. His own time was not worthy of him; but after-ages have
paid him due and ever-increasing reverence. His name will forever be linked
with lofty ideas and magnificent achievements.
Columbus was a man of noble and commanding presence, tall, and powerfully
built. He had long-waving hair, a fair, ruddy complexion, and keen blue-gray
eyes that easily kindled and glowed. He inspired strong affection and deep
respect. He always carried himself with an air of authority, as became a man of
great heart and lofty thoughts.
Why was this continent not named for Columbus? Let me tell you. Because in
his life it was not known as a new world, and hence had no need of a new name.
It already had the names India and Cathay (China). In 1501 Americus Vespucius,
a Florentine merchant and a mariner already familiar with the western waters,
sailed on his third voyage far southward along the eastern coast of South
America. The vast size of that country thus became partially known. He wrote an
account of his voyages to the "New World," and in his honor it was named
"America." Gradually this name was applied to the northern continent also.
20. The Cabots and their Voyages.—We need not be told that these
expeditions made a great sensation in Europe, and that many bold mariners
started out from Portugal and Spain. The sovereigns of other nations, too, as
England and France, soon sent navigators to make claims for their own
countries. Among the most notable of these were the Cabots, John and his son
Sebastian. Though natives of Genoa, they lived in England and had entered the
service of King Henry VII. They had permission from him to sail across the
Atlantic and to take possession, in his name, of any lands which were not known
to Europeans.
In May, 1497, with one ship and eighteen men, John Cabot with his son
Sebastian left England. The first land he saw is supposed to have been either
Cape Breton Island or the shores of Labrador. He did not remain long on that
cold and dismal coast, but returned home to England after an absence of about
three months. John Cabot was probably the first European since the days of the
Northmen to set foot upon the mainland of North America.
On his return he was received with much honor by the king. He was called
"The Great Admiral," and he went about the streets richly dressed in silk,
followed by a crowd of admirers. The next year the Cabots set out upon a second
voyage. This took a wider range. The exact limits of these explorations are not
clearly known; but it is believed that they discovered the coast of Labrador,
sailed along to Newfoundland, thence probably as far south as Cape Cod, and
perhaps to Cape Hatteras. Inasmuch as Columbus never set foot upon the
mainland of North America, the Cabot discoveries are of importance. It is
claimed that they gave England a right to the settlement and ownership of this
northern continent.
Sebastian lived to be a very old man, and to the last was full of enthusiasm
about the new-found world He was known as "The Great Yeoman." It was said
of him: "He gave England a continent—and no one knows his burial place!"
21. A Spanish Knight seeks the Fountain of Youth.—A singular expedition
was that of Ponce de Leon, a brave knight who had sailed with Columbus on his
second voyage. The Spaniards had heard somewhere in eastern Asia the old, old
legend, of a fountain whose water gave perpetual youth to any one who drank of
it. In 1513 Ponce de Leon sailed from Porto Rico, where he had been governor,
with three vessels, in search of this wonderful "Fountain of Youth."
On Easter Sunday (which in Spanish is Pascua Florida, flowering Easter) he
first came within sight of a coast to which he gave the name Florida, partly in
honor of the day and partly because it was indeed a region of flowers. He took
possession of it in the name of the King of Spain. Never before had he seen so
beautiful a region. It seemed the land of eternal summer.
He landed not far from what is now St. Augustine, and followed the coast
south to its western shore; but he went back disappointed. If he or any one else
ever saw this spring of magic power, it was only in dreams. In 1521 our romantic
knight sailed again in search of the hoped-for fountain; but by reason of a severe
wound from an Indian arrow he was forced to return to Cuba. There he died of
his painful injury.
22. How De Soto sought in Vain for Gold.—Another adventurous Spanish
knight was Ferdinand de Soto. He attempted to explore and conquer the country
across the waters to the north of Cuba. In 1539, with nine vessels and five
hundred and seventy men, he left Havana. Landing on the eastern coast of
Florida, De Soto marched north to the Savannah River, thence going westward.
Dangers beset him on every side. Sometimes the natives, who had learned to fear
and hate the Spaniards, sent poisoned arrows flying through the air. Sometimes
they purposely led their greedy foes into swamps in the search for gold. The
Spaniards in turn treated the Indians with extreme cruelty.
A number of dreadful battles were fought in which De Soto lost many men.
Through tangled forests and swamps the Spaniards, suffering from hunger and
sickness, plodded on their weary march. De Soto would not turn back. He was
determined to find gold. The proud Spaniard could not endure the thought of
failure. He had promised his followers an abundance of treasure, and he resolved
to keep that promise.
At last they reached the banks of a mighty river. Compared with other streams
it was like the sea. It was the great Mississippi. De Soto was probably the first
white man that ever gazed upon it. Under his direction the men built rafts,
crossed the "Father of Waters," and pushed far on to what is now Arkansas and
Missouri, in search of the fabled land of gold. They never found it. Instead of
gems and gold, they found hunger, sickness, and death.
23. Death of De Soto.—At last, a little group exhausted and emaciated, they
turned their steps southward and toward the great river again. De Soto was
broken-hearted. A fever seized him, and he soon died.
The Indians stood in great awe of De Soto. They called him a "child of the
Sun," and believed he would never die. His men therefore wished to conceal the
fact of their leader's death. They wrapped his dead body in a mantle and sank it
at night beneath the waters of the Mississippi. The wretched remnant of his
followers managed to build a few boats, and in these they floated down the
stream. A few of them at last reached friends to whom they told the story of their
24. Sir Walter Raleigh: Soldier, Sailor, and Courtier.—Not until many
years after the voyages of the two Cabots did the English begin to make
settlements in the New World. For more than three-quarters of a century no one
seemed to comprehend the vast importance of the discoveries of those explorers,
or to dream of the wonderful changes that would follow during the coming ages.
But there was at last one man in England of high rank who foresaw that a great
nation would some time people the realm beyond the Atlantic. That man was Sir
Walter Raleigh. He was a skillful sailor, a daring soldier, an accomplished
scholar, an elegant poet, a learned historian, a graceful courtier—in fact, a prince
among men. He became a great favorite with Queen Elizabeth. He was very rich,
and when he asked permission to fit out ships and establish colonies in America,
the queen readily granted his request.
The first two vessels sent out by Raleigh reached the coast of North Carolina
in 1584. No attempt at colonization was then made, and they soon sailed back to
England. When Queen Elizabeth heard of the wonders of the new country—its
luscious fruits, its "sweete-smelling timber trees," its rich soil, whereon the
natives seemed to live "after the manner of the golden age"—she said: "This
place shall be named Virginia in honor of me." For the great queen was called
the "Virgin Queen," and she used to boast that she was wedded to her kingdom
25. First Attempts to colonize Virginia.—Soon afterwards Raleigh sent out
vessels on a second voyage "to plant an English nation in America." It had been
planned to make a settlement on Roanoke Island; but the Indians were warlike,
food was scarce, and the colonists instead of planting corn searched for gold.
After they had nearly died of starvation a vessel arrived, which carried the
homesick men back to England. Two years afterwards a third company was sent
out by Raleigh. This company included men, women, and children. These also
settled at Roanoke Island. There, in August, 1587, was born Virginia Dare, the
first American child of English parentage.
This colony also fared hard. The governor sailed back to England for supplies,
and when he returned to America, after being delayed for three years, every trace
of the colony had disappeared. It was never known whether the colonists had
gone far away, to live with the Indians, or had somehow perished. They were
never heard of again.
26. How Tobacco and Potatoes came into Popular Use.—And thus it was
that in the first colonizing of this country Sir Walter Raleigh had as much to do
as any other one man. Although his various attempts at settlements proved
failures, yet he opened the way, set the example, and made it less difficult for
others to come to America.
One of the most wholesome and nutritious of vegetables, the common white
potato, had never been seen in Europe until some of the Virginia settlers sent to
Sir Walter as a present several of the "roots," as they were called. He showed the
poor how easily potatoes could be raised. Thus they first came into use as a
staple article of food.
The settlers in Virginia soon found that the Indians took great comfort in
smoking the dried leaves of a certain fragrant herb. This was the now well-
known tobacco plant. The English colonists tried smoking,—and liked it. They
sent some of the plant across the ocean as a present to Sir Walter. He tried
smoking, and he also liked it!
At first it seemed a strange sight in England to see a man smoking. The story
is often told that as Raleigh was one day enjoying his pipe, a servant came into
the room. As the man had never before seen any one smoke, he was much
astonished; he thought his master was on fire. He rushed out of the room, seized
a pitcher of water, and running back threw it over Sir Walter!
From that time till now tobacco has been most extensively used. The settler
who raised tobacco could buy with it whatever he needed. Large crops of it were
carried to England and sold. It did much to establish the commercial prosperity
of the Virginia colony.
27. Captain John Smith and his Early Career.—In the year 1607 there
came to Virginia a remarkable man by the name of John Smith. He plays an
important part in the early history of that colony.
This the most famous John Smith that ever lived, was born in England in
1580. While yet a boy he was fond of wild and daring adventures. When thirteen
years old he sold his school books and ran away from home. When he became a
young man he went to the continent, and for two or three years fought in the
Dutch and French armies.
Once, when Smith was a sailor on a ship going from Marseilles to Italy, a
terrible storm arose; the sailors, believing that he was the cause of their bad luck,
threw him overboard. But, swimming "with lusty sinews," he managed to reach
an island near by, and thus his life was saved. He was rescued from the shore and
was taken on board a French man-of-war. Soon afterwards the ship met an
enemy, and a battle ensued. In that conflict the young English sailor fought so
hard that the ship's officers gave him a share of the plunder of the captured
28. His Romantic Adventures.—Our bold adventurer now went farther east
and enlisted in the Austrian army to fight against the Turks. In that service he
soon became well known as a brave and dashing fellow, and before long he was
made a captain of cavalry. After a battle in which the Austrians were defeated,
Smith, badly wounded, lay a while among the dead. But he was found and cared
for. After his wounds had healed, he was taken to Constantinople and sold to the
Turks as a slave. A Turkish lady showed him great kindness.
Then he was sent to Russia. There, at a place about a mile from the house of
his cruel master, he was set to threshing grain. One day his owner rode up and
shamefully abused him. Stung by his insolence, Smith killed the man with a flail,
exchanged his own slave garments for his victim's clothes, hid the body in the
straw, mounted a horse, and started off. He traveled over Russia, Austria, France,
and Spain, and at last, after many stirring adventures, drifted back to his old
home in England again.
All these stories and many more Captain John tells us in his book of travels.
Perhaps they are true, and perhaps we may conclude with some other persons
that Smith was a daring fellow at telling stories as well as at fighting Turks!
29. Captain John begins his Career in the New World.—When our
adventurer arrived in England, all the talk was about the wonderful western
world. Although he had roamed so widely and had fared so hard, he was then
less than thirty years old and was ready for new adventures. All of his previous
life seemed a preparation for a career of romance and heroism in the New World.
So he joined an expedition which sailed for Virginia in the early part of 1607.
On the voyage his superior talents and experience were so evident that his
comrades became jealous of him, and on some pretext caused him to be put in
chains. They had a long and stormy voyage. It was as late as April when they
reached Chesapeake Bay. They were so glad to leave the stormy ocean and find a
place of rest that they named the land near their first anchorage Point Comfort, a
name it still bears.
They entered between two capes, which they called Charles and Henry from
the king's two sons. From their king, James the First, they named the river up
which they sailed the James, and they called the village that they built
Jamestown. Thus was laid in the year 1607 the foundations of the first
permanent English settlement in the New World.
30. How Smith managed the Virginia Colonists.—These Virginia colonists
were not suited to the rough, hard work of making a settlement in this new
country. They had not been accustomed to earn their living by manual toil. They
liked to call themselves "gentlemen," as if that title somehow made an excuse for
shiftless idleness. The real need was for farmers, carpenters, blacksmiths,
masons—useful mechanics and willing laborers. These genteel settlers expected
to find in this wonderful region plenty of gold; their sole purpose was to get
enough of the precious ore, and then go back to England and remain there.
But Captain Smith was the saving spirit of the colony. He showed the
immigrants the necessity of labor, and told them plainly that if they would not
work they must not expect to eat. He taught them to fell trees and build huts.
Their voyage had been so long, and so much of their provisions had been
spoiled, that, when they landed, their stock of food was almost gone. Something
must be done, and that soon, or they would starve.
Then was shown the courage, skill, and good sense of an energetic leader. The
corn that a few friendly Indians brought to the settlers was not enough to feed so
many. Therefore Smith took some companions, went in his boat up and down the
rivers, made friends of the Indians, and bought from them corn and game, giving
in payment shiny trinkets, beads, and little mirrors.
But the river lands were low and unhealthful; the water was bad; very many of
the settlers became sick; and, before the autumn frosts came, more than half of
them had died. Smith worked hard to help the survivors and to teach them to
help themselves. Meanwhile, in his boat, he made long excursions up the James
and the Potomac rivers, hoping perchance to find a way to the South Sea, as
every one then called the Pacific Ocean.
40. The Old-Time Idea about Kings.—We shall do well to remember that in
England, about three hundred years ago, the sovereign's will commonly had the
force of law. Many people really thought there was such sacredness about a royal
ruler that whatever he commanded must be right, whatever he forbade must be
wrong. Indeed, there was a proverb, "The king can do no wrong." He had his
own kind of church and his own mode of worship. Everybody must attend that
sort of church and practise that form of worship, or be punished.
41. Sturdy Englishmen dare to disobey the King.—But there were, after all,
many honest, sturdy people in England who did not accept this notion about the
king. They did not like his style of religion, and they would not pretend to like it.
Besides, they felt that they had a right to meet quietly by themselves, publicly in
their own churches, or privately in their own homes, and worship in their own
But these people were regarded with suspicion. Presently a number of them
were seized and thrown into loathsome jails; not a few were heavily fined or
made to suffer bodily harm; some died on the gallows; and all this because, in
spiritual affairs, they had dared to disobey the monarch.
42. The Pilgrims seek a Home in Holland; the First Attempt a Failure.—
Those who were brave enough to oppose the king's despotism in religious
matters were at first styled Separatists, because they separated from the
"established church." Afterwards some of them came to be called familiarly
Pilgrims, because they wandered from place to place on the way "to heaven,
their dearest country," as they said. They longed to go where they could be free
to worship God as they pleased.
At last a company of them hired a vessel to take them just across the North
Sea to Holland. They chose Holland, because in that country all people were
allowed to worship as they thought best.
But just before the hour at which they had intended to embark, watchful
officers found them, seized most of their money and goods, dragged them back,
and put them in prison. It was indeed a pretty hard lot, punished if they stayed in
the country, and punished if they tried to get away!
43. The Second Attempt Successful.—The next year the Pilgrims again tried
to leave their native land. This time they succeeded. Taking their wives and little
ones, these resolute men, led by their pastor, the good John Robinson, went as
strangers and pilgrims to Holland. From time to time the same refuge was sought
by other persecuted people, till many hundreds had settled in the old city of
Leyden. Here they first exercised that freedom of faith which had been denied
them in the land of their birth, and now they first experienced the delight of
holding their religious meetings without fear.
They were so industrious and honest that their Dutch neighbors took very
kindly to them.
But when they had lived in Holland about twelve years, they decided to
remain no longer. Their children were learning the Dutch language, and they
themselves were slowly becoming foreigners. They were not pleased with such
results, for they still regarded themselves as Englishmen, still loved the English
people, the English ways of living, and the glorious memories of their mother
About this time people were beginning to go to the New World beyond the
ocean, and these Pilgrims made up their minds to leave Holland and seek a
dwelling place in far-off America.
There were then about a thousand of them living in Holland. Nearly a hundred
of the young and strong were selected to go in advance and make a beginning in
the New World. They managed to charter for this purpose two small vessels, the
Speedwell and the Mayflower. In July, 1620, the Speedwell sailed from
Delftshaven; the Mayflower was chartered to sail from an English port.
A very pathetic parting it was for these poor exiles upon the shore of Holland,
clasping their friends' hands for the last time, and looking upon the dear faces
they were to see no more. With their beloved minister, Elder John Robinson,
they knelt upon the sand while he prayed earnestly for God's blessing upon their
perilous undertaking. The Pilgrims stopped at Plymouth, England, on the way,
and as the Speedwell seemed to be unseaworthy, they all, with others of the same
faith who joined the company there, went on board the Mayflower. In this one
vessel, after many delays, the one hundred and two people that finally made up
the Pilgrim company sailed from Plymouth in September, 1620, on their long
and dangerous voyage.
44. The Pilgrims' Voyage across the Stormy Atlantic.—Crowded upon their
little craft, this devoted company of men, women, and children had a dreary and
anxious voyage of nine weeks. During severe weather the seas sometimes ran so
high that for days the Mayflower was driven at the mercy of wind and waves,
while all of the company, except the sailors, were compelled to remain, shivering
and seasick, below the deck. In the foul air were bred the germs of quick
consumption, the disease which carried off so many of this "Pilgrim band"
during their first winter on the wild New England shore.
45. An Incident of the Voyage.—During one of these storms a lively young
man named Howland fell overboard and would have been lost had he not seized
a rope which was trailing in the sea. Bradford quaintly says in his journal that the
young fellow "was sundry fathoms under water," but that he held on until "he
was hauled up by the same rope to the brim of the water," and with the aid of a
boat-hook was at last safely landed on deck. Howland was none the worse for
his cold bath. He lived to sign the compact at Cape Cod, and became a most
useful citizen of the new commonwealth, and the ancestor of many families.
46. Arrival on the Bleak New England Coast.—How often, in the last days
of that dismal voyage, did the Pilgrims gaze far into the west, always hopeful,
but no doubt sometimes dreading the future! As the weeks passed by, the
weather became very cold, and they had scanty means for warming their cabin.
When they neared the coast a driving storm compelled them to change their
course, so that instead of going up the Hudson River as they had intended, they
were forced into Massachusetts Bay, as it is now called, and along the icy shores
of Cape Cod.
All the coast was white with snow, and the future looked cheerless and dark.
There were no light-houses to warn them of dangerous shoals, no life-saving
men patrolling the beach to help shipwrecked mariners. No one stood on the
barren sandy shore to welcome them; they felt that they were indeed strangers in
a strange land.
49. Their Travels along the Shore of Cape Cod Bay, and what they find.—
They discovered the remains of a hut which seemed to have been recently
occupied. So they surmised that Indians were living somewhere in the vicinity.
They came upon some piles of roasted acorns, and the next day they caught a
glimpse of a few savages and a deer. Soon afterwards they saw a dog and more
Indians. "The wild men ran away and whistled the doggie after them." One day
they discovered two or three mounds of earth. One of these contained rude mats
and an earthen dish. They dug into other mounds and unearthed the skeletons of
a grown person and a child, a box containing Indian bows and arrows and spears
with flint points.
50. They find Baskets of Indian Corn.—In another place they noticed heaps
of sand freshly smoothed over. On scraping away the earth, what should they
find but Indian baskets full of corn! They had never seen any such grain. They
were delighted with the sight of the bright-colored kernels, some red, some
yellow, and others blue. The baskets were round, narrow at the top, and
contained about three bushels each. They carried to the vessel all the corn they
found, for they were in sore need of food; but they were careful to save enough
for seed in the spring. They were honest men, and when long afterwards they
found the Indians who had buried the corn, they paid them a fair price for it.
One day these Pilgrim wanderers shot three fat geese and six ducks. These
they ate with wonderful relish, or "with soldier stomachs," as their story says. At
another time, as they were tramping through the woods, William Bradford, not
very careful, perhaps, as to where he was stepping, suddenly found his foot
entangled in a queer way. When his companions came to help him out, they
found he had been caught in a deer trap set by the Indians!
51. First Attack by Indians.—One morning, just after their night's sleep by a
camp fire, and while engaged in their prayers, the weary men were startled by a
wild cry, very different from anything they had ever heard. For a moment even
Captain Standish was alarmed. It was an Indian war-whoop; and the cry was
followed by Indian arrows. Standish and his men now fired their guns at the
Indians. The firing caused the savages to run away in great astonishment. They
had never known of guns, and were greatly afraid of these strangers who could
instantly make thunder and lightning. The Pilgrims had never before been targets
for arrows, so they kept these strange weapons, which were pointed with eagles'
claws or sharp pieces of deer's horn, as curiosities.
52. The Search for a Home.—The Pilgrims were very anxious to get settled
as soon as possible; yet when Sunday came they stopped all work and spent the
day in reading the Bible, in singing their hymns, and in prayer. For nearly a
month they sought, with much weariness and in bitter cold, a place suitable for
settlement. It must have been a cruel and pitiful work for those poor men. They
waded knee-deep in the snow; slept unprotected under the wintry sky; often
suffered from hunger; and, for fear of Indians, were always compelled to keep
anxious watch.
After a tedious search along the shore of what is now Massachusetts Bay,
these stout-hearted wanderers at last found a sheltered place where, not far from
the shore, there was an abundant spring of good water. Near by were some old
cornfields that had formerly been used by the Indians. Here they decided to land.
The water being shallow, the vessel was anchored nearly a mile from the beach.
The Pilgrims were brought in their boat, a few at a time, from the vessel to the
landing-place. To reach the shore, it is said that they found it convenient to step
upon a large stone. This is now known as Plymouth Rock. It is claimed that the
first English woman to set foot upon this stone on the Plymouth shore was Mary
53. The Famous Plymouth Rock.—Plymouth Rock is not very large; but it is
sacred in the eyes and the hearts of every American. Every year thousands go to
look upon "the stepping-stone of New England"; to linger by the graves of the
Pilgrims; and to see in Pilgrim Hall the many curious interesting things which
once belonged to those pioneers of western civilization.
From the name of the last town they had left in England, the Pilgrims named
this, the first spot in Massachusetts settled by white men, New Plymouth. The
date of the landing was December 21, 1620, and its anniversary is now
celebrated as "Forefathers' Day."
Through that long and tiresome winter nearly all sickened, and many died.
Before spring one-half of those who had landed from the Mayflower were gone.
That the Indians might not know how terribly the numbers had been diminished
by death, the bodies were buried secretly; and the graves were marked by no
mounds nor stones, but were made level with the surrounding soil.
The wonder is that these Pilgrims, ill, hungry, and cold, did not become
discouraged, give up their enterprise, and go back to England in the Mayflower.
Splendidly courageous indeed they were to pursue their purpose so bravely.
Weeks and months they worked and suffered, but they never flinched. They were
content and even happy in the consciousness of freedom gained and duty done.
They had come to stay—and they stayed.
At last the dreary winter wore away. Spring came, bringing the soft south
winds and the songs of birds. Busy hands were soon planting and cultivating.
The hearts of the Pilgrims were filled with hope.
57. A Kindly Visit from the Indians.—One day in early spring they were
surprised at seeing an Indian march boldly into their settlement, saying,
"Welcome, English! Welcome, English!" His name was Samoset. He had learned
a little English from fishermen on the coast of Maine. The settlers received him
very kindly. After several hours he went away.
In a few days he came back with another Indian named Squanto, who had
once lived in Plymouth but had been kidnapped and carried to England. Squanto
said that Massasoit, the chief of the tribes in the neighborhood, was near by, and
that with sixty of his men he would shortly pay a visit to the Pilgrims. The
Indian chief soon appeared and was cordially received. He promised to be a
good friend to the English, and in return the settlers agreed to treat the Indians
kindly. For over fifty years this promise was sacredly kept.
Squanto made himself very useful to the Pilgrims. He showed them how to
plant maize by first manuring the ground with fish, then putting the kernels and
the alewives together in the hill. The grain now first received the name of Indian
corn. He also taught the settlers how to catch eels by treading them out of the
mud with their feet. Shortly afterwards Squanto came to live with the Pilgrims,
and proved himself their firm friend.
Sometimes other Indians were hostile. Once a chief named Canonicus, who
was an enemy of Massasoit and did not like the Pilgrims, sent to Governor
Bradford a bundle of arrows wrapped in the skin of a rattlesnake. He meant this
to be a threat of war. The resolute governor threw the arrows on the ground,
filled the snake's skin with powder and bullets, and sent it back to the chief!
Canonicus was quick-witted enough to take the hint, and thereafter he let the
Pilgrims alone.
58. First Houses built in the New Home.—The first building the Pilgrims
put up was a log house twenty feet square, in which they stowed away their
scanty provisions, furniture, guns, and powder. They slept there till houses were
built for separate families. This storehouse also served as a kind of fort till they
had put up a better one on top of the high hill, now known as "Burial Hill," close
by. As they had no shingles nor boards, they used for a covering of the roof long
grass and seaweed. The chimneys they made mainly of big stones; the upper
part, however, consisted of large sticks plastered over with clay.
The dirt floor was soon trodden hard and smooth. The large cracks between
the logs of the walls were filled with a kind of mortar made of mud and grass. In
those days glass was very costly, and so for windows oiled paper was used.
After the storehouse was sufficiently advanced, the settlers began to work on
other houses. They laid out a street which they called Leyden Street, and built
their houses on each side of it. The same street with the same name is in
Plymouth to-day. The whole colony was divided into family groups, each
unmarried young man choosing a family to live with, and each group having its
own dwelling.
59. Perils and Mishaps of the First Winter.—Even before the houses were
finished, the men built a high picket fence around the whole settlement, with a
stout gate on each side; for they were in constant fear of the Indians. In fact, they
had to keep a sharp lookout every day, and a guard watched every night to give
the alarm in case of danger. So watchful were they that, whether chopping wood,
eating dinner, or at meeting on Sunday, every man had his gun close at hand,
ready for instant use.
One day, soon after the storehouse was finished, it happened that Governor
Carver and William Bradford were both within, sick in bed. Suddenly the dry
thatch caught fire from the chimney sparks, and the whole roof went up in a
blaze. The sick men were lifted out safely. No serious damage was done to
anything but the roof, and that was soon replaced by a new one.
60. How the First Log Houses were built.—If we could have made a visit to
one of the rough log houses of the Pilgrims after they had brought in their scanty
furniture from the vessel, and when affairs had become a little settled, many
things would have seemed strange to us.
There is no front entry to the house, for there is only one rough door, and that
opens directly into the house; no parlor, no bedroom, no kitchen, but all in one,
with perhaps a loft overhead. The inside walls are like the outside, rough, but
plastered between the logs. The roof is made of timbers, for there is no sawmill
for sawing logs into boards. The timbers do not fit closely, and although there is
a covering of thatch, the snow blows in quite freely.
61. A Peep into a Pilgrim's House.—Let us take a glimpse into one of these
Pilgrim houses. The huge fireplace, made of rough stones laid in clay, fills nearly
one whole side of the house. The men bring in great logs of wood for the fire.
Even when the logs are on the fire there is room for a person to sit on a stool at
each end of the logs, and yet be inside of the fireplace. This is the children's
favorite seat.
The chimney has a big throat, as large as a hogs-head. One can sit at the end
of the logs and look up and see the sky. The sides of the chimney are roughly
laid, and the big stones project so far into the room that the children use them as
a staircase in climbing up to their bed in the loft.
In those days nobody had ever heard of a stove. All the cooking of the family
was done over a huge fire or in front of it. They used the iron pots and skillets
they had brought from England, some of which are still preserved at Plymouth.
If they had the good luck to shoot a wild goose or turkey, they thrust a long iron
rod through it and roasted it above or before the fire, giving it a turn now and
then; or else they hung it very near the fire with a stout string, turning it around
at times. The wintry winds often dashed in strong gusts down the big chimney,
making it freezing cold all through the house.
62. The Scant Furnishings of their Homes.—There were few or no chairs,
but here and there a stool, or some solid blocks cut from the trees. In one corner,
on a rude shelf resting upon two wooden pins driven into the log, were a few
books,—always a Bible, a hymn book, the Psalms, and possibly a few others.
Hanging from a beam was a little iron cup, in which there was some fish oil,
with a twisted rag or a bit of wick; this contrivance served for a lamp when
needed. But the big fire usually answered for an evening lamp.
On one side of the room was a rough cupboard or case of shelves for their few
dishes. They had no nice glass or china with which to make a display. The glass
they had was coarse and of a brownish tint. The early settlers often used leather
bottles, leather cups, and rough plates called trenchers, chipped from blocks of
wood. Often two persons ate out of one trencher. At this time forks were not in
general use. The Pilgrims cut their food with knives and then managed it with
their fingers.
Their few pewter dishes they were very proud of, and they kept them in sight
in the cupboard, bright with frequent scouring; for the Pilgrim women were
excellent housewives, and everything about the house was scrupulously neat and
63. Other Articles of Household Furniture.—Around the log cabin were
two or three big chests, in which each family brought over its goods. These were
used to keep their better clothing in, if they had any, and for seats. In the corner
was a spinning wheel to spin the wool for their clothing. On these large wheels
the mothers and daughters used to spin great piles of wool and flax. Two or three
of the houses had large looms—machines on which the thread they spun was
woven into stout cloth for the family.
We should have seen no timepiece in their living rooms. There was neither
clock nor watch in the whole settlement. On sunny days the women knew when
to have dinner ready by the noon mark, as it was called—a notch cut on some
beam near the window, showing just where the line betwixt sunshine and
shadow came at twelve o'clock.
In the corner of the log house was the gun, close to the door, where it would
be ready for use at any moment.
Although the family slept in the one big room, we should not have seen any
bed in the daytime. It was turned up against the wall, and fastened to the side of
the cabin. At night it was turned down and nearly filled the room. None of the
beds were very soft, for they were filled with hay or leaves. By and by, after they
had shot enough wild fowl, they had feather beds.
64. Around the Dinner Table.—When the little family gathered around the
table for dinner, there was before them neither an abundance nor a variety of
food. There was no milk, butter, nor cheese; for there was no cow in the colony.
It was four years before a cow was brought over from England. They had no
eggs, no beef nor pork nor lamb, and of course no vegetables yet, nor any nice
white bread. The provisions they brought in the ship were partly spoiled, and
were nearly used up. So they had to get food as best they could.
Now and then the colonists killed some game, but they had to be careful and
not waste their powder and shot. One day they shot and cooked an eagle; but, as
Bradford wrote in his journal, it was "woefully tough." They could not often
shoot a bear or a deer. They obtained some corn of the Indians by trading such
trifles as they could best spare. The records tell us that once a Pilgrim bartered a
little dog for a peck of corn.
65. The Daily Fare becomes scant; Hardships increased by Hunger.—By
and by all the other food failed, so that their main article of diet was corn. This
they made into meal by pounding it on smooth stones. But even this supply from
the Indians was often scanty and uncertain, so that at times they were without it
until, after a year or two, they raised their own crops.
The rest of their provisions they obtained from the ocean—clams, lobsters,
and various kinds of fish. But their fishing boat was so frail and their hooks and
nets were so poor that this source many times disappointed them.
Thus, the two articles on which they chiefly depended being Indian corn and
sea-food, they were sometimes entirely destitute, unable to obtain either.
What a condition! "I have seen men," wrote one of the Pilgrims, "stagger by
reason of faintness for want of food; they knew not at night where to have a bit
in the morning." They were so badly off that if it were possible for a friend to
visit them, the best they could offer him would be a piece of fish and some
Such was the daily living of the first Pilgrim settlers in this country. Such were
a few of the hardships they bravely and patiently endured. And yet, strange to
say, when the Mayflower sailed for home in the early spring, as we have before
stated, not one of these stout-hearted men and women returned in her to
66. How the Indians looked; the Clothes they wore.—Let us now learn a
few things about the Indians as they were before their habits and mode of life
had been changed by contact with white men.
The heads of the Indians were always bare. It was customary for them to
allow one tuft of hair to grow longer than the rest. This was called the "scalp
lock." When a fight had been finished, this lock served as a convenience to the
victor. It enabled him to remove handily the scalp from the head of a dead
enemy, and to carry it easily away as a trophy of triumph.
The Indians had the curious custom of smearing their faces and their bodies
with red paint. On great occasions, such as the holding of a tribal council or a
war dance, they painted themselves a more brilliant red. The bright color was
believed to give a formidable aspect. They decked themselves with queer
ornaments of many sorts. Around their necks they wore strings of shining stones,
bits of mica, baubles made of copper, and animals' teeth highly polished.
Feathers were held in great esteem. Success in war entitled the victor to wear
eagles' feathers as a mark of the greatest distinction. In this love of finery the
men were fully as vain as the women.
The clothing of the Indians was, for the most part, fashioned out of the dried
skins of animals, such as the deer and the beaver, whose flesh had been used for
food. Unlike that of civilized people, this clothing was seldom or never changed,
but was worn till it was worn out. If not unwashable, it was rarely washed. The
"noble red man" was not a model of cleanliness. He had never heard of soap.
67. What the Indians had to eat.—The food of the Indians varied with the
place and the season, but game and fish were the principal articles. Their game
was chiefly deer, bears, moose, raccoons, foxes, wild geese, and wild turkeys.
Having no salt nor spices, no bread nor potatoes, neither milk, butter, nor cheese,
their living must have lacked such relish as we give to ours.
In the settled villages the Indians cultivated rude gardens. In these they raised
corn, beans, squashes, and tobacco; but, considering the crudeness of their tools,
we must suppose that the crops were scanty. The squaws used to cook corn and
beans together, making succotash. Both the dish and the name have come to us
from the Indians. Green corn they used to roast in hot ashes, very much as we
sometimes do now at clambakes or other outings. Meat they commonly cooked
by thrusting a stick through it and holding it over the fire; but they sometimes
boiled it in rude earthen pots. Fish they broiled on a frame of sticks.
68. The Indian's Struggle for a Living.—The principal work of the Indians
was to get food enough. They did not hunt or fish merely for sport, as men and
boys of our time are apt to do. To the Indian, hunting was the serious task of
providing for his family and himself. At times the supply became very slight. It
was especially so in the winter. Then they really suffered from hunger, and were
forced to eat ground-nuts and acorns—anything to keep alive. But when they
had had good hunting they would eat enormously. At times, when game was
scarce, different tribes would have savage fights for the best hunting ground.
Their only drink was water. After the white man came they learned the use of
rum and whiskey, and would pay a great price for what they called "fire water."
On the other hand, the white man learned from the Indian the use of tobacco. It
was a bad bargain both ways.
