FRIA - Research Chapter 1-3
FRIA - Research Chapter 1-3
FRIA - Research Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1
factor in the academic achievement of the students. Included under teacher competencies
productiveness, and university and community service (Manual of Regulation for Private
Schools, 2010). In the daily life of students, they encounter different kinds of teachers. It
is a fact that the various teaching competency levels of their teachers bear different
effects upon the students’ learning. Because of this, teachers must be aware of their own
level of competency so as to be extra conscious of how their teaching affects the learning
of the students.
make up matters and largely determine the quality of services provided by the teacher.
Muijs and Reynolds (2005) claims that how a teacher teaches becomes a vital key
in promoting effective teaching and learning to the students. The researchers took interest
in the study of how the teachers’ competencies affect the learning of the students whom
they are teaching. Therefore, the teachers themselves are given the obligation to mold
students into learned, competent, responsible and moral citizens of the country which is
aligned with the aim of every educational institution, that is to produce competent and
excellent graduates.
Given the current demands of various schools with regard to the teacher’s
competency, the researchers chose to look into this topic so as to expand their knowledge
Upon noticing the impact of the quality of education to the future of the students,
the researchers came up with a common view that the present condition of the teachers’
The primary focus in this study is the teachers, mainly because they are in charge
teaching is one of the factors that determine how well the students would do in their
journey towards knowledge acquisition. Basically, the teachers play a vital role in the
daily lives of their students. Thus, the advocacy to promote academic excellence and
quality education in STI College Pasay-EDSA Senior High School Department in view of
making this institution a center of academic excellence made the researchers decide to
conduct the study that will determine the effects of teaching competencies of the Social
Science teachers in STI College Pasay-EDSA Senior High School Department to the
This study endeavors to determine the high school students’ perception as regards
the instructional competencies of the Teaching Force and their relationship to students’
academic performance.
1. What are the students’ perceptions on the instructional competencies of the Senior
Theoretical Framework
learner (Dahms et al., 2007). In the light of the theory discussed, More Knowledgeable
Others (MKO) refers to anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability than
the learner with respect to a particular task, process, or concept. In this study, this MKO
refers to the teachers. Another aspect of the theory is the Zone of Proximal Development
(ZPD). The ZPD is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under adult
guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability to solve the problem
independently. According to Vygotsky, learning occurs in this zone (Daniels, 2005). This
theory is related to the instructional competencies of the teaching force and how the
interaction between the teacher and students brings about the latter’s learning.
construct new ideas or concepts in their current/past knowledge and in response to the
instructional situation. Constructivism implies the notion that learners do not passively
The teacher resources used should be focused in encouraging, aiding and allowing the
students to uncover the main principles on their own. Communication between the
Teachers need to master two types of knowledge: content, also known as deep
knowledge of the subject itself, and knowledge of the curricular development. Content
knowledge encompasses what Bruner, as cited in Shulman (1992), calls the structure of
The last theory on which this study is founded is the Bronfenbrenner’s model of
the ecology of human development. Paquette and Ryans (2001) explain the
Bronfenbrenner’s model of the ecology of human development which stipulates that the
child does not develop in seclusion but in relation to his or her environment. Interactions
with these environments as well as the environments themselves such as the family and
school are keys to development. The family and school are considered as the most
proximate environmental system and Bronfenbrenner called it the Microsystem, the most
microsystems of Bronfenbrenner’s model of ecology are the various settings in which the
person, in this case, an adolescent student, moves throughout the day; at home, at school,
at work and with friends which is innermost and immediate in environmental influence.
A characteristic of the microsystem is that the activities, interpersonal relations, and roles
involve the adolescent in face-to-face interactions with others. To be specific, the school
environment will be used to relate the teachers themselves in the learning of the students.
Conceptual Framework
The main factor affecting the students’ academic performance is their teacher. To
be more specific, this study seeks to look more into the instructional competencies that a
teacher should be possessing. First on the list is the Mastery of the subject field. Teachers
must be adept on the subject field that they intend to teach. They must be aware that
every bit of information that they hand down to the students are accurate and precise. The
set of teaching skills that they have could greatly affect the way they present lessons to
their class. The classroom management of the teachers is also of immense significance,
for the researchers believe that a great teacher also instills values and self-discipline to
their students. A teacher must always strive to be in absolute control of the classroom
situations or happenings. Last on the list is the evaluation skill, which the researchers see
as something essential for a teacher. Evaluation skills give the teacher a capability to
judge the student’s performance and progress, which most likely give them a hint on
some necessary adjustments or notices to give. All of these are connected to the academic
Personal Development
The researchers believe that this study will mainly contribute to the following:
particularly on the academic field. This will be useful in identifying the appropriate
qualifications and the competency of the Senior High School Social Science teachers.
