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8 Books by Indigenous Horror Authors

Native American Heritage Month is an excellent time to
begin a life-long love affair with Indigenous horror fiction.
By Lisa Quigley | Published Nov 1, 2021

This post from @indigenizingartsed on Instagram says, “a story is a gift from a creator.” When
authors share their worldview, experiences, and interior worlds in the form of the written word, it’s an
act of generosity, a gesture of connection. Every author gives us a glimpse into their perspective,
background, and lived experience with each word they commit to the page. That’s the gift of books—
and also why it’s so vital to read stories from a diverse range of authors: To fill in the gaps created by
the individual limitations of our personal experiences.

Reading a wide range of stories from a broad array of writers deepens our understanding of the world
we inhabit; it strengthens our awareness of the diversity of lived experiences and builds our capacity
for empathy. The reader/writer relationship is one of reciprocity. The writer shares their story, and the
reader receives and absorbs it—and transmutes what they’ve received through their own unique
expression. Stories are both how we learn from each other, and how we evolve—and they have
been, ever since those first stories told over fires so long ago.

November is Native American Heritage Month—and as is true for any month formally designated
on a calendar as a time to celebrate a historically marginalized culture, ethnicity, gender, or sexual
identity, a single month is not enough to contain the richness, diversity, challenges, inequities,
triumphs, and joys experienced by any identity group. Despite these complexities, Native American
Heritage Month can be a starting point—a time to listen, pay attention, learn more about modern
Indigenous culture—and do better. And while we’re at it, it’s an excellent time to start (and then never,
ever stop!) reading horror fiction by Indigenous authors.

This list is not exhaustive, nor are these books meant to be read in November only. It’s a sampling of
some of the incredible talent among Indigenous horror authors intended to spur your curiosity,
broaden your horizons, and further fuel your passion for reading horror. So without further ado, here
are eight books by Native horror authors to get you started on your life long journey to reading more
Indigenous horror!

Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Night of the Mannequins

Graham Jones By Stephen Graham Jones

At this point, any horror reader worth their salt knows who
Stephen Graham Jones is—and in 2020, his novel The
Only Good Indians was a New York Times Bestseller that
received endless praise. But likely you already know about
that book, so the one I want to share today is his
novella The Night of the Mannequins—also released in
2020. It has great slasher movie vibes—and yet, as is
always the case with SGJ's work, it's utterly surprising and
original. When a teen prank goes very, very wrong, a
teenager has to make some really tough decisions in order
to protect the people he loves. Or ... is he just a
psychopath? It's a fast read, and the morally ambiguous
dilemma tucked within the pages will stay with you long
after you turn the final page.
The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez The Gilda Stories

By Jewelle Gomez

This features a lesbian, multiracial, feminist vampire as the

main character—a woman who escapes enslavement and
learns about freedom in a brothel. There, she is initiated by
two other women into the eternal life of a vampire. This
provocative novel became an instant classic when it was
first published in 1991, dealing with themes of race, class,
sexuality—and the eroticism inherent in the vampire ethos.

Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse Black Sun

By Rebecca Roanhorse

While not a horror writer per se, Rebecca Roanhorse is an

author who's fiction defies genre—and her work is doing
incredible things for science fiction, fantasy, and horror
combined. Black Sun is no exception; it's epic fantasy with
strong body horror elements. Think Game of Thrones—but
better! A solar eclipse is coming, and legends in the holy
city of Tovalegends prophecy the return of a god. The
weight of history, the struggle of individuals in restrictive
and harmful systems, the capacity of the human heart for
both altruism and depravity—despite it's fantastical
elements, this tale has never been more relevant.
Anoka: A Collection of Indigenous Anoka: A Collection of Indigenous Horror
Horror by Shane Hawk By Shane Hawk

Anoka: A Collection of Indigenous Horror is Shane Hawk's

debut short fiction collection—and it is receiving a lot of
attention by the horror community, including Stephen
Graham Jones. The stories in this collection use the lens
of Indigenous life to explore themes of grief, loss, family,
identity, and loneliness. The book certainly delivers on its
tantalizing promise to be an unsettling blend of fiction and
historical fact. This emerging horror author is one to
watch—Fall 2023 will see the release of Never Whistle At
Night: An Anthology of Indigenous Dark Fiction, co-edited
by Hawk.

Coyote Rage
By Owl Goingback

This latest from Bram Stoker Award winning author Owl

Goingback is a heart-stopping tale that grabs you by the
jugular from the first page and doesn't let go, only sinks it's
teeth deeper. The murderous trickster Coyote is hell-bent
on destroying the rule of human kind—but Raven won't
allow this to happen so easily. Rich with Native folklore and
electric with suspense, it's a fast-paced ride that's sure to
appease thrill seekers of all stripes.
Empire of Wild
By Cherie Dimaline

This gripping novel is a must-read for those who enjoy

exploring the edges of belief, as well as the liminal spaces
between folklore and reality—where anything is possible.
Because of the way the old gods interface with modern-day
humans, some readers have compared Empire of Wild to
Neil Gaiman's American Gods. Inspired by the traditional
Canadian Métis legend of the Rogarou (which is a
werewolf-like creature in some Native people's mythology),
this novel explores relevant real-world issues amidst a
heart-pounding dark fantasy tale.

Butcherbird by Cassie Hart Butcherbird

By Cassie Hart

This tense psychological thriller follows Jena Benedict's

family, who once unleashed something monstrous long
ago. Shrouded in secrets, the family wants to keep the
mysterious events of the past buried. Jena is determined to
unearth them—and in so doing, perhaps something more
evil than she could have ever imagined. While Hart is Māori
(Indigenous to New Zealand rather than North America),
this book is just too good to pass up—and it's a good
reminder to read Indigenous literature from cultures across
the world.
Moon of the Crusted Snow
Moon of the Crusted Snow by
By Waubgeshig Rice
Waubgeshig Rice
For those who like their horror a bit quieter (though no less
unsettling) enter Moon of the Crusted Snow. Winter is on
the horizon for one small northern Anishinaabe
community—but then everything goes dark. The small
community is cut off from the rest of the world and
confusion ensues. The weather gets colder, food supplies
dwindle—panic is imminent. Unexpected visitors arrive from
other crumbling societies, initiating tense power struggles.
The community turns to the ways of their ancestors in
hopes of restoration. Amidst the despair of this post-
apocalyptic tale, there is hope: something new can be built
out of that which crumbles.


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