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Russian Cognitive Neuroscience

Historical and Cultural Context

Chris Forsythe, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque

This volume brings together an unprecedented cuss the relationships between Russian, European,
compilation of papers from esteemed Russian and American developments in cognitive science
psychophysiologists, cognitive scientists, and and neuroscience. This volume provides a detailed

neuroscientists. The contributors explain the dis- exposition of the distinctively Russian advances in
ciplinary trajectories and theoretical foundations neuropsychology and cognitive science from the
inspiring their experimental research, providing late nineteenth century to the present.
important intellectual contexts. Commentaries by
editors Chris Forsythe and Gabriel Radvansky dis-

R E ADE R S H I P : Scholars interested in diverse theoretical approaches to brain science and cognitive science,
and anyone studying scientific developments in Russia.

March 2022
ISBN 9789004505643
Price € 199 / US$ 239
E-ISBN 9789004505667
E-Price € 199 / US$ 239
Homo Technologicus, Social and Ethical Futures, 1
Peaceful Approaches for George Santayana’s Secrets and Conspiracies
a More Peaceful World Political Hermeneutics Edited by Olli Loukola,
Edited by Sanjay Lal, Katarzyna Kremplewska, University of Helsinki,
Clayton State University Institute of Philosophy and and Leonidas Donskis
Sociology, Polish Academy
of Sciences

This volume is meant for read- The first comprehensive study This collection of essays offers a
ers to gain a deeper grasp of the of Santayana’s political thought rich variety of texts written on
challenges, unique to the present as connected to his cultural criti- secrets and conspiracies. They

age, for realizing a genuinely cism. It ranges over topics such investigate and analyse the vari-
peaceful order as well as to con- as Santayana’s political ontol- ous kinds of theories there are
sider thoughtful proposals for ogy, his criticism of democracy, and analyse them further by
meeting these challenges. liberalism, and communism, his casting a look at historical as well
views on freedom and forms of contemporary phenomena.
human servitude.

R E AD E R S H IP : Undergraduate/ READERSHIP: Scholars interested REA D ERS HI P : This book is mainly

graduate peace studies students, in American philosophy, Spanish focused on academic institutions
peace studies scholars, social philosophy, social and political and libraries, researchers and
activists, social theorists, moral philosophy, and cultural criti- students of political philosophy
philosophers. cism. and social sciences.

March 2022 February 2022 February 2022

Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004507210 ISBN 9789004506329 ISBN 9789004499713
Price € 130 / US$ 156 Price € 108 / US$ 130 Price € 126 / US$ 151
E-ISBN 9789004507227 E-ISBN 9789004506343 E-ISBN 9789004499720
E-Price € 130 / US$ 156 E-Price € 108 / US$ 130 E-Price € 126 / US$ 151
Value Inquiry Book Series / Value Inquiry Book Series / Value Inquiry Book Series /
Philosophy of Peace, 374 Social Philosophy, 373 Ethical Theory and Practice, 372
Mill’s Principle of Utility La mesure de l’être Philosophy, Art,
Origins, Proof, Le problème de la and the Imagination
and Implications quantification des formes Essays on the Work
Revised and Enlarged Edition au Moyen Âge (ca. 1250–1370) of John Sallis
Necip Fikri Alican Sylvain Roudaut, Edited by James Risser,
Stockholm University Seattle University

Mill’s Principle of Utility: Origins, The aim of this book is to ana- This volume of essays on the 5
Proof, and Implications is a com- lyze the problem of the intensity philosopher John Sallis assesses
prehensive analysis and compel- of forms in the late Middle Ages his wide ranging and genuinely

ling defense of John Stuart Mill’s and to show how this debate original contribution to philoso-
utilitarianism with a particular eventually gave rise to a new phy. Along with the response to
emphasis on his proof of the metaphysical project in the 14th the essays by Sallis, these essays
principle of utility. century: the project of quantify- indicate directions for the future
ing the different types of perfec- of philosophy.
tions existing in the universe –
that is the project of “measuring

R E A DE R S H I P : The audience READERSHIP: Academic librar- REA D ERS HI P : This book would be
comprises philosophers and ies; Specialists (Humanities, of interest to graduate students
other scholars in the humanities, Philosophy, History of Science); and researchers in the area of
primarily professors and gradu- Post-graduate students. contemporary Continental phi-
ate students. The book can serve losophy.
both as course material and as a
supplementary reference.

January 2022 January 2022 March 2022

Hardback (xv, 240 pp.) Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004503878 ISBN 9789004499799 ISBN 9789004507081
Price € 165 / US$ 198 Price € 164 / US$ 197 Price € 199 / US$ 239
E-ISBN 9789004503953 E-ISBN 9789004501898 E-ISBN 9789004507098
E-Price € 165 / US$ 198 E-Price € 164 / US$ 197 E-Price € 199 / US$ 239
Value Inquiry Book Series / History of Metaphysics: Ancient, Studies in Contemporary
Philosophy, Literature, Medieval, Modern, 3 Phenomenology, 21
and Politics, 366
Plato’s Cratylus Received Opinions Depeche Mode. Jacob
Proceedings from the Doxography in Antiquity Taubes between Politics,
Eleventh Symposium and the Islamic World Philosophy, and Religion
Platonicum Pragense Edited by Andreas Lammer, Edited by Herbert Kopp-
Edited by Vladimír Mikeš, Trier University, and Mareike Jas, Oberstebrink, Zentrum für
The Czech Academy of Sciences independent scholar Literaturforschung Berlin, and