The level of adequacy of faculty members on the various knowledge concepts and skills
needed in teaching the said subjects will provide data to administrators and teacher
training institutions to guide them in planning courses and in-service training programs.
Curriculum Developers. Curriculum developers could also make use of these data
as bases for the development of the Senior High School Social Science teachers’ resource
materials especially with regard to the topics they find very difficult to teach.
Faculty Members. The result of this study will also reveal certain competencies of the
Social Science teachers as perceived by the Senior High School students of STI College
To the Students. The teachers of the students will be more aware of their teaching
competencies. Thus, students will have more confidence towards their teachers, yielding
more learning experiences that are directed towards excellence in academic performance.
To Future Researchers. The future researchers may be able to use this study as a
guide if ever they will pursue or consider the same area of interest.
The study was confined to the teachers’ instructional competencies of the Social
perceived by the Grade 11 and Grade 12 high school students of academic year 2022-
2023. The number of respondents was determined through the use of the formula to get
the sample (See Appendix C). In order to meet the approximate number of samples, the
researchers randomly selected respondents from two sections and eliminated the entries
to get the exact required number of samples computed. This study was not able to follow
strictly the random sampling since the sample was not distributed to all the groups.
Consequently, the remaining section/s of each year level, were not represented in the
study. Academic achievement on the other hand was limited to the students’ learning
for the first semester of 2022-2023 in Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Definition of Terms
For clearer and better understanding of the terms used in this study, the following
School students (Grade 11 and 12 students) of STI College Pasay-EDSA shown through
their mean grades computed from the first and second quarter grades of the school year
Development subjects.
capacity to provide them with quality education and useful learning experience.
Teaching Effectiveness refers to the potency of the instruction which goes along
Teaching Force refers to the faculty of STI College Pasay EDSA Senior High
Teaching Skills refers to the instructional abilities that a teacher must possess in
Chapter 2
This chapter presents relevant literatures and studies, both foreign and local that
Instructional Competencies
teacher is a licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence. S/he adheres to observe, and
practice a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values. In connection to this,
a teacher who is a keen observer of these practices should have a high level of
instructional competency. In general, teachers must not be in any way, negligent of the
instructional competencies that they must own so as to assure betterment and quality
experience some specialized techniques. These are basically intellectual in nature. They
degree of unity in purpose and procedure, oversee and set the standards of the training of
recruits and guarantee the competence of the new members establish and enforce
large degree of individual autonomy in the practice of the profession, places altruism,
service and social welfare ahead of personal gain. It promotes the personal welfare of its
own members, counsels the government with respect to the necessary legal regulations,
informs the public and guides its expectations concerning the profession and cooperates
objectives should see to it that effectiveness is assured and output is maximized. The
success and failure of the school program rests entirely on their hands. In them lies the
future of the educational institution that they pledge to serve enthusiastically and
diligently, considered by all as a moral obligation and responsibility to the society where
Joyce, Weiland and Calhoun (2008) analyze teaching into five processes which
involve effective control over a certain area of reality that is essential to teaching.
