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GEOSNet TG3 Example 8

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Authors(s) Dianqing Li., Xiaosong Tang
Date January 23, 2009
For the concrete dam shown in Fig. 1, three different failure modes may occur
as follows (Novak et al. 2001): sliding (failure mode 1), overstress at upstream
Brief heel (failure mode 2), and overstress at downstream toe (failure mode 3). For
description illustrative purpose, only the normal operation is considered herein. With the
identified failure modes, performance functions can be formulated for each
stability mode as follows.
9.0 m
▽ 423.0 m (maximum water level)

▽ 418.0 m (normal water level)

▽ 406.0 m

1 : 0.75


▽ 354.0 m (tailwater level)

▽ 353.0 m (sediment level)

▽ 338.0 m
5.0 m line of pressure relief drains
60.0 m

Figure 1. Main cross-section of concrete dam

g1 = 2499γ h + Q + ( 0.375 H x2 − 30α H s − 27.5 H x − 2.5 H s ) γ w f '+ )
60c '− 0.5γ w ( H s2 − H x2 ) − 0.5γ n H n2 tan 2 (45D − θ n / 2) (1)

g 2 = σ t + 85.7225γ h − 0.0003H s3 − 0.9168α H s + 0.0003H x3 − 0.0102 H x2 +

function 0.9168α H x − H x − 0.0003γ n H n3 tan 2 (45D − θ n / 2) + 0.0592Q − 10.381 (2)

g3 = σ c + 2.4225γ n − 0.0003H s3 − 0.0832α H s + 0.0003H x3 − 0.0227 H x2 −

0.0832α H x + H x − 0.0003γ n H n3 tan 2 (45D − θ n / 2) + 0.0258Q − 4.9644 (3)

Table 1. Summary statistics of basic random variables in the dam stability model
Inputs Standard
Variable Description Mean
COV Distribution
Water level for
Hs (m) 80.00 4.80 0.06 Normal
upstream face
Water level for
Hx (m) 16.00 0.96 0.06 Normal
downstream face
Hn (m) Sediment depth 15.00 2.25 0.15 Normal
3 Unit weight of dam
γh(kN/m ) 24 0.72 0.03 Normal
Submerged unit
γn(kN/m3) 12 0.60 0.05 Normal
weight of sediment
Angle of shearing
θn (0) resistance of 15 1.50 0.10 Extreme type I
Reduction coefficient
α 0.40 0.10 0.25 Lognormal
of uplift pressure
c′(kN/m ) Cohesion 62 21.70 0.35 Lognormal
f′ Friction coefficient 1.00 0.30 0.30 Lognormal
Maximum allowable
σc(kN/m2) compressive stress of 9000 1800 0.20 Lognormal
dam concrete
Maximum allowable
σt(kN/m2) tension stress of dam 1000 250 0.25 Lognormal
Q (kN) Vertical live load 350 122.50 0.35 Extreme type I
The system reliability analyses are performed using the following system
reliability methods: the first order multinormal (FOMN) (Hohenbichler and
Rackwitz 1983), Cornell’s bound (Cornell 1967), Ditlevsen’s bound (Ditlevsen
methods 1979), Adaptive importance sampling (AIS) (Melchers 1989), Radius-based
importance sampling (ISAMF) (Harbitz 1986), and Monte Carlo simulation

Table 2. System reliability indexes of concrete dam using different methods

Solution FOMN Cornell’s Ditlevsen’s AIS ISAMF MCS
method bound bound (confidence (n=104) (n=106)
Results β 2.186 2.172~2.308 2.185 2.177 2.197 2.188
Pf 0.0144 0.0105~0.01 0.0144 0.0147 0.0140 0.0143
% error in Pf 0.7 -26.6~4.2 0.7 2.8 -2.1 -

Cornell, C. A. Bounds on the reliability of structural systems. Journal of

Structural Division, 1967, 93(1): 171-200.
Ditlevsen, O. (1979). Narrow reliability bounds for structural systems. Journal
of Structural Mechanics, 7(4): 453-472.
Harbitz, A. (1986). An efficient sampling method for probability of failure
calculation, Structural Safety, 3: 109-115.
Hohenbichler, H., Rackwitz, R. (1983). First-order concepts in system
reliability. Structural Safety, 1: 177-188.
Melchers, R. E. (1989). Importance sampling in structural systems. Structural
Safety, 6(1): 3-10.
Novak, P., Moffat, A. L. B., Nalluri, C., et al. (2001). Hydraulic Structures,
third edition. Taylor & Francis Group.

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