Newsletter 2019

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August 05, 2019


WITH ASEAN CALENDAR were engrossed on
(Marisol B. Tolentino)
amazing presentations.
different speeches Amidst the pro-
and presentations. As gram, Ermie Lux L. Matil-
departmentalization do DBA, DM, Dean of
was implemented, College of Business and
the deans of all col- Management, impart-
leges introduced the ed the latest informa-
faculty and staff in tion of the Tertiary Ed-
front of the students. ucation Subsidy (TES).
Both instructors She highlighted
and students made the CHED-uniFAST data
themselves ready last December 21, 2018
for these changes. which says that Surigao
An intermission num- del Sur State University
ber of the SSG liv- ranked as Top 5 among
SDSSU-Main Cam- spearheads the pro- ens the mood of the the State Universities
pus – As celebrated gram to welcome the crowd, especially when and Colleges (SUCs) for
yearly, the academic students vivaciously. each department’s having 2,936 grantees.
year 2019-2020 was The venue was governor perform spe- Surigao del Sur
officially opened on filled with new faces cial dance moves at State University, an insti-
the 5th day of August of students, instruc- the center. Clapping tution that aims for con-
2019 at Prospero B. tors and staffs. Ex- and laughter filled the tinual improvement, is
Pichay Sr. gymnasi- citement is evident as entire gymnasium. open for more changes
um. Together with the the crowd have their The university’s in the future for the bet-
faculty and staff of smiles on their faces. Kaliga Dance troupe and terment of both students
SDSSU, the Supreme The program ran Singing Ambassadors and faculty and staff.
Student Government orderly and the students also performed their


crowned as Mr. & Ms. CTE 2019
(Donna Graceina H. Ledesma.)
Prospero B. Pichay, Sr. crowd were all excited to
Gymnasium – Unveiling know who will be crowned
confidence of beauties as Mr. and Ms. CTE 2019.
and talents are in scripts There are already rumors
of a total excellence, the and forecasts after they re-
COLLEGE OF TEACH- vealed their different talents
ER EDUCATION conduct- during pre-pageant night.
ed its Mr. and Ms. CTE With an utmost
2019 pageant started last bringing of poise, candi- and the points they gathered geous faces and talents
September 9, 2019 at ex- dates appear on its consec- from the beginning are ex- make individual admirable
actly 8:00 in the evening. utive attire: School Uni- cluded. Finally, the male but there’s nothing like a
The said event was form, Sports, 21st Century candidate number 5 from unique and productive if
participated by 6 pairs of Teacher, and Modern Fili- the mentors was crowned as all of these are embodied
candidates: three pairs are pina and Barong Tagalog. the Mr. CTE 2019, and the with confidence. Pageant
coming from educators Both of the male and female female candidate number is not only about gaining
and other three pairs are candidates from numbers 4, 6 from the mentors owned awards and titles, it’s show-
from mentors. Before the 5, and 6 made it to the top. the title as Ms. CTE 2019. ing off what you’ve got.
program had begun, the They had the final question Showing gor-

At the forefront of every idea.

The Vanguard Editorial Board and Staff
Editor-In-Chief: Zarloumagne Paragas
Associate Editor: Neil Nikko Prado
Managing Editor: Roseveller E. Lozada
News Editor: Krizia Marie P. Tecson
Feature Editor: Marisol Tolentino
Senior Editor: Gypsymae Balingan

Head Artist: Francine Batenga

Head Sports writer: Recajane M. Malinao
Head Lay-out Artist: Rogil Jone E. Cañete II

