ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study aims to assess the seismic analysis, and the model is analyzed by using the pushover
behaviour of different braced steel frames using analysis method by placing connections between all
nonlinear static analysis. The model consists of 11 members at each joint and applying a combination of dead,
stories, designed and analyzed with X-bracing, inverted live, wind, and intensive seismic loads. The failure of
V-bracing, and without bracing through ETABS. connections under cyclic loads (seismic loads in the studied
Therefore, the Maximum Story Drift, Stiffness Factor, research) is considered as one of the structural failure
and Displacement of all these seismic parameters were reasons, while previously the failure of connections was
investigated and compared by implementing the considered as a structural failure reason but not directly
pushover analysis method. The benefit of these attributed reason. [3] There are three collapse mechanisms to
parameters helps decide between rebuilding or repairing investigate if the structure is safe or not, gravity, sideway,
the affected structure after the earthquake. Even though and a combination of sideways and gravity. Recently, the
these parameters are considered approximate methods to design and analysis of structures became more advanced and
predict the displacement and drifts. The results of this can cover more critical details in the design also became
study showed that the frames that are supported with X- simpler and easier to save more time, all that due to the high
bracing are more efficient and have the best seismic progress that scientists achieved.
performance. In addition to that, the investigation was
applied by installing braces in mid-span, and two The earthquakes movement can be classified into, low
different spans. However, installing braces in two spans movement grade earthquake without causing non-structural
has a slight advantage in performance. and structural damages, moderate movement grade
earthquake without causing structural damage and may
Keywords:- Earthquakes, Pushover Analysis, Bracing include some non-structural damage, and intensive
systems, Non-Linear Static Analysis. movement grade earthquake with a deformation possibility
to non-structural and structural damage but collapse is
I. INTRODUCTION unacceptable [8]
In some regions that are affected by earthquakes II. NUMERICAL MODELS
designing structures with considering seismic loads is
important for both reinforced concrete structures and steel Different bracing systems are used to compare the
structures. In this model, the structure is a combination seismic behaviour, and nonlinear and static analysis is
between steel and RC by using RC for both slabs and beams, implemented in to design.
while using steel for columns and braces, and as known,
concrete resistance is very weak in tension stresses, [17] and High-rise symmetric structure includes 10 floors and 5
strong in compression and steel in compression is spans, the height of each floor is 3.3m and the length of each
susceptible to buckling. [9] However, if buckling happens in span is 5.5m, the structure consists of two parts.
the braces after the earthquake, the braces will have
permanent deformation and they won’t be able to recover A. Section Properties
and return to their original shape. Nevertheless, during the 3D framed structures have 5 spans of 5.5 m width in
earthquake, the braced frames compared to buckling, each direction.
experience larger maximum story drifts [10]. Five different 10 floors structure and the height of each story is 3.35
models are compared in this study, the first one is a structure m
without bracing, while the rest are X-bracing structures and The bracing is placed in the mid-span for the first
inverted V-bracing structures, and the aim is to compare time and in the second and fourth span for the second
between drifts, stiffness, and displacement of these time, and the considered braces are Cross bracing (X-
structures under a combination of loads include seismic bracing), Inverted V-bracing.
loads, while the seismic excitation is considered as the most 150 mm Solid slabs are used for all stories.
severe loading case. [12] The beams section is reinforced concrete, 600 mm
depth, and 300 mm width.
Generally, it’s hard to find accurate results in the Columns and braces both are steel sections. For
structure due to cyclic loads using the software,[4] column design, HP18X204. For bracing design, steel
Therefore, this study is focusing on using nonlinear static tube 120X120X10
III. NON-LINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS dead, wind, and seismic loads. In each step, increasing
gradually in force and lateral displacement, and decreasing
This approach is economical and imposed as a link gradually in the strength of elements and stiffness of plastic
and it is based on pushover analysis. [7] Non-Linear static hinges. The building should have good performance, and the
analysis in other words pushover analysis where plastic collapse mechanism should be investigated as well, and
hinges are assigned at both ends of each member. [2] The there must be no damage to the plastic hinges to ensure
structure is exposed to a load combination consisting of live, safety in the sideway mechanism of the structure
B. Stiffness factor according to the bracing system, and surely, the structure
This factor describes the ability of the structure to that has bracing in two spans has a higher stiffness factor. In
withstand the applied loads without deformation of plastic addition to that, X-bracing has the advantage to use
hinges; also, this factor is helpful to define the collapse according to the higher stiffness factor it has. While there is
mechanism and the displacement of the structure under a an observed difference between the without-bracing
specific load. The difference of stiffness factor differs structure and with-bracing structures as shown in Fig. 11.