Carrefour URD2021 en 01 1
Carrefour URD2021 en 01 1
Carrefour URD2021 en 01 1
Annual Financial Report
1 5
1.1 Group profile – Executive summary 6 5.1 Business review and consolidated
1.2 Context: global challenges income analysis 264
and development opportunities 16 5.2 Group financial position and cash flows 269
1.3 Our raison d’être 20 5.3 Outlook 272
1.4 Description of the Group’s businesses 34 5.4 Other information 273
1.5 The Carrefour group in 2021 40 5.5 First-quarter 2022 sales and outlook
(Company press release dated
2 April 20, 2022) 278
CORPORATE SOCIAL 5.6 Glossary of financial indicators 285
RESPONSIBILITY 5.7 Parent company financial review 286
3.3 Group Executive Committee 214 6.6 Notes to the consolidated financial
statements 297
3.4 Compensation and benefits granted
to Company Officers 219 6.7 Statutory Auditors’ report on the
consolidated financial statements 379
3.5 “Comply or Explain” rule
of the AFEP-MEDEF Code 230
3.6 Transactions in the Company’s shares CARREFOUR SA FINANCIAL
carried out by Company Officers 230 STATEMENTS AS OF
3.7 Related-party agreements referred DECEMBER 31, 2021 383
to in Articles L. 225-38 et seq.
of the French Commercial Code 231 7.1 Income statement 384
7.2 Balance sheet 385
4 7.3 Statement of cash flows 386
7.4 Notes to the Company financial
statements 387
4.1 Risk management 234 7.5 Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial
4.2 Internal control system 251 statements 404
4.3 Legal and arbitration proceedings 261
8.1 Information about the Company 408
8.2 Information about the capital 411
8.3 Shareholders 416
9.1 Publicly available documents 420
9.2 Person responsible 420
9.3 Person responsible for the financial
information 420
9.4 Persons responsible for auditing
the financial statements 421
9.5 Information incorporated by reference 421
9.6 Concordance tables 422
The elements of the Annual Financial Report are identified using the pictogram
The elements of the Non-Financial Information Statement are identified using the pictogram NFPS
2021 Annual Financial Report
The French language version of this Document d'Enregistrement Universel (Universal Registration Document) was filed on April 28, 2022
with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), as competent authority under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, without prior approval
pursuant to Article 9 of said regulation.
This Document d'Enregistrement Universel (Universal Registration Document) may be used for the purposes of an offer to the public of
securities or admission of securities to trading on a regulated market if completed by a securities note and, if applicable, a summary and
any amendments to the Document d'Enregistrement Universel (Universal Registration Document). The whole is approved by the AMF in
accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.
2021 was a year of confirmation for Lastly, our teams demonstrated their sense
Carrefour. of service and unfailing commitment.
On the back of more than two years of hard
First, we successfully implemented our
work amid a global health crisis, they have
strategic plan this year. Our omnichannel
once again answered the call in providing
model continues to appeal to more and
emergency humanitarian aid to Ukrainian
more customers: our digital offensives
refugees. Our Group’s achievements are,
position us as a leader in new markets, our
above all, their achievements, and for this
store network is growing rapidly and we are I thank them.
gaining market share in our key geographies.
Today, Carrefour is looking ahead with
This dynamic holds true for our work in
confidence to 2022, a year that combines
support of the food transition for all: our
great challenges and the preparation of
Group stepped up its ambitions in this
our new strategic plan. We will speed up
regard in 2021, particularly when it comes
our digital transformation, in order to meet
to inclusion and the fight against climate the ambitious objectives we announced
change. Once again, we have exceeded at our Digital Day last November. We will
our targets and these achievements have pursue our rapid expansion – particularly
been recognised in third-party ratings and in Brazil, where the integration of Grupo
customer feedback. BIG represents an exceptional strategic
opportunity for us. And in the prevailing
Second, Carrefour’s current growth model
climate of uncertainty, in which inflationary
based on new consumer trends proved
pressures are intensifying, our Group
robust: our performance was once again
will continue to fulfill our purpose in our
solid in 2021, with a further increase in
customers’ lives, striving every day to make
our sales, a significant improvement in our quality food accessible to all.
operating income, particularly in France, and
Alexandre Bompard
a record level of financing capabilities. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
1.1.1 Facts and figures 6 1.3.1 Provide our customers with quality services,
1.1.2 Business overview 7 products and food accessible to all 20
1.1.3 Operating regions 7 1.3.2 Our initiatives to accelerate the food
transition for all 26
1.1.4 History of the Carrefour group 8
1.1.5 Our business model, based on creating 1.4 Description of the Group’s businesses 34
shared value 11
1.1.6 “Carrefour 2022” transformation 1.4.1 An international omni-channel retailer 34
plan – Strategy and progress report 14 1.4.2 Store and website operations 36
1.1.7 Corporate social responsibility – Stronger 1.4.3 Merchandise 37
commitments and results 15
1.4.4 Financial and purchasing services 38
1.2 Context: global challenges 1.4.5 Logistics and supply chain operations 38
and development opportunities 16 1.4.6 Property management 39
1.2.1 Retail’s essential role during the health crisis 16 1.5 The Carrefour group in 2021 40
1.2.2 Amplified food trends 16
1.5.1 Significant events of 2021 40
1.2.3 The rise of e-commerce 17
1.5.2 Significant events of first-quarter 2022 41
1.2.4 Significant price sensitivity 17
1.5.3 Summary of financial performance 42
1.2.5 Revisiting the agricultural model 18
1.5.4 Sumary of stock market performance 43
1.2.6 The need to preserve natural resources 19
1.5.5 Summary of non-financial performance 45
1.2.7 Sustained competitive pressure 19
With a multi-format and omni-channel network, Carrefour is one digital assets, as well as an unrivalled logistics platform, agile IT
of the world’s leading food retailers. Its 13,894 stores and systems and a network of market-leading partners.
e-commerce sites welcome 80 million customers per year.
Leveraging these strengths, the Group is committed to becoming
The Group, which has 319,565 employees in its nine integrated a global leader in digital retailing to unleash the full potential of
countries (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Romania, Poland, Brazil, its omni-channel capabilities. This transformation will be driven
Argentina and Taiwan), reported 81.2 billion euros in gross sales by four key projects: stepping up growth in the e-commerce
in 2021, an increase of 2.3% like-for-like. Recurring operating business, ramping up the Data & Retail Media operations,
income came to 2,272 million euros, up 7.7% at constant digitalising financial services and leading the digital
exchange rates and under accounting standards comparable to transformation of conventional retail operations. By 2026,
those applied in 2020. Carrefour aims to triple its e-commerce GMV to 10 billion euros.
The Group also expects digital services to contribute an
In an environment still roiled by the Covid-19 pandemic and
additional 600 million euros to recurring operating income
shifting health conditions in its country markets, Carrefour
compared with 2021. To meet this goal, Carrefour will
delivered robust growth from very high prior-year comparatives.
significantly increase its investment in digital technology, with a
It gained market share in most of its host countries, led by the
dedicated 3-billion-euro plan to be rolled out from 2022 to 2026.
improvements in customer satisfaction that are a core focus of its
strategy. Carrefour also made significant progress towards its CSR targets
in 2021, notably with regard to the commitments related to
The Group also maintained the pace of expansion, with more
packaging, climate and employee engagement. The Group’s CSR
than 1,000 new store openings and the fast, successful
and Food Transition Index rose to 111% for the year.
integration of its recent acquisitions (Makro in Brazil, Wellcome in
Taiwan, Supersol in Spain, and Bio c’ Bon in France). The Group continued to assume its crisis-related social
responsibilities by organising community outreach initiatives,
After a record year in 2020, Carrefour’s e-commerce sales
even as it supported local economies and expanded its local
continued to enjoy sustained growth in 2021, with gross
sourcing. In France, Carrefour focused on jobs for youths by
merchandise value (GMV) rising 12% to 3.3 billion euros, driven by
hiring 15,000 young people, 50% more than in 2020.
a 20% increase in online food sales. Already the recognised
leader in home delivery sales in continental Europe, the Group In 2021, the Group reported record high cash flow for the year. It
continued to deploy an array of initiatives in 2021 to broaden its also bought back its own shares in an amount of 700 million
innovative express home delivery solutions and expand its euros. Lastly, it met its target of disposing of 300 million euros in
network of Drive pick-up points. non-strategic property assets a year ahead of schedule. Since
2018, Carrefour has shown great financial discipline and has
Carrefour’s food e-commerce business has tripled since 2018.
strengthened its balance sheet and liquidity. This is an important
Over the past four years, Carrefour has built up considerable
asset in an environment shaped by rapid changes in food retail.
Present in over 40 countries worldwide, Carrefour operates 180 through partners in overseas territories. By format, they
directly in nine integrated countries, in Europe (France, Spain, included: 253 Carrefour hypermarkets, 1,043 CarrefourMarket
Italy, Belgium, Poland and Romania), Latin America (Brazil and supermarkets, 4,330 convenience stores operating under the
Argentina) and Taiwan. Together, France, Spain and Brazil Carrefour City, Carrefour Contact, Carrefour Express and
account for 77% of consolidated gross sales. In these nine Bio c' Bon, etc. banners, 147 Promocash cash & carry outlets and
countries, Carrefour is steadily deploying its store base, with 26 Supeco soft discount stores. In Europe (excluding France), 2
outlets operated either directly or, increasingly, through Carrefour had 5,906 stores under its banners at the end of 2021,
franchises and lease management contracts, as part of the of which 5,075 operated directly in the five host countries and
transformation of its business model. In the Middle East, Africa 831 through partners. They included 457 hypermarkets,
and other geographies, the Group operates through local 1,926 supermarkets, 3,430 convenience stores, 12 cash & carry
partners who are managing and expanding a network of stores outlets and 81 Supeco soft discount stores. The Group is also a
under Carrefour banners. leading retailer in Latin America, where its multi-format store
base in the two growth markets of Argentina and Brazil
Carrefour offers its customers all retail formats: hypermarkets,
comprises 184 hypermarkets, 151 supermarkets, 558 convenience
supermarkets, convenience stores, cash & carry stores, and soft
stores, 259 cash & carry outlets and one Supeco soft discount 3
discount. Its multi-channel structure gives customers the option
store. In Asia, the Group had a total of 348 stores under its
of shopping in-store, ordering online, having their shopping
banners at year-end 2021, including 342 in Taiwan and six
home delivered or picking up their purchases from a sales outlet
through partners. The base covered 70 hypermarkets, four
or a Drive.
supermarkets and 274 convenience stores. Carrefour also
In France, the Carrefour group had 5,799 stores under its banners operates 688 stores with local franchisee partners in other
at year-end 2021, of which 5,619 in mainland France and regions around the world (Middle East, Africa, etc.).
shop in Annecy, and placed in the middle
the Badin‑Defforey of a diamond with
business, a grocery
in Lagnieu.
the left half coloured
red and the right half
coloured blue, with
Carrefour expanded
black lines above internationally and
and below. explored new markets,
opening its first stores
France’s first hypermarket was opened at in Spain under the Pryca
Sainte‑Geneviève‑des‑Bois, in the Paris region. banner, followed
The first of its kind, this 2,500 sq.m. self‑service by Brazil in 1975.
hypermarket offered a vast choice of products
at low prices and had 400 free parking spaces.
Carrefour created
the PASS card, a credit
card and customer
loyalty card rolled
into one, which was
an immediate success.
Just three years
after its launch,
200,000 customers
had PASS cards and
had used them for
more than four million
1993 1998
The Group inaugurated As the 1990s drew
its first stores in Italy to a close, the Group
and then, in 1995, underwent significant 2
in China. change and brought
together various banners.
After signing an
agreement in 1997 with
1996 Guyenne & Gascogne,
Coop Atlantique
The first partnerships and the Chareton group,
with Food Banks were Carrefour purchased
set up to redistribute Comptoirs Modernes 3
food approaching
its use-by date to
1997 in October 1998,
acquiring more than
those in need. Carrefour continued to
700 stores operating
expand internationally,
under the Stoc, Comod On August 30, Carrefour submitted a friendly tender
opening its first stores
and Marché Plus banners. offer for the shares of Promodès, a company founded
in Poland. At the same
time, the Group created in 1961 by two Normandy families with a background
its “Reflets de France” in wholesale trade, the Duval-Lemonniers and
brand for products the Halleys. The merger between Carrefour and 4
based on traditional Promodès, authorised by the European Commission
French recipes. in 2000, resulted in the creation of the world’s
second-largest retailer. The new Carrefour employed
240,000 people and had more than 9,000 stores
throughout the world.
The Group
Carrefour joined forces with the CFAO group,
establishing a joint company to develop various
strengthened its
formats of Carrefour stores in West and Central
presence in many
Africa. The same year, the Group launched
countries between
an asset modernisation programme. During
2000 and 2010, either
the programme's first year, 49 hypermarkets
through controlled
and 83 supermarkets were renovated and 7
expansion or targeted
remodelled in France.
acquisitions, including
in France and Romania
(Hyparlo, Artima, Penny
Market), Belgium (GB), Carrefour initiated a major renovation programme
Poland (Ahold), Italy in its stores, converting its Champion supermarkets,
(GS), Brazil (Atacadão), for example, to the Carrefour Market banner.
Argentina (Norte) and
Spain (Plus).
In record time, the 1,000 French stores were
rebranded to offer a wider range of products and
services, a simplified customer path through the
aisles, and the benefits of the Carrefour programme.
2014 2016
To gain more control Carrefour continued to
over its ecosystem, expand its network,
Carrefour partnered with the development
with institutional of its convenience
investors to create banners and the Carrefour reinvented its business model and
Carmila, a company acquisition of Billa started to implement the Carrefour 2022
dedicated to revitalising supermarkets in transformation plan inspired by its ambition to
the shopping centres Romania and Eroski become the world leader in the food transition
adjacent to its stores in Spain. In for all by 2022. The idea is to enable everyone
hypermarkets in France, addition, the Group to eat better at affordable prices by offering
Spain and Italy. proceeded to the healthy, safe, balanced foods produced using
The year was also shaped acquisition of Rue du sustainable and socially responsible farming
by the acquisition Commerce and methods. To achieve its ambition, Carrefour
of the Dia network and Greenweez in France is creating an omni-channel universe in which its online presence is closely
the integration of 128 and the launch of new integrated with its physical store network and the emphasis is on quality food,
Coop Alsace stores in e-commerce available everywhere at any time. In July, Carrefour acquired the banner.
France, the acquisition of operations in China, In September, Carrefour launched a global advertising campaign of
53 Billa supermarkets Poland, Argentina and unprecedented proportion: Act for Food.
and 17 Il Centro stores in Brazil.
Italy and the sale of
a 10% stake in its Brazilian
subsidiary to Península,
designed to strengthen
the Group’s local roots
in Brazil.
In response
celebrated to the
its 60th Covid-19
anniversary. epidemic,
Pursuant to the Group
the “Pacte” law adopted by the French fulfilled its mission as a food distributor
Parliament, the Group has included a while protecting its employees and
raison d'être in its Articles of customers. The health crisis confirmed
Association. This measure, adopted at the the relevance of Carrefour’s strategic
Shareholder’s Meeting on June 14, 2019 choices in favour of the food transition,
on the recommendation of the Board of local purchasing, the link between
Directors, was taken to support food, health and the environment, low
Carrefour in fully embracing its prices and e-commerce. Carrefour also Carrefour set itself the goal of becoming a globa al
ambition to become the world leader of adopted a new customer-oriented leader in digital retail by 2026, by placing digital
the food transition for all by 2022: “Our approach in 2020, with an emphasis on and data at the heart of its strategy. Its
mission is to provide our customers with revitalising customer traffic and driving transformation into a digital retail company will
quality services, products and food comparable growth, notably by be based on four key drivers, presented at the
accessible to all across all distribution deploying the 5/5/5 method, which Group’s Digital Day on November 9, 2021:
channels. Thanks to the competence of makes customer satisfaction central to acceleration of e-commerce; ramp-up of data
our employees, to a responsible and all of the Group’s initiatives. Lastly, and retail media activities; digitalisation of financial
multicultural approach, to our broad Carrefour pursued its strategy of services; and transformation of traditional retail
territorial presence and to our ability to making targeted, operations through digital. The new model will be
adapt to production and consumption value-creating acquisitions. a powerful accelerator of growth, market share
modes, our ambition is to be the leader and financial performance for the Group.
of the food transition for all”. The Group
sold its businesses in China.
+ The highlights of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 are presented in Sections 1.5.1
and 1.5.2 of this Universal Registration Document
Through its physical and intellectual capital, Carrefour leverages Group’s own-brand lines, organisation of supply logistics and
its business model to create value for its stakeholders and make a management of physical and online stores. Carrefour leverages
positive contribution to society. Carrefour sells products and its business operations to strengthen its contribution to the UN
services for consumers and food services professionals. Its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aims to facilitate and
mission is to provide customers with quality services, products promote the food transition for all, alongside its various
and food accessible to all across all distribution channels. stakeholders. The key ways in which the Group has a positive 2
impact on society are presented in the infographic below and
In all its host regions, this process includes the direct or indirect
described in Section
purchasing of products, definition of specifications for the
Production Logistics
Animal Processing
husbandry facilities
Order fulfillment
Convenience Hypermarkets
Cash & carry (organic, soft discount, etc.) Supermarkets
→ 13,894 stores and 2,343 Drive outlets → €383 million in dividends paid to parent
worldwide company shareholders
→ Over 40 host countries → €948 million in income and other taxes
→ Act for Change managerial programme → 900 social audits performed at our suppliers 5
→ 42.5% of management positions held by
→ 34% youth employment rate
To build a sustainable development model capable of meeting simplified, open organisation; achieve productivity and
the challenges associated with the food transition, in 2018 the competitiveness gains; create an omni-channel universe of
Group implemented the “Carrefour 2022” strategic reference; and overhaul the Group’s offer to promote food
transformation plan in all of the countries where the Group quality.
operates. The plan focuses on four main objectives: deploy a
In 2021, Carrefour again exceeded its CSR targets, with a 111% Reduction of CO2 emissions
score in the CSR and Food Transition Index. This index,
introduced in 2018, assesses Carrefour’s performance in ■ Carrefour has set the goal of achieving carbon neutrality (for
implementing its CSR commitments. In 2021, Carrefour scopes 1 and 2) by 2040, with a CO2 emissions reduction target 2
strengthened its ambitions by setting new targets, particularly in of 50% in 2030 and 70% in 2040 (vs. 2019). By 2021, emissions
the following areas: had been reduced by 20% compared with 2019, ahead of
target. The Group is also committed to achieving carbon
Food transition and partners neutrality in its e-commerce activities by 2030;
■ Launch of a reporting platform shared with suppliers
■ 45,000 organic, local or Carrefour Quality Lines (CQL) partner (“20 megatonnes” project) to manage the reduction of the
producers by 2025: 38,580 in 2021 vs. 36,277 in 2020; carbon footprint of products (scope 3).
■ 300 suppliers committed to the Food Transition Pact by 2025 3
114 in 2021 vs. 26 in 2020. Human resources
Reduction in packaging ■ 35% of the top 200 managers will be women by 2025: 25% in
2021, and 22% in 2020 The proportion of women in
■ Target raised to 20,000 tonnes of packaging avoided by 2025 management as a whole also increased by 1 point in 2021, to
(from 10,000 tonnes initially). The Group is ahead of schedule 42.5%;
at the end of 2021 with more than 11,000 tonnes avoided since ■ A minimum employee recommendation rate of 75/100 (83/100
2017; in 2021, up 3 points vs. 2020). The industry average is 74/100(1).
■ 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025.
External non-financial indices recognise the Group’s good
Carrefour is reporting on this percentage in France for the first performance: Carrefour is ranked the leading French retailer in
time; it reached 46% in 2021. terms of its CSR commitment by the Dow Jones Sustainability
Index (DJSI) World and was awarded the highest score (A) in the
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Societal change and the pressure of environmental emergencies accelerated digital transformation of their shopping practices,
are fuelling a sweeping transformation of business models their demands for just and fair prices, and their desire for
inherited from the 20th century. The food retailing industry is locally-sourced products. Worldwide, society is challenging
being reshaped by numerous paradigm shifts, which have gained production-oriented agriculture, the industrialisation of harvest
momentum in the past two years with the impact of the global methods and product processing and distribution, and the
health crisis. Consumers are looking for easily accessible food disregard for seasonality. It has therefore become more urgent
options that are good for their health, for producers and for the than ever to rethink the food industry model in order to protect
planet. They increasingly prefer to buy local. It is now crucial to the planet’s limited natural resources and meet new consumer
understand and adapt to their new eating behaviours, the expectations.
The Covid-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the global the pervasive supply chain disruptions. Meanwhile, they ensured
economy as lockdowns kept several billion people confined to the safety of employees and shoppers by implementing personal
their homes in 2020. To comply with government measures and protection and social distancing precautions, disinfection of
protect their health, European shoppers curtailed their outside premises and facilities, modified opening hours and more. They
activities, spending 5% less time shopping on average and also expanded their delivery and Drive services to make products
increasing the size of their average basket by 16%(1). The accessible to as many consumers as possible.
European food retailing industry saw record growth over the
In 2021, retailers continued to respond with agility to the
year, with gains of 8% in volume and 10% in value.
ever-changing health situation, regulations and guidelines across
Food retailers, which found themselves on the front lines in different geographies, as well as to the shifts in shopping patterns
maintaining the supply of basic necessities to local communities, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
geared up to handle the spikes in demand during lockdowns and
The food transition is one of the major challenges of the In addition, through their purchasing decisions, shoppers express
21st century. At a global level, the dual objective is to meet strong a multitude of expectations that extend beyond health issues to
growth in demand while providing the whole population with cover production conditions, including more local and circular
access to a healthy diet. Today, more than 3.2 billion people consumption to reduce waste; fair prices on products to ensure
suffer from poor nutrition, whether they are undernourished in adequate compensation for farmers; and concern for animal
developing countries or overnourished in developed countries(2). welfare.
People have become highly aware of this imbalance. Over the The Covid-19 pandemic has amplified these underlying trends,
past few years, this awareness has brought about new behaviours with consumer concerns focusing in particular on health and
and an emphasis in developed countries on quality over quantity, 30% of European consumers saying they were aiming for a more
taste and authenticity, healthy, seasonal, pesticide-free and balanced diet in 2021(1). The periods of lockdown also
environmentally-friendly products, as well as a rise in alternative encouraged home cooking and increased interest in prepared
diets. As a result, 64% of consumers worldwide follow a diet that ingredients. In early 2021, 55% of French people felt they were
limits or prohibits consumption of certain ingredients and 70% cooking more and 57% were buying more fresh and seasonal
say that they make dietary choices to help prevent health issues(3). products than a year earlier. Some 88% said they liked to prepare
In 2020, 20% of French people were following some form of their own meals, 93% were mindful of their family eating a variety
special diet, including 11% who said they were flexitarian, 5% of healthy products, and 85% paid attention to the origin and
vegetarian, 3% vegan, 3% gluten-free and 3% lactose-free(4). quality of their food(4).
(1) Source: "Disruption & Uncertainty, The State of Grocery Retail 2021", Europe, McKinsey & Company, EuroCommerce for retail & wholesale,
February 10, 2021.
(2) Source: Summary report from the EAT-Lancet Commission, “Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems”, 2019.
(3) Source: Nielsen Global Ingredients and Dining Out Trends, a survey conducted in 2016 among 30,000 consumers in 63 countries.
(4) Source: “2021 Baromètre de consommation et de perception des produits biologiques en France” (2021 Survey of Consumption and Perception
of Organic Products in France), Agence Bio, Spirit Insight, January 2021.
Consumer expectations about the authenticity and traceability of smartphone apps to scan food products for information on their
their food have also increased, with 47% paying attention to the health impact(1), a percentage that rises to more than a third
nutritional quality of processed food products, by checking the among the 18-34 age group(2).
Nutri-Score label, for example. 25% use Yuka or other
Reconciling the duty to provide healthy food with affordability is since 2015 after a decade of decline. More than 820 million
a global issue. In a survey conducted in 2018 in 28 countries people, equal to 10.8% of the world’s population, were 6
across all continents, access to high-quality, healthy food and in undernourished in 2018(11). In France, the proportion of the
adequate amounts for all came out as the third and fourth population with “low” purchasing power was 31% in 2019, and the
priorities, respectively(10). Worldwide, malnutrition has been rising budget item under the most pressure was food(12).
(1) Source: “Fractures alimentaires en France” (The Food Divide in France), Ipsos, October 19, 2021.
(2) Source: “Next Leading Brands, la consommation des Français et leur rapport aux marques après la crise” (Next Leading Brands: French Consumer
Spending and Brand Relationships after the Crisis), Babel, Stratégie et création, 2021.
(3) Source: “Le e-commerce en 2021” (E-commerce in 2021), FEVAD press conference, Nielsen IQ, May 27, 2021.
(4) Source: “Second confinement et potentiel pour le e-commerce” (Second lockdown and its potential for e-commerce), Nielsen webinar,
December 8, 2020. 8
(5) Source: "Disruption & Uncertainty, The State of Grocery Retail 2021, Europe", McKinsey & Company, EuroCommerce for retail & wholesale,
February 10, 2021.
(6) Source: Nielsen Global Ingredients and Dining Out Trends, an online survey conducted in 2016 among 30,000 consumers in 63 countries.
(7) Source: Global retail trends 2021, IGD Retail Analysis, December 2020.
(8) Source: “Proxi, drive piéton, livraison à domicile… Complémentarité ou concurrence?” (Convenience stores, pedestrian drive, home delivery...
Complementary or competitors?), Nielsen IQ, March 11, 2021.
(9) Source: “Quelles sont les nouvelles tendances de consommation” (What are the new consumer trends?), IFOP, September 2021.
(10) Source: “The challenge of our resources”, ELABE study for Veolia conducted in January 2018 of 14,000 people in 28 countries.
(11) Source: SOFI report (FAO, WHO, WFP, UNICEF), July 2019.
(12) Source: Eighth edition of the Cofidis CSA annual survey, September 2019.
The Covid-19 pandemic’s shock to the world economy low incomes, who were experiencing difficulties keeping their
exacerbated these pre-existing difficulties. In 2020, global GDP jobs or who had lost income during the health crisis. Faced with
growth fell by 3.3%, with declines of 5.2% in Europe, 4.1% in rising energy prices, only 16% of French people feel they can
North America and 1.5% in Asia. In the European Union, per afford to maintain their previous standard of living without
capita GDP contracted by 6.2%, with steeper declines in Spain cutting back on other items. In response, 23% (and 33% of the
(down 11.3%), Italy (down 8.4%) and France (down 8.4%)(1). lowest income households) are choosing to reduce their food
Despite the robust recovery in 2021, purchasing power expenditure(3).
uncertainties have been renewed by the return of inflation.
This situation threatens to deepen the food divide, as 76% of
34% of European consumers say they try to find ways to save
French people believe there is food inequality in France. More
money when shopping for food, 27% will actively search for the
than six in ten feel that they cannot afford to buy enough
best promotions and 17% are willing to switch to less expensive
acceptable quality food, with 93% citing purchasing power as the
main reason for inequalities(5). Three out of four consumers are
In France, 90% of people consider purchasing power to be a dissatisfied with their consumption of vegetables, primarily due to
major concern. In 2021, 75% of them had the impression that high prices. If their food budget were increased by 20%, 55%
their purchasing power was decreasing(3) and 31% felt vulnerable, would buy more. For 59% of French people, prices are a key
ten points more than in 2018(4). The majority of these factor in choosing where to buy food(6).
respondents were people in work, under 40, with families and
The UN has forecast that the global population will reach remains relatively limited, these techniques are becoming
8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion by 2050, versus 7.7 billion in increasingly widespread. In France, 9.5% of useful agricultural
2019. That equates to a rise in population of 2 billion people over land is dedicated to organic farming (up 12% on 2019), which
the next 30 years(7). In light of this projected demographic represents 53,255 farms and 200,544 direct jobs, for a market of
growth, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 13.2 billion euros(10). Growth in organic product sales has levelled
(FAO) estimates that, in order to guarantee food security for all(8), off but they remain highly popular, with almost three quarters of
global food production will need to increase from the current French people purchasing organic food at least once a month(11).
8.4 billion tonnes to 13.5 billion tonnes per year, i.e., a 60%
Today, the farming industry is having to adapt in ways that
increase between now and 2050.
address the dual challenge of meeting both strong demand and
Intensive and industrial farming methods have, however, reached increasingly stringent environmental standards. It should now be
their limits. Today, humans use more than 70% of the Earth’s able to count on increased support from consumers in this
ice-free land. One-third of arable land is used to grow feed for regard. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance
livestock and 60% of the grains produced worldwide are fed to of local production, bringing consumers closer to their local
animals. About 80% of deforestation is due to agriculture, agricultural industry. In September 2020, 77% of French people
especially to clear land for soy cultivation in order to feed said they had confidence in farmers – a record high and an
livestock and for oil palm trees(9). Therefore using more land to increase of 7 points compared to January 2020(12).
produce food is an impossible solution. In fact, current farming
88% of French people now instinctively check whether their food
methods deplete soil fertility and productivity is expected to drop
purchases are “made in France” and only 17% feel that brands are
30% by 2050 according to the FAO. Alternative production
vocal enough in expressing their commitments to support French
techniques are becoming necessary to offset these imbalances.
For example, agroecological practices extend land production
potential. Even though their contribution to global production
(1) Source : PIB par habitant en 2020 : une chute historique qui frappe surtout l’Ouest et le Sud de l’Europe, European Data, septembre 2021.
(2) Source : Disruption & Uncertainty, The State of Grocery Retail 2021, Europe, McKinsey & Company, EuroCommerce for retail & wholesale,
10 février 2021.
(3) Source : Les Français, le pouvoir d’achat et la fiscalité. La voix des territoires, Vague 7, ODOXA, 21 octobre 2021.
(4) Source : Quatre millions de Français fragilisés par la crise sanitaire, Crédoc Consommation et modes de vie n° 320, octobre 2021.
(5) Source : Fractures alimentaires en France, IPSOS, 19 octobre 2021.
(6) Source : Les Français et les enseignes alimentaires, Bonial opinion way, juillet 2021.
(7) Source : ONU, rapport 2019 sur les Perspectives de la population dans le monde 2019, publié en juin 2019.
(8) Source : FAO
(9) Source : Étude ELABE « Quelle alimentation en 2049 ? », novembre 2019.
(10) Source : Infographie – L’agriculture biologique, ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, août 2021.
(11) Source : Édition 2021 du baromètre de consommation et de perception des produits biologiques en France, Agence Bio, Spirit Insight,
janvier 2021.
(12) Source : Enquête YouGov pour Sacré Français, réalisée les 9 et 10 mars 2021.
Demographics, urbanisation and human activity are causing purchasing local products has been perceived even more
large-scale climate change that threatens the Earth’s natural positively by consumers for various reasons, notably because it
balance. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or contributes to reducing CO2 emissions(1). Among the major
IPCC, estimates that the global surface temperature could rise changes in behaviour over the past three years, 59% of French
between 1.1°C and 6.4°C within this century. Every year, people stated a preference for products sourced through short
13 million hectares of forest area, home to 80% of the Earth’s supply chains(2). 2
biodiversity, is lost, especially in tropical regions. (3)
In 2021, 10% of European consumers (compared to 6% in 2019)
Fully aware of the risks at stake, most citizens across the world say they are not only more aware of sustainability issues but also
agree that we need to act quickly and respond to these more active in reducing their environmental footprint. They are
environmental, energy and food challenges. Consumers better attentive to the solutions offered by retailers, such as recyclable
understand the impact of intensive farming on the planet. As packaging and sustainable products.
such, they want to reset the imbalances resulting from the
Younger generations are particularly sensitive to environmental
globalisation of food systems, calling for a less wasteful, more
issues, with French under-25s more likely than average to limit
resource-efficient and locally focused model. The Covid-19
their use of plastic and packaging (43%) and fight global warming 3
pandemic has not weakened this collective awareness of
(29%)(3). In the 18-34 age group, 57% have purchased
environmental issues. In fact, it has highlighted the benefits of
second-hand goods(4).
more responsible consumption. Since the health crisis,
(1) Source: Observatoire Cetelem, September 2020.
(2) Source: “2021 Baromètre de consommation et de perception des produits biologiques en France” (2021 Survey of Consumption and Perception
of Organic Products in France), Agence Bio, Spirit Insight, January 2021.
(3) Source: "Disruption & Uncertainty, The State of Grocery Retail 2021, Europe", McKinsey & Company, EuroCommerce for retail & wholesale,
February 10, 2021.
(4) Source: “Next Leading Brands, la consommation des Français et leur rapport aux marques après la crise” (Next Leading Brands: French Consumer
Spending and Brand Relationships after the Crisis), Babel, Stratégie et création, 2021.
(5) Source: "Les Français et les enseignes alimentaires" (The French and Grocery Banners), Bonial Opinion Way, July 2021.
(6) Source: "Perspectives de dépenses pour 2021" (Spending outlook for 2021), Harris interactive for Oney, April 2021.
In January 2018, at the initiative of Alexandre Bompard, Carrefour Carrefour intends to pursue and amplify its transformation to
launched its five-year “Carrefour 2022” transformation plan (see offer customers a seamless ecosystem of offline and online
Section 1.1.6) in response to the previously identified global services that support them as they emerge from the crisis and
challenges. The Group reaffirmed its commitment to leading the appreciate, more than ever, quick, easy access to healthy
transition for all, by promoting healthier, more affordable food, products.
while supporting the agricultural transition and helping to
To fulfil this ambition, Carrefour is leveraging a wide range of
preserve the planet’s resources.
strengths forged from the transformation since 2018:
“Our mission is to provide our customers with quality services,
■ a brand that is well-known worldwide;
products and food accessible to all across all distribution
channels. Thanks to the competence of our employees, to a ■ more than 80 million customer households;
responsible and multicultural approach, to our broad territorial ■ a network of 13,894 stores based in more than 40 countries;
presence and to our ability to adapt to production and
consumption modes, our ambition is to be the leader of the ■ powerful digital assets served by a dedicated logistics hub;
food transition for all.” ■ a unique omni-channel, multi-format model;
This mission, which the Group included in the preamble to its ■ local roots and contributions by each store to the day-to-day
Articles of Association in the form of a raison d’être in 2019, life and development of its host community; and
demonstrated its validity during the health crisis, which
accelerated the fundamental changes already under way: ■ 319,565 employees putting their skills into practice every day in
awareness of the link between food, health and the environment, more than 300 different areas of expertise.
a pressing demand for local sourcing, a greater preference for “The future of retail belongs to those who offer a seamless
low prices, and rapid growth in online sales. Building on the ecosystem of both offline and online services.”
success of its transformation plan, the Group has responsively
Alexandre Bompard, November 9, 2021, Digital Day
adapted both to ever-changing health situations and the
pandemic-led shifts in spending patterns.
Fully immersed in the digital transformation, the multi-format, Meeting changing expectations
omni-channel, customer-oriented Carrefour model is
demonstrating its robustness and effectiveness at a time of Identifying customers’ expectations is a key component of
pervasive health uncertainty. The Group is constantly adapting to Carrefour’s transformation, enabling the Group to refresh its
health restrictions and evolving customer expectations by line-up and offer customers innovative solutions aligned with
leveraging its network of stores in highly complementary formats their expectations.
and its expanding e-commerce and related services business
New consumer behaviours, shaped in particular by the use of
(Drive pick-up points, click & collect, home delivery).
digital technologies and a demand for personalised services, have
In these complex circumstances, Carrefour employees are become more prevalent during the health crisis. Growth in the
constantly keeping food shelves stocked with a daily dedication e-commerce business has gone hand in hand with an increase in
to customer satisfaction and a sustained commitment to the number of omni-channel customers, who spend more at
supporting the food transition. While encouraging the Carrefour (27% growth in sales over the past two years(1)) and
development of agroecological practices and short channel offer a higher retention rate (97%)(2) than in-store customers. In
distribution, the preservation of biodiversity, the reduction of 2026, omni-channel shoppers are expected to account for 30%
pesticides and carbon emissions, and the improvement of health of the total customer base, compared with 11% in 2021.
with quality food, the food transition is also a means for the
To respond to these new behaviours and unleash all the potential
Group to respond to the new challenges emerging from the
of its omni-channel capabilities, Carrefour is realigning its
health crisis.
organisation by implementing a strategy that makes all its
operations data-centric and digital first, with the ultimate goal of The food transition for and with shifting Group’s model to a Digital Retail Company by 2026.
our customers
Carrefour serves 80 million customer households around the
world. Thanks to them, the Group can identify emerging societal
trends ahead of the competition, and thereby reinvent the retail
(1) Findings of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 behavioural cohort analyses for France, Spain and Brazil.
(2) Percentage of active clients retained from one year to the next.
In addition, Carrefour is continuing to revamp its ■ factoring this feedback into our projects as far upstream as
brick-and-mortar network, by upgrading its hypermarkets and possible.
deploying innovative new formats and related services. The latter
In November 2019, for example, Carrefour consumers were
process involves opening walk-in Drives, expanding the cash &
surveyed concerning the phase-out of in-store plastic packaging.
carry network and broadening the portfolio of services
This “Mission Zero Plastic” campaign helped to design ten
(particularly deliveries) and their service areas (for more details,
projects that are now being trialled in stores in France.
see Section "Across all distribution channels").
During the year, Carrefour Belgium also used the “Mission Zero
Around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has intensified
Waste” platform to conduct an online consultation asking
consumer expectations as regards the quality, authenticity and
residents, consumers and other stakeholders to recommend 2
traceability of their food. Carrefour’s strategic choice to embrace
solutions and share their thoughts on the banner’s next initiatives
the food transition for all is, now more than ever, resonant with
concerning alternative packaging. For six months, Carrefour
the concerns of its customers. Their deep-rooted expectations,
France piloted a diaper recycling system with customers in the
shared by all consumers, are addressed by the key markers of
Greater Paris area, through the use of connected bins installed in
Carrefour’s engagement: sourcing geared towards local
five stores. During the summer, the company offered Parisians an
agriculture, an offering built around fresh, organic, local and
easy recycling solution for their single-use masks by setting up
seasonal produce, own brands and the Quality Lines, and the
collection boxes made entirely of recyclable cardboard in
deployment of blockchain technology.
106 Carrefour City outlets in the city.
Consumers see the retail industry as a legitimate partner in their
Putting customer satisfaction first drive to improve the quality of what they eat. In response,
Carrefour is informing as many people as possible of the benefits
Customer satisfaction is a priority for the Group, built on the
of “better eating” through its Act for Food programme. Teams in
three pillars of trust, service and convenience. It is measured by
several Group countries are leading awareness campaigns and
tracking a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including
providing quality and nutritional information on Carrefour
the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®), a customer satisfaction metric
product packaging, in responsible consumer and recycling
that has been widely deployed across the Group since 2019.
handbooks and online. The Group also gets customers involved
The Act for Change programme aligns the Group’s management in driving continuous improvement in the quality of its products 4
values and culture with the objectives of the “Carrefour 2022” and processes. To address and act on customer feedback, a
strategic plan. “Serve the customer with passion” is one of the variety of input, discussion and awareness-raising channels have
four key commitments. Carrefour’s objective is to offer a level of been put in place. For example, more than 4,000 external focus
service that is beyond reproach, by answering customers’ groups were organised in 2021 to test recipes. Lastly, to define
questions and resolving any issues as quickly as possible and CSR initiatives, Carrefour organises working sessions several
constantly striving to improve the customer experience. times a year, which bring together Group employees, NGOs,
In 2021, Carrefour took this priority to the next level with the government agencies, investors, suppliers and customers to
widespread roll-out, in every Group country, of the 5/5/5 share their expertise and viewpoints.
method, which embeds a customer-centric mindset in (For more information, see What about a more 5
everything a store does. The method, which has been driving healthy diet?)
higher sales in Argentina, Spain, Taiwan and Poland since 2018,
leverages employees’ individual and collective commitment, both
at head offices and in stores, to the shared focus on customer Quality services, products and food
satisfaction through 15 commitments, divided into three accessible to all
categories: trust, service and experience. In Spain, for instance, a
great deal of work has been done to improve the customer Carrefour intends to make healthier, high-quality foods available
experience at checkouts, giving checkout staff greater autonomy. at fair prices to as many people as possible in all its host
communities and under all circumstances, thanks to the 6
mobilisation of its teams.
Supporting citizen consumers
60% of consumers believe they can make a difference through Expanding the organic and vegetarian product
their buying decisions(1). To help customers support the causes offering
they care about, Carrefour is committed to promoting
collaborative consumption. In line with growing concern about The food transition requires the faster development of products
environmental issues, for example, the Group has implemented that meet customers’ quality and balanced diet requirements, as
solutions that enable customers to become sustainable well as the expansion of existing product lines. All of Carrefour’s 7
consumers. own brands have been revamped to reflect the food transition,
In 2019, Carrefour created the Committed Consumers Club, resulting in the reformulation of 4,100 products since 2018.
which now has 886 members. As a forum for discussing a variety In the organic segment, the Group boasts a comprehensive
of issues, such as eliminating plastic in the produce section and retailing ecosystem, with dedicated organic shelves in stores, the
waste avoidance initiatives, the Club provides insight for leading deployment of the Carrefour Bio concept and the acquisition of
the food transition for all in three ways: speciality banners, Bioazur and Bio c’ Bon in 2019 and
■ co-building our future initiatives together; 2020. Carrefour has also strengthened its online organic offering
■ integrating member feedback through the organisation to
following the acquisition by Greenweez, European leader in
online organic product sales, of its Spanish and Italian
shape decisions; competitors, Planeta Huerto (in 2018) and Sorgente Natura (in
2019). The Group is innovating to develop a wide range of
affordable organic products. It already carries an assortment of
more than 1,450 own-brand products, of which 1,300 under the
Carrefour Bio brand that are widely recognised for their
(1) Source: "Next Leading Brands, la consommation des Français et leur rapport aux marques après la crise" (Next Leading Brands: French Consumer
Spending and Brand Relationships after the Crisis), Babel, Stratégie et création, 2021.
excellence. Eight of them were voted Organic Flavours of the Nutri-Score labelling system – which classifies products
Year in 2021 and were featured in a broad-based promotional according to their nutritional quality – across its product portfolio
operation in March, with discounts of up to 60%. In all, since 2019. The label will be used on 7,000 Carrefour-brand
consolidated net sales from organic products came to 2.7 billion products available in stores or online, in France and Europe, by
euros in 2021. 2022, including the Carrefour Bio and Carrefour Veggie ranges. In
2020, Carrefour introduced the personal INNIT score, which uses
Carrefour is also harnessing the growing popularity of flexitarian,
a digital platform to help consumers optimise and maintain a
vegetarian and other diets that reduce or eliminate meat intake
balanced diet depending on their preferences by providing them
by developing its Carrefour Veggie line. For Carrefour, shifting to
with personalised information. This service is another step in the
a more plant-based diet is a key concern that responds to both:
process of providing consumers with a better understanding of
■ a significant social trend that resonates with major climate food so they can make informed decisions about what they eat.
issues, the preservation of biodiversity, worldwide resource
(For more information, see Section “Guaranteeing
sharing and important public health issues;
customer safety and product quality” and
■ a sales trend driven by fast rising demand and the gradual Guaranteeing customer safety and product quality.)
structuring of markets across the segment.
Carrefour’s commitment enables it to develop vegetarian Bridging the food divide
products that are GMO-free and contain no artificial colours or
flavours. In 2021, the Carrefour Veggie range was introduced in Carrefour’s commitment to the food transition for all is also a
Brazil, while in Belgium, a new line of healthy ready meals was commitment to bridging the food divide. Carrefour refuses to let
launched with ten vegetarian recipes. certain categories of the population, or certain communities, be
excluded from the progress being made in nutritional quality,
Promoting healthy eating for the health simply because of price or physical accessibility. The first step in
bridging the food divide is the development of the Group’s
of our customers own-brand products, which serve as the foundation of its new
sales promise. This is accompanied by a rigorous pricing policy
Carrefour is improving the composition of its own-brand
and the launch of attractive new formats in all regions.
products to optimise their nutritional profile in all its host
countries. Carrefour works tirelessly to provide its customers with everyday
products at the best possible prices. It does this, for example, by
Ahead of new legislation and regulations, Carrefour has deployed
developing its Carrefour Quality Lines, which offer consumers
a worldwide programme to remove controversial substances
affordable, high-quality mid-market products. Carrefour is also
from its products, aligned with the situation in each geography.
investing in new business concepts, notably with the
Many of these substances impacting human health have been
development of the Supeco banner in Europe and cash & carry
withdrawn since 2018. All blacklisted food additives have now
outlets in Latin America (Atacadão in Brazil).
been banned from Carrefour brand products. A programme is in
place to remove, by 2022, any substance likely to be considered In 2021, to respond to the challenges facing customers in the
as harmful. Going a step further, in 2020, Carrefour launched the health crisis, Carrefour took action to strengthen their purchasing
Carrefour Classic’ OUI AU BON! brand, which excludes an even power in a number of countries. In the first half of the year,
longer list of undesirable substances and ingredients, such as Carrefour Poland offered extensive weekly promotions on
polyphosphates, carmines and flavouring agents. Carrefour products covered by the “Prices as low as before” discounts, as
Classic’ OUI AU BON! products are also free of GMOs, additives, well as on 1,000 basic necessities. The Company also deployed a
preservatives, artificial colouring and pesticides. promotional policy in its Carrefour Express stores. In Spain, the
Group cut prices on 1,000 Carrefour-brand products in March,
Carrefour also encourages the reduction or elimination of
offering more than 600 items at 99 euro cents. On June 1,
chemical pesticides (insecticides, fungicides and synthetic
Carrefour Belgium resumed its “Healthy Prices” campaign,
herbicides) in growing the fruit and vegetables sold under its
increasing the number of quality products sold at very
Carrefour Quality Lines and Reflets de France brands. In 2021,
competitive prices, from 340 to 470, in all its hypermarkets,
four new agroecology lines were added to the portfolio, bringing
Carrefour Market stores, Carrefour Express stores and on
it to 26, with a total volume of 45,000 tonnes of fruit and
vegetables sold as of December 31, 2021. These initiatives are
carried out in partnership with all stakeholders in the food value
chain, particularly suppliers, who receive support from the Group Across all distribution channels
to facilitate their transition to virtuous farming methods.
Carrefour benefits from a global network of around 14,000 stores
(For more information, see Section “Transformation of
in over 40 countries. The Group is radically transforming the
production and consumption modes”.)
network, by opening new stores in promising formats,
Carrefour was the first European Retailer to use blockchain overhauling the hypermarkets, developing the e-commerce
technology to ensure product traceability through every stage in business and stepping up the integration of the physical store
the production process. In 2021, it was deployed in 55 Carrefour network with the online offering to create a comprehensive
Quality Lines, representing 478 different products. During the omni-channel universe. The aim is to provide customers with a
year, it was also extended to four new CQL smoked salmon seamless experience by enabling them to shop in a variety of
product references in France and in the citrus fruit chain in Brazil. different but complementary ways, such as ordering online,
Every Carrefour country organisation has now been picking up their purchases from a Drive location, getting home
blockchain-enabled, with Romania completing its first product delivery, or shopping in-store with digital services that facilitate
(CQL eggs) and Argentina applying the technology to the beef in and enhance the customer experience. By integrating physical
its exclusive range of Huella Natural CQL fresh products. In 2018, stores with digital services, such as delivery, Drive pick-up points,
the Group joined the IBM Food Trust consortium to deploy the and click & collect, Carrefour is able to interact with its
technology across every geography. customers anytime, anywhere to offer them a shopping
Carrefour also provides its customers with detailed additional experience and services that are efficient and accessible, while
information about the nutritional profiles of its products, also securing their loyalty through a unique and completely
including per serving data, fibre content and suggested frequency personalised relationship.
of consumption. Carrefour has been extending the use of the
Deploying an ecosystem of digital services ■ quick commerce, in July, Carrefour invested in Cajoo, a
start-up that can deliver everyday shopping in less than
The Covid-19 health crisis illustrated the relevance of the 15 minutes in ten French cities. In October, also in France, the
transformation of Carrefour’s sales network and accelerated its Group announced the launch of Carrefour Sprint in partnership
implementation. The impact was especially pronounced on the with Uber Eats and Cajoo, which by year-end was offering
e-commerce business, whose very strong growth in 2020 15-minute delivery of nearly 2,000 food and non-food product
continued in 2021. The Group generated 3.3 billion euros in references in nine cities;
worldwide food e-commerce GMV in 2021, a year-on-year ■ innovative services such as a personal shopper option, which
increase of 12%. In four years, Carrefour has tripled its
e-commerce business.
has proven highly popular in a number of Group countries (via 2
Bringo) and was recently launched in France under the OK
Following on from the initial digital investment plan, carried out Market! brand. This service was further strengthened in late
between 2018 and 2022, Carrefour has sharply stepped up its December through the partnership with Everli, Europe’s leading
digital technology spend with a new three billion euro plan for marketplace for online grocery shopping, which has a network
the 2022-2026 period, dedicated to making the Group the global of professional shoppers who go to the store, fulfil a
leader in Digital Retail by 2026. At 600 million euros a year, the customer’s order and deliver it to their home;
plan will represent a 50% increase on the average 400 million ■ B2B sales, led the Atacadão’s strong potential in Brazil.
euros committed annually since 2018. In this way, the Group is
seeking to triple its e-commerce GMV to 10 billion euros by The Group also plans to expand in targeted non-food 3
2026. The Group’s digital strategy will be grounded in a data e-commerce segments, in particular through its marketplaces,
centric, digital first vision, structured around four priorities (see social commerce channels and live shopping services. The
details in Section product offering will focus on such growth segments as
previously-owned merchandise, drop-shipped leading brand
■ stepping up growth in the e-commerce business; products and own-brand non-food products offering excellent
■ ramping up Data & Retail Media operations; value for money. In October, for example, the
marketplace extended its offering to non-food categories,
■ digitalising financial services; bringing in leading partners such as Miliboo, Disney, Samsung
■ leading the major digital transformation of conventional and Interforum. During the year, Carrefour also introduced new 4
retailing operations. subscription comparison services (cellphone plans, Internet
boxes, electricity/gas) and partnered with Livecars, a
The digital strategy is an integral part of the Group’s social
multi-service platform for car dealers and manufacturers. At the
responsibility process. Carrefour has announced that it is
same time, Carrefour Occasion launched, a
committed to making its e-commerce activities carbon neutral
platform for buying back previously-owned products developed
by 2030, ten years ahead of its corporate target of 2040. This
in partnership with Cash Converters. Dedicated to the circular
means that the entire purchase process, from click to delivery,
economy, the service is available throughout France.
will be carbon neutral.
Thanks to this strong growth and the ongoing transformation of
To meet the surging demand for online shopping, Carrefour
its operating model, Carrefour expects e-commerce to deliver 5
increased its order preparation and delivery capacities across all
200 million euros in additional recurring operating income in
geographies in 2021. The Group continued to deploy its network
2026 compared to 2021.
of Drives, with 118 openings bringing the total to 2,343 outlets
worldwide by year-end. Home delivery services were also
expanded in every Group country. Carrefour is the European Putting stores at the centre of the omni-channel
market leader in this segment, with an extremely diversified array universe
of services, including express delivery and quick commerce.
In France, Carrefour increased the number of its stores or Stores continue to play a central role even as Carrefour’s
pick-up points offering e-commerce services to 2,343 at operations are rapidly digitalised. Going beyond their traditional 6
year-end 2021. A next-day delivery service is now offered in role as physical sales outlets, stores are being revamped to
Carrefour stores in 330 cities and express delivery in 200 cities. become assets in the Group’s digital strategy. They are at the
Since October 2021, the Group has been partnering with Delipop, centre of its omni-channel universe, serving as fulfilment and
a start-up specialised in online grocery shopping logistics, to delivery centres and as pick-up, return and reimbursement
deploy a new service of automated walk-in Drives where city locations for customers via Drives, click & collect solutions, etc.
dwellers can pick up their orders. The first of these pick-up points As mentioned above, in France 2,343 stores offer either regular or
was opened in October in Paris. walk-in pick-up Drives, next-day home delivery or express
delivery services. Each store is free to organise the service that
best suits its catchment area.
Leading the way in high-growth e-commerce
Developing promising formats
Carrefour intends to step up the development of all forms of
e-commerce. In addition to the Drive format, a dominant model In 2021, Carrefour continued to open new store formats aligned
in France and where Carrefour is steadily gaining market share, with its customers’ expectations. Together with e-commerce,
the Group intends to lead the way in the fastest-growing food these segments continue to serve as drivers of the Group’s
e-commerce formats, backed by partnerships, equity current and future growth.
investments and innovations: Convenience stores enjoyed fast growth in 2021, with the 8
■ express delivery (less than three hours) and quick commerce opening of 1,120 outlets meeting the target of 2,700 openings
(less than 15 minutes), to widen its leadership in home delivery between 2018 and 2022 across every geography a year ahead of
in its key markets. In express delivery, for example, the Group schedule. The convenience format, which is particularly well
strengthened its partnership with Deliveroo in France, Belgium, suited to various innovations aligned with the specific needs of
Italy and Spain in 2021, while continuing to expand its local customers, saw its appeal increase during lockdown due to
collaboration with Uber Eats in Brazil, Spain and France. More its ease of access.
than 1,000 Carrefour stores are now offered on the application
throughout France;
The Group’s cash & carry stores offer merchants, restaurant partners, local production as well as accessibility, traceability and
owners and other trade customers a broad selection of food and guaranteeing high-quality products.
non-food products, presented directly on palettes and sold
Lastly, some issues reflect changing consumer trends and
individually or in large quantities at wholesale prices. Designed to
expectations among our stakeholders. These include a zero
meet the expectations of businesses and consumers looking for
waste customer pathway, water management and quality, decent
an efficient shopping experience and low prices. In 2021, the
wages for employees and an inclusive customer experience in
Atacadão chain continued to expand in Brazil particularly with the
stores. These issues were not specifically included as priority
rebranding of Makro stores acquired in 2020.
issues in the 2019 analysis.
Soft discount: The Supeco banner, based on the soft discount
supermarket model, was launched in France in 2019. Since then,
Contribution to sustainable development goals
the store base has grown from six units in 2020 to 26 in France in
2021, with a total of 108 stores worldwide. The different issues were assessed against the UN Sustainable
Organic banners: In November 2020, Carrefour acquired Bio c’ Development Goals (SDGs). This assessment has allowed the
Bon, a banner that has developed a highly attractive specialist Group to identify the eight SDGs to which it contributes as a
retail network combining a modern store concept with an priority. The analysis shows that the priority SDGs are:
offering suited to prime urban locations. Carrefour is also ■ Goal 2: Zero hunger;
continuing to expand the speciality organic banner. The
roll-out is being led in parallel with the expansion of the online ■ Goal 3: Good health and well-being;
organic offering, with the acquisition of Greenweez (2016), the ■ Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy;
European leader in online organic product sales, Planeta Huerto
in Spain (2018) and Sorgente Natura in Italy (2019). ■ Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth;
■ Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production; Stakeholder dialogue ■ Goal 13: Climate action;
■ Goal 14: Life below water;
Carrefour updated its materiality analysis in 2021. The Group
asked 110 stakeholders (customers, investors, trade unions, ■ Goal 15: Life on land.
suppliers, institutions and employees) to assess the importance of
40 issues in relation to the food transition. The results were Carrefour's strategic interpretation
consolidated into a matrix representing the importance of these
issues for stakeholders as a function of their impact on The materiality analysis allows Carrefour to identify the priority
Carrefour's business. The matrix below presents the 28 priority issues relating to the food transition for all, which has been the
issues that emerged from the assessment. Group's raison d'être since 2019, and to confirm the pertinence
of the action plans in place. Many of the priority issues have been
Analysis of results identified in years past, and have been tracked and measured by
Carrefour using its CSR and Food Transition Index, and/or
The most important issues, represented in the top right-hand addressed in the duty of care plan (e.g., food waste, sustainable
corner of the materiality matrix, are as follows: combating food fishing, sustainable agriculture, human rights within supply
waste, sustainable fishing, sustainable agriculture, well-being at chains, and well-being at work).
work, climate – transport and e-commerce, and human rights Other issues, such as the inclusive customer experience in stores,
within the supply chains. These issues have become increasingly water quality, guaranteed decent wages for employees and the
important factors of consideration for stakeholders and the availability of an ethics whistleblowing system within supply
Group since the last analysis in 2019. chains, as well as local action among stores, must now be
Some issues have maintained their position in the matrix prioritised as they are emerging as critical challenges in the
compared to 2019. This is notably the case for environmental analysis and are not yet the subject of structured policies or
protection (deforestation, packaging, the fight against global action plans at Group level.
warming for stores), sustainable relationships with suppliers and
Food waste
Human rights
3.8 Sustainable within supply
and Deforestation
chains Sustainable
fishing 2
partnerships Sustainable
with suppliers farming
3.7 Living wage Human rights among
- supply chain Packaging our subcontractors
Water Diversity
3.6 management and inclusion Climate - transport
Living wage and quality and e-commerce
at work
- Employees Climate - stores and e-commerce
traceability and Ethics whistleblowing system
Zero waste
customer pathway
safe products Food
Health and nutrition Local
insecurity and Animal welfare
associations Anti-corruption
Inclusive customer
experience in stores
Attracting and
Training retaining talent
3.2 employees and
developing Affordable,
their skills high-quality products
3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2
Key challenges addressed with
the CSR and Food Transition Index
Key challenges addressed
in exercising duty of care
Emerging key challenges 5
Carrefour intends to capitalise on its numerous strengths: its organisations in Poland, Italy, Romania and Belgium opened
ability to sensitise and mobilise its employees; its capacity to their local versions of the Leaders School, which supports
reinvent its business model and rethink its organisation to internal promotion in the Group. Carrefour is also devoting
enhance agility and efficiency; its commitment to supporting the significant resources to training its employees in food transition
transition to new production methods in partnership with the fundamentals. In Italy and Argentina, for example, trade schools
agricultural sector and the various players in the circular are supporting employees from Traditional Fresh Products
economy; and lastly, its strong geographic footprint, which departments in their commitment to continuously improving
makes the Group’s stores a central part of life in both urban and service quality.
non-urban communities.
Progress in these four areas of the Group’s cultural performance
Coupled with its digital transformation strategy, this combination is measured in each Group country by the Employee Net
of assets enables the Group to deploy a business model based on Promoter System® (E-NPS®). Its steadily improving results in each
creating shared value for all stakeholders, while aligning its of the Act for Change commitments are helping to guide human
approach with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the resource initiatives.
United Nations for 2030.
Attracting, supporting and training talented Diversity and our employees’ skills employees
To achieve its objectives, Carrefour can count on its people. The At a time of significant change, Carrefour attaches great
Group’s workforce comprises 319,565 employees worldwide, importance to upskilling teams.
55.6% of whom are women. They allow Carrefour to offer quality
In 2021, the Group improved and updated its hiring strategies by
services, products and food for everyone on a daily basis,
diversifying its outreach channels and deepening its applicant
through all distribution channels – in the Group’s nine integrated
pools. In France, for example, more than 26,350 job offers were
posted on partner websites during the year. Carrefour also
strengthened its strategy for identifying and tracking key talent,
Making a difference with Act for Change which includes 200 Group executives in strategic positions,
participants from Executive Management Graduates
The Act for Change managerial and cultural transformation plan Programmes, and high-potential employees with
continued to be implemented in 2021. It is based on four key business-critical skills.
commitments, expressed in practical initiatives:
The Group invests heavily in training to prepare its employees for
■ “Grow and move forward together” is about developing talent, changes in the sector.
fostering diversity and encouraging cooperation among the
Group’s various departments and store formats. The internal Carrefour’s ambition is to be a world leader in Digital Retail with
promotion and management training programmes in each a strategy based on a data-centric, digital first approach. In all
country and the Group’s Carrefour University programmes have Group countries, programmes are organised to help employees
all been updated and restructured with this commitment in to understand and embrace digital culture. By 2024, all Carrefour
mind. Launched in 2020, the “C Booster” and “D Booster” employees will have attended dedicated digital technology
programmes, designed to identify and nurture high-potential training courses offered by the Digital Retail Academy in
managers, continued apace in 2021; partnership with Google. This corresponds to around
100,000 employees trained per year. In addition, to facilitate
■ “Serve the customer with passion” reminds us of the need for interaction and encourage innovation, Carrefour will give all its
our employees to improve quality of service and customer employees access to Workplace, the communication software
satisfaction. In 2021, the 5/5/5 method, aimed at making tool developed by Meta (formerly Facebook).
customers central to stores’ concerns again, was rolled out in
every Group country (see Section "The food transition Fresh products and the food transition continue to be key topics
for and with our customers"). Together, these initiatives helped in the Group’s training strategy. Carrefour France has developed
to improve the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) in every Group the “Mastering the essentials of the food transition” module to
country in 2021; promote the Group’s food transition approach to customers.
Romania also offers training, on quality and food security. In
■ “Act with simplicity” emphasises the importance of seamless, Spain, Carrefour participates in the Chair of Food and Nutrition of
efficient resource management, encourages a spirit of initiative CEU San Pablo University and offers meat cutting and processing
and nimble responsiveness, and enables employees to develop courses for butchery professionals. In 2021, more than
their careers in a positive, constantly changing working 12,300 employees participated in food transition training
environment. Carrefour is committed to leading numerous programmes.
initiatives to improve the quality of life in the workplace and to
implementing the same occupational health policies in every To nurture its customer-centric culture, Carrefour deploys action
host country; plans to enhance the flexibility of its in-store teams and reduce
stockout rates. It has also introduced procedures to detect, track
■ “Be proud to change our business” aims to foster innovation in and quickly resolve customer complaints. In 2021,
support of the food transition. To get stores and their teams 50,000 employees in France took the “Being a Carrefour
involved in this process, the “Act for Food Superheroes” Ambassador” training course and 9,014 additional employees
programme showcases the initiatives undertaken by received training on other customer relations topics (up from
participating employees. The community of ambassadors now 8,559 in 2020). In addition, the NPS® was integrated into the
includes over 2,000 employees. Following on from Argentina variable compensation criteria for all Carrefour senior executives
and Spain in 2018 and France in 2020, in 2021, the country in 2019 and for all managers in France in 2020.
New programmes have been introduced to develop Carrefour’s Every year, Carrefour dedicates a whole day to diversity, to foster
managers, including: acceptance of others among employees. For International
Diversity Day 2021, a motion design video about diversity at
■ senior executive programmes for high-potential managers, like
Carrefour was produced and shared with teams in all Group
the Next Generation programme, which is designed to help
countries, both internally (head offices and stores) and externally
future leaders develop strong leadership skills;
■ the multi-format management courses, Manage for Change
and Manage for Lead, which provide first-time and experienced
managers with the skills necessary to oversee their teams’ Our ability to adapt to change
performance; 2
Since 2018, Carrefour has profoundly transformed its
■ individual coaching and mentoring programmes, available in organisation and deployed a more efficient resource allocation
the employee’s own language; strategy, so that it can invest selectively in its priority areas – the
■ best practice webinars, an international initiative that involves food transition for all and digital technology.
bringing together senior executives from different countries
once a month to share best practices. Enhancing agility and cross-functionality
(For more information, see Section and
To capitalise more effectively on its size, the Group has fostered
Attracting, supporting and developing talent.)
the synergies between its various components since 2018. 3
Barriers have been broken down between country organisations,
Promoting diversity formats and functions. As a result, Carrefour can now take better
advantage of its multi-country presence, with a governance
Carrefour is deeply committed to reflecting and embracing the structure that is more conducive to the pooling and
social and cultural diversity of all its host communities. Carrefour standardisation of purchases across Europe. Functions that were
made an early commitment to promote diversity by signing previously segmented by format have now been united to
a Diversity Charter in 2004, aimed at giving everyone, in every strengthen the impact of Carrefour’s sales initiatives, primarily in
country, the same opportunities in career development and
Belgium, but also in France. These adjustments have enhanced
the Group’s agility and efficiency worldwide.
The Group employs 177,611 women, together representing 55.6%
of its workforce. Numerous systems are accordingly in place to Becoming a Digital Retail Company
ensure gender equality within the Group. They include equal pay
policies, access to training for all and arrangements facilitating After a successful three-year transformation, Carrefour is now
the work-life balance (pooled work schedules(1)). Carrefour offers fully equipped to meet its new objective: to transform itself into a
individual coaching and mentoring programmes for women, in a Digital Retail Company by 2026. This strategy, based on a
commitment to increasing the percentage of women leaders data-centric, digital first approach, will be implemented through
from 25% in 2021 to 35% by 2025. Since 2011, the international
Women Leaders programme has supported female Group
four key projects: 5
employees seeking to access positions with greater responsibility. ■ Stepping up growth in the e-commerce business (see
In 2021, every country organisation in the Group was certified to Section "Across all distribution channels").
the Gender Equality European & International Standard (GEEIS). ■ Ramping up the Data & Retail Media operations, supported by
Carrefour is also firmly committed to combating sexual the Carrefour Links platform, which enables Carrefour’s partner
harassment and casual sexism. In France, sexual harassment and companies to conduct their marketing campaigns throughout
sexism liaison officers were appointed in 2019 (250 drawn from the Group’s online universe and to measure their real impact
the Works Council and 250 Carrefour employees). from ad to in-store purchase. Carrefour Links’ proprietary data,
The Group employs 10,902 people with a disability, which representing eight billion transactions and 80 million consumer 6
represents 3.41% of the total headcount. More than 20 years after households worldwide, offer the finest Data & Retail Media
signing its first agreement on the employment of people with solution in Europe, which Carrefour intends to leverage to
disabilities in French hypermarkets, Carrefour is still in the generate 200 million euros in additional recurring operating
forefront on this issue, working closely with the employees income in 2026 compared to 2021.
concerned throughout their careers, with the support of disability ■ Digitalising financial services (see Section 1.4.4. "Financial and
liaison officers. The Group is also implementing an ambitious purchasing services").
disability sensitivity/training policy. In 2021, Carrefour took part in
Duo Day, an initiative that involves pairing up an employee for ■ Leading the digital transformation of conventional retailing
the day with a person with a disability. It also supported Le Grand operations. Since 2018, Carrefour has been leading a strategy 7
Pitch, the first speech contest dedicated to disability organised by to migrate its IT systems to the cloud, with the goal of making
its partner Pépites Emploi. In 2021, Carrefour pursued and them more agile. Today, 30% of applications have already been
expanded its initiatives to promote equal opportunity and to migrated, with the Group committed to being totally
support young people entering the workforce by hiring 15,000 cloud-based by 2026. This ramp-up will speed the
youths on permanent or work-study contracts, of whom 50% transformation of all of Carrefour’s business processes,
came from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The Group also including pricing, assortment planning, sales forecasts, supply
offered job-shadowing work experience to 3,000 high school chain flows, and administrative processes. Digitalisation will
students from these priority urban areas to introduce them to help to enhance and personalise the customer experience and
retail industry professions. improve operating efficiency, in both head offices and stores. 8
(1) Work schedule pooling is a voluntary system offering employees the possibility of organising their own working hours, in consultation with their
colleagues and according to the workload plan prepared by their section manager. Since 2010, a collective agreement has offered the system to
all Carrefour hypermarket checkout staff, to support a better work-life balance and serve customers’ best interests.
In 2021, the Group supported French organic and agroecological TEX, Carrefour’s textile brand, is committed to ensuring that
farmers hit by the freeze event that devastated crops on 100% of its cashmere comes from a quality-traced chain
hundreds of thousands of hectares. Carrefour France deployed guaranteeing animal welfare.
initiatives for its 4,000 Carrefour Quality Lines, Reflets de France
and Carrefour Bio partner producers by maintaining their
Promoting the circular economy
three-year collaborative contracts, agreeing to sell any harvest
spared by the frost (“Cost price for resistant fruit” campaign), Carrefour is committed to promoting more resource-efficient
paying more quickly, and prioritising the sale of French-grown practices, such as ecodesign and the recycling of plastic
produce throughout the season. packaging, which has become a major source of marine 2
Lastly, Carrefour uses ecolabels (Forest Stewardship Council, pollution. It has therefore set an objective of reducing the
Marine Stewardship Council, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, amount of packaging it contributes to the market by 5% between
etc.) to guarantee that the merchandise it procures complies with 2017 and 2022. It also aims to use only reusable, recyclable or
strict social and environmental standards. To supplement this compostable packaging for all its own-brand products by 2025.
certification-based approach, advanced technology is also used Thanks to the development of bulk selling and returnable
to ensure sourcing quality. Satellite surveillance of beef ranches packaging and the use of reusable containers, various alternatives
in Brazil, for example, enables the Group to control the risk of the to disposable plastic packaging are offered both in-store and
Amazon rainforest’s destruction. online. Carrefour works with its customers to improve its waste
(For more information, see Section and
sorting system and also supports innovative initiatives in this area. 3
Promoting and developing sustainable agriculture.) As part of the “Zero Plastic Challenge”, the Group is working to
avoid the use of 20,000 tonnes of packaging by 2025 and is
actively developing effective innovations. To this end, Carrefour
Guaranteeing animal welfare France offers brown paper and organic cotton bags at fruit and
vegetable stands, and brown paper bags at cost price (9 euro
Improving the conditions in which animals are raised and
cents) at checkouts. It also aims to eliminate as much plastic as
slaughtered is a growing concern among the general public. In
possible on fruit and vegetable stands, as well as in non-food
response, Carrefour has made animal welfare one of its priorities
packaging. At the VivaTech 2021 tech event, Carrefour launched
and is engaged in a programme to improve conditions in its
the “Carrefour Bulk Innovation Challenge,” a pitch contest to find 4
supply chains. To strengthen the commitment of its own-brand
innovative solutions to reduce the top ten “irritating” factors that
suppliers, an animal welfare policy was defined in 2019, based on
discourage customers from buying in bulk.
ten priority areas. These include minimising controversial
practices like debeaking, banning animal testing and cloning, and The Group is also developing returnable container systems. In
limiting overcrowding and stress. 2021, Carrefour France continued to deploy the Loop returnable
and reusable packaging solution in its stores. A pioneer in green
Since 2021, the Group’s nine integrated countries have been
practices in the Polish retail industry, Carrefour Poland has been
assessing their performance in eight of the policy’s key
offering sparkling water in one-litre glass bottles since
objectives. These include stipulations that (i) all certified,
national-brand shell eggs and all egg ingredients in
November 2021 as part of its returnable packaging system. 5
Carrefour-brand products must come from cage-free chickens Carrefour is also leading the way in recycling in a number of its
by 2025 or 2028 (depending on the country); (ii) that 50% of the host countries. In 2021, Carrefour France and Terracycle joined
sales of Carrefour-brand chickens must come with serious forces with L’Oréal France to recycle cosmetic packaging in
animal welfare guarantees by 2026, with the same compliance stores and with Pampers to recycle used diapers. Carrefour Brazil
guarantees also required of organic and Carrefour Quality Lines partnered with BR+10, an environmental management company,
pork products by 2025; and (iii) that all the abattoirs delivering to secure the process for recovering and reusing materials from
unprocessed products certified by Carrefour must be audited by discarded gloves and masks.
(For more information, see Section and 6
In 2020, Carrefour committed to disclosing animal welfare Committing to ecodesign and a circular economy for packaging.)
conditions for its branded chickens, by ensuring the traceability
of more than 20 million birds using blockchain technology and
Combating food waste
by introducing a new, graded Animal Welfare label on marketed
products. Also in 2020, Carrefour France introduced a Carrefour teams also strive to combat food waste and share the
spectrophotometric in ovo sexing technique to select future Consumer Goods Forum goal of achieving a 50% reduction in
laying hens for Carrefour Quality Line eggs, so as to avoid having food waste by 2025. In addition to implementing measures to
to slaughter male chicks at birth. Carrefour Poland was the first improve inventory management at its stores, Carrefour also takes
Polish retail chain to join the European Chicken Commitment in steps to limit the volume of unsold food products: spotlighting 7
2021. Carrefour Taiwan is the first retailer in Asia to pledge that all items that are approaching their use-by date, transforming
the eggs sold in its stores will come from cage-free hens by damaged fruits and vegetables to give them a second life and
2025. Carrefour Spain has confirmed that all the fresh eggs sold partnering with start-ups to sell products made from unsold
under its own-brand will be cage-free by 2022. foods. Since early 2021, Carrefour Poland has been selling slightly
The Group has also created a Label Rouge beef Quality Line imperfect carrots and potatoes in special packaging. In the same
featuring specifications based on animal welfare, optimal rearing way, Carrefour Spain offers a discount on vegetables that have
conditions and controlled feeding for animals, consisting mainly imperfections but are still good to eat. In 2021, Carrefour France
of grass for adults and milk for their young. installed “zero-waste challenge” stations in 30 stores to collect
undamaged eggs from cartons where an egg had broken and sell 8
them at a low price instead of throwing them away.
To avoid products being thrown out unnecessarily, the Group has Contributing to the vitality of host communities
launched a joint initiative with its suppliers to review or extend
use-by and minimum durability dates. It also optimises its Carrefour is a major player in community dynamics, in both
donations of unsold food products by partnering with food banks urban and rural areas. The Group’s stores all contribute to their
in most of its host countries. The food donated by Carrefour in host community’s development in various ways, by creating
2021 represented the equivalent of 44 million meals. Unsold direct and indirect jobs, setting up local distribution networks and
foods that cannot be donated are used as biowaste for the sales partnerships with local producers (SMEs, farmers, etc.),
production of biomethane. contributing to local business projects, and taking part in
The Group’s country organisations are developing an increasing environmental, social and solidarity initiatives, particularly in the
number of innovations and partnerships to combat food waste. areas of food donations and combating food waste.
In July, Carrefour Italy launched the #CarrefourZeroWaste In all its host countries, Carrefour prefers to source locally,
challenge on TikTok to raise awareness among the younger especially for food products. To promote local suppliers,
generation of the need to cut waste. To help Brazilian families Carrefour develops lines of regional specialities in every
manage their waste more efficiently, CyberCook, Carrefour geography. The Group intends to create a network of
Brazil’s recipe website, created a metric to measure the quantities small-to-medium enterprises in all its host countries connecting
saved during each meal preparation. In Argentina, the Group them to its stores and involving them in its growth, drawing
partnered with Danone and the Food Bank of Buenos Aires to inspiration from the SME Plan. Created in France in 2014, the SME
find joint solutions. Plan aims to strengthen cooperation between Carrefour and
In 2021, Carrefour reduced its food waste by 2% compared with SMEs across all food and non-food industries. As part of this
2020. commitment, Carrefour’s INNbox programme for SMEs is
permanently available to provide SMEs with free expertise from
(For more information, see Section and Carrefour, in areas such as product quality, design, packaging and
Combating food waste.) logistics, to support the development of innovative food
products. In addition, the Group’s financial services company Geographic footprint Finifac, has developed credit solutions for SMEs and farmers.