69. Hardships of the Indian Women.—The Indian warriors occupied
themselves with war and the chase. They looked upon ordinary labor as
degrading, and fit only for women. These they treated very much as slaves. The
squaw did all the everyday work—building the wigwam, raising the crops,
making the clothes, and weaving bark mats for the beds. On journeys the women
carried their infants, or papooses, on their backs.
With some tribes woman held a higher place. She had a considerable degree of
influence in public matters, and often decided the question of peace or war. She
could even drive away her husband if he failed to bring home game or fish
enough for the family.
71. How the Indians fought.—In battle, Indians did not come out in fair and
open fight, as is the custom of white men; but their skill consisted in surprises,
shooting from behind rocks and trees, skulking around at night, and killing the
enemy asleep. Captives in war were frequently tortured in the most barbarous
ways; sometimes they were tied to trees and were slowly burned to death or were
shot. But it was a high standard of Indian valor to bear the sharpest pain without
flinching, with never a groan or any sign of suffering.
The Indians, believing as they did that all animals were protecting or
unfriendly spirits, often addressed them as if they were human beings. The story
is told of an Indian who shot at a large bear and wounded him. The bear fell and
lay whining and groaning. The Indian went up to him and said: "Bear, you are a
coward, and no warrior. You know that your tribe and mine are at war, and that
yours began it. If you had wounded me, I would not have uttered a sound; and
yet you sit here and cry and disgrace your tribe."
72. The Use made of Wampum, or Indian Money.—Indians had little use
for gold or silver, but they had something in its place, which they called
"wampum." This was made of bits of seashells like beads. The pieces had a hole
in the center, so that they could be strung in long strips or made into belts.
Wampum was used for a long time as regular money or the medium of
exchange between the Indians and the whites, and even between one white and
another. Strings of it were passed around for purposes of trade, as we now use
coins of silver and gold. But after a while, as seashells became plentiful,
wampum became almost worthless, and then the Indians were glad enough to
take the white man's silver money.
Among some of the tribes, bands of wampum were woven into ornamental
belts, and these were decorated with colored beads combined into striking
figures and designs. The wampum belts were often given as a pledge that the
giver would faithfully live up to certain terms of a treaty.
73. Indian Tools and Snowshoes.—As the Indians had so little to work with
—no iron for knives, nor tools of any kind except flinty stones made sharp and
called "hatchets"—it is wonderful how ingenious they were in supplying their
personal wants. They kneaded in oil and softened with heat the furry skins of
animals, and from these they made excellent garments for winter. From dried
deerskins they fashioned a sort of soft serviceable shoe called the "moccasin."
This was wrought from a single piece of the leather. It fitted snugly to the foot
and was tied with strips of buckskin at the ankle.
The danger of starving in the winter when the snow was deep led the Indians
to invent the snowshoe. This was made of a light framework of ash, filled with
meshes of rawhide, thus presenting a broad surface to the snow. By this
contrivance the Indians could travel in winter as easily as in summer.
It is said that an Indian upon snowshoes could easily travel forty miles a day.
Strangely enough, all the cunning of the white man has never availed to make
anything better for such a purpose.
74. Indians as Hunters.—The Indian contrived ingenious traps for catching
bears, moose, and other sorts of game. One of these devices consisted of a long
and heavy log, carefully balanced upon a post placed upright in the ground, with
a log attached to one end of it. The roving animal would approach, and by
jumping attempt to get the bait that was so attractive. The movement would
cause the log to fall, and thus, perhaps, the creature would be killed.
Fish were killed by shooting them with the arrow as they swam; or they were
caught with hooks of bone, or taken in rivers by means of a weir, or brush fence,
fixed across the stream. Sometimes they were taken in nets woven from the bark
of the elm, and in traps of wickerwork not unlike the lobster pots now in use.
The Indians had a remarkable faculty, resembling that of the ventriloquist,
whereby they could imitate the voices of woodland creatures—the hoot of the
owl, the cry of the wild turkey, the howl of the wolf. By this means they could
readily attract animals of various species to a spot where they might easily kill
them. Even hostile Indians out searching for game were in this manner
sometimes allured to the place of danger.
75. Story illustrating the Indian's Keen Observation.—It is marvelous
what quick eyes the Indian had to see almost instantly things that other persons
would never see at all. The story is often told of an Indian who returned one day
to his wigwam and found that a large piece of venison had been stolen. He
looked carefully around, and then started off for the thief. He asked the first man
he met if he had seen a little old white man with a short gun and a small dog
with a short tail. Afterwards he explained how he learned all these points. He
said he knew the thief was little, for he had to pile up some stones to reach the
venison; old, by his short steps; white, by the toes of his tracks turning out; that
he had a short gun, for when it fell to the ground from where it leaned against the
tree, it made a short mark in the dirt. He knew by the dog's track that the dog was
small; he knew that the dog had a short tail, because a short groove had been
"wiggled" in the dust where the dog had sat while his master was stealing the
76. The Indians were Cruel, Cunning, and Revengeful.—As to character,
the Indian had, like all the rest of us, a good and a bad side. Though usually
silent and moody in the presence of white men, travelers tell us that the Indians
had lively games when by themselves, and enjoyed fun and frolic and story-
telling like other people. They were crafty and treacherous, as well they might be
from their constant warfare.
They were cruel and remorseless in their revenge, and they never forgot a
wrong. Full of cunning, they took pride in ingenious tricks. They would wear
snowshoes with the toes turned backwards, that the enemy might think they had
gone the other way! In their homes they were filthy, lazy, and improvident. They
were passionately fond of gambling, after they had learned it of the whites!
On the other hand, they were patient of hunger, cold, and fatigue, and were
wonderfully brave. They were hospitable to an acquaintance in need, even
sharing the last of their food with him. They were grateful for benefits, and never
forgot a kindness. Their promise was almost sacred, and the pledge of their chief
was rarely broken.
When the early settlers in this country treated the Indians kindly, they usually
received kindness in return, as we shall see later in reading William Penn's
dealings with the Indians in Pennsylvania. But now and then some rude white
man was cruel or dishonest in dealing with them, and then he learned that the red
man knew what revenge means.
If any serious offense was given to the Indians they brooded over it, and then,
eager to inflict more harm than they had suffered, instead of punishing the
offender alone, they spent their revenge upon all they could reach of the white
race. So they sprang suddenly upon peaceful villages and cruelly killed innocent
men, women, and children.
77. Anecdote of Tecumseh.—The true Indian warrior had a certain proud
dignity that challenged respect. At a great council of the government with the
Indians, the famous Indian chief, Tecumseh, after he had made a speech, turned
to take a seat, when it was found that by accident no chair had been placed for
him. General Harrison instantly called for one. It was brought by the interpreter,
who said, "The Great Father wishes you to take a chair." "My father!" he said
with dignity, as he wrapped his blanket about him to seat himself in Indian style
upon the ground; "the Sun is my father, the Earth is my mother, and on her
bosom will I repose."
78. Care and Training of the Indian Children.—The care and training of
Indian children were peculiar. When the little papoose was very young, it was
not fondled nor much attended to. Quite early it was placed in a small trough of
bark and strapped in with a mat or skin in front, the little bed being padded with
soft moss. This bit of a cradle was handy to carry around, to lean against a log,
or to hang up in a tree.
As they grew up, they were as happy as other children. Their parents made
toys for them, and their older mates taught them songs and games. As soon as
they were large enough, each had his share of work to do. The girls had to help
their mothers to dress skins for clothing, to bring wood and water, and to work in
the rude garden.
79. The Indian Boy's Early Training.—The Indian boy was early trained for
hunting and war. His first lessons were to manage his bow and arrows, and then
he was taken into the woods to shoot. He was taught to set traps for small game,
and his father often slyly put some animal in the snare to encourage the young
So the boy was taught, not arithmetic and grammar, but all about birds—their
colors, their different whistles and cries, and what each note means; their food
and habits, where they nest, how they fly, and the best way to shoot them. His
lessons included the study of rabbits and squirrels, of beavers and foxes, and of
all such game.
By the time the Indian boy had seen twelve or fourteen snows, as the Indian
would say, he could make his own bows and arrows and could help make
canoes. He had received many lessons about shaping tomahawks and war clubs,
and how to use them. Playing ball was a favorite game with Indian youth. Catlin,
the celebrated authority on Indian life, tells us that he used to ride thirty miles to
see a ball game, and would sit on his horse all day to see a match played by six
to eight hundred or even a thousand young Indians.
80. How the Indians buried their Dead.—For the most part the Indians
buried their dead in mounds or in shallow graves, sometimes prostrate, but often
in a sitting posture facing the east. But some tribes placed the body on a high
scaffold raised on long poles out of the reach of wild beasts. Beside the body
were carefully placed the weapons of the dead, paints, any favorite trinkets he
used to wear, and food to sustain him on his journey to the far-off Happy
Hunting Grounds.
81. The Search for a Shorter Route to India.—We must not forget that
during all these years the European nations in their desire for riches were often
searching for a shorter route to China and the East Indies. They hoped to succeed
in this either by sailing to the north of Europe or America, or by finding some
opening across the newly discovered continent. For more than a hundred years
after the time of Columbus many a daring navigator came forward to undertake
this business.
82. Sir Henry Hudson, the Bold and Skillful Mariner.—Several years
before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, a bold and skillful mariner named Henry
Hudson, a friend of Captain John Smith, was hired by some London merchants
to search for the imaginary northern passage. For this purpose he made two
perilous voyages. Once he sailed along the eastern coast of Greenland until the
ice stopped him. After three months he returned to England. The next year he
tried it again, and sailed farther north, but as before was turned back by the ice.
Hudson tells us that on one of these voyages two of his sailors saw a mermaid
swimming close to the ship's side. The upper parts of her body were those of a
woman, but below she was a fish, and as big as a halibut! Probably the creature
was a seal, an animal with which English sailors were not at that time familiar.
83. Hudson enters the Dutch Service.—At last, in 1609, Hudson, who had
now become famous, entered the service of the Dutch East India Company and
sailed from Amsterdam to find the long-sought route. Living near the ocean, the
Dutch at this time were great sailors and traders. They owned more ships than all
Europe besides. Their sails whitened every ocean. They were glad to hire "the
bold Englishman, the expert pilot, and the famous navigator," as they called
Hudson, to brave the perils of the Arctic seas.
Again this intrepid sailor, "the Nansen of the year 1608," went too far north,
and again he found himself caught in the ice of the desolate Arctic regions. He
now made up his mind to go farther west. He coasted along Greenland, passed
southward to Newfoundland, sighted Cape Cod, and then sailed as far south as
Virginia. Finding the English settlers there ahead of him, he turned about and
steered north again, keeping close to the wild and unknown coast.
84. Hudson sails up the Hudson River in the Little "Half Moon."—In
September, 1609, Sir Henry found himself not far from the mouth of a broad
river, and dropped anchor near what is now Sandy Hook. The Indians here were
kind to their strange visitors, and came on board the vessel to trade. They
brought grapes, furs, and pumpkins, and traded them for beads, knives, and
After a few days the anchor of the little "Half Moon" was raised, the sails
were spread, and Hudson was slowly wafted past the Palisades and far up the
noble river which still bears his name. Because for many miles the water at high
tide was salt, he thought that he had surely found the long-wished-for passage to
No white man had ever before sailed up this, perhaps the most beautiful of
American streams. With what wonder and hope must the captain and his men
have gazed on the lovely scenery, rich in the gorgeous hues of autumnal foliage!
In fact Hudson, in the story of his voyage, says that the lands on both sides were
"pleasant with grass and flowers and goodly trees,—as beautiful a land as one
can tread upon."
85. Kindly received by the Indians.—The Indians, filled with curiosity,
flocked from far and near to the banks of the river to see the "great white bird," a
name they gave the "Half Moon" on account of its white spreading canvas
wings. As they peeped out from the rocks and woods along the shore, they had
the same feelings of curiosity and awe as did the natives that gazed in wonder
upon the vessels of Columbus more than a hundred years before.
Hudson sailed north until he reached a point near where Albany now stands.
As the river now became narrower and its water fresh, he was convinced at last
that he could never find his way to India by this route.
86. Hudson returns Home; his Sad Fate.—After a time, disappointed at his
failure to reach India, Hudson sailed out of the river and across the ocean to
England, and afterwards to Holland. The stout-hearted mariner never saw his
"great river" again. On his next and last voyage he sailed farther north and
entered the immense land-locked bay that now bears his name. He thought that
he had this time surely discovered the long-sought opening to the Pacific.
Imagine his dismay when, after coasting around its sides for nearly three months,
he was forced at last to believe that this inland sea had no western outlet!
The long Arctic winter came. Hudson's men were nearly starved. They had
endured so many hardships that in a frenzy of despair and wrath they at last
bound their captain hand and foot, thrust him on board a small boat with his son
and some sick sailors, and set them adrift. This was the last ever seen or heard of
Probably, like De Soto, the bold navigator found his grave in the vast waters
that he was the first to discover.
87. The Dutch claim the Territory; Manhattan Island bought of the
Indians.—The Dutch now laid claim to all the territory along the Hudson River,
and in 1614 they took possession of it under the name of New Netherland. In a
few years they began to establish trading posts, where they might buy of the
Indians the skins of bears, beavers, and otters.
After a time the Indians sold the Dutch the island of Manhattan for the sum of
twenty-four dollars. This settlement, then called "New Amsterdam," was the
beginning of what is now one of the largest and richest cities in the world—
Greater New York.
88. The Dutch Settlers prosper.—For the first few years the settlers in New
Amsterdam were poor; but after a time richer and more influential men made
homes for themselves in this colony. They secured from the Dutch East India
Company the right to own by purchase from the Indians a tract of land sixteen
miles in length and extending an unlimited distance into the interior, and to
establish there a colony of fifty people. The rich landholders were called
"patroons," and their great estates laid the foundation of the wealth of many of
the leading families of the Empire State.
89. How the Dutch People lived.—As the Dutch prospered, they built better
houses. These were of wood. Each house had on its roof one weathercock, and
often many of them. The gable ends were built of various-colored bricks brought
over from Holland.
And so it happened that when an English fleet sailed into the harbor in 1664,
the people did not come to the help of "Headstrong Peter," but gladly
surrendered the town to the English in spite of "Old Silverleg's" wrath! The
name of the colony was changed to New York in honor of the Duke of York, the
brother of King Charles II.
91. How the Quakers were persecuted.—About forty years after the
Pilgrims had built their homes in Plymouth, the members of a peculiar religious
sect, the Society of Friends, were bitterly persecuted in England. In spite of their
ill-treatment, which lasted for many years, they greatly increased in numbers. A
few men and women of wealth and of high social position joined them.
These Friends, or Quakers as they were commonly called, were singularly
blunt in speech and plain in dress. But they were an honest, sober, God-fearing
people. They wished to treat all men as friends, brothers, and equals. They did
not approve of war and would not serve as soldiers. As they believed all men
equal, they recognized no superiors: they would not doff their hats to any one,
not even to the king, for they thought "the Lord forbade it." They said they
would acknowledge no master, king, or lord, save only Him who was their
"Master in heaven," the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
Naturally enough, in those days of bigotry and intolerance the doctrines and
behavior of the Quakers made the king and his great men very angry. They threw
hundreds of them into prison. Consequently, many of the Quakers left their
homes, came to this country, and settled in Massachusetts. But the stern sons of
the Old Pilgrim Fathers would not endure them. They drove them away or put
them in prison. The Boston Puritans even hanged four Quakers who had
repeatedly come back after having been several times punished and driven into
92. William Penn becomes a Quaker.—About the time King Charles II was
restored to the throne of England (1660) there lived in that country a handsome
young man of noble birth and talents of the highest order. William Penn was his
name. There is a portrait of him in the dress of an English cavalier, with flowing
curls over his shoulders, and a face of manly tenderness and beauty. This man,
the founder of Pennsylvania, was the only son of a brave English admiral who
had won signal victories for his country during the Dutch war, and was held in
high favor by the king and the royal family. While Penn was a boy and in
college, his heart was stirred within him by listening to the Quaker preachers. He
believed they were right. He was convinced that he ought to join them, and did
so in spite of the ridicule of his rich and titled friends.
93. Young Penn falls into Disgrace with his Family and is sent from
Home.—Young Penn was expelled from college and sent home. The old
admiral, in his anger because his only son would disgrace his family by uniting
with the despised Quakers, drove him from his door. The mother, however,
interceded, and the stubborn youth was allowed to travel for a time on the
Continent to divert his mind from what they called his foolishness.
Alas for the old admiral's ambitious plans for his gifted son! William was out-
and-out a Quaker; and no title, honors, or favor could induce him to give up his
faith. He pleaded with the king to allow the English people freedom of
conscience, so that they might worship God as they deemed best. He tried in
vain to procure the release of the Quakers from the prisons where hundreds of
them were then confined. For a time Penn was himself shut up in the Tower of
London, the prison of offenders of high rank. While there he wrote his best
known work, No Cross, no Crown. The king's brother, the Duke of York,
however, soon brought about his release.
94. Penn inherits Wealth; secures a Grant of Land from the King.—Penn's
father was after all a generous man and regretted his treatment of his son. On his
death, in 1670, he left him all his estate. Penn made a good use of his wealth. He
devoted his time, money, and talents to secure legal protection in England for the
persecuted Quakers. The task was almost hopeless.
In his despair Penn longed to build a quiet home for his people in the
wilderness of America. He had heard of the happiness and prosperity of the
Pilgrim settlements, and he now planned to lead his brethren across the Atlantic.
The gallant admiral at his death had a claim against the government of about
eighty thousand dollars. Now King Charles was a spendthrift and always in debt.
Penn told the king that he would accept lands in America instead of money in
payment of this claim. The easy-going monarch was only too glad to take up
with this offer, for he had plenty of land in America but very little silver and
On condition that he should be paid two beaver-skins every year, the king
granted Penn a large tract of land on the western bank of the Delaware river, and
named it Pennsylvania, or "Penn's Woodland."
First, there was a feast of good things to eat, and numerous presents were
given to the delighted red men. The chiefs then seated themselves on the ground
and the council began. Penn carried no arms, wore no uniform, and had no
soldiers. He was at this time thirty-eight years old, graceful and fine-looking,
was dressed in a suit of drab-colored clothes, had a blue sash around his waist,
and wore a broad-brim hat, which he did not take off for the sake of fashion or
The Indians, seated around their chiefs, listened attentively while the "Quaker
King" spoke. He told them that the English and the Indians were to obey the
same laws, and both were to be equally protected in their rights. No advantage
should be taken on either side, but all should be openness and love; that the great
God above was the Father of both white and red men, and that all were brothers
and should live together in peace. His words, so full of kindness, good will, and
justice, won the hearts of the dusky natives.
"We will live in peace with William Penn and his children," said the Indians,
"as long as the sun and moon endure." This treaty was never broken.
99. The Indians take Penn at his Word, and live afterwards at Peace with
the Quakers.—After this talk was over, the pipe of peace was lighted and
passed round, and each took a whiff.
The Indians took Penn at his word. They believed in him and they kept their
part of the compact. It is said that not a drop of Quaker blood was ever shed by
an Indian, so much did the red men love and honor the name of William Penn.
The good Quaker often visited the Indians at their councils, or at their
"powwows," as their festive gatherings were called. He went in and out among
them, visited them in their wigwams, and ate roasted corn and hominy with
them. He had frolics with the Indian children, joined in the outdoor games of the
warriors, and talked to them about their faith in God, whom they called the Great
100. The Quakers prosper; Trials of Penn in his Old Age.—We are not
surprised that the Quaker settlers prospered. In two years there were six hundred
houses; also schools and a printing press. Philadelphia had grown more in three
years than New York City in half a century. After a few years the founder of the
colony went back to England. He continued to watch over his far-away colony,
sending out emigrants and in every way promoting its interest.
After some time Penn returned to this country, but remained only two years. In
his old age he met with sore trials. His son disgraced him by his riotous living,
his trusted agent proved dishonest, and at length the good Quaker was
financially ruined and was flung into prison for debt. Not long after his release
he died at the age of seventy-eight.
101. Subsequent Prosperity of the Quaker Colony.—When it once became
known that in Penn's colony a man could worship God as he pleased, enjoy
personal rights; that poor men could own their farms, and that there was no
dread of the Indians, we are not surprised that colonists quickly flocked to
Pennsylvania. This settlement surpassed all others in America in rapid growth,
and was for many years more prosperous and comfortable than any other. About
one-third of the inhabitants were Quakers, and these were always a thrifty and
peaceful people.
At the close of the Revolutionary war Philadelphia was larger than either
Boston or New York. Among the thirteen colonies Pennsylvania ranked third in
influence and population, being surpassed by none but Virginia and
102. Prosperity of the Early Colonists.—For fifty years or more after the
colonists had established their homes in the wilderness of the New World, they
were growing rich and strong. They cleared away forests, planted fields, traded
with the Indians, and built for themselves more comfortable houses.
Especially was this the case during the years when Cromwell and his party
were in power in England, and until after Charles II was restored to the English
throne. The settlers boldly pressed further and further on, crossing great rivers,
climbing steep mountains, and building log cabins in far distant regions.
The colonists in Pennsylvania and Virginia pushed westward into the valley of
the Ohio, while the English settlers in New York made their way through the
forest toward the Great Lakes.
103. The French in North America.—More than seventy years before
Jamestown was settled, a French explorer by the name of Cartier had entered the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, sailed up the river of the same name, and taken possession
of the country in the name of France. This same region became afterwards the
great French stronghold in America.
A Frenchman by the name of Champlain sailed up the beautiful river St.
Lawrence, and was so charmed with the scenery of the country that in 1608, the
year after Jamestown was settled, he began to plant a colony on the site of what
is now Quebec. The settlement soon became a city and the capital of the French
possessions in America.
The French were also the first explorers of the vast interior regions of our
country. Their fur traders and trappers kept on good terms with the Indians, and
slowly pushed along the shores of the Great Lakes until they had established a
chain of trading-posts from the St. Lawrence to Lake Superior. About the time of
King Philip's War in New England Father Marquette discovered the upper
Mississippi, and floated down this great river nearly as far as the mouth of the
104. La Salle floats down the Mighty Mississippi.—The bravest and ablest
of all the French explorers was a fur-trader by the name of La Salle. This daring
man, whose life was filled with romantic adventures and hardships, bravely
undergone, gave France the right to claim as her own the vast domain of the
Mississippi valley.
On Lake Erie, La Salle built a small vessel, in which he sailed to the westward
over the Great Lakes. In the year 1682, with a few companions, he floated down
the mighty Mississippi until he reached the Gulf of Mexico.
With solemn ceremonies he claimed for France all the country drained by this
great river and its branches. This enormous territory, extending from the
Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains, he named Louisiana in honor of his king,
Louis XIV. The narrow strip of land held by the English along the Atlantic
seaboard seemed a feeble possession compared with the vast untrodden
wilderness known as "New France."
Hand in hand with the French explorers and fur-traders, and often in advance
of them, went the Jesuit missionaries. In their efforts to carry their religion to the
Indians and convert them to their faith, these zealous men boldly struck out into
the unbroken wilderness of the great West. They often became brave and
intelligent explorers. All hardships and all dangers, and even torture by the
Indians, they endured without a murmur.
105. Beginning of the Contests between the French and English Colonists.
—At the time the French and English were making settlements on this continent,
and for many long and weary years, with very short intervals of rest, Europe was
cursed with war. Whether these cruel strifes between the nations arose from
political ambition, greed for gain, or common jealousy, there was always
intermingled the same old undercurrent of religious hatred. The French settlers
in this country were Roman Catholics, while the English were almost all
Protestants. Hence it is not strange that these bitter religious controversies were
not confined to the Old World, but stained with blood the soil of the New.
The English colonists dearly loved their mother country; her wrongs were
their wrongs. Hence when war was declared between France and England, the
English colonists readily took up arms against the French.
106. The French and Indian Wars.—In the seventy-four years from 1689 to
1763 the American colonies were involved in four wars, occupying in all
twenty-seven years. These were called by different names; but the last and most
important is known as the "French and Indian War," which began in 1755 and
lasted about eight years.
These long contests really made one continuous series of hostile operations,
with only a breathing-spell now and then. It was one long-drawn-out and
stubborn battle to decide whether the French or the English should be masters of
North America. Jealous of the rich and prosperous English colonies on the
seaboard, and having determined that England should not control the whole of
this vast continent, the French built a chain of more than sixty forts stretching
from Montreal to New Orleans.
The French had always treated the Indians with more consideration than had
their rivals. The Jesuit missionaries had converted many of the red men to their
religious belief. Sometimes the French took Indian women for wives, and often
they adopted the red man's ways of living.
107. The Indians ally themselves with the French.—When these sons of the
forest found the English slowly but surely crowding them out of their haunts and
homes, and saw that their hunting grounds were getting reduced to mere strips of
territory here and there, it was not strange that they felt bitter towards the ever-
encroaching new-comers. The tribes had steadily diminished, and they were
unable to cope single-handed with the English. Hence they naturally looked to
the French for help, and the French readily induced the Indians to join them
against the English and their American descendants.
It was a fierce struggle. English and American blood flowed like water before
it was ended. The Indians never fought in open field, but always after their own
fashion. They trusted to sudden attacks, especially at night, and to rapid raids,
doing their savage work suddenly and retreating swiftly into the forest.
Lonely families and small settlements suffered most. Like lightning out of the
clear sky came the horror of an Indian night attack. The war-whoop waked the
midnight sleepers and the glare of burning cabins lighted up the darkness.
The massacre of defenseless women and children crimsoned the earth in
scores of settlements during these cruel wars.
108. The Indian Attack on Deerfield in the Massachusetts Colony.—One
bitter cold night in February, 1704, the French and Indians attacked the town of
Deerfield in the western part of Massachusetts. For this purpose they had walked
all the way from Canada on snowshoes. The people had been warned of their
danger, but the watchmen fell asleep, and the villagers were awakened by the
war-whoop of their savage foes. About fifty men, women, and children were
killed, and nearly a hundred half-clad captives were marched off through the
deep snows. Those who could not keep up were killed with the tomahawk.
The minister of the village, Rev. John Williams, his wife and six children,
were among those captured and carried to Canada. The wife lagged behind and
was killed. Strange to say, however, the minister and all his children, though they
suffered all manner of hardships, and were sold as captives, after a time reached
home in safety. The good man lived to write an account of his adventures.
One little girl seven years old was treated kindly by her captors and was
brought up as one of their tribe. She married an Indian chief and long afterwards
visited her people in Deerfield. She wore the Indian dress and had come to love
the wild life. Her former friends and neighbors begged her to stay with them, but
"she returned to the fires of her own wigwam, and to the love of her Mohawk
109. Hannah Dustin's Famous Adventure with the Indians.—The story of
Hannah Dustin, of Haverhill, Mass., has often been told. One day in 1697 the
Indians attacked the village. Mr. Dustin saved all his family except his wife and
her nurse, who were captured. They marched these women and an English boy
many long days to their camp on an island far up the Merrimac River. As Mrs.
Dustin's babe prevented her keeping up well on the journey, an Indian cruelly
killed it.
The boy, who understood the Indian language, heard the savages tell of the
horrible tortures they intended to inflict upon their captives. When Mrs. Dustin
heard of this she laid her plans. She made the lad slyly learn from the Indians
how to swing a tomahawk and where to strike.
One night, when the savages lay around the camp-fire sound asleep, the three
captives arose softly, each killed with one blow the Indian nearest, then three
more, and so on till ten were finished. One young boy and one squaw escaped. It
was an awful thing for Mrs. Dustin to do, but the memory of her murdered child
made her brave and strong. They seized an Indian canoe, and the three paddled
swiftly down the river, and half dead with hunger and fatigue reached home.
Their friends could hardly believe their eyes. The heroic woman brought home
ten Indian scalps as proof of what she had done.
110. How the Colonial Boys learned to shoot.—We can now well
understand that the settlement of a new country amid hostile Indians demanded
from our colonial fathers eternal vigilance, and developed in them remarkable
skill with firearms.
Even the colonial boy, we are told, as soon as he was big enough to level a
musket, was given powder and ball to shoot squirrels. After a little practice he
was required to bring in as many squirrels as he was given charges for the gun,
under penalty of a severe lecture, or even of having his "jacket tanned"!
At the age of twelve the boy became a block-house soldier, with a loophole
assigned him from which to shoot when the settlement was attacked by the
Growing older, he became a hunter of deer, bears, and other wild animals, and
had at any moment, day or night, to be in readiness to pit his life against those of
hostile Indians.
111. Capture of Louisburg.—During the third French and Indian war, which
began when George Washington was a boy of fourteen and which lasted four
years, the New England colonists determined to strike a hard blow against
France. They fitted out an army of about four thousand fishermen and farmers,
put their expedition under the command of General William Pepperell, and
sailed from Boston to capture Louisburg on the island of Cape Breton.
With its walls of masonry thirty feet high this was the strongest fortress on the
continent except Quebec, and was known as the "Gibraltar of America." It
commanded the entrance to the Gulf and the mouth of the St. Lawrence. With
the aid of a British fleet the colonists laid siege to the great fortress.
After a lively contest of about six weeks, Louisburg was taken (1745). The
colonial army returned to Boston and was received with shouts of joy. But at the
close of the war Louisburg was restored to the French. Great was the wrath of
the colonists, who spoke of the day of surrender as "a black day, to be forever
blotted out of New England calendars."
112. The Struggle beyond the Alleghanies.—For a long time the Alleghany
Mountains served as a natural boundary between the English settlements in the
East and the French trading-posts and forts in the West.
Meanwhile the English settlers were steadily pushing westward over the
mountains and beginning to trade with the Indians on the other side. The French
merchants often met their hated rivals in the woods and quarreled with them.
From the first, England claimed all this country as her own, and looked upon the
building of French forts as an invasion of her territory. The French stirred up the
Indians to drive the English away, and would not even allow them to make so
much as a survey of land in the rich Ohio valley.
113. Young George Washington selected for an Arduous Undertaking.—
This action of the French aroused the wrath of the prosperous Virginia colony
and of its energetic governor. He decided to send a letter to the French
commander warning him to leave the country. Governor Dinwiddie selected for
this task a land surveyor only twenty-one years of age. His name was George
Washington. He was even then known for his courage, his sound judgment, and
his knowledge of the Indians.
It was a journey of more than a thousand miles there and back, through an
unbroken wilderness. With seven companions young Washington set out on his
perilous trip in the fall of 1753. They climbed mountains, swam streams, and
threaded their way through mountain ravines, following Indian trails which no
white man had ever seen before.
After many hardships they reached the French posts. The French commander
read the letter that Washington had brought from the governor of Virginia. He
replied that he was there by command of his superior officers, and that he meant
to drive every Englishman out of the Ohio valley! There was nothing for
Washington to do but to start for home. Winter had now set in and it was soon
severely cold. The homeward journey became a serious matter. The pack-horses
gave out. The brave young leader and his guide pressed ahead on foot. Often as
they lay down at night their wet clothing froze fast upon them. They secured an
Indian as a guide, but he proved a scamp. One evening at dusk he raised his gun
and fired at Washington, but missed his aim. The guide seized the savage, flung
him to the ground, and would have killed him, but Washington spared his life.
After many hardships and dangers the two men reached home in safety.
114. The Beginning of the Final Struggle.—The final struggle was now
impending between England and France to determine which should control
America. The contest began in earnest in Virginia. Washington had taken
advantage of his perilous errand to the French commander to select a place for
an English fort. It was at the point where the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers
unite to form the Ohio. This is the spot where the city of Pittsburgh now stands.
It was the main entrance to the valley of the Ohio. For many years it was called
the "Gateway of the West." The English built a fort on this spot, but the French
easily captured it and held it under the name of Fort Du Quesne.
115. Braddock's Ill-Fated Expedition.—Affairs now became so serious that
General Braddock was sent out from England with two regiments of regulars.
Early in the year 1755 he began his march through the Virginia forests to
recapture the French stronghold. He selected Washington as a member of his
staff. "I want you," said the British general, "to take your Virginia riflemen and
go with me and my veterans to drive the French from Ohio." Washington
consented. He joined Braddock's army with three companies of Virginia
The English general and his regulars were brave, but they knew nothing about
fighting Indians. Never did an army seem better prepared. They felt sure of
victory. Soon they plunged into the forest. There were no roads there. After a
hard march of four weeks they came within a few miles of the French fort.
Washington warned the proud British general of his peril. "The Indians," said he,
"may attack us in yonder deep pass. Let me go ahead with my riflemen and
skirmish for the savages."
Braddock was an old soldier, and he thought he knew more than his young
staff-officer who had learned from experience how to fight Indians. The general
laughed at the well-meant advice. Next day, as they were marching through a
deep ravine, suddenly came the yells of savages and the crack of rifles. The
British veterans were eager to fight, but they could see no foe. The men were
shot down like sheep.
The young Virginian and his riflemen leaped behind trees and rocks and
fought the Indians in their own way. All was confusion. Braddock acted bravely.
He had five horses killed under him. He did all that a valiant man in such a
situation could do; but it was in vain.
116. Washington saves Braddock's Army from Destruction.—Washington
and his Virginia rangers saved Braddock's army from destruction. The French
and the Indians knew well the tall figure of Washington, who was in the thickest
of the fight, and they kept firing at him. Two horses were shot under him. Four
bullets passed through his clothing, but he did not receive a scratch.
Many years afterwards an old Indian chief came to see Washington, and told
him that he had fired from ambush on the dreadful day of Braddock's defeat, and
both he and his young warriors had often aimed at him as he rode about
delivering the general's orders; but as they could not hit him, they had concluded
that he was under the protection of the Great Spirit and could not be slain in
Braddock was at last hit. He sank to the ground mortally wounded. "What is
to be done now?" he faintly asked. "We must retreat," replied Washington.
A retreat was ordered, and Washington and his riflemen defended the rear so
well that what was left of the routed army at last reached a place of safety. More
than seven hundred of them had fallen, including Braddock himself and three-
fourths of his officers. What a penalty the proud British general paid for refusing
to take good advice!
117. The Virginians fight desperately for their Homes.—The French were
now left in full possession of all the region west of the Alleghanies. The Indians
took advantage of the situation to make fresh attacks upon the Virginia colonists.
