Rob Volume I
Rob Volume I
Rob Volume I
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Tender Notice No:- CIVIL/HO/14/01/2022-23
Name of Work: - Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with
approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and
Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Name of Work: - Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at
Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads
connecting to Approaches.
Volume – I
II Instructions to Tenderers 41 50
Contractor Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
TENDER NOTICE No: - CIVIL/ HO/14/01/2022-23
No: Joint City Engineer(Projects),
Date :- Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
Pimpri – 411 018.
Contractor Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 1 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Offers by way of e-tendering in ‘C’ Forms / Sealed tenders in “C” Form (Lump-sum basis)
on Tenderer’s / bidders own design & the construction of RoB with approaches on both
sides. The other items for development of road including all utilities as mentioned in Schedule
B on item rate basis as invited by the Joint City Engineer (Projects), Pimpri Chinchwad
Municipal Corporation, Pimpri from the eligible Bidders who registered in appropriate class /
unlimited category with PWD / MSRDC / CPWD / NHAI and other Government and Semi-
Government organization for the work of “Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge
with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads
connecting to Approaches.”
1) The scope of the works in brief is as under:
1.1 The scope of Lumpsum works includes design, drawings and Construction of
Railway Over Bridge with all allied works including construction of approaches on
both sides of the RoB with Reinforced/Retaining Earth wall maintaining the newly
constructed & existing roads. The lumpsum works include the electrification of street light
work to be executed on the bridge & its approaches.
1.2 The scope of the schedule B includes development of the 18m wide road as per scope,
shifting works of existing utilities with provision of new utilities, provision for electrification
and related miscellaneous works in accordance with the specifications, detailed
drawings and detailed scope of work as specified in the Volume-II of tender document.
The offer of these all items will be as per the Schedule B specified in the tender. The
contractor should not quote his offer on the Schedule B Items. The contractor will be paid
at par the rates mentioned in the Schedule B as per the actual measurement of the
1.3 The royalty & material testing charges mentioned are to be executed on the item rate
basis mentioned in tender as per actual measurements of execution and at par the
rates mentioned in the Schedule B.
1.4 Detailed Design and Engineering works, Architectural planning, Aesthetical designs,
detailed Geotechnical investigations and other related surveys for carrying out the
detailed design works. The bidder shall incorporate all the changes as suggested
by the Employer or Engineer/ Architectural Consultant authorized by the Employer.
Other related works including signage’s and road markings etc.
1.5 The detailed scope of the work is defined hereinafter under Volume II.
Contractor 2 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
miscellaneous works related to development works other than structure)
C) Royalty Amount of all works = Rs. 85,02,793/-
D) Testing Charges of all works = Rs. 40,70,265/-
Total = Rs. 59,42,33,370/-
(Rupees Fifty-Nine Crore Fourty-Two Lakh Thirty-Three Thousand Three
Hundred Seventy Only)
Note: The Contractor has to put his offer for the lumpsum work only on the
website. All other items will be paid at par the rates mentioned in the Schedule
B as per the actual measurement of the execution.
Contractor 3 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
neglects to furnish the Initial Security Deposit in an acceptable form.
iii) The bidder does not accept the correction of the bid price, pursuant
to Clause of tender.
iv) The successful Bidder fails to sign the agreement as per tender
v) Fraudulent practice is any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts
to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an
vi) Submission of wrongful, ambiguous or misleading information,
documents, certificates intentionally or unintentionally.
The total Security Deposit shall be 5% (five percent) of the estimated cost of
project put to tender or contract sum i.e. accepted tendered amount, whichever
is higher. Such security deposit shall be for a period of construction period plus
entire defect liability period of 60 months.
For quote is 15% below and more than 10% below then 1% of estimated cost
put to tender + (Quoted % -10%) of estimated cost put to tender
For example, if the quote is 15% below then the amount of additional security
deposit shall be 1%+(15%-10%) = 1% +5% = 6 % of Cost put to tender.
For quote more than 15% below then 6% of estimated cost put to tender plus
2times the amount of (Quoted % -15%) of estimated cost put to tender. The
Contractor 4 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
additional security deposit will be doubled for the quote below than 15%
amount as mentioned below
For example, if the quote is 19% below then the amount of additional security
deposit shall be 1%+5% +(19%-15%) x 2 = 1+5+8 = i.e. 14% of Cost put to
This additional Security Deposit shall be paid by Bidder in the form of Bank
Guarantee from nationalised bank payable at the branch in PCMC area. The
Scan Copy of BG shall be uploaded while submitting the financial offer. Original
BG shall be submitted to the PCMC office, in sealed envelope within tender
acceptance date. This sealed envelope will be opened at the time of opening
commercial bid. Failing to submit requisite BG by the Lowest Bidder will be
disqualified without any intimation. The Bank Guarantee of the Additional Security
Deposit shall be valid up to completion of Project. This bank guarantee will be
released with final bill.
Contractor 5 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __
a) Blank tender form cost per set is Rs. 74,704/- (Rs. Seventy-Four
Thousand Seven Hundred and Four only) and should be deposited by
PCMC gateway system only through online.
b) The Tender form Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
a) This invitation is open to all prospective Bidders who have the required
capacity and competence to carry out the work as per the post-
qualification criteria presented herein.
b) To be eligible for award of the contract the tenderer shall provide satisfactory
evidence to the PCMC of their eligibility, capability and adequacy of
resources to carry out the work / contract effectively as per check list
provided in the tender document.
c) Any tenderer meeting minimum qualifying criteria in terms of Financial
and Work Experience in construction of Railway Over Bridge, Road work as
mentioned for similar work subject to the provisions of this tender
document will be post-qualified.
d) For evaluation under the Financial Capability and Work experience /
technical capabilities, the strength of the Bidding Company only (as a sole
Bidder) shall be considered.
e) Joint ventures or Consortium is not allowed for this work.
f) The bidding company or group company or subsidiary company those
who have entered into Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) and
those who are in process of Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) are
not eligible to participate for this tender.
g) To qualify for award of work, the Bidder shall have in its name
and furnish the information detailed out below-
i) Valid Registration Certificate under GST (Goods & Service Tax)
of State Govt./Central Govt.
ii) Income Tax returns filed during last 7 years.
Contractor 6 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __
iii) Income tax Pan Card
iv) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal
status, place of Registration and principal place of business; written
power of attorney of the Signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder;
v) Total monetary value of construction work performed for each of
the last five years;
vi) Experience in works of a similar nature and size for each of the
last 7 (seven) years, and Details of works under way or contractually
committed; and clients who may be Contacted for further
information on those contracts;
vii) Major items of construction equipment proposed to carry out the
viii) Qualifications and experience of key site management and
technical personnel proposed for the Contract;
ix) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder, such as profit and
loss statements and auditor's reports for the past five years;
x) Evidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract (access
to line (s) of credit and availability of other financial resources);
xi) Authority to seek references from the Bidder's bankers;
xii) Information regarding any litigation or arbitration resulting from
Contracts executed by the Bidder in the last five years or
currently under execution. The information shall include the names
of the parties concerned, the disputed amount, cause of litigation,
and matter in dispute;
xiii) Successfully completed atleast a single work of Railway Over
Bridge work as a sole Bidder / Contractor in Last 7 years i.e.
From 1st April 2015 till date of Notice inviting tender. This work
should mandatory consist of girder system for the RoB work. The
experience of RUB / Box Pushing System below Railway Line will
not be considered as the similar single work. The non-fulfilling of this
criteria will consider as non responsive tenderer & will not be eligible
for qualification. The certificate issued should be signed by the
respective Employer or his authorized representative, not less than
the rank of Executive Engineer. True copies of all the Certificates
attested by Notary appointed by Government of India or self-
xiv) Successfully completed single work of similar nature & magnitude
which contains a combination or individuals of River Bridge, Flyover,
ROB & combination of these works as a sole Bidder in Last 7 years
i.e. From 1st April 2015 till date of Notice inviting tender for fulfilling
the following criteria mentioned under (XV).
xv) A certificate of one successfully completed single work of similar
nature & magnitude under Govt./ Semi Govt. agencies as a sole
Contractor costing not less than the 80% of the estimated cost of
Contractor 7 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
the Project put to tender i.e., Rs. 27.19 Crore (Rupees Twenty-
Seven Crore Nineteen Lakh Only) from 1st April 2015 to till date of
Notice Inviting Tender. The certificate issued should be signed by
the respective Employer or his authorized representative, not less
than the rank of Executive Engineer. True copies of all the
Certificates attested by Notary appointed by Government of India or
*The amounts under single work order will only be considered for the
qualifying criteria as mentioned above.
Note :- 1) If the bidder submits the works under qualifying eligibility criteria as
mentioned above from the private establishment/s, then It is
mandatory to submit the documents pertaining to works including
agreement copy, payments receipts with tax invoices, payments
credits in the account, income tax returns highlighting the said
payments for the same work which are attached for the fulfilling
eligibility criteria.
2)The value of Single work executed during the last three years
shall be updated to 2021-22 price level at 10% per annum. For
example, the value of the work done during 2021-22 updated by
multiplying factor 1.0, the value of work done during 2020-2021 will
Contractor 8 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __
be updated to 2021-2022 level multiplying by a factor 1.1, the value
of work done during 2019-2020 will be updated to 2021-2022 level
multiplying by a factor 1.2 and onwards.
Contractor 9 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
*The amounts under single work order will only be considered for the
qualifying criteria as mentioned above.
Note :- 1) If the bidder submits the works under qualifying eligibility criteria as
mentioned above from the private establishment/s, then It is
mandatory to submit the documents pertaining to works including
agreement copy, payments receipts with tax invoices, payments
credits in the account, income tax returns highlighting the said
payments for the same work which are attached for the fulfilling
eligibility criteria.
2)The value of Single work executed during the last three years
shall be updated to 2021-22 price level at 10% per annum. For
example, the value of the work done during 2021-22 updated by
multiplying factor 1.0, the value of work done during 2020-2021 will
be updated to 2021-2022 level multiplying by a factor 1.1, the value
of work done during 2019-2020 will be updated to 2021-2022 level
multiplying by a factor 1.2 and onwards.
15. The Maximum Annual Financial Turnover of Civil Engineering/ works during the
last seven years (financial years- 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019,
2019-2020, 2020-2021 & 2021-2022) shall not be less than 75 % of annual
Estimated cost put in this tender for this work i.e. Rs. 21.97 Crore (Rupees Twenty-
One Crore Ninety-Seven Lakh Paise Only) during last seven years. The cost
should be updated to March 2022 price level by weightage of 10% per year. The
certificate for this should be certified by the Chartered Accountant (C.A.) and shall be
enclosed with the tender.
16. Liquid assets and / or credit facility of not less than (Credit lines/ letter of credit /
Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank should be attached.) Bank
Solvency Certificate minimum 20% of Estimate cost of project put to tender.
18. Bidder's Project Manager for this project must have/ having minimum qualification of
Contractor 10 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __
Civil Engineering Graduation from Govt. recognized University / B.E. (civil) having 15
years’ experience in construction of construction of River Bridge, flyover/Viaducts,
ROB. The attested copy of the detailed CV must be submitted by the bidder along
with this tender; which will be duly approved by PCMC. The age of the Project
Manager shall not be more than 55 year up to the day of this tender submission and
they should be full time exclusively available for this project only. This project
Manager could not work on any other work in PCMC or outside; in this project
duration. If he fails to attend this project as full time; the concern Project Manager
would be blacklisted & would be banned for minimum five years from PCMC. The
replacement of this project Manager can be done in case of genuine reason with 30
days prior due written intimation to Executive Engineer PCMC by contractor with a
suitable replacement of equal or higher qualifications & experience in advance could
be done. The proposed methodology and program of construction (including
Environmental Management Plan, safe traffic movement plan), backed with
equipment’s, materials and manpower planning and deployment, duly supported with
broad calculations and quality control procedures proposed to be adopted, justifying
their capability of execution and completion of the work as per technical
specifications within the stipulated period of completion as per milestones.
19. The bidder should have experience of detailed structural design of River Bridge,
Railway Over-Bridge / Flyover with Pre-Stressed Concrete Superstructure,
carried out either departmentally (Own design cell) or through an agency
appointed as Design Consultant. The design Consultant should have designed
PSC Box Girder Bridge & Steel Girder Bridge (on Road or Railway / River). Design
Consultant shall be got approved from Engineer in charge prior to execution of
20. All bidders shall provide in Forms of Bid and Qualification Information Statement
/Form Nos. I to IV of Volume I, a preliminary description of the proposed work
method and schedule, including drawings and charts, as necessary.
Age in
Sr. Number Remarks
Equipment Type and Characteristics years on
No. required
Fully Automatic RMC batching plant Concrete
Weigh Batching Plant with Pan type Mixing
10 1 Own
1 arrangements (capacity – 30 Cum per hour)
30 cum/hr.)
2 Concrete pumps – 30 cum/hr 10 1 Own
3 Transit Mixer (6 cum capacity) 10 3 Own
Captive Power Generation Facility up to 1000
4 10 1 Own
Kva capacity
Contractor 11 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Age in
Sr. Number Remarks
Equipment Type and Characteristics years on
No. required
5 Water Tanker with Sprinkler 10 2 Own
Hot mix Plant (Batch Type) with 120 TPH
6 10 1 Own
minimum capacity
b. The bidder must deploy his own/hire machinery on site in execution and
submit the documents of ownership/hire agreements of the same with
the submission. List of such machinery is given below.
Max. age
Sr. No. as on Capacity Remark
Type of Equipment Required
Capacity of the
Crane/hydra (upto 20 crane shall be
1a 10 2 Own/Hire
T Capacity) twice the weight
of the Girder
Capacity of the
Crane/hydra (above crane shall be
1b 200 T Capacity)
twice the weight
2 Own/Hire
of the Girder
Excavator– 200 with
2a breakers, Buckets & 10 0.93 m3 2 Own/Hire
other accessories
Back Hoe Loader
2b 10 0.5 Cum 2 Own/Hire
Excavator with Rock
cutting attachment
2c 10 1.25 Cum 2 Own/Hire
(1.25 cum bucket
3 Concrete Boom Placer 5 60 Cum / Hr 1 Own/Hire
Submerged Arc
4 5 - 1 Own/Hire
Welding (SAW) set up
5 Metalizing Unit 5 - 1 Own/Hire
6 Sand Blasting Unit 5 - 1 Own/Hire
Portable Air
7 Compressor Cap 300 10 300 cft/mt 1 Own/Hire
8 10 10 Kg. / 1 Own/Hire
(pressure capacity
10 Kg. /
Engine output
9 Motor Grader 10 1 Own/Hire
above 150 kw.
Contractor 12 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Max. age
Sr. No. as on Capacity Remark
Type of Equipment Required
Stone Crusher Cum
150 TPH
10 Screening unit (Cone 10 1 Own/Hire
11 W.M.M. Mixing Plant 10 60 TPH capacity 1 Own/Hire
Minimum 10 T
a) Vibratory Soil 10 1
Compactor operating Wt
b) Tandem 10 Minimum 8 T 1
12 vibratory roller Minimum operating
c) Plate Compactor 10 Wt = 1 T 1
d) Pneumatic Tyre operating Wt
roller 10 1
Minimum 8 T
Dumpers / Tippers /
13 10 - 10 Own/Hire
Trailer/ Transit Mixers
Updated version
14 Total Station 5 1 Own/Hire
with GPS
Hot Mix Paver Finisher
with Electronic Sensors Electronic Sensors
15 10 for automatic level 1 Own/Hire
for automatic level
The bidder must deploy the required machineries on site. The Own/hired
plants should be within 20 km lead from the site.
Based on the studies, carried out by the Engineer the minimum suggested
major equipment to attain the completion of works in accordance with the
prescribed construction schedule are shown in the above list.
The bidders should, however, undertake their own studies and furnish with
their bid, a detailed construction planning and methodology supported with
layout and necessary drawings and calculations (detailed) to allow the
employer to review their proposals. The numbers, types and capacities of
each plant/equipment shall be shown in the proposals along with the cycle
time for each operation for the given production capacity to match the
Note :- Applicants should have own the equipment’s & machinery and should
attach ownership titles.
The contractor shall deploy / establish the Automatic RMC Batching Plant on site
or within PCMC limits.
If the contractor has its plant/Plants in PCMC/PMC area, then no any extra leads
Contractor 13 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
will be paid to the contractor. The contractor has to bear all these costs in his rate /
offer / bid quoted.
If the tenderer is having its own Automatic RMC or Batching Plant outside the
PCMC / PMC limit then contractor should establish its plants within PCMC / PMC
area with considering above conditions of lead, within 3 months from date of issue
of the work order. If contractor fails to establish these plants within stipulated
period of 3 months from date of issue of the work order irrespective of work, then
PCMC will penalize Rs. 50,000/- per day (Rs. Fifty Thousand per day) to
contractor up to a period of 6 months from date of issue of the work order
irrespective of work. If contractor fails to establish the plants within period up to 6
months from date of issue of the work order irrespective of work, then PCMC
reserves the right to terminate the contract and forfeit the security deposit and
penalty from the work done amounts or bank guarantees submitted by him.
The contractor / tenderer should submit his undertaking on his letterhead stating
“the above stipulations as per plant/plants locations” in technical submission. If
contractor fails to submit the same, PCMC reserves the right to reject the tender.
The contractor must deploy the requisite machinery as directed by Engineer-in-
charge. Any other machinery required to carry out the work should be deployed by
contractor on the directions of Engineer-in-charge at no extra cost.
The VTS shall continuously send the data of vehicle latitude and longitude at every
5 seconds to the web applications and dashboard.
The contractor shall provide web application that is integrated with PCMC’s works
management e-Governance application – Dashboard. This web application shall
have software for vehicle loading and un-loading for each batch. The Vehicles
carrying batches should show the batch details sensed through the SCADA
software on GIS map.
VTS shall be made available for all types of works that is asphalt, concrete, earth
work any other type as applicable as part of the terms of the contract.
Contractor 14 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
by the compactor. The system shall have the mirror that shall show the
compaction in graphical form to the operator on the compactor. The contractor
shall provide real time data transfer to web application to monitor the compaction
remotely. The contractor shall provide the web application in such a manner that it
also updates the compaction data in real time on the PCMC’s works management
e-Governance application – Dashboard. The intelligent compaction system shall
be connected with the Dashboard system. The contractor shall provide software
facility for PCMC’s officials to update the QAP (Quality Assurance Plan) related
data for compaction through its web application that will get transferred to the
intelligent compaction system to benchmark the acceptance norms for colour
coding, number of passes and acceptable temperature and density levels.
The contractor shall provide compaction register that shall contain information
related to the compaction for further analysis. The compaction register shall
maintain following record. RUN ID, Date and Time of compaction, Latitude,
Longitude, Location, Temperatures (in case of Asphalt), Density (for soil – it can
be derived as a compaction measurement value), number of passes, colour for
temperature, colour for number of passes.
The contractor shall provide web application to view the actual monitor on the
compactor through web remote monitoring as a live streaming of the compaction
The contractor shall provide certificate and guarantee from the manufacture of the
compactor for compatibility of the system with the compactor. If the system is
retrofitted to the compactor should not be older than 3 years.
Contractor 15 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
the machine & computer system and updated to the PCMC web server with time
lag of not more than 30 seconds from completion of testing of sample.
v) Web Connectivity
Contractor shall provide web connectivity to all the above monitoring systems.
Web connectivity shall have minimum 2 MBPS internet speed and 100%
availability. The software should be intelligent in case of connectivity failure it
should maintain the pending files and send them as soon as it is connected.
The contractor shall make sure that the entire software and hardware solution is
virus free.
The minimum equipment to be provided along with each Paver Unit at place of
work shall be as stated here:
ii. Bitumen Pressure distributor with spraying arrangement for tack coat.
iii. Paver Finisher with paving width (without extension) not less than 4.5 m,
with automatic sensing devices for grade and cross profile control, with
screed heating and automatic tamping arrangement. Sensor Paver Finisher
with the Grade and Slope sensors, string line and accessories.
vi. Team for leveling purpose with every paver finisher with Auto Level
vii. Complete setup for conducting Bitumen content, gradation test on site.
vi) Credit lines/letter of credit/certificates from Banks for meeting the funds
requirement etc.) - (usually the equivalent of the estimated cash flow for 3
months in peak construction period.)
vii) Sub-bidders' experience and resources shall not be taken into account
in Determining the bidder's compliance with the qualifying criteria
except to the extent stated above
viii) Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are
subject to be disqualified and/ or forfeiture of EMD if they have:
Contractor 16 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
litigation history, or financial failures etc.;
d) PCMC will reserve the right to qualify or disqualify bidders and to open
financial envelope no. 2.
The bidder who meets the minimum qualification criteria as specified above will
be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than Cost of project for
which he has offered his bid.
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are
invited (2 years for this tender).
Note :-
1. The bidder should enclose calculations showing available bid capacity
certified by the Chartered Accountant.
2. The statements showing the value of existing commitments and on-going
works as well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of
the works lists should be countersigned by the respective Employer or his
authorized representative, not less than the rank of Executive Engineer.
a) A Pre-Tender conference was open to all eligible tenderers and held on ------------@
15.00 Hours in the office of the Joint City Engineer (Projects), Main Building, Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri wherein the prospective tenderers had
an opportunity to obtain clarifications regarding the work and the tender conditions.
b) The prospective tenderers are free to ask for any additional information or
clarification either in writing or verbally and the clarifications to the same will be
given during pre-bid meeting and this clarification referred to as “Common Set of
Contractor 17 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Deviations” will be applicable to all tenderers. Common set of deviations, if any,
issued by PCMC will form part and parcel of the tender documents and the same
shall be uploaded on E-tender website.
c) The tender submitted, by the tenderer shall be strictly as per NIT and Corrigendum/
Addendum (which shall be integral part of the tender), issued by the Joint City
Engineer, PCMC. The tender offer shall be unconditional. Conditional
tenders/offers will be summarily rejected.
d) All tenderers are cautioned that the tender containing any deviations from the
contractual terms and conditions, specifications, or other requirements will be
rejected as non-responsive.
The soil investigation information and the bore-log details furnished in the tender
documents are only indicative and for general guidelines. If Tenderer felts
underground soil exploration is necessary, the same may be ascertained by him at
his own expenses during the course of visit to site. The bidder shall be responsible
for his own interpretation of the information furnished in the tender.
The detailed information regarding existing utilities is not available with PCMC. If
Tenderer felts these details are necessary, the same may be ascertained by him his
own expenses during the course of visit to site. The bidder shall be responsible for his
own interpretation of the information furnished in the tender.
Contractor 18 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Thus, the bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and
sufficiency of the ‘Tender’.
The costs of visiting the sites and collecting the necessary information shall be
borne by Tenderers.
19.1 Bid shall be submitted by e-tendering system. For this purpose, Bidders are required
to register themselves with Civil Engineering Department of PCMC. For the
procedure of registration bidders are requested to contact Accounts, Civil
Department, First floor, Main Building, PCMC, Pimpri, Pune 18.
19.2 Bid shall be submitted by e-tendering process only on PCMC website.
19.3 The following procedure shall be followed in e-tendering.
a) The Bidder registered for e-tendering system will be allotted a Digital Key
and only such registered Bidders shall submit the bids by e-tendering
System. Registered Bidders shall pay cost of blank tender form and Bid
Security by gateway system to PCMC.
b) The bid shall be submitted online only in Technical and Financial bid
format only. All documents stated in the qualification criteria should be duly
signed by the bidder, shall be scanned and uplinked on PCMC website.
c) Bidders are advised to submit their offers by e-tendering system only and
not by submitting in hard copies (conventional system). The soft copies of
the bid document for study and information are available on PCMC website
19.4 All documents stated, shall be submitted online only by the bidder. The bidder shall
strictly ensure that all such attachments are complete and signed in all respects
before he scans the documents and Upload it on PCMC website. Bids which do not
satisfy the requirements stated will be treated as non-responsive.
19.5 The bidder shall quote his offer on the bid forms as prescribed in template available
online at the appropriate place. He shall not quote his offer anywhere directly or
19.6 Price quoted online in template provided online only would be considered for
Contractor 19 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
be rejected.
A) The technical bid evaluation of the bidders will be done after verification of the
original certificates / documents (scanned copies uploaded online towards
qualification criteria furnished by the bidders.)
B) The bidders shall be required to furnish a declaration in online stating that the
soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness / deviation
noticed will be viewed seriously apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting
the BID Security including suspension of business.
After opening of documents if contents of the same are found to be acceptable to the
PCMC and the EMD is deposited with PCMC by gate way system then only the
financial offer shall be opened.
a) Successful bidder will be intimated by e-mail.
b) The successful bidder shall furnish the duly signed print outs of
bid documents including CSC / CSD and addendum if any, before
concluding the agreement.
