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Geniez 4525 Opermanual

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Operator’s Manual First Edition

Seventh Printing

with Maintenance Information Part No. 52421

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing

Read, understand and obey these safety rules and
operating instructions before operating this machine.
Only trained and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to operate this machine. This manual should
be considered a permanent part of your machine and
should remain with the machine at all times. If you
have any questions, call Genie Industries.

Safety ........................................................................ 1
Controls ..................................................................... 7
Pre-operation Inspection ........................................... 10
Maintenance ............................................................. 12
Function Tests .......................................................... 16
Workplace Inspection ................................................ 23
Operating Instructions ............................................... 24
Transport Instructions ............................................... 29
Decals ...................................................................... 30
Specifications ........................................................... 32

Copyright © 1998 by Genie Industries

Contact us:
First Edition: Seventh Printing, May 2002
Internet: http://www.genielift.com
"Genie" and "Z" are registered trademarks of
E-mail: techpub@genieind.com Genie Industries in the U.S.A. and many other

These machines comply with

ANSI/SIA 92.5-1992.

Printed on recycled paper

Printed in U.S.A.

Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual

Safety Rules

Failure to obey the instructions and
safety rules in this manual will result
in death or serious injury.

Do Not Operate Unless:

You learn and practice the principles of safe
machine operation contained in this operator's
1 Avoid hazardous situations.
Know and understand the safety rules before
going on to the next section.
2 Always perform a pre-operation inspection.
3 Always perform function tests prior to use.
4 Inspect the workplace.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.

You read, understand and obey:

Manufacturer's instructions and safety
rules—safety and operator's manuals
and machine decals
employer's safety rules and worksite
applicable governmental regulations

You are properly trained to safely operate the


Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 1

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Electrocution Hazards Tip-over Hazards

This machine is not electrically insulated and will Occupants and equipment shall not exceed the
not provide protection from contact with or maximum platform capacity.
proximity to electrical current.
Maximum platform capacity 500 lbs 227 kg

Maximum occupants 2

Maintain safe distances from electrical power lines

and apparatus in accordance with applicable
governmental regulations and the following chart.

Voltage Minimum Safe Do not raise or extend the boom unless the
Phase to Phase Approach Distance machine is on a firm, level surface.
Feet Meters
Do not depend on the tilt alarm as a level indicator.
0 to 300V Avoid Contact The tilt alarm sounds in the platform only when the
machine is on a severe slope.
300V to 50KV 10 3.1
If the tilt alarm sounds:
50KV to 200KV 15 4.6
Do not extend, rotate or raise the boom above
200KV to 350KV 20 6.1 horizontal. Move the machine to a firm, level
surface before raising the platform. If the tilt alarm
350KV to 500KV 25 7.6 sounds when the platform is raised, use extreme
500KV to 750KV 35 10.7 caution to retract the boom and lower the platform.
Do not rotate the boom while lowering. Move the
750KV to 1000KV 45 13.7 machine to a firm, level surface before raising the

Allow for platform movement, electrical line sway or Do not use the platform controls to free a platform
sag and beware of strong or gusty winds. that is caught, snagged or otherwise prevented
from normal motion by an adjacent structure. All
Keep away from the machine if it contacts personnel must be removed from the platform
energized power lines. Personnel on the ground or before attempting to free the platform using the
in the platform must not touch or operate the ground controls.
machine until energized power lines are shut off.
Do not alter or disable the limit switch(es).
Do not use the machine as a ground for welding.

2 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Do not operate the machine in strong or gusty Do not modify or alter an aerial work platform.
winds. Do not increase the surface area of the Mounting attachments for holding tools or other
platform or the load. Increasing the area exposed to materials onto the platform, toeboards or guard rail
the wind will decrease machine stability. system can increase the weight in the platform and
the surface area of the platform or the load.
Do not place or attach overhanging loads to any
part of this machine.

Use extreme care and slow speeds while driving

the machine in stowed position across uneven
terrain, debris, unstable or slippery surfaces and
near holes and drop-offs.

Do not drive the machine on or near uneven Do not place ladders or scaffolds in the platform or
terrain, unstable surfaces or other hazardous against any part of this machine.
conditions with the boom raised or extended.
Do not use the machine on a moving or mobile
Do not push off or pull toward any object outside surface or vehicle.
of the platform.
Be sure all tires are in good condition, air-filled tires
Maximum allowable 150 lbs are properly inflated and lug nuts are properly
side force - ANSI & CSA 667 N tightened.

Maximum allowable 90 lbs Z-45/25 & Z-45/25J Narrow Base Models: Do not
side force - CE 400 N use air-filled tires. These machines are equipped
with foam-filled tires. Wheel weight and proper
counterweight configuration are critical to stability.
Do not alter or disable
machine components
that in any way affect
safety and stability.

Do not replace items

critical to machine
stability with items of
different weight or

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 3

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Do not use the machine as a crane. Bodily Injury Hazard

Do not push the machine or other objects with the Do not operate the machine with a hydraulic oil or
boom. air leak. An air leak or hydraulic leak can penetrate
Do not contact adjacent structures with the boom. and/or burn skin.

Do not tie the boom or platform to adjacent Always operate the machine in a well-ventilated
structures. area to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do not place loads outside the platform perimeter. Collision Hazards

Fall Hazards Be aware of limited sight
distance and blind spots
Occupants must wear a when driving or operating.
safety belt or harness in
Be aware of boom position when rotating the
accordance with
governmental regulations.
Attach the lanyard to the Check the work area for overhead obstructions or
anchor provided in the other possible hazards.
It is recommended that operators wear an approved
hard hat when operating the machine.

