CH 8 Gender and Politics

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At the end of this chapter, you are expected
'Men and women are created
equally different. Each one is

something. "
(FB salado)
and incapable of
AND 1. Apply the Laws on gender equality;
2. Give examples of successful men and

POLITICS women in politics;

3. Distinguish the leadership styles
according to gender; and
4. Judge issues on good governance.
However, these social practices of gender often appear
Politics as a . real-world phenomenon and
natural and unproblematic, even biological and therefore
political science as an academic discipline
impossible to change, in the social contexts in which they
are gendered. People all over the world find
occur. But a cursory review of the literature on' the
that the basic conditions of their lives— their
biological basis of sex, taking into account the wide variety
safety, health, education, work, as well as
of the number and content of gender categories across
access to markets, public space, and free
social contexts, reveals a world far more (P. 2) complex
expression—are fundamentally shaped by
than this simplistic male—female dichotomy would suggest
their identification as belonging to particular
(Butler 1990; Dreger 1998; Fausto-Sterling 2000). Gender
sex or gender groups. Individual bodies may
is never just about sex but varies by race, ethnicity, nation,
be typed as male or female, masculine or
class, and a variety of other dimensions of social life.
feminine, heterosexual or homosexual,
transgendered or nongendered in a dizzying
variety of ways across cultures and over
In the past, women were not allowed to
participate in any activities in the
government. They were only trained to do
Key Concepts household chores. Their minds are
Gender equity — refers to the policies, .1
conditioned to be contented to stay at home
instruments, programs and actions that I address
the disadvantaged position of I women in society to take care of the family. Whereas men were
by providing preferential I 1 treatment and responsible to provide the financial needs of
affirmative action.
the family. It was very unusual for a woman
to lead any group or organization in the
community. The role of women in the
political realm was very limited if not none.
Key Concepts
Sex — refers to the basic, biologically given

Freedom to vote was not enjoyed by physiological differences between males and
Filipino women long before the Spanish
Gender — refers to a culture's social construction
Era. It was only after the World War Il that of differences between the sexes I I I

women were allowed to cast their votes Gender equality refers to the principle of I
.equality between women and men and equal 1
when a law was passed giving women
rights to enjoy conditions in fealizing their I full
the right to vote. But even then, women potentials to contribute to, and benefit I from, the

were blocked from running any positions results of development, with the I I
State•recognizing that all human beings are I I free
or hold any office in the government.
and equal in dignity and rights.
All throughout history, only very few women
Laws on Gender
were able to lead or express their
sentiments for or against an institution. In Women's strength to air out their rights may
this new era, women are now less unafraid
perhaps attribute to the laws enacted
to express what they think and what they
feel Probably, due to the circumstances
recognizing the importance of women in the
that are happening in the society that there country. The -1987 Constitution has first
is now a need to voice out instead of paved a way for women empowerment. The
sulking in the corner and waiting what will
law clearly manifested in its Article Il Section
happenS T Rnext.
A T E G Y The women of today have

evolve in such a way that they learn to be 14 the role of the women in nation-building
strong to stand and fight for what they think which states, 'The State recognizes the role of
is right and just for them to be treated
women in nation-building and shall ensure
equally in the society where they live.
the fundamental equality before the law of
women and men. "
Filipino women are described to be strong who directly and indirectly
run the family unit, business government agencies and haciendas.
Compared to other parts in Southern Asia, women in the Philippines
enjoyed greater share of legal equality (Crui•Calilung, 2014). The
general idea of the provision is to ignore sex where sex (is irrelevant
factor to determine rights and duties and does not meant to ignore
customs and traditions (Bernas, 1997). COECTION
Pursuant to the recognition of the role of women
in nation-building, Republic Act No 7192 or
"Women in Development and Nation Building
Act" was passed. Assistance funds shall be set
aside to support programs and activities for
women. The National Economic Development
Authority (NEDA) is the •responsible agency in
ensuring active participation and involvement of
women in any program or project that will be
implemented by the government.
Further, -RA 7192 gives equal opportunity to women to be a member
This law also assures the
in any club, committee and organization. Likewise, admission to
equal treatment between
military schools are accorded to them. They are also entitled to
men and women In capacity
voluntary PAG-IBIG, GSIS and SSS coverage. With the desire of the
to act and enter contacts,
State to further protect the rights of the women, in most cases
access to all government and
women and minors are victims of sexual harassment, Republic Act No
private sector programs,
7877 Of otherwise known as g 'Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995"
applying and securing travel
was enacted. This statute guarantees full respect for human rights and
documents without the need
upholds dignity of workers, employees, applicants and students. With
of' securing, consent from
the passage of this law, all forms of sexual-harassment-in the
the spouses.
employment, education and training environment are declared
RA 7192 RA 7877 RA 9710
Women in Anti-Sexual The Magna Carta
Development and Harassment Act For Women
Nation Building Act 1995