If the tenderers are a firm or company, they should in their forwarding letter mention
the names of all the partners together with the name of the person who holds the
power of Attorney, authorizing him to conduct all transactions on behalf of the body,
along with the tender.
24. Enquiries
Clarifications before pre bid conference, if any, can be sought from:
The Joint City Engineer (Projects),
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
Contractor 20 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Main Building, Pune Mumbai Highway,
Pimpri, Pune-411 018.
Maharashtra State. INDIA.
25 There is no provision for arbitration. The disputes between bidder and PCMC will be
dealt with as per provisions of contract. In case of dispute the decision given by the
Municipal Commissioner, PCMC will be final and binding on the bidder. However, if
the bidder lodges the case in court of law, the PCMC has full power to withdraw the
work and allot the same to other agency at the risk and cost of the bidder. In this
case no claim of the bidder will be entertained. The bidder should lodge the case in
court of law in the jurisdiction of Pune District Court.
26 Disclaimer
Every effort is being made to keep the Website up to date and running
smoothly 24X7. However, PCMC takes no responsibility, and will not be liable for,
the website being temporarily unavailable due to any technical issue at any point of
time. In that event PCMC will not be liable or responsible for any damages or
expenses arising from any difficulty, error, imperfection or inaccuracy with this
website, it includes all associated services, or due to such unavailability of the
website or any part there of or any contents or any associated services.
Contractor 21 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
पपिंपरी पचिंचवड महानगरपालिका
पपिंपरी, पुण-े ४११०१८.
स्थापत्य लवभाग
सन २०१९-२० लनलवदा अटी-शर्ती (दद. ०२/१२/२०१९ पासून िागू)
१) सदर टेंडर नोटीस या वेबसाईटवर पहावयास लमळे ि.
२) A) लनलवदाधारकाने लनलवदेची फॉमम फी व बयाणा रक्कम मनपा खात्यार्त पेमेंट गेटवे लसलस्टमद्वारे (ई-
बँकींग) भरावयाची आहे. ठे केदारािंना कामाचे देयक E.C.S./ NEFT द्वारे अदा करण्यार्त येर्तीि. याबाबर्त
ठे केदाराने मनपाचे वेबसाईटवरीि जोडपत्र-‘अ’ मधीि ई-पेमेंटसाठी नमुना फॉमम भरुन देणे आवश्यक आहे.
इसारा रक्कम (Earnest Money Deposit) खािीिप्रमाणे भरावी.
i) रु. १.५० कोटी रक्कमेपयंर्तची कामे - लनलवदा रक्कमेच्या १%
ii) रु. १.५० कोटी रक्कमेवरीि कामे - लनलवदा रक्कमेच्या ०.५०% ककिं वा रु. १.५० िक्ष यापैकी जास्र्त
असेि र्ती रक्कम.
B) ठे केदार महापालिके र्त महापालिके च्य स्थापत्य लवभागार्त नोंदणीकृ र्त असणे आवश्यक असणार नाही.
र्तथालप, या वेबसाईटवर ई-नोंदणी करणे आवश्यक राहीि. र्तसेच १
कोटीपयंर्तच्या रक्कमेपयंर्तच्य लनलवदाकरीर्ता महाराष्ट्र शासन सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभागाकडीि नोंदणी
बिंधनकारक राहीि व मनपाच्या सवम अटी शर्तींची पुर्तमर्ता करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि. लनलवदा भरल्यानिंर्तर
कोणत्याही पररलस्थर्तीर्त / कोणत्याही टप्प्यािंवर पात्र असुनही माघार घेर्तल्यास अशा ठे केदारासह सवम पात्र
ठे केदारािंचे दराचे पादकट उघडण्यार्त येईि.
C) Online लनलवदा सादर झाल्यानिंर्तर ७२ र्तासाच्या आर्त त्याच लनलवदेची Hard Copy व Bid
Security मूळ प्रर्तीर्त सादर करणे अलनवायम आहे. र्तथालप, Hard Copy सादर के िी / ददिी नाही. र्तरी,
सवम प्राप्त लनलवदा उघडण्यार्त येर्तीि.
i) B-1 व B-2 फॉमम स्वाक्षरी करुन र्तसेच Statement I, II, III, IV यािंची पूर्तमर्ता करुन द्यावी िागेि.
ii) आयकर भरल्याचे मागीि र्तीन वर्ांचे अद्यावर्त प्रमाणपत्र, पॅन काडम प्रर्त, PF Code कममचारीलनहाय
PF ची चिने, ESI Certificate, Solvency, Turnover, Bid Capacity Certificate, PWD
प्रमाणपत्र प्रर्त, GST रलजस्रेशन प्रमाणपत्र, अनुभव व पररमाणािंचे प्रमाणपत्र प्रर्त. र्तसेच १०% पेक्षा
जास्र्त कमी दर असल्यास लनलवदेर्तीि बाबींचे दरपृथ्थ:करण (Rate Analysis)
iii) भागीदारी सिंस्था असल्यास पाटमनरलशप लडड व पॉवर ऑफ अॅटनी प्रर्त.
iv) आर्थमक देकार उघडल्यानिंर्तर, लनलवदा प्रदियेर्त लनलवदा प्राप्त किं त्राटदाराने अथवा अन्य किं त्राटदारानी
खोटी / बनावट कागदपत्रे र्तािंलत्रक लिफाफ्यास जोडू न लनलवदा लमळलवण्याचे / लनलवदा प्रदियेर्त भाग
घेर्तल्याचे लनदशमनास आल्यास र्तात्काळ ह्या किं त्राटदारास १५ ददवसािंची नोटीस देऊन प्रथम ३ वर्म
कािावधीकरीर्ता काळ्या यादीर्त टाकणेर्त येईि.
v) किं त्राटदार एकमेकािंलवरुद्ध र्तिार करर्त असर्तीि अथवा हरकर्ती (Objection) घेर्त असर्तीि, र्तर र. रु.
१५ कोटी ककिं मर्तीपयंर्तच्या कामािंसाठी शहर अलभयिंर्ता व र. रु. १५ कोटीपेक्षा जास्र्त ककिं मर्तीच्या
कामािंसाठी अलर्तरीक्त आयुक्त यािंचेकडे आवश्यक कागदपत्रािंसह सिंदभम करुन लनणमय घेणेर्त येईि. लनलवदा
लस्वकृ र्ती प्रालधकाऱयािंचा लनणमय दोन्ही बाजूस अिंलर्तम व बिंधनकारक राहीि.
Contractor 22 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
३) लनलवदा दर हे लनलवदा पाकीट उघडिेचे र्तारखेपासून १२० ददवसाकरीर्ता ग्राह्य राहर्तीि. परिंर्तू,
अपवादात्मक पररलस्थर्तीर्त ग्राह्यर्ता कािावधी वाढवणेबाबर्त लवभागप्रमुख व त्यािंचे प्रालधकृ र्त के िेल्या
अलधकाऱयािंनी लवचारणा के ल्यास ग्राह्यर्ता कािावधी वाढवून द्यावा िागेि.
४) कोणर्तेही कारण न देर्ता सदर कामाची लनलवदा नाकारणे ककिं वा रद्द करणेचा अलधकार मा. आयुक्त ककिं वा
त्यािंनी लनयुक्त के िेल्या प्रालधकाऱयािंनी राखून ठे विा आहे.
५) अटीयुक्त लनलवदा सादर करर्ता येणार नाही.
६) i) भलवष्य लनवामह लनधी कायदा १९५२, किं त्राटी कामगार (लनयमन व लनमुि
म न) अलधलनयम १९७० या
कायद्यार्तीि सवम कायदेशीर बाबींची पूर्तमर्ता स्वर्त: ठे केदार यािंनी करावयाची आहे.
ii) ESI / PF पूर्तर्त
म ा करणे र्तसेच कामगार सिंख्या, त्यािंची हजेरी व वेर्तनपत्रके इ. कागदपत्रे कामाच्या साईटवर
ठे केदार यािंनी उपिब्ध करावयाची आहे. र्तसेच, देयके सादर करर्ताना कममचारी सिंख्या व त्यानुसार भरिेल्या
कममचारीलनहाय PF ची चिने प्रत्येक लबिासोबर्त जोडणे आवश्यक आहे. सदरची पूर्तमर्ता देयके सादर करर्ताना
आवश्यक आहे.
७) शासनाकडीि सुधाररर्त / नलवन कर / फी भरण्याची व पूर्तर्त
म ा करणेची जबाबदारी सिंबिंलधर्त ठे केदाराची
अ) GST बाबर्त
i) ठे केदारािंनी लनलवदेचा दर देर्ताना जीएसटी वगळू न इर्तर सवम करािंचा लवचार करुन द्यावा. लनलवदा
लस्वकृ र्त रक्कमेवर प्रचलिर्त दराने वस्र्तु व सेवा कर लवकास कामाचे लबिार्त अदा करणेर्त येईि.
ii) महापालिके ने वेळोवेळी वस्र्तु व सेवा कराबाबर्त अवििंबलविेिे धोरणक कळलवणेर्त येईि व र्ते
ठे केदारािंवर बिंधनकारक राहीि.
८) कामाचे आदेश ददल्यावर लनयमानुसार रॉयल्टी व देय कामामध्ये रॉयल्टीचीह रक्कम लबिार्त प्रचलिर्त दराने
ठे केदारािंना अदा के िी जाईि. र्तथालप, सदर रक्कम ठे केदार यािंना प्रत्यक्ष अदा न करर्ता त्याच लबिार्तून वजा
करुन मनपामाफम र्त रॉयल्टीचा भरणा शासनाकडे परस्पर के िा जाईि.
i) लनलवदा प्रलसद्ध करर्ताना रॉयल्टी आलण मटेररयि चाजेससह प्रलसद्ध करणेर्त येईि. र्तथालप, लनलवदेचा
दर हा रॉयल्टी व मटेररयि चाजेसची रक्कम वगळू न येणाऱया प्रत्यक्ष रक्कमेवर द्यावा.
९) महाराष्ट्र शासन यािंचेकडीि नोंदणीकृ र्त सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता सिंवगामर्तीि ठे केदारािंना खािीिप्रमाणे
अटी शर्ती सविर्त िागू राहीि.
अ) सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंनी सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभाग, महाराष्ट्र शासन यािंचेकडे नोंदणी
करुन नोंदणी प्रमाणपत्र लनलवदा भरर्ताना सादर के ल्यास, एक ककिं वा जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त पाच कामे असे
एकू ण रक्कम रुपये १.५० कोटी मयामदेपयंर्तची कामे घेर्ता येर्तीि. या कामािंसाठी ३०% अनुभव व
७५% उिाढाि या अटीमध्ये सूट देणेर्त येवून, लनलवदा भरणेसाठी पात्र समजणेर्त येईि.
ब) मनपाच्या सवमसाधारण अट ि. ९ नुसार सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंना सवम कामािंना सुरक्षा
अनामर्त रक्कमेमध्ये देणर्त
े येणारी ५०% सूटबाबर्तची अट रद्द करणेर्त येवून, मुद्दा ‘अ’ नुसार प्रथम
लमळािेल्या पाच ककिं वा र. रु. १.५० कोटीपयंर्तच्या कामासाठी अनामर्त रक्कमेमध्ये ५०% सूट
अनुज्ञेय राहीि. पुढीि लनलवदािंसाठी सवमसाधारण ठे केदारािंप्रमाणे ५% सुरक्षा अनामर्त लनलवदा अटी
शर्तीप्रमाणे भरावी िागेि.
क) सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंना यापूवी एकही काम लमळािेिे नाही अथवा लमळािेल्या लनलवदा
Contractor 23 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
कामािंची मालहर्ती सोबर्त ददिेल्या नमुन्याप्रमाणे बिंधपत्र पत्राद्वारे सादर करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि.
१०) i) लनलवदेच्या B-1 व B-2 फॉमममधीि अटी व शर्ती ठे केदारािंवर बिंधनकारक राहर्तीि. याची ठे केदारािंनी
काळजीपूवमक नोंद घ्यावी.
ii) ठे केदार पात्र / अपात्र र्तक्ता या सिंकेर्तस्थळावर प्रलसद्ध करणेबाबर्त येर्तीि.
अपात्र ठे केदार यािंनी त्यािंचे म्हणणे प्रलसद्धीचे ददनािंकापासून ३ ददवसार्त िेखी स्वरुपार्त लवभगाार्त सादर करावे.
र्तदनिंर्तर, आिेल्या हरकर्तींचा लवचार के िा जाणार नाही.
११) र. रु. १ कोटीपेक्षा जास्र्त रक्कमेच्या सवम कामािंना खािीिप्रमाणे पोस्ट क्वालिदफके शन िायटेरीयाची र्तरर्तुद
असेि. अनुभव, पररमाण, उिाढाि, सक्षमर्ता इत्यादीबाबर्त खािीिप्रमाणे पुर्तमर्ता करणे बिंधनकारक असून
खािीि अ. ि. २ व ३ मधीि प्रमाणपत्रे ही सक्षम प्रालधकाऱयाने ददिेिी असावीर्त आलण सक्षम प्रालधकारी
पदाचा दजाम कायमकारी अलभयिंर्तापेक्षा कमी दजामचा असू नये.
अ. मागीि ५ वर्ामर्तीि किं त्राटदाराची कमाि देय असिेल्या कामाच्या वार्र्मक ककिं मर्तीच्या कमीर्त कमी ७५
उिाढाि टक्के इर्तकी असावी.
कामाची एकु ण ककिं मर्त
(वार्र्मक ककिं मर्त) = ________________
कामाचा कािावधी वर्ामर्त
ब. मागीि ५ वर्ामर्त किं त्राटदाराने त्याच देय कामािंच्या ककिं मर्तीनुसार (प्रचलिर्त दराने)
स्वरुपाच्या र्तुल्यबळ ककिं मर्तीच्या पूणम
अ) र्तीन सारख्या पद्धर्तीची कामे जयािंची कामलनहाय
के िेल्या कामाची दकमान ककिं मर्त.
ककिं मर्त, बोिावण्यार्त आिेल्या लनलवदेच्या अिंदालजर्त
रक्कमेच्या ४०% पेक्षा कमी नसावी ककिं वा
ब) दोन सारख्या पद्धर्तीची कामे जयािंची कामलनहाय
ककिं मर्त, बोिावण्यार्त आिेल्या लनलवदेच्या अिंदालजर्त
रक्कमेच्या ५०% पेक्षा कमी नसावी ककिं वा
क) एक सारख्या पद्धर्तीचे खाजगी सिंस्थेकडीि कामाचा
अनुभव ग्राह्य धरणेसाठी त्याच कामाबाबर्तचे
करारनामे, देयके , आयकर लववरणपत्रे सादर करणे
बिंधनकारक आहे.
क. देय कामासाठी मागीि ५ वर्ामपैकी देय कामार्तीि महत्वाच्या व आवश्यक जास्र्त पररमाण
कोणत्याही एका वर्ामर्त जया महत्वाच्या असणाऱया कमाि ५ व दकमान ३ बाबींचे पररमाण नमुद
पररमाणाच्या बाबी करावयाच्या आहेर्त, करणेर्त यावे व या बाबींची एकू ण ककिं मर्त लनलवदा ककिं मर्तीच्या
त्याचे कमीर्त कमी पररमाण. ३०% पेक्षा जास्र्त रक्कमेची नसावी.
ड. र. रु. ३ िक्षपेक्षा जास्र्त ककिं मर्तीच्या र. रु. ३ िक्षपेक्षा जास्र्त ककिं मर्तीच्या लनलवदािंसाठी
लनलवदािंसाठी किं त्राटदाराची
लनलवदा किं त्राटदाराची लनलवदा भरण्याची सक्षमर्ता (Bid Capacity)
भरण्याची सक्षमर्ता (Bid Capacity) ए X एन X 1.5 – बी
ए = मागीि पाच वर्ामर्तीि जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त वार्र्मक
एन = देय कामाचा कािावधी
बी = हार्तार्तीि कामािंची ककिं मर्त देय कामाच्या
Contractor 24 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
१२) करारनामा स्वखचामने ददिेल्या मुदर्तीर्त करुन द्यावा िागेि. अन्यथा, लनलवदा रद्द करणेर्त येईि.
१३) i) लनलवदाकार यािंनी लनलवदेसोबर्त जोडिेिी (अपिोड के िेिी) सवम कागदपत्रे खरी असल्याबाबर्तचे
प्रलर्तज्ञापत्र र. रु. ५००/- चे स्टॅम्प पेपरवर लिफाफा ि. १ मध्ये जोडणे आवश्यक आहे.
ii) लिफाफा ि. १ मध्ये र्तसेच लनलवदा मिंजुरी व निंर्तर देयके अदा करर्ताना जोडिेिी कागदपत्रे खोटी व बनावट
असल्याची बाब लनलवदा उघडल्यावर लनदशमनास आल्यास त्यास किं त्राटदार पूणमपणे जबाबदार राहीि. मनपाचे
अलधकारी जबाबदार राहणार नाही. खोट्या / बनावट कागदपत्रािंसाठी किं त्राटदार जबाबदार राहर्तीि व त्यािंचेवर
भारर्तीय दिंड लवधान सिंलहर्तेनुसार कायमवाहीस पात्र राहर्तीि. र्तसेच त्यािंना काळ्या यादीर्त टाकणेर्त येईि.
१४) महाराष्ट्र शासन, सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभाग यािंचेकडीि शासन लनणमय ि. सीएसटी/ २०१७/ प्र. ि. ०८/
इमा. २, ददनािंक २७/०९/२०१८ अन्वये परफॉममन्स सेक्युररटी अनामर्त ई-लनलवदा प्रणािीद्वारे
खािीिप्रमाणे भरावी िागेि. परफॉममन्स सेक्युररटी अनामर्त लिफाफा ि. २ उघडल्यानिंर्तर प्रथम न्यूनर्तम
देकार सादर करणाऱया L-1 लनलवदाकाराने “Additional Performance Security” आठ ददवसाच्या आर्त
सिंबिंलधर्त कायमकारी अलभयिंर्ता यािंचेकडे जमा करावी. यामध्ये कोणत्याही प्रकारे सविर्त देय राहणार नाही.
मुदर्तीर्त“Additional Performance Security” सादर न के िेस L-1 यािंची लनलवदा रद्द करणेर्त येवून L-2
यािंना लवचारणा करणेर्त येईि.
१४.१ लनलवदेचा देकार लनलवदामधीि कामाच्या ककिं मर्तीपेक्षा १% पेक्षा जादा (उदा. १.०१ पासुन पुढ)े र्ते
१०% पयंर्त कमी दरािंचा असेि र्तर ठे केदारािंनी लनलवदाधीन ककिं मर्तीच्या १% रक्कम परफॉममन्स
सेक्युररटी म्हणुन भरणे आवश्यक आहे.
१४.२ लनलवदा देकार अिंदाजपत्रकीय दरापेक्षा १% पयंर्त कमी असल्यास अलर्तरीक्त सुरक्षा अनामर्त
भरण्याची आवश्यकर्ता नाही.
१४.३ लनलवदेचा देकार लनलवदामधीि कामाच्या ककिं मर्तीपेक्षा १०% र्ते १५% कमी दराने असेि र्तर देकार
१०% पेक्षा जेवढ्या जास्र्त दराने कमी आहे. र्तेवढी रक्कम परफॉममन्स सेक्युररटी म्हणुन मनपाचे ई-
लनलवदा प्रणािीद्वारे भरणे आवश्यक आहे. (उदा. १५% कमी दर - १% पेक्षा जास्र्त र्ते १०% पयंर्त
करीर्ता - १% व (१५%-१०%)-५% असे एकू ण ६%)
परफॉममन्स सेक्युररटी रक्कम डी. डी. / एफ. डी. आर. अथवा बँकेची प्रलर्तपुर्ती हमीद्वारे भरर्ता येईि.
१४.३.१ लनलवदेचा देकार १५% पेक्षा कमी दराचा असल्यास उवमररर्त रक्कमेसाठी दोन पटीने
रक्कम सादर करणे अलनवायम राहीि.
उदा. १९% कमी दरासाठी खािीिप्रमाणे पृथ्थ:करण :-
१०% कमी दरापयंर्त १% व
१५% कमी दरापयंर्त – (१५%-१०%=५%)
र्तसेच (१९-१५) = ४% करीर्ता (४x२=८%)
असे एकू ण (१+५+८=१४%)
१४.४ लिफाफा ि. २ (दराचे पादकट) उघडर्ताना सवम लनलवदाधारकािंनी स्वर्त: ककिं वा त्यािंच्या प्रलर्तलनधींनी
प्रत्यक्ष उपलस्थर्त राहणे आवश्यक आहे. अन्यथा, ३ साक्षीदारािंसमोर लनलवदा उघडण्यार्त येर्तीि.
१४.५ जया लनलवदाधारकािा काम लमळे ि, त्याची परफॉममन्स सेक्युररटी लनयमानुसार काम
Contractor 25 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
समाधानकारकपणे पुणम झाल्यावर परर्त लमळे ि.
१४.६ बँक प्रलर्तपुर्ती हमी महापालिके ने लवलहर्त के िेल्या नमुन्याप्रमाणे सादर करावी.
१४.७ सुरक्षा ठे व खािीिप्रमाणे एकु ण ५% राहीि.
A) रु. १.५० कोटीपयंर्तच्या कामािंकररर्ता (१% बयाणा रक्कम, २% FDR, २% देयकार्तून कपार्त)
अशी एकू ण ५% राहीि.
B) रु. १.५० कोटी रक्कमेवरीि कामािंकररर्ता (०.५०% बयाणा रक्कम, १% FDR, ३.५०%
देयकार्तून कपार्त) अशी एकू ण ५% राहीि.
१४.७.१ FDR ची रक्कम खािीि स्वरुपार्त भरावी. र्तसेच सदरची रक्कम नजीकच्या १
हजारच्या पटीर्त असेि.
A) मनपा कोर्ागारार्त रोख स्वरुपार्त भरावी व त्याची मूळ पावर्ती लवभागाकडे
सादर करावी.
B) भारर्तीय डाक लवभागाकडीि राष्ट्रीय बचर्त प्रमाणपत्र आयुक्त, पपिं. पचिं. मनपा
यािंचे नावे पपिंपरी पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय असिेिे.
C) राष्ट्रीयीकृ र्त अथवा शेड्युल्ड बँकेकडीि बँक गॅरिंटी स्वरुपार्त, आयुक्त, पपिं. पचिं.
मनपा यािंचे नावे मनपाचे लवलहर्त नमुन्यार्त, पपिंपरी पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय
D) राष्ट्रीयीकृ र्त अथवा शेड्युल्ड बँकेकडीि मुदर्त ठे व प्रमाणपत्र आयुक्त, पपिं. पचिं.
मनपा यािंचे नावे पपिंपरी पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय असिेिे.
१५) जया ठे केदारास कामाचे आदेश देण्यार्त येर्तीि, अशा ठे केदारािंनी सदर कामाचा व कामगारािंचा सवमसमावेशक
लवमा (Contractor All Risk Insurance Policy) महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या शासकीय लवमा लनधीकडे
उर्तरलवणे बिंधनकारक आहे. र्तसेच, सदर लवमापत्रकाखािी र्तृर्तीय पक्ष दालयत्व व इर्तर जोखीम अलर्तररक्त
लवमा हफ्र्ता भरुन लवमाछलत्रर्त करणेर्त यावी.
१६) मनपाने लनलिर्त के िेल्या त्रयस्थ सिंस्था यािंचेमाफम र्त र्तािंलत्रक र्तपासणी करुन त्याचा र्तािंलत्रक र्तपासणी अहवाि
लवलहर्त वेळेर्त सादर करणे ठे केदार यािंचेवर बिंधनकारक असेि.
१७) स्थापत्य लवभागाचे क्षेलत्रय कायामियाकडीि स्थापत्यलवर्यक कामािंसाठी एका ठे केदारास (सिंस्थेस) एका
क्षेलत्रय कायामिय कायमक्षेत्रार्त जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त ५ (पाच) कामे घेर्ता येर्तीि. र्तसेच, स्थापत्य मुख्य
कायामियाकडीि लवशेर् योजना अिंर्तगमर्तची व डािंबरीकरणाची कामे वगळर्ता एका आर्थथमक वर्ाममध्ये एका
ठे केदारास (सिंस्थेस) एका क्षेलत्रय कायामिय कायमक्षेत्रार्त जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त ५ (पाच) कामे घेर्ता येर्तीि.
