Seminar On Demonstration
Seminar On Demonstration
Seminar On Demonstration
Submitted To Submitted By
Ms. Heena Negi Mohamad Dildar
Assistant Professor M.Sc. Nursing 1st Year
CIMS College of Nursing CIMS College of Nursing
Submitted On
1.Name of the Supervisor : Ms. Heena Negi
2.Name of the Student : Mohamad Dildar
3.Subject : Nursing Education
4.Topic : Demonstration
5.Venue : M.Sc. 1st year Classroom
6.Group : M.Sc. 1st year students
7.Time /Duration : 1 hour.
8.Date :
9.Methods of Teaching : Lecture cum Discussion
10.A.V Aids : PPT, chart paper, black board
General objective
At the end of the class students will be able to acquire knowledge regarding Demonstration and
also will be able to apply the knowledge while providing education to the students.
Specific objectives
The dictionary meaning of the word "Demonstration" is the outward showing of a feeling, etc., a
description and explanation by experiment; so also, logically to prove the truth; or use the demonstration
to teach the skills. This method of teaching is based on the simple, yet sound principal that we learn by
doing. Students learn physical or mental skills by actually performing those skills under supervision.
Demonstration is a method of presentation of skills in which it is illustrated and shown how a particular
skill or procedure is performed. The demonstration method is based on the principle of "Learning by
Doing". This method is recommended for teaching skill because it covers all the necessary steps in
systematic and an effective learning order.
In nursing education demonstration method is very useful and relevant. Demonstration is a method of
teaching by performance, exhibition and explanation combined to illustrate a procedure (or) experiment.
It trains the student in the area of careful observation, a quality, which is essential for every nurse. Hence,
it is considered to be one of the best methods for teaching skills in nursing and health-related education.
Demonstration is defined as visualized explanation of facts, concepts and procedures. Demonstration
implies the presentation of a prearranged series of events or equipment to a group of students for their
observation. This is accompanied by explanatory remarks. Demonstrating is the process of teaching
through examples (or) experiments.
The demonstration method of teaching can be used to serve the following purposes:
Characteristics of demonstration
Proceed with the demonstration slowly, so that all the students may grasp the details.
Whenever possible involve the students in demonstration.
Make sure, after every step whether the students have grasped the meaning, contents
and explanation. Repeat it if they have not followed it.
Give suitable verbal explanation for heightening the interest of the student.
Encourage students to analyze, record and tabulate the results of their observation.
Make an assignment based on the demonstration.
The teacher should make sure that the demonstration lecture method leads to active
participation of the
students in the process of teaching.
The demonstration should be quick and slick, and should not appear to linger on
It would be better if the teacher demonstrated with materials or things the children
handle in everyday
For active participation of students, the teacher may call individual students in turn to
help him with the
The teacher should write the summary of the principles arrived at as a result of the
demonstration, on the black-board.
The black-board can also be used for drawing.
Evaluate through return demonstration by observing students (or) trainees. Good and
effective demonstration will result in good feedback of return demonstration.
This is done by taking return demonstration and comparing steps of the procedure
with planned set
criteria of the procedure.
As the teacher receives feedback from the students, the goals can be established for
improving skills.
Strengthen positive behavior and elimination of limitations.
1.Explanation Phase
Explanation must be clear, pertaining to the objectives of the particular lesson to be presented and based
on the known experiences and knowledge of the students. In teaching, the instructor must convey to the
students the precise actions they are to perform. In addition to the necessary steps, the instructor should
describe the end results of these efforts. Before leaving this phase, the instructor should encourage
students to ask questions about any step of the procedure that they do not understand.
2.Demonstration Phase
The instructor must show the students the actions necessary to perform a skill. As little extraneous
activity as possible should be included in the demonstration, if students are to clearly understand that the
instructor is accurately performing the actions previously explained. If, due to some unanticipated Us
circumstances the demonstration does not closely conform to the explanation, this deviation should be
immediately acknowledged and explained.
Student Performance Phase: This phase requires students to act and do. To learn the skills, students must
practice. It is important that the students must be given opportunities to perform the skills as soon as
possible after a demonstration. Prior to termination of the performance phase, they should be allowed to
independently complete the task at least once, with supervision and coaching as necessary.
