Feature Extraction Using Discrete Wavelet Transfor

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Shock and Vibration

Volume 2016, Article ID 6748469, 10 pages

Research Article
Feature Extraction Using Discrete Wavelet Transform for
Gear Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox

Rusmir Bajric,1 Ninoslav Zuber,2 Georgios Alexandros Skrimpas,3 and Nenad Mijatovic4
EPC Elektroprivreda BiH, Kreka Coal Mines, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Bruel and Kjær Vibro, 2850 Nærum, Denmark
Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Correspondence should be addressed to Ninoslav Zuber; zuber@uns.ac.rs

Received 1 July 2015; Revised 17 September 2015; Accepted 27 September 2015

Academic Editor: Chao Tao

Copyright © 2016 Rusmir Bajric et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Vibration diagnosis is one of the most common techniques in condition evaluation of wind turbine equipped with gearbox. On the
other side, gearbox is one of the key components of wind turbine drivetrain. Due to the stochastic operation of wind turbines, the
gearbox shaft rotating speed changes with high percentage, which limits the application of traditional vibration signal processing
techniques, such as fast Fourier transform. This paper investigates a new approach for wind turbine high speed shaft gear fault
diagnosis using discrete wavelet transform and time synchronous averaging. First, the vibration signals are decomposed into a
series of subbands signals with the use of a multiresolution analytical property of the discrete wavelet transform. Then, 22 condition
indicators are extracted from the TSA signal, residual signal, and difference signal. Through the case study analysis, a new approach
reveals the most relevant condition indicators based on vibrations that can be used for high speed shaft gear spalling fault diagnosis
and their tracking abilities for fault degradation progression. It is also shown that the proposed approach enhances the gearbox
fault diagnosis ability in wind turbines. The approach presented in this paper was programmed in Matlab environment using data
acquired on a 2 MW wind turbine.

1. Introduction have some disadvantages, like large volume which leads to

difficult transportation and manipulation.
Wind energy is currently the fastest growing renewable In order to maintain the high availability of multistage
energy source in the world. By the end of 2014, the global total gearbox wind turbine, condition monitoring of gearbox is
installed wind capacity had reached more than 369 GW with essential. The major goal of wind turbine condition monitor-
about 133 GW of wind energy installed in Europe alone [1]. ing system (CMS) is to provide predictive, condition based
Wind turbines experience component failures which lead to maintenance that will improve safety, decrease maintenance
increased operation and maintenance costs and, at the end, costs, and increase system availability [3]. Most wind turbines
high cost of energy. At the same time, there is constant effort are designed to operate for at least 20 years [4] and in addition
to reduce wind turbine downtime and increase availability. to current market share of gearbox based wind turbines
Wind turbine manufacturers have been exploring different there is no doubt about the importance and necessity of
drive train topologies ranging from multistage gearbox and CMS implementation. Despite technical challenges, vibration
induction generators to direct drive systems. Market share based CMS is the most popular diagnosis approach for wind
of direct drive turbines installations grew by 30% in 2014 turbine gearboxes [5]. Gearbox repair is complex and con-
and took 27% of the global market, according to World tributes to the long wind turbine downtime, especially when
Wind Energy Market Update 2015, a slight decline in market turbines are deployed offshore with requirement of special
share compared to 2013 despite good overall performance [2]. maintenance support vessel, crane ship, and good weather
Direct drive turbines are still under development and they conditions for safe operation [6]. Standard method of gearbox
2 Shock and Vibration

