1st Yeaar 2022

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First year elementary (summary)

English tenses (tiempos verbales)

Present simple
Verb to be (ser o estar)

There is /There are (hay)

Verb have got (tener)

Present Simple

(se usa para hablar de rutinas/hábitos/verdades absolutas)

Spelling rules affirmative
Verb patterns
Verb pattern + verb,ing

I like eating pizza

Verb pattern + to verb

I would like to eat pizza. I am hungry

Like / Would like

like + verb,ing (te gusta)

would like + to verb (te gustaría)

I like eating pasta.

I ‘d like to eat pasta. I’m hungry.


Usamos like para personas.

She likes him. (A ella le gusta él)
He likes her. (A él le gusta ella.)
I like you. (Tú me gustas.)
Do you like me? (Te gusto?)
No usamos would like para personas,
Would like se usa para ofrecer o pedir algo.
I’d like some coffee, would you like some too? (Pidiendo y ofreciendo.)
Would you like a chocolate? (Ofreciendo.)
Si usamos un verbo después, ponemos to + infinitivo:
She’d like to speak with you for a moment.
Q: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? (Una invitación.)
A: Yes, I would.
Q: What would you like to do this weekend?
A: I don’t know… Let’s go hiking!

Conversación en un restaurante
Más ejemplos de cómo se pide y se ofrece con would like:
Waiter: What can I get you this evening?
Customer: I’d like the steak, please.
Waiter: Excellent. Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Yes, I’d like a glass of water, please.
Present continuous
(se usa para hablar de situaciones que están ocurriendo
en el momento que estamos hablando/acciones
Simple past
Verb to be
Regular verbs
Spelling rules (affirmative)
Past continuous (acciones que estaban ocurriendo en un
momento específico del pasado)
Future am/is/are +going to+base form of the verb
(usamos be going to+verb para hablar de situaciones
planeadas con anterioridad al momento en el que
estamos hablando/predicciones con evidencia)
Question words -Palabras que se usan para empezar
una pregunta
Defining relative clauses (se usan para unir oraciones)

Who people

Which things

Where places
Must /Can

Usamos must cuando debemos hacer algo

Usamos mustn’t cuando tenemos prohibido hacer algo
Usamos can cuando tenemos premiso para hacer algo
Usamos can´t cuando no tenemos permiso para hacer
Can /Could (affirmative /interrogative/negative)

I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they + can + base form of the verb

Katy can play the piano

I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they +can’t+ base form.

Katy can’t play football.

Indefinite Pronouns
Countable nouns /Uncountable nouns Plural nouns
some/any/a lot of
We use some, any with plural countable nous and uncountable nouns

Adverb + adjective
We use adverb+ adjective to make the adjective stronger

This test is ridiculously easy.


Easy= adjective
Comparative and Superlative (adjectives and adverbs)

Irregular adjectives
Adverbs of manner
English Vocabulary

Personal Information
What is your name?
My name is _______.

What is your surname / last name?

My surname / last name is _______.

Do you have a nickname?

Yes, my nickname is _______ or No, I don't.

Work & Occupation

What do you do?
I am a _______.

Where do you work?

I work at _______.

Do you like your job?

Yes, I do. or No, I don't.

Why do you like your job?

I like my job because _______.

Do you have any children?
Yes, I have _______ children. or No, I don't

What are their names?

Their names are _______.

How many brothers and sister do you have?

I have _______ brothers and _______ sisters.

How old are you?
I am _______ years old.

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on the _______ of _______.

Where were you born?

I was born in _______.
The family
What time is it?

Free time activities/Leisure activities

Rooms /things in the house
Household goods


Cardinal numbers
Food/drinks/daily products
Markets /shopping
What are people like? (description)

What is the weather like?

Days of the week (días de la semana)

Season (estaciones del año)



1) Talk about jobs and occupatinon

a) What does your mother do?
b) She is a doctor

a) Do you work in a hospital?

b) Yes, I’m a doctor

2) Show interest and surprise

a) Mike went to Paris for his honeymoon
b) Really! I went to Mar del Plata

a) I have already eaten snails

b) Have you! I haven’t yet.
3) Express a purpose
a) I’m saving money to go on holyday
b) Well, I’m working hard so that I can go with you
a) Why do you study English?
b) To get a better job

4) Ask about your mother’s country or nationality

a) Where is your mother from?
b) She is from Italy
a) Where does your mother come from?
b) She comes from Italy.

5) Ask about your friend age

a) How old is Mike?
b) He is ten
a) How old is your best friend?
b) She is twenty.

6) Talk about past journeys

a) Where did you go for your summer holydays?
b) I went to Brazil

7) Talk abour mwans of transport

a) How do you go to shool?
b) I go to school on foot// I go to school by bus/car/ etc.

