Full Notes
Full Notes
Full Notes
Data transfer rates LAN offers high data transfer rates. WAN
Cost Set-up costs are low as the devices required to set Set-u
up the networks are cheap. locat
Maintenance costs Maintenance costs are low as the area coverage is Main
small. worl
Lesson 2
2. Amit is making a video from the pictures he took during his last vacation with
friends. Amit wants to write some description on each image while playing the
video. How can he do that?
Answer:- Use of storyboard
3. Rashmi has just finished compiling a movie maker. Now she wants to directly
upload the movie to her YouTube account. Suggest her options to share movie.
Answer: Click on home page = save movie = share.
Answer:- Windows Movie maker is a Video edition software that lets you create movies
from your photos and videos by using special effects, transitions themes.
Title Caption
Titles are added to the beginning of the selected clip while Credits are added at the Captions can be added as a
end of the entire project. information.
Q.3. Writer down the steps to insert any media in your project.
3. Insert the vide file into the video editing timeline. 4. Insert the title overlay to
use for the first set of subtitles.
4. Move the first subtitle into position. 6. Adjust the length of
the subtitle.
5. Create the second set of subtitles. 8. Finish adding the subtitles.
Q.4. Explain the importance to Trim tool.
Answer:-We can reduce the duration of a video clip with the help of Trim tool.
Q.5. What are transitions effect? How are they useful while making a movie?
Answer:-Transitions are applied to add visual effects to the movie. They add connectivity
to the consecutive scenes of a movie.
Lesson:- 3, 4 & 5
A flat file database refers to data files that contain records which have a A relational database stores data
small, fixed number of fields, without any structured relationship. For to get a common piece of inform
example MS Excel Oracle.
TABLE:- Table from the basis of any database. A table structure defines the fields and
their properties and specifies how data should be entered. In tables at least one field
should be unique to e
ach record to differentiate between them.
Data type:- Each field has a data type that defines what you can store in it. Data entry in
restricted to valid entries for the type you choose .
1. Text:- this is general purpose field containing any data. It has a limit of 255
characters and cannot be used for numeric calculations. Use this type for numeric
entries that will not have calculations performed on them, such as telephone
number and pin code
2. Memo:- this type has a limit of 63999 characters used for detailed descriptive
3. Number:- this type store numeric data that you can use in calculation. It can also
hold symbols, such as decimal points and commas.
4. Date/Time:- This type only stores numbers representing valid dates and time.
5. Currency:- Stores currency data that you can use in calculations.
6. Auto Number:- stores a sequential number for each record.
7. Yes/No:- The Value -1 represents “yes” and the Value – 0 represents “no”, but
the field can be formatted to display values as true / False or yes/ No.
8. OLE Object:- ( Object Linking Embedding) Stores objects created in another
application such as word or excel that you can link to or fix in an access table.
9. Hyperlink:- You can link to website, E-mail address, files on your computer,
files on the LAN or virtually any other location.
10. Lookup Wizard:- Depending on the usage, this type creates either a lookup list
from the data that you specify or a lookup list from the values on another table. It
can also be used to set up multi value lists.
11. Attachment:- This type works only in Access 2007 and Access 2010 database.
You can attach data files from word processing programs spreadsheets, graphic
edition programs and so on.
12. Calculated:-. This field type in new in Access 2010. You can use it to create
calculated fields directly in a table .in the earlier version, you could create
calculated fields only in queries.
Query:- In general a query is like a simple Question that we ask to find a specific
information from the database. Similarly in Access, when you build a query, you are
defining specific search condition. You can use queries to view change summaries and
analyses specific data in different way.
These 4 are the main Queries you should be aware of and try to learn properly. The first one is
definitely the more commonly used.
1 . Select Query
The select query is the simplest type of query and because of that, it is also the most commonly
used one in Microsoft Access databases. It can be used to select and display data from either one
table or a series of them depending on what is needed. example : SELECT * From Customer
the above example will select all records from Customer table.
2. Action Query
When the action query is called, the database undergoes a specific action depending on what was
specified in the query itself. This can include such things as creating new tables, deleting rows
from existing ones and updating records or creating entirely new ones.
Four kinds of action queries are:
1.Append Query – takes the set results of a query and “appends” (or adds) them to an existing
2.Delete Query – deletes all records in an underlying table from the set results of a query.
3.Make Table Query – as the name suggests, it creates a table based on the set results of a
4.Update Query – allows for one or more field in your table to be updated.