Do not sit, stand or climb on the platform guard

rails. Maintain a firm footing on the platform floor
at all times.

Be aware of crushing hazard when grasping the

platform guard rail.
Observe and use color-coded direction arrows on
the platform controls and drive chassis for drive
and steer functions.

Do not climb down from the platform when raised.

Keep the platform floor clear of debris.

Lower the platform entry mid-rail or close the entry

gate before operating.

4 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Do not lower the boom unless the area below is Damaged Machine Hazards
clear of personnel and obstructions.
Do not use a damaged or malfunctioning machine.
Conduct a thorough pre-operation inspection of the
machine and test all functions before each work
shift. Immediately tag and remove from service a
damaged or malfunctioning machine.
Be sure all maintenance has been performed as
specified in this manual and the Genie Z-45/25 &
Genie Z-45/25J Service Manual.
Be sure all decals are in place and legible.
Limit travel speed according to condition of ground
surface, congestion, slope, location of personnel, Be sure operator’s, safety and responsibilities
and any other factors which may cause collision. manuals are complete, legible and in the storage
container located on the platform.
Do not operate a boom in the path of any crane
unless the controls of the crane have been locked Battery Safety
out and/or precautions have been taken to prevent
any potential collision. Burn Hazards
No stunt driving or horseplay while operating a
Batteries contain acid. Always wear protective
clothing and eyewear when working with batteries.
Explosion and Fire Hazards Avoid spilling or contacting battery acid. Neutralize
battery acid spills with baking soda and water.
Do not start the engine if you smell or detect liquid
petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, diesel fuel or other Explosion Hazard
explosive substances.
Keep sparks, flames and lighted tobacco away
Do not refuel the machine with the engine running. from batteries. Batteries emit explosive gas.
Refuel the machine and charge the battery only in
an open, well-ventilated area away from sparks, Electrocution Hazard
flames and lighted tobacco. Avoid contact with electrical terminals.
Do not operate the machine in hazardous locations
or locations where potentially flammable or Component Damage Hazards
explosive gases or particles may be present. Do not use any battery or charger greater than 12V
to jump-start the engine.

Do not use the machine as a ground for welding.

Be sure the hydraulic shutoff valves (located by
hydraulic tank) are open before starting the engine.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 5

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Decal Legend
Genie product decals use symbols, color coding
and signal words to identify the following:

Safety alert symbol—used to alert

personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
to avoid possible injury or death.
Red—used to indicate the
presence of an imminently
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Orange—used to indicate the
presence of a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Yellow with safety alert symbol—
used to indicate the presence of a
potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may cause
minor or moderate injury.
Yellow without safety alert
symbol—used to indicate the
presence of a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in property
Green—used to indicate operation
or maintenance information.

6 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


6 7



2 12

1 13

19 18 17 16 15 14

Ground Control Panel

1 Platform rotate switch 11 Diesel models: Water temperature light
2 Turntable rotate switch 12 Gasoline/LPG models: Choke switch
Diesel models: Glow plug switch (option)
3 Primary boom up/down switch
13 Function enable switch
4 Primary boom extend/retract switch
14 Engine start switch
5 Gasoline/LPG models: Fuel select switch
15 15A breaker for engine electrical circuits
6 Auxiliary power switch
16 Secondary boom up/down switch
7 Key switch for platform/off/ground selection
17 15A breaker for control electrical circuits
8 Red Emergency Stop button
18 Z-45/25J models only: Jib boom up/down switch
9 Gasoline/LPG models: Check engine light
Diesel models: Oil pressure light 19 Platform level switch
10 Hour meter

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 7

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


1 2 3 4 5 6

18 13 17 16

Platform Control Panel 6 Drive speed select switch

1 Horn button 7 Glow plug switch

2 Platform level switch 8 Engine start switch

3 Platform rotate switch 9 Engine idle (rpm) select switch

4 Z-45/25J models only: Jib boom up/down switch 10 Gasoline/LPG models: Gasoline/LPG
select switch
5 Auxiliary power switch

8 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


7 8 9 10 11

15 14 13 13 12

11 Red Emergency Stop button 15 Drive enable switch

12 Dual axis proportional control handle for drive 16 Proportional control handle for secondary boom
and steer functions up/down function
OR Proportional control handle for drive function
17 Primary boom extend/retract switch
and thumb rocker for steer function
18 Dual axis proportional control handle for primary
13 used for optional equipment
boom up/down and turntable rotate
14 Drive enable indicator light left/right functions

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 9

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing

Pre-operation Inspection

It is the responsibility of the operator to perform a
Pre-operation Inspection and routine maintenance.

The Pre-operation Inspection is a visual inspection

performed by the operator prior to each work shift.
The inspection is designed to discover if anything
Do Not Operate Unless: is apparently wrong with a machine before the
operator performs the function tests.
You learn and practice the principles of safe
machine operation contained in this operator's The Pre-operation inspection also serves to
manual. determine if routine maintenance procedures are
1 Avoid hazardous situations. required. Only routine maintenance items specified
in this manual may be performed by the operator.
2 Always perform a pre-operation
inspection. Refer to the list on the next page and check each
of the items and locations for modifications,
Know and understand the pre-operation damage or loose or missing parts.
inspection before going on to the next
section. A damaged or modified machine must never be
used. If damage or any variation from factory
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. delivered condition is discovered, the machine
4 Inspect the workplace. must be tagged and removed from service.