Circulation Manager: Angelee Mae Salamo

Head Photojournalist: Alde Laurente

Writers: Joan Montero

Shyra Mae Bangkiao
Donna Graceina Ledesma
Shyra Mae Bangkiao
Artist: Kevin Rivamonte
Moderator: Divina Sheila de los Arcos

beauty of the female candidates male and female category. Both
shine as they walked with grace candidates number 2 of Bachelor
and confidence with their flam- of Arts in Political Science (Night
boyant gowns. The contestants Department) were in, candidate
shown that they really prepare number 4 of Bachelor of Science
themselves for the crowd. The in Biology also had slots for the
male candidates also walked Top 4, both candidates number 8
manly with poise in their formal of Bachelor of Science in Mathe-
attires. They all looked gorgeous matics and both candidates num-
as they bravely face the heat of ber 6 of Bachelor of Arts in English
the atmosphere in the gymnasi- Language completed the Final 8.
um. They, male and female candi- The road to the final judgment
dates, were really a living gods and pressured everyone as the final-
goddesses as they smile on stage. ists undergone the Question and
The deafening sound of Answer portion of the pageant.
encouragement and support rum- At last, candidate num-
bled the place as another awards ber 6 of Bachelor of Arts in English
were announced. Ms. Biology Language male contestant and
Photo by: CAS-Lass Officers 2019 owned the title as Ms. Photogenic candidate number 2 of Bachelor of
CAS Day Pageant Unveils Beauty and Talents and Mr. Photogenic is awarded to
candidate number 10 of Bachelor
Arts in Political Science (Night De-
partment) female, owned the 3rd
(Roseveller B. Lozada)
September 14, 2019 – the await- the show for the spectacular at- of Arts in Economics. For best in Runners Up title. Candidate num-
ed clash of beauty and wit. tires. Boys dominated the stage production number male category, ber 2 of Bachelor of Arts in Political
Gazing at an elaborate as they ramped with their artistic it goes to Mr. Mathematics, while Science (Night Department) male,
display of male and female stu- costumes. Intelligence and for- for female category is candidate and number 6 of Bachelor of Arts in
dents shimmering in their night- mality were emphasized as they number 6 of Bachelor of Arts in En- English Language, female, grabbed
gowns and dazzling formal attires showcase the school uniform of glish Language. Mr. Mathematics the title to be 2nd Runners Up. And
with a genuine smile painted on SDSSU. The cheers of amazement and Ms. English Language shine both candidates number 4 of Bach-
their faces and a poise with confi- and enthusiasm fueled each can- again as both were announced as elor of Science in Biology were en-
dence on stage is not new in the didates as they reveal themselves best in school uniform attire. Best titled to be 1st Runners Up. Both
colorful history of the College of with the different sports attire. in sports attire is candidate num- candidates number 8 of Bachelor
Arts and Sciences. The candidates The candidates touched ber 2 of Bachelor of Arts in Polit- of Science in Mathematics were
were proud, dashing and hand- the heart of their classmates and ical Science (Night Department) crowned as Mr. and Ms. CAS 2019.
some while the audience marvel schoolmates as the special awards male and candidate number 8 of The night was a specta-
at the glitz of the inspiring show as were announced. For ultimate sa- Bachelor of Science in Mathemat- cle of beauty and intellect. Grant-
they walked on the heat of the floor. lon, candidate number 4 of Bach- ics for female. The Bachelor of Arts ed, the contestants should main-
The candidates dance elor of Science in Mathematics for in English Language both male tain their poise and elegance from
with gracefulness as the gymnasi- male category. Miss Biology also and female contestants owned the very start up to the final leg of
um rocked by a loud cheers of the grabbed the awards for ideal skin the Best in Spectacular Attire. And the competition. Because remem-
supportive fans. With an extraordi- and people’s choice award. While for Best in Preliminary Interview is ber, after all, taking the crown is
nary beauty and looks, all of them number 6 of Bachelor of Arts in also awarded to both candidates more than just looking good on
standout as they moved into the English Language owned the peo- number 9 of Bachelor of Arts in Po- stage. Behind the flashing lights,
beat of the music during the pro- ple’s choice award for male. Anoth- litical Science (Day Department). everyone must kindle the very
duction number. Whistles, clap- er award goes to Mr. Mathematics Best in Evening Gown Attire is flame of camaraderie and sports-
ping, yells, and shouts filled the at- which is Mr. Congeniality. Ms. Con- Ms. English Language and Best in manship because respect and ac-
mosphere as the true battle began. geniality is from Bachelor of Science Formal Attire is Mr. Mathematics. ceptance is the true beauty of CAS.
Stunning beauties reveal in Environmental Science, candi- Everyone caught up
as the girls walked with elegance date number 7 for female category. in a title drama as the hosts an-
and alluring exhibitions during The magnificence and nounced the Top 4 finalists of both
At the forefront of every idea.