Etiam vel risus sit amet dui sagittis interdum. Cras non This template for lookbook
ideas, and for Magazine
facilisis velit, sit amet convallis tortor. Morbi lobortis lobortis design.
tempus. Etiam vel risus sit amet dui sagittis interdum.
To further reinforce this law, the Civil Service Commission issued a Resolution No 94-2854
on May 31, 1994 and Memorandum No 19, S 1994 to afford protection to working
women and ensure equal work opportunity for all, as well as full respect for human
rights, In 2008, "The Magna Carta of Women" or RA No 9710 was promulgated affirming
the role of women in nation building. It recognizes that the economic, political and
sociocultural realities . affect women's current conditions so there is a need to promote
women empowerment, pursue equal opportunities and ensure equal access to
resources. There is a need to abolish unequal structures and practices that perpetuate
discrimination and inequality. Programs, plans, policies, measures and mechanisms
should be developed to address discrimination and inequality in all factors in the society.
A way of addressing and eliminating discriminatory policing among women in several institutions in
accordance with RA No 719X;and RA No 9710 is the Memorandum Circular No 2016-07 passed bye-the
Philippine Commission on Women. This memorandum clearly married women has an •option to use the
surname of their husbands, but not a duty. Several women made a complaint that several institutions refuse to
process legitimate transactions to married women using their maiden name.

As explained by the Supreme Court in one of its

landmark caseé tilat a married woman is not Another means of reinforcing the RA No 7192, was the
prohibited from continuously using her maiden Executive Order No 273 by former President Fidel V
.name since she does not change her name but
Ramos which adopted the "Philippine Plan for Gender-
only her civil status: This in memo further
reinforced Article 370 of the Civil Code of the Responsive Development, 19952025" simply referred to
Philippines which provides that "A married as The Plan. All government agencies concerned aside
woman may use: (1) Her maiden first name and
from taking appropriate a step for the full
sumame and add her husband's surname, or (2)
Her maiden first name and her husband's implementation of the policies arid programs for women,
surname, Of (3.1 Her husband's full name, but should also institutionalize and incorporate Gender ånd
prefixing a word indicating that she is his wife;
such as "Mrs. Development (GAD) efforts and concerns in government.
Accordingly, pårsuant to RA No 9710, the Moreover, An Act known as the "Anti-Violence Against
Civil Service Commission promulgated a
Resolution No 1000432 setting guidelines on
Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (RA No 9262) was
how to avail the special •leave benefitS for promulgated. This statute again expressed the State's
Women. This resolution is focused on giving
principle of valuing the dignity of women and children
special leave benefits to women who have
undergone surgery caused by gynecological and guarantying ful! respect for human rights. The State
disorders regardless of age and civil status.
has to protect the family and its members especially the
Minor surgical procedure will have a leave of
a maximum two weeks. Whereas, a women and children from violence and threats to their
minimum of three weeks and maximum of personal safety and security. This law, compared to other
two months shall be availed if the surgical
procedure is major. It is worthy to note that
laws passed about women and children, is giving more
law does not look into civil status, teeth to the rights of women and children in protecting
whether.the woman is married or not,' she
the women and children against all forms of abuse
can avail of such leave within the conditions
set forth by the Commission. (physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuses).
An Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children is formed to
formulate programs and projects to eliminate violence of any form against women. To.
facilitate faster the reports of complaint by women and children against abuses, a certain
area in every police precinct is designated solely for the purpose It is worthy to note that in
the new Anti-Rape Law, married women can file a rape case against their spouses •if they
are forced to have sexual intercourse when they do not want to. Though rape is now a
crime against the Republic of the Philippines, a rape case can be dismissed anytime of the
wife opt to forgive her husband. This is known as the Condonation Doctrine, wherein the
crime is considered to be forgiven if the offended party has expressedly forgiven the
perpetrator of the felony. This most of the apply on family conflicts such as marital rape,
adultery, concubinage, and bigamy.
Furthermore, to keep up with the principles of gender equality, protection of mothers
and children, RA 10354 was enacted and enforced. This is known as "The
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012". This law, in
accordance to Section 12 Article 2 and Section 14 Article 13 of the Philippine
Constitution, and Family Code of the Philippines recognizes the rights of all to equality
and nondiscrimination and fully respect the right to health which includes reproductive
health in accordance to with one's own religious convictions, ethics, cultural beliefs
and the demands of responsible parenthood. A guarantee to universal access to
medically safe, non-abortifacient, effective, legal, affordable, and quality reproductive
health care services was given prioritizing the needs of women, children and other
underprivileged sectors. Preferential attention must be given to human resource since
it is one of the principal assets of the country.
Thus, maternal and child health, the health of the unborn, safe delivery and birth
of healthy children should be ensured primarily. According to De Leon (2005),
though men cannot be considered superior to women as a general proposition, it
cannot be denied that by reason of the fragile physical structure and maternal
functions of-the ,women, special concern to working women is expressly
mandated in the Constitution.
Leadership in Even though there are already laws that
Government safeguard the welfare and rights of women to
equality and equity,' only few attempted to express
From the historical viewpoint, only few
their rights and exercises their freedom, This may
women run for political positions. Majority
of those who aimed to hold public office be because of the customs and traditions that are
are men. Just looking into the Philippine discriminatory and still practice by most Filipinos
realm, only two women became head of
around the country. Gender imbalances still
the state in the •persons of late Corazon C
Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the
persist despite breakthroughs to advance the
rest are men presidents. Male dominance rights women. Much things are to be done before
leadership in government is not only society will break down all forms of gender
observed in the national level but also
barriers and true gender equality as envisioned in
happening the local units.
the supreme law of the land (Cayetano, P, 2012).
Men and women may have different leadership
Further, the norms: of gender have traditionally
styles. "Women may tend to be more
prescrßed distinct roles in society for two sexes.
cooperative and participatory compared to
Men are then primarily given the responsibility
men who are commanding and controlling.
for affairs in the public sphere (politics and They even have different way in motivating
economic) whereas men are assigned in the their people. The former helps in finding self-
central position in the private sphere, the home work and satisfaction among their
and family.. Politics is still largely viewed as subordinates, while the latter is either