Hartmut von Sass, Humboldt

University Berlin

The first collective monograph This volume brings together, for Jacob Taubes is one of the most
on one of Plato’s most intrigu- the first time, experts on Greek, influential figures in the more
ing dialogues with interest for Syriac, and Arabic traditions of recent German intellectual

readers of ancient philosophy as doxography, in order to investi- scene—and beyond; with crucial
well as those who study modern gate and present shared contexts contributions to hermeneutics,
theories of language. and questions, and to initiate political theory, and phenom-
future collaboration among the enology of time and the philoso-
fields of classics, Arabic studies, phy of (Jewish) religion, to name
and the history of philosophy. but of few areas in which the
highly controversial Taubes was

R E ADE R S HIP : This book should READERSHI P: Anyone from the REA D ERS HI P : Philosophers, theo-
be of interest for specialists as fields of philology (Greek, Syriac, logians, scholars of religion, soci-
well as advanced students in Arabic) and philosophy as well as ologists, political theorists.
ancient philosophy and modern all interested in the transmission
theory of language. of knowledge and the history of
philosophy and science.

November 2021 February 2022 February 2022

Hardback (xii, 210 p.) Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004473010 ISBN 9789004504448 ISBN 9789004505094
Price € 120 / US$ 145 Price € 135 / US$ 162 Price € 102 / US$ 123
E-ISBN 9789004473027 E-ISBN 9789004504455 E-ISBN 9789004505100
E-Price € 115 / US$ 139 E-Price € 135 / US$ 162 E-Price € 102 / US$ 123
Brill’s Plato Studies Series, 8 Philosophia Antiqua, 160 Supplements to The Journal of Jewish
Thought and Philosophy, 32
Time and Cosmology in Plato Understanding the Evolving Meaning
and the Platonic Tradition of Reason in David Novak’s
Edited by Daniel Vázquez, Natural Law Theory
Mary Immaculate College, Jonathan L. Milevsky, Tanenbaum Community
and Alberto Ross, Hebrew Academy of Toronto
Universidad Panamericana

This book assembles an international team of How can one Jewish thinker’s natural law theory 7
scholars to move forward the study of Plato’s con- explain morality, divine commandments, and
ception of time, to find fresh insights for interpret- human ordinances; and how do we assess the

ing his cosmology, and to reimagine the Platonic consistency of that theory when it is mentioned in
tradition. connection with such diverse areas? The answer
lies in the changing meaning of reason in Novak’s

R E A DE R S H I P : Anyone interested in Plato, the READERSHIP: My book will be relevant to academ-

Platonic tradition (including Aristotle and the ics, including graduate students and post-graduates
Stoics), ancient philosophy more generally, the his- interested in modern Jewish thought. In addition,
tory of cosmology, the development of the concept this book would be of interest to members of
of time, and the relation between God and the Jewish-Christian dialogue groups and motivated
world. readers intrigued by the philosophy of Judaism.

February 2022 March 2022

Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004504684 ISBN 9789004504356
Price € 105 / US$ 127 Price € 104 / US$ 125
E-ISBN 9789004504691 E-ISBN 9789004504363
E-Price € 70 / US$ 83 E-Price € 104 / US$ 125
Brill’s Plato Studies Series, 9 Philosophy of Religion - World Religions, 10
Evil Women Citizenship as a Challenge In Fashion: Culture,
Representations within Dimensions of an Commerce, Craft,
Literature, Culture Evolving Process and Identity
and Film Tamara Nair, S. Rajaratanam Jacque Lynn Foltyn, National
Robyn Muir, University of School of International Studies, University, La Jolla, California,
Nottingham, Beatrice Frasl, and Maria Inês Amaro, University and Laura Petican, Texas A&M

University of Vienna, Christie Institute of Lisbon University-Corpus Christi

Lauder, Louisiana State University,
and Elizabeth Schreiber-Byers,
University of North Carolina

Often side-lined or simplified, The book discusses citizenship For the international cast of
evil women challenge societal in the contemporary world; as a contributors to this volume
norms of womanhood. This concept, as an ideal, as a policy being “in fashion” is about self-

volume explores how evil and as a goal to be achieved from presentation; defining how
women have been constructed, the perspective of different aca- fashion is presented in the visual,
punished, and erased within demic disciplines. written, and performing arts; and
literature, culture, and film and about design, craft manufactur-
how this contributes to our un- ing, packaging, marketing, and
derstanding of womanhood. archives.

R E ADE R S H IP : For anyone inter- READERSHIP: Researchers inter- REA D ERS HI P : Those interested in
ested in the politics of gender ested in citizenship studies from an interdisciplinary approach to
representation in culture, history a multidisciplinary background. fashion, i.e., the social, cultural,
of literatur and gender and cul- Any student, academic, practi- cross-cultural, historical, art,
tural phenomena. tioner and lay person interested archival, and business aspects
on reflection about citizenship in of fashion, as well as those con-
present times through its differ- cerned about sustainability and
ent dimensions and approaches. craft.
March 2022 December 2021 October 2021
Paperback Paperback Paperback
ISBN 9789004499492 ISBN 9789004429246 ISBN 9789004446588
Price € 75 / US$ 90 Price € 70 / US$ 85 Price € 77 / US$ 92
E-ISBN 9789004499508 E-ISBN 9789004429253 E-ISBN 9789004446595
E-Price € 75 / US$ 90 E-Price € 70 / US$ 85 E-Price € 77 / US$ 92
At the Interface / At the Interface / At the Interface /
Probing the Boundaries, 137 Probing the Boundaries, 136 Probing the Boundaries, 135
Faith and Philosophy The Original Age Creating a Shared Morality
A Historical Orientation of Anxiety The Feasibility of
Jerry H. Gill Essays on Kierkegaard Ethical Constructivism
and His Contemporaries Heather Salazar,
Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, Western New England University
University of Southern Denmark