Photo by: Armarie Bautista

(Jo-ann Bacor)
ng CECST: Idinaos
Ang mga estudyante aga, Ph.D, ang dekano ng CET,
ng College of Engineering Com- ang nagbigay ng mensahe.
puter Science and Technolo- Iba’t ibang literaryong pang-
gy ay nagdiwang sa kanilang musika at palakasang paligsa-
ika-9 na CECST Day na may han ang ginanap at pinagla-
temang “Building Champions banan. Ang kaganapang ay
Through Prosperity and Unity” naka-highlight sa isang search
noong ika-16 hanggang ika-17 para sa Mr. and Ms. CITE CET
ng Setyembre 2019 sa Pros- kung saan si Ginoong Kent Bry-
pero B. Pichay Sr. Gymnasium. an Y. Cabitana ng Computer Sci-
Ang dalawang araw ence at Binibining Joecelle Hera
na paligsahang ito ay sinimu- R. Lanterna ng Civil Engineer-
lan sa pamamagitan ng parada ing ang nakasungkit ng titulo.
ng mga estudyante ng iba’t Sa katapusan, ang
ibang pangkat at sinundan ng Team A at Team B ay idinekla-
mga CECST Staff sa kanilang rang 2nd at 3rd placers. At
mga nakakakaligkig na mga ang Team C na mga CE ay
sigaw. Agad naming sinundan idineklarang Over-all Cham-
ng Pabungad na programa pion matapos Manalo sa ha-
kung saan si Engr. Alex S. Lad- los lahat ng mga patimpalak.
oryang Filipino (KMF), at mag-aaral mula sa organ-
paglalahad ng mga layunin isasyon ng ASSETS (BPED)
ng patimpalak ni Bb. Vanes- ang unang gantimpala.
sa Elrose P. Lagua. Ayon kay Namayagpag
Bb. Lagua, opisyal ng KMF, naman ang organisasyon
“Ang pagkakaroon ng mga ng Generalists (BEED) sa
patimpalak ay daan upa- Spoken Poetry at ang
ng mahasa ng mga mag- nakakuha sa rurok ng
aaral ang kanilang talento kampeonato sa paligsa-
sa larangan ng Filipino. han ng Tugsayawit mata-
Ang nasabing pag- pos ang tunggalian ay ang
Photo by: Sammy Yadao Dagooc diriwang ay kinapalooban organisasyon ng BPED.
Buwan ng Wika ’19, ipinagdiriwang ng iba’t ibang patimpalak Ang paggunita sa Buwan
(Recajane M. Malinao) na pinaglabanan ng bawat ng Wika bawat taon ay tan-
Kaakibat ng maaliwalas Katutubo: Tungo sa organisasyon sa Kolehiyo da ng pagkilala at pagre-
na panahon ay ang Isang Bansang Filipino.” ng mga Guro. Kabilang speto sa sakripisyong ini-
matagumpay na pagdiri- Sinimulan ang pala- sa mga paligsahan ang alay sa atin ng ating mga
wang ng Kolehiyo ng mga tuntunan ng panalangin na pagsulat ng sanaysay at magigiting na bayani.
Guro ng Kulminasyon ng pinangunahan ni Bb. Nor- ang nagwagi ay mula sa Ito’y susi upang
Buwan ng Wika noong ain G. Salcedo, mag-aaral organisasyon ng General- patuloy nating tangkilikin
ika-30 ng Agosto 2019, sa Filipino, at Pambansang ists (BEED). Nakuha naman ang sariling atin at upang
araw ng Biyernes ban- Awit na kinumpasan ni Bb. ng organisasyon ng ASED ito’y hindi mabaon sa limot.
dang ala-una ng hapon sa Maricel Sulgan. Sinundan (BSED-Science) ang un- Kaya’t Wikang Filipino ay
mismong bulwagan ng ng pambungad na mensa- ang gantimpala sa Poster pahalagahan sapagkat
departamento ng CTE na he ni G. Regiel Dayo, may- Slogan. Sa Dagliang Ta- ito’y tanikala na magbibi-
may temang, “Wikang or ng Kapisanan ng May- lumpati ay nasungkit ng gkis sa ating mga Pilipino.
At the forefront of every idea.

