21st Lit Reviewer 1

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- “Littera” means letter or written texts Prose

• Therefore, literature is simply anything • discourse that follows the continuous and
that is written. usual flow of conversation which uses
LITERATURE sentences forming paragraphs to express
• Literature is the written, printed or oral ideas, feelings, and actions.
productions of the human mind collectively, Example: fiction and non-fiction
which deals with themes of permanent and Poetry
universal interest, characterized by • combines the sound and meaning of
creativeness and grace of expression, as language to create and express ideas and
poetry, fictions, essays, etc., distinguished feelings.
from works of scientific, technical or Example: narrative, dramatic and lyric
journalistic nature (Webster
Comprehensive Dictionary, International Divisions of Prose:
Edition). Fiction Non-Fiction
• Short Story • Essay
Types of Literature • Novel • Oration
Oral Literature • Play • Biography
• preserved and handed down from • Legend • Autobiography
one generation to another by word of • Fable • News
mouth. • Letters
• Oral literature started unwritten, but • Diaries and journals
eventually captured for writing.
Written Literature Types of Poetry
• is one that produced from the use of pen Narrative Dramatic Lyric
by literary writer.
• is more permanent than oral literature • Epics • Haiku
because it remains as is. • Ode
• Ballads • Elegy
Reasons Why People Write • Sonnet
• For self-expression. • Song
• To spread knowledge and information. Literature
• To pass on ideas and values. - Literature is derived from the Latin
• To convey truth, accuracy, and “littera” which means “letter”, which
evaluation. refers primarily to written texts.
Therefore, literature is simply
The Qualities of Great Literature: anything that is written.
• Permanence - Consists of writings which recognize
• Universality the meanings of nature and life, in
• Artistry words of charm and power, touched
• Intellectual Value with the character of the author, in
• Spiritual Value artistic forms of permanent interest.
• Style - Literature is the written, printed or
• Suggestiveness oral productions of the human
mind collectively, which deals with themes 1. Essay - is an attempt to express the
of permanent and universal interest, viewpoint and judgment of the writer
characterized by creativeness and grace of on a dilemma or event.
expression, as poetry, fictions, essays, etc., 2. Oration - is a formal treatment of the
distinguished from works of scientific, subject and intended to be spoken
technical or journalistic nature. before a crowd.
3. Biography - is a literary work that
The Qualities of Great Literature: gives the life account of a person
Prose - is discourse that follows the written by another person.
continuous and usual flow of 4. Autobiography - is a literary work
conversation which uses sentences forming where the author writes his own life
paragraphs to express ideas, feelings, and account.
actions. It is divided into two major 5. News - is a report of expected and
divisions, namely fiction and non-fiction. unexpected events in society and
Fiction - is a type of prose writing that is the government and incidents in the field
product of the author’s imagination. of science, business, etc.
Example of Fiction: 6. Letter - is a written message sent
1. Short Story - is a sequence of from one person to another person
events including one or more via writing through a medium.
characters, one narrative, and one Letters can be formal and informal.
single idea. 7. Diaries and Journals - serve as
ELEMENTS: account of personal experiences.
- Point of View - Characters They are synonymous but there is
- Conflict - Theme an important difference:
- Plot - Setting - A diary is precisely a record of
2. Novel - is a long work of fiction that personal or private and daily
has chapters where many experiences.
characters are involved and spans - A journal, depending on the context,
long period of time. could mean a more universal record
3. Play - is a scripted story executed or logbook but more importantly a
on stage. technical journal, that is a scientific
4. Legend - is a narrative about the or industry-related
origin of man, place, event, and publication/periodical.
5. Fable - is a narrative where the Poetry - a type of literature that combines
characters are animals and the sound and meaning of language to
non-living objects that speak and act create and express ideas and feelings.
