Ix History Chapter-5 Nomadism As A Way of Life
Ix History Chapter-5 Nomadism As A Way of Life
Ix History Chapter-5 Nomadism As A Way of Life
The Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir —They are pastoral nomads who move in
groups called ‗Kafila‘. Their movements are governed by the cold and snow. In winters when
the high mountains are covered with snow these Gujjars move down to the low hills of the
Sivalik range. On the onset of summer, when the snow melts and the mountains become lush
and green, these pastoralists move back to the mountains. The Gaddi Shepherds of Himachal
Pradesh have a similar cycle of movement. They also spend the winter on the low Sivalik
hills and the summers in Lahul and Spiti. The Gujjar cattle herders of Kumaon and Garhwal
spend their summers in the‗bugyals‘ and their winters in the ‗bhabar‘. The Bhotias, Sherpas
and Kinnauri follow the cyclic movement which helps them to adjust to seasonal changes and
The Dhangars of Maharashtra: The Dhangars stay in the central plateau of Maharashtra
during the monsoon. This is a semi-arid region. By October they begin their movement
towards Konkan. Here their cattle help to manure the fields and hence they are welcomed by
the Konkani peasant. As soon as the monsoon sets in, they retreat back to the semi-arid land
of Maharashtra. The Gollas who herd cattle and the Kurumas and Kurubas who reared sheep
and goat are from Karnataka and Andhra. They live near the woods and in the dry period
thecoastal tracts.
The Banjaras of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra move
with pastoralism. When their grazing grounds become dry they move to new and greener
pastures.Pastoral life was sustained by their sense of judgement to know how long one must
stay in an area to know where they could find food and water to assess and calculate the
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timings of their movement their ability to set up a relationship with the farmers so that the
Under colonial rule the life of the pastoralists changed completely. Their grazing grounds
became less, their movements were regulated, the revenues they had to pay increased, their
1. Some reduced the number of cattle in their herds. 2. Some discovered new pastures.
The Maasai — Changes in their way of life The Maasai cattle herders live primarily in East
Africa. Rules, laws and regulations have changed their way of life. There are many problems
which they have faced, the most prominent being continuous loss of their grazing grounds.
This has many reasons: Scramble for territorial possessions in Africa.Dividing the region into
different colonies. best grazing grounds being taken over by the white settlements. Grazing
grounds being converted to cultivated land andnational parks and game reserves. The
Confined to special reserves —Traditionally, pastoralists moved to different pastures but with
the restrictions imposed on them these pastoralists were confined to special reserves. They
could not move without special permits. They were not allowed to enter the markets in white
areas. Some bought land and began to lead a settled life. Some poor peasants borrowed
money to survive, in due course of time they lost their cattle and sheep and became
labourers. Some tribes were affected by the Criminal Tribes Act. Even their trade activities
Why nomadism — Pastoralists are nomadic — this allows them to survive bad times and
avoid crises, such as drought. But later they could not shift to greener pastures and their
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The British appointed chiefs to administer the affairs of the tribe. These chiefs were wealthy
and lived a settled life as they had both pastoral and non-pastoral income. The poor
pastoralists passed through bad times and worked as labourers. There were two important
1. The traditional difference between the elders and warriors was disturbed.
Pastoralists adapt to new times. They find new pastures, change their routes for their annual
movement, reduce their cattle numbers, press for their rights, etc. It is being advocated
today that pastoral nomadism is the best form of life suited to the dry, semi-arid and
(a) In these the customary grazing rights of pastorals were granted but their movements
(b) The colonial officials believed that grazing destroyed the saplings and young shoots of
Q.2. In what ways lives of Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir similar to that of Gaddi
(b) They both spend their winters on low hills of Siwalik range, grazing their herds in dry
scrub forests.
(c) In April, they begin their upward journey again for their summer grazing grounds
(a) Gujjars (b) Gaddis (c) Bhotiyas and Sherpas (d) All the above
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Q.4. The social changes in Maasai society are that
(a) the traditional difference based on age, between the elders and warriors, has been
(b) a new distinction between the wealthy and the poor pastoralists has developed
Q.6.By October, the Dhangars harvested their bajra and started on their move to the west.
