16 Bit Microprocessor Architecture Analysis Using VHDL
16 Bit Microprocessor Architecture Analysis Using VHDL
16 Bit Microprocessor Architecture Analysis Using VHDL
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This paper involves the design and different levels of abstraction, from system through to
simulation of 16 bit microprocessor architecture on logic gates. At each level of this hierarchy the overall
FPGA using VHDL. Significant features such as the , inputs and outputs remain the same but the functionality of
increased speed ,minimal implementation real-estate, distinct sections become clearer with the help of detailed
reduction in power and maximum configurability are schematics.
provided by several FPGAs. Where earlier a design
may have included 6 to 10 ASICs, but today the same IC design indulges in more complex computations as
design can be achieved using only single FPGA.VHDL compare with the software version and found to be time
is used in order to programme FPGA.VHDL is very consuming .The design needed to develop such as
High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description microprocessor of required specification by conventional
Language. This model actually represents the textual approach will lead to reduction in machine cycle, variation
description of a hardware design or a piece of design in data bus size, reduction in cost, and implementation of
which, when simulated mimics the design behaviour all numbering system. After implementing such a system,
.The processor contains a number of basic modules. major questions raises in the shape of its integration and
These modules are register array of 8X16 bit register, optimization. These problems have been eliminated by
an ALU, shift register, program counter , an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology and
instruction register ,an address register, a comparator by Hardware Descriptive Language(HDL).The software
and control unit. All of these units or modules are interface along with chip design and planner reduces the
assembled together and communicate through a complexity and enhances the ease of computations
common 16 bit tristate data bus. .[5],[6],[7].
Keywords:- Register transfer level, Reduced instruction set With the proposed design in this paper, the 64 KB
computer(RISC), Very high speed integrated memory is interfaced with the CPU and the minimised
circuit(VHSIC) hardware description language , delay, clock period, path delay are obtained. The proposed
Arithmetic logic unit(ALU), Field programmable gate design has been tested with some application programs of
array(FPGA). memory- related operations (load, store, move, and
The requirements for the language were being first
generated in 1980s, under the title Very High Speed Various tools are put forth in designing of this
Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) project of US government, in system. In the present case microprocessor is bricked up
order to enhance the electronic technology, design using synthesized operations in the form of objectives and
process, and procurement, as well as the development of broader aspects. Fig. 1.shows the organization of the paper
many advanced IC process technologies. Any hardware design that is needed to implement:
design can be described in terms of its operations at
Application Range
Aims Objectives
This state executes according to the state machine ‘1’, the state machine is in state reset1. Moving further control
modelling as the sequential process sets signal current_state passes to state reset 2,reset3,reset 4,reset 5 and finally goes to
to state value reset1. This is the first state of the reset sequence reset 6 and, depending on the value of the ready signal from
for the CPU which starts the process of getting the CPU ready the memory, either stays in reset6 or writes the memory data
to execute instructions. the CPU ready to execute instructions value to register InstrReg and goes to state execute. At this
.If the reset signal is not ‘1’ and there is a rising edge on the point, the state machine has reset the state of the CPU to a
clock signal, then the next state signal generated by the known state and loaded the first instruction into register
combinational process is copied to signal current _state. This InstrReg. From this point forward, the state machine changes
is the method for the state machine to advance from one state state depending on the instructions encountered.
to another. After the reset signal is set to a value other than
In the above figure, the load instruction is executed. instruction .The load instruction is executed in the state
With the help of this instruction the data is loaded from the machine manner where the current state starts from load 1 and
external memory to the microprocessor. The load instruction end at load 6.
can be immediate where the data to be loaded is the part of the
In the above figure ,the store instruction is executed. With the help of this instruction the data is loaded from the
microprocessor to the external memory.
In this execution, the data is compared with the defined value and if the condition is true, the control jumps to the defined
label(address) and if the condition become false, the next instruction is executed.