like people, and usually ends with Three Types of Poetry:
values that can mold the reader’s 1. Narrative poetry - tell stories and
attitudes. has two forms: Epic and Ballad
Non- Fiction - is a type of prose writing that Epics - are lengthy poems that embody the
is based on facts, real events, and real adventures of epic heroes and divine forces.
people. They are the oldest remaining form of
Example of Non-Fiction: poetry.
Ballads - are narrative poems meant to be from one generation to another by word
sung. They are briefer than the epics and of mouth
they usually tell stories about a person. PRE-SPANISH LITERATURE
2. Dramatic poetry - reveal stories, 1. LEGENDS
but one or more characters act out • Talks about the origin of a thing, location or
the poem. There are plays that are name. The events are imaginary and
written as dramatic poetry. unbelievable.
3. Lyric poetry the most familiar of the Examples
three, is a brief poem that articulates • Ang Alamat ng Pinya
the poet’s thoughts and feeling. • The Legend of Olongapo
lyric Rhein Lyre 2. FOLK TALES
(Greek) • stories about life, adventure, love, horror
and humor where one can derive lessons
Forms of Lyric Poetry: about life.
1. Haiku - one of the shortest lyric Example
poems, is a Japanese verse of 17 ❖ How the First Head Was Taken
syllables arranged in three lines, the ❖ The Man with the Coconuts
first line has 5, the second 7, and the 3. EPICS
third 5. • are long narrative poems where a series of
EXAMPLE: heroic achievements or events, usually by a
Two cups of coffee hero, are dealt with.
Wake me up enough to ask Example
“Did I have coffee?” ❖ Indarapatra and Sulayman
2. Ode - is a serious elaborate lyric ❖ Bantugan
poem full of high praises and noble ❖ Biag ni Lam-ang-Ilokano Epic
feelings usually about things. ❖ Bidasari-Moro Epic
3. Elegy - is a poem of meditation on ❖ Kumintang-Tagalog Epic
life and death. Many elegies mourn 4. MYTHS
the death of a famous person or a • are narratives that describe and portray in
close friend. symbolic language the origin of the basic
4. Sonnet - is a 14-line lyric poem with elements and assumptions of a culture.
a certain pattern of rhyme and Example:
rhythm. •The sun and the moon.
5. Song - is a lyric poem intended to •Malakas and Maganda
be sung. •The story of Bathala
PRE – SPANISH PERIOD • are one of the oldest forms of Philippine
- Long before the Spaniards and literature that emerged in the Pre Spanish
foreigner landed on Philippines period. Folk songs mirror the culture of the
shores, our forefathers already had early Filipinos.
their own literature emblazoned in Example:
the history of our race. ❖ Bahay Kubo
- Literature of ancient Filipinos was ❖ Leron-Leron Sinta
handed ❖ Pamulinawen
❖ Dandansoy saints, novenas, and questions and
❖ Sarong Banggi answers on religion.
PHILIPPINE LITERATURE book printed in typography.
- Lessons on Christian Doctrine • ANG BARLAAN AT JOSEPHAT - This is
became the basis of religious the first Biblical story printed in the
practices. Philippines and translated from Greek to
- The Spanish language which Tagalog by Fr. Antonio de Borja.
became the medium of instruction - The printed translation has 556
- Legends and traditions from pages and believed to be the first
Europe were assimilated in our Tagalog novel published in the
songs, corridos, and moro-moros. Philippines.
- Ancient literature was collected • THE PASSION - This book is about the
and translated to Tagalog and other life and sufferings of Jesus Christ, and it is
dialects. read only during lent.
I. A. Baybayin • URBANA AT FELISA - This book was
- Some have attributed it the name written by Modesto de Castro, known to as
Alibata, but this name is incorrect. the Father of Classic Prose in Tagalog.
(The term “Alibata” was coined by - Contains the letters between two
Paul Rodriguez Verzosa after the sisters Urbana at Felisa and has
arrangement of letters of the Arabic influenced greatly the behavior of
alphabet alif, ba, ta (alibata), “f” people in society because the letters
having been eliminated for dealt with good behavior.
euphony’s sake.” ) Versoza’s • ANG MGA DALIT KAY MARIA (PSALMS
reasoning for creating this word was FOR MARY) - This is a collection of songs
unfounded because no evidence of praising Virgin Mary.
the baybayin was ever found in that - written in 1865 by a Filipino priest,
part of the Philippines and it has Fr. Mariano Sevilla, which became popular
absolutely no relationship to the especially during Maytime festival or Flores
Arabic language. de Mayo.