(a) They married off their children in each other‘s communities (b) The Dhangars brought
(c) Dhangar flocks manured their fields and fed on the stubble (d) None of the above
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Punjab, Rajasthan (c) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra (d) All
the above
Q.8. Why did the colonial state want to transform all grazing lands into cultivated farms?
(a) Land revenue was one of the main sources of its finance
(b) It could produce more jute, cotton, wheat and other agricultural produce that were
required in England
(a) uncultivated lands were taken over and given to select individuals
(b) these individuals were granted various concessions and encouraged to settle these lands
(c) some of them were made headmen of villages in the newly cleared areas
Q.10. In which way did the Forest Acts change the lives of the pastoralists?
(a) In the areas of forests where the pastoralists were allowed, their movements were
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(c) The herdsmen who move from one place to another looking for pasture for their herd
(a) every animal they grazed on the pastures (b) the houses they were living in
Q13.What was the result of overgrazing pastures due to restrictions on pastoral movements?
(a) The quality of pastures declined (b) This created deterioration of animal stock
(c) Underfed cattle died in large numbers during scarcity and famine (d) All the above
(a) Some rich pastoralists started buying land and settling down giving up their nomadic life
(b) Some became settled peasants cultivating land, others took to more extensive trading
(c) The poor pastoralists became labourers, working on fields or in small towns
(a) Bedouins, Berbers (b) Maasai, Somali (c) Boran, Turkana (d) All the above
Q.16. In 1885, Massailand was cut into half with an international boundary between
(a) Kenya and Tanganyika (b) Kenya and Ethiopia (c) Congo and Angola (d)
(a) Large areas of grazing land were turned into game reserves
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(b) Pastoralists were not allowed to enter these reserves
(c) Serengeti National Park was created over 14,760 km of Maasai grazing land
Q.18. When did a severe drought take place, killing over half the cattle in the Maasai
(a) 1900 (b) 1933 and 1934 more (c) 1945 (d) 1946 and 1947
Q.19. How was the authority of both elders and warriors adversely affected by the British
(b) These chiefs were made responsible for the affairs of the tribe
(d) They have demanded a right in the management of forests and water resources
(a) Cold and snow (b) Climatic disturbance (c) Drought and flood (d) Alternate
Q.23. Nomadic tribes need to move from one place to another because of:
(a) Seasonal changes (b) In search of pastures (c) To maintain ecological balance
(a) my people (b) pasture land (c) shifting cultivation (d) wasteland
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Q.25. Raika pastoral community belongs to:
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Rajasthan (c) Jammu and Kashmir (d)
1. The Dhangar shepherds stay in the central plateau of Maharashtra during the
monsoon. By October, they harvest their bajra and move west to Konkan. The
2. The Konkani peasants give them rice which they take to the plateau as grain is
scarce there. With the onset of monsoon they leave Konkan and return to the dry
Q.2. How did the life of pastoralists change under the colonialrule?
Ans. Under colonial rule, the life of pastoralists changed dramatically. Their grazing grounds
shrank, their movements were regulated and they had to pay more revenue. Their
agricultural stock declined and their trade and crafts were adversely affected.
Q.3. Why does a Raika genealogist recount the history of his community?
Ans. I am a 60-year-old Raika- herder, I have seen many changes in my life. We as herders
have been affected in a variety of ways by changes in the modern world. New laws and new
borders have affected the pattern of our lives and our movements. We have seen many
restrictions being imposed on our mobility and we as pastoralists find it difficult to move in
We have adapted to new times. We have changed the path of our annual movement, reduced
our cattle numbers, pressed for rights to enter new areas, exerted political pressure on the
government for relief, subsidy and other forms of support and demanded a right in
management of forests and water resources. We are not relics of the past.
Q.4. How did the Forest Acts change the life of pastoralists?
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1. Forest Acts were enacted to protect and preserve forests for timber which was of
2. 2.They were now prevented from entering many forests that had earlier provided valuable
3. 3.They were issued permits which monitored their entry into and exit from forests. They
could not stay in the forests as much as they liked because the permit specified the
number of days and hours they could spend in the forests. The permit ruled their lives.
Q.5 How did the pastoralists cope with the changes in production during the colonial period?
1. Under colonial rule the life of the pastoralists changed completely. Their grazing
grounds became less, their movements were regulated, the revenues they had to
pay increased, their trade and crafts and agricultural produce declined.
