Tech Gen V1
Tech Gen V1
Tech Gen V1
closing of the LP valve of the fuel system; 2. opening of the air bleed valves and HP valves on the engine concerned; 3. setting of extinguishing systems; 4. closing of the isolation and de-icing valves; 5. isolation of the associated electric current generators; 6. immediate discharge of extinguishing agent; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: When a bimetallic strip is used as a switch in a fire detection loop, a fire alarm is triggered after a delay. The purpose of this delay is to: In aviation, the reflection on ionosphere layers phenomenon is used in the following frequencies: The fuel system boost pumps are used to : The colour of a fresh synthetic hydraulic fluids is: On a modern aeroplane, to avoid the risk of tyre burst from overheating, due for example to prolonged braking during an aborted take-off, there is: When in flight, a piston engine is stopped and the propeller blade pitch angle is near 90, the propeller is said to be... When air is compressed for pressurization purposes, the percentage oxygen content is: When air is compressed for pressurization purposes, the percentage oxygen content is: The viscosity of a hydraulic fluid should be: In a piston engine if the ratio of air to fuel, by weight, is approximately 9:1, the mixture is said to be : In a piston engine if the ratio of air to fuel, by weight, is approximately 9:1, the mixture is said to be : When the door operation of a transport airplane equipped with evacuation slides is controlled from the outside, the slide: The conditions under which you obtain the highest engine power are : Real load sharing in a parallel AC system is achieved by : It may be determined that an aircraft is not properly bonded if : The purpose of a trim tab (device) is to: A "Zener" diode is used for: The purpose of an accumulator in a hydraulic system is: The type of hydraulic oil used in modern hydraulic systems is: When the AC generators are connected in parallel, the reactive loads are balanced by means of the: An excessively rich mixture can be detected by : The use of too low an octane fuel may cause: Oxygen systems are systems used on pressurized airplanes in :; 1. an emergency in the case of depressurization.; 2. an emergency in the case of the indisposition of a passenger.; 3. normal use in order to supply oxygen to the cabin.; 4. an emergency in the case of smoke or toxic gases.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: An aircraft electrical circuit which uses the aircraft structure as a return path to earth, may be defined as a On most transport aircraft, the low pressure pumps of the fuel system are: In transport aeroplanes overheat detection systems are installed in the: In an engine equipped with a float-type carburettor, the low temperature that causes carburettor ice is normally the result of:
Single Pole Centrifuge Wheel Bays Vap of fule and exp of air in the
carb The function of a fusible plug is to When a battery is almost fully discharged there is a tendency for the : When an "open circuit" occurs in an electrical supply system, the : Vol to dec under load Loss of cont will prevent its working components from functioning Cabin only Nit and vis fluid Pair poles and speed of moving part Cabin outflow valve The qty of elec that the batt can sup during discharge Humidity Vent sys After cooling turbine 220
Chemical oxygen generators are used to furnish oxygen to the : What is (are) the damping element(s) in a landing gear shock absorber used on larger aircraft? The frequency of an AC generator is dependent on the : Cabin pressurisation is controlled by the: The capacity of an accumulator is:
The capacity of an accumulator is: The pressurization of tanks is maintained by the fuel: Environmental system: in the air refrigeration unit, the water separation unit is placed: An aircraft is scheduled to fly from PARIS to MARSEILLE at FL 390 and has the following characteristics: Maximum permissible number of passenger specified by the certificate of airworthiness= 230, Number of seats on board= 200, Scheduled number of passengers on board= 180. The minimum number of inhaler systems provided in the aircraft cabin should be: The conditions to be met to activate a shunt generator are: 1. presence of a permanent field 2. closed electrical circuit 3. generator terminals shortcircuited 4. minimum rotation speed The combination of correct statements is: In a gas turbine engine, compressor blades which are not rigidly fixed in position when the engine is stationary take up a rigid position when the engine is running because of: Cockpit indications associated with a windscreen heating system usually comprise: If a current is passed through a conductor which is positioned in a magnetic field : The services connected to a supply bus-bar are normally in:
Aero and centrifugal forces Green On Amber Fail Force exert on conductor Parallel, so isolating ind loads dec the bus current consumption No mech connection betn comp and pwr output shaft Cab pr inc
The cabin rate of descent is: The purpose of a voltage regulator is to control the output voltage of the :
Which is (are) the damping element(s) in a landing gear shock absorber used on larger aircraft ? On a normally aspirated aero-engine fitted with a fixed pitch propeller : Assuming cabin pressure decreases, the cabin rate of climb indicator should indicate : The power output of a piston engine can be calculated by : The purpose of the blow-in-doors at the air inlets is to: A radio signal looses strength as range from the transmitter increases, this is called : The chemical oxygen generator is a system:; 1. which is inexpensive; 2. requiring no external input; 3. which is lightweight; 4. requiring no maintenance; 5. with adjustable flow rate; 6. which is unsafe; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: The primary purpose of the bleed valves fitted to axial flow compressors it to: The power of a piston engine decreases during climb with a constant power lever setting, because of the decreasing : The lubricating system of an aircraft engine is used to In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, during and following an emergency descent, each occupant of the cockpit seats on duty must have access to a minimum amount of oxygen in:; 1. order to maintain a supply throughout the entire flight time where the cabin altitude pressure is greater than 13000 ft.; 2. order to maintain a supply throughout the entire flight time where the cabin altitude pressure is greater than 10000 ft and smaller than 13000 ft minus 30 minutes.; 3. no case less than 30 minutes for airplanes certified to fly up to 25000 ft.; 4. no case less than 2 hours for airplanes certified to fly at over 25000 ft.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: A DC generator fitted to a aircraft is cooled by : In case of smoke in the cockpit, the crew oxygen regulator must be set to: A tubeless tyre is a tyre:; 1. which requires solid or branched wheels; 2. whose valve can be sheared in sudden accelerations; 3. whose mounting rim must be flawless; 4. which requires no rim protection between rim flange and tire removing device; 5. which does not burst in the event of a tire puncture; 6. which eliminates internal friction between the tube and the tire; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : In most cases aeroplane piston engines are short stroke engines. This permits a : To adjust the mixture ratio of a piston engine when altitude increases, means to: During fuelling the automatic fuelling shut off valves will switch off the fuel supply system when: When selected to normal, the oxygen proportion of the air/oxygen mixture supplied by the cockpit oxygen system regulator: The purpose of bonding the metallic parts of an aircraft is to: Continuous loop fire detector systems operate on the principle that an
Nit and vis fluid MAP dec as ac climbs at fixed th setting ROC Tor times RPM Air at high pwr low speeds attenuation 1,3,4
Light constn Dec fuel flow to comp for red air densi Reaches Pre deter vol or mass Inc when alt inc Safe dist of elec charge Dec in resistance
increase in temperature produces : A red or an amber light on an undercarriage position indicator signifies: If the automatic control of an air conditioning system fails: An aircraft magneto is switched off by Fuel system indications available to the pilot are normally restricted to:
Oil consumption is mainly due to In computer technology, a storage peripheral is a: The capacitance type fuel gauging system indicates the fuel quantity by measuring the: During a normal pressurised climb after take-off: A piston engine compression ratio is the ratio of the : The Automatic Direction Finder uses the following wavelengths: Engine bleed air used for air conditioning and pressurization in turbo-jet aeroplanes is usually taken from the: The fuel tanks of aircrafts must be checked for water The term "cabin pressure" applies when an aeroplane:
One wheel unlocked or travelling Man ctrl and beep the ctrl Grounding the pri cct Cont, LL Wx, Pr, flow, trans status and filter condition Eng speed HDD Di elec change betn fuel and air Cab pr red less than atm pr Tot vol to clear vol Hector or kilometric Comp section Bef first flt and after a long turnaround Has a means to maintain cab pr at a higher lvl than ambient Cur is dir prop to applied EMF RPM 100N Allows 2 sources to operate one unit Enters the eye of impeller and leaves at a tangent to the periphery Multiple disk brake Is powered in one direction only, the return being under spring force Provide some pax
The true statement among the following in relation to the application of Ohm's law is : With which instrument(s) do you monitor the power output of an aeroplane fitted with a fixed pitch propeller? In the hydraulic press schematically shown, what balancing Force would be acting on the left hand side ? (The diagram is not to scale) In hydraulic system, a shuttle valve : The air in a piston engine turbo-supercharger centrifugal compressor :
