Attivo PP3 A1430E
Attivo PP3 A1430E
Attivo PP3 A1430E
Disclaimer of Warranties
The Licensor expressly disclaims any and all warranties relative to the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential
damages whatsoever to you (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, sales or data or for
business interruption) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, even if the Licensor has
been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any event, the Licensor's entire liability under any
provision shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the Software or $25.
Because some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, the above
limitation may not apply to you. If any provision of the Software License Agreement is declared by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not effect the remaining
provisions hereof.
Governing Law
This Software License Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard
to conflict of laws principles.
This License Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate this License Agreement by
returning the Licensed Product to Licensor. Licensor may terminate this License Agreement if you breach
any of the terms and conditions. Upon termination of this License Agreement for any reason, you shall
return the Licensed Product to Licensor. All provisions of this Agreement relating to disclaimers of
warranties, limitation of liability, remedies, or damages, and Licensor's proprietary rights shall survive
NY-177971 v3 0950000-102
This universal guide is intended for retail labs running FUJIFILM systems regardless of
Important: Review this entire guide to determine which sections apply to your lab before you
begin installing any software.
This installation guide provides details and instructions for installing FUJIFILM’s Frontier Workflow
Management Software (MS01) for retail lab systems internationally. It may need to be used in
association with a regional or retail client-specific guide.
In this chapter, you will learn the various hardware pieces that can comprise a FUJIFILM system (see
page 2).
ICIII Computer
The recommended minimum hardware requirements for ICIII computers is:
Hard Disk 160 GB, 7200rpm or greater Two drive allocation: C and D
Bus Should have PCI Bus This is because 1394 board only
supports full-size PCI bus. If 1394
devices are not connected, this
restriction does not apply.
USB Printers
o ASK 1500 Dry Lab Printer
The MS software supports the following scanner o ASK 2000 Dry Lab Printer
models: o ASK 2500 Dry Lab Printer
USB Scanners: o ASK 4000 Dry Lab Printer
o SP 500
1394 FireWire Printers:
o LP 1500 Wet Lab Printer
1394 FireWire Scanners: o LP 2000 Wet Lab Printer
o SP 1500 o LP 5500 Wet Lab Printer
o LP 5700 Wet Lab Printer
o SP 2000 o LP 5900 Wet Lab Printer
o SP 3000
Third-Party Hardware
The MS01 software supports the following printer
o DYMO LabelWriter Printers
o Xerox Phaser 6270 Printer
o Epson Stylus Pro Wide Format Printers
o Flatbed Scanners
Windows XP systems do NOT support MS01 Server installations.
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows 7: Supported Printers and Scanners
ICIII Supported Operating Systems FUJIFILM Printers
o Windows7 32-bit Professional Edition The MS01 software supports the following printer models:
Service Pack 1
Network Printers
MS01 Supported Operating Systems (non- o DL 430 Inkjet Dry Lab Printer
USB Printers
o ASK 1500 Dry Lab Printer
The MS software supports the following scanner o ASK 2000 Dry Lab Printer
models: o ASK 2500 Dry Lab Printer
USB Scanners: o ASK 4000 Dry Lab Printer
o SP 500 1394 FireWire Printers:
o FR 330/340
Third-Party Hardware
The MS01 software supports the following printer
o DYMO LabelWriter Printers
o Xerox Phaser 6270 Printer
o Epson Stylus Pro Wide Format Printers
o Flatbed Scanners
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
This printer is installed via a separate installation guide.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
System Terminology
330 System A tethered system consisting of an SLP 800 printer/scanner combination.
A1 Scanner software that works with the SP 1500, SP 2000, and SP 3000 scanners.
ASK Dye-sublimation dry lab printers. See FUJIFILM USB printers in this glossary.
B5 Single Scan Digitizing Software for SP 2000 scanners not using FrontMan.
B11 Hyper Retouch Software for SP 2000 scanners not using FrontMan.
backprint Text printed on the reverse side of the print. Sometimes customizable.
Composed A composite created via MS01’s Compose feature. The template used to create a Composite
Print Print was selected by the operator via the Choose Template dialog box.
Composite The combination of a template and one or more images. It is displayed as an thumbnail in
MS01’s View Images screen, and its thumbnail shows a preview of what will be printed. Quick
Prints and Compose Prints created via MS gateways are all composites.
Connected A connected MS01 system is a system that receives data from FUJIFILM’s fulfillment network,
sends data to FUJIFILM’s Fulfillment Network, and receives orders from various sources (such
as retailers and FUJIFILM labs). This is accomplished via Internet connectivity.
Cover A Cover is an order’s thumbnail as displayed in the MS01’s View Images screen. It represents
a print group.
Crop modes MS01 offers different crop choices. For this example, assume that the original product size
and image dimensions are:
4x6 Product
3.5x5 Image
Fill in Print area is filled with image and there may be image data lost if it does not match the
aspect ratio of the print size selected. Output will have no white space.
8 x 10 Image 3.5 x 5 Image
Fit in Fits the image into the size selected leaving it at its current aspect ratio to maintain all
the image data. This will produce white space if the image is not the same aspect
ratio as the size selected.
8 x 10 Image 3.5 x 5 Image
No Image is rendered on the product without resizing. Takes the size selected and cuts
resize out the center portion of the image (think of it as a cookie cutter). If the image is
smaller than the size selected it will produce white space.
8 x 10 Image 3.5 x 5 Image
digital input Digital images loaded into the system for printing (not film-based images). Examples include
.jpg, .tif, and .gif image files generated from digital cameras.