The Virginians fought with desperation for their homes. Washington was put
in command of the forces. He wrote that "the supplicating tears of the women
and the moving petitions of the men melted him into deadly sorrow." Three years
after the Braddock calamity, Washington again marched his men through the
woods against Fort Du Quesne and recaptured it.
The capture of this stronghold was an important event to the colonists, for a
highway which was never afterwards closed was then opened to the great West.
The name of the fort was changed to Pittsburgh, in honor of England's illustrious
prime minister, William Pitt, who had planned the expedition.
It was just this experience in hard fighting against the French and Indians that
providentially aided in fitting Washington to win success as commander-in-chief
of the American forces in the fast approaching war of the Revolution.
118. Quebec, the carefully guarded Stronghold.—We must remember that
there had been fighting for nearly two years in America before England really
declared war against France in 1756. During this time the French had held the
mastery, and the English had met with sad reverses. A new leader had now come
into power in England, the great statesman, William Pitt.
The influence of this remarkable man changed the course of affairs as if by
magic. He fully understood America's greatest needs. From this time the English
were everywhere successful. Important forts were taken from the French, such as
Niagara, Ticonderoga, and Crown Point.
There was only one great stronghold left to the French. This was Quebec on
the St. Lawrence. It was not only one of the strongest fortresses in the world, but
it was commanded by the Marquis de Montcalm, one of the ablest generals of
his time.
119. How Quebec was taken.—A brave young officer, General Wolfe, was
sent out from England to command the attack on Quebec. The outlook was
enough to discourage any one, however experienced and skillful. The fort itself
is on a high point of land overlooking the city. The English troops were on the
river-bank, hundreds of feet below.
Every movement of the English was reported at once to the French. Wolfe was
at first repulsed at every point. One day, as he was reconnoitering, he discovered
a steep and narrow path which led up the precipitous bluff to a level spot known
as the Plains of Abraham. He made up his mind to climb it with his men.
Soon afterwards the English troops were quietly rowed down the river, under
the cover of darkness, to a little bay since known as Wolfe's Cove. As the young
English general glided along in his boat, he quoted extracts from Gray's "Elegy
in a Country Churchyard." As he repeated the stanza beginning, "The boast of
heraldry, the pomp of power," he said that he would rather have written that
poem than take Quebec. The little pathway was reached. Wolfe leaped first on
shore. Under his leadership the English soldiers climbed the steep.
At sunrise on the morning of Sept. 13, 1759, the British army, five thousand
strong, stood on the Plains of Abraham. Great was the amazement of the French
general, for he thought it impossible for any one to scale the cliffs. Montcalm
chose to come out of the fortress and fight the English on the open ground. This
was a fatal mistake, for after a fierce struggle the French were defeated.
In the hour of victory Wolfe was fatally wounded. While dying he heard the
cry, "They run! they run!" Rousing himself he asked, "Who run?" Upon being
told it was the French he exclaimed: "Now God be praised; I will die in peace!"
Montcalm was also fatally wounded. When told he could not live, the gallant
Frenchman cried out, "So much the better; I shall not live to see the surrender of
The French retired within their fortifications, but in a few days Quebec was
surrendered into the hands of the English. The fate of Canada was decided by the
fall of this city.
120. The End of the War and the Result.—Although the victory at Quebec
practically ended the French and Indian War, it was not until 1763 that peace was
declared. By the treaty France gave up to England the whole of Canada, together
with all the territory between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi, except the city
of New Orleans. She retained a few barren islands near Newfoundland as a
shelter for her fishermen. The vast region spreading westward from the
Mississippi towards the Pacific, under the name Louisiana, together with the city
of New Orleans, was made over to Spain.
121. Severe and Curious Punishments.—In the early colonial times the laws
were for the most part rigid and the punishments severe. Criminals were
occasionally branded with a hot iron. If a man shot a fowl on Sunday, he was
often publicly whipped. Small offenses were punished in a way which would not
be tolerated in our times. A woman who had been complained of as a scold was
placed in front of her house with a stick tied in her mouth. Sometimes a common
scold was fastened to what was known as a "ducking stool" at one end of a
seesaw plank, and ducked in a pond or river!
Some crimes were punished by making the offender stand up on a stool in
some public place, while fastened to his breast was a large placard on which his
crime was printed in coarse letters, as LIAR or THIEF. There were in some
colonies public whipping-posts for the special benefit of hardened offenders. In
other cases the stocks were used, the culprit being seated on a bench in a public
place, his feet projecting through holes in a plank; or the pillory, where he had to
stand up with his neck and wrists painfully confined in a similar way. These last
two modes of punishment were a source of no small amusement to the throng
that gathered around, whose jeers and scorn must have been hard to bear. Once a
couple of men in Plymouth county had a brisk little quarrel, and they were
punished by being bound together for twenty-four hours, head to head and foot
to foot.
122. How Sunday was kept.—Sunday was rigidly observed in New England.
In olden times, and almost to our own day, the Lord's Day was made to begin at
sunset on Saturday evening. Sunday schools were not then known. But every
person was compelled to attend religious service or be punished. If a man stayed
away from church for a month without a good excuse, he might be put in the
stocks or into a wooden cage. No word could be spoken with impunity against
the church or the rulers. He who used his tongue too freely was placed in the
pillory or stocks, or was fined, and in some extreme cases he lost his ears.
The minister was the great man of the village. He was looked up to and
consulted about nearly everything, and he generally decided what punishment
should be inflicted on evil-doers. In earliest times the people were called to
meeting by drumbeat or by the blowing of a horn. The log meeting-house had
oiled paper windows, or, if of glass, small diamond-shaped panes set in leaden
frames made in England.
Inside there was no fire and there were no cushions. Families did not sit
together as now; but old men, young men, and women all sat by themselves.
Boys occupied the pulpit steps or the gallery. On a bench just below the preacher
sat the row of deacons, facing the congregation. If aged, they wore bright-
colored flannel caps to protect their heads from numerous drafts. It was the
business of the deacons to "line off" the Psalms as the people sang them. Books
being very scarce, most of the congregation did not have any: accordingly the
deacon would read aloud two lines, and when these were sung, read the next
two, and so on. Every one sang. There was no choir, no organ, no instrumental
music of any kind, and no hymns such as we have now. They sang the Psalms,
which were arranged in metre for convenience in singing.
123. The Discomforts of attending Church in Colonial Days.—As the
meeting-house was bitter cold in midwinter, women often carried foot-stoves,
small sheet-iron boxes containing a few hot coals, which were a source of great
comfort. The sermons were tedious, lasting two hours or even more; for those
patient people valued a sermon very much according to its length. On the pulpit
stood an hour-glass, which a deacon would reverse when the sands of the hour
had fallen through.
Since the seats were hard, and the sermons long, and the men and women had
worked early and late through the week, it was no wonder that some of the
hearers were sleepy. It was, however, a serious offense to sleep in meeting. The
watchful tithing-man, as he was called, was always on the lookout for drowsy
people. It was his duty to see that the Lord's Day was respected by every person.
He was armed with a long rod, one end tipped with a hare's foot and the other
with a hare's tail. If the slumberer was a woman, he used to touch, possibly to
tickle, her face with the soft fur. But if a youngster nodded, his head got a sharp
rap from the rabbit's foot.
People in those days had to be thrifty. To save wear and tear, boys and girls
walked barefoot to church in summer, with their shoes and stockings under their
arms. They put them on as they entered the meeting-house, taking them off again
as they started for home.
124. The Food in Olden Times; what it was, and how it was served.—In
old colonial times our wheat bread was comparatively unknown. Loaves were
made of mixed Indian meal and rye, not unlike the brown bread of our time.
Baked pumpkin with milk was a favorite dish. Bean porridge was always a
common article of food, and in some parts of the country it is still popular. It was
made by boiling beans with the liquor in which corned beef had been cooked. It
was very convenient for wood-choppers in winter to carry a frozen piece of
porridge in their pockets and thaw it out for dinner in the woods. The longer it
was kept, the better it tasted. Hence the common rhyme, "Bean porridge hot,
bean porridge cold; bean porridge in the pot; nine days old."
In well-to-do families the cupboard or dresser shone with well-scoured pewter
plates, platters, and porringers. Square wooden plates were often used; but with
some poorer families there was one common dish used, from which the whole
family helped themselves with their fingers.
Instead of forks, which were not known, they had thick and clumsy pewter
spoons. These were easily broken, and they often had to be melted up and run
over again into moulds by men who traveled from house to house for this
purpose. In fact shoemakers, tailors, dressmakers, butchers, and other highly
useful artisans traveled about from one family to another in pursuit of work.
125. Schools in Olden Times; the Schoolmaster; Schoolhouses and how
they were furnished.—In most of the colonies the settlers were hardly located
in their new homes before they began to provide schools for their children. In
1635 the town of Boston "voted to entreat brother Philemon Pormont to become
schoolmaster," and, in 1647, the law was passed which is the foundation of the
splendid educational system of Massachusetts.
Only six years after Boston was founded, the sum of two thousand dollars was
set apart to found "a seminary at Cambridge," which has now become Harvard
University. For years afterwards, every family gave annually one peck of corn,
or one shilling in money, to support the young college.
Besides the usual branches, the early schools were required to teach religion
and morals and the laws. They taught little enough of what we call school
The schoolhouses were rough and crude. They usually had but one room.
Within the room, the door and the big fireplace were on one side, while against
the other three walls was a long, rough shelf, in front of which was a seat made
of a split log with legs driven beneath. The pupils faced the wall with their backs
to the teacher. In front was another lower bench filled by the younger pupils. The
teacher sat near the middle of the room, and there the classes stood to recite. The
sessions were long, seven or eight hours a day. The boys had to furnish the
firewood, and if any unlucky fellow failed to bring in his share, he had to sit in a
cold corner for that day. When the fire was brisk, the scholars were almost
roasted on one side and nearly frozen on the other.
The teachers were often incompetent, either broken-down men or needy
widows. The children brought each a few pennies a week for tuition. There were
not many text-books, and the supplies were very scanty. The scholars often
learned to write and "cast accounts" on pieces of white birchbark.
But some were disposed to shine in apparel more showy than their purses
could afford or their rank allow. All such victims of personal vanity were liable
to be ordered to appear before the court; for any person whose estate was less
than a thousand dollars was "forbidden to wear gold or silver lace, or any lace
above two shillings a yard." Once a "goodwife" by the name of Alice Flynt was
required to show that she was worth money enough to be able to wear a silk
hood. But the woman proved that she was, and she was allowed to wear her
finery in triumph. In like manner, "goodman" Jonas Fairbanks was arrested for
wearing "great boots," meaning boots with high tops that turned over showy red.
He too escaped punishment and continued to sport his extravagance.
129. How the Wealthier People lived.—But after a while in the cities, the
really wealthy, of whom there were not a few, often dressed in fine style.
Gentlemen when fully equipped wore three-cornered cocked hats, long velvet
coats, embroidered silk waistcoats with flaps weighted with lead, breeches
coming only to the knees, long silk stockings, and pointed shoes adorned with
large silver buckles. Stately men wore their hair powdered, a long queue hanging
down the back, where it was tied with a black ribbon. The clothing was often
enriched with gold and silver lace, and glittering buttons. A mass of lace ruffles
adorned the wrists and flowed over the hands. The street cloak glistened with
gold lace, while a gold-headed cane and a gold snuff-box confirmed the wearer's
title to rank as a gentleman.
Ladies of wealth in the city wore rich heavy silk over stiff hoops, and
towering hats adorned with tall feathers, with hair massed and powdered as if
with snowflakes. All the fashions of high life were very exacting and precise.
The wealth and style of the cities were displayed in the fine houses, the heavy,
rich furniture imported from England, the massive silver plate of the tables, the
luxurious living, and the choice wines.
The forms of address, too, showed the social rank. The terms "lady" and
"gentleman" were applied only to persons of recognized standing. Our everyday
title of "Mr." was conferred only upon ministers and the officers of the law, and
upon their sons if college bred. The title "Mrs." was limited to the wives of
prominent men. But if Mr. John Smith was proved guilty of any offense, as theft
or lying, he was always afterwards known only as John Smith. For ordinary
people above the grade of servants the title of "Goody" was in common use,
meaning either "Goodman" or "Goodwife."
138. The Obnoxious Stamp Act.—There came at last one event which, of all
the troubles, hastened the Revolution. The French and Indian War had cost both
England and the colonies a great deal of money. King George wanted to compel
the colonies to pay part of this expense, and accordingly Parliament passed in
1765 the "Stamp Act," the most unpopular measure ever tried with the colonists.
This law required that stamped paper should be used for all bills, bonds, notes,
wills, and deeds, and even for all pamphlets, almanacs, and newspapers.
Stamps for this purpose had to be bought of stamp officers appointed by the
king. They were for the most part not unlike our revenue stamps. One kind was a
red-ink seal, made with a hand stamp; the other a seal on blue paper, to be
fastened on the article. The cost varied from one cent to fifty dollars each. No
document was legal unless stamped.
Our people at once saw that if England could levy taxes in this way, she could
in many other ways, and there would be no end to such high-handed and
tyrannical laws. Besides, there were no American representatives in Parliament,
and Americans had no voice at all in the matter. They felt that the tax thus laid
upon them was wrong. They did not object to paying the cost of a trifling tax.
They felt bound to resist the rank injustice of the demand. It was not the amount
but the principle at stake.
139. The Indignation of the People.—The people were aroused. A storm of
indignation swept over the land. Violent opposition broke out along the entire
length of the colonies. They pledged themselves to stand by each other. The cry
passed through the land: "No taxation without representation!" This became the
watchword of the country. They did not wish to avoid paying a fair assessment
in a fair way; but they insisted that, as always before, their own legislatures and
not Parliament should levy the contribution. Our forefathers declared over and
over again that they would not be taxed by a governing body three thousand
miles away, whose members had never seen America.
140. Patrick Henry and his Bold Speech.—One day the Virginia Assembly
was in session. Washington was there in his seat, and Jefferson, then a young law
student, stood listening at the door. Patrick Henry stoutly argued that Virginia
was not bound to obey any law which was plainly a menace to the common
freedom of Englishmen.
"Cæsar had his Brutus," said the bold and eloquent orator; "Charles the First
his Cromwell, and George the Third"——
"Treason!" shouted the Speaker of the Assembly, and the cry, "Treason,
treason!" rang through the room.
The intrepid patriot finished his sentence: "may profit by their example. If that
be treason, make the most of it!"
141. The People combine to resist the Hated Law.—The people combined
to resist, and a stamp-tax congress was held in New York. Lovers of liberty
would not deal in stamped goods. They refused to buy a single stamp. Riots
occurred at the stamp offices. Packages of stamps were seized, and some were
publicly burned in the streets. Boxes of stamped paper arriving in vessels were
seized and thrown overboard. Publishers of newspapers decorated their headlines
with skull and cross-bones instead of stamps. Stamp officers were dragged out
and compelled to swear they would not sell any stamps.
On the day for the law to take effect, funeral bells were tolled, flags were at
half-mast, and shops were closed. New England, New York, Virginia, and the
Carolinas all felt alike and acted alike. William Pitt, also called the Earl of
Chatham, one of the greatest of Englishmen, took his stand on the side of the
colonies in a speech of surpassing eloquence and power. The hated law was
repealed in just one year from its passage.
This happy news was received both in England and in America with bonfires,
ringing of bells, and universal rejoicings. But the joy was short-lived. King
George, "industrious as a beaver and obstinate as a mule," and his followers in
Parliament were not slow to pick a fresh quarrel with the Americans.
The next year the English Parliament made a law requiring duties to be paid
on paper, glass, paints, and tea. Again the liberty-loving Americans were a unit
in opposing any kind of taxation that seemed to them illegal. Some of the
legislatures protested to Parliament, and King George answered by breaking up
the legislatures. The people indignantly refused to buy any goods at all from
England while these taxes were demanded. English traders found their business
going to ruin. Ships came loaded with British goods, and had to carry them back.
142. Bitter Hatred of the British Soldiers.—So bitter was the opposition in
Boston that a regiment of British troops was sent there to force the people to
submit even at the point of the bayonet. But a brave people, determined to be
free, is not so easily forced.
The citizens of Boston were ordered to furnish lodging and food for the
soldiers. They would not do it—not they! Their hatred of the soldiers grew more
bitter. Brawls often occurred on the streets. The soldiers on their part began to be
143. Boston Boys stand up for their Rights.—Even the children took part in
the quarrels, as an incident will show. During the winter the boys used to build
snow-slides on Boston Common and slide down upon them to the frog pond.
The English soldiers destroyed these slides, merely to provoke the boys. The
young Americans complained of the injury and set about repairing it. However,
when they returned from school, they found the snow-slides destroyed again.
Several of the boys now waited upon one of the under-officers, and told him
of the conduct of his soldiers; but he would have nothing to say to them; and the
soldiers were more impudent than ever. At last the boys called a meeting and
sent a committee of the largest of their number to General Gage, the commander-
in-chief. He asked why so many boys had called upon him.
"We came, sir," said the tallest, "to demand satisfaction."
"What!" said the general; "have your fathers been teaching you rebellion, and
sent you to show it here?"
"Nobody sent us, sir," he answered, while his cheek reddened and his eye
flashed. "We have never injured nor insulted your troops; but they have trodden
down our snow-slides and broken the ice on the pond. We complained and they
called us young rebels and told us to help ourselves if we could. We told one of
your officers of this, and he laughed at us. Yesterday our slides were destroyed
for the third time; and, sir, we will bear it no longer."
General Gage was a kind-hearted and courteous gentleman. He looked at them
with admiration, and said to an officer at his side: "The very children draw in a
love of liberty with the air they breathe. You may go, my brave boys; and be
assured, if my soldiers trouble you again, they shall be punished."
144. The Boston Massacre.—One night in March (1770) some soldiers
stationed in Boston got into a quarrel, and the noise increased until the guard
was called out. As the platoon of regulars drew up in line, most of the crowd fell
A few remained and reviled the red-coat soldiers, shouting, "Lobster-backs!
Fire if you dare, you cowards! You don't dare to fire!"
Captain Preston, the officer in command, gave the word, "Fire!" The regulars
Five men were killed and several wounded. There was now intense excitement
in Boston. The Old South Church was crowded with an angry town-meeting.
Thousands filled the streets near by. The people demanded that the troops be
removed. The governor promised to remove one regiment. "Both regiments or
none," was the watchword.
Samuel Adams waited upon the governor, and stretching forth his long right
arm, and pointing his finger at him, he sternly demanded, in the name of three
thousand freemen, that the royal governor remove every British soldier from
"I observed his knees to tremble," said the stern patriot in after years; "I saw
his face grow pale—and I enjoyed the sight."
Before sunset of the same day the British troops were removed from the city
and sent to a fort in the harbor. Not until then did the meeting in the Old South
break up.
This unfortunate affair was the so-called "Boston Massacre." It did more to
mould public opinion than weeks of vigorous protest and fine argument could
have done. It was one step, and an important one too, toward the final appeal to
the sword and the bayonet.
145. The Famous Boston Tea Party.—In view of all these troubles, England
took off the taxes from everything but tea. King George said he must have one
tax to maintain the principle of the right of taxation. But the colonists refused to
drink tea imported from China! The women were patriotic and made their tea of
raspberry leaves, sage, and other plants, rather than use the hated foreign article.
But the government of England was determined we should buy tea, and the
merchants sent shiploads of it to our large cities. The Americans were firm. They
vowed that not an ounce of it should land. There was only a few cents' tax on
each pound. What our people disputed was the right of the king to tax. When the
tea reached New York and Philadelphia, none dared to receive it, lest their
houses should be pulled down about their heads. In Charleston, S. C., some was
taken ashore, but as no one would buy it or pay the duty, it was hid in damp
cellars, where it soon spoiled. In Annapolis it was burned.
At Boston warning was several times given to the masters of the ships to sail
out of the harbor. On the last day before the tea must be landed or be prevented
by force from landing, a town-meeting was held in the Old South Church. The
crowd in the church, and in the streets about it, numbered more than seven
thousand people. "It was to be," says John Fiske, "one of the most momentous
days in the history of the world." The discussion continued until dark, and
candles were brought in. It was decided that the tea should not be landed.
"Who knows," shouted one in the audience, "how tea will mix with salt
The church fairly shook with cheers.
Then up rose Samuel Adams and quickly said: "This meeting can do nothing
more to save the country."
This was the signal. A war-whoop was heard outside the door, and forty or
fifty men, disguised as Indians, went quietly aboard the three vessels, and before
the nine-o'clock bell rang three hundred and forty-two chests of tea had been cut
open and their contents emptied into Boston Harbor. This was the famous
"Boston Tea Party" we have so often heard of, and it took place in the middle of
December in 1773. A large crowd of the friends of these men stood on shore
until the deed was done, and then, without doing any other injury to property, all
separated and went home in the clear, frosty moonlight.
The next morning there was not a chest of taxed tea in Boston, on shipboard
or on shore, and Paul Revere was riding post haste to Philadelphia to let the good
people of that city know that Boston had at last thrown down the gauntlet.
One of the "Indians" found a handful of tea in his shoe the next morning. He
carefully saved it and sealed it in a bottle. It is still shown as a souvenir of this
informal "tea party" in Boston harbor.
One rash fellow, probably thinking that his family would like a good drink of
real tea, cut open the lining of his coat and waistcoat, and, watching his chance,
filled them with tea; but he was caught in the act and handled pretty roughly.
146. Attempts to punish Boston.—"Boston shall be punished," said King
George when he heard of the "tea party." Parliament passed the "Boston Port
Bill." By this act the port of Boston was closed. No vessel could go in or out
except under the most rigid conditions. The object of course was to frighten or
force the Boston people into yielding to the royal power.
Near-by towns and the other colonies came to their help by sending food and
other needed articles. The southern colonies sent flour and rice, the middle
furnished corn and money, and many towns sent sheep and cattle. One town in
Connecticut sent a flock of two hundred and fifty sheep. Marblehead sent fish,
and other towns grain.
Warm sympathy came from Virginia. "If need be," said Washington, "I will
raise a thousand men, subsist them at my own expense, and march myself at
their head for the relief of Boston." In fact all the colonies took up the cause of
Boston as their own. Of course the blockade made great hardship for the poor.
There was much suffering from the scarcity of fuel and food. Still the people, as
resolute as their leaders, made little complaint and caused no disorder.
Dr. Joseph Warren overheard some British officers boast that if a patriot ever
addressed the people again in the Old South Church, he would surely lose his
life. This was enough. Warren begged the honor. The church was so crowded
that he had to get a ladder and climb in through a window at the back of the
pulpit. Many British officers were present who annoyed the speaker with groans
and hisses. The fearless patriot, however, made a stirring speech "on the baneful
influence of standing armies in time of peace."
147. The Home Government adopts Stringent Measures.—The charter of
Massachusetts was annulled, and its free government taken away. General Gage,
the commander of the British army in America, was ordered to Boston with
several regiments and was appointed military governor with despotic power.
Cannon were mounted on the heights, tents pitched on the Common, and
companies of red-coats were marching to and fro in the streets.
The effect was exactly what the wisest men in Parliament had predicted. They
had said that the colonies would unite more firmly, and that the American people
would be driven into open rebellion. King George was obstinate and used all his
influence to push the most obnoxious Acts through Parliament.
148. The First Continental Congress.—The first Continental Congress held
its first meeting at Philadelphia in September, 1774. The ablest men of the
colonies were sent as delegates. They forwarded to the king a candid statement
of their grievances. It did no good. Massachusetts was declared in a state of
rebellion. In truth, it looked like it.
Such a condition of affairs could not last long. The feeling was intense against
the king and his all-powerful friends. Arguments were useless. The royal
authority was boldly and stubbornly defied. The sword and the bayonet must
now decide whether king or people were to rule in America.
"The contest may be severe, but the end will be glorious," said the martyr-
patriot Warren, who soon after fell at Bunker Hill.
149. The Patriots prepare for War.—When General Gage began to increase
slowly the number of troops in Boston, and especially when he began to fortify
Boston Neck, it was plain enough that this meant war. The people on their part
began to prepare anxiously for the coming struggle. Every one felt that desperate
times were near at hand. The patriots quickly collected arms and ammunition
and, having packed them in loads of hay and similar disguises to deceive the
British spies, sent them for safe keeping to Concord, about sixteen miles
northwest of Boston.
150. Gage forms Plans to capture Military Stores.—General Gage soon
learned this, and made secret preparations to capture these supplies. Inasmuch as
in previous expeditions of this kind he had met with failure, the advantage of a
surprise was this time to be increased by the presence of a large force. The
Americans, however, were quite as keen of sight and hearing as their enemies,
and had even more reason to keep a sharp lookout.
About midnight on the 18th of April, 1775, Gage quietly sent out from Boston
nearly eight hundred soldiers. He had two objects in view; to seize the military
stores at Concord, and to arrest Samuel Adams and "his ready and willing tool,"
that "terrible desperado," John Hancock.
Gage thought the start of his midnight soldiers was quite unknown to the
Americans. He never suspected that Warren and other vigilant patriots had been
watching every movement, and were determined to thwart his plans. At about
ten or eleven o'clock, two hours before the British soldiers embarked, a signal
lantern hung out of the belfry of the Old North Church in Boston, and in a few
minutes another by its side—"One, if by land, and two, if by sea"—flashed the
tidings of the coming expedition.
151. The Country about Boston aroused.—An hour or two before the
British troops began to cross in boats to Charlestown, two horsemen, who had
been watching for the lantern lights in the steeple, dashed out on swift steeds by
different roads towards Lexington and Concord: William Dawes went like an
arrow over Boston Neck, and then through Roxbury and Watertown, while Paul
Revere across the water sped as if on wings from Charlestown. Their swift
horses' hoofs clattered sharply in the quiet of this beautiful night, striking fire
from the stones in the darkness. But at almost every house they paused a
moment to arouse the sleepers. "Wake up!" they shouted. Windows flew open.
"What's the matter?"—"What's the mat-ter?"
"Matter enough, you'll find, by daylight!" was the hurried reply. "The British
are coming!"
152. The Night March to Concord.—Meanwhile the British soldiers were
marching along rapidly through the cool April night. They made no noise. There
was no drumbeat; the officers gave their commands almost in whispers. Only the
clatter of the horses' hoofs and the steady tramp of the marching men broke the
silence. When day dawned they approached the village of Lexington, ten miles
from Boston and about two-thirds of the way to Concord. They were not entirely
surprised to find, even so early, a squad of armed minute-men awaiting them, for
they had heard church bells ringing and had seen, all along their march, lights
moving to and fro in the farm houses.
153. The Patriots make a stand at Lexington.—The British arrived at
Lexington about half-past four. Ready to meet them were some sixty or seventy
men drawn up on the village green close beside the meeting-house, with loaded
guns. As they stood there, silent and fearless, on that sweet spring morning,
April 19, 1775, their leader, Captain John Parker, who fifteen years before had
climbed the Heights of Abraham by the side of Wolfe, addressed them briefly.
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon," said Parker; "but if they
mean to have a war, let it begin here!" Seventy men against eight hundred! War
it was, and it did begin there.
Major Pitcairn, who soon afterwards fell at Bunker Hill, rode up and cried out:
"Disperse, you villains! Throw down your arms, you rebels, and go home!"
He then discharged his pistol and, turning to his soldiers, cried, "Fire!"
Instantly flashed out the first volley of the Revolutionary War, and eight of the
farmer minute-men fell dead!
The number of the Americans was so small in proportion to that of the British
that the only sensible course was to retreat. They retired with a few parting shots
at the enemy. Then the red-coats, giving three cheers, marched on towards
Concord, six miles farther.
The patriots at Concord had the day before received some hint of the proposed
capture, and had removed most of the military stores to the woods. The British
found two cannon, which they spiked, and some cannon balls and gunpowder,
which they threw into the river. Then they destroyed a quantity of flour, cut
down the liberty-pole, and set fire to the courthouse.
154. The Fight at Concord Bridge.—While they were busy doing this, fresh
minute-men, about four hundred in number, were coming in from all the
adjoining towns. They gathered near the old North Bridge to drive away some
regulars who had begun to take up the planks. As the militia approached, the
British soldiers fired and killed several. Among the dead was Captain Isaac
Davis. Long after life was extinct, the fingers of this brave patriot, as if still true
to his purpose, held firm grasp on his gun.
Major Buttrick, a leader among the soldier-farmers, shouted, "Fire, fellow-
soldiers! Fire!" Obedient to this order, the Americans in return "fired the shot
heard round the world!" The regulars fell back in confusion. The minute-men
held the bridge, and the enemy began a hasty retreat.
Our men were too few in number to join in a square pitched battle with the
trained British soldiers; but as soon as these began to withdraw, the patriots
followed them closely and kept up a brisk discharge of musketry. The previous
volleys and the bell-ringing had aroused the whole adjacent country, and fresh
men came pouring in from every side. Most of them were without their coats;
but they had guns in their hands and they knew how to use them.
155. The British begin their Retreat.—Occasionally the retreating soldiers
would stop and shoot back, and then hurry on and even run, to escape the deadly
bullets. Soon the minute-men, leaping over the stone walls, ran on ahead, or,
cutting across at some bend of the road, got a long distance in advance. Then as
the column came on, the Americans, from behind barns, trees, rocks, and walls,
would pour a storm of shot into the staggering ranks. So from right and left,
behind and before, came in showers the fatal balls of the minute-men. A British
officer afterwards said, "It seemed as if men dropped from the clouds."
You remember Longfellow's description:—
The British suffered fearfully in this six-mile march. The weather was as
sultry as in midsummer, and the dust was suffocating. They had been on the road
without food or water from midnight to noon. They were worn and exhausted,
and the ceaseless shot of the Americans, who were all trained to the use of the
rifle, brought down some of the regulars at almost every step. To go on was
perilous, to pause long was fatal. Dead and wounded men and horses lay all
along the road.
Thus beset, the British pushed on, hurrying back over the dreadful distance till
they reached Lexington. Here they were rejoiced to find a thousand soldiers sent
out from Boston under Lord Percy to meet them. These had marched out of
Boston to the tune of Yankee Doodle! They were formed in a hollow square, and
into this shelter rushed the runaway red-coats, falling upon the green grass from
pure exhaustion, "with their tongues hanging out of their mouths, like dogs after
a chase." Lord Percy allowed a rest of only about half an hour, knowing very
well that the longer he delayed the greater would be the increasing swarm of
armed men gathering around him.
156. The Panic-Stricken British Regulars at last reach the Shelter of the
Men-of-War.—The British commander had now in all nearly eighteen hundred
men, and he made straight for Charlestown, the nearest point of safety. But in
spite of this large force, the minute-men with their unerring aim kept on his
flanks, picking off the regulars, especially the officers, all along the road. In vain
the officers threatened; the men ran like sheep. At sunset the British reached
Charlestown and found themselves safe under the shelter of their men-of-war.
If Percy's reinforcements had not come up, all the British soldiers that started
back from Concord would have been killed or taken prisoners. The king's
regulars had been driven in rout and almost panic before the stout-hearted
minute-men. Well might General Gage feel keenly the disgrace.
The loss on both sides at Lexington and Concord was small. Most of the
fighting took place on the retreat, where the loss of the Americans was about
fifty killed and forty-three wounded, while the British lost in all two hundred and
seventy-three men.
157. What the Eventful Day showed.—Thus began and ended one of the
most eventful days in the history of our country. It witnessed the opening
conflict of the American Revolution.
When that sturdy patriot, Samuel Adams, heard the crackle of the musketry,
he exclaimed, "What a glorious morning is this!" He knew that the time had
come when the people must draw the sword.
The Americans had now shown that they could fight. They saw the
promptness with which they could assemble, and they felt that, if need were,
they could defend themselves. The British also learned that the American
farmers could fight, and that, too, on the spur of the moment. They found that
the colonies were not to be frightened into submission. It became plain to each
side that very serious work was near at hand. The grim figure of WAR cast its
long black shadow into the future.
The shots of these resolute farmers echoed far and wide. They told the whole
world that a people stood ready to give their lives in defense of their rights; that
they fought after their own fashion, and they fought hard.
158. The Minute-Men; the Work they did, and how they did it.—The
minute-men were bands of enrolled patriots pledged to start at a minute's notice
to a call for their services. They had few good weapons, mostly shotguns for
hunting birds and squirrels. They were short of powder and ball. In many of the
families the women melted or pounded up their pewter spoons and dishes into
bullets and slugs.
The minute-men were numerous in every town, and when the alarm was
given, they would leave plow or shop, hurry home, take down the gun from its
hooks over the fireplace, bid good-by to wife and children, and be off to help
their country in its peril.
Israel Putnam, in leather frock and apron, was at work in a field on his farm in
Connecticut when he heard of Lexington. Leaving the plow in the furrow, he
jumped on his horse and rode the hundred or more miles to Cambridge in
eighteen hours. John Stark was at work in his sawmill in New Hampshire when
the news of Lexington came. He stopped the mill, hurried home, took down his
rifle, and rode on horseback to Cambridge. In his haste he even forgot to put on
his coat!
Every town had a company or two of minute-men and of militia soldiers, who
regularly met and drilled. The soldiers and the officers of these companies were
usually the best citizens of the towns. Thirty-one towns were represented among
the patriots who hastened to the fight on the nineteenth of April.
159. Tablets now shown along this Historic Road.—If some day we should
take a ride over this very road, we should notice along the way numerous
landmarks of that famous contest—carved monuments, houses with bullet holes
carefully preserved, bronze tablets on houses, marking some spot of special
interest. At Fiske's Hill, in Lexington, an inscription records that at a well near
by two soldiers met to drink. The British grenadier raised his gun and said to
James Hayward, "You are a dead man!" "And so are you!" replied the minute-
man. Both fired; one was instantly killed, and the other mortally wounded.
On Lexington Common we should see a stately monument with a long
inscription reciting the event.
At Concord Bridge would be seen a noble statue of the Minute-Man, beneath
which on the pedestal are Emerson's famous verses:—
The American army, now nearly twenty thousand strong, formed a line of
encampments in a great semicircle of sixteen miles, halfway around the city
from Roxbury Neck to the Mystic River. They soon learned that Gage intended
to break through the American lines into the country for a supply of provisions.