5 Only use the machine as it was intended. Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the
manufacturer's specifications. After repairs are
completed, the operator must perform a
pre-operation inspection again before going on to
the function tests.
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be
performed by qualified service technicians,
according to the manufacturer's specifications and
the requirements listed in the responsibilities

10 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Pre-operation Inspection
o Engine and related components
o Be sure that the operator’s, safety and
responsibilities manuals are complete, legible o Limit switches and horn
and in the storage container located in the
o Alarms and beacons (if equipped)
o Nuts, bolts and other fasteners
o Be sure that all decals are legible and in place.
See Decals section. o Platform entry mid-rail or gate
o Check for engine oil leaks and proper oil level. Check entire machine for:
Add oil if needed. See Maintenance section.
o Crack in welds or structural components
o Check for hydraulic oil leaks and proper oil level.
o Dents or damage to machine
Add oil if needed. See Maintenance section.
o Check for engine coolant leaks and proper level o Be sure that all structural and other critical
of coolant. Add coolant if needed. See components are present and all associated
Maintenance section. fasteners and pins are in place and properly
o Check for battery fluid leaks and proper fluid
o After you complete your inspection, be sure that
level. Add distilled water if needed. See
Maintenance section. all compartment covers are in place and
o Z-45/25 RT and Z-45/25J RT models: Check for
proper tire pressure. Add air if needed. See
Maintenance section.
Check the following components or areas for
damage and improperly installed, loose or missing
o Electrical components, wiring and
electrical cables
o Hydraulic hoses, fittings, cylinders and
o Fuel and hydraulic tanks
o Drive and turntable motors and drive hubs
o Boom wear pads
o Tires and wheels

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 11

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Check the Engine Oil Level

Maintaining the proper engine oil level is essential

to good engine performance and service life.
Operating the machine with an improper oil level
Observe and Obey: can damage engine components.
Only routine maintenance items specified in this Check the oil level with the
manual shall be performed by the operator. engine off.
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be 1 Check the oil dipstick.
completed by qualified service technicians,
according to the manufacturer's specifications Ford models:
and the requirements specified in the Result: The oil level should be between the ADD
responsibilities manual. and SAFE marks. Add oil as needed.
Deutz models:

Result: The oil level should be within the two

marks on the dipstick. Add oil as needed.
Maintenance Symbols Legend Perkins Models:
The following symbols have been Result: The oil level should be within the two
used in this manual to help notches on the dipstick.
communicate the intent of the
instructions. When one or more of Ford LRG-425 EFI Engine
the symbols appear at the Oil viscosity requirements
beginning of a maintenance
procedure, it conveys the meaning below 60°F / 15.5°C 5W-30
below. -10° to 90°F / -23° to 32°C 5W-30

above -10°F / -23°C 5W-30

Indicates that tools will be required to
above 25°F / -4°C 10W-30
perform this procedure.
Use oils meeting API classification SH or SG.
Units ship with 10-40 CC/SG.
Indicates that new parts will be
required to perform this procedure.

Indicates that a cold engine is required

before performing this procedure.

12 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Deutz Engine F3L 1011F Check the Hydraulic Oil Level

Oil viscosity requirements

below 60°F / 15.5°C (synthetic) 5W-30

-10°F to 90°F / -23°C to 32°C 10W-40

Maintaining the hydraulic oil at the proper level is
above -4°F / -34°C 15W-40 essential to machine operation. Improper hydraulic
Engine oil should have properties of API classification
oil levels can damage hydraulic components. Daily
CC/SE, CD/SE, SF/CC or SF/CD grades. checks allow the inspector to identify changes in oil
Units ship with 10-40 CC/SG. level that might indicate the presence of hydraulic
system problems.
Perkins Engine 104-22
Oil viscosity requirements 1 Be sure that the boom is in the stowed position,
then visually inspect the sight gauge located on
below 60°F / 15.5°C 5W-20 the side of the hydraulic oil tank.
-10° to 90°F / -23° to 32°C 10W-30 Result: The hydraulic oil level should be within
above -10°F / -23°C 15W-40 the top 2 inches / 5 cm of the sight gauge.

above 25°F / -4°C 20W-50

2 Add oil as needed.

Engine oil should have properties of API classification Hydraulic oil specifications
CC/SE, CD/SE, SF/CC or SF/CD grades.
Units ship with 10-40 CC/SG. Hydraulic oil type Dexron equivalent

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 13

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Check the Engine Coolant Level - Check the Batteries

Ford and Perkins Models

Proper battery condition is essential to good engine

performance and operational safety. Improper fluid
Maintaining the engine coolant at the proper level levels or damaged cables and connections can
is essential to engine service life. Improper coolant result in engine component damage and hazardous
level will affect the engine's cooling capability and conditions.
damage engine components. Daily checks will
allow the inspector to identify changes in coolant Electrocution hazard. Contact with
level that might indicate cooling system problems. hot or live circuits may result in
death or serious injury. Remove all
Burn hazard. Beware of hot rings, watches and other jewelry.
engine parts and coolant. Contact
with hot engine parts and/or Bodily injury hazard. Batteries
coolant may cause severe burns. contain acid. Avoid spilling or
contacting battery acid. Neutralize
1 Check the fluid level in the coolant recovery battery acid spills with baking soda
tank. Add fluid as needed. and water.
Result: The fluid level should be at the 1 Put on protective clothing and eye wear.
FULL mark.
2 Be sure that the battery cable connections are
Do not remove the radiator cap. tight and free of corrosion.
3 Be sure that the battery hold-down bracket is
4 Remove the battery vent caps.
5 Check the battery acid level. If needed,
replenish with distilled water to the bottom of
the battery fill tube. Do not overfill.
6 Install the vent caps.
Adding terminal protectors and a
corrosion preventative sealant will
help eliminate corrosion on the
battery terminals and cables.