The Bankers’ Golden

Coronation Night

(Joan Bioy Montero)
One organiza- Marketing Manage-
tion is making a dif- ment, and Human Re-
ference in the lives of source Management.
college students from The candi-
around the world. The dates pick their num-
beauty queens raises bers for the ques-
intelligence of each tions which includes
program’s flag with current issues in the
a theme: “Enhanc- Philippines. Each of
ing students’ com- the candidates gives
petency toward the diction to their state-
challenges of 4th in- ments of answers.
dustrial revolution.” The judges for the cacy was awarded to Mico James C. Pili
College of pageant includes no Ms. Gladys Cillo of won the title of being
Business and Man- less than the Mr. In- Financial Manage- the first runner-up for
agement showcased ternational Philip- ment and Mico James male from the pro-
different talents, pine representative C. Pili---Hospitality gram of Hospitality
beauty, intellect, ad- Mr. Francisco Ser- Management student. Management and Ms.
vocacies, and attitude rot, Ms. Q and A on The title for Best in Hanna Dianne Yusico
of being competitive a tv show in Abs-Cbn Interview was also from the house of Fi-
on September 19, Mr. Moises Palo- awarded to them. nancial Management.
2019. The pageantry mo, and Mr. Char- Among the 10 pairs Ms. Gladys Cillo walk
gives opportunity for lie Sheene M. Per- of candidates only with a crown proving
each queen’s to show nitez---former SSG 4 pairs are given a that she deserve to be
the best version of president of SDSSU. chance to walk as Mr. the winner with beau-
their identity featured The competition was and Ms. CBM 2019. ty and brain so with
10 pairs of candidates tough among the Candidates walk with Mr. Shawn Hinlog
from Public Admin- lovely ladies and men honor and pride as for Mr. CBM 2019.
istration, Financial representing the in- they are called to rep- Winners end-up the
Management, Hospi- termediate category. resent the collegde for battle and start anoth-
tality Management, Mr. and Ms. Advo- the intramurals 2019. er level of pageantry.
10 SDSSU Academic Programs undergo
Level IV Phase 1 Accreditation (Neil Prado)
Eight (8) programs Mathematics (MST-MATH),
from Graduate School and two Master of Science in Teach-
(2) from College of Teacher ing Social Science (MST-SS),
Education of Surigao del Sur and Master in Public Admin-
State University, Main Cam- istration (MPA), and College
pus, Tandag City, underwent of Teacher Education’s two
accreditation survey visit on (2) programs: Bachelor of El-
2nd to 6th day of September, ementary Education (BEED)
2019. and Bachelor of Secondary
Accredited Agencies Education (BSED) majors in
of Chartered Colleges and English and Filipino for Level
Universities in the Philippines – IV phase 1.
(AACCUP) accrediting team “Our prime duty is
headed by their overall coor- to uphold quality and excel-
dinator Dr. Evelyn C. Cruza- lent education … commit our-
da-LNU evaluated Graduate selves 100% for excellence.”
School’s eight (8) programs Dr. Baceledes R. Estal, Uni-
namely Master of Arts in versity President, said in his
Education (MAED), Master welcome address during the
of Arts in English Language opening program of AACCUP
Teaching (MAELT), Master Accreditation Survey Visit.
of Arts in Filipino Language He further empha-
Teaching (MAFLT), Master sized that Surigao del Sur
of Science in Teaching Home State University will submit
Economics (MST-HE), Master itself to various quality assur-
of Science in Teaching Science ances evaluation to ensure the
Education (MST-Sci. Ed.), environment for students that
Master of Science in Teaching will stand the tests of time.
At the forefront of every idea.

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