162. Plans to checkmate the British.—General Ward, having discovered that
the British were planning to sally forth through Charlestown, determined to
strike first and so defeat their project. It was decided to seize and fortify some
suitable hill in Charlestown. Colonel William Prescott, a well-tried soldier of the
French-Indian wars, and grandfather of Prescott, the famous historian, was
ordered, on the sixteenth of June, to march that night with nearly a thousand men
to Bunker Hill and throw up breastworks.
Soon after sunset the soldiers were formed in a hollow square on Cambridge
Common, and President Langdon of Harvard College offered prayer. The good
man then gave them his blessing and bade them "Godspeed." At nine o'clock
they started on their silent march. At Charlestown Neck they met General
Putnam with more soldiers and wagon-loads of picks and shovels.
163. Entrenched on Bunker Hill.—Prescott led them to the top of Bunker
Hill. After consultation with his officers, he moved on through the darkness to
Breed's Hill, which had a better command of the city and the shipping. The lines
were soon staked out, and at midnight the farmer soldiers began their
entrenchments. So rapidly did they work that the dim morning twilight disclosed
a large square of fresh trenches crowning the hill, with long wings stretching
right and left. They had made a fort in a single night.
How surprised the British were at the sight, as the sun rose on a beautiful
summer morning! They could scarcely believe their eyes. It seemed like a work
of magic. A thousand men had shoveled as they never shoveled before, and not a
British sentry had heard the click of their spades. They saw at once that the
Americans, if they only had time enough to plant a battery of cannon there,
could very soon drive them out of Boston. So the only thing for them to do was
to drive the Americans from that hill, and that too without delay. Accordingly,
the British men-of-war, Lively and Falcon, and then the forts on Copp's Hill in
Boston immediately opened fire.
Meanwhile some hundreds of fresh soldiers arrived to help the Americans,
hungry and weary with their hard night's work. The shot and shell from ships
and fort dropped around and among them, but they worked bravely on in the hot
sunshine till nearly noon. At the left, on the northern slope of the hill, they
moved some rail fences so as to build long double lines close together, and
stuffed the space between with new-mown hay, making an excellent breastwork.
164. The British prepare to storm the Entrenchments.—Things are now
looking serious. The Americans can see and hear the British in Boston preparing
for an attack. Prescott sends hurrying messengers to General Ward at the
Cambridge headquarters for more soldiers. During the forenoon General Stark
arrives with five hundred fresh New Hampshire troops, who were posted behind
the rail fence on the extreme left. Next General Warren comes, and, laying aside
his rank, takes a place of danger among the troops. The combat hastens, and
every minute throbs with emotion.
Soon after one o'clock twenty-eight large boats are seen crossing over from
Boston, loaded with soldiers and artillery. The Americans are now exchanging
shovels for muskets and preparing for the foe. Now the red-coats are landing at
the foot of the hill! See! they are forming in two columns, their bright cannon
and muskets glistening in the hot sun. It is now about three o'clock in the
afternoon. They begin to march up the hill!
General Howe's column is on our left, to break through the grass wall and
push his way behind our forces. Their other column, under General Pigot, is
marching up the hill to attack our redoubt in front. They are coming slowly in
the hot sun of a bright June afternoon. The artillery booms and crashes
incessantly with a deafening roar.
General Gage has ordered that Charlestown be set on fire, and the flames and
smoke of five hundred burning buildings make a terrible scene. All the
surrounding heights, house-tops, and spires are crowded with thousands of
anxious spectators breathlessly watching the thrilling sight.
"Here were sister, wife, and mother, looking wild upon each
And their lips were white with terror as they said, 'THE HOUR HAS
"Oh, the sight our eyes discover as the blue-black smoke blows
The red-coats stretched in windrows as a mower rakes his hay."
Inside the breastworks some were killed and many wounded. Prescott,
Putnam, and Warren were passing up and down the line, cheering and
encouraging the patriots.
166. The British beat a Hasty Retreat to their Boats.—The British officers
rallied their troops as best they could. Death and wounds had thinned their
number by hundreds, and the survivors were far from willing to make a second
charge against that wall of fire. But the threats of the officers and even blows
with their swords finally compelled them to it.
Up they marched again, firing as they came, their ranks moving slowly,
stepping over the bodies of their fallen comrades.
"Wait, boys!" shouted Warren. "Don't fire yet! Wait."
On they came as before, nearer and nearer, until the distance was less than
thirty yards to our silent but fatal line, when instantly there burst forth another
long blaze of fire, even deadlier than before.
The Americans were by practice good marksmen, and the bright red coats and
shining belts of the enemy made excellent targets. The British returned the fire,
and a brisk discharge of musketry was kept up for a few minutes. But it was
useless. Hundreds of their number fell dead on the fatal slope, and in spite of
their officers, the broken ranks staggered and retreated, flying in a panic to the
167. The British advance to the Third Attack.—Now all was fright and
confusion among the British. They were dismayed at the deadly reception our
untrained soldiers had given them. General Clinton, who had been watching the
battle from Copp's Hill and saw the day going against them, instantly hurried
over with fresh troops. Once more the British regulars formed at the foot of the
We may imagine with what mingled feelings the Americans, gazing down
through the rifts of smoke from burning Charlestown, watched the movements of
the reinforced foe. Putnam and Warren again went around cheering our men.
Prescott shouted, "Let's drive them back once more, and they cannot rally
But alas! the stock of powder was giving out! The patriots had only three or
four rounds left, and as for close fighting, there were only about fifty bayonets to
all their guns. Orders were passed along to use their powder carefully, to hold
fire until the enemy came within twenty yards, and to make every shot tell.
Meantime the enemy's cannon from the ships had got a better range, and were
pouring in a galling fire. The prospect on our side was beginning to look
desperate. Short of powder; without bayonets; confronted by brave enemies
always twice our number, and now with fresh troops; tired out with marching or
digging all night and shoveling or fighting all day; for the most part without food
and water,—our men still defiantly held the fort.
At five o'clock the British formed for the third attack, advancing now in three
columns to charge us on three sides. This time their knapsacks were laid aside,
and they marched in light order. Up they came as before, only slower; for they
realized that they had a dangerous enemy before them. They reserved their fire.
When they reached that same deadly range, once more our ramparts poured forth
the deadly volleys.
The British wavered, but then rallied and rushed forward to the breastworks
with fixed bayonets.
"Make every shot tell!" shouted Prescott to his men.
As the British began to climb over our earthworks, our soldiers spent their last
shots upon those who mounted first. Among those who fell dead at the redoubt
was Major Pitcairn, who at Lexington had cried out, "Disperse, ye rebels!"
168. The Patriots forced to retreat from Lack of Ammunition.—Their
powder all gone, what could the patriots do but retreat? This they did in good
order for raw soldiers, many staying to smite the enemy with the butts of their
muskets, then with the barrels after the butts were broken off, and some even
with stones. The British were now closing in upon them on all sides, and at last
Prescott, to avoid being completely shut in, gave the word to retreat. He was one
of the last to leave, defending himself with his sword from the bayonets of the
Alas! one shot of the last volley from the British killed our beloved Warren!
When General Howe heard of this he said, "Warren's death is equal to the loss of
five hundred men to the Americans."
Stark and Knowlton held the grass fence till the troops had left the top of the
hill, and then retreated with them in good order to Charlestown Neck. On their
way back they met at Bunker Hill General Putnam, who had collected fresh
soldiers and wanted to occupy the trenches he had formed there, and make a
fresh stand against the enemy. But the British ships on both sides could rake this
position, and it was decided to move back to Prospect Hill, which our forces
fortified. It was about six o'clock when the retreat began.
169. Bunker Hill and the Lesson it taught.—In less than three hours, and
with only one hour of actual fighting, all these fearful scenes were enacted. The
Americans, with about fifteen hundred men, lost four hundred and fifty killed
and wounded. But the British, with over three thousand, had lost one thousand
and fifty-four, of whom one hundred and fifty-seven were officers!
Although in form the result of the battle was a defeat, as our army lost their
ground, yet its effect upon the Americans was that of a victory. It taught them
that they were a match for the British troops in a fair fight. This knowledge
nerved them to further resistance against royal oppression. Thus this battle, the
first clear bugle-call of the Revolution, proving beyond all doubt that the British
troops were not invincible, was worth just at this time many decided victories to
the Americans. To the patriots of every colony it gave strength and heart, and the
belief that their cause would succeed. In the march of events and of ideas Bunker
Hill was of momentous importance. It gave the shock that made the patriots
conscious of their might; it cleared their vision and roused them to action.
When Washington first heard of the battle he was riding on horseback to take
command of the army at Cambridge. "Did our men stand fire?" he asked of the
messenger. Being told that they did, and that they waited till the enemy was only
eight rods off, he said, "The liberties of the country are safe!"
But if the Americans learned that they could fight, the British learned it too!
General Gage wrote home: "The trials we have had prove the rebels are not the
despicable rabble too many have supposed them to be."
"If they call that a victory," said a French general, "two or three more such
would extinguish the British army."
"I wish," said General Greene, "that we could sell the British another hill at
the same price."
After Gage had made his formal report of the battle to his superior officers in
England, he was called back in disgrace, and was never entrusted with another
military service. Generals Howe and Clinton learned a costly lesson, and never
again through the war that followed did they lead their men in an open field
against entrenched American soldiers.
Such, briefly told, is the story of Bunker Hill. The truth is, the whole
movement was on the part of the Americans an audacious act. There was more
heroism in it than military prudence. General Ward had at Cambridge only a few
barrels of powder for his entire army; and to send a thousand men to entrench
before a well prepared enemy, in front of batteries and warships, though it
needed to be done, was yet, from a military point of view, a very rash act. On the
other hand, General Gage made a very unwise military movement. No wonder
he was censured for the reckless sacrifice of his soldiers at Bunker Hill.
170. Bunker Hill Monument.—On the crown of the hill and in the center of
the old redoubt stands the splendid monument that tells of this famous struggle.
The square shaft is of Quincy granite, thirty-one feet on each side at the base,
fifteen feet at the top, two hundred and twenty-one feet in height. Inside, a
stairway of two hundred and ninety-four stone steps leads to a room at the top,
whose four windows command a view of wonderful extent and beauty. Just by
the base of the monument we can see to-day a little grassy ridge, the slight
remains of the breastworks of 1775.
The corner-stone was laid by Lafayette in 1825, exactly fifty years after the
battle, and on that occasion Daniel Webster delivered one of his greatest
orations. In front of him sat forty venerable survivors of the conflict. The
finished structure was dedicated in 1842. On this occasion Webster again
delivered a magnificent oration.
When our forefathers heard of this, it angered them more than anything else
that had been done. But even worse still, it was learned that the British
government was taking steps, by means of secret agents, to employ the Indians
to fight on the British side, and use their tomahawks against British colonists!
Finally, to all petitions and appeals the English government replied that it
would not abate any of its demands, and that it would accept from us nothing
short of entire submission and obedience.
174. Independence slowly but surely becomes a Stern Necessity.—Now, if
we recall all the wrongs as to taxation that we have read of in a previous chapter,
and add to them this list of subsequent outrages, the preparations for a long war,
the hiring of Hessians, and the incitement of Indians to fight us, we must see that
our forefathers were compelled to regard England as their determined enemy.
Such were the successive steps by which the old feeling of loyalty to the mother
country gradually vanished, and bitter hostility took its place.
What should the colonies do to protect themselves? This was the all-important
question. The people had been tending toward the conviction that the only
remedy was to break off all connection with England and to be independent.
But it was a long while before this feeling became general. It was a steady and
natural but slow growth. The public indignation, constantly strengthened by
repeated British outrages, at last culminated in mature conviction—a conviction
that the only course left us was to be wholly free, and to stand by ourselves
among the nations of the earth.
As this conviction became stronger and stronger among the good people all
along the narrow coast line from Boston to Charleston, it soon found expression
in many ways. The few newspapers spoke out; public meetings were called to
discuss it, and conventions dared to announce it.
People learned at last that their chief enemy was the king. They saw that the
controversy which began merely as a colonial struggle for their rights as British
subjects had grown broader and deeper, till it became a contest for our rights as
MEN and for the freedom of our entire country from British control. A pamphlet
entitled "Common Sense," written by Thomas Paine, an Englishman who had
recently arrived in America, had an enormous sale and exerted a powerful
influence. It abounded in ready wit, sharp reasoning, and rough eloquence. It
stimulated the longing for independence and the determination to be free or die.
In May, 1775, the people of Mecklenburg County in North Carolina were the
first to pass resolutions advocating independence. They sent them to their
delegates in Congress; but these at that early day did not dare present them.
In May, 1776, Congress, then in Philadelphia, following the trend of public
opinion, advised the colonies to consider themselves as no longer holding any
powers under the authority of Great Britain. That was about the same as a
declaration of independence. Many colonies accordingly set up state
governments of their own without asking the king's consent.
175. Steps taken for a Formal Declaration of Independence.—The second
Continental Congress met at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. Early in June, 1776,
one of the delegates, Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, offered a resolution that
"these United Colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states."
John Adams, of Massachusetts, seconded it in a powerful speech. Three weeks
of delay, to enable some of the colonies to send in their approval, occurred
before its adoption. Then a committee of five, consisting of Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, who
had been appointed to draw up a formal statement, presented the Declaration of
176. The Declaration of Independence; what it said to the World.—The
simple and yet luminous words of this Declaration were written by Jefferson. His
draft was prepared in his lodgings, on a little writing desk which still exists.
Jefferson, in after years, delighted to tell how the final vote was hastened by the
extremely hot weather and by the fact that there was a stable near by, and
swarms of flies came in through the open windows and added much to the
discomfort of the patriots already worn out with the debate and the heat.
Jefferson read his "fair copy" of the Declaration to his friend Benjamin
Franklin. The old philosopher was delighted with the terse style and the vigorous
"That's good; that's right to the point," said he; "that will make King George
wince. I wish I had written it myself."
One of Franklin's biographers declares that it is fortunate that Franklin did not
compose the Declaration, for he would surely have put a joke into the immortal
Every line and sentence of the Declaration of Independence stirred the hearts
of the people then, and it does even now, after the lapse of more than one
hundred and twenty-four years. It embodies in a noble and enduring form the
hopes, feelings, convictions, and aspirations of every true American. When first
proclaimed, it said in thunder tones to all the world that here was a people in far-
away America willing to give their fortunes and their lives for what they
believed to be right.
177. Independence declared.—On the second of July, 1776, the sub-
committee of five patriots submitted to Congress the important document. There
was deep silence as the solemn and earnest words were slowly read. Hearts beat
faster and eyes flashed at the recital of the tyranny of the king and the sufferings
of the people.
A three days' discussion followed. Jefferson remained silent under the sharp
criticism, but the genial old philosopher, Franklin, sat next to him and soothed
his feelings by telling him stories that fitted the case.
At last the great Declaration of Independence, in its final form, was adopted,
July 4, 1776.
During the discussion there was intense excitement in and around the old State
House in Philadelphia, where Congress was in session. Thousands thronged
about the building, watching the barred doors and closed window shutters with
feverish anxiety. The faces of the crowd are turned upward to the steeple, for
there hangs a bell brought from London nearly a quarter of a century before,
bearing the prophetic and singularly appropriate words of Scripture, "Proclaim
liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."
It had been arranged by some one that the bell should be rung the moment the
Declaration of Independence was adopted. The old bell-ringer placed a small
boy at the hall door to await the signal of the doorkeeper. When at last the vote
for independence was declared, the doorkeeper gave the signal, and the boy ran
out shouting, "Ring, ring, ring!"
And the old bell-ringer did ring as he never rang before!
178. How the Declaration was received by the People.—After it had passed
Congress, the Declaration was sent to be read to the people throughout the
thirteen colonies. It was received everywhere with the greatest joy. Bells were
rung, cannon were fired, fireworks were burned, and flags were flung to the
breeze. The bands played martial music, and even the smallest towns and
villages were in a blaze of excitement. Washington ordered the Declaration to be
read to all the brigades of the patriot army in and around New York City. The
occasion was celebrated the same night by pulling down the leaden statue of
George III on Bowling Green, and casting it into bullets.
The magic word was INDEPENDENCE.
John Adams truthfully predicted that these demonstrations of joy would be
reflected in many a year to come by the people of our free country.
The eloquent words of the Declaration of Independence had been pronounced,
but it was left for Washington and his little army to make it good.
England at this time was the most powerful nation in the world. Her navy was
large, and her army was fully equipped and well drilled. Her resources were vast,
and she had now made up her mind to crush the "rebels" in America. To men in
foreign lands it seemed madness for the feeble colonies in America to resist the
royal power of England.
The Declaration of Independence after a time was signed by fifty-six
delegates from all the colonies.
179. Incidents connected with the Great Event.—If we look at a facsimile
of the signatures to the Declaration, we notice that the name of Stephen Hopkins,
of Rhode Island, was written with a tremulous hand. This was due to a partial
paralysis. After he had signed, he smiled at his irregular penmanship and said,
"You see my hand trembles, but my heart doesn't!"
John Hancock's signature is noted for its big, bold letters.
"There," said he, "John Bull can read that without 'specs'!"
As they gathered round to sign their names to the document, "pledging their
lives, their fortune, and their sacred honor" to maintain and defend their action,
every one of them understood very well that, if this revolution failed and, he
should be captured, he was liable to be hanged as a traitor.
John Hancock said to a group of the signers, "We must stand by each other; no
pulling different ways—we must all hang together in this matter."
"Yes," said Franklin, "we must indeed, or we shall all hang separately!"
The Fourth day of July, marked by the momentous event popularly known as
the adoption of the "Declaration of Independence," has properly become our
National Holiday. The day has been celebrated, just as our forefathers said it
would be, with the firing of cannon, the ringing of bells, parades, and bonfires.
From that day to the present, the immortal document has been listened to with
reverence by our people.
180. What the Declaration of Independence should mean to us.—Thus we
have traced the growth of the passion for liberty which finally reached its loftiest
expression in this noble Declaration. Read it and let it grow into your memory.
Do not forget that lovers of liberty, the world over, regard it as the sublimest
state paper ever produced by man, marking the grandest advance in political
progress ever made by the human race.
To us of the present day its chief charm lies in its noble beginning and its no
less noble end. We care little now about the faults and the follies of King
George, but the bold assertions of great truths in the opening sentences of the
Declaration appeal as warmly to us to-day as they did to those for whom they
were first written.
It is interesting to know that it was signed by men of lofty purpose and exalted
character, every one of whom held to his last day a reputation never dishonored.
These were the chosen men, worthy to be leaders with Washington of the young
For good or evil this most momentous step was now taken. There was no
choice left the colonies but to win by hard fighting or to be crushed by their
181. First Campaign for the Control of the Hudson fails.—It did not
require much intelligence on the part of the British government to perceive that
it would be wise policy to separate if possible one group of its revolting colonies
from the rest. This was practicable only along the line of the Hudson. The two
long lakes, Champlain and George, with the navigable river, almost made a great
water highway from Canada on the north to the sea on the south.
The plan to cut off New England from the other colonies was acted upon in
the summer of 1776. Carleton, a most efficient British general, came down from
Canada, captured Crown Point, and got as far as Ticonderoga, when, having
heard nothing of Howe, who was to come up from the south, he was forced by
the lateness of the season to return. Howe had been delayed and baffled by
Washington until it was too late to march north to meet Carleton. Thus the first
campaign for the control of the Hudson proved a failure.
182. The Plan for the Second Campaign.—The British ministry at once
planned for another attempt during the next summer. This time the invasion was
to be carried out by three separate armies working towards a common point. The
main attack was to be made from the north. The army in Canada was to march
south, capture Ticonderoga, and go down the Hudson to Albany. This part of the
campaign was entrusted to General Burgoyne.
Meanwhile Sir William Howe was to go up the Hudson and join his forces
with those of Burgoyne at Albany. Now, as there were many Tories in central
New York, and also powerful Indian tribes friendly to the British cause, a small
force under the command of Colonel St. Leger was to sail up the St. Lawrence to
Lake Ontario, land at Oswego, and then march down the Mohawk valley to join
Burgoyne on the Hudson.
The English government built great hopes upon Burgoyne's expedition. No
expense or effort was spared to make it a success. Money and supplies were
furnished without stint.
183. Burgoyne begins Operations with a Great Army and Much Show.—
When Burgoyne opened his campaign in the early summer of 1777, he had
command of the best army that had yet taken the field in America. There were
about four thousand English veterans, three thousand Germans, or Hessians as
they were called, nearly five hundred Indian warriors, and a small force of
Canadians. Most of the soldiers, as well as the officers, were veterans. Forty
cannon, well served and equipped, made up the artillery train.
It was a splendid and imposing sight when this army in the middle of June
sailed into Lake Champlain in a large flotilla with bands playing and banners
flying. Burgoyne was a clever, agreeable, and well-bred man, and a brave
soldier; but he was vain, headstrong, and self-confident.
The British general served a great feast to his Indian allies on the shore of the
lake near Crown Point. He was dressed in showy uniform, and so were all of his
chief officers. He made a pompous speech to his savage guests, who were
adorned with war paint on their faces and eagles' feathers in their hair. He told
them not to scalp the wounded, nor murder aged men, helpless women, or
children. These "wild hyenas," as Burke called them in one of his great speeches
before the English Parliament, promised to obey their "great white father."
The sturdy settlers knew what an Indian promise meant, and they speedily
packed their goods and sent their families across the Green Mountains to the
Connecticut Valley. Burgoyne had written poetry, and many poor plays, and so
now he wrote in his high-flown style an address to the American people. All
were warned against driving off their cattle, hiding their corn, and breaking
down the bridges in his way. He threatened to let loose his savages upon them if
they disobeyed. He also made a stirring address to his soldiers, in which he gave
out the famous watchword, "This army must not retreat."
184. The Capture of Ticonderoga and what followed.—Every one
supposed that Fort Ticonderoga would be a barrier to Burgoyne. Unfortunately
the commander, St. Clair, had failed to secure a neighboring position which
commanded the fortress. No one thought it possible to drag cannon up the steep
and rugged sides of this mountain; but the British general worked night and day
in hewing out a path, and with oxen dragged up his cannon and placed them in
position to pour a plunging fire into the fort.
The next morning the top of the crag, now named Mount Defiance, was
swarming with British troops. St. Clair saw with amazement the trap in which he
was caught. The next night the far-famed fortress was abandoned, and the
Continental army retreated southward. At daybreak the British and the Hessians
sprang to arms, ready to follow sharply both by land and water the retreating
army. So hot was the pursuit that the Americans were forced to destroy their
boats. All the wagon-loads of arms, stores, and baggage fell into British hands.
There was a sharp fight a few days afterwards in the woods at a place called
Hubbardton, where the rear guard of the Americans, under Warner, was
surprised early in the morning, while the men were cooking breakfast. They
made a gallant and stubborn resistance against the picked veterans of Burgoyne's
army. Warner was outnumbered and defeated, but the pursuit was so checked
that St. Clair was able to bring what was left of his army safely to Fort Edward,
where he joined Schuyler.
185. Burgoyne, elated by Success, begins to make Blunders.—The curtain
now falls upon the first act of this great war drama. Burgoyne had been highly
favored. Ticonderoga had fallen in a night. Everybody was astounded. The news
fell like a sound of doom over the land. Washington wrote to Schuyler: "The
evacuation of Ticonderoga is an event of chagrin and surprise not apprehended,
nor within the compass of my reasoning."
Burgoyne now began to boast that victory would certainly crown his future
movements, and even predicted the speedy end of the war and the submission of
the colonies. He hurried off a special messenger to King George, telling the king
that everything was going just as he wished it. The king rushed into the queen's
apartments, says Walpole, clapping his hands and shouting, "I have beat them! I
have beat all the Americans."
In reality, Burgoyne's troubles were just beginning.
In his haste to crush the Americans before they could combine against him,
Burgoyne began to make serious blunders. For instance, it was a fatal mistake
when he decided on marching to Fort Edward through the wilderness, instead of
going back to Ticonderoga and proceeding thence up Lake George and on to
Fort Edward and the Hudson. Time, that all-important factor in military
campaigns, was lost sight of by this over-confident British general. Again,
Burgoyne made another serious mistake in underestimating the fighting qualities
of his enemy.
186. General Schuyler carries out a Masterly Policy.—Fortunately for the
Americans, Schuyler was an able and experienced general, and Washington
knew it. He had less than five thousand poorly armed men, but he faced the
situation bravely. He knew that if he could delay the British invaders for a time,
men enough would rally for the defense of their homes to meet his foe in open
battle. He did at once the best thing possible. He put every obstacle in
Burgoyne's way that ingenuity could devise or experience suggest. He made the
axe and the crowbar help him.
Hundreds of trees were felled across the road. All the cattle were driven out of
reach. The country was stripped of all provisions. The bridges were burnt, the
creeks choked with stumps and stones, and the wood-roads were destroyed. The
aspect of things began to change. Schuyler did his work well. He abandoned Fort
Edward and fell back to Stillwater, where he entrenched himself and waited.
It is only about twenty-six miles from Skenesboro to Fort Edward, but it took
Burgoyne twenty-four days to march this distance, and even then he had to wait
two weeks longer for the arrival of his artillery. New roads had to be made, forty
bridges built, and supplies and heavy ammunition carried through an almost
impassable wilderness.
187. The Sturdy Pioneers of the North rise in Defense of their Homes.—
Meanwhile, what were the stout-hearted pioneers of the north doing? The time
for prompt action had come. The frontiersmen rose nobly to the demands of the
situation. Burgoyne's Indians, ever since they left the Canadian border, had been
ravaging and scalping. Never was a British general more mistaken than when he
thought such bloody work would frighten the American people. It aroused the
fierce spirit of revenge in them as no other act could have done.
188. The Murder of Jane McCrea.—The sad story of Jane McCrea has been
read and re-read ever since this beautiful girl was tomahawked and scalped by
Burgoyne's savages. It is not certain just how it happened. It is true that a party
of Indians seized and carried away Miss McCrea, and a Mrs. McNeil with whom
she was visiting in the latter's home near Fort Edward.
It is also known that Jane was betrothed to one of Burgoyne's officers, and as
her own home was in New Jersey, it is probable that the unfortunate girl was
planning to meet her lover.
Some say that the Indians quarreled over a barrel of rum that was to be given
them as a reward on her safe arrival; others claim that a band of American
militia fired into the party. At all events, Mrs. McNeil came alone to the English
The next day the body of the murdered girl was found near a spring, pierced
with three bullets. An Indian came into camp with a scalp, which Mrs. McNeil
recognized as that of her friend by its black, silky hair, more than a yard long.
There was nothing unusual about the murder, for it was only one of many
such. The deed has, however, been woven into song and story, which have been
repeated with endless variations in detail for more than six-score years. The
name "Jenny McCrea" became a watchword to the stout and resolute farmers
who were hastening from far and near to the scene of action.
189. Burgoyne gets his First Hard Blow; Desperate Fighting in the
Mohawk Valley.—The first hard blow Burgoyne received came from the west.
Colonel St. Leger, as we remember, was marching with seventeen hundred men
down the Mohawk Valley. He came to a stronghold called Fort Stanwix, and
ordered its commander, Colonel Gansevoort, to surrender. The demand met with
a pointed refusal, and the British began a regular siege.
While the siege was in full progress, the besiegers suddenly broke up their
camps and retreated toward Canada in great confusion, leaving behind them their
cannon, supplies, and even their tents. What was the matter? Arnold had been
sent north by Washington immediately after the fall of Ticonderoga, and had
arrived at Schuyler's headquarters three weeks before. Restless and impatient, he
was despatched by Schuyler to relieve the brave garrison. On his way he
captured and was going to hang as a spy a half-witted but ugly young Tory. The
boy's mother begged his life.
Arnold granted the mother's request on condition that the young fellow should
take some friendly Indians with him and hasten to the British camp and so alarm
St. Leger as to induce him to raise the siege and retreat! The frightened Tory set
out on his perilous errand, his brother being held by Arnold as a hostage, and
reached the British camp just as the Indians were holding a "pow-wow" over the
dubious enterprise in which they were engaged.
As the savages saw the Tory's coat full of bullet holes, and listened to his
wonderful story of his own narrow escape, and heard that Arnold was close on
their heels with two thousand regulars, the savages said, "The pow-wow said we
must go"; and go they did in utmost haste. In vain the British officers stormed
and swore. The troops were seized with a panic. St. Leger and all his army
retreated in disorder, broken and beaten, to Oswego, and afterwards to Montreal.
The valley of the Mohawk was safe. St. Leger's defeat dealt a severe blow to the
plans and prospects of Burgoyne. Arnold was now able to rejoin Schuyler.
191. Burgoyne plans a Raid into the Country to secure Supplies.—All this
time Burgoyne was hard pushed for food. Every pound of bread and meat had to
be brought from Canada. Nobody but Tories would sell him an ounce of beef or
an ear of corn.
The British general was also anxious to strike a blow at the good people of
New England. He knew that the supplies of the patriots were stored at
Bennington. Supplies he must have. On August 11 he sent off Colonel Baum
with about five hundred Hessians, Indians, and Tories on a plundering trip to this
little village.
Four days later a second division of about six hundred men was sent under
Colonel Breymann to help Baum, for it was evident that the situation was
looking ugly. Instead of raiding the country, Baum, learning that the militia were
gathering in all directions, entrenched himself on a hill about four miles from
Bennington and waited for reinforcements.
192. The Men of New England rally to defend their Homes.—The men of
New England, instead of waiting till their houses were burnt, their crops
destroyed, and their wives and children scalped, were rapidly arriving from far
and near to meet their hated foe. The instant the Hessians and Indians threatened
to come over the line, the men of New England knew there was only one thing to
do and it must be done at once. That was to kill as many of the enemy as they
could and drive the rest back. They had already prepared for this.
Not every man was able to act as did staunch old John Langdon, who kept a
store in Portsmouth. He said to the New Hampshire Assembly: "I have three
thousand dollars in hard money. I will pledge my plate for as much more. I have
seventy hogsheads of rum, which shall be sold. Our old friend John Stark, who
defended the rail fence at Bunker Hill, will work like a beaver to stop
Among the rugged hills of northern New England no other man had such a
personal following as had John Stark—a man of dauntless courage, rough
simplicity, and real Yankee shrewdness.
In appearance Stark was a man of medium size, well proportioned, and of
great strength and endurance. It is remarkable that in all his years of hard service
in the French and Indian wars, and in the many severe battles of the Revolution,
he had never received a wound. He lived to be ninety-four years of age. He
survived all the high officers that had taken part in the Revolution except
Sumter, the famous southern general.
Messengers rode on fast horses over the hills with orders for the men to rally
at once. Each man packed his knapsack, grasped his rifle, left the women to get
in the crops, and started for Charlestown on the Connecticut River, where Stark
had raised his standard. Old men of seventy and even boys of fifteen turned out.
Some of the farmers brought clock weights, some their pewter spoons and
porringers, to be melted into bullets. The metal was kept running into the bullet
moulds night and day. An old rusty cannon was found; it was mounted on a pair
of cart wheels and dragged over the Green Mountains.
The story is told of one mother whose boy of only fifteen was ready to start,
but had no coat. The patriot mother took a meal bag, made a hole for the head,
two more for the arms, cut off the feet of a pair of her long stockings which she
sewed on for sleeves,—and hurried him away to Stark's camp!
193. How John Stark whipped the British at Bennington.—Stark was now
ready to march against Baum. On August 14 he was within a mile of the British
camp. The next day it rained heavily. Fighting in such pouring torrents was out
of the question. The Hessians worked hard on the entrenchments all day, and
Stark sheltered his men in brush huts and under the lee of fences.
One hundred men from the Berkshire Hills arrived in the night. A minister
who could fight as well as preach came with them in a sulky.
"General Stark," said he, "we have never had a chance to fight, and if you
don't give us a chance now, we shall never turn out again."
"Do you want to fight now in the rain and at night?" said Stark.
"No," said the good man.
"Well, then," said Stark, "if the Lord gives us sunshine once more, and I don't
give you fighting enough, you needn't turn out again."
Old soldiers who had fought behind the rail fence at Bunker Hill with Stark,
and who had been in the front ranks with him at Trenton, knew that there would
be no boy's play in the coming battle. The next morning, which was Saturday,
August 16, broke clear and hot.
The ever-active and energetic Stark determined to storm the hill before
reinforcements could reach the enemy. This was a desperate undertaking for
country militia armed only with muskets and fowling pieces, without bayonets or
side arms. Baum was well entrenched on a hill behind breastworks defended by
highly disciplined veterans.
About midday Stark, calling his men together in a large field, leaped to the
topmost rail of a fence, steadied himself by a tall post, and addressed his troops
in the historic words: "Now, my men, yonder are the Hessians. They are bought
for seven pounds tenpence a man. Are you worth more? Prove it. To-night the
American flag floats over yonder hill, or Molly Stark sleeps a widow!"
Foreseeing that there would be close work with the Tories, who were dressed
in farmers' clothes, like most of his own men, Stark gave orders that a corn husk
in the hatband should be the badge of his own men. Five hundred men were sent
to form in the rear of Baum's entrenchment, and two hundred more were massed
on the right as a flanking party.
It is now about three o'clock. With all his men in position Stark gives the word
"Forward!" The battle begins in earnest. With wild shouts the farmer-soldiers
press forward, using their rifles with deadly effect. The Indians, panic-stricken,
yelling like demons, take to their heels, and make their escape into the forest.
They have no intention of being caught in a trap. The Hessians stand their
ground and fight bravely.
For two hours there is hot work, "one continuous roar," as Stark afterwards
said. The old cannon on cart wheels fires stones, for there are no cannon balls!
At last Stark leads his men in a fierce charge. Baum falls mortally wounded, and
his men surrender. A wild hurrah goes up. The battle is won.
It was in the nick of time. Breymann arrived with fresh troops and began a
lively attack. Stark rallied his men. A hundred and fifty "Green Mountain boys,"
hearing the roar of the battle, came up in the rear at just the right moment. They
fell upon the Hessians like a thunderbolt, routed them, and would have captured
them all if it had not been nearly dark. As it was, the enemy retreated in haste
under cover of the darkness.
The pioneer settlers of New England had proved themselves more than a
match for entrenched regulars. Stark had beaten two of Burgoyne's best officers
in a pitched battle. The victory was won by the sheer hard fighting of men who
were well led.
