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HR Management,

Organization & Leadership


Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske

HR management: Not just something for freaks

Why HR management is important for your (business) life

… You will apply someday somewhere take part at a selection process

… You will have to attend a performance review with your boss someday

… You want to earn more money

… You will be a line manager and lead a team someday

… You have to decide about an international assignment someday

… You want to go abroad and, and, and ….

2 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Basics and challenges of HRM

Introduction of the lecturers

Prof. Dr. Silke Wolfenstetter Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Office hours: Monday, 11:25-12:20 Office hours : Tuesday, 12-1pm and
and by arrangement, F215 by arrangement, F217

Barbara Auerbach
Lawyer Ingolstadt
3 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction
Objectives of lectures

 Have a broad overview of HR management and

organization as well as different practices to lead and
motivate people.
 See the extraordinary influence of HR in international
 Know about the several fields of HR management and
how domestic and international HR management differ.
 Have an overview of German employment law.

4 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction


 You will find all slides, course material and new information in

5 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction

Outline of lectures

6 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction

Recommended literature
• ARTMANN, Thomas, 2019. Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, neue Erfolgsstrategien für
Unternehmen, Haufe Group, Freiburg.
• BARTSCHER, Thomas und Regina NISSEN, 2017. Personalmanagement: Grundlagen,
Handlungsfelder, Praxis. 2. Auflage. Hallbergmoos: Pearson. ISBN 978-3-86894-281-1, 3-86894-281-5
• BERTHEL, Jürgen and Fred G. BECKER, 2017. Personal-Management. 11. vollständig überarbeitete
Auflage. Stuttgart: Schäffer Poeschel. ISBN 978-3-7910-3737-0
• DESSLER, Gary, 2017. Human Resource Management, Global edition,15th edition, Upper Saddle
River: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 9780134235455
• DOWLING, Peter J., Marion FESTING and Allen D. ENGLE, 2017. International Human Resource
Management. 7. edition. Andover: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781473720026
• EISELE, Daniela and Claudia LIESKE, 2021. Praxisorientierte Personalwirtschaftslehre. 8. Auflage.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. ISBN 978-3-17-037784-4
• GUTMANN, Joachim, 2019. Controlling im betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement: Instrumente,
Kennzahlen und Best Practices, Haufe Group, Freiburg
• OLFERT, Klaus, 2021. Personalwirtschaft, 17. Aufl., Herne: Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe GmbH &
Co. KG. ISBN 978-3-470-54387-1
• TORRINGTON, Derek, Laura Hall and Stephen Taylor, 2017. Human Resource Management, 10th
edition. Harlow: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-1292129099
• VAHS, Dietmar, 2021. Organisation. 10. Auflage. Stuttgart: Schäffer Poeschel. ISBN 978-3-7910-4281-
7 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction
Group exercise

Why Human Resource Management is relevant for companies?

What are groups of influence on HRM? Why?

Collect your ideas in groups

8 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske - Introduction

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