2. The pastoralists adjusted with these changes. They reduced the number of cattle in
their herds. They discovered new pastures. Some bought land and began to lead a
3. In due course of time they lost their cattle and sheep and became labourers.
Q.6. Compare the lives of African pastoralists with pastoralists in India during the colonial
Ans.1. There are many similarities in the way in which the modern world forced changes in
1. All uncultivated land was seen as wasteland by colonial powers. It produced neither
revenue nor agricultural produce. This land was brought under cultivation. In most
areas the lands taken over were actually grazing tracts used regularly by pastoralists.
2. From the 19th century onwards the colonial government started imposing restrictions
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on the pastoral communities. They were issued permits which allowed them to move
out with their stocks and it was difficult to get permits without trouble and harassment.
Q.7. ‗In Maasailand, as elsewhere in Africa, not all pastoralists were equally affected by the
Ans.1. In Maasailand, as elsewhere in Africa, not all pastoralists were equally affected by the
changes in the colonial period. In pre-colonal times, Maasai society was divided into elders
and warriors.
2. To administer the affairs of Maasai, the British appointed chiefs who were made
responsible for the affairs of the people. These chiefs often accumulated wealth with which
3. They lent money to poor neighbours who needed to pay taxes. Many of them began living
in cities and became involved in trade. Their wives and children stayed back in villages to look
after animals. These chiefs managed to survive the devastation of war and drought. They had
both pastoral and non-pastoral income. But the poor pastoralists who depended only on their
livestock did not have resources to tide over bad times. In times of war and famines, they
Q.8. Describe the social organisation of the Maasai tribe in the pre-colonial times. What
Ans.1. The Maasai society was divided into two social categories – elders and warriors. The
elders formed the ruling group and the warriors were responsible for the protection of the
2. They were assertive, aggressive and brave but were subject to the authority of the elders.
They proved their manliness by conducting raids and participating in wars. Raiding was
3.The Maasai lost about 60% of their pre-colonial lands. Pasture lands were turned into
cultivated fields and Maasai were confined to an arid zone with uncertain rainfall and poor
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pastures.4. They could not move over vast areas in search of pastures. It affected both their
pastoral and trading activities as they were not only deprived of land but of all forms of trade.
Q.9. What were the views of the British officials about nomadic people? Mention two
Ans.1. British officials were suspicious of nomadic people. They distrusted mobile craftsmen
and traders who hawked their goods in villages, pastoralists who changed their residence
every season.
2. The colonial government wanted to rule over a settled population. Under the Criminal
Tribes Act, the nomadic people were considered criminals by nature and birth and many
3.These communities were restricted to living in notified village settlements and were not
Ans. 1.The Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir, the Gaddi shepherds of Himachal
Pradesh, the Gujjar cattle herders of Garhwal and Kumaon, the Bhotiyas, the Sherpas and
Kinnauris move annually between their summer and winter grazing grounds governed by the
2. They adjust their movements to seasonal changes and make effective use of available
pastures in different places. When pastures are exhausted or unstable in one place they move
Ans. 1.Pastoralists are people who rear animals, birds and move from place to place in search
of green pastures. They are nomadic tribes who need to move from one place to another to
save their animals from adverse climatic conditions and to provide meadows or pastures
2. Some of the pastoral nomads move to combine a range of activities – cultivation, trade
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and herding – to make their living. Continuous movement of nomadic tribes is useful for
3. Pastoral nomadism is a form of life that is perfectly suited to many hilly and dry regions of
the world. Pastoral movement allows time for the natural restoration of vegetation growth.
4.In search of good pasture land for their cattle the pastoralists move over long distances
selling plough cattle and other goods to villagers in exchange for grain and fodder.
Ans. Pastoralists live in small villages, in plateaus, in deserts or near the skirt of the woods.
They cultivate a small piece of land, Keep herds of cattle, flocks of sheep and goats or herds
of camels. They move between their summer and winter pastures with their herds, selling
plough cattle and their things to farmers and getting grain and rice, selling milk and ghee,
animal skin and wool. The pastoral life is sustained by the knowledge of:
How long to stay in one area How to find food and water for their herds
How to assess the timing of their movement Their ability to set up relationship with farmers.
Ans.1. The Dhangars live in the central plateau of Maharashtra during the monsoon season.
