AMDPotential WWR
AMDPotential WWR
AMDPotential WWR
The oxygen content of tailings dams around the Witwatersrand Basin was quantitatively measured over a period of 2 months
using a multi-level gas sampling device (MLGS) in an attempt to understand the diffusion of oxygen in tailings dams as a
result of acid mine drainage. The measured oxygen showed that the diffusion of oxygen in some Witwatersrand tailings dams
is up to a depth of 4 m. In some instances the oxygen content in the layer 1m below the tailings surface decreased by a factor
of more than 97% compared to the atmospheric content. The findings show that the development of oxidation zones in the
tailings dams of Witwatersrand Basin which subsequently leads to acid mine drainage is limited by the amount of available
oxygen in the tailings materials.
Study area
Summary of available background information for
the selected dams
Site Area Height Volume Date of
Name (ha) (m) (m3) decommission-
tent of higher than 3% below the 3 m mark. It contains signifi-
cant oxygen at the 4m level of 3.78%, which is relatively high,
8 compared to all the other sites, which normally have levels of
between 0.6 and 1.2% at this level.
10 Site D has the lowest oxygen level of all the dams at 5.42%
within the first metre, which decreases to 1.62% at the 2 m mark
12 (Fig. 3). The drop from the atmospheric content of 21% to 5.42%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
O2 (%) is by 74%. The decline from 1 to 2 m is by 70%. This point
shows that at Site D, the rate of oxygen depletion is approxi-
mately 72% within the first 2 m.
Figure 3 Site E is the youngest site of all the dams (decommissioned
Oxygen content in the 6 tailings dams around the in 1997). Its oxygen content at the 1m level is only 7.38%, which
Witwatersrand Basin is significantly less than the oxygen content of the 3 m level of
Site C. The drop from the atmospheric content to the first metre
each sampling port for a width of 600 mm to minimise the verti- is by 65%. From the first metre to the second, the oxygen is
cal movement of pore gas. Coarse-grained sand (0.8 to 1.0 mm) depleted by 64%. At the 3 m level, from which relatively con-
was placed immediately above the 20 mm of gravel for a width stant contents of oxygen begin, the gradient is 68% from the 2 m
of 30 mm to promote horizontal flow of the pore-gas. At the level.
tailings surface the annular space in the drill hole was sealed Site F is located within 5 km of Site E. It is slightly older than
to 900 mm depth with bentonite. Due to the age of the dams, the latter and most of its surface is covered with vegetation. This
and the fact that they were being reclaimed, no water table was site contains the third lowest oxygen content with the first metre
encountered at any of the sites. One hole per dam was drilled for only having a content of 9.67%. The oxygen content decreases
the insertion of the MLGS which means that the data collected below 1% at the 3 m level and remains constant to the end of the
results from one profile of the dam. sampled depth then decreases up to the 8 m level before it stabi-
lises below this level.
Results and discussion From the data presented it can be observed that the oxygen
contents in the first 10 m of the 6 studied tailings dams varied
Oxidation of sulphide minerals in mine waste deposits is con- between 0.36 and 17.2% over the eight-week sampling period
trolled by the supply of oxygen. Diffusion in the air filled part from April to June 2005. Within each tailings dam, oxygen con-
of the pore system above the phreatic surface is usually con- tents remained relatively constant between 3 and 10 m, which
sidered to be the dominant transport mechanism for oxygen. indicates that there is little change in oxygen content below
Hence, the formation of oxidation zones in tailings deposits is 3 m, which explains the reported average oxidation zone of
strongly dependent on the oxygen flux by diffusion. Relevant 2.5 m. Previous studies (Yanful, 1993, Davis et al, 1986) of tail-
quantification of oxygen diffusion is therefore a key factor in ings dams have demonstrated that the consumption of pore-gas
the design and assessment of prediction and prevention of AMD O2 through in-situ reactions results in decreasing O2 contents
(Nengovhela, 2006). with depth when transport is controlled by the vertical diffusion
Site A shows a decreasing pattern of oxygen content and of O2 from the atmosphere.
depletion throughout the 9 m depth (Fig. 3). Differences in oxy-
gen contents are only found within the top 3m after which there Conclusions
is no variation until the end of the sampled depth. The average
oxygen content at the 1 m level is 10.76 %, which is a decrease From this study, it can be concluded that oxygen depletion in
by a factor of 48% from the atmospheric content (21%). The the studied Witwatersrand tailings dams occurs rapidly from the
abrupt decrease from the 1 m level to 2 m, i.e. from 10.76 to atmosphere to the first few metres of the studied tailings dams.
3.88% means that there is high oxygen consumption in the top The conclusion generated from the calculated average depletion
part of the dam. From 2 m to 3 m, the decrease is from 3.88% to gradient of all the dams is that the drop between the atmospheric
1.2%, which is a 69% decrease. This means the decrease from oxygen level of 21% and the level of 0.56% at a depth of 5 m
the atmospheric content of oxygen to the 3 m level is by 94.3%. is 97% as shown in Fig. 3. At a depth of 1 m where sulphide
The drop in oxygen gradient at this site is around 60%/m for the oxidation is active, the average oxygen content is 10.67% and
first 3 m. decreases by 88.5% at 4 m to 1.23%. The progressive decrease
Site B is slightly different from Site A in that its average in oxygen from 1 to 2 m is by 43.29% and at 3 m it decreases
oxygen content in the oxidation zone is almost twice that of Site again by a factor of 55.54% from the 2 m level. From 3 to 4 m,
A at 17.2%. This is the highest oxygen content in all the oxida- the gradient declines by 54.37%, which shows that there is a
tion zones of the sampled sites. Although the first metre contains significant difference between 3 m and 4 m levels. From 4 to 5m
the highest oxygen of all the sites by far, the content drops by there is a decrease of 54.47% in oxygen, which remains gener-
38% at the second metre level. In Site B, the decline from the ally constant until the end of the 9 m sampled depth. This means
atmospheric oxygen content to the first metre in the oxidation that below a depth of 4 m, there is no longer any variation in the
zone is by 18.09% which is the lowest of all the other dams. This amount of oxygen contained by the tailings dams. The overall
suggests that the dam’s material is highly diffusive at the top of oxygen depletion gradient within the first 5 m is an average of
the dam. The significantly high percentage of oxygen at this dam 52%. Most changes occur in the top part of the dam where the