In 2021, the Group continued to support agricultural product
Carrefour’s operations contribute to the dynamics of the suppliers in a variety of ways, some of whose markets shrank
ecosystems into which they fit. Its stores give everyone access to during the health crisis. In late January, for example, Carrefour
the necessities of life, even in the most isolated communities; its reasserted its commitment to 3,400 local and regional food
partnerships with producers and SMEs support local economic industry SMEs and VSEs and signed three-year contracts with
development; and its Foundation implements solidarity initiatives 1,935 of them. In March, the Company pledged to ensure fairer
in partnership with non-profits in the field. compensation for its 18,000 Carrefour Quality Line suppliers,
Thanks to its global network of 13,894 stores, Carrefour provides while organising the Salon Grandeur Nature campaign to
its customers with convenient local retail options in all its showcase them after the Paris International Agricultural Show
countries of operation. The Group aligns its formats with the was cancelled.
specific needs and expectations of its host countries and In Belgium, Carrefour partnered with the Sharing Food banner to
communities. Each store has the independence necessary to extend its support to restaurant owners nationwide in the first
adapt its product assortment and services portfolio to local needs quarter in order to facilitate the sale of prepared meals in
and build close relationships with its customers. Carrefour stores.
In Metropolitan France, Carrefour has 5,619 stores in urban areas, In Spain, Carrefour rolled out its SME Asturias programme
suburban areas and in rural areas (excluding wholesale honouring local SMEs that stand out for the quality of their
operations). City-centre Carrefour City and Carrefour Express products. The Company also demonstrated its support for
stores are making daily shopping easy for everyone, including in Spanish footwear by selecting seven regional suppliers for its TEX
less central neighbourhoods. In suburban areas, Carrefour brand.
follows consumer movement patterns to offer the closest
In Brazil, Atacadão partnered with Coca Cola in a programme to
possible contact, with hypermarket and cash & carry outlets
support food industry sole traders by providing training,
addressing the social dynamic toward affordable pricing and
digitalisation solutions and microloans and by showcasing their
breadth of choice. In rural areas, the mesh of Carrefour Market,
business through the “Atacadão promotes your company”
Proxi and Contact stores provides convenient shopping
campaign. In addition, the partnership between Carrefour Brazil
conditions for consumers living far away from the larger
and Central do Cerrado, a community association cooperative in
metropolitan stores. Its new version of Contact stores, specially
the Cerrado, is helping to support small local producers and
designed for rural and suburban areas and featuring an expanded
family farms.
range of organic products and fresh produce, as well as an
on-site eating area, is being rolled out in four regions. Carrefour
is also expanding its online shopping offer in all regions to enable Implementing solidarity initiatives
everyone to access the broadest possible product range via its
home delivery service. The new Group & France Solidarity Unit
In 2020 and 2021, the Group’s multi-format model enabled it to In 2021, the Carrefour group created a Group & France Solidarity
respond appropriately at each stage of the crisis. In particular, Unit, whose mission is to improve coordination among the
convenience formats and supermarkets, which are close to home various social responsibility initiatives being led across the Group.
and easily accessible for consumers, provided an effective The Solidarity Unit works in close cooperation with the Carrefour
response for people needing to comply with lockdown measures. Foundation to provide its partner non-profits with a variety of
incentive drivers. Carrefour’s commitment to non-profits can
therefore mean getting stores and employees involved in their
initiatives or in making philanthropic contributions in the public
Outside France, the different country organisations can report The Group’s commitment to solidarity
their outreach initiatives to the Unit, to give them a wider
audience and more accurately measure their impact. In France, The Group remained engaged throughout the Covid-19
the Unit’s dedicated team manages a dozen social responsibility pandemic. In Spain, Carrefour was the first company to provide
initiatives a year. premises to speed-up vaccination processes, while in Romania,
In addition, as every year, Carrefour France supported a variety of the Red Cross and the Group partnered to donate life support
charity fund-raising drives in 2021, including Pièces jaunes medical equipment to the Bagdasar-Arseni ICU. After the floods
(January), Restos du Coeur (March) and Boucles du Coeur (May in Belgium in July, Carrefour organised a charity rounding-up
to October), as well as the national food bank collection campaign for the victims.
campaign and the Telethon. (For more information, see Community
The Carrefour Foundation
Supporting fair trade
In 2020, the Carrefour Foundation celebrated 20 years of
commitment to solidarity and its mission of promoting the In France, Carrefour was the first major retail banner to sell a
responsible food transition. Today, this mission is being pursued fair-trade product, Malongo brand coffee back in 1998, produced
through three programmes focused on sustainable, responsible by small farmers. Many Max Havelaar® certified products have
agriculture, inclusive anti-waste initiatives and a food-related since been added to store shelves through brands such as Alter
societal commitment. It supports solidarity initiatives in France Eco, Ethiquable, Lobodis, etc. Twenty years later, Carrefour and
and the Group’s other host countries. It co-manages these MaxHavelaar® have signed a number of international agreements.
projects with Carrefour teams in Belgium, Italy, Poland and The latest, signed in 2021, is a groundbreaking, one-million-euro
Romania and, in other countries, with local foundations Carrefour project to support environmental practices and promote gender
Taiwan Cultural and Educational Foundation, Foundation for equality in the fair trade banana industry, which will benefit
Agricultural Development in Romania, Fundación Solidaridad 10,000 people in Peru and the Dominican Republic.
Carrefour in Spain and Fundación Carrefour Argentina.
In 2021, 127.8 million euros in fair trade products were sold in
Since the beginning of the health crisis, the Foundation’s Carrefour stores worldwide, representing a 15% increase from 4
engagement with the most vulnerable groups has represented 2020. Product sales generated nearly 1.5 million euros in
outlays of more than 3.8 million euros. In France, for example, it development bonuses for cooperatives, on top of the fairer retail
supported more than 100,000 students through initiatives such price paid to producers, which have financed study grants, water
as its call for Student & Food Innovation projects. The ten purifiers, schools, a maternity unit, and more. Carrefour’s
winning non-profits received funding for a variety of food own-brand organic range, launched in partnership with Max
projects to help students, including solidarity-based grocery Havelaar®, now has a wide range of listings in five product
stores, living and working spaces, gardens, etc. In addition, the categories: bananas, coffee, chocolate, honey and tea. In 2021,
TikTok challenge launched last March enabled the Carrefour 930 fair trade products were carried in Carrefour stores
Foundation to collect nearly 35 tonnes of food for students in worldwide. 5
vulnerable circumstances.
The Foundation also donated emergency funding following the
floods in the Liège region of Belgium. Since 2000, it has
contributed more than 18 million euros in emergency
humanitarian aid.
Contribution to SDG WELL-BEING Contribution to SDG SANITATION
→Carry out food aid initiatives to Contribution to SDG →Promote the hiring of interns Contribution to SDG
make the most of unsold items in →Offer nutritional products in and work-study trainees, →Raise awareness, train and
stores: support for food banks and stores and use the Nutri-Score particularly in disadvantaged monitor textile industry suppliers
associations. The food donated by labelling system to help consumers areas. on the management and efficiency
Carrefour in 2021 represented the eat healthy, balanced meals Group goals of processes that consume water
equivalent of 44 million meals. regardless of their dietary →15,000 young people hired on and chemicals through the Clean
→Work towards the responsible requirements. permanent contracts or Water Project launched in 2016.
food transition with the Carrefour →Implement a set of work-study programmes, half of →Reduce the use of pesticides
Foundation. requirements and procedures to which from disadvantaged (organic farming and agroecology)
Group goals guarantee the quality and neighbourhoods in 2021. and develop more
→Contribute to the responsible compliance of the products sold. →3,000 job-shadowing work environmentally-friendly certified
food transition by leveraging →Safeguard the health and experiences for high school products (EcoLabel).
sustainable and responsible well-being of all employees. students from France's priority Group goals
agriculture, inclusive anti-waste Group goals urban areas in 2021. →Teams at all the production sites
initiatives and a societal →Ban controversial substances. of key integrated textile suppliers
commitment (Carrefour →Ensure the quality and safety of are trained and working on
Foundation). Carrefour products. corrective plans.
→100% of countries have rolled →All Carrefour Quality Lines
out a Healthier Diet action plan. products feature Agroecology
05. GENDER EQUALITY labels by 2025.
Contribution to SDG →45,000 partner producers by
→Promote diversity, notably 2025, including organic producers
02. ZERO HUNGER through the Diversity Charter and agro-ecological producers.
Contribution to SDG signed in 2004, in a commitment
→Reduce food waste through to give everyone in all countries
three focus areas: in-store the same opportunities in terms of
measures (e.g., Too Good To Go), career development and
partnerships with suppliers (e.g., recruitment. The day-to-day
review of use-by and durability actions taken as part of this 07. AFFORDABLE AND
dates of more than 400 Carrefour commitment include promoting CLEAN ENERGY
products) and consumer awareness gender equality in the workplace, Contribution to SDG
(e.g., “Zero Gaspi” events). integrating people from diverse →Improve the energy efficiency of
Group goals backgrounds and people with stores and develop the use of
→50% reduction in food waste by disabilities, and combating all renewable energies.
2025 vs. 2016. forms of discrimination and →Reduce the greenhouse gas
→100% of countries implement an harassment. emissions associated with the
annual Act For Food Group goals Group's activities, and engage all
communication programme. →35% women among the top stakeholders, and more particularly
200 managers by 2025. suppliers, in the low-carbon
→GEEIS certification for gender transition.
equality in all countries. Group goal
→Reduce GHG emissions (scopes 1
and 2) by 50% by 2030, and by 70%
by 2040, compared with 2019.
Group goals →Roll-out a Sustainable Forests
→Carrefour-brand products action plan on deforestation-linked
accounting for one-third of sales by 2022. products by the end of 2025 (palm
08. DECENT WORK AND →80% of customers believe that 13. CLIMATE ACTION oil, wood and paper, soy, cocoa,
ECONOMIC GROWTH Carrefour helps them eat healthier Contribution to SDG packaging and textile fibres).
Contribution to SDG and more responsibly, while →Reduce the greenhouse gas →Ensure that all new shopping
→Promote social and ethical remaining affordable, by 2022. emissions associated with the centre constructions and
responsibility through our Group's activities, and engage all expansions are certified to BREEAM 2
purchasing policy and business stakeholders, and more particularly standards and roll out BREAM
relationships. Carrefour has suppliers, in the low-carbon In-Use certification across 75% of
specific purchasing rules and transition. sites in France by 2021.
integrates social, environmental 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND Group goals
and ethical criteria into its business COMMUNITIES The following objectives have been
relationships. The Group notably Contribution to SDG approved by the Science Based
ensures compliance with human →Contribute to integration in city Targets initiative:
rights principles in its supply chains centres via our convenience formats. →Reduce GHG emissions (scopes 1
and promotes fair compensation →Use a fleet of biomethane and 2) by 50% by 2030, and by 70% 3
for all parties, via fair trade delivery vans in large urban areas by 2040, compared with 2019.
products, long-term partnerships and obtain noise certifications. →Reduce product-related GHG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE AND
and initiatives like C’est qui le Group goal emissions by 20 million tonnes STRONG INSTITUTIONS
patron ? (Who's the Boss?) . →800 vans running on compared with 2019. Contribution to SDG
Group goal biomethane in France in 2021. →Fight against illegal fishing.
→All of our supply plants located →Tackle illegal deforestation.
in at-risk countries must undergo a →Apply international conventions
compliance audit. on working conditions in our supply 4
12. RESPONSIBLE →Apply the European F-Gas
CONSUMPTION AND 14. LIFE BELOW WATER legislation (refrigerants) in all our
PRODUCTION Contribution to SDG host countries.
Contribution to SDG →Participate in the development Group goals
09. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION →Offer products in stores that of sustainable fishing by developing →See goals 14 and 15.
AND INFRASTRUCTURE contribute to the food transition for an offering of more responsible
Contribution to SDG all, while supporting local suppliers seafood and aquaculture products.
→Support our suppliers through and responsible practices (organic Group goals 5
financing (crowdfunding, financing farming, environmental →50% of fish sold by Carrefour
entities) and three-way and/or certifications, etc.) and ensuring sourced from sustainable fisheries
long-term contracts (e.g., organic transparency for consumers. by 2025 (Carrefour-brand and
producers, FQC). →Reduce waste production and national-brand products). 17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR
→Promote innovation relating to guarantee its recovery. →20,000 tonnes of packaging THE GOALS
the food transition, particularly Group goals avoided by 2025 (since 2016), Contribution to SDG
through the Food Transition Pact. →15% of fresh food product sales including 15,000 tonnes of plastic. →Carrefour develops all of its
Group goals generated from organic or action plans in conjunction with its 6
→Help 3,000 producers in France agroecological products by 2025. stakeholders.
with organic farming, or with the →10% Carrefour Quality Lines →Part of the Consumer Goods
transition to organic production, by products in the Fresh Products Forum. As a member, the Group
2022. range by 2025. actively participates in coalitions
→Ensure 300 organic suppliers →Key objectives of our animal on soy, wood and paper, palm oil,
are signatories to the Food welfare policy implemented in all beef and plastic.
Transition Pact by 2025. countries by 2025. 15. LIFE ON LAND →Alexandre Bompard now
→Guarantee the transparency and Contribution to SDG co-leads the coalition to combat
traceability of Carrefour products. →Participate in the development deforestation.
→100% reusable, recyclable and of sustainable agriculture by Group goals
compostable packaging by 2025. expanding the range of products →300 suppliers committed to the
→Recover 100% of waste by 2025. sourced from the organic farming Food Transition Pact by 2025.
and agroecology segments and →45,000 local partner producers
→45,000 local partners by 2025.
10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES supporting producers through long- in 2025.
Contribution to SDG term partnerships.
→Make our product range →Fight against deforestation
accessible to as many people as
linked to our sourcing, in particular
for our priority raw materials (beef,
→More affordable organic, palm oil, soy, cocoa, packaging and
agroecological and local products. textile fibres) .
→Participate in the food transition →Reduce the environmental
by donating our unsold goods. impact of our sites.
→Priority focus on food through Group goals
the actions of the Carrefour →See goals 6 and 12.
Carrefour has been opening stores under its banners in France territories. A total of 180 stores are operated under Group
and abroad for more than 60 years. It currently operates in banners in the French overseas territories: 19 hypermarkets,
Metropolitan France and its overseas territories, as well as in 46 supermarkets, 110 convenience stores, and 5 cash & carry
Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa through a stores.
network of integrated and franchised stores, and stores that it
In 2021, Carrefour France opened or acquired 412 stores under
runs with partner companies.
Group banners, including 5 hypermarkets, 16 supermarkets,
In 2021, Carrefour opened or acquired 1,487 stores under Group 377 convenience stores, 3 cash & carry stores and 11 soft
banners, representing some 968,000 sq.m. of gross additional discount stores, representing a total of
sales area. As of the end of 2021, Carrefour had 13,894 stores approximately 117,000 sq.m. of gross sales area.
under its banners in over 40 countries.
In France, net sales totalled 35.3 billion euros in 2021, an increase
Carrefour generated net sales of 73.0 billion euros in 2021, up of 3.4%. Like-for-like gross sales excluding petrol and calendar
5.0% at constant exchange rates. 2021 sales including VAT effects were up by 1.8%. Hypermarkets were up 0.6% in
(before the impact of IAS 29) amounted to 80.9 billion euros, an like-for-like sales excluding petrol and the calendar effect,
increase of 5.3% at constant exchange rates. This increase is whereas supermarkets enjoyed a 3.6% increase and other formats
attributable to the following: (mainly convenience stores) gained 2.1%.
■ a 2.3% increase in same-store sales excluding petrol and Recurring operating income totalled 757 million euros, up 20.4%,
calendar effects, adjusted for the impact of for an operating margin that represented 2.1% of net sales. This
construction/renovation work; change reflects excellent momentum in retail, combined with a
deep focus on cutting costs.
■ a 0.3% unfavourable calendar effect;
In France, operational investments amounted to 677 million
■ a 0.9% positive contribution from store openings;
euros, representing 1.9% of sales.
■ a 0.5% favourable impact from changes in the scope of
consolidation and other effects (including transfers);
Other European countries
■ a 2.1% increase in petrol sales.
After taking into account a 2.7% adverse currency effect, mainly In Europe (excluding France), Carrefour had 5,906 stores
due to the depreciation of the Brazilian real and the Argentine operating under Group banners at the end of 2021. These
peso, sales at current exchange rates were up by a total of 2.6% included 457 hypermarkets, 1,926 supermarkets,
in 2020. Including the impact of IAS 29, total consolidated gross 3,430 convenience stores, 12 cash & carry stores and 81 soft
sales in 2021 amounted to 81.2 billion euros. discount (Supeco) stores. Carrefour operates stores in five
integrated countries: Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland and Romania.
Recurring operating income came to 2,272 million euros. Overall, The integrated store base included 1,573 units, of which
recurring operating income represented 3.1% of net sales. 415 hypermarkets, 680 supermarkets, 385 convenience stores,
Cash flow from operations stood at 3.8 billion euros in 2021 12 cash & carry stores and 81 soft discount stores (Supeco).
versus 3.5 billion euros the year before. Operating costs directly Carrefour opened or acquired 707 stores under Group banners in
attributable to the properties amounted to 1.6 billion euros in 2021, gaining approximately an additional 327,000 sq.m. of gross
2021 compared with 1.2 billion euros in 2020. Net free cash flow sales area. These included 9 hypermarkets, 215 supermarkets,
came to 1,228 million euros in 2021, versus 1,056 million euros in 461 convenience stores and 22 soft discount stores.
Net sales in Europe totalled 21.3 billion euros in 2021, an increase
of 0.6% at constant exchange rates. Like-for-like gross sales
France excluding petrol and calendar effects were down by 1.1%.
In France, the Carrefour group had 5,799 stores under its banners Recurring operating income totalled 718 million euros for the
at year-end 2021, of which 253 Carrefour hypermarkets, year, an increase of 3.3% at constant exchange rates, for a stable
1,043 Carrefour Market supermarkets, 4,330 convenience stores operating margin of 3.4%. All countries except Belgium reported
operating under the Carrefour City, Carrefour Contact, increases in recurring operating income and operating margin.
Carrefour Express, Bio c’ Bon stores etc., 147 Promocash cash & The improved profitability in 2021 was particularly marked in
carry outlets and 26 Supeco soft discount stores. Spain and Italy.
The Group’s integrated network included a total of 616 stores Present in Spain since 1973, the Group had a local multi-format
including 182 hypermarkets, 281 supermarkets, and network of 205 hypermarkets, 156 supermarkets,
153 convenience stores. In Metropolitan France, the proportion of 1,067 convenience stores and 46 soft discount stores at the end
franchised stores within the network represented 22.2% for of 2021. Net sales totalled 9.5 billion euros. Like-for-like gross
hypermarkets, 71.8% for supermarkets and 96.4% for sales were stable overall, down 0.4% excluding petrol and
convenience stores. calendar effects, following strong growth in 2020. Carrefour
continued to gain market shares in 2021, up 0.3 points.
Carrefour operates in Metropolitan France and, through a
number of long-standing partnerships, in the French overseas
Present in Italy since 1993, Carrefour manages a local store base Brazil totalled 11.6 billion euros. Like-for-like gross sales
comprising 44 hypermarkets, 456 supermarkets, 977 convenience increased by 1.0% excluding petrol and calendar effects. The
stores, and 12 cash & carry stores. In 2021, net sales totalled improved recurring operating income of the financial services
3.9 billion euros. Like-for-like gross sales were down 3.0% business and Atacadão in 2021 was partly offset by the impact on
excluding petrol and calendar effects. Carrefour's performance Carrefour Retail of lower non-food sales versus high prior-year
improved greatly over the year and moved into positive territory comparatives. The Group continued to invest in improving
in the second half, led by an aggressive marketing strategy and a competitiveness in a deteriorating economic and health
strong increase in NPS®. environment.
In Belgium, Carrefour is the most multi-format group, with Carrefour has been operating in Argentina since 1982 where it 2
40 hypermarkets, 441 supermarkets and 311 convenience stores. manages a local store base comprising 84 hypermarkets,
In 2021, net sales totalled 3.9 billion euros. Like-for-like gross 97 supermarkets, 414 convenience stores, and 10 cash & carry
sales were down 4.2% excluding petrol and calendar effects. stores. Net sales totalled 2.3 billion euros in 2021. Like-for-like
Sales were hit by the negative impact of price cutting by gross sales rose by 50% excluding petrol and calendar effects.
competitors, high comparables over the summer period, and Recurring operating income continued to improve significantly,
stock-outs in the fourth quarter due to significant disruptions thanks to excellent sales momentum and continued cost
experienced by a major logistics partner. discipline.
Carrefour has been operating in Poland since 1997, with Operational investments in Latin America(1) amounted to
91 hypermarkets, 151 supermarkets, 704 convenience stores and 466 million euros in 2021, representing 3.3% of sales. 3
9 soft discount stores (Supeco) under its banners. In 2021, net
sales totalled 1.8 billion euros. Like-for-like gross sales rose by
3.0% excluding petrol and calendar effects. Carrefour posted a Asia
solid performance during the year, driven by the recovery in
Present in Asia since 1989, Carrefour has operations in Taiwan, as
consumer spending and the reopening of shopping centres
well as in Uzbekistan through franchising. At the end of 2021, the
during the year.
Group had a total of 348 stores under banners, including
In Romania, where Carrefour has been present since 2001, the 70 hypermarkets, 4 supermarkets and 274 convenience stores.
Group manages 43 hypermarkets, 188 supermarkets,
Net sales in the Asia region, representing the operations of 4
108 convenience stores and 26 soft discount stores. Net sales
Carrefour Taiwan and taking into account the disposal of the
totalled 2.1 billion euros in 2021. Like-for-like gross sales rose by
Carrefour China business in 2019, came to 2.5 billion euros, an
2.0% excluding petrol and calendar effects. Carrefour continued
increase of 16.9% at constant exchange rates. Recurring
to enjoy dynamic growth, driven by a strong increase in NPS®.
operating income contracted by 18.1% at constant exchange
In Europe, the Group also operates through franchise rates to 78 million euros in 2021, due in particular to the
partnerships in Turkey, Armenia, Georgia and in Andorra, with a integration of the Wellcome stores undergoing conversion and
total of 831 stores under its banners: 34 hypermarkets, the adverse effect of health measures on footfall in hypermarkets
534 supermarkets and 263 convenience stores. and shopping centres. The operating margin ratio stood at 3.1%.
Operational investments in Europe (excluding France) totalled In Taiwan, the network of stores was made up of
403 million euros in 2021, representing 1.9% of sales. 68 hypermarkets and 274 convenience stores at
December 31, 2021. Carrefour strengthened its position by
completing the acquisition of 185 Wellcome convenience stores
Latin America at the end of December. These stores were converted to the
Carrefour banner in 2021.
Carrefour has been operating in Latin America since opening its
first store in Brazil in 1975 and has become one of the continent’s Carrefour also operates through franchising in Uzbekistan with
leading retailers. Carrefour is expanding its banners in two growth 6 stores under its banners: 2 hypermarkets and 4 supermarkets.
markets: Argentina and Brazil. The network comprises 1,153 units, 6
In 2021, the partnership contract in Indonesia (106 hypermarkets
including 184 hypermarkets, 151 supermarkets, 558 convenience
and 9 supermarkets under the brand) ended.
stores, 259 cash & carry stores and 1 soft discount store (Supeco).
Operational investments in Asia totalled 69 million euros in 2021,
In 2020, Carrefour also announced the acquisition of 25 Makro
representing 2.7% of sales.
stores in Brazil. In 2021, three additional stores were acquired,
bringing the total to 28 acquired stores at end-2021.
Net sales in Latin America totalled 13.9 billion euros in 2021, an Other regions
increase of 14.5% at constant exchange rates. Due to an
unfavourable currency effect over the year, sales increased by
In addition to the French overseas departments and territories, 7
Europe, Asia and Latin America, Carrefour also operates
4.9% at current exchange rates. Like-for-like gross sales rose by
688 stores with franchisee partners elsewhere in the world
9.3% excluding petrol and calendar effects. Recurring operating
(Middle East, Maghreb, West Africa, Dominican Republic,
income came to 768 million euros, an increase of 6.3% at
Mauritius, Madagascar etc.).
constant exchange rates. The operating margin ratio stood at
5.5%. Brazil's recurring operating income rose to
714 million euros, up 9 million euros at constant exchange rates. Development of franchise partners
Recurring operating income in Argentina increased significantly
to 55 million euros, including a negative impact of In 2021, Carrefour continued to expand its banner base by
17 million euros due to the application of IAS 29. supporting its partners outside Europe and in the French overseas
In Brazil, Carrefour operated a network of 100 hypermarkets, territories, with a net total of 128 new points of sale opened
54 supermarkets, 144 convenience stores, 249 cash & carry during the year.
stores and one soft discount store as of end-2021. Net sales in
The GBH group, a long-standing Carrefour partner overseas, Intermarché, Lidl and Système U. With a market share of 21.1%(1),
completed the acquisition of Vindemia in 2020. Operating in the all formats combined, the Carrefour group ranks among the
Indian Ocean, 41 Vindemia stores were placed under the market leaders.
Carrefour banner on January 1, 2021.
In other European countries, Carrefour has solid positions and
Primarily operating in the Middle East, the Majid Al Futtaim group primarily competes against local retailers.
continued its multi-format expansion with the opening of
In Spain, Carrefour is the country’s second-largest grocery
85 stores in 2021.
retailer and the leading hypermarket operator. Its main
The Carrefour banner continued to expand into new countries in competitors include Auchan, Dia, Eroski, Lidl and Mercadona.
2021, setting up operations in Gabon with local partner Prix
In Italy, Carrefour is part of a fragmented grocery market shared
with Bennet, Conad, Coop, Esselunga, Iper, Pam, etc. The Group
holds strong regional positions, particularly in the Aosta Valley
Competitive environment and the Piedmont, Lazio and Lombardy regions.
In Belgium, Carrefour ranks among the country’s top three
The competitive environment differs in each of Carrefour’s retailers and is the leading multi-format group. Its main
markets. competitors include: Ahold Delhaize, Aldi, Colruyt, Intermarché,
In France, the Group’s main market, representing 49% of its sales, Jumbo and Lidl.
the competition is particularly intense with a playing field of In Brazil, as in Argentina, Carrefour is the leader in the food retail
seven other major retailers: Aldi, Auchan, Casino, E.Leclerc, segment thanks to its multi-format presence.
Carrefour is developing an omni-channel universe in which its The Group operates its stores under franchise, lease
online presence is closely integrated with its 13,894 physical management and integrated arrangements. Franchising is capital
stores, and this universe was expanded in 2021. efficient and allows the Group to draw on the engagement and
local market knowledge of its partners.
(1) Market share in value – Nielsen Scantrack Panel – fast-moving consumer goods + self-service fresh products over a period of 52 weeks ending
January 2, 2022 (HM + SM + SDMP + Proxi + Drive).
(2) Atacadão and Supeco stores in Brazil, Carrefour Maxi in Argentina and Supeco in Europe are classified as cash & carry stores.
Carrefour franchisees benefit from the Group’s expertise in food To tailor its model even more closely to new consumer
and non-food retailing, its well-known brands and banners, behaviours, Carrefour is creating a multi-channel customer
broad product assortment and business methods, as well as its experience that offers maximum flexibility, a wide range of
quality, health and safety standards. Franchising and lease services, extended hours, and solutions aligned with consumers’
management are developing rapidly across the Group. Carrefour needs and desires, whether they want to shop in-store, order
Italy transferred more than 42 stores to franchised status in 2021 online and pick up their purchases from a point of sale or a Drive,
and announced a further 25 transfers in the first quarter of 2022. or have their shopping home delivered. In 2021, the Group
In France, the Group transferred 10 hypermarkets and 44 operated 2,343 Drives throughout the world and had a GMV of
supermarkets to lease management contracts in 2021. A new 3.3 billion euros in e-commerce.
programme concerning 43 stores (16 hypermarkets and 27
In recent years, Carrefour has developed or acquired innovative
supermarkets) was announced, with the first transfers expected
concepts and formats that are aligned with wider social and
starting in March 2022.
environmental trends, such as Greenweez (France’s leading
Carrefour provides its customers with the full range of retail online distributor of organic products) or Quitoque (the French
formats: hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, leader in online meal kits). In 2020, the Group acquired start-ups
cash & carry and hypercash stores, and e-commerce. In this way, Dejbox (meal delivery to offices) and Potager City (delivery by
it can meet the diverse needs and expectations of all consumer online subscription of ultra-fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetable
profiles – individuals and businesses, families and singles, urban boxes from local distribution networks). The Group also acquired
and rural, and people of all ages and mobility levels – by Bio c’ Bon, a city centre chain specialising in the distribution of 3
leveraging its expertise to offer the best quality products at the organic products, as well as Bio Azur. With 26 stores at the end of
best possible prices, everywhere and at any time, from the weekly 2021, Carrefour continues to roll out the Supeco model in
grocery shop to a one-off purchase, from organic and fresh France, a discount supermarket aimed at the general public and
products to banking services, as well as cash & carry. professionals.
Products are the heart of Carrefour’s business. The offering is brands representing one-third of sales. In view of this, the
typical of a general retailer that sells a wide range of consumer management team dedicated to Carrefour-brand products has
goods and services at affordable prices, for the well-being of been strengthened at Group level since 2018 with the arrival of
every shopper. Its success depends on the assortment’s agribusiness experts. At the end of 2021, there were
alignment with customer demand, the synergies between the 10,467 Carrefour-brand products on offer, including
product and service offerings, the judicious use of digital 1,450 organic products and 1,300 Carrefour Bio-brand products.
technologies, the clear and logical positioning of merchandise in
The Reflets de France brand, for example, was the first to 5
stores, compelling prices and promotions, the right purchasing
promote traditional products of all varieties that exemplify
terms and conditions, and fast stock rotation.
France’s culinary heritage. It currently spans more than
To cater to the needs of customers around the globe, Carrefour 600 product listings marketed in more than 30 countries.
is constantly enhancing its merchandise offering, with a variety of
In 1992, Carrefour was the first mass-retailer to sell an organic
fresh produce, organic, locally sourced products, fast-moving
product. It is now the leading organic grocer in France. In this
consumer goods, essential non-food products, the latest
way, the Group’s banners are driving innovation and responding
innovations and convenient services.
to the perceived needs of their shoppers to help guide them
towards healthier diets. 6
Fresh produce and local products
As a major challenge for a successful food transition, fresh
Quality and safety
products demand all of the care and expertise of employees.
Carrefour is fully committed to ensuring quality and food safety
Carrefour offers a broad range of high-quality fresh products in a
at every stage. Upstream, Carrefour teams certify and support
pleasant environment, with well-stocked stalls, easy-to-reach
suppliers based on strict compliance with product specifications
items, and regional products. Around the world, Carrefour is also
and health standards. Through the supply chain, goods are
developing local, eco-friendly supply channels, supported by
long-standing partnerships with farmers, breeders, and
subject to a number of inspections and controls, with special
attention paid to fresh products.
Downstream, the stores check the quality of their merchandise
In addition to major national-brand products, the Group offers a
every day and are themselves subject to a rigorous analysis and
wide variety of own-brand food products, which are also popular
audit process. This constant vigilance supports a commitment to
with its customers.
greater transparency in the form of highly visible,
Carrefour-brand products are at the core of the Group’s strategy. easy-to-understand product information. Carrefour encourages
They play a key role in achieving its objective regarding the food the development of new products and new supply channels that
transition for all, through renewed and extended product ranges deliver significant benefits to customers and the environment.
with greater price appeal. Carrefour is stepping up initiatives to Carrefour is also introducing innovative practices to offer 8
create own-brand products that are original and of high quality, agroecological farm products and non-GMO or antibiotic-free
in terms of both the ingredients used and the recipes. Their meat, and implementing blockchain technology has helped to
packaging has also been given a makeover. boost the transparency and traceability of its products along the
entire production chain.
Carrefour-brand products are set to become an ever-greater part
of the assortment. The target for 2022 is to have Carrefour
While varying by country and local practices, Carrefour services experience in growth and business development. The disposal
help satisfy customers with the same commitment to quality also enables Market Pay to continue developing, diversifying and
products and services at the best price by enabling them to book accelerating its transformation in support of Carrefour’s
a trip or theatre tickets, rent a car, print photos, buy eyeglasses, innovation projects and its other existing and prospective
get their laundry dry-cleaned or benefit from concierge services. customers. In 2021, Market Pay acquired the FinTech company
All of the Group’s integrated countries offer customers financial
services that cover a wide range of credit and payment solutions. The Group has built up a strong presence in financial services and
These affordable, high-quality products are designed to help insurance, including through its five own banks (in France, Brazil,
customers carry out their projects and meet their needs on a Spain, Belgium and Argentina) and commercial agreements. In
day-to-day basis. These services include financing solutions and 2021, these activities represented more than 10 million credit
products that relate to the stores’ operations (consumer credit, cards, more than 6 million outstanding consumer and revolving
specific purpose credit, insurance, payment cards), as well as loans and 3.5 million insurance contracts sold annually. They
personal loans. have already been partly digitised, with 30% of cardholders
recruited through digital channels and 38% of credit production
Market Pay, an international payment platform founded in 2016
coming from digital technology.
to meet Carrefour’s omni-channel retail challenges in its various
geographies, began marketing its payment services in France, As part of its digitalisation strategy, the Group intends to
Belgium, Spain and Italy in May 2020. The FinTech company, capitalise on its bank in Brazil, which is a centre of expertise and
which targets both retailers and pure players to help them roll out innovation in the digitalisation of financial services, to develop
innovative and reliable payment solutions, has seen strong new financing and insurance products and services for its B2C
growth. Operating in six European countries and in Brazil, it had and B2B customers in all the Group’s countries. They will be fully
managed a volume of 2.3 billion transactions by end-2021, integrated into the customer path of physical and digital retail
representing 29 billion euros in value, 130,000 terminals and operations in order to develop their visibility and marketing and
more than 5 million cards. In October 2020, Carrefour sold 60% thus encourage multi-equipment. The digital strategy for
of Market Pay to AnaCap Financial Partners. Through this financial services is expected to generate an additional
transaction, which was completed in April 2021, Carrefour aims 200 million euros in recurring operating income in 2026
to capitalise on AnaCap’s in-depth expertise in the sector and its compared to 2021.
The Company’s logistics and supply chain operations are a key equipped with mechanised sorters, as well as the largest fleet of
driver of its operational efficiency. Carrefour pays particular non-diesel trucks in France.
attention to this, in all its geographical areas.
As part of its omni-channel strategy, which provides for close
The various logistics units employ more than 20,000 people integration between e-commerce and physical retail, Carrefour is
worldwide. Employees and service providers are there to serve building a cutting-edge industrial ecosystem to enhance the
the Group’s various store formats and customers. They lead all efficiency and responsiveness of its supply chain and shorten
the operations involved in cross-functionally managing the flow delivery times for online orders. It includes: automated order
of goods and information amongst all the links in the supply fulfilment centres serving Drives and click & collect pick-up
chain, including ordering merchandise from suppliers, receiving, points; semi-automated order fulfilment solutions in stores (“dark
storing and preparing the online or store-bought items in stores”); and partnerships with operators specialised in last-mile
warehouses and then delivering them to point of sale and logistics.
stocking them on store shelves or delivering them directly to
As of end-2021, the Group had 139 warehouses and logistics
centres in its integrated countries, operated either on a full
Carrefour uses advanced teams and estimation systems to ownership basis or by service providers, 15 of which are
manage supplier orders, inventory, order preparation platforms specifically for e-commerce.
Carrefour also enjoys extensive real estate expertise, which it 1,250 proprietary Carrefour-brand stores. The unit also has all of
leverages to enhance store appeal and increase value, with the the real estate expertise needed to lead the Group’s real estate
goal of creating and operating aligned, well-managed retail projects: in such areas as asset management, project
environments. Its ambition is to design places conducive to a management and design, delegated project management and
warm, friendly shopping experience, while sustainably property management.
contributing to the appeal and vitality of each host city and 2
Carrefour is also bringing ambitious retailing environment
projects to life in other countries, with the support of the Group’s
Whether the stores are located in city centres or on the outskirts, commercial real estate experts. In every host country, the
in historic shopping districts or in new neighbourhoods, this retail combination of property and retailing expertise is making it
vision requires solutions aligned with changing environments, possible to design and operate multi-format complexes aligned
lifestyles and spending habits. The new formats and concepts with shopper needs and aspirations, from shopping centres and
offered by Carrefour in these districts constitute new generation retail parks to neighbourhood shopping malls.
shopping and lifestyle environments that act as sustainable
The Group can also rely on its 35.5%-owned property company
sources of economic and social vitality for their host
Carmila, which is dedicated to enhancing the appeal of shopping 3
centres adjacent to Carrefour hypermarkets in France, Spain and
As of December 31, 2021, the Group operated 16.5 million sq.m. Italy. Set up in 2014, Carmila works to strengthen local leadership
of sales area under its banners, with property and equipment of the shopping centres in which Group banners are located by
being mainly comprised of sales areas operated by the Group. developing the property, via renovations or extensions, and by
The Group’s store ownership strategy depends on the country ensuring a complementary commercial offering to help assets
and the format. integrate into the community in the long term. Working in
synergy with the hypermarkets, it deploys a local and digital
More generally, the Group owns most of its outlets’ total sales
cross-channel marketing strategy to improve customer
area, with ownership accounting for more than 72% of
satisfaction, retention and recruitment, with the help of partners 4
hypermarket sales area and around 45% for its supermarkets.
in the shopping malls and local players.
In France, Spain and Italy, hypermarket and supermarket real
estate is held by Carrefour Property, which manages nearly
■ January 14: Carrefour Belgium opens its first Express store of ■ May 28: Carrefour Italy is the first transalpine retailer to join
the year in Brussels. Filiera Italia, a non-profit dedicated to the promotion of “Made
in Italy” agri-food excellence.
■ January 18: Carrefour France gears up to support the Small
Change Campaign (Opération Pièces Jaunes). The collection is ■ June 1: Carrefour Belgium launches the “Healthy Prices”
paperless due to the coronavirus pandemic. campaign to ensure that everyone can afford the best
products: 470 permanent low prices are offered on Carrefour
■ January 25: The Carrefour Foundation celebrates its
brand products, across all categories.
20th anniversary.
■ February 16: Carrefour and Système U finalise agreements with ■ June 15: The Carrefour group announces its new Data and
Retail Media strategy with the launch of the Carrefour Links
Sodiaal, Yoplait, Lactalis, Savencia and Eurial designed to
platform, which gives its industrial partners access to more
increase the revenue paid to milk producers for the third year
detailed knowledge of Carrefour customer expectations.
■ March 2: Carrefour France pledges to ensure fairer pay for its ■ June 22: Carrefour is the first retailer in France to display the
Eco-score of the products available on its website.
Carrefour Quality Line producers and launches the Salon
Grandeur Nature campaign to bring producers closer to their ■ June 23: The launch of Carrefour Bio in Brazil helps to
consumers. democratise organic prices in the country.
■ March 5: For the fourteenth consecutive year, Carrefour France ■ June 29: Carrefour France is launching the “Cost price for
reiterated its commitment to the Restos du Cœur food aid resistant fruit” campaign, to support producers who were
network by participating in its national food drive. hard-hit by April’s late frost.
■ March 9: Carrefour Brazil deploys Blockchain technology in the ■ July 1: In partnership with Pickup, a subsidiary of the La Poste
citrus industry. group, Carrefour France announces the roll-out of more than
400 automatic parcel collection lockers.
■ March 15: Carrefour finalises the acquisition of
172 convenience stores and supermarkets in Spain under the ■ July 9: Carrefour supports the implementation of an ambitious
Supersol banner. legal framework in Europe to fight deforestation.
■ March 17: Carrefour Spain lowers the price of more than ■ July 13: Carrefour France confirms the commitments made in
1,000 essential own-brand items. More than 600 items are the National Pact on Plastic Packaging, including a target to
available for 0.99 euros. reduce packaging by 20,000 tonnes by 2025.
■ March 24: Carrefour strengthens its leading position in Brazil ■ July 16: Carrefour Belgium organises a round-up campaign to
with the acquisition of Grupo BIG, the country’s third biggest raise funds for flood victims.
food retailer.
■ July 28: Carrefour Argentina adopts blockchain technology in
■ April 2: The Carrefour Foundation issues a call for projects to its Huella Natural meat products. The banner is the first in the
tackle food insecurity among students in France. sector to use this technology in the country.
■ April 6: Carrefour and Deliveroo sign a partnership in France ■ July 28: Carrefour France acquires a stake in Cajoo, a start-up
and internationally to deploy express home grocery delivery that has deployed a 15-minute home shopping delivery service
services. in around ten cities over the past six months.
■ April 19: Carrefour notes that its CSR and Food Transition Index ■ September 10: Carrefour Spain signs food transition agreement
targets are rising and is setting new ones. The CSR index is with 50 listed manufacturers.
factored into the variable compensation of all Group-level
■ September 28: Carrefour Romania launches the School of
employees and integrated-country executives.
Leaders programme, in partnership with the Bucharest
■ April 29: Carrefour reasserts its commitments on soy and calls Academy of Economic Studies.
on the French and European authorities to strengthen their
■ October 7: Carrefour announces an unprecedented
actions against imported deforestation.
partnership with Delipop, a start-up specialising in the logistics
■ May 6: Carrefour Partenariat International and Coop Nordics of e-commerce food orders, to develop a new offering of
Group sign a commercial partnership agreement in Northern automatied walk-in Drives.
Europe focusing on the Group’s own brands.
■ October 8: Carrefour extends its commercial partnership with
■ May 19: Carrefour France contributes 300,000 euros to a Nordic Coops in Northern Europe to international brands.
1 million euro project of the Fairtrade/Max Havelaar movement
■ October 14: Carrefour expands its non-food e-commerce
to support small organic fair trade banana producers in Peru
offering to include new partners (Miliboo, Disney, Samsung and
and the Dominican Republic.
Interforum) and new services (mobile packages, Internet box,
■ May 25: Carrefour Spectacles teams up with Ticketmaster, the electricity/gas).
global leader in ticketing for live events, to offer its customers
■ October 26: Carrefour joins forces with Uber Eats and Cajoo to
an enhanced range of products.
launch Carrefour Sprint, a service that delivers everyday
products in under 15 minutes.
■ October 31: The Carrefour group sets itself the target of ■ November 30: Carrefour Occasion launches its digital product
achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. buyback website to reinforce its commitment to the circular
■ November 4: Carrefour Argentina launches Bringo, a new
e-commerce application that connects each customer with a ■ December 1: Carrefour Voyages launches in Belgium.
personal assistant.
■ December 9: Carrefour is recognised on CDP’s ‘A-list’ for its
■ November 9: Carrefour presents its Digital Retail Strategy 2026 commitment to fighting global warming.
and sets the goal to be a global leader in digital retail. The
■ December 21: After successful partnerships in Italy and Poland,
Group enters into a global strategic partnership with Meta
(formerly Facebook) to deliver more personalised and
Carrefour extends its commercial agreement with Everli, 2
Europe’s leading e-grocery marketplace, to France.
connected experiences to its customers and employees.
■ January 11: in partnership with Retail & More, a subsidiary of ■ February 8: Carrefour Taiwan has been awarded a Golden Egg 3
TeleUnicom, Carrefour relaunches its brand in Greece by by the NGO Compassion In World Farming (CIWF) for its
announcing the opening of new franchised stores. commitment to cage-free animal husbandry.
■ January 18: Carrefour becomes the biggest private investor in ■ February 14: Carrefour and Everli are extending their
the MiiMOSA transition #1 fund, supported by the leading partnership to 10 French cities (Paris, Lille, Lyon, Nice,
agricultural and food transition fundraising platform MiiMOSA. Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Nantes, Grenoble and
Rennes) and their suburbs. Consumers in these cities will be
■ February 1: Carrefour and Brut announce the creation of Brut
offered up to 25,000 products from over 140 of their local
Shop, a joint venture whose aim is to become the leader on the
French social commerce (live shopping) market.
shops, delivered the same day. 4
■ February 4: Carrefour and Système U, through the Envergure ■ March 23: Carrefour sucessfully completes its 1.5-billion-euro
inaugural Sustainability-Linked Bond offering.
joint purchasing centre, are taking action alongside all the
entities making up the Sodiaal Cooperative to increase the
price of milk in 2022 to protect the income of French farmers.
2019 restated for
2020 2019 post-IAS 29 IFRS 5
(in millions of euros) 2021 restated(1) restated(2) post-IFRS 16 post-IAS 29
Gross sales 81,245 78,609 80,672 80,672 80,772
Net sales 72,958 70,719 72,397 72,397 72,355
Recurring operating income before depreciation
and amortisation(3) 4,550 4,465 4,417 4,417 3,403
Recurring operating income 2,272 2,173(4) 2,099 2,088 3,403
Recurring operating income after net income/(loss)
from equity-accounted companies 2,284 2,160 2,101 2,090 1,952
Operating income 1,911 1,686 1,071 1,060 823
Net income/(loss) from continuing operations 1,259 853 216 219 36
Net income/(loss) from continuing operations, Group
share 1,030 663 29 32 (187)
Total net income/(loss) 1,301 831 1,308 1,311 (344)
Net income/(loss), Group share 1,072 641 1,126 1,129 (561)
Cash flow from operating activities 3,796 3,408 3,400 3,400 2,107
Net cash from operating activities 3,661 3,395 3,247 3,247 2,108
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities (1,334) (1,841) (1,013) (1,013) (1,613)
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities (3,060) (1,126) (1,987) (1,987) 529
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (735) (27) 166 166 708
Net debt 2,633 2,616 2,615 2,615 3,510(5)/3,785(6)
Total equity 11,830 11,609 11,673 11,286 11,286
Equity – Group share 10,251 10,103(7) 9,937 9,169 9,169
(1) 2020 restated for the IFRS IC decision on IAS 19.
(2) 2019 restated for the IFRS IC decision on IFRS 16.
(3) Recurring operating income before amortisation (including supply chain depreciation).
(4) Recurring operating income for 2020 includes income expenses related to Covid-19. Exceptional bonuses and other similar benefits awarded
to employees (128 million euros in first-half 2020) are reported under “Non-recurring income” or “Non-recurring expenses”.
(5) Excluding the IAS 17 impact: liabilities relating to finance leases recorded in accordance with IAS 17 were restated as lease liabilities.
(6) Including the IAS 17 impact.
(7) 2020 restated for the new IFRS 16.
Closing price (in euros)(1) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
High 32.80 26.74 23.64 19.62 18.14 16.89 17.54
Low 23.65 20.90 16.47 13.14 14.62 12.33 13.99
At December 31 26.65 22.89 18.04 14.91 14.95 14.03 16.11
Number of shares at December 31 738,470,794 756,235,154 774,677,811 789,252,839 807,265,504 817,623,840 775,895,892
Market capitalisation
at December 31 (in billions of euros) 19.7 17.3 14.0 11.8 12.1 11.5 12.5
Average daily volume(1) (2) 3,064,488 3,167,915 3,310,080 3,723,706 2,394,148 3,218,500 3,253,806
Net dividend (in euros) 0.70 0.70 0.46 0.46 0.23 0.48 0.52(3)
(1) In euros.
Jan. 21 Feb. 21 Mar. 21 Apr. 21 May 21 Jun. 21 Jul. 21 Aug. 21 Sept. 21 Oct. 21 Nov. 21 Dec. 21
(1) Composition of Bloomberg Europe Food Retailers (BEFOODR) index at December 31, 2021: Ahold Delhaize, Carrefour, Colruyt, HelloFresh,
Jeronimo Martins, Kesko OYJ, Marks & Spencer, Metro AG, Ocado, Sainsbury's, Tesco.
(2) Composition of STOXX Europe 600 Personal Care Drug and Grocery Stores (S600PDP) at December 31, 2021: Ahold Delhaize, Beiersdorf,
Carrefour, Colruyt, Dino Polska, Essity, Galenica, Greggs, HelloFresh, Jeronimo Martins, Kesko OYJ, Ocado Group, Reckitt Benckiser, Sainsbury's,
Tesco, Unilever, Zur Rose Group.
Carrefour deployed a CSR and Food Transition index in order to Food customer communication programme. The objectives that
monitor the achievement of its objectives, assess its CSR had been set for raw materials, climate, the food transition in
performance and motivate its in-house teams. In 2019, the stores and gender equality have been raised. In 2021, the CSR
Group’s performance in meeting these objectives was included in and Food Transition Index was published for the first time on a
the criteria for executive compensation and serves as the basis multi-annual basis (at six-month intervals).
for calculating 25% of executive compensation as part of the 2
In 2021, Carrefour exceeded its non-financial objectives, as
long-term incentive plan, and 20% of the Chief Executive
measured by its CSR and Food Transition Index with a score of
Officer’s compensation. Since 2021, the CSR index has been
111%. This performance reflects in particular the progress made
integrated into the variable compensation of executives in
by the Group in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, reducing
integrated countries.
packaging, engaging employees and deploying its training plan.
Designed to measure CSR performance over a period of several
years, the index sets an annual objective for 15 indicators. The FIGURE 1 – CSR AND FOOD TRANSITION INDEX
Index’s overall score is a simple average of the score across the
indicators. With some targets coming to an end in 2020, 3
Carrefour has revised the CSR and Food Transition Index by Carrefour’s 2021 CSR & Food
increasing some objectives and setting new ones for the Transition Index 2021 score:
2021-2025 period. For example, new objectives have been set for
sustainable farming, animal welfare, supplier commitments, local
action, employee engagement and training, and for the Act For
Stores 102% 6
6. CONFIRMED Food waste 50% reduction in food waste (vs. 2016) -29% -31% 93%
7. CONFIRMED Waste Recover 100% of waste by 2025 66% 68% 95%
8. RAISED CO2 emissions 50% reduction in GHG emissions (scopes 1 and 2) -14% -20% 116%
by 2030, and 70% reduction by 2040 (vs. 2019)
9. NEW Partner producers 45,000 local partner producers in 2025 36,277 38,580 103%
Customers 112% 7
10. NEW Food transition in 30-point improvement in the in-store customer - +8 120%
stores survey on organic and local products, packaging and
food waste reduction, health and nutrition by 2025(4)
11. CONFIRMED Act for Food 80% of our customers believe that Carrefour helps 77% 78% 104%
programme them to eat healthier and more responsible food
that remains affordable by 2022(5)
Employees 123%
12. NEW Employee Minimum employer recommendation score 80% 83% 132%
engagement of 75/100 awarded annually to Carrefour
by its employees(6)
13. NEW Gender equality 35% women executives (top 200) by 2025 22% 25% 103%
14. NEW Training At least 50% of employees undertake training - 81% 161%
every year
15. CONFIRMED Disability Employees with a disability to represent at least 4% 3.6% 3.4% 95%
of the total workforce by 2025
(1) Three objectives concerning: fisheries resources, materials with a risk of deforestation (palm oil, Brazilian beef, soy, cocoa and trader traceability)
and textile materials (cotton, cashmere and viscose).
(2) Group objective. After a pilot period in France, the reporting process is now being rolled out across all Group countries.
(3) Four objectives concerning: the sale of cage-free eggs, the use of cage-free ingredient eggs, the conditions under which chickens are reared and
animal welfare audits in slaughterhouses.
(4) The survey measures customer satisfaction in stores on a scale of 0 to 200 for the following criteria: “Choice of organic products” (baseline 2020),
“Choice of local products” (b. 2020), “Reduction of plastic packaging” (b. 2020), “Fight against food waste” (b. 2021) and “Quality of Carrefour-brand
products” (b. 2021).
(5) 1.1 million respondents in 2021.
(6) 25,000 surveyed in 2021.
This index is designed as an oversight tool for the various biodiversity, health, partner and employee engagement. The table
professions. It also allows us to report externally on the roll-out below cross-references the CSR index objectives and the CSR
of the Group’s CSR strategies, in particular with regard to climate, policies presented in Section 2.2.
Topic Performance indicator from the CSR index Average score in 2021
Biodiversity (Section 2.2.2) 7 associated objectives (no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9) 103%
Climate (Section 2.2.3) 8 associated objectives (no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) 105%
Health (Section 2.2.4) 4 associated objectives (no. 1, 5, 10 and 11) 109%
Customers and partner commitments (Section 2.2.5) 4 associated objectives (no. 5, 9, 10 and 11) 110%
Employees (Section 2.2.6) 8 associated objectives (no. 12, 13, 14 and 15) 123%
Carrefour regularly replies to questionnaires by ratings agencies retailers by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World for
to assess its performance based on business, social and the fifth consecutive year. Also in 2021, Carrefour was awarded
governance criteria. Since 2017, Carrefour has been included an “A” score from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for its
among the world’s most successful companies in the Dow Jones commitment to the fight against global warming, placing it
Sustainability World Index (DJSI). In 2021, the Group was again among the 200 best performing companies out of more than
ranked the leading French retailer and in the top six global 13,000 surveyed.
Société d'exploitation
Amidis et Compagnie Genedis
Retail Carrefour Hypermarchés Carrefour Proximité France (cash & carry)
(Integrated supermarkets)
Retail Carrefour Belgium Centros Comerciales Carrefour Carrefour Italia Carrefour Polska Carrefour Romania
Latin America*
Argentina Brazil
Partnerships/Master franchisees*
Retail Provencia Adialea UHD Hypermarché LV/ Maxi LV Carrefour SA Carrefour Sabanci
Ticaret Merkezi **
The following sections of the Universal Registration Document ■ lastly, Section 2.4.2 contains the independent third-party report
present the components that underpin Carrefour’s Corporate on consolidated CSR information.
Responsibility strategy.
Duty of care: this section contains information on the Group’s
Section 1 presents Carrefour’s raison d’être and its ambition to duty of care plan for identifying risks and preventing serious
become the leader of the food transition for all. In line with this violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the health
ambition, this chapter also looks at projects developed by the and safety of individuals, and the environment. It complies with
Group, as well as a materiality analysis that ensures the alignment the requirements set out in French law no. 2017-399 of
of these strategic priorities with stakeholder expectations, and an March 27, 2017 with regard to the duty of care. As such, the
analysis of Carrefour’s business model. Lastly, it reviews the following items and information are covered:
Group’s CSR performance summary and the achievement of its
■ the map used to identify, analyse and classify risks (see
objectives based on the CSR and Food Transition Index.
Section 2.2.2);
Section 2 details how CSR is structured within the Group, and the
■ procedures used to regularly assess the position of subsidiaries,
method deployed for implementing the food transition for all,
subcontractors and suppliers with which the Group maintains
creating more value for all stakeholders, and therefore
an established business relationship, based on the risk map (see
developing the positive impact of the organisation’s activities on
Section 2.2.3);
society. It describes the methodologies enabling Carrefour to
develop CSR policies in response to social, environmental and ■ adapted actions for mitigating risks or preventing serious
societal risks it has identified in its business model and through threats (see Sections and;
dialogue with stakeholders. It highlights these policies, action ■ the whistleblowing and warning systems for reporting the
plans and duty of care measures put into action to address existence or materialisation of risks, established in cooperation
identified risks. Lastly, it transparently explains the Group’s CSR with the trade unions of said company (see Section;
performance through a set of key indicators. Section 2 also
contains information on the Non-Financial Statement, the EU ■ the system for monitoring actions taken and measuring their
sustainability taxonomy, the duty of care and the main effectiveness (see Section;
international standards applied, in particular the Sustainability ■ the report on the implementation of the duty of care plan
Accounting Standards Board (SAS-B), the Task Force on Climate covering the previous financial reporting year (see
Disclosure (TCFD) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Section 2.2.4).
Cross-reference tables specific to the Non-Financial Statement,
SAS-B, TCFD and GRI-G4 appear in Section 9.6. The information included in Carrefour’s duty of care plan is
presented in this section as follows:
Alignment with applicable regulations ■ governance of CSR and the food transition, as applied to the
implementation of the duty of care plan along with measures
Non-Financial Statement: this Universal Registration Document specifically related to these areas, is presented in
complies with the requirements of French government order Sections and;
no. 2017-1180 of July 19, 2017 and decree no. 2017-1265 of ■ procedures for dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders,
August 9, 2017, providing for a Non-Financial Statement as which can be used to set policy and to update and evaluate the
stipulated notably under Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105 et implementation of third-party assessments and risk prevention
seq. of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce). This and mitigation measures are presented in Section;
information concerns the activities of Carrefour SA (the parent
company) and all the Group’s consolidated companies. ■ the methodology used to map risks relating to human rights
and fundamental freedoms, health and safety, and the
The Non-Financial Statement consists of the following: environment is presented in Section The main risks
■ the business model, provided in Section 1.1.5; identified and their definition are available in Section;
■ the map of Group risks based on the business model, which ■ risk prevention frameworks, third-party assessments, risk
incorporates societal risks, presented in Section 4.1.2. The prevention and mitigation measures and whistleblowing
methodology for identifying societal risks and their definition systems covered in the duty of care plan are detailed in
are detailed in Section; Sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.4. The report on actions
implemented in 2021 as part of the duty of care plan is available
■ the policies and action plans that address societal risks, in Section 2.2.4;
described in Section 2.1. Thus, all the societal risk factors
encountered by the Group in its activities are subject to its CSR ■ a summary of Carrefour’s non-financial reporting, which covers
policy. The CSR policy sections are structured as follows: all of the Group’s non-financial performance indicators, is
biodiversity (Section 2.1.2), climate (Section 2.1.3), health and presented in Section
product quality (Section 2.1.4), business ethics and supply Sustainability taxonomy: Section 2.3 complies with Regulation
chains (Section 2.1.5) and employees (Section 2.1.6); (EU) 2020/852, the EU sustainability taxonomy, which came into
■ the Group’s Key Performance Indicators in 2021 are detailed for effect on July 12, 2020 and establishes a common classification
each policy in Section 2.1. Performance is summarised in system for all European Union countries to identify sustainable
Section 2.4 and Section 2.4.1 provides details on the reporting economic activities. To date, the taxonomy’s scope does not
method; cover product distribution in the Group’s stores. The regulation is
applicable to only a few of the Group’s ancillary businesses, such
as building construction and vehicle rentals.
2.1 Non-financial policies, action plans
and performance CSR methodology Group. Carrefour uses the following drivers to make this mission
a success:
In conducting its business activities, Carrefour gives importance ■ working towards a positive transformation in market
to creating value for all its stakeholders. The Group has standards: Carrefour acts for progress in market standards
implemented CSR governance, developed reporting methods through initiatives supported by retail companies, suppliers and
and continuously improved its decision-making processes, tools
and strategies to increase its positive impact on society.
stakeholders in the value chain, organisations and public
Since the transformation plan was launched in 2018 by its ■ implementing exclusive initiatives at a local or international
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Alexandre Bompard, the level that serve as an industry benchmark and can change
Group has accelerated its actions to promote sustainable consumer standards. Initiatives that have been successful with
development and the food transition for all. The Group’s raison consumers are applied industry-wide and help bring about
d’être, adopted at the Shareholders’ Meeting in June 2019 and transformation on the market. Campaigns include C’est qui le
enshrined in the preamble of the Company’s Articles of patron ? (Who’s the Boss?), “Bring your own container”,
Association, marks the starting point of this acceleration and the returnable packaging, no-waste boxes, and the elimination of
transformations in progress (see Section 1.3). plastic from the fruit and vegetables section. Carrefour and its 4
Figure 1 below shows the key events in Carrefour’s history and partners work to identify innovative solutions and support the
their positive impact both on integrating CSR into the Group’s implementation of these solutions in order to suggest new
business operations and on improving production and ways of producing and using products;
consumption modes. ■ getting direct suppliers and partners involved: Carrefour has
The Group’s CSR approach has evolved significantly due to the direct relationships with thousands of farmers, manufacturers
actions taken in implementing the “Carrefour 2022” and service providers:
transformation plan. The methodology is based on the following ■ the Group uses its trade relations, especially with its suppliers
principles: of Carrefour-brand products, to include standards in line with 5
■ transparent goals with stakeholders supported at the highest CSR and the food transition. In 2020, Carrefour updated its
level of the organisation: Carrefour works with its partners in purchasing rules to support the food transition, for example
setting specific, quantitative targets. The Group presents its including criteria and requirements to respect marine
short- and long-term goals in line with material issues resources, protect forests, integrate ecodesign into
identified with its stakeholders (the materiality matrix is detailed packaging and promote agroecology,
in Section The Group’s objectives associated with CSR ■ Carrefour sets up voluntary collaborations with its suppliers
and the food transition are measured through a set of of Carrefour-brand products and national brands to initiate
performance indicators. The most strategic objectives are
integrated into the CSR & Food Transition Index. This index
the transformations necessary to bring about the food
transition for everyone. Carrefour offers its suppliers
measures an achievement rate, which is also a criterion opportunities to work on joint projects (e.g., Collaboration for
factored into management compensation (see Section 1.5.5); Healthier Life in Lyon), innovation platforms (e.g., the RESET
■ dedicated governance: governance bodies for CSR and the project for ecodesign in packaging) and technical support for
food transition have been set up at every level in the supply lines (e.g., the development of agroecology in
organisation (see Section The Group has created an Carrefour Quality Lines). Lastly, the Group launched the Food
external Food Transition Advisory Committee, which is chaired Transition Pact in 2019, which unites national brand suppliers
by Alexandre Bompard. Internal Food Transition Advisory around common objectives on biodiversity, transparency,
Committees were set up at Group level and in integrated health and nutrition, climate and packaging. 7
countries and within the various professions depending on the ■ In order to increase involvement among its suppliers,
issues addressed; Carrefour launched the first European Food Transition
■ actions integrated into products and stores for its customers: Awards in 2021, a competition that rewards the most virtuous
the integration of actions tested by customers into stores is a suppliers in terms of CSR in the eyes of customers;
key marker of the methodology, as these actions embody the ■ educating and engaging customers: to transform consumer
Group’s long-term objectives. habits, Carrefour offers products and solutions in stores to
To achieve its mission of becoming the leader of the food promote sustainable consumption. Carrefour aims to identify
transition for all, the Group acts at all levels to participate in and better meet customers’ emerging societal and
environmental expectations. But the Group also hopes to
transforming markets; directly engaging suppliers, partners, and
customers; and bringing innovative solutions that can reshape educate people about sustainability issues and co-build
production and consumption modes. Figure 2 below shows how solutions that everyone can adopt. Carrefour also established
all actors are involved in the reduction of packaging within the customer consultation and engagement channels to define its
strategies (e.g., activist consumer groups in Spain and France).
Save 20,000 tonnes of packaging by 2025
Index 2021
■ New Plastics Economy ■ European Plastic Pact ■ French National Plastic Pact
Participate in the market transformation
■ Global Commitment ■ Plastic Pact Poland on Packaging
Carrefour uses analysis and dialogue tools to identify material ■ defining policies and helping the business segments to deploy
issues, and define its policies and action plans while taking a them through action plans and objectives (Section 2.1);
continuous improvement approach. The Group implements the
■ risk analysis (Sections 4.1.1 and and materiality analysis
following actions, which are detailed in other sections in this
■ evaluating non-financial performance (Section 1.5.5). 4
■ engaging with stakeholders and consumers on societal issues
Supply chain
Attracting Health weaknesses
and retaining and safety of people Diversity,
talent harassment,
Freedom of association discrimination
and social dialogue
Developing and Personal
2.5 enhancing skills Commercial offer Product data
Human and
labour rights in
the supply chain
Damage to
at our sites
1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5
Environmental Human Supply chain Safety and security Legal Product offering,
impact resources sustainability of property and regulatory quality,
of operations management and people compliance retail model
Non-financial information reporting
information reporting Description of the non-financial information policies, action plans
risk category Group risk reporting risk category and performance
Sourcing sensitive Use of raw materials whose Carrefour could stand accused of using raw Section
raw materials value chain is questioned for materials whose value chains could have an Section
its environmental, social impact on deforestation, depletion of scarce Section
and/or ethical impact resources or human rights abuses (unpaid or
poorly paid work, child labour, etc.).
Occupational health Workplace accidents, As the largest private-sector employer in France Section
and safety risks psychosocial risks and and one of the top 50 employers in the world,
occupational illnesses Carrefour has a duty to safeguard its employees
against workplace accidents, psychosocial risks
and occupational illnesses.
and vulnerability
Failure to control energy Carrefour may suffer from poor control over its
and refrigerant energy and refrigerant consumption, particularly
to climate change consumption, following the promulgation of EU F-gas and
and contribution F-gas II regulations, which will gradually prohibit
to climate change the replacement and use of the most polluting
refrigerants (e.g., Freon gas) by 2030.
Natural disasters Natural disasters (e.g., flooding, heavy snowfall,
and climate change heatwaves, etc.) may interrupt business (plant
closures, breakdowns, serious damage) and
endanger the lives of Carrefour customers,
employees or suppliers. 4
Quality, compliance Significant lack of product Major deficiencies in product control and Section
and product safety control and traceability traceability could have serious consequences
failure for the health of our customers and not meet
consumer expectations regarding product
origin. These shortcomings could also impact
Carrefour’s business development and results.
Failure of the removal Malfunctions in the recall and withdrawal Section
and recall device procedure for batches of food products could
have serious health impacts on customers.
Failure to develop Failure to assess, Poor deployment of skills assessment, Section
and value skills develop and value skills development and recognition policy by
managers and human resources is likely to
demotivate employees and result in lower
productivity and increased turnover.
Failure to attract Inability or difficulty The Group could encounter difficulties in Section
and retain talent in attracting and retaining attracting, hiring or retaining talent for key
key employees positions. This risk may arise in particular due to
departures from critical positions such as
Directors and Senior Directors.
Lack of supply Riots, street demonstrations, Farming or industry crises could lead to supply Section
chain resilience strikes, protests shortages (e.g., milk or butter shortages in Section
and agricultural crises France). Supply chains can also be disrupted by
events related to economic or political crises.
Environmental and social crises can impact
supply chains, raising the price of raw materials
and lowering the Group’s profits. 7
Non-financial information reporting
information reporting Description of the non-financial information policies, action plans
risk category Group risk reporting risk category and performance
Failure to uphold Carrefour and its suppliers Carrefour strives to uphold human rights across Section
human rights and accused of failing to comply the entire value chain. Any instances of forced Section
decent pay across with labour law, human labour or exploitation of children, or failure by a
the entire value chain rights and/or fair supplier to pay the minimum wage could have a
remuneration. strong negative impact on the Group’s
Failure to respect the Failure to respect Carrefour may encounter difficulties in Section
principles of diversity the principles of diversity deploying its anti-discrimination policy,
and combat and equality and failure particularly with regard to gender diversity and
discrimination to combat discrimination equal pay or the employment of people with
and harassment and harassment disabilities.
Failure to respect Poor management or Insufficient social dialogue can lead to Section
freedom of association deterioration of the social demotivated employees. These events are likely
and the right to climate within Carrefour to result in loss of productivity and/or revenue.
collective bargaining
Non-compliance with Non-compliance with laws Carrefour processes large volumes of personal Section
laws on the protection on the protection data for customers, employees and suppliers.
of personal data of personal data Data protection and privacy legislation – e.g.,
(RGPD, LGPD, etc.). the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
in force since May 25, 2018 in the European
Union in addition to existing national legislation,
and the “General Data Protection law” (LGPD)
which came into force in Brazil in
September 2020 – establish a new legal data
protection framework with increased protection
for citizens’ rights and new legal obligations for
businesses. Carrefour must ensure that it
complies with all of the requirements of such
Non-compliance with Non-compliance with The Sapin II law on transparency, corruption Section
anti-corruption laws anti-corruption legislation and modernised business practice requires
(Sapin II law) French companies, such as Carrefour and its
subsidiaries, to set up a compliance programme
to both prevent and detect any corruption or
use of undue influence both inside or outside
France. Carrefour may fail to comply with all of
the pillars and provisions of this legislation.
Non-sustainable Commercial offering not Carrefour could be held liable in a scandal Section
product offering aligned with customers’ involving food waste and poor waste Section
and retail model social and environmental management. Product offerings and the
expectations (local products, management of store operations could be
reduction in packaging, misaligned with customers’ emerging societal
food waste, etc.) expectations, such as selling local products,
promoting local distribution networks, or
reducing packaging and plastic in stores.
Pollution and Damage to biodiversity Carrefour’s business operations may have a Section
the impacts (pollution from oil-based negative impact on biodiversity, particularly due
of our operations products, waste, to pollution events. Ecosystems may be
on biodiversity construction work, etc.) destroyed by construction work, pollution from
caused by business fuel retail operations or poor waste
operations. management.
Production Consumption
and processing Distribution and end of life
Agricultural Inbound Processing Inbound Distribution Outbound Use and
production transport transport transport end of life
Environmental 6
species 7
Carrefour updated its materiality analysis in 2021 (see ■ combating deforestation related to sourcing sensitive raw
Section Three biodiversity-related issues were materials (ranked eighth).
identified as major issues for stakeholders: Finally, customers have particularly high expectations
■ developing sustainable farming, mainly through organic regarding the following two issues: “Ecodesign of products
farming and agroecology (ranked first); and a circular economy for packaging” (ranked first by 8
■ responsibly sourcing seafood and aquaculture products customers) and “Offering a customer experience and
(ranked second); in-store/online process that makes it easier to buy healthier
and organic products involving zero waste and zero plastic”
(ranked second by customers).
(1) Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 2019. Seventh IPBES Global Assessment report.
(2) World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Vision 2050.
Our initiatives
Carrefour’s mission is to provide its customers with products ■ developing ecodesign and a circular economy for
and services that meet their needs. Carrefour’s strategy is packaging: The Group seeks to reduce the quantity of
based on four key areas: packaging that it places on the market. It also seeks to
■ promoting and developing sustainable agriculture through improve the use and ultimate disposal of the packaging that
organic farming, agro-ecology and the development of remains necessary, by guaranteeing, for example, its re-use
financing solutions that are more respectful of health and or recycling;
nature; ■ limiting the impact of our sites on biodiversity: Carrefour
■ protecting biodiversity for sensitive materials: One of aims to limit the environmental impact of its sites as much as
Carrefour’s goals is to limit its products’ impacts on possible. Each store, warehouse or logistics hub must
biodiversity through three key objectives: combating monitor and optimise its water and energy consumption and
deforestation (palm oil, wood and paper, Brazilian beef, its waste management, and reduce its food waste, while
cocoa, soy, etc.), preserving fishery resources and minimising its impact on the surrounding ecosystems and
developing more sustainable textile supply chains; biodiversity.
to the UN
Our objectives
Protecting 100% of sensitive raw materials must be covered by a risk reduction plan in 2025 2025 3
biodiversity for
sensitive raw For targets by raw material, see Section Protecting biodiversity for the 2025
materials responsible supply of raw materials
Comments on 2021 performance. In 2020 and 2021, More generally, Carrefour is introducing responsible policies
Carrefour finished streamlining the number of Carrefour for sourcing raw materials that are at risk from a social and
Quality Lines products and partners so it could develop environmental perspective (see Section Sourcing raw
partnerships with more robust contractual commitments in materials at risk). Animal welfare is also a strategic focus for
terms of volumes and prices. This initiative also improved developing sustainable agriculture (see Section
monitoring of agroecological criteria for the line. Guaranteeing ethical farming).
As part of its “Zero Deforestation” policy, the Group has 5. Cocoa: 100% of Carrefour-brand chocolate bars must
committed to the following targets: comply with our Sustainable Cocoa Charter by 2023 (in
France, Belgium, Spain and Italy).
1. Palm oil: 100% of palm oil and palm kernel oil used as an
ingredient in Carrefour-brand products must be 6. Traceability and assessment of traders: 100% of key
RSPO-certified under the “Segregated” system by 2022. traders (intermediaries trading in agricultural
commodities near the beginning of the supply chain)
2. Soy: 100% of Carrefour Quality Lines and key must be assessed and be making progress towards
Carrefour-brand products must use deforestation-free complying with the forest policy (palm oil, soy, wood and
soy for livestock feed by 2025. paper, Brazilian beef, cocoa) by 2025.
3. Wood and paper: 100% of paper and cardboard 7. Textiles: 100% of wood fibres (i.e., viscose, modal and
packaging for all certified products must comply with the lyocell fibres) used in our TEX products must be
sustainable forests policy by 2025. deforestation-free by 2023.
Indicator – Palm oil(2) 2021 2020 Change Target
Proportion of palm oil used in controlled products that is certified
sustainable and fully traced (RSPO-certified under the “Segregated” 100% by
system) 79.2% 54.6% +24.6 pts end-2022
Proportion of palm oil used in regulated products that is certified to
RSPO or equivalent standards 99.4% 86.2% +13.2 pts -
(2) Calculated based on weight of raw material contained in the products. Scope: 100% of 2021 consolidated gross sales. Non-comparable BUs (RO
excluded in 2020).
Comments on 2021 performance. Significant work was done be certified sustainable and fully traced has almost been
in 2021 to ensure almost all (99.4%) of the palm oil used in achieved. The Group is therefore on track to meet its final
Carrefour-brand products was RSPO-certified (Segregated or target of 100% by 2022.
Mass Balance). In addition, the 2021 objective for palm oil to
Action plans
Carrefour has established social and environmental compliance the Merchandise and Quality departments and the actions put in
guidelines for its retail and non-retail purchases (see place are brought to the attention of consumers.
Section 2.1.5). These rules apply to all controlled products
purchased in all the Group’s countries, and may also apply to 1. Tackling deforestation
national brand products as appropriate. The Group has created a To step up the Group’s commitment to forests and help drive
list of sensitive raw materials that must be covered by action systemic changes with all market stakeholders, Alexandre
plans by 2025. In 2021, a number of raw materials were included Bompard now co-leads the Consumer Goods Forum’s Forest
in the CSR index and were the focus of specific action plans, i.e., Positive Coalition of Action, bringing together 20 companies who
palm oil, fish and seafood, Brazilian beef, soy, cocoa, cotton, are eliminating deforestation in their supply chains through
wool, cashmere and viscose. concrete measures such as jointly assessing traders’ policies and
Specific raw materials purchasing rules are drawn up in the degree to which they are implemented. The coalition uses
concertation with the stakeholders (i.e., experts, NGOs, these assessments to get traders to apply measures to combat
customers, suppliers, public authorities, etc.). Comprehensive deforestation across their own supply lines. For individual traders,
objectives and action plans are devised, deployed and monitored these assessments can serve as a basis for dialogue and specific
by a dedicated project management team. The purchasing rules trade measures. This process has already been adopted for soy
for the food transition – including purchasing objectives and and palm oil. Carrefour is currently working on implementing a
criteria for at-risk raw materials – were updated in 2021 and similar approach for beef.
circulated to all countries. Training courses were organised for
3. Developing more sustainable textile supply ■ protecting the oceans (phasing out single-use plastics,
channels reducing microplastic pollution).
In 2019, Carrefour became a signatory of the Fashion Pact, a Carrefour plans to achieve these objectives through two major
global coalition of 56 companies representing approximately initiatives:
250 brands in the fashion and textile industry. The Fashion Pact’s
■ responsible production of agricultural raw materials;
goals are focused on three areas:
■ and plans for monitoring, assessing and improving the
■ stopping global warming (reducing CO2 emissions); environmental performance of its suppliers.