Digital Link One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, this application performs all background
Request processing for producing prints and CDs, receiving input from external sources such as kiosk,
Spooler and communications with remote systems via the Internet.
It also manages a database containing all production information, and is responsible for
scheduling of tasks and devices throughout the system.
Dymo Label A small label printer used to output labels for CDs, kiosk orders, Web orders, etc.
Epson Stylus Wide-format printer used in some FUJIFILM regions. Supported models include 4880, 7800,
Pro 7880, 7900, 9880, 9900, and 11880.
FDD Frontier Driver Direct. This service provides more control and greater messaging capabilities
when printing.
FDIA DB The database used by MS01 and other FUJIFILM and third-party software to facilitate image
transfer and order fulfillment.
film type A film type must be selected if creating prints from film. Options include color, black and white,
and slide film.
FrontMan The FrontMan software is an optional film input software interface included with MS01. (The
FrontMan application window is also known as Main or the Order Entry screen.)
FUJIFILM DL 600 Inkjet Dry Lab Printer DL 430 Inkjet Dry Lab Printer
(Network) DL 450 Inkjet Dry Lab Printer LP 7x00 Series Printer
FUJIFILM ASK 1500 Dry Lab Printer ASK 2500 Dry Lab Printer
(USB) ASK 2000 Dry Lab Printer ASK 4000 Dry Lab Printer
Gateway A gateway is an MS01 system interface that supports the creation of MS01 orders by external
order interfaces.
Hyper- Officially called Hyper-Threading Technology (HTT), this is Intel Corporation’s trademark for
Threading their implementation of the simultaneous multithreading technology on their Pentium 4 micro-
The technology improves processor performance under certain workloads by providing useful
work for execution units that would otherwise be idle, for example during a cache miss.
IC Imaging controller.
ICIII Imaging Controller III computer, formerly known as PIC (photo imaging controller computer)
Image Info One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, Image Info allows operators to see
information about the image data.
Job Manager One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, Job Manager manages the images in MS01
Kaleida A FUJIFILM printer used in some FUJIFILM regions. Supported model includes PX-7550.
Local Disc This is a CD/DVD writer attached to the IC or an IC Workstation. This allows for one (1) CD to
Writer be written at a time. Local CD/DVD writers do not have the ability to print the labels
automatically on the CD/DVDs.
Log Off One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, the Log Off function shuts down the
application and also performs a Windows operating system log off.
LP (Laser This is the abbreviation that pre-pends some FUJIFILM printer model names. For example, LP
Printer) 5500.
LPC Also known as the FMPC, and an abbreviation for Laser Printer Controller, the LPC is one of
the terms used as a name for the computer, which is separate from the ICIII computer that is
used to drive a printer.
Maintenance One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, the MS01 Maintenance application houses
the software used to configure the MS01 system.
This is a different application than the Maintenance offered via the printer software.
MCU (Main Known as the SPC in some regions, the MCU is the computer that drives the film scanner
Control Unit) hardware. Note: The SP 500 runs via the ICIII without a separate SPC/MCU device.
MS01 Also known as the Frontier Workflow Management Software. This is the overall system,
including the scanner software and the printer software.
MS11 Scanner software that works with SP 500, 1500, 2000, and 3000 model scanners. This is a
sub-component of the MS01 system.
MS15 Variety Template Composite / Variety Templates software, including Template Editor.
Multi-Roll A multi-roll order is an order that contains more than one roll of film. Each roll in a multi-roll
Order order has a unique Film ID (which is included in the backprint information).
Operator On the ICIII, this mode locks down the system so only Fuji applications can be used. After
Mode logging to Operator mode (default mode), Fuji applications automatically launch, and
automatically re-launch if terminated.
Page Page is the term used to refer to a Composite when it is part of a Print Group.
Panda One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, Panda provides an interface between the
(Printer And Digital Link Request Spooler (Simon) and various devices, such as printers and CD-writers. It
Device manages device operations and provides status and messages to the rest of the system in a
Application) consistent manner to ensure that devices may easily be interchanged or added, as needed.
Personality Custom MS system settings associated with a particular FUJIFILM region or retailer.
Print Group A Print Group is set of composites that are processed together as a single product, such as a
photo book. A Print Group consists of a Cover and a set of Pages.
Product On the MS01 system, each print created has an associated “product” file. For example, there
are product files for 4x6-sized prints,
Production The mechanism in the MS01 system that manages routing ordered products to output devices
Manager for production. It also handles ordering the output based on due time, etc.
Puma One of the sub-applications of the MS01 system, Puma is the mechanism used to display
system messages (such as errors, warnings, and informational messages).
Quick Print A Quick Print is a composite created as the result of a Quick Print operation in MS01. The
template used is not user-selectable; it is the template for the Quick Printed product.
Red This will power off the ICIII system. For proper shut-down procedures, see the MS01 Start-up
exclamation and Shut-down Guide.
On the FMPC, this is an emergency shutdown for only the Panda application. This will not
power off the FMPC box. Note: This is not the proper shut-down procedure for this device;
only do this if directed to do so by Technical Support.
Important: For systems that are not connected to the FUJIFILM fulfillment network, this
function can be used as a proper method of shutting down the system.
For systems that are connected to the FUJIFILM fulfillment network, this should be treated as
an emergency shut-down command only. By clicking this button, you are not performing a
proper shut-down procedure. Only use this button if instructed to do so by Technical Support.
Retain Print Enables you to retain the size, surface, and color settings between orders.
Rimage This is a third-party CD burning device designed for high volumes of CD creation. This system
allows multiple CDs to be written simultaneously. The Rimage system can print labels directly
onto CDs. Depending on the model of Rimage, it may have two or four CD burners and a
single printer.