A tracing of the dynamics of the The book proposes a radically In Creating a Shared Morality, 9
relationship between Faith and revised understanding of the Heather Salazar develops a
Philosophy throughout Western epoch of the Danish Golden plausible account of ethical con-

intellectual history, following the Age by investigating the his- structivism that rivals realism
dynamics of Tertullian’s ancient torical and literary contexts of and subjectivism. Enlightenism
question: “What has Athens to Søren Kierkegaard’s pioneering resolves difficulties within con-
do with Jerusalem?” In the con- thoughts on anxiety. structivism, builds bridges be-
clusion the author presents his tween the two traditional views
own approach to this question. of metaethics and employs con-
cepts from Eastern (Buddhist)

R E AD E R S H I P: Students of all ages READERSHI P: The Original Age REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
interested in the relationship of Anxiety is first and foremost metaethics, neo-Kantian deon-
between philosophy and religion. a scholarly book that addresses tological ethics, constructivism,
scholars as well as graduate and subjectivism, Eastern phi-
undergraduate students in the losophy, comparative ethics, and
fields of Western Philosophy, Christine Korsgaard. Particularly
Existentialism, History of Ideas, suited for professional philoso-
Scandinavian studies. phers and graduate students.
December 2021 November 2021 December 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004465459 ISBN 9789004472044 ISBN 9789004471061
Price € 121 / US$ 146 Price € 95 / US$ 114 Price € 125 / US$ 150
E-ISBN 9789004465640 E-ISBN 9789004472068 E-ISBN 9789004471078
E-Price € 121 / US$ 146 E-Price € 95 / US$ 114 E-Price € 125 / US$ 150
Value Inquiry Book Series, 371 Value Inquiry Book Series, 370 Studies in Moral Philosophy, 15

Jewish Socratic Questions Kant und Hegel über Logik und Moderne
in an Age without Plato Freiheit Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik
Permitting and Forbidding Mit Diskussionsbeiträgen von als Paradigma moderner
Open Inquiry in 12-15th Martin Bunte, Jakub Kloc- Subjektivität
Century Europe and Konkołowicz, Hernán Pringe, Herausgegeben von Folko
North Africa Jacco Verburgt, Kenneth R. Zander, Universität Jena, und

Klaus Vieweg, Universität Jena

Yehuda Halper, Bar Ilan Westphal und Manfred Wetzel Edited by Folko Zander, University
University (Israel) Werner Flach, Universität of Jena, and Klaus Vieweg,
Würzburg, and Christian Krijnen, University of Jena
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Halper’s study traces how Flach presents Kant’s concep- Hegel’s Science of Logic repre-
the open-questioning of the tion of freedom as well as its sents a revolution in philosophi-
divine arises in the works of potential for understanding what cal thought, advancing a modern

Maimonides, Jacob Anatoli, it means to be human. Krijnen and still relevant metaphysics.
Gersonides, and Abraham presents Hegel’s conception of
Bibago. freedom and shows that Kant’s
conception underestimates an
essential feature of freedom. The
contributions of other authors
assess the results.

R E AD E R S HIP : All interested in READERSHI P: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : The work will inter-
history and reception of Socrates, the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, est researchers in philosophy,
Plato, Aristotle and Averroes as German idealism, neo-Kantian- teachers, humanities scholars,
well as those interested in open ism, and post-war transcendental theorists of modernity, and
inquiry among medieval Jewish philosophy. Anyone concerned graduate students. Although it is
thinkers, including Maimonides with the concept of freedom in a difficult book for beginners, it
and Judah Halevi. German philosophy and its rele- could interest also undergradu-
vance for philosophical thought. ate students.
November 2021 October 2021 October 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004448735 ISBN 9789004470071 ISBN 9789004468528
Price € 125 / US$ 150 Price € 155 / US$ 186 Price € 130 / US$ 156
E-ISBN 9789004468764 E-ISBN 9789004470088 E-ISBN 9789004468535
E-Price € 125 / US$ 150 E-Price € 155 / US$ 186 E-Price € 130 / US$ 156
Maimonides Library for Philosophy Critical Studies in German Idealism, 29 Critical Studies in German Idealism, 28
and Religion, 1
Das Maß des Menschen Mystik und Romantik Perspektiven der
Platons Antwort an Rezeption und Transformation Philosophie
Protagoras im ‘Theaitetos’ eines religiösen Erfahrungs- Neues Jahrbuch.
und im ‘Protagoras’ musters. Mit einem Band 47 - 2021
Edwin J. de Sterke, University of Themenschwerpunkt Georges Goedert
Applied Sciences and Arts FHNW, zu Jacob Böhme and Martina Scherbel

Herausgegeben von
Günther Bonheim,
Thomas Isermann und
Thomas Regehly

Protagoras claims to be able to Mysticism and Romanticism Perspektiven der Philosophie. 11

educate the young. Why not? If are counter-models of an Neues Jahrbuch eröffnet
«Man is Measure of Everything», ever stranger modernity. Forschern, denen die philo-

anybody can make everybody Romanticism as a cultural epoch sophische Begründung des
‘better’… To Plato, this doesn’t absorbs the supra-temporal Denkens wichtig ist, eine
add up. What’s lacking? What is religious phenomenon of mysti- Publikationsmöglichkeit.
the measure of Man, if Man be cism. This volume deals with
measure? numerous examples, specifically
the reception of Jacob Böhme in

R E ADE R S H I P : Students and spe- READERSHI P: Literary scholars, REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
cialists in Ancient Philosophy religious scholars, historians, art philosophical questions: in meta-
and the history of pedagogical historians, specialists and friends physics, the history of philoso-
and political thought. Due to the of the Romantic. phy, phenomenology and other
fundamental questions it poses, perspectives of philosophy.
the book is also relevant for mod-
ern discussions in these fields.