■ restoring ecosystems and protecting key species (by promoting
sustainable supply chains: organic cotton, sustainable cellulose
fibre, animal fibres that respect animal welfare, and land
Customer consumes
2 the product at home
3 Customer returns
the empty container
by scanning
Customer buys €5 + €1 the product at
a Loop product 100% refundable the in-store collection
in store while returns point or depositing it
shopping as usual directly at the check-out
2. Reducing and eliminating plastic packaging plastic by 171 tonnes by using less virgin plastic in bottles of
in stores by adopting a customer perspective dishwashing liquid.
Carrefour has established a number of priorities based on Priority is given to non-packaged items in all Carrefour organic
in-store surveys conducted in France and Spain to identify produce formats and sections. There are already 149 product
customers’ main concerns. Bio-plastic bags were replaced with references available in non-packaged form in France. Plastic-free
brown paper bags for all organic fruit and vegetables in various packaging is being tested in the Group’s in-store bakeries.
French hypermarkets and the Group continues its drive to Carrefour is also working to reduce over-packaging of products
replace packaging with recyclable alternatives. These changes on special offer and individually-wrapped portions. Electronic
helped achieve annual reductions of 32 tonnes for organic item packaging was reduced (light bulb packaging has been
bananas (substituting ribbons and labels), as well as reducing reduced by over 350 tonnes since 2019) and 45 less tonnes of
plastic were used to package stationery items in 2020.
3. Ensuring the recyclability of packaging and making 4. Include more recycled materials in Carrefour-brand
it easier for consumers to collect and sort product packaging
Ecodesign initiatives are being rolled out in all countries to make 50% of plastic used for Carrefour-brand water bottles will be
packaging more recyclable. In Brazil, a packaging recyclability recycled by 2022 in France.
index has been introduced. All Carrefour own-brand suppliers
underwent a recyclability diagnostic in 2019, resulting in the 5. Eliminating polystyrene from our packaging
replacement of non-recyclable packaging for more than in France
5.4 million products. To promote this initiative among In 2021, Carrefour and other members of the National Pact on
consumers, a specific logo identifies all recycled, recyclable, Plastic Packaging made several commitments regarding
reusable and compostable products. Since January 2019, polystyrene, which the National Pact on Plastic Packaging
Carrefour in France has been backing the launch of (RE)SET, a categorises as a raw material under review. In particular, the
packaging innovation accelerator working on new complex decision was made to maintain the ban on polystyrene foam,
formats for biscuits, salads, etc. suspend all development of industrial polystyrene packaging
Carrefour works with customers to improve collection and production capacity, assess the implementation of a credible
sorting. Due to the positive results achieved, two additional RVMs recycling trajectory that is in line with 2025 targets and gradually
(Reverse Vending Machines) have been installed in the Chartres stop using polystyrene packaging until it is phased out in 2025.
and Rambouillet stores.
The Group is also getting its suppliers involved in the Food
Transition Pact network, which provides a platform for sharing Joint initiatives and partnerships
best practices and new opportunities for working together.
■ Global Declaration on Plastics & New Plastics
Participating suppliers sign up to an action plan that includes
Economy: signed in December 2018
eliminating unnecessary packaging, reducing packaging volumes
and providing clear information about recycling. In 2021, ■ National pact on plastic packaging for 2025:
114 suppliers were members of the pact, including founding signatory in 2019
38 international suppliers representing 30% of the Group’s FMCG
■ (RE)SET: innovation accelerator on replacements for
turnover. problematic packaging standards (non-recyclable 4
Finally, as part of the National Pact on Plastic Packaging, the plastics, nomad packaging, etc.)
Group is working with other companies to collectively think
■ Loop: launch of the Loop by Carrefour project in
about how to use less plastic and innovate to develop a circular cooperation with Carrefour own-brand and national
economy. A consensus emerged within Pact members that brand suppliers
plastic should never become waste. To meet this goal,
companies have made the following commitments:
■ eliminate all problematic or redundant packaging;
■ develop non-packaging and reusability solutions; Find out more 5
■ ecodesign and recyclability;
■ Protecting biodiversity/CSR (see the
■ accelerate recycling; Biodiversity section)
■ include recycled plastic; ■ New plastics economy: https://www.ellenmacarthur
■ develop innovative solutions. activities/new-plastics-economy
To meet the requirements of the National Pact on Plastic ■ National pact on plastic packaging (in French only):
Packaging, the Group has increased the number of initiatives that
limit the use of plastic. For example, in July 2020 Carrefour Bio
started selling a range of unsweetened nectars packaged in
bottles made entirely of recycled plastic.
(1) In France.
Partnership with local Spanish fishermen Launch of Natural Capital Lab and the Eco-score
In Spain, Carrefour works with more than 60 local fish markets As part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
that supply an assortment of fresh products to its stores every (IUCN) World Congress in September 2021, Carrefour
day. In order to support the Spanish fishing sector, which was participated in the launch of the “Natural Capital Lab”, an initiative
weakened by the Covid-19 crisis, in 2020 the Group signed a first launched by WWF France and the Ecological Accounting Chair to
agreement with the fishing guild of Santoña, Cantabria, to market experiment and study sustainable and responsible accounting
their mackerel. The purpose of this kind of partnership is to solutions. The Lab helps pioneering companies implement tools
eliminate the uncertainty associated with bidding and guarantee and approaches grounded in strict conservation targets. For
a minimum income for fishermen. This purchasing guarantee example, it is helping develop the CARE (Comprehensive
also makes it possible to offer our customers price stability. This Accounting in Respect of Ecology) multi-capital accounting
was the first of 12 agreements signed throughout 2021 in various method, which integrates natural and human capital into financial
regions of the Spanish coast. For example, in May 2021, the accounting for companies, encouraging them to rethink their
Group reached an agreement with the Barbateña Association to strategic objectives and business models. Carrefour is testing the
market 40 tonnes of sustainably caught anchovies from the Gulf use of CARE to evaluate how it manages social and natural
of Cádiz at a price of 3.90 euros/kg in its stores in Andalusia, capital in one of its French stores. The Group is also analysing the
Valencia and Madrid. Other agreements were signed, notably implementation of a farm sustainability indicator (Indicateur de
with the Roquetas de Mar auction house to market 70 tonnes of
fresh swordfish, the Puerto Celeiro auction house for 40 tonnes
Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles – IDEA), which adapts the
CARE method for agricultural production, in one of the farms that
of hake, and the Ebro delta fisheries and producers’ organisation supplies the Group’s vegetables. As a result of this project, the
for 7,000 units of oysters and 10 tonnes of mussels. Carrefour Foundation is funding a thesis to study the use of this
multi-capital accounting method among suppliers in France.
With these pilot projects, the Group is trying to help develop new
Complete waste recovery at Noisy-le-Grand
market practices that report on the impact of economic activities
hypermarket in France with respect to planetary boundaries and societal expectations.
Finally, Carrefour is testing environmental labelling by putting an
The Carrefour group’s objective is to recover 100% of waste by
2025. In France, the waste separation rate for hypermarkets
Eco-score on all food products sold under national and private
labels. This environmental rating, which has been available on
stood at 75% at the end of December 2021. The first Waste since June 2021, helps customers select the
Committee was set up in January 2021, bringing together several products they consume each day. This awareness-raising
directorates to ensure coordinated waste management and initiative, the first of its kind in the retail industry, prioritises
monitoring. This committee involves the CSR, Non-Market products with smaller environmental footprints, such as products
Purchasing, Technical, Hypermarket and Supermarket Format, of French origin, non-packaged items or recyclable packaging,
and Management Control departments. Several stores have taken certified products, or sustainably fished or deforestation-free
the lead in this area, such as the Noisy-le-Grand hypermarket, products.
where the recovery rate rose from 69% to 82% between
September 2020 and December 2021. This success is attributable 5
to both the quality of waste sorting systems and the deployment Launch of the first batch of 100%
of local recovery networks. The store set up a dedicated sorting deforestation-free meat
space where each waste type is clearly identified by a sign to
make it easier to do the right thing. Consequently, recoverable Thanks to its partnership with IDH (Sustainable Trade Initiative)
waste is systematically separated from residual waste, increasing and support from the Carrefour Foundation, in the third quarter
the waste separation rate. The quality and volume of waste is also of 2021, Carrefour Brazil began selling meat from farms in the
checked daily, with reminders given to teams at each morning Amazon biome that follow agricultural best practices. This
meeting. The hypermarket launched recovery initiatives with a affordably priced beef has no impact on deforestation and is
number of partners. Polystyrene, rigid plastics, brochures and traced from the time the calf is born until the meat reaches 6
hangers are collected and recycled by Veolia. Fruit and supermarket shelves. Consumers can find out everything there is
vegetables that cannot be donated or sold are picked up by a to know about the product by scanning a QR code stamped on
local farm as feed for its chickens and other livestock. It used to its label. This is the culmination of a sustainable calf production
take just one week to fill the residual waste compactor, but now programme set up in 2018 by Carrefour Brazil with 450 small
it takes a month thanks to these initiatives. producers in Mato Grosso. To protect the Amazon biome, the
Group provides them with technical, financial and environmental
assistance while also developing a sustainable and profitable
livestock production chain. The programme also helps tackle
climate change by restoring low-productivity grazing areas, 7
limiting deforestation and encouraging low-carbon agriculture.
Part of the project is located in the Juruena Valley, which
accounts for 35% of Mato Grosso’s calf production and supplies
much of the beef line. Carrefour Brazil and IDH are already laying
the groundwork for the next step, which will be to launch a
national protocol that combines procedures and processes
guaranteeing social and environmental origins.
Our initiatives
Carrefour has several measures at its disposal to reduce its criteria for its own branded products, and selects the
direct and indirect emissions, and these measures can be national brand offer to reflect the food transition throughout
implemented in its supply chain, stores and warehouses, the store;
supply chains and relations with its stakeholders in order to ■ in order to engage market players and reduce its indirect
transform the market: emissions, Carrefour works collectively through local and
■ at the plant and transport level, Carrefour aims to provide global initiatives to share its objectives with other companies
flawless operational management, in order to optimise its in the sector. Carrefour also collaborates with its suppliers
activities and reduce GHG emissions associated with its and service providers, in particular within the framework of
direct and indirect operations; the Food Transition Pact;
■ at the supply chain level and to transform the product offer ■ lastly, Carrefour promotes low-carbon consumption among
available in stores, Carrefour defines responsible sourcing its customers through concrete initiatives in stores.
Coalitions and partnerships
Business Ambition to 1.5 – RE100 – Validation
Race to zero European Climate Pact
Our Only Future in progress
to sustainable
Reducing our direct emissions
Scopes 1 & 2
Reduce emissions from purchased goods and services by 30% (vs. 2019)
Purchase of goods
– this target translates into savings of 20 megatonnes of CO2, in collaboration
and services
with our suppliers
Product use Reduce emissions related to the use of our products by 27.5%
Outbound transport Reduce our transport-related CO2 emissions by 20% (vs. 2019)
Performance 4
Key Performance Indicators 2021 2020 Change Target
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (in T. CO2 eq.) 1,483,001 1,599,584 -7.3%
-30% by 2025,
-50% by 2030,
and -70%
by 2040, 5
% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (vs. 2019) 20.1% 13.9% -6.2 pts (vs. 2019)
CO2 emissions related to energy consumption (in T CO2 eq.) 996,918 1,035,250 -4%
Energy consumption per sq.m. of sales area (kWh/sq.m.) 467.9 479.8 -2.5%
% reduction in energy consumption per sq.m. of sales area vs. 2019 7% 5% -2 pts
Refrigerant-related CO2 emissions 486,083 564,334 -14%
% reduction in refrigerant-related GHG emissions compared with 2019 31% 20% -11 pts 6
CDP Climate rating A A-
(1) Scope: Comparable BUs (100% of 2021 consolidated net sales).
(2) Scope: Comparable BUs (84.5% of 2021 consolidated net sales) – excl. BRAT.
Indicators subject to an audit providing reasonable assurance.
Action plans Group’s emissions to 2040, using current emissions and the
Group’s estimated growth to 2040 (Business as Usual + Projected
In 2021, the Group defined the target scenario for achieving its Growth). This scenario breaks down the different actions to be
goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its integrated implemented to achieve carbon neutrality and the reduction of
stores, in relation to the consumption of energy and refrigerants GHG emissions associated with each action.
(Scopes 1 and 2). This scenario is based on a projection of the
ted Gr 1
al + Projec
2,000,000 2
1,000,000 5
500,000 7
19 20 2021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 2031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 Greening of the Grid 2 Store Energy Efficiency 3 Refrigeration Efficiency 4 Pan-European VPPA
5 Brazil DPPA 6 HFC Refrigerant Phase Out 7 On-Site Solar 8 100% RE for taiwan,, Argentine
The use of renewable energy When a CO2 plant is replaced, an additional energy gain is
The Group’s priority is to develop on-site electricity production expected, thanks to the new, more modern plants, with an
for self-consumption or supplying the network. In France, the estimated 8% reduction in electricity consumption for food
Carsol project launched in 2020 is currently equipping seven refrigeration. Efforts are also made to limit refrigerant leaks by
hypermarkets with photovoltaic systems, covering 10% of the stepping up equipment maintenance and keeping it as leak-free
energy consumption (21 GWh) of these stores. In Europe, two as possible in all countries of operation.
stores are also equipped with solar panels, one in Poland and the
other in Belgium. In order to achieve its goal of 100% renewable
electricity by 2030, Carrefour will also use PPAs (Power Purchase
Agreements). Joint initiatives and partnerships
■ Race to zero
Reducing energy consumption
■ Business ambition for 1.5°C
In 2013, Carrefour launched a worldwide strategic plan,
encouraging all Group entities to improve their energy efficiency. ■ RE100
Teams in Group host countries were issued a list of five priority ■ Signatory to the French Business Climate Pledge
action and technology recommendations for their stores: doors
■ Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) network
for refrigeration units operating at 0°C to 8°C; electronic speed
controllers; low-consumption LED lighting; submetering ■ Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)
systems; and phase-out of high warming potential HFC
■ Climate Disclosure Standard Board (CDSB)
refrigerants for cooling systems. In Europe, Carrefour Belgium,
Carrefour France and Carrefour Italy hold ISO 50001 certification ■ Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) – Reporter Services
for their integrated stores (hypermarkets and supermarkets) as Membership
well as for their head offices and warehouses. This represents ■ Food Transition Pact
35% of the sales area of the Group’s integrated hypermarkets and
Reduce Scope 3 emissions aims for each of its Carrefour Quality Lines products to be
committed to an agro-ecological approach by 2025. Examples
Carrefour has put together a Scope 3 Climate Action Plan on include: “cultivated without GMOs”, “cultivated without antibiotic
reducing the main indirect emissions arising primarily from the treatment”, “grown without chemical treatment”, etc. Some of
products it sells. This action plan consists of: these practices reduce the CO2 emissions from agricultural
production, such as reducing the use of pesticides and nitrogen
1. Optimizing the operation of plants and supply fertilisers, soil conservation in agriculture (see Section In
chains and promoting the circular economy addition, the Group is working on responsible sourcing of its
Limiting food waste and recovering waste. According to a study packaging and is aiming for 100% paper and cardboard
by ADEME(1), In France, 10 million tonnes of food are lost and packaging of controlled products to comply with the sustainable
wasted every year throughout the chain. Carrefour is forests policy by 2025 and to include 30% recycled plastic in its
implementing action plans (detailed in Section to reduce plastic packaging by 2025. Moreover, 99.9% of trade publications
food waste by 50% by 2025 (compared to 2016). Carrefour also are FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®), PEFC® (Programme for
aims to recover 100% of waste by 2025 (Section the Endorsement of Forest Certifications®) certified, or made
from recycled fibers.
Recovery, reuse and recycling of electrical products and
household appliances. The production of electrical and The greening of food. ADEME has calculated that meat
electronic equipment generates significant CO2 emissions. For production is responsible for half of the food sector’s greenhouse
example, a laptop is responsible for 169 kg of CO2 equivalent gas emissions. This is why the greening of food is high on
during its entire life cycle, which is equivalent to a 600 km flight. Carrefour’s list of priorities. There is indeed a strong societal
In France, the Carrefour group, in partnership with environmental expectation at the crossroads of major climate issues, the
organisations, recovers neon lights and batteries in each preservation of biodiversity, the sharing of resources at the global
integrated store. The Group’s hypermarkets collect small and level and major public health issues. This expectation is already
large household appliances and, from 2022, large furniture with reflected in strong growth in demand, which is impacting the
no obligation to purchase. In order to encourage consumers to markets. Carrefour is committed to developing vegetarian
bring back their equipment, Carrefour launched initiatives to product ranges with a view to offering an alternative to the
recover televisions and sound bars in October in exchange for consumption of animal proteins. These products are aimed at a
vouchers. wide variety of consumers whether they are vegans, vegetarians,
those concerned about animal welfare or flexitarians. Carrefour is
Throughout France and in partnership with Cash Converters, attentive to the quality and nutritional profile of these products.
Carrefour is opening “second-hand” corners in its hypermarkets. The first French retailer to launch a vegetarian range under its
To date, 17 corners have been opened in hypermarkets with an own brand, Carrefour now has 110 products, i.e., the widest
average surface area of 100 sq.m. The goal is to open 80 corners vegetarian offer in supermarkets and hypermarkets. In 2021,
in hypermarkets by the end of 2024. These corners give a second Carrefour continued its acceleration in the meat substitute
life to telephone equipment, small electrical appliances, segment, launching more than ten innovations to meet
computer equipment, but also books, DVDs, games, jewellery consumer demand for “Eating better” and “Consuming better”.
and leather goods. In addition, in 120 hypermarkets that do not For every type of meat or dairy product, there is a plant-based
have a second-hand corner, and thanks to a partnership with alternative. These alternative products are available in all
BackMarket, Eco ATM terminals have been installed to allow the European countries where the Group operates, in all formats.
recovery of telephone equipment, which is then recycled or
reconditioned. Choosing local and seasonal vegetables. Choosing seasonal
vegetables is an obvious way for consumers to reduce their
Develop packaging deposits and recyclability. The Group wishes carbon footprint. ADEME estimates that a tomato produced out
to eliminate packaging thanks to the development of bulk sales, of season emits 10 times more CO2 than a tomato produced in
but also to returnable packaging. When it is impossible to season not in a heated greenhouse. In line with this, Carrefour
eliminate the packaging or reuse it, Carrefour wishes to offers its consumers a range of seasonal and local products. To
guarantee the effective recyclability or biodegradability of the develop this product range, the Group is committed to signing
packaging, in line with the national recycling channels (see contracts with 45,000 local or national partner producers by
Section 2025.
Downstream transport. Carrefour aims to achieve a 20% Non-food products and fuel. In addition to its strategy for food
reduction in outbound transport-related CO2 emissions by 2030 products, Carrefour has a similar objective to reduce Scope 3
compared to 2019, through optimisation of logistics models and emissions on non-food products, particularly products that entail
development of alternatives to diesel fuel. Supply chain teams in high electricity use or fuel consumption. To act on GHG
each country are working with carriers to improve truck loading, emissions from combustion of traditional fuels, the Group is
optimise travel distances and phase in alternative transport developing its range of alternative fuels and is seeking to increase
modes consistent with Group policy. In France, Carrefour is their share in the mix and encourage consumers to choose
modernising its fleet. At end-2021, it had 600 PIEK-certified vehicles with green engines. For example, thanks to a partnership
trucks, which run on biomethane and generate less pollution and with Meridiam, Carrefour Property, the Group’s real estate
noise (under 60dB). company, enabled the installation of charging stations in the car
parks of 211 hypermarkets for a total investment of 117 million
2. Transforming the range of products available euros in 2021. The Group plans to install 2,000 charging stations
in stores and e-commerce by 2023. In order to encourage its customers to use electric
Definition of purchasing rules for controlled products: vehicles, Carrefour offers 1 hour of recharging per week to loyalty
Carrefour is implementing a set of action plans to develop card or pass card holders. These charging stations will be
responsible sourcing and thus reduce the climate impact of its powered by 100% renewable electricity. In addition, free
own-brand products. The Group is particularly committed to recharging facilities for soft mobility (scooters, bicycles) will be
combating deforestation, developing agro-ecological practices available in all hypermarkets and most supermarkets. Of the
within its Carrefour Quality Lines and sourcing fish from 215 shopping centre sites operated by Carmila, more than
responsible fishing (see Sections and Carrefour 200 are located less than 500 m from public transport.
(1) Food losses and waste: Inventory and management at each stage in the food chain, May 2016.
Reducing the impact of packaging. According to ADEME, Savencia. Each supplier will be able to communicate its 1
one kilogram of plastic packaging results in the emission of greenhouse gas emissions, its reduction objectives and the
one kilogram of CO2. This is why the reduction and elimination of achievement of its objectives year after year. The method used is
packaging is one of the Group’s strategic priorities. Carrefour has aligned with industry benchmarks (Greenhouse Gas Protocol and
undertaken to save 20,000 tonnes of packaging on its products, Carbon Disclosure Project).
including 15,000 tonnes of plastic packaging (cumulative since
2017) and to develop reusable packaging (see Section 4. Engage customers in their product choices
First, Carrefour aims to highlight the low-carbon characteristics
3. Involving our partners of its products. In France, the eco-score is provided on more
Food Transition Pact. Products sold by Carrefour and supplied by than 40,000 products of all brands. Some products with an
major national brands are subject to specific attention. Carrefour eco-score of A are highlighted by promotional prices. To
favours a partnership approach for these products with the highlight low-carbon vegetarian products in stores and on the
development of the Food Transition Pact. At the end of 2021, website, Carrefour has modified the display hierarchy on the
114 suppliers had committed to the international pact and to e-commerce site and has enhanced visual identification in stores.
local pacts. The Group’s objective is to have 300 committed
In addition, Carrefour has pushed ahead with anti-food waste
suppliers by 2025.
actions, which promote products having minor defects or close
In 2019, Carrefour launched the Food Transition Pact, a network to their use-by date, while remaining as good and safe as the
of Carrefour suppliers committed to the food transition for all. rest. In 2020, the Group introduced the Zéro Gaspi (zero waste) 3
The Pact provides a platform for these suppliers to discuss challenge, a cross-functional tagging system designed to draw
matters and best practices, explore new opportunities for customers’ attention to all of the initiatives deployed to cut down
collaboration with Carrefour, and share progress with consumers. on waste. An additional Zéro Gaspi initiative was launched in
The Pact rests on four pillars: packaging, biodiversity, climate, France in 2020 to accelerate the reduction in food waste,
and health/nutrition. Food and non-food supplier candidates Carrefour has signed, with 50 French players, the national pact to
ready to join the Food Transition Pact must present an ambitious make use-by and best-before dates easier to read.
action programme on at least three of the Pact’s four pillars. This
A study is under way to determine to what extent the Group can
programme is approved by a panel of internal experts and
suppliers are required to report on their progress regularly.
accelerate decarbonisation of the average consumer basket. The
aim is to make low-carbon products accessible by enhancing
Working groups are organised throughout the year.
product range and marketing.
On the climate pillar, the “20 Megatonnes” project launched in
2020 aims to encourage suppliers to make commitments to
reduce their emissions, measure their progress, involve
consumers and develop low-carbon consumer habits. In 2021, Joint initiatives and partnerships
Carrefour launched a collaborative platform open to all its ■ Food Transition Pact, Climate Working Group
suppliers on a dedicated website. This platform enables the co-piloted with Pepsico
Carrefour group to monitor the commitments and progress of its
suppliers in the fight against global warming and to highlight their ■ Science Based Targets 5
most innovative actions. This platform was developed within the ■ Cash Converters
framework of the Climate Working Group of the Food Transition
■ Back Market
Pact, co-piloted by Pepsico and including Johnson & Johnson,
Essity, Beiersdorf, Mars, Danone, Soufflet, Coca-Cola, Kimberly ■ Meridiam
Clark, Heineken, Reckitt, Innocent, L’Oréal, Kellogg’s, Andros and
(1) FAO. 2012. Food loss and waste in the world – Extent, causes and prevention. Rome.
(2), 10% of global greenhouse gases linked to food loss and waste, Case studies in 2021 November 1, 410,000 of the banner’s European customers
elected via a special platform the most emblematic products of
Multiple packaging innovations the food transition for all. 250 products were selected for their
commitment to four key themes: healthy products, packaging,
Combatting plastic packaging is one of the Group’s priorities. climate and biodiversity. Nine European prizes representing nine
Carrefour France is supporting the roll-out of bulk products in all categories were awarded. The jury also awarded a national prize
its formats, with over 1,100 stores now offering this service. The to each of the six countries participating in the operation: France,
Group tripled its revenue in this segment between 2017 and Spain, Romania, Belgium, Italy and Poland. Carrefour shares its
2020. To accelerate the development of this market, Carrefour commitment to healthy and responsible eating with consumers,
launched the “Carrefour Bulk Innovation Challenge” at VivaTech and organises Food Transition Weeks, entirely dedicated to
2021. This challenge targets start-ups and entrepreneurs in the sustainable and local products.
food industry and aims to find innovative solutions to the ten
issues that are currently holding back the development of bulk The supply of electric vehicle charging stations
sales. Alexandre Bompard attended the presentations of the in France
15 finalists in November 2021. The five winners, announced on
January 5, 2022, will develop and test their solutions at In 2021, Carrefour became the first retail banner in France to
Carrefour’s Bulk Lab. offer a complete range of charging stations for electric vehicles
The Group is also developing packaging deposits. After launching in partnership with Meridiam, an investor that specialises in
the Loop returnable and reusable packaging solution in Carrefour essential infrastructure. By 2023, 2,000 charging stations using
City and Market stores in Paris at the end of 2020, Carrefour 100% green energy will be installed throughout the Group’s
introduced it in a hypermarket in Montesson, and in ten French hypermarkets. Each store will have approximately
additional convenience stores in 2021. Carrefour Poland, at the 10 equipped parking spaces. Carrefour’s e-mobility solution
forefront of green practices in its sector, has been offering meets the different needs of users. It includes a “comfort”
Jurajska brand sparkling water in one-litre returnable glass charging service, at 22 kW, free for the first hour for customers
bottles since November 2021: on the first purchase, the customer with a loyalty card or Carrefour pass; a fast to ultra-fast charging
pays a deposit for the bottles and their transport crates; on service from 50 kW to 350 kW, enabling an “electric fill-up” in
subsequent purchases the bottles and the crates are replaced 15 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the vehicle, as well as a
free of charge. free service for soft mobility (electric bikes and scooters). Thanks
to Carrefour’s wide territorial coverage, its recharging service will
Carrefour is also testing new recycling systems. In the be one of the largest in France, but also one of the highest
Île-de-France region, a pilot system for recycling used nappies in performing, with 56% “super chargers”. The Group is already
partnership with Pampers and TerraCycle has been set up with considering a second wave of installations to equip Carrefour
connected bins in five Carrefour stores. The cellulose from the Market and franchised stores.
nappies is recycled to make furniture, while the recycled plastic
can be used to make bottle tops. This system, which was tested
from May to November 2021, will make it possible to assess the Combatting in-store food waste
feasibility of collecting on a larger scale. During the summer,
Carrefour also offered Parisians a recycling service for their Fully committed to combatting food waste, the Group is bringing
single-use masks, by providing collection boxes made entirely of innovations to all its departments. Since 2020, Carrefour has
recyclable cardboard in 106 Carrefour City stores in the capital. been developing the sale of baskets made up of products nearing
The 700,000 masks collected were processed into polypropylene their use-by date, in partnership with the Too Good To Go app.
pellets to be used in the production of plastic parts for cars, for In 2021, Carrefour France set up “zero waste challenge” display
example. cases in 30 of its stores: they collect undamaged eggs from
broken or soiled boxes and sell them in bulk at a low price. In
order not to lose healthy fruit and vegetables, packaged in trays,
Coordinating the Food Transition Pact mesh or plastic bags and withdrawn from sale due to the
deterioration of one or two products, “zero waste” repackaging in
In 2019, Carrefour launched the Food Transition Pact, a network baskets has been set up in all stores. In the same spirit, Carrefour
of suppliers committed to the production of healthy, responsible Spain offers a 25% reduction on the price of healthy but “ugly”
and planet-friendly products. The network shares good practices vegetables. The initiative limits waste while allowing customers to
and works to improve consumer eating habits. In order to keep enjoy quality products at a lower cost.
its partners mobilised over the long term, Carrefour launched the
“European Food Transition Awards” in 2021. From October 16 to
Our initiatives
The Group relies on various initiatives to guarantee the quality, conjunction with consumer and patient associations,
compliance and safety of its products, as well as to promote foundations and research bodies;
the health of its customers through good food. Carrefour thus ■ offering healthy products: developing a healthy product
implements a policy based on: offer to facilitate access to “eating well” for everyone,
■ quality processes: ensuring efficient quality processes in the especially those with particular health concerns. Through its
store, the warehouse, the design and monitoring of product own brands and the development of special services,
specifications, and the implementation of traceability. The Carrefour facilitates access for all to a balanced, quality diet
design of the specifications and the ranges of products and promotes food that is good for the environment; 7
available must meet public health priorities and include in ■ customer involvement: supporting the transition of eating
particular: habits towards a healthier and environmentally-friendly diet
■ regular reformulation of controlled products to limit through simplified nutritional information, communication
energy content, salt, sugars and fats (saturated and trans) programmes and dynamic marketing initiatives;
and the removal of additives and controversial substances, ■ employee commitment: instructing and training employees
■ the development of a food range that addresses the to make them ambassadors of the food transition in stores,
problems of allergens and food-related pathologies (e.g., nutrition and healthier eating habits.
gluten-free, salt-free or low-salt ranges, etc.), defined in 8
Contributions to
the Sustainable
Our goals
Organic farming 15% of fresh food product sales generated by organic or agroecological 2025
products by 2025
(1) The establishment of the list of controversial substances is the result of a continuous monitoring process that allows the initial list to be
constantly updated with new controversial substances. Guarantee the safety of our customers and the quality of our products
Comments on 2021. The Group guarantees the transparency development of organic farming, aiming for 15% of fresh food
and traceability of its Quality Lines (CQLs) in France, thanks to product sales generated by organic or agroecological
blockchain technology which should cover around a products by 2025 and 3,000 French farmers supported in
hundred products by 2023, i.e., the majority of the Lines’ organic farming and in conversion to organic farming.
sales. The Group is also working on identifying and Carrefour also intends to raise market penetration rate of
eliminating controversial substances in its own-brand Carrefour Quality Lines to 10% in fresh products by 2025.
products and on reducing pesticides by supporting the
Action plans website. This five-colour logo, which classifies products from A
to E based on their nutritional quality, will appear on
1. Develop a healthy product offer to facilitate access 7,000 products in Europe by 2022. By involving all of its partners
to good food for all (producers and suppliers) in the Nutri-Score initiative, Carrefour is
supporting the public authorities in their food education efforts.
CREATE RANGES OF PRODUCTS WITH HIGH NUTRITIONAL To raise customer awareness about “healthier eating”, Carrefour
VALUE also communicates via digital media (such as “Panda” recipes in
In all of its host countries, Carrefour has created ranges of partnership with WWF France and Carrefour’s Nutri-Score web
products with high nutritional value, as well as ranges meeting page), flyers, and in-store product promotion and events.
specific needs (lactose-free, gluten-free, salt-free, etc.). For
example, Carrefour France worked with a nutritionist to develop In 2020, Carrefour launched the personalised INNIT score on its
Nutrition et plaisir, a new line of fresh produce. This range offers website. This digital platform devoted to food helps
balanced meals that meet complete nutritional needs. It consumers optimise their choices and enjoy a balanced diet
addresses three categories of nutritional needs: Vitalité according to their preferences by providing them with
(protein-rich), Essentiels and Légèreté (low-fat). customised information. This new service is another step in the
process of providing consumers with a better understanding of
EXTENDING OUR VEGETARIAN PRODUCT LINES food so they can make informed decisions to “eat better”.
See also Section Promoting low-carbon consumption. In 2021, the Carrefour Foundation and Carmila launched a call
The Carrefour Veggie product range offers 100% vegetarian or for projects which rewarded ten associations carrying out local
vegan recipes, source of fibre and/or protein, without artificial initiatives in favour of the food transition.
flavouring or colouring, and without palm oil. All products carry
the European V-label, issued by the Vegetarian Association of
3. Raising awareness, training and mobilising
France. employees to eat better
Training is a priority for Carrefour. In 2021, employees received
In 2021, Carrefour Belgium launched a brand new range of
an average of over 13 hours of training in all Group host
balanced prepared meals, made up of ten recipes, including
countries. In addition to the mandatory subjects on health and
four vegetarian ones. Each dish has a Nutri-score of A and is
safety, the training covers the major themes of the
made up of at least 50% vegetables. The meals are packaged in
“Carrefour 2022” transformation plan: promoting the food
environmentally-friendly packaging made of 90% natural,
transition and advocating good practices for better eating are key
renewable raw materials and 90% industrially biodegradable. In
areas. In 2021, 8,483 employees were trained face-to-face and
Brazil, as part of Celiac Disease Day, Carrefour has stepped up its
2,806 via e-learning modules on the food transition and organic
efforts to expand its healthy range so that everyone can have
product basics.
access to healthy food, taking into account their nutritional needs
and dietary restrictions. Carrefour is mobilising its employees around the challenges
stemming from its "Carrefour 2022" transformation plan. The
2. Supporting the transition towards a healthier Group has rolled out the “Act for Food Superheroes” programme
and more environmentally-friendly diet to showcase the work of employees who are most committed to
PROVIDING THE CUSTOMER WITH ADDITIONAL the food transition programme and encourage them to share
NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS their best practices. This programme harnesses the enthusiasm of
Carrefour employees to get involved in the food transition. It is
Customers are being provided with nutritional information thanks
part of a new managerial strategy developed by Act for Change
to the introduction of the Nutri-Score label on the packaging of
which strengthens employee leadership skills.
Carrefour own-brand products in France and on the
As part of an “intrapreneurial” mindset, everyone is able to deploy Brazil, for example, Carrefour has launched a new feature on its 1
a project or an initiative that serves the Group’s mission. In 2021, My Carrefour application: the Nutri Choice tool. Based on an
more than 2,000 food transition “superheroes” were identified algorithm that analyses the purchase history of each customer,
across the Group. The programme is being deployed in all Nutri Choice offers, via a list of suggestions, personalised
countries in which the Group operates. The solutions from the alternatives that are both more balanced and more economical.
field are highly diverse: showcasing healthy products, events Carrefour Brazil’s Cybercook online platform also offers an
focusing on healthier eating and cooking, initiatives to reduce interactive cookbook, downloadable via the My Carrefour
waste, etc. application, which is available in stores in hard copy:
“ComerEmCasa: the best recipes for a simple and healthier life”.
Through 81 recipes, the book explains how to cook healthy food
while saving money. Each recipe has a QR code that directs the
Joint initiatives and partnerships reader to the preparation and special pages that provide more
■ IBM Food Trust general information on the ingredients and their costs.
■ WWF France
Roll out the lines that reduce the use
■ Consumer Goods Forum
of pesticides
■ The Health and Nutrition Panel which brought
together various stakeholders on the subject of As part of its plan to foster agro-ecology, Carrefour has 3
health and nutrition, with the presence of the Group’s undertaken to promote the reduction, or even the elimination, of
Secretary General, the Executive Director of chemical pesticides (synthetic insecticides, fungicides and
Marketing and Customers herbicides) for the fruit and vegetables in its Carrefour Quality
Lines (CQLs) and Reflets de France ranges.
The process began in 2014, with Reflets de France strawberries
and has since been rolled out year after year. At the end of 2020,
Find out more 24 out of 35 CQLs were involved in the process, representing
400 producers and 80 suppliers. Carrefour
38,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables without chemical
marketed 4
■ Product nutrition, quality, compliance and
safety/CSR (see the Health and product quality section) pesticides, out of a total volume of 100,000 tonnes of products
from the CQLs and 20,000 from Reflets de France.
Despite difficult weather conditions, volume increased in 2021
and new partners got involved. Four new agro-ecology lines have Case studies in 2021 been created, for mangos, persimmons, avocados and white
button mushrooms. The historical lines have also been expanded,
Promoting better eating thanks to new suppliers’ commitment to the approach. In 2021,
600 producers and around 100 suppliers produced 5
Carrefour supports its customers in their transition to healthier, 45,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables for Carrefour according to
higher quality and accessible foods. The Group uses new the principles of agro-ecology in France.
technologies to guide consumers in their in-store choices. In
Our initiatives
Carrefour’s responsibility to its stakeholders is manifold. The ■ respect for health, safety and human rights within the
main issues identified are: supply chain: working with its various stakeholders
■ support for the local economy: thanks to its global network (investors, consumers, NGOs, etc.), Carrefour anticipates
of 13,894 integrated and franchised stores, Carrefour risks relating to its activities upstream of its distribution
provides its customers with convenient local retail options in operations, via their supply chain. In this regard, Carrefour is
all its countries of operation. Each store has the committed to constantly improving working conditions and
independence necessary to adapt its product assortment protecting human rights and the environment among its
and services portfolio to local needs and build close suppliers. To meet its commitments, Carrefour puts risk
relationships with its customers. The promotion of local assessment and prevention at the heart of its management
products is notably encouraged with the development of system. Carrefour endeavours to assess the social and
brands such as Reflets de France and Terra d’Italia. Through environmental compliance of its suppliers worldwide and to
its partnerships with local producers of organic products, promote CSR practices throughout its value chain;
Carrefour Quality Lines and local SMEs, the Group supports
local economic development;
■ guaranteeing ethical farming: for the past few years, fair trade for more than 20 years, and in doing so contributes
Carrefour has been deploying a programme aimed at to improving the living conditions of producers and the
improving animal welfare in its supply chains. In long-term development of communities;
collaboration with its stakeholders and NGOs specialising in ■ guaranteeing fair practices and personal data protection in
animal welfare, Carrefour has defined its criteria and ensures business relationships: corruption can take several forms in
they are included in specifications. Progress plans and Carrefour’s normal course of business. Bribery, gifts and
monitoring tools have also been developed to support the favouritism can be linked to the purchasing functions, as
transformation of production methods; well as business development requiring official
■ supporting fair trade and promoting decent wages: authorisations. The commitment of Carrefour’s governing
Carrefour is committed to ensuring adequate compensation bodies should give local teams a better understanding of the
for its employees and within its supply chains to provide fight against corruption and accelerate global compliance.
them with an adequate standard of living, which is Data protection is also a vital challenge for Carrefour.
recognised by the United Nations and the International Compliance on this issue is an opportunity for the Group to
Labour Organization as a human right. Work is therefore strengthen the relationship of trust with Carrefour
undertaken to guarantee a decent wage across Carrefour’s customers, employees and partners as part of a more
employee population and supply chain network. Through its comprehensive approach to digitising the Company.
purchases, Carrefour has been developing and supporting
to the UN
Our objectives
Supply chain Social audits performed on all supplier factories of controlled products located Permanent
in high-risk or risk countries
Raw materials Only sustainable and traceable raw materials used in TEX products by 2030 2030 8
GDPR Establishment of an organisation, rules and procedures for the protection Permanent
of personal data
Animal welfare Eight key objectives of our animal welfare policy implemented in all Group 2025
countries by 2025
Carrefour provides training, implements regional projects and its supply chains and foster development in host
supports fair trade to help its suppliers, promote CSR within communities where it sources products.
Action plans all countries where the Group operates, the rules specify that
suppliers must sign a Commitment Charter; the process and
1. Protecting Group employees compliance rules for social audits; the Group’s purchasing
entities must appoint a person in charge of social and
For the past 20 years, Carrefour has demonstrated its
environmental compliance; and an action plan to bring sensitive
commitment to the protection of human rights, health and
production phases and raw materials into compliance with
safety, and the environment, in particular through partnerships
specific purchasing rules.
with major NGOs working in these areas, including the WWF® for 3
environmental protection (1998), UNI Global Union for working An integral part of all purchasing contracts in all countries, the
conditions and fundamental freedoms (2001), and the Supplier Commitment Charter essentially extends Carrefour’s
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) (2000-2018). respect for and promotion of human rights to a broader scope.
The Group has been a signatory of the United Nations Global The charter takes up the Group’s Principles of Ethics and
Compact since 2001, and all integrated Group host countries are stipulates that suppliers agree to comply with its standards on
members of the ILO. human rights, ethics and the environment. It prohibits any
concealed or unreported subcontracting, and requires, as a
First distributed in 2016, Carrefour’s Principles of Ethics provide
knock-on effect, Group suppliers to apply the same social
employees with a set of guidelines on how to conduct
themselves in the workplace on a daily basis. These principles
compliance standards to their own suppliers. 4
mainly cover respecting diversity, contributing to a safe and MAPPING SUPPLIERS AND VALUE CHAIN
healthy working environment, promoting social dialogue,
To identify those countries where risk of non-compliance with
banning all forms of harassment and discrimination, ensuring the
the charter is the highest, Carrefour has established a
safety of people and property, and acting with integrity, both
country-by-country risk map, which was revised in 2018 in line
individually and collectively.
with the duty of care plan. Procurement potential and purchasing
To make sure the principles are applied properly, Carrefour has rules therefore depend on the risk rating assigned to each
set up its own ethics whistleblowing system that can be used by country:
Group employees or stakeholders to report any situations or
■ severe risk: production and supply are suspended in these 5
behaviour that do not comply with its Principles of Ethics (see
also Section Summary of alerts and corrective actions
taken). ■ high risk: authorisation at Group level is required for any
production in these countries. Once the country is approved,
Carrefour also provides its employees at Group level and
Carrefour teams working in the country approve and monitor
throughout France with e-learning courses on human rights to
educate them about these issues. In 2021, modules mainly
covered gender equality, the Mission Handicap programme for ■ moderate risk: the plant is selected in strict application of the
people with disabilities, sexual harassment and sexism, gender Group’s purchasing rules;
prejudice in toys, and domestic violence prevention. ■ low risk: purchasing rules apply, but an audit is not required.
Carrefour also takes steps to ensure that its international
franchisees respect human rights by systematically attaching a
Human Rights Protection Charter to their contracts, requiring Since 2018, Carrefour has also kept an up-to-date list of
them to comply with international labour rights standards. “sensitive” production phases that may present human rights and
Franchisees also agree to ensure that all employees, suppliers, environmental risks. These phases may either take place during
sub-licensees, subcontractors and sub-franchisees comply with the manufacturing processes of Carrefour suppliers or further
these commitments. upstream in the value chain. The Group also identified the raw
Carrefour also supports its suppliers to improve CSR performance In addition to the audits, Global Sourcing’s quality teams visit sites
within the supply chain outside its direct scope, in collaboration according to an inspection schedule set by Carrefour to check
with consultants and local NGOs. All suppliers must assess their product quality compliance and offer on-site surveillance during
own tier 1 suppliers identified as being high-risk (tier 2 suppliers production. All textile plants are systematically inspected at least
for Carrefour) based on ESG criteria using a once a year to ensure that quality procedures and the factory
framework/application provided by Carrefour, which reduces standard are in line with the Carrefour Good Factory Standard.
non-compliance risk upstream. In 2019, Carrefour provided
Since 2019, clothing supplier assessments have incorporated a
training at the plants of its tier 1 suppliers in Bangladesh, Pakistan
CSR score in addition to the usual commercial, quality, and
and India, along with other tools to deal with identified risks. The
delivery (supply) scores. This CSR assessment includes the results
project was deployed in 2020 in the following countries: India
of social audits, environmental assessments and alerts,
(242 tier 2), Bangladesh (309 tier 2), Pakistan (57 tier 2), Cambodia
management of suppliers (tier 2 suppliers for Carrefour),
(8 tier 2), Vietnam (4 tier 2), Burma (3 tier 2) and Sri Lanka
component traceability, supplier certifications and good CSR
(15 tier 2).
practices (aside from mandatory compliance).
The Group has also drawn up the Good Factory Standard, a
practical training document featuring a breakdown by sector
and/or by type of product (bazaar, clothing, wood, leather, etc.).
It offers a set of basic requirements to follow and lists good and Joint initiatives and partnerships
bad practices. ■ Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS)
DEVELOP CONTROL PROCEDURES ■ Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)
In accordance with Carrefour’s purchasing rules, all supply plants ■ Bangladesh Transition Accord
located in high-risk or risk countries must undergo a social audit
conducted under Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS)
and Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) standards. To be
accredited, suppliers are subject to several checks, including a
pre-audit, a technical audit, a social audit and an environmental Find out more
audit. Social audits are mandatory for suppliers located in
countries classified as risk countries, for all plants manufacturing ■ Supplier Commitment Charter
products under Carrefour brands with a required rating of A or
■ Principles of Ethics
B grade (C, D and E ratings do not qualify). For suppliers located
in low-risk countries, the inspection system is adapted to the ■ Duty of care (see Section 2.2 of this chapter)
business, local problems and on-site practices, as external audits ■ Ethics whistleblowing system
are not performed systematically.
2. Among local, national and SME suppliers 3. Among Carrefour suppliers and throughout the
Carrefour has set a target to partner with 45,000 organic supply chain
farmers, Carrefour Quality Lines, regional and local producers Through its Carrefour Supplier Commitment Charter on
by 2025. One of the guarantees from entering into human rights, Carrefour pledges to provide workers with
agreements with these partners is fair pricing practices. The satisfactory compensation to meet their basic needs and
Group is also introducing SME Plans in all countries to those of their family members who depend directly on them.
develop business with SMEs. Lastly, Carrefour supports local In accordance with Carrefour’s purchasing rules, all supply
industries through various crises (for example, the milk crisis plants located in high-risk or risk countries must undergo a
in France, health crisis in Spain, etc.). social audit, including assessments on the minimum wage for
employees of these suppliers. The audits are conducted
under Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) and
Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) standards.
Carrefour also implements regional projects and supports fair trade to promote CSR within its supply chains and foster
development in regions where it sources products. 4
Indicators 2021 2020 Change
Gross sales of fair trade products (own-brand and national brand) (in thousands of euros) 127,811 111,198 15%
3. Among our suppliers in high-risk countries non-compliance identified in plants in high-risk countries each
and throughout the supply chain year relate to the following three categories: “compensation,
benefits and conditions”, “health and safety” and “working hours”.
ENSURE FAIR COMPENSATION Social compliance of suppliers with respect to workers’ pay
Supply chain traceability is a necessary requirement for In 2021, 918 social audits covered the Group’s potential
supporting our suppliers and their suppliers in improving their production sites, 35.3% less than in 2020. This decrease is due to
social performance. As part of the 2030 objective: “all natural raw the Covid-19 pandemic. An alert is raised for any critical point of
materials used in its TEX products should be sustainable and non-compliance identified during the audit. When alerts apply to
traceable”, Carrefour has developed a methodology to identify its accredited suppliers, immediate action is required, after which
tier 2 suppliers, trace supply lines and as a result ensure fair Carrefour only retains suppliers once they have been cleared by a
compensation throughout the value chain. pre-audit within a three-month period. The main occurrences of
non-compliance discovered among Carrefour suppliers related
Mapping tier 2 suppliers in high-risk countries to working hours, compensation levels and workers’ health and
The Group began mapping tier 2 suppliers in 2020 to have safety. In 2021, 14% of audits conducted on potential production
visibility of the various third parties involved across the plants generated one or more alerts.
production and supply chain and then to better identify specific
social issues, including fair compensation. Compensation is an Supporting fair trade
identified social risk already covered by the audit criteria for the In France, Carrefour was the first major retail banner to sell a fair
Group’s tier 1 suppliers. For the clothing sector, this task consists trade product, Malongo brand coffee back in 1998, produced by
of identifying the suppliers of the suppliers involved in the small farmers. Many Max Havelaar® certified products have since
following stages: cloth manufacture (spinning, knitting, dyeing), been added to store shelves through brands such as Alter Eco,
product assembly, etc. Carrefour began this mapping process Ethiquable, Lobodis, etc., with several international agreements
“manually” for Bangladesh and India, and an IT solution is signed twenty years later between Carrefour and Max Havelaar®.
currently being studied that could be used to systematically roll
In 2021, more than 127 million euros in fair trade products were
the process out to all of the Group’s high-risk countries.
sold in Carrefour stores worldwide (up 15% from 2020). Product
Tracing supply lines and communicating transparently sales generated nearly 1.5 million euros in development bonuses
As an example, since 2019, Carrefour has been working with over for cooperatives, on top of the fairer retail price paid to
8,000 small organic cotton producers in the Madhya Pradesh and producers, which have financed study grants, water purifiers,
Maharashtra regions in India on a project combining quality schools, a maternity unit, and more. Carrefour’s own-brand
organic cotton, decent pay for producers and traceability starting organic range, launched in partnership with Max Havelaar®, now
from the seed. Thanks to its partner, Cotton Connect, Carrefour has a wide range of listings in five product categories: bananas,
ensures that its Indian organic cotton suppliers receive a higher coffee, chocolate, honey and tea. In 2021, 930 fair trade products
rate than conventional cotton producers. The first 100% were available at Carrefour stores worldwide.
“sustainable cotton” collection is a direct result of this approach,
comprising home textiles, undergarments, babywear and
4. Among franchisees
children’s clothing under the TEX BIO brand sold in all of Charter for the protection of human rights for international
Carrefour’s French and Spanish hypermarkets since franchisees
spring-summer 2019. Carrefour is working to ensure that its international franchisees
respect human rights by systematically attaching to their
contracts a charter for the protection of human rights. The
SUPPLIERS’ SOCIAL PERFORMANCE WITH RESPECT charter binds franchisees to provide workers with compensation
TO COMPENSATION that meets their basic needs. Such compensation must at least
Carrefour has three levers to advance on living wage issues: fair correspond to the minimum wage set by the national legislation
trade products, social audits and implementing additional of the country concerned or, in the absence of regulations, it
services to supplement compensation. must facilitate decent living conditions for workers. By signing
this charter, franchisees agree to ensure that all employees,
Principles of social audits covering our suppliers with respect suppliers, sub-licensees, subcontractors or sub-franchisees, as
to their workers’ compensation policy the case may be, comply with these commitments. Franchisees
Carrefour’s purchasing rules on implementing decent wages are also bound to introduce checks to ensure that commitments
include audits in compliance with minimum wage, legal overtime are met, such as visits to observe suppliers’ practices relating to
pay requirements and freedom of association. Specific roadmaps working conditions. Findings are compiled in dedicated reports
covering these three themes were defined at the local level. The to assess compliance with the charter. If necessary, corrective
social performance of suppliers is regularly monitored and action plans are implemented and follow-up visits planned.
checked through social audits. Corrective action plans are Franchisees must also authorise the Carrefour group, or any
systematically implemented and progress monitored over time. In person authorised under the Group’s internal and external
addition to social audits, Carrefour develops local projects to monitoring system, to carry out unannounced visits to check
meet specific needs of its suppliers. More than 80% of cases of compliance with the charter’s commitments.
The Group has implemented a plan to comply with the Sapin II ■ these principles are sent to the Group’s commercial partners, in 1
law on anti-corruption, strengthening the French law on particular in the Carrefour Ethical Standards for Suppliers
anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing. It covers Charter, which they are asked to sign;
the following points:
■ contract templates drafted and circulated by the Legal
■ an awareness-raising and training system has been rolled out departments of each country include clauses on compliance
for functions on the front lines. It takes the form of either with applicable laws and regulations, including competition
in-person or online meetings and has been attended by several law. These contract templates are updated regularly to reflect
thousand employees directly concerned. Functions that are not changes in these rules and regulations. Each Legal department
on the front lines have also participated to learn more about provides tailored and secure contractual solutions for the
these issues. All employees involved in a purchasing or different operational departments;
selection process are required to sign a declaration of
■ the Legal departments in each country monitor legal
independence each year, with the aim of publicly disclosing
developments to anticipate any changes in the regulatory
any conflicts of interest in order to handle them better.
framework in which Carrefour conducts its business and to
Carrefour has performed a bribery and corruption risk mapping
inform the departments concerned in order to mitigate their
■ corruption risks are mitigated by a series of accounting control
procedures; 3. Tax strategy
Carrefour applies a tax compliance and transparency policy,
■ local whistleblowing systems and an outsourced global
whistleblowing service were set up in all countries in 2016. guaranteed by its well-trained expert tax team, aligned with the
They are available 24/7 via the Internet ( latest tax reforms. In its host countries, the Group cultivates
or the hotline; long-term relationships of trust with tax authorities, providing
them with the information they need within a reasonable time. It
■ Carrefour evaluates third parties with the highest risk of ensures the compliance of its operations with tax regulations,
corruption and with which it has a business relationship. It aims aiming to pay an appropriate amount of tax according to where
to standardise and centralise Group practices by deploying a value is created in the normal course of its commercial activity,
common approach to evaluating third parties. without artificially transferring value to low-tax jurisdictions. The
Group does not use opaque structures or entities in tax havens to
In all host countries, relations with the public authorities are
governed by an ethical framework that complies with the conceal information useful to tax authorities. It applies the arm’s
applicable regulations. For example, as required by the Sapin II length principle for transfer pricing, and does not use transfer
law, Carrefour’s lobbying activities in France are entered on the pricing as a tax planning tool. As the Group’s organisation is
register of interest representatives, which is monitored by decentralised, its intra-group transactions are not significant,
France’s High Authority for Transparency in Public Life. representing less than 5% of total trade sales. The Group applies
an intra-group flow policy in line with OECD principles and
Work is also in progress on a global training plan to ensure that guarantees transparency, notably through Country-by-Country
employees are well informed about the risks of corruption based
on their level of exposure. To date, 98.9% of the employees
Reporting (CBCR).
identified in 2021 as most exposed to risks of corruption have The ethics whistleblowing system can be used by Carrefour
received training. For employees with a lower risk of corruption, employees, suppliers or service providers to report – in
an awareness programme is also available and was taken by confidence – any situations or behaviour that do not comply
80,010 employees in 2021. with the Group’s Principles of Ethics, including for tax matters.
(1) The animal welfare guarantees are in line with the Better Chicken Commitment criteria.
Performance indicators 2021 2020 Change Target
Cage-free farming – Percentage of gross sales of animals (rabbits Reporting methodology currently
and quails) in certified products raised cage-free under development - 100% by 2025
Chickens – Percentage of gross sales of certified products
that guarantee compliance with animal welfare criteria 36.2% New - 50% by 2026
Pigs – Percentage of gross sales of Carrefour organic and Carrefour
Quality Lines pork products that guarantee compliance with Reporting methodology currently
improved animal welfare criteria under development - 100% by 2025
Horse meat – Percentage of gross sales of horse meat in
independently audited certified and national-brand products or Reporting methodology currently
from EU producers under development - 100% by 2025
Slaughter – Percentage of Carrefour supplier slaughterhouses
audited for compliance with animal welfare standards(4) 46% New - 100% by 2025
Transparency – Percentage of species raised using transparent Reporting methodology currently
farming methods, for Carrefour-brand products under development - 100% by 2025
(1) Scope: Non-comparable BUs (100% of 2021 net sales vs. 93% of 2020 net sales – excl. IT).
(2) Scope: Non-comparable BUs (100% of 2021 net sales vs. 84.5% of 2020 net sales – excl. Italy and Belgium). 2020 data updated.
(3) Scope: FR, IT, ES, BE, RO and PL. 88.5% of 2021 consolidated net sales.
(4) Scope: Outside Belgium. 91.8% of 2021 consolidated net sales.
The performance of our animal welfare policy is measured using the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW). In
2020, Carrefour ranked in tier 3 of the benchmark.
Risks and opportunities
Employee-related risks are included in Carrefour’s risk employers in the world, Carrefour has a duty to safeguard its
management process (see Section 4.1). The risks analysed employees against workplace accidents, psychosocial risks
annually relate to employee skills, talent retention and diversity and occupational illnesses;
and inclusion, more specifically: ■ failure to respect employees’ freedom of association and
■ failure to assess, develop and value skills: poor deployment right to social dialogue: insufficient social dialogue may
of skills assessment, development and recognition policy by demotivate employees. These events are likely to result in 5
managers and human resources is likely to demotivate loss of productivity and/or revenue.
employees and result in lower productivity and increased In addition, Carrefour updated its materiality analysis in 2021
turnover; (see Section One employee-related issue was
■ failure to attract and retain talent: the Group could identified as a major issue for stakeholders in light of the
encounter difficulties in attracting, hiring or retaining talent Group’s food transition strategy (i.e., ranked in the top 10),
for key positions. This risk may arise in particular due to while three others were identified as important issues
departures from critical positions such as Directors and (i.e., ranked in the top 20):
Senior Directors;
■ failure to comply with principles of diversity,
■ employee
(ranked 4th);
well-being, satisfaction and motivation 6
discrimination and harassment: Carrefour may encounter ■ attracting and retaining talent (ranked 12th);
difficulties in deploying its anti-discrimination policy,
particularly with regard to gender diversity and equal pay or ■ diversity and inclusion in the workplace (ranked 15th);
the employment of people with disabilities; ■ training employees and developing their skills (ranked 20th).
■ occupational health and safety risks: as the largest
private-sector employer in France and one of the top 50
Our initiatives
Employees play a key role in helping us achieve our objectives. through the signature in 2004 of a Diversity Charter aimed at
They allow Carrefour to offer quality services, products and giving everyone, in all countries, the same career
food for everyone on a daily basis, through all distribution development and recruitment opportunities;
channels – in the Group’s nine integrated countries. ■ protecting employees’ health: since 2020, all of the Group’s
Carrefour supports this ambitious goal, in particular, by: host countries have an action plan on health, safety and
■ employee awareness and mobilisation: Carrefour attaches quality of life at work. Local teams are responsible for setting
great importance to upskilling teams; the objectives, particularly in relation to workplace accident
frequency and severity, and for structuring the action plan.
■ reflecting the social diversity of its host communities:
Carrefour was very quick to commit to promoting diversity
to the UN
Our objectives
Disability Employees with a disability to represent 4% of the total workforce by 2025 2025
Training At least 50% of employees have access to training every year Annual
active companies in terms of international agreements, helping various topics and cover a range of issues, including labour rights
to protect the fundamental rights of employees around the and the organisation of work. In 2021, Carrefour France signed a
world. new agreement on remote working. In addition, the Social
Transformation Monitoring Group and the Jobs and Skills
EUROPEAN SOCIAL DIALOGUE Monitoring Group merged in 2021 to form the Jobs, Skills and
In 1996, Carrefour created its European Works Council, the Social Transformation Monitoring Group, which met for the first
European Consultation and Information Committee (ECIC), by time mid-year. Inflation issues in Argentina resulted in several
way of an agreement signed with the FIET (part of the UNI). This revisions being made to the annual wage agreement between the
agreement was renewed and added to in 2011 with the national workers federation and the organisation representing
international union federation UNI Global Union. Thanks to the employers. In Romania, a trade union was officially and legally
quality of its work and of the dialogue between management and established for the Artima banner. Italy extended its collective
employee representatives, the ECIC is now one of the most bargaining agreement, which notably provides for a special
recognised works councils in Europe. The main topics covered Gender Equality Committee. In Brazil, numerous collective
are the organisation of work, promoting diversity, professional bargaining agreements have been signed for both Carrefour
training and employer health and safety policy, together with CSR Brazil and Atacadão. Carrefour Spain signed several collective
and basic rights. A plenary meeting is held annually. An annual bargaining agreements following the integration of the Supersol
information and training seminar focuses on a specific theme employees into its workforce in order to align their working
selected by the members of its Steering Committee, which conditions with those of other Group employees.
changes each year. Special committees also meet to discuss
issues relating to corporate social responsibility, diversity and new RESPONSIBLE REORGANISATION
technologies. Since 2018, Carrefour has cut back its workforce, particularly in
its head offices, and sold or converted into franchises certain
The ECIC joint declaration for a European Health Pact was signed
stores in several countries, including France, Poland and Italy.
in 2020. The text was discussed and negotiated with the ECIC
Workforce reduction plans have been supported by a sustained
Steering Committee in the midst of the Covid-19 health crisis and
social dialogue process and a set of measures aimed at helping
was unanimously approved by its members. It provides a
employees relocate or find another job within or outside the
common set of measures and commitments that have been
Group. These measures were notably put in place pursuant to
circulated for implementation in each of the Group’s European
agreements negotiated and signed with employee
representatives. In France, two amendments were signed in 2021.
The number of ECIC meetings in 2021 returned to its normal One related to the agreement on anticipating and supporting
rhythm compared with 2020, which was particularly affected by social transformation and creating the Jobs, Skills and Social
the health crisis. An Employment and Training Monitoring Group Transformation Monitoring Group. The other related to adapting
was created within the ECIC and met for the first time in 2021. GPEC tools to the challenges of transforming the Group’s
Carrefour also plays an active role in sector-wide social dialogue headquarters and support functions. Social dialogue also led to
meetings as part of European trade organisation Eurocommerce, the adoption of a new agreement that introduces early
alongside the trade union delegation from UNI Europa. retirement leave for employees who work at a supermarket or
hypermarket to be brought under a franchise or management
In each Group country, social dialogue is governed by local
collective bargaining agreements. These play a major part in the
Group’s economic performance but also in employees’ working
Find out more
conditions and, more broadly, in quality of life in the workplace.
Carrefour is engaged in regular negotiations with employee ■ Employment at Carrefour and managerial
representatives in all of the countries where it operates. These transformation/CSR (see the Employees section)
negotiations have resulted in numerous agreements that address
Carrefour’s performance
1. Attracting talent
Employees are the ones who put the Group’s strategy into action, so Carrefour has always taken great care to attract the right 5
profiles for the right positions.
2. Retaining talent
Employee turnover and length of service
Performance indicators 2021 2020 Change
Attrition rate among Senior Directors and Executive Directors(1) (in %) 4.6 4.1 +0.5 pts
Turnover(2) (in %) 22.9 19.7 +3.2 pts
Voluntary turnover(3) (in %) 12.7 9.9 +2.8 pts
Average seniority of employees 9 9 -
(1) New indicator in 2020 to measure the number of employee resignations at Director and Senior Director level as a proportion of the population.
(2) Turnover of employees on permanent contracts, including new hires during the year, redundancies, resignations and completed trial periods, and
calculated based on the workforce at December 31, 2020.
(3) Voluntary turnover of employees on permanent contracts including resignations.
Internal mobility and promotion
Thanks to all the Group’s programmes and initiatives, In total, 49% of new managers, 60% of new Directors, 44% of
employees’ average length of service is stable and new Senior Directors and 44% of new Executive Directors
2,941 employees were promoted in 2021 (versus 2,073 in were promoted internally in 2021.
Strong emphasis is also placed on strengthening skills that relate Listening to and better understanding customers are also the
to the food transition. Poland, for example, has organised training basis of other training programmes, including the 5/5/5
sessions and webinars on organic products. In Spain, e-learning approach, adopted in all Group countries since 2020. Designed
modules on nutrition have been added to the training catalogue to meet customers’ expectations on a practical level, it sets out
available to employees for them to learn the principles of healthy 15 commitments to provide employees with a checklist to ensure
eating. In Italy, an academy set up with suppliers gives employees customer satisfaction, and that can be consulted at any time.
a better understanding of the products they sell and the
In 2021, 50,000 employees in France took the “Being a Carrefour
associated production processes, particularly in relation to the
Ambassador” training course and 9,014 additional employees
Terre d’Italia quality line. In France, employees have access to
received training on other customer relations topics (up from
numerous e-learning modules on a variety of topics, including
8,559 in 2020). Customer satisfaction, as measured by the NPS®,
Carrefour Quality Lines, hygiene and quality, and sustainable
has improved in all the Group’s locations.
fishing. Romania also offers training, on food quality and security.
In 2021, 11.6% of Group employees participated in training
programmes relating to the food transition, versus 4% in 2020.
3.4. TRAINING TO FOSTER A CUSTOMER-ORIENTED Joint initiatives and partnerships
CULTURE ■ Partnership with the International Labour
Carrefour’s customer strategy is built on the three cornerstones Organization (ILO)
of trust, service and convenience. It is supported by the rigorous ■ ILO Charter since 2015
monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including the
Net Promoter Score® (NPS®), a tool for gauging customer ■ CEASE
satisfaction that was widely deployed across the Group in 2019. ■ Orange Day with UN Women France, for the past six
With customer satisfaction in mind, Carrefour has implemented years
action plans to enhance the flexibility of its in-store teams and
■ International agreement between Carrefour and
reduce the out-of-stock rate. It has also introduced procedures
UNI Global Union signed in October 2018
for the detection, monitoring and rapid resolution of customer
complaints. As part of this approach, Carrefour has set up a ■ Diversity Charter
platform that allows all Group employees from integrated stores
■ OneInThreeWomen Charter
and head offices to consult their NPS® and the associated
comments. The number of logins to the platform has increased
six-fold in two years, a demonstration of Carrefour teams’
commitment to customer satisfaction. In addition, the NPS® was
incorporated into the variable compensation criteria for all Find out more
Carrefour senior executives in 2019 and for all managers in
France in 2020. ■ ILO Charter
■ OneInThreeWomen Charter
■ Attracting, retaining and developing
talent/CSR (see the Employees section) Encouraging diversity and inclusion and battling all forms of harassment
and discrimination
Carrefour’s policy
“Promoting diversity” is one of the three objectives of the composition of its Board of Directors reflects the Group’s
“Growing and moving forward together”, the first pillar of diversity.
Carrefour’s Act for Change programme. Carrefour was very
Carrefour has been actively promoting gender equality in the
quick to commit to promoting diversity: it signed the
workplace for many years. Equal career opportunities for
Diversity Charter in 2004, in which it pledges to give
every employee, equal pay and equal access to management
everyone, in all countries, the same opportunities in terms of
positions for women are all key Group commitments.
career development and recruitment. It also makes sure that
Committed to disability inclusion for over 20 years, Carrefour Inclusion and battling all forms of harassment and
makes every effort to keep employees with disabilities in its discrimination are also key commitments. In all its host
workforce. It also has an ambitious disability training and countries, Carrefour aims to promote equal opportunity for
awareness policy and is working to change the way people all and foster a culture of respect, acceptance and inclusion
view disabilities. that is not only valued but also expressed through real-world
Carrefour’s performance
1. Gender equality in the workplace ■ implementing training and awareness initiatives for
The commitments made by the Group in this regard relate employees;
primarily to: ■ obtaining and maintaining Gender Equality European &
■ combating violence against women; International Standard (GEEIS) certification in all countries;
■ promoting gender equality within the Company, in ■ incorporating into the CSR and Food Transition Index the
new target of at least 35% women Executive Directors by
particular by:
strengthening internal development
2025. 3
Indicators 2021 2020 Change
% of women appointed to key positions 28.5% 23.2% +5.3 pts
% of women on the Board of Directors 46% 43% +3 pts
% of women on the Group Executive Committee(1) 21% 15% +6 pts
% of women among Executive Directors(2) 24.7% 22.4% +2.3 pts
% of women among Senior Directors 19.4% 19.3% +0.1 pts 4
% of women among Directors 25.2% 23.9% +1.3 pts
% of women among managers 43.7% 42.7% +1 pt
% of women among employees 57.1% 57.1% -
GROUP TOTAL – % OF WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE 55.6% 55.4% +0.3 pts
% of management positions held by women 42.5% 41.5% +1 pt
(1) At December 31, 2021.
(2) New job category created from among Senior Directors. Indicator incorporated into the CSR and Food Transition Index.
2. Employees and customers with disabilities The Group has 10,902 employees with disabilities; they make
Carrefour is firmly committed to integrating people with up 3.4% of its workforce. Both the number and the
disabilities into its workforce and keeping them in its percentage of employees with disabilities declined during
employment. This commitment is integrated into the Group’s 2021. This can be explained in particular by very strong
governance, by entering into the composition of Carrefour’s dynamics in Latin America, where the employment rate is
CSR and Food Transition index, with the objective of lower than that of Europe: the growing weight of this zone in
employing 4% of people with disabilities throughout the the workforce is lowering the average rate. To support this
commitment, best practice exchange workshops involving
Group by 2025, either directly or via specialised structures.
HR departments from nine countries were organised to 6
identify and circulate the best initiatives within the Group.
4. Battling all forms of harassment and 6% of total alerts received. These alerts help the Group
discrimination fine-tune its action plan and initiatives to battle all forms of
harassment and discrimination.
In 2021, 5,024 alerts were received through the ethics
hotline, which is available in all Group countries. Alerts
concerning discrimination and harassment accounted for
At the same time, there are numerous initiatives in all the Group’s results showed that a culture of inclusion and equal opportunity 1
host countries to help employees at every stage of parenthood. is seen as one of the Group’s key strengths.
In France and Romania, additional leave is granted to employees
involved in an assisted reproduction programme. In Brazil, special 3.1. INCLUSION OF YOUNG PEOPLE
medical check-ups are offered to pregnant employees. Specific A proactive proponent of youth recruitment and training for
measures have also been introduced at Carrefour Argentina, many years, Carrefour stepped up its efforts in support of youth
which grants maternity and paternity leave that is more employment with the December 8, 2020 announcement that it
advantageous than that required by local law, and where women would hire 15,000 young people on permanent contracts or
leaders benefit from a specific support programme on their work-study programmes, with a target of 50% from
return to work, which includes flexible hours. Dedicated disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The objective was met by the
breastfeeding areas are available, for example, at Carrefour’s head end of November 2021, with more than 7,000 young people
offices in Brazil, Taiwan and Argentina, and in all Carrefour Spain hired on permanent contracts and 8,000 under work-study
hypermarkets. In addition, employees in most countries can take programmes. Significant resources have been invested to offer
leave when their children are unwell. them high-quality courses earning them certificates or diplomas,
with Carrefour France in particular opening its own in-house
2. Employees and customers with disabilities training centre. The Group also offered job-shadowing work
2.1. RECRUITING, INTEGRATING AND RETAINING PEOPLE experience to 3,000 secondary school students aged 14 to 15
from these districts to introduce them to retail industry
professions. As a result, Carrefour was awarded the Employer 3
Carrefour has made its approach to hiring and integrating people
Brand and Recruitment Trophy at the eighth edition of France’s
with disabilities, and keeping them in employment, a fundamental
Human Capital Leaders Awards. These various initiatives are a
part of its human resources policy. The first agreement on the
testimony to the Group’s commitment to promoting equal
employment of people with disabilities was signed in 1999 for the
opportunity at a time when younger generations are reeling from
French hypermarkets. It has since been renewed eight times,
the effects of a crisis that makes it more difficult for them to find
most recently in 2020. The purpose of the agreement is secure
sustainable job opportunities.
the career paths of people with health problems and keep them
in employment. It also promotes the recruitment of people with 3.2. INCLUSION FOR ALL
disabilities on work-study contracts. Carrefour is very committed
Carrefour regularly organises events aimed at facilitating the 4
to this issue and works closely with the employees concerned
recruitment, integration and inclusion of diverse profiles. Every
throughout their careers, with the help of disability liaison officers
year, a whole day is dedicated to diversity at Carrefour in order to
appointed for each format.
promote the acceptance of others among employees. For
2.2. CHANGING THE WAY PEOPLE VIEW DISABILITIES International Diversity Day 2021, an animated infographic about
diversity at Carrefour was produced and shared with all Group
In its efforts to drive lasting change, Carrefour supports and
host countries, both internally (head offices and stores) and
participates in several events to raise awareness about disabilities
externally (network).
and differences within its teams. For example, in 2021, France
and Belgium took part in Duo Day, a European initiative that Also in 2021, Carrefour Brazil organised a “Trans Visibility Day”, 5
involves pairing up employees in the public or private sector and dedicated exclusively to the recruitment of transgender people.
people with disabilities. The “duos” spend a work day together, By implementing initiatives like this throughout the year,
either in person or online. To mark the 25th edition of European Carrefour is helping to promote the integration of people from
Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities, Carrefour minority groups and stepping up its commitment to foster
supported Le Grand Pitch, France’s first public speaking contest diversity and inclusion in its ecosystem. Action is also being taken
for people with disabilities, organised from November 15 to 26, to promote the employment of older people. One example is the
2021 by our partner association Pépites Emploi. In Spain, the Group’s partnership with “Hire 45+”, a non-profit organisation in
INCLUYE programme aims to promote the inclusion and visibility Romania that aims to encourage the recruitment of people
of employees with disabilities through meetings, tutors and over 45. 6
initiatives organised by the human resources teams and the
employees themselves. Another programme gives Carrefour 3.3. PROMOTING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY THROUGH
employees the chance to volunteer their services to provide THE LEADERS SCHOOL
training to people with intellectual disabilities. In Brazil, An in-house training school, the Leaders School is designed to
September 21 is National Day of Support for People with facilitate internal promotion, which plays a key role in supporting
Disabilities. In 2021, various disability inclusion initiatives were diversity and equality at Carrefour. This is illustrated both by the
organised throughout the week, for both managers and gender diversity of the graduating classes (49% women in the
employees. Conversation circles were also organised to discuss “Jérôme Nanty” class and 50% in the third cycle of the Leaders
issues relating to inclusion and the careers of people with School in Argentina), and by the inclusion of specific modules 7
disabilities. dedicated to diversity and equal opportunity.
3. Inclusion and equal opportunity 4. Battling all forms of harassment and discrimination
Establishing an inclusive corporate culture that promotes equal 4.1. INITIATIVES TO COMBAT DISCRIMINATION
opportunity within its organisation is a key priority for Carrefour. Carrefour stores and entities promote diversity within their teams
Inclusion and equal opportunity have therefore been integrated and the Carrefour Code of Professional Conduct is sent to all
into the strategy for listening to employees. In the last survey, suppliers, who must pledge to adhere to the Group’s ten
carried out in the first half of 2021, all of the Group’s managers Principles of Ethics. Since 2016, these principles relate to
(over 16,000 respondents) were asked about their feeling of respecting diversity, contributing to a safe and healthy working 8
belonging to the Group and their opinion on the level of environment, promoting social dialogue, banning all forms of
acceptance, authenticity and equal opportunity at Carrefour. The harassment and ensuring the safety of people and property.
Carrefour’s policy
The “Acting with simplicity” pillar of the Act for Change Since end-2020, all of the Group’s host countries have an
programme is built around three objectives: using resources action plan on health, safety and quality of life in the
appropriately and efficiently; acting quickly and simply; and workplace. Integrated local teams are responsible for setting
empowering yourself and others. In practical terms, targets, particularly in relation to workplace accident 4
Carrefour is committed to protecting employee health, frequency and severity, and for structuring an action plan.
reducing the risk of workplace accidents in all its locations This should cover topics such as the prevention of accidents
and implementing innovative initiatives to improve quality of in the workplace and at home; occupational illnesses;
life at work. work-related stress; improving work-life balance; and
training on conflict management in the workplace.
1. Protecting employee health and preventing workplace accidents 5
Key Performance Indicators 2021(2) 2021(1) 2020 Change
Workplace accident frequency rate (number of accidents/millions of
hours worked) - 25.33 27.87 -2.54 pts
Workplace accident severity rate (number of days absent due to
workplace accident/1,000 work hours) 0.71 0.90 0.85 +0.05 pts
(1) Scope: Comparable BUs – Excluding AT.