Scan Modes Auto: When using film input, if the operator selects Auto as the scan mode, the system scans
six images at a time without requiring the operator to press <Enter>. Pressing any key on the
keyboard will stop the Auto Mode and will allow image adjustments as in Semi Mode.
Manual: Manual operates just as semi mode operates, but you can choose size and quantity
for each frame.
Semi: When using film input, if the operator selects Semi as the scan mode, the system scans
six images at a time and the operator can correct the color and density on each image as
necessary. The operator then presses <Enter> to scan the next set of six images.
Software This is a tool that allows the user to switch to any of the programs that are currently running.
Launcher Also known as the Switcher application, this replaces the need for the Windows <Alt+Tab>
SP The abbreviation that pre-pends FUJIFILM scanner model names. For example, SP 500.
SPC Known as the MCU in some regions, this is the name for the computer that drives the scanner.
Note: The SP 500 runs via the ICIII without a separate SPC/MCU device.
Summary A print output that includes the file names of the images in the order.
Surface Prints can be produced using different surface textures. Some printer models can only print on
certain surface types. Surfaces include Glossy, Lustre, Matte, Silk, SupremeG, SupremeL,
Thin, SupremeM, ThinGlossy, GlossyRoll, SatinRoll, SemiGlossBoard, CanvasRoll,
CatsbyRoll, PearlRoll, SatinCanvasRoll, AquarellRoll, TalbotRoll, ScrimVinyl, and
Support On the ICIII, this mode allows the user to access the operating system. After logging to Support
Mode mode, Fuji applications automatically launch but do not re-launch if terminated.
Third-Party MS01 4.0 supports various models of Epson Stylus Pro Wide Format Printers, Xerox Phaser
Printers Printers, and Rimage CD duplicators.
Whole Roll A product type applied to an image that will make <#> of each image in the order.
Workstation This is another digital input system for the MS01 software. It allows control of a printer, digital
ingest, and CD/DVD burning.
Xerox Color printers used in some FUJIFILM regions. Supported models Phaser 7760.
There are various installation methods for the deployment of MS01 version 4.2.
It is essential that you perform the correct installation. See pages 13 -17.
Some portions of installation are documented in separate guides; contact your FUJIFILM subsidiary for
the proper diagram for your lab. It is essential to use the proper guides for your lab/configuration
when installing.
Important: See the next section, Installation Setup Types for detailed information on the various
MS01 setup types. Once you have determined the appropriate setup type for your lab, refer to the
corresponding installation checklist.
MS01 Server MS01 Server with MS01 Server with MS01 Server with MS01 Server with
Printer Support Scanner Support Printer and Scanner Tethered Printer
Secondary MS01 Setup Support Support
Windows XP systems do NOT support Primary MS01 Setup Types (MS01 Server).
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3: Determining Installation Workflow
The following installation checklists are categorized based on the steps required during installation.
Important: It is mandatory to install one of the Primary [MS01 Server] setup types in each lab. If
additional (required or optional) setup types are necessary, the specific Primary MS01 Server
installation checklist will refer you to the appropriate steps to follow for each additional setup
For definitions of each MS01 setup type, see pages 13 -17.
For installation workflow information refer to the appropriate checklist for your labs primary MS01
setup type :
MS01 Server – Installation Checklist, on page 20.
MS01 Server with Printer Support – Installation Checklist, on page 21.
MS01 Server with Scanner Support – Installation Checklist, on page 22.
MS01 Server with Printer and Scanner Support – Installation Checklist, on page 23.
MS01 Server with Tethered Printer Support – Installation Checklist, see page 24.
For installation workflow information refer to the appropriate checklist for your labs required/optional
secondary MS01 setup types:
Printer – Installation Checklist, on page 25.
Scanner – Installation Checklist, on page 26.
MS01 Workstation – Installation Checklist, on page 27.
MS01 Workstation with Printer Support – Installation Checklist, on page 28.
Windows XP systems do NOT support Primary MS01 Setup Types (MS01 Server).
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installation Checklists by MS01 Setup Type
Follow the installation order-of-operations corresponding to the MS01 setup type appropriate for your lab.
To determine the correct setup type for your lab, refer to Chapter 2: Determining Proper Installation
1 Install the base operating system. (Refer to instructions provided by your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software on the ICIII, selecting MS01 Server as setup type (see page 29).
7 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
Windows XP systems do NOT support Primary MS01 Setup Types (MS01 Server).
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
MS01 Server with Printer Support – Installation Checklist
Important: MS01 Server with Printer Support installations are not supported by systems with
Windows XP installed.
1 Install the base operating system. (Refer to instructions provided by your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software on the ICIII, selecting MS01 with Printer Support as setup type (see
page 57).
7 If you chose ASK as the printer type during MS01 installation, perform tasks on page 141.
Important: Once the ASK printer steps are complete, return to this checklist and complete the
remaining steps.
9 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
1 Install the base operating system. (Refer to instructions provided by your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software on the ICIII, selecting MS01 with Scanner Support as setup type (see
page 65).
8 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
1 Install the base operating system. (Refer to instructions provided by your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software on the ICIII, selecting MS01 with Printer and Scanner Support as setup
type (see page 71).
8 If you chose ASK as the printer type during MS01 installation, perform tasks on page 141.
Important: Once the ASK printer steps are complete, return to this checklist and complete the
remaining steps.
10 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
1 Install the base operating system. (Refer to instructions provided by your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software on the ICIII, selecting MS01 Server with Tethered Printer as setup type
(see page 90).
7 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
Important: The MS01 Server must be powered on with the MS01 software running to enable
successful installation on all computers in the system.