194. Mighty Efforts of the Patriots to crush Burgoyne.—The battle of
Bennington was a severe blow for Burgoyne. His army never fully recovered
from it. A thousand of his best men were lost, besides cannon, arms, and supplies
of war. Even the savages began to leave in large numbers.
The effect of this brilliant victory on the country was magical. It began to be
thought that the whole of Burgoyne's army might be captured. Militia came in
increasing numbers even from points on the Atlantic coast.
Washington had some time before sent two of his best officers—Arnold, who
as a fighter in pitched battles was unsurpassed, and Morgan, who came with five
hundred sharpshooters, each man of whom, it was said, could hit a squirrel with
his rifle at a distance of three hundred yards.
Congress, misinformed, now set aside the noble General Schuyler and sent
Gates, a schemer and intriguer, to supersede him. Schuyler's wise forethought
and steadfast courage had already begun to show results. By a stupid blunder of
the British government, orders for Sir William Howe to march north to aid
Burgoyne had been delayed.
General Lincoln had moved with two thousand men to the rear of the British
army. The outposts of Ticonderoga had been retaken, and the road to Canada
was thus closed for help or retreat.
195. The Hard-fought Battle near Saratoga.—Burgoyne soon found that he
must do something. About the middle of September he crossed to the west bank
of the Hudson and came within two miles of the American camp at Bemis
Heights. Here took place, on September 18, a hotly contested battle known as
that of Freeman's Farm. If Gates had been an able general, probably the British
army would have been crushed and the Burgoyne campaign ended then and
there. As it was, the deadly fire of the riflemen inflicted a severe blow.
Gates did not follow up his advantage. The two armies glared at each other.
There was no rest for either side. There was sharp skirmishing all along the lines.
The nights were made hideous by the howls of large packs of wolves that were
attracted by the partially buried bodies of those slain in the battle.
At last, on October 7, Burgoyne came out from his entrenched camp with
fifteen hundred picked men and ten cannon. A bloody hand-to-hand battle was
Gates had removed Arnold from his command. Angry and desperate, this
impetuous but hard fighter placed himself at the head of a detachment of the
Continental troops, and under a terrific fire led the men to battle. Mounted on a
dark-brown horse, he rode at full gallop over the field. He was greeted with wild
cheers. "Call that fellow back," said Gates, "or he will do something rash." With
mad fury his men charged and drove the enemy at the point of the bayonet.
In the final retreat a wounded Hessian, lying on the ground, took aim and fired
at Arnold. The bullet killed his horse and wounded the general in the same leg
that had been hit by a musket ball nearly two years before, at the storming of
Quebec. A thousand times better would it have been had the bullet gone through
his heart!
As Arnold fell, one of his men rushed up and was just going to bayonet the
soldier who had shot his beloved general; but Arnold cried, "In Heaven's name,
don't kill him! He is a fine fellow!" This was the moment when the general
whom Washington so much admired for his rash bravery should have died.
In less than an hour the British were driven back and retreated behind their
Some time afterward, when Arnold had turned traitor and captured an
American officer, he asked him, "What will your people do with me if they catch
"If my countrymen catch you," replied the fearless patriot, "they will first cut
off your lame leg, which was wounded at Quebec and Saratoga, and bury it with
the honors of war, and afterwards hang the rest of your body on a gallows."
Darkness alone stopped the battle. General Morgan, as he saw a brave Scottish
officer riding everywhere along the line, said to one of his best marksmen: "That
is General Fraser. I admire and honor him, but it is necessary that he should die.
Take your station in yonder bushes and do your duty." Shortly afterwards, this
splendid Scotchman, who said to an aid when warned of his peril, "My duty
forbids me to fly from danger," fell mortally wounded.
196. Effect of the Great Victory at Saratoga.—Such was the battle of Bemis
Heights, or Saratoga. It was really fought within a very few rods of the place
where the battle of Freeman's Farm occurred.
The rest of the story is soon told. Burgoyne retreated through the storm to
Saratoga. The attempt to escape was hopeless. He was hemmed in on every side.
The "trap" which the best British officers had foreseen, had been sprung. There
was only one thing to do, and that was to yield to the inevitable.
Burgoyne, with his army of about six thousand men, surrendered October 17,
The battle of Saratoga has justly been called "one of the decisive battles of
history." It made a profound impression in Europe. It was the defeat of
Burgoyne's army that convinced France that it was time to come to the help of
the American colonies. It lifted the cloud of gloom which had settled upon the
hearts of the American people, and which had wrung despondent words even
from the hopeful Washington.
From the day of this memorable victory until liberty was fully realized, four
years later, in the final surrender at Yorktown, no true American gave up the idea
of final triumph.
As they drew near Trenton, Washington, who rode in front, asked a man
chopping wood by the roadside:—
"Which way is the Hessian picket?"
"I do not know," was the surly answer.
"You may tell," said the officer at Washington's side, "for that is General
"God bless and prosper you!" cried the man instantly. "The picket is in that
house, and the sentry stands near that tree."
The Hessians, who were celebrating Christmas with wild revelry, were
surprised, and soon forced to surrender.
Washington was in great danger from the superior forces of the enemy close at
hand, and was obliged immediately to recross the Delaware with his tired troops
and his prisoners. The weather was so severe that two men were frozen to death
that Christmas night. Notwithstanding Washington's haste, he found time to visit
the dying Hessian Commander, Colonel Rahl, and speak kindly to him.
It was a battle of this kind that showed the courage and genius of a great
general who, in the midst of the most unfavorable circumstances, could plan
well, fight well, and outwit the enemy! It was such masterful watchfulness and
bravery as this that saved the country. Mighty applause now rang all through the
land! "Hurrah for Washington, and hurrah for his ragged but plucky little army!"
Well might the people shout, for this was the first real victory of the
continental army. Lord Howe was very angry and said it would never do, and he
sent Cornwallis to defeat this rebel general. Let us see what Cornwallis did. The
British general marched from Princeton with about eight thousand men, and
found Washington's army of some three thousand with its rear to the river. At
about dusk he planted his own army in front, and then felt sure of his prey. "At
last we have run down the old fox," said the over-confident British general as he
went to bed in high spirits, "and we will bag him easily in the morning." The
situation was indeed a dangerous one for the patriot army.
The soldiers gave her the nickname of Major Mollie, and being presented to
General Washington the day after the battle, she received a sergeant's
commission, and Congress gave her half-pay for life! Some of the French
officers, it is said, were so delighted with her courage that they presented her
with a hat full of gold pieces and christened her "La Capitaine"!
212. Washington plans the Yorktown Campaign.—In the spring of 1781,
Washington was still hemming in Clinton at New York. In the south, where there
had been severe fighting for two years, General Greene had driven Cornwallis
from the Carolinas up to Virginia, and our generous friend, Lafayette, had helped
push the British general to the point of land at Yorktown. Washington, learning
this, arranged that the French fleet should sail there and prevent the escape of the
enemy by sea.
Then Washington planned what has been regarded as the proudest
achievement of the war. He decided to hurry his own army to Yorktown, and
with it and the southern forces and the French fleet finish the seven years'
Yes; but if Clinton should hear of it, he would sail from New York and
checkmate the plan. How could Washington do all this and keep Clinton in the
dark? Everything turned on that. He kept up a lively show of activity around
New York, and had decoy letters written to his distant generals to come and help
him capture Clinton's army. Very strange, but those letters reached the British
When the right moment came, leaving a small force at New York for show,
Washington by a swift and skillful movement moved his army of six thousand
through New Jersey. The Commander-in-Chief was unsurpassed at keeping a
secret. His own generals did not know where they were going. They marched to
Elkton, at the head of the Chesapeake, and took ships for Yorktown.
The hour for the final success of the patriot cause had now come. Cornwallis
was shut in by sea and land. Washington with his own hand fired the first cannon
of the attack. This was on October 9, 1781.
By night and by day the sound of the heavy guns was incessantly heard. The
shells of the besieged and besiegers crossed each other in the air.
At one time during the siege Washington, with many officers about him, was
watching an assault with intense interest. Those who stood near him were afraid
he would be hit by a chance shot, and one of his aids ventured to say that the
situation was very much exposed.
"If you think so," replied he gravely, "you are at liberty to step back."
A little later a musket ball hit a cannon near the group and fell at Washington's
feet. General Knox grasped his arm.
"My dear general," exclaimed he, "we can't spare you yet."
"It is a spent ball," answered the Commander-in-Chief quietly; "no harm is
When the redoubts were taken, he drew a long breath and said to Knox, "The
work is done, and well done!" During the battle, a famous Virginia officer,
Governor Nelson, who had raised troops and supplied money at his own risk,
was asked what part of the town it would be best to fire upon. He pointed to a
large, handsome building, which he thought was probably the enemy's
headquarters. It was his own house!
213. The Superb Victory at Yorktown.—After a few days of fighting,
Cornwallis found himself in so hopeless a condition that he made an
unsuccessful attempt to escape. Shortly afterward he was forced to surrender
with eleven thousand men, a hundred and sixty cannon, a huge amount of camp
supplies, and ten thousand dollars in money. Five days after the surrender,
General Clinton arrived with ships and heavy reinforcements. Too late, Sir
Henry, too late!
When the news of the capture of Cornwallis reached London, Lord North, the
British Prime Minister, walked up and down his room, wringing his hands and
crying out, "O God! it is all over! It is all over!"
How unspeakably the great leader's heart must have rejoiced at this famous
victory; the labors, anxieties, and sufferings of seven years ending at last in
glorious triumph! The whole country gave way to transports of joy. Congress
appointed a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, and voted special thanks to
the distinguished generals and many other officers. It was felt that a death-blow
had been given to England's efforts to crush the colonies.
The victory at Yorktown practically ended the war. It took several years for
the country to recover from the wreck and ruin wrought, to frame the machinery
of our new government, and to lay the solid foundations of this grand edifice of
constitutional liberty. In all this work of nation-building Washington was a
prominent actor, no less sagacious as a statesman than as a skilled warrior.
214. Washington, the First President of the United States.—When it came
to the choice of a first president, all eyes turned to that one stately figure—to
him who had saved his country in war, and who in peace could best carry its
precious interests safely in his great brain and heart. He was unanimously
elected—not a vote for any other person—an honor never paralleled. With his
usual modesty he would have declined; but his sense of duty and his willingness
to serve his country made him accept.
His journey to New York was one continued ovation. Bells were rung, cannon
fired, and eloquent addresses made. All the vessels in New York harbor were
gayly decked with flags. When the dignified President-elect landed, the salutes
of cannon, the ringing of bells, and the shouts of the crowd were multiplied
On April 30, 1789, Washington took the solemn oath to perform the duties of
the President of the United States.
On this important occasion he was dressed in a suit of dark brown cloth of
American manufacture. He wore white silk stockings, silver buckles and a steel-
hilted sword. His hair was powdered and tied behind, according to the fashion of
that time. The day was given up to rejoicings; and in the evening there were
illuminations and fireworks.
Washington was reëlected, and served his country honorably for two terms of
four years each. His administration was worthy in every way of his great ability,
his statesmanship, and his exalted patriotism.
217. Utter Failure thus far to subdue the Colonists.—Midway in the war of
the Revolution there was a period of over two years when active fighting was for
the most part suspended. After the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, the
English seemed to lose heart. A feeble effort was even made by the British
government to secure peace. England would yield everything except the claim of
the colonies to independence. This was the very thing that now, after three years
of fighting, the colonies would not yield.
Each side seemed to be tired of bloodshed. The patriots were in a bad enough
way, and England had her troubles with other nations.
Of all the territory the British had occupied during three years, the only spot
they now held was New York, and even there Washington's superb generalship
with his small but active army was giving them constant trouble.
218. The British now attempt to subdue the Southern Colonies.—Thus it
became necessary for the British to contrive some plan that would offer better
results. They now proposed to go south, subdue one colony after another, and so
push their conquests northward.
The British had already tried their hand at the south, and with results not quite
to their liking. In June, 1776, General Clinton came with a fleet to capture
Charleston. But Colonel William Moultrie had built on an island in the harbor a
low redoubt of palmetto logs and sand bags, from which his guns made sad
havoc with the fleet, while the British shot could not pierce through the tough,
spongy logs of the fort. After a disastrous fight, Clinton went back disheartened.
The gallant defense of this fort had a most wholesome effect upon the patriot
One heroic deed of the battle is often told. The flag of the fort floated from a
high mast, against which the enemy directed their fire until the top of the
flagstaff was shot away and fell over the ramparts on the beach. A daring soldier
by the name of William Jasper leaped over the wall of palmetto logs, walked the
whole length of the fort in the face of the enemy's fire, tore away the flag,
fastened it to the rammer of a cannon, and floated it on the ramparts.
219. Disasters to the Patriot Cause.—In December, 1778, a large British
force, sent from New York, landed and captured Savannah with about five
hundred prisoners. The enemy also captured Augusta, brought all Georgia under
British control, and put the royal governor back into office.
In October, 1779, our General Lincoln and a French fleet made a combined
attack on Savannah, hoping to recapture it, but they utterly failed. These two
disasters in two years were very discouraging to all Americans.
The year 1780 brought still worse fortune, for early in the year Clinton came
again from New York and made a second attack on Charleston. In May he
captured the city and all Lincoln's army, with four hundred cannon. Clinton then
returned to New York, leaving Cornwallis in command with five thousand men.
The British, possessing Savannah and Charleston with the river connections,
held the key to the whole of Georgia and South Carolina. They could obtain all
their supplies by water, and so did not need to rely upon the country for support.
220. The Bitter and Cruel Warfare in the South.—The patriots did not now
have a body of soldiers in the south large enough to call an army. The entire
region was open to British plunder.
Bands of soldiers roamed through the country, plundering, burning, and
killing without restraint. No mercy was shown to patriots. A squad of soldier
bandits once came to the home of Thomas Sumter, the famous patriot officer,
turned his wife and children out of doors and burned the house.
Sumter was a bold and energetic fighter in the wild warfare of the south. He
was a tall and powerful man and of a very stern make-up. He lived to be ninety-
nine years of age—the last surviving general of the Revolution. "But for Sumter
and Marion," said Cornwallis, "South Carolina would be at peace."
There now remained in South Carolina but one battalion of patriot soldiers.
These were about four hundred in number under Colonel Buford, then in the
northwestern part of the state. Clinton sent against him a force of seven hundred
regulars and Tories under Colonel Tarleton, an active but base and cruel man.
Tarleton surrounded the patriots and demanded their surrender. While Buford
was quietly discussing the matter, his soldiers resting at ease under the protection
of a flag of truce, Tarleton treacherously arranged his men for an attack.
Suddenly the flag of truce was taken down, and instantly the British cavalry
rushed from all sides upon Buford's men and killed one hundred and thirteen and
wounded one hundred and fifty.
Even the boys were nerved to deeds of valor. A schoolboy named Andrew
Jackson, thirteen years old, who had seen the dead of the Buford massacre, and
helped care for the wounded, and whose own brother had been killed by the
British, was himself captured. While under guard, a pompous British officer
came up to him and cried out:—
"Here, boy! clean my boots!"
"No, sir! clean your own boots. I am a prisoner of war and entitled to better
Down came the officer's sword, aiming at the boy's head. Warding off the
blow with his arm, he received a wound, the marks of which he carried to his
grave. This boy grew up to become the seventh president of the United States!
221. General Gates meets with Disaster.—When General Washington
learned of the disasters in the south, the loss of Savannah and Charleston and of
Lincoln's army, he was anxious to send down General Greene, his right-hand
man. But Congress unwisely interfered, and sent General Gates, who had
contrived to get the credit of Burgoyne's capture at Saratoga.
In August, Gates moved to Camden, S. C., to meet Cornwallis. A strange
battle ensued. Each general had planned to surprise the other by a night attack;
the armies met in the dark. Both waited till daylight, and then the battle began. It
was a disastrous defeat for the patriots. Gates's army was destroyed. This was
perhaps the worst catastrophe of the war.
Now the patriot prospect was wretched enough. Where could there be any
hope? The Tories all through the state were delighted, and thronged to the British
222. Marion proves a Source of Terror to the British.—The patriots felt
now that they must defend themselves singly or in small groups; there was no
army to help them. So they assembled, a few dozen here and there, and used
their utmost endeavors on every opportunity to cripple the enemy. The British
had small stations through the state, from which murderous raids could be made.
They would plunder, burn, slay, and then return to their posts. To attack these
posts, or to do any military work successfully, the patriots needed a leader. One
soon came, Francis Marion, who combined a few groups of patriots and did most
effective work with them.
This gallant and intrepid partisan chieftain was rather below the middle
stature, lean, and swarthy. His forehead was large and high, and his eyes black
and piercing. He was at this time about forty-eight years of age, with a body
capable of enduring great fatigue and every privation. He never tarnished his
fame with acts of cruelty.
"Never shall a house be burned by one of my men," said he; "to distress
helpless women and children is what I detest."
Marion used to wear a close-fitting red jacket and a leather cap. His body was
so slight that he never did personal deeds of valor. His sword was so rarely used
that once he could not draw it from the scabbard on account of the rust.
Never was Napoleon's guard more attached to their general than were
Marion's men to the partisan chief who so often led them to victory.
223. How the "Swamp Fox" did his Fighting.—Marion was familiar with
the country, and in many of the numerous swamps he occupied, with his
troopers, secret haunts approached by devious paths not easily followed. The
British, smarting under his attacks, called him the "swamp fox"; but he proved to
them rather a wolf or a tiger. These patriots who sprang to his side to defend
their homes were patriots indeed. They had no pay, no uniforms, and but scanty
clothing. They were a shabby-looking band of soldiers; but their arms were
strong and their hearts were true.
Many had no guns, until they supplied themselves from the enemy. They
melted their pewter dishes for bullets. They often made their breakfast on
blackberries, dined on potatoes and green corn, and not infrequently supped on
the memory of their dinner.
Much of the time Marion himself did not have even a blanket. One night his
bed of brush caught fire, and it not only burnt his blanket but singed his hair and
spoilt his leather cap!
Marion always kept his plans secret, even from his own officers, until the
moment for action came. There was an air of mystery in what he undertook, and
a bustle of hearty enterprise about his movements, which gave a charm to life in
his famous brigade. Marion enjoyed fully the confidence of his men, shared all
their privations, and braved more than his share of their dangers.
224. One of Marion's First Exploits.—One of Marion's first exploits was
against a large force of Tories under Major Gainey. Marion and his men fell on
his camp at daybreak as suddenly as if they had dropped from the clouds. Gainey
fled on horseback, closely pursued by Major James, who followed so fast and so
far that he suddenly found himself alone and getting surrounded by Tories. His
quick wits saved him.
Turning in his saddle and waving his sword, he shouted back as if to a large
body of followers, "Come on, boys! Here they are!" The Tories scattered and
fled! In this little brush Marion did not lose a man.
Marion was always on the alert—quick, dash, fire, away!—that was his way
of fighting. No wonder he carried terror to the enemy. And yet he never used
exactly the same tactics twice. Once he planned to fall suddenly on a force twice
as large as his own. It had a watchful leader who could not be caught napping.
Dangerous business, we say. Yes, but see how the "swamp fox" did it! He
carefully hid a body of his best sharpshooters in ambush along the road about a
mile from the British.
Then he made a lively attack on the enemy and soon retreated along this road.
Of course the enemy followed briskly, when up sprang Marion's troopers in
ambush and soon defeated them. "All's fair in war," says the proverb.
These furious and almost incessant attacks kept the British in terror. They
never knew when they were safe.
225. Some of Marion's Famous Exploits.—Many a story of this daring
chieftain's exploits used to be told by the evening fireside. In October, 1780,
Marion brought hope to the patriots by one of his brilliant attacks. Colonel Tynes
was gathering a large body of Tories to assist the British, and he held stores of
guns, ammunition, and clothing for their use. Marion's scouts learned all the
facts. These were just the articles he wanted for his half-clothed, half-fed, and
poorly armed men.
For him to resolve was to act. He came cautiously at midnight. The camp-fires
were burning; some soldiers were singing, some playing cards, some eating
stolen chickens; but nobody was on guard. Marion's troopers rushed in with a
wild shout, and the attack went all one way. A large number were killed, twenty-
three were taken prisoners, and the supplies of the Tory camp were enjoyed by
Marion's men for a long time. Not one of his force was lost.
Soon after Gates's defeat, Marion learned by his scouts that the British were
not far off with a large body of American prisoners. He sent at midnight a squad
to hold the road to their camp, and before dawn he approached it silently with his
own force. Just at daylight he made a sudden attack upon them. The surprise and
the assault were an amazing success. Twenty-four of the enemy were killed or
captured, and one hundred and fifty captives were set free, while not one of his
men was lost.
226. Marion invites a British Officer to Dinner.—One day a young British
officer came to Marion under a flag of truce, to plan an exchange of some
prisoners. The business finished, Marion asked the officer to dine with him. The
dinner consisted entirely of baked sweet potatoes brought by a negro on a piece
of bark for a plate, with a log for a table.
"But this can't be your usual fare?" asked the Britisher.
"Yes, indeed," said Marion, "and we are lucky to-day to have enough for
This was no idle talk to affect the young officer, but it did impress him; for the
story is that on returning to his own camp he said, "It's no use trying; I've seen
Marion, and I tell you that men who work for no pay and live on potatoes while
fighting for their liberties, are not going to be beaten, and I am not going to fight
any longer against them. I shall resign to-day."
This was the man who, when he heard of Lexington, led his riflemen six
hundred miles in twenty-one days, from Virginia, to join Washington in
Morgan was of gigantic stature, vast physical strength, and wonderful powers
of endurance. In his youth he was a teamster. One day by order of a tyrannical
British officer he was given five hundred lashes for some slight offense. He
walked away saucy and defiant as before.
Of a gentle and unselfish nature, resolute, fearless in battle, a born fighter,
Morgan was the ideal leader of the riflemen of the frontier. His force was smaller
than Greene's, who had detached him to occupy a post in South Carolina.
229. How General Morgan defeated the British at Cowpens.—Cornwallis
in January, 1781, sent Tarleton with eleven hundred troops to meet Morgan and
dispose of him. They met at Cowpens, but Morgan, with a smaller army,
reversed the order and disposed of Tarleton! He killed a large number, ten
officers and more than one hundred men, took over five hundred prisoners, with
all the artillery and stores.
It was at Cowpens that Colonel Washington, a distant relative of the
Commander-in-Chief, wounded Tarleton in a hand-to-hand combat. Shortly
afterwards this hated British officer said to a lady:—
"You seem to think very highly of Colonel Washington; and yet I have been
told that he is so ignorant a fellow that he can hardly write his name."
"It may be so," quickly replied the lady; "but no man can testify better than
yourself that he knows how to 'make his mark.'"
At another time the haughty Tarleton, boasting of his own deeds and speaking
with disdain of the continental cavalry, said to a lady:—
"I have a very earnest desire to see your far-famed hero, Colonel Washington."
"Your wish, colonel, might have been gratified," she promptly replied, "had
you dared to look behind you at the battle of Cowpens!"
230. Greene's Masterly Retreat.—How angry Cornwallis was at the ruin of
his best army at Cowpens! He started to pursue Morgan and punish him. But the
patriot general foresaw this, and not having soldiers enough, he got well ahead,
and one day at dusk crossed the Catawba River. The advanced detachment of
Cornwallis's army came up two hours later, and waited for morning. That night a
heavy rain swelled the stream and checked the British advance. Morgan pushed
on to the Yadkin and crossed, meeting Greene's army.
Determined that his little band should not be destroyed, since the fate of the
war in the south depended upon it, and not being strong enough to meet
Cornwallis with his well-equipped regiments in open battle, Greene now planned
a retreat with as much method and care as he would have exercised in preparing
for a battle.
The river Roanoke for a long distance runs near the boundary between
Virginia and North Carolina. The upper portion of this stream is called the Dan.
Greene now started for the fords of this river, seventy miles away, with
Cornwallis close at his heels. The roads were deep with mud and almost
impassable. The patriot soldiers, wretchedly clothed and nearly barefoot,
struggled along, marking the road, as Greene wrote to Washington, with blood-
stained tracks.
"How you must suffer from the cold!" said the general to a barefooted sentry.
"I do not complain," replied the soldier; "I know I should fare well if our
general could procure supplies; and if, as you say, we fight in a few days, I shall
take care to get some shoes."
It was a most masterly and gallant retreat. The men were kept in hand, and a
serious encounter with the enemy was avoided.
One morning during the retreat, when everything seemed dark, Greene rode
up to the door of a tavern. The host, a true friend, met him.
"What! alive, my dear general?"
"Yes; tired, hungry, alone, and penniless."
The hostess, Mrs. Elizabeth Steele, was of the stuff of which patriots are
made. She gave the weary general a good breakfast, and while he was eating she
put in his hands a bag filled with bright silver dollars, saying, "You need them,
and I can do without them."
As the story goes, the gallant Greene, admiring the devotion of the noble
woman, stepped to the mantel, over which hung a portrait of King George,
turned it to the wall, and wrote upon the back, "Hide thy face, King George, and
Cornwallis pressed the patriots hard through forests and over streams, but he
was baffled at every move. Reaching the river Dan, the American army was
safely carried over by the boats which its sagacious commander had arranged for
many days before.
Cornwallis came up in hot haste only to find that the deep and rapid river
flowed between him and his foe. It would have been madness for him to cross
the river. He sullenly withdrew his army to a point farther south.
231. Greene now begins to fight and shows Rare Generalship.—Having
recruited and rested his men, Greene moved his army south of the Dan and
began active operations. He followed sharply after Cornwallis, and in March
brought him to battle at Guilford. The fight was severe, and the British general,
though he gained the advantage, was so roughly handled that he retired towards
Wilmington, the nearest point on the coast.
Greene now made a bold and hazardous move. Instead of preventing
Cornwallis from advancing to the north, he left the British general to do as he
pleased, faced about suddenly and boldly marched to South Carolina. His plan
was to thrust himself between the main British army and its southern division
and then attack the latter and their fortified posts.
Like a skillful general, having decided upon this daring change, Greene acted
quickly. He marched with all speed for Camden, one hundred and sixty miles
distant. His object was to break the British hold upon South Carolina.
A brighter day was now dawning, and the sunshine of hope was soon to
appear. The adroit activities of Marion, Sumter, and Pickens, and the skill and
vigor of Greene and Morgan were now bringing their harvest, and they gave the
patriots new life and cheer.
At Hobkirks Hill, near Camden, Greene attacked the British. He was defeated,
but it was a fruitless victory.
"We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again," wrote Greene to a friend.
One by one the strong posts of the enemy in South Carolina fell into our
hands. The British hold on both the Carolinas was slowly but surely broken. The
enemy wisely kept near the coast. The last battle of the long and stubborn
struggle was fought at Eutaw Springs, S. C., in September, 1781. The contest
was desperate on both sides; but the British, badly crippled, retreated in the night
to Charleston.
232. Greene's Brilliant Campaign in the South.—Greene had with the
scantiest of means done a great work in his southern campaign. He had driven
Cornwallis to Virginia, to meet his fate at Yorktown. He had cleared both
Carolinas of the British and restored them to the patriots.
In few if any campaigns carried on with small armies was ever so effective
and brilliant work done as did General Greene with his little force of patriots.
Most mortifying was it to the haughty British commanders to know that they had
been out-generaled, out-marched, and in the long run, out-fought by a Yankee
The war in the south was now soon over. Savannah was captured in July,
1782; in December, 1783, the British left Charleston. It was a proud day for
Greene and Morgan and Marion when they followed with their army on the heels
of the departing foe. As the patriots marched in, happy thousands cheered, and
floral wreaths flew from crowded windows.
The noble Greene lived only a few years after he had carried the Revolution to
a triumph in the south. He died in 1786 from the effects of a sunstroke.
Among the great generals of the American Revolution, it is generally admitted
that Greene ranked, in military genius, second only to Washington.
General Anthony Wayne, called "Mad Anthony" on account of his daring,
who had fought by the side of Greene, and who watched by the death-bed of his
comrade, wrote to a friend: "He was great as a soldier, great as a citizen,
immaculate as a friend. The honors—the greatest honors of war—are due his
remains. I have seen a great and good man die."
233. A Gloomy Outlook for the Patriot Cause in 1780.—During the long
war of the Revolution from Lexington in 1775 to Yorktown in 1781, there were
many times when it seemed as if it were really of no use for the Americans to
fight for independence. Of these years probably 1780 was the darkest.
We have just read of the sad disasters in the south during this year. If "hope
long deferred maketh the heart sick," surely our forefathers had at this time
ample cause for discouragement. It seemed to many, no doubt, that the policy of
the British Parliament of "tiring the Americans out" might succeed after all.
Financial matters were in a deplorable condition. Congress had no authority to
raise money by taxation to carry on the war. Sometimes the colonies responded
to the call for money from Congress; oftener they did not. There were paper
promises enough issued by Congress and known as continental currency, but
they had sadly fallen in value. Washington, it is said, once remarked that it took
a wagon-load of it to buy a wagon-load of provisions. Samuel Adams tells us
that he paid two thousand dollars for a hat and a suit of clothes.
A tradesman, to show his contempt for it, papered his shop with continental
currency. The current phrase, "not worth a continental," has survived all these
years as a reminder of the deplorable condition of our finances at this time. No
wonder the famishing and half-frozen soldiers in Washington's army, when paid
off in the flimsy stuff, were mutinous at times, and that the desertions averaged
more than a hundred a month.
234. Arnold the Traitor.—In the midst of all the trials of this "year of
disasters," the country was startled by the disclosure of a plot of the blackest
treason. The recklessly brave but unscrupulous Arnold proved himself a traitor
of the deepest dye.
Born in Connecticut, he was early known as "a bad boy." From earliest
childhood he was disobedient, cruel, reckless, and profane, caring little or
nothing for the good will of others. While he was apprentice to an apothecary he
enlisted in the colonial army, but soon deserted. Afterwards he set up as druggist
in New Haven, but wasted the money he earned and ended the business by
becoming bankrupt.
235. His Brilliant Military Career.—When the startling news from
Lexington thrilled all the country, Arnold raised a company of soldiers and was
appointed captain. Soon he became colonel and aided Ethan Allen in the attack
on Forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Next he was sent to assist General
Montgomery in the assault on Quebec, where he proved himself a valiant soldier.
He received a severe wound in the leg while gallantly leading his men. For these
useful services, Congress made him a brigadier-general.
Soon after this, Congress bestowed upon five prominent brigadiers the
distinguished rank of major-general, but Arnold was not one of them. He felt
slighted and became very jealous. Washington wrote him a kindly letter, which
partly appeased his wounded vanity.
During the Burgoyne campaign, as we have read, Arnold won special renown
for his splendid bravery at the battle of Saratoga, where he was again wounded.
For his signal valor in this battle he was now made a major-general. But even
this probably failed to satisfy him; for there were still five others superior to him
in rank.
236. The Beginning of his Wicked Career.—As his wounded leg needed
rest, Arnold obtained from Washington, in the summer of 1778, the command of
Philadelphia, lately evacuated by the British. During his nine months there his
conduct was bad. His manners were haughty and insolent. He lived with costly
extravagance far beyond his means, drove a fine coach and four, and gave
splendid parties. His associates were largely among the Tories, and he married a
Miss Shippen, a bitterly disloyal young woman. His intimate friends were now
for the most part the enemies of his country.
Arnold's expensive habits of living soon brought him deeply in debt, and
when the storekeepers urged payment of their bills, he contrived dishonest
methods of obtaining money belonging to the government. Formal charges of
misconduct were made; he was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to the very
mild punishment of a public reproof by the Commander-in-Chief. This
reprimand Washington performed as gently as possible, sparing his feelings by
combining high praise for his past heroism with censure for his late misdeeds.
Arnold was angry. He had hoped to escape all censure. You may know how
black a villain he was from the fact that, in his speech in court, defending
himself, he spoke of his past services in battle and promised even more faithful
devotion in future to his dear country, which he said he loved as his own life. It
came out afterwards that even then he had been for months secretly exchanging
letters with Sir Henry Clinton, and plotting how to betray his country! His letters
were signed "Gustavus," and were secretly sent by his wife. The replies from
Clinton purported to be from "John Anderson."
237. Secretly plans to betray his Country.—Arnold knew that of all things
Clinton most longed to get possession of West Point; for it was the key of the
river northward up to Lake Champlain, and it also controlled the crossing
between New England and the Middle States. Arnold studied how to betray it,
and by one bad act to satisfy both his revenge and his greed for money.
The first thing to do was to change the sullenness that had marked his
behavior since the trial. He at once became cheerful, loudly patriotic, and so
eager to help his dear country! Next he contrived to persuade some prominent
officers to induce Washington to appoint him to the command of West Point. Not
suspecting his treachery, Washington gave him the place. He took command in
August, 1780.
238. Arnold and André meet, and plot Treason.—Now Arnold's plot began
to ripen. But Clinton wanted to be very sure of what he was doing. He concluded
to send a trusty officer to meet Arnold and settle the plan beyond doubt. So he
selected the Adjutant General of his army, a brilliant young officer, Major John
André, who knew all about it thus far, for he was the "John Anderson" who had,
under Clinton's directions, answered the "Gustavus" letters.
On the morning that he started, André had a parting lunch with his fellow
officers, with wine-drinking and song-singing—a right jolly time! Ah! if he
could only have foreseen! André was an estimable young man, brave, educated,
accomplished, a poet, an artist, and brought up in the best society of England.
André went up the Hudson in the sloop-of-war Vulture. After the moon went
down, and it was dark enough for such a deed, a boat came silently from the
west shore near Haverstraw, and took back from the vessel a tall young man
wrapped in a black cloak. Arnold met him on the bank and led him into a thicket
of fir trees. There, like two ugly spirits of evil, they crouched in the darkness,
and talked over the details of the dastardly deed.
Arnold, eager for British gold, haggled for a higher price. They plotted the
utter ruin of the patriot cause, till, at the earliest streak of dawn, boom! boom!
sounded some cannon! The traitor was frightened! One of our shore batteries
was firing a few shots at the Vulture, so that she had to drop down stream a few
miles. André therefore could not return directly to the Vulture, but was obliged
to remain hidden all that day.
The plans had all been arranged. Clinton was to send up a fleet with soldiers
to West Point, and Arnold was meanwhile to have removed most of his troops
from the fort on some pretense, so that Clinton's force could easily capture it.
