אור הזוהר 91 אנגלית 1
אור הזוהר 91 אנגלית 1
אור הזוהר 91 אנגלית 1
Ohr HaZohar
Issue #91
האדמו"ר מהאלמין רבי שלום
יהודה גראס שליט"א רבינו בעל הסולם
חיבר למעלה מאלף ספרים על כל נשמת האריז"ל בדורינו
מקצועות התורה
The joy of Rashbi for those who study the Holy Zohar:
Dear Jews: Come to the aid of Hashem with courage, in order to raise the
Holy Shechinah from the dust, and to merit having the Holy Rabbi Shimon
Bar Yochai dwell among us. We urgently want to print millions of
copies of the Daf Hazohar Hayomi by Lag B'Omer. Anyone prepared
to participate and earn great merits – "No eye had ever seen a g-d
besides You who worked for him who waited for Him." – should
call: 053-7651911. This is an act of zikuiy harabim, for the pamphlets
will be distributed for free. The donor requests: Every individual
should learn/read, at least once, a page of Zohar on Lag B'Omer at
the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, may his memory protect
us in Meron. – [or each one in his place]. Each and every one of those
who study will receive the reward and the merits of each of the half
a million others who study the tikun on Lag B'Omer (S'deh Chemed,
and others). And the time it takes to learn a page is just one minute.
Please have mercy on the exiled holy Shechinah, and devote just one
minute after each prayer, and learn for one minute the Daf Yomi of the
Holy Zohar in a group, all together, and afterwards recite the Kaddish
for the benefit of all the souls of Israel, which is the most elevated tikun
for the deceased [Minchat Yehuda]. For that small amount of learning at
that time is more significant in Heaven than all the rams of Nebaiot when
the Beit Hamikdash was standing (the students of the Arizal). Therefore,
every Admor and Rosh Yeshiva, every city rabbi, every neighborhood
rabbi, every beis midrash rabbi, every Daf Yomi maggid shiur, and
every teacher of pure young children must take into account what
great pleasure he can bring to the Holy One Blessed be He, and how
he can save Am Yisrael from all kinds of suffering by spending one
minute studying the Zohar Daf Yomi with the community. And thus
all of Am Yisrael will enter the "Noah's Ark", and will be saved in the war
of Gog and Magog. As it is written in the Holy Zohar, and in the works
of Rabbi Chaim Vital, and Rabbi Chaim Luzatto, blessed be his memory,
and in Ohr HaZohar. Remember! One minute of studying the Holy
Zohar (on a weekday) with a group is equal to six days, and with a
minyan it is multiplied by one thousand (the Holy Zohar, V'Yetze), which
equals 6000 days of studying the literal text, and if he studies with great
hardship that is multiplied by one hundred and equals 600,000 days. And
if with joy, multiplied by 1,000, to equal 600 million days of studying
Torat HaP'shat. And on Shabbat it is multiplied by yet another 1,000
to equal 600 billion days of studying Torat HaP'shat (Kisei Hamelech,
3 Ohr HaZohar Issue #91
HaReyach HaTov, Orchot Tzaddikim, Avot d'Rabbi Natan). And if he
studies in Jerusalem, multiply that by another ten (Baba Sali) to equal
6,000,000,000,000, which is six trillion days of studying Torat HaP'shat.
And if he studies at the Western Wall, multiply it by another 1,000
(Zohar, Vayetzeh, Tikunei HaZohar). Remember: A person who arranges
for others to study one minute of Zohar Daf Yomi each day will earn a
reward equal to that of them all! Think about it. How in just one minute
of studying the Holy Zohar after prayer, and before the Daf Yomi class,
and before each and every class, you earn eternal worlds. ""No eye had
ever seen a g-d besides You who worked for him who waited for Him."
Those who study Remez and Sod are not tempted by the Evil Inclination,
and the driving force behind the Final Redemption will be the study of
the wisdom of the Kabbalah (Even Shlomo, to the Gra, chapters 8 and
11). The Chafetz Chaim urges everyone – including unmarried yeshiva
students - to study every Shabbat the Zohar for the particular parasha
(Rabbi Yitzchak Bechor Shazar from Pozhin, Binyan Yosef). Studying
the Zohar for just one hour will bring about a tikun above – which is
something that studying P'shat for an entire year cannot achieve. (Kisei
When you devote just one minute to study a page of Zohar, and you
join the 250,000 other students of the Holy Zohar, it is considered as
if you alone have completed the Zohar 250,000 times!!! Your prayers
and the yearnings of your heart will be received and heard, because the
condition for one's prayers and one's recitation of the Kriyas Shema to
be accepted is to learn Zohar every day (Tikunei Hazohar, Tikun 43). And
you will merit to hasten the Final Redemption with mercy (Zohar, part
three, 124). With regard to those who are not counted among the ones
who study the Zohar, it is written in the Holy Zohar (Tikun 30, page 73):
Woe to them who cause poverty and war and plunder and killing and loss
in this world. And as for a person who does not occupy himself with the
teachings of Truth, and who do not want to study it, at the hour when his
soul wants to ascend to Heaven it will be turned away in disgrace. As it is
written in Zohar Shir Hashirim, etc. it won't even matter that he has claim
to all the good deeds in the world. The six winged ministering angels
will burn his soul every single day, as it is written in the Zohar, parashat
Pikudei, etc. (Sefer HaBrit). The holy Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wrote
Ohr HaZohar Issue #91 4
that regarding one who did not learn Torat HaEmet – it would be better if
he had never been born. For without this a man can never understand his
blessed Creator, and will not be able to fear, love, or serve Him (Ginzei
HaMelech, page 185). He will not be counted among the souls who stood
at Har Sinai (Zohar, part three, 152, Koach HaZohar). It will be as though
he ate meat and milk, and harnessed a bull and donkey together (Tikun
43, Nishmat HaZohar).
We are looking for donars to cover the cost of printing millions of the
Zohar Daf Yomi, and distribute them to 15 million Jews for free. The
donars pay the printer directly! Is there any computer that can calculate
the great merit one can earn with a small amount of money? For more
information call: 052-7551911