(2) Scope: 100% of 2021 consolidated net sales. 6
Indicators(1) 2021 2020 Change
Rate of absence due to workplace and travel-related accidents 0.66% 0.63% +0.3 pts
Absenteeism rate: illness 5.17% 5.71% -0.54 pts
Absenteeism rate: workplace accident 0.61% 0.57% +0.04 pts
Absenteeism rate: travel-related accident 0.05% 0.05% -
(1) Hours absent (depending on the reason) as percentage of hours worked. Scope: excluding AT. 7
2. Offering psychological support to employees Since 2020, in light of the Covid-19 health crisis, the vast
Carrefour France employees have had access to majority of the Group’s host countries have also set up free
round-the-clock psychological support since 2015, either hotlines and psychological support for employees who feel
remotely or on-site, in partnership with a specialised practice. the need to talk.
3. Listening to employees to ensure quality of nine countries, one on “employer recommendation” level (or
life in the workplace E-reco) and one relating to each of the four Act for Change
To support the transformation of its corporate culture,
Carrefour introduced an employee commitment indicator in In addition to a sharp increase in the response rate, the
2019: the Employee Net Promoter Score® (E-NPS). After results of this survey showed an improvement on the
being suspended for several months due to the health crisis, previous round, with an average E-reco score of 83/100 for
the fourth “Act for Change” survey round was carried out the Group. This indicator has also been integrated into the
between May 10 and June 4, 2021 to follow up on the CSR and Food Transition Index. The objective of achieving
surveys conducted in June and October 2019 and and maintaining a Group average score of at least 75/100 up
September 2020. Five questions were asked to a to 2025 has therefore been achieved for 2021.
representative sample of 26,000 employees in the Group’s
Action plans safety was brought on board in 2021 to update the ergonomics
programme already in place.
1. Protecting employee health and safety 1.3. PREVENTING STRESS AND MANAGING PSYCHOSOCIAL
To reduce the number and severity of workplace accidents, The Carrefour group’s preventive approach aims to assess the
Carrefour puts risk assessment and prevention at the heart of its main psychosocial risk factors and develop appropriate action
health and safety management system. The Group’s prevention plans. Many initiatives designed to prevent stress and
teams have identified the safety hazards of around psychosocial risks are adopted locally, at the initiative of a single
60 workstations, as well as appropriate preventive measures, so country or entity. Examples include stress management training
that each site can devise, implement and update their own action and free hotlines and psychological support.
plans. Carrefour’s health and safety risks primarily concern
employees who work in its stores and warehouses. The main In France, psychosocial risk prevention training has been offered
causes of accidents in stores relate to the use of machines, such to managers for a number of formats. A tool is also being tested
as ham slicers, bone saws and kneading machines. For the that aims to help identify risk factors and enable employees to
logistics side of operations, the main risks are associated with suggest initiatives to be included in the Group’s action plans.
access to loading docks. Tested at the head office in France, the tool will be rolled out to
stores and for logistics operations during 2022.
Workplace accident prevention begins on day one of the
employee orientation process. In all Group’s host countries, new In addition, since the onset of the health crisis in 2020, most of
hires receive training as soon as they arrive so that they know the Group’s host countries have set up hotlines and, where
what professional risks are associated with their work necessary, psychological support for employees(1).
environment, how to protect themselves against these risks and 1.4. ENSURING AN APPROPRIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT
who to notify in the event of a malfunction or a hazardous AND WORKING HOURS
Carrefour is committed to ensuring that the Group’s entities and
Workplace health and safety remains a top training priority its franchisees fully comply with local and regional legislation and
throughout the careers of Carrefour employees, who participate regulations, as well as with sectoral collective bargaining
regularly in sessions on first aid, the prevention of risks related to agreements on working hours, overtime, rest periods and leave.
manual handling and the prevention of work-related accidents. Since end-2020, all of the Group’s host countries have an action
plan on health, safety and quality of life in the workplace that
includes initiatives related to working hours. To support
Musculoskeletal disorders are a major cause of workplace employees required to work remotely during the health crisis, the
accidents and occupational illnesses. Carrefour invests countries have conducted awareness-raising programmes on the
continuously to ensure that its employees have access to suitable best practices to follow to preserve work-life balance, including
handling assistance equipment, such as electric pallet trucks, such materials as webinars, guides and managerial support.
shelving tables and pallet destackers. The Group’s various host
countries seek to innovate and offer technical solutions adapted 1.5. ENSURING ADEQUATE SOCIAL PROTECTION
to employees’ work environments and suited to the specificities FOR EMPLOYEES
of their businesses (reduced shelving depth to limit postural Carrefour France harmonised all its death & disability and
constraints, warm-ups before starting work, installation of healthcare insurance schemes via an agreement signed with
mechanical gripping devices for lifting certain items, etc.). trade unions on June 30, 2014. A responsible employer,
In France, Carrefour has invested heavily in handling assistance Carrefour France has decided to offer all employees the same
equipment, such as automatic pallet wrapping machines, high level of social protection regardless of contract type
stocking carts and lift devices, and conducted studies on (permanent, fixed-term, apprenticeship or professional training)
workstation ergonomics to improve store design in the future. In and after just three months of service for non-management
Poland, employees involved in manual and mechanical handling employees. Aligned with the Group’s HR policies, this
activities in stores and warehouses receive training on the commitment enables Carrefour France employees and their
appropriate posture and movements required when working, families to benefit from a high level of social protection by
particularly when carrying and moving heavy loads. At Carrefour pooling the needs of a large population. In 2021, new medical
Argentina, a specialist in ergonomics and workplace health and cover arrangements were introduced in other Group countries,
such as Poland and Romania.
(1) Taiwan does not provide a special help line, but offers help on a case-by-case basis.
The French franchisee network benefits from a number of Carrefour’s Act for Food transformation project features a new
initiatives implemented by Carrefour to reduce workplace tag line: “We are all entitled to the best”. Going forward with that
accidents, such as workplace health and safety assessments and philosophy, programmes to promote employee health focusing
a special crisis unit. In France, for example, since the onset of the on healthy lifestyle and eating habits – particularly by promoting
health crisis, all the Group’s procedures are communicated to exercise – have been rolled out in the Group’s host countries.
franchises. They also have access to the internal Carrefour Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Poland, Romania and Taiwan
hotline, and their orders for protective equipment (hand sanitiser, have all established exercise programmes, in partnership with
gloves, masks) were pooled with those of other Carrefour stores professionals. Programmes to discourage smoking, excess
at the beginning of the pandemic, when there was a shortage of weight and sun exposure are also available to employees.
supplies. In addition, in order to minimise the risk of accidents
among temporary workers, Carrefour France has invested heavily 3. Supporting employees during the Covid-19 crisis
to improve their safety training. On April 9, 2020, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Carrefour
signed a joint declaration with the international trade unions
2. Innovating to enhance quality of life in the federation UNI Global Union and Auchan Retail concerning the
workplace sharing, study and deployment of good practices to prevent,
2.1. OFFERING FLEXIBLE WORK ARRANGEMENTS reduce or eliminate the risks of contagion for employees and 3
Before the health crisis began, plans were already in place to customers. The Group also issued health guidelines and updated
support the cultural transformation required by the organisation its Business Continuity Plans.
of work. The vast majority of the Group’s countries already Right from the outset of the crisis, Carrefour implemented
offered employees in compatible jobs the opportunity to work rigorous measures to protect employee and customer health, in
from home or remotely some of the time. After the first most cases anticipating and going beyond the health measures
lockdown, there were opportunities to accelerate this recommended by governments in each host country. The Group
transformation and bring new dimensions to the working model notably stepped up disinfection and hygiene protocols, installed
in place within the Group – “smart ways of working” – by plexiglass screens at checkouts, ensured the regular supply of
capitalising on the lessons learned during this period. In France, hand sanitiser, marked floors to facilitate social distancing and 4
the agreement on remote working arrangements was renewed developed specific disinfection and quarantine protocols for
and extended and comprehensive support was provided to suspected cases of infection.
managers to facilitate its implementation. A dedicated website
The strict application of health, hygiene and safety rules is
gives employees access to a wide range of resources to help
regularly and strictly controlled during audits. Working conditions
them adapt to the new organisation of work, including working
have continually been revised to protect employees as effectively
patterns, information and reference documents. Training and
as possible, depending on the state of the health crisis at a given
webinars were also organised for this purpose. The Group also
time. This includes adapting store opening hours, for example,
encourages the use of technology to increase flexibility and limit
travel. Since 2018, employees have had access to the new
and widespread adoption of remote working arrangements for 5
head office employees. Measures have been devised in each of
G Suite solutions, which ensure flexibility by facilitating sharing,
the Group’s integrated countries to reward store and warehouse
collaboration and remote working through tools such as Google
employees, who worked so hard during the crisis.
Drive, video conferencing and shared calendars.
To ensure that all employees thrive in their work, Carrefour is
Joint initiatives and partnerships
committed to promoting work-life balance. Carrefour France is a ■ Global framework agreement with UNI Global Union
signatory to the Parenting Charter, which upholds a healthy ■ World Alliance – UNI Global Union
work-life balance for employees with children and encourages
the Group to take concrete action in this regard. It is also a ■ Group Global Deal with the French Ministry of Labour
signatory of the Quality of Life at Work Observatory’s ■ Agreement establishing the European Works Council
15 commitments on work-life balance, which stipulate in with the FIET
particular that employers must avoid contacting their employees
at the weekend, in the evenings and during leave periods, except ■ European social dialogue meetings, Eurocommerce
under exceptional circumstances, and take action to limit the
emails sent outside office hours and on weekends. In the same
vein, the agreement signed in 2017 and renewed in 2021 7
reaffirms employees’ right to disconnect outside working hours Find out more
and the need to be vigilant about the risk of overload. The new
agreement on remote working signed in France in 2021
■ Protecting employee health, safety and
specifically extends this “right to disconnect” to include remote quality of life in the workplace/CSR (see the Employees
working arrangements. Lastly, on October 6, 2021, the Quality of section)
Life at Work Observatory launched the new Parenting Charter,
which reinforces the inclusive approach of the original 2008 ■ The Group’s Principles of Ethics
version. ■ Ethics hotline 8 Case studies in 2021 in its national food drive held from March 5 to 7, 2021. A total of
1,224 Carrefour stores took part in the initiative, giving their
Supporting the fight against breast cancer customers the opportunity to make donations of non-perishable
food products and hygiene essentials. Thanks to the efforts made
Carrefour Belgium has been supporting the international breast by volunteers, customers and Carrefour employees, 1,624 tonnes
cancer awareness non-profit organisation Pink Ribbon for seven of non-perishable goods were collected in the Group’s
years, notably by bringing the non-profit’s various initiatives to participating stores in 2021, the equivalent of 3 million meals. In
customers in its stores throughout the year but also thanks to the collaboration with Danone, another long-standing partner of
commitment of its employees. In February 2021, during a major Restos du Cœur, Carrefour offers nearly one million additional
breast cancer fundraising campaign, Le cancer du sein ? meals each year for those in need thanks to the “2 Danone
Réglez-lui son compte (Breast cancer: settle the score), products purchased = 1 meal offered” campaign running in
Carrefour’s charity rounding up scheme raised 447,025 euros, Carrefour stores.
which was donated to Pink Ribbon to support its centres
dedicated to the psychosocial care of breast cancer patients. Creating an inclusive environment for people
From May 1 to 31, Pink Ribbon’s Belgian branch organised the with disabilities
third edition of its Pink Ribbon Walk initiative to promote healthy
living. With 687 participants, Carrefour Belgium was the company In France, around one in seven adults, or 4.3 million people, live
with the most employees participating in the challenge, which with a functional disorder and/or a perceived disability. Offering
involved taking 10,000 steps per day. By the end of the month, them the best possible customer experience is one of Carrefour’s
the 31,000-plus people taking part in the challenge accumulated key priorities. As part of its disability inclusion plan, Carrefour has
a total of 5,468,567 kilometres, or 135.7 times the circumference joined forces with Autisme France to improve access to its stores
of the Earth, and raised 239,295 euros for Pink Ribbon. for all customers. To mark World Autism Awareness Day,
Carrefour announced on April 2, 2021 that it was introducing a
Combating food insecurity among students “quiet hour” in more than 1,240 hypermarkets and supermarkets
to allow people with autism spectrum disorders to shop in peace.
Since the onset of the health crisis, the Carrefour Foundation has For one hour per week, from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, store lights
been helping to ensure that students continue to have access to are dimmed, music and announcement systems are switched off
basic necessities. In late March 2021, the Foundation issued a call and the use of cleaning appliances is prohibited. The Group is
for projects to support and encourage initiatives designed to also taking action to support customers who are deaf or have a
combat food insecurity among students in France. The call for hearing impairment: since 2018, 79 Carrefour stores in Spain
projects was aimed at non-profit organisations implementing have had a video interpreting system for customers who use sign
public interest projects in this area, such as student catering language. In France, an action plan was launched in autumn 2021
facilities, subsidised grocery stores and food-related social to help Carrefour store employees learn sign language so that
innovation initiatives. After examining 70 different projects, the they can communicate more effectively with deaf and
Foundation selected ten organisations, which each received hearing-impaired customers.
30,000 euros in funding to continue their work. Among other Employing people with disabilities has been one of the Group’s
initiatives, Alter’Nature, a non-profit organisation created by key human resources policies for more than 20 years. Carrefour
students from Sorbonne Paris Nord University, manages two teams in France and Belgium have also taken up the cause. On
grocery stores based on solidarity and participation. Les Amis de November 18, 2021, they participated in Duo Day, a European
la Coop’Cot has set up a cooperative, participation-based initiative that gives employees the opportunity to pair up with
grocery store in Créteil, giving students access to its products at someone with a disability to share and explain their work day. To
cost in exchange for three hours of volunteer work per week. The mark the 25th edition of European Week for the Employment of
Federation of Student Associations in Saint-Étienne runs the People with Disabilities, Carrefour supported Le Grand Pitch,
AGORAé project, which includes a living space and a France’s first public speaking contest for people with disabilities,
solidarity-based grocery store used by more than 200 students. held from November 15 to 26, 2021. Lastly, in Brazil, Carrefour
Les Ateliers de la Citoyenneté has a kitchen located in the heart organised a recruitment week in September dedicated exclusively
of Calais’ working-class neighbourhoods and aims to create an to hiring people with disabilities.
additional food distribution day for young people facing
considerable hardship. RECHO distributes 500 meals per week in
the Greater Paris region, ESS Club creates solidarity-based living Combating child labour and violence
and working spaces, including one at UPEC University in Créteil, against women
and Les Amis de la Presqu’île de Giens is developing a shared
garden project for at-risk young people in its local area in Carrefour actively supports efforts to eliminate violence against
southeastern France. National mutual aid network L’Équipage women. On the weekend before International Day for the
Solidaire runs the food aid platform Delivr’aide and Secours Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), Carrefour
Populaire Roubaix has set up an innovative food distribution participated in the Orange Day campaign. For every 2-euro bag
method: “Click and co-help”. Lastly, Unis-Cité of oranges purchased by customers in its hypermarkets and
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes takes action to promote an inclusive supermarkets, Carrefour donated 50 cents to France’s National
food transition. The Carrefour Foundation is supporting these Committee for UN Women, which implements initiatives to
organisations through the various phases of development of their combat violence against women. The Group also signed a
respective projects. three-year partnership agreement with Fédération Nationale
Solidarité Femmes to raise awareness of the issue of domestic
violence among employees and create in-house resources for
Another year supporting French food charity
supporting those affected. In October 2021, Carrefour signed a
Restos du Cœur/Long-standing partner of Restos landmark agreement with Argentina’s Labour Ministry aimed at
du Cœur promoting diversity and combating child labour and violence
against women. Carrefour Argentina is the first private-sector
For the fourteenth year running, during a period of particularly company in the country to make such commitments on this
high food insecurity, Carrefour France reaffirmed its commitment issue.
to French food charity Restos du Cœur in 2021 and participated
Executive Committee ■ Defines strategy, policies and objectives and measures performance.
Governance ■ The Country Executive Committees locally deploy the food transition for all strategy.
Board of Directors ■ Approves the strategy drawn up by the Executive Committee and evaluates its implementation.
and CSR Committee ■ The CSR Committee meets twice a year and reports to the Board.
■ Tasked with defining and implementing the objectives of the “Carrefour 2022” strategic plan.
Group Strategy department ■ Coordinates the roll-out of strategic objectives for the food transition for all (developing organic,
departments own-brand and local products, etc.).
■ In each country, the CEO is in charge of carrying out commitments under the food transition
The Country for all programme.
Management teams ■ Correspondents responsible for the food transition strategy and teams in charge of corporate
responsibility set each country’s objectives in line with the Group, and report on performance.
Operational The departments responsible for store formats (physical and online) and business lines (quality, merchandise, etc.)
departments implement the food transition for all and the CSR action plans. Duty of care governance system. It reports to the Committee on Purchasing Rules for 1
the Food Transition and the General Secretary.
The Group’s governing bodies, in particular those presented The duty of care plan is established, monitored and prepared by
below, are involved in the development and monitoring of the the CSR department in association with the Risk department and
duty of care plan: the other relevant departments (Merchandise, Human
■ the Committee on Purchasing Rules for the Food Transition Resources, etc.).
(formerly the Risk and Sourcing Committee) analyses risks and
threats involving Carrefour’s sourcing practices, and defines General framework
sourcing strategy and objectives to implement. This committee
ensures that the business lines concerned implement Carrefour has adopted a general framework to exercise its duty
purchasing rules for the food transition within the Group. It of care across its operations and promote CSR among its
holds bimonthly meetings chaired by the Group Executive suppliers. The framework also defines Group guidelines for
Director, Merchandise and Formats, which are attended by the preventing serious harm to the environment, health and safety,
following departments: Merchandise, Quality, CSR, Strategy, and human rights.
Audit and Risk, Legal, Carrefour Brand, International
Partnerships, Communication and Global Sourcing (Carrefour’s Carrefour has put in place a set of purchasing rules, tools and
non-food sourcing entity since 1994, whose head office is in procedures for monitoring its suppliers and helping them achieve
Shanghai). In 2021, the committee reviewed the targets for the compliance. To promote CSR within its supply chains, Carrefour 3
CSR and Food Transition Index for the period 2021-2025. has also devised solutions that make it easier to collaborate with
Purchasing rules for the food transition were updated and its suppliers.
disseminated in all countries where the Group operates. The
committee also processed more than 60 alerts during the year Principles of Ethics: Code of Professional
(see Section The Secretary General of Carrefour Brazil
has been made a permanent member of the committee in
order to improve the way that alerts are managed in Brazil, All employees are given a copy of the Principles of Ethics, which
especially those related to deforestation and human rights
new employees are asked to sign. The purpose is to establish the
ethical framework governing the day-to-day activities of all
■ duty of care working group: a special working group was set employees.
up in 2021. The working group is responsible for coordinating These principles – which every employee must know and comply
the implementation of Carrefour’s duty of care plan. It with – are based on commitments contained in the Universal
comprises the Risk, Legal, CSR, Merchandise, Quality and Declaration of Human Rights, the eight fundamental conventions
Human Resources departments. More specifically, the of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the guiding
committee validates the methodology used for analysing risks, principles of the OECD, the United Nations Global Compact and
assesses the alignment of the action plans with the risk analysis the renewed international agreement with the UNI Global Union.
and ensures the proper functioning of the whistleblowing
The Principles of Ethics are as follows:
Respect diversity Select and treat suppliers with objectivity and loyalty
Contribute to a safe and healthy working environment Cultivate transparent business relationships
Ensure the safety of people and property Act with integrity, both individually and collectively
Safeguard the company’s resources and assets Provide reliable and accurate reporting
Guarantee confidentiality Avoid conflicts of interests
In each country, the Group’s policies are implemented by the Bilateral dialogue and long-term partnerships. Group teams are 1
local CSR departments. Each country has its own CSR and in daily contact with expert stakeholders on issues relating to
strategic correspondents, in charge of coordinating and human rights, the environment, and health and safety. For all risks
implementing CSR projects and for heading up the “food defined as a priority under the duty of care, Carrefour identifies
transition for all” programme, respectively. the relevant actors with which special dialogue should be
Lastly, the CSR policy is also deployed in each individual store,
where the actions planned and commitments made are Carrefour organises regular bilateral consultation processes to
assimilated and implemented. Stores are also where the define and implement action plans. A consultation process was
CSR strategy and the food transition are most visible. initiated in 2020 with about ten expert stakeholders to look at
human rights, with a particular focus on the issue of a living
wage. In 2021, a special consultation was held with several Organising stakeholder dialogue experts to improve the Group’s duty of care plan.
and collective initiatives Carrefour also leads several long-term action plans in
conjunction with various non-profits, such as the WWF® since General dialogue processes 1998 and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
with stakeholders since 2008.
Dialogue with stakeholders informs the Group’s actions, from ■ Consultation and on-boarding of customers. Feedback 3
devising strategic focuses and objectives and analysing risks channels have been set up to leverage customer input:
related to its business, to ensuring the operational Consumer panels. More than 3,200 customer focus groups were
implementation of projects. Carrefour has therefore established organised in 2021 to test recipes, and customer requests are
two-way communication channels with internal and external processed throughout the year by the Customer Service
stakeholders, especially with executive management in each department. Carrefour also organises themed panel discussions
country, trade unions, employees at headquarters and in-store, with small customer groups to raise awareness about specific
customers, suppliers, producers, contractors, institutions, NGOs issues and build its action plans.
and non-profits, experts, investors and shareholders. The key
channels for communication are presented below.
Civic consultation and on-boarding of customers. To secure 4
customer buy-in to the Group strategy, Carrefour launched ten
■ Social dialogue. CSR projects following the
The Group promotes union rights and the right to collective civic platform organised in 2019. Testing is currently in progress
bargaining in the countries in which it operates. Carrefour was throughout France. In 2019, Carrefour also created “activist
the first retailer to sign an agreement with Union Network consumer groups” in Spain and France, which now include nearly
International, which serves as the basis for employee relations 900 consumers on social media, or 300 more than in 2020.
within the Group and was last renewed in 2018. Social dialogue is These consumers are regularly invited to stores to discuss various
an instrument for implementing the duty of care locally and topics, participate in some of Carrefour’s decision-making
globally. The duty of care plan and risk mapping process relating processes – especially on projects resulting from the civic 5
to human rights and employee health and safety are devised in consultation process – and participate in meetings with nutrition
conjunction with, and submitted on a regular basis to, the and environmental experts. During the year, 29 events were held
European Information and Consultation Committee (ECIC). with the activist consumers. Representatives were identified from
among these consumers to keep the groups active and build a
International agreement with UNI Global Union. The global strategy.
framework agreement between Carrefour and the UNI Global
Union promotes social dialogue and diversity and guarantees the ■ Engagement tools shared with suppliers. In addition to strong
protection of fundamental principles and rights in the workplace. restrictive frameworks like the purchasing rules, Carrefour has
set up voluntary initiatives and partnerships with its own-brand
On October 14, 2020, Carrefour presented its non-financial
information at a meeting held by videoconference and attended and national brand suppliers. Some examples are included 6
by 50 representatives worldwide. below.
■ Stakeholder consultation. Meetings with national brand supplier partners. Every year, the
international purchasing team meets with international supplier
Food Transition Advisory Committee. In 2018, Carrefour formed partners to involve them in rolling out actions related to the food
a Food Transition Advisory Committee, bringing together seven transition, especially the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
well-known external figures from different backgrounds who are (GHG). National brand supplier partners comprise the Group’s
committed and concerned about food issues. 50 largest suppliers.
The committee members agreed to support Carrefour’s The “food transition for all” pact: getting the national brands on 7
transformation of its production model. They participate in board. After making commitments in relation to its own-brand
projects working towards the food transition for all, share best products, Carrefour is now rallying all of its suppliers around a
practices, propose new ideas and lead exploratory discussions pact for the food transition for all. The aim is to encourage
about changing food habits. Carrefour suppliers to provide products and in-store tests that
Stakeholder panels. Several times a year, Carrefour arranges comply with the Group’s food transition commitments in terms
meetings in order to formulate functional recommendations on a of packaging, biodiversity, climate, traceability and responsible
specific CSR issue and/or the duty of care plan. These meetings products. Once validated by Carrefour, the candidates join the
group of partners who have signed up to the pact. In return for
are attended by around 40 people representing the Group,
NGOs, government, customers, investors and suppliers, who reporting on their programme using performance indicators, they 8
come together to share their expertise or point of view on the get access to an exclusive testing programme in all our European
subject in question. In 2021, three stakeholder consultation stores and to an annual Food Transition Week.
meetings were held on the themes of responsible e-commerce,
the fight against deforestation and reduction in plastic packaging.
■ Transparency and performance reporting. ■ the ethics hotline, accessible to all employees and partners,
and the Covid alert system;
NGO questionnaires, ratings agencies and investors. Carrefour
believes in the importance of replying to questionnaires sent by ■ stakeholder dialogue (e.g., bilateral alerts, panels, working
NGOs, investors and ratings agencies. That is how the Group sessions), publications mentioning Carrefour (e.g., thematic
engages in building transparent dialogue with its stakeholders to rankings, reports, press articles);
assess the relevance of its policies and action plans and compare
■ industry-related alerts.
its performance with that of its peers and best practices available
on the market. Carrefour frequently organises informational Alerts are analysed by various Group bodies depending on their
meetings for investors and takes part in socially responsible origin and processed by the relevant departments. Several
investment (SRI) conferences to keep the financial markets internally defined criteria are applied to prioritise alerts and
informed about the Group’s CSR policy. Results from the CDP incident risks. Investigations are then conducted based on the
(climate and forest), Oekom, DJSI-SAM, MCSI, Sustainalytics and level of risk.
Vigeo Eiris questionnaires are detailed in Section 1.5.5. Alerts or incidents identified via the trade union dialogue. A
dispute management procedure is incorporated in the UNI Consultation and deployment of the Global Union agreement. The procedure should be followed if a
duty of care plan with stakeholders dispute between a Carrefour entity and UNI Global Union relating
to the interpretation or application of the agreement cannot be
Carrefour works closely with trade unions, non-profits, public settled through dialogue. There are two types of claims:
authorities, suppliers and industry coalitions both globally (e.g., ■ claims filed by UNI Global Union-affiliated trade unions:
Consumer Goods Forum, Initiative for Compliance and
■ the claim must initially be submitted to the relevant entity’s
Sustainability, Business Social Compliance Initiative) and locally
(e.g., Cerrado Manifesto, Bangladesh Accord, etc.) to implement
its duty of care. The dialogue processes contribute to ■ if the claim is not resolved with the relevant entity’s
continuously improving the Group’s duty of care plan. They aim management, the recognised local trade union or the local
to: UNI Global Union representative may refer the matter to the
relevant country management. If no trade union exists, the
■ identify and prioritise risks and threats: the Group analyses the
information provided directly by stakeholders and the threats local UNI Global Union representative can act alone,
that affect the business sectors that it operates in. Reported ■ if the claim is still not resolved, UNI Global Union may refer
threats, especially from non-profits and NGOs, help keep the matter to the Carrefour group’s Labour Relations
Carrefour’s identified risks up to date, provide more detailed department. In this case, Carrefour will conduct an open and
insight into local issues and specify the level of risk; transparent investigation,
■ co-build adapted actions for mitigating risks or preventing ■ if breaches are confirmed, Carrefour will ensure that the
serious threats: Carrefour consults with its stakeholders to situation is remedied and that appropriate action is taken as
develop its action plans and identify shared solutions with required by the situation;
those concerned. Non-profits and NGOs are frequently asked
■ claims filed by the management of a Carrefour entity:
to consult on the objectives defined for Group policies, confirm
the relevance of solutions (e.g., certification) and integrate ■ the claim must initially be submitted to the local trade union,
external organisations to implement action plans; ■ if the claim is not resolved with the local trade union, the
■ monitor actions taken and measure their effectiveness: entity’s management may refer the matter to the trade
through this dialogue, Carrefour transparently reports on the union’s national office or federation,
implementation of risk mitigation measures and difficulties ■ if the claim is still not resolved, the local entity’s management
encountered via qualitative and quantitative indicators. Sharing may refer the matter to the Carrefour group’s Labour
feedback helps better adapt the actions deployed and round Relations department, which will contact UNI Global Union.
out solutions identified if necessary. In this case, UNI Global Union will conduct an open and
The monitoring of stakeholder dialogue in 2021 is presented in transparent investigation,
the report on the 2021 duty of care plan (see Section 2.2.4). ■ if breaches are confirmed, UNI Global Union and its affiliated
trade unions will ensure that the situation is promptly Whistleblowing facilities remedied and that appropriate action is taken as required by
the situation.
The Group governance bodies described above identify policies The whistleblowing system, accessible to all employees and
to be put in place in line with the assessment of risks of violations partners. Carrefour has set up its own whistleblowing system
of human rights, health and safety, and the environment. In 2021, that can be used by Group employees or stakeholders to report
the Group strengthened its policies and prioritised actions to be any situations or behaviour that do not comply with the Group’s
taken based on reported alerts. Carrefour’s partners and Principles of Ethics. The system covers all the subject matters
employees are all permanent conduits for raising the alert when addressed in the Principles of Ethics, and in particular human
necessary. Reported alerts are divided into the following rights and fundamental freedoms, health and safety, and the
categories: environment.
■ alerts or incidents identified internally via audits established by
the Group (e.g., social audits, quality audits), monitoring by
employees or dialogue with the trade unions;
Confidentiality is assured at all stages of the process and related to fraud or theft are handled by the Security departments, 1
Carrefour has pledged not to take any disciplinary action against those related to corruption are processed by the Compliance
an employee who reports an ethics issue in good faith. The departments and alerts related to employee health and safety or
system helps Carrefour to prevent serious breaches of its discrimination are handled by Human Resources. For serious
Principles of Ethics and to take the necessary measures when a alerts, the alert is handled by the country Ethics Committees.
breach does take place.
The whistleblowing system is one of the tools promoted under
All alerts identified by the Compliance departments are the agreement between Carrefour and UNI Global Union.
processed and investigated, provided that a sufficient amount of
information is available. The country Ethics and Compliance
managers are responsible for relaying alerts to the appropriate
departments, depending on their nature. For example, alerts Identifying and defining risks associated with the environment, human rights, and
health and safety
To improve the identification of risks of violations of human The general risk factors identified by the Group are then analysed
rights, health and safety, and the environment resulting from its by all the departments concerned in each country, which helps
business operations, the Carrefour group applies a risk analysis better refine the assessment of the risks detected in each region.
methodology broken down into steps, which draws on existing This process is detailed in Section 4.1 of this Universal
mechanisms within the Group. By combining different internal Registration Document.
procedures, Carrefour identifies and assesses risks adapted to the
This first generic analysis highlights the main risk factors that
Group’s activity and size.
could affect the Group’s operations, financial position, reputation
For the first step, the Group carries out an overall identification of and results. The analysis is updated annually, and results are
general risk factors that include criteria relating to the Company’s submitted to the Audit Committee, the Group Executive
corporate social responsibility. Committee and the Board of Directors.
The framework for identifying risks includes: Carrefour identifies which Group risk factors could lead
specifically to violations of human rights, health and safety, and
■ international standards and guidelines (GRI G4, ISO 26000,
the environment. This selection of societal risk sub-factors
primarily measures the impact on stakeholders (including
■ expectations expressed in ESG questionnaires to which the customers, suppliers, NGOs and civil society). Chapter 2 details
Group responds every year; the analysis methods, action plans and assessment processes
■ the materiality analysis conducted with both internal and applied specifically for these risks, and therefore contains
external stakeholders, which is used to confirm the main information relating to the duty of care.
societal risk factors included in the analysis.
Risk factor Risk sub-factor Description of the risk
Risk of human rights
Sensitive raw material Use of raw materials whose value Carrefour could stand accused of using raw materials whose value
procurement chain is questioned for its chains are implicated in the use of child labour, the exploitation of
environmental, social and/or the local population, the overuse of resources or the conversion
ethical impact of ecosystems.
Lack of supply chain Riots, street demonstrations, The development of environmentally damaging agricultural
resilience strikes, protests and agricultural practices or the deterioration of supplier relationships could lead
crises to agricultural, environmental or social crises.
Failure to respect the Failure to respect the principles of Customers, employees or suppliers could be the victim of
principles of diversity diversity and equality and failure to discrimination or harassment by Group employees.
and to battle combat discrimination and
discrimination harassment
and harassment
Failure to respect Poor management or deterioration Failure to respect freedom of association and the right to social
freedom of association of the social climate within dialogue poses a twofold risk. First, restricting freedom of 3
and the right to social Carrefour association is an infringement of Carrefour employees’ human
dialogue rights. Second, a breakdown of the social dialogue could lead to
the poor handling of alerts identified by union representatives and
Failure to uphold human Carrefour and its suppliers accused Failure by Carrefour to uphold human rights or fair pay across its
rights and fair pay across of failing to comply with labour entire value chain could lead to child or forced labour, unsafe
the entire value chain law, human rights and/or fair working conditions, abnormal working hours that are harmful to
remuneration health or the payment of a non-living wage.
Risks of environmental 4
Sensitive raw material Use of raw materials whose value Carrefour could stand accused of using raw materials whose value
procurement chain is questioned for its chains are implicated in deforestation or other environmental
environmental, social and/or degradation.
ethical impact
Contribution and Failure to control energy and Carrefour could lack sufficient control over its energy and
vulnerability to climate refrigerant consumption, and refrigerant consumption, leading to an increase in its greenhouse
change contribution to climate change gas emissions.
Natural disasters and climate Natural disasters (e.g., flooding, heavy snowfall, heatwaves, etc.)
change may interrupt business (site closures, breakdowns, serious
damage) and endanger the lives of Carrefour customers,
employees or suppliers.
Unsustainable product Business model not aligned with A business model that is not aligned with customers’
offering and retail model customers’ social and environmental expectations could lead to the overproduction of
environmental expectations (waste consumer waste (plastic or food).
management, packaging
reduction, food waste, etc.)
Pollution and Damage to biodiversity (pollution Poor control over the impact of our operations could have
the impacts from oil-based products, waste, environmental consequences. For example, poor retail waste
of our operations construction work, etc.) caused by management could cause local pollution.
on biodiversity business operations
(1) The identified risks are categorised according to the materiality of their impact on health and safety, human rights, and the environment, but they
may have other impacts or may impact several categories.
(2) This risk is not derived from the Group’s risk analysis. It was added after a major alert was identified in 2020. Maps and tools for the detailed analysis of risks associated with the duty of care Methodology for the detailed analysis of risks associated with the duty of care
After putting together a list of risks relating to health and safety, ■ risks related to Carrefour’s various professions;
human rights, and the environment, the Group deepens the detail
■ risks related to business sectors with which Carrefour interacts
and granularity of its analyses by combining several approaches
summarised in the diagram below:
■ risks related to countries in which Carrefour operates or to
materials that Carrefour uses.
The Group applies both proprietary and shared standards and Specific risks relating to supply chain
frameworks, for example:
■ ILO conventions, the amfori-BSCI Country Risk Classification
and the ITUC Global Rights Index; Identified supply chain risks are considered specific risks and
must be managed differently. That is why the Carrefour group
■ recommendations developed by the Task Force on
has implemented specific tools to analyse and manage risks
Climate-related Financial Disclosures;
associated with the duty of care. These tools chiefly include
■ Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) principles for specific and separate maps, which can be used for an
eliminating deforestation and ecosystem conversion; increasingly refined assessment of the level of risk. These tools
■ stakeholder and Group process maps. cover several approaches, as mentioned above.
Group risk sub-factor Examples of detailed maps used for case-by-case analysis
Carrefour and its suppliers accused Map of high-risk regions.
of failing to comply with labour law, Map of high-risk sectors and production phases.
human rights and/or fair pay
Use of raw materials whose value chain Map of high-risk raw materials (based on the following factors:
is questioned for its environmental, social respect for the environment, impact on biodiversity, resilience to climate
and/or ethical impact change, respect for human rights, workers’ health and safety).
Damage to biodiversity caused Map of high-risk sectors and production phases.
by business operations
On this basis, the Carrefour group has identified the following ■ human rights and environmental violations related to natural
priority risk factors relating to supply chain management: textile materials;
■ workers’ health and safety violations and pollution at textile ■ damage to biodiversity and non-compliance with human rights
factories; in the use of sea resources and aquaculture; 3
■ human rights violations at factories located in high-risk ■ environmental damage caused by fruit and vegetable
countries; production and the use of GMOs;
■ inadequate worker compensation by our suppliers; ■ non-compliance with the welfare of livestock;
■ deforestation for conversion of land for agriculture (priority raw ■ pollution caused by transport for the procurement of goods;
materials are Brazilian beef, palm oil, wood/paper and soy);
■ supply chain shortages caused by an exceptional event (health
crisis, natural disasters and climate change).
HR reporting • An annual HR reporting process is deployed. Audits are performed annually by an
and social certifications independent third party to verify the true and fair nature of the consolidated Group data.
• All of the countries in which the Group operates obtained Gender Equality European and
International Standard (GEEIS) certification in 2020. In 2021, all entities concerned by the
mid-term audit conducted every two years maintained their certification, and Brazil and
Romania improved their overall performance.
Measures for assessing risks
of environmental damage
CSR ratings of suppliers In 2019, clothing supplier assessments began incorporating a CSR rating in addition to the
in the clothing sector usual commercial, quality, and delivery (supply chain) ratings. This CSR rating includes the
results of social audits, environmental assessments and alerts, management of suppliers’
suppliers, component traceability, supplier certifications and good CSR practices (aside from
mandatory compliance). Carrefour’s local teams meet with the evaluated suppliers to share
best practices and areas for improvement and they take this rating into account when
selecting suppliers.
Environmental reporting
and certifications
• A quarterly reporting system for Carrefour sites has been set up to ensure a proper
assessment of the Group’s response to its environmental challenges (waste management, 3
energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions linked to refrigerant gases, etc.). Audits are
performed semi-annually by an independent third party to verify the true and fair nature of
the consolidated Group data.
• Quarterly product reporting is also carried out to evaluate the implementation of the
purchasing rules for the food transition in all countries. Audits are performed semi-annually
by an independent third party to verify the true and fair nature of the consolidated Group
data. Environmental audits are performed at the premises of suppliers that manufacture
labelled or certified Carrefour-brand products, and where certain production facilities or key
processes may present environmental risks. 4
• A climate accounting system on supply chains to determine the highest-emission items and
sources was introduced in 2019. The Group is working with suppliers to fine-tune the
system as part of the Food Transition Pact (see Section
Risk factor Measures for mitigating and preventing risks Scope
Product quality, 1/ Rolling out blockchain technology, particularly for new food products in the Carrefour
compliance and safety Carrefour Quality Lines, to ensure full traceability and guarantee total transparency Customers
for consumers about where the products have come from. Suppliers
2/ Eliminating substances with controversial health and environmental effects:
Carrefour conducts ongoing oversight to identify and eliminate the presence of
controversial substances in its products, reduce the use of pesticides and remove
3/ Guarantee the quality and safety of Carrefour-brand products. The policy has
five key focuses:
• inclusion on Carrefour’s suppliers list requires a full assessment of compliance
with quality, health and safety standards (IFS, BRC), and Carrefour requirements.
In high-risk countries, a special social audit is performed. After inclusion, regular
audits are performed on the suppliers’ premises. If any non-compliance is
detected, corrective measures are implemented, failing which the supplier may
be delisted (depending on the type of non-compliance and its seriousness);
• product specifications: Carrefour-brand products are made according to
specifications drawn up by its Quality department. Product specifications are
shared with suppliers and provide details such as the origin of the raw material 3
and the recipe. The substances contained in products are constantly monitored.
Based on scientific evidence, a detailed risk map is drawn up by category and
level of criticality. Information regarding stakeholders’ concerns and expectations
is gathered (informal contacts with independent scientific experts by topic,
monitoring of the food industry, interviews with government departments in
high-risk countries, monitoring of laboratory publications, contacts with health
authorities, etc.);
• quality control plans and customer opinion surveys, including:
• manufacturing site audits,
• warehouse and in-shop checks,
• product analyses,
• recall processes.
In order to involve customers and leverage their input, channels for sharing
information, listening to their concerns and feedback and raising their awareness
have been established:
• external focus groups,
• customer service: every year, an independent organisation runs a survey of
customers to make sure their requests are being processed and identify the
corrective actions needed; 5
• in-house competence:
• quality approach overseen and managed by Carrefour experts,
• training in food safety and Carrefour quality procedures,
• in-house inspections to check that the quality policy is implemented and
understood in each country;
• close tracking of product data:
• all data is recorded, processed and monitored using professional apps
(TraceOne, the TBQ quality dashboard, etc.),
• deployment of traceability solutions (blockchain technology).
4/ Developing the quality culture in the Group through employee training and
awareness-raising, regular monitoring of performance indicators, on-site audits
and laboratory analysis of products.
Carrefour-brand products are made to specifications drawn up by its Quality Carrefour/
department. Detailed specifications are shared with the suppliers. Suppliers
1/ Quality control plans include audits of manufacturing sites (international
standards or Carrefour audits), warehouse and in-store checks of product
freshness, origin and category, product analyses, and recall processes for
non-compliant products. 7
2/ Channels for two-way communication and listening to customers and raising
their awareness have been set up: external focus groups, Customer Service
department and the provision of qualitative and nutritional information.
1/ Redefining product withdrawal and recall procedures and tools using systems Carrefour
such as Alertnet, which warns store managers of non-compliant products and
blocks them at checkout.
2/ Improving communication flows about product withdrawal and recall
procedures, particularly through messaging apps.
3/ Blocking withdrawn or recalled products at checkout. 8
Risk factor Measures for mitigating and preventing risks Scope
Risks of environmental
Responsible raw material Maps of high-risk raw materials are created and regularly updated (see Suppliers
procurement Section The Group has implemented specific raw material purchasing
rules in conjunction with stakeholders (i.e., experts, NGOs, customers, suppliers,
public authorities, etc.). These purchasing rules for the food transition were
updated in 2020. Carrefour takes action across its entire supply chain by setting
requirements for its direct suppliers and being involved at different levels in
stakeholder coalitions (e.g., Consumer Goods Forum, SoS Cerrado Manifesto,
French Soya Manifesto).
The Group has made it a priority to address the following risks:
Deforestation for conversion of land for agriculture. Carrefour has taken on the
co-leadership of the Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition for Action
and is a member of the working groups on palm oil, wood, paper, beef and soy.
This platform aims to collectively mobilise suppliers to drive systemic change
across supply chains.
Palm oil: Carrefour has implemented a gradual action plan with its direct suppliers,
based on RSPO certification, to protect this supply chain in all of the Group’s
integrated countries. The first step involved requiring its suppliers to provide
certified mass balance raw materials in 2020. Standards are now being tightened
to the stricter segregated certification, which ensures full traceability from
plantation to consumer by 2022. In addition, Carrefour substitutes palm oil in its
own-brand products when doing so improves the nutritional value of a product or
to meet consumer expectations.
Wood and paper: Carrefour has implemented a supply inspection system based on
a risk analysis of production countries. Ten product categories that use the largest
volumes of wood and paper are defined as priority. In these ten categories, 4
different certification or guarantees are required depending on product origin
(recycled, FSC certification, PEFC certification or specific audit).
Beef in Brazil: Carrefour has implemented a supply inspection system for beef
from ranch-raised cattle for its Carrefour-brand and national brand products via a
geo-monitoring system (in Amazonia and Cerrado). The Group’s purchasing data
are cross-analysed against official deforestation maps, protected areas and
indigenous lands. This is how Carrefour involves its suppliers in its
anti-deforestation policy, while ensuring the compliance of products sold in stores.
Carrefour works with its suppliers on identifying any non-compliant cattle farmers
and takes action as necessary. Suppliers are urged to go a step further by signing a
letter of commitment, which requires them to monitor indirect suppliers and
report findings in an action plan communicated to the Group. In addition, a
traceability tool used to monitor indirect suppliers is being progressively rolled out
at supplier sites. Carrefour also encourages other retailers on the market to
implement the unified protocol ( and regularly speaks
at conferences to share its best practices.
Soy: soy is used in animal feed for Carrefour-brand products and therefore
concerns chicken as well as eggs. Carrefour has pledged that the soy fed to
animals used to manufacture key products under its own brand will have no 6
deforestation impact by 2025. Carrefour has several solutions for making sure this
raw material does not come from farming practices that contribute to damaging
forests and ecosystems: by developing local soy farming, promoting CQL organic
animal feed made with GMO-free soy, using segregated certified soy and
alternative proteins, supporting projects in the field and favouring the most
virtuous upstream players for its supply. In addition, the Group launched the Soy
Manifesto with the aim of mobilising French players (government, NGOs,
distributors and upstream players) to fight against imported deforestation linked to
Brazilian soy. In this context, additional criteria for the non-deforestation and
non-conversion of ecosystems are integrated into the specifications for
Carrefour-brand products in France. Direct suppliers are educated to apply Group
standards throughout the production chain. French retailers, civil society and the
French Ministry have all signed the Manifesto and are united in a joint effort around
the National Strategy against Imported Deforestation to produce a viable
nationwide whistleblowing system and engage the entire value chain.
Risk factor Measures for mitigating and preventing risks Scope
The fight against 1/ Teams in Group host countries have been issued with a list of five priority Carrefour
climate change in-store action and technology recommendations: phasing out high-impact HFC
refrigerants for cooling systems, installing doors for cooling systems to limit
refrigerant leaks, and using electronic speed controllers, low-power LED lighting
and sub-metering systems. The Group is committed to reducing
refrigerant-related CO2 emissions by 2025 (versus 2010) by phasing out
hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants and limiting refrigerant leakage.
2/ Increasing the Group’s on-site production of renewable energies. 10% of the
energy consumption (21 GWh) of stores equipped with photovoltaic systems will
be covered by the initiative.
Integrated stores in France, Italy and Belgium have been certified ISO 50001.
Optimising logistics arrangements, distribution activities and non-retail activities to Carrefour
limit their environmental impact.
In France, Carrefour is modernising its fleet. At end-2021, it had 600 PIEK-certified
trucks, which run on biomethane and generate less pollution and noise (under
Pollution and the impact 1/ In-store water consumption is monitored and optimised in order to limit the Carrefour 3
of our operations impact of activities on water resources.
on biodiversity 2/ With regard to the real estate business of Carrefour Property and Carmila in
France, Italy and Spain, the Group has introduced a sustainable construction policy
aligned with BREEAM Construction certification standards, to ensure that buildings
are designed and built with a commitment to safeguarding the environment,
protecting occupant health and safety, and preserving biodiversity.
Winning a commitment from own-brand and national brand suppliers to reduce Suppliers
their GHG emissions. Carrefour has set a target to reduce emissions from goods
and services purchased by 30% between 2019 and 2030. This target translates into 4
savings of 20 megatonnes of CO2, in collaboration with its suppliers. Carrefour is
also targeting a reduction of 27.5% in its emissions from product use by 2030
(especially for fuel and consumer electronics). To meet these targets, Carrefour
will focus on:
• encouraging the 100 biggest Carrefour suppliers to outline quantified
commitments to reduce CO2 in their direct scope and upstream. Carrefour’s
main aim is for its ten biggest suppliers to adopt an approach consistent with the
Science Based Targets initiative, and the 30 biggest suppliers to take up a climate
commitment by 2025;
• reviewing the assortment of products available at Carrefour to reduce the
climate impact of the average basket;
• reducing the climate impact of Carrefour-brand products, by scaling back
packaging, combating deforestation and developing low-carbon farming
In 2021, the Carrefour group stepped up the implementation of its compliance programme, by monitoring quantitative and qualitative
indicators for the risk mitigation measures taken.
Types of risks New in 2021
Risks of environmental damage • Following the publication of the first progress report of France’s national pact on plastic
packaging, Carrefour reaffirmed its commitment to achieving the 2025 targets for single-use
packaging and the recyclability of Carrefour-brand packaging.
• As part of its strategy to reduce packaging and eliminate plastics, Carrefour is rolling out
Loop, a circular-economy initiative that features a returnable and reusable packaging
system. Following the launch of the concept in Carrefour City and Market stores in Paris at
the end of 2020 and in order to further protect the environment, Carrefour introduced the
returnable and reusable packaging solution in hypermarkets and ten new convenience
stores during the year.
• To coincide with the COP 26 summit that took place from November 1 to 13, 2021,
Carrefour once again reiterated its commitment to climate action and announced a goal of
achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. To attain its objective, the Group aims to reduce the
emissions produced by its operations at source as much as possible, particularly through the
use of 100% renewable electricity by 2030, the replacement of fluorinated refrigerants with
natural coolants and an even greater reduction in energy consumption.
• In 2020, Carrefour took the lead of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Forest Positive
Coalition of Action, an international coalition of 18 manufacturers and retailers that aims to
take action by involving all supply chain participants. In September 2021, the coalition 3
publishes its first annual report. For the first time, member companies (including Carrefour)
were required to align themselves with a set of Key Performance Indicators and share their
individual and collective progress by publishing reports on these indicators.
• As part of France’s 2018 national strategy to combat imported deforestation (SNDI) by the
end of 2030, Carrefour has secured the commitment of its suppliers to the Soy Manifesto.
The purpose of the manifesto is to involve French stakeholders in the fight against
soy-related imported deforestation. Thanks to this collective effort, Carrefour is now able to
define its footprint, map its soy sources and engage suppliers and soy traders via an
assessment of their anti-deforestation policies. Consequently,
• Carrefour has developed a method for assessing soy trader performance and transparency
in protecting forests and natural ecosystems;
• the Group has ranked the soy traders according to their level of compliance with its
• the Merchandise department has established a process of engagement with suppliers and
soy traders based on the requirements of the CGF coalition and the Soy Manifesto.
• The Food Transition Pact, launched in 2019, is carrying on with its initiatives. Supporting the
food transition for all, this network of Carrefour suppliers launched the “20 Megatonnes”
project as part of the climate pillar. This project encourages suppliers to make
commitments, measure CO2, engage consumers and develop low-carbon consumer habits. 5
In 2021, Carrefour implemented the project via local pacts in five countries: France, Spain,
Belgium, Poland and Romania. The system will be deployed in Italy in 2022.
Summary of the dialogue with Group stakeholders as part of the 2021 duty of care plan
Types of risks Dialogue on risks identified in 2021
Risks of environmental damage • Bilateral dialogue: Special dialogue maintained on forestry issues (mainly beef, soy, wood
and paper, palm oil and cocoa), pesticide and GMO use, aquaculture fish feed, and banana,
berry and tomato production.
• Occasional dialogue, in particular with: Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation, Envol
Vert, Earthworm Foundation, Rainforest Alliance Norway, European Forest Institute,
SumOfUs, Riposte Verte Changing Markets Foundation, Max Havelaar and Banana Link.
• Regular dialogue:
• regular updates with the WWF as part of the historic WWF-Carrefour partnership. The
subjects covered in 2021 included the Group’s sustainable fishing and anti-deforestation
(mainly soy and cocoa) policies, natural capital (participation in the Natural Capital Lab)
and the Science Based Targets for Nature engagement programme;
• bimonthly updates with NGOs Mighty Earth and Canopée on soy and beef procurement
• regular updates on forest-related issues (soy, cocoa and beef/leather) with
representatives of France’s National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI);
• bimonthly updates with Eurocommerce to share Carrefour’s position on
forest-protection issues related to proposed legislation involving the retail sector.
• Coalitions: 3
• Carrefour is part of the Consumer Goods Forum. As a member, the Group actively
participates in coalitions on soy, wood and paper, palm oil, beef and plastic. Alexandre
Bompard now co-leads the coalition to combat deforestation;
• Carrefour is part of France’s National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI)
and participates in the Scientific and Technical Committee for Forests (CST) dedicated to
soy, under which the Soy Manifesto committing French stakeholders to combat
deforestation was launched;
• Carrefour has joined the working group of French retailers coordinated by the Earthworm
Foundation in an effort to collectively implement the French manifesto’s aims;
• it contributes to another French retailers working group that seeks to collectively address
challenges related to aquaculture fish feed (particularly salmon) and animal welfare, in an
effort to improve aquaculture practices.
• Response to questionnaires on:
• the beef supply chain in Brazil (questionnaires from NGOs Envol Vert, Notre Affaire à
Tous, Mighty Earth, Canopée and Commission Pastorale de la Terre);
• corporate commitments to zero deforestation (European Forest Institute questionnaire);
• the environmental impact of paper use policies (Riposte Verte questionnaire);
• palm oil sourcing policies (WWF questionnaire);
• aquafeed (Changing Markets Foundation questionnaire); 5
• MSC-certified, sustainable seafood (Bloom/Foodwatch questionnaire). Summary of alerts and corrective Report on alerts identified during
actions taken the year
Based on alert identification and monitoring processes, Alerts reported through the hotline. In 2021, 5,024 alerts were
Carrefour implements corrective action plans and measures the received, of which 75 resulted in disciplinary sanctions. 96% of
effectiveness of actions taken. The Group is now prioritising the alerts were reported through the ethics hotline, which is
next measures to implement and identifying areas for available in all Group host countries, while the remaining 4%
improvement. These points also help strengthen the were reported via hierarchical channels, e-mail or post.
methodology applied to design the corresponding risk map.
Percentage of alerts
Alerts by category received
Human resources 56%(1)
Health and safety 22%
Other 12%(2)
Discrimination or harassment 6%
Theft, fraud and misappropriation of funds 2%
Corruption and conflict of interest 1%
Environment 0%
Human rights 0%
Accounting 0%
Antitrust and unfair trade practices 0%
TOTAL 100%
(1) Do not represent breaches of the Group’s Principles of Ethics.
(2) Do not concern the consolidated scope or referred to customer services.
Stakeholder and industry-related alerts. The competent authorities – social dialogue bodies, the Committee on Purchasing Rules for
the Food Transition, and other bodies at the Group or country level, depending on the case – are called upon to deal with the reported
alerts. In 2021, more than 60 alerts on various matters related to products sold or supply chains were handled by the Committee on
Purchasing Rules for the Food Transition.
The table below presents concrete examples of how Carrefour’s duty of care plan was applied in 2021 and the corrective actions 1
implemented or developed after the associated risks were ranked by priority:
Manifestation of risk or Associated risk(s) Additional measures in 2021 and development of existing action plans
alerts identified in 2021
Carrefour Belgium Use of raw materials Alert raised by Repórter Brasil in partnership with NGO Mighty Earth concerning
beef jerky sourced whose value chain is the sale of Jack Links products associated with deforestation in the Amazon and
from deforested land questioned for its sold by Carrefour Belgium. The Group conducted an immediate investigation
(December 2021) environmental, social and announced that it was suspending sales of beef jerky supplied by this
and/or ethical impact producer and sourced from areas at high risk of deforestation. This business
decision was made by the Committee on Purchasing Rules for the Food
Carrefour’s purchasing rules for the food transition call for strict control of beef
sourcing through geo-monitoring in Brazil. For beef sold in the Group’s other
host countries, preference is given to local production.
Carrefour is taking the necessary steps to implement and comply with its
purchasing rules. If other products are found to contain Brazilian beef with a
proven risk of deforestation, the Group will make the same decision to halt sales.
Responsibility for Carrefour and its Alert on the use of migrant workers in the organic fruit and vegetable sectors in
purchasing from suppliers accused of Spain and Italy.
suppliers who are failing to comply with In response, Carrefour immediately commissioned audits of the supply chains.
accused of violating labour law, human 11 strawberry suppliers and 17 vegetable suppliers were audited, with none
human rights in the rights and/or fair pay identified as critical or only for issues that could be easily corrected.
fruit and vegetable Carrefour subsequently stepped up its vigilance and supplemented its country
sector risk analysis with a specific sector risk analysis to manage the targeted alerts. In
(March 2021) addition, the suppliers are supported at every stage of the process, via the
Commitment Charter and a social audit of the packing plant, in order to go
further up the supply chains and guarantee better control of risks. 4
Publication of reports Carrefour and its Publication by NGO Transparentem alerting 31 retailers, including Carrefour,
on textile factories suppliers accused of about human rights violations amounting to forced labour in spinning mills
In Tamil Nadu failing to comply with located in Tamil Nadu in India. Dialogue was initiated with Transparentem and all
(April, May 2021) labour law, human of the other brands in order to work together on an action plan for the supplier
rights and/or fair pay in question. Following a second alert received from NGOs SOMO and Arisa,
further work was undertaken and local solutions were sought (dialogue with the
brands and 42 meetings between 2020 and 2021).
Carrefour has implemented a more systematic action plan for this sourcing area,
in particular by: 5
• classifying the Tamil Nadu region as “high risk” by local Global Sourcing teams
in terms of social compliance and factory/importer management;
• mapping 30 spinning mills in the “Sustainability Map” platform of the Initiative
for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS) and evaluating their performance via an
audit and a specific questionnaire, with priority given to key suppliers;
• setting up a “worker voice” ethics hotline in early 2022 to ensure a
whistleblowing system at the local level.
Feed for farmed fish Use of raw materials Publication of a report by NGO Changing Markets Foundation analysing the
whose value chain is policies of 33 European food retailers, including Carrefour, with regard to the 6
questioned for its phase-out of wild-caught fish in aquafeed, the monitoring of mortality at
environmental, social aquaculture farms, and transparency in aquaculture supply chains and product
and/or ethical impact labelling. According to the study, the retailers have failed to establish sufficiently
robust action plans for phasing out wild-caught fish in aquaculture feed.
Carrefour responded to the NGO’s questionnaire by reporting transparently on
the efforts of its French and Spanish operations to reduce the share of aquafeed
sourced from industrial fishing and replace it with fishmonger products. Tests
are being conducted with partner suppliers of CQL salmon to reduce the share
of the marine diet sourced from industrial fishing and replace some of the fish
oils with seaweed oils or insects. A test on the CQL trout sector in France is also 7
underway to reduce the use of industrial fishing and remove palm oil and
imported soybean meal from aquafeed.
In order to take its efforts even further, Carrefour has joined the working group
of French retailers coordinated by the Earthworm Foundation. The aim of the
initiative is to work collectively towards more responsible aquaculture chains,
starting with joint work in the salmon sector.
Manifestation of risk or Associated risk(s) Additional measures in 2021 and development of existing action plans
alerts identified in 2021
Request for our Use of raw materials Following Carrefour’s pledge to stop selling eggs from caged farms in its host
international whose value chain is countries, NGOs from the Open Wing Alliance asked the Group to extend this
franchisees to make questioned for its approach to stores operated by international franchisees.
a cage-free egg environmental, social In response, Carrefour organised experience-sharing sessions with its different
commitment and/or ethical impact partners and set up local dialogue between the franchisees and the NGOs. The
(July, November 2021) objective is to evaluate existing cage-free sourcing, the potential for switching
from battery-cage to cage-free, current regulations and consumer expectations
in these countries.
Food sourcing/sesame Product quality, Withdrawal and recall of all affected batches of carob flour additive and
seeds/ethylene oxide compliance and safety. processed products from distributors. The health measures imposed by the
(July 2021) European Commission are rigorously applied and are rounded out, for Carrefour
products, by the implementation of pre-delivery controls at our suppliers in
order to secure the supply of Carrefour products.
In December and January, further batches of ice cream had to be withdrawn and
recalled.This follows the identification by the French authorities of old batches of
ice cream manufactured between 2019 and 2021 including these non-compliant
additive batches. Specific action plans related In 2021, 27% of the alerts handled by the Committee on
Purchasing Rules for the Food Transition concerned
to recurring alerts in 2021
deforestation and conversion issues related to beef and soy
production. They were either directly (via requests from the Deforestation in Brazil linked to beef
general public or reports mentioning Carrefour) or indirectly
and soy linked to Carrefour (via media articles questioning the practices
1/ CONTEXT AND RECURRING ALERTS of industry manufacturers or competitors). The main issues
As a member of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), in 2010 concerned forest fires associated with beef production in the
Carrefour made a commitment to achieve zero deforestation by Pantanal and the Amazon and soybeans in the Cerrado, the
2020. To step up the Group’s commitment to forests and help traceability of beef supplies from the first stage of production,
drive systemic changes with all market stakeholders, since 2020 tools for assessing trader performance and the European bill to
the Group has co-led the Consumer Goods Forum’s Forest fight imported deforestation.
Positive Coalition of Action, bringing together 20 companies who
are eliminating deforestation in their supply chains through
concrete measures such as jointly assessing traders’ policies and 2.1. The Carrefour group’s commitments on Brazilian beef
the degree to which they are implemented. The Group has deployed a series of initiatives to tackle the issue
of deforestation linked to beef production in Brazil. It has
Carrefour is focusing in particular on raw materials with the
introduced five supply criteria applicable to the fresh beef sold in
highest level of risk based on a Group analysis, engagement with
its stores and set up a satellite geo-referencing platform to
key stakeholders and the materiality of the products in its
ensure compliance. Supplies must not originate in regions:
supplies. Brazilian beef and soy for animal feed have been
designated as priority raw materials as part of the Group’s policy 1. affected by deforestation;
to combat deforestation and conversion: 2. under environmental embargo;
■ Brazilian beef is primarily sold in our stores in Brazil. More than 3. located in conservation units;
half is sold in unprocessed form, as fresh or frozen meat
(steaks, minced meat, etc.). Carrefour Brazil sells approximately 4. corresponding to land belonging to indigenous populations;
53,000 tonnes of unprocessed beef each year. In the Group’s 5. or where illegal work is practised.
other integrated countries, preference is given to local
production. If any meat comes from Brazil, the same control Carrefour has implemented a supply inspection system for beef
rules apply; from ranch-raised cattle for its Carrefour-brand and national
brand products via a geo-monitoring system. The Group’s
■ soy, in all its forms (sprouted soybeans, beans, soybean purchasing data are cross-checked against official deforestation
oil, etc.), is a common ingredient in many foods. However, maps (in Amazonia and Cerrado), protected areas and indigenous
almost three-quarters of worldwide soybean production is lands. This is how Carrefour involves its suppliers in its
used as a source of protein in animal feed. Soy is thus used anti-deforestation policy, while ensuring the compliance of
indirectly in the production of dairy products, as well as in products sold in stores. Carrefour works with its suppliers on
poultry, eggs, pork, beef and farmed fish. In 2020, the Group identifying any non-compliant cattle farmers and takes action as
sourced 170,542 tonnes of soy for Carrefour-brand meat necessary. Suppliers are urged to go a step further by signing a
products, of which 98,000 tonnes attributable to France. At the letter of commitment, which requires them to monitor indirect
Group level, 70% of soybeans come from conventional suppliers and report findings in an action plan provided by the
sources, while the share of organic, non-GMO or local French Group.
soybeans amounts to 30%. In France, the breakdown is 53% for
conventional soybeans and 47% for non-GMO soybeans.
In 2021, the beef commitment was revised to widen its scope, till 3/ ACTION PLANS 1
then limited to the monitoring of fresh and frozen beef from 3.1. Carrefour’s action plans for Brazilian beef
ranch-raised cattle. Carrefour’s objective is for all Brazilian beef Geo-monitoring of Carrefour Brazil and Atacadão suppliers
suppliers to be geo-monitored and compliant with the forest Cattle ranches supplying fresh and frozen meat to
policy or committed to ambitious deforestation policies by 2025. slaughterhouses (direct Carrefour suppliers) are all currently
The extended scope includes suppliers of fresh, frozen and inspected by Carrefour’s local monitoring system in Brazil. The
processed meat, distributors, and Carrefour Brazil and Atacadão Group plans to extend its geo-monitoring system to other
warehouses. activities by 2025 (see description of the objective in Section 2.2
2.2. The Carrefour group’s commitments on soy above).
Carrefour has a wide variety of levers to act on soy, including To ensure compliance with the goals of its policy to tackle
developing local soy farming, promoting CQL organic animal deforestation, Carrefour relies on two actions: systematic
feed made with GMO-free soy, using segregated certified soy geo-monitoring of supplies and implementation of an
and alternative proteins, supporting projects in the field and investigation in the event an alert is received by stakeholders. In
favouring the most virtuous upstream intermediaries for its the event of a proven violation of its policy, Carrefour has
supplies. The Group’s first step in addressing the challenges of outlined a series of measures that allow it to suspend supplies
soy-related deforestation and conversion was to focus on the that do not offer the guarantees and transparency it requires. In
Carrefour Quality Lines in each host country, with the goal of 2020, for example, following alerts from the state of Rondônia
developing at least one zero-deforestation livestock chain per (considered to be at high risk of deforestation), Carrefour decided 3
country by the end of 2020. The objective was achieved in each to suspend purchases of meat from farms in this state from its
country, and at the end of 2020, the Group had a total of supplier, JBS. In addition, since 2021, suppliers who are late in
20 soy-based, deforestation-free supply lines. This made it sending data for the monthly meat purchasing report are subject
possible to introduce local supply lines and/or develop to a penalty.
alternatives to soy in animal feed. To offer an alternative to
animal proteins, Carrefour is also developing vegetarian and Engagement of upstream intermediaries
vegan ranges in every country. To underpin its policy, Carrefour Brazil has distributed a termo de
compromisso (engagement letter) among its Brazilian beef
In 2021, the Group stepped up its ambition by announcing the
following objectives: 100% of key traders (intermediaries trading
suppliers inviting them to undertake a common commitment. 4
This document describes the rules that suppliers should observe
in agricultural commodities near the beginning of the supply in their direct and indirect supply chain, the verification process
chain) must be assessed and be making progress towards and the consequences of non-compliance. Suppliers are asked
complying with Group policy and 100% of key products must use individually to sign the agreement.
deforestation-free soy for livestock feed by 2025. The products
concerned by the commitment are Carrefour Quality Lines In addition to this individual approach, Carrefour is taking
products and Carrefour-brand products for the following collective action vis-à-vis beef producers: It supported the
unprocessed fresh and frozen products: chicken, turkey, pork, establishment of a Beef Working Group within the Consumer
beef, veal, lamb, salmon, eggs, milk and minced meat. To comply Goods Forum. One of the objectives of this coalition is to
leverage concrete, collective action to monitor indirect suppliers.
with the commitment, the soy indirectly contained in animal feed
products must meet one of the following criteria: Carrefour’s aim is to assess the capacity of slaughterhouses to
implement solutions for controlling indirect suppliers.
■ soy replaced by alternative proteins;
Carrefour Brazil is also working with the National Wildlife
■ soy sourced from a local, deforestation-free farm; Federation to initiate traceability with two of its suppliers in the
■ soy certified deforestation-free with full traceability; priority states of Mato Grosso and Pará. This is the only existing
pilot project concerning indirect supplier traceability.
■ sourced from a region with no deforestation or conversion risk;
■ sourced from a field project with a landscape approach.
Lastly, the Carrefour Foundation and the IDH Foundation are
partners in a field project to develop sustainable beef production.
Lastly, as part of the Consumer Goods Forum, Carrefour is The initiative supports 450 calf-supplier farms in the state of
committed to working collectively to fight soy-related Mato Grosso in Amazonia. The goal is to achieve total
deforestation. The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Forest farm-to-fork beef traceability in compliance with the Group’s
Positive Coalition of Action calls for member retailers to purchasing policy. It is a way for Carrefour to encourage indirect
implement the following requirements and assess the progress of suppliers to implement more responsible practices. Since 2019,
upstream players (suppliers and traders) towards compliance with the Carrefour Foundation has earmarked over 1.3 million euros
them: for this project. After two years of effort across various links of
■ a public deforestation- and conversion-free commitment the supply chain (producer, slaughterhouse, government
authorities, non-profits, etc.), the project, which was launched in
across the entire soy commodity business, including a public
2019, produced its first batch of deforestation-free beef in
time-bound action plan with clear milestones;
July 2021. The programme is a breakthrough for the Brazilian
■ a set process for continued action from and dialogue with beef industry: the meat is the first to be 100% traceable, from
direct suppliers and traders; birth to butcher. The product is sold under the Carrefour Quality
■ a mechanism for identifying and responding to grievances; Lines brand at an affordable price in the São Paulo region with a
QR code that provides full traceability. This first phase of the
■ support for initiatives delivering forest positive development; project in Brazil is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of this
■ regular reporting on the main Key Performance Indicators. type of supply chain, prior to larger scale implementation.
Local collective initiatives to galvanise the market In consumer markets, Carrefour’s goal is to develop common
The Group is involved in numerous collective platforms at the practices with its entire ecosystem. The Group is part of the
national level in France and Brazil, as well as at the international National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI) and
level, as part of a joint effort to fight local or imported has participated in the Scientific and Technical Committee for
deforestation. In Brazil, Carrefour is involved in the following Forests (CST) dedicated to soy. At the end of 2020, Carrefour
initiatives: joined with other French retailers in a joint commitment to
eliminate deforestation and ecosystem conversion from their soy
■ implementation of the Collaboration for Forests and
supply chains. This alignment of views led to the signing of a
Agriculture (CFA) Operational Guidance – an initiative that is
manifesto “committing French supermarkets to fight against
the product of a collaboration between the World Wildlife Fund
imported soy-driven deforestation”. Under the manifesto,
(WWF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the National
Carrefour made a commitment to:
Wildlife Federation (NWF), funded by the Gordon & Betty Moore
Foundation. This program helps businesses implement ■ implement specifications for its own-brand products, including
deforestation- and conversion-free (DCF) commitments for deforestation- and conversion-free criteria across all products
beef and soy in the Amazonia, Cerrado and Chaco biomes; (poultry, eggs, pork, beef, veal, fish, lamb, dairy products and
minced meat (fresh and frozen));
■ member of the working group on sustainable cattle (GTPS)
since its creation in 2007; ■ request own-brand suppliers to include a
conversion/deforestation-free clause taking into account the
■ the Amazonian Soy Moratorium, since the initial report was
January 1, 2020 deadline and urging national-brand products
published in 2006. This agreement has yielded positive results
to deploy these commitments.
for the protection of the Amazonian region, and Carrefour
encourages expanding it to other biomes; One year after the launch of the manifesto, Carrefour has
engaged with all of its suppliers through webinars, bilateral
■ Carrefour works with different states through various field
meetings and official letters from the Group Merchandise
projects, such as the sustainable calf production programme in
Director. In addition, the first contracts incorporating the new
Mato Grosso or the implementation of a state-wide traceability
clauses are being signed in the chicken and pork sectors. In
programme in Pará.
collaboration with key stakeholders and the SNDI, Carrefour
3.2. Carrefour’s action plan for soy helped to develop and launch a tool for assessing the risks of
In order to reduce the impact of soy on forests and ecosystems, deforestation linked to soy imports in France. Thanks to this tool,
Carrefour acts on several fronts to heighten market standards, it is possible to assess the sourcing risk in France based on the
i.e., by focusing on its own supplies or working together with origin of the soy and the importer.
supply chain intermediaries and key stakeholders. In Brazilian production areas, the Group participates in collective
In procuring supplies, the Group applies the following initiatives to develop synergies with all stakeholders (suppliers,
guidelines: competing distributors, raw material traders, regional and
national governments, scientists, NGOs, data and service
■ use of traceable non-GMO soy not linked to deforestation; providers), in particular the Cerrado Working group (GTC) and the
■ development of local non-GMO soy chains; Amazonian Soy Moratorium.
■ use of ProTerra-type certification with full traceability; Engaging traders to drive market change: In order to change
practices upstream to its supply chain, Carrefour engages in a
■ development of vegetarian/vegan ranges through Carrefour dialogue with the main soy importers at various levels via
Veggie products offering an alternative to animal proteins.
involvement in collective initiatives as well as local bilateral
Collaboration with stakeholders to establish common rules exchanges.
At the international level, and in line with the Consumer Goods As part of the Consumer Goods Forum forest coalition, Carrefour
Forum (CGF), Carrefour has committed to the goal of reaching supports the implementation of higher standards for traders. A
zero deforestation by 2020. To step up this commitment and shared assessment system has been developed to monitor and
help drive systemic changes with all market stakeholders, the engage with traders and to allow companies to source their
Group took the co-lead of the Consumer Goods Forum’s Forest supplies from the most responsible traders.
Positive Coalition of Action in 2020. The coalition’s objective is to
speed up efforts to eliminate deforestation from individual Following the resurgence of forest fires during the summer, the
company supply chains and to implement collective solutions. CEO of Carrefour Brazil wrote to the CEOs of Cargill, Bunge and
Through collective action, the coalition aims to set higher the main beef manufacturers to reaffirm the Group’s
standards, drive transformational change in key host commitment to reducing deforestation. Bilateral meetings are
communities and report on progress transparently. Carrefour and held on a regular basis, and the monitoring of each Company’s
the other coalition member companies establish joint action plans is carried out by a specific committee that reports
requirements for reducing the risks of deforestation from their directly to the Executive Committee of Carrefour Brazil.
soy business activities. The requirements not only include criteria
for soy at the production stage, but also requirements for
members to inform suppliers and assess their progress. Lastly, the
coalition has set out expectations for soy traders and adopted a
method for assessing their progress towards meeting them. A
dialogue process has also been set up to encourage traders to
change their practices. Upholding human rights in the textile stage, to limit problems with “working hours”. Carrefour is very 1
industry (Xinjiang, Tamil Nadu) attentive to ensuring that at least the legal minimum wage is paid
across the value chain. Carrefour’s Commitment Charter includes
a legal minimum wage commitment. It states that “wages and
Teams dedicated to monitoring (quality, CSR) production units other compensation for regular working hours should cover the
are present in various Carrefour Sourcing offices. Over basic needs of workers and their families and leave them with
18,000 non-food items are sourced by Sourcing teams in some discretionary income”.
32 sourcing countries and 900 factories.
Carrefour provides training, implements regional projects and
Carrefour is committed to constantly improving working supports fair trade to engage its suppliers and promote CSR
conditions and protecting human rights among its suppliers. For within its supply chains. Carrefour trains its suppliers in
this purpose, Carrefour has put in place a set of purchasing rules, partnership with consultants or local NGOs. Carrefour’s Sourcing
tools and procedures for monitoring its suppliers and helping teams roll out specific training programmes every year. The
them achieve compliance. Group has also drawn up the Good Factory Standard, a practical
2/ THE GROUP’S COMMITMENTS AND OBJECTIVES training document featuring a breakdown by sector and/or by
type of product (bazaar, clothing, wood, leather, etc.).
In accordance with Carrefour’s purchasing rules, all supply plants
located in risk countries must undergo a compliance audit. The Carrefour is working to improve the traceability of its supply
chains. For example, it has developed a fully traceable, organic
audits are conducted under Initiative for Compliance and
Sustainability (ICS) and Business Social Compliance Programme Indian cotton supply chain. Blockchain technology introduced 3
(BSCI) standards. The audit is not an end in itself, but rather a tool for textiles in 2020 now makes it possible to include a QR code
that paves the way for dialogue and the implementation of a on the label that will enable customers to track the cotton from
compliance plan to bring the supplier’s working conditions in line the field to the store shelf.
with requirements. To identify those countries where risk of In 2021, the Group published a list of textile suppliers that is
non-compliance with the charter is the highest, Carrefour has available on its website
established a country-by-country risk map, which was revised in (
2018. The list of countries at risk from a social perspective is Liste%20des%20usines%20textiles%20Carrefour%20Avril%
based on the country-by-country risk classification defined by
amfori-BSCI and on the ITUC Global Rights Index. The country
202021%20-%20vf.pdf). 4
classification also takes into account recommendations from the 3.2. Action plans for the prevention of forced labour
International Federation for Human Rights and from Carrefour’s across the supply chain
local teams. Procurement potential and purchasing rules depend Carrefour has been working on a set of measures to better
on the risk rating assigned to each country. identify and prevent any human rights violations in its supply
In 2021, the sustainable product textile targets were incorporated chain, and in particular to prevent any practices that are similar to
into the purchasing rules. Certain areas requiring increased forced labour by:
vigilance (i.e., regions where forced labour is practised) are also ■ reminding all its suppliers to meet their contractual
included in the purchasing rules. The Group aims to ensure that commitments, in particular the obligation to have their own 5
all raw materials used in its TEX products are sustainable and suppliers and subcontractors respect human rights;
traceable by 2030.