Arnold gave André some papers to carry to Clinton, maps of the fort, with
instructions how to approach and take it.
Sir Henry had warned André not to receive any papers from Arnold nor to put
on any disguise. André for some reason did not obey these orders. He may have
suspected that, after all, some trap was planned to deceive the British, and
thought best to carry back papers in Arnold's own handwriting. At all events, it
was a fatal mistake for poor André.
239. Capture of André.—- André wore long riding-boots. Between his
stockings and the soles of his feet he put these papers. He took also a pass from
Arnold to carry him through the guards. The Vulture having dropped down the
river, André crossed over and set out on horseback to go back to New York on
the east side.
All went well until he reached the vicinity of Tarrytown. At this time the
region was infested with "cowboys" and "skinners," who under the pretense of
keeping up a partisan warfare for their respective sides used to steal whatever
they could find.
On this morning several men from the American army had been sent out to
look after the "cowboys." As André rode along, three of this party sprang from
the bushes, leveled their muskets at him, and ordered him to halt. They were
young men, and their names were John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van
Wart. One of them happened to have on the coat of a Hessian soldier whom he
had captured. This may have misled André and prompted him to make a blunder.
"Gentlemen," said André, "I hope you belong to our side."
"Which side?" asked Van Wart.
"The lower party," answered André. "I am a British officer on urgent duty, and
hope you will not detain me."
Then the three patriots ordered him off his horse. André saw his mistake. He
showed them Arnold's pass, but they insisted on searching him. They examined
his saddle, took off his coat and vest, but finding nothing wrong, were about to
let him go, when Paulding said:—
"Boys, I am not satisfied; his boots must come off."
André objected: "his boots were very tight—he must not be detained—you'll
suffer yet for what you are doing."
But off came the boots, and out came the fatal papers!
"Boys, this fine fellow is a spy!" exclaimed Paulding.
André offered his captors his splendid gold watch, his horse, and a thousand
dollars in money, if they would only let him off. The three common soldiers
proved true to themselves and to their great cause and refused a bribe. Believing
their captive to be a spy, they took him to their commander, Colonel Jameson.
240. The Arch Traitor makes his Escape.—This officer made the blunder of
sending a messenger to Arnold with a letter saying a certain John Anderson had
been arrested! The horseman found the arch traitor at breakfast with several of
his prominent officers as his guests. His beautiful young wife was presiding with
charming grace at the table.
Arnold, concealing his terror, left the table, kissed his sleeping babe, told his
fainting wife he might never see her again, seized a horse, galloped to the river,
sprang into a boat, and urged the oarsmen by their love of money and rum to row
him to the Vulture. When the boat reached the vessel, the traitor was so mean as
to hand over the poor oarsmen as prisoners. But the British captain generously
sent them back.
Washington arrived at Arnold's house a few hours after he had escaped, and
when the papers in Arnold's handwriting were shown him, his hand shook; he
was overwhelmed with amazement and sorrow.
Turning to Lafayette, with tears running down his cheeks, and choking with
grief, he cried out:—
"Arnold is a traitor, and has fled to the British! Whom can we trust now?"
It was only for a moment. The next instant Washington had recovered his iron
241. What became of Arnold.—Washington contrived an ingenious plan to
capture Arnold, but it failed. The traitor got his reward; he was made a major-
general in the British army and received thirty thousand dollars for his villany.
But the gold turned to ashes in his hands. Everybody despised him. Men pointed
the finger of scorn at him, saying, "There goes Arnold the traitor."
A member of Parliament, in the midst of a speech saw Arnold in the gallery,
and, pausing, said, "Mr. Speaker, I will not go on while that traitor is in the
Washington had, all the years before, been Arnold's steadfast friend. He
admired one who could fight with such energy, and who never knew fear. After
the treason it is said that Washington could never mention the traitor's name
without a shudder.
"What do you think of the doings of that diabolical dog?" wrote Colonel
Williams, the gallant southern fighter, to General Morgan.
"Curse on his folly and perfidy!" said the noble-hearted General Greene.
"How mortifying to think that he is a New Englander!"
242. André's Sad Fate.—The three faithful men who captured André were
highly honored. Each received a silver medal from Congress, with a life pension
of two hundred dollars a year. Their graves are marked by worthy monuments.
But poor André! what became of him? He was tried within a week by a court-
martial of fourteen generals and condemned to death as a spy.
"We cannot save him," said the kindly old veteran, Baron Steuben. "Oh that
we had the traitor who has dragged this gallant young officer to death, so that he
might suffer in his stead!" André wrote a full and frank letter to Washington,
urging that he was not really a spy. All Americans felt deep pity for him because
of his youth, his virtues, his many accomplishments, his belief that he was
serving his country, and because he had been the victim of a villain.
But Americans could not forget that the British, four years before, had
captured a brave young American officer, Captain Nathan Hale, and hanged him
as a spy without any manifestation of pity or sympathy.
The officer who commanded the escort that brought André across the Hudson
to the main army was a college classmate of Hale. As the young officers rode
along on horseback, mention was made of Hale's sad fate.
"Surely," said André, "you do not think his case and mine alike!"
"They are precisely alike," answered the officer, "and similar will be your
Washington, who shed tears when he signed the death warrant, would gladly
have saved André's life; but the stern rules of war and the good of the American
cause left no room for mercy. His execution was put off one day, it is said, in
hope that Arnold might be captured and made to suffer in his stead.
André bravely faced the awful event, and on the morning of the day of his
death conversed freely and even cheerfully. He was disturbed only about the
mode of his death; he begged to be shot as a soldier, and not hanged as a spy; but
the grim custom and rules of war forbade.
243. Arnold dies in Disgrace.—Arnold lived in London for more than twenty
years after his foul treason. No doubt they were years of bitter remorse and self-
reproach. His wife proved herself a devoted woman. Arnold's children and
grandchildren all felt keenly the disgrace that rested upon the family.
As the traitor came to his final sickness, his mind seemed to recall the days
when he fought for his country with distinction. He thought of the steadfast
friendship that Washington once cherished for him. After Saratoga, this friend
had presented him with epaulettes and a sword-knot, and put them on with his
own hand. The old uniform in which he had fought his battles, and which he
wore on the day he escaped to the Vulture, had been carefully kept during all
these years of disgrace.
Just before his death the desolate old man called for these sad reminders and
put them on again.
"Let me die," said he, "in this old uniform in which I fought so many battles
for my country. May God forgive me for ever putting on any other!"
Thus perished the man who, with the exception of Washington and Greene,
prior to his infamous deed, had done perhaps more efficient service for the cause
of our independence than any other American general.
Think of the contrast between the deep infamy of an Arnold and the patriotic
grit and unselfishness of those ragged, half-starved Pennsylvania soldiers who
rose in mutiny during the next winter. Mad Anthony Wayne had led some of
these men at the storming of Stony Point, and he was dearly beloved by them all;
yet they would not obey even him.
As Wayne was speaking to them, two men, who had been sent by General
Clinton to tamper with the mutineers and offer a bounty and high pay if they
would enlist in the British army, were detected. The soldiers in their wrath turned
these emissaries over to their general, and they were hanged as spies.
"Tell General Clinton," said these men who had not received a cent of pay to
send home to their families for over a year, "that we are not Benedict Arnolds."
244. The Colonies poorly prepared to cope with England on the Sea.—
Now we must remember that the American Revolution, which lasted about seven
years, and which resulted in our independence, was fought almost entirely on
land. We were poor, and besides had but little or no experience in building men-
of-war. The few vessels that had been built in this country were mostly sloops or
schooners for fishing, or for trading.
In this lack of large sailing craft during the Revolution, we should have got on
very poorly but for the generous aid of France. When Washington's forces closed
in upon the enemy at Yorktown, he would not then have been able to capture the
whole British army and so end the great struggle, but for the thirty-six French
ships that arrived just in time to give us the assistance we so much needed.
In the first years of the war the colonies began to build a number of warships,
but these were of little account compared with the navy of England. Such few
vessels as we already had were hastily fitted up for naval service and armed with
small cannon. These had to make up for their want of size by the boldness of
their crews and the quickness of their movement.
Privateering was then very common. This means that a vessel owned or
officered by private persons has a commission from the government to go out
and attack the enemy's vessels. Without this authority it would have been
regarded as a pirate.
245. John Paul Jones begins his Remarkable Career.—The feeble colonies
had then not only few vessels, but few officers to command them. There was one
officer, however, John Paul Jones, who soon became widely famous as a naval
commander of extraordinary courage and superb audacity. He was born in
Scotland. When a boy of only twelve years he began to go to sea. In time he
visited his elder brother, a farmer in Virginia. During the next few years he made
a number of voyages to the West Indies, and became rich by his skill in trading.
When the war of the Revolution began, this energetic young Scotch sailor
determined to take an active part in it. He entered the navy in 1775, when
twenty-eight years old, and became lieutenant of the sloop-of-war Alfred.
On this vessel Paul Jones hoisted to the masthead the first American flag ever
displayed over an American warship. It was a yellow silk flag showing a pine
tree, with a rattlesnake coiled at its root as if about to strike, and the motto,
"Don't tread on me." Our present flag, with its beautiful stripes and glowing
stars, was adopted by Congress two years later.
The Alfred was the flagship of a little fleet of seven vessels. They soon
captured two British vessels from the Bahamas, then went to Nassau, the capital
of the islands, took the governor prisoner, and carried away nearly a hundred
cannon with a large quantity of military supplies. On the way home they seized
two more British vessels. On a later cruise, of forty-seven days, Jones took
sixteen prizes.
246. John Paul Jones performs Daring Deeds on the English Coast.—
Afterwards Paul Jones went to France, and sailing from Brest in his ship the
Ranger, he swept the seas all around England, taking or destroying every hostile
ship he met. He was so audacious as to sail into British ports, wrecking and
pillaging everywhere. He entered the harbor of Whitehaven, England, surprised
the forts, spiked the guns, and burned some ships at the docks. English
commerce was crippled, insurance rates rose to a fabulous price, and merchants
met with enormous losses.
The English were so alarmed that they sent out the well-armed sloop-of-war
Drake to capture Jones and bring him in a prisoner. But the daring hero turned
the game just the other way. He met the British craft in the Irish Sea, and after a
severe battle of over an hour he captured her with more than two hundred
prisoners and took the prize to Brest. All this pleased the French wonderfully, for
they had had war with England.
In fact all Europe rang with the praises of John Paul Jones.
The flames spread; both ships are on fire! but still the big guns roar. Both
vessels have been on fire three times, but the pumps are at work and the battle
still rages. The scene is one of appalling, indescribable grandeur. Finally, at
about ten o'clock, Captain Pearson sees there is no hope against such a foe as
this, and so strikes his flag. When the haughty English captain gave up his sword
to the brave Yankee sailor, he said: "I cannot but feel much mortification at the
idea of surrendering my sword to a man who has fought me with a rope round
his neck."
The gallant Jones received the Englishman's sword, and at once returned it,
saying, "You have fought bravely, sir, and I hope your king will give you a better
Thus ended one of the most desperate sea fights recorded in naval history. The
Bon Homme Richard was a complete wreck and was fast sinking. Accordingly
Jones took all on board the Serapis, which of course was then under his
command, and in a few hours the American vessel went down in the deep sea,
carrying with her the bodies of her dead. The victorious commander took the
Serapis, with all his prisoners, into a Holland port.
249. Effect of this Grand Naval Victory; After-Life of Paul Jones.—This
famous victory was a severe blow to England's naval prestige. The moral effect
upon the nations of Europe of such a victory within sight of the English coast
was something remarkable.
Franklin praised Jones, and Washington wrote him a warm letter of thanks.
The French king invited him to his palace, and presented him with a superb
gold-mounted sword. The empress of Russia gave him an honorary ribbon, and
the king of Denmark awarded him a pension.
In America this victory brought universal joy, and Congress bestowed on the
victor a large gold medal. The brave Captain Pearson was afterwards knighted
by his king. On hearing of it, Jones said, "He deserves it; and if I fall in with him
again I'll make a lord of him."
After a few years' further service in our navy, Paul Jones was offered a
position of honor in the Russian navy. He accepted it and soon won a brilliant
victory in the Black Sea over the Turks, who were frightened at his remarkable
Afterwards, when living in Paris, Jones became broken down in health. No
wonder, for he had fought twenty-four naval battles! When he was taken sick,
the queen sent her physician, to attend him. He died in Paris in 1792, at the early
age of forty-five, thirteen years after his memorable victory. No one knows the
place of his burial. At the public funeral a vast concourse filled the streets of the
French capital.
General sorrow was shown throughout the United States at the death of John
Paul Jones, the great ocean hero of the Revolution—indeed, the first heroic
character in our country's naval history.
250. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most Useful and Influential Men of his
Time.—Among the many men who acted a conspicuous part as "makers of our
country," Benjamin Franklin holds a unique and interesting place. Combined
with shrewd common sense and a practical philosophy was a genial and rare
personality, which made him during his long lifetime a most useful and
influential citizen.
Franklin did not fight and win battles like Washington and Greene, but he
gained notable victories in diplomacy when the struggling colonies sorely
needed them. For over sixty years he wrote hundreds of pamphlets, tracts, and
newspaper articles, which moulded public opinion at critical times, and also
served to increase the comfort and happiness of his fellow-men.
Most men who have attempted to write their own lives have made a sad
failure of it. This busy man of the world, with no education save that which he
was able to get in the "odds and ends" of time, told the story of his own life in a
way that has commanded the interest and admiration of multitudes of readers for
over a hundred years.
251. Franklin's Early Life; his Genius for Useful Inventions.—Benjamin
Franklin, the fifteenth of a family of seventeen children, was born in Boston in
1706. His father was a poor man, who could afford his youngest boy only about
two years of schooling. When he was ten, the lad left school to assist his father at
his trade of making soap and tallow candles.
Nothing else pleased the boy so much as a book. He had access at this time to
very few, and most of these were dull, but he read them eagerly. He read and re-
read Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress until he knew it by heart. He disliked his
father's trade and longed to do something more agreeable. He even thought of
running away to sea as one of his brothers had done.
252. Learns the Printer's Trade; how he learned to write Good English.—
Finally the boy was bound out as an apprentice to his older brother James, to
learn the printer's trade. This was more to the boy's liking, for it gave him a
better chance to read. For three years young Franklin worked hard to master the
business. In a short time he could set type as well as any of the Boston printers.
He went on errands to the bookstores, and, making friends with the clerks, he
was often able to borrow books to read. He would carry them home, sit up most
of the night reading, and return them on the next morning.
In his story of his own life, Franklin gives a most interesting account of his
finding an odd volume of Addison's Spectator, and how charmed he was with
the style. He would read one of Addison's essays with great care, close the book,
and then write it out in his own words. This was carefully compared with the
original, and corrected and re-corrected until he had improved upon his first
This and other similar exercises were long continued, and they gave the
ambitious boy the command of a singularly clear and interesting style.
253. Writes for his Brother's Newspaper.—For three years the young printer
worked steadily at his trade, without a moment of leisure except such as he took
from his sleep or from his meals. He often sat up late and rose early, that he
might have more time for study.
His brother James, for whom he worked, so prospered in his business that he
began to print in 1721 a weekly newspaper. It was young Benjamin's duty to set
the type and strike off the edition of a few hundred papers, and then carry the
little sheet to the houses of the subscribers.
The boy read his brother's paper and soon had confidence enough in himself
to write articles for it. He did not dare to let his brother know it, but slipped them
under the door at night. They were printed and eagerly read for some time before
their authorship was known.
254. Goes to Philadelphia; First Appearance in that City.—Young Franklin
and his brother did not, however, get along well together. They quarreled, and
the young printer at last sold some of his books and set sail for New York on a
sloop. Unable to find work there, he was advised to go to Philadelphia. After
many hardships and mishaps, he stepped ashore at the Quaker City one Sunday
morning with one silver dollar and about a shilling in copper in his pocket.
Franklin was at this time a sturdy youth of seventeen. He was dressed in the
peculiar fashion of the times. He wore knee breeches of buckskin, also a huge
coat, the pockets of which bulged out with his spare shirts and stockings. He
hastened to the first baker's shop and asked for threepenny worth of bread. The
baker handed him three long rolls. He took one under each arm, and ate the third
as he walked along the streets.
A young girl happened to see him as he passed her father's house, and she
laughed aloud at the young man's comical appearance. The girl's name was
Deborah Read, and she afterwards became the wife of Franklin. Hungry and
tired, he ate his rolls, then walked down to the river for a drink of water, and at
last went into a Quaker meeting and soon fell sound asleep.
A good Quaker helped Franklin to get work at his trade as a printer. The
young man soon proved himself a prize to his employer. He was strong, quick,
frugal, of a studious mind, and, what was a rare virtue in those days, he never
touched strong drink. Bright and sunny hours now came. He received good
wages, saved his money, and made friends everywhere.
255. Goes to London and works at his Trade.—One of these friends was the
governor of Pennsylvania. He advised Franklin to set up a printing office of his
own. He urged him to go to London to buy a printing outfit, and promised him
letters to people in England who, he said, would let him have all the money he
needed. The young printer trusted too much to the pompous governor's promises
and sailed for England, hoping to find the letters in the vessel's letter bag. But
the governor had disappointed him; no such letters were ever written.
In due time Franklin found himself in the great city of London, where he did
not know a single person. He at once showed what stuff he was made of. He
quietly went to work at his trade and worked harder than ever. He kept up his
studious habits, and spent all his spare time in reading good books.
256. Returns to Philadelphia; successful as a Printer and Publisher.—
After a stay of a year and a half in London, Franklin returned to Philadelphia,
and soon after set up in business for himself as a printer. After a time he started a
newspaper. He worked early and late, attending to every detail himself. He was
not ashamed to carry material for his paper through the streets on a wheelbarrow.
Once he invited a rival in his business home to dine. Pointing to a loaf of
bread from which they had eaten, he said, "Unless you can live cheaper than I,
you cannot starve me out."
When he was twenty-four the prosperous young printer married Deborah
Read, the young woman who had laughed at him years before as he trudged
through the streets with the rolls under his arms. Deborah proved herself a real
helpmate, thrifty and industrious. Attached to the printing office was a little shop
which the young wife tended.
"Our table was plain and simple," says Franklin in his autobiography, "our
furniture of the cheapest. For instance, our breakfast was for a long time bread
and milk (no tea), and I ate it out of a twopenny earthen porringer, with a pewter
spoon." In after years the thrifty couple indulged in some splendor, for in 1765
Mrs. Franklin, in a letter to her husband, alludes proudly to a papered room,
horsehair chairs, a sideboard, and three carpets.
257. His Happy, Useful, and Prosperous Career in Philadelphia.—For
twenty years Franklin lived a prosperous life as an active business man of the
good Quaker city. He had become noted for his integrity, sagacity, and
prosperity. His newspaper became known for its sparkling and timely editorials.
The most intelligent and influential men of the city met in his office to discuss
the questions of the day.
The same year that Washington was born (1732) Franklin issued the first
number of his Poor Richard's Almanac, which soon gained great fame for its
wise and pithy sayings. The popularity which this little work maintained for
twenty-five years was astonishing. Its shrewd and quaint maxims soon became
household words in almost every shop and home of the land.
Even with his increasing prosperity Franklin found time every day to devote
many hours to his books. He became proficient in French, Spanish, Italian, and
even Latin. He gave much time to music, and played with skill upon the harp,
the guitar, and the violin.
This remarkable man now began to be at the head of many kinds of public and
private enterprises, from treating with the Indians to plans for cleaning the
streets. Honors, both public and private, were heaped upon him. He started a
public library in Philadelphia, the first of its kind in America.
He invented the famous "Franklin fireplace," which proved very popular and
is even in use to-day. The most trivial events would often suggest to him
something that would secure beneficial results.
The story is told that Franklin saw one day in a ditch the fragments of a basket
of yellow willow, in which some foreign goods had been brought into the
country. One of the twigs had sprouted. He planted it; and it is said that it
became the parent of all the yellow willows in our country.
258. Franklin's Famous Kite Experiment.—Franklin was a great student of
the sciences, especially electricity. He wrote a pamphlet to prove that lightning
and electricity are the same thing. The idea was sneered at, and people asked,
"Of what use is it?" To which the genial philosopher replied, "What is the use of
a child? It may become a man!" He hit on a plan to prove his theory.
This was the famous kite experiment which he tried in 1752. He made a kite
of silk, fastened a piece of wire to the stick, and went out with his son to fly it
during a thunderstorm. At the lower end of the hempen string was fastened a
key, and below that a cord of silk, which is a non-conductor. He held the silk
cord in his hand, and when a low thunder cloud passed, he saw that the fibres of
the string rose, separated, and stood on end, exactly as the hair does on one's
head when one is charged with electricity as he stands on an insulating stool.
When Franklin brought his knuckles near the key that he had tied to the string,
sparks came from the metal, and he felt slight shocks.
This discovery made a great sensation in the scientific world. Franklin at once
became famous, took high rank as a man of science, and was afterwards known
as "Doctor Franklin." He now invented the lightning rod, which has been in use
ever since all over the civilized world.
259. Entrance into a Broader Public Life.—From this time Franklin began
to occupy more important positions in public life. In 1754 he was sent on a
mission to Albany to enlist the chiefs of the powerful "Six Nations" to become
allies of the English. On this journey he drew up a plan for the union of the
colonies. It was almost like that by which they were afterwards bound together
as a nation.
During the Braddock campaign Franklin in vain warned the haughty British
general that "the Indians would surprise, on its flanks, the slender line, nearly
four miles long, which the army must make," and would "cut it like a thread into
several pieces." From his own purse Franklin advanced for this ill-starred
expedition between six and seven thousand silver dollars.
The quarrels between the Pennsylvania Assembly and the Proprietors in
England became so bitter that Franklin was sent to England in 1757 as the sole
commissioner to make an appeal to the English government. He was cordially
received abroad and highly honored by the most eminent scientific men of the
time. He returned home after an absence of nearly six years.
Franklin was now fifty-seven years old. He had an ample fortune, perfect
health, and a superiority to most men in personal appearance and dignity. He
hoped to withdraw from public life and give the rest of his days to the study of
260. Franklin becomes a most Useful and Sagacious Helper to the
Struggling Colonies.—Great and momentous events, however, were at hand.
There was more important work for him to do. The struggling colonies, already
taxed almost beyond endurance to carry on the war against the French and
Indians, were allowed no representation nor voice in the matter of taxation.
Franklin, with patriotic foresight and with keen force of logic, resisted the
outrage. He declared it to be the "mother of mischief."
In 1764 Franklin was again sent by the Assembly to England, to present to the
British court the protest of the people against "taxation without representation."
263. Our Country One Hundred Years Ago.—Let us now take a hasty
glance backward for a century and note the vast changes that have taken place in
the matter of daily living during this time. Very different was the country in
which our forefathers lived from that with which we are familiar. To be sure,
there was a fringe of villages along the coast from Maine to Georgia. Fifty miles
back from the Atlantic the country was for the most part an unbroken wilderness.
A few hundred settlers, and perhaps a hundred log cabins, made up a village
where now stands the great city of Cincinnati. Indians and buffaloes roamed over
the rich plains of the West which to-day furnish grain for Europe. Only seven of
the states then had well-defined boundaries. Thousands of the marvelous
inventions and discoveries which have added so much to the comfort and
convenience of life had at that time no existence.
264. Newspapers.—Forty-three newspapers managed to survive the war of
the Revolution. Even the best of these were mean-looking, and printed on poor
paper. For the most part, they contained but four small pages, and were issued
not oftener than two or three times a week. As to quantity of printed matter, they
could not sustain comparison for one moment with the newspaper of our time.
There was no such thing as an editorial page. All kinds of queer
advertisements there were; as, for runaway slaves or stolen horses: tedious letters
appeared, written to the editor from distant points: treatises on geography and
morals abounded instead of news. To fill out space, the editor would
occasionally reprint some standard historical work or book of travels.
That material which gives the modern newspaper its peculiar value and is now
known under the general name of "news" was unknown. There were few or no
facilities for gathering facts as to the happenings of events or the doings of
individuals, communities, and nations; and certainly no pains was taken to
forward such material for publication.
265. The Postal Service and Letter-Writing.—In the early colonial times
there was no such thing as an official postal service. Up to the time of the
Revolution there were certain means provided for carrying letters, but they were
very meagre.
The postmen used to travel some thirty to fifty miles a day in good weather.
Letters were sent from New York to Boston three times a week during summer,
and twice a week in winter. Six days and even more were required to make the
journey. One pair of saddlebags easily contained all the mail.
If such were the scanty mail accommodations of the chief cities, we can
imagine what they were in the small country towns. Sacks of letters and papers
are now easily carried in one afternoon farther than they were then transported in
five weeks. After the war, Washington had an extensive and important
correspondence with the influential men of the country. In many of his replies he
complained of the tedious delay in receiving his mail. Well he might, for his
letters were sometimes longer in going from Mount Vernon to Boston than they
would now be in reaching China.
In remote sections the post-rider was often a decrepit man or some crippled
soldier. One old postman used to improve his time, as his horse jogged slowly
along, by knitting woolen mittens and stockings. There was no special protection
to the service. Letters and packages were opened and freely read or examined by
the carriers. So common was this evil that the great men of this time used to
correspond in cipher.
We may be sure that when it cost much to send letters, and the difficulties of
forwarding them were so many, the letter-writers of those days took special pains
to write long epistles, full of news. People learned most of the news of the day
from distant places, whether it pertained to politics, society, or gossip, through
faithful correspondents.
Imagine a busy merchant in one of our great cities writing a business letter,
but giving most of the space to the results of the last election, or the doings of
the state legislature. The telegraph, the telephone, stenography, and the
typewriter of our day have revolutionized business communication and much of
personal correspondence.
266. The Stage Coaches.—During the war of the Revolution, stages stopped
running between distant cities, and horseback traveling was resumed. When
peace was declared, the "coach and four" again took the road. Boston and New
York were then the two great commercial centers of the country; yet during
Washington's first term two stages and twelve horses carried all the passengers
by land between these two cities.
The stage coach at this time was not much better than a huge covered box
mounted on springs. There were no closed sides, glass windows, steps, or doors.
It was not to be compared for one moment with the far-famed Concord coaches
in after years. In summer an ordinary day's journey was forty miles, but in winter
only about one-half of this distance.
The stage started early each morning—often at three o'clock—and its daily
time limit was about ten at night. Often the passengers were forced to get out and
help lift it out of the mud or a deep rut. If there were no unusual accidents or
mishaps, it reached New York, from Boston, at the end of the sixth day. Even at
this snail pace the good people used to wonder at the ease, as well as the speed,
with which the journey was made.
It is no wonder, then, that a journey to any remote place became a serious
matter. Prudent men, when ready to set out for a distant point, arranged their
business affairs for any emergency, made their wills, and, after a formal dinner at
the tavern, bade their family and neighbors a solemn farewell.
267. How Fires were put out.—The law at this time compelled every man to
take an active part in putting out fires. He was obliged to keep at least four
leathern buckets hung up at some convenient place in his house or shop, with his
name painted on them, together with a big canvas bag. When an alarm of fire
was raised, either by vigorous shouts of "Fire! fire!" or the ringing of the church
bell, the good citizen seized his fire buckets and his canvas bag, and, guided by
the smoke or flame, started for the scene of action.
There were no idlers at an old-time fire. Some rushed into the building with
their canvas bags and filled them with such movable goods as could be readily
carried in them. A double line extending to the water was formed of men, boys,
and even women. One line passed the full buckets to those who were nearest the
fire, while the other line returned the empty vessels to the well or river.
Some of the larger towns boasted of a "fire engine." This was merely a pump
mounted over a tank, which the men kept full by pouring in water from the
buckets. The rich householder was allowed to send his slave or servant to the fire
with the fire buckets.
When the fire was out, the buckets were left in the road, to be picked up and
carried home by their owners. Persons who neglected to keep their fire buckets
in good order and in their proper places, or who failed to carry them home after
the fire, were fined.
268. How Sunday was passed.—The observance of Sunday began at
sundown on Saturday. The early part of the evening was devoted to family
worship, and shortly after eight o'clock all were in bed. No work except such as
was really necessary was done on Sunday. Most of the cooking was done the day
before. Each member of the family, unless sick in bed, went to church. The
farmer traveled on horseback with his wife on the pillion behind.
The singers sat in the front gallery. The boys and young men had seats in the
left-hand gallery, while that on the right was occupied by the young women. We
have read in a previous chapter something about the tithing-man and his duties.
The short noon interval was devoted to eating a cold lunch.
No meeting-house in those days was warmed. Old and feeble women were
allowed to use tin foot-stoves, filled with a few hot coals. In the bitter cold
months of a New England winter it was no trifling affair to endure the actual
suffering that accompanied religious worship on Sunday. The story is told of a
good minister in Connecticut who in the depths of winter prudently preached in
overcoat and mittens, but complained that his voice was drowned by persons
stamping and knocking their feet together to keep warm.
269. The Minister and the Meeting-Houses.—The minister was always held
in high esteem. He was usually the most important man of the village, and was
looked upon with reverence not unmingled with awe. His authority was almost
supreme. If a person spoke disrespectfully of him, or even laughed at his
oddities, the offender was heavily fined. The advice of the minister was often
asked, and sometimes given unasked, on matters of business as well as of
religion. Fearless and resolute in what they believed to be right, the influence of
the ministers of that time in public affairs was deservedly very great.
The minister's salary was but a pittance. It was never the same two years in
succession, and was rarely paid in cash. Donations of corn, beans, turnips, and
other farm products were usually given in place of hard money.
The sermon was the one event of the week. Every well person in the village
turned out to hear it. Copious notes were taken, and its various points furnished
topics for fireside discussion during the week.
270. How the Doctors healed the Sick.—The village doctor, together with
the minister and schoolmaster, held a high social rank. There were only two
medical colleges in the country, and these were not well attended. Medical books
were scarce and costly. Even the best doctors could not boast of a medical library
of fifty volumes.
The future doctor served his time as a student with some well-known
physician. He ground the powders, mixed the potions, rolled the pills, cleaned
the bottles, tended the night bell, and otherwise made himself useful. If the
young student had a good preceptor and was gifted with a keen observation and
a retentive memory, he returned to his native town or went elsewhere fairly
prepared to begin practice.
There were no drug stores in those days, and each doctor was his own
apothecary. He ground his own drugs, made his own tinctures, salves, and
plasters. Most of the medical preparations used then would not be tolerated to-
Then as now the country doctor used to ride night and day, year after year,
whatever the weather or the condition of the roads, to attend the good people of
his neighborhood. He received, as he richly deserved, the respect and affection
of his patients for his life of hardship and self-denial.
271. How the Schoolmaster taught School.—Besides the doctor, minister,
and lawyer, the village schoolmaster was socially and otherwise an important
man. He was usually a student who was "working his way" through college, and
who sought, by teaching winters and working on a farm in summer, to defray his
expenses at Yale, Dartmouth, or Harvard.
In many of the school districts he was expected to "board round." That is, he
lived with the parents of his pupils, regulating his stay according to the number
of the children of the family who attended school.
In those days there were large families and many children, and the young
schoolmaster was a welcome guest. The best room in the house, the warmest
corner by the fireplace, and the choicest food were reserved for him. During the
long winter evenings he discussed theology and politics with the fathers, played
games with the children, and escorted the girls to "spelling matches" and
"quilting bees."
272. The Everyday Home Life.—Such conveniences and comforts as are
now found in almost every home were then unknown. Cooking stoves, matches,
refined sugar, sewing machines, and kerosene oil had never been heard of. The
mechanic's home had no carpets on the floor, no pictures on the walls, no coal in
the cellar, no water faucets in the kitchen. Fruits and vegetables, now so cheap in
their season, such as tomatoes, oranges, bananas, celery, and dates, were either
quite unknown or beyond the reach of scanty means.
The farmers of a century ago ate plain food and wore plain clothes. Their
daily fare was usually salt fish, salt pork, beef, a few vegetables, and dried
apples. The numerous farm implements, which have done so much to cheapen
food and to bring thousands of acres into a state of high cultivation, were not yet
The well-to-do farmer managed to pick up a great deal of general information
and news of the day. He was noted for an inquiring turn of mind. He could tire
out the weary visitor or stranger on the road with numberless questions on
current social, political, or religious topics. At times he would unbend enough to
play "fox and geese" with his children, or attend "apple bees" and corn huskings.
277. The Great Naval Battle between the Constitution and the Guerrière.
—Only a few weeks after war was declared, our frigate Constitution, Captain
Isaac Hull, met the enemy's man-of-war Guerrière, Captain Dacres, off the
Massachusetts shore. The British vessel had been sailing proudly up and down
our coast, challenging the Yankee craft to fight. The Guerrière in real British
pride flings out a flag from the top of each "ocean spire." Her guns flash but the
balls fall short.
"Not a cannon to be fired till I give the word," cried Captain Hull; "double
shot the guns."
"May we not begin?" shouted his first officer as the shot came tearing through
the rigging.
Another broadside from the Guerrière! The men are getting impatient. Captain
Hull calmly waits until he can bring every gun to bear.
"Now, boys, give it to them!" he shouted at the top of his voice.
They did their work well. In twenty minutes the proud English frigate was a
helpless wreck.
"I will not take your sword," said the gallant Hull to Captain Dacres as the
British officer surrendered; "but I will trouble you for that hat!"
It seems that these two brave captains were personal friends, and Hull had
made a bet with Dacres that his vessel would "whip" the Guerrière if there
should ever be a war, and the loser was to forfeit his hat!
The Constitution was almost unhurt. The Guerrière, shattered and useless, was
set on fire, and in a few minutes blew up. All that was left of the splendid vessel
instantly vanished from sight forever. Hull took his prisoners to Boston, where
he was received with enthusiastic welcome.
The news of this victory created equal joy in every section of the country. Its
chief importance lay in the confidence it inspired among all the people,
demonstrating that a first-class English battleship was far from invincible. The
British government was astounded. So were the naval authorities, some of whom
had sneered at the Constitution as "a bundle of pine boards."