fault diagnostics is data collection by accelerometers located as source signal for analysis due to their lower sensitivity to
on gearbox housing with the main purpose to collect vibra- load variations, as suggested by Zhan et al. [17]. The HSS
tion signals associated with transmission components, such is found to be the most unreliable gearbox stage [18]. A
as gears, shafts, and bearings. Operators of wind turbines pay recent effort in wind turbine condition monitoring industry
attention to gearbox reliability due to the following reasons has focused to automate the data interpretation and improve
[6]: (1) the gearbox cost which is about 13% of overall wind the accuracy and reliability of diagnosis decision. From the
turbine costs, (2) high cost of replacement and installation, earlier studies, it seems there is a need for more in-depth
(3) complex repair procedure, and (4) high revenue losses evaluation of the various vibration based gear CIs on the
due to long downtime. For gearboxes operating at constant RDLT wind turbine gearbox. Although various CIs provided
speed and load, traditional vibration based fault diagnostic successful results under experimental settings, their ability in
techniques are reliable and allow end-users to accurately RDLT was not sufficiently studied. There are many reasons to
track fault progression over time. One of the approaches in conduct gearbox condition monitoring research within the
gearbox fault diagnostics is direct feature extraction from the wind turbine. The idea of this paper was triggered by a real
vibration signal. Features are used to reflect the condition multimegawatt wind turbine gearbox failure, where the HSS
of the gearbox components and in literature are referred to gear was severely damaged by spalling fault on single tooth.
as condition indicator (CI). Features extracted from time At the end, this fault resulted in wind turbine stop. This study
domain signals usually reflect component degradation under aims to contribute the area of wind turbine vibration based
constant operating conditions. However, reflection of com- condition monitoring by providing a detailed investigation of
ponent degradation will not be efficient under nonstationary selected 22 CIs for HSS gear fault diagnosis and to estimate
operating conditions and will lead to fault misdiagnosis. Most the properties of selected CIs to track gear fault progression.
of the frequency domain methods used in vibration based The study is conducted on the RDLT wind turbine gearbox,
CMS today are based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) thus providing a more compelling investigation of whether
techniques. Many vibration based fault diagnostic methods the CIs are applicable to a CMS. A new approach which
count on the fact that the speed and load are constant during uses the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to filter out TSA
data collection. Signals measured on the gearbox will change signals and its special transform “residual and difference
as load change while traditional FFT spectral methods cannot signal” in process of gear faults CIs extraction is presented
be used [7, 8]. Furthermore, due to the stochastic operation and evaluated in this paper. The proposed approach was
of wind turbines, the running speed could change with high realized with Matlab coding and validated with RDLT wind
percentage which further limits the application of FFT based turbine data.
techniques. Hence, the vibration signals acquired on wind The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
turbine gearbox are characterized as nonstationary [9] which In Section 2, we provide a quick overview of the discrete
leads to spectral smearing during application of FFT based wavelet transformation and employment of residual and
techniques and creates uncertainty in the fault diagnosis. difference signal and CIs used in the study. In Section 3, wind
Večeř et al. [10] summarized a comprehensive selection of turbine gearbox experiment and experimental procedure are
CIs for gears fault diagnosis and fault progression evaluation described. Fault diagnosis approach which is presented in
with some typical vibration signal analysis algorithms. Also, Section 3 is analyzed in Section 4, and the effect of selected
a detailed list of time domain and frequency domain features approach is discussed. The conclusion is given in Section 5.
for gear fault detection and diagnosis is discussed in [11].
Other studies have been presented using National Renew-
able Energy Laboratory’s Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition 2. Vibration Signal Processing and
Monitoring Round Robin test rig with constant speed and Feature Extraction
load including GearMod algorithm [12], Sideband Index (SI)
[3], sideband energy ratio (SER) [13], and sideband level 2.1. Wavelet Transform. Depending on wind speed, wind
(SBL) [14]. Wavelet transformation, which has the ability to turbines operate in time varying conditions that make fault
provide information on both time and frequency domains, diagnosis complicated. In this context, the classical applica-
has been successfully applied in nonstationary vibration sig- tion of Fourier based spectrum methods for processing the
nal processing and fault diagnosis [15]. Recently, Siegel et al. time varying signals does not give reliable results. Appli-
[14] highlighted that the kurtosis based on residual signal cation of wavelet transformation in signal processing for
is not the most appropriate technique for detection of high fault diagnosis is a well-known technique which overcomes
speed shaft (HSS) scuffing gear fault under stable operating the problems that other signal processing techniques have.
condition of test rig wind turbine gearbox. However, this Unlike spectral analysis that represents a signal as sum
conclusion was reached using only 30 data sets obtained at of sinusoidal functions, wavelet transform decomposes the
three constant speeds and with 50% of rated power of the signal into wavelets of various scales in time-domain with
tested gearbox. The real data lifetime test (RDLT) behavior variable window sizes and revealing the local structure in
using this technique was not investigated. Also, residual time frequency domain. Wavelet transform, which is capable
signal contains rich fault information which is more sensitive of providing both time and frequency domain information
to the gear faults, filtering out regular normal spectrum simultaneously has been successfully used in nonstationary
meshing frequencies and eliminating its disturbances [16]. In vibration signal processing and fault diagnosis [7]. The
this paper, time synchronous averaging (TSA) signal is used advantages of wavelet transform [19] are as follows: (1) it
Shock and Vibration 3