December 2021 December 2021 December 2021

Hardback Hardback Paperback
ISBN 9789004471085 ISBN 9789004498617 ISBN 9789004501874
Price € 275 / US$ 330 Price € 145 / US$ 174 Price € 90 / US$ 108
E-ISBN 9789004471092 E-ISBN 9789004498648 E-ISBN 9789004501881
E-Price € 275 / US$ 330 E-Price € 145 / US$ 174 E-Price € 90 / US$ 108
Brill‘s Plato Studies Series, 7 Studies in Mysticism, Idealism, Perspektiven der Philosophie,
and Phenomenology, 2 Neues Jahrbuch, 47
Proceedings of the Boston Reading Proclus and the Shusterman’s
Area Colloquium in Book of Causes, Volume 3 Somaesthetics
Ancient Philosophy On Causes and From Hip Hop Philosophy to
Edited by Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., the Noetic Triad Politics and Performance Art
Boston College,
Dragos Calma, Edited by Jerold J. Abrams,
and Daniel P. Maher,
University College Dublin Creighton University

Assumption University

Volume 36 contains papers and This volume gathers contribu- Shusterman’s Somaesthetics is a
commentaries presented to tions on key concepts elaborated wide-ranging collection of pen-
the Boston Area Colloquium in the Platonic tradition (Proclus, etrating essays by twelve scholars

in Ancient Philosophy dur- Plotinus, Porphyry or Sallustius) examining in rich detail the
ing academic year 2019-20. and reconsidered by Arabic (e.g. many dimensions of philosopher
Works: Republic 7, Topics 1.2, Avicenna, the Book of Causes), Richard Shusterman’s pragma-
Nicomachean Ethics 3.5, Isis and Byzantine (e.g. Maximus the tism and somaesthetics, comple-
Osiris. Topics: types of dialectic, Confessor, Ioane Petritsi) and mented by his own chapter of
political philosophy, voluntary, Latin authors (e.g. Albert the responses to these scholars.
hermeneutical retrieval, (un) Great, Thomas Aquinas etc.).
wanted emotions.

R E ADE R S HIP : All those interested READERSHIP: All interested REA D ERS HI P : This volume will
in recent scholarship within in Greek Neoplatonism and be of interest to undergraduates,
different traditions of interpreta- the Long Middle Ages broadly graduate students, professors,
tion in ancient philosophy and considered (comprising Arabic, working in American philosophy,
classics, including scholars and Byzantine, Latin, Georgian), with aesthetics (including popular
graduate students. particular focus on causality art), and embodiment.
and the noetic triad being-life-
November 2021 December 2021 December 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004468771 ISBN 9789004501324 ISBN 9789004468795
Price € 125 / US$ 150 Price € 194 / US$ 233 Price € 105 / US$ 126
PB-ISBN 9789004468788 E-ISBN 9789004501331 PB-ISBN 9789004470545
PB-Price € 103 / US$ 124 E-Price OPEN ACCESS PB-Price € 37 / US$ 45
Proceedings of the Boston Area Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, E-ISBN 9789004468801
Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, 36 and the Platonic Tradition, 28 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126
Heart Speaks unto Heart The Real of Reality: The Philosophic Path of
On the Kinship of Spirit The Realist Turn in Merab Mamardashvili
and Thought: John Henry Contemporary Film Diana Gasparyan, National
Newman and Edith Stein Research University Higher
Theory School of Economics
Jan Kłos, The John Paul II Catholic Christine Reeh-Peters,
University of Lublin Filmuniversität Babelsberg

Stefan W. Schmidt, University
of Wuppertal, and Peter Weibel,
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien

This text portrays two exception- Reality has become an in- This is an in-depth investiga- 13
al personalities who, under dif- creasingly prominent topic in tion into the life and work of
ferent circumstances, remained contemporary philosophy. The one of the most prominent

faithful to the true calls of their book’s contributors are respond- philosophers of Russian and
selves. The main heroes depict ing to the challenge to use the Russian-Soviet history, Merab
how to brave difficulties and be philosophically underexplored Mamardashvili, all of whose
ready to sacrifice comfort for hu- potential of film to disclose what ideas are collected here in one
man dignity and integrity. the editors propose to call “the book. However, each of his ideas
real of reality.” leads much further - deep into
philosophy itself, its cultural ori-
gins, and to the basis and roots of
all human thought.
R E AD E R S H I P: This book is ad- READERSHIP: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : Philosophy, Slavic
dressed to readers interested in film philosophy, philosophical Studies, Russian Studies.
philosophy, moral philosophy, aesthetics and contemporary
phenomenology and religion. It philosophy: scholars, students,
focuses on the individual person filmmakers and others.
in his or her search for genuine

September 2021 September 2021 September 2021

Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004460195 ISBN 9789004466296 ISBN 9789004465817
Price € 95 / US$ 114 Price € 135 / US$ 162 Price € 105 / US$ 126
E-ISBN 9789004466227 E-ISBN 9789004466760 E-ISBN 9789004465824
E-Price OPEN ACCESS E-Price € 135 / US$ 162 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126
Value Inquiry Book Series, 368 Value Inquiry Book Series, 367 Value Inquiry Book Series, 366
The Lvov-Warsaw School and
Contemporary Philosophy of Language