3 . Parameter Query
In Microsoft Access, a parameter query works with other types of queries to get whatever results
you are after. This is because, when using this type of query, you are able to pass a parameter to
a different query, such as an action or a select query. It can either be a value or a condition and
will essentially tell the other query specifically what you want it to do.
4. Aggregate Query
A special type of query is known as an aggregate query. It can work on other queries (such as
selection, action or parameter) just like the parameter query does, but instead of passing a
parameter to another query it totals up the items by selected groups.
FORM. A form is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a
database application. A “bound” form is one that is directly connected to a data source
such as a table or query, and can be used to enter, edit, or display data from that data
Relationship:- The kind of relationship that Microsoft Access creates depends on how
the related fields are defined: A one-to-many relationship is created if only one of the
related fields is a primary key or has a. A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the
related fields are primary keys or have unique indexes.
Build relationships for a new Access 2010 database – Types of relationships
Your tables can participate in three types of relationships, and the picture shows them.
1. You have a one-to-one relationship when a single record in one table is related to
a single record in another table, and vice versa. For example, one specialized file
server may have just one repair technician.
2. You have a one-to-many relationship when one record in a table is related to
many records in another table. For example, one employee can use many assets,
such as a computer, chair, and desk.
3. You have a many-to-many relationship when several records in one table are
related to several records in another table. For example, your company probably
owns a large number of computers, and you may use several technicians to
maintain those computers. Many technicians can be responsible for many
Important Question
Q.3. Which is the Most popular and powerful RDBMS used to organize and manipulated
Answer:- MS Access
Q.4. Which Component on Access displays all the information about a single entity.
Answer:- Record
Answer. Ctrl +S
Q.6. Which Option displays one record at a time so that user can enter right information
in the respective fields.
Answer:- Forms.
Answer:_ Alt + F4
Q.9. What is an organized way of storing and retrieving large amount of information.
Answer:- Database
Q.11. What di we call a column within a table that contains only one type of information.
Answer. Filed.
Answer:- Records.
Q.14. Which database can store and retrieve information but cannot link the files
Q.15. which database can link separate table to get a common piece of information.
Q.17. DBMS is an ______ software which is used to create and manage database.
Answer. Application.
Q.18. Which option is used to get information on a specific topic from the information
stored in database?
Answer. Queries
Q.19. Which option is used in MS Access to produce the data summary in a suitable
format for printing.
Answer. Report.
20. What is the collection of rows and column that is used to store database
information known as?
Ans. Table.
21. Which key is used to check that every record in the table will be unique?
Ans. Primary
24. How many columns does a blank table in design view display.
Answer. 3
25. Which key is used to go to the first field in the current record?
Answer. Home.
26. Which key is used to go to the last field in the current record?
Answer. End.
30. Which data type is used to embed another object created in another application.
Answer. OLE.
31. How many maximum columns does a table have in MS Access.
Answer. 255.
34. Which view is used to change the look and feel of a form.
Answer. Layout View.
Lesson 6
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Fill in the Blanks:-
1. GIF are animated images which are mostly used in web pages.
2. The first version of Photoshop was invented in 1987and was named as display
3. Tools PaletteWorks like an artist paint box which holds all the drawing tools
used to draw. Paint retouch or erase the image
4. Crop Tool is used to select a specified areawhich you want to focus and removes
the unwanted parts.
5. Some of the tools have tiny Black triangleat lower right corner.
6. Palettes are floating dialog boxes which help the user with different option to edit
the images.
7. 7. Gradienttool creates a blend between two or more colors.
8. Selection Toolis used to select an image or any part of it to perform cut copy edit
or retouching operation.
State True or False:
1. Lasso tool is a bunch of three very useful tools used for selecting irregular shapes.
( True)
2. The palette well is present on the bottom right corner of the Photoshop window.
3. Marquee is a blinking selection border. (False)
4. There are three type of selection tools in Photoshop (False)
5. Adobe Photoshop 1.0 was launched in 1990. (True)
Application Based question :-
Puman is a wildlife photographer . In one of the animal photographs she wants to focus
only one lion in the pride and removes the rest. Which tool can meet her requirement?
Features of Photoshop.
1. Revised User friendly interface.
2. Photo editing or photo manipulation in lesser time and with little effect.
3. Create graphics for web applications with reduced file size.
4. Layer effect.
5. Create 3D icons
Qus 2. What is the use of Magic Wand Tool?
Ans:- Magic wand tool is used to automatically select the adjacent area of the same
colour in an image.
Which key is pressed on the key board to see the exact size of the brush?