■ mapping supply chains for at-risk raw materials, with a focus on
In 2021, 27.4% of alerts dealt with by the Committee on key suppliers;
Purchasing Rules for the Food Transition concerned human
■ sending our suppliers a list of units identified as being at risk
rights. These were either directly (via requests from NGOs,
which should be banned in their supply chain (early 2022);
reports mentioning Carrefour) or indirectly linked to Carrefour
(via media reports questioning the practices of the textile sector). ■ developing alert systems through active monitoring of social
The main issues concerned cotton production in the Xinjiang
region and human rights abuses in production units in Tamil
and environmental violations, to be implemented in early 2022
(see example of Tamil Nadu below).
3.3. Action plans for alerts in the Tamil Nadu region
3/ THE GROUP’S ACTION PLANS Publication by the NGO Transparentem alerting 31 retailers,
3.1. The Group’s action plans for textile supply chains including Carrefour, about human rights violations amounting to
Since 2001, Carrefour has introduced actions to protect its forced labour in spinning mills located in Tamil Nadu, India.
supplier network by conducting social audits at its finished goods Dialogue was initiated with Transparentem and all of the other
production facilities. All facilities have now been audited, with the brands in order to work together on an action plan for the
relevant supplier. Following a second alert from NGOs SOMO
support of independent auditing firms. The social performance of
suppliers is regularly monitored and checked through social and Arisa, further work was undertaken and local solutions were 7
audits. Corrective action plans are systematically implemented sought (dialogue with the brands and 42 meetings between 2020
and progress monitored over time. Each year, more than 80% of and 2021).
cases of non-compliance identified in factories in risk countries As a result of this alert and collaborative efforts engaged in 2021,
fall into one of three categories: “Compensation, benefits and Carrefour has set up a more systematic action plan for this
conditions”, “health and safety” or “working hours”. sourcing area, in particular by:
To respond to these issues, factory capacity and production ■ classifying the Tamil Nadu region as “high-risk” by local Global
schedules for Carrefour’s orders from its largest textile suppliers Sourcing teams in terms of social compliance and
(in terms of volume) are analysed and adjusted at a very early factory/importer management; 8
■ mapping the spinning mills of the area in the “Sustainability (Carrefour-brand and national brand products) to be produced
Map” platform of the Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability using sustainable practices by 2025.
(ICS) and evaluating their performance via an audit and a
specific questionnaire, with priority given to key suppliers; 3/ THE GROUP’S ACTION PLANS
To guarantee a responsible seafood/aquaculture offering,
■ setting up a “worker voice” ethical hotline in early 2022 to Carrefour is committed to developing:
ensure a whistleblowing system at the local level, with priority
given to key suppliers. ■ its Carrefour Quality Lines, which provide traceability back to
the boat or farm;
For all production facilities in the Tamil Nadu region, issues
related to social and environmental responsibility should be ■ an organic aquaculture offering that showcases products from
managed by local Carrefour Global Sourcing teams. It should be environmentally friendly farms;
noted that spinning mills are particularly concerned by the ■ the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label for sustainable
problem and that an Indian supplier whose garment factory is fishing, which guarantees the commitment of fishing
located outside Tamil Nadu but who sources its yarn or material personnel, abstaining from overfishing and respect for the
in Tamil Nadu must also be monitored by Carrefour’s local Global marine environment;
Sourcing teams.
■ the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) label for MSC sustainable fishing responsible aquaculture, which guarantees respect for the
1/ CONTEXT AND RECURRING ALERTS environment, ensures animal well-being and monitors working
Carrefour is committed to supporting its partners in this area. The
Group’s action plan here benefits from regular input from ■ fishing techniques that respect biodiversity and limit the
international NGOs, scientific committees and fishery by-catch of other species (dolphins, turtles, etc.), such as line
organisations on questions of biodiversity and seafood products. fishing and fish aggregating devices (FADs);
Overfishing is a global problem requiring local responses. ■ products from farms that have implemented a robust Fishery
Solutions to protect resources must be adapted to each fishing Improvement Project (FIP) (except tuna, for which FIPs are not
area and put into practice jointly with local stakeholders. The considered sufficient to obtain a sustainability logo).
approach is therefore being phased in consistent with
country-by-country initiatives. 3.1. Supporting local fishing and Carrefour’s tuna policy
In 2021, 16.1% of the alerts dealt with by the Committee on In addition to selling products under the MSC label, Carrefour is
Purchasing Rules for the Food Transition concerned fishing and developing specific policies for certain species. It has established
aquaculture practices. These were either directly (via its own tuna policy, for example, which goes beyond the label’s
questionnaires, articles questioning our practices) or indirectly requirements by banning fishing methods associated with
linked to Carrefour (via reports on issues facing the fishing and/or dolphin by-catch or the use of longlines and demanding
aquaculture sector). The main issues concerned modern slavery compliance with minimum-size requirements.
in the tuna industry and the use of wild-caught fish to feed In 2021, Carrefour stepped up its support for the Spanish fishing
farmed fish; half of the alerts questioned the credibility of the sector by signing the eighth in a series of 12 agreements that the
MSC certification’s sustainability claim. chain has committed to developing with Spanish fish markets.
The purpose of these agreements is to bolster its support for the
sector, help maintain fleet sustainability, remove the uncertainty
Responsible Fishing Week, which was held from February 17-23, of auction prices and offer a stable and competitive price to
2021, was an opportunity for Carrefour to reiterate that marine consumers. In France during the month of October, Carrefour
resources are fragile and that protecting them is a shared aim launched a campaign called Les bons plans oubliés de la pêche
involving retailers, consumers, fishermen, seafood companies française (the forgotten top tips of French fishing) to support
and others. That is why the Group’s sustainable fishing policy is French fishermen and promote French production.
being built gradually over time, alongside all of its stakeholders
(NGOs, scientific experts, suppliers, etc.), around several core 3.2. Monitoring practices across our supply chain
principles: Carrefour conducts compliance audits of its direct suppliers and
expects them to require the same level of compliance from their
■ favour more abundant species and fishing techniques that have
own suppliers. These audits are performed according to strict
the least impact on ecosystems, such as line fishing;
standards (ICS, BSCI, SA 8000) and focus on key themes like
■ halt the sale of vulnerable species, such as wild sturgeon, eel human rights. The Group screens against various social criteria –
and red seabream; no forced labour, no child labour, no harassment or
■ develop sustainable aquaculture without antibiotics and GMOs; discrimination, decent working hours – and conducts recurring
audits and follow-up with suppliers. Auditing is a tool that creates
■ combat illegal fishing by publishing, together with WWF France, an opportunity to engage in dialogue and implement a
SeaWeb Europe and EJF, the first best practices guide for compliance plan to bring supplier working practices in line with
fishing professionals; requirements.
■ support local sustainable fishing through local partnerships; To combat illegal practices, Carrefour prohibits the use of fishing
■ promote sustainable fishery products and seafood diversity in vessels from countries that have received a yellow or red card
stores; from the European Union. The EU regulation to prevent illegal,
unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) requires that “third
■ respect social conditions in countries presenting a sourcing countries” (those outside the EU) exporting their fish to the EU or
risk. lending their flag to fishing vessels that import products into the
In 2021, Carrefour extended its objective for half of the fish sold EU comply with strict fisheries management rules. If they fail to
in its stores to be sourced sustainably so as to include national meet these standards, countries risk being carded, which means
brands in its sustainable seafood sourcing policy. The Group’s their fish could be banned from the EU market.
goal is for 50% of sales of fishery and aquaculture products
3.3. More responsible aquaculture practices Following a tragic event in November 2020 that claimed the life 1
To develop more responsible forms of aquaculture, Carrefour of one of the Group’s customers, Carrefour Brazil promptly
works closely with producers and other players in the sector by launched an internal investigation and cooperated fully with the
selecting farms that promote best practices. local authorities.
In this regard, it: In response to the incident, Carrefour Brazil immediately
extended store opening hours by two hours in order to conduct
■ bans illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing ingredients internal training and raise awareness about the issue among
from all Carrefour brand products;
employees. In addition, all income earned on sales on
■ bans GMOs from Carrefour Quality Lines products; November 20 was donated to organisations dedicated to 2
promoting rights among Black people.
■ reduces, or even eliminates, the use of antibiotic treatments in
Carrefour Quality Lines products; 2/ THE GROUP’S COMMITMENTS AND OBJECTIVES
■ works actively to improve aquafeed. Respect for all people is one of the guiding principles of the
Carrefour Brazil community. By respecting diversity and fostering
Measures are in place to reduce the proportion of aquafeed
peaceful coexistence, the Group endeavours to establish quality
sourced from industrial fishing, which accounts for nearly 20% of
relationships with all stakeholders (employees, customers, service
global wild fish capture, and replace it with fishmonger
providers, suppliers, representatives or third parties), regardless of
by-products. Steps are currently being taken to transform
aquafeed, with trials under way with partner suppliers of CQL
their differences. These principles are set out in the Code of 3
Ethics (
salmon to reduce the proportion of feed sourced from industrial
manual_de_etica_carrefour.pdf) and explained in the Diversity
fishing and replace some of the fish oils with algae oils or insects.
and Inclusion Manifesto
A trial in the CQL trout sector in France is also under way to
reduce the use of industrial fishing and remove palm oil and
imported soybean meal from aquafeed. To reinforce and ensure compliance with these principles, the
Group has created a diversity and inclusion platform. As part of
In addition, Carrefour joined the working group of French
the platform, a Strategic Diversity Committee and a Steering
retailers coordinated by the Earthworm Foundation in 2021. The
Committee on diversity and affinity groups have been set up.
aim of this initiative is to work collectively towards more
responsible aquaculture chains, starting with joint work in the
These employee-led committees foster debate on policies and 4
actions for greater inclusion and visibility of minority groups
salmon sector.
within the Company. Four main topics are discussed during
Transparency and traceability monthly meetings: race, gender, sexual orientation and disability.
Blockchain technology guarantees consumers full product The Group also promotes its annual “D-Day” event. Designed to
traceability. Consumers can scan a QR code on the label with recruit professionals from minority groups, the topical events
their smartphone and access an interface containing a wealth of bolster the Group’s commitment to promote and increase
information on the product’s journey from farm to shelf. This diversity and inclusion within the Carrefour Brazil ecosystem.
technology also allows consumers to identify the different
players involved in the production process and learn about their In addition to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable 5
business, both in terms of farming practices and quality control at Development Goals (SDGs), which include the fight against social
every step of the production chain. Rolled out in January 2020 inequality, the Group has signed Brazil’s Business Initiative, which
across the entire Norwegian Carrefour Quality Lines fresh salmon sponsors the Brazilian Diversity Forum and Diversity Day, the
chain, this technology is now being applied to skinless salmon country’s two largest forums on racial diversity.
steaks, salmon fillets and centre-cut salmon. 3/ CARREFOUR’S ACTION PLANS Inclusion and diversity in Brazil The Group’s inclusion and diversity measures were strengthened
in 2020 with the creation of a special committee and the addition
of new measures: 6
As an early advocate for diversity, Carrefour signed the Diversity
Charter in 2004 to give all people, in all countries, the same ■ adoption of a zero tolerance policy on racism and
recruitment and advancement opportunities. In all countries discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity, community
where it operates, the Group embraces equal opportunity, of origin, social class, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability
promotes diversity and banishes all forms of discrimination – a or religion, throughout the Carrefour Brazil group and its
policy that sets it apart from its peers. The Group is involved in supply chain. An anti-racism clause will be included in all
practical initiatives, including Group and nationwide agreements supplier contracts and proven failure to comply will result in
entered into with unions, programmes developed under the aegis termination of the contract;
of international organisations, and cooperation in the field with ■ radical transformation of Carrefour Brazil’s security model by 7
NGOs in most Group countries. Every year, Carrefour organises creating internal teams at the three Porto Alegre stores with the
an international diversity day where each country can reaffirm its help of security specialist ICTS Brasil and by establishing strict
commitment to combating all forms of discrimination. recruitment and training rules to overhaul the security team.
The teams will be accompanied and supported by partnerships
with recognised Black rights organisations to help combat all
forms of discrimination and human rights abuses, and
structural racism in general. Carrefour will provide regular
human rights training for all its employees and require all its
suppliers, especially those in the security sector, to do the 8
same, in partnership with recognised Black rights organisations.
The use of regular surveys will make it possible to monitor
human rights training results, identify opportunities and make
adjustments where necessary. Carrefour will make sure that
training, selection and recruitment practices rooted in the
values of respect and human rights are applied and monitored
across the supply chain;
■ clear, visible and permanent implementation of a zero percentage of 50% Black people among new hires. Carrefour
tolerance policy against all forms of discrimination, with will also support racial literacy to ensure that the Brazilian
training for all employees in all Carrefour units; population census is correctly implemented;
■ a differentiated skills training program every year for ■ introduction of a digital platform for reporting, with
100 Black men and women to accelerate their careers within guaranteed anonymity, domestic violence or racist acts
Carrefour and speed their access to management positions. against women on the website and Carrefour apps for
Annual training and career development targets will be set for subsequent referral to the competent entities;
Black employees within the different Carrefour units, including
■ creation of an entrepreneurship accelerator within the
specific targets for management positions. Specific measures
community around the Porto Alegre stores.
will also be put in place for hiring Black health and psychology
professionals to support the development of Black trainees, To best achieve all these objectives, Carrefour Brazil has
apprentices and people in leadership positions; established strong partnerships and made trusted contacts. In
particular, Carrefour Brazil has taken part in job fairs conducted
■ support for educational institutions throughout the country by the Zumbi dos Palmares University, which aim to attract Black
for the vocational training of young Black men and women.
professionals, both women and men, to the job market. The
Carrefour Brazil has invested in three impact areas – education,
Group also has partnerships with institutions that help Black
jobs and entrepreneurship – for the Black population,
applicants find jobs, such as Empregue Afro. Internally, the
especially women and young people;
recruitment teams frequently organise internship programme
■ recruitment of approximately 20,000 new employees per year workshops focused on removing barriers that prevent the hiring
on a gross basis, respecting the racial representation of the of certain categories of people.
population of each state in the country, but with a minimum
Risk factor Indicator 2021 2020 Change Target
Unsustainable product % of Carrefour-brand packaging that is reusable, 100% in
offering and retail model recyclable or compostable 46% 44% - 2025
Reporting methodology
% of Carrefour-brand packaging that uses currently under 30%
recycled plastic development - by 2025
Total amount of packaging waste avoided 20,000
(cumulative since 2017) 11,068 6,212 +78% by 2025
-50% in
Reduction in food waste since 2016 (in kg/sq.m.) -30.7% -28.7% -2 pts 2025
% of food waste recovered 53.2% 57.4% -4.2 pts
Number of meal equivalents donated to food aid
associations (in millions) 44,134 77,071 -42.7%
Foundation budget (in millions of euros) 6.75 6.75
Number of projects supported 60 47 277
Contribution % change in Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions -50%
and vulnerability since 2019(2) by 2030,
to climate change and -70%
by 2040
-20.1% -13.9% -6.2 pts (vs. 2019)
Total GHG emissions by source (in thousands of
tonnes of CO2 equivalent)(2) 1,794 1,937 -7.4%
• Scope 1 (refrigerants, gas and heating oil (in
thousands of tonnes of CO2 equivalent)(2) 614 697 -12% 4
• Scope 2 (electricity) (in thousands of tonnes of
CO2 equivalent)(2) 869 903 -3.8%
• Scope 3 (outbound transport) (in thousands of by 2030
tonnes of CO2 equivalent)(2) 311 337 -7.8% (vs. 2019)
GHG emissions linked to energy consumption (in
thousands of tonnes of CO2 equivalent)(2) 997 1,035 -4%
-27.5% 5
In-store energy consumption (in kWh per sq.m. of by 2030
sales area)(2) 468 480 -2.5% (vs. 2019)
In-store renewable electricity consumption (in
kWh per sq.m. of sales area)(2) 1.5 0.8 +91%
GHG emissions linked to refrigerants (in thousands
of tonnes of CO2 equivalent)(2) 486 564 -14%
Number of stores equipped with a hybrid or 100%
natural refrigerant system 465 426 +9.2% 6
100% natural refrigerants (HFC- or HCFC-free) 242 180 +34%
Hybrid (a mix of HFC and natural refrigerants) 223 246 -9%
GHG emissions per pallet shipped (in kg of
CO2/pallet)(2) 5.9 6.3 -6%
Pollution and the impact % of waste recovered (including food donations) 100%
of our operations 68.2% 66.2% +2 pts by 2025
on biodiversity Total waste (in thousands of tonnes) 672 729 -7.8% -
Amount of water consumed per sq.m. of sales
area (cu.m./sq.m.) 1.39 1.38 +0.1%
Amount of water consumed (in millions of cu.m.) 13.9 12.9 +7.8%
% of projects certified to BREEAM New
Construction standards(1) 100% 100% 100%
% of sites certified to BREEAM In-Use standards(1) 75% by
90.6% 86% +4.6 pts end-2021
• of which Very Good (in %) 57% 75% -18 pts
• of which Good (in %) 30% 25% +5 pts
(1) Scope: Suppliers of Carrefour-brand products purchased by the European purchasing centre.
(2) Scope: products sold in France. 145 product recalls were attributable to the sesame seed incident in 2020.
(3) Scope: Carrefour-brand products (Carrefour Quality Lines, Carrefour Bio) and national-brand products.
(4) New indicator. % of sales of fresh food products sourced from organic farmers only; reporting methodology currently under development for sales
of agroecological products. Scope: France only.
EU Regulation 2020/852 of June 18, 2020, commonly referred to addition, only activities contributing to the first two objectives
as the “EU Taxonomy”, provides a reference framework to related to climate have been defined.
encourage sustainable investment by requiring companies to
From 2022 onwards, companies will have to report the portion of
disclose the portion of their turnover (i.e., sales), capital
their sales, capital expenditure and operating expenditure that is
expenditure and operating expenditure that contributes
“sustainable”, i.e., that meets the technical criterion/criteria
substantially to one of six environmental objectives:
associated with each of the eligible activities: substantial
■ climate change mitigation; contribution to one or more of the six environmental objectives,
without significant harm to the other five environmental
■ climate change adaptation;
objectives, and compliance with minimum safeguards in terms of
■ sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; human and labour rights and standards.
■ the transition to a circular economy, including waste
prevention and recycling; Scope
■ pollution prevention and control;
■ The sales, capital expenditure and operating expenditure data
■ protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. in question cover all of the Group’s activities corresponding to
The European Commission has therefore defined a number of the scope of the companies under its control.
technical criteria in order to establish a common language for the ■ The financial data are taken from the financial statements for
concept of sustainability and, consequently, to direct the the year ended December 31, 2021, and the net sales and
allocation of capital towards activities contributing substantially capital expenditure can therefore be reconciled with the
to the achievement of one of these six objectives. consolidated financial statements.
Within this framework, less stringent provisions have been ■ Companies in which the Group exercises joint control or
planned for the first year of application in 2021. Companies must significant influence are excluded from the calculation of the
report the portion of their sales, capital expenditure and proportions defined by the delegated act corresponding to
operating expenditure associated with economic activities which Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation(1).
are considered “eligible”, i.e., classified in the EU taxonomy. In
The Carrefour group’s eligible capital and operating expenditure related to the maintenance and repair of assets or to research 1
mainly concern the construction, renovation and purchase of and development for this first year of reporting. These specific
buildings, as well as installation, maintenance and repair expenses types of employee benefit expenses are not tracked separately in
related to buildings (solar panels, heat pumps, green roofs, the Group’s reporting. This point will be further developed for the
re-lamping, etc.). Capital expenditure also includes right-of-use 2022 reporting exercise, in particular depending on the evolving
assets (IFRS 16). texts and interpretations, and is likely to have a marginal impact
on the KPI.
The proportion of the Carrefour group’s eligible capital
expenditure for 2021 thus amounts to 44.5% out of a total of
2.9 billion euros (representing acquisitions of property and Methodology
equipment and intangible assets, new right-of-use assets, and
other non-current assets and right-of-use assets acquired in The scope of eligible activities to date is relatively limited and not
business combinations). These expenses mainly relate to material. Since retail operations have not been provided for in the
construction and real estate activities (mainly activity 7.7, climate delegated act, they are not yet included in the Taxonomy
Acquisition and ownership of buildings). because they are not yet eligible or they meet one of the
objectives not yet included in Carrefour’s reporting exercise.
The Carrefour group’s eligible operating expenses for 2021
Thus, the regulatory texts do not currently allow for reporting on
represent an insignificant portion of the Group’s total operating
the initiatives implemented by Carrefour concerning the product
expenditure. As this indicator is irrelevant to the Group’s activities,
it is not presented.
offer (responsible purchasing criteria and requirements), the 3
involvement of partners (suppliers, service providers), or the
It should be noted that in accordance with the EU Taxonomy, the issues related to the food transition in general, i.e., the Group’s
operating expenditure items taken into account are defined as raison d’être. Outsourced activities or those provided by third
direct non-capitalisable costs and include research and parties are not included in the Taxonomy (e.g., logistics,
development costs, building renovation costs, maintenance and renewable energy, electric charging stations).
repair costs, rents presented in the income statement and any
The activities eligible to date and for the 2021 financial year are as
other expenses related to the day-to-day maintenance of assets.
The definition of operating expenditure used for the denominator
and numerator does not include employee benefit expenses 4
The above methodology and eligibility analysis have been years. This is the case of projects to recover unsold food via
established based on the regulatory texts published by the methanisation and biofuel partnerships for vehicle fleets.
European Commission as of December 31, 2021; they are likely
Lastly, Carrefour also engages in activities that are not eligible,
to be revised according to the texts and interpretations being
but which contribute to one of the two climate objectives. In this
drafted at EU level.
regard, the Group is currently implementing a Power Purchase
The Group participates indirectly in activities set out in the Agreement (PPA) for the purchase of green energy with the aim
regulatory texts, but these have not been included due to the of reducing its carbon footprint associated with energy
basic “accounting rule” and are therefore not eligible because consumption and sourcing 100% renewable electricity for its
they are outsourced. This is the case, for example, with the stores by 2030. CapEx is also committed to implement our
roll-out of charging stations for electric vehicles in hypermarkets climate strategy roadmap: carbon neutrality of stores by 2040
in France via a partnership through which the Group provides the and of e-commerce by 2030. This roadmap includes in particular
space for the installation of these terminals. 2,000 charging the replacement of refrigeration units in stores with systems
stations are expected to be installed by 2023. using natural refrigerants; this initiative is not eligible according to
the Taxonomy.
The Group is also committed to other eligible activities that are
not yet material but which will become material in the coming
2.4 Reporting methodology and verification
of information
For the preparation of the 2021 Universal Registration Document, Scope of reporting
the CSR department mobilises the relevant Group departments
(Quality, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Assets, Sales and Principles applied
Merchandise, and Logistics) and country representatives.
Comprehensiveness. The Group strives to be as comprehensive
Principles for drawing up the CSR report as possible. Its CSR reporting covers implementation of its policy
in the nine integrated countries.
The Carrefour group’s Universal Registration Document adheres Comparability. When the scope of reporting is not exhaustive,
to the following principles: the scope is clearly explained next to each graph and BUs
■ impact and materiality: through a risk mapping process, the excluded from the scope are indicated. For figures and changes
Group identifies the most significant non-financial risks for its presented over several years, the report indicates whether
business and the Company. Only the main risks are presented calculations are based on comparable Business Units (BUs). If
in this report. The Non-Financial Statement therefore focuses non-comparable BUs are included in the calculation, the items
on the most relevant social, economic and environmental included or excluded compared to the previous year are
issues and risks for the Group’s business; specified. 4
■ CSR context: Carrefour places its own performance within the
context of the social, economic and environmental constraints Scope of environmental indicators
that weigh upon the Group, and puts the resulting data into
perspective; Store indicators (waste management, food waste,
greenhouse gas emissions, water)
■ stakeholders’ involvement: by maintaining an ongoing dialogue
with stakeholders (customers, employees, franchisees, The scope covers all integrated stores open and operating under
suppliers, local communities and shareholders), the Carrefour a Group banner for the entire reporting period. The scope
group can anticipate and meet the expectations of its target excludes consumption related to non-Group activities, transport 5
audiences and prevent risks. Its transparent commitments, and of people, warehouses, franchised stores, head offices and other
the involvement of its stakeholders in carrying them out, mean administrative offices. For some indicators, warehouses are
it can envisage long-term solutions and ensure the included, in which case this is specified with a note under the
engagement of all those concerned. This dialogue and these tables of indicators (example: food waste). Any BUs that were
partnerships are maintained either at the Group level by the sold or closed during the reporting period are not included. In
CSR department, or at the local level by the countries, banners 2021, Carrefour sold its controlling interest in 16 Carrefour stores
and stores; to Super Nosso in Brazil. These 16 stores are being rebranded
under the Super Nosso banner and are no longer managed by
■ frequency: since 2001, Carrefour has produced and published a Carrefour. They are therefore excluded from the 2021 reporting 6
non-financial report every year. Since 2012, it has been scope.
integrated into the Group’s management report;
For indicators on non-commercial purchases (e.g., sales and
■ clarity: Carrefour group endeavours to present information that marketing publications), the consumption level of stores opened
can be easily understood by the greatest number of people during the year as well as that of franchised stores may be
with an appropriate level of detail. included.
The number of square metres of sales area includes all stores
open on the first day of the reporting period and does not
include storage areas, food preparation areas or the adjacent 7
shopping mall, if applicable.
The same rules regarding scope and environmental indicators
apply to Installations Classified for the Protection of the
Environment (ICPE) coming under the regulations of stores and
other sites.
Merchandise indicators (organic products, Carrefour Quality Lines, sustainable fishing, sustainable forest
management, textiles, packaging, animal welfare)
The scope covers products sold under the Group banner, without ■ Regarding the textile indicators, they are reported by the
distinguishing between franchises, integrated stores or formats purchasing centres (including, for example, the Global Sourcing
(stores, drives, online purchasing). purchasing centre).
■ Regarding the organic product sales indicators, total food sales ■ The tonnes of packaging avoided indicator is calculated based
only include sales by physical store or e-commerce specialists on the quantities of packaging purchased as reported by the
(e.g., Bio C Bon, So Bio, Greenweez). The market penetration purchasing centres (including, for example, the Global Sourcing
indicator for organic products among fresh products does not purchasing centre), with the exception of Brazil which
take into account specialised networks. calculates the indicator based on the quantities of packaging
2021 scope
(% of gross 2021 2020 scope 2020
Indicators sales) exclusions (% of gross sales) exclusions
Organic products 100.0% 100.0%
Responsible Products – fair trade 100.0% 100.0%
Responsible Products – FSC 89.7% IT, AR 96.7% RO
Responsible Products – PEFC 100.0% 100.0%
Responsible Products – ecolabels 100.0% 96.7% RO
Quality lines 100.0% 100%
Suppliers 100.0% New
Deforestation – palm oil 100.0% 96.7% RO
100.0% (BR & BRAT included
Deforestation – beef BRAT) in 2021 31% (BR) BRAT
Deforestation – wood/paper/pulp New, incoming
Deforestation – soy 54.1% RO, BR, AR, TW New
TW not
concerned by
82.5% (FR, BE, IT, the
Deforestation – cocoa ES) commitment New
Sustainable fishing 100.0% 96.7% RO
Animal welfare – shell eggs 100.0% 84.5% BE, IT
BR, AR, TW not
concerned by
Animal welfare – egg ingredients 88.5% commitment New
Animal welfare – chickens 100.0% New
Animal welfare – slaughterhouses 91.8% BE New
Packaging – Tonnes 100.0% 100%
Packaging – Recyclable, reusable or compostable 54.1% RO, BR, AR, TW New
Scope of HR indicators
The scope covers all of the Group’s BUs and headquarters. Any BUs that were sold or closed during the reporting period are not
The Non-Financial Statement presented in this chapter encompasses Carrefour Banque and Carrefour Property Development, both of 1
which are covered by Carrefour SA (the parent company).
CSR Indicators
Principles applied has an established commercial relationship, appropriate actions
to mitigate risks or prevent serious harm, a whistleblowing and
CSR reporting adheres to the following principles: alert system, as well as a system for tracking the measures
implemented and evaluating their effectiveness.
■ accuracy: the Carrefour group strives to ensure the accuracy of
published data by stepping up the number of manual and Section 2.3 of this document is provided in response to (EU)
Regulation 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the
automatic internal controls;
Council of June 18, 2020 on the establishment of a framework to 4
■ comparability: the Group strives to maintain consistency promote sustainable investments. The latter establishes criteria to
throughout its reports. Figures presented for several years apply
distinguish “green” investments from other investments, in a
the same definition.
totally transparent manner.
The 2021 Universal Registration Document adheres to the
Choice of indicators guidelines of the main international standards of reference, in
particular the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SAS-B),
Since 2003, Carrefour has used indicators associated with its
the Task Force on Climate Disclosure (TCFD) and the Global
strategic priorities for CSR. These indicators, which are revised
over the years, are designed to monitor the commitments and
Reporting Initiative (GRI), the guiding principles of the OECD and 5
the Global Compact’s recommendations for “Communication on
progress made in terms of its environmental and social
Progress” (CoP). Carrefour’s CoP is published yearly on the
performance. Each indicator is chosen for its relevance to risks
United Nations website ( and
and societal challenges identified by the Group and with regard
is certified as “Advanced” (since 2014) following a peer review
to its CSR policies. In 2021, the Group revised the CSR index and
under the aegis of Global Compact France.
drafted purchasing rules on its priority environmental and social
topics. Following this work, new indicators were defined. A CSR reporting manual stipulating the Group’s collection,
calculation and consolidation rules is updated each reporting
period and distributed to all CSR reporting managers.
References used 6
The information detailed in this section complies with the Methodology: specificities and limitations
requirements of French government order no. 2017-1180 of
July 19, 2017 and decree no. 2017-1265 of August 9, 2017, Some environmental and social indicators may have
providing for a Non-Financial Statement as stipulated notably methodology constraints arising from a lack of uniformity
under Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105 et seq. of the French between national and international laws and definitions (e.g.,
Commercial Code (Code de commerce). This information regarding work-related accidents) and/or from the qualitative,
concerns the activities of Carrefour SA (the parent company) and and therefore subjective, nature of certain data (e.g., indicators
all the Group’s consolidated companies. Carrefour SA’s linked to purchasing quality, the logistics process, stakeholders
and consumer awareness).
Non-Financial Statement notably covers Carrefour Banque, with
risks relating to the banking sector integrated into the risk analysis In some cases, KPIs may involve an estimation (as with the energy
presented in Section 2.1. and water consumption indicators, which are calculated on the
The information contained in Section 2.2 meets the requirements amount billed at an average price per kWh or cubic metre). If
provided for by French law no. 2017-399 of March 27, 2017 with necessary, BUs are required to specify and justify the relevance of
regard to the duty of care of parent companies and contracting assumptions used in making estimates. Estimation
companies (also called the duty of care law), namely: risk methodologies are regulated by the Group’s non-financial
mapping, procedures for regularly assessing the situation of reporting manual.
subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers with which the Group 8
Food donations KPI: The ratio used to calculate the number of Training: This indicator takes into account the average number 1
meal equivalents donated to food aid associations in all Group of employees who have completed at least four hours of training
host countries is 1 meal = 500 g. As Carrefour Spain only has a during the year as a proportion of the average group workforce.
database in euros, it used the ratio of 1 euro = 1 kg to calculate
Disability: Number of employees with a disability recognised in
the quantity of food donated.
accordance with the legislation in force in each country, as a
Considering the methodological limitations outlined above and proportion of the total workforce
the difficulties in gathering data, the reporting scope may vary
Headcount at the end of the period: all Company personnel with
depending on the indicator. For each indicator that pertains to a
an employment contract (excluding interns, international
limited scope, the scope is specified.
trainees, temporary workers and people on suspended contracts)
on December 31.
Product information Work-related accidents: since 2020, the frequency and severity
rates are calculated by the number of hours actually worked (and
Number of listed organic Carrefour food products: the number
no longer by theoretical hours).
of listed organic products reported pertains to the number of
organic products labelled by outside third parties found among Hiring: Belgium student contract hires are not taken into
retailer-branded products whose sales during the year were not account.
zero. The number of Group listed products corresponds to the
number of listed organic Carrefour products sold by the Group.
Limitations linked to current legislation: the definition of certain
indicators (work-related accidents, absenteeism, and employees
Number of Carrefour Quality Lines products: the calculation declared as disabled workers) is defined by the laws in effect in
methodology was adjusted in 2019. The number of CQL each country, which may cause discrepancies in the method
products corresponds to the sum of all products in the used.
assortment that customers can identify throughout the year as
being offered under the CQL programme. The following rules
apply: a given product packaged in different ways is only counted
Methods of data collection, consolidation
once; in the meat and fish sections, a given product presented in and control
different cuts is only counted once; if the offering is segmented 4
by breed or variety, that breed or variety corresponds to one Reporting period
Reporting is carried out once a year for the Universal Registration
Brazilian beef: the percentage of geo-referenced tier 2 Brazilian
Document submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
beef is calculated using the number of tier 2 geo-referenced
suppliers. The tier 2 suppliers correspond to farms that supply the Starting in 2012, to meet the requirements of Article 225 of
slaughterhouses. Grenelle II, the indicators corresponding to the stores,
merchandise and logistics were calculated over a 12-month,
Suppliers - Food Transition Pact: There is an international Food
year-on-year period running from October to September.
Transition Pact and national pacts. In 2021, France, Spain,
Belgium, Poland and Romania launched their Food Transition Since 2019, to ensure greater collaboration within the Group, all
Pact. indicators corresponding to the stores, merchandise and logistics
are now calculated over a 12-month period running from
January 1 to December 31.
Customer information
In order to make reporting more efficient and precise, the
Customer research is carried out in all the Group's countries and environmental Key Performance Indicators integrated in the CSR
formats by an internal Carrefour Group research unit, present in and Food Transition Index have been calculated on a
all countries. These studies are carried out monthly on three-month basis (per trimester) since 2020.
representative customer sample groups.
The period used for annual reporting is the calendar year
Food transition in stores: The indicator tracks customer (January 1 to December 31) for human resources indicators,
satisfaction in five areas: the reduction of packaging, the fight without modifying the data for previous years.
against food waste, local products, organic products and the
quality of Carrefour-brand products. Performance in these five
categories is monitored in stores using a customer survey. In this
Data collection methods
way, the indicator reports the progress points between years N
The system in place is based on dual information reporting that
and N-1 of the customer survey.
allows for collection of qualitative and quantitative data from the
Act for Food: The indicator tracks the percentage of consumers various countries and banners. From a qualitative point of view, 7
answering yes to the following question: “Does Carrefour help the best practices implemented in Group countries are reported
you eat healthy and responsible food that remains affordable?” through personalised interviews (in person if possible, by
videoconference if not), or by e-mail. In terms of quantitative
information, the BFC application deployed in 2014 is used for the
Human resources information
consolidation and reporting of key environmental performance
Gender equality: Executive directors are a new job category indicators. The Group also uses this application for financial
created in 2021 from among the Senior Directors and make up consolidation and reporting although the Carrefour strategy tool
is used on an exceptional basis for organic product sales.
the Group's Top 200. This indicator tracks the percentage of
women in the Group's Top 200. Customer indicators are taken from the Group’s consumer 8
opinion review platform.
Key social performance indicators are reported through the sheet for each indicator. The Group’s CSR department carries out
Group’s Human Resources reporting tool. Reporting liaisons a second level of data control. Inconsistencies and errors that are
identified in each country are responsible for coordinating found are reviewed together with the countries and corrected as
environmental and social reporting for their respective countries. needed.
Topic Indicators Unit Scope of the objectives
Raw materials Percentage of sustainable cocoa mass in Percentage of Scope: Carrefour-brand chocolate bars
at risk – Carrefour-brand chocolate bars by 2023 tonnes (excluding discount and no-name
deforestation products). Countries involved: France,
Belgium, Spain and Italy
Percentage of key raw materials traders at Percentage of The first assessment of traders was carried
risk assessed percentage of key raw traders out in 2021. Progress over 2021 will
material traders at risk making progress therefore be assessed next year. The
towards complying with our policy percentage of traders making progress
will be reported for the first time in 2022
Raw materials Percentage of TEX products made with Percentage of sales TEX is Carrefour's own textile brand.
at risk – textiles organic cotton (including VAT) Cotton is the main raw material for our
clothes. This indicator accounts for 80%
of the final textiles score
Percentage of wood-derived fibres in our Percentage of sales TEX is Carrefour's textile brand.
TEX products that is deforestation-free (including VAT) Wood-based fibres account for 12% of the
final textiles score
Percentage of wool in our TEX products Percentage of sales Reporting methodology currently under
that guarantees sheep welfare and (including VAT) development. First results in 2022
protects soils and ecosystems
Percentage of cashmere used in our TEX Percentage of sales TEX is Carrefour's textile brand. Cashmere
products that guarantees goat welfare and (including VAT) accounts for 8% of the indicator
comes from land that incorporates
strategies to reduce desertification
Packaging Cumulative reduction of packaging since Tonnes Scope: nine integrated countries,
2017 excluding Atacadão. Monitoring indicator 4
since 2017
Percentage of Carrefour-brand packaging Percentage of New indicator calculated for the first time
that is reusable, recyclable or tonnes in 2021 by France only, the reporting
compostable methodology will be rolled out by the
other countries in 2022
Animal welfare Eggs – Percentage of sales of certified Percentage of sales Scope: certified national-brands products
national-brand products from cage-free (including VAT) (including no-name products), nine
production facilities integrated countries, excluding Atacadão
Eggs as ingredients – Percentage of Percentage of Scope: certified products (excluding
Carrefour-brand products containing tonnes no-name products). Target concerning
cage-free eggs used as ingredients only France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Poland
and Romania
Chickens – Percentage of gross sales of Percentage of sales Scope: raw products only, certified
certified products that guarantee (including VAT) products (excluding no-name products),
compliance with animal welfare criteria nine integrated countries, excluding
Slaughterhouses – Percentage of Percentage of Scope: certified products (no-name 6
Carrefour supplier slaughterhouses slaughterhouses products excluded). Fresh, unprocessed
audited for compliance with animal products only. Seafood products
welfare standards excluded. Nine countries integrated,
excluding Atacadão
Pigs – Percentage of gross sales of Percentage of sales Reporting methodology currently under
Carrefour organic and Carrefour Quality (including VAT) development. First results in 2022
Lines pork products that guarantee
compliance with improved animal welfare
criteria 7
Horse – Percentage of gross sales of Percentage of sales Reporting methodology currently under
horse meat in independently audited (including VAT) development. First results in 2022
certified and national-brand products or
from EU producers
Cage-free – Percentage of sales of Percentage of sales Reporting methodology currently under
animals (rabbits and quails) in certified (including VAT) development. First results in 2022
products raised cage-free
Transparency – Proportion of species Number Reporting methodology currently under
raised using transparent the breeding development. First results in 2022 8
farming methods, is transparent, for
branded Carrefour-brand products
Suppliers – Pact Number of Food Transition pact partners Number Scope: nine integrated countries,
excluding Atacadão
Training Percentage of employees with access to Percentage of Scope: nine integrated countries
training every year employees
Disability Percentage of employees recognised as Percentage of Scope: nine integrated countries. Number
having a disability employees of employees with a disability recognised
in accordance with the legislation in force
in each country, as a proportion of the
total workforce
For the year ended December 31, 2021 Preparation of the non-financial
This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditor’s performance statement
report issued in French and is provided solely for the
convenience of English-speaking readers. This report should be The absence of a generally accepted and commonly used
read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, framework or established practices on which to base the
French law and professional standards applicable in France. evaluation and measurement of the Information permits the use
To shareholders, of different, but acceptable, measurement techniques which may
affect comparability between entities and within the time.
In our capacity as an Independent Third Party, member of Mazars
Group, statutory auditors of Carrefour Group and accredited by Consequently, the Information must be read and understood
with reference to the entity’s procedures (hereinafter the
COFRAC Inspection under number 3-1058 (scope
accreditation available on, we carried out work
“Guidelines”), the significant elements of which are presented in 3
aimed at formulating a reasoned opinion that expresses a limited the Statement “Detailed methodology for reporting
level of assurance on the historical information (observed and CSR indicators”.
extrapolated) of the consolidated extra-financial performance
statement, as well as at the request of the company and outside Limits inherent in the preparation
the scope of accreditation, a conclusion with a reasonable
assurance on a selection of information, prepared in accordance of the Information
with the entity’s procedures (hereinafter the “Statement”) for the
The Information may be subject to uncertainty inherent in the
financial year ended December 31, 2021 (hereinafter respectively
state of scientific or economic knowledge and the quality of the 4
the “Information” and the “Statement”), presented in the
management report of the group in application of the provisions external data used. Some information is sensitive to the
of Articles L. 225-102-1, R. 225-105 and R. 225-105-1 of the methodological choices, assumptions and/or estimates used for
Commercial Code. their preparation and presented in the Statement.
Based on the procedures we performed, as described in the The Board of Directors is responsible for:
“Nature and scope of our work” and the evidence we collected, ■ selecting or setting appropriate criteria for the provision of the 5
nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that Information;
the consolidated non-financial statement is not presented in
■ preparing the Statement with reference to legal and regulatory
accordance with the applicable regulatory requirements and that
requirements, including a presentation of the business model, a
the Information, taken as a whole, is not presented fairly in
description of the principal non-financial risks, a presentation
accordance with the Guidelines, in all material respects.
of the policies implemented considering those risks and the
outcomes of said policies, including key performance
Reasonable assurance report on selected indicators and also, the Information required by Article 8 of
information Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (EU Taxonomy); 6
■ and implementing internal control procedures deemed
For the information selected by the company and identified by necessary to preparation of information, free from material
the sign √, we have carried out, at the company’s request and on misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
a voluntary basis, work of the same nature as that described in
The Statement has been prepared by applying the entity’s
the paragraph “Nature and scope of the work” above for the key
procedures as mentioned above.
performance indicators and for the other quantitative results that
we considered to be the most important. This work was carried
out in greater depth, particularly in terms of the number of tests. Responsibility of the Independent
The selected sample thus represents between 70% and 82% of Third Party
the environmental information identified by the sign √.
On the basis of our work, our responsibility is to provide a report
We believe that this work enables us to express reasonable
expressing a limited assurance conclusion on:
assurance on the information selected by the company and
identified by the sign √. ■ the compliance of the Statement with the requirements of
Article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code;
In our opinion, the information selected by the company and
identified by the sign √ has been established, in all material
respects, in accordance with the Standards.
■ the fairness of Information (observed or extrapolated) provided Nature and scope of our work
in accordance with Article R. 225-105 I, 3° and II of the French
Commercial Code, i.e., the outcomes, including key We planned and performed our work considering the risks of
performance indicators, and the measures implemented significant misstatement of the Information.
considering the principal risks (hereinafter the “Information”).
■ we are convinced that the procedures we have carried out in
It is also our responsibility to express, at the request of the entity the exercise of our professional judgment enable us to provide
and outside the scope of accreditation, a conclusion of a limited assurance conclusion;
reasonable assurance on the fact that the information selected by
the entity and presented in the Appendix has been established, in ■ we obtained an understanding of all the consolidated entities’
all its significant aspects, in accordance with the Guidelines. activities and the description of the principal risks associated;
However, it is not our responsibility to comment on the entity’s ■ we assessed the suitability of the criteria of the Guidelines with
compliance with other applicable legal and regulatory respect to their relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality
requirements, in particular the French duty of care law and and understandability, with due consideration of industry best
anti-corruption and tax avoidance legislation nor on the practices, where appropriate;
compliance of products and services with the applicable ■ we verified that the Statement includes each category of social
regulations. and environmental information set out in Article L. 225-102-1 III
This is not our responsibility to express an opinion on: as well as information regarding compliance with human rights
and anti-corruption and tax avoidance legislation;
■ the entity’s compliance with other applicable legal and
regulatory requirements (in particular with regard to the ■ we verified that the Statement provides the Information
Information required by Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 required under Article R. 225-105 II of the French Commercial
(green taxonomy), the due diligence plan and the fight against Code, where relevant with respect to the principal risks, and
corruption and tax evasion); includes, where applicable, an explanation for the absence of
the Information required under Article L. 225-102-1 III,
■ the truthfulness of the Information provided for in Article 8 of paragraph 2 of the French Commercial Code;
Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (EU Taxonomy);
■ we verified that the Statement presents the business model and
■ the compliance of products and services with applicable a description of principal risks associated with all the
regulations. consolidated entities’ activities, including where relevant and
proportionate, the risks associated with their business
Regulatory provisions and applicable relationships, their products or services, as well as their policies,
measures and the outcomes thereof, including key
professional standards performance indicators associated to the principal risks;
The work described below was performed with reference to the ■ we referred to documentary sources and conducted interviews
provisions of Articles A. 225-1 et seq. of the French Commercial to:
Code, as well as with the professional guidance of the French ■ assess the process used to identify and confirm the principal
Institute of Statutory Auditors (“CNCC”) applicable to such risks as well as the consistency of the outcomes, including
engagements and with ISAE 3000(1). the key performance indicators used, with respect to the
principal risks and the policies presented, and;
Independence and quality control ■ corroborate the qualitative information (measures and
outcomes) that we considered to be the most important
Our independence is defined by the requirements of presented in Appendix 1; concerning certain risks
Article L. 822-11 of the French Commercial Code and the French (Work-related accidents, psychosocial risks or occupational
Code of Ethics (Code de déontologie) of our profession. In illnesses, Significant lack of product control and traceability,
addition, we have implemented a system of quality control Failure of the removal and recall device, Inability or difficulties
including documented policies and procedures regarding in attracting and retaining key employees, Riots, popular
compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, demonstrations, strikes, social movements and agricultural
the ethical requirements and French professional. crises, Carrefour and its suppliers accused of failing to
comply with labor law, human rights and/or fair
remuneration, Failure to comply with the principles of
Means and resources diversity and equality and failures to combat discrimination
and harassment, Poor management or degradation of the
Our work was carried out by a team of 8 people between
social climate within Carrefour, Non-compliance with laws
October 2021 and February 2022 and took a total of 18 weeks.
on the protection of personal data (RGPD, LGPD, etc.),
We conducted 50 interviews with the people responsible for Non-compliance with anti-corruption laws (Sapin 2),
preparing the Statement, representing in particular CSR, Commercial offer not aligned with the environmental and
controlling, risk management, compliance, human resources. societal expectations of customers (local products, reduction
of packaging, food waste, etc.), our work was carried out on
the consolidating entity, for the others risks, our work was
carried out on the consolidating entity and on a selection of
(1) ISAE 3000 - Assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information
(2) The Business Units where work has been carried out are presented in Appendix 1.
■ we verified that the Statement covers the scope of ■ tests of details, using sampling techniques, in order to verify
consolidation, i.e., all the consolidated entities in accordance the proper application of the definitions and procedures and
with Article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code within reconcile the data with the supporting documents. This work
the limitations set out in the Statement; was carried out on a selection of contributing entities(1) and
covers between 22% and 100% of the consolidated data
■ we obtained an understanding of internal control and risk
relating to the key performance indicators and outcomes
management procedures the entity has put in place and
selected for these tests;
assessed the data collection process to ensure the
completeness and fairness of the Information; ■ we assessed the overall consistency of the Statement based on
our knowledge of all the consolidated entities.
■ for the key performance indicators and other quantitative
outcomes that we considered to be the most important The procedures performed for a limited assurance engagement
presented in Appendix 1, we implemented: are less extensive than those required for a reasonable assurance
engagement performed in accordance with the professional
■ analytical procedures to verify the proper consolidation of
doctrine of the French Institute of Statutory Auditors (“CNCC”).
the data collected and the consistency of any changes in
Indeed, the procedures performed for reasonable assurance
those data;
required more comprehensive verification work.
Paris La Défense, February 25, 2022
Independent third party
Edwige REY
Partner CSR & Sustainable Development
(1) The Business Units where work has been carried out are presented in Appendix 1
■ Failure to assess, develop and valorize skills ■ Business model not aligned with customers’ environmental and
societal expectations (local products, reduction of packaging,
■ Inability or difficulties in attracting and retaining key employees food waste, etc.)
■ Riots, popular demonstrations, strikes, social movements and ■ Deterioration of biodiversity linked to activities (oil pollution,
agricultural crises waste, construction, etc.)
■ Percentage of integration of recycled plastic in packaging (1) (3) ■ Percentage of Carrefour-branded chocolate bars comply
with our Sustainable Cocoa Purchasing Guidelines (1) (2)
■ Number of reusable packaging solutions available in stores (1) (3)
■ Average number of training hours per employee (1) (2) ■ Percentage of at-risk personnel trained on anti-corruption 1
■ Number of agreements signed (11)
■ Key Talent Attraction Rate (11) ■ Percentage of countries/entities with a DPO (11)
■ Share of customers who identified in-store food transition (11)
We have selected a list of Business Units on which we performed our tests of details. These Business Units are:
(1) France HM et SM (7) Italy HM et SM
(2) Belgium HM et SM (8) Poland HM et SM
(3) Brazil HM et SM (9) Romania HM et SM
(4) Brazil Atacadão (10) Taiwan HM et SM
(5) Spain HM et SM (11) Group
(6) Argentina HM et SM
3.2.1 Composition of the Board of Directors 188 3.6 Transactions in the Company’s shares
3.2.2 Operation of the Board of Directors 203 carried out by Company Officers 230
3.2.3 Board of Directors’ specialised committees 206
3.7 Related-party agreements referred
3.3 Group Executive Committee 214
to in Articles L. 225-38 et seq.
3.3.1 Composition of the Group Executive of the French Commercial Code 231
Committee 214
Authorisation procedure for arm’s length
3.3.2 Balanced composition of the group Executive
and related-party agreements 231
Committee 214
Agreements referred to in Articles L. 225-38
3.3.3 Biographies of the members of the Group
et seq. of the French Commercial Code 231
Executive Committee 215
Statutory Auditors’ special report
on regulated agreements 231
The Board of Directors implements a balanced and appropriate ( and takes into account the recommendations
governance structure, in line with best practices. set out in the implementing guidelines of the AFEP-MEDEF Code,
the recommendations of the High Commission on Corporate
As part of this work, the Board of Directors relies on the
Governance (Haut Comité de Gouvernement d’entreprise) and of
recommendations of the Governance Committee. The Board
the AMF, ongoing dialogue with shareholders and voting results
refers to the AFEP-MEDEF corporate governance code for listed
of the Shareholders’ Meetings, as well as the recommendations
companies (AFEP-MEDEF Code), as amended in January 2020,
of proxy advisory firms and extra-financial rating agencies.
which may be consulted at the Company’s head office, on the
AFEP website ( and on the MEDEF website
Governance summary
Audit Committee *
Compensation Committee *
AND ITS SPECIALISED Governance Committee *
CSR Committee *
Strategic Committee
Philippe Houzé
Alexandre Bompard
Stéphane Israël *
Chairman and Chief
Vice-Chairman Executive Officer Lead Director
Marie-Laure Cláudia Almeida e Silva *
Sauty de Chalon *
Buarque de Almeida
15 Directors
Arthur Sadoun *
Courbit *
Moulin Lemoine 4
Mathilde Abilio Diniz
Lemoine * Thierry Faraut Aurore
Representing Domont *
Edelstenne *
* Independent Director.
In light of dialogue with shareholders, Shareholders’ Meeting In addition, following the Agache group’s sale of its stake in the
voting results and best practices in the market, the Board of Carrefour group, Alexandre Arnault and Nicolas Bazire resigned
Directors has discussed possible changes to the Company’s as Directors on September 6, 2021. At its meeting on
governance. September 7, 2021, Carrefour’s Board of Directors, on the 6
recommendation of its Governance Committee, decided to
Following this work, on the recommendations of the Governance
appoint Arthur Sadoun as an independent member for the
Committee, in 2021, the Board of Directors decided to:
remainder of Nicolas Bazire’s term of office, i.e., until the end of
■ propose the renewal of nine Directors’ terms expiring at the the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting, namely the terms of Alexandre statements for the year ending December 31, 2023. This
Bompard, Philippe Houzé, Stéphane Israël, Cláudia Almeida e appointment will be submitted for ratification at Carrefour’s next
Silva, Nicolas Bazire, Stéphane Courbit, Aurore Domont, Shareholders’ Meeting. In this way, in line with shareholder
Mathilde Lemoine and Patricia Moulin-Lemoine; and requests, the Board has continued to reduce its size, increase the
■ renew Alexandre Bompard’s term of office as Chairman and percentage of Independent Directors to 61% and increase the 7
Chief Executive Officer following his reappointment as Director representation of women to 46%.
by the 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting, and to maintain the joint In addition, in accordance with AFEP-MEDEF Code
nature of the offices of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. recommendations, Thierry Faraut, a Director representing
employees, joined the Compensation Committee on
April 20, 2022.
Lastly, on the recommendation of the Governance Committee,
the Board of Directors decided to extend the powers of the Lead
Independent Director so that he/she may be consulted on the 8
agenda and schedule of Board meetings, propose specific items
for inclusion in the agenda of Board meetings and organise
meetings without the Executive Officers in attendance (executive
15 46% 5
Directors including Independence rate* women* specialised Committees
2 representing employees 4 of which are chaired
by Independent Directors
and 2 chaired by women
98% 100%
8 21
Board meetings in 2021 Attendance rate at Committee Attendance rate at
Board meetings meetings in 2021 Committee meetings
* In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code and the law, Directors representing employees are not included in the calculation of the above percentages.
3.1 A balanced governance structure
The Board of Directors regularly reviews whether the Company ■ the Chairmanship by an Independent Director of the Audit
has a suitably balanced governance structure. Committee, Governance Committee, Compensation
Committee and CSR Committee; Executive Management structure ■ the presence of an independent Lead Director with specific
responsibilities and duties that have been extended in 2020 and
There is no preferred Executive Management structure under the 2021 (see Section of this Universal Registration
French legislation in force. Document);
It is the Board of Directors’ responsibility to choose between the ■ the appointment, in 2020, of a Vice-Chairman of the Board of
two possible Executive Management methods (separate or Directors, a position held by a Director representing an early
combined), as provided by Article 3.2 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, shareholder of the Company (see Section of this
according to the Company’s specific requirements. Universal Registration Document); and
Among the CAC 40 companies, the combined Executive ■ limitations to the powers of the Chairman and Chief Executive
Management structure is preferred as the majority of companies Officer under the Board of Directors’ Internal Rules, providing
with a Board of Directors opted for this Executive Management for the Board of Directors’ prior approval on certain major
structure. strategic decisions or likely to have a material adverse effect on
the Company (see below).
Upon the appointment of Alexandre Bompard as Chairman and
The Board of Directors noted the efficiency of the combination
Chief Executive Officer on July 18, 2017, the Board of Directors
decided to maintain the joint nature of the offices of Chairman of the duties of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and was
and Chief Executive Officer to simplify the decision-making satisfied with the balance of powers existing between the
process and enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Directors.
Company’s governance. The ratification and renewal of his According to the external assessment of the Board of Directors’
directorship were approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of work, carried out at the end of 2019, and the annual
June 15, 2018. self-assessment process conducted at the end of 2020, all the
Board members appreciate the quality of governance
The Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 renewed the term of
office of Alexandre Bompard as Director. Following this renewal,
implemented and confirm the relevance of the Executive 5
Management structure which promotes a close relationship
the Board of Directors reiterated its confidence in Alexandre
based on trust between the Chairman and Chief Executive
Bompard by renewing his appointment as Chairman and Chief
Officer and the Directors. The Board of Directors considered that
Executive Officer.
the consolidation of the duties of Chairman and Chief Executive
The Board of Directors regularly examines its composition and Officer, at a time of profound transformation for the Group,
operation and seeks to implement a balanced governance allowed greater efficiency and responsiveness in the Group’s
structure that is appropriate and capable of dealing with the management enabling the Directors to perform their duties. The
circumstances and challenges of the Carrefour group. The Board Board of Directors noted that this organisation promoted a
of Directors considers that the governance measures transparent and dynamic dialogue between the Executive 6
implemented in the Company provide a suitable balance of Management and the Board of Directors, in particular with a view
powers in line with best practices and offer the guarantees to implementing a leaner, prompt and effective “Carrefour 2022”
required to operate a combined management structure, strategic plan. This Executive Management structure also recently
particularly in light of: demonstrated its relevance in the midst of an unprecedented
health crisis demanding a high level of involvement and
■ the presence of a majority of Independent Directors as
responsiveness from the Directors and Executive Management.
members of the Board of Directors and two Directors
representing employees; Consequently, the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 having
renewed his term of office as Director, the Board of Directors
■ the existence of the Board of Directors’ five specialised
unanimously decided to renew Alexandre Bompard’s term of 7
Committees with different duties and responsibilities in the
office as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for a period of
areas of audit, compensation, governance, CSR and strategy
three years. This proposal reflects the Board’s renewed
(see Section 3.2.3 of this Universal Registration Document on
confidence in its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, its choice
the role and composition of these Committees);
to continue implementing the Company’s strategic plan and its
desire to maintain a unified governance structure.
Governance 10
0 13
Finance 9
0 13
International 12
0 13
0 13
Digital transformation
& Innovation 8
0 13
Retail 7
0 13
Appointment of two
Directors representing
Directors representing employees
Criteria Targets Implementation and results obtained in 2021
Directors’ 50% of Independent
independence Directors, in compliance with
the AFEP-MEDEF Code for
widely-held corporations
without controlling
shareholders 39% 61%
Non-independent Independent
Directors Directors 2
40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 75 >75
Average age:
60 years 4
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
62 years 59 years 58 years 58 years 60 years
tenure 7
of Board
4 5
1 1
0-2 2-5 5 - 10 10 - 15
Average tenure
5 years 6
Directors are active and committed, which contributes to the quality of the Board of Directors’ deliberations with respect to the
decisions it takes. Directors’ profiles and their levels of experience and expertise are described in their biographies in Section of
this Universal Registration Document.
7 Directors representing employees management duties within the Company or its Group, but must
also be free of any particular vested interest (as a significant
Article 11 of the Company’s Articles of Association specifies that shareholder, employee, or otherwise) in the Company or its
“When the Company falls within the scope of Article L. 225-27-1 Group.
of the French Commercial Code, the Board of Directors shall also The Board of Directors referred to the following AFEP-MEDEF
include one or more Directors representing employees of which Code criteria in determining a Director’s independence:
the number and conditions of appointment are set by the
applicable legal provisions of these Articles of Association. When ■ not to be or have been over the past five years:
only one Director representing employees is to be appointed, ■ an employee or Executive Officer of the Company,
he/she is appointed by the Group Committee (Comité de Groupe
■ an employee, Executive Officer or Director of a company that
français Carrefour). When two Directors representing employees
the Company consolidates,
are to be appointed, the second is appointed by the European
Works Council (Comité d’information et de concertation ■ an employee, Executive Officer or Director of the Company’s
européen Carrefour).” parent company or a company that the latter consolidates;
Following the meeting of the European Works Council on ■ not to be an Executive Officer of a company in which the
October 4, 2017 designating Martine Saint-Cricq as a Director Company directly or indirectly holds a directorship or in which
representing employees, she joined the Board of Directors on an employee appointed as such or an Executive Officer of the
October 18, 2017. She was reappointed by the European Works Company (currently in office or having held such office over
Council at its meeting of October 7, 2020. the past five years) is a Director;
Following the meeting of the Group Committee on ■ not to be a customer, supplier, investment banker or
November 23, 2017 designating Thierry Faraut as a Director commercial banker:
representing employees, he joined the Board of Directors on
■ that is material for the Company or its Group, or
January 17, 2018. He was reappointed by the Group Committee
at its meeting of December 8, 2020. ■ for which the Company or its Group represents a significant
proportion of business;
Their biographies are presented in Section of this Universal
Registration Document. As required by law, they have both ■ not to be related by close family ties to a Company Officer;
resigned from their positions as trade union employee ■ not to have been a Statutory Auditor of the Company over the
representatives. past five years;
The Directors representing employees have the same status, ■ not to have been a Director of the Company for more than
rights and responsibilities as the other Directors. 12 years.
They received compensation in 2021 on the same basis as other A non-executive Company Officer receiving variable
Directors. compensation in cash or securities or any compensation linked
The Board of Directors granted Directors representing employees to the performance of the Company or the Group cannot be
20 hours of training per year and 15 hours of preparation time per considered independent.
meeting. They received internal training to familiarise them with Directors representing main shareholders of the Company may
the role of and rules pertaining to Directors, as well as their rights, be regarded as independent if the relevant shareholder does not
obligations and responsibilities in that capacity. Martine exercise any control over the Company. However, beyond a
Saint-Cricq also received training provided by the French Institute threshold of 10% of the share capital or voting rights, the Board
of Directors (Institut Français des Administrateurs – IFA) paid for of Directors will, on the recommendation of the Governance
by the Group. Committee, review the Director’s independence taking into
Furthermore, the Board of Directors offered them the account the Company’s ownership structure and the existence of
opportunity to participate in an integration programme designed any potential conflicts of interest.
to enhance their knowledge of the Group’s business and
organisation. To this end, they have had interviews with Group Review of Directors’ independence
Senior managers.
The Board of Directors’ Internal Rules require that it conduct an Directors’ independence annual review, on the recommendation of the Governance
Committee, of each Director’s independence.
In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code, applied by the In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code, and on the
Company, “the Independent Directors should account for half recommendation of the Governance Committee, the Board of
the members of the Board in widely held corporations without Directors conducted the annual assessment of the Directors’
controlling shareholders”. independence on April 20, 2022. From among its members, eight
directors are deemed to be Independent, i.e., 61%, in accordance
Independence criteria with the recommendation set out in the AFEP-MEDEF Code (this
proportion does not include Directors representing employees).
According to the AFEP-MEDEF Code, Directors are independent Cláudia Almeida e Silva, Aurore Domont, Mathilde Lemoine and
if they have no relationship of any kind with the Company, its Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon, as well as Stéphane Courbit,
Group or its Management that could compromise their freedom Charles Edelstenne, Stéphane Israël and Arthur Sadoun, qualify as
of judgement. Thus, an Independent Director must not only be a Independent Directors.
Non-Executive Director, i.e., one not performing any
On the recommendation of the Governance Committee, the The Board of Directors also took into account the change to the 1
Board of Directors determined that none of the Independent management team that took place in 2017, which meant that
Directors have any material business relationships with the close ties could not be formed with the current team given the
Group, directly or indirectly, that could create a conflict of duration of his term.
interests from the point of view of either the Group or the
Charles Edelstenne’s qualities and in-depth knowledge of the
Director concerned. Several criteria were used to determine the
Group were considered essential given the radical change in the
materiality of business relationships: the precedence and history
composition of the Board since 2018 and its reduced size,
of the contractual relationship between the Group and the group
making him a highly valuable contributor to the Board’s strategic
within which a Company Director holds a Company office or has
executive duties; the existence of arm’s length conditions in the
decisions. 2
contractual relationship; the absence of economic dependence Given this assessment, the Board of Directors considered that the
or exclusivity; and the non-material nature of the proportion of length of directorship criterion defined in the AFEP-MEDEF Code
sales resulting from business relationships between the group among eight other criteria was not itself sufficient for Charles
concerned and the Carrefour group. Edelstenne to automatically lose his independent status, and that
there was no other reason to prevent him from continuing in
On the recommendation of the Governance Committee, the
office as an Independent Director until the end of his term at the
Board of Directors re-examined the status of Charles Edelstenne.
2022 Shareholders’ Meeting.
Charles Edelstenne, whose term is due to expire at the end of the
In accordance with the Board of Directors’ Internal Rules,
Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements
Directors express their opinions freely and commit to preserving
for the year ending December 31, 2021, had, as of July 2020,
in all circumstances their independence of analysis, judgement,
been a Director for longer than the maximum period of 12 years
decision-making and actions. They also undertake to reject any
recommended by the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
pressure, whether direct or indirect, that could be exerted upon
Accordingly, the Board of Directors took into account Charles them from other Directors, specific groups of shareholders,
Edelstenne’s reputation, professional experience, the objectivity creditors, suppliers or any other third party. Each Director shall
he has consistently demonstrated during Board meetings, his refrain from seeking or accepting from the Company or its
critical judgement and his ability to make sound decisions in all affiliates, directly or indirectly, any advantages that could be
situations, in particular as regards Executive Management. considered likely to compromise his or her independence. 4
The table below shows the position of each Director (except for the Directors representing employees), based on the independence
criteria set out in the AFEP-MEDEF Code:
Criterion 1 Criterion 7
Employee or
Company Criterion 2
Criterion 3
Significant Criterion 5
Criterion 6
In office for
executive Criterion 8 5
officer in the Cross- business Criterion 4 Statutory more than Company Main
Director(1) past 5 years directorships relationships Family ties Auditors 12 years officer shareholder
Alexandre Bompard
Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Philippe Houzé
Vice-Chairman ✓ ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Stéphane Israël(*)
Lead Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6
Cláudia Almeida e Silva(*) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Flavia Buarque de Almeida ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Stéphane Courbit(*) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Abilio Diniz ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Aurore Domont(*) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Charles Edelstenne(*) (2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mathilde Lemoine(*) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Patricia Moulin Lemoine ✓ ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Arthur Sadoun ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon(*) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Duration of appointment
1 ¿
- ¿ 4
1 ¦
- ¿
3 ¿
- (6) 5
- ¿
¿ Chair.
¦ Vice-Chair. 6
Directors, except Directors representing employees, are appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting upon proposal of the Board
of Directors on the recommendation of the Governance Committee. They are appointed for a term of three years.
The Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 approved the renewal Following the Agache group’s sale of its stake in the Carrefour
of the terms of office of Alexandre Bompard, Philippe Houzé, group, Alexandre Arnault and Nicolas Bazire resigned as Directors
Stéphane Israël, Cláudia Almeida e Silva, Nicolas Bazire, Stéphane on September 6, 2021. At its meeting on September 7, 2021,
Courbit, Aurore Domont, Patricia Moulin-Lemoine and Mathilde Carrefour’s Board of Directors, on the recommendation of its
Lemoine. Governance Committee, decided to appoint Arthur Sadoun as an
independent member for the remainder of Nicolas Bazire’s term
of office, i.e., until the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to
approve the financial statements for the year ending
December 31, 2023. This appointment will be submitted for
ratification at Carrefour’s next Shareholders’ Meeting.
Alexandre Bompard
CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/Chairman of the Strategic Committee
In France: In France:
■ Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Carrefour Foundation ■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Expiry of term: 2017), Director and
(Carrefour group) member of the Corporate, Environmental and Social Responsibility
■ Director of Orange(*) Committee of Fnac Darty(*)
■ Member of the Board of Directors of Le Siècle (an independent ■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fnac Darty Participations et
organisation under French law 1901) Services (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Member of the Supervisory Committee of Banijay Group Holding (Expiry
of term: 2018)
Member of the Strategic Committee of Lov Banijay (Expiry of term: 2018)
Member of the Board of Directors of Le Siècle (an independent 5
organisation under French law 1901) (Expiry of term: 2019)
■ Director of Darty Ltd (United Kingdom) (Expiry of term: 2017)
Philippe Houzé
VICE-CHAIRMAN/Member of the Audit Committee, Governance Committee and Strategic Committee
Philippe Houzé is Chairman of the Executive Board at Galeries Lafayette, a family-owned group
with 125 years of history in fashion, business and retail with brands such as Galeries Lafayette,
BHV/MARAIS, La Redoute, Louis Pion, Galeries Lafayette-Royal Quartz Paris, Mauboussin and
After graduating from INSEAD Business School, Philippe Houzé began his career with Monoprix
BORN ON: November 27, 1947 in 1969. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Monoprix in 1982 and Chairman and Chief
NATIONALITY: French Executive Officer in 1994, holding the position until November 2012. He was Co-Chairman of
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 3,167 the Galeries Lafayette group from 1998 to 2004 and became Chairman of the Executive Board in
DIRECTORS: June 11, 2015 Philippe Houzé is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Galeries Lafayette
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: May 21, 2021 group, France’s largest chain of department stores. With his sales, marketing and fashion industry
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ expertise, he used innovative concepts to transform Monoprix, making it a leading local retailer
Meeting called to approve the financial
in town and city centres. As Chairman of the Executive Board of the Galeries Lafayette group, he
statements for the year ending
December 31, 2023
played a role in making Galeries Lafayette the leading department store in Europe, with the
ambition of becoming a benchmark for omni-channel, responsible and innovative business, and
promoting the French “Art of Living”.
In 2014, Philippe Houzé orchestrated the acquisition of a significant stake in the Carrefour group
on behalf of Motier SAS, the Galeries Lafayette family holding company. In 2017, he led the
acquisition of 51% of the share capital of La Redoute, with the goal of holding 100% of the shares
by 2021. In 2015, Philippe Houzé received the “International Retailer of the Year” award on behalf
of Galeries Lafayette from the National Retail Federation (NRF), a prestigious American retail
trade association bringing together key global industry players.
As a committed stakeholder in the French economy, Philippe Houzé has made a personal
commitment to sustainable development: he has been heavily involved in the regeneration of
town and city centres while taking into consideration the Galeries Lafayette group’s
environmental and social responsibilities. As outlined in his book, La vie s’invente en ville, he
intends to continue working on behalf of inner city areas and help build a brighter future for the
next generations. Following in the footsteps of the Group’s founders, Philippe Houzé continues
to support Galeries Lafayette’s commitment to contemporary art and creation.
He supported the launch of the Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette, of which he is a
Director. The Fondation held its grand opening in March 2018 in the heart of the Marais district
in Paris, in a building renovated by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Rem Koolhaas.
He is a member of the Supervisory Committee of BHV, a Director of HSBC France, and was Lead
Director at Carrefour until April 20, 2020, when he became Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Directors. He is also a member of the Carrefour group Audit Committee, Appointments
Committee and Strategic Committee.
As part of his strong commitment to the student community, he is Chairman of the Board of
ESCP Business School, President of the INSEAD France Council, as well as a member of the
INSEAD Board of Directors. He is also a member and former Chairman of the Association
Internationale des Grands Magasins (AIGM), a former Director of the National Retail Federation
(NRF) in the United States, a member and former Chairman of the Union du Grand Commerce
de Centre Ville (UCV), an elected member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris
Île-de-France (CCIP), a member of the Association Française des Entreprises Privées (AFEP), and
a former Director of the Institut Français de la Mode.
He is a member of the association Alliance 46.2 Entreprendre en France pour le Tourisme.
Philippe Houzé is Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur, Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et Lettres
et des Palmes Académiques et du Mérite Agricole.
In France: In France:
■ Chairman of the Executive Board of Galeries Lafayette ■ Chairman of the Board of Novancia Business School (Expiry of term:
■ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of La Redoute SAS 2016)
■ President of the INSEAD France Council ■ Director of Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) (Expiry of term: 2019)
■ Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Motier SAS ■ Chairman of Guérin Joaillerie SAS (Expiry of term: 2019)
■ Member of the association Alliance 46.2 Entreprendre en France pour le ■ Vice-Chairman of the association Alliance 46.2 Entreprendre en France
Tourisme pour le Tourisme (Expiry of term: 2020)
■ Director, Chairman of the Appointments Committee and Chairman of ■ Chairman of Motier Domaines SAS (Expiry of term: 2020)
Compensation Committee of HSBC France(*) Abroad:
■ Director of Lafayette Anticipation-Fondation d’entreprise Galeries
Lafayette (Founder)
■ None.
■ Member of the Supervisory Committee of BHV
■ Member of the Board of Directors of INSEAD
■ Member of the Union du Grand Commerce de Centre Ville (UCV)
■ Elected member at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris
Île-de-France (CCIP)
■ Chairman of the Board of ESCP Business School
Stéphane Israël
Following two years of preparatory literature courses at the prestigious Henri IV secondary
school in Paris, Stéphane Israël began his tertiary studies in 1991 at École Normale Supérieure
where he obtained postgraduate and teaching degrees in history (1993-1995) before going on
to attend École Nationale d’Administration (ENA) in 1999. 2
He taught at Harvard University (1994-1995) and Université de Valenciennes in northern
BORN ON: January 3, 1971 France (1997-1998) and worked for the Chairman of the French National Assembly from 1997
NATIONALITY: French to 1998.
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,500 In 2001, he joined the Cour des Comptes (second chamber), France’s Court of Accounts, as
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF an auditor and was appointed as a senior auditor. In 2004, he contributed to the report on
DIRECTORS: June 15, 2018 corporate tax competition published by France’s Taxation Board. From 2005 to 2007, he also
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: May 21, 2021 worked as an associate professor at École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris and founded and
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting directed a joint programme with the school to prepare students for the ENA entrance exam.
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2023 In 2007, Stéphane Israël joined the Airbus group, where he served as advisor to Louis Gallois,
Executive Chairman of EADS (as the group was known at the time), before holding various
operational management positions in the group’s space division, including in budget and
programme control for the ballistic missile project management unit and in the services
segment of the European Global Monitoring for Environment and Safety (Copernicus)
From 2012 to 2013, he was Chief of Staff to the French Minister for Productive Recovery
(Ministry in charge of industry).
In April 2013, he joined Arianespace SA as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In 2017, he 4
became Executive Chairman of Arianespace SAS and joined the Executive Committee of
ArianeGroup, a subsidiary of Airbus and Safran. He is also the Chairman of MEDEF
International’s France-South Korea Business Club and was named a Chevalier de l’Ordre
National de la Légion d’Honneur.
Stéphane Israël brings the Board of Directors the skills and expertise he has acquired through
his extensive experience in the management of a multinational company, in business strategy
and innovation, and in the areas of accounting and finance. His skills and experience make
him a valuable member of the Board of Directors and its Audit Committee.
Stéphane Israël was also appointed Lead Director of the Carrefour group on April 20, 2020. 5
In France: In France:
■ Executive Chairman of Arianespace SAS ■ Director and member of the Audit Committee of Havas SA (Expiry of term:
■ Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace Participation SA 2018)
■ Member of the Executive Committee of ArianeGroup ■ Director of CDC International Capital
■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Starsem SA ■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace Participation SA
■ President of S3R (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace SA (Expiry of term:
Cláudia Almeida e Silva is Managing Partner of Singularity Capital, an investment fund dedicated to
start-ups, and an adviser within the Startup Lisboa incubator.