is more effective for transient features extraction and (2) it x(t) H

2 A1 H
2 A2 ··· A3
extracts signal features over the entire spectrum, without ..
requiring a dominant frequency band. G
The wavelet transformation uses the basic wavelet func- 2 D3
tions, also referred to as mother wavelets, which can dilate- G
2 D2
compress and translate domain based on two parameters:
G D1
scale-frequency and translation-time shift in order to apply 2
short windows at low scales-high frequencies and long
windows at high scales-low frequencies. The latter provides Figure 1: Decomposition procedure of 𝐽-level DWT.
greater resolution in time for high frequency components of
a signal and greater resolution in frequency for low frequency
components. downsampling for every stage of wavelet decomposition.
Wavelet filters are used for decomposition and reconstruc-
2.2. Gear Fault Feature Extraction Using DWT. Fast Fourier tion. It is shown in
transform is still the most used signal processing method for 𝐴 0 [𝑥 (𝑡)] = 𝑥 (𝑡) ,
gearbox fault diagnosis that can be found in commercially
available online monitoring systems. On the other side, time- 𝐴 𝑗 [𝑥 (𝑡)] = ∑𝐻 (2𝑡 − 𝑘) 𝐴 𝑗−1 [𝑥 (𝑡)] ,
frequency analyses methods have the ability to display both 𝑘 (4)
time information and frequency information of a signal. The
multiresolution analysis ability of DWT makes it suitable 𝐷𝑗 [𝑥 (𝑡)] = ∑𝐺 (2𝑡 − 𝑘) 𝐴 𝑗−1 [𝑥 (𝑡)] ,
for revealing fault related information from nonstationary 𝑘
signals acquired on rotating machineries [20]. Frequency
where 𝑥(𝑡) is the original signal and 𝑗 is the decomposition
bandwidth of the vibration spectrum for gearbox fault diag-
level (𝑗 = 1, 2, . . . , 𝐽). 𝐻 and 𝐺 are wavelet decomposition
nosis needs to be wide in order to cover higher harmonics of
filters for low-pass filtering and high pass filtering, respec-
fundamental meshing frequency and also needs to have high
tively. 𝐴 𝑗 and 𝐷𝑗 are the low frequency wavelet coefficients
frequency resolution in order to extract information around
(approximations) and the high frequency wavelet coefficients
fundamental meshing frequency and its harmonics. The basic
(details) of signal 𝑥(𝑡) at the 𝑗th level, respectively. The
analysis wavelet 𝜓(𝑡) is a square integrable function, and it
decomposition procedure of a 𝐽-level DWT is shown in
meets the following relationship [21]:
Figure 1. It can be seen that 𝐷𝑗 and 𝐴 𝑗 are obtained through
|Ψ (𝜔)|2 high-pass filtering and low pass filtering with downsampling
𝐶𝜓 = ∫ 𝑑𝜔 < ∞, (1) at each level. After the signal 𝑥(𝑡) is decomposed by the
𝑅 |𝜔|
𝐽-level DWT, 𝐷𝑗 at each level and 𝐴 𝑗 at the 𝐽th level are
where Ψ(𝜔) is the Fourier transform of 𝜓(𝑡). Through obtained. Therefore, the DWT based on Mallat algorithm
translation and dilatation, a member of the function can be can be represented as a filtering process where the signal is
derived from the 𝜓(𝑡). The equation can be described as decomposed into a series of subbands.
follows: More detailed analytical bases of the wavelet technique
can be found in [22]. DWT, based on subband coding, is
𝜓𝑎,𝑏 (𝑡) = |𝑎|−1/2 𝜓 ( ), (2) known as a fast computation wavelet transform that exploits
𝑎 the relationship between the coefficients at adjacent scales.
Such implementation reduces the computational time which
where 𝜓𝑎,𝑏 (𝑡) is a member of wavelet mother function renders it much more suitable for online fault diagnosis.
and 𝑎 and 𝑏 represent the scale parameter and translation With regard to the type of mother wavelet, a 5th order of
parameter, respectively. As seen in (2) and (3), 𝜓𝑎,𝑏 (𝑡) can Daubechies family db5 was chosen, although other families
be regarded as a window function. 𝑎 and 𝑏 are used to (Symlet) also allow a clear detection of the gear faults [23].
adjust the frequency and time location of the wavelet. Small Actually, a high order of mother wavelet is recommended for
𝑎 offers high-frequency resolution and is useful in extracting minimizing the overlapping effect at the expense of a higher
high-frequency components of signals. Small 𝑎 increases in computation time [23]. However, thanks to the robustness of
response to the frequency resolution decrease but increase the used method, the use of lower order mother wavelet is
in time resolution and therefore low-frequency components able to provide satisfactory results.
are much easier to extract. DWT is derived through the
discretization of parameters 𝑎 and 𝑏. Generally, 𝑎 is replaced
by 2𝑗 and 𝑏 is replaced by 𝑘2𝑗 (𝑗, 𝑘 ∈ 𝑍) and can be shown as 2.3. Time Synchronous Averaging. As mentioned, regular
spectrum based methods are not reliable for wind turbine
gearbox fault diagnosis. The majority of the energy in the
𝑊𝜓 (𝑗, 𝑘) = ∫ 𝑥 (𝑡) 𝜓𝑗,𝑘 (𝑡) 𝑑𝑡, (3) healthy state of the gear is concentrated at the fundamental
meshing frequency and its harmonic. If sampling of vibration
where 𝜓𝑗,𝑘 (𝑡) = 2−𝑗/2 𝜓(2−𝑗 𝑡 − 𝑘) and 𝑥(𝑡) is finite-energy signal is synchronized with the rotation of a selected shaft
signal. The Mallat algorithm [21, 22] implements DWT using over many revolutions the result will be a signal called TSA
pyramidal structure where time dilation is accomplished by signal [24], which contains only signal components which
4 Shock and Vibration

Raw signal Time
signal SKW,
averaging DWT-A 3 DA1, EO,
Tacho signal FM0, SLF,
SI, ASB∗ ,
and NB4

NA4, NA4∗
Residual TSA DWT-A 3

ER, FM4,
FM4∗ , M6A,
Difference TSA DWT-A 3 DiffDA1,
and DP2P

Figure 2: Processing flow chart for feature extraction methods for vibration analysis.

are synchronous with selected shaft. TSA is a well-known Table 1: Signals of interest and used CIs.
and efficient algorithm for fault diagnosis of gears. It has
the ability to extract deterministic signals and enhance syn- Signals type Name of signal Used CIs
chronous vibration related components, while suppressing RMS, nRMS, P2P, CF,
nonsynchronous components, electrical noise, bearing vibra- TSA TSA SKW, KURT, DA1, EO,
tions in particular, and vibrations related to other gearbox FM0, SLF, SI, ASB∗ , and
shafts or nearby machinery. The quality of TSA signal highly
depends on the number of averages in the TSA process. Residual TSA resTSA NA4, NA4∗
However, alhthough TSA is a very powerful algorithm, ER, FM4, FM4∗ , M6A,
one of the potential problems with TSA implementation Difference TSA diffTSA M8A, DiffDA1, and
in commercial wind turbine vibration based CMS is the DiffP2P
necessity for reference sensor on all gearbox stages. There are
different definitions of “residual signal” but the major goal
diagnostic approaches have been developed. In literature,
in generating it is to remove the regular meshing pattern
those features are known as CIs. The ability to diagnose gear
from the time domain signal. Gear residual signal is special
faults while minimizing the probability of false alarms is the
transformation of TSA vibration signal from gears in mesh
primary goal during CI selection [3]. Most of gear CIs are
and usually shows evidence of presence of faults earlier and
based on TSA signal and the first step in calculating these
more clearly than TSA signal. It is also less sensitive to the
CIs is to obtain the TSA signal. Number of CIs could be used
varying load than TSA signal [7]. It is common to remove the
for gear fault diagnosis based on signal processing techniques
first five shaft harmonics, gear mesh frequency, and all gear
and kinematics of machine. An extensive discussion of the
mesh harmonics frequency from the residual signal [14]. The
gearbox vibration CIs analysis can be found in [10, 26]. Many
first-order sidebands needs to be removed from the “residual
indicators are then applied to the TSA signal, residual signal,
signals” in order to obtain “difference signal”.
and difference signal. An overview of the signals used to
extract CIs is provided in Table 1. Figure 2 shows the CIs used
2.4. Extraction of Features. The most important vibration in this paper, associated with the different signal processing
spectral components for gear fault diagnosis are gear mesh techniques.
frequencies, their harmonics and sidebands generated by The following 22 CIs were extracted: root mean square
modulation due to geometric errors of tooth profile, meshing (RMS) and normalized RMS (nRMS) [27] whichis defined
errors, and gear distribute/localized fault. Sideband ampli- as RMS of a vibration acceleration signal with amplitude
tudes around gear mesh frequencies remain constant over normalized by signal’s peak value:
the time for gear in good condition. Therefore, the number RMS (𝑥)
and the amplitude of sideband could be used to indicate nRMS = 1 − . (5)
presence of fault in meshing gears [25]. To enable determina- |max (𝑥)|
tion of gear condition, to track its degradation progression, Peak to Peak (P2P), Crest Factor (CF), Skewness (SKW),
and to extract characteristic features, many vibration based Kurtosis (KURT) are well known CIs, and Data Algorithm
Shock and Vibration 5

One (DA1) [28] is expressed by (6) and is defined as RMS of The M6A given by (13) is
the TSA signal subtracted from the mean of the TSA:
𝑁2 ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 )
DA1 = RMS (TSA − TSA) . (6) M6A = , (13)
2 3
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 ) ]
Energy Operator (EO) [10] is defined as the normalized
kurtosis from the signal where each point is computed as and the M8A given by (14) is
the difference of two squared neighborhood points of the 8
original signal. Zero-order figure of merit (FM0) [10] is 𝑁3 ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 )
defined as the peak to peak level of the signal divided by M8A = , (14)
2 4
the sum of amplitude at the GMF and its corresponding [∑𝑁
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 ) ]
harmonics. Sideband Level Factor (SLF) [28] is expressed by
(7) defined as sum of the first-order sideband amplitudes of which generally are more sensitive to peaks in the signal as a
the fundamental gear meshing frequency normalized by the consequence of the use of high-order statistics. Recently, two
RMS of the synchronous time average signal: gear CIs in health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS),
DA1 of the difference signal (DiffDA1), and peak to peak of
∑ magnitude of first order side bands the difference signal (DiffP2P) have been investigated [26].
SLF = . (7) After resampling the signal from the HSS accelerometer, the
RMS (𝑥)
TSA signal is computed taking into account the tachometer
NB4 defined in [29], Sideband Index (SI) [28] is expressed by signal also from the HSS shaft as reference. In our case, a
(8) defined as the average of the first-order sidebands of the filtering process is applied to the TSA signal which involves
fundamental gear meshing frequency: removing the fundamental gear mesh frequency (GMF) and
its first five harmonics to generate what is called the residual
∑ magnitude of first order side bands signal (resTSA). A filtering process is applied that involves
SI = , (8)
2 removing the first order sidebands from the residual signals
in order to obtain difference signal (diffTSA). Finally, the
and amplitude of sidebands (ASB∗ ) [27] is defined as relation- TSA, the resTSA, and the diffTSA signals are then filtered
ship of amplitude of sidebands (ASB) and the amplitudes of by the DWT using the approximation and detail coefficients,
the GMF and its harmonics (AGMF) from which a number of CIs is extracted. Time waveform of
ASB vibration signal will deform during gear meshing processes
ASB∗ = (9) if there is a fault on gear and this is usually manifested
AGMF with increase amplitudes of gear meshing frequency and
are applied to TSA signal. its harmonics. Gear mesh related amplitudes are usually
NA4 [30] evaluated by (10) is defined as the kurtosis of very small if there is no fault at meshing gears. There is
a signal normalized by square average variance for the run more energy at mesh frequency and its harmonics while
ensemble fault progress and fault progress could be supervised as an
increment in higher harmonics of mesh frequency. This is
𝑁 ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 (𝑟𝑖 − 𝑟𝑖 )
the reason why it is common to analyze at least the first
NA4 = . (10) three harmonics of the gear meshing frequency. As reported
2 2
𝑖=1 (𝑟𝑖 − 𝑟𝑖 ) ] in Table 2, the characteristic fault frequencies of the HSS
gear can be observed, respectively, on approximation 𝐴 3 and
NA4∗ [30] is defined as the kurtosis of a signal normalized by detail 𝐷3 coefficients. Hence, the DWT was done for only 3
square average variance for the gearbox in good condition. decomposition levels.
This CI is obtained using the “residual signal”. Finally the Approximation 𝐴 3 and details coefficients 𝐷3 are used
FM4, FM4∗ , Energy Ratio (ER) [10], M6A, and M8A [31] are covering first four GMFs (1xGMF-728 Hz, 2xGMF-1456 Hz,
applied to the difference signal estimated by removing first- 3xGMF-2184 Hz, and 4xGMF-2912 Hz) while others are
order sidebands from the residual signals. FM4 is given by omitted from analysis. Finally, these signals were analyzed by
(11) and is defined as the kurtosis of a difference signal: the proposed approach using the Matlab code developed by
the authors.
𝑁 ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 )
FM4 = . (11)
2 2 3. Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Diagnosis
𝑖=1 (𝑑𝑖 − 𝑑𝑖 ) ]
3.1. Wind Turbine Description and Data Acquisition. In order
The ER given by (12) is defined as the ratio of the RMS of the to extract the appropriate condition indicators and evaluate
difference signal to the RMS of the signal containing only the their historical trends, we present in this section the wind
regular meshing components (TSA signal): turbine gearbox experiment and advantages of using TSA
and residual and different signal. To evaluate the proposed
ER = . (12) approach, wind turbine gearbox RDLT vibration data history
RMSTSA is used collected by a vibration data acquisition system.
6 Shock and Vibration

Table 2: DWT 3 level frequency bands. LSS stage

Approximations Details ISS stage
Frequency band Frequency
“𝐴 𝑗 ” (kHz) “𝐷𝑗 ” band (kHz)
𝐴3 (0–1.6) 𝐷3 (1.6–3.2) H
HSS stage
𝐴2 (0–3.2) 𝐷2 (3.2–6.4)
𝐴1 (0–6.4) 𝐷1 (6.4–12.8)

The vibration signals were acquired by accelerometers

mounted on the gearbox housing close to HSS shaft sup-
porting bearing. The rotational speed of the HSS shaft
was obtained by tachometer. Moreover, the vibration and
tachometer signals were sampled at 25.6 kHz with 10.24 Figure 3: Wind turbine gearbox with one planetary and two parallel
stages, adapted from [6].
seconds lengths where 25 sets of vibration and tachometers
signals were analyzed over 4 months.
Furthermore, in order to analyze data under similar wind 28.5
turbine load, data sets are classified. Only data sets from
0.7 MW to 1.4 MW are used while others were neglected.
Gear meshing frequency (GMF) of HSS pinion and gear was
728 Hz with 28 Hz HSS shaft running speed. Wind turbine
gearbox ratio is close to 1 : 110 rated at 2.0 MW nominal 28
HSS speed (Hz)

electric power. The gearbox is a three-stage unit, with the

first stage being planetary and the remaining two stages being
parallel gears. Wind turbine gearbox used for evaluation of
selected CIs is three-stage design gearbox, composed of one
planetary stage and two parallel shaft stages. 27.5
This design type is widely used configuration for wind
turbine drivetrains, as shown in Figure 3, and illustrates the
internal configuration of the wind turbine gearbox under
evaluation. The low speed shaft (LSS) stage-planetary stage
includes the planetary gears in a planet carrier coaxial with a 27
0 2 4 6 8 10
sun gear and a ring gear. Planet carrier is connected to main Time (s)
blade rotor and transfer motion to sun gear via the planet
gears. The intermediate speed shaft (ISS) stage uses parallel Figure 4: HSS speed profile.
helical gears as does the high speed shaft (HSS), which is then
coupled to generator drive end. Internal configuration of the 3.5
wind turbine gearbox is given in [3]. The gear fault under
evaluation in this study was HSS gear single tooth severe X: 1457
3 Y: 3.288
spalling. The HSS running speed has a profile as shown in
Figure 4 for data set acquired on 05/08/2014.
2.5 X: 2186
For specific span, there was approximately a 1.2 Hz HSS Y: 2.113
speed change. Even though the HSS shaft speed variation
Amplitude (g)

2 X: 728.7
seems relatively small in this case, this kind of variation Y: 1.655
is large enough to create smearing in the frequency based
1.5 X: 1456
spectrum analysis, especially at high orders of the HSS Y: 1.23
rotational frequency, such as the HSS gear meshing frequency X: 728.1 X: 4484
and its harmonics. 1 Y: 0.9055 X: 2184 Y: 0.8949
Y: 0.709
X: 4478
Y: 0.2771
4. Diagnosis Results and Discussion
Before the CIs are extracted, it is important to evaluate the 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
performance of TSA and the resTSA to observe how the Frequency (Hz)
vibration signals change for undamaged and damaged HSS
gear. TSA is first performed on the signal over 250 averages, TSA PSD
Regular PSD
taking the HSS shaft rotation as reference. The effectiveness
of this technique in case with damaged HSS gear is shown in Figure 5: Power spectrum comparison between the regular signal
Figure 5 using vibration signal power spectrum. and TSA signal for damaged HSS gear.
Shock and Vibration 7


80 P2P
20 60
15 20

Date, day/month/2014
Amplitude (g)

0 TSA‐A 3

−5 Figure 7: P2P over RDLT.


0.4 SLF
−15 0.3
−20 0.1
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0

Time (s)

Undamaged Date, day/month/2014

Damaged TSA TSA‐D3
Figure 6: Residual signal of HSS gear (one complete revolution of
HSS gear). Figure 8: Sideband Level Factor over RDLT.

It shows that the asynchronous components as well as applying more advanced processing methods. These
the noise floor are significantly reduced, while frequencies CIs allow tracking the changes in energy around some
that are synchronous with the rotation of the HSS gear have frequencies related to defects in gear components
emerged in the spectrum; that is, the GMF and its harmonics to be monitored. These CIs are extracted from TSA
are clearly visible indicating gear meshing irregularities and signal and have been designed for fault detection,
fault presence. based on the analysis presented earlier in this paper.
Comparing regular and TSA power spectra at the high FM0, SLF, SI, and ASB∗ are power in bands CIs used
speed GMFs and high-order harmonics, the amplitude dif- in this study.
ference becomes significant, especially at the higher orders
The historical trends of all the CIs defined in the earlier
GMFs. Although the full frequency range spectrum is avail-
section are depicted in Figures 7–12. Both the clarity and
able, for clarity, only the first 5 kHz frequency range is shown
the fluctuation level of the historical trends for the CIs are
in Figure 5. In order to estimate the residual signals, infinite
considered as criteria for selecting relevant features from
impulse response notch filters are used. This type of filter
the generated parameters used for HSS gear fault diagnosis
attenuates frequencies in a narrow stop band around a cut-off
and degradation progression over the wind turbine RDLT
frequency. Typical results for the residual signal are presented
gearbox. A new wind turbine gearbox was installed on
in Figure 6 for datasets of undamaged and damaged HSS gear.
27/07/2014 and is marked on figures with green rectangle.
The results illustrate that the statistical condition indica-
4.1. Extraction of Features. To evaluate the diagnosis capa- tors RMS, nRMS, CF, SKW, KURT, DA1, EO, FM0, ASB∗ , and
bilities in the case of HSS gear spalling fault, features were NB4 based on the TSA signal do not reveal a linear increase
implemented and processed for wind turbine gearbox RDLT. over the wind turbine RDLT. Only P2P as statistical CI shows
Generally, features can be divided into two groups, statistical a logical increase over the wind turbine RDLT as shown in
condition indicators and power condition indicators as fol- Figure 7.
lows: From 18/06/2014 this indicator had linear increase, which
may reflect the beginning of the deterioration of the HSS gear.
(1) Statistical CIs offer an overview on the trend of signals
The starting point of the fault on HSS gear is also confirmed
and therefore on the operation condition of the
by SLF and SI as power in band CIs which significantly
machine. CIs RMS, nRMS, P2P, CF, SKW, KURT, DA1,
increases from 23/06/2014, as shown in Figures 8 and 9,
EO, FM0, SLF, SI, ASB∗ , and NB4 are extracted from
the TSA signal. NA4 and NA4∗ are extracted from
We also remark that the SLF and SI indicators are more
residual signal where ER, FM4, FM4∗ , M6A, M8A,
pertinent when extracted from the approximation coefficient
DiffDA1, and DiffP2P are extracted from difference
𝐴 3 (low frequency) signal than the indicators extracted from
the regular TSA signal and detail coefficient 𝐷3 (high fre-
(2) Power in bands CIs or frequency domain based CIs quency) signal. In addition, P2P, SLF, SI, and NA4∗ extracted
are signature typical use as second approach prior to from approximation coefficient 𝐴 3 reflect real fault progress
8 Shock and Vibration


2 SI 150
1.5 FM4∗
1 100
0.5 50

Date, day/month/2014
Date, day/month/2014
TSA‐A 3 diffTSA diffTSA‐D3
diffTSA‐A 3
Figure 9: Sideband Index over RDLT.
Figure 11: FM4∗ over RDLT.


30 600 M8A
20 400

Date, day/month/2014
Date, day/month/2014
resTSA resTSA‐ D3
resTSA‐A 3 diffTSA diffTSA‐ D3
diffTSA‐A 3
Figure 10: NA4∗ over RDLT.
Figure 12: M8A over RDLT.

compered to regular TSA signal. Those two CIs are associated

with gear mesh frequencies and sidebands calculated from pertinent when extracted from the approximation coefficient
the frequency domain and SI as condition indicator is more 𝐴 3 (low frequency) signal than the indicators extracted
robust than others’ power in band CIs in tracking HSS gear from the regular TSA signal and detail coefficient 𝐷3 (high
fault progression over the time. frequency) signal. M8A difference signal based CI reveals
We also remark that all other analyzed statistical and a linear increase over the duration of RDLT and has good
power in band CIs based on TSA signal do not reveal a linear correlation with the time of gearbox replacement as shown
increase over the wind turbine RDLT (fault progression). in Figure 12. We also noticed that this indicator is more
The NA4 CIs extracted from residual signal do not reveal pertinent when extracted from the approximation coefficient
a linear increase over the wind turbine RDLT. In general, 𝐴 3 (low frequency) signal than the indicators extracted
NA4 condition indicator was developed as one that is more from the regular TSA signal and detail coefficient 𝐷3 (high
sensitive to progressing damage. By normalizing the squared frequency) signal. This condition indicator is designed to
variance for gear in gsood condition NA4∗ CI becomes more detect surface damage on machinery components which is
robust when progressive damage occurs. The study results the case with HSS gear fault, in this case spalling. Other CIs
illustrate that this is the case for wind turbine single tooth based on difference signal do not reveal linear increase over
spalling HSS gear fault with rapid increase from 26/06/2014 the wind turbine RDLT and some of them even increase after
as shown in Figure 10. This indicator is more pertinent the replacement of gearbox with high level of fluctuation. The
when extracted from the approximation coefficient 𝐴 3 (low statistical condition indicators M6A, DiffDA1, and DiffP2P
frequency) signal than the indicators extracted from the based on the difference signal do not reveal a linear increase
regular TSA signal and detail coefficient 𝐷3 (high frequency) over the wind turbine RDLT.
signal. What is more, this indicator very efficiently reveals
when the new gearbox was installed. 5. Conclusion
In general, CIs extracted form difference signal are
designed to reveal change of GMF high-order sidebands. One of the most important insights to be drawn from this
ER does not reveal a linear increase over the wind turbine work is choosing a suitable reference for TSA and CI that can
RDLT and even increase after the replacement of gearbox. lead to earlier diagnosis of wind turbine HSS gear spalling
This is expected because ER is known as condition indicator fault. This paper has shown that statistical CIs can provide
tracking heavy wear, where more than one tooth on the global information about the condition of the gearbox at the
gear is damaged. FM4 have shown similar behavior with same time being unreliable indicators of gear state condition.
higher rate of fluctuation. FM4∗ difference signal based CI However, power in band CIs was able to provide specific
reveals a linear increase over the wind turbine RDLT and information about the state of HSS gear. Results have shown
this indicator is capable of revealing when the new gearbox the advantage of DWT filtering, using the TSA signal rather
was installed as shown in Figure 11. This indicator is more than using only the TSA signal, which improves the ability
Shock and Vibration 9

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