Edited by Piotr Stalmaszczyk, University of Lodz,
and Mieszko Tałasiewicz, University of Warsaw

This book highlights the legacy of the Lvov-Warsaw – the other way round – modern renderings of 15
School in broadly understood contemporary phi- the ideas expressed by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz,
losophy of language. Fundamental methodological Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Stanisław Leśniewski, Jan

issues, important topics in syntax, semantics and Łukasiewicz, Alfred Tarski, Kazimierz Twardowski,
pragmatics (such as modern Categorial Grammar, and other members of the School are presented.
theories of truth, game-theoretical semantics, Among contributors there are philosophers, logi-
and argumentation theory) are tracked down cians, formal linguists and other specialists from
to their origins in the Lvov-Warsaw School, and France, Italy, Poland, and Spain.

R E AD E R S H I P: Specialists in subject matter (philosophical methodology, theories of truth, Categorial

Grammar, philosophy/linguistics interface, argumentation theory, etc.), historians of the Lvov-Warsaw
School, specialists in analytic philosophy, and post-graduate students interested in historical inspirations
behind current debates in philosophy in general, and especially philosophy of language.

November 2021
ISBN 9789004471139
Price € 150 / US$ 180
E-ISBN 9789004471146
E-Price € 150 / US$ 180
Poznań Studies in the Philosophy
of the Sciences and the Humanities, 117

Supersapientia: Berthold of Arthur Danto’s Philosophy Theodor Lessing’s

Moosburg and the Divine of Art: Essays Philosophy of History
Science of the Platonists Noël Carroll, in Its Time
Evan King, School of Philosophy, The City University of New York Herman Simissen,
University College Dublin Open Universiteit

This is the first monograph From the nineteen-eighties This study – the first full-length
devoted to the genesis, aims, on, Arthur Danto was the most monograph in English on the
and argument of Berthold significant art critic and philoso- subject – discusses the genesis

of Moosburg’s 14th-century pher of art in world. This book of Theodor Lessing’s philosophy
Commentary on Proclus’ provides a comprehensive, sys- of history as mainly expressed
Elements of Theology, the most tematic view of his philosophy in his books Geschichte als
extensive commentary on and criticism including his views Sinngebung des Sinnlosen (1919
Proclus’ text in any language. It in relation to not only painting and 1927), as well as its philo-
includes an English translation and sculpture but to cinema and sophical implications.
of the Commentary’s three fun- dance.
damental prefaces.

R E ADE R S HIP : Students and spe- READERSHIP: Danto’s writing ap- REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
cialists of medieval philosophy pealed to many audiences -- not philosophy of history, and any-
and the history of Platonism, only academic philosophers, but one concerned with the political
especially those interested in artists, art historians, art lovers, and cultural history of Germany
the influence of late-antique and serious humanists with rang- in the first half of the twentieth
Neoplatonism on medieval natu- ing interests in culture. century.
ral philosophy and theories of
August 2021 September 2021 May 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback (xiv, 353 pp.)
ISBN 9789004464902 ISBN 9789004468351 ISBN 9789004464766
Price € 170 / US$ 205 Price € 125 / US$ 150 Price € 150 / US$ 180
E-ISBN 9789004465480 E-ISBN 9789004468368 E-ISBN 9789004464773
E-Price OPEN ACCESS E-Price € 125 / US$ 150 E-Price € 150 / US$ 180
History of Metaphysics: Ancient, Philosophy of History and Culture, 39 Philosophy of History and Culture, 38
Medieval, Modern, 1
Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers Non-Evidentialist
Brian C. Ribeiro, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Epistemology
Edited by Luca Moretti, University
of Aberdeen, and Nikolaj Jang Lee
Linding Pedersen, Underwood
International College, Yonsei

This work invites us to view the Pyrrhonist tradition as involving Is it possible for belief or ac- 17
all those who share a commitment to the activity of Pyrrhonizing ceptance to be epistemically
and develops fresh, provocative readings of Sextus, Montaigne, and justified or rational without evi-

Hume as radical Pyrrhonizing skeptics: From the aspirationalism of dence? Non-evidentialism says,
Sextan Pyrrhonism, to Montaigne’s skeptical fideism and his unusual “Yes”. This original edited collec-
approach to the writing process, to the vexing interpretive issues tion explores the tenability of
surrounding Hume’s skepticism, each figure offers us new insights non-evidentialism as a response
into what it can mean to Pyrrhonize. to epistemological scepticism
and examines potential applica-
tions within social psychology,
psychiatry, and mathematics.

R E ADE R S H I P : All interested in the history and significance of REA D ERS HI P : Specialists, post-
Pyrrhonism; any interested in the skeptical philosophies of Sextus, graduate students and advanced
Montaigne, or Hume: for graduate students, historians of philosophy, undergraduates who have a
university libraries. background in analytic epis-
temology and would like to go
deeper into recent discussion on
non-evidentialist epistemology.