"man's world" due to lack of orogress in the providing incentives or penalties. Men tend to

geådered conditions of women's access, the brand themselves by letting others know about
Etiam vel risus sit amet dui sagittis interdum. Cras non
facilisis velit, sit amet convallis tortor. Morbi lobortis lobortis their successes and strengths while women are
experiences and portrayals of female politicians
tempus. Etiam vel risus sit amet dui sagittis interdum.

still learning how to brand themselves

(Jalalzai and Krook, 2010).
(Garfinkle, 2016).
In addition, evidences show that females ' possess Differences disappear in actual scenarios. Mostly
more transformational and transactional and conclude that women do not behave differently from
participative leadership style than their male men. Both sexes who are experienced are more likely;
counterparts. Women lead roles are more benevolent, have th'e same in drive, skills, temperament and
compassionate, ethical and universalistic spreading the competitiveness. It is worth considering that even if both
public good. Accordingly, Chalu€adi (2015) said that men and women are capable of leading a country, the
women leaders act more on behalf of the public good, early socialization and social practice may impede
but the fervor of this generalization would depend females from becoming leaders. Social practice is
one's political stance. Surely, there are differences structured in relation to gender since it replicated the
between the male and female leadership. Women are reproductive division of people into male and female,
more on delegating and coaching while men ae more they are said to be 'gendered." Thus, gender becomes a
inclined towards directing and supporting. However, property of institutions and the human and historical
study shows that there is no difference in the flexibility processes that create them. It becomes a characteristic of
and efficiency between sexes (Kuchynkovå, 2017). not individual people but collectivities (EncyClopedia of
Business, 2017).
As what Radu and et. al. (2017) said, it cannot be concluded that men's leadership skills
are more powerful and important compared women's or vice versa, but it is clear that
gender differences do exist and people should capitalize on them. Business and cultural
changes have also shown that, in order to benefit from sustainable development,
organizations need a balance in terms of masculinity and femininity, and this can be
achieved through a proper understanding of these concepts.

Looking at the current leadership styles and the fact that they are very rarely based on traditional abilities,
instead being characterized by innovation skills, flexibility, intuition; and a people- oriented approach, a
new approach from the one of a one-gender leadership style (masculine or feminine) certainly needs to be
replaced with a vision of both genders complementing each other.

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