She began her career in 1997 as a consultant at Coopers & Lybrand in Portugal, then at
PricewaterhouseCoopers where she was appointed manager of the Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) practice in 1999.
BORN ON: September 24, 1973 In 2002, Cláudia Almeida e Silva joined the Conforama retail group in Portugal, where she served
NATIONALITY: Portuguese as Commercial Director in charge of Marketing, Supply Chain and Product Management.
In 2005, she joined Fnac, where she became general manager of the Portuguese subsidiary in
2008 and, from 2013, member of the Group Executive Committee in charge of supervising Spain
DIRECTORS: January 22, 2019
and Brazil.
SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING: June 14, 2019 She is a graduate of the Lisbon School of Business and Economics, of which she is now an
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: May 21, 2021 Executive in Residence.
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Her in-depth knowledge of the start-up sector and retail experience in Southern Europe and
Meeting called to approve the financial Brazil are valuable assets to support the Group’s transformation plan, “Carrefour 2022”.
statements for the year ending December 31,
Abroad: Abroad:
■ Managing Director of Singularity Capital SA (Portugal) ■ Legal manager of Fnac Portugal (Portugal)
■ Managing Director of Praça Hub Lda (Portugal)
Flavia Buarque de Almeida received her undergraduate degree from Fundaçao Getulio Vargas
(1989) and her MBA from Harvard University (1994).
From 1989 to 2003, she was a Consultant and Partner at McKinsey & Company. She also
served as an Independent Director of Lojas Renner and as a Director of the Grupo Camargo,
which includes Camargo Corrêa, Camargo Corrêa Cimentos (now Intercement), Construções
BORN ON: August 4, 1967 e Comércio Camargo Corrêa, Alpargatas, and Santista Têxtil. In addition, she was Director of
NATIONALITY: Brazilian Harvard University’s Board of Overseers.
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,069 From November 2009 to April 2013, she was a Partner with the Monitor group, in charge of
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF its operations in South America. From May 2003 to September 2009, she served as the
DIRECTORS: April 12, 2017 Managing Director of Participações Morro Vermelho.
In July 2013, Flavia Buarque de Almeida joined the Península Group as head of the Private
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting
Equity business.
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2021 She became Managing Director in January 2016 and then Partner at Península Capital later
that same year.
She has also been a Director of W2W e-Commerce de Vinhos SA since August 2016, of
BRF SA since April 2017 and of Ultrapar Participações SA since May 2019.
Flavia Buarque de Almeida brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of her experience and
knowledge of the financial and banking markets, as well as her financial vision of shareholding
structures, her knowledge of the mass retail industry, strategy and corporate governance, and
her international experience. She also lends to the Board of Directors her experience in listed
companies and her experience as a Director of national and international listed companies.
In Brazil: In Brazil:
■ Managing Director and Partner of Peninsula Capital Participações SA ■ Independent Director of Lojas Renner SA(*) (Expiry of term: 2016)
■ Chief Executive Officer of the Península Group ■ Director of Harvard University’s Board of Overseers (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Director of W2W E-Commerce de Vinhos SA ■ Director of GAEC Educação (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Director of BRF SA(*) ■ Managing Director of O3 Gestão de Recursos Ltda (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Director of Vitamina Chile SPA
■ Director of Ultrapar Participações SA(*)
■ Member of the Deliberating Council of Instituto Península
Stéphane Courbit
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR/Member of the Strategic Committee and the Compensation Committee
Stéphane Courbit is a graduate of ISG Paris and IUT Valence. He began his career working for
French TV and radio personality Christophe Dechavanne. In 1994, he teamed up with TV
producer and anchorman Arthur and created ASP (Arthur Stéphane Production), which
produced the long-running TV show Les Enfants de la Télé. In 1998, Endemol acquired a 2
stake in ASP, which subsequently changed its name to Endemol France, becoming France’s
BORN ON: April 28, 1965 leading audiovisual production company in just a few years. Stéphane Courbit sold his stake in
NATIONALITY: French 2006 and left the Company in 2007.
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,000 The same year, he founded Lov Group, a holding company that invests in audiovisual
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF production, luxury hotels, the Internet and energy. The merger between Banijay Group and
DIRECTORS: June 15, 2018 Zodiak in February 2016 put Stéphane Courbit at the helm of one of the largest audiovisual
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: May 21, 2021 production companies in the world. In October 2019, the Banijay Group agreed to acquire the
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting Endemol Shine Group subject to approval from the competition authorities, which would
called to approve the financial statements for the make it the world’s leading audiovisual production group.
year ending December 31, 2023
Stéphane Courbit is the Chief Executive Officer of Lov Group, a company primarily oriented
towards audiovisual production, online betting and luxury hotels.
Stéphane Courbit brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of his extensive experience
gained as an entrepreneur in the media and Internet sectors and as the leader of a global
company, as well as his skills and expertise in content production and digital media.
In France: In France:
■ Chairman of Lov Group Invest (and member of the Supervisory Board) ■ Chairman of Banijay Holding SAS (Expiry of term: 2019)
As a representative of Lov Group Invest: ■ Chairman of Betclic Everest Group (Expiry of term: 2020) (and member of
the Board of Directors)
■ Chairman of Financière Lov (and member of the Supervisory Board) ■ Legal manager of EURL Zust (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Chairman of Banijay Group ■ Legal manager of EURL Les Zudistes (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Chairman of Banijay Group Holding (and member of the Supervisory ■ Legal manager of SCI ST Le Phare (Expiry of term: 2021)
Board) As a representative of Lov Group Invest:
■ Chairman of Betclic Everest Group (and member of the Board of
Directors) ■ Chairman of LG Industrie SAS (Expiry of term: 2021)
Chairman of Airelles
Chairman of Melezin
Chairman of ILR (Expiry of term: 2021)
Chairman of Chalet de Pierres SAS (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Chairman of Bastide de Gordes & Spa ■ Chairman of Betclic Group (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Chairman of Hôtel Château de la Messardière
■ Manager of Solières
■ Chairman of Lov Sapineaux
■ Chairman of Lov Immo
■ Chairman of Estoublon Holding
■ Chairman of LDH (and member of the Supervisory Board)
■ Chairman of Lov Banijay
■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lovestate
Chairman of Mangas Lov
Chairman of Ormello
■ Chairman of Choucalov
■ Chairman of Fold Holding
■ Chairman of Lov Hotel Collection Holding (and member of the
Supervisory Board)
■ Chairman of Lov Hotel Collection
■ Chairman of Clos Bellevarde
■ Chairman of la Genevoise
■ Chairman of LHC Immo
■ Chairman of LHCH Venice
Chairman of Lov & SPB
Chairman of FL Cosmetics
■ Chairman of Lov & Co
■ Chairman of Lov & Food
■ Chairman of Fouquet
■ Chairman of Résidence du Roy
As a representative of Financière Lov:
■ Chairman of Banijay Entertainment
■ Legal manager of SCI Parking La Garonne
■ Legal manager of SCI James & Co
Legal manager of SCI Gordita
Legal manager of SCI Blancs Mills
■ Legal manager of SCI Néva Thézillat
■ Legal manager of SARL 5 Thézillat
■ Legal manager of SCI Zust
■ Legal manager of SCI Les Zudistes
■ Legal manager of SCI 607
■ Legal manager of SCI 611
■ Legal manager of SCI Jaysal II
■ Legal manager of SCI Minos
■ Legal manager of SCI Roux Milly
■ Manager of SCI Courvalios
Abilio Diniz
DIRECTOR/Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Committee
A seasoned retail professional, Abilio Diniz co-founded Grupo Pão de Açúcar with his father
and served as Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1993 to 2013.
He was a member of the Brazilian National Monetary Council between 1979 and 1989.
Abilio Diniz has a degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and,
since 2010, has been teaching a course at FGV called “Leadership 360º”, which aims to train
BORN ON: December 28, 1936 and coach young leaders.
He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of BRF, the world’s largest animal protein
exporter, from 2013 to 2018 and is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Península group, his family’s group of investment companies.
DIRECTORS: May 17, 2016 Abilio Diniz brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of his experience and expertise in
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: June 14, 2019 retail and consumer goods, knowledge of retail business, global strategy, private equity and
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting governance, as well as his financial view of shareholding structures, international knowledge
called to approve the financial statements for the and experience in listed companies and as a Director of national and international listed
year ending December 31, 2021 companies.
In Brazil: In France:
■ Director of Atacadão SA(*) (Carrefour group) ■ Observer of the Board of Directors of Carrefour(*) (Expiry of term: 2016)
■ Chairman and Director of Península Participações SA, Zabaleta In Brazil:
Participações Ltda and Paic Participações Ltda
■ Director of: Ciclade Participações Ltda., Papanicols Empreendimentos e ■ Chairman of the Board of Directors of BRF (Expiry of term: 2018)
Participações Ltda., Santa Juliana Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.,
■ Director of: Adams Avenue Real Estate LLC, Adams Avenue Realty Holding
Corporation (Expiry of term: 2020)
Ganesh Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda., Naidiá
Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda., Ayann Empreendimentos e
■ Chairman and Director of Reco Master Empreendimentos e
Participações SA (Expiry of term: 2021)
Participações Ltda., Chapelco Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.,
Edgewood Real Estate LLC, Edgewood Realty Holding Corporation,
■ Director of Onyx 2006 Participações Ltda (Expiry of term: 2021)
Orca SARL, Península Europe SARL and Plenae Comércio e Serviços Para
o Bem-Estar EIRELI
Aurore Domont
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR/Chair of the CSR Committee and Member of the Governance Committee
Aurore Domont holds a Master’s degree in Business law from Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne
University. She began her career at CEP Communication before joining the Lagardère
Publicité group in 1996, where she notably held the position of Deputy Chief Executive
Officer in charge of Radio and Press.
In January 2011, Aurore Domont was appointed Executive Director of Prisma Pub, the
BORN ON: December 20, 1968 advertising arm of the Prisma Media group. In August 2013, she became the President of
NATIONALITY: French FigaroMedias and a member of the Executive Committee of the Figaro group.
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,000 Aurore Domont brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of her experience in global and
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF omni-channel communication strategies and in the digital transformation of businesses. Her
DIRECTORS: June 15, 2018 work has also given her a solid understanding of various areas of digital technology, including
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: May 21, 2021 data management, social media, programming, mobile and video. Her skills and experience
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting make her a valuable member of the Board of Directors.
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2023
In France: In France:
■ President of FigaroMedias ■ Member of the Board of Directors of Social & Stories (Expiry of term:
■ President of Social & Stories 2020)
■ Director of Figaro Classified ■ Member of the Board of Directors of Touchvibes (Expiry of term: 2020)
■ Member of the Board of Directors of SRI
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Mediasquare
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Société du Figaro
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Zebestof
■ Member of the Board of Directors of ACPM
■ Member of the Board of the Syndicat des Régies Publishers
Charles Edelstenne
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR/Chairman of the Governance Committee and member of the Compensation Committee
A qualified chartered accountant (IFEC graduate), Charles Edelstenne joined Dassault Aviation
in 1960 as Head of the Financial Analysis Unit.
He went on to hold posts such as Deputy Secretary General, Secretary General and Executive
Deputy Chairman, Economic and Financial Affairs, before being appointed to the Board in 2
1989. He was elected as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 2000, a combined role he
BORN ON: January 9, 1938 held until January 8, 2013.
NATIONALITY: French Founder, Chief Executive Officer and current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dassault
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,000 Systèmes SE, Charles Edelstenne brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of his
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF experience as an executive and Director of multinationals and listed companies, as well as his
DIRECTORS: July 28, 2008 expertise in finance and his knowledge of digital transformation and innovation.
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2021
In France: In France:
■ Director and Honorary President of Dassault Aviation SA(*) ■ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Médias SAS (Expiry of
■ Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dassault Systèmes SE(*) term: 2019)
■ Honorary President of GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises ■ Chairman of Rond-Point Holding SAS (Expiry of term: 2019)
■ Director of Sogitec Industries SA (Expiry of term: 2019)
Aéronautiques et Spatiales)
■ Chairman of Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault SAS ■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Groupe Industriel Marcel 4
■ Director of Thales SA(*) Dassault SAS (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ Chairman of Dassault Médias SAS ■ Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault (Expiry of
■ Chairman of Groupe Figaro SASU term: 2018)
■ Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Wine Estates SASU Abroad:
■ Chairman of Rond-Point Immobilier SAS
■ Legal manager of Rond-Point Investissement EURL ■ Director of Banque Lepercq de Neuflize & Co. Inc. (United States) (Expiry
of term: 2019)
■ Chairman of Société du Figaro SAS
■ Manager of ARIE civil partnership ■ Chairman of Dassault International Corp. (United States) (Expiry of term:
■ Manager of ARIE 2 civil partnership
■ Manager of NILI civil partnership ■ Director of SABCA(*) (Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions
■ Manager of NILI 2 civil partnership Aéronautiques) (Belgium) (Expiry of term: 2020) 5
■ Manager of SCI Maison Rouge
■ Director of the mutual fund Monceau Dumas
■ Director of Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation (United States)
■ Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sitam Belgique SA
Thierry Faraut
DIRECTOR REPRESENTING EMPLOYEES/Member of the Governance Committee and of the Compensation Committee
Thierry Faraut joined the Carrefour group in 1996. After two years as an intern, he became a
Butchery department manager, first in Lyon, then in Marseille. In 2003, he was named central
trade union delegate for Continent France and later for Carrefour hypermarkets in 2006.
In 2010, he oversaw the French national trade union of Carrefour managers (Syndicat
National de l’Encadrement Carrefour – SNEC) and became trade union delegate for the
BORN ON: May 15, 1970 Carrefour group. With SNEC, he participated in partnerships with Carrefour and humanitarian
NATIONALITY: French organisations working on behalf of underprivileged children in Senegal and Benin. In addition,
DATE OF DESIGNATION BY THE GROUP he was a member of the Group Committee.
COMMITTEE: November 23, 2017
He was elected Vice-Chairman of the food industry section of the French federation of
DATE OF INTEGRATION TO THE BOARD OF management trade unions (Fédération CFE-CGC) in November 2019.
DIRECTORS: January 17, 2018
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: December 8, 2020
Thierry Faraut brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of his experience working directly
with customers, his precise knowledge of the Group’s store formats and markets and his
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: December 8, 2023
overall understanding of the mass retail industry. His vision, which takes into account both
economic and labour issues, has been shaped by his experience working with trade unions.
None. In France:
■ Group delegate for SNEC CFE-CGC (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Trade union representative for SNEC CFE-CGC on the Group Committee
(Expiry of term: 2017)
Mathilde Lemoine
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR/Chair of the Compensation Committee and member of the Audit Committee
In France: In France:
■ Director of CMA-CGM, member of the Audit Committee and the ■ Member of the Board of Directors of Dassault Aviation SA(*)
Appointments and Compensation Committee (Expiry of term: 2021)
■ Member of the Board of Directors of École Normale Supérieure
(Expiry of term: 2019) 6
■ Member of the Haut Conseil des Finances Publiques
(Expiry of term: 2018)
After graduating from Institut d’études politiques de Paris in 1970 with a public service degree,
she was admitted as an attorney in 1971 and practised between 1972 and 2014 with expertise
in employment, commercial, intellectual property and family law.
In addition, she taught civil and insurance law to employees of Assurances Générales de
France (1977-1994) and labour law at the University of Paris VIII’s Sociology department
BORN ON: February 20, 1949 (1985-1992).
NATIONALITY: French Patricia Moulin Lemoine brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of her knowledge of the
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 1,167 retail sector, as well as experience in corporate governance and corporate social
DIRECTORS: June 11, 2015
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2023
In France: In France:
■ Chief Executive Officer of Motier SAS ■ Director of Théatre Labruyère (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Motier SAS
■ Chair of the Supervisory Board of Galeries Lafayette SA
■ Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Committee of BHV Exploitation (SAS)
■ Chair of Grands Magasins Galeries Lafayette SAS
■ Chair of Immobilière du Marais (SAS)
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of S2F Flexico
■ Vice-Chair of the French-American Foundation France
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of Banque Transantlantique
Arthur Sadoun
Arthur Sadoun, 50, is Chairman of the Management Board of Publicis Groupe, the world’s third-largest
communications group.
He began his career in Chile, where he set up his own advertising agency, which he later sold to
BBDO/Chile. 2
Upon his return to France in 1997, he joined the TBWA network (Omnicom) as International Director of
BORN ON: May 23, 1971 Strategic Planning and became CEO of TBWA/Paris in 2003. Under his leadership and for four
NATIONALITY: French consecutive years, TBWA/Paris was awarded Agency of the Year at the Cannes Lions International Festival
OWNED: 1,000
At the end of 2006, Arthur Sadoun was appointed CEO of Publicis Conseil, the flagship of the Group
founded by Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet and previously headed by Maurice Lévy.
2021 In April 2011, Arthur Sadoun was appointed Managing Director of Publicis Worldwide, the Group’s global
RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT network of creative agencies, before being appointed CEO in October 2013.
In December 2015, he was appointed CEO of Publicis Communications, the creative solutions arm of
Shareholders’ Meeting called to
approve the financial statements for
Publicis Groupe comprising the networks of Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Publicis Worldwide, BBH,
the year ending December 31, 2021 MSLGROUP and Prodigious.
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Arthur Sadoun took up his post as Chairman of the Group’s Management Board on June 1, 2017 and
Shareholders’ Meeting called to becomes the third head of Publicis Groupe in its 91-year history, following in the footsteps of Maurice
approve the financial statements for Lévy and founder Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet.
the year ending December 31, 2023
Since then, Arthur Sadoun has accelerated the digital transformation initiated by Maurice Lévy, particularly
by making the largest acquisition in the sector with Epsilon, a data and technology leader. The group has
won a series of major new contracts, putting Publicis at the top of the industry rankings for the past three 4
years. Arthur Sadoun is a graduate of the European Business School and holds an MBA from INSEAD.
In France: In France:
■ Chairman of the Management Board of Publicis Groupe SA(*) (France) ■ Independent Director and member of the Corporate, Environmental and
■ Chairman and CEO of Publicis Conseil SA (France) Social Responsibility Committee of Fnac Darty SA(*) (Ended in May 2018)
■ Director of BBH Holdings Limited (UK) 5
■ Director of MMS USA Investments, Inc (USA)
■ Director of MMS USA Holdings, Inc (USA)
Martine Saint-Cricq
Martine Saint-Cricq joined the Carrefour group in 1983 as an employee at the Carrefour
Labège store. In 1987, she was elected employee representative for the Force Ouvrière (FO)
trade union.
After being elected to a variety of positions as representative within the Group, she held the
position of secretary to the Group Committee. She simultaneously held positions with UNI
BORN ON: April 20, 1958 Europa Commerce, UNI Europa (Women’s Conference) and UNI Global Union (World
NATIONALITY: French Congress).
DATE OF DESIGNATION BY THE EUROPEAN WORKS Martine Saint-Cricq has also served on the Board of Directors of the Carrefour Foundation 7
since January 19, 2009. Since October 2007, she has been a member of the UNI Europa and
UNI Global Union Women’s Committees. She was also a member of the UNI Europa
Commerce Steering Committee from June 2011 to November 2019. In addition, until
COUNCIL (COMITÉ D’INFORMATION ET DE June 2018 she acted as secretary in charge of equality for FGTA FO, a federation of workers
CONCERTATION EUROPÉEN CARREFOUR), AND in the agriculture, food and tobacco industries in France.
INFORMATION COMMITTEE: October 4, 2017 Martine Saint-Cricq brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of her perspective as an
DATE OF INTEGRATION TO THE BOARD OF employee and her knowledge of the Group, its store formats and markets. Her experience
DIRECTORS: October 18, 2017
working with trade unions on a national and international level and especially her expertise in
DATE OF LAST RENEWAL: October 7, 2020
equal rights allow her to make a valuable contribution to evaluating these subjects in a 8
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: October 7, 2023 multinational environment.
In France: In France:
■ Director representing employees at the Carrefour Foundation (Carrefour ■ Member of the Labège Store Committee (Expiry of term: 2017)
group) ■ Member of the Group Committee for France (Expiry of term: 2017)
■ Member of the Carrefour European Consultation and Information
Committee (ECIC) (Expiry of term: 2017) 9
Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon is a graduate of Institut d’études politiques de Paris and has a
degree in law. After working in print media and television, she founded Carat Interactive in
In 2001, she was Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Consodata North America. Following
this experience, in 2004, she became Head of Aegis Media France and Southern Europe.
BORN ON: September 17, 1962 Between 2010 and 2018, she held the position of Chair and Chief Executive Officer of
NATIONALITY: French Auféminin. In July 2018, she founded Factor K, in which the NRJ group subsequently acquired
NUMBER OF COMPANY SHARES OWNED: 2,000 a minority holding. Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon has also been a member of the French
DATE OF APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF competition authority (Autorité de la concurrence) since 2014 and teaches at Institut d’études
DIRECTORS: June 15, 2017 politiques de Paris.
Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon brings to the Board of Directors the benefit of her digital
TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: Shareholders’ Meeting
expertise and experience working internationally at companies blending online retail and
called to approve the financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2022 content in order to help the Group achieve its digital transformation.
In France: In France:
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of JCDecaux SA(*) ■ Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Auféminin SA(*) (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ Director and member of the Ethics and Sustainable Development ■ Managing Director of Aufé Productions SARL (Expiry of term:
Committee of LVMH Moët Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (SE)(*) 2018)
■ Member of the Board of the French competition authority (Autorité de la ■ Chair of SAS (Expiry of term: 2018)
concurrence) ■ Chair of Les rencontres aufé SAS (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ Director of Coorpacademy ■ Chair of Marmiton SAS (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ Member of the Supervisory Board of My Little Paris SAS (Expiry of term:
■ Co-Managing Director of GmbH (Germany) (Expiry of term:
■ Director of Ltd (United Kingdom) (Expiry of term: 2018)
■ prevented by a court from acting as a member of a Board of Work of the Board of Directors
Directors or of a Management or Supervisory Board, or from
being involved in an issuer’s management or business in 2021
Having considered the summaries prepared by the Audit,
To the Company’s knowledge and as of the date this Universal Governance, Compensation, CSR and Strategic Committees with
Registration Document was prepared, no real or potential conflict respect to their work, the Board of Directors mainly focused its
of interest has been identified between the duties of any work on the following areas:
Company Officers (Directors, the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer) with respect to the Company and their private interests ■ management of the Covid-19 crisis:
and/or other duties than those described in the section, 2021 was marked by the continuation of the Covid-19 crisis,
“Managing conflicts of interest”, above. which impacted all the geographies where the Group operates.
To the Company’s knowledge and as of the date this Universal On this issue, the Board of Directors was actively involved and
Registration Document was prepared, there are no arrangements regularly informed of crisis management monitoring
or agreements in place with the main shareholders, customers, procedures throughout the year.
suppliers or other parties whereby one of the Company Officers ■ financial management:
has been selected as a member of one of their Boards of
The Board of Directors considered the Audit Committee’s work
Directors, Management or Supervisory Boards, or as a member of
throughout the year. After hearing the summary of the
their Executive Management.
Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Statutory Auditors,
To the Company’s knowledge and as of the date this Universal the Board of Directors approved the annual and half-yearly
Registration Document was prepared, none of the Company Company and consolidated financial statements and the
Officers are bound to the Company or to one of its affiliates by a related reports and draft press releases. It reviewed quarterly
service contract. sales and related draft press releases; on April 20, 2021 and
July 28, 2021, implemented the Company’s share buyback
programme and decided to cancel the shares bought back Duties of the Board of Directors under the programme, via two capital reductions; approved
forecast management documents; renewed the annual
The Board of Directors approves the Company’s business
authorisations granted to the Chairman and Chief Executive
strategy and oversees its implementation. It examines and
Officer with regard to bond issues and guarantees; reviewed
decides on major transactions. The Directors are kept informed
the Group’s financing policy and commitments; and approved
of changes in the markets and the competitive environment, as
the 2022 budget;
well as the key issues that the Company faces, including those
related to social and environmental responsibility. ■ follow-up on the Group’s strategy, its activities and its
According to its Internal Rules, the Board of Directors’ duties
include, inter alia: Following the adoption in January 2018 of the “Carrefour 2022”
transformation plan, the Board of Directors was kept abreast of
■ approving the Company’s strategy and overseeing its
progress in the various plan projects relating to the Group’s
transformation; it discussed the expression of interest by
■ setting any necessary limits on the powers of the Chairman and Alimentation Couche-Tard, with a view to a possible offer for
Chief Executive Officer; Carrefour; it approved the proposed acquisition of Grupo BIG
■ in particular, it: by Carrefour Brazil; it was informed of the discussions held with
the Auchan Group with a view to a possible merger; and it
■ conducts any controls and audits it deems appropriate, carried out a strategic review of the Group’s assets with a view,
■ controls the Company’s management methods and verifies in particular, to drawing up the next Carrefour 2026 strategic
the fairness of its financial statements, plan.
■ examines and approves the financial statements, establishes The Board of Directors was informed about the economic and
the agenda for Shareholders’ Meetings to which it reports on competitive climate, the market performance of the Carrefour
its activities in the annual report and approves the various share and financial rating issues;
statutory and regulatory reports, ■ governance:
■ examines related-party agreements and gives prior approval; ■ approval of the corporate governance report,
■ ensuring that high-quality financial information and relevant, ■ in light of the annual assessment of its procedures, the
balanced and instructive information on the Company’s Company’s ongoing dialogue with shareholders and, notably,
strategy, development model and plans for addressing major in order to take into account the voting results of the
non-financial issues are provided to shareholders and investors; Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 29, 2020, the Board of
■ each year, on the recommendation of the Governance Directors continued to explore possible changes to the
Committee, drawing up the list of Directors qualified as Company’s governance system. Following this work, on the
independent, with respect to AFEP-MEDEF Code criteria; recommendation of the Governance Committee, the Board
of Directors decided to propose the renewal of the terms of
■ examining the budget once a year and overseeing its office of nine Directors, i.e., Alexandre Bompard, Philippe
implementation. Houzé, Stéphane Israël, Cláudia Almeida e Silva, Nicolas
Bazire, Stéphane Courbit, Aurore Domont, Mathilde Lemoine
and Patricia Moulin Lemoine, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May 21, 2021, and
■ following the resignations of Alexandre Arnault and Nicolas ■ Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021: 1
Bazire, to appoint Arthur Sadoun as Director, replacing
■ The Board of Directors approved the notice, the agenda, the
Nicolas Bazire, for the remainder of his term of office, i.e.,
text of the resolutions, the report of the Chairman of the
until the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the
Board of Directors to the Shareholders’ Meeting; it set the
financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2023,
dividend distribution policy; it carried out the annual review
■ Directors’ independence: in accordance with the of the related-party agreements entered into during the
AFEP-MEDEF Code, and on the recommendation of the financial year; and in accordance with the “Sapin II” law and
Appointments Committee, the Board of Directors conducted AFEP-MEDEF Code recommendations, it submitted for the
the annual assessment of the Directors’ independence, approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting the information 2
relating to the compensation of the Company officers
■ assessment of the Board of Directors: the Board of Directors
referred to in Article L. 22-10-9 I (formerly
carried out a self-assessment, led by the Lead Director and
Article L. 225-37-3 I) of the French Commercial Code, the
performed under the responsibility of the Appointments
components of compensation due or awarded for the 2020
Committee, which was presented at the Board of Directors
financial year to Alexandre Bompard, Chairman and Chief
meeting on April 20, 2022;
Executive Officer, the 2021 compensation policy for the
■ compensation of Company Officers: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the 2021
■ compensation of Alexandre Bompard, Chairman and Chief compensation policy for Directors.
Executive Officer: on the recommendation of the
Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors decided Assessment of the Board
on his compensation package and compensation policy for
2021; it approved the implementation of a new long-term of Directors
incentive plan for Alexandre Bompard, comprising
In accordance with its Internal Rules, the Board of Directors
performance share awards; and it decided to set the amount
of the supplementary defined benefit pension plan frequently assesses its procedures and the fulfilment of its duties.
Accordingly, it reviews its operating procedures and the quality of
corresponding to 2020,
the information published and of its decision-making and
■ Directors’ compensation: on the recommendation of the discussions, as well as each Director’s actual contribution to the 4
Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors decided work of the Board of Directors and its specialised Committees.
on the compensation policy for 2021 (policy whose annual
amount and rules for allocating compensation have remained To this end, the Board of Directors has to dedicate an agenda
unchanged since 2018); item to these procedures once a year.
For the 2021 financial year, the Board of Directors conducted a
■ CSR:
self-assessment. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared
The Board of Directors considered the work of the CSR and sent to each Director. A summary of the self-assessment
Committee throughout the year: results was prepared by the Chairman of the Governance
■ it was informed of the 2021 CSR results, particularly as Committee and the Lead Director, who presented it to the Board 5
regards the “food transition” programmes in each country of Directors on April 20, 2022.
and priority issues for Carrefour, grouped according to the The self-assessment revealed that the Directors are generally
following topics: healthy eating, local, organic, children and very satisfied with the overall procedures of the Board and of its
babies, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, committees. The Board members' main observations related to
transparency and responsible pricing, the organisation of strategic work and the continuation of ad hoc
■ it reviewed the Group’s gender equality policy, sessions with operational executives. These observations were
already taken into account in 2021 and will be taken into account
■ it raised the Group’s CSR objectives and adopted the new again in 2022, particularly as part of the process of preparing the
CSR & Food Transition Index; new strategic plan. 6 Frequency of and attendance at Board of Directors and specialised Committee
meetings in 2021
The Board of Directors and its specialised committees met The Board of Directors met eight times in 2021, with an average
29 times during the financial year 2021 with an average attendance rate of 98%.
attendance rate of 99%.
29 meetings 99% 17 members (1)
8 meetings 98%
attendance rate attendance rate
The Board of Directors has set up specialised Committees that Committee) gives an oral summary of their work to the Board of
review any questions submitted to them for their opinion by the Directors at its upcoming meeting.
Board of Directors or the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Duties of these specialised Committees have not been set up to
To take into account the nature and specific characteristics of the be delegated powers that have been conferred to the Board of
Company’s operations, the Board of Directors created the Directors in accordance with legal provisions or the Articles of
following specialised Committees: Association. The specialised Committees have consultative
power and conduct their work under the responsibility of the
■ the Audit Committee;
Board of Directors, which alone has statutory decision making
■ the Compensation Committee; power and which remains collectively responsible for the
■ the Governance Committee (formerly Appointments fulfilment of its duties.
Committee); The Chairman of the Board of Directors ensures that the number,
■ the CSR Committee; duties, composition and operation of the specialised Committees
are adapted to the needs of the Board of Directors and best
■ the Strategic Committee. corporate governance practices at all times.
The specialised Committees are made up of Directors appointed Each specialised Committee, except for the Strategic Committee,
by the Board of Directors for the period during which they are in is chaired by an Independent Director appointed from among its
office. During the 2021 financial year, the composition of the members.
specialised Committees was not amended following the
departure of certain Directors (as described in Section 3.2.3 of The secretary of each specialised Committee is an individual
this Universal Registration Document). selected by its Chair.
At its meeting on April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors, on the These specialised Committees meet as often as necessary on the
recommendation of the Governance Committee, decided to invitation of their Chair, or at the request of one-half of their
appoint Thierry Faraut as a member of the Compensation members. They may call upon external experts where needed.
Committee. These specialised committees regularly report to the The Chair of a specialised Committee may ask the Chairman of
Board of Directors on their work and also submit their the Board of Directors to interview any of the Group’s senior
observations, opinions, proposals or recommendations to the executives regarding issues falling within the specialised
Board. To this end, the Chair of each specialised Committee (or, Committees’ scope, as defined by the Board of Directors’ Internal
if they are unavailable, another member of the same specialised Rules.
Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors’ specialised Committees in 2021 are summarised in the following table: 1
Departures Appointments Renewals
Audit Committee Nicolas Bazire - -
Compensation Committee Nicolas Bazire Thierry Faraut(1) -
Governance Committee - - -
CSR Committee - - -
Strategic Committee Nicolas Bazire - - 2
(1) At its meeting on April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Governance Committee, decided to appoint Thierry Faraut
as a member of the Compensation Committee.
Composition Duties
On December 31, 2021, 75% of the Audit Committee members The Audit Committee monitors issues relating to the preparation
qualified as Independent Directors within the meaning of the and verification of accounting and financial information. Its main
AFEP-MEDEF Code (which recommends that at least two-thirds duties are as follows:
of members be independent). In addition, the Committee is
■ in respect of the review of the financial statements:
chaired by an Independent Director.
■ it ensures that the accounting methods adopted to prepare
the Company and consolidated financial statements are
4 members 4 meetings 100% relevant and consistent before they are submitted to the
Board of Directors; it monitors the procedures used to
attendance rate prepare the financial statements and assesses the validity of
the methods used to present material transactions; it ensures
As of December 31, 2021, the composition of the Audit that the time frame for providing the financial statements and
Committee was as follows: reviewing them is adequate,
Chairman: Stéphane Israël(1); ■ it monitors the process for preparing financial information
Members: Cláudia Almeida e Silva(1), Philippe Houzé and and, where applicable, makes recommendations to ensure 5
Mathilde Lemoine(1). the integrity of such information; it is provided with the main
financial communication documents,
(1) Independent Director. ■ it monitors the effectiveness of the internal control, risk
management and, where applicable, Group internal audit
systems relating to the preparation and processing of
In accordance with Article L. 823-19 of the French Commercial accounting and financial information, without compromising
Code and the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the members of the Audit its independence; it ensures that such systems are in place
Committee must have expertise in finance and accounting. In
addition to his experience with the French Court of Accounts, the
and implemented, and that corrective measures are
undertaken in the event that any significant failings or
Chairman of the Audit Committee, Stéphane Israël, an anomalies are identified. To this end, the Statutory Auditors
Independent Director, has sufficient professional experience in and the Group internal audit and risk control managers
management and direction of international groups to be submit their main findings to the Committee,
considered an expert in finance, as described in his biography in
Section of this Universal Registration Document. The other ■ it consults the Group internal audit and risk control managers
members of the Committee, in particular Mathilde Lemoine, and issues its opinion on the organisation of their services. It
Independent Director, also have finance skills derived from their must be kept informed about the Group internal audit
experience, professional background and training as described in programme and must be provided with the Group internal
Section of this Universal Registration Document. audit reports or a regular summary of these reports, 7
■ it examines the risks and material off-balance sheet concerning the procedures relating to the preparation and
commitments, assesses the significance of any malfunctions processing of accounting and financial information;
or failings of which it is informed and notifies the Board of
■ in respect of the rules governing the independence and
Directors thereof; to this end, the review of the financial
objectivity of the Statutory Auditors:
statements must be accompanied by a presentation prepared
by Executive Management describing the Company’s risk ■ it recommends the Statutory Auditor selection process to the
exposure and its material off-balance sheet commitments, as Board of Directors and oversees said process. If a tendering
well as a presentation prepared by the Statutory Auditors procedure is used, the Committee supervises the procedure
highlighting both the key findings of their statutory audit, and validates the specifications and choice of firms
including any audit adjustments and significant internal consulted; it submits a recommendation to the Board of
control failings identified during their engagement, and Directors on the Statutory Auditor(s) proposed by the
accounting options applied; it examines the section of the Shareholders’ Meeting and also submits a recommendation
management report presented to Shareholders’ Meeting to the Board of Directors at the time when the terms of office
covering internal control and risk management procedures, of the Statutory Auditor(s) are to be renewed, in accordance
with the regulations in force,
■ it regularly reviews the mapping of the Group’s main risks that
may be reflected in the accounts or which have been ■ it monitors the performance of the Statutory Auditors’
identified by Executive Management and may have an impact engagement; it considers the findings and conclusions of the
on the financial statements; it takes note of the main French High Council of Statutory Auditors (Haut Conseil du
characteristics of the risk management systems and the Commissariat aux Comptes) following the audits carried out
results of their operations, drawing in particular on the work in accordance with the regulations applicable to Statutory
of the internal audit and risk control managers and the Auditors,
Statutory Auditors, ■ it ensures that the Statutory Auditors comply with the
■ it examines the scope of consolidation and, where applicable, independence conditions set out in the applicable
the reasons why certain companies are not included in said regulations; it analyses, alongside the Statutory Auditors, the
scope; risks to their independence, including those relating to the
amount and breakdown of their fees and the measures taken
■ in respect of relations with the Statutory Auditors: in order to protect against and mitigate these risks; it also
The Statutory Auditors must submit to the Audit Committee: ensures that the Statutory Auditors comply with the
conditions relating to the acceptance or the performance of
■ their general work programme and the sampling procedures
their engagement and obtains from the Statutory Auditors an
annual statement attesting to their independence and
■ their proposed amendments to the financial statements or detailing the amount and breakdown, by category of
accounting documents and their comments on the engagement, of the fees paid to them during the financial
assessment methods used, year,
■ any irregularities or inaccuracies they have identified, ■ it approves the provision of any non-prohibited non-audit
■ the conclusions of the comments and amendments with services by the Statutory Auditors, such as those provided for
regard to the results of the period compared with those of in the applicable regulations.
the previous period, ■ The Committee regularly reports to the Board of Directors on
■ an additional audit report prepared in accordance with the the performance of its duties. It also reports to the Board of
regulations in force setting out the findings of the statutory Directors on the findings of the Statutory Audit engagement,
audit, by no later than the date of submission of the audit how this engagement has contributed to the integrity of the
report. financial information and the role it has played in this
process, and immediately informs it of any difficulties
■ The Committee consults with the Statutory Auditors, in encountered;
particular during the meetings covering the review of the
process for preparing the financial information and reviewing ■ interviews:
the financial statements, to enable them to report on the ■ For all issues related to the performance of its duties, the
performance and findings of their engagement. The Statutory Audit Committee may interview the Group’s finance and
Auditors accordingly inform the Committee of the main areas accounting managers, as well as the Group treasury, internal
of risk or uncertainty regarding the financial statements they audit and risk control managers without any other members
have identified, their audit approach and any difficulties they of the Company’s Executive Management in attendance, if it
encountered during their engagement. deems it appropriate. The Chairman of the Board of Directors
■ They also inform the Committee of any significant internal must be informed of this in advance.
control failings they have identified during their engagement ■ The Audit Committee may call on external experts as
2021 principal activities
During the course of the meetings of the Audit the processing of accounting and financial information
Committee, the following main topics were reviewed: for the year ended December 31, 2020;
■ in respect of the review of the financial statements: ■ in respect of internal control:
■ review of the draft Company and consolidated financial ■ follow-up on the Group Internal Audit department’s
statements for the financial year ended December 31, tasks, 2
2020 and related reports,
■ the Group’s 2021-2022 financing policy and credit rating,
■ review of the half-yearly consolidated financial
■ review of risk mapping;
statements and the related report,
■ in respect of compliance with regulations:
■ review of disputes and risks as part of the analysis of
provisions, ■ review of the work done to ensure compliance of internal
procedures with the law on transparency, the fight
■ results of goodwill impairment tests,
against corruption and the modernisation of economic
■ Group operations and results in 2020; impacts of life, known as “Sapin II”;
reorganisation and productivity measures under the
■ in respect of relations with the Statutory Auditors:
Carrefour 2022 transformation plan on the consolidated
financial statements for the year ended December 31, ■ follow-up on the Statutory Auditors’ audit process,
2020, ■ review of non-audit services provided by the Statutory
■ dividend recommendation for 2020, Auditors, as governed by the applicable regulations,
■ hard-close procedures, ■ oversight of the tendering process for the renewal of the
appointment of the Statutory Auditors.
■ review of the sections of the management report on
internal control and risk management procedures and 4
Composition Duties
A majority of the members of the Compensation Committee The Compensation Committee is responsible for formulating
qualify as Independent Directors, in accordance with the proposals on the various components of compensation paid to
provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. Directors (in particular with regard to the total amount of
Directors’ compensation and the allocation procedures) and to
Executive Officers.
3 members 3 meetings 100% It is responsible for reviewing all issues relating to the personal
status of the Executive Officers, including compensation, pension
attendance rate
and death & disability benefits, benefits in kind and the provisions
governing the termination of their term of office.
As of December 31, 2021, the composition of the
Compensation Committee was as follows: It is mainly in charge of formulating proposals on decisions to
grant stock options (to subscribe and/or purchase Company
Chairman: Mathilde Lemoine ; shares) to Executive Officers and all or some of the salaried
Members: Charles Edelstenne(1) and Stéphane Courbit(1).
employees of the Company and its affiliates in accordance with
the Shareholders’ Meeting authorisations.
(1) Independent Director.
It examines the conditions under which options are granted and
provides a list of beneficiaries of options and the number of
At its meeting on April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors, on the options allocated to each of them. It formulates proposals
recommendation of the Governance Committee, decided to determining the characteristics of options, such as the
appoint Thierry Faraut as a member of the Compensation subscription and/or purchase price of shares, their duration, any
Committee. applicable conditions on the exercise of the options and the
relevant procedures.
It is also responsible for formulating proposals on the free
allocation of existing or new shares in accordance with the
Shareholders’ Meeting authorisations. It proposes the names of
beneficiaries of the share allocations and any conditions
specifically related to the length of vesting and lock-up periods
and criteria for share allocations.
It is informed of the compensation policy for top executives who
are not Company Officers.
Composition Duties
At December 31, 2021, a majority of the members of the The Governance Committee reviews and formulates an opinion
Governance Committee qualified as Independent Directors and on any candidate being considered for Director or Executive
there were no Executive Officers, in accordance with the Officer positions. It submits proposals to the Board of Directors 2
provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. after an in-depth examination of all the factors to be taken into
account in its decision-making process, particularly in light of the
composition of and changes to the Company’s shareholder base
5 members 3 meetings 100% to ensure a well-balanced Board of Directors. It also assesses the
appropriateness of the renewal of terms of office.
attendance rate
It organises the procedure for selecting future Directors.
As at December 31, 2021, the composition of the Independent Director qualification criteria are discussed by the
Governance Committee was as follows: Governance Committee and reviewed each year by the Board of
Directors prior to the publication of the annual report.
Chairman: Charles Edelstenne(1);
Members: Flavia Buarque de Almeida, Philippe Houzé, It is also responsible for assessing Directors’ independence and
Aurore Domont(1), Thierry Faraut (Director representing reporting its findings to the Board of Directors. If necessary, the
employees). Governance Committee reviews situations caused by a Director’s
repeated absence.
(1) Independent Director. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board of
Directors on the appointment of specialised Committee
members when their terms are up for renewal. 4
It also assists the Board of Directors in adapting the Company’s
corporate governance practices and assessing their composition
and efficiency.
It reviews solutions to ensure that good corporate governance
practices remain in place.
It reviews the diversity policy in the Company’s governance
bodies, particularly in terms of gender balance.
It reviews all matters related to the conduct of Directors and, at
the request of the Lead Director, any potential conflict of interest
involving the Directors.
It reviews the Chairman’s draft report on corporate governance
and any other document required by law or regulations.
Composition Duties
As at December 31, 2021, a majority of the members of the CSR The CSR Committee:
Committee qualify as Independent Directors within the meaning
■ reviews the Group’s CSR strategy and the roll-out of the related
of the AFEP-MEDEF code.
CSR initiatives;
■ verifies that the Group’s CSR commitments are integrated in
5 members 3 meetings 100% light of the challenges specific to the Group’s business and
attendance rate
■ assesses risks, identifies new opportunities and takes account
of the impact of the CSR policy in terms of business
As of December 31, 2021, the composition of the CSR performance;
Committee was as follows:
■ reviews the annual report on non-financial performance;
Chair: Aurore Domont(1);
Members: Cláudia Almeida e Silva(1), Patricia Moulin ■ reviews the summary of ratings awarded to the Group by
Lemoine, Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon(1) and Martine ratings agencies and in non-financial analysis.
Saint-Cricq (Director representing employees).
Composition Duties
The Strategic Committee prepares the Board of Directors’ work
on the Group’s strategic objectives and the key topics of interest,
4 members 8 meetings 100% including: 2
attendance rate ■ development priorities and opportunities for diversifying the
Group’s operations;
As of December 31, 2021, the composition of the ■ strategic investments and significant partnership projects.
Strategic Committee was as follows:
Chairman: Alexandre Bompard;
Vice-Chairman: Abilio Diniz;
Members: Philippe Houzé and Stéphane Courbit(1).
The Group Executive Committee comprises Group managers and Chaired by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Group
individuals from other horizons who contribute complementary Executive Committee is comprised of 16 members:
In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article L. 22-10-10 of the positions of responsibility. In 2021, the proportion of women in
French Commercial Code, the Board of Directors ensures the the Group’s management increased by 1 point. In addition, from
monitoring of the Group policy, which has been focused on within the broader category of Senior Directors, a new job
gender equality within the Group Executive Committee for a category has been created for Executive Directors (who make up
number of years, as well as in the 10% of positions at the highest the Group’s top 200). Among these positions, the percentage
levels of responsibility. occupied by women increased from 22.3% to 24.7% during
2021. This indicator is now a part of Carrefour’s CSR and Food
The Group Executive Committee, created and chaired by
Transition Index, with the objective of achieving a 35% rate of
Alexandre Bompard, Carrefour’s Chairman and Chief Executive
women in the top 200 by 2025. These achievements can be
Officer, to strengthen oversight of the Group and closely monitor
explained primarily by Group policy, which has been focused on
its transformation plan, comprises Group managers and
gender equality for a number of years (detailed in Section 2.1.3 of
individuals from other horizons who contribute complementary
this Universal Registration Document), particularly with regards to
diversity in leadership positions. Carrefour introduced the
At the time of its creation, the Committee comprised international Women Leaders programme in 2011 and signed the
14 members, including one woman, i.e., 7%. As of the date of this UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2013 to increase the
Universal Registration Document, five of the 16 members are number of women in leadership positions.
women (31%), as part of the broader policy to promote women to
Rami Baitiéh is a graduate of École supérieure de commerce de Compiègne. He holds two MBAs
from the University of Quebec and the Warsaw Central Business School. He began his career with
Carrefour in 1995, holding various positions, first in the stores and then in the Merchandise, IT and
Supply Chain departments in France, Romania and Poland. He was appointed Chief Executive
Officer of Carrefour Taiwan in February 2015 and Chief Executive Officer of Carrefour Argentina in
January 2018. In May 2019, he was appointed Executive Director of Carrefour Spain, then of
Carrefour France in July 2020. 4
Stéphane Maquaire is a graduate of Ponts et Chaussées. He started his career in 1997 at Arthur 5
Andersen. In 2004, he joined Unibail-Rodamco as Chief Financial Officer of Exposium and then
Director of Operations for shopping centres in France. In 2008, he joined the Monoprix Group as
Finance and Development Director, and in 2010 was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer. Subsequently, Stéphane served as CEO of Vivarte in France and of Manor in Switzerland.
He joined the Carrefour Group in 2019 as Executive Director of Carrefour Argentina. Since
September 2021, he has been Executive Director of Carrefour Brazil.
Alexandre de Palmas is a graduate of Institut d’études politiques de Paris and École Nationale de
l’Administration (ENA). He began his career in retail property with the Casino Group and
subsequently held senior management positions at Clear Channel, Gallimard-Flammarion and
then Elior. He joined the Carrefour Group in August 2018 as Executive Director, Convenience and 7
Cash & Carry France. He was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Carmila in
July 2019. In July 2020, he was appointed Executive Director of Carrefour Spain.
François-Melchior de Polignac is a graduate of HEC Business School and holds a Master’s degree
in international relations from the University of Cambridge. After two years with L’Oréal in Italy and
three years with the Boston Consulting Group, he joined Carrefour in 2000, where he alternated
between M&A, Strategy & Projects and operational functions in the Hypermarkets and
Supermarkets segments. He then acquired significant experience abroad, first in Poland, followed
by two years as head of Carrefour Romania and four years as head of Carrefour Belgium.
He returned to France in 2017 to implement the transformation plan and was appointed Executive
Director, Merchandise, Supply and Formats in October 2018. In 2019, he was appointed Executive
Director, Northern and Eastern Europe (Belgium, Poland and Romania) and Chief Executive Officer
of Carrefour Belgium.
Christophe Rabatel is a graduate of the ICN Business School in Nancy and holds an MBA from
Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Christophe Rabatel joined the Carrefour group in 2004. He held various financial positions across
Europe, was appointed CFO and Director of Carrefour Turkey, then Director of Finance, Expansion
& Organisation for Carrefour Market in France.
He then took on a number of operational responsibilities with Carrefour Proximité in France, first
as Regional Director, before being appointed Executive Director for Carrefour Proximité in
March 2015.
Executive Director for Carrefour Poland since July 2018, he has been Executive Director for
Carrefour Italy since September 1, 2021.
Caroline Dassié began her career in 1994 with the Danone group, first with Lu, then with Blédina,
where she held various sales and marketing positions.
In 2004, she joined Danone Eaux France and became Sales and E-commerce Director in 2014.
In 2015, she was appointed International Food Executive Officer at Intermarché.
Caroline Dassié joined Carrefour France in 2018 as Executive Director of Supermarkets, then as
Executive Director of Marketing and Clients for the Carrefour group from September 1, 2021.
Charles Hufnagel is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies.
He began his career in the EDF press office in 1998. He joined the Areva group when it was
created in 2001. He held the position of head of the press office and then of deputy Director of
communication. From 2007 to 2010, he served as Director of Areva Abu Dhabi and then of Areva
From 2010 to 2012, he was communications advisor to Alain Juppé, Minister of Defence and then
Minister of Foreign Affairs. 2
From 2012 to 2015, he served as Director of Communications for Areva. In 2016, he was appointed
Director of Communications for Compagnie de Saint-Gobain.
From 2017 to 2020, he served as Communications Advisor to the Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe.
Charles Hufnagel joined the Carrefour group on September 1, 2020 as Executive Director,
Communications for the Group and France.
A graduate of Essec and Sciences-Po Paris, and a former student of ENA, Carine Kraus began her
career at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance before joining Veolia in 2012, where she
was notably Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Energie France. From 2020 onwards, she was in
charge of Sustainable Development for the Group.
Matthieu Malige is a graduate of HEC Business School and École des Travaux Publics and holds a
Master of Science degree from UCLA.
He started his career at Lazard Frères. 5
From 2003 to 2011, he held various positions within the Carrefour group: Director of Strategy and
Development, Chief Financial Officer of Carrefour Belgium and Chief Financial Officer of Carrefour
France. In 2011, he joined the Fnac group as Chief Financial Officer and on July 20, 2016 following
the Company’s acquisition of Darty, he became Chief Financial Officer of the Fnac Darty group.
On October 16, 2017, Matthieu Malige was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Carrefour
Jérôme Nanty is a graduate of Institut d’études politiques de Paris and has a Master’s degree in
public law.
He began his career in 1986 at Société Générale before joining the capital markets division of
Crédit Lyonnais bank in 1989, first as a bond market operator and subsequently as a manager of a
portfolio of bond issuers. In 1998, he joined the bank’s Human Resources department as manager 7
of employment policy and later labour relations. From 2001 to 2004, he served as Director of
Labour and Social Relations for the Crédit Lyonnais group. From 2003 onwards, he held the same
position at the Crédit Agricole group. As such, he was in charge of the labour aspect of the merger
of Crédit Lyonnais and Crédit Agricole. He was appointed as Director of Human Resources at LCL
in 2005 and at the Caisse des Dépôts group in 2008. From 2013 to 2016, he was General Secretary
of the Transdev group. Since July 2016, he has served as General Secretary and Director of Human
Resources of the Air France-KLM group.
On October 2, 2017, Jérôme Nanty joined the Carrefour group as Executive Director, Human
Resources for the Group and France. In June 2019 he was appointed Executive Director, Human 8
Resources and Assets for the Group and France.
Alice Rault was appointed Director of Strategy and Transformation, member of the Group
Executive Committee, on March 1, 2022. Alice Rault is a graduate of HEC business school and
began her career working in consultancy and investment. She joined the Imerys group in 2014 as
Director of Strategy and Development, before taking on a number of operational responsibilities.
In 2019, Alice Rault was appointed Chief Transformation Officer for the Suez group.
Laurent Vallée is a graduate of ESSEC Business School, Institut d’études politiques de Paris and
École Nationale de l’Administration (ENA).
He began his career at the Conseil d’État, France’s administrative Supreme Court, where he served
in particular as Government Commissioner and Constitutional Advisor to the Government’s
Secretary General. From 2008 to 2010, Laurent Vallée was a lawyer with the Clifford Chance law
firm, before being appointed Director of Civil Affairs at the Ministry of Justice in April 2010. He was
then General Corporate Secretary of the Canal+ group from 2013 to 2015. Since March 2015, he
has served as Secretary General of the Conseil Constitutionnel, France’s constitutional council.
On August 30, 2017, Laurent Vallée joined the Executive Management team as General Secretary
of the Carrefour group.
Morgane Weill is a graduate of Institut d’études politiques de Paris and École Nationale de
l’Administration (ENA). She spent five years working for the General Inspectorate of Finance at
France’s ministry for the economy and finance where she undertook audits and consultancy
assignments on various public policies covering local authorities, defence, justice, culture and
customs. She joined the Carrefour Group on January 1, 2018 as Alexandre Bompard’s Chief of
Staff. Her responsibilities included coordinating issues associated with the food transition (one of
the Company’s strategic priorities) to improve the safety, traceability, quality and responsibility of
products sold worldwide. On July 1, 2019, she was appointed Executive Director for Strategy and
Transformation. On September 1, 2021, she was appointed France Market Executive Director. She
also retains responsibility for the development of the Group’s strategic plan alongside Alexandre
Bompard. In this capacity, she remains a member of the Executive Committees for the Group and
for France.
3.4 Compensation and benefits granted
to Company Officers
Compensation policies for Company Officers have been Compensation policy for the Chairman
amended in order to comply with the provisions of French
government order no. 2019-1234 of November 27, 2019 and its and Chief Executive Officer
implementing decree.
The Board of Directors, after consulting the Compensation
Committee, approves the principles and rules for determining the
Compensation policy for Directors compensation of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, as
well as the criteria for determining, allocating and awarding
The compensation policy is decided by the Board of Directors components of compensation of any kind.
after consulting with the Compensation Committee.
The Board of Directors periodically reviews the performance
A majority of the members of the Compensation Committee criteria and conditions applicable to the variable components of
qualify as Independent Directors, in accordance with the compensation to ensure that they reflect the Group’s ambitions.
provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. The Committee meets as Achievement of the performance conditions is assessed annually
often as necessary. by the Board after consulting with the Compensation Committee. 4 Compensation policy for Directors pursuant to Article L. 22-10-8 of the French
Commercial Code 5
At its meeting on April 11, 2018, the Board of Directors decided to The variable portion of the compensation is paid in proportion to
amend the allocation procedures for compensation paid to the number of Board of Directors’ and/or specialised Committee
Directors for attendance at Board meetings. This allocation, meetings attended by the members (100% of the variable portion
which has remained unchanged, is as follows: will be allocated for attendance at all meetings).
■ Chairman of the Board of Directors: 10,000 euros; The maximum annual amount of compensation allocated to
Directors in respect of their directorship for the current period
■ Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors: 40,000 euros;
and future periods is 1,280,000 euros. 6
■ Lead Director: 40,000 euros;
The Board of Directors may allocate exceptional compensation
■ Director: 45,000 euros comprising: to its members in respect of the engagements or duties entrusted
■ a variable portion of 25,000 euros, to them. This type of compensation is subject to the provisions of
Articles L. 225-38 to L. 225-42 of the French Commercial Code.
■ a fixed portion of 20,000 euros;
Since 2020, Directors’ compensation has been aligned with the
■ Chair of the Audit Committee: 30,000 euros; calendar year, i.e., for the period from January 1 to December 31.
■ Chair of the Compensation Committee, the Governance The compensation due in respect of 2020 was paid in 2021 and
Committee, the CRS Committee and the Strategic Committee: the compensation due in respect of 2021 will be paid in 2022. 7
10,000 euros; The two Directors representing employees have an employment
■ members of specialised Committees: compensation of contract within the Group and are therefore compensated for
10,000 euros for belonging to one or more specialised work unrelated to their directorship. Consequently, this
Committees, based on the Committee member’s frequency of compensation is disclosed.
2021 2020
Amount Amount
(in euros) allocated(2) Amount paid(3) allocated(4) Amount paid(5)
Alexandre Bompard 75,000 56,250 56,250 27,083
Philippe Houzé 115,000 86,250 86,250 39,583
Stéphane Israël 135,000 74,659 74,659 35,417
Cláudia Almeida e Silva 65,000 48,750 48,750 22,917
Alexandre Arnault(6) 35,833 32,045 32,045 18,750
Nicolas Bazire(6) 70,000 56,250 56,250 22,917
Jean-Laurent Bonnafé(7) N/A 22,689 22,689 18,750
Thierry Breton(8) N/A N/A N/A 12,500
Flavia Buarque de Almeida 55,000 41,250 41,250 18,750
Stéphane Courbit 61,875 43,636 43,636 18,750
Abilio Diniz 55,000 39,545 39,545 18,750
Aurore Domont 75,000 56,250 56,250 27,083
Charles Edelstenne 75,000 56,250 56,250 22,917
Thierry Faraut 55,000 41,250 41,250 18,750
Mathilde Lemoine 75,000 56,250 56,250 22,917
Patricia Moulin-Lemoine 55,000 41,250 41,250 22,917
Arthur Sadoun(9) 27,500 N/A N/A N/A
Martine Saint-Cricq 55,000 41,250 41,250 22,917
Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon 55,000 41,250 41,250 22,917
Lan Yan(7) N/A 38,523 38,523 8,333
TOTAL 1,140,208 873,598 873,598 422,918
(1) Gross amounts before withholding tax for non-French residents and payroll tax for French residents.
(2) Amounts due based on actual attendance in 2021, i.e., from January 1 to December 31, 2021.
(3) Amounts paid during the financial year 2021 for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020, taking into account the Board of Directors’
decision on April 20, 2020.
(4) Amounts due based on actual attendance in 2020, i.e., from January 1 to December 31, 2020, taking into account the Board of Directors’ decision
on April 20, 2020.
(5) Amounts paid in 2020 for the period from August 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 following the Board of Directors’ decision to align the Directors’
compensation with the calendar year.
(6) Directors until September 6, 2021.
(7) Directors until May 21, 2020.
(8) Director until October 19, 2019.
(9) Director since September 7, 2021.
The annual variable compensation for 2022 may not, in Payment of such compensation must be properly justified and
accordance with Article L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial based on a specific triggering event.
Code, be paid unless approved by the Ordinary Shareholders’
Under no circumstances can the exceptional compensation
Meeting held to approve the financial statements for the year
exceed 100% of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’s
ending December 31, 2022.
annual fixed compensation.
Long-term incentive plan It may take the form of stock options, performance shares or a
The long-term incentive plan may include stock options, cash payout.
performance shares or a cash payout. In the event of a cash payout, the 2021 exceptional
The long-term incentive plan may not exceed 60% of the gross compensation may not, in accordance with Article L. 22-10-34 II
maximum compensation. of the French Commercial Code, be paid unless approved by the
Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held to approve the financial
Benefits accrue under the plan subject to the fulfilment of statements for the year during which the decision was made to
predominantly quantitative performance conditions, as set by the grant exceptional compensation.
Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Compensation
Committee, over a multi-year period, and subject to continuing Compensation or benefits due or likely to be due upon
service at the end of the financial years considered (except taking office
measures to the contrary in the plan rules applicable to all
In accordance with the comparability principle described above,
the Board of Directors may, on the recommendation of the
If stock options or performance shares are granted, the Board of Compensation Committee, award compensation related to the
Directors will set the number of shares that the Chairman and act of taking of office.
Chief Executive Officer is required to hold until the termination of
It may take the form of stock options, performance shares or a
his term of office, in accordance with the provisions of the
cash payout. It must be explained, and its amount published,
French Commercial Code.
when the compensation is fixed.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is not permitted to
hedge any stock options or performance shares held or any Supplementary defined benefit pension plan
shares obtained upon the exercise of stock options held, and this In accordance with French government order no. 2019-697 of
rule applies throughout the entire term of the holding period set July 3, 2019 amending the legal regime applicable to
by the Board of Directors. supplementary defined benefit pension plans such as the plan in
Awarding variable compensation in the form of shares gives the force within the Carrefour group, the Board of Directors, on the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer a stake in the Company’s recommendation of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
earnings and share price performance, creating a stronger and after consultation with the Compensation Committee,
relationship with shareholders. decided to cancel the plan applicable to the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer from January 1, 2020. Accordingly, all the rights
Benefits in kind that had previously accrued before January 1, 2020 were lost.
At the Board of Directors’ discretion and on the recommendation With effect from January 1, 2020, the Board of Directors decided
of the Compensation Committee, the Chairman and Chief to set up a new “top-up” defined benefit plan that meets the new
Executive Officer may receive benefits in kind. The award of requirements of Article L. 137-11-2 of the French Social Security
benefits in kind is determined in view of the nature of the position Code (Code de la sécurité sociale). The main characteristics of
held. the new plan are as follows:
Accordingly, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer has a ■ beneficiaries will retain the annual rights accrued in the event
company car. that they leave the Company;
Other benefits in kind may be provided for in specific situations. ■ the rights accrued in a given year will be calculated based on
the compensation for that year (reference compensation),
Compensation paid in respect of his directorship without exceeding 60 times the annual social security ceiling.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer receives To determine the reference compensation, only the annual
compensation in his capacity as Director, Chairman of the Board fixed compensation of the beneficiary and the annual variable
of Directors and specialised Committee member. compensation paid are considered, to the exclusion of any
The compensation allocated in respect of his directorship is paid other direct or indirect form of compensation;
in accordance with the compensation policy for Directors as ■ rights will accrue subject to more stringent annual
described in Section of this Universal Registration performance conditions and based on some of the same
Document. It is comprised of a fixed portion and a variable criteria as those used to determine the Chairman and Chief
portion based on his attendance at meetings of the Board of Executive Officer’s variable compensation: three quantitative
Directors and of its specialised Committees. financial criteria (sales, recurring operating income and free
cash flow) and one non-financial CSR criterion (Carrefour CSR
Exceptional compensation and Food Transition Index). The average of the achievement
In certain special circumstances, the Board of Directors may rates for the four equally-weighted criteria will be used to
decide to award exceptional compensation to the Chairman and determine the amount of rights that accrue for a given year.
Chief Executive Officer. The special circumstances in which this The criteria are designed to reflect the performances of the
exceptional compensation may be granted by the Board of Group and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer insofar as
Directors include the completion of an operation offering they are proportionate to the responsibilities of the latter and
significant transformative potential for the organisation. relevant to the interests and long-term strategy of the Company.
The annual accrual rate under the plan will vary depending on the Policy for holding shares applicable to the Executive
achievement rates for the performance criteria, as follows: Officers
■ 1.75% of reference compensation for an average achievement In addition to the requirement for Directors (other than Directors
rate of 75% or more; representing employees) to hold at least 1,000 shares during their
term of office, the Board has established a strict policy requiring
■ 2.25% for an average achievement rate of 100% or more
the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer to hold at least
(central target rate);
200,000 shares in registered form throughout his term of office,
■ 2.75% for an average achievement rate of 125% or more. corresponding to about two years’ of fixed compensation at the
The supplementary pension rights obtained under the plan as last date on which his term was renewed. 2
described above accrue to the beneficiary. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer has five years from the
The aggregate percentages applied for a given beneficiary, all date of his first appointment to comply with this minimum
employers combined, will be capped at 30%. holding requirement.
At the date of this document, Alexandre Bompard holds
Termination payment 408,891 Carrefour shares.
As announced at the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 15, 2018, the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer informed the Board of Exceptional deviations from the compensation policy
Directors of his decision to waive the benefit of the termination In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article L. 22-10-8, III of the
payment agreed by the Board on July 18, 2017. He is therefore no French Commercial Code, under certain circumstances, the
longer eligible for any termination payment. Board of Directors may deviate from the compensation policy,
provided such deviation is temporary, if it is in the Company’s
Non-compete commitment best interest and is necessary to ensure the continued existence
The Board of Directors may also decide to enter into a or viability of the Company. Exceptional circumstances that
non-compete commitment with the Chairman and Chief could give rise to the use of this possibility include, for example, a
Executive Officer. transforming acquisition or suspension of significant operations,
The non-compete commitment entered into upon Alexandre a change in accounting policy, or a major event affecting markets
Bompard’s appointment as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer generally and/or more specifically Carrefour group’s business. 4
was amended by the Board of Directors on July 26, 2018 to bring Compensation components affected by this policy include
it into line with the new AFEP-MEDEF recommendations. The annual and long-term variable compensation. Deviations could
amended commitment was approved by the Shareholders’ also be used to change performance conditions for all or some
Meeting of June 14, 2019 (13th resolution). of the compensation components including increases or
decreases to one or more criteria parameters (weight, thresholds
The purpose of the commitment is to prohibit the Chairman and and values). A deviation of this kind could only be implemented
Chief Executive Officer from working for a competitor, within a on the proposal of the Compensation Committee or, if
number of specified businesses operating in the retail food necessary, other specialised committees, it being specified that
industry, for a period of 24 months from the end of his term. any change to the compensation policy would be made public, 5
The corresponding non-compete payment must be integrated and motivated and aligned in particular with the corporate
into the compensation policy pursuant to French government purpose of the Company and the interests of shareholders.
order no. 2019-1234 of November 27, 2019. Pursuant to these Variable compensation components remain subject to a binding
provisions, and in line with the agreement approved on vote by the Shareholders’ Meeting and may not be paid except in
July 26, 2018, the Board of Directors confirmed that this payment the event of a positive vote in accordance with Articles L. 22-10-8
would be set at 12 months' maximum annual fixed and variable and L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial Code.
compensation. The payment will be applicable during said
24-month period and will be made in instalments.
The Board of Directors may waive the implementation of the
non-compete commitment upon the Chief Executive Officer’s
The commitment also provides that the non-compete payment
will not be made if the Chief Executive Officer has claimed his
pension benefits. No payment will be made after the age of 65.
Fixed compensation €1,500,000 At its meeting on April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors maintained the annual fixed
compensation, unchanged since the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer took
office in 2017.
Annual variable compensation Up to 190% of fixed compensation Annual variable compensation could represent up to 190% of the reference annual
fixed compensation(1) if overall performance is greater than or equal to 140%.
Type of criteria Weighting Comments
Quantitative criteria Annual variable compensation is subject to the fulfilment of quantitative financial and
(financial and non-financial) non-financial objectives, for 80%, and a qualitative objective, for 20%. These
Sales 15% objectives were defined by the Board of Directors on April 20, 2022.
Recurring operating income 20% Quantitative criteria set by the Board of Directors include sales, recurring operating
Net free cash flow 15% income, net free cash flow, Group NPS® and CSR. The CSR criterion is based on the
NPS® 10% in-house Carrefour CSR & Food Transition Index which is audited externally. This
CSR 20% index is comprehensive, and aligned with the Group’s strategic priorities. See
Qualitative criteria Section 1.5.5 of this Universal Registration Document for details on the composition
Quality of corporate governance 20% of and change in this index.
TOTAL 100% The qualitative criterion relates to the overall quality of governance, operational
management and the management of the transformation. It mainly covers:
• the creation and management of governance bodies, as well as the relationship
with shareholders and stakeholders;
• the quality and leadership of management teams and the attention paid to Talent
• strategic thinking, particularly as regards its digital aspects, its implementation and
the conditions for its rollout.
The expected level of achievement of the objectives used to determine annual
variable compensation is established precisely by the Board of Directors, in line with
the Group's strategic plan and objectives. However, it cannot be made public ex ante
for confidentiality reasons.
Long-term incentive plan Value representing 52.5% of the On February 16, 2022, the Board of Directors decided to award this compensation in
(performance shares) gross maximum compensation the form of performance shares, for a value representing 52.5% of the gross
(fixed annual, maximum annual maximum compensation.
variable and long-term variable) This award is made under the 29th resolution adopted by the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May 21, 2021.
The shares are entirely subject to performance conditions.
The shares will vest on February 16, 2025 subject to the achievement of the
performance conditions to be assessed over a period of three years and to
continuing service with the Company.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer shall be required to retain 30% of his
vested shares in an amount not exceeding a share portfolio representing 150% of his
annual fixed compensation.
The Board of Directors set out the following performance criteria: recurring
operating income, net free cash flow, Total Shareholder Return (based on a panel
comprised of the following companies: Casino, Ahold Delhaize, Colruyt, Metro,
Jeronimo Martins, Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Sainsbury's) and corporate social
responsibility (based on the Carrefour RSE and Food Transition Index).
Each criterion has a weighting of 25%. The related objectives are set for each
criterion by the Board of Directors, in line with the Group's strategic plan and public
objectives. The performance measured for each criterion determines the vesting rate
of the shares corresponding to that criterion. The acquisition rates per criterion are
now between 50% and 130% in order to limit the possibility of redistribution between
the different criteria. The vesting rate will increase on a straight-line basis between
the minimum and maximum. Below 50%, no shares will vest with respect to the
relevant criterion. With regard to the TSR criterion, the minimum threshold
corresponds to the median of the panel, with no shares vesting below this level (the
vesting rate will be 130% for first place in the panel, 110% for second place, 90% for
third place, 70% for fourth place and 50% for the median). The final vesting rate will
be the average of the vesting rates of the four criteria, within the limit of the number
of shares granted by the Board of Directors, i.e., with an overall vesting rate capped
at 100%.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer has a company car.
Benefits in kind Voluntary job loss insurance is provided.
The compensation allocated in respect of his directorship is paid in accordance with
Compensation paid in respect of his the compensation policy for Directors as described in Section of this Universal
directorship Registration Document.
20% qualitative
objectives Compensation allocated or paid to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Alexandre Bompard, in respect of 2021
The Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 approved the The table below summarises the components of compensation
principles and criteria for determining, allocating and awarding allocated or paid to Alexandre Bompard in respect of 2021 in his 4
the fixed, variable and exceptional components of the total capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
compensation and benefits in kind that may be awarded to the
The payment of the variable and exceptional components of
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alexandre Bompard, in
compensation due in respect of the 2021 financial year is subject
accordance with Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial
to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 3, 2022, in
accordance with Article L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial
2020 2021 5
Amount Amount
(in euros) allocated Amount paid allocated Amount paid
Alexandre Bompard
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Fixed compensation 1,437,500 1,437,500 1,500,000 1,500,000
Variable compensation 2,475,000 2,475,000 2,850,000 2,475,000
Long-term incentive plan(1) N/A 3,252,000 N/A N/A 6
Termination payment N/A N/A N/A N/A
Compensation paid in respect of his directorship(2) 56,250 27,083 75,000 56,250
Benefits in kind(3) 3,822 3,822 3,822 3,822
TOTAL 3,972,572 7,195,405 4,428,822 4,035,072
(1) This amount corresponds to the two-year long-term cash incentive plan for 2018-2019.
(2) See section of this Universal Registration Document.
(3) Company car.
The performance objectives for his annual variable compensation i.e., 2,850,000 euros. This sum may not be paid until approved by
were based, for 80%, on achieving quantitative objectives (sales, the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial
recurring operating income, net free cash flow, NPS®, and the statements for the year ended December 31, 2021.
Carrefour CSR and Food Transition Index), and, for the remaining
20%, on achieving qualitative objectives (quality of governance).
Long-term incentive plan (performance shares)
These criteria are weighted at 20% for recurring operating
income, 15% for sales, 15% for net free cash flow, 10% for NPS®, On February 17, 2021, the Board of Directors decided to award
20% for the Carrefour CSR & Food Transition Index and 20% for the long-term incentive plan to the Chairman and Chief
corporate governance quality. Executive Officer in the form of performance shares, for a value
At its meeting on April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors reviewed representing 50% of his gross maximum compensation
the performance level achieved for each target: (i.e., 3,975,000 euros)(1). These shares will vest on
February 17, 2024 if the performance conditions are met and if
■ Quantitative financial criteria (sales, recurring operating
Alexandre Bompard is with the Company at that date.
income and net free cash flow)
The shares are entirely subject to performance conditions to be
The Board of Directors noted an increase in same-store sales
assessed on February 17, 2024.
scope, up 2.3%, from a very high basis of comparison (up 7.8% in
2020). The performance level for the criterion stood at 153%, The Board of Directors set out the following performance
with 2.3% growth versus a target of 1.5%. criteria: recurring operating income, net free cash flow, Total
Shareholder Return (based on a panel of distribution
Net free cash flow grew sharply, leading the Board to set the
companies(2)) and corporate social responsibility (based on the
performance level for the criterion at 170%, with cash generation
Carrefour CSR and Food Transition Index).
of 1,221 million euros versus a target of 1,010 million euros.
Each criterion has a weighting of 25%. The related objectives are
The performance level for recurring operating income, at
set by the Board of Directors, but they are not disclosed ex ante
constant exchange rates in 2021, was set by the Board of
for confidentiality reasons. The performance measured for each
Directors at 93%, with recurring operating income of
criterion determines the vesting rate of the shares corresponding
2,251 million euros versus a target of 2,280 million euros.
to that criterion. The vesting rate will range from 50% to 150%.
■ Non-financial quantitative criterion (NPS® and Carrefour CSR The vesting rate will increase on a straight-line basis between the
and Food Transition Index) minimum and maximum. Below 50%, no shares will vest with
The CSR criterion is based on the in-house Carrefour CSR and respect to the relevant criterion. With regard to the external
Food Transition Index which is audited externally. The index is performance criterion (TSR), the minimum threshold corresponds
comprehensive and reflects the Group’s strategic priorities. The to the median of the panel, with no shares vesting below this
achievement rate stood at 111% in 2021. See Section 1.5.5 of this TSR level. The final vesting rate will be the average of the vesting
Universal Registration Document for details on the composition rates of the four criteria, within the limit of the number of shares
of and change in this index. granted by the Board of Directors, or an overall vesting rate
capped at 100%.
Carrefour is also ranked the leading French retailer in terms of its
CSR commitment by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Furthermore, Alexandre Bompard has taken the decision not to
World and was awarded the best possible score in the Carbon use hedging instruments.
Disclosure Project (CDP) for Climate.
The performance level decided by the Board of Directors for the Benefits in kind
CSR criterion was set at 155% versus a target of 100%.
Alexandre Bompard has a company car. The financial benefit is
The score for the NPS criterion came to 44. The performance set at 3,822 euros.
level set for this criterion by the Board of Directors was 29% given
a target of 49.
Compensation or benefits due or likely to be due
■ Qualitative criterion (Quality of governance) upon taking office
Given the quality of the relationships between the governance
bodies, management leadership, as well as the year’s results, the None.
Board of Directors decided, on the recommendation of the
Compensation Committee, to set the achievement rate for Compensation paid in respect of his directorship
corporate governance quality at 200%. In its assessment, the
Board of Directors noted the Company’s exceptional The amount of compensation paid in 2021 to Alexandre Bompard
performance in light of the extraordinary health, logistical, retail in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director
and management challenges. and Chairman of the Strategic Committee is determined
The overall performance on all criteria therefore comes to 141%, according to the policy described in Section of this
capped at 140%. The annual variable compensation of the Universal Registration Document. It amounted to 56,250 euros
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alexandre Bompard, was for the period January 1 to December 31, 2020.
set at 190% of his annual fixed compensation,
Compensation paid by a company within annual social security ceiling. To determine the reference 1
compensation, only the annual fixed compensation of the
the scope of consolidation
beneficiary and the variable compensation paid are considered,
Alexandre Bompard has not received any compensation due or to the exclusion of any other direct or indirect form of
paid by any company within Carrefour’s scope of consolidation. compensation.