278. Naval Battle between the Wasp and Frolic; Other Brilliant Naval
Victories for the American Sailors.—A few weeks later the American sloop-
of-war Wasp fell in with the British brig Frolic off Virginia. It was a sharp fight
for three-quarters of an hour. Both vessels were nearly destroyed, when the Wasp
came close to the Frolic and gave a tremendous broadside that carried away
everything before it. Then the Wasp's crew boarded the Frolic and found not a
sailor on deck—only the officers, who surrendered. The surviving sailors had
gone below to escape the deadly fire.
The very next week Commodore Decatur of the frigate United States attacked
the British frigate Macedonian near the Canary Islands. It was a brisk fight of
two hours, when the Macedonian surrendered with a loss of over one hundred
Decatur's victory produced a profound impression both in this country and in
England. Congress recognized its importance by a vote of thanks and a gold
medal to the commodore.
279. "Old Ironsides" and her Noble Record.—In the same month occurred
the famous battle off Brazil between the Constitution under Commodore
Bainbridge and the frigate Java. It was a furious contest for two hours. The
enemy's ship had every mast shot away, and her hull was torn with shot. Her
deck was covered with more than two hundred killed and wounded. The wreck
of the Java surrendered, the survivors were taken on board the Constitution, and
the hull was burned. This was the fourth brilliant naval victory gained within six
The Constitution has ever since been popularly known as "Old Ironsides," by
which name her exploits have been celebrated from that day until this in oratory
and song. Many years ago the government planned to break her up and sell her
timbers. This prompted Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes to write his famous poem
These stirring lines had a powerful influence upon the public mind, and the
noble-vessel was saved. She may be seen now (1900), carefully protected, in the
navy yard at Charlestown, Mass.
Slowly but surely the idea dawned upon many minds in Europe that a nation
was springing up on the other side of the Atlantic that would sometime dispute
with England, the "mistress of the seas," the supremacy of the ocean.
280. Battle between the Chesapeake and Shannon.—The year 1813 opened
with hopeful prospects, but the scale turned less in our favor than during 1812. A
brilliant young officer, Captain James Lawrence, was given in reward for his
bravery the command of the Chesapeake, then lying in Boston Harbor. She was
one of the finest frigates in our young navy, but had the name among the sailors
of being an "unlucky" craft.
Lawrence had hardly taken charge of his new ship when he received a
challenge from the British frigate Shannon, cruising outside, daring him to come
out and fight. He hastily made ready for sea, collected such a crew as he could,
part landsmen and part foreigners, and sailed out. This was really very unwise.
The Shannon's crew were picked men, and had had long and careful drill,
while Lawrence's men were fresh and unprepared. Lawrence was young, proud
of his late victory, and full of courage. The hostile ships fought fiercely and with
terrible effect. In a few minutes every one of the Chesapeake's officers was
either killed or wounded.
While Lawrence was giving an order, a musket ball inflicted upon him a fatal
wound. As he was carried below, his dying words were,
—a stirring battle-cry, which has ever since been a source of inspiration to our
The battle was soon over. The torn rigging of the Chesapeake was entangled
with that of the Shannon, the enemy's officers leaped on board and raised the
British flag. The Chesapeake was taken to Halifax, where Lawrence was buried
with military honors.
281. Commodore Perry and his Brilliant Victory on Lake Erie.—The story
of Perry's brilliant victory on Lake Erie has been told in prose and verse ever
since it took place. The control of this inland sea between two hostile countries
was very important. The British already had a little fleet of six vessels with
sixty-three guns, to oppose which we had hardly anything in the shape of vessels
or trained men.
A naval officer, Oliver Hazard Perry of Rhode Island, not quite twenty-eight
years old and who had never been in action before, was appointed to take charge
of the whole matter in behalf of the United States. First, he must have an armed
flotilla to meet the enemy.
With remarkable energy the young captain put a large force of wood-choppers
and ship carpenters at work for months near Erie, Pa., felling huge trees and
building war vessels of the green timber. Soon he had launched nine, with fifty-
four cannon—more vessels than the enemy, but fewer guns.
One beautiful September morning the British fleet was seen on the horizon.
"Sail ho!" rang out from the masthead of the American flagship.
"Enemy in sight!" "Get under way!" was the signal sent to each vessel.
Perry stripped his flagship, the Lawrence, for action. At her masthead he
raised a blue battle-flag, upon which had been painted in large white letters the
dying words of the brave Lawrence, "Don't give up the ship."
"My brave lads," said Perry, "this flag has on it the dying words of Captain
Lawrence. Shall I hoist it?"
"Aye, aye, sir," shouted every man, and cheer after cheer echoed and reechoed
through the fleet. This was the signal for battle.
The enemy's fire was directed mostly upon Perry's vessel, which fought the
two largest British ships till the Lawrence was almost a helpless wreck—cannon
dismounted, masts shot away, and most of the crew either killed or wounded.
Should Perry surrender? NOT HE!
Taking his motto banner, he sprang into his only open boat, with his little
brother and four stout sailors, and standing erect with his battle-flag half folded
about him, balls flying all around him, he was rowed through the thickest of the
fight to another of his ships, the Niagara, half a mile distant.
A mighty shout went up from all our fleet at the sight of this heroic deed.
"Fire upon that boat," ordered the British commander.
The enemy at once poured a hail of cannon-balls, grapeshot, and musket
bullets around the men in the open boat. Strange to say, not a person was hurt.
Perry sprang on board of the Niagara, took command, sailed his vessels into the
enemy's line, and thundered a series of broadsides right and left into five of their
best ships.
In fifteen minutes from this moment the work was over! For the first time in
history an American fleet had met a British fleet in a fair fight—and captured it!
The battle had lasted three hours. The victory was complete. Then with
singular pride Perry returned to the shattered Lawrence and there received the
enemy's surrender! When he was sure of victory, he wrote in pencil on the back
of an old letter, resting the paper on his cap, and sent to General Harrison
(afterwards President in 1841) that remarkable despatch, the first sentence of
which has been so often repeated:
This victory, so astonishing for its daring act of valor, turned the scales of war.
It saved the western states from further inroads by the British, and paved the way
for General Harrison to recover what was lost in General Hull's surrender of
282. Other Events of this War.—The next year, 1814, which saw the end of
the war, was marked by events few but important. In the summer the British with
their vast fleet blockaded all our most important ports, and sailing up rivers and
into unprotected harbors, they plundered without mercy the defenseless cities
and towns.
In August one of their fleet sailed up to Washington, the city being entirely
unguarded. President Madison, the officers of the government, and many citizens
fled, and General Ross marched unopposed into the city. Obeying instructions
from his government, he burned the Capitol, the President's house, the Treasury,
and other public buildings, with vast amounts of valuable books and records.
This shameful act has always received the sharpest condemnation from the
civilized world.
Next the British army marched to Baltimore, where the fleet bombarded Fort
McHenry all day and all night, but without avail. The next morning Francis Scott
Key, then a prisoner on a British ship, seeing the flag still flying over the fort,
hastily wrote in pencil, on the back of an old letter, the stirring song that we all
know so well, "The Star-Spangled Banner."
The British General Ross was killed, and his army hastened to the ships and
sailed away.
In September the English, with an army of fourteen thousand veterans, tried to
force a way from Canada to New York through Lake Champlain. Their army
marched from Quebec, while the fleet sailed down the lake, and both were at
Plattsburg together. But our gallant flotilla under Commodore McDonough
utterly destroyed the British squadron, far superior to ours.
283. How General Jackson defeated the British at New Orleans.—Later in
the year the British made a vigorous effort to capture New Orleans. More than
ten thousand trained veterans, believed to be the finest troops in the world, were
met by less than half that number of men under Andrew Jackson, afterwards
President. The battle was short but decisive.
The British general repeated the fatal error of Bunker Hill in marching his
soldiers to attack men who were behind breastworks, and who knew how to hit
every time they fired. Jackson's wall of cotton bales was assaulted time and
again, but the red-coat lines broke and ran before the withering fire of the
backwoods rifles. The sharpshooters of the South-west had worsted British
veterans who had defeated the best soldiers of Napoleon.
In less than an hour the enemy's leader, General Packenham, was killed, seven
hundred of his men lay dead on the field, and the contest was over. The British
lost over two thousand in all, the Americans only thirteen! Never had a British
army met a more decisive defeat.
This battle, fought on the eighth of January, 1815, was really needless; for
peace had been made in Europe about two weeks before.
284. Results of the War.—The war of 1812 was not fought in vain. It put an
end at once to searching American vessels and kidnapping American sailors on
the high seas. Foreign nations saw that we were determined to maintain our
rights on the ocean, and have never thought it best since then to insult our
country. This war also served to strengthen the American feeling of nationality.
285. The Great Rush Westward.—Shortly after the close of the Revolution,
long processions of emigrant wagons, with their white canvas covers and their
companies of hardy men and women, began to move westward on all the main
roads through New England, over the highways of New York toward the lakes,
over the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, and through the valley of the Ohio.
Thousands of thrifty settlers followed just behind the pioneers and cleared the
forests, bridged the streams, built villages, and tilled the rich valleys. Thousands
left their homes in the Carolinas and went over the mountains to settle on the
rich lands of Kentucky and Tennessee.
The hardships which these early settlers endured are beyond description. It
was one long hard struggle for food, shelter, and life itself. This was only the
beginning of that mighty stream of migration which flowed for the next half
century or more beyond the Mississippi, beyond the Rocky Mountains, into the
region of the extreme Northwest and to the shores of the Pacific.
The story of the marvelous growth of our country beyond the Alleghanies
during the last hundred years reads more like a fairy tale than the plain truth.
286. Discovery of the Columbia River.—In 1792 Captain Robert Gray of
Boston, in the ship Columbia, was coasting along the Pacific shores, trading with
the Indians for furs, when he discovered a broad and deep stream, which he
entered and sailed up for many miles, and named after his vessel. The discovery
of this great river produced momentous and far-reaching results.
287. The Purchase of Louisiana by President Jefferson.—Now comes
another important event. Our pioneers, who wanted to push on still farther, could
not consistently cross the Mississippi River to stay there; for all that country
belonged to France. This entire region of over a million square miles was then
called Louisiana.
Our people were very anxious to obtain part of this land, because it included
New Orleans. The possession of it seemed necessary for our growing commerce
and for our future protection. Thomas Jefferson, then President (1803), was on
the point of attempting to buy of France enough of this southern region to
include the mouth of the river, when he learned to his surprise that the French
would be glad to sell us the whole of that vast territory!
Napoleon was just then planning military operations on a great scale against
England, and he was in sore need of "the sinews of war"; so he was glad to sell
to this country this immense area for fifteen million dollars.
The addition of the Louisiana territory more than doubled the area of the
United States.
288. The Wonders revealed by the Lewis and Clarke Exploring
Expedition.—The next year President Jefferson thought it best to learn all about
this wonderful addition to our territory, and so sent an expedition, under
Captains Lewis and Clarke, to explore it. They started from St. Louis in May,
1804. What a remarkable journey it was!—more than two thousand miles up the
Missouri River to its source, then across the Rocky Mountains, next down the
Columbia River to the Pacific. They were the first white men who ever explored
this vast domain, having traveled about six thousand miles.
On their return in September, 1806, they were welcomed with unbounded joy.
The stories of their perilous adventures sounded like a fairy romance, and the
book of their travels was read everywhere. The explorers brought back word that
the Indians had immense quantities of valuable furs. Soon throngs of American
hunters and trappers began to roam over the vast plains and through the forests.
All the way from the Missouri River to the Pacific a chain of trading posts,
and stores for exchanging goods for furs were established. The wagons of the
fur-traders and the winding caravans of emigrants that went under their
protection soon made a pretty fair road. This was known as the Oregon trail, and
in time it became the principal northern highway for Pacific travel.
289. How Dr. Whitman saved Oregon to the Union.—In 1836 a group of
young missionaries, two of them with their brides, went from New England to
Oregon, taking with them a wagon all the way from the Missouri to their new
homes on the Columbia River. One of these was a doctor by the name of Marcus
Whitman, whose labors and counsel became of great value to the company.
After they had been settled in Oregon some years Dr. Whitman discovered,
one day in October, 1842, that the British were sending large bands of settlers
down into Oregon, apparently to crowd American emigrants out of that rich
country and to take complete possession.
"The country is ours! The United States is too late. England will have Oregon
and you cannot help it," exclaimed an English subject to him.
"I will see," was the doctor's quiet reply.
The moment Dr. Whitman heard this he became alarmed at the danger. If the
President at Washington could only be informed of the facts, the threatened loss
might be averted. The National Capital was three thousand or more miles away;
and yet to delay a year or two might mean the seizure of all this rich country by
the British.
How to inform the government at Washington was the question. Could he
himself do anything to save to his country this immense and valuable region?—
one man, in midwinter, and across a continent? The problem haunted him
—"Must I go?" He could not sleep. Difficult, almost impossible, as would be the
journey, yet he heard the clear call of duty.
A firm and bold, resolve, quick as a flash, had taken hold of him. He rode
home in haste.
"I am going to Washington to lay bare this scheme," said he to his wife. "I will
bring settlers to Oregon."
"You cannot ever get there," exclaimed the young wife; "you will perish on
the way."
"I must go; Oregon must be saved," said Whitman.
290. Whitman begins his Perilous Journey.—Twenty-four hours later Dr.
Whitman, with one companion, and pack mules for the guide and their supplies,
started on horseback on the perilous undertaking.
Over mountain ranges, through deep gorges and rugged forests, now drenched
in storms, now buried in snow, and half famishing for food—their sufferings
cannot be described.
They fed their horses on cotton-wood bark, while the men themselves lived on
mule and dog meat. Two or three times they were really lost in the blinding
snowstorms, and wandered about bewildered for days. Once only, Whitman gave
up in despair, and then, worn out and bewildered, he knelt in the deep snow, and
in a final prayer surrendered to God all earthly hopes. Then the party sank down
and awaited a snowy burial. They were not, however, to die in the wilderness,
but were rescued from death almost as if by a miracle, and after untold hardships
for three months they reached St. Louis.
291. Dr. Whitman succeeds in his Grand Mission.—Dr. Whitman at last
arrived in Washington and convinced President Tyler and Daniel Webster, his
Secretary of State, of the great value of Oregon and its importance to the Union.
It is claimed that he thus saved to our nation, by his famous "Ride for Oregon,"
that entire region of country now known as Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, an
area thirty-two times as large as the state of Massachusetts.
This heroic patriot afterwards went through the Eastern States and told the
people of the wonders of the Pacific coast. He stirred up such an interest that
when, in the following June, he started back for Oregon he had the satisfaction
of leading a caravan of two hundred wagons, with nearly a thousand people.
After that, emigrants thronged every year in larger and larger numbers, till the
territory was soon beyond the danger of British invasion.
The dispute as to which nation had a right to Oregon was at last settled in
1846 by a treaty between the United States and England. By this treaty the
boundary line was fixed, and our rightful claim to the vast Oregon country was
confirmed for all time.
292. California becomes One of the United States.—During all these years,
while so many eyes were turned towards Oregon, few thought much of
California, for it then belonged to Mexico. The coast trade in hides and furs and
the inland immigration from the United States had slowly changed the kind of
population. Although it was still Mexican by name, yet by 1846, besides the
Spanish, Mexicans, and Indians, there were about ten thousand other inhabitants,
mostly American citizens. In that year war was declared between the United
States and Mexico. Then the large body of Americans in California thought they
had a right to declare their independence of Mexico.
At just this time John C. Fremont, an army officer and a famous western
mountain explorer, was fortunately on the great plains, and was sent with an
army expedition to explore a new route to Oregon. Being informed by special
messenger of the war with Mexico, he changed his course and went to
California. When he arrived there his small but courageous band, increased in
number by patriotic residents and acting in harmony with our fleet, soon secured
the independence of this great state.
293. The Discovery of Gold in California.—It appears fortunate and even
providential that California came into our hands just when it did, for shortly
afterwards a most remarkable event occurred. Captain Sutter, an early emigrant,
had settled on the Sacramento River and built a sawmill.
In January, 1848, one of Sutter's laborers, by the name of Marshall, while
digging a ditch for the mill, found shiny pieces of yellow metal which they
suspected might be gold.
"I wonder what that yellow stuff is," said he. "I wonder if it is gold."
"I reckon it is brass," said one of his helpers.
"Let me try vinegar on it," said Marshall. It was tried and the vinegar did not
affect the "yellow stuff."
The men about the sawmill threw down their tools and went to work searching
for gold. Mr. Sutter laughed at the idea. But gold indeed it was, and there was
plenty of it!
294. The Effect of this Great Discovery.—The news spread. Soon everybody
about knew that pure gold was found and in wonderful quantities. What a rush
there was to the "diggings"! How all sorts of people from all over the western
coast crowded in! Doctors left their sick, ministers their pulpits, traders their
shops, mechanics their tools, and farmers their fields, all half frantic with the
desire to dig their fortunes out of the golden sands of California.
When the news of the discovery of gold reached the East, many people
seemed to catch the contagion. Multitudes started at once for California.
Thousands came by long wagon trains over the dreary plains. Hundreds died of
starvation or were killed by Indians. Thousands went by the Isthmus, other
thousands by Cape Horn. Vast numbers came from foreign countries. Even the
crews and often the officers abandoned the ships that brought crowds to the
Pacific coast and started for the gold "diggings."
295. The Mad Rush to the Gold Regions.—The rush to the gold fields began
in 1848, but became enormous in 1849. Those who went that year are since
called "Forty-niners." There were over eighty thousand of them! The crowds that
thronged the gold regions dug up the country for miles around Sutter's mill. They
tore up his beautiful valley and ruined his farm. But they soon learned that gold
was also to be found in larger quantities along the streams, among the
mountains, and in valleys.
Month by month new-comers swarmed in, and the excitement grew more
intense. Some found prizes, nuggets of solid gold as large as an acorn or a
walnut, and at times masses two or three pounds in weight. However much gold
a man found, he was wildly eager to get more.
A great deal of suffering ensued from the scarcity of food and the enormous
prices of everything needful. Potatoes sold for a dollar apiece, eggs at the same
price, wood at fifty dollars a cord, and flour at a hundred dollars a barrel. Large
butcher knives were found very useful for digging, and brought thirty dollars
each. A dose of the cheapest medicine in an apothecary's shop cost five dollars,
and a physician's visit a hundred dollars. Unskilled laborers were paid twenty-
five dollars a day.
Money was not used at the mines, but in its place the ore itself, or "dust," at
about sixteen dollars an ounce. Miners carried small scales, weighed their gold
dust, and paid their bills with it.
At the rough log tavern: "What do you charge for dinner here?" "Half an
At the wayside store: "What's the price of these boots?" "Three ounces."
296. The Pony Express and its Remarkable History.—San Francisco, being
the principal base of operations and the center of much of the immense travel to
and from the mines, grew in a few years from a cluster of shanties to a large and
wealthy city. The people of California now demanded more frequent and more
expeditious transmission of mail matter than that by steamers and across the
It was finally decided to establish a horseback letter express between St.
Joseph, on the Missouri River, and San Francisco, about two thousand miles. It
was a daring and hazardous project. But the express began business in April,
1860, and made the through trip in ten days. Only letters were carried. The
charge was five dollars each, afterwards reduced one-half. The company had
sixty hardy riders and four hundred and twenty strong, fast horses, though it was
nicknamed the "pony express."
A rider started from each end of the journey at the same hour. There were
stations every twenty-five miles for keeping and changing horses. On a
postman's arrival at a station the bags were instantly slung on a fresh horse (for
never more than two minutes must be spent at a station), and away went the new
courier for the next station. The speed was by and by increased, until the long
run was made in only eight days!
Ah! that was furious riding! What speed they made! In 1861 the pony riders
took President Lincoln's message through in one hundred and eighty-five hours!
It was dangerous riding too. Day and night, over sandy plains and lofty
mountains, on, on dashed these bold riders.
The "pony express" was worth to the nation a hundred times its cost. Why?
Because just at that time our Civil War was beginning to darken the land, and the
South was making desperate efforts to entice the vast Pacific region to unite with
the seceding states. This "pony express" line proved to be the first strand of a
strong cable to unite the East and the West.
297. More Rapid Means of Communication between the East and the
Pacific Coast urgently needed.—For many years before 1860 there was talk of
the urgent need, and finally of the absolute necessity, of closer connection
between the old East and the new West. There were plenty of reasons for a
railroad; but in 1861 there came another overpowering reason that eclipsed all
others. The war for the Union had begun, and it was a matter of supreme
importance that the Pacific states should be saved in the Union. No step could
lead more surely toward this result than to have a railroad for constant and swift
298. The Railroad over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast rapidly
built.—In 1863 the great work was begun. The government was wonderfully
generous and contributed money and land freely, for it was felt that the railroad
must be built as quickly as possible. The completion of the gigantic undertaking
in 1869 at Ogden, Utah, was gayly celebrated. Two trains, loaded with
passengers from New York and San Francisco, approached each other at this
place. The last rail was laid, the last rivet clinched, the last spike, a spike of gold
sent from California, was driven, when the locomotives moved up and saluted,
amid the cheers of the enthusiastic throngs!
In seven years' time, from 1849 to 1856, the gold found in California was
worth nearly five hundred millions of dollars! Imagine the effect of such an
output of the precious metal upon the industries and commerce of our country!
California is still rich in its gold, but it is still richer in its wonderful climate
and its marvelous scenery; in the wealth of its grain fields; its sheep and cattle;
its orange groves and its vineyards. These make California the real El Dorado,—
the real land of gold, and ensure the prosperity and happiness of its people.
301. Some Things Lincoln did when a Young Man.—When Lincoln was
about twenty-one, the family moved to Illinois. The young man was rugged and
tall, six feet and four inches, but very strong. In feats of running, jumping, and
wrestling he easily surpassed the best men in the county.
He was hired at ten dollars a month to go down to New Orleans on a flatboat
loaded with farm produce. On the trip he saw gangs of slaves chained together,
and he attended a slave auction, where men, women, and children were bid off
like cattle. The painful sight sank deep into his heart, and he never forgot it. He
was a soldier in the Black Hawk war, and was chosen by his comrades captain of
the company, for all the men loved and respected him.
302. Makes up his Mind to become a Lawyer.—Young Lincoln grew
rapidly in public esteem. People took kindly to him, for he was himself kind and
unselfish. Though awkwardly tall and homely, there was a something tender and
friendly about him, which made every one feel that he was honest and sincere.
As the years passed Lincoln kept on steadily educating himself by devoting
every leisure hour to his books. He took regular studies, such as grammar,
arithmetic, geometry, which he exceedingly enjoyed.
He was a thoughtful reader of a few of the great English classics. He could
repeat numerous scenes from Shakespeare and many of the poems of Robert
Burns. Whatever he read was read thoroughly—to understand it.
His need of money led the ambitious young man to study surveying, as
Washington did—a very desirable attainment in a new country. He surveyed well
Everything he did, he did well.
Visiting a courthouse one day, he heard for the first time the argument of a
lawyer. He was absorbed and delighted. Never before had anything so captivated
his imagination. From that day he made up his mind to be a lawyer. Too poor to
waste any money on shoes, he walked twelve miles barefoot once to borrow a
law book; and he came home reading it as he walked.
303. His Early Studies and Rapid Advancement in his Profession.—The
struggling young lawyer now carefully studied the art of the clear and exact
expression of thought. He attended that nursery of American oratory, the country
debating club, and was a faithful student of the best method of speaking, making
rapid progress by long and patient practice.
We no longer think of him as the boy of the log house, the homespun clothes,
the coon-skin cap, and the bare feet, but rather as the brave young lawyer,
studious, honest, persevering, self-reliant, and always faithful to duty.
After this Lincoln's advancement is rapid. His worthy traits draw to him many
and strong friends. At twenty-five he is elected to the legislature. He discharges
the duties of the office so well that two years later he is chosen again. Now an
older lawyer invites him to be his partner.
He has become a man of note. People come from far to consult him. His
growing fame daily widens. The people next call him to a higher place. At thirty-
nine he is honored by being chosen a member of Congress. He fills the place
with credit and honor. He is now the rising man of his state.
304. Slavery as a Menace to the Country.—There had always been one
serious trouble in our republic—slavery. It began early. About a year before the
Pilgrims came over in the Mayflower a Dutch ship brought twenty negroes from
Africa to Virginia, and they were sold as slaves to the planters.
As years passed the traffic rapidly increased, and paid an enormous profit.
Some of the colonists tried to stop this, but in vain; it was profitable. Soon
slavery spread all over the country; mostly in the South, but somewhat even in
New England. In the South, slaves were very useful in raising tobacco and rice,
and, later, cotton and sugar cane.
At the formation of the republic all the Southern states came in as slave states.
To this most of the Northern people, though they held slavery to be a great
wrong, and feared that it would some day bring serious trouble, did not
strenuously object, because it had long existed throughout the colonies. But as
years passed the North strongly opposed the extension of slavery into new states
or free territory. The South, however, had come to believe that slavery was right.
When Missouri asked admission to the Union, the South claimed that it should
be received as a slave state. The North said, No! There was a great discussion
over this question, which was finally settled in 1821 by allowing Missouri to
come in as a slave state. After this it was understood that slavery should never be
introduced north of the line of its southern boundary.
305. Lincoln chosen President of the United States.—In 1854 an effort was
made to bring in Kansas and Nebraska as possible slave states. This at once
aroused a storm of indignation throughout the North. Mr. Lincoln stood forth as
a champion of freedom, and Stephen A. Douglas, popularly known as "the little
giant of the West," supported the claims of the South. They held public debates
all through Illinois, being rival candidates for the United States Senate.
These great debates were listened to by thousands. Lincoln's speeches
especially attracted much attention. They were printed and read in all sections.
Many a voter said, "How plain he makes it all! He says it far better than I could."
This contest raged in 1859. Douglas won the smaller prize of senator; but
Lincoln, suddenly lifted into national fame by his splendid defense of freedom,
was next year chosen President of the United States.
He was elected because of the firm determination of the North that, while they
would not disturb slavery where it already existed, it should not extend any
farther into free territory. This resolve was not unfriendly to the Southern people.
It did not invade their rights as the North understood them. It was not intended as
a threat to the people of that section; but they chose so to regard it and
immediately took a hostile attitude.
In December, 1860, South Carolina seceded, then other states; so that before
Mr. Lincoln began his duties as President the seven cotton states had seceded.
Believing that they had a right to do so, they formed a government of their own
and assumed a warlike attitude to the general government.
306. The Momentous Responsibilities of the Position.—We have traced the
poor boy of the Western cabin step by step up to the highest office of the nation,
to rule as the chief magistrate of thirty millions of people. It was not a nation in
peace, but torn asunder, each half in deadly conflict with the other. Upon him
were to rest the control of vast armies, of a great navy, the decision of questions
of unspeakable importance, and the solution of most perplexing international
Can this self-trained lawyer from the Western prairies bear all this sudden and
tremendous burden, and bear it with courage, credit, and success? Surely no man
of modern times ever faced a greater or more difficult task.
307. War begins; the Effect at the North and in the South.—The next
month (April 12, 1861) after Lincoln's inauguration, Fort Sumter, in Charleston
Harbor, was attacked by a circle of nineteen hostile batteries. After thirty-six
hours of furious bombardment, Major Anderson, his powder and food being
exhausted, his flagstaff shot away, his fort crumbling and on fire, felt that he
could do nothing but surrender. He and his little force, carrying with them their
tattered flag, were taken on board a Union ship to New York.
The shots fired at Sumter kindled another fire all through the North. A
conflagration of patriotic zeal flamed up all over the loyal states. The people
accepted instantly the awful challenge and sternly resolved to defend the
endangered Union at every hazard.
Both sides had been deceived. Vast numbers through the North had not
believed the slave states would really carry out their threat of secession. Vast
numbers through the South had always believed the North would never fight, but
at the last moment would consent to some sort of compromise.
Northern men felt that they had in no way wronged the South, that no act of
theirs and no word of President Lincoln had given cause for precipitating the
horrors of a civil war.
Southern men claimed that according to the Declaration of Independence all
governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, and that the
South had a right to withdraw its consent and establish a government of its own.
Although there were some disloyal men all through the North, political parties
vied with each other in the fervor of general devotion to one country and one
flag. The President's call for seventy-five thousand volunteers was answered by
the enthusiastic enlistment of the whole number.
In the South the excitement was equally great, but different in character. The
masses went wild with passionate delight; but very many thoughtful people
lamented the bombardment of Sumter as hasty, reckless, and ruinous. Some of
the states were at first unwilling to secede, and finally went out reluctantly; but a
belief that they were right swept them along, and, once out, they were as active
as any.
308. Vigorous Efforts to preserve the Union.—Neither side was prepared
for a long war, but the South was much better prepared to begin it than the
North. Instantly every effort was put forth by the government to preserve the
Union. Scores of warships blockaded the Southern ports to prevent cotton from
being sent to England, and to cut off English ships from bringing in supplies,
especially military stores.
The governments of Europe, except the Russian, were unfriendly to us. Four
more states soon seceded, making eleven out of the fifteen slave states.
Thousands of troops were gathered for the defense of the National Capital.
In July a Confederate army of about thirty thousand threatened Washington. A
battle was fought at Manassas, only thirty miles southwest of the city. At first the
Union forces had the advantage and seemed victorious; but just then heavy
reinforcements of fresh troops came to help the Confederates, drove back the
weary forces, and the day ended in Union disaster.
Click to enlarge.
This battle of Manassas, or Bull Run, was a severe and unexpected defeat. It
showed the scope of the tremendous conflict yet to come. There was not much
more heavy fighting during the remainder of that year; both sides were busily
making enormous preparations for the future struggle.
309. The Desperate Struggles of 1862.—In the early part of the next year
(1862) each side had ready in the field about half a million of men. In the East,
General McClellan, with a large army, set out in April from Washington for
Richmond. He advanced within seven miles of that city, where was fought the
battle of Fair Oaks. Neither side was victorious. The desperate seven days'
battles soon followed, with result still indecisive. This, the so-called Peninsular
Campaign, failed of its purpose.
In September the Confederate General Lee marched north and, invading
Maryland, fought the bloody battle of Antietam. He was slightly worsted, and
forced to retire into Virginia.
In the West, General Grant, the coming man, with the help of Commodore
Foote's fleet of gunboats, captured in February Forts Henry and Donelson with
ten thousand prisoners. Soon followed the desperate battle of Shiloh, in which
Grant, reinforced by General Buell, repulsed the Confederates.
In April a great navy and army sailed up the Mississippi River, bombarded the
forts below New Orleans, then passed up and captured the city. This was an
important Union triumph.
The year had been one of many hard-fought battles, only a few of which we
are able to mention. The general result was in the East lamentable failure, but in
the West brilliant success, of the Union armies.
At the close of 1862, after a year and a half of fighting, the war had already
lasted longer than either side expected when it began. At first both had hoped
that after a few months the trouble would be settled by some kind of agreement
or compromise. Each side was surprised at the vast number of soldiers, the
immense military equipment, and the determined spirit shown by the other.
310. The Emancipation of the Slaves.—As the war went on, it was plain that
the tens of thousands of slaves, although they did not actually fight in the
Southern armies, were helping the South just as much as if they carried muskets.
They built forts, toiled in gun shops and powder mills, and raised crops at home.
This, of course, released thousands of whites from home duties and swelled the
ranks of the Confederate army. It was a terrible and costly war. The final result
even seemed doubtful. To save the Union the South must be crippled at every
possible point. To set the slaves free was to weaken the South. Mr. Lincoln held
that a sound principle of military law gave him the authority to abolish slavery.
He proposed to do it primarily as an act of military necessity by virtue of his
office as Commander-in-Chief of the army, just as when a general in active
warfare destroys buildings or burns bridges to aid his army operations.
It was sound common sense, as well as a profound military policy, to seize the
most favorable opportunity to strike at the real cause of the trouble. Public
opinion was rapidly shaping itself to this end. Lincoln was one of the most clear-
sighted and sagacious of men. He patiently abided his time for so momentous a
311. The Proclamation of Emancipation.—Finally, acting on his own
judgment and that of his trusted advisers, Lincoln issued in September, 1862, his
warning proclamation to the effect that if the Confederate States did not cease
hostilities before the first of the next January, all slaves within the Confederate
lines should be thenceforth and forever free.
The negroes very soon heard this wonderful news and many thousands of
them eagerly awaited the coming of the day when "Massa Linkum would set 'em
free." They looked upon the good President as the savior of their race.
On that famous morning, January 1, 1863, the prophecy was fulfilled. That
New Year's Day will be forever memorable as the date of the great Emancipation
Proclamation, an act by which four millions of slaves were brought from the
night of bondage to the sunlight of freedom.
This was the monumental event of the war, perhaps the wisest thing President
Lincoln ever did or ever could do. In after years it will perhaps be regarded as
the greatest event of the century. Few men in all history have had an opportunity
of doing a deed of so vast and far-reaching importance.
Emancipation was quickly followed by the enlistment of negroes, or
"freedmen" as they were now called, as soldiers in the armies of the Union.
During the year 1863 more than fifty thousand of them, and before the end of the
war nearly two hundred thousand, had enlisted under the banner of freedom.
They were good soldiers, and on many a battlefield they fought with an
unflinching courage.
On the third day came the final test. The brave Confederate General Pickett
led many thousands of soldiers over an open plain in a most desperate charge to
break the Union center. On, on they came, their ranks now torn through and
through by Union shot and shell, but still on they charged. Drawing nearer, up
they rushed to the Union line with the familiar Southern yell, and with frantic
fury dashed upon our firm-set ranks. Our men wavered with the mighty shock
and for a moment fell back, but instantly rallied with the Union cheer.
In the furious onset and the hand-to-hand fight, friend and foe fell by
thousands. But the charging battalions were shattered, crushed, driven back,
melting away under the concentrated fire, and only some few fragments of all
that vast column straggled back over the field of death.
Lee was baffled, defeated; the Union was safe. The invaders, with that vast
army that came with stately pride, went back to Virginia with sorrowing
memories of the direst disaster of the war. Never again did a large Confederate
force hazard a march into the North. After Gettysburg there was little hope of
Confederate triumph.
