Rubric For Recycled Product
Rubric For Recycled Product
Rubric For Recycled Product
Quiz 4
Project Recycling Rubric
CRITERIA Elementary: (2) Developing (3) Proficient (5)
Product includes Product includes Product includes
2 possible well 3 possible well 4 possible well
Product includes 1
explained ways explained ways explained ways
possible way to
Use of recycled to reduce, reuse to reduce, reuse to reduce, reuse
reduce, reuse, or
items or donate or donate or donate
donate products
products for products for products for
for reuse
reuse reuse reuse
Project had
Little thought Project was well
ample thought
No proper and planning thought and
Planning and planning
planning is evident have been put in planned in all
with some
the project aspects
Presentation of
Presentation has Presentation has
Presentation has a project was clear
somewhat clear a mostly clear
Project vague and not very and well-spoken
and thoughtful and thoughtful
Presentation thoughtful with thoughtful
evaluation of evaluation of
and evaluation evaluation of evaluation of
current recycling current recycling
of recycling recycling efforts current recycling
efforts efforts.
efforts efforts.
More than three
Two Three
Only one environmental
Environmental environmental environmental
economic or and economic
and Economic and economic and economic
environmental benefits were
Benefits benefits were benefits were
benefits was discussed for
discussed discussed
discussed sustainable use.
Student can
Student can Student can
Student appears to accurately accurately
answer about
have insufficient answer 75% answers all
50% of
knowledge about questions related questions related
Knowledge questions related
the facts or to facts or to facts or
Gained to facts or
processes used in processes used processes used
processes used
the product to create the to create the
to create the
product product
Comments :
Total:_ _ _ /25