14 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Check the Tire Pressure Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance performed quarterly, annually and
every two years must be completed by a person
trained and qualified to perform maintenance on this
Bodily injury hazard. An over- machine according to the procedures found in the
inflated tire can explode, which can service manual for this machine.
result in death or serious injury.
Machines that have been out of service for more
Tip-over hazard. Do not use than three months must receive the quarterly
temporary flat tire repair products. inspection before they are put back into service.
This procedure does not need
to be performed on machines
equipped with foam-filled
To safeguard maximum stability, achieve
optimum machine handling and minimize tire
wear, it is essential to maintain proper pressure
in all air-filled tires.
1 Check each tire with an air pressure gauge and
add air as needed.

Tire specifications 2WD Models 4WD Models

Narrow base models

Industrial tire Foam Filled Only

Standard base models

Rough terrain tire 14-17.5 NHS 14-17.5 NHS
45 psi / 3.1 bar 45 psi / 3.1 bar

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 15

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing

Function Tests

The Function Tests are designed to discover any
malfunctions before the machine is put into
service. The operator must follow the step-by-step
instructions to test all machine functions.

A malfunctioning machine must never be used. If

Do Not Operate Unless: malfunctions are discovered, the machine must be
tagged and removed from service. Repairs to the
You learn and practice the principles of safe
machine may only be made by a qualified service
machine operation contained in this operator's
technician, according to the manufacturer's
1 Avoid hazardous situations.
After repairs are completed, the operator must
2 Always perform a pre-operation perform a pre-operation inspection and function
inspection. tests again before putting the machine into service.
3 Always perform function tests prior to
Know and understand the function tests Symbol Legend
before going on to the next section.
Indicates that a specific result is expected after
4 Inspect the workplace. performing a series of steps.
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.

16 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


1 Select a test area that is firm, level and free of Test the Tilt Sensor
9 Pull out the platform red
At the Ground Controls Emergency Stop button to
the on position. Turn the
2 Turn the key switch to ground control. key switch to platform
3 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to control.
the on position. 10 Open the engine side
Result: Beacon (if equipped) should flash. turntable cover and locate
the tilt sensor to the right of
4 Start the engine. See Operating Instruction the hydraulic pump.
11 Press down one side of the tilt sensor.
Test Emergency Stop
Result: The alarm, located in the platform,
5 Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the should sound.
off position.
Test Auxiliary Controls
Result: The engine will shut off after 2 to 3
seconds. 12 Turn the key switch to ground control and shut
the engine off.
6 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to
the on position and restart the engine. 13 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
on position.
Test the Machine Functions
14 Simultaneously hold the auxiliary power switch
7 Do not hold the function enable switch to either on and activate each boom function toggle
side. Attempt to activate each boom and switch.
platform function toggle switch.
Note: To conserve battery power, test each
Result: All boom and platform functions should function through a partial cycle.
not operate.
Result: All boom functions should operate.
8 Hold the function enable switch to either side
and activate each boom and platform function
toggle switch.
Result: All boom and platform functions should
operate through a full cycle. The descent alarm
(if equipped) should sound while the boom is
Machines equipped with Platform Level Control
Disable Function: The platform level toggle switch
will not operate when the primary boom is raised
past the drive speed limit switch.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 17

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


At the Platform Controls Test Machine Functions

Test Emergency Stop 25 Press down the foot switch.

15 Turn the key switch to platform control and 26 Activate each machine function control handle
restart the engine. or toggle switch.

16 Push in the platform red Emergency Stop Result: All boom/platform functions should
button to the off position. operate through a full cycle.

Result: The engine will shut off after 2 or 3 Machines equipped with Platform Level Control
seconds. Disable Function: The platform level toggle switch
will not operate when the primary boom is raised
17 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button and past the drive speed limit switch.
restart the engine.
Test the Steering
Test the Horn
27 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
18 Push the horn button. position (if equipped).
Result: The horn should sound. 28 Press down the foot switch.
Test the Foot Switch 29 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
drive control handle in the direction indicated by
19 Push in the platform red Emergency Stop button
the blue triangle on the control panel OR slowly
to the off position.
move the control handle in the direction
20 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to indicated by the blue triangle.
the on position but do not start the engine.
Result: The steer wheels should turn in the
21 Press down the foot switch and attempt to start direction that the blue triangles point on the
the engine by moving the start toggle switch to drive chassis.
either side.
30 Press the thumb rocker switch on top of the
Result: The engine should not start. drive control handle in the direction indicated by
the yellow triangle on the control panel OR
22 Do not press down the foot switch and restart
slowly move the control handle in the direction
the engine.
indicated by the yellow triangle.
Result: The engine should start.
Result: The steer wheels should turn in the
23 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift direction that the yellow triangles point on the
position (if equipped). drive chassis.
24 Do not press down the foot switch and test each
machine function.
Result: The machine functions should not

18 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Test Drive and Braking Test the Drive Enable System

31 Press down the foot switch. 34 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
position (if equipped).
32 Slowly move the drive control handle in the
direction indicated by the blue arrow on the 35 Press down the foot switch and lower the boom
control panel until the machine begins to move, to the stowed position.
then return the handle to the center position.
36 Rotate the turntable until the
Result: The machine should move in the primary boom moves past
direction that the blue arrow points on the drive one of the non-steer wheels.
chassis, then come to an abrupt stop.
Result: The drive enable
33 Slowly move the drive control handle in the indicator light should come
direction indicated by the yellow arrow on the on and remain on while the
control panel until the machine begins to move, boom is anywhere in the
then return the handle to the center position. range shown.
Result: The machine should move in the 37 Move the lift/drive select
direction that the yellow arrow points on the switch to the drive position (if equipped).
drive chassis, then come to an abrupt stop.
38 Move the drive control handle off center.
Note: The brakes must be able to hold the machine
Result: The drive function should not operate.
on any slope it is able to climb.
39 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch to
either side and slowly move the drive control
handle off center.
Result: The drive function should operate.
Note: When the drive enable system is in use, the
machine may drive in the opposite direction that the
drive and steer control handle is moved.

