Psy 1205 Lesson 1 - Introduction
Psy 1205 Lesson 1 - Introduction
Psy 1205 Lesson 1 - Introduction
The main purpose of this course is to introduce the student teacher to the exceptional
learner, categories of learners with special needs and causes, implications of various
exceptionalities on learning, and intervention strategies with the hope that with the
aroused interest will eventually seek to know more about it so that you can be alert to
exceptional learners in your classes.
Exceptional learners -refer to students with disabilities (as well as those who are
gifted and talented). Some exceptional learners may require to be put in a special class
or special schools while others may need individualised attention in regular
Disability- This refers to any loss or reduction of functional ability (resulting from an
impairment) to perform an activity in the manner or within the range generally
considered normal for a human being within the cultural context. It is also a limitation
of opportunities that can prevent people who have impairments from taking part in
activities to an equal level with others. There may be physical or social barriers to full
participation. For example: A person whose legs are paralysed cannot walk
independently. In this case, disability is the difficulty in walking.
3 dimensions of disability
i. Body structure and function (Impairment).
ii. Activity (restriction).
iii. Participation (restriction).
Handicap- A handicap is a disadvantage or a restriction of activity, which may result
from a disability or from societal attitudes towards a disability. Handicaps prevent the
fulfilment of roles that are appropriate according to the age, gender, social and cultural
norms. An individual who is not given an opportunity to become independent by
society is handicapped.
A handicap can therefore be lessened if the society provides support to enable a person
with a disability to be independent.
NB: Disability refers to a functional limitation a person has that interferes with the
person’s physical or cognitive performance, like ADHD, whereas handicap refers to a
limitation imposed upon a person with a disability by society, such as lack of access
for people in wheelchairs.
Impairment- refers to any loss or damage to a part of the body through either
accident, disease, genetic factors or other causes. This leads to the loss or weakening
of that part affected.
Disorders- It is a condition resulting from an illness that causes a part of the body
unable to function appropriately. This is a medical oriented term. For example:
Disorder of the digestive system or suffering from a mental disorder.
Special needs- These are conditions or factors that hinder an individual’s normal
learning and development. They may be temporary or life-long. The conditions that
may hinder proper progress of an individual may include disabilities, social,
emotional, health or political difficulties. These conditions are also referred to as
barriers to learning and development. The barriers can be within the learners or in the
environment or a combination of both.
Special needs in education- This is when certain learning barriers occasioned by the
learner’s handicap, disability or exceptionality hinder learning.
For example: A learner with hearing impairment may be unable to follow lessons in a
regular class because he/she cannot follow verbal communication. Similarly, a learner
who is gifted and talented will be disadvantaged if he/she will be taught at the same
pace as other learners in the class because he/she learns faster than them. Learners
with visual impairment will also experience difficulties following teachers’ notes and
textbooks and examples given in ordinary print. Due to these differences, these
learners require Special Needs Education with appropriate modifications on the
curriculum, teaching methods, teaching/learning materials, medium of communication
and the environment in order to meet their individual needs.
Inclusive education- This is an approach in which learners with special needs receive
services and support appropriate to their individual needs within the regular education
ii. Teacher will understand that some children have vision but cannot read (a
phenomenon called word blindness) while some will have difficulties with
specific school subject not because they are lazy but their problem is as a result
of intrinsic or inherent problems
vi. Teacher will become more aware of the causes and prevention of disabilities
vii. Equips the teacher with the know-how to identify disabilities early enough
for effective management processes.
viii. Teacher will be able to understand the learning difficulties and problems of
ix. Teacher will also have insight into the psychology of disabilities
xi. Teachers will develop a better understanding of their own successes, failures
and struggles during their school period and use this understanding of
learning problems to prevent other children from getting through such
traumatic and lonely experiences while they are under their care.