3.Evaluation Phase:
In this phase, the instructor judge's student's performance. The student displays whatever competence has
been attained, and the instructor discovers just how well the skill has been learned. To test each student's
ability to perform, the instructor requires students to work independently throughout this phase. The
teacher determines the effectiveness of the instructions, by measuring student's achievement in this phase.
Ways to ensure effective use of demonstration
1. Preparing before head the required materials is necessary; selection of time and appropriate place
also plays an important role.
2. Practicing good communication skills and questioning techniques, answering all questions to
clarify students’ doubts; and closing in appropriate manner will result in good demonstration.
3. Every step of a well-conducted demonstration should be shown properly giving explanation and
4. The teacher should practice the entire procedure and should be skillful and confident before
demonstrating the same.
5. All equipment should be tested before the demonstration to ensure that they are in working
condition and in order.
6. It is better that the students and the teacher review the theory of sequence and steps of procedure
in advance and have its knowledge.
7. A positive approach should be applied, lay emphasis on 'What to do' sequel rather than 'What to
8. Every student should be able to watch all the steps of demonstration properly. Avoid over-
crowding and
9. congestion by keeping the size of group-viewers small.
10. The verbal communication should synchronize with the steps of procedure. Keep the speech
clear, audible and understandable.
11. Allow students to practice the demonstration procedure. Return demonstration should be taken
for all procedures from the students. All the return demonstrations must be supervised to ensure
that the students are per-forming them effectively.
Uses of demonstration
1. To demonstrate experiments and the use for experimental equipment in the science laboratory,
2. nursing, etc.
3. To introduce a new procedure or to revise a procedure to meet a special situation.
4. To teach the patient/client a procedure to treatment which he must carry out in the home.
5. To demonstrate a procedure at the bedside or in the ward conference room, demonstration in a
6. setting.
7. To teach the use and care of new equipment’s.
8. To teach health maintenance and preventive healthcare measure to patients and families.
9. To teach ways of establishing effective nurse patient communications and interpersonal
10. To teach application of observation techniques and skills to nursing situations.
Advantages of demonstration
Disadvantages of demonstration
Equipment/Apparatus may not be ready for use or may not be working and may be out of order.
There may not be an apparent relation between the demonstration experiment and the topic under
The theory class may not have been taken, but the teacher demonstrates the procedure which
results in difficulty with synthesis of information and lack of coordination.
Teacher may not address the issue of individual differences among students.
Teacher may be in a hurry to arrive at a generalization without allowing students to arrive at a
generalization from facts.
Teacher may talk too much or unnecessarily which will suppress the enthusiasm of the students.
Teacher may fail to ask the right type of questions related to the procedure under demonstration.
The group may be too large to see the demonstration of the procedure properly and grasp the
Circle of learning
Circle of Learning
The Circle of Learning is a framework that identifies learning in healthcare education and illustrates the
process of going from theoretical knowledge to clinical practice. It consists of five steps:
1. Knowledge acquisition is the process of acquiring knowledge through textbooks, charts, anatomical
models etc.
2. Skills proficiency is the process of developing psychomotor skills through repetitive practice to
master practical procedures typically using task trainers and simulators. Here, checklists and skills labs
play an important role. Checklists ensure objective and standardized learning of skills. Demonstrations
are used for skill proficiency.
4. Simulation in teams allows a group of students to practice and role play realistic scenarios to improv
technical-critical thinking, physical skills and clinical decision-making skills and non-technical skills like
communication, time-management during clinical care, leadership and teamwork. Students have the
opportunity to apply their previous knowledge and skills attained in a classroom to real world situations
which require making decisions that in many cases well before they experience it in their clinical
practicum experiences.
5. Clinical experience and practice is learning through reflecting on the management of real patients,
personal tuition, and exchange of knowledge with colleagues.
I Mohamad Dildar, MSc 1st year prepared a seminar topic on “Demonstration”. Today we have
discussed about the introduction of demonstration, definition of demonstration, purposes of
demonstration, characteristics of demonstration, preparation and performance, guidelines for
return demonstration, phases of demonstration method, uses of demonstration, advantages and
disadvantages of demonstration and common errors in using demonstration for teaching.