8) Ask about like/ dislike

a) What do you like doing in your free time?

b) I like swimming.

9) Ask about your favourite sports

a) What is your favourite s sport?
b) It’s football/ basketball/ hockey, etc.

10) Giving and responding for invitations

a) Would you like to come for dinner?
b) Yes, it is a lovely idea
a) Why don’t we go to the cinema?
b) Oh, I ‘d love to.

11) Plans for our holidays

a) What are you going to do next summer?
b) We are going to go the seaside.
12) Asking and talking about experiences
a) Have you ever been to Europe?
b) Yes, I went there last year.
a) Have you ever eaten snails?
b) No, I haven`t.

13) Compare two members of your family

a) Who is taller than your mother?
b) My grandmother is taller than her.

14) Ask and give directions

a) Where is the supermarket?
b) It’s in front of you.

15) Check information (question tags)

a) Mary is studying English, isn’t she?
b) Yes, she is. She is doing a course.

16) Make a request

a) Could you help me with my homework?
b) Yes, sure, I’ll help you do it.

17) Offering and accepting help.

a) Would you like me to carry your bag?
b) Yes, please. It would be great.

18) Complain about something

a) I have been waiting for too long, I am in a hurry.
b) Oh what can I do for you? I’m sorry to kee you waiting.

19) Showing surprise.

a) I live in Madrid.
b) Do you? I live in Argentina.

20) Requesting about something

a) Could you lend me some money, please?
b) Ok, but give me it back when you finish, please

21) Apologise for something

a) I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
b) That’s ok. I’m not in a hurry.
22) ask about future possibility
a) We might /could/ may win the game tomorrow
b) Yes, it is a possibility.

23) Ask about unreal situations (2 conditional)
a) What would you do if you won a lot of money?
b) I would go to Europe with friends.

24) Refuse help with reason.

a) Would you like me to make your birthday cake?
b) No, thank you. I do it myself.
Irregular verbs

Base form Simple past TRADUCCIÓN

be was, were ser/estar

beat beat golpear
become became hacerse
begin began empezar
bend bent doblar(se)
bet bet apostar
bite bit morder
bleed bled sangrar
blow blew soplar
break broke romper
bring brought traer
broadcast broadcast emitir
build built construir
burn burnt quemar(se)
burst burst estallar
buy bought comprar
catch caught coger
choose chose elegir
come came venir
cost cost costar
cut cut cortar
deal dealt tratar
dig dug cavar
do did hacer
draw drew dibujar
dream dreamt soñar
drink drank beber
drive drove conducir
eat ate comer
fall fell caer(se)
feed fed alimentar
feel felt sentirse
fight fought pelearse
find found encontrar
fly flew volar
forbid fordad(e) prohibir
forget forgot olvidar(se)
forgive forgave perdonar
freeze froze helar(se)
get got conseguir
give gave dar
go went irse
grow grew crecer
hang hung colgar
have had haber/tener
hear heard escuchar
hide hid esconder(se)
hit hit golpear
hold held agarrar(se)
hurt hurt hacer daño
keep kept guardar
kneel knelt arrodillarse
know knew saber/conocer
lay laid poner
lead led llevar
learn learnt aprender
leave left dejar
lend lent prestar
let let permitir
lie lay echarse
light lit encender(se)
lose lost perder
make made hacer
mean meant significar
meet met encontrar(se)
mistake mistook equivocar(se)
overtake overtook adelantar
pay paid pagar
put put poner
read read leer
ride rode montar
ring rang sonar
rise rose levantarse
run ran correr
say said decir
see saw ver
seek sought buscar
sell sold vender(se)
send sent enviar
set set poner
sew sewed coser
shake shook agitar
shine shone brillar
shoot shot disparar
show showed mostrar
shrink shrank encoger(se)
shut shut cerrar(se)
sing sang cantar
sink sank hundir(se)
sit sat sentar(se)
sleep slept dormir
smell smelt oler
speak spoke hablar
spell spelt deletrear
spend spent pasar/gastar
split split dividir(se)
spoil spoilt estropear(se)
spread spread extender(se)
stand stood estar de pie
steal stole robar
stick stuck pegar(se)
sting stung picar
strike struck golpear
strive strove esforzarse
swear swore jurar
sweep swept barrer
swim swam nadar
swing swung balancear(se)
take took tomar(se)
teach taught enseñar
tear tore romper(se)
tell told contar/decir
think thought pensar
throw threw lanzar
understand understood entender
upset upset afligir
wake woke despertar(se)
wear wore llevar (puesto)
weep wept llorar
win won ganar
write wrote escribir
wake woke despertar(se)

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