September 2021 September 2021

Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004465398 ISBN 9789004398955
Price € 120 / US$ 145 Price € 127 / US$ 153
E-ISBN 9789004465541 E-ISBN 9789004465534
E-Price € 120 / US$ 145 E-Price € 127 / US$ 153
Brill Studies in Skepticism, 4 Brill Studies in Skepticism, 3
Olympiodorus Time’s Causal Power Models of Desire in
of Alexandria Proclus and the Natural Graeco-Arabic Philosophy
Exegete, Teacher, Theology of Time From Plotinus to Ibn Ṭufayl
Platonic Philosopher Antonio Vargas, Hebrew Bethany Somma, LMU Munich
Edited by Albert Joosse, University of Jerusalem
Universiteit Utrecht /

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

This is the first collected volume In Time’s Causal Power, Antonio This study argues that late
dedicated to Olympiodorus Vargas explains how Proclus (412- ancient Greek and medieval
of Alexandria, the last pagan 485 C.E.) developed the unique Islamic philosophers interpret

Platonic philosopher at the end theory that time is a cause and human desire along two frame-
of antiquity. a god, the world’s first unmoved works in reaction to Aristotle’s
mover by addressing Aristotle’s philosophy, unfolding from the
criticisms of Plato’s claim that philosophy of Plotinus through
time is a change. the Graeco-Arabic translation
movement in 8th-10th century
Baghdad to 12th century al-An-
dalus with the philosophy of Ibn
Bāǧǧa and Ibn Ṭufayl.
R E ADE R S HIP : All interested in READERSHI P: Specialists and REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
Neoplatonism, the interpretation readers interested in Ancient Philosophy of the Islamic world,
of Platonic dialogues, the history Philosophy, Neoplatonism, ancient Greek philosophy, late
of Late Antiquity and the history Metaphysics, Philosophy of ancient philosophy, and me-
of religious toleration. Time, History of Astrology, Late dieval philosophy, and anyone
Antiquity. interested in perspectives on
the role of desire in ethics and
September 2021 September 2021 June 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004466692 ISBN 9789004466678 ISBN 9789004460836
Price € 132 / US$ 158 Price € 135 / US$ 162 Price € 120 / US$ 144
E-ISBN 9789004466708 E-ISBN 9789004466685 E-ISBN 9789004460843
E-Price € 132 / US$ 158 E-Price € 135 / US$ 162 E-Price € 120 / US$ 144
Philosophia Antiqua, 159 Philosophia Antiqua, 158 Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism,
and the Platonic Tradition, 27
Transformational The Bounds of Myth Altruism or the Other as
Ethics of Film The Logical Path from the Essence of Existence
Thinking the Cinemakeover Action to Knowledge A Philosophical Passage
in the Film-Philosophy Debate Gustavo Esparza, Universidad to Being Altruistic
Martin P. Rossouw, University Panamericana (Mexico), and Iraklis (Hercules) Ioannidis,
of the Free State, South Africa Nassim Bravo, Universidad Dartford Grammar School, UK

Panamericana (Mexico)

Charting new routes for film eth- The authors of The Bounds of Ioannidis relies on existential 19
ics, Transformational Ethics of Myth present in their articles an and feminist psychoanalysis to
Film develops a critical account account of the importance of provide a radical and intertextual

of the ethics of personal trans- myth as a valid form of thought philosophical analysis of altru-
formation at work within the and its relation to other forms ism. Following Nietzsche, he
‘film as philosophy’ debate. of discourse such as religion or traces altruism to the phenom-
literature. enon of giving one’s word.

R E A D E R S H I P: Both scholars and READERSHI P: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
students of film theory, aesthet- myth-criticism and interpreta- altruism, history of moral phi-
ics, and visual culture studies tion of myths within the history losophy, ethics, phenomenology,
– particularly those interested of culture. existential and feminist psycho-
in philosophical and/or ethical analysis, intersubjectivity, em-
aspects of film and film specta- pathy, and anyone interested in
torship. Heraclitus, Aristotle, Plato, logos,
Peirce and Kafka.
June 2021 June 2021 March 2021
Hardback Hardback Hardback (xii, 402 pp.)
ISBN 9789004459953 ISBN 9789004448667 ISBN 9789004448384
Price € 125 / US$ 150 Price € 95 / US$ 114 Price € 138 / US$ 166
E-ISBN 9789004460874 E-ISBN 9789004448674 E-ISBN 9789004448391
E-Price € 125 / US$ 150 E-Price € 95 / US$ 114 E-Price € 138 / US$ 166
Value Inquiry Book Series / Value Inquiry Book Series / Studies in Value Inquiry Book Series /
Philosophy of Film, 365 the History of Western Philosophy, 364 Studies in Existentialism, Hermeneutics,
and Phenomenology, 363
To Understand What Tragedy and Philosophy Phenomenological
Is Happening A Parallel History Interpretations of
Essays on Historicity John Grumley, University of Ancient Philosophy
Jan-Ivar Lindén, University Sydney, David Robert, Monash Kristian Larsen and
of Heidelberg University, and Pauline Johnson, Pål Rykkja Gilbert, NTNU
acquarie University (Norway)

The volume deals with histori- Completed shortly before her How has ancient Greek thought
cal ontology from several angles: death in 2019, Tragedy and been received within phenom-
the historicity of understanding Philosophy. A Parallel History is enology? The volume offers

(Françoise Dastur, Arbogast the sum of Agnes Heller’s reflec- chapters on Edmund Husserl,
Schmitt, Samuel Weber), the tions on European history and Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg
limits of making (Emil Angehrn, culture, seen through the prism Gadamer, Jacob Klein, Hannah
Nicholas Davey, Jan-Ivar Lindén) of Europe’s two unique literary Arendt, Eugen Fink, Jan Patočka,
and the future of memory (Jayne creations: tragedy and philoso- Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques
Svenungsson, Christoph Türcke, phy. Derrida.
Bernhard Waldenfels).