The type of brake unit found on most transport aeroplanes is a: A single action actuator:
Hydraulic fluids : A rich mixture setting has to be used during climb segments. This results in a Smoke detectors fitted on transport aircraft are of the following type : The hydraulic device similar to an electronic diode is a : If two constant frequency AC generators are operating independently, then the phase relationship of each generator: During climb with constant throttle and RPM lever setting (mixture being constant) the : An impulse turbine is a turbine in which the expansion takes place: The connection in parallel of two 12 volt/ 40 amphours batteries, will create a unit with the following characteristics; The elements specifically protected against icing on transport aircraft are:; 1) engine air intake and pod.; 2) front glass shield.; 3) radome.; 4) pitot tubes and waste water exhaust masts.; 5) leading edge of wing.; 6) cabin windows.; 7) trailing edge of wings.; 8) electronic equipment compartment.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : The logic symbol shown represents (assuming positive logic) : The wavelength of a radio transmitted on frequency 121.95 MHz is: When altitude increases without adjustment of the mixture ratio, the piston engine performance is affected because of a : An engine pressure ratio (EPR) gauge reading normally shows the ratio of: Fuel low level warnings usually provide the pilot with information regarding: The characteristics of an axial compressor are: 1 - a low pressure ratio by stage. 2 - a high pressure ratio by stage. 3 - the possibility of compressing a large mass airflow. 4 - the inability of compressing a large mass airflow. The combination containing all of the correct statements is: On modern carburettors, the variations of mixture ratios are obtained by the adjustment of : The purpose of the "Pressure Relief Valve" in a high pressure oxygen system is to : The control of free turbine engines on turboprops, is accomplished by:; - a propeller control lever used to select:; 1 - propeller RPM; 2 - turbine temperature; 3 - turbine RPM; - a fuel control lever used to select:; 4 propeller RPM; 5 - torque; 6 - turbine temperature; The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is : From the cruise, with all the parameters correctly set, if the altitude is reduced, to maintain the same mixture the fuel flow should: The installation and use of on-board oxygen generators is such that:; 1 the smoking ban is imperative when used; 2 - in case of accidental drop of the "continuous flow" passenger masks, no crew action is required; 3 - no trace of grease must be found in the system assembly; 4 - the system's
with additional respiratory assistance after an emer des following a depressuration Are irritating to eye and skin Lower CHT Optical or ionization Check valve Is unimportant MAP reduces Fully in stator 12V 80 Ah 1,2,4,5
Invert or NOT gate 2.46 m Dec of air den for const qty of fuel Comp inlet to jet pipe pr Lvl of fuel in supply tanks 1,3
Inc 1-3
filling adaptors must be greased with non freezable or graphite grease; The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is : The richness of a fuel/air mixture ratio is the : On an aeroplane, spoilers are :;
During climb with constant Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) and RPM indication and constant mixture setting, the power output of a piston engine : Discounting the possibility of leak, the level in a hydraulic reservoir will :
Real mix ratio rel to the theoretical ratio Upper wing surface devices, deflection is symmetrical or asymmetrical Inc Fluctuate with jack displacement and acc pr Efficiency Rich- to start and cool engine at idling speeds Prevent pump cavitation These catch fire spontaneously in presence of o2 under pressure Dec in MAP Amps Spark plug fouling 1,2,3
On four-stroke piston engines, the theoretical valve and ignition settings are readjusted in order to increase the: When starting an engine or when the engine runs at an idle rpm on ground, the mixture is: In a hydraulic system, the reservoir is pressurized in order to: The equipment of an oxygen supply installation must be kept absolutely free of oil or grease traces as: The first indication of carburettor icing in airplanes equipped with constant speed propellers would most likely be a: The rating of electrical fuses is expressed in: At high altitudes, an excessively rich mixture will: The purpose of the cabin pressure controller, in the automatic mode, is to perform the following functions:; 1. control of cabin altitude,; 2. control of cabin altitude rate-of-change,; 3. limitation of differential pressure; 4. balancing aircraft altitude with cabin altitude; 5. cabin ventilation; 6. keeping a constant differential pressure throughout all the flight phases.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : The function of the selector valve is to: The cross-feed fuel system is used to : In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, the minimum requirement for the survival oxygen needed to supply 100 % of the passengers during and following an emergency descend is:
The advantages of alternating current on board an aircraft are:; 1. simple connection; 2. high starting torque; 3. flexibility in use; 4. lighter weight of equipment; 5. easy to convert into direct current; 6. easy maintenance of
Comm sys pr to either side of an actuator every eng frm any tank 10 mins or entire flt time where cabin pr alt is above 15000. Whichever is greater 3,4,5,6
machines; The combination of correct statements is: When a persistent top excitation limit fault on an AC generator connected to the mains with another AC generator, the overexcitation protection device opens: The kind of compressor normally used as a supercharger is : A CSD of an AC generator may be disconnected in flight. The primary reason(s) for disconnection are : Load shedding means .. Main cabin temperature is: The airborne weather radar uses the following wavelengths: During flight at normal cruising speed, if one magneto failed completely, it would first cause: Fuel/air ratio is the ratio between the: In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, when an airplane flies at over 25000 ft, the total number of oxygen dispensing units and supply terminals must be at least greater than the number of: An artificial feel unit is necessary in the pitch channel when: A turbocharger system is normally driven by: An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 201 to 300 seats must be equipped with at least: The power of a piston engine which will be measured by using a friction brake is : Airliners are equipped with oxygen systems. It can be said that :; The minimum airborne equipment required for operation of a the VHF direction finder is a: Above what flight level must one pilot wear an oxygen mask at all times during commercial flight. When TAS increases, the pitch angle of a constant speed propeller (RPM and MAP levers are not moved) : The speed of an asynchronous four-pole motor fed at a frequency of 400 Hertz is: Internal leakage in a hydraulic system will cause : If air is tapped from a gas turbine HP compressor, the effect on the engine pressure ratio (EPR) and the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is that : On an aircraft, the Krueger flap is a: The portable emergency beacons which are used after an emergency landing or ditching have a duration of : What is the purpose of the pack cooling fans in the air conditioning system? The anti-ice or de-icing system which is mostly used for the wings of modern turboprop aeroplanes is : In a compressor stage of a jet engine, the sequence is:
Exitor breaker, the gene breaker and tie breaker Radial compressor Low oil pr and/or high oil temp of the gene drive Temp or per switch off of loads Controlled auto or flight crew Centimetric App redn of 100 RPM Ratio of masses Seats +10% Elev by irreversible servo ctrl units Exhaust sys 4 hand held fire ext located in pax compart BHP With nor setting the cre breathes mix of o2 and air VHF set 410 Increases 12000 RPM Inc fluid temp EPR dec and EGT inc LE flap 48 hrs Ground ops Pneumatic boots Rotor stator
The most common material used in the construction of gearbox casings is: In flight, a cantilver wing of an aeroplane containing fuel undergoes vertical loads which produce a bending moment: A pressure regulator is used in a hydraulic system: On a transport type aircraft the fuel tank system is vented through: An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 61 to 200 seats must be equipped with at least: An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 401 to 500 seats must be equipped with at least: Turbine blade creep in a gas turbine engine is caused by: On a a normally aspirated engine (non turbo-charged), the manifold pressure gauge always indicates... In a three spool turbofan engine the fan is driven by: One of the advantages of a turbosupercharger is that : With a piston engine, when detonation is recognised, you: An aircraft whose maximum approved configuration for passenger seats is 100 seats must be equipped with: The refueling in a transport jet aircraft is made ... What is breathed in when using a passenger oxygen mask? The function of the Generator Breaker is to close when the voltage of the : A smoke mask is a : A propeller blade is twisted, so as to The purpose of a distributor in an ignition system is to distribute: An operator shall not operate an aeroplane certicated to JAR25, across an area in which search and rescue would be especially difficult, without survival equipment if it flies away from an area suitable for making an emergency landing at a distance greater than : In a four-stroke piston engine, the only "driving" stroke is : When the combustion gases pass through a turbine the : Smoke detector systems are installed in the An electrically heated windscreen is manufactured from: When quick donning masks are in use, the pilot is: Under normal flight conditions, cabin pressure is controlled by :
Magnesium alloy Highest at wing root With a const delivery type pump RAM air scoops on the underside of the wings 3 FEs 6 FEs Appln of heat whilst under centri loads Lower than atm when the eng is running Rearmost turbine Uses lost energy Red MAP and enrich mixture 1 in cockpit and 3 in pax cabin Unique port refueling center Cabin air + o2 Gene volt greater than batt volt Mask with flow on req and covers whole face Keep local AOA const along the blade Sec current to spark plugs 90 mins at cruising speed Firing expansion Pr drops upper cargo comp (class E) Glass and polycarbonate laminate Able to RT Cabin outflow valves
The skip zone of HF-transmission will increase when the following change in circumstance occurs : To ensure correct load sharing between AC generators operating in parallel : The ice protection system currently used for the most modern jet aeroplanes is the A manifold pressure gauge of a piston engine measures: For a piston engine, the ideal fuel/air mixture corresponding to a richness of 1 is obtained for a weight ratio of:; A magnetic circuit-breaker is: The pitch angle of a constant-speed propeller By-pass turbine engines are mainly used in commercial aviation, because: An artificial feel unit system:
High freq and higher position of the reflecting ionospheric layer Real and reactive loads must be matched Hot air systems Absolute pr in intake system near intake valve 1/15th Protection system that has a Quick tripping response Inc with inc air speed Better prop efficiency Must be mounted in parallel on an irreversible servo ctrl unit 1-2-3
The purpose of a battery protection unit is generally to isolate the battery:; 1 - from the bus when the battery charge is deemed satisfactory; 2 - when there is a battery overheat condition; 3 - in case of an internal short circuit; 4 - in case of a fault on the ground power unit; The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is : The de-icing system which is mostly used for the wings of modern turboprop aeroplanes is: The hydraulic oil, entering the hydraulic pump, is slightly pressurised to : The operating principle of an anti skid system is as follows : the brake pressure will be : On an aircraft fitted with an Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) the "status mode":
Pneumatic boots Prevent cavitation Dec in slower wheels is manually selected and displays info on the lower EICAS screen 1,2
The advantages of thermal anti-icing are :; 1. Simple and reliable system; 2. Profiles maintained; 3. Greater efficiency than that of an electrical resistor; 4. Direct use of the hot air from the jet engine without substantial reduction in engine thrust; The combination of correct statements is: If one of the 12 cells of a lead-acid battery is dead, the battery: Dual ignition provides a factor of safety and An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than 60 seats must be equipped with at least: In a bootstrap cooling system the supply air is first :
Is U/S Improves combustion 3 FEs Comp, passed through a sec heat exchanger
For a turbine engine, the term self-sustaining speed relates to the speed at which the engine : For a given type of oil, the oil viscosity depends on the: For FAIL-SAFE designed structural parts :; 1 The mounting principle is parallel mounting.; 2 No routine check is necessary.; 3 The member is removed at the end of the calculated life cycle.; 4 Certain components may not be accessible.; 5 The principle is the redundancy of components; 6 The failure of a member causes the loads to be shared between the other system components.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : An airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 501 to 600 seats must be equipped with at least: A public transport passengers aircraft, with a seating configuration of more than 61 seats, must have in its passenger compartment(s), at least 3 portable fire-extinguishers including: A public transport passengers aircraft, with a seating configuration of more than 61 seats, must have in its passenger compartment(s), at least 3 portable fire-extinguishers including: A circuit breaker :
and then across an expansion turbine will run without any external assistance Oil temp 1,5,6
An asymmetric loading (p-factor) on the propeller exists .. When an underspeed fault is detected on an AC generator connected to the aircraft AC busbar, the protection device opens the: The useful work area in an ideal Otto engine indicator diagram is enclosed by the following gas state change lines The function of a CSD in an AC generating system is to: The frequency of the current provided by an alternator depends on... When two DC generators are operating in parallel, control of load sharing is achieved by :