Use the color-coded direction

arrows on the platform
controls and the drive chassis Blue

to identify the direction of



Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 19

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Test Limited Drive Speed 50 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
position (if equipped).
Z-45/25 & Z-45/25J Standard Base Models
51 Lower the secondary boom to the stowed
ANSI and CSA Z-45/25 & Z-45/25J Narrow position.
Base Models before serial number 19081
52 Extend the primary boom approximately
40 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift 1 foot / 30 cm.
position (if equipped).
53 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
41 Press down the foot switch. position (if equipped).
42 Raise the primary boom approximately 54 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full
2 feet / 61 cm. drive position.
43 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
position (if equipped). with the primary boom extended should not
exceed 1 foot / 30 cm per second.
44 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full
drive position. 55 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
position (if equipped).
Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
with the primary boom raised should not exceed 56 Retract the boom to the stowed position.
1 foot / 30 cm per second.
If the drive speed with the primary boom raised, the
45 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift secondary boom raised or the primary boom
position (if equipped). extended exceeds 1 foot / 30 cm per second,
immediately tag and remove the machine from
46 Lower the primary boom to the stowed position.
47 Raise the secondary boom approximately
2 feet / 61 cm. Test Limited Drive Speed

48 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive CE Z-45/25 & Z-45/25J Narrow Base Models
position (if equipped). before serial number 19081

49 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full All Z-45/25 & Z-45/25J Narrow Base Models
drive position. after serial number 19080
Result: The maximum achievable drive speed 40 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
with the secondary boom raised should not position (if equipped).
exceed 1 foot / 30 cm per second.
41 Press down the foot switch.

20 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


42 Raise the primary boom approximately 54 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full
2 feet / 61 cm. drive position.
43 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
position (if equipped). with the primary boom extended should not
exceed 0.5 foot / 15 cm per second.
44 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full
drive position. 55 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
position (if equipped).
Result: The maximum achievable drive speed
with the primary boom raised should not exceed 56 Retract the boom to the stowed position.
0.5 foot / 15 cm per second.
If the drive speed with the primary boom raised, the
45 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift secondary boom raised or the primary boom
position (if equipped). extended exceeds 0.5 foot / 15 cm cm per second,
immediately tag and remove the machine from
46 Lower the primary boom to the stowed position.
47 Raise the secondary boom approximately
2 feet / 61 cm. Test the Oscillate Axle
(oscillating axle-equipped models)
48 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
position (if equipped). 57 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
position (if equipped).
49 Slowly move the drive control handle to the full
drive position. 58 Start the engine from the platform controls.

Result: The maximum achievable drive speed 59 Drive the right steer tire up onto a 6 inch /
with the secondary boom raised should not 15.2 cm block or curb.
exceed 0.5 foot / 15 cm per second. Result: The three remaining tires should stay in
50 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift firm contact with the ground.
position (if equipped). 60 Drive the left steer tire up onto a 6 inch /
51 Lower the secondary boom to the stowed 15.2 cm block or curb.
position. Result: The three remaining tires should stay in
52 Extend the primary boom approximately firm contact with the ground.
1 foot / 30 cm. 61 Drive both steer tires up onto a 6 inch /
53 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive 15.2 cm block or curb.
position (if equipped). Result: The non-steer tires should stay in firm
contact with the ground.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 21

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Test Auxiliary Controls Test the Lift/Drive Select Function

(CE models)
62 Shut the engine off.
Machines with lift/drive select switch:
63 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to
the on position. 67 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
64 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
position (if equipped). 68 Press down the foot switch.
65 Press down the foot switch. 69 Move the drive control handle off center.
66 Simultaneously hold Result: No drive functions should operate.
the auxiliary power 70 Activate each boom function toggle switch.
switch on and
activate each Result: All boom functions should operate.
function control 71 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
handle or toggle position.
72 Press down the foot switch.
Note: To conserve battery power, test each 73 Activate each boom function toggle switch.
function through a partial cycle.
Result: No boom functions should operate.
Result: All boom and steer functions should
74 Move the drive control handle off center.
operate. Drive functions should not operate with
auxiliary power. Result: The drive functions should operate.
75 Repair any malfunctions before operating the
Machines without lift/drive select switch:

76 Press down the foot switch.

77 Move the drive control handle off center and
activate a boom function toggle switch.
Result: No boom functions should operate. The
machine will move in the direction indicated on
the control panel.
78 Repair any malfunctions before operating the

22 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual

Workplace Inspection

Workplace Inspection
Be aware of and avoid the following hazardous
· drop-offs or holes
· bumps, floor obstructions or debris
Do Not Operate Unless: · overhead obstructions and high voltage
You learn and practice the principles of safe conductors
machine operation contained in this operator's · hazardous locations
· inadequate surface support to withstand all load
1 Avoid hazardous situations. forces imposed by the machine
2 Always perform a pre-operation · wind and weather conditions
· the presence of unauthorized personnel
3 Always perform function tests prior to use.
· other possible unsafe conditions
4 Inspect the workplace.
Know and understand the workplace
inspection before going on to the next
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.

