Iaasb Due Process and Working Procedures

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College of Accounting Education

3/F F. Facundo Hall, B & E Bldg.

Matina, Davao City Philippines
Phone No.: (082) 305-0645

Auditing Theory
Introduction to Assurance Engagement
(Preface to International Standards and Philippine Standards)


International and national development, The objective of the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group (CAG)
inpur from IAASB, recommendations is to provide a forum where the IAASB can consult with
from interested parties individuals, or representatives of organizations, interested in the
development of high quality international standards on quality
control, audits, reviews, other assurance and related services
designed to serve the public interest in order to obtain: (a) views on
the IAASB’s agenda and project timetable (work program),
IAASB Steering Committee prepares including project priorities; (b) technical advice on projects; and (c)
project proposal the views of CAG on other matters of relevance to the activities of
the IAASB. The membership, terms of reference and operating
procedures of CAG are published on the IAASB website.

Project proposals are circulated to other

IFAC Committees and Task Forces,
The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) oversees IFAC
including the IFAC Ethics Committee, the standard setting activities in the areas of audit standards,
IFAC Transnational Auditors Committee, independence, and other ethical standards for auditors, audit quality
the IFAC Small- and Medium-Sized control and assurance standards. It also oversees IFAC’s proposed
Practices Task Force and the IFAC Compliance Program. The objective of the PIOB is to increase
Developing Nations Task Force, to identify the confidence of investors and others that the public interest
matters of possible relevance to the activities of IFAC (including the setting of standards by IFAC
boards and committees) are properly responsive to the public
interest. The membership, terms of reference and operating
procedures of the PIOB are published on the IFAC website.

IAASB Steering Committee approves or

disapproves proposal ( in an open meeting) The IAASB Steering Committee (Steering Committee) is a
standing committee of the IAASB. The purpose of the Steering
Committee is to formulate views and advise the IAASB on matters
of strategic and operational importance to the IAASB, while also
relieving the IAASB of the need to address certain administrative
If approved, project commences. matters that do not necessarily require deliberation by the IAASB.
The membership, terms of reference and operating procedures of
the Steering Committees are published on the IAASB website.

The membership, terms of reference and operating procedures of IFAC Committees and Task Forces are published
on the IFAC website.

Joint projects are subject to the due process described in this paper. If exposed separately both internationally and by
the national standard setter with whom the project is being jointly developed, IAASB may additionally have regard to
comments received by the national standard setter, where they may be relevant internationally. The final document
approved by IAASB becomes an International Standard or Practice Statement in the normal way. It may differ from
the corresponding document, if any, approved by the collaborating national standard setter.

Historical copies of agenda papers are retained on the IAASB website and highlights of each meeting and
updated project summaries are posted to the website after each meeting.

College of Accounting Education
3/F F. Facundo Hall, B & E Bldg.
Matina, Davao City Philippines
Phone No.: (082) 305-0645

IAASB SC assigns the project to Project

Task Force and prepares draft standard or
practice statements

Publish to IAASB website Project Task Force recommends for the re-
exposure and explains basis for

IAASB to discuss and approve

Before the release of the final standard or

practice statement, confirmation of the
Proposed standards is exposed for public compliane to the due process must be
comment fro 90 days made by IAASB Technical director.

Official International Standard or Practice

Acknowledgement of receipt and the Statement is issued.
IAASB members schedules for discussion

IAASB gives consideration to comments

and deliberates significant matters raised
in comments,and significant decisions are
recorded in the minutes of th meeting of
the IAASB.




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