314. Memorials of the Victory.—Gettysburg was a costly victory. Over that
broad area of the three days' battles, strewn through wood and meadow, on field
and hill, lay the bodies of thousands of soldiers. One-third of Lee's entire army,
and about a fourth of the Union forces, had been killed or wounded. The arena of
fiercest fighting in the third day's final charge is now marked by a suitable
monument, which bears upon a bronze tablet an inscription that indicates the
historical importance of the spot.
Upon opposite columns are also inscribed the names of the officers who led
the surging columns of gray, and the names of those officers who held firm the
impregnable walls of blue.
The whole field of battle, covering several square miles, is dotted with
hundreds of similar memorials of many varieties. These monuments have been
erected year after year by the survivors or by their friends. They indicate the
positions held by regiments, brigades, and divisions, where desperate charges
and equally desperate repulses occurred, or where gallant officers fell.
315. Lincoln's Masterly Address at Gettysburg.—In November, 1863, the
central portion of the battlefield was set apart as a National Cemetery and
dedicated with solemn ceremonies. The most important of these was the notably
eloquent address by President Lincoln, which has passed into history as an event
hardly less memorable than the great conflict itself. Perhaps in no language,
ancient or modern, are any words found more comprehensive and eloquent than
this brief speech.
Time has tested the strength of this short, simple address. After more than a
quarter of a century it is still as familiar as household words.
316. Success of General Grant in the West.—Let us now read about a few
of the great events of the war in the West during the first half of the year 1863.
Here General Grant was the central figure of important military operations. He
had already become prominent by the brilliant campaigns we have mentioned.
His remarkable career furnishes one of the many examples of great men coming
up from obscure and unpromising conditions of life.
He was born in Ohio in 1822, and received a military education at West Point.
He was a successful officer in the Mexican War, having been engaged in nearly
all the battles of the war, where he manifested conspicuous bravery. Returning
from Mexico, he engaged a while in farming, but with discouraging results.
Evidently it was not his vocation.
When the Civil War opened, Grant was employed at a small salary in his
father's leather store in Galena, Illinois. He at once offered the governor his
services, and was appointed a colonel of an Illinois regiment. He rose rapidly to
conspicuous positions.
317. Capture of Vicksburg.—General Grant, after defeating the
Confederates at the battle of Shiloh, and driving them south to Corinth, followed
them to Vicksburg. This was a stronghold from which they seemed to defy every
effort to dislodge them.
The city stands on a high bluff some two hundred feet above the Mississippi,
and as there were heavy batteries all along the river front and on the hillsides,
Grant could not attack the city with his gunboats. On the north there were miles
of swamps and creeks, so that he could not approach on that side. On the east the
city was heavily fortified with cannon.
President Lincoln and the country expected General Grant to capture
Vicksburg. What could he do? Witness his superb generalship!
He first protected against cannon shot a number of gunboats and steamers by
means of bales of hay, and planned to run them past eight miles of batteries one
dark night in April. This movement was so perilous that officers would not order
their men to go, but called for volunteers. So many were eager to go that lots
were drawn for a chance. One soldier refused one hundred dollars for his place.
Click to enlarge.
Soon as the watchful Confederates sighted the first boat of the grim
procession, they opened a deafening cannonade, and started a series of bonfires
that lighted up all the miles of that voyage of death. Some of the transports were
destroyed, but enough got through to answer the general's purpose.
Next Grant ferried his army across the river some miles below Vicksburg, and
fought and defeated General Pemberton's troops, which had moved down to
meet him. Then, learning that General Johnston was coming to attack him, he
marched up between the two armies. On his east side he met Johnston's army
and defeated it. Thence he turned west and drove Pemberton again, and the next
day routed him once more and drove his entire army into Vicksburg.
Commodore Porter's gunboats now threw huge shells into the doomed city
from the river and Grant's army bombarded it on the east. It was an awful siege.
No building was safe. The people lived in caves dug in the sides of the hills.
Food was so scarce that mules, cats, dogs, and rats were devoured. At last, after
seven weeks of siege, Pemberton, on July 4, surrendered his entire army of about
thirty thousand men, the largest force captured during the war.
These two great victories, at Gettysburg and at Vicksburg, one in the East, the
other in the West, both won at the same time, gave new hope to the Union cause.
The Confederacy was at last cut in two, for the Mississippi River was open in its
entire length, and its waters, in Mr. Lincoln's words, "flowed unvexed to the
From this eventful Fourth of July in 1863 the strength of the Confederacy
began to decay. There was little hope for its final success after this time. All its
future contests only delayed the inevitable end.
318. Two Other Important Victories in the West.—In September occurred
the severe battle of Chickamauga, where the Union army would probably have
been utterly defeated but for the valor of General Thomas, who thus won for
himself the name of the "Rock of Chickamauga." Late in November the Union
army was shut in at Chattanooga by the ever alert Confederates, and was
relieved only by General Grant's skillful planning and hard fighting.
This battle was fought on a cold, drizzly day. The fog, settling on the valley
and sides of Lookout Mountain, up which our brave boys climbed, covered the
lower part of the advancing army so that only the upper lines were visible. This
brilliant victory is popularly known as "the Battle above the Clouds." These
movements ended the army operations of 1863.
319. Sherman's Famous March to the Sea.—The year 1864 saw two great
movements, both planned by General Grant, who had now been called by
President Lincoln to come to Washington and take control of all the armies of
the Republic. One was his own advance against Richmond, and the other
General Sherman's famous "March to the Sea."
One week later Lee surrendered his whole army at Appomattox. General
Grant treated his fallen foes with great generosity, requiring only the oath of
officers and men not to fight further against the United States. The victorious
general permitted all the men to keep their horses, to enable them, as he said, "to
do their spring plowing on their farms."
321. The Story of Sheridan's Famous Ride.—Read's stirring poem,
"Sheridan's Ride," has always been a favorite, for it records in verse the gallant
deed of one of the most brilliant generals in the war for the Union. In the early
fall of 1864 Grant sent General Sheridan with a large force of cavalry to lay
waste the Shenandoah Valley. Sheridan did the work so well that it was said, "If
a crow wants to fly down the valley, he must carry his provisions with him."
330. Farragut prepares for the Attack.—Farragut had about fifty vessels all
told: frigates, ships, sloops, gunboats, and mortar vessels. He anchored the
mortar boats around a point of land nearly two miles below the forts, and dressed
them with evergreens and foliage of trees disguising their position. Then the
great thirteen-inch bombs burst inside and around the forts all day, all night, for
six days.
Meanwhile two small gunboats went one night up to the chained hulks to
break the barrier; and though detected and fired on, the officers worked calmly
and persistently. They contrived to get a gunboat through, then steamed up the
river, turned and rushed down on the cable with such force as to break it!
Daylight showed a wide opening for the Union fleet.
331. The Grand Work done by Farragut and his Fleet.—The next morning
at two o'clock, April 24, 1862, the fleet steamed up. The forts fired and the ships
fired, but the fleet kept moving in the darkness. Soon one passed through, then
another, the swift ones dashing ahead.
But the flagship Hartford, on which was Farragut, having passed through,
turned aside to avoid a blazing fire raft, when she ran aground! Then the
Confederates, seeing the Hartford stuck fast, pushed a fire raft up against it.
Instantly the flames flashed along the rigging and the ports, the big guns of the
fort meanwhile pounding her. But the gun crews kept working their cannon as
steadily as if on practice, and the rest fought the flames, and soon subdued them.
The flagship was saved. Other ships passed up, all fighting, some surviving by
hairbreadth escapes; a few were lost.
When the morning sun rose, the astounding work had been done, the gates of
fire had been passed, and the Union fleet under Farragut was triumphant. New
Orleans was captured and the control of the river secured nearly up to Vicksburg.
332. The Merrimac and the Monitor.—When the war for the Union began,
and just before the Confederates seized the navy yard at Norfolk, the
commanding officer there contrived to burn or sink all the ships; but the best
one, the Merrimac, was soon raised and rebuilt as a powerful ironclad.
When the fine old frigate had been remodeled her entire appearance was
changed. She had no longer the appearance of a ship, but seemed like a house
afloat. The story is told that an old sailor on board the Cumberland, who first
sighted her, reported gravely to the officer of the deck, "Quaker meeting-house
floating down the bay, sir."
In anticipation of what harm it might do, the government engaged Captain
Ericsson, a Swedish inventor in New York, to build as quickly as possible, after
his own plans, an ironclad, a new and very odd-shaped kind of warship—the
now famous Monitor. The construction was pushed day and night without an
hour of delay.
333. Attack of the Merrimac on the Union Fleet.—Before long the dreaded
Merrimac was finished, and on March 8, 1862, the ponderous black monster
steamed slowly out to attack the Union ships in Hampton Roads. She made
straight for the fine frigate Cumberland, the solid shot of whose broadside fell
like pebbles into the sea from the slopes of the huge ironclad. On, on came the
ponderous monster, and crashing into the wooden side of the Cumberland,
opened a hole "wide as a church door." The sinking ship went down with her
flag flying and her guns booming to the last!
Next the Merrimac attacked the Congress, whose captain and three-fourths of
her crew were killed or wounded. Hot shot were used, which soon set the
Congress in a blaze. Then the ironclad, as if she had done enough for one day,
went grimly back to Norfolk, intending to continue her destruction the next day.
Everywhere in that region is alarm. The shores are thronged with anxious
thousands. The city of Washington is almost in a panic. The grim monster may
steam up here on the next day, and hurl its exploding shells into the Capitol or
the White House. Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all the seacoast cities of the
country are exposed to destruction. What is to be done? Can the danger be
334. Timely Arrival of the Monitor.—That very night, as if by a special
providence, the Monitor arrived from New York! Early next morning, when the
naval Goliath of yesterday came out in his iron armor, victorious and confident,
a young David stood up to defy him!
A strange craft indeed was the Monitor. Her rail was but little above the water,
and nothing was to be seen on her deck but a kind of round iron box in the
middle, a pilot house forward, and a small smokestack aft. At a mile's distance
she might be taken for a raft. Indeed, the Confederates well described her when
they called her a "Yankee cheese-box on a raft."
335. Famous Battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac.—It was a
Sunday morning, and the sun rose in a cloudless sky. The batteries on both sides
of the bay were crowded with men waiting for the coming contest. At the first
sign of life on board the Merrimac, the Monitor began her preparations for the
Slowly the Confederate ram came down the bay. She opened fire on the
Minnesota, which was still aground. The frigate responded with a mighty
broadside, but the cannon balls rattled off the iron flanks of the huge ram like so
many peas. Clearly everything depended upon the little Monitor.
The battle now began, and the huge shells and heavy shot crashed like loudest
thunder. It was a strange, an awful battle. At times the two vessels were in actual
contact. The dense smoke, the deafening roar of explosions, the shouts of
officers' orders, the crews often hurled off their feet by the terrific blows smiting
the iron armor—all made it beyond description fearfully sublime. The
Merrimac's plates were split and torn. One shot, entering her port, did terrible
Just as Lieutenant Worden of the Monitor was looking through the slit in the
turret to take aim, a shell struck outside and filled his face and eyes with powder
and iron splinters! He was insensible for some time.
When he came to himself, his first question was, "Have I saved the
"Yes," was the reply, "and whipped the Merrimac."
"Then I don't care what becomes of me," he answered.
After more than three hours of this frightful combat, the humbled Merrimac
steamed back to Norfolk, the victorious little Monitor giving a series of farewell
shots as she sailed away.
Thus ended this marvelous battle, the first in the world's history between
ironclad vessels. All Washington retired to sleep that night with a sense of relief,
for it seemed as if the nation had been saved.
The brave Worden shortly after the famous battle went to Washington.
President Lincoln was at a cabinet meeting when he heard of the lieutenant's
arrival. He rose hastily and said, "Gentlemen, I must go to that fellow."
When Lincoln entered his room, Worden was lying on a sofa with his eyes and
head heavily bandaged.
"Mr. President," said he, "you do me great honor by this visit."
"Sir," said Mr. Lincoln, with tears in his eyes, "I am the one who is honored
by this interview."
336. Confederate Privateers attack Union Merchantmen.—When the
North began blockading the Southern ports, the South of course used all its
energies to break the blockade by aiding ships to pass in or out, and also to
destroy our commerce wherever it might be found.
The first craft that went out on this errand of destruction was an ocean steamer
then at New Orleans. It had been speedily altered into a warship and named the
Sumter. She slipped through the blockade in June, 1861, and did a lively
business capturing and burning our merchantmen.
Then the South, as it had no navy of its own, had to seek aid abroad. England
seemed to be very willing that her shipbuilders should furnish ships for the use
of the Confederacy in seizing and destroying Union vessels.
The first of the cruisers secretly built in a British shipyard to destroy our
commerce was the Florida. She burned or sank over forty vessels before she was
337. The Famous Alabama makes Sad Havoc.—The Alabama was the most
famous of the Confederate cruisers. She was built under false pretenses and with
a false name, in an English port, of English material, armed with English
cannon, and manned by English sailors.
The Alabama, once fairly at sea under Captain Semmes, skillfully avoided our
men-of-war sent to capture her, and continued in her two years' cruise till she
had burned or captured sixty-seven of our merchant ships.
338. The Alabama destroyed by the Kearsarge.—At last the Alabama went
into the harbor of Cherbourg, in France. Captain Winslow of the United States
warship Kearsarge, then searching for her, heard of this and at once challenged
her, and then waited outside. On the nineteenth day of June, 1864, the Alabama
was compelled by law to leave the port. The battle began, and was watched by
thousands from the shores.
The Kearsarge swept around in great circles, compelling the Alabama, about
half a mile distant, to do the same. The men on the Alabama fired fast and wild.
Their shots flew over, or fell short; but the Kearsarge fired carefully and with
true aim. Nearer drew the Kearsarge, circling still. Its two eleven-inch guns
made frightful havoc, tearing great rents in the Alabama's sides. She was
sinking, and started for the shore. Winslow now steamed in front and headed her
off. Then down came the Confederate flag.
Soon the far-famed and dreaded cruiser sank to her watery grave. The names
Winslow and Kearsarge long rang through this country with plaudits of
enthusiastic praise.
"I would rather have fought that fight," said brave old Admiral Farragut, "than
any ever fought on the ocean."
339. England pays for the Damage done by the Alabama.—After the war
England refused for years to make compensation for the damage the Alabama
had done to our commerce. But seeing that the same course might some day
injure herself, and sensible of the injustice, she at last consented to make
amends. In 1872 a Board of Arbitrators met at Geneva, and agreeably to its
decision "John Bull" promptly paid $15,500,000 to "Uncle Sam" to distribute
among those who had suffered by the depredations.
340. Preparations for the Capture of Mobile.—In the summer of 1864 a
prominent Southern port, Mobile, was yet uncaptured. Its defenses were strong.
Two splendid forts stood sentry at the gateway. Long lines of piles narrowed the
channel to about three hundred feet, and a triple row of torpedoes threatened any
approach. In the harbor the Confederates had a small fleet of gunboats and one
tremendous ram, the Tennessee.
Admiral Farragut determined to capture Mobile. He had four monitors and
fourteen wooden ships. All the preparations were made with the utmost care.
The officers and men of the fleet regarded the admiral with staunch loyalty and
absolute trust. The attack was made early on the morning of August 5.
341. Farragut's Crowning Victory at Mobile.—The fleet passing through
the channel, rained shot and shell so furiously upon the forts that the
Confederates could not well serve their guns. But our finest ironclad, the
Tecumseh, was struck by a torpedo, and she sank with over a hundred of her
brave men!
Her captain, the gallant Craven, was at the time in the pilot-house with the
pilot. As the huge ironclad lurched heavily over and began to sink, both rushed
to the narrow door, but there was only room for one to pass at a time. Craven
stepped to one side, saying, "After you, pilot." The pilot leaped to a place of
safety, but the noble captain went to the bottom in his iron coffin.
The fleet now fought a desperate battle with the Confederate ironclads. The
armored vessels were soon sunk or scattered. The Tennessee tried to ram our
ships, but with little success. Then our ironclads gathered around our "wooden
walls," steamed straight for the ram, and there was fought one of the most
desperate naval fights of the war.
Sharpshooters fired into the ram's ports, our ships successively poured in a
terrific fire, and hammered at close range with huge solid shot and fifteen-inch
bolts of iron, till the white flag went up, and once more the stars and stripes
waved triumphantly over the harbor of Mobile.
Thus ended the battle of Mobile Bay,—one of the most brilliant naval contests
of modern times,—Farragut's crowning victory. Three hours elapsed from the
time the first gun was fired until the great ram hauled down the Confederate flag.
The port of Mobile was thenceforward closed against blockade runners, and
the last channel of communication between the Confederacy and the outside
world was cut off.
342. Farragut in the Rigging during the Battle.—During the battle Farragut
stood in the main rigging; but as the smoke increased he gradually climbed
higher, until he was close by the maintop. The shots were flying thick and fast.
There was great danger that he would lose his footing, and so the captain sent
aloft one of the men with a rope who lashed him to the rigging so that he might
not fall if wounded.
When Farragut saw the danger from the approaching Tennessee, as he stood
tied to the rigging, he said to his signal officer, who was lashed to the other mast:
"Can you signal, 'For Heaven's sake'?"
"I can signal anything," replied Kinney.
"Well, signal to all the fleet, 'For Heaven's sake, go for the ram!'"
The fact that the admiral was fastened to the main rigging during the greatest
sea fight perhaps in our history gave him a unique reputation throughout the
country. Farragut was amused and amazed at the notoriety of the incident.
When a picture of the scene in one of the illustrated papers came to hand a
few days after the battle, the admiral said to one of his captains in conversation,
"How curiously some trifling incident catches the popular fancy! My being in
the main rigging was a mere incident, owing to the fact that I was driven aloft by
the smoke. The lashing was the result of your own fears for my safety."
343. Cushing plans to destroy the Ironclad Albemarle.—One of the large
sounds, or inland gulfs, on the coast of North Carolina was the scene of a great
deal of blockade running during the war. The place needed constant watching by
our ships.
But the chief cause of anxiety was a monster ironclad, the Albemarle, that the
Confederates had built up the Roanoke River. She had sunk or disabled several
Union gunboats. She had gone up the river to refit. The entrance to the sound
was so shallow that none of our large warships could pass in.
Could anything be done to check the Albemarle? Lieutenant Cushing, only
twenty-one, but a most daring naval officer, said, "Yes, there could!" His plan
was to steal carefully up by night, seize the huge ironclad and bring it away, if
possible, or else blow it up. The river was guarded on both banks, and the ram
itself was watched by special sentries. No matter for that; he would go. He
obtained a noiseless steam launch, and rigged a torpedo on the end of a long
spar, turning on a hinge at its side. The crew of the launch consisted of fifteen
men, with Cushing in command.
The first day of May saw one of the greatest naval victories in the history of
the world. Our government had telegraphed orders to Commodore George
Dewey, then at Hong Kong, China, in command of our Asiatic squadron, to sail
at once to the Philippine Islands and "capture or destroy" the Spanish ships.
Dewey had taken part in important naval battles in our Civil War, and was an
experienced and skillful officer. In anticipation of war, his fleet was ready for
action on an hour's notice.
After his instructions arrived from Washington, Dewey promptly sailed for
Manila with six warships and two tenders. He delayed outside the harbor till the
moon had set, and then steamed silently through the three-mile-wide channel. He
was entering in the dark a bay he had never seen. He knew it was planted with
torpedoes, and that he was going to attack a Spanish fleet of ten ships, besides
large forts with heavy guns.
A wonderful task! but Dewey was a wonderful man. He understood his
business. He had been trained under the eye of the great Admiral Farragut and
had fought long and hard in the war for the Union.
354. The Remarkable Naval Victory at Manila.—Dewey's fleet arrived
before sunrise in front of the forts and the line of Spanish ships. The battle at
once began. Our vessels kept moving on the curve of a long ellipse or flattened
circle, and every time each came around it poured a series of rapid and accurate
shots directly into the enemy. They answered furiously, but not deliberately.
Round and round wheeled our ships in a slow and deadly circle. Our men could
see the walls of the forts crumbling, some ships all ablaze, and others shattered
and sinking.
After two hours of these tremendous circuits Dewey stopped firing and moved
his ships about three miles out of range to rest his men, give them breakfast, and
look after his ammunition. The men, in fine spirits, ate their morning meal, and
rested. It was a stoker on the flagship Olympia who said that below "the
temperature is nearly up to two hundred degrees, and so hot that our hair is
Before noon Dewey returned, circled nearer still, and fought even more
fiercely. In an hour and a half more the work was finished. One ship was riddled,
then reeled and sank; then another; one was broken midway and went down;
now one was in flames, then a second, and so on till the entire Spanish fleet,
besides gunboats and transports, were sunk or burned up or shot to pieces!
How did our ships stand the contest? Only two or three were hit at all, and
none seriously injured. Our six had destroyed thirteen Spanish vessels and
silenced their forts. The Spaniards had lost six hundred and thirty-four men,
killed and wounded. We had only one man killed and seven slightly wounded.
355. The Nation's Grateful Appreciation of Dewey's Victory.—Thus was
fought, on May Day, 1898, at Manila, perhaps the most surprising naval conflict
the world had ever seen. In three and a quarter hours the naval power of Spain
went down in the blue waters of the bay, and the splendid fame of George
Dewey echoed round the globe. Congress gave him a vote of thanks and a gold
medal; and he was made Admiral, the highest officer in the American navy.
Many years ago Admiral Farragut said to the father of the hero of Manila,
"Doctor Dewey, your son George is a worthy and brave officer. He has an
honorable record, and some day he will make his mark."
Never before in the history of our country was there projected a series of
patriotic demonstrations grander in their purpose or finer in their execution than
those which greeted Admiral Dewey on his return to this country, in the fall of
1899, from the scene of his famous victory.
When Dewey sank the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay, he opened a new era in
the history of our country. From that day the United States received more distinct
recognition among the nations responsible for the political affairs of the world.
356. Preparations to meet the Spanish Fleet.—Now let us return to the
scene of war in our own country. On the last day of April the Spanish fleet,
under Admiral Cervera, left the Cape Verde Islands, sailing west; there were four
armed cruisers and three torpedo-boat destroyers; all good new ships and in
prime condition. The alarming question was, Where will they strike? The good
people of our great eastern cities began to imagine what would happen if these
powerful warships should come sailing into our harbors.
Every effort was promptly and vigorously made to defend exposed points with
forts and torpedoes. Events proved that it was needless. No ship of that Spanish
fleet came within five hundred miles of any American city. Yet it was evident
that Cervera's fleet must be captured or destroyed before our coast could be safe,
or military operations could be prudently begun in Cuba.
Extraordinary efforts were made to ascertain the exact location of the hostile
Finally it was found that it had slipped on May 19 into the bay of Santiago.
Our fleet at once gathered around to blockade the entrance, to make it impossible
for any vessel to pass in, and to attack Cervera's ships should they attempt to
come out. Among our blockaders were the splendid ships New York,
Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Texas, Iowa, Indiana, and the Oregon that had sailed
around Cape Horn from San Francisco, fourteen thousand miles in sixty-seven
On they dashed, mile after mile. One of our huge shells fell midway of the
Pluton, which at once went down with an awful plunge. The Furor, riddled with
shot, fled to the shore and broke in pieces on the rocks. Furious was the chase for
the other four; nearer and nearer, till our ships came up. Then the Maria Teresa,
the flagship, with huge holes torn in her, and set on fire by our exploding shells,
escaped to the beach, a sinking, burning wreck. Next the Oquendo, half her men
killed, and her sides all split open, also fell helpless on the beach. In forty
minutes these four ships had gone to their doom.
Still beyond was the famous Vizcaya, doing her best to escape. But the
Brooklyn, Commodore Schley's flagship, gained on her and poured shells into
her, so that with the Oregon now rushing up in a burst of speed which astonished
all who saw her, her race was soon run, and she, too, went to her grave on the
strand, a shattered, blazing hulk.
Yet one more, the Colon, newest, fastest, and best of the squadron, was now
about four miles ahead; but our ships gained steadily upon her, and in less than
two hours she hauled down her flag and ran ashore forty-five miles from
360. After the Battle at Santiago.—The sun that shone in the morning upon
six of Spain's finest ships looked down at noon upon a row of half-sunken
wrecks along the coast.
At the risk of their lives our men rescued their foes from the mangled hulks,
the burning decks, and the surging water.
"Don't cheer, boys," cried one gallant captain, "the poor fellows are dying."
Another captain said in his report, "So long as the enemy showed his flag, our
men fought like American seamen; but when the flag came down, they were as
gentle and tender as American women."
The Spanish loss, according to their own accounts, was three hundred and
fifty killed or drowned, and about one hundred officers and one thousand six
hundred and seventy-five men prisoners, including the brave Admiral Cervera.
Their loss in value was over twelve million dollars. Upon our side only one man
was killed, and three were wounded, all on the Brooklyn. Not one of our ships
was badly injured. Evidently the Spanish gunners could not shoot straight!
So ended this famous naval engagement. Never, perhaps, has the world seen
two such instances of the utter destruction of an enemy's naval force as in the
battles of Manila and Santiago.
361. The Campaign in Porto Rico.—The surrender of all Cuba soon
followed. Then General Miles was sent with nine thousand troops to Porto Rico,
the only remaining island on this side belonging to Spain. He landed near Ponce,
on the southern coast. The city surrendered without a shot and welcomed our
army. The Spanish troops fled on the approach of our soldiers.
General Miles in a proclamation assured the inhabitants that they should enjoy
the rights and immunities of American citizens. As he moved inwards, other
cities along his line of march surrendered, and the Spanish forces made only
occasional resistance to our progress. Just before an expected battle news of
peace came from Washington. All fighting ceased, and this fertile island came
into our hands with little bloodshed.
362. End of the War.—Meanwhile our government was making energetic
preparations to send a powerful fleet under Commodore Watson across the
Atlantic and to carry the war to the Spanish coast. We may be sure that Spain,
and even some of her neighbors, did not like the prospect. There had been
enough of rapid, crushing, and unbroken defeats to satisfy even the Castilian
point of honor.
When it became evident that Watson's fleet would be ready in a few days to
carry the war to the very doors of Spain, the representatives of the great nations
of Europe said things had gone far enough. Diplomatic pressure was applied to
poor Spain. She was politely but firmly told that she must make peace at once,
and on any terms.
The French Minister at Washington was authorized by Spain to sign a
preliminary document, or protocol, embodying in precise language the
conditions on which our government would negotiate peace. This document was
signed at Washington on August 12, and hostilities ceased.
The formal treaty of peace was signed in Paris December 10, 1898. By the
terms of this treaty Spain agreed to give up its sovereignty in Cuba, to cede to
the United States Porto Rico, a few small West India islands, and one of the
Ladrone group; also to cede to this country the Philippines, after payment by us
of twenty millions of dollars as "reimbursement for insular expenses."
363. Our Nation's Future.—The immediate results of this short-lived
Spanish war were full of deep meaning to our nation. No one now can safely say
what the distant outcome will be. It is certain to be far-reaching and momentous.
Our country has rapidly advanced to its position as one of the foremost
nations of the world in wealth and in power. Let us trust it may also lead in good
government, in national honor and righteousness. Let us earnestly hope that in
the long years before us our sacred Union shall still be preserved, unbroken,—
forever one great Union of prosperous and happy states.
Two books are of special value to teachers. These are Channing and Hart's
Guide to American History [Ginn & Company, Publishers, price $2.00], and
Gordy and Twitchell's Pathfinder in American History [Lee & Shepard,
Publishers, complete in one volume, $1.20. In separate parts, Part I, 60 cents;
Part II, 90 cents].
These two works are replete with suggestions, hints and helps on collateral
study, numerous references, detailed lists of topics, and a wide range of other
subjects which make them indispensable to the teacher of American history.
For ordinary school work the text-books to which we have just referred will
furnish enough and suitable material for these topics. When, however, standard
works on history are of easy access, through the school or public libraries, it is
well even for pupils of the lower grades to read sparingly by topics from such
works. These topics should be carefully selected by the teacher. They should be
brief and call only for a few pages of reading.
In the succeeding pages references have been given only to a very few
standard works, such as those by Fiske, Parkman, Irving, and McMaster, and
such other books as can ordinarily be easily obtained.
Pupils should also have easy reference to books from which topics may be
read or which may be read sparingly by select passages indicated by the teacher.
Many of these books have been suggested more on account of their interesting
style than for strict historical accuracy. Read the designated works not as a whole
but only by topics or selections. They will do much to awaken and maintain a
lively interest in American history.
While the study of this book is in progress it is well for the pupils to limit their
miscellaneous reading to such books as bear directly upon our subject. Under
this head we have suggested many productions which belong to the "story-book"
order. Wholesome books of fiction and semi-fiction may certainly do much to
stimulate and hold the attention of young students of American history. With this
topic, as with all other topics on collateral reading, the teacher should exercise a
careful supervision.
The work should be enlivened by reading occasionally, before the class or the
school, poems or prose selections which bear directly upon the general topic
under consideration. We have referred only to a very few such extracts from
good literature. Other selections will readily suggest themselves.
The teacher and pupil should appreciate the scope and usefulness of a Topic
book or Notebook. By this is meant a blank book with semi-flexible or board
covers, of a convenient size, and of at least 48 pages. Into this blank book should
be written carefully with ink brief notes as the several chapters of this book are
read or studied. It may well be a kind of enlarged diary of the pupil's work.
Make brief notes of the various books read in whole or by topics; topics not
treated in this book but discussed in the class, such as King Philip's War, the
Mexican War, etc., and references to new books to be reserved for future reading
and other subjects which will readily suggest themselves.
This notebook should be well illustrated. The basis should be the inexpensive
photographic copies (sold for about one cent each) of famous pictures
illustrating important events in American history. Catalogues giving the exact
titles, cost, and other details are sent to applicants, free of expense.
Portraits, maps, facsimiles of documents and autographs, etc., are often easily
obtained from book catalogues, guide books, advertising pages, and secondhand
All this illustrative material should be pasted in the notebook at the proper
place, neatly and with good judgment, allowing plenty of space for margins.
Such a compilation is, of course, a matter of slow growth. It should be carefully
preserved as a pleasant reminder of school days.
TOPICS FOR COLLATERAL READING.—For special topics about the Indians, see
Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac, Vol. I, p. 1, also the Introduction to Parkman's
Jesuits in North America.
REFERENCES FOR READING.—Brooks's Story of the American Indian; Drake's
Indian History for Young Folks; Starr's American Indians; Shaler's The Story of
Our Continent.
FOR READING OR RECITATION.—Longfellow's Hiawatha.
The most useful book for schools is perhaps Henry Cabot Lodge's The War
with Spain.
The following books are also useful: Brooks's Story of Our War with Spain;
Abbot's Blue Jackets of 1898; Morris's The War with Spain; Davis's The War of
1898; and Spears's Our Navy in the Spanish War.
Alabama, career of the, 397 destroyed by Kearsarge, 397 claims for damage paid by
England, 398
Albemarle, destruction of the, 403
America, in old days, 1 ancient, people of, 3
André, meeting with Arnold, 276 capture of, 277 sad fate of, 281
Appomattox, surrender of Lee at 380
Arnold, Benedict, sent to relieve Fort Stanwix, 209 story of his treason, 271-285
brilliant military career, 273 begins his wicked career, 273 meeting with André,
275 escape of, 280 after life of, 281 death of, 283
Farragut, Admiral, 390 captures New Orleans, 391 captures Mobile, 399 in the
rigging at Mobile, 401
Fires, how put out one hundred years ago, 316
Flag, American, first raised, 209
Franklin, Benjamin, 296-310 early life of, 297 learns printer's trade, 297 goes
to Philadelphia, 299 life in London, 301 career in Philadelphia, 302 famous kite
experiment, 304 public career, 305 service as diplomatist, 309 last days of, 310
Freeman's Farm, battle of, 218
French in North America, 106
French and Indian Wars, 110
Gage, General, and Boston boys, 150 plans to capture military stores, 158
Gates, General, 217, 255
Gettysburg, battle of, 369-372 memorials of, 372 Lincoln's address at, 372
Gold, Discovery of, in California, 347 effects of discovery, 348
Grant, General, success in the West, 375
Greene, General, takes command in South, 262 his masterly retreat, 265 rare
generalship of, 268 brilliant campaign in South, 269
Independence, Declaration of, 184-197 what it said to the world, 191 how received,
194 incidents connected with, 195 what it should mean, 197
Independence declared, 192 slow growth of the idea, 185 stern necessity of, 188
first steps towards, 190
Indians, 4 principal divisions of, 4 Pueblo, 6 appearance and clothing, 73
food of the, 74 weapons and how they fought, 76 as hunters, 80 cunning and
revengeful, 82 their children, 85 ally themselves with French, 111
Jackson, Andrew, anecdote of, 254 wins the battle of New Orleans, 337
Jackson, Stonewall, 369
Jasper, Sergeant, bravery of, 251
Jones, John Paul, begins his remarkable career, 287 daring deeds on English coast
288 interview with Franklin, 289 after life of, 294 battle with the Serapis, 290
La Salle, 107
Laws, absurd and tyrannical, 143 resistance to, 147
Lee, General Charles, at Monmouth, 240
Lee, Robert E, 371
Lewis and Clarke expedition, 341
Lexington, battle of, 160
Life, everyday, one hundred years ago, 311, 322
Lincoln, Abraham, influence of mother, 353 reads good books, 354, 356 studies law,
357 chosen President, 359 death of, 383
Lookout Mountain, battle of, 377
Louisburg, capture of, 115
Louisiana, purchase of, 340
Union, War for, beginning of, 361 cost of, 384 situation after the, 386
War, Civil, beginning of, 361 cost of, 384 situation after the, 386
War of 1812, causes of, 326 results of, 338
Warren, Joseph, 156 death of, 180
Washington, George, first difficult task, 117 with Braddock's expedition, 118
boyhood and youth of, 222 as a surveyor, 224 as a colonial army officer, 226
advancement in political honors, 228 as commander-in-chief, 229 his many
difficulties, 231 victory at Trenton, 233 victory at Princeton, 237 helps defeat
Burgoyne, 237 plans Yorktown campaign, 242 elected President, 245 retires to
private life, 246 death of, 248
Washington, Colonel, anecdote of, 264
Whitman, Dr., saves Oregon, 342 his perilous ride for Oregon, 344 success in his
mission, 345
Wolfe, capture of Quebec, 123
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