1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
6 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................................. 16
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1 Introduction
The Hitch driver enables communication between Studio system and some of the Hitachi devices using their H-
Series protocol by RS 232, in accordance with the characteristics covered in this document.
General characteristics: Provides information necessary to identify all the required components (hardware
and software) necessary to implement the communication and global characteristics about the
Installation: Explains the procedures that must be followed to install the software and hardware required for
the communication.
Driver configuration: Provides the required information to configure the communication driver such as the
different permutations for configuration and its default values.
Execution: Explain the steps to test whether the driver was correctly installed and configured.
Troubleshooting: Supplies a list of the most common error codes for this protocol and the procedures to fix
Application Sample: Provides a sample application for testing the configuration the driver.
Note: This document presumes that the user has read the chapter Driver Configuration of the Studio’s
Technical reference manual.
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2 General Characteristics
Manufacturer: Hitachi
Compatible Equipment
- H - Series
Note: Please refers to section 2.4 to see the Equipment used in the standard conformance tests for this
TX 2 2
RX 3 3
RTS 4 7
SGND 7 5
8 4
CTS 5 9
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Operating System:
- Windows 9x
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT
- Windows CE
Note: Please refer to section 2.4 to see the Operating System used in the conformance tests for this driver.
HITCH.INI: Internal file of the driver, it should not be modified by the user.
HITCH.MSG: This file contains the error messages for each error code. It is an internal file of the driver, the
user should not modify it.
HITCH.PDF: This document provides detailed documentation about the driver.
HITCH.DLL: This is the compiled library for the driver.
Note: All the files above must to be in the subdirectory /DRV of the Studio’s installation directory.
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• Configuration:
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3 Installation
When you install the Studio v3.0 or higher, the communication drivers are already installed. You need now to
select the driver at the applications where it will be used.
It is not necessary to install any other software in the PC to enable the communication between the host and the
Device. However, to download the custom program to the device, it is necessary to install one of the Hitachi
programmer softwares, for example, Actsip-H. Please see the Actsip-H documentation about the procedure
to install it.
Note: Special cautions must be taken when installing the physical hardware. Refer to the hardware
manufacturer documentation for specific instructions in this area.
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4 Driver Configuration
After the driver is installed and selected in the Studio (see section 3.1), you should proceed to the driver
The Settings or Communication parameters, it is only one configuration to the whole driver, them you have the
communication tables or Driver Worksheets, where the communication tags are defined.
These parameters are valid for all driver worksheets configured in the system. To open the window for
configuring the Communication parameters, follow these steps:
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Note: These Parameters must be exactly the same as the configured on the Hitachi device. The Hitachi H-
Series Instruction Manual indicates the following serial communication settings:
Baud Rate: 19200, Data bits: 7, Stop bits: 1, Parity: Even
By clicking on the button Advanced… in the window Communication Parameters, you open additional
communication parameters.
The Advanced setting parameters are explained at the Studio Technical Reference Manual, and you should
keep the default values to all fields. Only the field described at the next table should be configured:
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It is possible to configure many driver worksheets, each one will be composed of a Header and Body. To create
a new driver worksheet, follow these steps:
1. In the Workspace of the Studio environment, select the table Comm.
2. Expand the folder Drivers and select the subfolder HITCH.
3. Right click on the HITCH subfolder and select the option Insert.
Note: To optimize communication and ensure better performance for the system, it is important to tie the
tags in different driver sheets according to the events that must trigger the communication of each group of tags
and the periodicity for which each group of tags must be written or read. In addition, it is recommended to
configure the addresses of communication in sequential blocks.
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All entries at the Driver Worksheet, exception by the Station, Header and Address are standard to all
communication drivers. You should refer to Studio Communication Driver documentation about the
configuration of the standard fields. This document describes the Station, Header and Address fields, which are
specific to each communication driver.
The Header field defines the type of variables that will be read or written from or to the device. It complies with
the syntax: <type of operator data><initial address reference>. After editing the field Header, the system will
check if it is valid or not. If the syntax were incorrect, the default value (WM000000) or the seamless value will
be automatically placed in this field.
