Dattaka chandrika
These law schools come under the ambit of Mitakshara law school. They
enjoy the same fundamental principle but differ in certain circumstances.
Mitakshara School: Mitakshara is one of the most important schools of Hindu
law. It is a running commentary of the Smriti written by Yajnvalkya. This
school is applicable in the whole part of India except in West Bengal and
Assam. The Mitakshara has a very wide jurisdiction. However different parts
of the country practice law differently because of the different customary
rules followed by them.
Dayabhaga school
Dayabhaga school predominantly prevailed in Assam and West Bengal. This
is also one of the most important schools of hindu laws. It is considered to be
a digest for the leading smritis. Its primary focus was to deal with partition,
inheritance and joint family. According to Kane, it was incorporated in
between 1090-1130 A.D.
Dayabhaga school was formulated with a view to eradicating all the other
absurd and artificial principles of inheritance. The immediate benefit of this
new digest is that it tends to remove all the shortcomings and limitations of
the previously established principles and inclusion of many cognates in the
list of heirs, which was restricted by the Mitakshara school.
Dattaka chandrika
Sapinda relationship and degrees of prohibited
All prohibited relationships are Sapinda but all Sapinda re