Rights will accrue subject to the same four annual performance
Supplementary defined benefit pension plan criteria used to determine the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer’s variable compensation: three quantitative financial
As the French government order no. 2019-697 of July 3, 2019 criteria (sales, recurring operating income and net free cash flow) 2
amended the legal regime applicable to supplementary defined and one non-financial CSR criterion (Carrefour CSR and Food
benefit pension plans with conditional rights such as the plan in Transition Index).
force within the Carrefour group, the Board of Directors, acting In accordance with the annual vesting rates under the plan and
on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, on the basis the performance level achieved for each criterion(1),
decided to modify the plan applicable to the Chairman and Chief the Board of Directors meeting of April 20, 2022 noted an
Executive Officer. average performance level of 143%, i.e., more than 125%, thus
Acting on the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’s proposal entitling the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer to a vesting
and on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, rate of 2.75% for 2021.
the Board of Directors decided on April 3, 2020 to therefore The gross annual annuity accrued by the Chairman and Chief
cancel the plan applicable to the Chairman and Chief Executive Executive Officer for 2021 therefore came to 67,874 euros, or a
Officer until December 31, 2019. Accordingly, all the conditional cumulative annuity of 135,748 euros since the start of the plan.
supplementary pension rights that had accrued to the Chairman
The contributions paid to the insurer are excluded from social
and Chief Executive Officer since his arrival in the Carrefour
security contributions, in return for the payment of an employer's
group (corresponding to an estimated gross annual annuity of
contribution of 29.7%.
200,594 euros) were lost.
At its meeting of April 3, 2020, the Board of Directors decided to
set up a new “top-up” defined benefit plan, applicable from
Termination payment 4
January 1, 2020, that meets the new requirements of
Alexandre Bompard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, is not
Article L. 137-11-2 of the French Social Security Code. The main
entitled to any termination payment.
characteristics of the new plan are described in Section of
this Universal Registration Document.
The implementation of the Chairman and Chief Executive
Non-compete commitment
Officer's plan follows from a decision by the Board of Directors,
The non-compete commitment entered into upon Alexandre
taken after consultation with the Compensation Committee. This
Bompard’s appointment as Chief Executive Officer was amended
new plan allows for the grant, subject to performance conditions,
of supplementary pension rights, expressed and guaranteed in
by the Board of Directors on July 26, 2018 to bring it into line 5
with the new AFEP-MEDEF recommendations, and was approved
the form of an annual annuity. Rights can only be settled from
by the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 14, 2019.
the age of 64, provided that the pension has been settled in a
compulsory old-age insurance plan. The terms and conditions of this commitment are described in
Section of this Universal Registration Document.
The rights accrued will be calculated based on the 2021
compensation (reference compensation), capped at 60 times the No amount is due or was paid in this respect in 2021.
(1) The respective performances of these criteria for the 2021 annual variable compensation are presented in Section
Total compensation compliance with employees and for the pay ratios based on the average and
median compensation of employees.
the compensation policy
The calculation methods were defined taking into consideration
The fixed, variable and exceptional components of compensation the AFEP-MEDEF guidelines on compensation multiples.
and benefits in kind paid or awarded to Alexandre Bompard in his
The scope used for this analysis was widened to include
capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in respect of
Carrefour Management’s employees working at the Group’s head
2021 comply with the compensation policy decided by the Board
office in France.
of Directors acting on the Compensation Committee’s proposal.
Alexandre Bompard’s total compensation is part of the
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Company’s long-term strategy and allows the Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer’s interests to be aligned with those of the Average compensation
Company and the shareholders. ratio 47 45 42 42 47
The Company has not diverged from the compensation policy in Median compensation
any respect. ratio 79 74 72 76 80
Change in the
compensation of the
Application of the last vote by the Shareholders’ Chairman and Chief
Meeting Executive Officer +8% +4% +5% +4% +6%
Change in the average
The Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 approved the fixed,
compensation of
variable and exceptional components of total compensation and
employees +5% +9% +12% +4% -6%
benefits in kind due or paid during the year ended
December 31, 2020 to Alexandre Bompard, Chairman and Chief Net free cash flow (in
Executive Officer. millions of euros) 142 363 324 1,056 1,228
Carrefour CSR and Food
Transition Index 104% 114% 115% 111%
Pay ratios and changes in compensation
In accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article L. 22-10-9-I of
the French Commercial Code, the table below presents
information for the last five years on the changes in the
compensation of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and
The tables summarising the compensation paid to Executive Officers during the year may be found in Section 3.4.3 of this Universal
Registration Document.
Stock options granted during the financial year to each Executive Officer by the issuer or a
Group company
Stock options exercised during the financial year by each Executive Officer
Performance shares granted to each Executive Officer by the issuer or a Group company
Information presented in Section 8.2 of this Universal Registration Document.
Performance shares which became available during the financial year for each Executive
Compensation or
benefits due or likely Compensation
to be due upon related to a
Employment Supplementary termination or a non-compete
contract pension plan(1) change in position(1) clause(1)(2)
In accordance with the “Comply or Explain” rule of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the Company indicates in this section the provisions of the
Code that it did not apply in 2021.
of the AFEP-MEDEF Code Group practice and explanation
Length of directorship is a criterion On the recommendation of the Governance Committee, the Board of Directors closely
to be analysed by the Committee and examined the status of Charles Edelstenne.
the Board to assess the Charles Edelstenne, whose term is due to expire at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting
independence of a Director called to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2021, had, as
(Article 9.5.6 of the Code) of July 2020, been a Director for longer than the maximum period of 12 years
recommended by the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors took into account Charles Edelstenne’s personality,
professional experience, the objectivity he has consistently demonstrated during Board
meetings, his critical judgement and his ability to make sound decisions in all situations, in
particular as regards Executive Management.
The Board of Directors also took into account the change to the management team that
took place in 2017, which meant that close ties could not be formed with the current team
given the duration of his term.
Charles Edelstenne’s qualities and in-depth knowledge of the Group were considered
essential given the radical change in the composition of the Board since 2018 and its
reduced size, making him a highly valuable contributor to the Board’s strategic decisions.
Given this assessment, the Board of Directors considered that the length of directorship
criterion defined in the AFEP-MEDEF Code among five other criteria was not itself
sufficient for Charles Edelstenne to automatically lose his independent status, and that
there was no other reason to prevent him from continuing in office as an Independent
Director until the end of his term at the 2022 Shareholders’ Meeting.
In accordance with Article 223-26 of the AMF’s General Regulations, we hereby inform you that the following transactions were carried
out during the 2021 financial year by persons referred to in Article L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code
monétaire et financier):
name or Office held at the Price per Transaction
Transaction corporate Company on the Financial share (in amount (in
date name transaction date Transaction type instrument euros) euros)
3.7 Related-party agreements referred
to in Articles L. 225-38 et seq. of the French
Commercial Code
The Board of Directors adopted an internal procedure for In addition to the regulatory framework governing the various
identifying and obtaining authorisation for related-party potential types of agreements, the procedure also requires the
agreements, and for distinguishing them from routine Company to regularly review the terms of all routine agreements
agreements entered into on an arm’s length basis. entered into within the Group. The parties directly or indirectly
involved in such an agreement may not take part in the review.
4.1.1 Risk prevention and management system 234 4.2.1 Definition and objectives of the internal
4.1.2 Main risks 234 control system 251
4.1.3 Insurance 250 4.2.2 Internal control organisation and parties
involved 252
4.2.3 Monitoring system 257
4.2.4 Internal accounting and financial control 258
In an uncertain, constantly changing environment, risk The Group’s 13 key risks in 2021 are described in this Universal
management is essential to ensuring the long-term viability of Registration Document in accordance with the requirements of
the Group’s business operations. EU Regulation No. 2017/1129 (4.1.2).
The Group Risk department is responsible for overseeing the risk To ensure that these risks are fully addressed, the Group also
management system. This system relies on identifying, assessing, implements solutions to transfer risks to the insurance
analysing and addressing risks likely to affect people, assets, the market (4.1.3).
environment and the Group’s objectives. It leads to preventive or
corrective measures designed to protect the Group’s value and
reputation (4.1.1).
The main objective of the risk prevention and management ■ manage incidents and take corrective measures;
system is to protect the reputation of Carrefour by providing
■ inform the Group’s Executive Management and Functional
Executive Management with a clear view of the main threats and
departments of any significant events.
opportunities to assist in making decisions and managing the
business. The Group’s Functional departments are responsible for defining
and communicating the risk management rules applicable to
Its objective is also to foster a risk management culture and a
their function. They support the countries in implementing these
shared vision of the major risks among all employees.
rules to ensure optimum management of the business.
The Country Executive Management teams:
Each year, the Group Risk Department maps the key risks based
■ perform regulatory monitoring and recognise potential on discussions with the Country and Functional Departments to
impacts; measure the net criticality level and consolidate the associated
action plans. It also reviews certain risks and assists the functional
■ take measures to prevent from risks occurring and mitigate
departments in their risk mapping process.
their impacts;
The net score is obtained from the gross score, less the impact of A number of other risks, which were analysed as part of the 1
any mitigation measures taken and action plans implemented by Group’s risk mapping process but which do not meet the
the Group. The net score is calculated on the same basis as in materiality or specificity criteria adopted in compliance with
previous years to ensure comparability of results. Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European
Parliament and of the Council, are nevertheless presented as
The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have been included in the
required as part of the Non-Financial Statement or the
risk assessment on two levels. First, the pandemic is one of the 58
management report, and can be found in Chapters 2 (
risks assessed in the 2021 risk map and, second, its impact, if
and 6 (Note 14.7 to the 2021 consolidated financial statements),
material, has been taken into consideration and described in this
respectively, of this Universal Registration Document.
Universal Registration Document. 2
The table and risk map below summarise the 13 key risks
The impacts of climate change on the Group and its activities are
identified and their historical trend since the 2020 risk map.
included within different risks in the map, some of which are
Non-financial risks disclosed in the Non-Financial Statement (see
included in this chapter. They are indicated by the ♣ symbol in
Chapter 2 of this Universal Registration Document) are identified
the table below. Others impacts such as extreme weather events
in the table below by the “Δ” symbol. Risks newly assessed in
and deterioration of movable and immovable assets are not
2021 are identified by “NEW”.
included as they are not part of the Group’s major risks.
Change Financial Reputatio- Net pro-
Category Risk
vs. 2020 impact nal impact bability
Cybercrime 🡖 ★ ★★ ★★
Moderate★ High ★★ Very High ★★★ 🡕 Increase ~ Stable 🡖 Decrease NA Not applicable
Regulations applicable
to the retail industry
Appropriateness of the retail model
Pressure and instability of tax
and social security legislation
Inflationary environment ♣
Securing the growth
of e-commerce
Product quality,
compliance and safety
★ ★★ ★★★
Political, economic and social environment Governance, laws and regulations Operations
Competitive pressure could be exacerbated in some geographies by the global inflationary environment.
The current economic and health crisis is putting further pressure on consumer purchasing power.
The increase in food e-commerce observed at the beginning of the crisis is continuing and confirming the importance of this
competition channel to retail industry players. Carrefour’s omni-channel profile offers a response to these trends in consumption
methods in the different countries.
■ setting objectives focused on customer satisfaction, particularly through the Net Promoter Score, and working on operational
excellence (e.g., the 5/5/5 method);
■ continuously adjusting the price-promotion-loyalty equation, with price investments and more effective promotions, driven by
better cost control;
■ stepping up the roll-out of the Supeco and Atacadão formats;
■ enhancing the value lines, mainly through the launch of SIMPL and roll-out of the “In & Out” bargain basement concept;
■ freezing prices of basic products in some countries;
■ continued commitment to the food transition through its global Act for Food programme;
■ accelerating the development of e-commerce and omni-channel retailing, notably through the roll-out of new services
(e.g., Ok Market!) and new partnerships (e.g., Cajoo, Uber Eats, Cash Converters).
Furthermore, political and social instability in a country or geography could lead to a deterioration of the business climate and
have a direct influence on consumer spending. Lastly, an unfavourable change in the legislative and regulatory framework could
have an adverse impact on the Group’s operations and results.
In the short term, Carrefour’s business activity held steady or even accelerated thanks to its omni-channel profile and the capture
of some purchases that would normally have gone to other business sectors, such as eating out. The health and economic crisis
had a temporary impact on some of the Group’s ancillary activities, such as retail services (e.g., travel, events and banking) and B2B
services in Europe (e.g., Promocash).
In the longer term, depending on the intensity and the duration of pandemic waves, the health crisis could put pressure on the
political, economic and social climate in the Group’s countries. This could lead to a decrease in consumer purchasing power,
forcing the retail industry to adapt gradually to the new landscape.
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following measures to mitigate the risk of an unfavourable change in the economic and social
environment of countries where it operates:
■ working on the price-promotion-loyalty equation, mainly through price reduction policies and the launch of SIMPL, a range of
Carrefour-brand entry-level products;
■ stepping up the roll-out of the Supeco format in Europe and continuing to expand the Atacadão cash & carry format in Brazil;
■ monitoring the changing economic climate and future outlook in the countries where it operates, specifically through country
performance reviews;
■ tracking key economic indicators in host countries on a monthly basis with a view to defining and updating strategic plans and
project assessments.
The Group has taken the following measures to deal with the political situation in countries where it operates:
■ promotion and defence of the Group’s interests with the competent local, regional and national authorities;
■ a global monitoring system and country-specific risk mapping for the most vulnerable countries, which take into account a
number of indicators. This will be updated regularly and monitored prospectively.
These tools are regularly updated and provide a forward-looking method of tracking in order to support decision making in the
context of the Group’s international growth.
Inflationary environment
■ rising food and agricultural prices, in particular due to climate events (FAO World Food Price Index at its highest level in
10 years(4));
■ post Covid-19 recovery.
Among the Group’s geographies, Argentina has become familiar with this phenomenon since the 2018 recession, experiencing
50.9%(5) inflation in 2021.
Inflation could weigh on the Group’s results through the pressure it exerts on consumer purchasing power, company purchasing 3
costs and employee salaries. The challenge for the Group is to minimise the increase in costs and its impact on sales prices in
order to safeguard consumers’ purchasing power. The ability to pass on cost increases to sales prices will depend on the
economic situation and the competitive environment.
Inflationary pressure can also represent an opportunity for the Group to adapt and provide innovative solutions to gain efficiency
and encourage more virtuous behaviour (e.g., transferring paper catalogues to digital), with a positive long-term impact.
Furthermore, global warming could lead to persistent inflation (raw material costs), due to the increased intensity and frequency of
climate events. 4
The gradual exit from the Covid-19 crisis (via the easing of health restrictions) has led to a mismatch between the level of global
production and the recovery of demand, thus contributing to global inflationary pressure. At this stage, pandemic-related
uncertainty raises questions about the continuation of the prevailing inflationary pressure.
Mitigation measures
The main measures taken by the Group to mitigate this risk are: 6
■ sharing best practices from Argentina and Brazil;
■ monitoring the change in costs of direct and indirect purchases;
■ (re)negotiation with suppliers;
■ monitoring the reactions of the competition;
■ anticipating inflation in the preparation of budgets;
■ adapting the price-promotion-loyalty equation.
■ in France, with almost 80 different levies, heavily weighted to production taxes and social security contributions;
■ in Brazil, with complex tax rules including a state tax on goods and services (ICMS) and federal contributions to the social
integration programme and to the financing of the social security system (Pis-Cofins).
The instability of the tax and social security legislation in some countries also leads to risks and uncertainties in the Group’s
operations in these geographies. The Group could experience difficulties in managing and anticipating changes in the applicable
tax and social security legislation.
■ increased tax pressure, such as the retail sales tax in Poland which will come into force in 2021;
■ complexity of and developments in the Brazilian tax system;
■ tax law instability in Poland and Romania;
■ uncertainty over the future tax regulations applicable to e-commerce;
■ increased social pressure: increase in the minimum wage (e.g., Poland, Romania) and social charges (e.g., Taiwan).
The deterioration in the economic environment as well as the public spending resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic could
prompt governments to raise new taxes to cover the public deficit.
■ deterioration in attractiveness and competitiveness, mainly due to price image if the cost increase is passed on in selling prices;
■ deterioration in profitability due to the increase in tax and social security costs, if not sufficiently passed on in selling prices;
■ business continuity potentially in jeopardy in some countries;
■ financial sanctions for poor application or interpretation of the applicable legislation.
Mitigation measures
To mitigate this risk, regulatory change is monitored and taken into account by the relevant Country and Group departments,
■ Finance department, and in particular the Tax department, as regards changes in tax legislation;
■ the Legal and Human Resources departments, as regards changes in social security legislation.
■ ongoing monitoring and mapping of tax and social security changes in each country;
■ employee training in the various reforms, with the appointment of dedicated experts where necessary;
■ promotion and defence of the Group’s interests with the competent authorities (e.g., Chamber of Commerce, Government,
■ tax and social risk analysis to make sure that adequate provisions are taken;
■ operating discipline to control the cost structure and limit the amount of new tax and social security costs passed on in selling
This framework is extremely restrictive in European countries where the Group operates (France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland and
Romania). In France, commercial practices are increasingly regulated, in particular by the “EGalim” (2018) and “EGalim 2” (2021)
laws, which add to the existing regulatory framework. Their objective is to promote balanced trade relations with the agricultural
sector and healthy, sustainable food. Reinforcing the initial “EGalim” law, “EGalim 2” mainly focuses on taking better account of
farmers’ production costs.
The risk of non-compliance with the legislative and regulatory framework could occur as a result of:
■ anti-competitive practices, such as cartels with competitors or with suppliers, which would distort the free play of competition;
■ restrictive competitive practices, such as financial negotiations with suppliers with either no or disproportionate consideration
(creating a significant imbalance in the rights or obligations of the parties) and the sudden termination of business relations; 3
■ unfair or misleading commercial practices, such as false or misleading advertising.
Carrefour has maintained the rigour of its controls to ensure compliance with the regulations in place.
Mitigation measures
The main measures taken by the Group to mitigate this risk are:
■ a framework of strict procedures and rules governing each practice (purchases, rebates, managing promotions, pricing, etc.);
■ regular employee training and awareness-raising sessions on the regulations applicable to the retail industry;
■ legal intelligence and monitoring of obligations;
■ taking regulatory change into consideration in business operations, in particular in managing the price-promotion-loyalty
equation (e.g., price reduction policy and promoting the loyalty programme).
These regulations set out a legal framework for personal data protection, strengthening citizens’ rights and imposing new
obligations on companies.
The Group has adjusted its organisation and processes, including contractual terms with its business partners. Given the large
amount of customer, employee and supplier data managed, the complexity of its information systems and its increasing
commitment to digital technology, the Group may not always be in strict compliance with the applicable regulations.
Potential cases of non-compliance are as follows:
The Group has adjusted to the constraints imposed by the health crisis and continues to protect the health and safety of its
employees while complying with the applicable regulations. It has also adapted its system to the growth in e-commerce sales and
the increased amount of customer data collected through this channel.
■ breach of data integrity with the loss, leakage or illegal use of customer, employee or supplier personal data;
■ infringement of the rights and freedoms of data subjects (customers, employees and suppliers);
■ financial sanctions (which can represent as much as 4% of the Group’s sales in the event of non-compliance with the GDPR).
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following actions to mitigate this risk:
■ follow-up and reinforcement of a compliance system with support from the relevant departments in each country;
■ continuous improvement of the system by the Data Protection Officer (DPO) in each country;
■ training and awareness-raising of employees in personal data protection (and development of e-learning to ensure training
■ the application of second and third level controls. Operations
Carrefour’s image
In this context, the growth of social networks, in terms of resonance and influence, is an essential parameter to take into account.
Beyond the risk, optimal management of social networks represents an opportunity for Carrefour to effectively manage its
Failure in the management of the Group’s image could occur in the following ways: 3
■ an inadequate communication strategy, in its definition or execution, which is not differentiated from the competition or which
is not aligned with the different media or distribution channels (e.g., integrated and franchised stores, websites);
■ a late or inappropriate response to a crisis relayed by social media and traditional media (e.g., disinformation campaign, food
scandal, accident in a store, etc.);
■ a lack of alignment among responses to consumers across different customer service channels (e.g., email, web, phone, etc.).
Despite some of the disruptions caused by the health crisis, Carrefour has demonstrated its ability to ensure the continuity of its
operations, while preserving customer and employee safety. This was highlighted by high levels of customer satisfaction across all 4
Group countries.
■ a deterioration in the business climate for the Group (e.g., difficulties in forging new strategic partnerships or negotiating with
■ a drop in the number of visits to Carrefour stores and websites; 5
■ a deterioration in market share against certain competitors;
■ difficulty in attracting and retaining key employees.
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following actions to mitigate this risk:
■ feedback on management of the Covid-19 crisis to capitalise on best practices and improve the system;
■ media monitoring (including social networks);
■ creation of dedicated teams in certain countries (e.g., Press Relations);
■ better management of communication, particularly via social networks;
■ continuous improvement of customer service;
■ continuous reinforcement of quality processes and safety of people and property;
■ developing measures to promote diversity and inclusion in the Group;
■ training and support for store employees (including franchisees) and third parties (e.g., suppliers, security providers, etc.).
■ the right balance between the different distribution channels, both digital and physical (hypermarkets, supermarkets,
convenience stores and cash & carry), with regard to the consumption habits of the different countries;
■ the physical and digital offer of products and services, in particular with Carrefour-brand products to leverage the quality and
price image;
■ price-promotion-loyalty equation: price levels, promotions and the generosity of loyalty programmes to meet consumer
expectations in terms of purchasing power, particularly in an inflationary environment.
The increase in food e-commerce observed at the beginning of the crisis is continuing, which confirms the importance of this
competition channel to retail industry players. Carrefour’s digital offer of products and services addresses these evolving
consumption habits in its countries.
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following actions to mitigate this risk:
■ accelerating e-commerce and omni-channel growth with, in particular, an improved digital offer of products and services (food
and non-food offer, delivery times, order compliance, quick commerce, etc.);
■ adapting the offer to the catchment area in a more targeted way;
■ stepping up the roll-out of the Supeco and Atacadão formats;
■ accelerating the deployment of new services (e.g., Ok Market!) and new partnerships (e.g., Cajoo, Uber Eats);
■ reviewing external growth opportunities to improve the format mix (e.g., acquisition of Supersol stores in Spain to bolster the
supermarket format, Wellcome convenience stores in Taiwan, and Grupo BIG stores in Brazil);
■ expanding the convenience format through franchising in countries where there is demand;
■ improving store appeal with concepts such as the “In & Out” bargain basement concept (designed to stimulate footfall) and
strengthening marketing campaigns (e.g., for “Big Macs”, non-food flagship products created by Carrefour);
■ continued cost cutting to provide the headroom to invest in the marketing drive;
■ continued roll-out of the SIMPL value line;
■ testing of subscription formats (e.g., in France and Spain) giving access to discounts;
■ optimising the promotional strategy for Carrefour-brand products in conjunction with national brands;
■ reducing pricing errors in the stores (e.g., TOP programme to improve in-store execution in France);
■ tracking and analysing market shares by format, price indexes, competition and changes in consumer preferences.
■ banking activities (France, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina) which are mainly based on the granting of consumer credit (e.g.,
credit card – carte Pass in France);
■ insurance activities (insurance and brokerage in France, brokerage in other geographies). 2
The challenge for Carrefour’s financial services businesses is to diversify their offer to effectively meet the full range of customer
needs and avoid over-reliance on certain products. A poorly diversified offer could, moreover, be undermined by new regulations
which could make it more difficult to market and negatively affect its profitability (e.g., reduction in the usury rate in Spain). This
offer must, in any case, take into account the multiple, complex and sometimes divergent legal or regulatory requirements
applicable in the various countries. These requirements exacerbate the risk of misinterpretation and non-compliance.
Digital players (e.g., online banks) with an attractive value proposition are exerting strong competitive pressure on the market. In
particular, they rely on digital innovations (often based on applications) which widen the scope of possibilities in terms of
commercial offers. 3
In this changing context, Carrefour has set an ambitious objective of increasing the profitability of its digital investments by 2026.
To achieve this objective, Carrefour must identify new growth areas. This includes better digitalisation of its offer and operations,
and adequate investment.
The challenge will also be to adapt its organisation in order to optimise coordination between the different distribution channels:
physical and digital, Carrefour stores and bank branches.
Financial Services activities were initially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted in a decline in credit production
associated with a decline in consumption. The deterioration of the financial situation of policyholders then led to an increase in
the cost of risk. A gradual return to normalcy has begun in 2021.
Mitigation measures 6
The main measures taken by the Group to mitigate these risks are:
The Group has put the development of e-commerce and omni-channel retailing at the heart of its 2026 digital strategy.
Historical operators are competing with digital-only banners who offer an innovative product and service range (e.g., quick
commerce) and who could establish a physical presence, particularly through partnerships or acquisitions.
The Group must therefore adjust its supply chain and its store and warehouse operations to guarantee a high quality of service
and the best possible customer experience for all online shoppers, with an eye on continued improvement of its business model.
In addition, customers are becoming increasingly omni-channel, shopping both in physical stores and online, which requires good
coordination between all channels.
Customers could find that the range and choice of products available online is not as good as in the stores, and that prices are too
high. They could also decide that the quality of digital services is not good enough, for example a poor order conformity rate, too
limited a choice of delivery or pick-up times, or inadequate customer service.
While the service rate may have been impacted by the sudden acceleration in e-commerce in the first few months of the
pandemic, Carrefour quickly adapted to the dynamic growth in online sales, which is now well established. Preparation capabilities
have been expanded and the range of products and services has been enhanced.
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following actions to mitigate this risk:
A partial or total shutdown of these tools could disrupt Group business operations, particularly in terms of supply, cash collection,
e-commerce, financial oversight and financial statement preparation.
Such a shutdown could be caused by various acts of cybercrime (such as ransomware). The obsolescence of tools and/or the
complexity of interconnected systems (including with suppliers or partners) could amplify the impact of these acts.
Furthermore, information systems could be diverted from their normal use by malicious actors (e.g., use of Carrefour
infrastructures to host malicious sites).
Lastly, information systems process and store sensitive data (such as personal data). These data could be stolen during a cyber
attack and then possibly disclosed by the attackers. 3
Ongoing recourse to home working for all support and head office staff is liable to increase the Group’s exposure to cybercrime.
Mitigation measures
The Group has taken the following measures to mitigate the impact and probability of occurrence of this risk:
■ the Group’s Data Security Committee, which includes the Group General Secretary and the Digital Transformation Officer, Chief
Technology Officer and Information Security Officer, is responsible for overseeing the system, supported by a local country
■ the appointment of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Group level, in charge of the cyber security strategy and
coordination of cyber security arrangements in Group countries;
■ more agile cyber security governance based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cyber security
framework, including external audits;
■ a software vulnerability identification and mitigation programme; 6
■ a programme to strengthen critical IT infrastructure;
■ establishing a global Security Operation Centre (SOC) to detect security incidents in all Group countries and a programme to
standardise cyber security incident management;
■ introducing an obsolescence and renewal management plan (IT roadmap);
■ strengthening the regular data backup processes;
■ migrating servers, archives and backups to the Cloud and a specific programme to secure this environment;
■ establishing business continuity and resumption plans in the event of an incident;
■ automatic encryption of sensitive data using the DataSecure programme;
■ protecting access to information systems via a second authentication factor;
■ employee awareness-raising and training.
Non-compliance with specifications, purchasing rules, a labelling problem or failure in logistics tracking could lead to Carrefour
selling non-compliant products.
■ a problem in defining the specifications for Carrefour-brand products (in particular with regard to compliance with the Carrefour
commitments to the food transition for all);
■ a defect in the manufacture of Carrefour-brand products;
■ a failure to comply with safety requirements for imported products (excluding Carrefour-brand products);
■ a breach of quality and health standards in the stores or warehouses;
■ significant shortcomings in product controls and traceability;
■ failings in the withdrawal and recall procedure for non-compliant products.
The Group has adjusted to the constraints imposed by the health crisis and continues to ensure the quality, compliance and safety
of its products while complying with the applicable regulations.
■ allergic reactions to ingredients, even if usually harmless, which should not have been used in manufacturing the product;
■ food poisoning caused by non-compliant products, for example, in the event of failure of the cold chain;
■ physical or material damage caused by a defective product;
■ partial or total site closures due to non-compliance with health standards in stores or warehouses;
■ non-compliance with withdrawal and recall procedures, made more difficult by shortcomings in traceability or identification of
the products concerned;
Mitigation measures
The Group Quality department has developed a number of standards and tools, including Quality Charters, which are deployed in
all countries where the Group operates. The Country-level Quality departments are also part of the Quality network, with regular
meetings and discussions aimed at sharing best practices and ensuring a consistent approach at Group level.
More specifically, the mitigation measures taken focus on the following issues:
■ implementing purchasing rules at Group level, with commitments supporting the food transition and product quality;
■ developing the quality culture in the Group through employee training and awareness-raising, regular monitoring of
performance indicators, on-site audits and laboratory analysis of products;
■ redefining product withdrawal and recall procedures and tools using systems such as Alertnet, which warns store managers of
non-compliant products and blocks them at checkout;
■ improving communication flows about product withdrawal and recall procedures, particularly through messaging apps;
■ rolling out blockchain technology, particularly for new food products in the Carrefour Quality Lines, to ensure full traceability
and guarantee total transparency for consumers about where the products have come from.
■ respect for human rights and working conditions and fair remuneration for all parties involved in the supply chain (e.g., textiles
and fruit and vegetable picking);
■ use of environmentally- and animal welfare-friendly agricultural products and production processes, particularly with regard to
deforestation (e.g., palm oil, timber and paper, Brazilian beef) and pollution (e.g., use of chemicals in the textile industry, use of
■ use of healthy and environmentally safe materials and ingredients (e.g., food additives, plastics);
■ developing sustainable relationships with suppliers and resilient supply chains (e.g., long-term partnerships, local sourcing,
adapting to climate change).
The Covid-19 health crisis has heightened awareness among consumers about safe and sustainable consumption. This has led to 3
higher expectations among the various stakeholders and consequently intensified Carrefour’s adaptative response.
■ social impacts: the Group could be held liable if it uses suppliers that do not respect human rights or comply with labour laws,
especially in the countries most at risk;
■ environmental or animal welfare impacts: the use of certain commodities or ingredients/raw materials could cause 4
environmental damage (e.g., deforestation, industrial pollution, etc.) or animal suffering;
■ reputational impacts: for example, due to negative comments on social media and a poor perception of the Group’s ambitions
and commitments in terms of the food transition, which could lead to a decline in footfall and, therefore, the Group’s market
■ financial impacts: financial sanctions for non-compliance with the applicable regulations and legislation.
Mitigation measures
The Group has established CSR and food transition purchasing rules, as well as policies setting out: 5
■ the commitments made by suppliers through their signing of a commitment charter including the Group’s Principles of Ethics,
which is annexed to purchasing contracts;
■ compliance processes and rules for social audits of at-risk sectors;
■ action plans to ensure compliance of sensitive production phases and raw materials with specific purchasing rules;
■ Carrefour’s key objectives in developing more sustainable production methods, mainly by developing organic farming and
A CSR and Food Transition Index was set up in 2018 to measure the achievement of the Group’s CSR objectives. This index
measures the Group’s performance in implementing the food transition objectives. It is a compensation criterion for the Chairman 6
and Chief Executive Officer, executives, Country Executive Committee members and top-level Group function managers.
Internal and external audits are performed regularly to ensure that these rules and objectives are properly applied in all relevant
countries and departments.
■ implementing a duty of care plan for risks related to the environment, human health and safety, and respect of human rights in
supply chains;
■ deploying the solutions available to guarantee traceability through tools such as blockchain and supplier certification or
■ ensuring the compliance of the raw materials used for Carrefour-brand products, mobilising the players upstream of our
supplies to transform their entire offer;
■ working collectively to develop new market standards and multi-stakeholder initiatives in producer and consumer countries.
The CSR Department, in association with the professions (merchandise, quality, etc.), has set up procedures for dialogue with
stakeholders such as associations, NGOs, public authorities, suppliers and consumers, to guarantee continuous improvement in
control over these issues throughout the Group.
For the past several years, the Group’s insurance strategy has Information concerning the main
focused on providing the best possible protection for people and
assets. insurance programmes
The following is provided for information purposes only in order Group insurance policy to illustrate the scope of action in 2021. This information should
not be regarded as unchanging, since the insurance market is
The Group’s insurance strategy is primarily based on identifying constantly evolving. The Group’s insurance strategy therefore
insurable risks through a regular review of existing and emerging depends on and adapts to insurance market conditions.
risks, in close cooperation with operational managers, the various
Carrefour group departments involved, and external specialists.
Property damage and business interruption
Worldwide programmes
This insurance protects the Group’s assets through an “all risks,
To cover the main identified risks, the Carrefour group has set up with exceptions” policy, on the basis of guarantees available on
comprehensive, worldwide programmes (especially for property the insurance market to cover the traditional risks for this type of
damage and business interruption, and civil liability policies) with coverage, which include fire, lightning, theft, natural disaster and
reputable international insurance companies, providing uniform the resulting operating losses.
coverage, to the extent possible, for all formats (consolidated
stores only), wherever the stores are located (except in countries The limits and exclusions of this property damage and business
where regulations prohibit this type of arrangement). interruption policy are consistent with market practices.
Deductibles are established as appropriate for the various store
Thus, the Group has a solid understanding of the limits of the formats.
coverage in place, and the certainty that its insurance
programmes have been taken out with leading global insurers.
Civil liability coverage
Acquisitions during the year This programme is intended to cover the Group’s activities
against the financial consequences of its civil liability in the event
The Carrefour group ensures that acquisitions carried out over that the Company may be held liable for resulting damage and/or
the course of the insurance year are quickly covered under its bodily harm caused to third parties.
comprehensive programmes, or, where applicable, benefit from
its DIC/DIL (difference in conditions/difference in limits) coverage Limits and exclusions in force for this policy comply with market
policies, in order to ensure solid control over existing coverage practices. Deductibles vary from country to country.
and benefits. The Group is also covered against the risk of harming the
environment as part of its comprehensive, worldwide civil liability
Prevention policy insurance programme.
The Group’s insurance policy requires that risk prevention Mandatory insurance
measures be monitored by the Group Security department in
coordination with local Group liaisons in each country, as well as The Group takes out different insurance programmes in
with the Group’s insurers. accordance with local law, including:
■ auto insurance;
Transfer of insurable risk and self-insurance
■ construction insurance (building defects, ten-year builder
of some risks liability, etc.);
In order to optimise insurance costs and better manage risk, and ■ professional liability insurance related to its activities:
in line with its insurance policy, the Group transfers identified ■ banking,
insurable risks to the insurance market and has a policy of
maintaining certain high-frequency risks within property damage ■ insurance,
and business interruption, civil liability and goods transportation ■ travel.
through its captive re-insurance company. The results of this
captive company are consolidated in the Group’s financial
A stop-loss provision per claim and per insurance year has been
established in order to protect the captive company’s interests
and limit its commitments.
4.2 Internal control system
2 Introduction and applicable More specifically, the internal control system is designed to
ensure that:
reference framework
■ the Group’s economic and financial targets are achieved in
The Carrefour group’s internal control system is based on the accordance with laws and regulations;
reference framework published by the French financial markets ■ instructions and directional guidelines established by the
authority (Autorité des marchés financiers – AMF) in 2007 and Group’s Executive Management in respect of internal control
updated on July 22, 2010, and its implementation guidance. The are applied;
AMF’s reference framework addresses the management of risk
and internal control systems as well as procedures relating to the ■ internal processes are working correctly, particularly those 3
oversight and preparation of accounting and financial contributing to the security of assets;
information. It is consistent with the COSO (Committee of ■ financial information is reliable;
Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) internal
control framework. ■ the risk of error and fraud, particularly in the areas of
accounting and finance, is prevented and controlled.
The Group’s banking and insurance businesses in France have
their own system which complies with the decree of
November 3, 2014 on internal control in companies in the Scope and limitations of the internal
banking, payment services and investment services sector, and control system 4
with Directive 2009/138/EC (the “Solvency II Directive”) on risk
governance and management in insurance companies. These The internal control system presented in this report is
businesses are supervised by the French prudential supervision implemented in the Company and all its fully-consolidated
and resolution authority (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de subsidiaries, and covers a larger scope than the procedures
résolution – ACPR). relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and
financial information. Objectives of the internal control By helping to prevent and control the risks that may prevent the
system Group from achieving its objectives, the internal control system
plays a key role in the management and oversight of its activities.
The internal control system comprises a set of permanent However, as the AMF reference framework underscores, no
resources, standards of conduct, procedures and actions adapted matter how well designed and properly applied, an internal
to the individual characteristics of the Company and its control system cannot fully guarantee that the Group’s objectives
subsidiaries, which: will be achieved. There are inherent limitations in all internal
control systems, which arise, in particular, from uncertainties in
■ contribute to the control of its businesses, the efficiency of its the outside world, the exercise of judgement or problems that
operations and the efficient use of its resources; and may occur due to technical or human failure, or simple error.
■ enable it to deal appropriately with all major operational, 6
financial or compliance-related risks. Internal control environment The Group ensures that relevant and reliable information is
disseminated and conveyed to the parties concerned so that they
The Group’s internal control system is part of a system of values can perform their duties in accordance with Group standards and
driven by the governing bodies and Executive Management, and procedures:
conveyed to all staff. ■ the Group’s functional departments participate in drawing up
The Group has set up a formal control environment using various Group rules for their area of activity and may, where
procedures and control measures, with for example a Group appropriate, apply these rules in procedures and best practices
regulatory framework, Ethics Principles and a definition of the for Group entities;
powers, responsibilities and objectives assigned at each level of ■ the Group’s regulatory framework is circulated to all Country
the organisation, according to the principle of the separation of Executive Directors, Finance Directors and Internal Control
duties: Directors during the self-assessment campaign;
■ at country level, the Group regulatory framework is reflected in ■ the Group’s accounting close instructions are sent to all
precise operating procedures. It is the tool with which each Finance Directors at the end of each month and quarter;
country conducts its internal controls, which are, in turn,
audited by the Group. Containing around 160 rules that are ■ the Group Investment Committee’s governance rules are sent
mandatory for all countries, the framework is deigned to cover: to all Finance Directors.
■ general internal control risks such as delegations of power, Similarly, the countries make sure to relay relevant, reliable
separation of duties, risk mapping, business continuity plans information to the parties concerned so that they can perform
and document archiving, their duties in accordance with Group standards and procedures.
Risk management and internal control Internal audit
Conduct of operations
See Section See Section
Functional departments
See Section
■ Finance
■ Legal
■ Ethics, Compliance
and Data Protection Reporting, accountability 4
■ Safety
■ Property Management Steering, supervision, delegation, resources
■ Quality
■ CSR Collaboration
■ Human Resources
■ Information Systems
■ Insurance
First line of defence: the operational managers, responsible for evaluating, preventing and controlling risks, principally through an
appropriate control system covering all processes for which they are responsible. They thus assure the day-to-day management of
activities and operations using the most effective risk management practices at process level.
Second line of defence: risk management and internal control in coordination with the functional departments, which are responsible
for their area of expertise. The objective is to structure and maintain the system of control over the organisation’s business operations 6
(see Section
Third line of defence: Internal Audit, operating independently from management to provide assurance and insight on the adequacy and
effectiveness of governance and the management of risks (see Section
■ monitor the effectiveness of the internal control, risk The Group’s Executive Management sets the reference
management and, where applicable, internal audit systems framework for the Group’s internal control system. The Executive
relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and Management’s role is to design, coordinate, lead and
financial information, without compromising its independence. continuously supervise internal control systems, and it has
It ensures that such systems are in place and implemented, and defined a Group regulatory framework that covers all the
that corrective measures are undertaken in the event that any principles and standards applicable to all Group entities and
failings or anomalies are identified. For this purpose, the employees. It is also responsible for the internal control system.
Statutory Auditors and the internal control and internal audit It is also tasked with designing, implementing and overseeing the
managers submit their main findings to the Committee. It must internal control systems suited to the size of the Group, its
be kept informed about the internal audit programme and must activity and its organisation.
be provided with the internal audit reports or a regular
It initiates any corrective actions that are needed to rectify an
summary of these reports. It must also be informed of the
identified malfunction and to maintain a situation within the limits
outcome of the self-assessment questionnaires and the
of acceptable risk. It ensures that these actions are successfully
internal control action plans;
■ monitor the work carried out by the Group Internal Audit and
The Executive Management’s duties in relation to the internal
Risk teams. It approves the internal audit plan and must be
control system also include defining the corresponding roles and
provided with the Group internal audit reports or a regular
responsibilities in the Group.
summary of these reports, It must also give its opinion on the
relevance of the work and organisation of the Internal Audit, Lastly, the CSR Committee, in verifying the application of the
Risk and Internal Control departments; Group’s CSR commitments, assessing CSR risks, and monitoring
the annual non-financial performance report, also contributes to
■ review risks and material off-balance sheet commitments,
the internal control system.
assess the significance of any malfunctions or weaknesses
reported to it, and inform the Board of Directors where
Group internal control presents a summary of action plan dismissed or subject to any direct or indirect discriminatory
monitoring work to the Audit Committee. In addition, each measures.
country is required to present progress on its action plans to the
Group Finance department. Supervision by the Audit Committee and Executive
Monitoring of fraud and internal control incidents The Group’s Executive Management supervises the internal
Fraud and other internal control incidents relating to ethics are control system in particular by reviewing the work and the
carefully monitored by the Company Ethics Committees, and minutes of meetings of the following bodies and departments:
depending on their materiality, by the Group Ethics Committee.
■ Group and Country Ethics Committees;
The following events must be reported to the Group:
■ Group Investment Committee;
■ accounting misstatements and alterations harming the integrity
of the financial information, whether favourable or
■ Group Data Security Committee;
unfavourable to the Company or the Group; ■ Financial Risk Committees;
■ misappropriation or endangerment of tangible or intangible ■ Country performance reviews;
■ Antigaspi Committee;
■ events liable to constitute passive or active corruption or ■ GDPR Committee;
influence peddling;
■ Group Information Systems department;
■ breaches of laws and regulations;
■ Group Internal Control department;
■ other significant breaches of the ethics principles and
compliance programme. ■ Group Internal Audit and Risk departments;
All incidents may be reported using the Group or country ethics ■ Group Ethics, Compliance and Personal Data Protection
hotline. Alerts raised are investigated to establish whether the department; and
alleged events are true or not. ■ any other ad hoc committee meeting convened according to
They are monitored by the Ethics, Compliance and Personal Data the needs identified by the Group’s Executive Management.
Protection department using a single, centralised procedure Lastly, the Audit Committee set up by the Board of Directors
applicable to all Group subsidiaries. Employees who raise a monitors the effectiveness of the internal control and risk
potential fraud alert in good faith may not be disciplined, management systems. Its role and purpose are described above. General organisational principles Management within each country is responsible for identifying
risks that impact the preparation of financial and accounting
of accounting and financial control information as well as taking the necessary steps to adapt the
internal control system.
Internal accounting and financial control aims to ensure:
With regard to information that requires special attention given its
■ the compliance of reported accounting information with the impact on the consolidated financial statements, the Group
applicable rules (IFRS international accounting standards); Reporting and Consolidation department requests the necessary
■ the application of instructions and strategic objectives explanations and may perform such controls itself. It can also
established by the Group; assign an external auditor to carry out such controls or submit a
request to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the
■ the prevention and detection of fraud and accounting and
Internal Audit department to intervene.
financial irregularities;
■ the presentation and reliability of published financial
information. Management of the accounting
Risks related to the production of accounting and financial and finance organisation
information can be classified into two categories:
Organisation of the finance function
■ those related to the accounting of recurring operations in the
Group’s host countries, whose control systems must be set as The finance function is mainly based on a two-level organisation:
close as possible to decentralised operations;
■ the Group Financial Control department defines the IFRS
■ those related to the accounting of non-recurring operations accounting principles applicable to Carrefour and provides
that may have a material impact on the Group’s financial leadership and oversight of the production of consolidated
statements. financial statements and management reports. This department
The internal control system described in the following paragraphs includes a Reporting and Consolidation department and a
incorporates this risk approach. Performance Analysis department:
■ the Reporting and Consolidation department monitors The Group Reporting and Consolidation team leads this process 1
standards, defines the Group accounting doctrine (“IFRS and is responsible for producing the Group’s consolidated
accounting principles applicable to Carrefour”), produces and financial statements. Consolidation takes place monthly. The
analyses the consolidated financial statements, and prepares Statutory Auditors audit the annual consolidated financial
the consolidated accounting and financial information, and is statements and perform a review of the half-yearly consolidated
the direct link to the Finance departments at country level, financial statements. The half-yearly and annual consolidated
financial statements are also published. The Group uses identical
■ the Performance Analysis department analyses both
tools, data and regional breakdowns for its management reports
prospective and retrospective management reports. It
and consolidated financial statements.
requests explanations from the country-level Finance 2
departments and alerts the Group’s Executive Management Subsidiaries prepare their own statutory financial statements as
to key issues and any potential impacts; well as the consolidated financial statements converted into
euros for their region. The Finance department in each country
■ the country-level Finance departments are responsible for the
makes use of controls in place in the consolidation tool. The
production and control of the country-level company and
Reporting and Consolidation department checks for consistency
consolidated financial statements. They are also responsible for
and performs a reconciliation and analysis at the end of each
deploying an internal control system within their scope that is
adapted to their specific challenges and risks, taking into
account the Group’s recommendations and directives. The main options and accounting estimates are subject to review
by the Group Reporting and Consolidation department and the 3
The Group Executive Director – Finance and Management
country-level Finance Directors, including during meetings for
appoints the country-level Finance Directors.
financial statement reporting options, organised before the
financial statements are reported at Group and country level in
Accounting principles and procedures manuals cooperation with external auditors.
Group accounting principles are specified in a regularly updated A hard-close procedure was introduced by the Reporting and
document that is communicated to all those involved in the Consolidation department in late May and late November to
process. anticipate, as far in advance as possible, any potentially sensitive
Oversight also involves assessing the information provided by the In organisational terms:
Statutory Auditors as part of their in-country operations. The role
■ the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Group
of the Statutory Auditors includes, but is not limited to,
Executive Director – Finance and Management, as well as the
expressing an opinion as to whether the Company and
Financial Communications and Investor Relations departments,
consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the
are, except in certain cases, the sole contacts for analysts,
Group, and performing a review of the half-yearly consolidated
institutional investors and shareholders;
financial statements.
■ the Group Human Resources department, with support from
At each annual close, Group Internal Control receives letters of
the Group Communications department, manages information
representation signed by the Country Executive Director and
intended for employees;
country-level Finance Director, certifying that the financial
information reported to the Group is reliable, fair and prepared in ■ the Group Communications department manages press
accordance with the IFRS accounting principles applied by relations.
Procedures for controlling financial Control over financial communications
communications The Group Financial Control department is the exclusive source
of financial information.
Role and purpose of financial communications
Internal controls regarding the financial communications process
The objective of financial communications is to provide the entire focus on compliance with the principle of shareholder equality,
financial community with clear information about the Group’s among other issues. All press releases and significant
strategy, business model and performance, by publishing announcements are prepared by mutual agreement between the
accurate, true and fair information while upholding the principle Financial Communications department, which is part of the
of shareholder equality with regard to information. Group Finance department, and the Group Communications
Organisation of financial communications Where appropriate, these departments are assisted (in particular,
as part of the market abuse prevention programme) by the Group
Financial communications address a diverse audience, primarily Legal department and the Legal department of Atacadão, the
comprising financial analysts, institutional investors, individual listed Brazilian subsidiary controlled by the Group.
shareholders and employees. They are disseminated as required
by law (Shareholders’ Meeting) or the AMF’s regulations (periodic
Financial communications policy
publications, press releases). The Group also uses other channels
for its financial communications, including conference calls, The Group Finance department defines and implements the
investor presentations on results or events (investors day), policy on disclosing financial results to the markets. The
meetings, conferences and roadshows for financial analysts and Carrefour group discloses its sales on a quarterly basis and its
investors, the Universal Registration Document and annual results on a half-yearly basis. The Board of Director is informed of
report, and the corporate website. all periodic publications and press releases on financial and
strategic operations, and makes comments as appropriate.
The Group Financial Communications department is also
involved in coordinating the financial communications of the
Group and Atacadão.
4.3 Legal and arbitration proceedings In Argentina This is notably the case in Spain and Argentina, where consumer 8
associations – or a significant number of customers, as the case
On October 1, 2019, INC S.A. (the Group's subsidiary in Argentina) may be – have questioned the interest rates and/or contracts for
and its former Chairman were referred back to a trial court revolving credit, consumer credit and deferred payment.
5.1 Business review and consolidated 5.5 First-quarter 2022 sales and outlook
income analysis 264 (Company press release dated
April 20, 2022) 278
5.1.1 Main income statement indicators 264
5.1.2 Analysis of the main income statement items 265 5.5.1 First-quarter 2022 sales inc. vat 279
5.5.2 A record quarter for e-commerce 280
5.2 Group financial position and cash flows 269 5.5.3 Inflationary context impact 280
5.5.4 Implementation of the €750 million share
5.2.1 Equity 269
buyback 280
5.2.2 Net debt 269
5.5.5 Carrefour, a committed Company 281
5.2.3 Statement of cash flows 270
5.5.6 Issuance of a €1.5 billion
5.2.4 Financing and liquidity resources 270 Sustainability-Linked Bond 281
5.2.5 Restrictions on the use of capital resources 271 5.5.7 Appendixes to the press release
5.2.6 Expected sources of funding 271 of April 20, 2022 282
5.4 Other information 273 5.7 Parent company financial review 286
5.4.1 Accounting principles 273 5.7.1 Business and financial review 286
5.4.2 Significant events of the year 274 5.7.2 Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates 287
5.4.3 Restatement of the 2020 consolidated 5.7.3 Income appropriation 287
financial statements 276 5.7.4 Research and development 288
5.4.4 Main related-party transactions 276 5.7.5 Recent developments 288
5.4.5 Subsequent events 276 5.7.6 Company earnings performance
5.4.6 Risk factors 277 in the last five financial years 288
Argentina is classified as a hyperinflationary economy within the Comparative data for 2020 have been restated (indicated as
meaning of IFRS. IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in “restated” below) in the consolidated financial statements as of
Hyperinflationary Economies is therefore applicable to the December 31, 2021 to reflect the decision by the
consolidated financial statements for the year ended IFRS Interpretation Committee (IFRS IC) published in May 2021 on
December 31, 2021. Comparative data for 2020 have also been attributing benefit to periods of service in the calculation of the
adjusted for inflation. provision for employee benefits falling within the scope of IAS 19
(see Note 4.3).
% change at
(in millions of euros) 2021 2020 % change exchange rates
Net sales 72,958 70,719 3.2% 5.0%
Gross margin from recurring operations 15,520 15,445 0.5% 2.4%
in % of net sales 21.3% 21.8%
Sales, general and administrative expenses, depreciation
(13,247) (13,272) (0.2)% 1.5%
and amortisation
Recurring operating income 2,272 2,173 4.6% 7.7%
Recurring operating income before depreciation
4,550 4,465 1.9% 3.9%
and amortisation
Recurring operating income after net income
2,284 2,160 5.8% 8.9%
from equity-accounted companies
Non-recurring income and expenses, net (374) (474) (21.2)% (22.8)%
Operating income 1,911 1,686 13.3% 17.9%
Finance costs and other financial income and expenses, net (279) (334) (16.4)% (13.9)%
Income tax expense (372) (498) (25.3)% (22.3)%
Net income/(loss) from continuing operations - Group share 1,030 663 55.3% 61.1%
Net income/(loss) from discontinued operations - Group share 42 (22) 289.3% 289.3%
NET INCOME/(LOSS) - GROUP SHARE 1,072 641 67.3% 73.3%
FREE CASH-FLOW(1) 2,435 2,223
NET FREE CASH-FLOW(2) 1,228 1,056
NET DEBT(3) 2,633 2,616
(1) Free cash flow corresponds to cash flow from operating activities before net finance costs and net interest related to lease commitments, after the
change in working capital, less net cash from/(used in) investing activities.
(2) Net free cash flow corresponds to free cash flow after net finance costs and net lease payments.
(3) Net debt does not include lease commitments or right-of-use assets (see Note 2.2).
Net sales totalled 73.0 billion euros in 2021, an increase of 5.0% The income tax expense for 2021 amounted to 372 million euros
at constant exchange rates. (compared with 498 million euros for 2020).
Recurring operating income before depreciation and Net income from continuing operations – Group share, totalled
amortisation came in at 4,550 million euros, an improvement of 1,030 million euros, a 367 million euro improvement on 2020.
3.9% at constant exchange rates.
Discontinued operations generated a net income – Group share
Recurring operating income increased by 7.7% at constant of 42 million euros, versus a net loss of 22 million euros in 2020,
exchange rates, to 2,272 million euros. primarily reflecting the reversal of the impairment loss recorded
on the financial receivable related to the 20% stake in Carrefour
Non-recurring operating income and expenses represented a net
expense of 374 million euros, a 101-million-euro improvement
compared with 2020, due mainly to the gain arising on the loss The Group ended 2021 with a net income – Group share of
of control of Market Pay in France and the exchange of assets in 1,072 million euros, versus a net income of 641 million euros in
Brazil as part of the Pinheiros real estate transaction. These gains 2020.
were partly offset by higher restructuring costs, particularly in
Free cash flow came to 2,435 million euros, versus 2,223 million
France and Italy.
euros in 2020. Net free cash flow came to 1,228 million euros,
Finance costs and other financial income and expenses versus 1,056 million euros in 2020.
represented a net expense of 279 million euros, a decrease of
55 million euros from the 2020 figure that reflected the reduction
in net other financial expense.
The Group’s operating segments consist of the countries in which it does business, combined by region, and “Global functions”,
corresponding to the holding companies and other administrative, finance and marketing support entities.
The Carrefour group reported net sales of 73.0 billion euros in benefited from the momentum mainly driven by the recovery
2021, up 5.0% at constant exchange rates and up 5.1% restated in consumer spending and the reopening of shopping malls,
for the application of IAS 29. reporting sales up 3.0% LFL on 2020 and 2.3% LFL over two
years. In Romania, Carrefour continued to enjoy dynamic
■ Sales in France were up 3.4% in 2021, representing a 1.8%
growth, with sales up 2.0% LFL on 2020 and 4.1% LFL over two
like-for-like(1) increase on 2020. In 2021, all segments
contributed to the growth in sales, on the back of a record year
in 2020, notably with like-for-like increases of 0.6% for ■ In Latin America, growth remained high, at 14.5% at constant
hypermarkets and 3.6% for supermarkets. The Group exchange rates and 9.3% LFL, after a record year in 2020 (up
outperformed in all reference channels. The e-commerce 23% LFL), reflecting a solid performance in a turbulent
business grew 19% compared with 2020 and 80% compared economic environment. In Brazil, sales grew 1.0% LFL, a robust
with 2019, led by food sales. performance in a macroeconomic environment that
deteriorated during the year as rising inflation eroded
■ In Europe (excluding France), sales rose by a slight 0.6% at
consumer purchasing power. Food sales continued to grow
constant exchange rates in 2021; the like-for-like change was a
and although non-food sales declined after an exceptionally
modest decline of 1.1% versus 2020 but an increase of 2.3%
strong 2020, they were nonetheless up 10% LFL over two years.
over two years. In Spain, sales were broadly stable (down 0.4%
In addition, Carrefour completed the programme of Makro
LFL) after growing strongly in 2020. Carrefour continued to
store conversions. The converted stores are ramping up faster
expand its market share in 2021. In Belgium, sales (down 4.2%
than expected, delivering sales in excess of original forecasts. In
LFL) were penalized by a deflationary competitive environment,
Argentina, sales rose by 50.0% LFL (pre-IAS 29), on the back of
exceptionally high sales during the summer of 2020, and
49.3% LFL growth (pre-IAS 29) in 2020. Apart from the impact
supply shortages in the fourth quarter due to significant
of very high inflation on food prices, this excellent performance
disruptions experienced by a major logistics partner. On a
also reflected sharply higher volumes resulting in continued
two-year comparison basis, both countries experienced a solid
market share gains.
growth (up 6.7% LFL in Spain and up 4.1% LFL in Belgium). In
Italy, the performance improved over the year (down 3.0% LFL) ■ In Taiwan (Asia), sales were up 16.9% at constant exchange
and became positive in the second half (up 0,8% LFL in the rates (down 3.0% LFL), thanks to the integration of Wellcome
third quarter and up 2.5% LFL in the fourth), notably driven by convenience stores.
an offensive commercial strategy. In Poland, Carrefour
(1) Like-for-like sales generated by stores open for at least 12 months, excluding temporary store closures, at constant exchange rates, excluding
petrol and calendar effects and excluding the IAS 29 impact.
At constant exchange rates, the portion of consolidated net sales generated outside France continued to rise, representing 52.5% in
2021, compared with 51.7% in 2020.
% change at
(in millions of euros) 2021 2020 % change exchange rates
France 757 629 20.4% 20.4%
Europe (excluding France) 718 698 2.8% 3.3%
Latin America 768 786 (2.2)% 6.3%
Asia (Taiwan) 78 94 (16.7)% (18.1)%
Global functions (49) (33) 49.5% 48.2%
TOTAL 2,272 2,173 4.6% 7.7%
Recurring operating income represented 2,272 million euros in Depreciation and amortisation
2021, an increase of 99 million euros (up 7.7% at constant
exchange rates). Depreciation and amortisation of property and equipment,
In France, recurring operating income for 2021 was 757 million intangible assets and investment property amounted to
euros, up 20.4% on 2020. Operating margin increased by 30 bps 1,270 million euros in 2021 compared with 1,319 million euros in
to 2.1%, on the back of a 24-bps improvement in 2020. This 2020.
change reflects excellent momentum in retail, combined with a Depreciation of right-of-use assets (IFRS 16) relating to property
deep focus on cutting costs. and equipment and investment property totalled 748 million
In Europe (excluding France), recurring operating income stood euros in 2021 compared with 721 million euros in 2020.
at 718 million euros, versus 698 million euros in 2020, an Including depreciation and amortisation of logistics equipment
increase of 3.3% at constant exchange rates. Operating margin and of the related right-of-use assets (IFRS 16) included in the
improved by 9 bps to 3.4%. All countries except Belgium reported cost of sales, a total depreciation and amortisation expense of
increases in recurring operating income and operating margin. 2,277 million euros was recognised in the consolidated income
In Latin America, recurring operating income stood at 768 million statement for 2021, compared with an expense of 2,292 million
euros, an increase of 6.3% at constant exchange rates that came euros for 2020.
on the back of a strong 26.4% rise in 2020, also at constant
exchange rates. In Brazil, recurring operating income rose by Net income/(loss) from equity-accounted
9 million euros at constant exchange rates to 714 million euros,
after growing by a strong 184 million euros in 2020. The companies
improved profitability of the financial services business and
Atacadão in 2021 was partly offset by the impact on Carrefour The net income/(loss) from equity-accounted companies
Retail of lower non-food sales versus high prior-year represented a net income of 12 million euros in 2021, versus a
comparatives. The Group continued to invest in improving net loss of 13 million euros in 2020, chiefly reflecting the
competitiveness in a deteriorating economic and health improved contribution of Carmila.
environment. In Argentina, recurring operating income continued
to improve significantly, rising to 55 million euros thanks to Non-recurring income and expenses
excellent sales momentum and continued cost discipline.
Operating margin improved by 112 bps to 2.4%, including a This classification is applied to certain material items of income
17 million euro negative impact of adjustments relating to the and expense that are unusual in terms of their nature and
application of IAS 29. frequency, such as impairment charges on non-current assets,
In Taiwan (Asia), recurring operating income contracted by gains and losses on sales of non-current assets, restructuring
16 million euros to 78 million euros in 2021, due in particular to costs and provision charges and income recorded to reflect
the integration of the Wellcome stores undergoing conversion revised estimates of risks provided for in prior periods, based on
and the adverse effect of health measures on footfall in information that came to the Group’s attention during the
hypermarkets and shopping centres. reporting year.
Non-recurring items represented a net expense of 374 million euros in 2021, and the detailed breakdown is as follows: 1
(in millions of euros) 2021 2020
Net gains on sales of assets 271 19
Restructuring costs (385) (93)
Other non-recurring income and expenses (42) (105)
Non-recurring income and expenses, net before asset impairments
and write-offs
(156) (179)
Asset impairments and write-offs (218) (295)
of which Impairments and write-offs of goodwill (84) (104)
of which Impairments and write-offs of property and equipment, intangible
(134) (192)
assets and others
of which:
Non-recurring income 514 279 3
Non-recurring expense (888) (753)
were recognised for around 65 million euros in 2020 (net of Lastly, the net impact of the dilution of Showroomprivé shares
costs) following expiry of the statute of limitations for tax claims and the alignment of their net carrying amount with the stock
or receipt of further relief under tax amnesty programmes market share price at December 31, 2020 represented
introduced by certain Brazilian states at the end of the year. non-recurring income of 23 million euros (see Note 9.2 to the
2020 consolidated financial statements).
Other non-recurring operating income and expenses recognised
in 2020 related primarily to revised estimates of historical risks in
France and Brazil. Operating income
At December 31, 2020, an impairment loss of 104 million euros
was recognised on goodwill in Italy (see Note 7.3 to the 2020 Operating income amounted to 1,911 million euros in 2021,
consolidated financial statements). In 2020, impairment losses of versus 1,686 million euros in 2020.
150 million euros were recognised against non-current assets
other than goodwill to take account of the difficulties Finance costs and other financial income
experienced by certain stores, particularly in Italy and France
(mainly hypermarkets and Promocash stores). and expenses
In addition, 65 million euros’ worth of assets were retired during Finance costs and other financial income and expenses
the year, mainly in France (store assets), Brazil (former IT represented a net expense of 279 million euros in 2021,
E-Commerce platform) and Spain (certain software applications corresponding to a negative 0.4% of sales versus a negative 0.5%
in particular). Assets were also retired at Carrefour Banque in 2020.
following the discontinuation of the C-zam business (see
Note 3.2.2 to the consolidated financial statements).
Finance costs, net amounted to 172 million euros, in line with Net income attributable to non-controlling
In accordance with IFRS 16, from 2019 finance costs and other
financial income and expenses also include interest expense on Net income attributable to non-controlling interests came to
leases as well as interest income on finance sub-leasing 229 million euros 2021, versus 190 million euros in 2020.
Other financial income and expenses consist for the most part of Net income from continuing operations –
taxes on financial transactions, late interest payable on certain
liabilities and the effects of hyperinflation in Argentina, which Group share
increased in 2021 due to rising inflation. Currency effects
recognised in other financial income and expenses in 2021 were As a result of the items described above, the Group share of net
also greater than in 2020. income from continuing operations amounted to 1,030 million
euros in 2021, compared with 663 million euros in 2020.
5.2 Group financial position and cash flows
5.2.1 EQUITY
At December 31, 2021, equity stood at 11,830 million euros, the increase in discount rates applied for to eurozone as of
compared with 11,609 million euros at December 31, 2020 as December 31, 2021;
restated, an increase of 220 million euros.
■ 2020 dividends distributed totalling 581 million euros, of which
The increase mainly reflects: 383 million euros paid to Carrefour shareholders (entirely in
cash) and 198 million euros to the non-controlling interests
■ net income for the year of 1,301 million euros;
mainly related to the Brazilian, Taiwanese and Spanish
■ other comprehensive income of 179 million euros, which subsidiaries;
reflects both the effect of the increase in value of the New
Taiwan dollar and to a lesser extent the Brazilian real during the
■ the reduction of Carrefour SA’s share capital by cancelling 3
29,475,225 shares and then 12,252,723 shares, following the
period and, under other consolidated reserves and net income,
two share buybacks carried out in 2021 for amounts of
the remeasurement of net defined benefit liabilities following
500 million euros and 200 million euros respectively.
Long and short-term borrowings (excluding derivatives) mature at different dates, through 2027 for the longest tranche of bond debt,
leading to balanced repayment obligations in the coming years, as shown below:
(in millions of euros) December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Due within 1 year 1,302 1,019
Due in 1 to 2 years 1,259 1,216
Due in 2 to 5 years 2,731 3,047
Due beyond 5 years 1,502 2,042
6,793 7,324
Cash and cash equivalents totalled 3,703 million euros at December 31, 2021 compared with 4,439 million euros at December 31, 2020,
representing a decrease of 735 million euros.
Net debt increased by 16 million euros in 2021, after increasing by 1 million euros in 2020. The change is analysed in the simplified
statement of cash flows presented below:
Free cash flow came to 2,435 million euros in 2021 (compared ■ the 32 million euro negative change in working capital
with 2,223 million euros in 2020) and mainly comprised: requirement compared with a 15 million euro positive change
in 2020;
■ cash flow from operations of 3,796 million euros versus
3,408 million euros in 2020; ■ operational investments in an amount of 1,626 million euros,
compared with 1,241 million euros in 2020.
The Group’s main measures for strengthening its overall liquidity December 31, 2021, the Group had two undrawn syndicated
consist of: lines of credit obtained from a pool of leading banks, for a total
of 3.9 billion euros. In June 2019, Carrefour amended these
■ promoting prudent financing strategies in order to ensure that
two credit facilities, incorporating an innovative Corporate
the Group’s credit rating allows it to raise funds on the bond
Social Responsibility (CSR) component in the first CSR-linked
and commercial paper markets;
credit transaction in the European Retail sector. In May 2021,
■ maintaining a presence in the debt market through regular debt Carrefour exercised the option to extend its two credit facilities
issuance programmes, mainly in euros, in order to create a from June 2025 to June 2026. The option has been applied to
balanced maturity profile. The Group’s issuance capacity under more than 99% of the Group’s banking facilities. Group policy
its Euro Medium-Term Notes (EMTN) programme totals consists of keeping these facilities on stand-by to support the
12 billion euros; commercial paper programme. The loan agreements for the
■ using the 5 billion-euro commercial paper programme on syndicated lines of credit include the usual commitment
Euronext Paris, described in a prospectus filed with the Banque clauses, including pari passu, negative pledge, change of
de France; control and cross-default clauses and a clause restricting
substantial sales of assets. The pricing grid may be adjusted up
■ maintaining undrawn medium-term bank facilities that can be or down to reflect changes in the long-term credit rating.
drawn down at any time according to the Group’s needs. At
The main transactions in 2021 concerned the redemption of The Group’s debt profile is balanced, with no peak in refinancing 1
871 million euros worth of 3.875% 11-year bonds (see Note 14.2.2 needs across the remaining life of bond debt, which averages
to the consolidated financial statements). 3.1 years.
The Group considers that its liquidity position is robust. It has
sufficient cash reserves to meet its debt repayment obligations in
the coming year.
There are no material restrictions on the Group’s ability to banking subsidiaries to comply with certain capital, liquidity and
recover or use the assets and settle the liabilities of foreign other ratios and to limit their exposure to other Group parties.
operations, except for those resulting from local regulations in its
At December 31, 2021, as at December 31, 2020, there was no
host countries. The local supervisory authorities may require
restricted cash.
To meet its commitments, Carrefour can use its free cash flow and raise debt capital using its EMTN and commercial paper
programmes, as well as its credit lines.
5.3 Outlook
The Group’s objectives are detailed below. Among them, two 2022 objectives had already been reached by the end of 2021 and the
cost savings objective has been raised.
5.4 Other information
The accounting policies used to prepare the 2021 consolidated Note that, in the consolidated financial statements for the year
financial statements are the same as those used for the 2020 ended December 31, 2021, the Group applied the IFRS IC
consolidated financial statements, except for the following decision published in April 2021 on the recognition of
amendments whose application is mandatory as of January 1, configuration and customisation costs in Software as a Service
2021: (SaaS) arrangements, as well as the decision published in
May 2021 on attributing benefit to periods of service in the
■ amendment to IFRS 4 – Insurance Contracts: Extension of the
calculation of the provision for employee benefits falling within
Temporary Exemption from Applying IFRS 9;
the scope of IAS 19.
■ amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16 –
As a result of the decision on SaaS arrangements, the Group 3
Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Phase 2);
changed the accounting policy for customisation and
■ amendment to IFRS 16 – Leases: Covid-19-Related Rent configuration costs when they do not meet the recognition
Concessions, which is effective from April 1, 2021. criteria under IAS 38 (when the Group does not control the SaaS
These three amendments had no material impact on the Group’s solution) or when they do not relate to the development of an
consolidated financial statements. interface (middleware) with this SaaS solution. These costs are
now recognised as an expense either (a) as and when they are
The application of the IFRS 4 amendment extends a temporary incurred if the development work is carried out internally or by a
exemption already applied by the Group’s insurance companies. third party integrator (not related to the SaaS solution publisher),
The objective of Phase 2 of the interest rate benchmark reform is or (b) over the term of the SaaS arrangement if the development 4
to clarify the accounting impacts of the effective replacement of work is carried out by the SaaS solution publisher or its
benchmarks. In 2021, the Group completed the identification subcontractor. This decision was applied in the consolidated
process aimed at ensuring a smooth transition to the new financial statements as of December 31, 2021. For SaaS solutions
benchmarks. Interest rate derivatives designated as hedges of implemented before January 1, 2021, the estimated impact was
debt indexed to benchmarks are presented in Note 14 to the not deemed material for the Group; therefore, the 2020
consolidated financial statements. consolidated financial statements have not been restated in light
of this decision. The integration costs of SaaS solutions
As a reminder, Phase 1 of the project, adopted by the Group in capitalised at December 31, 2020 that no longer meet the
2020, allowed it to set aside uncertainty over future interest rate recognition criteria were written off at January 1, 2021, against
benchmarks when assessing hedge effectiveness and/or non-recurring income, in accordance with the Group’s
determining whether the hedged risk meets the highly probable accounting principles (see Note 6.3 to the consolidated financial
requirement, thereby providing assurance regarding existing and statements).
future hedging relationships until such point as the uncertainty is
lifted. The impacts of the decision regarding IAS 19 were applied to the
2021 consolidated financial statements, with comparative data
for 2020 adjusted retrospectively (see Note 4.3).
Carrefour does not expect the application of this standard and these amendments to have a material impact on its consolidated 9
financial statements.
The impacts of the transaction were defined in accordance with published a Sustainability-Linked Bond-type framework aimed at 1
IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment and led to the increasing the consideration given to CSR issues in Carrefour SA’s
recognition of a capital gain in non-recurring operating income bond financing.
for an amount of 81 million euros (see Note 6.3 to the
Following approval by the French securities regulator, Autorité
consolidated financial statements). In line with the Group’s
des marchés financiers (AMF), Carrefour SA became the first
intention regarding the use of these assets, the offices of the
CAC 40 issuer to include this type of option in its EMTN
corporate tower have been recognised in work-in-progress
programme, further aligning its financing strategy with the
inventories (for an amount of 300 million Brazilian reals, or
Group’s CSR objectives and ambitions.
47 million euros at December 31, 2021), the store in assets under
construction (65 million Brazilian reals or 10 million euros at On September 16, 2021, the Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão 2
December 31, 2021) and the shopping mall and parking lot in obtained bank financing facilities in US dollars and euros that
investment property (173 million Brazilian reals, or 27 million were immediately swapped for Brazilian reals, for a total amount
euros at December 31, 2021). of 1,937 million Brazilian reals (representing approximately
306 million euros at the closing rate on December 31, 2021), with
two and three year maturities. The above operations have
Disposal of a controlling interest in Market Pay ensured that the subsidiary’s medium-term financing needs are
(Global functions) met in relation to the acquisition of Grupo BIG.
On October 30, 2020, the Group announced the sale of 60% of On December 8, 2021 (with a deferred start date in early 3
its Market Pay payment platform to AnaCap Financial Partners, a January 2022), Atacadão also obtained bank financing facilities in
private equity firm focused on European financial services, with US dollars that were immediately swapped for Brazilian reals, for
the aim of accelerating the platform’s development and an amount of 2,900 million Brazilian reals (representing
diversification. approximately 459 million euros at the closing rate on
December 31, 2021), with 16 to 17 month maturities.
At December 31, 2020, in accordance with IFRS 5, Market Pay’s
assets and liabilities were classified within assets held for sale and
related liabilities and measured at their net carrying amount. Payment of the 2020 dividend
The transaction was completed on April 29, 2021 and a resulting in cash 4
disposal gain of around 230 million euros (including a cash
payment of 189 million euros) was recorded in non-recurring In February 2021, the Group announced that its dividend policy
income (before tax) after taking into account the related costs would be returning to normal following nearly ten years of
(see Note 6.3 to the consolidated financial statements). dividends with a dividend reinvestment option.
The Group’s residual interest in Market Pay (around 40%) has At the Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 21, 2021, the
been accounted for by the equity method in the consolidated shareholders decided to set the 2020 dividend at 0.48 euro per
financial statements as from April 29, 2021, for an amount of share to be paid entirely in cash.
73 million euros (see Note 9 to the consolidated financial On May 28, 2021, the dividend was paid out in an amount of
statements). 383 million euros.
IAS 19 – Employee Benefits – Application This decision challenged the principle applied until then, which
was to use the entire length of the employee’s career as the
of the IFRS IC decision of May 2021 rights vesting period and to recognise the benefit obligation on a
straight-line basis. It led to the reversal of the provision for
In May 2021, the IFRS IC published a final decision clarifying the employees who have not yet reached the age when the cap for
attribution of benefit to periods of service. The decision came in the benefit is reached. For employees over this age, the provision
response to a request regarding a defined benefit plan with the is recognised over a shorter period.
following characteristics: provided they are still with the company
when they reach retirement age, employees are entitled to a This decision has been applied retrospectively, and its impacts
lump-sum benefit depending on their length of service, which is have been recognised in retained earnings in the comparative
capped at a specified number of consecutive years of service. year presented. The net impact of this IFRS IC decision is a
312-million-euro reduction in the provision for defined benefit
The IFRS IC concluded that, in application of IAS 19, under such a plans as at January 1, 2020.
plan, the benefit obligation should be accrued only for those
years of service prior to retirement in respect of which the The opening statement of financial position at January 1, 2020 as
employee generates a right to the benefit. restated and the consolidated statement of financial position at
December 31, 2020 as restated to reflect this IFRS IC decision,
For the Group, only the termination benefit plans in France are are presented in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements.
affected by this decision. The other plans across our various The consolidated income statement and the consolidated
geographies do not meet the characteristics outlined by the statement of comprehensive income for the year 2020 have not
IFRS IC. been restated as the application of the IFRS IC decision did not
have a material impact on these financial statements.
The main related-party transactions are disclosed in Note 9.3 to the consolidated financial statements.