Shift b. Caps Lock c. Ctrl [B]
Which key helps us to move the image while the image is zoomed in?
Ctrl Key b. Spacebar Key c. Shift Key [B]
Which tool is used to create a smooth stroke of the foreground color?
Color replacement b. Path type c. Brush [C]
Which option is used to position the letters or text to different shapes?
Color replacement b. Brush c. Create Warped text tool[C]
Which tool is used to move the zoomed picture within the windows?
Hand tool b. zoom Tool c. Both [A]
During Image Adjustments, which option is used to change the intensity of the
colors of an image?
12. Color Setting b. Color Replacement c. Adjustments [A]
Application Based Question
Q.1 Ali has designed a greeting card in Photoshop CS3. He wants to change the color
of flowers from red to pink. Suggest him the suitable tool, which will perform the above
Q.2. Vikram has inserted an image in a new file. He wants to duplicate the image on the
same layer. Suggest him the tool, which will fulfill his requirement.
Q.1. What is the use of Painting Tools? Name any five Painting Tools.
Answer: Painting tools use for Art work and retouching of image
1. Brush Tool. 2. Pencil Tool 3.Color Replacement
2. History brush tool. 5. Gradient Tool. 6 Paint Bucket
Foreground Colour is used to paint, fill and for stroke selection . Background Colour is used to m
areas of the images.
Answer:- This powerful tool is used to adjust the hue (colours in the image ) and the
saturation ( the intensity of the colours), and also gives you control over the lightness.
Q.4. What is the use of Type Tool? How will you insert text in an image?
* select the type tool from tools palette co to create warped text tool select warp text
dialog box will appear.
Lesson:- 8 and 9 Visual Basic 2010 Express
Design Mode:- This is the state when we create objects and write logical statements for
VB application. In this mode, the programmer plays a very important role.
Run Mode:- This is a mode in which the statements written by a programmer are
executed by the end user and the application performs the tasks for which it has been
Break Mode: When an application generates errors or does not give the desired results,
we halt its execution for removing errors. Such a mode is called the break mode.
Three Pane in VB
(A)The Recent Project Pane:- It displays the list of projects that have been created by
you in the recent past.
(B)The getting started Pane:- It provides some helpful tips to quickly develop the
application .
(C)The VB Express Headlines Pane. It provides the latest online news releases and
updates about Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.
1. Title Bar:-The title bar is present at the top of the window and displays the name
of the currently opened project.
2. Menu Bar:-This Bar contains many menu items and sub menus. These items
given access to various options which help in developing the application.
3. Tool Bar.This Bar contains small icons that given access to frequently used menu
items. These icons act as shortcuts to the options available in the Menu bar
Properties Window:- Properties window are attributes that define the appearance and
behavior of objects is used. To set the properties of forms and other control placed on
Form Window:- Form is an interface using which a user interacts with the application. A
form contain many control elements. The form window provides us with a blank form
where we can place various Controls, as per our requirements.
Code Window:- Code window is used to write codes for any object. To write codes,
Double click the object on the Form. This action opens the code window where we can
write the required VB statement.
Project window:- The window displays a list of forms and other objects that constitute the
Three Operators in VB :- Operators are special symbols used to perform calculations ,
Make comparisons and check logical conditions in a program.
(1) Arithmetic Operators:- These operators are used for arithmetic operations.
Operator Description
\ Integer Division:- Displays only the integer (without decimal places)after division
> Greater Than: Checks whether a number is greater than other or not.
< Less Than: Checks whether a number is less than other or Not
>= Greater than or equal to: Checks whether a number is greater than or equal to other or not
<= Less than or equal to : checks whether a number is less than or equal to other or not
<> Not equal to: This operator returns true if the number are not equal
(3) Logical Operators: These operators are used to combine two or more conditions
and display result accordingly.
Operator Description
OR To check whether any of the given statement is true or not. Will give True as result if any
AND To check if both the statements are true or not. Will true as result only if both the conditio
1. 1. Which language is based on the Basic Language and provides tools with
graphical user interface?
Ans. Visual Basic
Ans. Because statements do not get executed in the sequence. They only get executed
when a corresponding event occurs.
Ans. VB
Ans. Form
Q.5. What is Full form if IDE?
Q..8. Which Mode is used to halt the execution for removing errors or bugs?
Q.9.Which bar contains small icons that give access to frequently used menu items?
Q 11. Name the property That identifies a command button while writing the program.
Ans. Name.
Q.12. Which property is used to set the maximum length of text that can be entered in a
Text Box.