1 Install the operating system on the LPC/FMPC computer. (Refer to instructions provided by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Perform FireWire and Vdentry tasks (see page 98) ONLY for the following LP printer models:
5 Install the MS01 software, selecting Printer as setup type (see page 35).
6 For the DL 4x0/600 printers, install the printer software & register the printer.
Otherwise, move on to the next step.
8 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
10 Return to the appropriate Primary MS01 Setup Types – MS01 Server installation checklist, and
complete remaining steps.
Important: The MS01 Server must be powered on with the MS01 software running to enable
successful installation on all computers in the system.
1 Install the operating system on the MCU/SPC computer. (Refer to instructions provided by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
5 Install the MS01 software, selecting Scanner as setup type (see page 44).
6 Enable Event Viewer logging settings on the scanner’s SPC/MCU (refer to instructions provided by
your FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
7 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
9 Return to the appropriate Primary MS01 Setup Types – MS01 Server installation checklist, and
complete remaining steps.
Important: The MS01 Server must be powered on with the MS01 software running to enable
successful installation on all computers in the system.
1 Install the operating system on the Workstation computer. (Refer to instructions provided by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software, selecting MS01 Workstation as setup type (see page 78).
6 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
8 Return to the appropriate Primary MS01 Setup Types – MS01 Server installation checklist, and
complete remaining steps.
Important: The MS01 Server must be powered on with the MS01 software running to enable
successful installation on all computers in the system.
1 Install the operating system on the Workstation computer. (Refer to instructions provided by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary.)
2 Verify the system date and time properties (see page 131).
4 Install the MS01 software, selecting MS01 Workstation with Printer Support as setup type (see
page 83).
7 Configure the MS01 software and perform necessary post-installation tasks (as defined by your
FUJIFILM subsidiary).
Note: This step may not be necessary if your subsidiary has already customized your installer.
9 Return to the appropriate Primary MS01 Setup Types – MS01 Server installation checklist, and
complete remaining steps.
MS01 Server
Selecting the MS01 Server installation setup type installs
the MS01 software on an ICIII computer.
Important: MS01 Server installations are not
supported by systems with Windows XP installed.
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 20).
8 To lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating system while
running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security to this system
check box.
If Add additional security to this system is not selected, users will have access to the
operating system.
10 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will be using a Rimage CD duplication device, select the Rimage option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
12 In the Printer field, enter the name of the FMPC/LPC to be connected to the printer.
Note: Ensure that names do not exceed 15 characters. If there is no FMPC/LPC, and you are
installing a printer such as the DL600, type the server name in the Printer field.
Note: If an error dialog opens, then a component name has been incorrectly typed into an Edit
Data screen. Click OK and the Edit Data information that needs to be changed will appear.
15 If the information is incorrect, click < Back to navigate to previous selection screens, and modify
settings, as appropriate.
Installation progress completes for this screen, and subsequent installation progress screens open
and self-dismiss.
The installer completes this portion of the installation, and the system automatically restarts.
Once the system completely launches and the Windows desktop displays, a subsequent screen
opens for additional installation progress.
16 Ensure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer again radio button is selected.
18 Click Finish.
19 Proceed following the installation checklist on page 20; subsequent installations are required.
LP 5900 printer
Note: The DL 430, DL 450, and DL 600 printers Note: The printers listed above require FireWire and
are installed via separate printer software. VDEntry tasks completed before MS01 installation.
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 25).
2 All FireWire drivers must be installed and VDEntry settings must be completed prior to starting this
4 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start > Run
or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
12 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
The Edit Data > Enter the names of the MS01 & SP systems screen displays.
Note: The Scanner field only displays if you are Note: If you selected None or SP 500 when
installing the SP 1500, 2000, and 3000 models. selecting your scanner type, the Edit Data screen
does not display a Scanner field.
19 If the information is incorrect, click < Back to navigate to previous selection screens, and modify
settings, as appropriate.
If the information is correct, ensure that the printer is in StandBy mode and click Next >.
If you are installing an LP 1500/2000 series printer… If you are installing an LP If you are installing an LP 5500/5700/5900 series printer…
7x00 or DL 4x0 series
The InstallShield Wizard > Frontier An The status halts and the
Workflow Management Software – InstallShield InstallShield Wizard > Printer
InstallShield Wizard dialog box Wizard Data dialog box opens.
opens informing you that the printer Complete
update will run. screen
Click OK. Select the No radio button. Insert the Printer Data diskette into the printer’s floppy
The status halts and the Insert the printer software The printer reads the floppy data.
InstallShield Wizard > disk into the CD-ROM drive.
Printer Data dialog box
Insert the Printer Data diskette into the printer’s floppy Install the printer software Once the data load has finished,
drive. and register the printer. the InstallShield Wizard > Printer
Data load finished dialog box
Click OK. Restart the computer. Remove the floppy diskette from the floppy drive and click
Once the data load has Proceed following the Click OK.
finished, the InstallShield installation workflow
Wizard > Printer Data load referenced on page 25;
finished dialog box opens. subsequent installations are
Remove the floppy diskette from the floppy drive and The Please Wait message displays
click OK. and self-dismisses.
Ensure that the Yes radio button is selected. Ensure that the Yes radio button is selected.
If you are installing an LP 1500, or LP 2000 printer, you Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive.
must turn the printer power off and then back on using
Click Finish.
the breaker.
Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive. Proceed following the installation workflow referenced on
page 25; subsequent installations are required.
