What Are Gravity Waves?
What Are Gravity Waves?
What Are Gravity Waves?
Gravity waves are buoyancy waves the restoring force comes from Archimedess principle. They involve vertical displacement of air parcels, along slanted paths The waves are transverse with temperature and wind pertubations, T and w being the two free parameters that oscillate for a freely propagating wave They are found everywhere in the atmosphere They can propagate vertically and horizontally, transporting momentum from their source to their sink Global circulation models use GW parameterization schemes to represent GW transfer of momentum major source of controversy
Multiple GW Sources
Flow over a mountain range Flow over convective cloud (moving mountain) Kelvin-Helmholtz instability around the jet stream Geostrophic adjustment
H Group velocity z
v Phase velocity x
Typical GW properties
Frequencies greater than N (Brunt-Vaisala frequency) and less than f (Coriolis parameter: periods ~ 5 min ~ 1 day Typical vertical wavelength in mesosphere: 2-3 km to 30 km Mountain waves have CgH = 0 xed w.r.t ground Waves propagate vertically into the stratosphere and mesosphere Wave amplitudes vary as -: density decreases so waves grow in amplitude with height Waves can be ltered and dissipated by stratospheric wind system as a result of critical layer interactions when phase speed matches background wind speed
Inertia-gravity waves
Long-period gravity waves, affected by Earths rotation. Frequency ~ f (2sin corr to T ~ 16 hours at 50N) Horizontal Wavelength > 100 km Vertical wavelength ~2 km Wind vector rotates elliptically with time or ht. Wave packet = ? km Path traced by wind vector over time Phase velocity Group velocity z
Phase front
N 2 (k 2 + ! 2 ) (k 2 + ! 2 + m 2 )
f 2 m2 + N 2 (k 2 + ! 2 ) (k 2 + ! 2 + m2 )
Where k, and m are the wavenumbers in the x, y and z directions, N is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency and f the Coriolis parameter Plane of oscillation of air parcels = Ncos
Observed spectra from aircraft measurements shown earlier Log-averaged vertical wind kinetic energy spectral densities for each level measured in a frame of reference relative to air. Slanted grey lines show 1 , 5 /3, 2 and 3 power law dependencies.
T. Duck and J. A. Whiteway, The spectrum of waves and turbulence at the tropopause, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L07801, 2005
Mesospheric Circulation
Anomalous mesospheric structures suggests need for dynamical forcing (Rayleigh friction) (Murgatroyd and Singleton, 1961; Leovy, 1964).
Mesosphere exhibits complex circulation that is far from radiative equilibrium: cold in the summer, warm in the winter
Annual, daily, and subdaily atmospheric tides are seen in surface pressure, GPS-derived tropospheric delay, and mesospheric winds Atmospheric tides dominate the dynamics of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere.
Tidal Variability
Gravity Wave Interactions : Planetary Wave Interactions
Results obtained for a 9 day run by the CSU UVT lidar illustrate the variability of the tidal structure in response to GW and tidal uctuations.
Nonlinear theory
Linear propagation from midlatitudes to lower Wave propagation latitudes Waves break as they approach their critical latitude (u=0 stationary waves) Rearrangement of PV field in the critical layer (advection around closed streamlines)
Wave breaking