Chapter I

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Chapter I



The Internet has emerged as a valuable marketing tool, serving as a platform for

both local and global exchange. Particularly when the pandemic hits the web and online-

based purchasing has been one of the top leisure activities for individuals, it turned out to

be important for their regular routines, which includes purchasing on the internet.

Individuals are going through their cash and compensation to purchase the things they

need and see on the web. It has become simpler for them to take a gander at the item they

need, and it has become simpler for them to get it since purchasing on the internet will be

less of an issue for individuals since it will be conveyed directly to the place of the

individual who bought it.

This investigation point that we have chosen, which is the Factors Affecting the

Online Buying Behavior of the Financial Management Students of the National Teachers

College, we think of this examination theme since we need to know the variables that

influence the online-based purchasing of individuals, particularly college students, since

teens are the people who become obsessed with purchasing things online, on the grounds

that through this they can purchase things that catch their eye, particularly garments and

attire, food, fixed for contemplating and a lot more. It became easier for people to get

what they needed simply by using their cell phones with internet access.

Undergraduates frequently spend their money on items that are dependent on their

leisure activities and favorite things, which are occasionally not their true necessities.

People have various diversions and addictions to something specific. While men go

through their cash from gathering toys and gathering gaming gear, women no doubt

spend their cash on purchasing garments through Shopee, Lazada, and other shopping

applications. Understanding the purchasing conduct of the monetary understudies will

lead us to know whether the understudies are purchasing dependent on their real

necessities or just need it.

Buying online offers various benefits, including worldwide inquiry and an

assortment of items with fundamental data. It saves time while purchasing things since it

eliminates the time spent getting to a conventional store. Customers can buy the items 24

hours per day, 7 days every week, at the least conceivable cost, and get offers and limits

while buying items on the web. Internet shopping additionally has a few disadvantages,

like losing time in the event that we don't buy things in the wake of looking for them on

the web. It is difficult to manage without a web association and something like one

electronic gadget (PC or cell phone), it requires additional cash for orchestrating these

two things. At the point when we get a harmed item, the hold get, substitution, and

discount measure sets aside time. The items are not unmistakable. In specific

circumstances, internet shopping sites charge cash for merchandise conveyance.

These examinations look for arrangements on how the monetary administration

understudies deal with their internet purchasing conduct. Just as in case they are

purchasing dependent on their necessities or on the grounds that they need it. The

analysts must collect data on the effects of online shopping on the National Teachers

College's financial management students.

The researchers are motivated to do the examination for this review since it will

assist the understudies with realizing what the normal factors that are influencing their

purchasing conduct are. Furthermore, to comprehend how the understudies can deal with

reducing the things, factors, and conduct that cause them to fixate on purchasing on the


In accordance with this, the researchers are motivated to direct the inside and out

investigation of the web-based purchasing conduct concerning the components and its

impact on the monetary administration understudies in National Teachers College. This

will fill in as their aide on knowing how the monetary administration understudies can

reduce their fixation on purchasing on the web so as to keep away from the conduct that

they have when purchasing on the internet.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the online buying behavior of

Financial Management Students of The National Teachers College. Specifically, it sought

to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Financial Management students of NTC in terms of:

1.1.1 Age

1.1.2 Gender

1.1.3 Employment Status

1.1.4 Family Income

1.1.5 Frequency of Online Usage

2. What factors affect the online buying behavior of the Financial Management

students in terms of;

2.1 Cultural

2.2 Social

2.3 Personal

2.4 Psychological

3. What is the relationship between factors that affect the online buying behavior of

the Financial Management students when grouped according to demographic


Significance of the Study

Studying the buying behavior will help the students know the significance of the

dynamic towards shopping on the internet and it will teach individuals how the various

variables impact their purchasing conduct when using online based shopping and how it

influences their regular routine premise.

This review could be a learning worldview that could be helpful to the:

Students: The students might acquire mindfulness about the components that

influence their purchasing conduct. Understudies will figure out how the different

elements that impact their choices with regard to purchasing on the web will impact their

regular routines.

Seller: The seller will profit from this examination as it is significant for the

merchant to completely see how a purchaser acts and to make a system that addresses

their issues and guarantees their fulfillment. Understanding the purchaser's conduct will

assist dealers with creating systems that will accomplish buyer fulfillment, and

understanding the purchasing conduct will prompt business development and

achievement since you will know what sort of items the customers need.

Buyer: This review will help the buyer realize what the various sorts of

purchasing conduct are. Likewise, the purchasers will profit from this since they will

have an idea of what kind of purchasing conduct they can expect as far as internet

purchasing is concerned. Furthermore, the result of this survey will guarantee that the

buyers will know how they can deal with their fixation on buying on the web.

Future Researcher: This review offers some asset material for future analysts

whose studies are associated with web-based purchasing conduct. The thoughts

introduced might be utilized as reference information in leading new exploration that is

identified with the subject of study.

Scope and Delimitations

The center of this review is for the Financial Management understudies of

National Teachers College concerning what are the components that are influencing their

conduct on purchasing on the web. Knowing what kind of behavior they have when

purchasing on the internet will help them limit the items they buy in order to reduce their


Specifically, respondents will be the Financial Management Students of National

Teachers College who experience buying on the web similarly to those understudies who

become focused on it, whether or not they are young girls or young boys. This survey

will, for the most part, determine the different sorts of direct that understudies have when

buying on the web. Also, this survey yearns to perceive how the investigators can help

the understudies with diminishing their obsession with buying.

The exploration that the researchers lead is restricted uniquely to the Financial

Management Students of The National Teachers College who have authoritatively taken

a crack at the main semester of this school year. To get the data that the researchers need,

they will utilize the essential information. Essential information is gathered through the

essential source, which is overviews. Researchers will lead a poll or overview structure

for the understudies from the entire year level of understudies, from first year to fourth

year level.


HA: There is a positive relationship between Cultural, Social, Personal and Psychological

to online buying behavior of the Financial Management students of NTC.

HO: There is no positive relationship between Cultural, Social, Personal and

Psychological factors to online buying behavior of the Financial Management students of


HA: There is a positive relationship between factors that affect the online buying

behavior of the Financial Management students of NTC when grouped according to


HO: There is no positive relationship between factors that affect the online buying

behavior of the Financial Management students of NTC when grouped according to



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