IMPORTANT: Verify available disk space on the SPC/MCU before starting this procedure. This task
is only required for the certain scanner hardware models, including: SP 1500 or 2000. After an SP
1500 or 2000system’s SPC/MCU has had the operating system installed, perform tasks to prevent
lack-of-space issues (see page 137).
SP-1500 scanner
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 26).
5 Power on the scanner while holding down the <Ctrl> keyboard key (to prevent the scanner software
from launching).
6 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start >
Run or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
10 Select Scanner.
18 If this is a tethered system, a screen opens asking if you want to load the printer size table.
o Select Yes if you want to load the print size table for the default products loaded by the
software. Doing this will overwrite any changes made to the print size table since the last
installation. This is the recommended choice.
o Select No if you want to manually enter all print sizes that you will want the scanner and
printer to process.
Click Next >.
19 Select Yes if you want to use the FrontMan software interface when film scanning.
Select No if you want to use the A1/S1 software interface when film scanning.
22 If the information is incorrect, click < Back to navigate to previous selection screens, and modify
settings, as appropriate.
23 Ensure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer again. radio button is selected.
25 Click Finish.
2 Enter the appropriate User Name and Password and click OK.
6 Ensure the setting for the option Use FrontMan application for scan orders is consistent with the
settings made in steps 13-14 on page 47.
7 Click OK.
8 Proceed following the installation workflow checklist on page 26; subsequent installations are
5 Ensure the setting for the option Use FrontMan application for scan orders is consistent with the
settings made in steps 13-14 on page 47.
6 Click OK.
7 Proceed following the installation workflow checklist on page 26; subsequent installations are
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 21).
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start > Run
or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating
system while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security
to this system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in Support
10 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will be using a Rimage CD duplication device, select the Rimage option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
The system can be run in two modes: Support or Operator. Support mode allows full-access to the
operating system; Operator mode does not.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Setup Type > Please select type of
printer screen displays.
14 Select the type of scanner that will be connected to the MS01 Server.
If you selected None, this screen will not If you selected a scanner model number in the
appear. Proceed to the next step. previous step, the Edit Data screen displays.
17 If the information is incorrect, click < Back to navigate to previous selection screens, and modify
settings, as appropriate.
Once progress completes, several small installation screens open and self-dismiss.
The system automatically restarts, and the InstallShield wizard continues with installation.
If you are installing an ASK series printer… If you are installing an LP 7x00 / DL 4x0/DL 600
series printer…
Ensure that the Yes radio button is selected. Select the No radio button.
The system restarts, and the Windows desktop Insert the printer software disk into the CD-ROM
displays. drive.
FUJIFILM applications launch. Install the printer software and register the
20 Proceed following the installation workflow referenced on page 21; subsequent installations are
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 22).
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start >
Run or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating
system while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security
to this system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in Support
The system can be run in two modes: Support or Operator. Support mode allows full-access to the
operating system; Operator mode does not.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Setup Type > Disc Writer Support screen
10 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will be using a Rimage CD duplication device, select the Rimage option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
15 If the information is incorrect, click < Back to navigate to previous selection screens, and modify
settings, as appropriate.
Once progress in the screen completes, several small installation screens open and self-dismiss.
16 Ensure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer again. radio button is selected.
17 Remove the MS01 Installation CD and insert the MS11 for SP500 installation CD into the CD-ROM
18 Click Finish.
19 Proceed following the installation checklist referenced on page 22; subsequent installations are
LP 7500 printer Note: The DL 430, DL 450, and DL 600 printers are
installed via separate printer software.
LP 7600 printer
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks referenced in
the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 23).
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start > Run or
Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
9 o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating system
while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security to this
system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in support mode.
11 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will be using a Rimage CD duplication device, select the Rimage option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
16 If the information is incorrect, click < Back and modify settings, as appropriate. If the information is correct,
click Next >.
Once progress in the screen completes, several small installation screens open and self-dismiss.
17 Reference the instructions on the next page based on your hardware configuration.
a. If you are installing a LP 7x00 a. If you are installing an ASK a. If you are installing a DL 4x0
series printer with an SP 500 model printer with an SP 500 or DL 600 model printer with
model scanner, an model scanner, an an SP 500 model scanner, an
InstallShield Wizard InstallShield Wizard InstallShield Wizard
Complete screen displays. Complete screen displays. Complete screen displays.
b. Select the No radio button b. Select the No radio button b. Select the No radio button
(so the system does NOT (so the system does NOT (so the system does NOT
restart). restart). restart).
c. Click Finish. The MS01 c. Click Finish. The MS01 c. Click Finish. The MS01
installer closes. installer closes. installer closes.
d. Insert the printer’s SDK d. Insert the MS11 for SP 500 d. Insert the MS11 for SP 500
installation CD and run the installation CD and run the installation CD and run the
installer. installer. installer.
e. Perform all instructions noted e. Perform all instructions noted e. Perform all instructions noted
during the printer installation. during the scanner during the scanner
installation. installation.
f. Insert the MS11 for SP 500
installation CD and run the f. Once the scanner installation f. Once the scanner installation
installer. is complete, restart the is complete, restart the
system. system.
g. Perform all instructions noted
during the scanner g. Follow instructions provided
installation. in the DL 4x0 or DL 600
Installation Guide.
h. Once the installation is
complete, restart the system.
18 Proceed following the installation checklist referenced on page 23; subsequent installations are required.
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 27).
2 Insert the MS01 Installation CD into the ICIII workstation’s CD-ROM drive.
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start >
Run or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
9 o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating
system while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security
to this system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in support
11 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
15 If the information is incorrect, click < Back and modify settings, as appropriate.
Once progress in the screen completes, several small installation screens open and self-dismiss.