१८) इमारर्त व इर्तर बािंधकाम कामगार (रोजगार व सेवाशर्ती) अलधलनयम १९९६ व इमारर्त व इर्तर बािंधकाम
कामगार कल्याण उपकर लनयम १९९८ अिंर्तगमर्त १% उपकर ठे केदारािंचे लबिार्तून वसूि करणेर्त येईि. र्तसेच
शासनाकडीि शासन लनणमयानुसार वेळोवेळी आकारण्यार्त येणारे कर / फी ही ठे केदारािंवर बिंधनकारक
१९) वार्र्मक स्वरुपाची देखभाि दुरुस्र्तीची कामे र्तार्तडीने करणे अपेलक्षर्त असिेने कलनष्ठ अलभयिंर्ता / उप अलभयिंर्ता
यािंनी सुलचर्त के िेल्या कािावधीर्तच कामे पुणम करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि. सदर कािावधीर्त काम न झाल्यास
प्रर्तीददन दकमान र. रु. १००/- (रुपये शिंभर फक्त) प्रमाणे नुकसान भरपाई वसूि के िी जाईि. र्तसेच
अनावश्यक व जाणूनबुजन
ू लवििंब के िा जार्त असल्याचे लनदशमनास आल्यास वाढीव नुकसान भरपाईची
Contractor 26 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
कायमवाही लनलवदा अटीप्रमाणे के िी जाईि. अशा स्वरुपाची कामे करर्ताना ठे केदार यािंनी ककिं वा त्यािंचे
जबाबदार अलधकृ र्त प्रलर्तलनधी कलनष्ठ अलभयिंर्ता / उप अलभयिंर्ता यािंचेशी लनयमीर्त सिंपकम व समन्वय राखणे
आवश्यक आहे व के िेल्या कामाचा सिंलक्षप्त अहवाि सादर करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि.
२०) जया ठे केदारास अथवा ठे केदारी सिंस्थेस काम लमळे ि अशािंकडू न करारनामा करणेपूवी असा ठे केदार /
ठे केदारी सिंस्था मनपाचे लवद्यमान नगरसेवक / लस्वकृ र्त सदस्य यािंचेशी सिंबिंलधर्त नाही, याची खार्तरजमा
होणेकरीर्ता र. रु. १००/- चे जनरि स्टॅम्प पेपरवर सिंबिंलधर्त ठे केदार / ठे केदारी सिंस्थेस प्रलर्तत्रापत्र करुन द्यावे
२१) हॉटलमक्स पद्धर्तीने डािंबरीकरण करणेचे कामािंसाठी ठे केदारािंचा हॉटलमक्स प्िँट, पेव्हर, व्हायब्रेटर रोड
रोिर व दोन इिं टेलिजिंट कॉम्पॅक्टर, १२० टी. पी. एच. क्षमर्तेचा बॅलमक्स प्िँट, मनपा पररसरार्त अथवा
मनपा हद्दीबाहेर स्वर्त:च्या मािकीचा असणे बिंधनकारक असून, मनपा हद्दीबाहेरीि स्वर्त:चा प्िँट
असणाऱया ठे केदारािंनी काम लमळाल्यानिंर्तर र्तीन मलहन्याचे आर्त मनपा हद्दीर्त अथवा कामाचे रठकाणापासून
जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त ५० दक. मी. अिंर्तराचे आर्त स्वर्त: स्थालपर्त व कायामलन्वर्त करणे बिंधनकारक आहे.
i) कामाचे आदेशापासून र्तीन मलहन्याचे आर्त हॉटलमक्स प्िँट कायामलन्वर्त न के ल्यास, प्रर्तीददन र. रु.
५०,०००/- दिंड आकारण्यार्त येईि. र्तसेच, सहा मलहन्याचे आर्त काम सुरु न के ल्यास, सदरची
लनलवदा रद्द करणे येवून, सिंबिंलधर्त ठे केदार यािंची बयाणा व अनामर्त रक्कम जप्त करणेर्त येईि.
ii) र. रु. १.५० कोटीपयंर्तचे कामािंसाठी स्वर्त:च्या मािकीचा ककिं वा भाड्याचा हॉटलमक्स प्िँट असणे
आवश्यक आहे व र. रु. १.५० कोटीचे वरीि कामािंसाठी स्वर्त:च्या मािकीचा हॉटलमक्स प्िँट असणे
आवश्यक आहे.
२१.१ Batch Mixing Plant
The contractor shall provide hot mixing batching plant (min.120 TPH) for all
asphalting works. The batch mixing plant shall have sense data like aggregate
weight and temperature batches through digital sensors & logic controller. The
contractor shall provide a SCADA based data reader & logging software to
collect the sensed data from the logic controller & convert it into machine
readable file with date & time stamp. The particular file shall contain the work
identification no of the works management e governance software the
contractor shall provide web connectivity to the batch mixing plant and
software that will send the machine-readable file generated from SCADA
software to contractor’s web application as well as the e-governance web
application of PCMC dash board.
The plant register provided on the web application shall have following
information. Batch ID, quantity of all aggregates, time & date, work
identification no., agency name, temperatures (in case of asphalts) & any
other information asked by Engineer in–charge. The plant can be shared
among multiple works & / or multiple contractors. The plant register shall have
all data of for which work contractor a particular batch is processed.
Contractor 27 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 28 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
to the intelligent compacting system to bench mark the acceptance norms for
colour coding, no of passes & acceptable temp. & density levels
The contractor shall have to provide compaction register that shall
contain information related to the compaction for further analysis The
compaction register shall maintain following record RUN ID, DATE & TIME of
compaction, latitude, longitude, location, temperatures (in case of asphalt),
density (for soil it can be derived as a compaction measurement value). no of
passes, colour for temp, colour for no. of passes.
The contractor shall provide web application to view the actual monitor
on the compactor through web remote monitoring as a live streaming of the
compaction operations.
The contractor shall provide certificate & guarantee from the
manufacturer of the compactor for compatibility of the system with the
compactor. If the system retrofitted to the compactor should not be old than
three years.
Contractor 29 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
c) Indian Oil Petroleum Ltd.
C) The Materials to be used for bitumen mix i.e. Stone metal & bitumen shall
be tested by the Contractor in the laboratory at his own cost & the result of
the same shall be submitted to the Engineer in charge of the work & when
directed in Additional of routine test.
Contractor 30 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
contract. He shall submit soft copy along with hard copy of the results. The
Contractor shall arrange soft and hard copy of L- Section, Cross Section required
for calculation of quantities after carrying out levelling. Cost of hiring of Total
Station and taking levels along with PCMC Engineer, shall be borne by the
contractor. If PCMC Engineer is required to be trained for Total Station, it should
be borne by the contractor.
B) Contractor should get design with all parameters for the storm water line
considering the topography of that area from the reputed Designer / Consultant.
The name of the Designer/Consultant shall be get approved from Engineer in
charge. The rate quoted by the contractor will be inclusive of mentioned design &
२६) मनपाच्या सवम कामािंसाठी १००% र्तरर्तुद उपिब्ध आहे. अशा कामाच्या लनलवदेमध्ये भाववाढ किम व
स्टार रे टची र्तरर्तुद िागू राहणार नाही. र्तसेच, जया कामािंचा काम पुणमत्वाचा लवलहर्त कािावधी १२ मलहने
वा त्यापेक्षा कमी आहे व र. रु. १ कोटीपेक्षा कमी असेिल्या कामािंना भाववाढ किम िागू राहणार नाही.
प्रत्येक कामासाठी वरीि लनलवदा अटी व शर्ती र्तसेच लवशेर् अटी जया त्या कामाच्या स्वरुपानुसार
िागू राहर्तीि.
पपिंपरी पचिंचवड महानगरपालिका
जा. ि. स्था/लन/इमु/२७६/२०१९
दद. ०२/१२/२०१९
Contractor 31 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
पपिंपरी पचिंचवड महानगरपालिका
पपिंपरी पुण-े ४११ ०१८थ.
लवद्युर्त लवभाग
सन 2022-2021 लनलवदा अटी-शर्ती (दद. थ2020थ/01थ/01पासून िागू)
लनलवदाथनोटीसथ िमािंक
Contractor 32 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
रालहि. मनपाचे अलधकारी जबाबदार राहणार नाही. खोटया/बनावट कागदपत्रािंसाठी किं त्राटदार
जबाबदार राहर्तीि व त्यािंचेवर भारर्तीय दिंड लवधान सिंलहर्तेनुसार कायमवाही पात्र राहर्तीि. र्तसेच अनामर्तथ
बयाणाथजप्तथकरूनथत्यािंना काळया यादीर्त टाकणेर्त येईि.
५) दूरसिंचारथथ,नुर्तनीकरणथ करणेथथ/थथअलिशमनथ यिंत्रणाथ बसलवणेथथ,ध्वनीक्षेपनथथ,लवद्युर्त दालहनी/गॅसथ दालहनी
बसलवणे व नुर्तनीकरण करणेसौरउजामथ यिंत्रणाथ वथ सौरउष्णजिथ यिंत्रणाथ बसलवणेथ वथ नुर्तनीकरणथ थथ/
चािनथवथदेखभािथदुरुस्र्तीथकरणेथ या/करणे कामाकररर्ताथथलवद्युर्तथअनुज्ञप्तीथ PWD / CPWD / MJP / MES
यािंचेकडीि रलजस्रेशनची आवश्यकर्ता नाही.थ र्तसेचथ याथ प्रकारच्याथ कामाकरीर्ताथ भलवष्यथ लनवामहथ लनधीथ
कायामियाकडीिथ नोंदणीप्रमाणपत्राचीथ थ आवश्यकर्ताथनाहीकायमकारीथ अलभयिंर्ताथ यािंनीथ मागणीथ थथ,र्तथालपथ .
थ.थके िेसथसदरचीथनोंदणीथकरुनथप्रमाणपत्रथसादरथकरणेथआवश्यकथराहीि
६) लनलवदेसोबर्त आवश्यक कागदपत्रािंच्या प्रर्ती स्कॅ न करुन देणे आवश्यक असुन लनलवदा बीड िॉक झािेनिंर्तरथ
लनलवदािंबाबर्त खािीिप्रमाणे कागदपत्रािंची “हाडम कॉपी” एका प्रर्तीर्त ७२ र्तासाचे आर्त प्रर्तीथ प्रमालणर्तथ
करून सादर करावी.थथअन्यथा दराचे दुसरे पाकीट उघडणेर्त येणार नाही व यास सिंबिंलधर्त ठे केदार
जबाबदार रालहि.
७) ठे केदार पात्र/अपात्र र्तक्ता या सिंकेर्तस्थळावर प्रलसध्द करणेर्त येर्तीि,
अपात्र ठे केदार यािंनी त्यािंचे म्हणणे प्रलसध्दीचे ददनािंकापासून ३ ददवसार्त िेखी स्वरुपार्त लवभागार्त
सादर करावे. र्तदनिंर्तर आिेल्या हरकर्तींचा लवचार के िा जाणार नाही.
८( लवद्युर्तथदालहनीगॅसथदालहनीथ /थ नवीनथ थ /थनुर्तनीकरणथथ/थ देखभाि दुरुस्र्ती कामाकररर्ता इिेक्रीक फनेसथमुळथ
उत्पाददर्तथथकिं पनी यािंनी दर सादर करावेर्त.थर्तसेचथलवद्युर्त दालहनीथकामाकरीर्ताथथिगर्तच्याथचारथवर्ामर्तीिथथ
थ थ/पुणथम के िेल्याथ शासकीयथ थ)२०२०-२०१९,थ१९-२०१८,थ१८-२०१७,१७-२०१६(लनमशासकीय/
नोंदणीकृ र्त सिंस्था यािंचेकडीिथ थ कामाचाथ अनुभवथ प्रमाणपत्रथ आवश्यकथ आहे.थ मुळथ उत्पादीर्तथ किं पनीथ यािंसथ
लनलवदाथस्पधेमध्येथ सहभागथघ्यावयाचाथअसिेसथत्यािंनीथरयाथ-चेथ स्टँपपेपरवरथअनुज्ञाप्तीथअसणाथ-/500थ.रु.
९) १५थकोटीथजास्र्तथलनलवदेकररर्ता.थ PWD / CPWD / MJP / MESथ यािंचक े डीि रलजस्रेशनची आवश्यकर्ता
१०) लनलवदा दर हे लनलवदा पाकीट उघडिेचे र्तारखेपासून १२० ददवसाकरीर्ता ग्राह्य राहर्तीि परिं र्तू अपवादात्मक
पररलस्थर्तीर्त ग्राह्यर्ता कािावधी वाढवणे बाबर्त लवभागप्रमुख व त्यािंचे प्रालधकृ र्त के िेल्या अलधकाऱयािंनी
लवचारणा के ल्यास ग्राह्यर्ता कािावधी वाढवून द्यावा िागेि.
११) कोणर्तेही कारण न देर्ता सदर कामाची लनलवदा नाकारणे ककिं वा रद्द करणेचा अलधकार मा.आयुक्त ककिं वा त्यािंनी
लनयुक्त के िेल्या प्रालधकाऱयािंनी राखून ठे विा आहे.
१२)थथ ठे केदाराने अिंदाजपत्रकीय रकमेच्या १०% पेक्षा जास्र्त कमी ह्या दरािंपेक्षाही कमी दराची लनलवदा दर के ल्यास,
लनलवदा दराबाबर्तथथलनलवदा उघडल्यानिंर्तर र्तात्काळ सलवस्र्तर दर पृथःकरण सादर करणे बिंधनकारक आहे.
यासाठी स्वर्तिंत्र पत्रव्यवहार के िा जाणार नाही.
१३) अटीयुक्त लनलवदा सादर करर्ता येणार नाही.
१४)थथ थथकरारनामा स्वखचामने ददिेल्या मुदर्तीर्त करून द्यावा िागेि. अन्यथा लनलवदा रद्द करणेर्त येईि.
१५) महाराष्ट्र शासन यािंचेकडीि नोंदणीकृ र्त सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अपभिंयर्ता सिंवगामर्तीि ठे केदारािंना खािीिप्रमाणे
अटी शर्ती सविर्त िागू रालहि.
अ) सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंनी सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभाग, महाराष्ट्र शासन यािंचेकडे नोंदणी करुन
नोंदणी प्रमाणपत्र लनलवदा भरर्ताना सादर के ल्यास, एक ककिं वा जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त पाच कामे असे एकू ण रक्कम
रुपये १.५० कोटी मयामदेपयंर्तची कामे घेर्ता येर्तीि. या कामािंसाठी ३०% अनुभव व ७५% उिाढाि या
अटीमध्ये सूट देणेर्त येवुन,लनलवदा भरणेसाठी पात्र समजणेर्त येईि.
ब) मनपाच्या सवमसाधारण अट ि. ९ नुसार सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंना सवम कामािंना सुरक्षा अनामर्त
Contractor 33 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
रकमेमध्ये देणेर्त येणारी ५०% सुट बाबर्तची अट रद्द करणेर्त येवुन, मुद्दा अ नुसार प्रथम लमळािेल्या पाच
ककिं वा र.रु. १.५० कोटी पयंर्तच्या कामासाठी अनामर्त रकमेमध्ये ५०% सुट अनुज्ञेय राहीि, पुढीि
लनलवदािंसाठी सवमसाधारण ठे केदारािंप्रमाणे ५% सुरक्षा अनामर्त लनलवदा अटी शर्तीप्रमाणे भरावी िागेि.
क) सुलशलक्षर्त बेरोजगार अलभयिंर्ता यािंना या पुवी एकही काम लमळािेिे नाही अथवा लमळािेल्या लनलवदा
कामािंची मालहर्ती सोबर्त ददिेल्या नमुन्याप्रमाणे बिंधपत्र पत्राव्दारे सादर करणे बिंधनकारक रालहि.
१६) र.रु. १ कोटी पेक्षा जास्र्त रकमेच्या कामािंना खािीिप्रमाणे पोस्ट क्वािीदफके शन िायटेरीयाची र्तरर्तुद
असेि. अनुभव, पररमाण, उिाढाि, सक्षमर्ता इत्यादीबाबर्त खािीिप्रमाणे पुर्तमर्ता करणे बिंधनकारक असुन,
खािीि अ. ि.२ व ३ मधीि प्रमाणपत्रे ही सक्षम प्रालधका-याने ददिेिी असावीर्त आलण सक्षम प्रालधकारी
पदाचा दजाम कायमकारी अलभयिंर्ता पेक्षा कमी दजामचा असू नये.
देय असिेल्या कामाच्या वार्र्मक ककिं मर्तीच्या कमीर्त कमी ७५ टक्के
मागीि ५ वर्ामर्तीि किं त्राटदाराची इर्तकी असावी
कमाि उिाढाि (वार्र्मक ककिं मर्त )= कामाची एकू ण ककिं मर्त
कामाचा कािावधी वर्ामर्त
देय कामािंच्या दकमिंर्तीनुसार (प्रचलिर्त दराने)
अ. र्तीन सारख्या पध्दर्तीची कामे जयािंची काम लनहाय ककिं मर्त
बोिावण्यार्त आिेल्या लनलवदेच्या अिंदालजर्त रकमेच्या ४०% पेक्षा
कमी नसावी.
मागीि ५ वर्ामर्त किं त्राटदाराने ककिं वा
र्तुल्यबळ ककिं मर्तीचे दकमान एक त्याच ब. दोन सारख्या पध्दर्तीची कामे जयािंची काम लनहाय दकमिंर्तथथ
स्वरुपाचे काम पुणम के िे असिे पालहजे बोिावण्यार्त आिेल्या लनलवदेच्या अिंदालजर्त रकमेच्या ५०%
त्याची कमीर्त कमी ककिं मर्त पेक्षा
कमी नसावी.
थथथथथथथथथथथथथथथथथथथथककिं वा
क. एक सारख्या पध्दर्तीचे काम जयाची ककिं मर्त बोिाण्यार्त आिेल्या
लनलवदेच्या अिंदालजर्त रकमेच्या ८० पेक्षा कमी नसावी.
देय कामासाठी मागीि ५ वर्ामपैकी देय कामार्तीि महत्वाच्या व आवश्यक जास्र्त पररमाण असणा-या
कोणत्याही एका वर्ामर्त जया कमाि ५ व दकमान ३ बाबींचे पररमाण नमद करणेर्त यावे व या
क. महत्वाच्या पररमाणाच्या बाबी बाबींची एकु ण ककिं मर्त लनलवदा ककिं मर्तीच्या ३०% पेक्षा जास्र्त रकमेची
करावयाच्या आहेर्त त्याचे कमीर्त कमी
(ए X एन X 1.5) – बी
किं त्राटदाराची लनलवदा भरण्याची जेथे ए = मागीि पाच वर्ामर्तीि जास्र्तीर्त जास्र्त वार्ीक उिाढाि
सक्षमर्ता (लबड कपॅलसटी) एन =देय कामाचा कािावधी
बी =हार्तार्तीि कामािंची ककिं मर्त ( देय कामािंच्या कािावधीर्तीि)
१७) महाराष्ट्र शासन सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभाग यािंचेकडीि शासन लनणमय ि. सीएसटी/२०१७/थथप्र.ि.०८/इमा.२ ददनािंक
२७/०९/२०१८ अन्वये परफॉममन्स लसक्युररटी अनामर्त ई लनलवदा प्रणािीद्वारे खािीिप्रमाणे भरावी िागेि. परफॉममन्स
लसक्युररटी अनामर्त लिफाफा ि. २ उघडल्यानिंर्तर प्रथम न्यूनर्तम देकार सादर करणात्या L-१ लनलवदाकाराने “ Additional
performance Security Deposit ” आठ ददवसाच्या आर्त सिंबलधर्त कायमकारी अलभयिंर्ता यािंचेकडे जमा करावी. यामध्ये
कोणत्याही प्रकारे सविर्त देय राहणार नाही.मुदर्तीर्त “ Additional performance Security Deposit ” सादर न के िेस
L-1 यािंची लनलवदा रद्द करणेर्त येवुन L-2 यािंना लवचारणा करणेर्त येईि.
१) लनलवदेचा देकार लनलवदाधीन कामाच्या दकमर्तीपेक्षा १% पेक्षा जादा (उदा.१.०१ पासुन पुढे) र्ते १०% पयंर्त कमी
Contractor 34 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
दरािंचा असेि र्तर ठे केदारािंनी लनलवदाधीन दकमर्तीच्या १% रक्कम परफॉममन्स लसक्युरीटी म्हणून भरणे आवश्यक आहे.
२) लनलवदा देकार अिंदाजपत्रकीय दरापेक्षा १% पयंर्त कमी असल्यास अलर्तररक्त सुरक्षा अनामर्त भरण्याची आवश्यकर्ता
३) लनलवदेचा देकार लनलवदाधीन कामाच्या दकमर्तीपेक्षा १०% र्ते १५% कमी दराने असेि र्तर देकार १०% पेक्षा जेवढया
जास्र्त दराने कमी आहे र्तेवढी रक्कम परफॉममन्स लसक्युरीटी म्हणून मनपाचे ई-लनलवदा प्रणािीद्वारे भरणे आवश्यक आहे.
(उदा. १५% कमी दर - १% पेक्षा जास्र्त र्ते १०% पयंर्त करीर्ता – १% व (१५% -१०%) –५% असे एकू ण ६%).
परफॉममन्स लसक्युरीटी रक्कम डी. डी./ एफ. डी. आर. अथवा बँकेची प्रलर्तभुर्ती हमीव्दारे भरर्ता येईि.
३.१) लनलवदेचा देकार १५% पेक्षा कमी दराचा असल्यास उवमररर्त रकमेसाठी दोन पटीने रक्कम सादर करणे अलनवायम
उदा. १९ % कमी दारासाठी खािीिप्रमाणे पृथकरण :-
१०% कमी दरापयंर्त १% व
१५% कमी दरापयंर्त -( १५% -१०% =५% )
र्तसेच ( १९-१५ )=४% करीर्ता (४x२ = ८% )
असे एकू ण ( १+५+८=१४% )
४) लिफाफा ि.२ (दराचे पाकीट ) उघडर्ताना सवम लनलवदाधारकािंनी स्वर्त: ककिं वा त्याच्या प्रलर्तलनधींनी
प्रत्यक्ष उपलस्थर्त राहणे आवश्यक आहे. अन्यथा ३ साक्षीदारािंसमोर लनलवदा उघडण्यार्त येर्तीि.
५) जया लनलवदाधारकािा काम लमळे ि त्याची परफॉममन्स लसक्युरीटी लनयमानुसार काम समाधानकारकपणे
पुणम झाल्यावर परर्त लमळे ि.
६) बँक प्रलर्तभुर्ती हमी महापालिके ने लवलहर्त के िेल्या नमुन्याप्रमाणे सादर करावी.
७) सुरक्षा ठे व खािीिप्रमाणे एकु ण ५% राहीि.
A) रु.१.५० कोटी पयंर्तच्या कामािंकररर्ता (१% बयाणा रक्कम, २% FDR, २% देयकार्तून कपार्त) अशी
एकु ण ५% राहीि.
B) रु.१.५० कोटी रकमेवरीि कामािंकरीर्ता (०.५०% बयाणा रक्कम, १% FDR, ३.५०% देयकार्तून
कपार्त) अशी एकु ण ५% राहीि.
८) FDR ची रक्कम खािीि स्वरुपार्त भरावी र्तसेच सदरची रक्कम नजीकच्या १ हजारच्या पटीर्त असेि
A) मनपा कोर्ागारार्त रोख स्वरुपार्त भरावी व त्याची मुळ पावर्ती लवभागाकडे सादर करावी.
B) भारर्तीय डाक लवभागाकडीि राष्ट्रीय बचर्त प्रमाणपत्र आयुक्त, पपिं.पचिं.मनपा. यािंचे नावे, पपिंपरी
पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय असिेिे
C) राष्ट्रीयकृ र्त अथवा शेडयुल्ड बँकेकडीि बँक गॅरिंटी स्वरुपार्त, आयुक्त, पपिं.पचिं.मनपा. यािंचे नावे, मनपाचे
लवलहर्त नमुन्यार्त, पपिंपरी पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय असिेिी.
D) राष्ट्रीयकृ र्त अथवा शेडयुल्ड बँकेकडीि मुदर्तठे व प्रमाणपत्र, आयुक्त, पपिं.पचिं.मनपा. यािंचे नावे, पपिंपरी
पचिंचवड शहर येथे देय असिेि.े
१८) i) भलवष्य लनवामह लनधी कायदा १९५२, किं त्राटी कामगार(लनयमन व लनमुमिन ) अलधलनयम १९७० या
कायद्यार्तीि सवम कायदेशीर बाबीची पूर्तमर्ता स्वर्त: ठे केदार यािंनी करावयाची आहे.
ii) ESI / PF पूर्तमर्ता करणे र्तसेच कामगार सिंख्या त्यािंची हजेरी व वेर्तनपत्रके इ. कागदपत्रे कामाच्या साईटवर
ठे केदार यािंनी उपिब्ध करावयाची आहे. र्तसेच देयेके सादर करर्ताना कममचारी सिंख्या व त्यानुसार भरिेल्या
कममचारी लनहाय PF ची चिने प्रत्येक लबिासोबर्त जोडणे आवश्यक आहे. सदरची पुर्तमर्ता देयेके सादर
करर्ताना आवश्यक आहे.
१९) शासनाकडीि सुधाररर्त/ नलवन कर/ फी भरण्याची व पूर्तमर्ता करणेची जवाबदारी सिंबलधर्त ठे केदाराची राहीि.
अ) G S T बाबर्त.
Contractor 35 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
i) ठे केदारािंनी लनलवदेचा दर देर्ताना जीएसटी वगळू न इर्तर सवम करािंचा लवचार करुन द्यावा. लनलवदा
स्वीकृ र्त रक्कमेवर प्रचलिर्त दराने वस्र्तु व सेवा कर लवकास कामाचे लबिार्त अदा करणेर्त येईि.
ii) महापलिके ने वेळोवेळी वस्र्तु व सेवाकराबाबर्त अवििंबलविेिे धोरण कळलवणेर्त येईि व र्ते
ठे केदारािंवर बिंधनकारक रालहि.
२०) लनलवदेच्या B-1 व B-2 फॉमम मधीि अटी व शर्ती ठे केदारािंवर बिंधनकारक राहर्तीि याची ठे केदारािंनी
काळजीपुवमक नोंद घ्यावी.
२१) जया ठे केदारास कामाचे आदेश देण्यार्त येर्तीि अशा ठे केदारािंनी सदर कामाचा व कामगारािंचा सवमसमावेशक
लवमा (Contractor All Risk Insurance Policy) महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या शासकीय लवमा लनधीकडे ककिं वा
त्यािंनी लनयुक्त के िेल्या लवमा किं पनीकडे उर्तरलवणे बिंधनकारक आहे.
२२) इमारर्त व इर्तर बािंधकाम कामगार (रोजगार व सेवाशर्ती)अलधलनयम १९९६ व इमारर्त व इर्तर बािंधकाम
कामगार कल्याण उपकर लनयम १९९८ अिंर्तगमर्त १% उपकर ठे केदारािंचे लबिार्तून वसूि करण्यार्त येईि.र्तसेच
शासनाकडीि शासन लनणामयानुसार वेळोवेळी आकारण्यार्त येणारे कर/फी ही ठे केदारावर बिंधनकारक असेि.
२३) वार्र्मक स्वरूपाची देखभाि दुरूस्र्तीची कामे र्तार्तडीने करणे अपेलक्षर्त असिेने कलनष्ठ अलभयिंर्ता / उपअलभयिंर्ता
यानी सुलचर्त के िेल्या कािावधीर्तच कामे पुणम करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि. सदर कािावधीर्त काम न झाल्यास
प्रर्तीददन दकमान र.रू. १००/- (शिंभर फक्त) प्रमाणे नुकसान भरपाई वसूि के िी जाईि. र्तसेच अनावश्यक व
जाणून बुजून लवििंब के िा जार्त असल्याचे लनदशमनास आल्यास वाढीव नुकसान भरपाईची कायमवाही लनलवदा
अटीप्रमाणे के िी जाईि. अशा स्वरूपाची कामे करर्ताना ठे केदार यािंनी ककिं वा त्यािंचे जबाबदार अलधकृ र्त
प्रलर्तलनधी कलनष्ठ अलभयिंर्ता / उपअलभयिंर्ता यािंचेशी लनयमीर्त सिंपकम व समन्वय राखणे आवश्यक आहे. व
के िेल्या कामाचा सिंलक्षप्त अहवाि सादर करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि.
२४) जया ठे केदारास अथवा ठे केदारी सिंस्थेस काम लमळे ि अशािंकडू न करारनामा करणेपूवी असा ठे केदार/ठे केदारी
सिंस्था मनपाचे लवद्यमान नगरसेवक / लस्वकृ र्त सदस्य यािंचेशी सिंबिंलधर्त नाही याची खार्तरजमा होणेकरीर्ता
र.रू. १००/- चे जनरि स्टँम्पपेपरवर सिंबिंलधर्त ठे केदार /ठे केदारी सिंस्थेस प्रलर्तज्ञापत्र करून द्यावे िागेि.
२५( जया कामािंच्या शेड्युि बी मध्ये एि.ई.डी. दफटींगची बाब समालवष्ठ आहे, अशा एि.ई.डी. दफटींग सिंबधीर्त
सलवस्र्तर र्तािंलत्रक लववरण लनलवदा सुचनेसोबर्त जोडिेिे आहे. त्याचे गािंभीयाने अविोकन व्हावे.
२६( कामावर वापरिेिे सालहत्य कमी दजामचे आढळु न आल्यास, असे सालहत्य ठे केदाराने स्वखचामने काढू न,
त्याऐवजी योग्य प्रर्तीचे सालहत्याचा पुरवठा व उभारणी स्वखचामने करुन द्यावी िागेि र्तसेच यिंत्रणा
कायामलन्वर्त के ल्यापासून रोलहत्र व एि.ई.डी. दफटींग व्यलर्तररक्त १ वर्म हमी कािावधी रालहि. लनलवदा
सुचनेसोबर्त जोडिेल्या मान्यर्ताप्राप्त सालहत्याचे यादीचे अविोकन व्हावे. लनलवदा सादर करण्याचे मुळ
र्तारखेस मान्यर्ता असिेिे सालहत्यच फक्त वापरर्ता येईि.
२७( हार्तार्तीि कामािंची उवमररर्त ककिं मर्त लबनचुक व पररपुणम ररत्या सादर करणे किं त्राटदारािंवर बिंधनकारकलनणमय
राहीि. र्तसेच देय कामािंसाठी लनलवदा सादर के ल्यानिंर्तरथबीडथिॉकथझाल्यानिंर्तर पण त्यासिंबधी अिंलर्तम लनणमय
होण्यापुवी एखादे नलवन काम लमळाल्यास त्या सिंबधीची माहीर्ती त्वररर्त सादर करणे देखीि किं त्राटदारािंवर
बिंधनकारक राहीि. अन्यथा लनयमानुसार र्ते यथोलचर्त कारवाईस पात्र राहर्तीि.
२८( लवद्युर्त कामािंचा दजाम इिं लडयन इिेक्रीसीटी कायदा व लनयमानुसार करुन सदर उभारणी चािु करण्यास
योग्य असिेचा दाखिा आवश्यकर्तेप्रमाणे लवद्युर्त लनरीक्षक, सावमजलनक बािंधकाम लवभाग, महाराष्ट्र राजय
यािंचेकडु न स्वखचामने सादर करणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि. र्तसेच काम पुणम के िेनर्त
िं र सदर काम
कायामलन्वर्त करुन मनपास/मरालवलव किं पनीस मुदर्तीर्त हस्र्तािंर्तरीर्त करण्याची जबाबदारी ठे केदारीची राहीि.
महानगरपालिके च्या वेबपोटमिवर लनलवदा लवभागार्त लवद्युर्त लवर्यक कामािंचे र्तपलशि पाटम १ व पाटम २
मधीि नमुद सुचनािंचे काटेकोरपणे पािन करणे आवश्यक आहे.
२९( मरालवलव किं पनी सिंबधीचे कामाबाबर्त त्यािंचे अलधका-याशी समन्वय साधुन कामाची अदािंजपत्रके र्तयार
Contractor 36 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
करुन घेणे व सवम अिंदाजपत्रकािंना मिंजुरी घेणे, पयमवेक्षकीय शुल्क अदा करणे आलण कामे त्यािंचे
पयमवेक्षणाखािी पुणम करणे, मरालवलव किं पणीस हस्र्तािंर्तरण करणे ठे केदारावर बिंधनकाराक राहीि.
अिंदाजपत्रक मिंजुरीस लवििंब िागिा ह्या सबबीवर मुदर्तवाढ ददिी जाणार नाही. र्तसेच म.रा.लव.लव.
मिंडळाची मिंजुर अदाजपत्रकाची प्रर्त ठे केदाराने सादर के ल्यालशवाय प्रथम चािु लबि देणेर्त येणार नाही.
हस्र्तािंर्तरण झािे लशवाय अिंलर्तम लबि अदा के िे जाणार नाही.
३०) i) अलिशमन व प्रलर्तबिंधक यिंत्रणेचे कामाकरीर्ता कामास सुरुवार्त करणेपुवी व काम पुणमत्वानिंर्तर वेळोवेळी
आवश्यक असणा-या चाचण्या, र्तपासण्या व त्यानुसार कायदेशीर आवश्यक ठरणारी प्रमाणपत्रे, सक्षम
अलधका-याचे कायामियार्तुन स्वखचामने प्राप्त करुन घेण्याची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि.
ii) अलिशमन व प्रलर्तबिंधक यिंत्रणेच्या कामाकररर्ता महाराष्ट्र फायर सव्हीसेस ( Directorate of Maharashtra
Fire services) यािंचेकडीि मान्यर्ताप्राप्त अनुज्ञप्ती असणे आवश्यक आहे.
iii) अलिशमन सिंबलधर्त चािन व देखभाि दुरूस्र्ती कामार्त अलिशमन व प्रलर्तबिंधक सिंपुणम यिंत्रणेची र्तपासणी व
चाचणी मलहन्यार्तुन एक वेळा करावी िागेि. र्तसेच सदर चाचणी अलभयिंर्तािंच्या देखरे खखािी करुन
र्तपासणी/चाचणी अहवाि सादर करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि. र्तसेच सहा मलहन्यार्तुन एकदा मनपा
अलिशामक लवभागाकलडि अलधकारी/कममचा-याच्या उपलस्थर्तीर्त चाचणी (Mock Drill) करुन देणेची
जबाबदारी सिंबलधर्त एजन्सीची राहीि.
३१) जया ठे केदारास कामाचा आदेश ददिा जाईि, त्याकडू न पुरवठा के िेल्या सालहत्यािंपैकी, सिंबिंलधर्त कायमकारी
अलभयिंर्ता मागणी करे ि, त्या सालहत्यािंची र्तािंलत्रक र्तपासणी शासकीय प्रयोग शाळे र्तुन स्वखचामने मुदर्तीर्त
करुन द्यावी िागेि व प्रथम बीि अदायगीपुवी टेस्ट ररपोटम सादर करावे िागर्तीि. एि.ई.डी. दफटींग
सिंबधीर्त सलवस्र्तर र्तािंलत्रक लववरण व लवशेर् नोंदीचे अविोकन करुन दर द्यावेर्त. र्तसेच मा.लवद्युर्त लनररक्षक
यािंची वीजसिंच मािंडणी / जलनत्रसिंच कायामन्वीर्त करण्याची परवानगी घेणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची
३२) i) कामािंवर वापरावयाचे सालहत्याची र्तािंलत्रक र्तपासणी, कायमकारी अलभयिंर्ता यािंचे आवश्यकर्तेनुसार, उत्पादक
किं पनीच्या उत्पादन स्थळी ठे केदाराने स्वखचामने करुन देणे व र्तापत्रिंक क्षमर्ता प्रमाणपत्र सादर करणे
ठे केदारावर बिंधनकारक राहीि.
ii) मरालवलवकिं लि सिंबलधर्त कामासाठी, मरालवलवकिं लि कडीि अलभयिंर्ता यािंचेसह उत्पादकाचे उत्पादनस्थळी
र्तािंलत्रक र्तपासणी प्रमाणपत्र सादर करणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि. त्यानिंर्तर सालहत्यापोटी प्रथम
बीि अदा करणेर्त येईि.
iii) महानगरपालिके र्तफे लनयुक्त के िेल्या त्रयस़् (Third party) सिंस्थेकरवी लवकासकामािंचे पयमवेक्षण, चाचणी,
लनररक्षण करवून घेणे अत्यावश्यक राहीि व लनलिर्त के िेल्या त्रयस़् (Third party) सिंस्थेस सहकायम करणे
व सदर काम स्वखचामने करुन देणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि.
३३) शेड्युि बी मधीि नमुद बाबी सिंबिंधीर्त मा.मुख्य अलभयिंर्ता (लवद्युर्त), सा.बािं.लवभाग, महाराष्ट्र राजय यािंचे
कडीि सलवस्र्तर र्तािंलत्रक लववरण दशमलवणारे दस्र्त मनपा वेबपोटमिवर प्रलसद्ध के िे आहे त्यािंचे कृ . अविोकन
करुनच त्यानुसार काम करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि.
३४) करारनामा मा. स्थायी सलमर्ती सभा सदस्यािंकडु न स्वाक्षरीर्त व मोहोरबिंद झाल्या लशवाय कामाचे आदेश
ददिे जाणार नाही.
३५) महाराष्ट्र शासनाकडीि बािकामगार कायदा व अन्य कायदे यािंची पुर्तमर्ता करणे सिंबिंधीर्त ठे केदारावर
बिंधनकारक राहीि.
३६) एजन्सीने / ठे केदाराने काम करर्ताना सवम सुरक्षीर्त उपकरणािंचा वापर करणे र्तसेच कामगारािंना सुरक्षीर्त
उपकरणे देणेची जबाबदारी एजन्सीची राहीि. र्तसेच कामावर पयमवेक्षक नेमणे आवश्यक आहे, अन्यथा
कडक कारवाई करणेर्त येईि. लवभागाकडीि कलनष्ठ अलभयिंर्ता / पयमवेक्षक यािंचे समक्ष काम करणे
Contractor 37 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
बिंधनकारक राहीि.
३७) मरालवलवकिं सिंबिंधीर्त कामार्तीि सालहत्याचा हमी कािावधी १८ मलहने रालहि व कामाचे वकम मनलशप
कररर्तािंचा कािावधी ६० महीने इर्तका राहीि.
३८) कामािंअिंर्तगमर्त कोणत्याही बाबींसाठीचे, रस्त्यास समािंर्तर अथवा आडवे खोदकाम करर्ताना इर्तर कोणत्याही
बाबींचे नुकसान झािे र्तर त्याची स्वखचामने भरपाई करुन देणे ठे केदारावर बिंधनकारक राहीि. र्तसेच काम
पुणम झाल्यावर सदर रठकाणचा रस्र्ता/फु टपाथ/पेव्हींग ब्िॉक, रस्त्यावरीि सवम राडारोडा उचिुन रस्र्ता
समपार्तळीर्त करुन द्यावा. जर सदर कामाची गुणवत्ता / दजाम राखिा नाही र्तर, सदर कामावरीि होणारा
दुरुस्र्तीचा खचम अिंलर्तम लबिार्तून अथवा सुरक्षा ठे व रकमेर्तन
ू वसुि करणेर्त येईि. रस्त्यावरीि खोदाई व
रस्त्यास समािंर्तर/आडवी खोदाई करणेपुवी सदर खोदाईस स्थापत्य लवभागाची परवानगी आहे काय ?
याची खात्री करुन घेणे आवश्यक आहे.
३९) काम करर्ताना कोणत्याही प्रकारचा अपघार्त अथवा प्राणहानी झािी र्तर त्याची सवमस्वी कायदेशीर
जबाबदारी फक्त सिंबिंधीर्त ठे केदाराची राहीि.
४०) काम करर्ताना कोणत्या ही बाबींचे शेड्यूि बी मधीि पररमाणामध्ये २५% पेक्षा जास्र्त वाढ होणार
असल्यास, मा. सहशहर अलभयिंर्ता (लव/यािं) यािंचे िेखी पुवम परवानगी लशवाय वाढीव काम करु नये. २५%
त्या पेक्षा पररमाणार्त वाढ झाल्यास त्याच वाढीव दराने दर न देर्ता लनलवदा दरानेच दर ददिा जाईि.
४१) काम करर्तेवेळी जादा बाब करावी िागल्यास, जर सदर कामाची लनलवदा अिंदाजपत्रकीय रकमेपेक्षा कमी
दराची असेि र्तर, सदर लनलवदा लस्वकृ र्ती दराने जादा बाबीसाठी दर मिंजूर के िा जाईि. लनलवदा जादा
दराची असेि र्तर जादा बाबींसाठी अिंदाजपत्रकीय दराने (At Par)जादा बाबीचे काम करणे ठे केदारावर
बिंधनकारक राहीि. पररलशष्ट ब जया वर्ामच्या दर सुचीनुसार बनलविे आहे. त्याच वर्ामच्या बाब दर
सुचीच्या सिंदभांने जादा बाबींचा व अिंदालजर्त दराचा लवचार के िा जाईि.
४२) पररलशष्ट – ब मध्ये नमुद असिेिे पररमाण अदमासे आहे. कायामरिंभ आदेश प्राप्त झाल्यानिंर्तर ठे केदाराने
पपिं.लच.मनपाचे कलनष्ठ / उप अलभयिंर्ता यािंचेसह सत्वर सिंयुलक्तर्त कायमस्थळ पाहणी करुन, बाबलनहाय
आवश्यक सालहत्याचे पररमाणाची लनलिर्ती करावी व त्यास मा. सहशहर अलभयिंर्ता (लव/यािं) यािंची मान्यर्ता
घ्यावी व त्यानुसार बाजारार्तून सालहत्य उपिब्ध करुन घ्यावे. आवश्यकर्तेपेक्षा जास्र्त खरे दी के िेल्या
पररमाणासाठी आगाऊ रक्कम अदा के िी जाणार नाही अथवा त्याची जबाबदारी मनपाची राहणार नाही.
जया पररमाणाकररर्ता आगाऊ रक्कम अदा के िी आहे असे सवम सालहत्याची साईटवरुन उभारणी करणे
आवश्यक आहे. लशल्िक राहणारे सालहत्य पपिं. पचिं. मनपा र्ताब्यार्त घेणार नाही व अिंलर्तम देयक अदा
करर्तेवेळी लशल्िक रालहिेल्या सालहत्याची लनयमाधीन रक्कम वसुिार्त आणणेर्त येईि ह्याची नोंद घ्यावी.
४३) कारिं जे व धबधबे यािंचे चािन व देखभाि दुरुस्र्ती या कामाकररर्ता शासकीय/लनमशासकीय सिंस्थेर्त काम
के िेबाबर्तचा अनुभव असल्याची आवश्यकर्ता नाही.
४४) एिईडी दफटींग सिंबलधर्त कामासाठी खात्याकडु न पुरवठा होणा-या दफटींग, एिईडी दफटींग, पोि, के बि
मनपा कोठार लवभाग/र्तिार लनवारण कें द्राकडु न घेवुन र्ती बसलवणेची सवम जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि.
दफटींग,एिईडी दफटींग, पोि, के बि कररर्ता आवश्यक लवमा ठे केदारास काढावा िागेि. दफटींग, एिईडी
दफटींग र्तपासुन घेण्याची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि. कोठार लवभागार्तुन प्राप्त झािेल्या दफटींग,
एिईडी दफटींग, के बि, पोल्स सुरलक्षर्तपणे सुलस्थर्तीर्त बसलवणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि. जुन्या
दफटींग, एिईडी दफटींग खािंबावर असल्यास आहे त्या लस्थर्तीर्त काढु न, मनपाकडे आहे त्या लस्थर्तीर्त जमा
करणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि
i) लनलवदेनुसार बसलविेल्या एिईडी दफटींग पैकी बिंद असिेल्या दफटींगची मालहर्ती ठे केदारास ई- मेि/
एसएमएस/िेखी/भ्रमणध्वनीद्वारे कळलवल्यानिंर्तर २ ददवसार्त नलवन दफटींग बसलवणे अथवा दुरुस्र्त करणे
ठे केदारास बिंधनकारक रालहि. अन्यथा प्रलर्तददन प्रर्ती दफटींग र.रु.२००/- इर्तके शुल्क १५ ददवसािंपयंर्त
Contractor 38 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
वसुि करण्यार्त येईि व त्यानिंर्तर त्यापुढे प्रलर्तददन प्रलर्त दफटींग र.रु.३००/- इर्तके शुल्क नुकसान भरपाई
वसुि करण्यार्त येईि.
ii) नादुरुस्र्त एिईडी दफटींग बदिण्याचे सिंपुणम काम ठे केदाराने स्वर्तःची यिंत्रणा व कामगार वापरुन स्वखचामने
करणे बिंधनकारक राहीि.
iii) एिईडीथदफटींगचाथहमीथकािावधीथकामथपूणथम झािेपासूनथ५थवर्मथअसेिएिईडीथदफटींगच्याथएकू णथथ.
थ.कािवधीमध्येथदफटींगचीथदुरूस्र्तीथकरूनथदेणथे ठे केदारासथबिंधनकारकथअसेिहमीथकािावधीमध्येथएिईडीथ
दफटींगथदुरूस्र्तथकरूनथदेणेबाबर्तथठे केदारानेथटाळाटाळथके िेसथसदरचीथअनामर्तथरक्कमथजप्तथकरणेर्तथयेईिथयाचीथ
४५) रॅदफक लसििचे देखभाि दुरुस्र्ती व उभारणीचे कामासाठी एजन्सीकडे Traffic Signal मधीि बाबीचे
District industries center यािंचेकडीि स्वर्त: नोंदणीकृ र्त उत्पादक असिेबाबर्त प्रमाणपत्र असणे
आवश्यक आहे.
४६) रॅदफक लसििचे देखभाि दुरुस्र्ती व उभारणीचे शासकीय/लनमशासकीय सिंस्थेर्त काम के िेिे असणे
बिंधनकारक नाही.
४७) i) लिफ्ट बसलवणे कामा कररर्ता फक्त मुळ उत्पादक माफम र्त / अलधकृ र्त लविे र्ते/ अनुभवी एजन्सीमाफम र्त लनलवदा
स्वीकृ र्त करणेर्त येईि.
ii) लिफ्ट कररर्ता िागणा-या सवम आवश्यक परवानग्या व ना हरकर्त दाखिे प्राप्त करणेची जबाबदारी
ठे केदारािंची राहीि. र्तसेच शासनाचे लनरीक्षण शुल्क व इर्तर आवश्यक सवम शुल्क अदा करण्याचे जबाबदारी
ठे केदाराची राहीि. मनपा यासाठी कोणर्तेही अलर्तररक्त शुल्क ठे केदारािंस अदा करणार नाही. याची कृ पया
नोंद घ्यावी.
४८) i) र्तात्पुरर्ती ध्वनीक्षेपण व लवद्युर्त व्यवस्था करणे कामार्तिंगमर्त मा. कायमकारी अलभयिंर्ता (लव) यािंनी कामाच्या
आवश्यकर्तेनुसार मागणी के ल्यास लवद्युर्त लनरीक्षक, पुणे यािंचे प्रमाणपत्र घेणे व त्याकररर्ता आवश्यक शुल्क
अदा करणेची जबाबदारी ठे केदाराची राहीि.
ii) अलर्तमहत्वाच्या व्यक्ती सिंबलधर्त कायमिमािंकरीर्ता र्तथा मनोरिं जन लवशेर् कायमिमाचे वेळी ध्वनीक्षेपन
व्यवस्था उभारणीचे व कायमिमाचे वेळी ध्वनीक्षेपन व्यवस्था चािनाचे कामाकरीर्ता अनुभवी साऊिंड
इिं लजलनअर लनयुक्त करणे बिंधनकारक आहे. र्तसे प्रलर्तज्ञापत्र देणेर्त यावे.
४९) दुरसिंचार लवभागाकडीि वायरिेस व वॉकीटॉकी सिंदभामर्तीि कामासाठी वकम ऑडमरचे पुवी अलग्रमेंट
करर्ताना सिंबलधर्त ठे केदाराने Govt of India चे सिंचार मिंत्राियाकडीि DPL “ Dealer possession
License “ सादर करणे बिंधनकारक आहे.
५०) मनपा प्रशासकीय इमारर्तीमधीि जलनत्रसिंच/ लिफ्ट दुरुस्र्तीचे काम हे उत्पाददर्त किं पनीचे अलधकृ र्त
लवर्तरक/लविे र्ते/कामािंचा अनुभव असिेिे एजन्सी माफम र्त यािंचेकडु न पाटमस बदिणे, सर्व्हमपसिंग करुन घेणे,
ठे केदारास बिंधनकारक राहीि.
५१) लवकास कामाचा काम पुणमत्वाचा लवहीर्त (मुळ) कािावधी १२ महीने व त्यापेक्षा कमी आहे अशा कामािंना
भाववाढीचे किम िागु राहणार नाही. रक्कम रु. १ कोटी पेक्षा कमी असिेल्या कामािंना भाववाढ किम
िागु राहणार नाही.
५२) लनलवदाधारक व मनपामध्ये कामाच्या अनुर्िंगाने कोणत्याही प्रकारचा वाद/लववाद उद्भवल्यास िवादाच्या
कायद्यार्तीि र्तरर्तुदीनुसार सोडलविा जाईि. र्तसेच त्याकामी मा. आयुक्त लप.लच.मनपा यािंचा एक पयामयी
िवाद राहीि. िवादाचा लनणमय उभय पक्षावर बिंधनकारक राहीि.
५३) न्यायाियीन बाब उद्भवल्यास पुणे-पपिंपरी न्यायािय कायमक्षेत्र राहीि.
५४( कोणर्तेही कारण न देर्ता लनलवदा पुणमर्तः ककिं वा अिंशर्तः मिंजूर अथवा नामिंजूर करणेचा अलधकार मा. आयुक्त
यािंनी राखून ठे विा आहे
Contractor 39 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
५५) काम चािू करण्यापूवी, काम चािू असर्ताना, काम पूणम झाल्यानिंर्तर, स्वखचामने कामाचे फोटो /व्हीडीओ
शुटींग काढणे व अपिोड करणे हे ठे केदारावर बिंधनकारक राहीि.
५६) सी.सी.टी.व्ही. सिंबलधर्तचेथ कामािंना सोबर्त जोडिेल्या Special Terms & Conditions (लवशेर् लनलवदा
अटी-शर्ती) बिंधनकारक आहेर्त.
५७)थथ उजामअलिशमनथिेखापरीक्षणथकामकरीर्ताथसिंबिंलधर्तथलनलवदाकारानेथके िेल्याथके िेल्याथर्तािंलत्रकथ/
थलशफारशींबाबर्तथर्तािंलत्रकथलववरण(Technical BOQ) लनलवदेसोबर्तथसादरथकरणेथअलनवायमथराहीिथ.
५८( ध्वनीक्षेपनथयिंत्रणेचेथउत्पाददर्तथकिं पनीचेथदेखभािथदुरुस्र्तीचेथAuthorisation Service Center महाराष्ट्रार्तथ
५९( Electric safety Audit कामाकरीर्ताथBEE/MEDA यािंचेकडीिथमान्यर्ताप्राप्तथअनुज्ञाप्तीथ(Certification)
६०( दुरध्वनीथकामासाठीथमेदुरुस्र्तीथएजन्सीथअसिेचेथप्रमाणपत्रथजोडणेथआवश्यकथआहेथवथथ/जपानथकिं पनीचेथअलधकृ र्तथएजन्सीथ.सी.इ.एनथ.
)थ सिंदेशथचव्हाण(थ
सहशहर अलभयिंर्ता (लव/यािं)
पपिंपरी पचिंचवड महानगरपालिका
पपिंपरी – ४११ ०१८.
Contractor 40 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 41 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
a). The tender document for the purpose of this tender is issued in two volumes
which include the following documents together with any addendum (Common set
of Deviation) thereto.
Volume-I: Includes tender notice, instructions to tenderers, Undertakings,
conditions of contract, Additional conditions, special conditions,
General conditions, price variation clause, Sample forms.
Volume-III: Drawing
a) At any time prior to the dead line for submission of tender, the PCMC may for
any reason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification request,
modify the tender document by issuing an addendum/addenda/Common Set of
Deviation, the addendum will be sent in writing to all prospective tenderers who
have purchased the tender document for interpretation in the tender and will be
binding on them.
Contractor 42 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
ii) Earnest money deposit.
iii) Information on eligibility and qualification.
iv) Bidders own technical proposal based on scope of work, design criteria and
soil data as ascertained by the tenderer and other such relevant information
v) Any other material required to be complied and submitted in accordance with
the instructions to the tenderers embodied in the tender document. The forms
and the date provided in these documents shall be used without exception.
vi) Declaration regarding site visit on the enclosed proforma.
vii) Addendums/clarifications issued by PCMC before receipt of tender.
viii) Common Set of Deviations issued after pre-bid meeting.
a). The tenderer shall quote his single lump sum offer in the template of online envelope
no 2 to be submitted as per procedure laid down in Clause ‘b & c’ as under.
b). The lump sum price quoted by the tenderer shall include all the costs, towards
designing, drawings, getting the same checked and approved as per requirements of
PCMC, preparation of detailed working drawings (including approval thereof),
executing and completing the works as per defined scope of work and based on
design criteria for tenderer’s proposal including rectifying any defects therein. The
lump sum offer shall provide for all superintendence labour, material, plant,
equipment, site offices, laboratory and vehicles, and all other things required for
completion of work including all taxes like cess duties, etc. testing charges
including minimum 10% testing in external approved laboratory (COEP, GPP,
PWD, PCMC Approved Laboratory CONSTROLOGIX, CSRL, CETRS, etc.) and
such charges except for the exemptions provided for in the contract. The GST will
be paid seperately as mentioned in contract.
c) The bidder has to carry out shifting of all existing utilities and services if any fouling in
the area of project as per direction of engineer-in-charge. The payments will be
made as per the prevailing rates of the PCMC/PWD. The work will be measured as
actual executed on site. The coordination and approval of concern utility/service
provider has to be obtained by bidder. There are some of utilities are unknown, with
permission of user department bidder may be asked to remove the services.
i) The tenderer has not strictly followed the procedure laid down for submission
of tender.
ii) The tenderer has proposed conditions which are inconsistent with or contrary
to the terms and conditions specified.
Contractor 43 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
iii) Additions, corrections or alterations are made by the tenderer on any page of
the tender documents.
iv) Any page or pasted slips are missing.
v) The tenderer has not signed the tender with seal.
vi) The tenderer has specified any additional condition.
vii) The tenderer has not attached the addendum to the main tender form.
viii) The tenderer has not attached Common Set of Deviations. (CSD)
ix) in case the technical proposal of tender who has quoted lowest price and who
has satisfied other criteria is not conforming to the stipulations made, the
tenderer without revising the cost shall modify the same to conform to
the stipulations. If the tenderer refuses to modify this then the tender
shall be treated as non-responsive and rejected.
If there is any discrepancy between the offer quoted in figures and in words, the
lower of the two shall be treated as the offer. The decision Joint City Engineer,
(Projects), PCMC in this regard will be binding on bidder.
Contractor 44 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
second lowest evaluated bid will be invited for negotiations. The process will
be repeated until an agreed contract is concluded.
(d) The acceptance of the tender rests with the competent authority of Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri. The right to reject any or all the
tenders without assigning any reason thereof is reserved by Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri. The tenderer whose tender
is accepted will have to enter into a regular agreement in the type &
form prescribed by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri &
abide by all the rules and regulations embodied therein.
(e) No corrections, additions or alterations in the tender document shall be
made. No special stipulations in the tender document shall be permitted.
(f) The tender shall be liable to be rejected outright if;
i. If the specified Earnest Money in specified form is not paid.
ii. The tenderer proposes any conditions & alterations in the conditions
of the tender.
iii. Any erasures are made in the tender documents.
iv. If Bidder’s technical note containing method of execution and work
plan not enclosed.
(g) If the tendering bidders are a firm or company, they shall, in their forwarding
letter should mention the names of all the partners of the firm or the company
as the case may be and the names of the partners who hold the power of
attorney authorizing him to conduct transactions on behalf of the Company /
Firm. Copy of power of attorney duly signed by all partners shall be enclosed
in Envelope-I.
(h) Conditions and Scope of Work of the contract are subject to amendment till
the time of acceptance of the tender.
(i) The notes and conditions stipulated in this notice will form a part of the
The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the PCMC
prior to expiry of the bid validity period by personally or e-mail, fax confirmed by
registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called the
“Letter of Acceptance”) will state the sum that the PCMC will pay to the Bidder in
consideration of the design, drawings, execution, completion, any defects
rectification in DLP and maintenance of the service road of the Works by the Bidder
as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the “Contract
The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject to
furnishing of a Security Deposit. The PCMC shall notify the successful bidder that the
bid has been accepted and that he should present himself for signing the Agreement.
Contractor 45 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
acquainted with the site conditions and site requirements.
The tenderer shall study the traffic volume and evolve a diversion scheme for traffic
and get it approved from PCMC and concern department. It will be the responsibility
of bidder to obtain necessary permission for diversion from concerned department
and to ensure that the traffic on roads shall be uninterrupted.
There may be some local problems, which will be required to be tackled by the
bidder. Local suppliers may create problems for supply of sand and metal during
execution, which shall have to be solved by the successful bidder. On this account
no extension of time limit will be granted, nor any compensation will be given.
Police protection, if considered necessary will have to be arranged by the bidder at
his own cost.
Power and water supply required for work and labours etc. have to be arranged by
the bidder. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri does not take any
guarantee for power and water supply at the site.
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri staff will, however, extend help in
solving local problems for obtaining permission, obtaining power supply etc.
2.11. Instructions regarding work to be done will be given to the bidder from time to time.
No compensation & extension on this account will be given to the bidder.
2.12. The Bidder shall make himself aware of the possible underground utilities along the
alignment of the road.
2.13. Bidder shall make his arrangement for temporary approach road and material
stacking yards etc. at his cost. The Bidder will not be allowed to stock the material
on existing road within right of the way.
2.14 The bidder shall work as per instructions given by the authorized person appointed
by PCMC.
The dewatering as required due to storm water, underground seepage/ rain water
and from any other sources etc is an incidental activity to work and cost shall be
included in Lump-sum rate. No separate payment will be made for dewatering.
Contractor 46 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that We [name of bank] of _ [name of country] having
our registered office at (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound unto COMMISSIONER,
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation [name of employer] (hereinafter called “the
employer”) in the sum of _ * for which payment well and truly to be made to the
said Employer the bank itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this day of _, 20 THE
CONDITIONS of this obligation are :
(1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity
specified in the form of bid;
(2) If the bidder having been notified to the acceptance of his bid by the employer during
the period of bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
(c) does not accept the correction of the bid price pursuant to Clause 27.
We undertake to pay to the employer upto the above amount upon receipt of his first written
demand, without the employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his
demand the employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the
occurrence of one or any of the three conditions, specifying the occurred condition or
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date _ _ ** days after the
deadline for submission of bids as such deadline is stated in the instruction to bidders or as it
may be extended by the employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived.
Any demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the bank not later than the above date.
Contractor 47 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
_ [Signature, name and addre
* The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures
denominated in Indian Rupees. This figure should be the same as shown in
Clause 16.1 of the Instructions to Bidders.
** 45 days after the end of the validity period of the bid. Date should be inserted by the
employer before the bidding documents are issued.
Contractor 48 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
COMMISSIONER, [name of employer]
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
Main Building,
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the bidder
shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein
as security for compliance with his obligation in accordance with the contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the bidder such a bank guarantee:
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the guarantor and responsible to
you on behalf of the bidder, up to a total of --------------------------------------- [amount of
guarantee] * (in words), such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies
in which the contract price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written
demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of [amount of
guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for
your demand for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the bidder
before presenting us with the demand.
This guarantee shall be valid until 28 days from the date of expiry of the Defect
Liability period.
Contractor 49 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 50 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 51 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The work will be awarded only to the bidder whose bid is considered as responsive,
capable of performing the class of work specified. Before passing the final award,
any or all bidders may have to demonstrate that he has the necessary experience
facilities, abilities, manpower & financial resources to execute the work in satisfactory
manner & also within the stipulated time. The bidder may also be required to furnish
to the PCMC, a statement in respect of their experience and financial resources.
The tenderers must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completed items
of work & include all taxes like GST, levy, etc., cost due to labour, all leads &
lifts involved & scaffolding, plants, supervision, service roads, diversion,
dewatering, power, etc. and to include all expenses to cover the cost of night and
round the clock working as and when required. No claim for additional payment
beyond the prices or rates quoted will be entertained & the bidder will not be entitled
subsequently to make any claim on the ground of any representation or on any
promise by any person or on the ground of any failure on his part to obtain all
necessary information for the purpose of making his tender and fixing the several
prices and rates therein and shall not relieve him from any risks or liabilities arising
out of or consequence upon the submission of the tender. Labour welfare sales
tax 1% will be deducted from bidder’s RA bill in addition to IT & GST TDS.
(As per Maharashtra GR 2% deduction will be done)
Persons tendering are informed that no deletion or any alteration by them in the text of
the documents set herewith will be allowed. Any such deletion, or any alteration will be
disregarded and the tender may be treated as non-responsive.
Intimation of acceptance of tender will be given by an email or a letter sent by
Registered Post to the address given in the tenders below the signature of the
tenderer. The tenders not fulfilling conditions mentioned in the document and/or
incomplete in any respect shall be liable for rejection.
Contractor 52 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
These are in addition to and over and above those mentioned elsewhere in the
contract documents.
a) As the workers have to work at height and on busy traffic area adequate safety
measures should be taken by the contractor.
b) No live electric lines should be allowed to run along the ground. No blasting is
c) Only trained and experienced hands should be allowed to handle all works in
the scope of tender.
d) Machinery in good working condition shall only be deployed for work.
The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and site
conditions including labour, the general and the special conditions, the specifications,
schedules, drawings and shall be deemed to have visited the site of the work & to
have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and carried out his own
investigations to arrive at the rates quoted in the tender. In this regard, he will be
given necessary information to the best of knowledge of Department, but without any
guarantee to it.
If the bidder has any doubts as to the meaning of any portion of the general
conditions, the special conditions, the scope of work, the specifications and drawings,
or any other matter concerning the contract, he shall, in good time before
submitting his tender, set forth, the particulars thereof and submit them to the
Engineer in writing, in order that such doubts may be clarified before pre-bid meeting.
Once a tender is submitted the matter will be decided in accordance with the tender
Contractor 53 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
ii) Between the quantities shown in schedule of quantities and those
arrived from drawings, the later shall be prevail.
iii) Between the written description of item in the Schedule of quantities
and the detailed description in the specifications of the same item the
later shall be prevail.
b) In case of difference between the rates written in figures and words the lower of
the two shall be treated as the offer. The decision Joint City Engineer (Projects),
PCMC in this regard will be binding on contractor. In other cases, the correct rate
would be that which is lower.
c) In all cases of omissions and/or doubts or discrepancies in the dimension or
description of any item or specifications, a reference shall be made to the
Engineer-in-Charge whose elucidation, elaboration or decision shall be
considered as authentic. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any
errors that may occur in the work through lack of such reference and precautions.
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Executive Engineer
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
4. Item-wise technical specifications.
5. M O R T & H Specifications for Roads and Bridges, ISI, IRC, B.I.S. codes of
6. General Technical Specifications.
7. Additional Specifications
8. Scope of work.
9. Special Condition of Contract.
10. General Condition of Contract.
11. NIT Drawings
The minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio permissible
in the R.C.C. /PSC components shall be as per mentioned in volume II. It shall be
mandatory to prepare detailed mix design for all grades of concrete from the
approved laboratory and mix design shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-
charge. No additional payment shall be made for additives & other ingredients
required to be used in the concrete. The additives to be added in the mix shall be of
ISI Standard and of approved brand. In case of change of source of material (cement
aggregate, admixtures) the mix design shall be redone and got approved from
Engineer-in-charge every time. Only Ready-Mix Concrete is allowed for all
concrete work.
Materials - No creek sand shall be allowed in concreting. Only crush sand from
approved sources shall be allowed and the percentage of Crushed sand
obtained from V. S. I. shall be 100% of total fine aggregate in the mix. The
crushed sand should be as per IS 383 reaffirmed 1997 and IS 2386 (Part VII)
gives standard test method for alkali aggregate reactivity which can be used
when dealing with suspicious aggregate. Aggregate must be tested for Alkali
aggregate reactivity before use in work. (e.g. Total fine aggregate 100% =
Crush Sand from V. S. I. 100%)
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The minimum bitumen content shall be as specified in respective items specifications
& other components shall be as per MORTH Specifications. It shall be mandatory to
prepare detailed mix design for asphalt mix from the approved laboratory and job mix
design shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge. No additional payment
shall be made for extra bitumen contents & other ingredients if required to be used in
the above mix. The additives to be added in the mix shall be of ISI Standard and of
approved brand. In case of change of source of material (aggregate, additives) the
mix design shall be redone and got approved from Engineer-in-charge every time
without any extra payment.
The minimum
a) The Contractor shall submit within the time stipulated by the Engineer-in-
Charge, in writing the details of actual methods that would be adopted by the
Contractor for the execution of any items as required by Engineer at each of
the locations, supported by necessary detailed drawing and sketches
including those of the plant & machinery that would be used, their location,
arrangement for conveying and handling materials etc. and obtain prior
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge well in advance of starting of such item of
work. The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to suggest modifications or
make corrections in the method proposed by the Contractor whether accepted
previously, or not, at any stage of the work to obtain the desired accuracy,
quality & progress, which shall be binding on the Contractor. No claim on
account of such change in the method of execution will be entertained by the
b) Progress Schedule
The contractor, before commencement of the work, shall furnish resource-
based activity linked schedule in the form of CPM/ PERT network chart and
cash flow requirements in the form of “S” curve in quadruplicate for the
approval of Engineer.
c) The Contractor shall employ sufficient plants, equipments and labours as may
be necessary to maintain the progress schedules. The working and shift
hours shall be restricted to one shift a day. These shall not be varied without
prior approval of the Engineer. Work would not be normally allowed to be
carried out during night. In exceptional circumstances, if the Contractor
requests, certain portion of work may be allowed to be carried out during night
under supervision. The Contractor shall provide adequate and necessary
lighting arrangement etc. for night work as directed by Engineer without any
extra cost.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
periodic basis for approval and to record all details relating to progress and
developments. On the basis of all Drawings relating to the Works the Contractor shall
prepare “As-Built” drawings using the computing software Auto CAD Version 2010 or
later version to record the precise details of the Works complete. The Contractor, at
the time of issue of the Statement of Completion, shall forward the final copy of the
Auto CAD Drawings on CD. In addition, the contractor shall submit 4 (four) hard
copies of all the drawings. The Contractor shall also arrange to take photographs as
directed by the Engineer, depicting various details & stages of progress of works and
submit them in duplicate in proper albums for records. Video shooting of the work
shall be carried out periodically and cassette containing 180-minute Video film shall
be presented to Employer on virtual completion of the work.
All detailed working drawings, design calculations and fabrication drawings for
Temporary works (such as form work, staging, centering, scaffolding, specialized
construction, handling and launching equipment and the like) as well as bar bending
schedule for reinforcement, material list for structural fabrication as well as detailed
drawings for templates and anchorage and temporary support details for pre-
stressing cables etc. shall be prepared by the Contractor at his own cost and
forwarded to the Engineer at least 2 weeks in advance of actual constructional
requirements. Within one week of receipt, the Engineer will check & return one copy
of the same for the Contractor’s use with amendments if any marked on them after
due discussion and agreement with the Contractor. Such approval shall not relieve
the Contractor of any of his responsibilities in connection with Temporary Works.
The Contractor will supply two copies of the approved drawings for the
Engineer’s use. The cost of preparing all such items of work shall be deemed to
have been included in the respective rates / prices quoted by the Contractor.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
orders and effect replacements to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
b) A work order book shall be maintained on site and it shall be the property of
PCMC, wherein the instructions are given in writing to the contractor
pertaining to the work. The Contractor shall promptly acknowledge the
instructions given therein by the Engineer or his representative or his superior
officer, and comply with them. The contractor shall report the compliance of
the instructions in good time so that it can be checked. The blank work order
book with machine numbered pages will be provided by the PCMC free of
charge for this purpose. The Contractor will be allowed to copy out the
instruction therein from time to time.
The handing over by the Contractor and taking over by the Engineer-in-charge or his
authorised agent will be always in writing of which copies will be given to the
Engineer-in-charge, his authorised representative and the Contractor. It is to specify
that the corporation will count the defect liability period from the date of taking over of
entire work.
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Executive Engineer
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
availability of such facilities or delays in this behalf and no claims on account of such
failure or delays shall be allowed by the PCMC.
7.2 Co-ordination:
When several agencies for different sub works of the projects are to work
simultaneously on the project site, there must be full co-ordination between the
different contractors to ensure timely completion of the whole project. The scheduled
dates for completion specified in each contract shall, therefore, be strictly adhered to.
Each Contractor may either make their independent arrangements for water, power,
housing, etc. or may come to mutual agreement and in this behalf and make joint
agreement with the approval of the Engineer.
Contractor 59 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
No Contractor shall take any steps or action that may cause disruption, discontent or
disturbance to work, labour or arrangements etc. of other contractors in the project.
Any action by any contractor, which the Engineer in his unquestioned discretion may
consider as infringement of the above code, would be considered as a breach of the
contract and shall be dealt with accordingly. In case of any dispute or disagreement
among the various contractors the Engineer's decisions regarding the Co- ordination,
Co-operation and facilities to be provided by any of the contractors, etc. shall be final
and binding on the Contractors concerned and such a decision shall not vitiate any
contract nor absolve the Contractor of his obligations under the contract nor form the
grounds for any claim or compensation.
Contractor 60 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
though not exhaustive. The Contractor shall also comply with the directions issued by
the Engineer in his behalf from time to time and at all times.
a) Providing protective head wear to workers in quarries and also at site to protect
them against accidental fall of materials from above.
b) Providing protective footwear, hand wear and head wear to workers in situation
like mixing and placing of mortar or concrete, in quarries and places of mortar or
concrete, in quarries and places where the work is to be done under wet
conditions as also for movements over surface infested with oyster growth & to
protect them against accidental fall of material from above.
c) Taking such normal precautions like providing handrails to the edges of the
floating platforms or working platforms at high level or barrages not allowing rails
of metal parts.
8.2 Amenities:
a) Supply workmen with proper belts, ropes, etc. when working on any masts, cranes,
circle hoist, dredger, etc.
b) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned of the use of
machinery before they are allowed to handle it independently and taking all
necessary precautions in and around the areas where machines, hoists and similar
units are working.
c) Providing life belts to all men working at such situations from where they may
accidentally fall into water, equipping the boats with adequate number of life belt etc.
d) Avoiding bare live wires etc. as would electrocute workers.
e) Making all platforms, staging and temporary structures sufficiently strong and not
causing the workmen and supervisory staff to take undue risks.
f) Provide sufficient first-aid, trained staff and equipment to be available quickly at the
work site to render immediate first-aid treatment in case of accidents due to
suffocation, drowning and other injuries.
g) Take all necessary precautions with regards to safety of traffic plying on adjoining
h) Providing full length gum boots, leather hand gloves, leather jackets with fireproof
aprons to cover the chest and back reaching up to knees and plain goggles for the
eyes to the labour working with hot asphalt handling vibrators in cement concrete and
also where use of any or all these items is essential in the interest of health and well-
being of the labourers in the opinion of the Engineer.
i) Provide proper ladder with handrail and landing plat form if height is more than 3
8.3. Explosives:
The use of explosives & blasting are banned on this work.
8.4. Damage by Floods or Accidents:
The Contractor shall take all precautions against damages by floods or from any
accidents etc. No compensation will be allowed to the contractor on this account for
correcting and repairing any such damage to work during construction. The
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
contractor shall be liable to make good at his cost any plant or material belonging to
the PCMC lost or damaged by floods or from any other causes while in his charge.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
contractor. However, PCMC does not bind itself for making available the
required land.
d) The contractor shall construct a sufficient number of bathing places. Washing
places should also be provided for the purpose of washing clothes.
e) The contractor shall make sufficient arrangement for draining away the
surface and sewage water as well as water from the bathing and washing
places and shall dispose off his waste water in such a way as not to cause
any nuisance.
f) The contractor shall engage a Medical Officer with a travelling dispensary for
a camp containing 500 or more persons if there is no Government or other
private dispensary situated within 8 km. from the camp. In case of emergency
the contractor shall arrange at his cost transport for quick medical help to his
sick workers.
g) The contractor shall provide the necessary staff for effecting the satisfactory
conservancy and cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge. At least one sweeper per 200 persons or part should be engaged.
h) The Assistant Director of public Health shall be consulted before opening a
labour camp and his instructions on matters such as water supply, sanitary
convenient to the camp site accommodation and food supply to be followed
by the contractor.
i) The contractor shall make arrangement for all anti-malaria measures to be
provided for the labour employed on the work. The anti-malaria measures
shall be as directed by Assistant Director of public Health.
j) In addition to above all provisions of the relevant labour act pertaining to
basic amenities to be provided to the labours shall be applicable which, will be
arranged by the contractor.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 or Rules made there under and the
amount paid to them.
e) The Contractor shall pay to the labour employed by him either directly or
through sub-contractors wages not less than fair wages as defined in the
Contractor Labour Regulations as contained hereinafter in regard to all
matters provided therein.
f) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act
1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, employees Liability Act 1937, Workman’s
Maternity Benefit Act 1961, Contract Labour (Regulation of Abolition) Act
1970 and Interstate Migrant Workman (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Services) Act 1979, or any modification thereof or any other law
relating to and rules made thereunder from time to time.
g) The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against any payments to be
made and for the observance of the Regulations aforesaid without prejudice
to his right to claim indemnity from his Subcontractor.
h) The decision of the Engineer in matters relating to the reports from the
inspecting Officers, as defined in “Contract - Labour Regulation” (Contained
hereafter) shall be final and binding and deductions for recovery of any
amount payable to the Contractor.
