DSP Techniques For Radio Amateurs
DSP Techniques For Radio Amateurs
DSP Techniques For Radio Amateurs
1. Introduction
Up to about 15 years ago, the design, assembly, testing
and field maintenance of electronic circuits followed almost
the same guidelines. During the design phase, the function
of the circuit was split into smaller units, each corresponding
to already tested circuits or available components. In
production, after assembly the circuit had to be aligned,
tested and eventually repaired by highly skilled test
engineers. Highly skilled personnel was also required for
field maintenance to spot and replace defective components.
Due to the continuously decreasing prices and increasing
complexity of available components, mainly integrated circuits,
the complexity of the overall circuit became no longer limited
by the cost of the components or assembly, but with the time
and cost required to design, align, test and maintain a
circuit. For instance, repairing a printed circuit board
containing 100 TTL SSI function (gates, FFs, counters) ICs
when the malfunction only appears at particular environment
conditions (higher temperature or only from time to time)
is an almost impossible task. Spotting the source of a
problem in an analog circuit can be even more difficult and
requires expensive test equipment (oscilloscope, spectrum
analyzer...) beside a skilled engineer.
Easy to use 8 bit microprocessors solved many of the
problems of digital circuit design, testing and maintenance,
beside a further reduction of the cost of the hardware.
The design time was shortened by introducing complex but
reliable microprocessor and peripheral integrated circuits
while test and/or debugging routines could be implemented at
little if any additional cost in the final product. Although
microprocessor technology created some new problems, like
software design and maintenance, the overall effect was a
great simplification over hardwired logic designs, either
hardwired SSI TTL or CMOS logic or custom ICs. In fact,
microprocessors replaced hardwired logic in all but the
highest speed digital circuits.
Of course, continuous efforts were made to simplify the
design and testing of the more difficult analog circuits. For
example, a very successful innovation was the introduction of
the operational amplifier: the design engineer could finally
concentrate on the differential equations describing his
problem instead of thinking how to bias his transistors...
Some analog problems could be solved more easily if electrical
signals were replaced by other physical quantities. For
instance, a long delay line is easier to make with mechanical
waves and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters can now be
found in almost all IF strips of domestic TV sets.
The basic idea of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is to
replace an electrical circuit with its mathematical equivalent,
solving the the equations describing the circuit numerically in
real time. The latter can be done either with hardwired logic
or with computers. Of course DSP circuits do not require any
tuning or alignment, since the tolerances of the components are
only limited by the accuracy of the numerical models used.
Production line testing and maintenance is limited to check
the operation of a microprocessor.
Beside cost advantages, DSP circuits allow the designer to
use components that could hardly be implemented with analog
electronic components: tuned circuits with arbitrary, even
infinite but stable values of Q, easily variable component
values during circuit operation (adaptive processing) or very
complex algorithms that would require a very large number of
high accuracy analog components (Fast Fourier Transform).
The main drawback of DSP is a limited bandwidth of all the
signals present in the circuit: all the computations usually
have to be performed at a rate of at least twice the signal
bandwidth. DSP circuits are therefore limited to IF, audio
and video applications. DSP circuits also require very fast
logic or powerful microprocessors to provide usable results.
This is the reason why DSP has only become popular with
advanced 16 and 32 bit microprocessors and corresponding
DSP has much to offer to radio-amateurs as well,
especially since little if any alignment is necessary. DSP
circuits will certainly replace expensive crystal filters
within a few years. Some "forgotten" techniques like the
phasing method for the generation of a SSB signal will again
become popular due to the accuracy (and the ease with which
it can be obtained) of DSP circuits. A microprocessor based
DSP hardware can be programmed for different circuits. For
instance, the same hardware can generate all possible modems
for all known amateur modulation standards, including new
experiments. DSP techniques can also improve weak signal
communications: narrow-band CW filters can be built which ring
much less than their analog counterparts and weak signal
detection and/or demodulation circuits can be built with
performances beyond that of a human ear. Finally, some
communication modes could become more popular thanks to DSP,
especially image communications.
6. Conclusion
Digital Signal Processing will certainly bring many
changes in the design and construction of electronic circuits,
at least in the audio frequency range, where many problems can
be solved efficiently using microprocessors. Engineers now
have a whole group of new components to be considered in their
new designs. Of course it was not possible to describe all
possible applications of DSP techniques in this article: most
applications of DSP probably have yet to be discovered!
Similarly, some important DSP algorithms were merely mentioned
to exist, like the Fast Fourier Transform.
DSP should be interesting for amateurs not just because
it solves some problems but since it offers a much wider space
for experiments than analog circuits can do. Beside improving
existing communications modes it is hoped that DSP will make
new communications modes possible, like QRP EME operation or
live picture transmission over narrow-band channels.
Finally, it is demonstrated that a general purpose 16 bit
microprocessor can generate many practical DSP circuits
provided that it is not slowed down by inefficient hardware nor
by a stupid operating system. Expecting that there is
sufficient interest a more detailed description of my prototype
DSP computer is planned to follow.