InstallShield wizard continues with installation.
16 Ensure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer again. radio button is selected.
18 Click Finish.
19 Proceed following the installation checklist referenced on page 27; subsequent installations are
LP 7500 printer Note: The DL 430, DL 450, and DL 600 printers are
installed via separate printer software.
LP 7600 printer
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 28).
2 Insert the MS01 Installation CD into the ICIII workstation’s CD-ROM drive.
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start >
Run or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
9 o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating
system while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional security
to this system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in support mode.
11 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
18 If the information is incorrect, click < Back and modify settings, as appropriate.
Once progress in the screen completes, several small installation screens open and self-dismiss.
Remove the MS01 Installation CD and insert the printer software installation CD into the CD-ROM
19 If you are installing an ASK series If you are installing an LP 7x00 / DL 4x0/DL 600 series
printer… printer…
Ensure that the Yes radio button is Select the No radio button.
The system automatically restarts, and Insert the printer software disk into the CD-ROM drive.
the Windows desktop displays.
FUJIFILM applications launch. Install the printer software and register the printer.
20 Proceed following the installation checklist referenced on page 28; subsequent installations are
1 Before beginning this installation, you must complete all pre-MS01 installation tasks
referenced in the installation checklist for this MS01 setup type (page 24).
2 Insert the MS01 Installation CD into the ICIII server’s CD-ROM drive.
3 If the CD does not auto-run the installer, navigate to the CD-ROM drive via the Windows Start >
Run or Explorer feature, and double-click the setup.exe file in the EZ171 directory.
o If you want to lock down the system to prevent the end user from accessing the operating
system while running the Fuji software (operator mode), select the Add additional
security to this system check box.
o If Add additional security to this system is not selected, the system runs in support
10 If the system will be using a CD writer, select the Local Disc Writer option.
If the system will be using a Rimage CD duplication device, select the Rimage option.
If the system will not be writing CDs, select the None option.
12 From the drop-down menu, select the printer for this configuration.
18 If the information is incorrect, click < Back and modify settings, as appropriate.
19 Ensure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer again. radio button is selected.
21 Click Finish.
22 Proceed following the installation checklist referenced on page 24; subsequent installations are
2 Click Yes.
If cancellation was invoked from the Choose If cancellation was selected from the Welcome screen
Setup Language screen, the Preparing Setup or any other screen before the auto-restart that occurs
screen, or after the auto-restart that occurs during installation, an InstallShield Wizard Complete
during the installation process, the installer screen displays informing you that the software has
simply closes. not been installed.
Click Finish.
If you are installing only a FireWire scanner and printer connected to the printer server 14,
perform the following:
If there are FireWire cards in the Printer Server, write down which port the scanner FireWire cable is
connected to, write down which port the printer FireWire cable is connected to, then disconnect both
If there are no FireWire cards installed in the Printer Server, refer to page 100.
• Install FireWire drivers on the Printer Server. Refer to page 103.
• If using an SP 3000 film scanner:
o Windows XP – Refer to page 109.
o Windows 7 – Refer to page 120.
If you are installing an MS01+Printer system with an SP1500, SP2000, or SP3000 film scanner,
there must be a single FireWire card in the ICIII server.
If you are installing a Frontier Manager system with an ICIII Server, Printer Server (also known as LPC
or FMPC), SP1500, SP2000, or SP3000 film scanner and LP1500, LP2000, LP5500, LP5700 or
LP5900 printer, there must be two separate FireWire cards in the Printer Server. One FireWire card
connects to the film scanner, and the other one connects to the printer.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
• If using an SP 1500 or SP 2000 film scanner, refer to page 111.
• If using an LP5500, LP5700 or LP5900 printer, refer to LP5500, LP5700 or LP5900 Printer on:
o Windows XP – Refer to page 105.
o Windows 7 – Refer to page 115
• If using an LP1500 or LP2000 printer, refer to LP1500 or LP2000 Printer on page 106.
• For:
o Windows XP: Disabling FireWire Networking for the SP 1500/2000/3000 Scanners, refer
to page 112.
o Windows 7: Disabling FireWire Networking for the SP 1500/2000/3000 Scanner, refer to
page 120.
If you are installing a FireWire scanner connected to the printer server 15, perform the following:
• If there is a FireWire card in the Printer Server, write down which port the scanner FireWire cable
is connected to, then disconnect the cable.
• If there is no FireWire card installed in the Printer Server, refer to Installing One FireWire Card in
the Printer Server. Refer to page 100.
• Install FireWire drivers on the Printer Server. Refer to page 103.
• If using an SP 3000 film scanner: refer to Setting Up Drivers for an SP 3000 Film Scanner. Refer
to page 109.
o Windows XP – Refer to page 109.
o Windows 7 – Refer to page 118.
• If using an SP 1500, SP 2000, or SP 3000 film scanner. Refer to page 111.
• For
o Windows XP: Disabling FireWire Networking for the SP 1500/2000/3000 Scanners, refer
to page 112.
o Windows 7: Disabling FireWire Networking for the SP 1500/2000/3000 Scanner, refer to
page 120.
If you are installing a FireWire printer connected to the printer server 16, perform the following:
• If there is a FireWire card in the Printer Server, write down which port the scanner FireWire cable
is connected to, then disconnect the cable.
• If there is no FireWire card installed in the Printer Server, refer to Installing One FireWire Card in
the Printer Server. Refer to page 100.
• Install FireWire drivers on the Printer Server. Refer to page 103.