The first one is to make and use knowledge. The teacher must understand what is
meant by knowledge – those methods or concepts one uses to organize life experiences –
and he must know how to instill this operational knowledge in students. Knowledge is
not simply data or information; it is the way one goes about seeking data and drawing
generalizations. Second to that is to shape the school. Every teacher must develop
strategies whereby he/she can identify critical educational problems and along with
his/her colleagues, make decision towards solving them by doing the necessary solutions
to the difficulty. He/she has to organize the curricula around coherent themes so that the
growth of the students’ knowledge from year to year is cumulative rather than dispersive
or sporadic. These curricula, in brief, will deal with the content of subject matter, with
ideas methods and values to be taught, with instructional resources, with the organization
of students into classes or group with testing and evaluation, and with every other general
educational influence on students. Every teacher must learn how to cooperate with his/her
third process is to teach with strategies. For carrying out the various curricular decisions,
the teacher must learn how to employ a wide range of teaching strategies – that is – the
set of methods of approaching the students. They must find appropriate methods and
materials and then reward the behaviors they want to encourage in students and inhibit
those they wish to discourage. When appropriate, they need to let students, individually
or collectively, plan largely on their own. Most importantly, teachers must exercise self-
control with students so that their personal feelings or needs do not interfere with their
efforts to carry out professional decisions. In short, they must learn to implement
The fourth process is to create interpersonal climates. The teachers must learn
how to work with groups of people – students and colleagues. They must recognize their
effect on groups and vice-versa. As members of a team of teachers, they must know both
how to lead and how to cooperate. With students, they must further know how to lead and
how to cooperate in groups in a shared search for knowledge. All of these call for an
on plans and procedures, and to diagnose the needs and interest of students who must be
The last process is to control a teaching personality. The teacher must learn to
cope with himself/herself. He/she must handle information and theories with flexibility
and accurately, with minimal personal bias and with result and understanding. He/she
must be able to control himself when students challenge established authority and
standards, and he/she must help them develop their own standards. He/she must provide a
mountain of support for the brightened and insecure students. He/she must learn to
radiate the interpersonal climate appropriate to the task at hand and to the students being
taught. He/she must be able to access his/her behavior objectively and then work
deliberately to improve it; he/she cannot afford to be defensive about his/her current
personality or practices.
According to Arthur and Philips (2002), competence gives the teacher the
responsibility to present evidence of the achievement of the students. The question is how
teachers perform, identifies the competencies and relate to overall performance of the
knowing what to do to foster students’ learning and being able to do it. Effective teaching
is primarily concerned with setting up a learning activity for each student which is
decision-making skills and action skills. This distinction between these two types of skills
extending the type of decisions that teachers make about their own teaching as it is about
In the Philippine system of education, there are factors that give difficulty to the
support either from the government or from private sector, lack of solid planning, lack of
follow-up of result – all these add to the difficulty (Nem Singh et al., 2009).
as the basis to assess or evaluate teachers is one of the many approaches of teacher
self-rating, teacher interview, parent rating, competency tests, and other indirect measures
Ornstein and Lunenburg (2008) identify that the teacher must have a thorough
grasp of the subject he teaches. Effective learning demands that the teacher must possess
A well trained and certificated teacher must show evidence of mastery of the
subject matter. According to Dunhill (2000) teacher knowledge must be of two fold
nature. A good teacher must first possess a wide general knowledge and within the
the classroom. Quadri, (2004) corroborates that a good teacher must be well knowledge
versed in his area of specialization. He must know which to teach, when to teach and how
to teach. The quantity and quality of the teacher's knowledge will give the teacher enough
of it may cause narrow views or bluffing on the part of the teacher and distrust on the part
of students (Nem Singh, 2009). One the other hand, present-day teaching demands that a
teacher expects to help children understand and appreciate the world they live in, he must
must be able to show his subject fields, particularly in the solution of life’s problems.
The teacher must know about truth and fallacy, about evidence and bias, and
about the nature of theory. He needs to know what scholarly inquiry is, how knowledge is
produced, held, used, and made obsolete. Because he will have to help students about
scholarly discipline by practicing these disciplines with them, he needs to know what it
According to Shulman (1987) as cited in Ornstein and Thomas (2000), to teach all
deeply and flexibly so that they can help students create useful cognitive maps, relate one
idea to another, and address misconceptions. Teachers need to see how ideas connect
across fields and to everyday life. This kind of understanding provides a foundation for
pedagogical content knowledge that enables teachers to make ideas accessible to others.
the teacher to help students build the knowledge by putting it into the context of the
Teaching Skills
To promote learning effectively, a teacher must know not only what, which is the
subject matter, but also how which is the method to teach. Hence, the third essential
requirement of effective teaching is the skill with teaching methods (Ornstein et al,
They must also realize that all students have different levels of strengths and
weaknesses. It is only through teaching skills that a teacher can introduce creative and
effective solutions to the problems of the students. Thus, a teacher can enhance the
learning process (Kyriacou, 2001). According to Hindman and Stronge (2006), effective
teachers know how to use instructional techniques, such as mastery learning and
cooperative learning. When used appropriately, these strategies can result in student
achievement that is at least one standard deviation higher than that of students taught
without the use of strategies. Effective teachers use technology during instruction to offer
more individualized student attention, to provide hands-on experiences, and to shift the
focus from the teacher to the students. Effective teachers also use the students’ prior
In the studies conducted by Osakwe (2009), it was concluded that teaching skills
was one of the significant correlating factors and predictors of effective classroom
interaction. This is because no educational goals and objectives will be achieved where
there is lack of good communication skills used by the teacher in the instruction.