9.2 The Contractor shall at his own expenses comply with or cause to be complied with
the Model Rules for Labour Welfare as contained hereafter or rules framed by
Department from time to time for the protection of health and for making sanitary
arrangements for workers employed directly or indirectly on the Works.
In case the Contractor fails to make arrangements as aforesaid, the Engineer shall be
entitled to do so and recover the cost there of from the Contractor.
9.3 The Contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provisions indicated
hereafter or as required by the Engineer in respect of all labour directly or indirectly
employed for performance of the Works and shall provide all facilities in connection
therewith. In case the Contractor fails to make arrangements and provide necessary
facilities as aforesaid the Engineer shall be entitled to do so and recover the cost
thereof from the Contractor.
9.4 In the event of an accident involving serious injuries or damages to human life or
death of any of his employees and/or labourers the same shall be reported within 24
hours of the occurrence to the Executive Engineer and Commissioner of Workmen
compensation and immediately to the nearest police station.
9.5 The Contractor shall at his own expenses, engage watchmen for guarding the
materials and plant and machinery and the work during day and night against any
pilferage or damage and also for prohibiting trespassers.
9.6 a) The Contractor shall during the currency of the Contract, when called upon by
the Engineer, engage and also ensure engagement by Sub-contractors and
others employed by the Contractor in connection with the works, such
numbers Apprentices in the categories mentioned in Clause 34.13 ( c ) and
for such periods as may be required by the Engineer.
b) The Contractor shall train them as required under the Apprentice Act 1961 &
shall be responsible for all obligations of the Employer under the Act including
Contractor 64 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
the liability to make payment to Apprentices as required under the Act.
c) The number of Apprentices to be engaged in different categories shall be as
required under “Apprentices Act 1961” and rules and regulations made there
under and as amended from time to time.
10.1 Definitions:
In these regulations unless otherwise expressed or indicated the following words and
expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to him.
a) ‘Labour’ would mean “Workmen” as defined in Chapter - I of the Contract
Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act 1970 as amended from time to time.
b) “Fair Wage” means Wages, which shall include wages for weekly day of rest
and other allowances whether for time or piece work after taking into
consideration prevailing market rates for similar employment in the
neighborhood and shall not be less than the minimum rates of wages fixed
under the minimum wages Act.
c) “Contractor” for the purpose of these Regulations shall include an agent or
Sub-Contractor employing labour on the work taken on Contract.
d) “Inspecting Officer” means any Labour Enforcement Officer or Assistant
Labour Commissioner of the Chief Labour Organization.
e) “Form” means a form appended to these Regulations.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
double the ordinary rate of wages.
(Note : The expression ordinary rate of wages means the fair wage the worker is
entitled to)
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
A Register of Work men shall be maintained in Form - I and kept at the work site or
as near to it as possible and the relevant particular of every workman shall be
entered therein within 3 days of his employment.
Contractor 67 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
10.13 Enforcement :
a) The Inspecting Officer shall either on his own motion or on a complaint
received by him carry out investigation and send a report to the Engineer
specifying the amounts representing workers dues and amount of penalty to
be imposed on the Contractor for breach of these Regulations, that have to be
recovered from the Contractor, indicating full details of the recoveries
proposed and the reasons thereof. It shall be obligatory on the part of the
Engineer on receipt of such a report to deduct such amounts from payments
due to the Contractor.
b) The penalty for every default and breach of these Regulations shall, however,
be a sum not exceeding Rs. 5000/-. In the event of the Contractor’s default
continuing in this respect, the penalty may be enhanced to Rs. 50/- per day
for each day default subject to maximum of one percent of the estimated cost
of the work put to tender.
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Executive Engineer
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
a) A Workmen shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or inquiry
under the regulations by an Officer or registered trade union of which he is a
member or by any Officer or a federation or trade union to which the said
trade union connected with or by any other workman employed in the
industries in which the workmen is employed.
b) A Contractor shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or /
inquiry under these regulations by an Officer of a federation of Associations of
contractor to which the said Association is affiliated or where the Contractor is
not a member of an association by an Officer of Association of employers,
connected with or by any other employer engaged in the industries in which
the Contractor is engaged.
c) No party shall be entitled to be represented by a legal practitioner in any
investigation or inquiry under these regulations.
10.19 Amendments:
The Employer may from time to time add or amend these regulations and issue such
directions as it may consider necessary for the proper implementation of these
regulations or for the purpose of removing any difficulties which may arise in the
administration thereof.
The Contractor shall employ at least 80% of the total number of unskilled labour to be
employed by him on the said work from out of the persons ordinarily residing in the
vicinity of work.
Contractor 69 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
(Regulation 7)
v) Duration of Contract.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
(Regulation 8)
i) Name and Sex of the Worker. vi) Particulars of next of kin (wife / husband)
a and children if any or of dependent next of Kin,
ii) Father’s / Husband’s Name. Has no wife / husband or child.
iii) Address.
iv) Age and Date of Birth. vii) Name of Employer, with full address of Dept.
v) Identification Marks. (Specify village Dist. State)
Sr. No. Name and Particulars of Location of Total Period Actual
Address of the work Site and Description During which Number of
Employer of Work Done Employed Days Worked
(Specify From :
Whether To
Contractor or a
Sub -
1 2 3 4 5
NB : For a worker employed at one time on piece work basis and at another on daily
wages relevant entries in respect of each employment should be made
Contractor 71 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
i) Name and Address of the iv) Nature of Contract and Location
Contractor of work
ii) Number and Date of the Contract v) Duration of the Contract
iii) Name and Address of the vi) Wage Period
Department awarding the Contract
Contractor 72 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
(Regulation 9)
i) Name of the Contractor
ii) Place
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
11.1 Definitions:
a) Work Place
“Work Place” means a place at which average 10 or more workers are
b) Large Work Place
“Large Work Place” means a place at which on an average 500 or more
workers are employed.
11.2 First Aid:
At every workplace, there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place first aid
and appliances including an adequate supply of sterilized dressings and sterilized
cotton wool as prescribed in the factory rules of the State in which the work is carried
on. The appliance shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person who
shall be readily available during working hours.
At large work places where hospital facilities are not available within easy distance of
the works, first - aid posts shall be established and be run by a trained compounder.
Where large places are remotely situated and far away from regular hospitals indoor
wards shall be provided for every 250 employees.
Where large work places are situated in cities, towns or in their suburbs and no bed
are considered necessary owing to the proximately of city to town hospitals, suitable
transport shall be provided to facilitate removal of urgent cases to those hospitals. At
other work places some conveyance facilities shall be kept readily available to take
injured person or persons suddenly taken seriously ill, to the nearest hospital.
At large work places there shall be provided and maintained an ambulance room of
the prescribed size of such medical and nursing staff as may be prescribed. For this
purpose, the relevant provisions of the Factory Rules of the State Govt. of the area
where the work is carried on may be taken as the prescribed standard.
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Executive Engineer
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The Contractor shall, at his own expenses, carry out all instructions issued to him by
the Engineer to effect proper disposal of soil and other conservancy work in respect
of Contractor’s work people or employees on the site. The Contractor shall be
responsible for payment of any charges, which may be levied by municipal or
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
cantonment authority for execution of such work on his behalf.
11.12 Creches:
At a place at which 20 or more women workers are ordinarily employed, there shall
be provided at least one hut for use of children under age of 6 years.
Huts shall not be constructed of a standard not lower than that of pitched roof, mud
floor and walls with wooden planks spread over mud floor and covered with matting.
Huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light and ventilation.
There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the places clean. There shall
be two “Dais” in attendants. Sanitary utensils shall be provided to the satisfaction of
local medical, health and municipal or Cantonment authorities. Use of huts shall be
restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of children.
Where the number of women workers is more than 25 but less than 50, the
Contractor shall provide at least one Hut, one Dai to look after the children of women
workers. Size of the creche(s) shall vary accordingly to the number of women
workers employed. Creche(s)(s) shall be properly maintained and necessary
equipment like toys, etc. provided.
11.13 Canteen:
A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of
workers wherever it is necessary.
On completion of the Works the whole such temporary structures shall be cleared
away, all rubbish burnt, excreta or other disposal pits or trenches filled in and
effectively sealed off and the whole of the site left clean and tidy to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor’s expenses.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
11.15 Anti Malaria Precautions :
The Contractor shall, at his own expenses, confirm to anti-malaria instructions given
to him by the Engineer including the filling up of any borrow pits, which may have
been dug by him.
11.16 These are minimum facilities required to be provided. If the Contractor provides any
extra facility as per requirement, PCMC will not compensate him for that.
11.17 Enforcement:
i) The Inspecting Officer or any other Officer nominated on this behalf by the
Engineer shall report to the Engineer all cases of failure to comply with the
provisions of these Rules either wholly or in part, specifying the penalties to be
levied for such breach of these provisions. The sum to be levied, as penalty shall,
however, be fixed in accordance with the provision of the Safety Code included
herein under.
11.19 Amendments:
The Department may, from time to time, add to or amend these Rules and issue such
directions it may consider necessary for the proper implementations of these rules or
for the purpose of removing any difficulty, which may arise in the administrative
When a ladder is used an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and
if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and handholds
shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not
steeper than ¼ to 1 (1/4 horizontal and 1 vertical).
Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25m above the ground or floors, swing or guard
rail properly attached, bolted braced and otherwise secured at least one meter high
above staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof
with only such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such
scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the
building or structure.
Working platforms, gangways and stairway shall be so constructed that they do not
unduly or if more than 3.25 meters above ground level or floor level, it shall be closely
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
bordered, have adequate width and be suitably fenced as described herein above.
Every opening in the floor of the building or in a working platform shall be provided
with suitable means to prevent falls on persons or materials by providing suitable
fencing or railing with minimum height of one meter.
Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platform and other working
places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be
over 9 m in length; width between side rails in rung ladder, shall in no case be less
than 30 cm for ladders up to and including 3 m in length. For longer ladders this
width shall be increased at least 6mm for each additional 30 cm of length. Uniform
step spacing shall not exceed 30cm.
11.22 Demolition :
a) Before any demolition work is commenced & also during the process of work.
b) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or
suitably protected.
c) No electric cables or apparatus, which is liable to be a source of danger or a
cable or apparatus used by the operator, shall remain electrically charged.
d) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed, from
risk or fire or explosion, or flooding No floor roof or other part or a building
shall be so overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe.
11.23 All necessary personnel safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer
shall be available for use of persons employed on the site and maintain in a condition
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
suitable for immediate use, and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure
proper use of equipment by those concerned:
a) Workers employed on mixing asphalt materials, cement and lime mortars
concrete shall be provided with protective eye-shield.
b) Those engaged in handling any materials which is injurious to eyes shall be
provided with protective goggles.
c) Those engaged in welding shall be provided with welder’s protective eye
d) Stone breakers shall be provided with protection goggles and protective
clothing and seated at sufficiently safe intervals.
e) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes which are in use, the
Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are opened and manholes are
ventilated at least for an hour before workers are allowed to get into them.
Manholes opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with
warning signals or boards to prevent accident to public.
f) The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 and women on the
work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Whether men
above the age above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting,
the following precautions shall be taken.
i) No paint containing lead or lead product shall be used except
in the form of paste or ready-made paint.
ii) Suitable face masks shall be supplied for the use by workers
when paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having
lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped.
iii) Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to workmen and
adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters
to wash during and on cessation of work. When work is done
near any place where there is a risk of drowning, all necessary
equipment shall be provided and kept ready for use and
all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any persons in
danger and adequate provision made for prompt first aid
treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course
of the work.
11.24 Use of hoisting machines and shackle including their attachments, anchorages and
supports shall conform to the following:
a) i) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound materials and
adequate strength and free from potent defects and shall be kept in
good repair and in good working order.
ii) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a
means of suspension shall be of durable quality and adequate
strength and free from potent defects.
b) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified
and no person under the age of 21 years shall be in charge of any hoisting
machine including any scaffold winch or give signals to operation.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
c) In the case of every hosting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle
swivel and pully used in hoisting or lowering or as a means of supervision,
safe working load shall be ascertained by adequate means Every hoisting
machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with the safe
working load. In case of a hoisting machine having variable safe working
load each safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable
shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or of any gear referred to
above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except
for the purpose of testing.
d) In the case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified
by the Engineer. With regard to Contractor’s machines the Contractor shall
notify safe working load of each machine to the Engineer wherever he brings
it to site of work and get it verified by the Engineer.
11.25 Motors, gearing, transmission, electric, wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting
appliance shall be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum risk of
any part of a suspended load being accidentally displaced, when workers are
employed on electrical installations which are already energised, approved insulating
materials wearings such as gloves, sleeves and coats as may be necessary, shall be
provided. Workers shall not wear any rings, watches or carry keys or other materials,
which are good conductors of electricity.
All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in a safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered
or removed whilst it is in use. Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near
places of work.
These safety provisions shall be brought to the attention of all concerned by display
on a notice board at a prominent place at the work spot. Persons responsible for
ensuring compliance with the safety code will be named therein by the Contractor.
1. For providing electric wiring or water line etc. recesses shall be provided
through walls, slabs, beams etc. later on refilled it with bricks or stones
chipping, cement mortar without any extra cost.
2. It is presumed that the Contractor has gone carefully through the latest
MORTH specifications for roads and bridges, standard specification (Vol. I &
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
II, 2001 edition) IRC, ISI, B.I.S. codes of practices and has also studied site
conditions before arriving at rates quoted by him.
3. The stacking and storage of construction material at site shall be in such a
manner as to prevent deterioration or inclusion of foreign material and to
ensure the preservation of the quality, properties and fitness of work,
suitable precaution shall be taken by Contractor to protect the material against
atmospheric action, fire and other hazards. The materials likely to be carried
away by wind shall be stored, in suitable stores or with suitable barricades &
where there is likelihood of subsidence of soil, heavy materials shall be stored
on paved platform suitable separating barricades & enclosure as directed
shall be provided to separate materials brought by Contractor.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
k) The “Contractor” shall mean the individual or firm or company whether
incorporated or not, undertaking the work & shall include legal representative
of such an individual or persons comprising such firms or company as the
case may be and permitted, assigns of such individual or firm or company.
l) The “Contract sum” / “Contract price” shall mean the sum for which the tender
is accepted.
m) The “Contract time” means period specified in the tender document for entire
execution of contracted works from the date of notification of award including
monsoon period.
n) A “Day” shall mean a day of 24 hours from midnight to midnight irrespective of
the number of hours worked in that day.
o) A “month” shall mean a calendar month.
p) A “week” shall mean seven consecutive days without regard to the number of
hours worked in any day in that week.
q) “Excepted Risks” are risks due to riots (otherwise than among contractor’s
employees) and civil commotion (in so far as both these are un-insurable) war
(whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil
war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of
God, such as earthquake, lightening and un-precedent floods over which the
contractor has no control.
r) “Temporary works” shall mean all temporary works of every kind required in or
about the execution, completion or maintenance of the works.
s) “Urgent works” shall mean any measures, which in the opinion of the
Engineer, become necessary during the progress of the works to obviate any
risk or accident or failure or which become necessary for security of the work
or the persons working, thereon.
t) Where the context so requires, word importing the singular number only, also
include the plural number and vice-versa.
u) Wherever there is mention of “Schedule of rates” or simply DSR or Schedule
Rates in this tender, it will be taken to mean as “The schedule of rate of Pune
Public works Divisions, Pune under Pune P.W. Circle.
v) “Engineer” shall mean the Executive Engineer-in-charge of the work
appointed by PCMC.
w) “PMC” shall mean the Project Management Consultant appointed by PCMC
for construction, supervision of project and management of project and
monitoring the work.
x) Project shall mean all structures. Components explained in the scope of work
in Volume II and shown in GAD & drawings in Volume III.
The contractor shall carry out the marking of the centerline of the road, elevated road
and various other components and complete the lining out the work in the presence
of the representative of the corporation. The contractors shall be responsible for
accuracy of the same.
The contractor shall construct required masonry & concrete pillars for marking of
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
proper lines & levels with precision “Total Station “ instrument and establish locations
of piers, abutments & bench marks etc. as directed. The contractor shall make
available at site the “Total Station“ instrument for full time from commencement till
completion of the work. The contractor shall employ a qualified Engineer for the line
out of the project & for complete survey work before taking up the work in hand & till
completion of the work. The Total station shall be kept in custody of Engineer in
The Contractor vis-à-vis programme shall submit the progress report every month.
The project team of the Contractor shall be so motivated to know the balance work at
the end of each week & the rate required in the balance period to complete the work
and therefore, shall endeavor to complete the task assigned for each week timely.
In the event of lagging or non-achievement of the schedule the PCMC/Engineer may
ask the contractor to forward the revised programme giving recovery measures to
achieve the completion of work. The contractor shall forth submit the updated &
revised schedule as required, for the approval of Engineer. Any such approval,
however shall not relieve the contractor of his contract liabilities and will also not form
the reason for any extra claims/ extension of time, unless for the reasons which are
not attributable to the contractor.
In case the progress is less than the stipulated progress, for the reasons attributable
to the contractor, additional resources will have to be deployed by the contractor to
achieve the targeted progress at no extra cost.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The contractor shall furnish and pay for all labour, supervision, materials, equipment,
transportation, construction, equipment and machinery tools, appliances, water, fuel,
power, energy, light, heat, utilities, telephone, storage, protections, safety provisions,
and all other facilities, services and incidentals of any nature whatsoever necessary
for the satisfactory and acceptable execution, testing, initial operation (two months)
and completion of the work in accordance with the contract documents, ready for use
and operation by the PCMC. The cost of all these arrangements shall be deemed to
be included in the contract offer and no separate payment shall be admissible
4.2 Interpretations:
Written clarifications or interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress
of the work, in the form of drawings or otherwise will be issued with reasonable
promptness by the Engineer and in accordance with any schedule agreed upon.
Such clarifications or interpretations shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable
from the intent of the contract documents and shall become a part thereof. Where,
there is a discrepancy between the drawings and the specifications, the contractor
shall obtain the Engineer’s interpretation, which shall be binding on the Contractor.
4.3 Drawings:
The contract drawings (G.A.D) provided is for tendering purpose only. This tender
document shall be used for reference and guidance only.
Figured dimensions on drawings shall only be followed and detailed drawings shall
govern over general drawings.
4.3.4 The work specified in this contract shall include all general work, preparatory to the
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
ascending and descending ramps like constructing temporary diversion approach
roads etc. and any kind of work necessary for the due and satisfactory construction
and completion of the work.
4.3.5 Contractor shall appoint an experienced structural Engineer for preparing the design
of centring and various formworks and getting it approved from PCMC. He shall also
prepare design of shoring and strutting etc. required for excavation work. The work of
centring and formwork, shoring and strutting shall be done under supervision of the
structural Engineer of the contractor and get it approved from the Engineer. The cost
of such engineer is incidental to work and deemed to be included in the rate.
Employer will pay no claim on this account.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
supplied in writing by the Engineer or his authorized representative.
The checking or inspection of any setting out of any line or level or work by Engineer
or his representative shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his responsibility or
correctness thereof. The contractor shall carefully protect & preserve all Bench
Marks, site rails, pegs and stones etc used in setting out the works.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
No part of the work or new and existing structures, scaffolding, shoring, sheeting,
construction machinery and equipment, or other permanent and temporary facilities
shall be loaded more than its capacity. The Contractor shall bear the cost of
correcting damage caused by loading or abnormal stresses or pressures.
The contractor shall note that traffic will be playing on adjoining roads during
construction and special precautions are required to be taken. The contractor shall
take all precautions and furnish and maintain protection to prevent damage, injury or
loss to other persons who may be affected thereby, the works and all materials and
equipment to be incorporated therein whether in storage on or off the site, under the
care, custody or control of the contractor or any of his sub-contractors and other
improvements and property at the site or where work is to be performed including
building, trees and plants, pole lines, fences, guard rails, guide posts, culvert and
project markers, sign structures, conduits, pipelines and improvements within or
adjacent to streets, right-of-way, or easements, except those items required to be
removed by the Contractor in the contract documents. The Contractors protection
shall include all the safety precautions and other necessary forms of protection, & the
notification of the PCMCs of utilities and adjacent property.
The contractor shall protect adjoining site against structural, decorative and other
damages that could be caused by the execution of works and make good at his cost
any such damages that could be caused by the execution of works and make good at
his cost any such damages within reasonable time. Contractor shall take necessary
insurance policy to cover the risk of accident and loss to work or any other persons or
properties and indemnify the employer. Contractor shall take insurance policy
only from National Issuance Company Ltd. situated at Jay Tower, 154/4/2
Kalbhornagar Pune Mumbai Road Chinchwad, Pune 19 and / or as directed by
Accounts officer, Civil Department, PCMC.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
direction of Engineer-in-charge including necessary co-ordination with concerned
service providers and payment for the same shall be made as per tender conditions.
The contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his
employees and shall not employ on the works any unfit person or anyone not skilled
and experienced in the assigned task. The Contractor shall in respect of labour
employed by him comply with or cause to be complied with the provisions of various
labour law and rules and regulations as applicable to them in regard to all matters
provided therein and shall indemnify the PCMC in respect of all claims that may be
made against the PCMC for non-compliance thereof by the Contractor.
In the event of the contractor committing a default or breach of any provisions of
labour laws and rules and regulations, the Contractor shall without prejudice to any
other liability under the acts pay the PCMC a sum as decided by the engineer
14.1 Work during Night or On Sundays and Holidays:
Unless otherwise provided, none of the permanent works shall be carried out during
night, Sunday or authorized holidays without permission in writing. However, when
work is unavoidable or necessary for the safety of life, priority of works, the
Contractor shall take necessary permission immediately & advice the Engineer
14.2 Workmanship:
14.2.1 The quality of workmanship produced by skilled knowledgeable and experienced
workmen, machines and artisans shall be excellent. Particular attention shall be
given to the strength, appearance and finish of exposed work. All concrete work shall
be form finished.
14.2.2 Contractor shall appoint experienced structural engineer for preparing design and
detailing of formwork, centering etc. and shoring and strutting etc. and supervise the
work of preparation and providing formwork, centering, shoring strutting etc. All
designs shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The structural engineer
C.V. shall be got approved. Structural Engineers shall have experience of minimum
20 years and have carried out such work in the field and design office.
14.3 Aesthetics:
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
laboratory and got approved from Engineer-in-charge.
The Steel (Reinforcement) incorporated in the work shall be of only RINL (Vizag)/ SAIL
/ TATA /JSW Steel. All materials shall be got tested from approved laboratory and got
approved from Engineer-in-charge.
The Chemical Admixture incorporated in the work shall be of only Fosroc / BASF /
SIKA / CHRYSO. All materials shall be got tested from approved laboratory and got
approved from Engineer-in-charge
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The contractor shall help in recording the precise location of all piping, conduits,
ducts cables and any other work that is buried, embedded in earth or concrete or
masonry, or concealed in wood or metal frame walls and structures at the time such
work is installed and prior to concealment. If the contractor should cover or bury
such work before such recording takes place, he shall uncover the unrecorded work
to the extent required by the Engineer and shall satisfactorily restore and reconstruct
the removed work with no change in the contract price or the contract time without
any extra cost to PCMC.
i) The contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing when any portion of the
work is ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enable him to
inspect the same without affecting the further progress of the work. The work
shall not be considered to have been completed in accordance with the terms
of the contract until the Engineer-in-charge shall have certified in writing to
that effect. No approval of materials or workmanship or approval of part of the
work during the progress of execution shall bind the Engineer or in any way
affect him, even to reject the work which is alleged to be completed and to
suspend the issue of his certificate of completion, until such alternations and
modifications or reconstruction have been affected, at the cost of the
contractor, to Engineers’ satisfaction.
ii) The contractor shall provide at his cost necessary ladders and such
arrangement as to provide necessary facilities and assistance for proper
inspection of all parts of the work at his own cost.
iii) The contractor after completion of work shall have to clean the site of all
debris and remove all unused materials other than those supplied by the
Department and all plant and machinery, equipment, tools etc. belonging to
him within 15 days from the date of completion of the work, or otherwise the
same shall be removed by the Department at the risk and cost of contractor
and the expenses thus incurred shall be recovered from contractor’s bill.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
immediately. All other accidents on the works involving injuries to the persons or
property other than that of the contractor shall be promptly reported to the Engineer
clearly and with sufficient details the facts of such accidents and the action taken by
the contractor.