• If using an LP5500, LP5700 or LP5900 printer on:
If you are installing a Frontier Manager system with an ICIII Server, Printer Server (also known as LPC
or FMPC) and SP1500, SP2000, or SP3000 film scanner and ARE NOT USING an LP1500, LP2000,
LP5500, LP5700 or LP5900 printer, there must be a single FireWire card in the Printer Server.
If you are installing a Printer system with an LP1500, LP2000, LP5500, LP5700 or LP5900, and either
no film scanner will be installed or an SP500 film scanner will be connected to the ICIII, there must be a
single FireWire card in the Printer server.
1 Remove any media from the computer’s drives (i.e., disks, CDs, and tapes).
7 Follow the instructions in the service manual to open the computer’s case.
9 Follow the instructions in the service manual to install the FireWire card in the open PCI slot.
10 Write down that the adapter is FireWire Card #1. It will be used for the Scanner (SP).
11 Follow the instructions in the service manual to close the computer’s case.
1 Remove any media from the computer’s drives (i.e., disks, CDs, and tapes).
7 Follow the instructions in the service manual to open the computer’s case.
FireWire card #1 will be closest to the CPU, memory and other motherboard components.
FireWire card #2 will be closest to the bottom edge of the motherboard.
If there are more than two PCI slots, the above guidelines still apply.
Regardless of where the FireWire cards are installed, the cards will always be identified as cards #1 and
10 Follow the instructions in the service manual to install FireWire cards in two open PCI slots.
11 Write down which adapter is FireWire Card #1. It will be used for the Scanner (SP).
12 Write down which adapter is FireWire Card #2. It will be used for the Printer (LP).
13 Follow the instructions in the service manual to close the computer’s case.
14 Proceed to
FireWire – Driver Installation on the next page.
1 After Windows launches, insert the MS Installation CD into the server’s CD-ROM drive.
3 Click Browse.
4 Navigate to the server’s CD drive (X represents the CD drive letter) and open directories to the
following path: X:\ EZ171\FMPC XP Drivers\EZ171\
The filename and path are populated in the Open field of the Run dialog box.
6 Click OK.
7 Click OK.
8 Click OK.
2 Connect the printer’s FireWire cable to the Printer Server’s FireWire Card #2.
3 Turn the printer switch to ON. Wait for the LCD screen to display Frontier…
7 Click Next.
8 Click Finish.
1 On the Printer Server, select Start > Settings > Network Connections.
2 Disconnect the printer’s FireWire cable from the back of the Printer Server. Note which port it is
connected to.
4 Right-click the 1394 Connection that is still listed as connected. (This is the scanner’s FireWire
5 Select Disable.
Note: Disabling the connection takes a few seconds. The screen may need to be manually refreshed to
reflect the disabled connection.
7 Select Properties.
11 Click OK.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box closes, and the 1394 Connection 2 Properties
dialog box returns to focus.
13 Re-connect the printer’s FireWire cable to the port it was unplugged from.
3 Important: This procedure must be completed before running the vdentry application.
Examine the computer and determine if there is a built-in FireWire interface. If there is a built-in
FireWire interface, one or more FireWire ports will appear on the exterior of the computer’s case.
• The ports may be labeled 1394, IEEE 1394, iLink or FireWire.
• The ports may be labeled with the FireWire symbol:
4 If there is not a built-in FireWire interface, the newly added film scanner FireWire board has a
BusID of 0.
If there is a built-in FireWire interface, the newly added film scanner FireWire board has a BusID of
7 Click OK.
9 Click Regist.
11 Click Next.
12 Click Finish.
13 Continue installation in the next section with the Windows XP: Disabling FireWire Networking
for the SP 1500/2000/3000 Scanners section.
Windows XP: Setting Up FireWire Drivers for an SP 1500 or SP 2000 Film Scanner
Make sure that you follow these procedures exactly.
3 Turn on the SP1500 or SP2000 film scanner and wait for it to boot.
6 Click Next.
7 Click Finish.
8 Continue installation on the next page with the Disabling FireWire Networking for the SP
1500/2000/3000 Scanners below.
1 On the Printer Server, select Start > Settings > Network Connections.
3 Select Disable.
Note: Disabling the connection takes a few seconds. The screen may need to be manually refreshed to
reflect the disabled connection.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 above for each 1394 connection in your system.
Important: Always install the FireWire drivers on the computer that has the FireWire cards installed.
2 After Windows launches, insert the MS Installation CD into the server’s CD-ROM drive.
5 Navigate to the server’s CD drive (X represents the CD drive letter) and open directories to the
The Run dialog box returns to focus. The Open field is populated with the path to the setup.exe
7 Click OK.
8 Click OK.
The system reboots. Do not power-on the printer until the computer is completely running in
Windows 7 and the firewire devices have been detected.
2 Select Network and Internet > View network status and tasks.
LocalAreaConnection2: Scanner
LocalAreaConnection3: Printer
4 Right-click the Local Area Connection x IP Over 1394 #2 connection that is still listed as
connected (this is the scanner’s FireWire connection).
Note: The scanner does not use the networking capabilities of FireWire and must be disabled to
allow the scanner to connect.
6 Right-click the Local Area Connection x IP Over 1394 connection that is still listed as connected.
7 Select Properties.
8 From the This connection uses the following items list, select Internet Protocol Version 4
10 Select the Use the following IP address radio button and enter the following information in the
corresponding fields:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
11 Click OK.
The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box closes and the Local Area
Connection x Properties dialog box returns to focus.
12 Click OK.
The Local Area Connection x Properties dialog box closes and the Network Connections
window returns to focus.
13 Re-connect the printer’s FireWire cable to the port from which it was previously disconnected.
4 If there is not a built-in FireWire interface, the newly added film scanner FireWire board has a BusID
of 0.