Therefore, effective classroom interaction could be influenced by the teacher’s skills. The
teachers should be provided with opportunities where they can develop such attributes
Classroom Management
conjunction with, dealing with students’ misbehavior by disciplining (Muijs et al., 2001).
problems and addresses suggestions for preventive strategies and practical solutions in
response to the maintenance of the conducive learning environment for the students.
teachers acquire and hone over time. To be sure, effective teaching requires considerable
skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom. Skills
such as effective classroom management are central to teaching and require common
sense, consistency, a sense of fairness, and courage. These skills also require that teachers
understand in more than one way the psychological and developmental levels of their
learner. The nature of the child must be studied and understood by the teachers. They
must realize that children differ in bodily health, mental ability and temperament. Good
teachers must always remember that the learners are product of different home
environments and they have different potentials and opportunities to develop their
learning interests. Teachers have to know and understand the learners' previous
experiences and their individual differences. A good teacher must take cognizance of the
The principle is that effective teaching and learning take place in well-managed
and behavior often contributes to the low academic achievement of the students (Oliver et
al., 2007).
Nem Singh and Padilla (2009) raised five major concerns in classroom
management: (1) individual concerns; (2) harnessing self-control; (3) encouragement; (4)
necessary to create and maintain an environment in which teaching and learning could
Evaluation Skills
The process of evaluating students includes any task students perform in order to
demonstrate knowledge or ability in the subject area. The teacher should use as many
indicators of student progress and attainment (Assessing and Evaluating Students, n.d.).
Ornstein and Lunenburg (2008) claim that if teachers expect to guide learning
effectively, they must know how many children at various levels of maturity are capable
of understanding that would determine the nature of the assessment and evaluation of the
The nature of evaluating students influences what is learned and the degree of
as cited in McMillan (2000), the process of evaluating students should be authentic, with
feedback and opportunities for revision to improve rather than simply audit learning; the
more general principle is that understanding how different assessments affect students.
Therefore, tools to be used in evaluating students must be valid, fair, ethical, uses
Nem Singh and Padilla (2009) define the purpose of evaluation as determining
marks to be given based on the collected information from the students for evaluation is a
process of making measurements and rendering judgment which also should be fair and
employ some general principles in evaluating the students. Evaluation must be based on
the clear concept of the aims of education outlined in our constitution, of the school, and
diagnostic and must be made an integral part of all teaching and learning. Evaluation
Evaluation must be considered as basic to guidance and must also be conceived in terms
of the educational purpose of teaching and learning. Lastly, it must consider all aspects of
school and community life that affect the growth of each student.
Academic Performance
can actually do when they have finished a course of study obtaining a change of behavior
after an experience(Central New Mexico Foundation, 2010), reflected the objectives set.
If teachers could undrerstand how the learning process occurred they could endeavor to
ensure that their activity was efficient and achieved the predetermined outcome.
and on how well the students meet the standard set by the educational governing bodies.
Peterson (2000) described this as the core concern about educational program and adding
that student achievement is the most compelling evidence about teacher quality. In
particular, the interest is in what students gain while working with the teacher – the
difference between where pupils start and end in their achievement. Essentially, it
In Philippine colleges and universities, the letters are replaced with numerical
values which correspond to the measured achievement of the student in particular subject.
Guzman-Santos, 2007).
In the Philippines, there are two types of grading systems which measure the
students’ academic performance: the averaging system and the cumulative grading
system. The averaging system is done by looking at the average of the learner from the
past learning period and the present. In the cumulative system, the present learning is
observed to have improved or not based from the previous grading period.
In Don Bosco College Canlubang, each academic year is divided into four
grading periods and the method for computing grades is averaging (Bosconian’s Daily
Guide, 2011).
A study was conducted by Hamdan, Ghafar and Hwa Li (2010) on the teaching
competency and dominant characteristics of 309 teachers from different secondary and
primary schools in Johor Bahru. Their competencies are determined through teaching
skills, concern for Johor Bahru, concern for students and concern for self, forming a
showed that all teachers are competent, and there are significant relationships between
suggested that teachers have to enhance their competence in other elements such as
collegiality, concern on schools, students and oneself to build the image and ability as a
competent teacher.