R E AD E R S H IP : Historians and READERSHI P: Readers inter- REA D ERS HI P : Scholars and stu-
Philosophers alike, looking into ested in the history of European dents interested in phenomenol-
the concept of Historicity. drama and philosophy from the ogy, ancient philosophy, and the
Athenians through to Beckett way ancient philosophy has in-
and Derrida. fluenced the thought of various
phenomenological thinkers such
as Husserl, Heidegger, Arendt,
and Derrida.
June 2021 May 2021 June 2021
Hardback Hardback (viii, 125 pp.) Hardback
ISBN 9789004462618 ISBN 9789004460058 ISBN 9789004446762
Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 90 / US$ 108 Price € 123 / US$ 148
E-ISBN 9789004462625 E-ISBN 9789004460126 E-ISBN 9789004446779
E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 90 / US$ 108 E-Price € 123 / US$ 148
Social and Critical Theory, 27 Social and Critical Theory, 26 Studies in Contemporary
Phenomenology, 20
Philosophical Approaches Poznań School Suffering Time
to the Foundations of of Legal Theory Philosophical, Kabbalistic,
Logic and Mathematics Marek Smolak, Adam Mickiewicz and Ḥasidic Reflections
University, Poland, and on Temporality
In Honor of Paweł Kwiatkowski, University
Stanisław Krajewski of Gdańsk, Poland Elliot R. Wolfson,
University of California
Marcin Trepczyński,

University of Warsaw

Philosophical Approaches to This book grew out of the con- No one theory of time is pursued 21
the Foundations of Logic and viction that the original concepts in the essays of this volume, but
Mathematics consists of eleven of the Poznań School of Legal a major theme that threads them

articles addressing various as- Theory are still perfectly suited together is Wolfson’s signature
pects of the “roots” of logic and for application today, in the era idea of the timeswerve as a linear
mathematics, their basic con- of moral pluralism and multicen- circularity or a circular linearity,
cepts and the mechanisms that tric legal systems. expressions that are meant to
work in the practice of their use. avoid the conventional split be-
tween the two temporal modali-
ties of the line and the circle.

R E ADE R S H I P : All interested in READERSHI P: The book is dedi- REA D ERS HI P : Professors and
philosophy of sciences, espe- cated to readers interested in graduate studies in the areas of
cially philosophy of logic and legal theory, legal philosophy and Jewish philosophy, Jewish mysti-
philosophy of mathematics. methodology of legal sciences. cism, as well as scolars of con-
tinental philosophy, and others
interested in theories of time.

January 2021 February 2021 May 2021

Hardback (vi, 310 pp.) Hardback (xii, 424 pp.) Hardback
ISBN 9789004445949 ISBN 9789004446366 ISBN 9789004449336
Price € 135 / US$ 162 Price € 89 / US$ 107 Price € 160 / US$ 192
E-ISBN 9789004445956 E-ISBN 9789004448445 E-ISBN 9789004449343
E-Price € 135 / US$ 162 E-Price € 89 / US$ 107 E-Price € 160 / US$ 192
Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of Supplements to The Journal of
the Sciences and the Humanities, 114 the Sciences and the Humanities, 115 Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 30
The Enigma of Art The Enigma of Fichte’s The Philosophy
On the Provenance of First Principles of Brentano
Artistic Creation David W. Wood, Contributions from the Second
University of Leuven
Gino Zaccaria, International Conference Graz
Bocconi University (Milan) 1977–2017. In memory
of Rudolf Haller

Mauro Antonelli, University of

Milano-Bicocca, Thomas Binder,
University of Graz

In The Enigma of Art. On the This volume of articles in The Philosophy of Brentano has
provenance of Artistic Creation English by an international as its goal to explore the sig-
Gino Zaccaria offers a medita- team of scholars presents new nificance and impact of Franz

tion on art in light of its ancient critical perspectives on the Brentano’s thought, to promote a
Greek sense and of its task first principles of J.G. Fichte’s deepening of the ongoing renais-
inaugurated by “artist-thinkers” Wissenschaftslehre and some of sance of interest in Brentano,
like Cézanne, Boccioni and van the key sub-disciplines of his and to advance the project of
Gogh. philosophy. understanding Brentano’s actual
philosophical positions and
correcting entrenched misunder-

R E ADE R S HIP : All those interested READERSHIP: Anyone interested REA D ERS HI P : All interested in
in the philosophy and history of in Kant and German Idealism Franz Brentano and his school,
art, in hermeneutics and cultural (Reinhold, Fichte, Schelling, Austrian philosophy, and their
studies, and anyone concerned Hegel), and the topic of First relationship to the phenomeno-
with either the Classics or with Principles in the history of phi- logical and analytical philosophi-
the beginnings of the art of the losophy. cal traditions.
last century.

June 2021 May 2021 March 2021

Hardback Paperback Hardback
ISBN 9789004448704 ISBN 9789004459786 ISBN 9789004449237
Price € 110 / US$ 132 Price € 130 / US$ 157 Price € 129 / US$ 155
E-ISBN 9789004460119 E-ISBN 9789004459793 E-ISBN 9789004449244
E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 E-Price € 130 / US$ 157 E-Price € 129 / US$ 155
Studies on the Interaction of Art, Fichte-Studien, 49 Studien zur Österreichischen
Thought and Power, 9 Philosophie, 49
A Life of Scholarship Interpreting Globalization Pragmatic Nonviolence
with Santayana Polish Perspectives on Culture Working toward a Better World
Essays and Reflections in the Globalized World Andrew Fitz-Gibbon, State
Herman J. Saatkamp Jr. Edited by Leszek Koczanowicz, University of New York College,
Piotr Jakub Fereński, and Cortland
Joanna Panciuchin

Herman J. Saatkamp’s A Life of Globalization is a cultural phe- Drawing on the philosophy 23
Scholarship with Santayana: nomenon. The authors present of nonviolence, the American
Essays and Reflections gathers the thematically multi-dimen- pragmatist tradition, and recent

together his work of a lifetime. sional and theoretically complex empirical research, Pragmatic
There are twenty-three pieces, contribution of Polish research Nonviolence demonstrates that,
in three sections: “Santayana on globalization. They do not rather than being merely theo-
and Philosophy,” “Editorship,” approach globalization as an retical, nonviolence is a truly
and “Genetic Concerns and the abstract process, instead explor- practical approach toward per-
Future of Philosophy.” ing it through the lens of clearly sonal and community well-being.
defined factors.