Ans. 1991.
Ans. 1998.
Ans. VB 2013. (Next Version of Visual Basic 2015 release in this year”2015”)
Q.20. What is the simple name given for actions such as clicking mouse, selection a
checkbox or list item?
Ans. Event.
21. 21. How many modes does a Visual Basic program have?
Ans. Three.
Ans. String.
Q.23. Which Data type is used to store data & Time based data.
Ans. Date.
Q.25. Name the special symbols in VB which are used to perform calculations to making
Ans. Operators.
Q.26. Which type of operator are used to combine two or more conditions, while
applying logic in a program.
Q.27. Which type of operator compares the values and returns the result as true or false.
28. 28. Which type of operators are used for simple arithmetic calculation.
Ans. Arithmetic operators.
Q.32. Which Button in the General Toolbox is used to add pictures in a form?
33. 33. Which Property of Shape Control is used to specify the color of the shape?
Answer. Fill color.
Q.34. A ………… refers to the memory location used to store data temporarily.
Ans. Variable.
Q.35. Which property of shape control is used to select the fill style for the shape?
36. 36. Which statement is used for making decision based on the result of
Ans. IF….THEN…..ELSE Statements.
Label TextBox
A Label is used to display some text. Let us learn the common properties of A TextBox is used to receive in
label control. numbers in this box
Properties :- Properties are attributes that define the appearance and behavior of objects
. Forms have many Properties such as Name , Font , Color , Border Style Padding Size
8. 8. What is a Variable? How will you declare variables in VB 2010?
Answer: Variable refers to a memory location used to store data temporarily. It has a
unique name, which is used to identify it in the program.
9. 9. Write a short note on Control Statements. Name some the decision of Control
Answer: The statements in a program are executed in a sequence. But sometimes, we
wish to change the flow of the control. Control statements are useful in these situations.
They are used to control the execution of a program, either by repeating or by skipping
the execution of statement or a set of statements.
Lesson 10
1.BRtag breaks the line and displays the text from the next line.
2.There are SIX heading levels in HTML.
3.<P>tag is used to start new paragraph.
4.<P Align=”Right”>attribute of the paragraph tab in used to align the paragraph
right side.
5. <BODY BGCOLOR>tag is used to change the background colour of the web
6. .htmlis the extension of HTML document.
7. The closing tag includes a Forwardslash.
8. Tags are also known as Elements.
State True or False:
1. What is HTML?
Answer :- HTML is a complete code package that allows a user to create web pages. It
includes text and graphics. You can add links to your web pages. Hyperlinks are the
highlighted text segments of images that connect a page to other pages son the web.
2. What do you understand by tags? How many types of tags are there?
Answer:- A tag comprises of text enclosed in angle brackets< >. All tags have their own
attributes and default values. Each tag in html follows specific rules known as syntax.
The tags that include both ON and OFF tags are called Container Elements. Empty elements contain only O
elements do not enclose any dat
4. What do you understand by attributes in HTML.
Answer:- HTML elements can have attributes. An attribute is a property that provides
additional information about an HTML element. Attributes are always specified in the
opening tag.
8. Which tags are used to apply the bold , underline, and italic properties to the
Answer:- <B><U><I> TEXT…….</I.></U></B>
9. Which attributes of <BODY> tags are used to set margins in web pages?
Answer:- <BODY TOPMARGIN=”VALUE”>……. </BODY> [The value is given in pixels.]
Lesson 11
Which tag is used to create on Order List?
<OL> b. <UL> c. <LI> [A]
Which attribute is used to set the border color of a table.
Border color b. Cell Spacing c. Border [A]
Which attribute is used to change the style of bullets in a list?
Disc b. Type c. Square [B]
Which tag is used to end an unordered list?
</UL> b. </LI> c.
</OL> [A]
9. Which attribute is used to set the background colour of a row?
11. What is the default bullet type of <UL> tag?
12. Square b. Disc c. Circle [B]
Answer the following:-
This attribute sets the margins within a cell. It creates a space between the This attribute is used to specify
edge of the cell(cell wall) and the contents of the cell cell
Q.4. What is the difference between BORDERCOLOR and BGCOLOR attributes?
The border color attribute is used to specify the colour of a table. The default This attribute is used to change
colour of the border is gray.
Q.5. How will you create a link on a web page?