21.2 The Contractor shall, throughout the execution and completion of the works and the
remedying of any defects therein:
a) Have full regard for the safety of all persons entitled to be upon the site and
keep the site (so far as the same is under his control) and the works (so far as
the same are not completed or occupied by the Employer) in an orderly state
appropriate to the avoidance of danger to such persons.
b) Provide and maintain at this own cost all lights, guards, fencing, warning signs
and watching, when and where necessary or required by the Engineer or by
any duly constituted authority, for the protection of the works or for the safety
and convenience of the public or others, and
c) Take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the site and to
avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the public or others
resulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a consequence of his
methods of operation.
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the works and material &
plant for incorporation therein from the commencement date until the date of issue of
the Taking-Over Certificate for the whole works when the responsibility for the said
care shall pass to the Employer provided that:
a) If the Engineer issues a Taking-Over Certificate for any Section or part of the
Permanent Works the Contractor shall cease to be liable for the care of that
section or part from the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, when the
responsibility for the care of that Section or part shall pass to the Employer, &
b) The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of any outstanding
works and material and plant for incorporation therein which he undertakes to
finish during the Defects Liability Period until such outstanding Works have
been completed.
If any loss or damage happens to the works, or any part thereof, or materials or plant
for incorporation therein, during the period for which the Contractor is responsible for
the care thereof, from any cause whatsoever, other than the excepted risk, the
Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify such loss or damage so that the Permanent
Works conform in every respect with the provisions of the Contract to the satisfaction
of the Engineer. The Contractor shall also be liable for any loss or damage to the
works occasioned by him in the course of any operations carried out by him for the
purpose of complying with his obligations under this agreement and during defect
liability period.
The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employer’s obligation and
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
responsibilities under Clause – 21.3 insure.
1. The works, together with materials and plant for incorporation therein, to the
full replacement cost (the term “cost” in this context shall include profit).
2. An additional sum of 15 per cent of such replacement cost, to cover any
additional costs of and incidental to the rectification of loss or damage
including professional fees and the cost of demolishing and removing any part
of the works and of removing debris of whatsoever nature, and
3. The Contractor’s Equipment and other, things brought onto the Site by the
Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site,
The insurance in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Clause – 21.3 shall be in the joint names
of the Contractor and the Employer and shall cover;
a) The Employer and the Contractor against all loss or damage from whatsoever
cause arising, other than as provided in Clause – 21.6, from the start of work
at the Site until the date of issue of the relevant Taking-Over Certificate in
respect of the Works or any Section or part thereof as the ease may be, and
b) The Contractor is responsible for his liability:
i) During the Defects Liability Period for loss or damage arising from a
cause occurring prior to the commencement of the Defects Liability
Period, and
ii) For loss or damage occasioned by the Contractor in the course of any
operations carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his
obligations under this agreement and during defect liability period.
Any amounts not insured or not recovered from the insurances shall be borne by the
Contractor in accordance with their responsibilities under Clause – 21.3.
21.6 Exclusions:
There shall be no obligation for the insurance in to include loss or damage
caused by (accepted risk) :
1. War, hostilities (whether, was be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign
2. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war,
3. Ionizing radiations, or contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or
from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic
explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or
nuclear component thereof, or
4. Pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or
supersonic speeds.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
respect of:
a) Death of or injury to any person, or
b) Loss of or damage any property (other than the works).
Which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution and completion of
the works & the remedying of any defects therein, & against all claims,
proceedings, damages, costs, charges & expenses whatsoever in respect
thereof or in relation thereto, subject to the exceptions defined in Clause–21.6
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
21.13 Evidence and Terms of Insurance:
The Contractor shall provide evidence to the Employer prior to the start of work at the
Site that the insurances required under the Contract have been effected (by
forwarding the copy of payment receipts to insurance company) and shall, within 84
days of the Commencement Date, provide the insurance policies to the Employer, the
Contractor shall notify the Engineer of so doing. Such insurance policies shall be
consistent with the general terms agreed prior to the issue of the Letter of
Acceptance. The Contractor shall effect all insurances for which he is responsible
with insures and in terms through approved by the government agencies.
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
21.19 In all cases, the contractor shall indemnify the Engineer against all losses or
damages, resulting directly from the contractor's failure to report in the manner
aforesaid. This includes the penalties or fines, if any, payable by the PCMC as a
consequence of failure to give notice under Workmen's Compensation Act or
otherwise to conform to the provisions of the said Act in regard to such accidents.
21.20 In the event of an accident in respect of which compensation may become payable
by the contractor, such sum of money as may, in the opinion of the Engineer, be
sufficient to meet such liability will be kept in deposit. On the receipt of award from
the Labour Commissioner in regard to the quantum of compensation, the difference
in the amount will be adjusted.
The contractor shall take Contractors All Risk Insurance Policy (CAR) for the works
and keep it in force throughout the work period. The CAR policy shall also cover
accident that may occur to the vehicle plying on the adjoining bridge / approach road,
cross road and slip roads etc. Contractor shall take insurance policy only from
National Issuance Company Ltd. situated at Jay Tower, 154/4/2 Kalbhornagar
Pune Mumbai Road Chinchwad, Pune 19 and / or as directed by Accounts
officer, Civil Department, PCMC.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
to require re-examination of the works, to issue interpretations and
clarifications, to order changes or alterations in the works, and other authority as
provided elsewhere in the contract documents.
The Engineer shall not be liable for the results of any ruling, interpretation or decision
rendered, or request, demand, instruction, or order issued by him in good faith. The
contractor shall promptly comply with requests, demands, instructions and order from
the Engineer.
The whole of the works shall be under the directions of the Engineer, whose decision
shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract, on all questions
relating to the construction and meaning of plans, working drawings, sections and
specifications connected with the work. The Engineer shall have the power and
authority from time to time and at all times make an issue such further instructions
and directions as may appear to him necessary or proper for the guidance of the
contractor and the good and sufficient execution of the works according to the terms
of specifications and the contractor shall receive, execute, obey and be bound by the
same according to the true intent and meaning thereof; fully and effectually. Engineer
may order any of the works contemplated thereby to be omitted, with or without the
substitution of any other works in lieu thereof, or may order any works or any portion
of works executed or partially executed, to be removed, changed or altered and if
needful, may order that other works shall be substituted instead thereof and the
difference of expenses occasioned by any such diminution or alteration so ordered
and directed shall be deducted from or added to the amount of this contract.
In case the progress of the Contractor is found to be less than the programme given
by him at any point of time and if the Engineer is convinced that the balance work
cannot be executed within the balance period of time by the Contractor, a notice of 30
days will be issued to improve the progress. In case there is no improvement a
further notice of seven days will be given and thereafter a part or whole of the work
will be withdrawn from the Contractor and will be got done at the risk and cost of the
Contractor. The right of Engineer in this respect shall be unquestionable. On expiry
of the seven days’ notice, as above, the Contractor shall remove his materials, men,
equipments, plant and management from the site, within seven days so that the new
agency can take over immediately. Failing to this, the Corporation will remove the
aforesaid things at the risk and cost of the Contractor.
Contractor 99 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Approval for or acceptance of any work or material or failure to disapprove any work
or material by the representative of the Engineer shall not prejudice the power of the
Engineer thereafter to disapprove such work or material and to order removal or
modification thereof. If the contractor shall be dissatisfied with any decision of the
representative of the Engineer, he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Engineer,
who shall thereupon confirm, reverse or vary such decision.
For period specified as the “Defect Liability Period” for the work from the date of
issuance of the completion certificate in accordance with para "Final Inspection and
Acceptance" contractor shall remain liable for any of the works or parts thereof or
equipment and fittings supplied which in the opinion of the Engineer fail to comply
with the requirements of the contract or are in any way unsatisfactory or defective.
To the extent that the works and each part thereof shall at or as soon as practicable
after the expiry of the above period be taken over by the Engineer in the condition
required by the contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor shall finish
the work (if any) outstanding at the date of completion as soon as may be practicable
after such date and shall execute all such work of repair, amendment, reconstruction,
rectification and making good of defects imperfections, shrinkages or other faults as
may during the period of maintenance or after its expiry be required of the contractor
in writing by the Engineer as a result of an inspection made by or on behalf of the
Engineer prior to the expiry of the period. All such work shall be carried out by the
contractor at his own expenses if the necessity thereof shall in the opinion of the
Engineer be due to the use of materials or to the neglect or failure on the part of the
contractor to comply with any obligation expressed or implied on the contractor’s part
under the contract. If the contractor fails to do any such work as entitled to carry out
such work in which the contractor should have carried out at the contractor's own
cost, the Engineer shall be entitled to recover from the contractor the cost thereof or
may deduct the same from the moneys that become due to the contractor.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if the contractor remains in default, one calendar
month after the Engineer has given written instructions in writing, the Security Deposit
shall become payable to the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation who will deduct
the cost-plus overhead expenses of such works as have been necessary to rectify
the contractor's default and the balance, if any, shall be disbursed. The Contractor
shall submit the operation and maintenance manual for the fruitful operation of the
works. The Contractor will have a liberty to visit the operating works during the defect
liability period and satisfy himself about the on-going operations in case he does not
visit and a defect is observed then the Engineer’s opinion shall be final and binding
as to the application of defect liability.
Contractor 100 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The Engineer may refuse to approve to any payment, or because of subsequently
discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any
such payment previously approved and paid to such extent as may be necessary in
the opinion of the Engineer to protect him from loss because (a). The work is
defective, (b) Third party claims have been filed or there is reasonable evidence
indicating probable filing of such claims, (c) of the Contractor's failure to make
payment properly to sub-contractors or for labour, materials or equipment, (d) of
damage to another Contractor, or to the property of other caused by the Contractor,
(e) of reasonable doubt that the work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of
the contract price, (f) of reasonable indication that the work will not be completed
within the contract time, (g) of the Contractor's neglect or unsatisfactory prosecution
of the work including failure to clean up. Once the reasons that enables or require
the Engineer to withhold such payments is removed, payment will be made for
amounts withheld to the extent the contractor is entitled to.
Upon written notice from the contractor, that the entire work required by the contract
documents is complete and that all submittals required by him are made, and after
the Contractor has delivered the bonds, certificates of inspection, guarantees,
warranties, releases and other documents, as required by the contract documents or
by law, the Engineer will make a final inspection, and he will notify the Contractor in
writing of any particulars in which this inspection reveals that the work is defective,
and will also notify the Contractor in writing of any deficiencies in the submittals
and the document required from him.
The Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as are necessary to remedy all
defects or deficiencies. After the Contractor has completed any such corrections to
the satisfaction of the PCMC, the Engineer will issue a written completion certificate
of the work and file any notice and completion required by law or otherwise.
The Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the work in accordance with the
contract documents is and shall be absolute. Neither the observation during
construction and final inspection of the work by the Engineer, nor any payment to
the Contractor under the Contract documents, nor any use or occupancy of the
work or any part thereof by the Engineer, nor any act of acceptance of the
defective work by the Engineer shall constitute acceptance of work not in
accordance with the contract documents.
Contractor 101 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage occurred by or arising
out of the acts of God and in particular unprecedented floods, volcanic eruptions,
earthquake or other conclusion of nature and other acts such as, but not restricted to,
invasion, act of foreign countries, hostilities or warlike operations before or after
declaration of war, rebellion, military or unsurpassed power which prevent
performance of the contract and which could not have been foreseen or avoided by
a prudent person, such as Earthquake of magnitude more than for which the
structures are designed.
The Engineer, shall except stated therein, determine by measurement the value in
accordance with the contract of works, done in accordance therewith.
All items having a financial value shall be entered in a measurement book, level
book, computerized systems etc. as prescribed by the Engineer so that a complete
record is obtained of all work performed under the contract.
The Contractor shall, without any extra charge, provide assistance with every
appliance and other things necessary for measurements, such as levelling
instruments (Auto setting), Total Station of approved make. The Total Station shall
be made available by the Contractor from the beginning of the work till the completion
of the work, along with tapes, staves, video cameras/camera, paints, brushes and
required labour etc.
The Contractor shall take up still colour photographs and video graphs at intervals
during the execution of works so that a history of development and each activity of
the project is maintained.
Set of dated photographs and video graphs, in three copies of each photographs,
shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge every month. This generation of record
Contractor 102 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
shall provide the used methodology of working and highlight the quality of material
and workmanship. The cost of the said work shall be borne by the Contractor. It
shall be the property of the Corporation and shall not be used for campaigning,
advertising without the permission of the Corporation.
The contractor shall submit the following before any part of the work is started.
i) - Section and cross section of road as directed by the Engineer.
ii) All levels along the L-section and cross section as directed and duly verified
by Engineer.
iii) Methodology of construction for each part of work.
iv) Bar bending schedules for each component of the work and get the same
v) Detailed measurement of concrete and steel quantities shall be given on
weekly basis.
vi) Detail measurement of excavation in each stratum,
vii) Test reports of materials to be used for each part of work in the prescribed
Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in person to the
individual or member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it was
intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business
address known to him who gives the notice. The notice on the Fax Message/E-Mail
shall be deemed to have been duly served. The address given in the contractor's
tender on which all notices, letters & other communications to the contractor shall be
mailed or delivered, except that said address may be changed by the Contractor by
notifying the PCMC in writing. This shall not preclude the service of any notice, letter
or other communication upon the Contractor personally.
The PCMC shall have the right, upon written notice to the Contractor, to take
possession or occupancy of, & use any completed or partially completed portions of
the work, notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work or such portions
may not have expired but such taking possession or occupancy and use shall not be
deemed to waive of any requirement of the contract documents or a waiver or
acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the contract documents.
The contractor shall at all times during the work keep the site and premises, adjoining
property and public property free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and
other debris resulting from the works, and at the completion of the work shall remove
all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the site and premises as well
Contractor 103 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
as all tools, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials, and shall
leave the site and premises, clean, tidy and ready for occupancy by the PCMC. The
Contractor shall restore to their original condition those portions of the site not
designated for alteration by the contract documents. Paved ways, parking areas and
roadways disturbed by the construction shall be redone to its original shape as
directed and approved by the Engineer. No waste material shall be buried or
disposed off on the PCMC's property unless so approved in writing by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Before the Contractor applies for final inspection and acceptance of the
work, all items of work shall be complete, ready to operate, and in a clean condition
as determined by the Engineer. All roads and adjoining area must be kept free of
metal / sand and to that extent regular sweeping of the road shall be done by the
contractor at his cost.
All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity and structures or other remains or
things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the site shall be
deemed to be the property of the PCMC and the Contractor shall take
reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other person from
removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon
discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Engineer of such discovery and
carry out at the expenses of the Engineer's order as to the disposal of the same.
The contractor will have to produce to the satisfaction of the accepting authority a
valid and current license issued in his favor under the provision of Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, before starting the work; otherwise the
Contractor shall have to face the further consequences.
The contractor shall have to comply with the Apprentices Act 1961, and the rules
and orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will
be breach of contract and the City Engineer, may in his discretion, cancel the
contract, the Contractor shall also be liable, for any pecuniary liability arising on
account of any violation of the provisions of this act, by him.
Contractor 104 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
All the taxes and duties levied by the State and Central Govt. and by Local Bodies at
the prevailing rates applicable on the date of receipt of tender shall be fully borne by
the Bidder and shall not be reimbursed to him on any account.
Further PCMC shall not honor any claim arising out of any increase in any of the
prevailing statutory duties, taxes, GST, levies, etc. as the same are inter-alia covered
under the Price Variation Clause. At the time of quoting/bidding bidder should bear
the above fact in mind.
The rates quoted by the contractor shall be denied to inclusive of all taxes other than
GST 2017, that the contractor will have to pay for performance of this contract. The
rate quoted by contractor shall be exclusive of GST 2017, which shall be paid
extra by the employer at prevailing rates. The employer will perform such duties
regard to the deduction of such taxes and source as per applicable law
The various works envisaged in the tender needs to be tested at site during/after
completion of the individual work. This testing is to be done as per the standard
procedure laid down in the relevant IRC / MORTH / I.S. or any other standard being
followed. The detailed specification shall also be taken into consideration while
carrying out the testing. The frequency and type of test on various material and
completed item shall be as per MORTH specifications for road and bridge latest
edition. The sub-work wise testing required is given in Note shall be as below, which
is only indicative:
Contractor 105 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Note: Course & Fine Aggregates should also be tested for Aggregate – Alkali
reactivity from an approved laboratory. Contractor shall provide all facilities to
conduct various test as per MoRT&H / IS on site as specified.
The Contractor shall quote for the indigenous equipment only, as far as possible for
the work contracted. Foreign exchanges and import licenses, if any, required shall
have to be arranged by the Contractor himself, independently. Delay in getting any
material, will not be entertained for extension of time limit nor the risk of foreign
exchange variation will be covered by the Corporation.
All machinery required for erection / execution purposes such as concrete batching
plant, hot-mix plant, excavator with rock breaker unit, cranes, trucks, etc. shall be
arranged by the Contractor. Employer / P M C will not take any responsibility for
providing such machinery even on rental basis. Execution of any item will be allowed
only after the required machinery as directed by the engineer– in –charge is made
available in working condition.
Contractor 106 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
schedule of variations), the bidder shall be paid as per effective schedule rate
(D.S.R.) of Pune Region with perusing to general notes.
ii) For any such extra work, rates are not available in the D.S.R. of PWD Region,
Pune, such rates will be derived from actual + 10% or at rates mutually
agreed upon by the bidder and P.C.M.C.
In the above cases the decision of the Joint City Engineer (Projects),
P.C.M.C. will be final.
iii) Escalation on extra item of work is not payable.
There is no provision for arbitration. The disputes between contractor and PCMC will
be dealt with as per provisions of contract. In case of dispute the decision given by
the Commissioner, PCMC will be final and binding on the contractor. However, if the
contractor lodges the case in court of law, the PCMC has full power to withdraw the
work and allot the same to other agency at the risk and cost of the contractor. In this
case no claim will be entertained.
Contractor 107 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor 108 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Excavation has to be carried out through existing asphaltic road, WBM, soling, soft
rock, hard rock, soft and hard murum etc. Though water table is at lower level,
dewatering of water through fissures and leakage from MIDC pipeline etc. is
expected. There is no separate item for shoring and strutting. This shall be incidental
to the work. In case of failure of shoring and strutting arrangement contractor shall
be responsible for all the consequences arising out of the same. The contractor has
to make his own arrangement for disposal of excavated materials. The Engineer
reserves his right to direct the contractor to dispose off the surplus material at the low
laying areas or at the locations within a lead of 15 kms. The before such disposal
shall notify the Engineer in writing. Excavated material shall not be kept at site of
work for more than 24 hours.
Excavation of soft and hard rock will have to be carefully carried out by the contractor
so that there are minimum over cut in the rock. In case of raft slab, contractor has to
carryout concreting to fill up all over cuts and bring it to the smooth level at his own
cost. No payment for over cut, extra cut, and uncontrolled removal of rock will be
considered for payment.
Mixing and preparation of concrete (even bed concrete) will not be allowed at the site
of work. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and installation of batching
plant at appropriate location and shall convey concrete by using transit mixers. At
least 2 transit mixers shall be available all the time at site of work.
Considering heavy traffic at site of work, contractor must prepare complete traffic
diversion plan and get it approved from engineer as well as traffic authority before
commencement of the work.
Contractor 109 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Strip seal type expansion joint of only extruded material with no welded joint,
obtained from imported material will only be permitted. Contractor shall work out
detailing at junction of vertical wall and raft in consultation with the suppliers of the
expansion joint and shall provide waterproof joint at that location.
The Contractor shall maintain a work order book at site for receiving the instructions
from Engineer/ PCMC during their inspection. The contractor / his authorized
representative shall acknowledge the instructions in the work order book shall sign
the orders given by the Engineer and shall carry out the instructions promptly.
All tools, instruments, machinery and all material shall be acquired by the Contractor.
All surplus excavated stuff including rock / boulder shall be property of contractor and
shall be disposed off by the Contractor in a manner as directed by the Engineer in
charge and can be utilized by Contractor for other work. However, Royalty, GST or
any other Tax, Levy shall be paid by the Contractor.
From commencement to completion of the work and during defect liability period, the
contractor shall take full responsibility for the care thereof and for taking precautions
to prevent loss or damage and to minimize loss or damage to the greatest extent
possible and shall be liable for any damage or loss that may happen to the works or
any part thereof from any cause whatsoever and shall at his own cost repair and
make good the same so that at completion of defect liability, the works shall be in
good order & condition & in conformity in every respect with requirement of the
Without limiting the obligations and responsibilities under this condition the Contractor
Contractor 110 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
shall Insure the works (from commencement to completion) and for defect liability
period, the T & P hired to the Contractor and all materials at site, to their full value
against the risk or loss or damage from whatever cause arising other than the
expected Risks. The said insurance shall be in the joints names of PCMC and the
Contractor shall deposit with the Engineer the said policy or policies. The Contractor
shall get Contractor’s All risk (CAR) policy for the full amount of contract from
approved Insurance Company upto defect liability period. The premium shall be paid
promptly by the contractor. All moneys payable by the insurers under such policy or
policies shall be recovered by PCMC and shall be paid to the Contractor in
installments by the Engineer for the purpose of rebuilding or replacement or repair of
the works & or goods destroyed or damaged as the case may be.
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the PCMC and PMC against all
losses and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever
which may arise out of or in consequence of the construction and maintenance of the
works and against all claims, demands, processing damages, costs charges and
expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation there to, provided always that
nothing herein shall be deemed to render the Contractor liable for or in respect of or
to indemnify the PCMC against any compensation or damage caused by the
expected Risks.
Before commencing execution of the work, the Contractor shall without in any way
limiting his obligations and responsibilities under his condition, insure against any
damage, loss or injuries which may occur to any property, or to any person (including
any employee of PCMC) by or arising out of carrying out of the Contract.
The Contractor shall at all times, indemnify the PCMC against all claims, damages or
compensation under the provision of payment of Wages act 1936, Minimum Wages
Act 1948, Employer’s Liability Act 1938, the Workman’s Compensation Act 1923,
Industrial Disputes Act 1947, and the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, the Bombay Shop
and Establishment Act 1947 or any other industrial or labour law applicable to the
workman, or any modifications thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules
made there under from time to time or as consequence of any accident or injury to
any workman or other persons in or about the works, whether in the employment of
the Contractor or not, save and except where such accident or injury has result from
any act of PCMC or their agents or servants and also against all cost, charges and
expenses of any suit, action or proceedings arising out of such accident or injury and
against all sum or sums which may with the consent of the Contractor be paid to
compromise or compound any such claim. Without limiting his obligations and
liabilities as above provided, the contractor shall insure against all claims, damage or
compensation payable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 or any
modification thereof any other law relating thereto.
The aforesaid insurance policy/policies shall provide that they shall not be cancelled
till the Engineer has agreed to their cancellation.
Contractor 111 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
The Contractor shall prove to the Engineer from time to time that he has taken out all
the insurance policies referred to above and has paid the necessary premiums for
keeping the policies alive till expiry of the Defects Liability Period.
The Contractor shall ensure that similar insurance policies are taken out by his Sub-
Contractor (if any) and shall be responsible for any claim or losses to PCMC resulting
from their failure to obtain adequate insurance protection in connection thereof. The
Contractor shall produce or cause to be produced by his Sub-Contractor (if any) as
case may be, the relevant policy or policies and premium receipt as and when
required by the Engineer.
If the Contractor and / or Sub-Contractor (if any) shall fail to effect and keep in force
the insurance referred to above or any other insurance which he / they may be
required to effect under the terms of the contract, then and in any such case, PCMC
may without being bound to, effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay
such premium or premiums as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to
time deduct the amount so paid by PCMC from any moneys due or which may
become due to the Contractor or recover the same as a debt due from the
Contractor. Provisions made in Clause 21 of Chapter IV shall also applicable.
