Jurnal Turap 4
Jurnal Turap 4
Jurnal Turap 4
1 Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India.
Cantilever sheet pile walls, which are generally used to retain a certain height of excavation, experiences the surcharge
load in the field. In the present study, a numerical analysis is carried out based on the finite difference based approach
to analyze the influence of uniform surcharge load located at varying distances from the top of the wall in cohesionless
medium sand using pseudo static approach. From the results, it is observed that increase in seismic inertia forces
increases the bending moment and earth pressures along the depth. Also, shifting of uniform surcharge load away from
the top of the wall decreases the influence of surcharge on the cantilever sheet pile walls significantly and beyond a
certain distance, no influence is observed. Numerical model is also validated to available literature having no surcharge.
Keywords: bending moment; FLAC2D; uniform surcharge; earth pressure; sheet pile wall; pseudo-static approach
2.1 Validation of the present model
Finite difference based computer program FLAC2D The present numerical model without surcharge has
is used to study the influence of uniform surcharge on been validated with the centrifuge results of King (1995)
cantilever sheet pile walls by considering plain strain and numerical analysis results of Conte et al. (2017). A
problems. The mesh size, domain and boundary 11m long cantilever sheet pile walls (H=6m, D=5m) is
condition of the model are as shown in Fig. 1. The installed in a loose sand soil stratum having
cohesionless soil and sheet pile walls are modelled using γ=14.2kN/m3, ф=400, δ=15.80 [King (1995)]. The
Mohr Coulomb model and beam elements having variation of bending moment in the sheet pile walls along
depth is plotted and the present numerical results are
compared with King (1995) and Conte et al. (2017). It is
Bending Moment (kNm/m)
observed from Fig. 2 that a good conformity exists
-25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
among the numerical results obtained from the present 0
study with that of King (1995) and Conte at al. (2017).
Depth (m)
Poisson’s ratio 0.34
Bulk Modulus 67.7 6
Shear Modulus 24.3
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS Fig. 2. Comparison of bending moment along depth obtained
After validation of numerical model under no in the present study with that of King (1995) and Conte et al.
surcharge loading conditions, the present study
investigates the seismic response of a cantilever sheet
pile walls under the influence of surcharge loading and
at varying distance from the top of the wall using finite M/γH3 (%)
difference program FLAC2D. For all parametric studies, 0 20 40 60
the width of excavation is kept constant as 15m. The
ground water table is considered at a depth of 2m from 0 kh=0 0.05
ground surface and the same is simulated in the
numerical model. The magnitude of surcharge load 20 kh=0.1
0.1 kh=0.15
considered in the present study is q=50kPa and the total
length of cantilever sheet pile wall is d=12m. The 0.2
kh=0.2 kh=0.25
excavation height (H) is 4m. The distance between
cantilever sheet pile wall and uniform surcharge (b) 40
considered in the present study are 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m,
z/d (%)
6m, 8m and 12m. The results obtained from the study are
represented in terms of normalized bending moment
(M/γH3), earth pressure (p/γH), distance (λ=b/H) and 60
depth (z/d).
Fig. 3 shows the normalized bending moment
variation along the normalized depth of the wall for
different kh=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 in medium
sand when uniform surcharge (q=50kPa) is placed at the
top of the wall (λ=0). It is observed that the variation of
bending moment for all seismic conditions are same. 100
However, there is an increase in the normalized
Fig. 3. Normalized bending moment variation of cantilever
maximum bending moment with increase in seismic
sheet pile walls along the depth for kh=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 at
action of inertia forces. The maximum normalized λ=0.
bending moment for static condition is 32.1 % and as the The influence of location of surcharge on the backfill
kh increases to 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25, the increase of cantilever sheet pile walls at a uniform surcharge
in maximum normalized bending moment are 16.4%, q=50kPa is highlighted in Fig. 4 for different coefficient
18.87%, 27.7%, 44.8% and 54.2% respectively. The of horizontal seismic acceleration. The maximum
increase in maximum bending moment observed are due normalized bending moments are observed when the
to increase in lateral stresses due to inertia forces.
uniform surcharge is placed at the top of the wall and as bending moment.
the distance of uniform surcharge shifts away from the
p/γH (%)
50 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600
0 kh=0 0.05
kh=0.1 0.15
40 10
35 0Rkh=0
z/d (%)
M/γH3 (%)
25 30 0.1R
15 40
0 60
0 1 2 3
λ 70
Fig. 4. Variation of maximum normalized bending moment
with respect to λ for kh=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2. 80
Fig. 7. Mohr-Coulomb strength / stress ratio for q=50kPa and In the present study, a numerical analysis using
kh=0. FLAC2D on finite difference based technique is
implemented to study the influence of surcharge load at
varying distances from the wall under pseudo-static
condition. Based on the results obtained, following
conclusion can be drawn:
• The seismic forces influence the behavior of
cantilever sheet pile wall significantly because
under the action of seismic forces, lateral stresses are
increased resulting in increase in the bending
moment experienced of the cantilever sheet pile
• Uniform surcharge load placed at the top of the wall
Fig. 8. Mohr-Coulomb strength/stress ratio for q=50kPa and gives maximum value of bending moment and earth
pressure. The influence of surcharge gets nullified at
larger distance from the cantilever sheet pile wall.
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