Week 4 - Speech Context
Week 4 - Speech Context
Week 4 - Speech Context
A. Intrapersonal Communication
- centers in one person where the speaker acts as both the sender and
receiver of the message or simply talking to him/herself.
- It includes self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even
recall and memory
a person may use-self talk to calm himself down in a stressful situation
a shy person may remind herself to smile during a social event.
B. Interpersonal Communication
-communication between and among people and establishes personal
relationships between and among them
you offered feedback on the speech performance of your classmate.
you provided comfort to a friend who was feeling lonely after his
C. Public Communication
-refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send a
– you will give a graduation speech to your batch.
– you participate in a debate or speaking contest watched by a
number of people.
D. Mass Communication
– refers to sending a message through the use of media and
– television that takes place through television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, and internet.
E. Intercultural Communication
– when individuals interact while bringing in their varied
cultural backgrounds.
– communication among people from different nationalities,
religions and sexual orientations.
F. Organizational Communication
– communication within an organization or in the work environment.
– There are 3 types of communication process within the
Upward Communication – subordinates to supervisors
Downward Communication – supervisors to subordinates
Horizontal Communication – communication happens between
the colleagues or workers within the same level.