The Workplace Inspection helps the operator
determine if the workplace is suitable for safe
machine operation. It should be performed by the
operator prior to moving the machine to the
It is the operator's responsibility to read and
remember the workplace hazards, then watch for
and avoid them while moving, setting up and
operating the machine.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 23

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing

Operating Instructions

The Operating Instructions section provides
instructions for each aspect of machine operation.
It is the operator's responsibility to follow all the
safety rules and instructions in the operator's,
safety and responsibilities manuals.
Do Not Operate Unless: Using the machine for anything other than lifting
personnel and tools to an aerial work site is unsafe
You learn and practice the principles of safe
and dangerous.
machine operation contained in this operator's
manual. Only trained and authorized personnel should be
1 Avoid hazardous situations. permitted to operate a machine. If more than one
operator is expected to use a machine at different
2 Always perform a pre-operation times in the same work shift, they must all be
inspection. qualified operators and are all expected to follow all
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. safety rules and instructions in the operator's,
safety and responsibilities manuals. That means
4 Inspect the workplace. every new operator should perform a pre-operation
inspection, function tests, and a workplace
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.
inspection before using the machine.

24 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Starting the Engine Auxiliary Controls

1 At the ground controls, turn the key switch to Use auxiliary power if the primary power source
the desired position. (engine) fails.
2 Be sure both ground and platform control red 1 Turn the key switch to ground or platform
Emergency Stop buttons are pulled out to the control.
on position.
2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Choose fuel by moving on position.
the fuel select switch to the desired position.
3 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
4 Move the engine start toggle position when operating the auxiliary controls
switch to either side. If the engine from the platform.
fails to start or dies, the restart
delay will disable the start switch 4 Press down the foot switch when operating the
for 3 seconds. auxiliary controls from the platform.

If the engine fails to start after 15 seconds of 5 Simultaneously hold auxiliary power switch on
cranking, determine the cause and repair any and activate the desired function.
malfunction. Wait 60 seconds before trying to start The drive and steer functions will not operate with
again. auxiliary power.
All models: In extreme cold conditions, 20°F / -6°C
and below, warm the engine for 5 minutes to
Operation from Ground
prevent hydraulic system damage. 1 Turn the key switch to ground control.
Gasoline/LPG models: In extreme cold conditions, 2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to
20°F / -6°C and below, the machine should be the on position.
started on gasoline, then switched to LPG.
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Choose fuel by moving
Emergency Stop the fuel select switch to the desired position.
4 Start the engine.
Push in either ground or platform red Emergency
Stop button to the off position to stop all functions
and turn the engine off.
Repair any function that operates when the red
Emergency Stop button is pushed in.

Selecting and operating the ground controls will

override the platform red Emergency Stop button.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 25

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


To Position Platform To Steer

1 Hold the function enable switch to either side. 1 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
position (if equipped).
2 Move the appropriate toggle switch according to
the markings on the control panel. 2 Press down the foot switch.
Drive and steer functions are not available from the 3 Slowly move the control handle in the direction
ground controls. indicated by blue or yellow triangles
OR press the thumb rocker switch located on
Machines equipped with Platform Level Control top of the drive control handle.
Disable Function: The platform level toggle switch
will not operate when the primary boom is raised Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
past the drive speed limit switch. platform controls and the drive chassis to identify
the direction the wheels will turn.
Operation from Platform To Drive
1 Turn the key switch to platform control. 1 Move the lift/drive select switch to the drive
2 Pull out both ground and platform red position (if equipped).
Emergency Stop buttons to the on position. 2 Press down the foot switch.
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Choose fuel by moving 3 Increase speed: Slowly move the drive control
the fuel select switch to the desired position. handle off center.
4 Start the engine. Do not press down the foot Decrease speed: Slowly move the drive control
switch when starting the engine. handle toward center.

To Position Platform Stop: Return the drive control handle to center or

release the foot switch.
1 Move the lift/drive select switch to the lift
Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
position (if equipped).
platform controls and the drive chassis to identify
2 Press down the foot switch. the direction the machine will travel.
3 Slowly move the appropriate function control Machine travel speed is restricted when the booms
handle or toggle switch according to the are raised.
markings on the control panel.
Machines equipped with Platform Level Control
Disable Function: The platform level toggle switch
will not operate when the primary boom is raised
past the drive speed limit switch.

26 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Drive Enable Engine Idle Select (rpm)

Light on indicates that the boom has moved just Select the engine idle speed (rpm) using the
past either non-steer wheel and the drive function symbols on the control panel.
has been interrupted.
If your control panel
To drive, hold the drive enable switch to either side looks like this:
and slowly move the drive control handle off center.
· Rabbit and foot
Be aware that the machine may move in the switch symbol:
opposite direction that the drive and steer controls foot switch
are moved. activated high idle
Always use the color-coded direction arrows on the · Turtle symbol: low idle
platform controls and the drive chassis to identify
the direction the machine will travel. · Rabbit symbol: high idle
Generator If your control panel looks like
To operate the generator, move the generator
toggle switch to the generator position. The engine When the foot switch is not
will continue to run but no drive or platform pressed, the engine will idle at
functions will operate. the lowest rpm.
Plug a power tool into the power to platform GFCI · Turtle symbol: Foot switch activated low idle
· Rabbit symbol: Foot switch activated high idle
To resume machine functions, move the generator
toggle switch to machine functions position. All
functions will operate.

Drive Speed Select

· Machine on incline symbol: Low range operation

for inclines
· Machine on level surface symbol: High range
operation for maximum drive speed

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 27

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Check Engine Light

(if equipped)
Light on and engine stopped: Tag the machine and
remove from service.
Light on and engine still running: Contact service
personnel within 24 hours.

Stopping the Engine

Push in the red Emergency Stop button and turn
the key switch to the off position.

After Each Use

1 Select a safe parking location—firm level
surface, clear of obstruction and traffic.
2 Retract and lower the boom to the stowed
3 Rotate the turntable so that the boom is between
the non-steer wheels.
4 Turn the key switch to the off position and
remove the key to secure from unauthorized
5 Chock the wheels.

