Blooms Taxonomy
Blooms Taxonomy
Blooms Taxonomy
Write List
Learner recalls or Label Name
recognizes information, State Define The student will define
ideas, and principles in Describe Outline the 6 levels of Bloom's
KNOWLEDGE the approximate form in Identify Recall taxonomy of the
which they were Label Recite cognitive domain.
learned. List Select
Match State
Explain Summarize
Paraphrase Describe
Learner translates, Illustrate Convert The student will explain
comprehends, or Generalize Extend the purpose of Bloom's
COMPREHENSION interprets information Discriminate Defend taxonomy of the
based on prior learning. Infer Distinguish cognitive domain.
Paraphrase Estimate
Predict Summarize
Use Compute
Learner selects, Solve Demonstrate
transfers, and uses data Apply Construct The student will
and principles to Change Organize write an instructional
APPLICATION complete a problem or Prepare Demonstrate objective for each level
task with a minimum of Relate Develop of Bloom's taxonomy.
direction. Solve Modify
Transfer Operate
Analyze Categorize
Learner distinguishes, Compare Contrast
classifies, and relates the Separate Break down The student will
assumptions, Infer Deduce compare and contrast
ANALYSIS hypotheses, evidence, or Outline Diagram the cognitive and
structure of a statement Point out Differentiate affective domains.
or question. Relate Distinguish
Illustrate Subdivide
Judge Recommend
Learner appraises, Critique Justify The student will judge
assesses, or critiques on Appraise Compare the effectiveness of
EVALUATION a basis of specific Contrast Support writing objectives using
standards and criteria. Criticize Validate Bloom's taxonomy.
Affective Domain
Attend Listen
One is expected to be aware of or to
Be aware Look
passively attend to certain stimuli or
RECEIVING phenomena. Simply listening and being
Control Notice
Discern Share
attentive are the expectations.
Psychomotor behaviors
Performed actions that are neuromuscular in nature and demand certain levels of physical dexterity.
Confidence Smoothness
Requires the display of coordination of a series
Coordination Speed
of related acts by establishing the appropriate
ARTICULATION Harmony Stability
sequence and performing the acts accurately,
Integration Timing
with control as well as with speed and timing.
Align Place
The learner observes and then imitates an
Balance Repeat
action. These behaviors may be crude and
IMITATION Follow Rest (on)
imperfect. The expectation that the individual
Grasp Step (here)
is able to watch and then repeat an action.