Contractor shall take insurance policy only from National Issuance Company
situated in the PCMC area as directed by Accounts officer, Civil Department,
The Employer will pay mobilization advance against bank guarantee to the Contractor
if the same is requested by the Contractor in writing towards costs of mobilization in
respect of the works up to 5 (Five) percent of the Contract price. This advance will
however be linked with the mobilization activities as below.
(i) 2.50% within15 days from the date of application.
(ii) Balance 2.50% on construction of site office and laboratory layout and
deployment' of machinery and staff adequate to start the work.
Payment of the loan will be due under separate certification by the Engineer after
(i) Execution of the form of agreements by the parties thereto,
(ii) Provision by the Contractor of the performance security in accordance
with relevant Clause and
(iii) Provision by the contractor of one or more Bank Guarantee by
Nationalized Bank, State Bank of India from the Bank’s branch in Pune
in an aggregate amount equal to the advance loan plus 10% extra i.e
110% of Mobilization of Advance,
such Bank Guarantee Guarantee’s to remain effective until the advance loan,
Contractor 112 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
(Part of the advance loan in case the Contractor has submitted more than one
guarantee has been repaid by the Contractor) out of the current earnings and
certified by the Engineer. A form of Bank Guarantee acceptable to the PCMC
is indicated in this Tender Documents. The advance loan shall be used by
the Contractor exclusively for mobilization in connection with the works.
Should the Contractor misappropriate any portion of the advance loan, it shall
become due and payable and no further loan will be made available to the
Contractor thereafter. The mobilization advance shall carry simple interest of
12% for per annum subject to the condition that the progress of the work, is as
per agreed programme. In case of Contractor not maintaining the progress of
the work as per the agreed programme the interest on mobilization advance
shall be levied at 15% per annum for the period in which the progress is not
maintained. In case the progress is made good as per the programme the
rate of interest shall be again at 12% per annum.
The mobilization advance and the accrued interest shall be repaid with percentage
deductions from the interim payments certified by the Engineer under the Contract.
Deductions shall commence in the next Interim Payment Certificate following that in
which the total of all such payments to the contractor has reached 10% of the
Contractor Price or time whichever is earlier and shall be recovered by the time 75%
of the value of work is completed or time whichever is earlier. The mobilization
advance and the interest shall be recovered in equal installments from interim
payments. The amount of such installments shall be calculated as per the time of
taking of such advance and time of completion of 75% rate of deductions indicated
above. If the Contractor furnishes more than one Bank Guarantee’s these will be
replaced by the Employer one by one in such a manner that the total amount of Bank
Guarantee left in hand with the Employer will be sufficient to cover the outstanding
amount of advance and likely interest thereon.
The work under this contract is likely to be taken with the help of Project
Management Consultant. All decisions regarding the work in such case shall be
taken by the PMC on behalf of employer and will be binding on the bidder. For this
project M/s MAPS Global Civiltech Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed as Project
Management Consultant by PCMC.
Contractor 113 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
17.1 The time for completion of the work in the event of any authorized deviation
resulting in additional cost over the contract sum shall be extended if
requested by the contractor, in the proportion in which the cost of the altered
or substituted work bears to the original contract sum plus any additional time
which the PCMC may consider reasonable if the works be delayed by for the
reasons as stated under clause
17.3 Request for extension of time shall be made by the Contractor in writing not
later than thirty days of happening of the event causing the delay. The
Contractor may also, if practicable, indicate in such a request the period for
which extension is desired.
17.4 In any case the PCMC may give a reasonable extension of time of completion
of the work which shall be communicated to the Contractor by the Engineer-
in-charge in writing within 3 months of the date of receipt of such request by
the contractor.
The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be
strictly observed by the Contractor and shall be reckoned from the date on
which the order to commence the work is given to the Contractor. The work
shall throughout the stipulated period of the Contract be proceeded with, all
due diligence (time being deemed to be of the essence of the contract on a
part of the Contractor) & the Contractor shall pay as compensation an amount
equal to 1% or such smaller amount as the City Engineer (whose decision in
Contractor 114 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
writing shall be final) may decide, of the amount of the estimated cost of the
whole work as shown by the Tenderer for everyday that the work as shown by
the Tenderer for everyday that the work remains un commenced, or
unfinished after the proper dates. And further to ensure good progress
during execution of the work, the Contractor shall be bound in all cases in
which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month to complete.
The contractor should complete the work as per phase period given below,
Note: The quantity of the work to be done within particular time to be specified
above shall be fixed & inserted in the blank space kept for the contracts after
taking into consideration the circumstances of each case and abide by the
programme of detailed progress laid down by the Executive Engineer.
In the event of the contractor failing to comply with these conditions he shall
be liable to pay as compensation, an amount equal to one percent or such
smaller amount as the City Engineer (whose decision in writing shall be final)
may decide of the said estimated cost of the whole work for every day that the
due quantity of work remains incomplete provided always that the total
amount of compensation to be paid under the provisions of this clause shall
not exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost of the work as shown in the
tender. City Engineer, should be the final authority in this respect, irrespective
the fact that the tender is accepted by the Commissioner.
The payment of such penalty shall not relieve the contractor from his
obligation to complete the works or from any other obligation and liabilities
under the contract.
19.1 The Contractor shall on written order of the Engineer-in-charge suspend the
progress of the works of any part thereof for such time or times and in such
manner as the Engineer-in-charge may consider necessary and shall during
such suspension properly protect and secure the work, so far as it is
necessary in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Executive Engineer
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
19.2 If the suspension as above is ordered for no fault of the contractors.
(a) The Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time and.
(b) If the total period of all such suspensions of the entire works exceeds
30 days, the Contractor shall, in addition shall be entitled to
compensation, as the Engineer- in-charge may consider reasonable,
in respect of salaries and / or wages actually paid by the Contractor to
his site employees and labour remaining idle during the period of
suspension, adding thereto a percentage of 10% to cover indirect
expenses of the Contractor, provided the contractor produces
documentary evidence in support thereto, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge including convincing justification why such
employees and labour could not be discharged or directed to other
20.1 Generally, one R.A. bill shall be made at every month. However, two Running
payments in a month will be permitted by the Engineer-in-charge if the
progress is satisfactory and value of each bill is not less than Rs. 50 Lacs.
20.2 The format of running bill on which the bills are to be submitted by the
contractor shall be supplied to the contractor by the PCMC. Printed copies of
the bill as per this format shall be arranged by the Contractor at his cost. The
bills in three copies shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge in the
Standard proforma only along with various test certificates, measurement, and
consumption, statement of various materials and cement, steel, tiles, as
directed by Engineer-in-charge.
20.3 The final bill shall be submitted within one month of the date of issue of
completion certificate. The final bill shall be submitted along with documents,
test certificate, initial levels, final levels, material consumption, completion of
drawings, cross sections etc. in bound volume.
20.4 In cases of disputed items both in running account bills or the final bill, such
items shall be excluded temporarily and balance payment effected, pending
settlement of the dispute within the prescribed time limit.
(i) Bills for extra work or of any claim shall be paid separately apart from the
interim bills for the main work. The payment of bills for the main work shall
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Executive Engineer
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
not be withheld for want of decisions on the extra or claims not covered in the
(ii) Claim for extra work shall be registered within 30 days of the occurrence of
the event. However, bills for these claims including supporting data / details
may be submitted subsequently after obtaining necessary approvals from the
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-charge in writing the details of all
ancillary works including layout and specifications proposed to be followed for their
construction. Ancillary work shall not be taken up in hand unless approved in writing
by the Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to suggest
modifications or make complete changes in the layout and specifications proposed by
the Contractor whether accepted previously or not, at any stage, to ensure the safety
on the work site. The Contractor shall carry out all such modifications to the ancillary
works, at his own expenses as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge.
To ensure the specified quality of work, which will also include necessary surveys,
temporary works etc., the contractor shall prepare a quality assurance plan and
get the same approved from the Engineer-in-charge within one month, from the date
of work order. For this, the contractor shall submit an organization chart of his
technical personnel to be employed on the work along with their qualifications, job
descriptions defining the functions of reporting, supervising inspecting and approving.
The contractor shall also submit a list of tools, equipment and the machinery and
instrumentation, which he proposes to use for the construction and for testing in the
field and / or in the laboratory and monitoring. The contractor shall modify /
supplement the organization chart and the list of machinery, equipment etc. as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge and shall deploy the personnel and equipment on
the field as per the approved chart and list respectively. The contractor shall submit
written method statement detailing his exact proposals of execution of the work in
accordance with the specification. He will have to get these approved from the
Engineer-in-charge. The quality of the work shall be properly documented through
certificates, records, check-lists and log books of results etc. Such records shall be
complied from the beginning of the work and be continuously updated and
supplemented and this will be the responsibility of the contractor. The forms should
be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
All defective works are liable to be demolished rebuilt and defective material
shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. All work shall be as per
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
specification specified and in line and level as per approved drawings only.
In the event of such works being accepted by carrying out minor repair as
specified by the Engineer, the cost of such repair, rectification etc. shall be
borne by the Contractor.
In the event of work accepted by a given “Design Concession” arising out of
but not limited to under sizing, under strength, shift in location and alignment
etc. and accepting design stress in member which are higher than those
provided for in original proposal / Design or by accepting material not fully
meeting the specifications etc., the tenderer will be paid for the work actually
carried out by him at suitable reduced rate (minimum 10%) of tendered rate
for the portion of work thus accepted.
25,2 Completion of outstanding work and remedying defects to the intent that the
works shall, at or as soon as practicable after the expiration of the Defect
Liability Period be delivered to the employer in the condition required by the
contract, (Considering fair wear and tear excepted) to the satisfaction of the
The contractor shall:
a) Complete the work, if any, outstanding on the date stated in the taking
over certificate as soon as practicable after such date and
b) Execute all such work of amendment, reconstruction and remedying
defects, shrinkages or other faults as the Engineer may, during the
Defects Liability Period or within 14 days after its expiration, as a result of
an inspection made by or on behalf of the Engineer prior to its expiration,
instruct the contractor to execute.
25.3 Cost of remedying defects, all work referred to in sub-clause 17.2 (b) shall be
borne by the Contractor if such defects in the opinion of the engineer are due
(a) The use of materials, plant or workmanship not in accordance with the
(b) The neglect or failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any
works, If in the opinion of the Engineer, such necessity is due to any
other cause, he shall determine an addition to the contract price and
shall notify the contractor accordingly with a copy to the employer.
25.4 Contractor’s failure to carryout instructions in case of default on the part of the
Contractor in carrying out such instruction within a reasonable time, the
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out the
same and if such work which in the opinion of the Engineer, the contractor
was liable to do at his own cost under the Contract, then all costs consequent
thereon or incidental thereto shall, after due consultation with the Employer
and the Contractor, be determined by the Engineer and shall be recoverable
from the contractor by the Employer and may be deducted by the Engineer.
The Engineer shall notify the contractor accordingly with a copy to the
If any defect, shrinkage or other fault in the works appears at any time prior to
the end of the Defects Liability Period the Engineer may instruct the contractor
with copy to the Employer to search under the directions of the Engineer for
the cause thereof. Unless such defect, shrinkage or other fault is one for
which the contractor is liable under the Contract, the Engineer shall after due
consultation with the Employer and the contractor, determine the amount in
respect of the costs of such search incurred by the contractor, which shall be
added to the Contract Price and shall notify the contractor accordingly, with a
copy to the employer. If such defect, shrinkage or other fault is one for which
the contractor is liable, the cost of the work carried out in searching as
aforesaid shall be borne by the Contractor and he shall in such case remedy
such defect, shrinkage or other fault at his own cost in accordance with the
provision of Clause 17.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
If during the operative period of the contract as defined in condition (1) below there shall be
any variation in the Consumer Price Index (new series) for industrial workers for Pune Center
as per the Labour Gazette published by the Commissioner of Labour, Government of
Maharashtra and/or in the Wholesale Price Index for all commodities (new series) prepared
by the Office of Economics Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Government of India, for in price of
petrol/oil and lubricants then major construction materials like bitumen, cement, steel various
types of metal pipes etc., then, subject to the other conditions mentioned below, Price
adjustment on account of
(i) Labour Component.
(ii) Material Component.
(iii) Petrol, Oil and Lubricants Component.
(iv) Bitumen Component.
(v) HYSD / TMT / Reinforcement Steel & Mild Steel Component.
(vi) Cement Component.
Calculated as per the formula here in after appearing, shall be made, apart from these,
no other adjustments shall be made to the contract price for any reasons whatsoever,
Component percentage as given below are as of the total cost of work put to tender.
Total of Labour, Material & Petrol, Oil & Lubricants components shall be 100 as per
table below and other components shall be as per actual.
Sr. Type of Work Labour Material Petrol, Oil &
No. Component Component Lubricant
(K1) (K2) Component (K3)
1. Earth Work 49% 47% 4%
2. G.S.B. & W.M.M. 42% 49% 9%
3. B.M., D.B.M., B.C & B.B.M. 25% 61% 14%
4. C.D. Works, Cross Pipes,
41% 52% 7%
Service Pipes etc.
5. Other remaining Civil Works 27% 72% 1%
6. Water supply 35% 63% 2%
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
7. Underground Drainage 45% 53% 2%
For Bridge Work with
8. approaches including all civil 39% 58% 3%
Note:- If cement, Steel, and Bitumen are supplied on Schedule ‘A’ the respective component
shall not be considered. Also if particular component not relevant same shall be defected.
V1 = Amount of Price Variation in Rupees to be allowed for labour component.
P= Cost of work done including accepted tendered rate during the period under
consideration minus the total cost of Cement, TMT FE 500 Steel, Bitumen calculated
as per the basic rate used for preparing estimate for technical sanction including
accepted tendered rate or total cost of cement, HYSD & Mild steel, Bitumen
calculated as per C0, S0 & B0 whichever is higher.
K1 = Percentage of Labour Component as indicated above
L0 = Basic Consumer Price Index for Pune Center, shall be average consumer price index
for the quarter preceding the month in which the last date prescribed for receipt of
tender, falls.
L1 = Average Consumer Price Index for Pune Center during the month
under consideration.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
preceding the month in which the last date prescribed for receipt of tender, falls.
M1 = Average Wholesale Price Index during the period under consideration.
V3 = Amount of Price Variation to be allowed for POL component.
P = same as worked out for labour component.
K3 = Percentage of Petrol, Oil and Lubricant Component.
P0 = Average Price of H.S.D. at Pune during the quarter preceding the month in which the
last date prescribed for receipt of tender, falls.
P1 = Average Price of H.S.D. at Pune during the period under consideration.
V4 = QB (B1 - B0)
V4 = Amount of Price Variation in Rupees to be allowed for Bitumen component.
QB = Quantity of Bitumen (Grade) in metric tonne used in the permanent works and
approved enabling works during the month under consideration.
B1 = Current, average price as circulated by the office of the City Engineer, Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Per metric tonne of bitumen (Grade) under
consideration including all taxes (GST etc.) during the month under consideration.
B0 = Basic rate of Bitumen in rupees per metric tonnes as considered for working out
value of P or average price as circulated by the office of the City Engineer, Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, in rupees per metric tonne including all taxes
(GST etc.) of bitumen for the grade of bitumen under consideration prevailing month
preceding the month in which the last date prescribed for receipt of tender, falls
whichever is higher.
V5 = QS x (S1 – S0)
V5 = Amount of Price Variation in Rupees to be allowed for HYSD / TMT FE 500 Steel
QS = Quantity of steel in M.T. used in the work during month under consideration.
S0 = Basic rate of Steel in rupees per metric tonne as considered for working out value of
‘P’ or average price in rupees per M.T. including taxes, (GST etc.) as circulated by
the office of the City Engineer Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, under
consideration, prevailing one month preceding the month in which the last date
prescribed for receipt of tender, falls, whichever is higher.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
S1 = Current average price in rupees per M.T. of steel including all taxes (GST etc.) as
circulated by City Engineers office, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation. During
the month under consideration.
7. Basic rates of material used for preparing estimate for Technical Sanction including
all taxes, Excluding GST are as per below: -
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
(iii). The Price Variation under this clause shall not be payable for the extra items
required to be executed during the completion of the work of the contract form
B1/B2 respectively. In other words, when the completion/execution of extra
items, of the contract form B-1/B-2 extends beyond the operative date of the
DSR then rates payable for the same beyond that date shall be revised with
reference to the current DSR prevalent at that time on year-to-year basis or
revised in accordance with mutual agreement thereon, as provided for in the
contract, whichever is less.
(iv). Price Variation Clause shall be applicable for works with time limit more than
12 calendar months and having tender cost more than Rs. 25 lac.
(v). This clause is operative both ways, i.e. if the Price Variation as calculated
above is on the plus side, payment on account of the Price Variation shall be
allowed to the Contractor and if it is on the negative side, the PCMC shall be
entitled to recover the same from the Contractor and the amount shall be
deductible from any amounts due and payable under the contract.
(vi). To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the
contractor is not entirely covered by the provisions of this or other clauses in
the contract, the unit rate and the prices included in the contract shall be
deemed to include amounts to cover the contingency of such other actual rise
or fall in costs.
Note: -
A) The rate difference for cement & steel is not applicable for factory
made/precast/readymade items such as RCC pipes, Chamber Covers, Paver
Blocks, Precast kerbs/dividers etc. underprice variation clause.
B) Rate difference is not payable to other materials except cement, TMT FE 500
steel & bitumen.
C) When Basic rates of Bo, Co, and So for Bitumen, Cement, Steel respectively
are adopted other than the rates adopted for working out value “P” then those
rates shall be treated as revised Basic rate of Bo, Co, So and shall be
communicated to the contractor at the time of issuing letter of intent by
Engineer – in charge and shall be binding on contractor.
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60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
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Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
1) Name of Work : Design & Construction of Railway Over
Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm
(Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads
connecting to Approaches.
2) Estimated Cost : Rs. 58,57,30,577/-
3) Cost of blank Tender Form : Rs 74,704/-Per Set including GST
4) Pre-tender Conference :
a) Date / /2022.
b) Time @ 15.00 hrs.
c) Venue Office of the Joint City Engineer, Projects,
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
5) a) Submission of the tender : Online
b) Date and Time : Up to 15.00 Hrs till / /2022.
6) Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 29,28,653/- (0.5% of estimated cost) should
be deposited by gateway system.
7) Initial Security Deposit : 1.00% of the total security deposit to be paid in
the form of FDR only at the time of agreement.
8) Balance Security Deposit to 3.50% of total security deposit to be recovered
be deducted from R.A. Bills : from R.A. Bills at 5% of gross bill amount.
Contractor 127 of 140
Executive Engineer
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads connecting to
Details of work tendered for and in hand as on the date of submission of this tender
Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads connecting to
Details of works of similar type and magnitude carried out by the Contractor
Executive Engineer
129 of 140
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads connecting to
Details of Plants and Machinery immediately available with the tenderer for this work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-60) and Development of Roads connecting to
Note: The details of the personnel proposed to be deployed on site shall be submitted by the Contractor along with the Biodata and
Photographs. The work shall not be allowed to be started without the full-time deployment of above persons.
Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Joint City Engineer,
Projects Department,
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
1. In consideration of the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri
(hereinafter called "PCMC" which expression shall include its legal
representative, successors and assigns) having agreed under the terms and conditions of
Contract No. _______________ dated ___________ made between _______________
(hereinafter called "the Contractor" which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject
or context include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns/its successors and
assigns) and the PCMC in connection with ___________________________ (hereinafter
called "the said Contract") to accept a Deed of Guarantee as herein provided for Rs.
_____________ (Rupees ______________________________) from a Scheduled
Bank in lieu of the Security Deposit to be made by the Contractor for the due fulfillment by
the Contractor of the terms and conditions contained in the said Contract, we the
___________________ Bank constituted and established under the Banking Companies
(acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking Act. 1970 (hereinafter referred to as "the said
Bank" and having our Head Office at ___________________ at the request of
____________________________ (Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the PCMC
amount not exceeding Rs. __________ (Rupees _____________________________)
against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the
PCMC by reason of any breach or breaches by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms
and conditions contained in the said Agreement, and to unconditionally pay the amount
claimed by the PCMC on demand and without demur to the extent expressed.
2. We, ____________________________________ do hereby undertake to pay
(Indicate the name of bank) the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee
without any demur, merely on a demand from the PCMC stating that the amount
claimed as due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or
suffered by the PCMC by reason of breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the
terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the Contractor's
failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be
conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this
guarantee. However, our liability order this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount
not exceeding Rs.___________________ (Rupees ___________________)
3. We, ____________________________________________ further agree that
(indicate the name of the bank) the PCMC shall be the sole judge of and as to
whether the Contractor has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms
and conditions of the said contract and the extent of loss, damage, costs, charges
and expenses caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by the
PCMC on account thereof and the decision of the PCMC that the Contractor has
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
committed such breach or breaches and as to the amount or amounts of loss,
damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or the may be caused to
or suffered by the PCMC from time to time shall be final and binding on us."
4. We undertake to pay to the PCMC any money so demanded not- withstanding any
dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) in any suit or proceedings
pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto; our liability under this present being
absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid
discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) shall
have no claim against us for making such payment.
5. We,________________________________________ further agree that the
(indicate the name of Bank) Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and
effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement
and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the PCMC under or by
virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till the PCMC certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement
have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly
discharge this Guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us
in writing on or before the ------------------ we shall be discharged from all liability under this
Guarantee thereafter.
6. We, ____________________________________ further agree with the
PCMC that the PCMC shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without
affecting in any manner our obligations herein under to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said
contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the
powers exercisable by the PCMC against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce
any of the terms and conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be
relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to
the said Contractor(so or for any forbearance act or omission on the part of the PCMC
or any indulgence by the PCMC to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing
whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provisions have
effect of so relieving us.
7. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or
the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s).
8. We, ___________________________________ lastly undertake not to revoke this
Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the PCMC in writing.
The above Guarantee is accepted by the PCMC for and on behalf of the PCMC.
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, this guarantee is limited to Rs.
_____________/- (Rupees ___________________________) other charges as
aforesaid or to the amount remaining unadjusted as provided in clause I above and
shall remain in force until _______________. All claims hereunder must be
presented to the Guarantor, not later than One month after the said date.
8. And lastly the expressions "The Guarantor” and "The Contractor' shall, unless there
is anything repugnant to the subject to the context, include their respective
“No withstanding anything contained hereinabove our liability under this guarantee is
restricted to Rs._______________/- (Rupees___________
____________________) and this guarantee is valid up to ____________. We shall
be released and discharged from all liabilities hereunder unless a written claim for
payment under this guarantee is lodged on us on or before ____________________
irrespective of whether or not the original guarantee is returned to us".
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
1 The documents which form part of the Contract will be the Tender Notice, General
Tender Notice including Corrigendum to Tender Notice, instructions to Tenderer,
General Conditions of Contract, particular specifications, drawing, special conditions
of Contract, addendums to tender, technical proposal, ‘Tender’ and acceptance
thereof. It is further agreed that the Works Order No. _________________________
dt. _____________________________ shall construe the contract between the
2. In consideration of the payments to be made to the Contractor for the work to be
executed by him, the Contractor shall duly provide execute and complete the said
work on or before the dates mentioned in the time schedule of complete work
attached to the Tender documents and shall maintain the same at his own cost
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
during the defect liability period thereafter and perform all such acts and things in the
Contract mentioned or described or which are to be implied therefrom or may be
reasonably necessary for the completion of the said work at the time and manner
subject to the terms and conditions for stipulations mentioned in the Contract.
3. In consideration of the due provision, execution and completion of the said works, the
Corporation does hereby agree with the Contractor that the Corporation will pay to
the Contractor the respective amount for the work actually done by him as per rate
and price quoted and become payable to the Contractor under the provisions of the
Contract, such payment to be made at such time and in such manner as provided in
the agreement.
4. In consideration of the due provision, execution and completion of the said work, the
Contractor does hereby agree to pay to the Corporation the amount as may be due to
the Corporation and such other sum or sums as may become payable to the
Corporation towards loss of or damage to the Corporation’s equipment, materials,
construction plant and machinery, including those hired to the Contractor, if any as
set forth in the said conditions of contract, such payments to be made at such time in
such manner as provided in the Contract.
5. All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall be
deemed to have arisen in Pune and only the courts in Pune shall have jurisdiction to
try and adjudicate over them.
Signature _______________________
Designation _______________________
In the presence of:
1) _________________________ Address _______________________
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
In the presence Witness
1) _____________________ Address
1) _______________________
2) ________________________
Contractor Executive Engineer
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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Design & Construction of Railway Over Bridge with approaches at Pimpri Dairy Farm (Gate No. LC-
60) and Development of Roads connecting to Approaches.
Contractor Executive Engineer
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