Emergency Response
Emergency Response
Emergency Response
Subject Matter
Crisis Management
1. What is Emergency?
2. How to Assist Emergency?
3. What is the first Steps when developing an emergency response plan?
4. What is Protective Actions for Life Safety?
5. What is the other emergency response scenario?
6. 10 Steps for Developing the Emergency Response Plan.
7. Hazards to Consider When Developing the Emergency Plan.
8. What are the Weaknesses in Crisis Management Plans?
Brief History
Prior to the inception of 117, emergency services were reached through a myriad
of telephone numbers. The fire department in Manila, for example, had fifty
telephone numbers, one for every fire station in the city. At the time, 117 was
solely used in the Metro Manila area by the Philippine National Police for the
reporting of ongoing crimes as part of a program called the "Patrol 117 Street
Patrol Program" in cooperation with the Foundation for Crime Prevention. Efforts
to expand the capabilities of 117 began in the 1990s, starting with the addition of
emergency medical services to the scope of 117 in Metro Manila through a
private-sector initiative called Project EARnet (Emergency Assistance
and Response network)
The ₱1.4 billion project was completed on August 2, 2003, with the opening of a
new 117 call center in Quezon City, serving the entire Metro Manila area.
Four more 117 call centers were opened in 2006, and the full network, consisting
of sixteen networked call centers, was rolled out in 2007.
In 2016, at his first cabinet meeting after his inauguration, President Rodrigo
Duterte vowed to put up a complaint hotline, 8888, while Presidential
Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said that the existing 117 hotline
would be replaced by 911.
911 service is available nationwide 24/7. Depending on the location of the call, a
911 call will route to any of the sixteen existing 117 call centers located in various
cities around the Philippines. Each call center serves a single region.
Telecommunications Commissioner Gamaliel Cordoba said that all calls to 911 will
be rerouted to the existing Patrol 117 hotline while the 911 command center is
not yet established.
What is Emergency?
An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk
to health, life, property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent
intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations,
mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative
care for the aftermath.
Prompt evacuation of employees requires a warning system that can be
heard throughout the building. Test your fire alarm system to determine if it can
be heard by all employees. If there is no fire alarm system, use a public address
system, air horns or other means to warn everyone to evacuate. Sound the
evacuation signal during planned drills so employees are familiar with the sound.
• Make sure that there are sufficient exits available at all times. Check to see
that there are at least two exits from hazardous areas on every floor of
every building.
• Building or fire codes may require more exits for larger buildings. Walk
around the building and verify that exits are marked with exit signs and
there is sufficient lighting so people can safely travel to an exit.
• Enter every stairwell, walk down the stairs, and open the exit door to the
outside. Continue walking until you reach a safe place away from the
building. Consider using this safe area as an assembly area for evacuees.
• Appoint an evacuation team leader and assign employees to direct
evacuation of the building. Assign at least one person to each floor to act as
a “floor warden” to direct employees to the nearest safe exit.
• Have a list of employees and maintain a visitor log at the front desk,
reception area or main office area.
• Assign someone to take the lists to the assembly area when the building is
• Use the lists to account for everyone and inform the fire department
whether everyone has been accounted for Or Apply OSHA Regulation which
is the federal state local laws and regulation.
If a tornado warning is broadcast, a distinct warning signal should be
sounded and everyone should move to shelter in the strongest part of the
• Shelters may include basements or interior rooms with reinforced masonry
• Evaluate potential shelters and conduct a drill to see whether shelter space
can hold all employees.
• Since there may be little time to shelter when a tornado is approaching,
early warning is important.
• If there is a severe thunderstorm, monitor news sources in case a tornado
warning is broadcast.
• Consider purchasing an Emergency Alert System radio.
A tanker truck crashes on a nearby highway releasing a chemical cloud or a
large column of black smoke blows into the air or an explosion, or act of terrorism
has occurred, public emergency officials may order people in the vicinity to
• The plan should include a means to warn everyone to move away from
windows and move to the core of the building.
• Warn anyone working outside to enter the building immediately.
• Move everyone to the second and higher floors in a multistory building.
Avoid occupying the basement.
• Close exterior doors and windows and shut down the building’s air handling
An act of violence in the workplace could occur without warning.
• If loud “pops” are heard and gunfire is suspected, every employee should
know to hide and remain silent.
• They should seek refuge in a room, close and lock the door, and barricade
the door if it can be done quickly.
• They should be trained to hide under a desk, in the corner of a room and
away from the door or windows.
• Multiple people should be trained to broadcast a lockdown warning from a
safe location.
Other emergency response scenario
Incident Stabilization
Stabilizing an emergency may involve many different actions including:
firefighting, administering medical treatment, rescue, containing a spill of
hazardous chemicals or handling a threat or act of violence.
In my Every Emergency there is only one way to handle it without failure, follow
standard procedures and should establish a corrective application provided by
the government and establishment itself if this procedure is followed a low
possibility of a failure well be achieve just don’t forget to conduct drill which will
enable each members idea on what to do in such emergency.
Failure happens when you allow company to run without emergency response
Everyone as a member of the company or government should follow
correct procedures avoid corruption from both parties and apply standard
inspection to establishment when it is safe or not, apply and conduct drill not just
establish by government but also with the company itself, maintain safeness on
facilities all the time not just for inspection.