Answer:- To create a hyperlink, <A>. (anchor) tag is used. Th HREF attribute of the <A>
tag stores the reference (address) of the document that is to be linked. The text that
appears of the hyperlink is enclosed between the starting tab <A> and ending tag </A>
The ordered list is used to display the list of items in a specific order. An An unordered list indents each item i
ordered list indents and numbers each item in the list. This list is used when the items are n
Lesson 12
Surfing Internet
INTERNET:– (International Network ) The Internet, sometimes called simply “the Net” is
a worldwide system of computer network – a network of network sin which users at any
one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer.
WWW or W3:- (World Wide Web) An information system on the internet which allows
documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to
search for information by moving from one document to another.
TCP/IP:- (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication
language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in
a private network (either an intranet or an extranet).
History of Internet:- In 1969 when man walked on the moon ; U.S. defense department
set an Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) for further research . They designed a
Network of four computers to exchange and share their data. This Network
called ARPANET(Advanced Research Project Agency Network) Later many universities
were allowed to join this network and share the information. This was the beginning
of “networking of computers” which grew bigger day by day and gave birth to
INTERNET the technology which has radically changed our life.
In India, internet services stared on 15th August 1995 through government owned
company VSNL. Private internet service providers like Airtel, Reliance, Tata etc. have
also been allowed to provide internet service.
Popular service of the Internet:- The basic purpose of internet is to make our lives better.
There any many facilities available on the internet. The WWW is a large computer
network where by using a browser such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
etc. you can surf and get information. The websites are identified by short unique global
identifiers is called URLs (Uniform Resource Locator)
Popular service in Internet : E-Commerce, Chatting, (Google Talk, Window live
Messenger, Skype) , Video Conferencing, Social Networking sites and E-Banking.
E-Mail:- E-mail stand for Electronic Mail. It is a facility on internet to composed store
send and receive messages to any part of the world. E-Mail is the fastest way of sending
mails where the postal address details like Name, Address, City etc. the E-mail address
is given the format- sumitkaloniya@gmail.com. We can also attach photos videos or
other important data.
The popular sites which provide the facility to send or receive mail
are www.yahoo.com.in, http://www.gmail.com , www.rediffmail.com etc.
A signature is a bit of personalize text that is automatically inserted at the bottom
of every mail.
Founders of Google : Larry Page and Sergey Brin
WWW was developed by Tim Berners Lee in the Year 1991.
Modem:- (Modulate and demodulate) It a device that connects to your computer
with the telephone line. It changes the computer signals so that they can travel
through telephone lines and vice versa.
http://www.bing.com . This is the latest search engine from Microsoft.
First Page of website is called Home Page.
Founder of Yahoo:- Jerry Yang and David Filo. (American Computer service
company founded on March 2 1995)
Founder of Skype:- Niklas Zennstrom and Janus friis. (2003)
Father of Internet: Vinton Gray (An American Scientist )
The term Hypertextwas coined by Ted Nelson around 1965.
VoIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol.
Blogger was launched in 1999.
Q.1. Which icon represents an attachment?
Ans. www.123greetings.com
Q.3. we need the recipient’s …… to send him and e-card over the internet.
Q.4. Which Technology is used in the computer system to connect to the entire world?
Ans. Internet.
Q.6. Computer on the Internet communicate with each other using the ……..
Q.7. TCP/IP Stand for?
Ans. E (e)
Q.9. What do we call the video cameras that send data in real time to a web server?
Q.10. What do you call the underlined text the generally has blue color?
Ans. Hyperlink.
Q.11. Where do we find the information about all the mails that we receive?
Ans. Inbox
Q.13. Name an easy to create web site that allows users to share their thoughts with the
Ans. Blog
Ans. Desktop.
Ans. @.
Q.17. Which symbol separates the email address if we are sending the same mail
to many people?
Ans. Comma.
Q.18. What do we call the text which is automatically added to our outgoing mail?
Answer. Signature.
Ans. 2
Ans. ISP
Q.21. What is the process of browsing the various web pages one after another called?
Ans. Surfing.
22. 22. What is the collection of inter linked web pages known as?
Ans. Website.
Ans. 140.
Use of URL:- URL will be your identity on the web and it will be used to read and link to
your page.
Qus.2. What is Real time communication?
Answer:- Audio , video and text communication an happen in real time on the web.
These capabilities allow people to conference in real time. At its simplest, Chat programs
allow multiple users to type to each other in real time.
Qus. 3. Briefly explain the term Skype. Mention any two basic requirements to use this
Answer:- Skype is one of the most popular application or Voice-over-internet Protocol
service. It allows you to do instant messaging and make voice and video calls to fellow
Skype users on the internet for free.
One word