FreeTalk Topic Collection TA6

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Write a passage about a corporate event and hand in to your teacher.

Suggested questions:
What type of event is it?
Who are the participants?
Where is it often held?
When is it often held?
What is its function?
How long does it usually last?
One of the most preferred types of corporate event is possibly team building event. Team
building event provides the employees an opportunity to engage with one another. The event
involves upper management along with employees of a department or of the whole company
attending. Since team building event involves physical activities, team building event is
commonly held outdoors. For example, it can be held in outdoor venues, parks, beaches.
While team building events are normally held outside, there are also some indoor team
building activities which allows the event to be held inside. Team building event is often held
once or twice a year. In Vietnam, team building event is often scheduled in the summertime as
the cold weather might deter some people from outdoor physical activities. The main activities
of the event are team building exercises which are meant to promote teamwork as well as to
encourage communication and better relationships. They are usually physical group activities
such as human knot, mine field, ropes course. Through the activities, people do not only learn
about teamwork skills but also have a fun and memorable team building experience. The team
building event lasts for haft a day or a day depending on the schedure of the event.
Write a paragraph (100-120 words) about the corporate culture of a company or an
organization you know
You should write about:
Company’s name, slogan, logo, ceremonies etc.
Company’s mission statement, values and beliefs
Company’s policies for employees
Employees' assumptions about the company’s culture
Note: You should write in a piece of paper and hand in your teacher.
Dropbox is a startup company but their company culture is truly unique. Their company
culture is known for their five values. The first and utmost important value of Dropbox’s
culture is “Be worthy of trust”. It is understandable since Dropbox’s priority is their user’s
privacy. When their customer put their data in Dropbox, they need to trust that they are
secured. The next two values are “Sweat the details” and “Aim higher”. Dropbox wants
employees who firstly, set high standards for their work and secondly, are willing to put effort
into their work to achieve those standards.
The forth value, “We not I”, means that Dropbox’s culture appreciates people who value
teamwork and collaboration. They believe that a team is much more powerful than an
individual and that creativity and innovation are fostered by quality teamwork. The last value
of Dropbox is “Cupcake image”, which sounds, to some extents, strange and unexplainable.
This means Dropbox looks for people who love to delight their colleagues and their customers.
Their employees should not have a corporate experience but to feel welcome and human in a
fun and playful culture.
Write a paragraph of 150 - 180 words about guarantee policy of a product you have bought.
(Write in your notebook)
Suggested questions:

1. What is the name of the product?

2. What kinds of warranty does it offer?
3. What defects does the warranty cover?
4. What damages does the warranty not cover?
5. What will happen if the warranty card is lost or expires?
6. How can customers have the products warranted?

I have just bought a pair of trail running shoes from The North Face last month. The brand’s
footwear products are covered by a limited warranty, which is a one-year warranty. The brand
claims to repair without charge for products with manufacturing defects or replace with new
products at their discretion. In other words, only original and unaltered workmanship is
covered. They will not take responsibility to cover incidental or consequential damages which
are caused by improper care, negligence, accident and worn-out items due to over-extended
use. However, they will repair at low rate for damage not covered under warranty. If the
warranty card is lost or expired, the products are no longer under the warranty. When a
customer wants to begin their warranty claim, they need to firstly fill in the Warranty return
form, and then send it with the warranty card and their defective product to The North Face’s
warranty department in the United State. It regularly takes six to eight weeks for a product to
be warranted.
Write a paragraph of 150 - 180 words about ways to deal with negative feedback from customers.
(Write in your notebook)
Every business strives for service excellence but it is unavoidable to get negative customer feedback,
however good the customer service of that business is. Fortunately, there are ways to handle
negative customer feedback. Sometimes, the clients just want to know that they are being listened;
therefore, the best thing to do is to be understanding and sympathetic with them. The response
needs to be prompt, polite, not defensive, and most importantly, be thankful for the opportunity to
hear from them. This will get the customers to a more agreeable state of mind. If all that the
customers need is an apology, then it is a quick fix. Nonetheless, when they are not satisfied with just
an apology, the company should show the customers that they take their feedback seriously and the
steps will be taken to address their problem, such as a reimbursement, a refund or a free of charge
repair. Though, the solution should only be taken after the customers feel heard, or else it will
backfires and makes the customers even more unhappy.
Write a passage about a negotiating style (soft, hard or principled). Focus on the following
Common bargaining position
There are many different approaches to negotiation. The three types of negotiation styles
which are soft, hard or principled will be discussed. Firstly, each of the negotiation approach
has a distinctive goal. Hard negotiation’s objective is to win the negotiation, meaning hard
bargainers ask for their one-sided demand to be fulfiled before any agreements are possible.
On the other hand, soft negotiation seeks for an agreement. Soft bargainers want to reach an
agreement despite great cost. Principled negotiation’s goal is to invent options for a win-win
situation and mutual gains. It can be seen that while hard negotiation is more result-oriented,
soft negotiation emphazises relationship and a principled negotiation focuses on solving
problems. Secondly, in soft and hard negotiation, each side of the participants takes a position
and they argue for it and make concessions to reach an compromise. Whereas, principled
negotiation pays more attention to the interests and the underlying concerns of the participants.
The participants share a common bargaining position and they work on solving the same
issues. This causes the participants to be locked into their position along with their ego.
Especially in hard negotiation, the participations hold on to their position and are unwilling to
concede, therefore it will be a battle of wills between the participants.

Task 4. Use the table and the sample to write a passage about the different negotiating styles
and hand in to your teacher.
Negotiating Bargaining
Objective Advantage Disadvantage
styles position
The other party
may feel like
To win the
Can maximize the they’re being taken
negotiation at the
Hard Strong negotiator’s interests advantage of and
other party’s
or those he presents are unwilling to
fulfill their
Can’t serve the
To establish or
maintain a good Can reach an
Soft Week interests or those
relationship with the agreement faster
he presents very
other party
Can serve the
negotiator’s interest
To reach a win-win Can’t be used in all
Principled Irrelevant while maintaining
agreement situations
goodwill with the
other party
There are typically three types of negotiating styles, which are hard, soft and principled
negotiation. A hard negotiator usually tries to win the negotiation at the other party’s expense.
He often negotiates from a strong bargaining position. For example, he may represent the sole
supplier of a specialized product in a region. A hard negotiator can maximize his interests or
those he represents. However, the other party may feel like they’re being taken advantage of
and are unwilling to fulfill their agreement. On the other hands, a soft negotiator’s goal is to
establish or maintain a good relationship with the other party. That leads the soft negotiator to
make any concessions just to keep the relationship. For instance, he sells his new car at a
discount to his friend as he wants to preserve their close relationship. His bargaining position
is week and he is soft on both of the people and problem. Though a soft negotiation cannot
serve the negotiator’s interest or those he presents very well, it often helps to reach an
agreement faster. The principled negotiating style seems to be different from the other two
since there are no bargaining positions in this type of negotiation. The purpose here is to reach
a win-win agreement in which the negotiators focus on each other interests, rather than
positions. The participants try to solve the problem while serving the interest of either party.
To illustrate, two neighbors both want to replace the fence separating their land. In a typical
negotiation, the parties look for reasons why they should not be the one who pay for the
replacement, but principled negotiators look for solutions that satisfy both parties’ interest.
One can pay for the supplies and another neighbor pay for the fence installation. Despite of its
advantages, principled negotiation cannot be applied in all cases.

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