10th Praticals Excel
10th Praticals Excel
10th Praticals Excel
Title: Use Consolidating Data
Aim: To consolidating data help users to automate data and save time where data used
frequently in different sheet.
PT 1 Marks
Screenshot 1 is having PT 1 marks and Screenshot 2 is having PT 2 marks. Now in sheet 3, I need to use
formulas on data to compute results. This process is known as consolidating data.
As you can see in the above screenshot consolidate dialog box contains 5 options
o Function: In this option, you can select your desired function to display consolidated
o Reference: This option allows you to select the reference from another sheet having
o Click on the circled button to select a reference. Click on the Add button to use the
reference. Repeat the same step to add all the references.
o All references: Display the added references from the workbook.
o Use labels in: This option allows us to use the row headers and column headers of
o Create links to source data: When you select this option data will automatically
update the values when any change happens to referenced cells. Finally, click on
OK button.
Observe the following screenshot, I have added references for the above-mentioned
data –
subtotals in ms excel 2013
The Subtotals dialog box will appear as displayed in the following screenshot.
Subtotal dialogbox in ms excel
Step 2: Select the column header on which you want to apply subtotal.
Step 3: The second option is to use a function where you can select a function to display the
Step 4: After selecting the function select the values on which grouping is required.
Step 5: You can select the option as per your need from different options from the following:
Observe the result is given in the following screenshot where I have applied subtotal on the class
group column.
Step 1: Select data and click on Data → what – if – Analysis → Scenario Manager. Observe the
following screenshot:
Step 2: Click on the scenario manager. The Scenario Manager Dialog box appears as displayed
in the following screenshot.
1. Scenario Details Preview: It shows the details of the scenarios.
2. Add: You can add a new scenario by clicking this option.
3. Delete: You can delete an existing scenario that is unwanted.
4. Edit: You can edit an existing scenario.
5. Merge: It is useful, If more than one scenario needs to be added
6. Summary: It shows a summary of the scenario.
7. Changing Cells: Select the cells in which values are going to be changed.
8. Comment: If any additional text is required then you can insert it.
9. Show: Display the information of the selected scenario.
10. Close: To close the scenario manager.
Step 3: Click on the Add button. Add scenario dialog box will appear as displayed in the below-
given screen shot.
Add scenario dialog box
Type the scenario name as I have scenario1, you can change cells by selecting changing
cells options. Type your comments if you want to type in the comment box. Click on the OK
button. Scenario values dialog box appears as displayed in the following dialog box.
1. Select the cell where the formula is written. For my example, I have placed the
cursor in B4.
2. Click on Data → What-if Analysis → Goal Seek option from the forecast group.
3. A Goal Seek dialog box will appear as displayed in the following screenshot:
GoalSeek in MS Excel 2019
4. Type the desired value i.e. 500 in To Value box and select the cell address for by
changing cell option as displayed in the following screenshot.
GoalSeek input
5. Click on OK button the values will be displayed in your worksheet as displayed in the
following screenshot.
6. Click on OK button to accept the result, click cancel to return with original data.