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Bullying (Makalah B.ing)

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Yang Diajarkan Oleh :
Bu Nuril Iqomah Jannah

Disusun Oleh Kelompok :

1.) Alvin Chandra Okta Farisyah
2.) Nasihatin Nahdhiyah
3.) Ayu Indah Sari
4.) Khotim
5.) Suliswanto




1. Backround

Bullying (in indonesian known as “oppression/rising”) is any form of oppression or

violence that is intentionally carried out by one person or group of people who are
stronger or more powerfull towards another person with the aim of hurting and is
carried out continously.

Here are some factors that cause someone to do bullying, namely:

1. Personal problems
One of the triggers for someone to bully is having personal problems that make him
helpless in his own life.
For example, children who come from dysfunctional families.
Not all children from dysfunctional families will be bullies, but this often happens.
Most of the perpetrators are children who feel a lack of love and openness in their
families, they may also often see their parents being aggressive towards the people
around them.
2. Have you ever been a victim of bullying?
Several cases show that the perpetrators are actually victims.
For example, a child who feels bullied by his sibling at home, then he responds by
bullying his friend at school who he considers weaker.
Another example is people who are depressed due to bullying in real life and use
cyberspace to show that they too have power by attacking other people.
3. Envy
Another cause of bullying is the envy of the perpetrator towards the victim.
This envy can arise because the victim has something that is actually as special as the
In addition, someone may also bully to cover up his identity.
4. Lack of empathy
Another cause is a lack of empathy.
When seeing victims, bullies do not feel empathy for what the victim feels, some may
actually feel happy when they see other people afraid.The more you get the desired
reaction, the more the bully likes to do the action.
5. Attention seeking
Sometimes bullies don't realize that what they are doing is considered bullying, because
what they are actually doing is seeking attention.
This type is the easiest to deal with. The trick is to give it positive attention before the
abuser seeks attention in a negative way.
6. Difficulty controlling emotions
Children who have difficulty regulating emotions can potentially become bullies.
When someone feels angry and frustrated, it is possible to hurt and intimidate others.
If it is difficult to control emotions, then even a small problem can make someone
provoked and vent their emotions excessively.

2. Questions of the Problems

 Why does bullying happen?

 What are the types of bullying?

 How to deal with bullying?

 How do you behave when you are being bullied?

 What do we do when we see a bully?

 What are the characteristics of a victim of bullying?

 What are the characteristics of people who like to bully?

 What about schools that are prone to bullying?

 What is the role of educators to prevent bullying?


Bullying Can Happen Because :

 Lack of attention. The abuser will choose to demonstrate his ability to get
attention. However, with negative treatment of someone who he thinks is not
 Powerful. Bullies usually want to show that they are powerful and strong so that
their existence is recognized. Thus, he oppresses someone who is weaker than
 Exposure to violence. Sometimes bullies imitate the media they see, or
someone's actions against weak people.
 Revenge. Usually the perpetrator has also been a victim of bullying. He did this to
repay what he had felt while being a victim of bullying.

Types Of Bullying

Generally there are several types of bullying that occur in a social environment.
Here's the explanation:

 Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that occurs in cyberspace through social
media. Victims of this cyberbullying sometimes get bullying from someone they
don't know for using fake usernames, as well as the nature of the virtual world
that is free to access. Cyberbullying can be in the form of insults or gossip about
the victim. Victims of cyberbullying will look sad and depressed after accessing
their social media and withdrawing from their social groups.

 Physical bullying
One of the most easily recognizable bullying is physical bullying. Usually, victims
of this physical bullying will be willing to accept harsh physical treatment, such
as hitting, pushing, or being pelted by objects. Victims of this bullying will not tell
and admit that he is a victim. If you find someone whose characteristics are like
they've been bullied, don't force them to tell you when they're still under

 Exclusion
This action is more painful than physical and verbal bullying. The reason is, the
victim will be shunned and antagonized from his social environment so that he
becomes isolated. So the victim will find it difficult to make friends. Usually the
victims of this ostracism are more introverted.
 Sexual bullying
Perpetrators will carry out sexual oppression such as teasing, peeking, and even
touching the victim sexually. In addition, sexual harassment includes sharing
photos of victims that are sensual and private, and taking photos secretly for
sexual gratification. This sexual oppression includes sexual harassment or
violence against women. Victims of this sexual oppression will have trauma
when meeting the opposite sex, withdraw from social circles and look depressed.

 Verbal bullying
Oppression carried out by words or nicknames can make the victim
psychologically depressed. Usually, the perpetrator will perform this action on
people who have a different physique from their surroundings. So that the victim
will feel insecure, easily offended and become silent.

How To Overcome Bullying

The practice of bullying does not mean that it cannot be overcome or prevented,
gangs. There are several ways to deal with it. And, you can do this as an effort to
overcome violence in the social environment:

 Oppose. Counter the abuser with a brief explanation that what they are doing is
not going to make them good and people are afraid.
 Share a story. It's better if you share stories with your friends about bullying
 Tell parents. Don't hide anything from your parents, especially those related to
 Report to the authorities. Immediately report to the authorities about acts of
violence committed by the perpetrators.
 Self-confident. Don't feel inferior because the abuser keeps mentioning your
flaws. Believe that you have strengths that they don't see and do physical
exercise to increase your confidence.

If You Are Bullied

 Stay confident and face bullying with courage.

 Save all evidence of bullying that you can report, to adults who are close and you
trust, such as teachers, if the teacher is the perpetrator, report it immediately to
your parents, if necessary, report to law enforcement officials, in this case the
 Never be afraid to speak up or report, even if you are threatened by the
perpetrator, because threatening is also a criminal act.
 Mingle with friends who make you confident and always think positive.
 Keep thinking positive. There is nothing wrong with you, as long as you don't
harm others. Just be yourself and fight your fears with confidence.
If You See Bullying

 Do not be quiet!
 Try to reconcile!
 Support the victims of bullying so that they can restore their self-confidence and
accompany them to continue to act positively
 Talk to the person closest to the bully so they can give attention and input to the
 Report to parties who can be law enforcers in an environment where bullying
occurs, such as school principals & teachers, if teachers or school principals are
the perpetrators, such as community leaders, or law enforcement officers!.

Characteristics Of Children Who Are Vulnerable To Being Victims Of


 Children who tend to be difficult to socialize, so they are considered lazy children
or more often we hear as "geeky".
 Children who have different physical conditions from others, such as being
overweight, too thin, having a different physical shape, such as fink ears, or thick
 Children who tend to be different from other children (coming from affluent
families, very successful but spoiled, less independent or often left behind in
certain fields).

The Role of Educators To Prevent Bullying

School is a place to gain knowledge, educate the nation's life and hone noble
character for students. So, educators should be able to play an active role in
preventing bullying in ways such as the following.

 Establishing the value of friendship between students

 Empowering students to have a social spirit, be active, and achieve
 Building Effective Communication

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