Chemistry 1 & 2

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Page No.

Expt. No. 01

Am RLbh ala
le BxeAasee 20 kein 0_FeHHGLA aMmbnism mgarit
Cmoin' dolt), uing thú leln. Zindt 0ut the
and itHeng h of tWe 9iren KMn04

unnel, MeauUÉng Elaak (280 mi. weighting Bettle

Anohsa'g kalt, BuwLtto, Beahe eeette dtoatd, , °H2S041
|kMnD4 iotn

A)Fiabanatien a tandand delulubn %o &fmbhi'

Melomass 392 9/m
000 cm efLM Meh' iakt neguire 692 2/mel

392 *
2SD x 0 0S 24*9

(8) Kaatien BaTuraon RMnb4 anmehr'8
t ts a Hldor tLactih

Mehn' Aalt ie the t cduceng agent aad kMn04 acte a

2 aet age0d 0.A n
ul oridising agent
|acid mmedium ald Moefere
dEl. H2s04 added to
he Lenical flosk before atarTing the l a t o 7 .

Teacher's Signature

Page No.
Expt. No.

+ 10 Pe S04 (NH4)2 S04 6H,0 Kas04

2 kMnOf + 3HaS04
+2Mns04 + Se2 (s04)3 +10 (NH 4)2904 +68H,o

enic guatitn;
eductng Half- Mn05 + 8H+ Se. Mn2t
MnT+ 4H20

xidatien HaP:- 5 A2* SPe + Se

8veHal eguatÜn - M n04+ 8HT+ SPe 2 5Pet+Mnt44Ho

Sndfcater-k19n is aa r l andicatny

End petnt- ColsuRless to Jight &enR

bb22yatien Table

S No Ustume of Mekn'e u Hetu HeadËng Velume of kM

FEnalVa2) e d (-V) in m
ialt taken in ml 9nitia (v)
20 O

2 20 21


4 41

mconatrd value 10 ml

Teacher's Signature,

Expt. No. Page No.


M6lay mais of_mthr'2kalt 392 2 mal

0 0S M


Leing ieRmula -
MKMn04 X VKMn 2
Mmshn's Lalt X_Vmthx' ialt
heX 20
MkMnO4 M
LtHengthz MX Moleculose wght _x158 -16]
RuuttMstaxity ek rMnO4 D02 ieengthKnOg

()enl,the Buutle and 6ihotte uhseuld be uued weth he

z the 'tthating fatk ahould be taisld nty nsith ditrted

R e a d the Butelte aaintt uoLItk menikcue tf the doin n it

The iame amtunt 0 ndicat in al Dation

Teacher's Signature

Page No.
Expt. No. 02

Afm 0calic actd inp th
Je rebate itam dard dotn. %o
Lein, deteamine the m elanity
and trengtR et gëven
Mm4 Gin

Bralic_aced, Weigking Bettle, secght Go , voluLmtee
Elok, ennel, 8EiteitiA Wsato, Chamceal
itand, del-Hso4
Cen cal Flakk , Bunette Pehette 9Fun
k MnO4 deln

A) Pebaatien eR % alic acid

Mola mail oeralie aofak :126g
lo00 cm
10 00 Cm
f AM 0aalic add Heguljcee 2126_
of M/o 0ralic acid ra9tee"a/24 263

BReactien Betioon kMn04 and 0ralic acid

KMn04 aL as an br cdiuing agent while ecalic
acid ae
sadueeng agente

Lonic Egwaton-
5 CDO + 2Mn04+ l6Ht. s /0 C02 + 2M 3 H,o

2 KMn04 + 5 O OH + 3H, s04 k S04 t 2/mS04 +1OC02 +3H0
co OH

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. Page No.

n thi ¬quation Mn04 i.e Mn Je duced to Mnt,

ocalate n Co o a e 0idii ed to co,

n dicatou
KMmO uled al a &elf indicato

nd e n i -
Calelese te bink

bsvatien akle -

SNo VslumeGf0calic Bunette Heading? | Volume _kMmOt

ln (én mt) 9n&tfal Final Brd (in mi)
i 20 O
2 20 2/5S
20 2S 8/ 5
4 20 4-1 S
S 20 41S 5l5

Ca lculin-
Melast maei ef0xalie acid 126
Melorty of 60 63 L060


Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No.

fng 7e * mula
N M> V
MkM n04 X VkMn 0g
Merat x Vera tit

2 M

Melarity cf kM n0g M

Ltength f kM nOg Lx!S3 626


(0) e he iam amsunt ef êndicatsin all i a t i m
) H e a d the Bukete agatntt ikelouL minticee Of_the
den. in it.

Teacher's Signature .

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