If engine compressor air is bled off for engine anti-icing or a similar system, the turbine temperature An exit is considered to be out of service when the following elements are inoperative the:; 1. external door opening mechanism; 2. internal door opening mechanism; 3. door opening aid device; 4. open door locking system; 5. auxiliary means of evacuation; 6. emergency lighting; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: The engine fuel control unit (FCU) is protected from damage by debris by:
May be reset manually after a fault has been reset In case of a large AoA Generator breaker 2 adia and 2 isocloric lines Drive the gene at const speed its rotation speed Equalizing cct which in conjunction with voltage regulators varies the field excitation current of the generators Will rise 1,2,3,4,5,6
VLO is the maximum: Reference should be made to the fuel sypply system shown in annex.; In flight, with center tank empty and APU operating, a fuel unbalance is detected (quantity in tank 1 < quantity in tank 2).; Rebalancing of the two tanks is: The term "Bootstrap", when used to identify a cabin air conditioning and pressurisation system, refers to the : Connecting two 12 volt 40 ampere-hour capacity batteries in series will result in a total voltage and capacity respectively of : In a gas turbine engine, the maximum gas temperature is attained: An aircraft with twin-spool gas turbine engines (N1 the low pressure spool, N2 the high pressure spool) is fitted with a CRT type engine indicating crew alerting system (EICAS). In addition to engine pressure ratio (EPR) the primary engine parameters displayed by the upper unit would be: Fuel stored in aircraft tanks will accumulate moisture. The most practical way to minimize this when an aircraft is used every day or so is to : In a turbo-jet, the purpose of the turbine is to ...
Ldg gear operation speed Possible with X feed open and tank 1 pump off and tank 2 pump on Cold air unit arrangement 24 V 40 Ah Combustion chamber N1 and EGT
A passenger emergency mask is a : Using compressor bleed air to power systems: Using compressor bleed air to power systems: In flight, the cabin air for modern airplanes with jet engines is usually supplied by: On modern transport aircraft, cockpit windows are protected against icing by : Vapour lock is : If the ground wire between the magnetos and the ignition switch becomes disconnected the most noticeable result will be that: The accumulator in a hydraulic system works as A bus-bar is : The fuel supply system on a jet engine includes a fuel heating device, upstream of the main fuel filter so as to: The fan in a high by-pass ratio turbo-jet engine produces: Turbine blade stages may be classed as either "impulse" or "reaction". In
Keep tanks topped off when ac is not in use Drive the compressor using exhaust gas energy The freq band corresponding to max gain less 3 dB Conti flow cannot be used in case of smoke in cabin Dec ac performance Wheel rims Compressor Elec heating Vapourizing of fuel prior to reaching the carb Eng will not shut down with mags off Energy storage Dist point for elec power Prevent ice formation at low temp Greater part of thrust The pr drops
On detection of a persistent phase unbalance on an AC generator connected to the aircraft mains, with another AC generator, the protection device opens: The thrust of a turbo-jet, at the selection of full power :; 1 - equals the product of the exhaust gas mass flow and the exhaust gas velocity; 2 - is obtained by pressure of the exhaust gas on the ambient air; 3 - is equivalent to zero mechanical power since the aeroplane is not moving; 4 - is independant of the outside air temperature; The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is : The water separator of an air-conditioning unit is located at the cooling unit : The main purpose of the mixture control is to: The purpose of baffle check valves fitted in aircraft fuel tanks is to : The disadvantages of a chemical oxygen source for the passenger cabin are :; 1. a flow which cannot be modulated,; 2. a heavy and bulky system,; 3. non reversible functioning,; 4. risks of explosion,; 5. poor autonomy.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: The smoke detection in the aircraft cargo compartments is carried out by four sensors: C1, C2, C3 and C4. They are associated with the logic circuit as described in the annex.; The repeating bell is activated when: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer essentially consists of: 1. an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) 2. a control and timing unit 3. registers The combination which regroups all the correct statements is: The number of emergency exits in transport aeroplanes Because of the input/output relationship of an AND gate, it is often referred to as the : The working cycle of a four-stroke engine is : The cylinder head and oil temperature gauges are to exceed the normal operating ranges if a pilot In the event of an engine fire:
across the NGV and remains const across the rotor blades The tie breaker 1-3
Outlet and uses centrifugal process adjust fuel flow to obtain proper fuel/air ratio Prevent fuel movement to the wing tips 1,3,5
C1 and C2 sensors detect smoke 1,2,3 All pax and crew to vacate in 90 secs All or nothing gate ICPE Fuel used is of a lower rating Fuel supply is isolated from the engine by the pilot controlled fuel shut off valve Inc turbine efficiency Magnesium alloy Gas 1,2
In a gas turbine engine a shroud is fitted to the blades of a turbine in order to: The most common material used in the construction of gearbox casings is: The state in which the breathing oxygen for the cockpit of jet transport aeroplanes is stored is : The opening of the doors giving access to the oxygen masks for the passengers is :; 1. pneumatic for the gaseous oxygen system,; 2. electrical for the chemical oxygen system,; 3. pneumatic for the chemical
oxygen system,; 4. electrical for the gaseous oxygen system.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: In accordance with the JAR-OPS, an airplane constituted of only one passenger deck, equipped with 61 seats and effectively carrying passengers, must be equipped with : The advantages of a chemical oxygen source for the passenger cabin are :; 1. reduced weight and volume,; 2. easy storage and maintenance,; 3. greater autonomy,; 4. no risk of explosion,; 5. reversible functioning,; 6. no maintenance.; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: In some aircraft, there is a protection device to avoid the landing gear being inadvertently retracted on the ground. It consists of : The by-pass air in a by-pass gas turbine engine promotes lower specific fuel consumption by causing an overall: The pressure usually produced by the Boost Pumps (BP) of the fuel supply system is within the following range: The automatic fuelling shut off valve: The heating facility for the windshield of an aircraft is:
1 megaphone 1,2,4,6
Latch in the ldg gear lever Dec in gas flow vel and higher prop efficiency 20 50 PSI Certain fuel lvl is reached in the tanks Used continuously as it reduces the thermal gradients which adversely affect the useful life of the components Pitot tubes Speed and air pressure Temp will be higher than inlet temp Prevents low or over pressure Audio and visual signal Any engine any tank Store fluid under pressure Dec 1,2,4
Usually, electric heating for ice protection is used on: In a gas turbine engine fuel system, the purpose of a barometric capsule assembly in the pressure control unit is to control the flow rate from the pump in proportion to: After air has passed through the compressor of a gas turbine engine the: The ventilation system in a fuel tank: The indication of the fire detection systems is performed by a: The cross-feed fuel system enables:; An accumulator in a hydraulic system will : If the cabin altitude rises (aircraft in level flight), the differential pressure: The advantages of grounding the negative pole of the aircraft structure are:; 1. Weight saving; 2. Easy fault detection; 3. Increase of short-circuit risk; 4. Reduction of short-circuit risk; 5. Circuits are not single-wired lines; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : The advantages of fly-by-wire control are:; 1. reduction of the electric and hydraulic power required to operate the control surfaces; 2. lesser sensitivity to lightning strike; 3. direct and indirect weight saving through simplification of systems; 4. immunity to different interfering signals; 5. improvement of piloting quality throughout the flight envelope; The
combination regrouping all the correct statements is : The purpose of a ditching control is to: Where several thermocouples are used in a jet pipe to detect turbine gas temperate: The output of a generator is controlled by : Which of the following qualitative statements about a fixed propeller optimized for cruise condition, is true for the take-off case? The angle of attack of the propeller : "Conditioned" air is air that has : A public transport aircraft has a cruising altitude of FL 390. It is fitted with individual oxygen masks for the passengers. In the event of depressurisation, the masks must be automatically released before the cabin pressure altitude exceeds: A relay is : In order to produce an alternating voltage of 400 Hz, the number of poles required in an AC generator running at 6000 rpm is: Overcentre mechanisms in landing gear systems are used to: A thermal circuit breaker:
Close outflow valve Connected in parallel Varying the field strength AoA is relatively high Been controlled for temp and pressure 15000