Schacter and Ycow Meng Thum (2004), sought to use research to identify
selected high school teachers of Saint Michael’s College of Laguna with the academic
achievement of their respective students for school year 2000-2001. The study made use
procedures. The instrument used to gather data was Instructional Skills Inventory. The
environment and routines. In general, the students average grades were satisfactory
ranging from 86 to 90. The relationship between the teachers’ instructional skills and the
Another study which was conducted by Altea (1999) which endeavors to identify
performance. The study arrived with the findings that the Computer Science faculty
The faculty members were also effective in utilizing teaching methodologies to promote
and enhance student learning. This resulted to the academic performance of the senior
students in computer science as satisfactory. The study came up with a conclusion that
performance as the researcher obtained high correlation values of 127.24 and 44.29 and
It was revealed in the study conducted by Cangcungco and Yumul (2005) that
teaching-practices which the teacher applies have a vital role to the student-learning. This
study aims to identify the best practices of English teachers for the elementary grades at
enumerated the ways of English teachers deliver their lessons accordingly; teaching style,
It was also in the study which was conducted by Arceo, Evangelista and Vinoya
(2004) that practices in teaching Mathematics are truly effective in obtaining student-
the ways of Mathematics teachers deliver their lessons accordingly; teaching style,
Both in the studies of Cangcungco et al. (2005) and Arceo et al. (2004), the ways
of teachers deliver their lessons identify the best practices in teaching the subjects which
Calara and Garcia (2003) identify the factors affecting the mathematical
comprehension of the students, which is the ability of the students to understand and
learn mathematical concepts. In one of the factors, it reveals that teacher-factor is one of
the important elements which affect students’ mathematical comprehension. Under the
element of the teacher factor are the capabilities of the teacher to explain the lesson, give
The study of Fabrigas (2001) looked into the relationship between the teachers’
competencies and students' performance in the regional achievement test in English I-IV
in the fourth congressional during the school year 1998-1999. The respondents of this
study were twenty-three English teachers from the seven selected public secondary
schools in the fourth congressional district of Camarines Sur. There were 1,400 students
from first year who were used as student-respondents. It was assumed in the study that
the English teachers showed better competencies in all aspect and that the performance of
students in the achievement test varied from fair to poor. The hypothesis of this research
states that there is no significant relationship exists between the teachers' competencies
and the students' performance in the regional achievement test. In the course of the study
reveals that the teachers are very competent in all aspects of teaching except in the use of
teaching strategies where they are rated satisfactory; the performance of the students in
English I-IV in the 1998-1999 Regional Achievement Test is poor because their mastery
competencies and students' performance in English I-IV; and the findings imply that the
teachers need to improve their instructional strategies in teaching the English language.
between the teachers' teaching competencies and the academic achievement of the third
year high school students in Chemistry in the public secondary schools of Cateel, Davao
Oriental. It was found out that three out of the four teachers' teaching competencies affect
the academic achievement of the students. These three are the good assessment and
four, problem-solving was not included in those that affect the academic achievement of
the students. Moreover, based from the results of the interview, it was revealed that lack
of training, insufficient knowledge and background of the subject matter of the teachers,
also affect the teachers' teaching competencies and students' performance as well.
Balbosa (2010) came up with the special problem to determine the factors
Students at Laguna State Polytechnic University Academic Year 2009-2010. In the study,
it revealed that Personality traits had an average weighted mean of 4.50 and interpreted as
“always.” Teaching skills had an average weighted mean of 4.41 and interpreted as
“often.” Instructional materials had an average weighted mean of 2.98 and interpreted as
students obtained the mean grade of 88.23 with verbal interpretation of “Satisfactory”
and standard deviation of 4.84. Through the test of significance, the researcher concludes
personality traits, teaching skills and instructional materials and the performance of the
students in mathematics.
Chapter 3
This chapter deals with the research design, population, corresponding sample
that were used as respondents for this study, the research instrument procedures for
gathering the data, and the statistical treatment of the data collected.