R E A DE R S H I P : To scholars READERSHIP: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : All interested in the

of American, Spanish, and humanities and social sciences: philosophy of nonviolence, the
European philosophy and cul- cultural studies, history, history American pragmatist tradition,
ture, and to those interested in of art, philosophy, sociology, psy- and in taking pragmatic steps
the history of scholarship and chology. Any academic working towards a better future.
the book, and generalists in ge- on issues related to globaliza-
netic concerns. tion would be interested in this
March 2021 February 2021 February 2021
Hardback Hardback (xvi, 194 pp.) Paperback (xviii, 146 pp.)
ISBN 9789004446649 ISBN 9789004443785 ISBN 9789004445987
Price € 120 / US$ 145 Price € 99 / US$ 119 Price € 65 / US$ 79
E-ISBN 9789004446656 E-ISBN 9789004443792 E-ISBN 9789004445994
E-Price € 120 / US$ 145 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-Price € 88 / US$ 106
Value Inquiry Book Series / Value Inquiry Book Series / Value Inquiry Book Series /
Philosophy in Spain, 362 Central European Value Studies, 361 Philosophy of Peace, 360
Smart Technologies and Stephen Turner and the Early Psychoanalytic
Fundamental Rights Philosophy of the Social Religious Writings
John-Stewart Gordon, Christopher Adair-Toteff Edited by H. Newton Malony
Vytautas Magnus University and Edward P. Shafranske

The present volume, Smart Stephen Turner has produced a Early Psychoanalytic Religious
Technologies and Fundamental large and varied body of work Writings presents, in one edited
Rights, contains fourteen out- on core issues in the philosophy volume, many of the foundation-

standing and challenging articles of social science which is deeply al writings in the psychoanalytic
concerning fundamental rights engaged with its history. This study of religion. These trans-
and Artificial Intelligence at the book presents a critical review lated works by Abraham, Fromm,
intersection of law, ethics and by distinguished scholars, to- Pfister, and others, complement
smart technologies. gether with his response. Freud’s seminal contributions
and provide a unique window
into the origins of psychoana-
lytic thinking.

R E AD E R S HIP : All interested in READERSHIP: Anyone interested REA D ERS HI P : University and
current topics at the intersection in the philosophy of social sci- seminary libraries and religious
of law, ethics, and smart tech- ence or the core problems of scholars, cultural historians,
nologies. discussing the social will find and psychoanalysts who have
something of interest in this intellectual interest in the psy-
volume. choanalytic study of religion will
find value in this unique histori-
cal text.
December 2020 March 2021 December 2020
Hardback (xvi, 384 pp.) Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004436732 ISBN 9789004449596 ISBN 9789004426740
Price € 120 / US$ 144 Price € 114 / US$ 137 Price € 110 / US$ 132
E-ISBN 9789004437876 E-ISBN 9789004449602 E-ISBN 9789004429222
E-Price € 120 / US$ 144 E-Price € 114 / US$ 137 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132
Value Inquiry Book Series / Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies, 29
Philosophy and Human Rights, 350 the Sciences and the Humanities, 116
Like an Animal The Invention of Duty
Critical Animal Studies Approaches to Borders, Stoicism as Deontology
Displacement, and Othering Jack Visnjic, Anacyclosis Institute,
Natalie Khazaal, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Chapel Hill (USA)
and Núria Almiron, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)

The contributors of Like an Animal challenge most fundamental con- Where did the notion of 25
cepts in the fields of racism, dehumanization, borders, displacement, ‘moral duty’ come from? In The
and refugees that rest on the assumption of humanism. They show Invention of Duty: Stoicism as

how we can bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice at the Deontology, Jack Visnjic argues
border. The goal of this interdisciplinary collection is twofold. First, that it was the Stoics who first
to invite border/migration studies to consider a broader social jus- developed a robust notion of
tice perspective that includes nonhuman animals. Second, to start a duty as well as a deontological
discussion if nonhumans maybe refugees of a kind and how humans ethics.
can address nonhumans’ interests and needs from the perspective of
addressing refugee issues.

R E A DE R S H I P : All interested in integrated approaches to social justice, REA D ERS HI P : All interested in the
human rights, animal rights, animal ethics, communication for peace, history of ideas, ancient Greek
ecology and environmental activism, displacement, migration, bor- and Roman philosophy, moral
ders, and international relations. philosophy, Stoicism, or the
philosophy of Kant; and anyone
interested in the foundations of
morality and the history of the
concept of duty.
December 2020 March 2021
Hardback Hardback
ISBN 9789004439085 ISBN 9789004446328
Price € 116 / US$ 139 Price € 99 / US$ 119
E-ISBN 9789004440654 E-ISBN 9789004446335
E-Price € 116 / US$ 139 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119
Critical Animal Studies, 5 Philosophia Antiqua, 157
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