• The Christian Doctrine (Doctrina - Leron - leron sinta
Cristiana) - This was the first book printed - Pamulinawen
in the Philippines in 1593 in Xylography. It - Dandansoy
was written by Fr. Juan de Placencia - Sarong banggi
and Fr. Domingo Nieva, in Tagalog and - Atin Cu Pung Singsing
This was the second book printed in the • TIBAG - means to excavate. This is a
Philippines written by Fr. Blancas de San ritual to remind the people about the search
Jose in 1602. of Saint Helena for the Holy Cross where
- It contains the biographies of Jesus Christ was nailed and died.
• LAGAYLAY - It is a special occasion to • KARAGATAN - is a poetic contest where
get together during the month of May for the a ritual is performed based on a legend
Pilarenos of Sorsogon. about a princess who dropped her ring into
- As early as April, ladies are chosen the middle of the sea and who offered her
or mothers volunteer their girls to hand in marriage to anyone who can find it.
fulfill a vow or panata during illness • BALAGTASAN - is a poetic joust or a
or even for a favor received. contest of skills in debate on a topic or
• CENACULO - is a dramatic performance issue.
to re-enact the passion and death of - This is held in honor of Francisco
Jesus Christ “Balagtas” Baltazar.
There are two kinds of cenaculo: • DUNG-AW - is a chant in free verse by a
- the Cantada which is chanted bereaved person beside the corpse of the
like the Passion, dead.
- Hablada which has a more dignified - Since it is personalized and usually
theme where the lines are spoken in deals with the life, sufferings and
a more deliberate manner showing sacrifices of the dead, it also
the rhythmic measure of each verse includes apologies for his misdeeds.
and stanza.
• PANUNULUYAN - is a reenactment of
Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph in search of AMERICAN PERIOD (1898-1941)
an inn to deliver the baby Jesus.
dramatizes the meeting of the Risen CULTURE - The introduction of free
Jesus Christ and His Mother. instruction for all children of school age
• CARILLO - is a dramatic entertainment - The use of English as medium of
performed on dark nights projecting instruction in all levels of education
cardboard figures before a lamp against in public schools.
a white sheet.
• ZARZUELA - the Father of Drama. THE PHILIPPINES
- It is a musical comedy or melodrama
in three acts which dealt with man’s • 1901
passions and emotions like love, –Philippine Normal College (now PNU)
hate, revenge, cruelty, avarice or –National University
some social and political problems. –Silliman University
• SANETE - is a short exaggerated musical –El Colegio de San Beda (now SBU)
comedy performed by characters from the • 1902
lower class. –Negros Oriental High school
- The themes were taken from –Ilo-ilo Normal School
everyday life situations. • 1904
• MORO-MORO - is performed during town –St. Paul University
fiestas to entertain the people and to remind –Filamer Christian University
them of their Christian religion. –Zamboanga Normal School
–Escuela de Farmacia del Liceo de • Walang Sugat by Severino Reyes
Manila (now MCU)
• 1905 The Characteristics and Features of the
–Central Philippine University American Period
• 1908 • Zarsuelas - The theme was no longer
–University of the Philippines about Christians and Muslims but between
• 1914 Filipinos and Spaniards in the first period of
–University of Manila the American regime.
• 1915 • Tagalog Prose Fiction
–Cebu Normal School ❖ “Salawahang Pag-ibig” by Lope K.
• 1919 Santos,
–Philippine Women’s University ❖ “Pagsintang Naluoy” by Modesto
–Jose Rizal University Santiago and
• 1925 ❖ “Unang Bulaklak” by Valeriano
–Mapua Institute of Technology Hernandez
• 1933 - Writers of these prose were
–Far Eastern University emotional; they chose more for
• 1938 romantic adventures than for flaming
–Arellano University issues of the day.
• 1941 Novel
–San Sebastian College –Recoletos ❖ “Banaag at Sikat,” which was
written by Lope K. Santos, is one of
Short Stories the renowned novels during this era.
• Dead Stars was the first short story
written in English by Paz Marquez The Three Periods That Emerged During
Benitez. American Period
• The Small Key was written by Paz ❖ The Period of Reorientation (1898-
Latorena. 1910)
• Footnote to Youth was written by Jose ❖ The Period of Imitation (1910-1924)
Garcia Villa. ❖ Period of Self-Discovery and Growth
Newspapers (1925-1941)
• El Nuevo Dia (The New Day) -Established
by Sergio Osmena in 1900.
• El Grito Del Pueblo (The Call of the JAPANESE PERIOD (1941-1945)
Nation) - Established by Pascual Poblete - Freedom of speech was prohibited
in 1900. as well.
• El Renacimiento (The Rebirth) - Founded - This period encouraged Tagalog
by Rafael Palma in 1901. writing.
Plays - Most poems centered on
• Kahapon, Ngayon, at Bukas (Yesterday, nationalism, love and life.
Today and Tomorrow) written by Aurelio - Voice of Freedom, served as the
Tolentino only contact of Filipinos with the
• Tanikalang Ginto of Juan Abad outside world.
• Malaya by Tomas Remigio
- Movie houses showing American - The Filipinos were jubilant and the
films were closed. Guerillas who fled in the mountains
- Filipino literature was given a break joined the Liberating American Army.
during this period. - It is a period when Philippines
gained independence from both
Three Types of Poems America and Japan.
- Haiku- 5-7-5
- Tanaga- 7-7-7-7 The Challenges Faced by the
- Karaniwang anyo Government:

The Filipino Drama During the Japanese • In the 1950s, the Guerilla warfare, also
Period known as the HUKBALAHAP,(Hukbong
• Many of the plays were reproductions of Bayan Laban sa Hapon) was causing
English plays to Tagalog problems in the government, but in the
• The translators were Francisco Soc Magsaysay administration, they vanished,
Rodrigo, Alberto Concio, and Narciso neutralized, or were gone.
Pimentel. They also founded the • During this period, journalists indulged in
organization of Filipino players named more militant attitude in their reporting.
Dramatic Philippines. Gradually, as peace and order were
restored, the tones and themes of their
A few playwrights and their well- writings turned to the less pressing
known plays were: problems of economic survival.
• Jose Ma. Hernandez
– wrote “Panday Pira” The Philippine Literature during the Post
• Francisco Soc Rodrigo War-Contemporary Period:
– wrote “Sa pula, sa Puti”
• Clodualdo del Mundo 1946
– wrote “Bulaga” (an expression in 1st work appeared
the game Hide and Seek). after WWII
• Julian Cruz Balmaceda
– wrote “Sino ba Kayo? Dahil sa Anak,
and Higante ng Patay.”




- It is also known as the “Recovering
- The Americans returned to the LAZARO FRANCISCO
Philippines in 1945 to end the - “Sugat Sa Alaala” (1950)
Japanese rule. - “Maganda Pa Ang Daigdig” (1956)
- “Daluyong” (1962) • His parents, Felisa de Guzman and
Nicanor Pineda are established poetical
Amado Hernandez debater.
- “Luha ng Buwaya” (1963) • Macario Pineda is a well- known Filipino
- “Mga Ibong Mandaragit” ( 1969) writer. He is a renowned author because of
his Tagalog works.
Lilia Quindoza Santiago
- She was a prize winning a poet- Liwayway Ilang-ilang
critic. She was a feminist writer. Malaya Daigdig
- “Sa Ngalan Ng Ina” (1997) Bulaklak Sinag-tala

Common Themes of Philippine Stevan Javellana (1918–1977)

Literature during the Post War- • Stevan “Esteban” Javellana, a Filipino
Contemporary Period: novelist and short story writer in the English
1.Romanticism language, was born in 1918 in Iloilo.
2.Nationalism • Without Seeing the Dawn
3.Independence • Two Tickets to Manila
4.Nature • The Sin of Father Anselmo
5.Expression of Feelings • Sleeping Tablets
• The Fifth Man
Filipino Writers During the Post-War • The Tree of Peace and Transition.

Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez

N.V.M. Gonzales
• Fictionist
• Essayist
• Poet
• Teacher
• He wrote five novels, eight short fictions
and multiple essays, with his work
translated into languages like English,
Chinese, German, Russian, and
• Gonzalez has received numerous awards
including the City of Manila Medal of Honor
in 1971, the Cultural Center of the
Philippines award in 1990, and the role of
Regents professor at the University of
California at Los Angeles in 1988-9.

Macario Pineda (1912-1950)

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