Research Design
Social Science teachers of STI College Pasay-EDSA Senior High School department and
design was used in this study. Descriptive-correlation research design is the most
appropriate research design for this study because it seeks to determine the degree of
linear relationship between the two variables; the instructional competencies and the
The respondents of this study were the Senior High School students of STI
College Pasay-EDSA from Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in their first semester
In order to come up with the sample population of the study coming from each
1 Ne2
n = number of samples;
The current population of the Senior High School students of STI College Pasay-
EDSA and its estimated sample (based on 5% margin of error) is given in the table
Table 1
Distribution of the Population with Percentages per Year Level and Estimated Sample with Percentages per
Year Level
Year Level Population % %
Grade 11 123 24.3 54 24.2
Grade 12 136 26.9 60 26.9
Total 506 100.0 223 100.0
The stratified random sampling was used to ensure that the different groups in the
population are adequately represented in the sample. For the, study the year level served
as the stratum. Table 1 presents the distribution of the population by year level. The total
population of the first year is 123, that is 24.3% of the total population; the second year
have 136, that is 26.9% of the total population; the third year have 134, that is 26.5%; and
the fourth year have 113, that is 22.3% of the total population. By using the formula to
get the sample, the researchers came up with the figure of the total sample size. In order
to distribute this sample size evenly by year levels, the population size of the year level
was divided by the total population and multiplied by the total sample size (See Appendix
C). Thus, the process gave the following figures of sample for each year level: 54
students from the first year, 60 students from the second year, 59 students from the third
year and 50 students from the fourth year. After obtaining the concrete sample size from
the different year levels, researchers randomly selected at least two sections for each year
level where the number of students approximate the estimated samples needed. This
process was done for the convenience in conducting the survey. In order to come up with
the estimated number of sample, the researchers randomly and evenly eliminated the
The main instrument used in this study is the questionnaire which was prepared to
find out the instructional competencies of the faculty members involved in the study as
academe and pursued graduate studies in the field of education (See Appendix D). The
alterations that were looked into in the questionnaire were mainly of the manifesting
of some of the items were changed into more understandable and acceptable ones
As for the reliability of the instruments for the questionnaire used for the Senior
high school students in evaluating the teachers’ competencies, pilot testing and reliability
As for the academic performance of the students concerned in the study, the first
and second quarter grades Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person and Personal
the students, this study made use of the rating scale that is applied in STI College Pasay-
EDSA’s Senior High School Department. The scale below indicates the rating and
description of the grade equivalent as presented in the 2018 edition of the STI’s Student
Table 4
Scale for Student’s Grade
Percentage Equivalent
95 and above Excellent
90-94 Outstanding
85-89 Above Average
80-84 Average
75-79 Below Average
74 and below Failed
The researchers sought permission from the Assistant Principal of the Senior High
School Department to conduct a study on the students of high school department. Upon
The first and second quarter grades Introduction to the Philosophy of Human
Person and Personal Development subjects which served as the measure to academic
Department for the school year 2022-2023, was collected from the Office of the Assistant
Principal for Academic Affairs of the Senior High School Department with a notice to all
Treatment of Data
The collected data were analyzed, interpreted, and the implications were
To facilitate the tabulation and tallying of the data gathered, the researchers made
use of the Microsoft Excel 2010® and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS
was used to measure the number of responses and its magnitude with the sample. Also,
the study made use of the mean, standard deviation, and ranking to describe the
X̅ = X
̅X = mean
(∑ X)2
∑ 𝑋2− 𝑛 ∑ 𝑋2−(∑ 𝑋)2
s =√ 𝑛
or s =
s = standard deviation
X = each score
̅X = mean
Personal Development subjects first and second quarter grades of the senior high school
students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 in the school year 2022-2023, with the proper
permission from the Senior High School Principal. In order to measure the academic
performance of the students over the two quarters, an average of the grades in two
variables X and Y, giving a value between +1 and −1 inclusive which is widely used in
the sciences as a measure of the strength of linear dependence between two variables
academic performance of the students, this study made use of the correlation
scale that indicated the interpretation on the correlation based on the value of r
Table 5
Value of r Interpretations
Between ± .80 to ± .99 High correlation
Between ± .60 to ± .79 Moderately high correlation
Between ± .40 to ± .59 Moderate correlation
Between ± .20 to ± .39 Low correlation
Between ± .01 to ± .19 Negligible correlation
test statistic at least as extreme as the one that was actually observed, assuming
that the null hypothesis is true. A p-value that is less than or equal to 0.01
indicates that the correlation made is highly significant because the p-value
would suggest that there is only 1% probability that the null hypothesis is not
being true, and thus accepted. On the other hand, a p-value that is greater than or
equal to 0.05 indicates that the correlation made is not significant because it
exceeds .95 which used to mean something is good enough to be believed. Thus
any value in between the two values is considered significant at 0.05 level which
gives 5% of margin of errors which means that the null hypothesis has a 95%