They use it as a grazing ground for their flock and herds. They sow their dry crop of ‗bajra‘
here during the monsoon season. By October, they reap the harvest and move to Konkan–a
2. The Konkan peasants welcome them to manure and fertilise their fields for the ‗rabi' crop.
The flocks manure the fields and feed on the stubble. They stay here till the monsoon arrives
and then move on to the dry plateau. They carry with them the rice given by the Konkans.
Ans. 1.Communities like Bedouins, Berbers, Maasai, Somali, Boran and Tinkana live pastoral
life. They raise cattle, camels, goats, sheep and donkeys. They sell milk, meat, animal skin
and wool.
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2.Some also earn through trade and transport, others combine pastoral activity with
3.Like pastoralists in India, the lives of African pastoralists have changed dramatically over
the colonial and post-colonial periods. Cultivation expanded, pasture lands diminish. The new
Q.5.Give two examples to illustrate how the pastoral nomads adjust to seasonal changes and
Ans. (1) The Gaddi shepherds of Himachal Pradesh are a good example. They spend their
winter in the low hills of the Sivalik range. Their cattle graze in the scrub forests.
2. As summer approaches (i.e. sometime in April) they move north to Lahul and Spiti. They
stay there with their cattle. Some of them even move to higher altitudes as the snow melts.
3.Their return journey is interrupted in the villages of Lahul and Spiti where they reap their
summer harvest and sow their winter crop. They then go down to the Sivalik hills where they
stay for the winter. Next April their journey to the north begins again.
1.The Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir also follow the same pattern. During winters
they stay in the low Sivalik hills with their herds. The dry scrub forests provide fodder for
their cattle. As summer approaches (i.e. by April) they gather for their journey to the valley
of Kashmir.
2.They cross the Pir Panjal passes and reach the lush green mountain side. They stay here
Q.6 Why did the colonial government pass the law Criminal Tribes Act and imposition of
Grazing Tax?
Ans.1. British officials were suspicious of nomadic people. They distrusted mobile craftsmen
and traders who hawked their goods in villages, and pastoralists who changed their places of
residence every season, moving in search of good pastures for their herds.
2.The colonial government wanted to rule over a settled population. They wanted the rural
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people to live in villages, in fixed places with fixed rights on particular fields. Such a
3. Those who were settled were seen as peaceable and law abiding; those who were nomadic
were considered to be criminal. Because of all the above reasons, in 1871 the colonial
4.By this Act, many communities of craftsmen, traders and pastoralists were classified as
5. To expand its revenue income, the colonial government imposed the grazing tax.
Pastoralists had to pay tax on every animal they grazed on the pastures.
Q.7. Explain any four laws which were introduced by the colonial government in India which
Ans. (i) from the mid-nineteenth century, Wasteland Rules were enacted in various parts of
the country. By these rules uncultivated lands were taken over and given to selected
(ii) By the mid-nineteenth century, various Forest Acts were also enacted in different
provinces. Through these Acts some forests which produced valuable timber like deodar or sal
were declared 'Reserved'. No pastoralist was allowed access to these forests. Other forests
(iii) In 1871, the colonial government in India passed the 'Criminal Tribes Act'. By this Act,
many communities of craftsmen, traders and pastoralists were classified as Criminal Tribes.
They were stated to be criminal by nature and birth. Once this Act came into force, these
(iv) to expand its revenue income, the colonial government looked for every possible source
of taxation. So tax was imposed on land, on canal water, on salt, on trade goods, and even
Q.8. Who are Gujjar Bakarwals and Gaddis? What are the similarities between them?
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Ans.1Gujjar Bakarwals are a pastoral community of Jammu and Kashmir. They are great
2.The Gaddis are a prominent pastoral community of Himachal Pradesh. The cycle of seasonal
movements is similar in case of Gujjar Bakarwals and Gaddis. The Gaddis too spent their
winter in the low hills of Sivalik range, grazing their flocks in scrub forests.
3.By April they moved north and spent the summer in Lahul and Spiti. When the snow
melted and high passes were clear, many of them moved on to higher mountain meadows.
4 By September they began their return movement. On the way they stopped once again in
the villages of Lahul and Spiti, reaping their summer harvest and sowing their winter crop.
5.Then they descended with their flock to their winter grazing ground on the Sivalik hills.