Electromagnetic switch 4 Lock the ldg gear in up or down position Protects the sys from overheating even without exceeding the max permissible current 10000 Flash point Pitot tubes Low pressure Integral tanks At night due sky / grd wave interference Heating the sensor with test pwr connection High MAP and low RPM Fire detector O2 and cabin air Use correct fuel/air mix due to dec air density
In accordance with JAR-OPS 1, each occupant of the cockpit seats on duty in a non-pressurized airplane must have an oxygen supply reserve for the entire flight time at pressure altitudes greater than: The fuel temperature, at which, under standard conditions, the vapour ignites in contact with a flame and extinguishs immediately, is the: Generally, for large aeroplanes, electrical heating for ice protection is used on: A pressure relief valve that does not fit on its seat properly would result in The types of fuel tanks used on most modern transport aircraft are: In the propagation of MF waves, the phenomenon of FADING is particularly found :; A gaseous sensor/responder tube fire sensor is tested by The conditions which can cause knocking are : A Continuous-Loop-Detector-System is a: In the cabin, when the oxygen mask is pulled downwards, the passenger breathes : In a piston engine, the purpose of an altitude mixture control is to :
The cabin heating supply in a heavy jet transport aircraft is obtained from : The high Altitude Radio Altimeter uses the following wavelengths: Compared to a tyre fitted with an inner tube, a tubeless tyre presents the following characteristics :; 1 - high heating; 2 - valve fragility; 3 - lower risk of bursting; 4 - better adjustment to wheels; The combination containing all the correct statements is: The survival oxygen is: In accordance with JAR-OPS 1 and if necessary, the number of liferafts to be found on board an aircraft must allow the transportation of the entire aircraft occupants: In a jet engine the propelling nozzle:
Consider the flight deck oxygen supply system. The purpose of the oxygen regulator (as a function of demand and altitude) is to:; 1. decrease oxygen pressure from 1800 PSI (in the bottles) down to about 50-75 PSI (low pressure system); 2. supply pure oxygen; 3. supply diluted oxygen; 4. supply oxygen at normal pressure; 5. supply oxygen at emergency/positive pressure; 6. trigger the continuous cabin altitude warning at 10000 ft cabin altitude; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: As regards three-phase AC generators, the following conditions must be 1,3,4,5 met for paralleling AC generators:; 1. Equal voltage; 2. Equal current; 3. Equal frequencies; 4. Same phase rotation; 5. Voltages of same phase; The combination regrouping all the correct statements is : In general, in twin-engine aeroplanes with 'constant speed propeller' Oil pressure turns the blades to smaller angles Some emergency exits must be equipped with devices so as to help the 6 ac on grd and occupants to get out and reach the ground if their threshold is at a height ldg gear above the ground greater than: extended A scissor is a component found on landing gears. Its function is to : Prevent rotation of oleo strut in the undercarriage shock absorber In a two generator system, a differential relay will ensure that : Gene voltages are equl before the genes are paralleled In a pressurized aircraft whose cabin altitude is 8000 ft, a crack in a cabin 230 window makes it necessary to reduce the differential pressure to 5 psi.; The flight level to be maintained in order to keep the same cabin altitude is: The compression ratio of a piston engine is the ratio of the: Vol of the cyl at BDC to TDC Generally speaking when the oxygen flows to the masks in the passenger Pull the mask cabin, the system is activated by after the cover has opened Fuel pumps submerged in the fuel tanks of a multi-engine aircraft are:; Centrifugal LP
O2 supplied in case of depressurization In case of loss of one raft of largest capacity Designed to obtain correct balace of pr temp and thrust 2,3,4,5
Power for windscreen heating is usually: A manual inflation handle: In addition to fire detention/protection, most auxiliary power units (APUs) have automatic controls for starting, stopping and maintaining operation within safe limits. These controls provide correct sequencing of the starting cycle as well as protection against : The bypass ratio of a gas turbine is the ratio of: With regard to the pneumatic mechanical devices which afford protection against the formation of ice, the only correct statement is: The mixture control for a carburettor achieves its control by:
pumps 3 phase AC Actuates inflation of slide when auto inflation fails High TGT, overspeed loss of oil pr and high oil temp Cold stream to hot stream air The pneumatic mech device can only be used as a deicing device. Varying fuel supply to the discharge tube