28 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Free-wheel Configuration for

Chock the wheels to prevent the machine from

Release the non-steer wheel brakes by turning

Transport Instructions over the drive hub disconnect caps (see below).
Observe and Obey: Be sure the winch line is properly secured to the
drive chassis tie points and the path is clear of all
The transport vehicle must be parked on a level obstructions.
Reverse the procedures described to re-engage the
The transport vehicle must be secured to brakes.
prevent rolling while the machine is being
loaded. Note: Towing the Genie Z-45/25 or the Z-45/25J is
not recommended. If the machine must be towed,
Be sure the vehicle capacity, loading surfaces do not exceed 2 mph / 3.2 km/h.
and chains or straps are sufficient to withstand
machine weight. See the serial plate for the
machine weight.
Be sure the turntable is secured with the Position
turntable rotation lock before transporting. Be
sure to unlock the turntable for operation.

Securing to Truck or Trailer for

Transit Engage
Always chock the machine wheels in preparation
for transport.

Use the tie points on the drive chassis for

anchoring down to the transport surface.
Use the rotator guard under the platform to secure
the boom from side-to-side movement. Do not use
excessive downward force when securing the boom

Use chains or straps of ample load capacity.

Turn the key switch to the off position and remove

the key before transporting.
Inspect the entire machine for loose or unsecured

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 29

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Decal Inspection
Use the pictures on this and the next page to verify
that all decals are legible and in place.

Below is a numerical list with quantities and


Part No. Decal Description Quantity Part No. Decal Description Quantity
25994 Caution - Component Damage Hazard 1 33550 Safety Tape —
27204 Arrow - Blue 1 33952 Danger - Tilt-Alarm 1
27205 Arrow - Yellow 1 40434 Label - Lanyard Anchorage Point 3
27206 Triangle- Blue 2 43595 Danger - Tip-over Hazard, Tires 4
27207 Triangle - Yellow 2 43663 Notice - Function Enable 1
27564 Danger - Electrocution Hazard 2 43647 Notice - Operating Instructions 2
28157 Label - Dexron 1 44769 Lift/Drive Select (option) 1
28158 Label - Unleaded 1 44981 Airline to Platform 2
28159 Label - Diesel 1 44986 Notice - Max Manual Force, 90 lbs / 400N 1
28160 Label - Liquid Petroleum Gas 2 49741 Notice - Ford Engine Spec LRG-425 EFI 1
28161 Warning - Crushing Hazard 3 52230 Platform Control Panel 1
28163 Notice - Max Side Force, 150 lbs / 667N 1 52447 Label - Tire Pressure 4
28164 Notice - Hazardous Materials 1 52511 Ground Control Panel 1
28165 Notice - Foot Switch 1 52607 Label - Test Switch 1
28171 Label - No Smoking 1 52672 Danger - Tip-over Hazard, Tires 4
28174 Label - Power to Platform, 230V 2 52784 Notice - Deutz Diesel Specifications 1
28175 Caution - Compartment Access 1 52968 Cosmetic - Genie Boom 1
28176 Notice - Missing Manuals 1 62926 Cosmetic - Genie Z-45/25J 1
28177 Warning - Platform Rotate 2 62927 Cosmetic - Genie Z-45/25 1
28181 Warning - No Step or Ride 1 62947 Cosmetic - IC Power 4 x 2 1
28235 Label - Power to Platform, 115V 2 62948 Cosmetic - IC Power 4 x 4 1
28236 Warning - Failure To Read . . . 1 65301 Notice - Foam-Filled Tire Specs 4
30080 Notice - Maximum Load 1 72441 Platform Control Panel 1
31060 Danger - Tip-over Hazard, Interlock 3 72442 Ground Control Panel 1
32700 Danger - Safety Rules 2 82238 Platform Control Panel 1
32728 Generator (option) 1 82283 Notice - Operating Instructions 2

30 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Ground Controls Side



Engine Side

Shading indicates
decal is hidden
from view, i.e.
under covers

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 31

Operator's Manual First Edition · Seventh Printing


Standard Base Models Z-45/25 Z-45/25J Standard Base Models Z-45/25 Z-45/25J
(no jib) (jib) (no jib) (jib)
Height, working maximum 51 ft 8 in 51 ft 6 in Controls 12V DC proportional
15.74 m 15.69 m
Weight See Serial Plate
Height, platform maximum 45 ft 8 in 45 ft 6 in (Machine weights vary with option configurations)
13.9 m 13.8 m
Platform dimensions, 6 foot 72 in x 30 in 72 in x 30 in
Height, stowed maximum 6 ft 10 in 6 ft 10 in (length x width) 1.8 m x 76 cm 1.8 m x 76 cm
2.1 m 2.1 m
Platform leveling self-leveling self-leveling
Horizontal reach maximum 124 ft 6 in 25 ft 3 in
17.5 m Platform rotation 180 degrees 160 degrees
7.7 m
AC outlet in platform standard standard
Width 7 ft 4 in 7 ft 4 in
2.2 m 2.2 m Hydraulic pressure (maximum) 3200 psi 3200 psi
(boom functions) 221 bar 221 bar
Length, stowed 18 ft 22 ft 3 in
5.5 m 6.8 m Tire size, 4WD & 2WD RT 14-17.5 14 ply
Maximum load capacity 500 lb 500 lb Gradeability, stowed, 2WD 30% 30 %
6 foot platform 227 kg 227 kg
Gradeability, stowed, 4WD 45% 45 %
Wheelbase 6 ft 8 in 6 ft 8 in
Fuel tank capacity 17 gallons 17 gallons
2.0 m 2.0 m
64.3 liters 64.3 liters
Turning radius (outside) 11 ft 6 in 11 ft 6 in
3.5 m 3.5 m 1
Outreach specification with platform rotated
Turning radius (inside) 4 ft 6 in 4 ft 6 in 90 degrees
1.4 m 1.4 m
Turntable rotation (degrees) 359° 359°
Turntable tailswing 0 in 0 in
0 cm 0 cm
Power source Ford Gasoline/LPG LRG 425 EFI
(choice) OR Deutz Diesel F3L 1011
Drive speed, stowed 4.8 mph 4.8 mph
7.7 km/h 7.7 km/h
40 ft/5.7 sec 40 ft/5.7 sec
12.2 m/5.7 sec 12.2 m/5.7 sec
Drive speed, 0.6 mph 0.6 mph
booms raised 1 km/h 1 km/h
40 ft/45 sec 40 ft/45 sec
12.2 m/45 sec 12.2 m/45 sec
Airborne noise emissions 73 dB 73 dB
Maximum sound level at normal operating workstations
Ground clearance 13.25 in 13.25 in
center 33.6 cm 33.6 cm
Ground clearance 10 in 10 in Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie policy. Product
specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
minimum 25.4 cm 25.4 cm

