Making Automobile and Housing Decisions
Making Automobile and Housing Decisions
Making Automobile and Housing Decisions
Automobile and
Housing Decisions
Fuel economy
Safety features
The Purchase Transaction
• Doing some comparison
– Bids from at least three
• Negotiating price
– Sticker price
dealer’s cost
– Rebate versus low-cost
The Purchase Transaction
“Sticker price” on a
new car:
suggested retail
price for the car
with its listed
The Purchase Transaction
Closing the deal
– Sales contract that
specifies the
offering price and
all conditions of
Leasing A Car
Leasing usually offers:
• Lower monthly payments
• More expensive car for same payments
• Lower down payment
Lease term
Lease versus Purchase
More or less costly to lease?
Tax shelter
Inflation hedge
Benefits of Owning a Home
• Security and peace
of mind
• Feeling of
permanence and
sense of stability
Benefits of Owning a Home
Tax shelter
• Deduct both mortgage
interest and property taxes
when calculating income
taxes, thereby reducing
taxable income, and thus
tax liability
Benefits of Owning a Home
Inflation hedge
• Represents an
investment that
provides a valuable
inflation hedge
• Investment potential
The Cost of Home Ownership
Down payment
Mortgage payments
Property taxes and insurance
P = Principal Go to lender to
I = Interest repay mortgage
T = Taxes Collected by lender
and held in escrow
I = Insurance account
The Mortgage Payment (PITI)
Foreclosure - borrower
cannot make mortgage
payments so lender
repossesses property
Using an Agent
Agents, usually employed
by seller, are paid a
commission if they make a
The Home-Buying Process
Prequalify and apply
Contingency clause
Closing the Deal
Mortgage brokers
Types of Mortgage Loans
Fixed Rate Mortgage
• Interest rate and monthly payments (PI) fixed
for life of loan
• Taxes and insurance not fixed, so total
payment (PITI) can increase
Types of Mortgage Loans
Conventional mortgage - lender
assumes all risk of loss
• Usually requires 20% down
– If lower than 20% then PMI required
Types of Mortgage Loans
FHA mortgage VA loan
• payments insured • payments
by Federal Housing guaranteed by
Administration Veterans
• lower down Administration
payment, interest • one-time loan with
rates, closing costs no down payment
• New lower rate can reduce
monthly payment
• Can reduce total borrowing
costs in home financing