You can type Tag between curly brackets into this field, but be sure that the Tag’s value is correct, with the right
syntax, or you will get the Invalid Header error. The right syntax, both for the field typing and Tag value is
described bellow:
Initial address: As the communication driver establishes serial communications using messages blocks,
this driver has been developed to use an initial address and a block size. So, all you need to do to type a
right device’s variable address is to type here the initial address in hexadecimal format and on the Address
cells (Driver Configuration’s Body), just type the offset regarding this initial address. The tables below have
a lot of examples how to get the same variable’s value using different headers.
Important: If you use the type of operator data with X, Y, WX or WY the initial address must be following
• X|u|s|b|
• Y|u|s|b|
• WX | u | s | m |
• WY | u | s | m |
• X | r | St | s | b |
• Y | r | St | s | b |
• WX | r | St | s | b |
• WY | r | St | s | b |
u - Unit number 0 to 2(H250 - 0 to 1).
s - Slot number 0 to 9(H250 - 0 to 8).
b - Intra-module bit number 00 to 5F(must be two digit in hexadecimal).
m - Intra-module word number 0 to 7(must be one digit ).
r -Remote host station number (1 to 4)
St - Remote local station number (0 to 7)
For others operators types you must configure the initial address directly in hexadecimal format.
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(WM000000 to WM0003FF)
Depends of the CPU model.
Timer counter Timer counter elapsed time.
TC000000 512 words
elapsed time It is possible to read or write these words.
(TC000000 to TC0001FF)
Depends of the CPU model.
Rising edge Rising edge detection
DIF000000 512 points
detection It is possible to read or write these bits.
(DIF000000 to DIF0001FF)
Depends of the CPU model.
Falling edge Falling edge detection
DFN000000 512 points
detection It is possible to read or write these bits.
(DFN000000 to DFN0001FF)
The body of the driver worksheet allows you to associate each tag to its respective address in the device. In the
column Tag Name, you must type the tag from your application database. This tag will receive or send values
from or to an address on the device.
<offset>.<bit number>
offset: the offset is a number in decimal that when added to the initial address reference configured in the
Header field defines an address in the device. If you’re using the operator data word, it’s the Word Offset. If
you’re using the operator data bit, it’s the bit offset.
When you’re working with word data block, the highest allowed offset is 120 ( 0 to 119), but if you’re working
with bit data block, the highest allowed offset is 240 ( 0 to 239).
Note: In the previous table there are several ways to set the same variable on the device because of the
variable’s number defined by the sum of the initial address reference defined in the field header and the
offset defined in the Address Field.
The Hitachi H-Series Manual indicates the following serial communication settings:
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5 Execution
When installing the driver, it is automatically selected to execute when you start-up the Runtime
Environment. To verify the if the driver is correctly enabled to start, use the menu option Project +
Status…, and verify the task Driver Runtime
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6 Troubleshooting
After each attempt to communicate using this driver, the tag configured in the field Read Status or Write
Status will receive the error code regarding the kind of failure that occurred. The error messages are:
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Note: The results of the communication may be verified in the output Window of the Studio’s environment.
To set a log of events for Field Read Commands, Field Write Commands and Serial Communication click
with the right button of the mouse on the output window and chose the option setting to select these log events.
When testing under a Windows CE target, you can enable the log at the unit (Tools/Logwin) and verify the file
celog.txt created at the target unit.
When you are not able to establish the communication with the PLC, you should first of all establish the
communication between the PLC Programming Tool and the PLC. Very frequently the communication it is not
possible due to a hardware or cable problem, or due an error or lack of configuration at the PLC. Only after the
communication between the PLC Programming Software and the PLC is working fine, you can test again the
When testing the communication with the Studio, you should first use the application sample described at item
7, instead of the new application that you are creating.
If is required to contact technical support, please have the following information available:
- Operating System (type and version): To find this information use the Tools/System Information option
- Project information: It is displayed using the option Project/Status from the Studio menu
- Driver version and communication log: Available from Studio Output when running the driver
- Device model and boards: please refer to hardware manufacture’s documentation
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7 Application Sample
The Studio contains a configured project to test the driver. It is strongly recommended to do some tests with this
application before beginning the configuration of the customized project, for the follow reasons:
Note: The application for testing may be used like a maintenance screen for the custom application.
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8 History of Versions
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