32 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J Part No. 52421

First Edition · Seventh Printing Operator's Manual


Narrow Base Models Z-45/25 Z-45/25J Narrow Base Models Z-45/25 Z-45/25J
(no jib) (jib) (no jib) (jib)
Height, working maximum 51 ft 5 in 51 ft 3 in Controls 12V DC proportional
15.7 m 15.6 m
Weight See Serial Plate
Height, platform maximum 45 ft 5 in 45 ft 3 in (Machine weights vary with option configurations)
13.9 m 13.8 m
Platform dimensions, 6 foot 72 in x 30 in 72 in x 30 in
Height, stowed maximum 6 ft 7 in 6 ft 7 in (length x width) 1.8 m x 76 cm 1.8 m x 76 cm
2.05 m 2.05 m
Platform leveling self-leveling self-leveling
Horizontal reach maximum 124 ft 6 in 25 ft 3 in
17.5 m Platform rotation 180 degrees 160 degrees
7.7 m
AC outlet in platform standard standard
Width 5 ft 9 in 5 ft 9 in
1.8 m 1.8 m Hydraulic pressure (maximum) 3200 psi 3200 psi
(boom functions) 221 bar 221 bar
Length, stowed 18 ft 22 ft 3 in
5.5 m 6.8 m Tire size, 2WD Industrial
Foam-filled only 9-14.5 LT
Maximum load capacity 500 lb 500 lb
6 foot platform 227 kg 227 kg Gradeability, stowed, 2WD 30% 30 %
Wheelbase 6 ft 8 in 6 ft 8 in Fuel tank capacity 17 gallons 17 gallons
2.0 m 2.0 m 64.3 liters 64.3 liters
Turning radius (outside) 11 ft 11 ft
3.35 m 3.35 m Outreach specification with platform rotated
90 degrees
Turning radius (inside) 5 ft 5 ft
1.5 m 1.5 m
Turntable rotation (degrees) 359° 359°
Turntable tailswing 0 in 0 in
0 cm 0 cm
Power source Ford Gasoline/LPG LRG 425 EFI
(choice) OR Deutz Diesel F3L 1011
Drive speed, stowed 4.8 mph 4.8 mph
7.7 km/h 7.7 km/h
40 ft/5.7 sec 40 ft/5.7 sec
12.2 m/5.7 sec 12.2 m/5.7 sec
Drive speed, 0.3 mph 0.3 mph
booms raised 0.5 km/h 0.5 km/h
40 ft/91 sec 40 ft/91 sec
12.2 m/91 sec 12.2 m/91 sec
Airborne noise emissions 73 dB 73 dB
Maximum sound level at normal operating workstations
Ground clearance 8.5 in 8.5 in
center 21.6 cm 21.6 cm
Ground clearance 7 in 7 in Continuous improvement of our products is a Genie policy. Product
minimum 17.7 cm 17.7 cm specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

Part No. 52421 Genie Z-45/25 & Genie Z-45/25J 33

California Proposition 65

The exhaust from this product contains chemicals
known to the State of California to cause cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Genie North America

Phone 425.881.1800
Toll Free USA and Canada
Distributed By:
Fax 425.883.3475

Genie Holland Genie Australia Pty Ltd.

Phone +31 70 51 78836 Phone +61 7 3375 1660
Fax +31 70 51 13993 Fax +61 7 3375 1002

Genie Scandinavia Genie China

Phone +46 31 3409612 Phone +86 21 53852570
Fax +46 31 3409613 Fax +86 21 53852569

Genie France Genie Malaysia

Phone +33 (0)2 37 26 09 99 Phone +60 4 228 1235
Fax +33 (0)2 37 26 09 98 Fax +60 4 226 6872

Genie Iberica Genie Japan

Phone +34 93 579 5042 Phone +81 3 3453 6082
Fax +34 93 579 5059 Fax +81 3 3453 6083

Genie Germany Genie Korea

Phone +49 (0)4202 88520 Phone +82 2 558 7267
Fax +49 (0)4202 8852-20 Fax +82 2 558 3910

Genie U.K. Genie Africa

Phone +44 (0)1476 584333 Phone +27 11 455 0373
Fax +44 (0)1476 584334 Fax +27 11 455 0355

Genie Mexico City Genie Latin America

Phone +52 5 653 03 84 Phone +55 11 4055 2499
Fax +52 5 664 40 16 Fax +55 11 4043 1661

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