If there is a built-in FireWire interface, the newly added film scanner FireWire board has a BusID of
9 Click Regist.
Note: If no error messages display, the VDEntry registration was successful.
10 Click Close.
4 Right-click the Local Area Connection x IP Over 1394 #2 connection that is still listed as connected
(this is the scanner’s FireWire connection).
Note: The scanner does not use the networking capabilities of FireWire and must be disabled to
allow the scanner to connect.
5 Select Disable.
Note: Disabling the connection takes a few seconds. The screen may need to be manually refreshed
to reflect the disabled connection.
1 Press the Windows keyboard key and use the mouse to select Programs -> FRONTIER-Printer.
3 Click Find.
The Connected Device List side of the screen is populated with any LP 7x00 printers within the
MS01’s network.
The Output Device List side of the screen is populated with any output devices that have been
previously registered.
The selected printer’s parameters populate the adjoining row in the Output Device List.
7 Click Enter.
8 Click Cancel.
9 Click Cancel.
3 Open Admin version of Panda.exe. Select Start > Programs > FES > Panda.
6 Return to the installation workflow check-list you were previously following for further installation
5 Click OK.
7 Click OK.
8 Click Cancel.
The Maintenance Menu Selection dialog box closes and the sort limit configuration is now complete.
3 Adjust, as necessary.
8 Click OK.
Date and time settings are updated, and the dialog box closes.
6 Select the appropriate option from the Time zone drop-down menu.
Note: If the region observes Daylight Saving Time, ensure the Automatically adjust clock for
Daylight Saving Time check-box is selected.
7 Click OK.
12 Click OK.
14 Click OK.
Date and time settings are updated, and the dialog box closes.
2 Select both the I386 directory and the Drvlib directory, and right-click.
3 Select Cut.
The directories and their contents are placed on the Windows clipboard.
6 Select Paste.
9 Select Properties.
12 Ensure that the C: drive is selected in the Drive (Volume Label) list box.
15 Now, select the D: drive in the Drive (Volume Label) list box.
18 Click OK.
The Virtual Memory dialog box closes, and focus returns to the System Properties dialog box.
19 Click OK.
The SPC/MCU system is now ready to install the scanner (also called A1) and MS01 software.
Configurations Printer Size USB# Printer Size USB# Printer Size USB# Printer Size USB#
3 Referring to the configuration chart at the beginning of this chapter, turn on the first printer in your
5 Click Next.
9 Click Next.
11 Click Finish.
12 Once all ASK printer drivers are installed move on to the Configure ASK Printer USB Ports section
on page 152.
11 Click Next.
13 Click Close.
15 Once all ASK printer drivers are installed move on to the next section - Configure ASK Printer
USB Ports.
3 Click OK.
6 In the Please set new USB field, enter the number that corresponds to the printer in the USB #
configuration chart at the beginning of this chapter.
7 Click OK.
The Set New USB No. dialog box closes, and focus returns to the ASK Tool application window.
The USB No. displayed in the ASK Tool application window for the selected printer updates.
8 Click Exit.
9 Repeat the above new hardware installation and USB number configuration procedures for
each remaining ASK printer based on the order listed in the table at the beginning of this
10 After all ASK printers in your system have been installed and configured, select Start > Shut Down.
12 Click OK.
WARNING: You must perform a new backup anytime the system’s configuration settings have been
2 Configure the backup information as desired using the options displayed on the Backup tab.
4 Click OK.
The dialog box closes, and focus returns to the main Data Backup and Restore dialog box.
5 Click Close.
Non-Connected Systems 17
If the lab does not have a connected system, power off all devices nightly using the established shut down
procedures as defined in the MS01 3.0 Start-up and Shut down Guide.
Important: Do not shut down the ICIII without first post-op’ing printers and scanners configured
with the system. Proper shut down requires post-op of these devices prior to clicking the
exclamation mark button on the MS01 interface.
Connected Systems
Not all hardware components in a FUJIFILM retail lab system should be shut-down nightly. Use the
following guidelines to ensure that your lab system’s components run properly.
18 Power Off Nightly
Never Power Off
Non-connected systems have no Internet connectivity and no communication to outside networks. A
connected MS01 system is a system that receives data from FUJIFILM’s fullfilment network, sends data
to FUJIFILM’s fullfilment network, and receives orders from various sources (such as retailers’ photo Web
sites). This is all accomplished via Internet connectivity.
These devices should only be powered off for necessary maintenance.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
Support Mode
Throughout this guide, you will find that many procedures require you to be in Support mode. Support
mode enables you to access additional features of the operating system that Operator mode does not
allow you to access.
Getting into Support mode is a four-step process. Rather than repeating these four steps (with the
accompanying descriptive screen captures) in every location where Support mode is required, we show
those steps here and refer to this area when Support mode is mentioned in the rest of the guide.
4 Click OK.
4 Click OK.
The system automatically logs off and logs back on. This may take a couple minutes. Some
Windows screens display and self-dismiss during the process.
Panda opens.
3 From the Device drop-down menu, select the appropriate disc writing device:
4 Click Ok.
The Disc Writer 1 dialog box closes and Panda returns to focus.
Note: SPCs do not display a SwLauncher. You will have to press <Alt+Tab> to access Maintenance on
these computers.
To launch Maintenance:
Note: Not all labs have access to the Maintenance application. For instance, if a lab is set-up in a
“locked-down” mode, Maintenance will not be accessible unless the system is in Support mode.
MS01 Installation Guide
© 2006-2012 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
FUJIFILM Corporation
7-3, Akasaka 9-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan