H&M - Screened Chemistry Baseline Assessment
H&M - Screened Chemistry Baseline Assessment
H&M - Screened Chemistry Baseline Assessment
Comments: Facility input was incorrect. According to document review it was noted that they have trained 76 employees.
Q.4. Does your facility keep records of all employee and environmental incidents related to chemical spills and emergency response? *
Comments: The facility did not keep records on environmental incidents related to chemical spills and emergency response.
Q.9. The storage area is protected from unauthorized employees (i.e. locked). *
Cmnt: Facility's chemical storage (basic chemical) area was not protected from unauthorized employees.
Comments: Facility input was incorrect. According to document review it was noted that they have trained 30 employees.
Q. 11. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically identify, monitor and verify compliance with all product Restricted Substance
Lists (RSLs), and segregate chemical formulations materials and products which are non-compliant with RSL? *
Comments: The facility has comply RSL but they do not yet have any internal review process to systematically monitor RSL.
Q.12. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically monitor, update and demonstrate compliance with Manufacturing Restricted
Substance Lists (MRSLs), and segregate chemical formulations materials and products which are non-compliant with MRSL? *
Comments: The facility has comply MRSL but they do not yet have any internal review process to systematically monitor MRSL.
Comments: The facility could not provide any document that will prove their suppliers were insisted by them to do the same.
Batch chemical
Date of Date of
Number/ Lot purchased
Purchase Expirtaion
(Kg or
Date of Purchase ; Date of Expirtaion; Batch Number/ Lot No.; Quantity of chemical purchased
(Kg or litre)