Next April, once again, they began their march with their goats and sheep to the summer
Q.1. How was the Grazing Tax implemented by the British on the pastoralists during mid-
Ans. 1.Pastoralists had to pay tax on every animal they grazed on the pastures. In most
pastoral tracts of India, grazing tax was introduced in the mid-nineteenth century.
2.The tax per head of cattle went up rapidly and the system of collection was made
increasingly efficient.
3.During the 1850s to the 1880s, the right to collect the tax was auctioned out to contractors.
There contractors tried to extract as high a tax as they could to recover the money they had
paid to the state and earn as much profit as they could within the year.
4.By the 1880s the government began collecting taxes directly from the pastoralists. Each of
them was given a pass. To enter a grazing tract, a cattle herder had to show the pass and
pay the tax. The number of cattle heads he had and the amount of tax he paid was entered
on the pass.
Q.2. Explain factors responsible for the annual movement of the Dhangars.
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Ans.1. Dhangars were an important pastoral community of Maharashtra. Most of them were
shepherds, some were blanket weavers, and still others were buffalo herders.
2.They stayed in the central plateau of Maharashtra during the monsoon. This was a semi-
arid region with low rainfall and poor soil. It was covered with thorny scrub. Dhangars sowed
bajra there.
3. In the monsoon this region became a nast grazing ground for the Dhangar flocks. By
October the Dhangars harvested their bajra and started on their move west. After a month,
they reached the Konkan. This was a flourishing agricultural tract with high rainfall and rich
4. After the kharif harvest was cut, the fields had to be fertilised and made ready for the rabi
harvest. Dhangar flocks manured the fields and fed on the stubble. The Konkani peasants
also gave supply of rice which the shepherds took back to the plateau where grain was
scarce. 5.With the onset of the monsoon the Dhangars left the Konkan with their flocks and
returned to their settlement on the dry plateau. The sheep could not tolerate the wet
monsoon conditions.
Q.3. Compare and contrast the life of wealthy pastoralists with that of poor pastoralists in
Ans.1. In Maasailand, as elsewhere in Africa, not all pastoralists were equally affected by the
changes in the colonial period. Wealthy pastoralists including chiefs were appointed by the
2.They often accumulated wealth. They had regular income to buy animals, goods and land.
They lent money to the poor neighbours to pay taxes. Some of them lived in towns and got
involved in trade. Their families stayed back in villages to look after the animals.
3These rich pastoralists managed to survive devastation of wars and drought. But the life of
4. They did not have resources to tide over bad times. In times of war and famine they lost
everything. They had to go looking for work in town. Some eked a living as charcoal burners.
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Others did odd jobs.
5.The lucky ones got more regular work in road or building construction.
Q4. Comment on the closure of the forests to grazing from the standpoint of (a) a forester
(b) a pastoralist.
Ans. 1.The views of a forester: Rules about the use of forest resources were needed as
indiscriminate felling of trees had to be stopped; grazing as well, this was the only way of
preserving timber.
2.We need trees suitable for building ships or railways. We need teak and sal trees. It can be
done only if villagers/pastoralists are barred from entering these forests; to stop them from
3.The views of a pastoralist: We need fuel, fodder and leaves. Fruits and tubers are
nutritious, Herbs are needed for medicines, wood for agricultural implements like yokes and
4. The Forest Act and closure of forests have deprived us of all these; we cannot also graze
our cattle. We cannot also hunt and cannot supplement our food. We have been displaced
Q.1. Why does a Raika genealogist recount the history of his community?
Q.2. What were the views of the British officials about nomadic people? Mention two
Q.3 How did the pastoralists cope with the changes in production during the colonial period?
Q.4. Compare and contrast the life of wealthy pastoralists with that of poor pastoralists in
Q.1- (C) Q.2- (D) Q.3- (D) Q.4- (C) Q.5- (B) Q.6- (C) Q.7- (D)
Q.8- (C) Q.9- (D) Q.10- (D) Q.11-(C) Q.12-(B) Q.13 -(D) Q.14- (D)
Q.15-(D) Q.16- (A) Q.17-(A) Q.18- (B) Q.19- (D) Q.20- (A) Q.21-(D)
Q.22- (C) Q.23- (B) Q.24-(A) Q.25- (B)
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