In early January 2022, the Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão obtained On March 23, 2022, Carrefour SA issued a bond for a total
bank financing facilities in US dollars that were immediately amount of EUR 1.5 billion. It is made up of two tranches of a
swapped for Brazilian reals. The post-swap debt totalled so-called Sustainability-Linked Bond, indexed to the Group's
2,900 million Brazilian reals (representing approximately sustainable development objectives:
459 million euros at the closing rate on December 31, 2021), with
maturities of 16 to 17 months.
• A first tranche worth EUR 750 million at a fixed rate with a
maturity of 4.6 years, with an annual coupon of 1.875%,
On January 24, 2022, the General Superintendence of CADE (the
Brazilian competition authority) issued decision no. 85/2022
• A second tranche worth EUR 750 million at a fixed rate with a
maturity of 7.6 years, with an annual coupon of 2.375%.
recommending that the acquisition of Grupo BIG by Carrefour
Brazil should be approved. This transaction is now being analysed As part of its share capital allocation policy, the Group
by the CADE tribunal, which has until June 2022 to make a final commissioned an investment services provider to buy back
decision on the recommendations of the General shares corresponding to a maximum amount of 750 million
Superintendence. euros, as authorised by the Shareholders’ Meetings of
May 21, 2021. The first tranche of the share buyback programme
On March 14, 2022, the Yang Mei (Taiwan) logistic warehouse
began on March 7, 2022 and ended on April 13, 2022: 21,232,106
was damaged by fire. Insurance claims have been reported to
shares were purchased at an average price of 18.84 euros per
Group's insurance companies and, at this stage, the amount of
share for a total amount of 400 million euros. These shares were
goods and equipment lost and the compensation to be received
cancelled following a decision by the Board of Directors on
from insurance companies are under assessment.
April 20, 2022 to reduce the share capital of Carrefour SA, on the
basis of the authorisation granted by the Shareholders' Meeting
of May 21, 2021. Following cancellation of these shares,
Carrefour SA has 754,663,786 shares outstanding and
6,859,495 treasury shares, representing approximately 0.91% of
the share capital.
The risk factors are the same as those set out in Chapter 4 Risk Management of the 2021 Universal Registration Document.
On April 20, 2022, the Carrefour group published a press release regarding its first-quarter 2022 sales. This press release is reproduced
in this section.
Total variation
First-quarter activity confirmed the Group’s good commercial formats. In the face of potential tensions on supply chain, 1
momentum, in an environment marked by a material Carrefour teams are fully mobilized to ensure availability of
acceleration of inflation and by the conflict in Ukraine. Carrefour products at affordable prices.
posted solid revenue growth (+3.4% LFL) on an already high
To remain at the side of its customers, while continuing to
comparable base, as the first quarter of 2021 had benefited from
consolidate its economic model, Carrefour is strengthening its
sanitary constraints (widespread working from home and
cost savings plan, which will exceed €900m in 2022, within the
restaurant closures). Carrefour continued to gain market share in
framework of the €2.7bn to be achieved over three years by
its key countries, thanks to the improvement of customer
satisfaction, a Group priority.
The target of generating net free cash flow in excess of €1bn in 2
In a context of general consumer price increases, Carrefour is
2022 is confirmed.
committed to preserving the purchasing power of its customers
thanks to its differentiating advantages in terms of offer and
(1) Market share based on NielsenIQ RMS data for total food and non-food sales for the 13-week period ending April 3, 2022 for Carrefour Group vs
the total French retail market (Copyright © 2022, NielsenIQ).
In Latin America, LFL sales grew by +16.6%. ■ E-commerce GMV grew by +51% thanks to the ramp-up in
Atacadão’s online activity
■ In Brazil (+7.5% LFL), sales were up sharply over the quarter on
a high comparable base. Growth was supported by a return to ■ Financial services activity kept growing with a +11% increase
volume expansion during the quarter. Market share was up. Q1 in billings in Q1
sales increased by +14.5% at constant exchange rates thanks to
■ After a positive recommendation by the General
a contribution from openings and acquisitions of +7.0% and a
Superintendent at the end of January, the Brazilian
positive petrol effect of +0.8%. The foreign exchange effect
competition authority’s final decision regarding the
was a favorable +14.6%
acquisition of Grupo BIG is under review. Completion of the
■ Atacadão’s sales were up +18.6% at constant exchange rates transaction is still expected by June 2022. As a reminder, the
in Q1 2022, with LFL sales up by a sharp +9.2% on a high synergies target was recently raised to more than BRL 2.0bn
comparable base (+12.9% LFL in Q1 2021). The strong
■ In Argentina (+62.2% LFL), sales rose sharply in both food and
acceleration during the quarter, driven by the gradual
non-food, in a strongly inflationary context. Carrefour
stabilization of volumes, confirms the strength of the
continues to increase volumes and gain market share
Atacadão model and the effectiveness of its commercial
policy In Taiwan (Asia), Q1 LFL sales were down -0.6%, penalized by
sanitary measures linked to the pandemic. The Wellcome stores,
■ Carrefour Retail also accelerated in Q1 (+3.1% LFL), thanks to
now all converted to the Carrefour banner, posted a good
a return to volume growth during the quarter. The strong
growth in food sales (+8.6% LFL) more than offset a decline
in non-food (-5.5% LFL)
Online sales reached a record level in the first quarter, with +10% at a sustained pace, with 273 pick-up points added to its network
growth in GMV compared to Q1 2021. The performance was over the quarter and the opening of two large fulfillment centers
driven by a strong increase in home delivery in Europe, a in Marseille (France) and Madrid (Spain). Carrefour Links is
segment in which Carrefour has built a solid leadership position, meeting with growing commercial success among industrials
notably in France, as well as by the fast rise of e-commerce at partners, with 235 active clients at March end.
Atacadão in Brazil. The Group is implementing its digital strategy
Consumer price inflation accelerated in Q1 in all countries. The Group remains vigilant regarding the risk of shortages.
Carrefour did not face any significant supply problems during the
As expected, the inflationary dynamics that began in the second
quarter despite a few localized and temporary stockouts.
half of 2021 intensified in the first quarter of 2022. In this context,
However, in a context of pressure on supplies, the Group is fully
Carrefour is committed to preserving the purchasing power of its
mobilized to ensure regular supply of goods, for example by
customers while continuing to reinforce its economic model. To
building up security inventories in certain sensitive categories, in
do this, Carrefour relies on its differentiating assets:
order to improve product availability and benefit from favorable
Carrefour-branded products, which offer excellent value for
purchase conditions.
money, an enhanced range of very accessible "Simpl'" products,
promotional action, as well as a loyalty program that contributes
to enhance the competitiveness of the Group's banners.
Carrefour is also strengthening its cost reduction dynamic: The
Group is targeting more than €900m savings in 2022, as part of
its objective of €2.7bn in savings by 2023.
On February 16, the Group announced the launch of a €750m March 7 and April 13, 2022, at an average price of 18.84 euros.
buyback of Carrefour shares. The Group plans to launch the second tranche in the coming
A first tranche of buybacks for an amount of €400m has already
been completed: 21,232,106 shares were repurchased between
On April 20, 2022, the Board of Directors decided to reduce the 754,663,786 shares and the number of treasury shares, 1
share capital of Carrefour S.A. by cancelling the 21,232,106 consequently, will be 6,859,495 shares, representing
repurchased shares, representing approximately 3.6% of the approximately 0.9% of the share capital. The number of voting
share capital. shares will be 747,804,291 shares.
Following this cancellation of shares, the number of shares
making up the capital of Carrefour S.A. will amount to
Carrefour continued its ambitious CSR policy in Q1 2022. ■ Food transition: Carrefour has invested €5m in the MiiMosa
collaborative platform, which finances innovative projects
An Engagement Department, positioned at the level of the
related to sustainable agriculture
Group's Executive Committee, was created in February 2022 with
the aim of accelerating Carrefour's commitments in terms of ■ Inclusion and diversity: The Group has generalized its policy of
CSR. This approach, a sign of strong maturity on these subjects, silent hours in stores, in order to offer more suitable conditions 3
reflects the desire to go further in integrating CSR issues into the for people with autism disorders. A silent hour will now take
heart of operations. place twice a day in all hypermarkets and supermarkets in
France. The Group has also continued its policy of increasing
Carrefour also stepped up concrete CSR initiatives during the first
female representation in the Group's decision-making bodies,
with the Group's Executive Committee now counting 30% of
■ Environment and carbon neutrality: The Group launched the women
20 Megaton Platform, which involves Carrefour's main
industrial partners in reducing their CO2 emissions included in
■ Solidarity: In addition to its commitment to its traditional
partners, such as the Restos du Cœur or the Pièces Jaunes
Scope 3 by up to 20 megatons. Carrefour also announced the
campaign, Carrefour has mobilized in favor of Ukrainian 4
gradual deployment of electric charging stations in its stores’
refugees, with an emergency action by the Carrefour
parking lots, in order to support its customers in their transition
Foundation – donations of food and hygiene products in
to electric mobility
Poland and Romania – and the setting up of collections points
at checkout counters in all the Group's European countries
On March 23, 2022, the Group successfully placed a This issue was exceptionally well received by the market, with
Sustainability-Linked Bond issue for a total amount of €1.5bn. It total demand of nearly €8bn.
is made up of two tranches, rated BBB by S&P, and is indexed to
Carrefour will report each year in its Universal Registration
the Group's sustainable development objectives:
Document on the level of progress of its key non-financial
■ A first tranche at a fixed rate with a maturity of 4.6 years in an performance indicators, which will be assessed by an
amount of €750m, with a coupon of 1.875% per year independent third party. The amounts raised will finance the 6
general needs of the Group and allow for bond refinancing.
■ A second tranche at a fixed rate with a maturity of 7.6 years in
an amount of €750m, with a coupon of 2.375% per year
Application of IAS 29 4
The impact on Group sales is presented in the table below:
5.6 Glossary of financial indicators
As the Group’s holding company, Carrefour (the Company) a net charge of 249 million euros in 2020) and the decrease in
manages a portfolio of shares in French and foreign subsidiaries interest expense relating to the decline in bond debt.
and affiliates.
Net non-recurring income for 2021 represented 264 million
In 2021, operating income amounted to 155 million euros euros, mainly comprising the gain (net of disposal costs) on the
(compared with 159 million euros in 2020) and essentially sale of Market Pay for 242 million euros and net provision
comprised costs rebilled to other Group entities. The operating reversals for 11 million euros.
loss recorded in 2021 came to 31 million euros, versus 46 million
Net income for the year amounted to 837 million euros,
euros in 2020.
including a tax benefit of 319 million euros.
Net financial income for 2021 amounted to 284 million euros,
down from 429 million euros in 2020. The 145 million euro
decrease in net financial income is mainly explained by the
Other transactions
decrease in dividends - dividends totalled 517 million euros in
On April 25, 2021, the Group redeemed 871 million euros worth
2021 compared with 853 million euros in 2020 (of which
of 3.875% 11-year bonds. The Group’s financial position and
183 million euros received from Spanish subsidiary Norfin Holder
liquidity were solid at December 31, 2021. The average maturity
in 2021 compared with 413 million euros in 2020) – partly offset
of Carrefour SA’s bond debt was 3.1 years at
by the change in charges to impairment and provisions net of
end-December 2021, compared with 3.6 years at
reversals (net charge of 169 million euros in 2021 compared with
end-December 2020.
Article D. 441 I-1: Unpaid and overdue incoming Article D. 441 I-2: Unpaid and overdue outgoing
invoices at the reporting date invoices at the reporting date
Year ended
December 31, 2021 Total
(in thousands of 0 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ (1 day or 1- 30 31-60 61-90 91+ Total (1 day
euros) days days days days days more) 0 days days days days days or more)
Number of invoices 11 2 0 1 62 65(*) 2 19 2 0 10 31(*)
Total amount
(including VAT) 410,441 8,345 0 12,000 313,443 333,789(*) 1,709,493 27,644,163 125,738 0 1,001,450 28,771,351(*)
of the invoices
Percentage of total
amount of purchases
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
(including VAT)
over the period
Percentage of sales
(including VAT) 1% 23% 0% 0% 1% 24%
over the period
Article D. 441 I-1: Unpaid and overdue incoming Article D. 441 I-2: Unpaid and overdue outgoing
invoices at the reporting date invoices at the reporting date
Year ended
December 31, 2021 Total
(in thousands of 0 1-30 31-60 61-90 91+ (1 day or 1- 30 31-60 61-90 91+ Total (1 day
euros) days days days days days more) 0 days days days days days or more)
Number of invoices
none none
excluded 2
Total amount of
invoices excluded 0 0
X Contractual deadlines (specify) X Contractual deadlines (specify)
Payment deadlines
Legal deadlines (specify) Legal deadlines (specify)
used to calculate late
payments The contractual deadlines applied fall within The contractual deadlines applied fall within
a 20- to 60- day period. a 20- to 60- day period.
(*) Mainly correspond to intragroup invoices.
As part of its effort to manage its equity portfolio, during the year the Company carried out the following transactions:
■ sale of Market Pay resulting in a disposal gain (net of disposal ■ sale of Soca BV, a transaction that had no
o impact on net
costs) of 242 million euros; income because the disposal loss on the sale was offset by the
reversal of an impairment loss for the same amount.
(amounts in euros)
Net income for the year €836,941,007.43
Allocation to the legal reserve
Retained earnings at December 31, 2021 €2,267,811,129.60
Income available for distribution €3,104,752,137.04
2021 dividends paid out of distributable profit €398,547,943.56
Balance of retained earnings after allocation €2,706,204,193.48
(1) Calculated based on shares eligible for dividends after deduction of treasury shares at December 31, 2021.
The amount of retained earnings includes the dividends not paid It is specified, in accordance with current tax regulations, that the
out on treasury shares. total dividend amount of 398,547,943.56 euros, which represents
In the event of a change in the number of shares eligible for
a dividend of 0.52 euros per share eligible for dividends (after 7
deduction of 9,457,539 treasury shares at December 31, 2021)
dividends with respect to the 775,895,892 shares comprising the
before payroll taxes and the mandatory flat-rate withholding tax
share capital at December 31, 2021, the total dividend amount
(prélèvement forfaitaire obligatoire non libératoire) provided for
would be adjusted and the amount allocated to retained earnings
in Article 117 quater of the French General Tax Code, qualifies, for
would be determined on the basis of the dividends actually paid.
individuals who are resident in France for tax purposes, for the
40% tax relief described in Section 2 of paragraph 3 of Article 158
of the French General Tax Code, if the taxpayer elects to be taxed
at the progressive income tax rate.
The dividend to be distributed will be allocated on June 7, 2022 and will become payable on June 9, 2022.
As required by law, the dividends paid per share for the three preceding financial years and the amounts eligible for tax relief under
Article 158-3-2 of the French General Tax Code are set out below:
The Company does not implement any research and development policy.
See the Group’s management report at December 31, 2021 for information on the 2022 outlook for the entire Company, its subsidiaries
and the Group’s equity-accounted associates and joint ventures.
Argentina is classified as a hyperinflationary economy within the IFRS Interpretation Committee (IFRS IC) published in May 2021 on
meaning of IFRS. IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in attributing benefit to periods of service in the calculation of the
Hyperinflationary Economies is therefore applicable to the provision for employee benefits falling within the scope of IAS 19
consolidated financial statements for the year ended (see Note 4).
December 31, 2021. Comparative data for 2020 have also been
The consolidated financial statements are presented in millions of
adjusted for inflation.
euros, rounded to the nearest million. As a result, there may be
Comparative data for 2020 have been restated (indicated as rounding differences between the amounts reported in the
“restated” below) in the consolidated financial statements as of various statements.
December 31, 2021 to reflect the decision by the
Basic earnings per share (in euros) Notes 2021 2020 % change
Net income/(loss) from continuing operations – Group share – per share 13.6 1.31 0.82 59.0%
Net income/(loss) from discontinued operations – Group share –
13.6 0.05 (0.03) 293.8%
per share
Net income/(loss) – Group share – per share 13.6 1.36 0.80 71.3%
Diluted earnings per share (in euros) Notes 2021 2020 % change
Net income/(loss) from continuing operations – Group share – per share 13.6 1.30 0.82 58.5%
Net income/(loss) from discontinued operations – Group share –
13.6 0.05 (0.03) 293.2%
per share
Net income/(loss) – Group share – per share 13.6 1.35 0.79 70.7%
6.2 Consolidated statement of comprehensive
December 31, December 31,
(in millions of euros) Notes 2021 2020 restated
Goodwill 7.1 7,995 8,034
Other intangible assets 7.1 1,333 1,325
Property and equipment 7.2 10,721 10,505
Investment property 7.4 291 259
Right-of-use assets 8.2 4,361 4,506
Investments in companies accounted for by the equity method 9 1,256 1,172
Other non-current financial assets 14.5 1,152 1,212
Consumer credit granted by the financial services companies –
6.5 1,821 1,933
portion more than one year
Deferred tax assets 10.2 631 679
Other non-current assets 6.4 321 490
Non-current assets 29,883 30,115
Inventories 6.4 5,858 5,326
Trade receivables 6.4 2,581 2,526
Consumer credit granted by the financial services companies –
6.5 3,473 3,295
portion less than one year
Other current financial assets 14.2 532 368
Tax receivables 6.4 675 608
Other current assets 6.4 943 788
Cash and cash equivalents 14.2 3,703 4,439
Assets held for sale 20 124
Current assets 17,785 17,473
TOTAL ASSETS 47,668 47,588
(1) At December 31, 2021, the share capital was made up of 775,895,892 ordinary shares (see Note 13.2.1).
(2) This item comprises:
• the hedge reserve (effective portion of changes in the fair value of cash flow hedges);
• the financial asset fair value reserve (changes in the fair value of financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income).
(3) In May 2021, the IFRS IC published a final decision clarifying the attribution of benefit to periods of service. The impact of bringing the consolidated
financial statements into compliance with the decision, detailed in Note 4, was recognised retrospectively in equity at January 1, 2020.
(4) In 2021, other comprehensive income after tax reflects both the increase in the value of the New Taiwan dollar and the more moderate increase in
the value of the Brazilian real compared to December 31, 2020 and, under other consolidated reserves and net income, the remeasurement of the
net defined benefit liability following the increase in discount rates applied for the eurozone as of December 31, 2021.
In 2020, other comprehensive loss after tax, chiefly reflected the significant decrease in the value of the Brazilian real over the year.
(5) The 2019 dividend distributed by Carrefour SA, totalling 183 million euros, was paid:
• in cash for 57 million euros; and
• in new shares for 126 million euros (corresponding to the aggregate par value of the new shares for 26 million euros and premiums for 100 million
The 2020 dividend distributed by Carrefour SA, totalling 383 million euros, was paid entirely in cash.
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests in 2020 and 2021 came to 108 million euros and 198 million euros respectively, related mainly to the
Brazilian, Taiwanese and Spanish subsidiaries.
(6) Two share buybacks were carried out in 2021 for amounts of 500 million euros and 200 million euros respectively. Following these buybacks,
Carrefour SA’s share capital was reduced by cancelling 29,475,225 shares and then 12,252,723 shares (see Note 2.6).
(7) In 2021, this item mainly corresponds to the impact of acquiring the remaining non-controlling interest in the Belgian financial services company
Fimaser (see Note 3.2).
6.6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements
METHOD 332 4
The consolidated financial statements for the year ended The application of the IFRS 4 amendment extends a temporary
December 31, 2021 were approved for publication by the Board exemption already applied by the Group’s insurance companies.
of Directors on February 16, 2022. They will be submitted for final
The objective of Phase 2 of the interest rate benchmark reform is
approval at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
to clarify the accounting impacts of the effective replacement of
Carrefour SA (the “Company”) is domiciled in France at 93, benchmarks. In 2021, the Group completed the identification
avenue de Paris, 91300 Massy. The consolidated financial process aimed at ensuring a smooth transition to the new
statements for the year ended December 31, 2021 reflect the benchmarks. Interest rate derivatives designated as hedges of
financial position and results of operations of the Company and debt indexed to benchmarks are presented in Note 14.
its subsidiaries (together “Carrefour” or the “Group”), along with
As a reminder, Phase 1 of the project, adopted by the Group in
the Group’s share of the profits and losses and net assets of
2020, allowed it to set aside uncertainty over future interest rate
equity-accounted associates and joint ventures. The presentation
benchmarks when assessing hedge effectiveness and/or
currency of the consolidated financial statements is the euro,
determining whether the hedged risk meets the highly probable
which is the Company’s functional currency.
requirement, thereby providing assurance regarding existing and
future hedging relationships until such point as the uncertainty is
1.1 Statement of compliance lifted.
Note that, in the consolidated financial statements for the year
In accordance with European Regulation (EC) 1606/2002 dated ended December 31, 2021, the Group applied the IFRS IC
July 19, 2002, the 2021 consolidated financial statements have decision published in April 2021 on the recognition of
been prepared in compliance with the International Financial configuration and customisation costs in Software as a Service
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the European (SaaS) arrangements, as well as the decision published in
Union as of December 31, 2021 and applicable at that date, with May 2021 on attributing benefit to periods of service in the
2020 comparative information prepared using the same calculation of the provision for employee benefits falling within
standards. the scope of IAS 19.
All of the standards and interpretations endorsed by the As a result of the decision on SaaS arrangements, the Group
European Union are published in the Official Journal of the changed the accounting policy for customisation and
European Union, which can be accessed in the EUR-Lex. configuration costs when they do not meet the recognition
At December 31, 2021, the standards and interpretations adopted criteria under IAS 38 (when the Group does not control the SaaS
for use in the European Union were the same as those published solution) or when they do not relate to the development of an
by the IASB and applicable at that date. interface (middleware) with this SaaS solution. These costs are
now recognised as an expense either (a) as and when they are
incurred if the development work is carried out internally or by a
1.2 Changes in accounting policies third party integrator (not related to the SaaS solution publisher),
or (b) over the term of the SaaS arrangement if the development
The accounting policies used to prepare the 2021 consolidated work is carried out by the SaaS solution publisher or its
financial statements are the same as those used for the 2020 subcontractor. This decision was applied in the consolidated
consolidated financial statements, except for the following financial statements as of December 31, 2021. For SaaS solutions
amendments whose application is mandatory as of January 1, implemented before January 1, 2021, the estimated impact was
2021: not deemed material for the Group; therefore, the 2020
■ amendment to IFRS 4 – Insurance Contracts: Extension of the consolidated financial statements have not been restated in light
Temporary Exemption from Applying IFRS 9; of this decision. The integration costs of SaaS solutions
capitalised at December 31, 2020 that no longer meet the
■ amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16 –
recognition criteria were written off at January 1, 2021, against
Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Phase 2).
non-recurring income, in accordance with the Group’s
A further exception is the amendment to IFRS 16 – Leases: accounting principles (see Note 6.3).
Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions, which is effective from
The impacts of the decision regarding IAS 19 were applied to the
April 1, 2021.
2021 consolidated financial statements, with comparative data
These three amendments had no material impact on the Group’s for 2020 adjusted retrospectively (see Note 4).
consolidated financial statements.
Carrefour does not expect the application of this standard and these amendments to have a material impact on its consolidated 3
financial statements.
2.1 Covid-19 health crisis As a reminder, in 2020, in accordance with the Group’s
accounting principles, which were applied consistently,
The effects of the health crisis were still present across our exceptional bonuses and similar benefits were recognised in
different geographies in 2021. Thanks to its omni-channel model non-recurring expenses for a total amount of 128 million euros.
and the commitment of all its teams, the Group successfully These bonuses did not compensate employees for their work as
adapted to the different phases of the crisis to ensure the such. Rather, they represented an act of corporate social
continuity of food distribution and meet new consumer responsibility, offering tax and employee benefits. The
expectations in a complex and rapidly changing environment. exceptional bonuses supplemented the usual components of
Regarding 2020, the health crisis and its impacts are described in fixed and variable compensation awarded to the employees
Note 2.1 to the consolidated financial statements as of concerned (in respect of overtime pay, various types of bonuses,
December 31, 2020. profit-sharing, etc.), i.e., without replacing said components (see
Note 2.1 to the 2020 consolidated financial statements).
Since 2018, Carrefour has shown great financial discipline and The accompanying notes contain specific information relating to
has strengthened its balance sheet and liquidity. Carrefour’s solid the preparation of the 2021 consolidated financial statements,
balance sheet is an important asset in the context of the particularly:
fast-changing food retail sector as well as in the face of the ■ notes 6.4.2 and 6.4.3: Value of inventories and trade
current health crisis. receivables;
At December 31, 2021, the Group was rated Baa1 with a stable ■ note 6.5.1: Value of consumer credit granted by the financial
outlook by Moody’s and BBB with a stable outlook by Standard & services companies corresponding to customer receivables;
■ note 7.3: Impairment testing of goodwill, store assets and
The main financing operations carried out in 2021 are described investment properties;
in detail in Note 2.4.
■ note 9: Value of investments in equity-accounted companies;
■ note 10.2: Recoverability of deferred tax;
INCOME STATEMENT ■ note 11: Review of provisions and contingent liabilities;
Income and expenses for 2021 have been recorded and are ■ note 12.1.6: Change in assumptions (discount rates, applicable
presented using the same principles as those applied in the 2020 legislation, cohorts) and their impacts on the measurement of
consolidated financial statements. As a result, the effects of the employee benefits;
Covid-19 health crisis are reflected at all levels of the income ■ note 14.2.4: Breakdown of cash equivalents;
■ note 14.7.1: Review of liquidity risk.
The costs incurred in connection with the Covid-19 health crisis
were recognised in recurring operating income for 2021 (as in
2020), including necessary costs relating to logistics or product
distribution in stores or to customers’ homes, as well as costs
relating to protecting the health of employees, customers and
service providers.
2.2 Simplification of the organisation months after completion of the transaction if the Carrefour Brazil 1
share price exceeds the reference value of 19.26 Brazilian reals.
as part of the “Carrefour 2022”
The transaction remains subject to approval by the Brazilian
transformation plan competition authority (CADE) and is expected to be completed in
During the first half of 2021, in pursuit of its operating
performance and organisational efficiency objectives, Carrefour CREATION OF A REAL ESTATE COMPANY (SCI) TOGETHER
France launched a headquarters transformation plan. The project WITH ARGAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WAREHOUSES
is part of a human resources and skills planning (GPEC) initiative
which was set out in an agreement signed with the trade unions
In May 2021, Carrefour and Argan created the real estate
in late February 2021. It allows for the workforce to be adjusted company Cargan-LOG, intended for developing future logistics
to needs at headquarters via departures staggered through to the warehouses, some of which are to be leased to Carrefour. This
planned end date of the agreement in March 2022. entity, which is 60%-owned by Argan and 40% by Carrefour
A provision was set aside at June 30, 2021 for the cost of this (through the contribution of three warehouses), has been
plan, against a non-recurring expense. The estimated provision at accounted for by the equity method in the consolidated financial
December 31, 2021 was revised in light of the costs already statements as from May 2021, for a total amount of 30 million
incurred during the period and following updates to the main euros (see Note 9).
parameters: the amount of the provision is the best estimate of
the costs that the Group expects to incur in relation to the
roll-out of the programme (see Note 6.3).
On July 29, 2021, the Group acquired a non-controlling interest
In October 2021, Carrefour Italy announced a comprehensive in Cajoo, a French trailblazer in quick commerce. At
performance improvement plan, aimed in particular at enhancing December 31, 2021, the Group owned 40% of the company,
the profitability of integrated stores by streamlining and which is accounted for by the equity method (see Note 9).
digitalising operational processes and developing the transition
from integrated stores to franchising. The plan also details PINHEIROS PROJECT (BRAZIL) – EXCHANGE OF ASSETS
reorganisation measures leading to a reduction in the number of
head office employees and sales teams.
As part of the Pinheiros project, Carrefour Brazil proceeded with
an exchange of assets with Wtorre in a transaction that took
effect in February 2021, following the issuance of a building
2.3 Main acquisitions and disposals permit by the São Paulo city hall. With this transaction, Carrefour
exchanged land on which its store is currently located (on
in 2021 Avenue of the United Nations in the south of the city), for a new
store, a shopping mall, a parking lot and offices in a new
ACQUISITION OF 172 STORES UNDER THE SUPERSOL corporate tower which its partner has committed to build.
The impacts of the transaction were defined in accordance with
In August 2020, the Group entered into an agreement to acquire
172 convenience stores and supermarkets under the Supersol
IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment and led to the 5
recognition of a capital gain in non-recurring income for an
banner in Spain, located primarily in Andalucía and the Madrid
amount of 81 million euros (see Note 6.3). In line with the
Group’s intention regarding the use of these assets, the offices of
At December 31, 2020, closing of the transaction was subject to the corporate tower have been recognised in work-in-progress
the customary conditions. After receiving clearance from the inventories (for an amount of 300 million Brazilian reals, or
local competition authority on January 12, 2021, the acquisition 47 million euros at December 31, 2021), the store in assets under
was completed on March 11, 2021 for a final price of 81 million construction (65 million Brazilian reals or 10 million euros at
euros. December 31, 2021) and the shopping mall and parking lot in
The purchase price allocation process stipulated in IFRS 3 – investment property (173 million Brazilian reals, or 27 million
Business Combinations was implemented and led to the euros at December 31, 2021).
recognition of provisional goodwill in the amount of 79 million DISPOSAL OF A CONTROLLING INTEREST IN MARKET PAY
euros in the consolidated financial statements as of (GLOBAL FUNCTIONS)
December 31, 2021 (see Note 7.1).
On October 30, 2020, the Group announced the sale of 60% of
Of the 172 Supersol stores, 127 (representing net sales of around its Market Pay payment platform to AnaCap Financial Partners, a
380 million euros in 2020) were converted to Carrefour formats private equity firm focused on European financial services, with
in 2021; 38 stores were sold and six were closed in the second the aim of accelerating the platform’s development and
half of the year; the remaining store was ultimately not acquired. diversification. 7
ONGOING ACQUISITION OF GRUPO BIG (BRAZIL) – At December 31, 2020, in accordance with IFRS 5, Market Pay’s
BUSINESS COMBINATION assets and liabilities were classified within assets held for sale and
On March 24, 2021, Carrefour Brazil entered into an agreement related liabilities and measured at their net carrying amount.
with Advent International and Walmart for the acquisition of The transaction was completed on April 29, 2021 and a resulting
Grupo BIG, Brazil’s third biggest food retailer. The acquiree disposal gain of around 230 million euros (including a cash
reported net sales of around 22 billion Brazilian reals payment of 189 million euros) was recorded in non-recurring
(approximately 3.7 billion euros) in 2020 and operates a income (before tax) after taking into account the related costs
multi-format network of 387 stores. (see Note 6.3). 8
The enterprise value is around 7 billion Brazilian reals (around The Group’s residual interest in Market Pay (around 40%) has
1.1 billion euros at the December 31, 2021 exchange rate), of been accounted for by the equity method in the consolidated
which 70% will be paid in cash and 30% in new Carrefour Brazil financial statements as from April 29, 2021, for an amount of
shares. The agreement provides for an earn-out to be paid six 73 million euros (see Note 9).
DISCONTINUATION OF THE BUSINESS OF CARREFOUR On December 8, 2021 (with a deferred start date in early
BANCA (ITALIAN BRANCH OF CARREFOUR BANQUE) January 2022), Atacadão also obtained bank financing facilities in
In May 2021, the Board of Directors of Carrefour Banque decided US dollars that were immediately swapped for Brazilian reals, for
to discontinue the business of its Italian branch. an amount of 2,900 million Brazilian reals (representing
approximately 459 million euros at the closing rate on
In light of this, the branch disposed of all of its consumer credit December 31, 2021), with 16 to 17 month maturities.
portfolios in July and December 2021. As a result of this disposal,
and more generally the definitive discontinuation of its
operations, a non-recurring expense was recorded in 2021 (see 2.5 Payment of the 2020 dividend
Note 6.3). in cash
2.4 Securing the Group’s long-term In February 2021, the Group announced that its dividend policy
would be returning to normal following nearly ten years of
financing dividends with a dividend reinvestment option.
On April 25, 2021, the Group redeemed 871 million euros worth At the Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 21, 2021, the
of 3.875% 11-year bonds. shareholders decided to set the 2020 dividend at 0.48 euro per
share to be paid entirely in cash.
The Group’s financial position and liquidity were solid at
December 31, 2021. The average maturity of Carrefour SA’s bond On May 28, 2021, the dividend was paid out in an amount of
debt was 3.1 years at end-December 2021, compared with 383 million euros.
3.6 years at end-December 2020.
Furthermore, in May 2021, Carrefour exercised its option to 2.6 Share buyback programme with
extend its two credit facilities totalling 3.9 billion euros, from a view to cancelling the shares
June 2025 to June 2026. This option has been applied to more
than 99% of the Group’s banking facilities. As part of its share capital allocation policy, the Group carried out
Lastly, the Group updated its Euro-Medium Term Notes (EMTN) two share buybacks in 2021, one for an amount of 500 million
programme in June 2021 to include a Corporate Social euros and the other for 200 million euros, as authorised by the
Responsibility (CSR) component. The Group prepared and Shareholders’ Meetings of May 29, 2020 and May 21, 2021. The
published a Sustainability-Linked Bond-type framework aimed at objective of the share buybacks was to allow the Group to hold
increasing the consideration given to CSR issues in Carrefour SA’s the shares with a view to cancelling them subsequently.
bond financing. The first share buyback began on May 7, 2021 and ended on
Following approval by France’s securities regulator, Autorité des July 9, 2021. 29,475,225 shares were thus acquired at an average
Marchés Financiers (AMF), Carrefour SA became the first CAC 40 unit price of 16.96 euros per share; these shares were cancelled
issuer to include this type of option in its EMTN programme, following a decision by the Board of Directors on July 28, 2021 to
further aligning its financing strategy with the Group’s CSR reduce the share capital of Carrefour SA, based on the
objectives and ambitions. authorisation granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 21,
On September 16, 2021, the Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão
obtained bank financing facilities in US dollars and euros that The second share buyback began on August 2, 2021 and ended
were immediately swapped for Brazilian reals, for an amount of on September 13, 2021. 12,252,723 shares were thus acquired at
1,937 million Brazilian reals (representing approximately an average unit price of 16.32 euros per share; these shares were
306 million euros at the closing rate on December 31, 2021), with cancelled following a decision by the Board of Directors on
two and three year maturities. The above operations have October 20, 2021 to reduce the share capital of Carrefour SA,
ensured that the subsidiary’s medium-term financing needs are based on the authorisation granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting
met in relation to the acquisition of Grupo BIG. on May 21, 2021.
Following cancellation of these shares, Carrefour SA has
775,895,892 shares outstanding and, consequently, 9,457,539
treasury shares, representing approximately 1.2% of the share
3.1 Accounting principles
■ For each business combination on a less than 100% basis, ■ assets and liabilities are translated at the period-end closing
the acquisition date components of non-controlling rate;
interests in the acquiree (i.e., interests that entitle their
■ income and expenses are translated at the weighted
holders to a proportionate share of the acquiree’s net
average exchange rate for the period;
assets) are measured at either:
■ all resulting exchange differences are recognised in other
• fair value, such that part of the goodwill recognised at the comprehensive income and are taken into account in the
time of the business combination is allocated to
calculation of any gain or loss realised on the subsequent
non-controlling interests (“full goodwill” method), or
disposal of the foreign operation;
• the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net ■ items in the statement of cash flows are translated at the
assets, such that only the goodwill attributable to the
average rate for the period unless the rate on the
Group is recognised (“partial goodwill” method).
transaction date is materially different.
The method used is determined on a
Argentina has been classified as a hyperinflationary economy
transaction-by-transaction basis.
within the meaning of IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in
■ The provisional amounts recognised for a business Hyperinflationary Economies since 2018. In accordance with
combination may be adjusted during a measurement this standard:
period that ends as soon as the Group receives the
■ non-monetary assets and liabilities are restated by applying
information it needs at the latest 12 months from the
a general price index;
acquisition date. Adjustments during the measurement
period to the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired ■ all local currency items in the income statement and
and liabilities assumed or the consideration transferred are statement of other comprehensive income are restated by
offset by a corresponding adjustment to goodwill, provided applying the change in the general price index from the
they result from facts and circumstances that existed as of dates when the items of income and expenses were initially
the acquisition date. Any adjustments identified after the recorded in the financial statements;
12-month measurement period or not resulting from new ■ the statement of financial position, income statement and
information about facts and circumstances that existed at statement of comprehensive income are translated into
the acquisition date are recognised directly in profit or loss. euros at the closing rate for the reporting period;
■ For a business combination achieved in stages (step ■ the restatement of reserves for the indexation of
acquisition), when control is acquired the previously held Argentinean equity items is presented in exchange
equity interest is remeasured at fair value through profit or differences on translating foreign operations in the
loss. In the case of a reduction in the Group’s equity statement of comprehensive income and in the translation
interest resulting in a loss of control, the remaining interest reserve in the statement of changes in consolidated equity.
is also remeasured at fair value through profit or loss.
■ Transaction costs are recorded directly as an operating Translation of foreign currency transactions
expense for the period in which they are incurred. Transactions by Group entities in a currency other than their
functional currency are initially translated at the exchange
At the IFRS transition date, the Group elected to maintain the
rate on the transaction date.
accounting treatment for business combinations applied
under previous accounting standards, in line with the option At each period-end, monetary assets and liabilities
available to first-time adopters under IFRS 1 – First-time denominated in foreign currency are translated at the
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. period-end closing rate and the resulting exchange gain or
loss is recorded in the income statement.
Changes in ownership interest not resulting
Intra-group loans to certain foreign operations are treated as
in a change of control part of the net investment in that operation if settlement of
Any change in the Group’s ownership interest in a subsidiary the loan is neither planned nor likely to occur. The gain or
that does not result in control being acquired or lost is loss arising from translation of the loan at each successive
qualified as a transaction with owners in their capacity as period-end is recorded directly in “Other comprehensive
owners and recorded directly in equity in accordance with income” in accordance with IAS 21 – The Effects of Changes
IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements. It is shown in in Foreign Exchange Rates.
cash flows from financing activities in the statement of cash
flows. Non-current assets and disposal groups held
for sale and discontinued operations
Translation of the financial statements
If the Group expects to recover the carrying amount of a
of foreign operations non-current asset (or disposal group) principally through a
The consolidated financial statements are presented in euros. sale transaction rather than through continuing use, it is
An entity’s functional currency is the currency of the primary presented separately in the consolidated statement of
economic environment in which the entity operates. The financial position under “Assets held for sale” in accordance
functional currency of Group entities is the currency of their with IFRS 5 – Non-current Assets Held for Sale and
home country. Discontinued Operations. Liabilities related to non-current
assets held for sale are also reported on a separate line of the
The financial statements of entities whose functional consolidated statement of financial position (under “Liabilities
currency is not the euro and is not the currency of a related to assets held for sale”). Following their classification
hyperinflationary economy are translated into euros as as held for sale, the assets concerned are measured at the
follows: lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell
and they cease to be depreciated or amortised.
All the assets and liabilities of the discontinued operation are ■ is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.
presented on separate lines on each side of the statement of
It is classified as a discontinued operation at the time of sale
financial position after eliminating intra-group items.
or earlier if its assets and liabilities meet the criteria for
A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that classification as held for sale. When a component of an entity
has been either disposed of or classified as held for sale, and: is classified as a discontinued operation, comparative income
statement and cash flow information is restated as if the
■ represents a separate major line of business or
geographical area of operations; and
entity had met the criteria for classification as a discontinued 2
operation on the first day of the comparative period.
■ is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate
major line of business or geographical area of operations;
3.2 Main changes in scope In 2021, the Group acquired three additional stores on a full
ownership basis and two service stations for a total amount of
of consolidation 170 million reals (approximately 27 million euros). A 29th store is
expected to be acquired on a full ownership basis in 2022 but the
3.2.1 Changes in 2021 Group has finally decided not to acquire a 30th store.
The main transactions completed in 2021 are detailed in ACQUISITION OF THE WELLCOME BANNER (TAIWAN) –
Note 2.3: acquisition of the Supersol banner in Spain, acquisition BUSINESS COMBINATION
of a non-controlling interest in Cajoo in France, creation of SCI In June 2020, Carrefour signed an agreement with Dairy Farm for
Cargan-LOG in France, exchange of assets under the Pinheiros the acquisition of the Wellcome banner, with its 224
project in Brazil, Carrefour SA’s loss of control of Market Pay, and convenience stores and a warehouse. Wellcome reported net 4
discontinuation of the operations of Carrefour Banque’s Italian sales of some 390 million euros in 2019.
Closing of the transaction was subject to the customary
In addition, in December 2021, the Group acquired the remaining conditions. After receiving clearance from the Taiwan Fair Trade
40% non-controlling interest in the Belgian financial services Commission on December 10, 2020, the acquisition was
company Fimaser (a fully consolidated entity) for approximately completed on December 31, 2020 for the final price of 4.0 billion
20 million euros. The impact is recorded in consolidated equity New Taiwan dollars (approximately 119 million euros).
as the acquisition constitutes a transaction with minority
Given that the transaction was carried out on the last day of the
annual reporting period (i.e., December 31, 2020) and that local 5
The Group also bought the remaining non-controlling interests regulations restricted the exchange of information between the
in French companies Quitoque and Greenweez for non-material Carrefour group and the acquired company Wellcome until the
amounts. transaction completion date, the purchase price allocation
process stipulated in IFRS 3 – Business Combinations could not
3.2.2 Changes in 2020 be implemented in the 2020 consolidated financial statements;
provisional goodwill had therefore been recognised at
ACQUISITION OF MAKRO ATACADISTA STORES (BRAZIL) – December 31, 2020 in the amount of 119 million euros.
ACQUISITION OF ASSETS This allocation process, implemented in 2021, led to a reduction
On February 15, 2020, Atacadão signed an agreement with in goodwill to 80 million euros at December 31, 2021, chiefly as a
Makro Atacadista to acquire 30 cash & carry stores (including 22 result of the fair value adjustment to the warehouse (building and
fully-owned stores, and 8 rented stores) and 14 service stations, land) owned by Wellcome.
located in 17 states across Brazil, for a total price of 1.95 billion
Brazilian reals, payable in cash. This transaction corresponds to ACQUISITION OF THE BIOAZUR BANNER (FRANCE) –
an asset acquisition. BUSINESS COMBINATION
On October 13, 2020, Carrefour announced that it was acquiring
The 30 stores represent a total retail surface area of over 165,000
the entire share capital of the Bioazur banner through its
sq.m. and annual sales of some 2.8 billion Brazilian reals (2019
subsidiary Bioazur is a specialist retailer of organic
products operating five stores located in south west France. The
Closing of the transaction was subject to certain customary transaction was completed on November 12, 2020,
conditions, notably including agreement by the owners of the corresponding to the date on which control was acquired.
rented properties and approval by CADE, Brazil’s anti-trust
In accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, following
authority. Following CADE’s approval on October 5, 2020, the
the Group’s measurement of the assets acquired and liabilities
acquisition of the stores and service stations has been
assumed at the acquisition date, provisional goodwill in the
undertaken in several stages.
amount of 4 million euros was recognised at December 31, 2020
As of December 31, 2020, the Group had acquired 25 of the in respect of this acquisition, and became final in 2021.
stores (16 fully-owned stores and nine rented stores) and ten of 8
the service stations. The Group carried out these acquisitions in
November and December 2020 for a total amount of
1,725 million reals (around 290 million euros).
TAKEOVER OF THE BIO C’ BON BANNER (FRANCE) – of other nearby towns and cities, Dejbox delivers over 400,000
BUSINESS COMBINATION meals each month.
On November 2, 2020, the Paris Commercial Court accepted In accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, following
Carrefour’s bid to acquire the Bio c’ Bon banner through its the Group’s measurement of the assets acquired and liabilities
subsidiary, effective the following day. assumed at the acquisition dates, final goodwill was accounted
This transaction was subject to an exemption from the for at December 31, 2020 in the amount of 20 million euros for
suspensive effect of merger control and must be submitted to the Potager City acquisition and 53 million euros for the Dejbox
the French competition authority (Autorité de la Concurrence) for acquisition.
review. The provisional acquisition price amounted to 60 million At December 31, 2021, the Group held 69% of Potager City and
euros, corresponding to 107 stores and around one thousand 86% of Dejbox further to the purchase of additional shares from
employees operating under the banner. minority shareholders.
In accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, following DISPOSAL OF RUE DU COMMERCE (FRANCE)
the Group’s measurement of the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed at the acquisition date, provisional goodwill in the On November 8, 2019, the Group announced that it had received
amount of 81 million euros was recognised at December 31, a firm offer from Shopinvest for the acquisition of 100% of the
2020 in respect of this acquisition. share capital of Rue du Commerce.
Out of the 107 previously mentioned stores, seven were The sale of Rue du Commerce was carried out on April 30, 2020.
ultimately not acquired due to lessors electing to exercise their The disposal loss recognised in 2020 amounted to approximately
lease termination clause. The final price paid was reduced by 40 million euros and was accounted for in non-recurring
3 million euros. operating expense.
In addition, in its decision dated September 10, 2021, the French DISCONTINUATION OF CARREFOUR BANQUE’S C-ZAM
competition authority authorised the transaction subject to the BUSINESS (FRANCE)
sale of eight identified stores. In April 2020, the Board of Directors of Carrefour Banque
On the basis of these factors and the recognition of property and decided to discontinue the C-zam business (current account
equipment corresponding to the notarial acts, goodwill was management services for retail banking customers), in order to
reduced to 66 million euros at December 31, 2021. focus on the bank’s core consumer credit business. The business
was discontinued in July 2020.
This decision led to the write-down of the associated
non-current assets in 2020, with a contra entry to non-recurring
On January 8, 2020, Carrefour acquired a 50% controlling items.
interest in Potager City, a company based in Lyon that delivers
fruit and vegetable baskets directly from the farm to the
consumer. At the end of March 2020, a shareholder’s advance 3.3 Scope of consolidation
from Carrefour was used to underwrite a share issue, giving at December 31, 2021
Carrefour 56% of Potager City’s capital and voting rights. Further
to the purchase of additional shares from minority shareholders The list of consolidated companies (subsidiaries and associates) is
in December 2020, Carrefour held 68% of the capital and voting presented in Note 18.
rights at December 31, 2020.
The Group reviewed its analyses of control over subsidiaries in
On January 24, 2020, Carrefour acquired a majority stake (68%) which it is not the sole investor, in light of changes in facts and
in the company Dejbox, a pioneer in lunch delivery for business circumstances during the year, and particularly those transactions
employees located in suburban and outlying areas. Operating in described in Note 2.3. Based on its review, there were no
Lille, Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux, Nantes and Grenoble, plus hundreds changes in the type of control exercised over these subsidiaries.
4.1 IAS 19 – Employee Benefits – Application of the IFRS IC decision of May 2021
In May 2021, the IFRS IC published a final decision clarifying the geographies do not meet the characteristics outlined by the
attribution of benefit to periods of service. The decision came in IFRS IC.
response to a request regarding a defined benefit plan with the
This decision challenged the principle applied until then, which
following characteristics: provided they are still with the company
was to use the entire length of the employee’s career as the
when they reach retirement age, employees are entitled to a
rights vesting period and to recognise the benefit obligation on a
lump-sum benefit depending on their length of service, which is
straight-line basis. It led to the reversal of the provision for
capped at a specified number of consecutive years of service.
employees who have not yet reached the age when the cap for
The IFRS IC concluded that, in application of IAS 19, under such a the benefit is reached. For employees over this age, the provision
plan, the benefit obligation should be accrued only for those is recognised over a shorter period. 3
years of service prior to retirement in respect of which the
This decision has been applied retrospectively, and its impacts
employee generates a right to the benefit.
have been recognised in retained earnings in the comparative
For the Group, only the termination benefit plans in France are year presented.
affected by this decision. The other plans across our various
Impact of the
December 31, IFRS IC December 31,
2019 decision – January 1, 2020
(in millions of euros) published IAS 19 2020 restated restated
Non-current assets 32,590 − 32,590 30,115 5
Current assets 18,875 − 18,875 17,473
TOTAL ASSETS 51,464 − 51,464 47,588
Impact of the
December 31, IFRS IC December 31,
2019 decision – January 1, 2020
(in millions of euros) published IAS 19 2020 restated restated
Share capital 2,018 − 2,018 2,044
Consolidated reserves (including net income) 7,919 308 8,227 8,059
Shareholders’ equity, Group share 9,937 308 10,245 10,103
Shareholders’ equity attributable to non-controlling interests 1,736 4 1,740 1,507
Total shareholders’ equity 11,673 312 11,985 11,609 7
Provisions 3,297 (312) 2,984 2,357
Other non-current liabilities 13,406 − 13,406 12,280
Non-current liabilities 16,703 (312) 16,390 14,637
Current liabilities 23,089 − 23,089 21,342
The consolidated income statement and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year 2020 have not been
restated as the application of the IFRS IC decision did not have a material impact on these financial statements.
Accounting principles
IFRS 8 – Operating Segments requires the disclosure of The income and expenses of certain support entities are
information about an entity’s operating segments derived allocated to the various countries proportionately to the
from the internal reporting system and used by the entity’s services provided to each, with any unallocated income and
chief operating decision-maker to make decisions about expenses reported under “Global functions”.
resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its
Segment assets include goodwill, other intangible assets,
performance. The Group’s operating segments consist of the
property and equipment, investment property, right-of-use
countries in which it conducts its business through the
assets and “other segment assets”, corresponding to
integrated store network, as each country’s results are
inventories, trade receivables, consumer credit granted by
reviewed monthly by the Group’s Chief Executive Officer
the financial services companies and other receivables.
who is the chief operating decision-maker within the
Segment liabilities comprise lease commitments, suppliers
meaning of IFRS 8.
and other creditors, consumer credit financing and other
Countries located in the same region are considered to have payables.
similar characteristics and have been combined to create
Segment capital expenditure corresponds to the acquisitions
four geographical segments, as allowed by IFRS 8. These
of property and equipment and intangible assets (other than
segments are:
goodwill) reported in the statement of cash flows.
■ France; The disclosures in the tables below have been prepared using
■ Rest of Europe: Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland and Romania; the same accounting policies as those applied to prepare the
consolidated financial statements.
■ Latin America: Brazil and Argentina;
■ Asia: Taiwan.
6.1 Revenue
Accounting principles accounted for in accordance with IFRS 9. IFRS 15 only applies
Revenue (“Total revenue”) comprises net sales and other to payment card services that do not qualify as financing or
revenue. credit transactions (bank card fees, arranging fees for
traditional and revolving credit facilities). These fees are
Net sales correspond to sales via the Group’s stores, recognised over the life of the underlying contracts.
e-commerce sites and service stations (to end customers)
and warehouse sales (to franchisees). Revenue from franchise fees is accounted for in accordance
with the specific provisions of IFRS 15 concerning intellectual
Other revenue comprises revenue from the banking and property licences (dynamic licences). The remuneration
insurance businesses (including bank card fees, and arranging received in exchange for the right to use the Group’s brand
fees for traditional and revolving credit facilities), property and expertise is calculated as a percentage of the net sales
development revenue, travel agency revenue, commissions generated by the franchise outlet and is recognised over
on e-commerce sales made on behalf of third parties time. The accounting treatment of business lease fees is the
(marketplaces), shopping mall rental income and franchise same as for franchise fees.
fees (mainly in the form of royalties).
Revenue from leases and sub-leases where the Group is
(i) Recognition of net sales and other revenue lessor does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15 and is
Revenue from sales in stores and service stations, which accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16 (from January 1,
represents the bulk of the Group’s net sales, is recorded 2019).
when the customer pays at the check-out, pursuant to The property development business corresponds primarily to
IFRS 15. Control is transferred when the goods and services the construction and extension of shopping centres adjacent
are transferred to the customers, because the sales do not to Carrefour hypermarkets and their subsequent sale. It also
include any other unsatisfied performance obligation at that includes the speciality leasing business, corresponding to the
date. Some of the products on sale in the Group’s stores are enhancement of space in the shopping centres’ common
sold with a right of return. This concerns only certain specific areas for the sale or display of products during a limited
product categories and the return period is limited based on period. The property development business is conducted by
local regulations in the countries concerned and/or the Carrefour Property, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group.
Group’s general conditions of sale. Generally speaking, revenue from property development
E-ccommerce sales correspond to sales on the Group’s continues to be recognised at the date the built property is
e-ccommerce sites (direct sales) and to commission on delivered to the customer; only revenue relating to off-plan
e-commerce sales carried out on behalf of third parties sales is recognised over time (based on the percentage of
(marketplaces). The Group acts as the principal for direct completion of the construction work, as measured based on
sales on its e-commerce sites. Revenue from direct sales is costs incurred), since control is transferred to the customer
recorded when the goods are delivered (corresponding to as and when the work is completed by the Group.
the date when control of the goods is transferred). In the (ii) Accounting treatment of customer loyalty programmes
same way as for in-store sales, certain products offered on
the Group’s e-commerce sites are sold with a time-limited When the purchase of goods or services entitles the
right of return. In the case of marketplace sales, the Group customer to award credits under a loyalty programme, the
acts as an agent and revenue from these sales corresponds contract with the customer comprises two separate
to the commission billed to the third-party suppliers of the performance obligations:
goods concerned. ■ the obligation to deliver the goods or services, which is
Revenue from sales to franchisees is recorded when the satisfied immediately; and
goods are delivered (corresponding to the date when control ■ the obligation to subsequently supply goods or services at
of the goods is transferred). a reduced price or free of charge.
Net banking revenue generated by the Group’s financial The sale proceeds are allocated between these two
services companies consists mainly of net interest revenue performance obligations proportionately to their respective
that does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15 and is specific sale prices.
At constant exchange rates, 2021 net sales amounted to Restated for IAS 29 in Argentina, consolidated net sales for 2021
74,276 million euros versus 70,719 million euros in 2020, an increased by 5.1% at constant exchange rates.
increase of 5.0%. Changes in exchange rates reduced net sales by 2
(1.3) billion euros in 2021, almost exclusively attributable to the
Latin America region.
6.1.2 Other revenue
Accounting principles
Recurring operating income is an intermediate aggregate disclosed in order to help users of the consolidated financial
statements to better understand the Group’s underlying operating performance. It corresponds to operating income (defined as
earnings from continuing operations before interest and tax) before material items that are unusual in terms of their nature and
frequency and are reported under “Non-recurring income” or “Non-recurring expenses” (see Note 6.3).
Accounting principles
Cost of sales corresponds to the cost of purchases net of ■ unconditional, i.e., proportionate to total purchases and
rebates and commercial income, changes in inventories subject to no other conditions; or
(including impairments), discounting revenue, exchange
■ conditional, i.e., dependent on meeting certain conditions
gains and losses on goods purchases, logistics costs and
(e.g., growth in the supplier’s net sales with the Group).
other costs (primarily the cost of products sold by the
financial services companies and the production costs of the Commercial income corresponds to income from services
property development business). carried out by Carrefour for its suppliers.
Rebates are calculated based on immediate or deferred Rebates and commercial income recognised in cost of sales
discount rates on purchases, as specified in the contractual are measured based on the contractual terms specified in the
terms negotiated each year. Rebates can be: agreements signed with suppliers.
6.2.2 Sales, general and administrative expenses, and depreciation and amortisation
Accounting principles 4
In accordance with the French accounting standards setter assets, gains and losses on sales of non-current assets,
(ANC) recommendation no. 2020-01 dated March 6, 2020, restructuring costs and provision charges and income
non-recurring income and expenses are reported on a recorded to reflect revised estimates of risks provided for in
separate line of the income statement. Non-recurring items prior periods, based on information that came to the Group’s
are defined as “items that are limited in number, clearly attention during the reporting year.
identifiable and non-recurring that have a material impact on
They are presented separately in the income statement to
consolidated results”.
“help users of the financial statements to better understand
This classification is applied to certain material items of
income and expense that are unusual in terms of their nature
the Group’s underlying operating performance and provide
them with useful information to assess the earnings outlook”.
and frequency, such as impairment charges of non-current
Non-recurring items represented a net expense of 374 million euros in 2021, and the detailed breakdown is as follows:
■ the impact of the Pinheiros real estate transaction, which The costs incurred in connection with the Covid-19 health crisis
generated an income of 81 million euros following an were recognised in recurring operating expenses for 2020,
exchange of assets in the city of São Paulo (see Note 2.3); including necessary costs relating to logistics or product
distribution in stores or to customers’ homes, as well as costs
■ provision reversals (net of costs) on ICMS credits notably relating to protecting the health of employees, customers and
related to transfers between states on “basic products” were service providers.
recognised for around 35 million euros following expiry of the
limitation period for tax claims or further relief under tax In accordance with the Group’s accounting principles, which
amnesty programmes introduced by certain Brazilian states have been applied consistently, exceptional bonuses and similar
(see Note 6.3 to the 2020 consolidated financial statements); benefits were recognised in non-recurring expenses for a total
amount of 128 million euros during the first half of 2020. These
■ following the death of Mr Silveira Freitas, commitments have bonuses did not compensate employees for their work as such.
been made by Carrefour Brazil to public authorities and Rather, they represented an act of corporate social responsibility,
non-profit organisations as part of a settlement agreement offering tax and employee benefits. The exceptional bonuses
(“Termo de ajustamento de Conduta”) signed on June 11, 2021. supplemented the usual components of fixed and variable
It led to the recognition of a provision for 17 million euros (see compensation awarded to the employees concerned (in respect
Note 11.3 to these financial statements and to the 2020 of overtime pay, various types of bonuses, profit-sharing, etc.),
consolidated financial statements). i.e., without replacing said components.
Other non-recurring income and expenses in 2021 also included In Brazil, provision reversals on “basic products” (see Note 7.3 to
revised estimates of historical risks in Spain and the impacts the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2019)
related to the decision taken in May 2021 to discontinue were recognised for around 65 million euros in 2020 (net of
Carrefour Banque’s operations in Italy (see Note 2.3). costs) following expiry of the statute of limitations for tax claims
ASSET IMPAIRMENTS AND WRITE-OFFS or receipt of further relief under tax amnesty programmes
introduced by certain Brazilian states at the end of the year.
At December 31, 2021, an impairment loss of 80 million euros
was recognised on goodwill in Italy (Note 7.3). Other non-recurring operating income and expenses recognised
in 2020 related primarily to revised estimates of historical risks in
Impairment of assets other than goodwill and write-offs recorded
France and Brazil.
in 2021 include the retirement of a variety of non-current assets,
in particular relating to IT in France for 28 million euros, as well as At December 31, 2020, an impairment loss of 104 million euros
impairment losses of 26 million euros against non-current assets, was recognised on goodwill in Italy (see Note 7.3 to the 2020
to take account of the difficulties experienced by certain stores, consolidated financial statements). In 2020, impairment losses of
particularly in Italy and France. They also include the write-off of 150 million euros were recognised against non-current assets
configuration and customisation costs for SaaS solutions that can other than goodwill to take account of the difficulties
no longer be capitalised as a result of the application of the final experienced by certain stores, particularly in Italy and France
IFRS IC decision published in April 2021 (see Note 1.2), for (mainly hypermarkets and Promocash stores).
approximately 30 million euros. In addition, the alignment of the In addition, 65 million euros’ worth of assets were retired during
net carrying value of Showroomprivé shares with the stock the year, mainly in France (store assets), Brazil (former IT
market share price at December 31, 2021 represented a E-Commerce platform) and Spain (certain software applications
non-recurring expense of 10 million euros (see Note 9.2). in particular). Assets were also retired at Carrefour Banque
Main non-recurring items in 2020 following the discontinuation of the C-zam business (see
Note 3.2.2).
In 2020, gains and losses on disposals of assets included the loss
incurred on the sale of Rue du Commerce, which was completed Lastly, the net impact of the dilution of Showroomprivé shares
on April 30, 2020. The loss was more than offset by the gains and the alignment of their net value with the stock market share
recorded on the sale of store assets or businesses in France, Italy price at December 31, 2020 represented non-recurring income
and Belgium. of 23 million euros (see Note 9.2 to the 2020 consolidated
financial statements).
6.4.2 Inventories
Accounting principles 4
In accordance with IAS 2 – Inventories, goods inventories first-out (FIFO) method. The cost of goods inventories
and the inventories of the property development business includes all components of the purchase cost of goods sold
(properties under construction) are measured at the lower of (with the exception of exchange gains and losses) and takes
cost and net realisable value. into account the rebates and commercial income negotiated
with suppliers.
The cost of goods inventories corresponds to the latest
purchase price plus all related expenses. This method is Net realisable value corresponds to the estimated selling
appropriate given the rapid inventory turnover, and the price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated
resulting values are close to those obtained by the first-in additional costs necessary to make the sale. 5
Note that the same impairment methods were applied as in previous reporting periods, including for non-food inventories.
Accounting principles 7
Trade receivables correspond for the most part to rebates expected losses defined in IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments
and commercial income receivable from suppliers, amounts (see Note 14.7.4).
receivable from franchisees, shopping mall rental receivables
Certain Group subsidiaries operate receivables discounting
and receivables of the property development business.
programmes. In accordance with IFRS 9, receivables sold
Trade receivables are classified as financial assets measured under these programmes are derecognised when the related
at amortised cost (see Note 14). They are recognised for the risks and rewards (i.e., mainly default, late payment and
initial invoice amount, less a loss allowance recorded in dilution risks) are substantially transferred to the buyer.
accordance with the simplified impairment model based on
Note that the same impairment methods were applied as in previous reporting periods.
Accounting principles
Suppliers and other creditors correspond primarily to trade December 31, 2021 included reverse factored payables for a
payables. They also include payables that suppliers have total of 2.2 billion euros (December 31, 2020: 2.0 billion
transferred to financial institutions as part of reverse factoring euros).
programmes. These programmes enable suppliers to receive
Suppliers and other creditors are classified in the category of
payment for the Group’s purchases in advance of the normal
“Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost”, as defined in
payment terms. After conducting an analysis, the Group has
IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments (see Note 14). They are initially
continued to classify these liabilities as trade payables, their
recognised at their nominal amount, which represents a
characteristics having not been substantially modified (in
reasonable estimate of fair value in light of their short
particular, their contractual terms – including debt maturity –
have been maintained). Suppliers and other creditors at
Accounting principles
To support its core retailing business, the Group offers ■ Financing for these loans is presented under “Consumer
banking and insurance services to customers, mainly in credit financing – Portion due in more than one year” and
France, Spain and Brazil. “Consumer credit financing – Portion due in less than one
year”, depending on their maturity.
The Group’s financial services companies offer their
customers “Carrefour” bank cards that can be used in the ■ The other assets and liabilities of the banking activities
Group’s stores and elsewhere, consumer credit (renewable (property and equipment, intangible assets, cash and cash
credit facilities and amortisable loans), and savings products equivalents, tax and employee-related payables, etc.) are
(life insurance, passbook savings accounts, etc.). presented on the corresponding lines of the statement of 7
financial position.
Due to its contribution to the Group’s total assets and
liabilities and its specific financial structure, this secondary ■ Net revenues from banking activities are reported in the
business is presented separately in the consolidated financial income statement under “Other revenue”.
■ The change in the banking and insurance activities’ working
■ consumer credit granted by the financial services capital requirement is reported in the statement of cash
companies (payment card receivables, personal loans, etc.) flows under “Change in consumer credit granted by the
is presented in the statement of financial position under financial services companies”.
“Consumer credit granted by the financial services
companies – Portion due in more than one year” and
“Consumer credit granted by the financial services
companies – Portion due in less than one year”, depending
on their maturity.
Consumer credit granted by the financial services companies The decrease in the average impairment rate for consumer credit
corresponds to customer receivables (credit card debt, personal at December 31, 2021 was mainly attributable to France, Spain
loans, etc.). Its gross value decreased by 126 million overall and Brazil, following the sale of category 3 loans in 2021, and
compared to December 31, 2020. This decrease reflects firstly from Italy, following the sale of its entire client portfolio,
the discontinuation of the Italian branch’s operations (see including loans also classified in category 3 (see above). The
Note 2.3) and secondly a decline in credit financing in France amount of impairment for consumer credit was estimated
since the health crisis. It also reflects the sale of category 3 loans according to the rules and principles described below.
in 2021 in France, Spain and Brazil. In contrast, credit financing
increased in Spain and, in particular, in Brazil in 2021.
Accounting principles
The impairment model for consumer credit granted by the “contagion” principle, whereby reclassification of a given
financial services companies was adjusted in line with the credit granted to a consumer will lead to all credit granted to
requirements of IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments using a that consumer to be reclassified accordingly.
two-step process:
(ii) Objective evidence of impairment (default) 2
■ classification of outstanding loans in uniform risk Carrefour considers that there is objective evidence of
categories based on the probability of default; then
impairment if any of the following criteria are met:
■ modelling of the probability of credit losses over a ■ late payment criterion: payments more than 90 days past
12-month period or at maturity (representing the remaining
due (non-rebuttable presumption under IFRS 9);
term of the financial instrument), based on the
classification of the instrument. ■ renegotiation criterion: credit with renegotiated terms (not
considered substantial) owing to significant difficulties of
CLASSIFICATION OF CONSUMER CREDIT the debtor, with payment more than 30 days past due;
Consumer credit is divided into three categories, based on an 3
■ litigation criterion: credit in dispute at the reporting date;
analysis of potentially significant increases in credit risk:
■ “contagion” criterion: if a given credit granted to a
■ category 1: credit granted to consumers whose credit risk consumer meets the aforementioned criteria, all credit
has not significantly increased since the credit was initially
granted to that consumer is also deemed to meet those
■ category 2: credit granted to consumers whose financial The consumer credit concerned is classified in category 3.
situation has worsened (significant increase in credit risk)
since the credit was initially recognised but for which no ESTIMATES OF EXPECTED CREDIT LOSSES
objective evidence of impairment (default) of a specific Calculation of the amount of expected credit losses is based
credit has yet been identified; on four main inputs: probability of default, loss given default,
■ category 3: credit granted to consumers in default. exposure at default and the discount rate. Each of these
inputs is calibrated according to the consumer credit
(i) Significant increase in credit risk
segmentation – itself based on the products distributed by
The main criteria applied by the Group to identify a significant each entity (personal loans, credit cards/renewable facilities
increase in credit risk since initial recognition and where and credit granted for a specific purpose) – based on
necessary, to reclassify category 1 assets within category 2, historical data and taking into account prospective factors.
are as follows: The methods used to calibrate these inputs are consistent
with those adopted to meet regulatory and prudential
■ late payment criterion: payments more than 30 days past
requirements (particularly the Basel Accord).
due (non-rebuttable presumption under IFRS 9);
Expected credit losses are calculated over a 12-month period
■ renegotiation criterion: credit with renegotiated terms with
for consumer credit classified in category 1 and over the life
payment less than 30 days past due.
of the credit for items classified in categories 2 and 3.
The Group determines whether there has been a significant
increase in credit risk for each of its contracts and applies the
To protect against default by borrowers, the Group’s financial Within each credit company, a Credit Risk department is
services companies have set up systems to check the quality and responsible for all of these processes and a summary of the
repayment capacity of their customers. These include: Credit Risk Management Committees is systematically presented
to the company’s Board of Directors.
■ decision-making aids such as credit scoring applications,
income/debt simulation tools and credit history checking At December 31, 2021, 73% of the gross value of consumer credit
procedures; granted by the financial services companies was classified in
■ interrogation of positive and negative credit history databases, category 1, 11% in category 2 and 16% in category 3. 7
At December 31, 2020, categories 1, 2 and 3 represented 66%,
where they exist;
14% and 20%, respectively, of the gross value of consumer credit
■ active management of collection and litigation processes; granted by the financial services companies.
■ solvency analyses at the contract anniversary date;
■ credit risk monitoring and control systems.
Accounting principles
Goodwill is initially recognised on business combinations as Internal and external costs directly incurred in the purchase
explained in Note 3.1. or development of software are recognised as intangible
assets, including subsequent improvements, when it is 3
In accordance with IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets, goodwill
probable that they will generate future economic benefits for
recognised on business combinations is not amortised but is
the Group. Software is amortised by the straight-line method
tested for impairment every year, or more frequently if there
over periods ranging from, barring exceptions, one to eight
is an indication that its carrying amount may not be
recovered, by the method described in Note 7.3.
A SaaS arrangement allows an entity to access, using an
Intangible assets consist mainly of software and other
Internet connection and for a specified period of time,
intangible assets related to the stores.
software functions hosted on infrastructure operated by an 4
Separately acquired intangible assets are initially recognised external provider. If the Group does not control a SaaS
at cost and intangible assets acquired in business solution, the related development costs (external and
combinations are recognised at fair value (see Note 3.1). internal) are recognised as follows: (a) as an expense as
incurred for internal costs and the costs of an integrator not
related to the SaaS publisher, and (b) as an expense over the
term of the SaaS arrangement for the costs of the SaaS
publisher or its subcontractor. If the Group controls a SaaS
solution, costs are capitalised if they meet the IAS 38 criteria,
otherwise they are expensed as incurred. 5
Goodwill, which constitutes the main intangible asset, is reported separately from other intangible assets in the statement of financial
7.1.1 Goodwill
The carrying amount of goodwill is monitored at the level of the ■ regarding the acquisition of the Wellcome banner in Taiwan
operating segments corresponding to the countries in which the (see Note 3.2.2), the preliminary implementation of the
Group conducts its business through its integrated store purchase price allocation required by IFRS 3 – Business
networks. Combinations led to the reduction of goodwill from 119 million
euros in the 2020 consolidated financial statements to
The 39 million euro decrease in goodwill relative to
80 million euros in the 2021 consolidated financial statements.
December 31, 2020 reflects the following:
As a reminder, the allocation process could not be
■ completion of the acquisition of the Supersol banner in Spain implemented at December 31, 2020 given the transaction’s
(see Note 2.3) including the recognition of provisional goodwill completion on the last day of the year and local regulations
in the amount of 79 million euros; restricting the exchange of information between the Carrefour
■ the partial impairment of Italian goodwill for 80 million euros as group and the acquired company Wellcome until the
well as the impairment of goodwill related to impaired stores in transaction completion date. The decrease in provisional
Belgium; goodwill in 2021 (recorded in the “Other movements” column
of the table below) chiefly reflects the fair value adjustment to a
warehouse (including the building and the land) owned by
■ a favourable translation adjustment of 13 million euros
following the increase in value of the New Taiwan dollar
compared with December 31, 2020.
The total carrying amount of goodwill at December 31, 2020 remained fairly stable, with goodwill recognised on acquisitions carried out
in France (Dejbox, Potager City, Bio c’ Bon) and in Taiwan (Wellcome) virtually offset by negative translation adjustments on goodwill
(especially in Brazil) and partial impairment of Italian goodwill.
Accounting principles
Property and equipment mainly comprise buildings, store unless (a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial
fixtures and fittings, and land. substance or (b) the fair value of neither the asset received
nor the asset given up is reliably measurable, in which case its
INITIAL RECOGNITION cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given
In accordance with IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment, up.
these items are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation
Assets under construction are recognised at cost less any
and any accumulated impairment losses. Borrowing costs
identified impairment losses.
that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction
or production of a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of USEFUL LIVES
the cost of the asset. Qualifying assets are defined in IAS 23 –
Depreciation of property and equipment begins when the
Borrowing Costs as assets that necessarily take a substantial
asset is available for use and ends when the asset is sold,
period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale,
scrapped or reclassified as held for sale in accordance with
corresponding in the Group’s case to investment properties,
IFRS 5 – Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
hypermarkets and supermarkets for which the construction
period exceeds one year.
Land is not depreciated. Other property and equipment are
For property and equipment acquired in exchange for one or
depreciated by the straight-line method over the following
more non-monetary assets or for a combination of monetary
estimated useful lives:
and non-monetary assets, cost is measured at fair value
• Building 40 years
• Site improvements 10 to 20 years
• Car parks 6 to 10 years
Equipment, fixtures and fittings 4 to 8 years
Other 3 to 10 years
In light of the nature of its business, the Group considers that Depreciation periods are reviewed at each year-end and,
its property and equipment have no residual value. where appropriate, adjusted prospectively in accordance with
IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors. At December 31, 2021, the Group had
not identified any significant factors related to climate
change that would lead to a revision of the useful lives
December 31, 2021
carrying Net carrying
(in millions of euros) amount Depreciation Impairment amount
Land 2,698 − (72) 2,626
Buildings 10,591 (5,860) (205) 4,527
Equipment, fixtures and fittings 15,208 (12,091) (321) 2,797
Other fixed assets 447 (326) (4) 117
Assets under construction 655 − − 655
TOTAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 29,600 (18,277) (602) 10,721
December 31, 2020
Accounting principles
In accordance with IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets, intangible synergies of the business combination. Each CGU or group
assets and property and equipment are tested for impairment of CGUs to which the goodwill is allocated should represent
whenever events or changes in the market environment the lowest level within the entity at which the goodwill is
indicate that the recoverable amount of an individual asset monitored for internal management purposes and should not
and/or a cash-generating unit (CGU) may be less than its be larger than an operating segment as defined in IFRS 8 –
carrying amount. For assets with an indefinite useful life – Operating Segments before aggregation.
mainly goodwill in the case of the Carrefour group – the test
The Group is analysing the recoverable amount of goodwill
is performed at least once a year.
at country level. The choice of this level is based on a
Individual assets or groups of assets are tested for combination of organisational and strategic criteria. In
impairment by comparing their carrying amount to their particular, operations within each country (hypermarkets,
recoverable amount, defined as the higher of their fair value supermarkets, etc.) use shared resources (country-level
(less costs of disposal) and their value in use. Value in use is centralised purchasing organisation, marketing systems,
the present value of the future cash flows expected to be headquarters functions, etc.) that represent an essential
derived from the asset. source of synergies between the various operations.
If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, Value in use corresponds to the sum of discounted future
an impairment loss is recognised for the difference. cash flows for a period generally not exceeding five years,
Impairment losses on property and equipment and intangible with a terminal value calculated by projecting data for the
assets (other than goodwill) may be reversed in future periods final year at a perpetual growth rate. A specific discount rate
provided that the asset’s increased carrying amount by country is used for the calculation. Future cash flows used
attributable to the reversal does not exceed the carrying in the impairment tests carried out in 2021 were estimated
amount that would have been determined, net of based on the financial trajectories defined by the Executive
depreciation or amortisation, had no impairment loss been Management teams at country level and approved by the
recognised for the asset in prior years. Group’s Executive Management. These future cash flows take
into account the best estimate of the impact of climate
IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS OTHER THAN GOODWILL change to date, including the level of planned investments.
Impairment tests on property and equipment are performed
The discount rate for each country corresponds to the
at the level of the individual stores (CGUs), for all formats.
weighted average cost of equity and debt, determined using
In accordance with IAS 36, intangible assets (other than the median gearing rate for the sector. Each country’s cost of
goodwill) and property and equipment are tested for equity is determined based on local parameters (risk-free
impairment whenever there is an indication that their interest rate and market premium). The cost of debt is
recoverable amount may be less than their carrying amount. determined by applying the same logic.
All stores that report a recurring operating loss before Fair value is the price that would be received to sell the
depreciation and amortisation in two consecutive years (after operations in the country tested for impairment in an orderly
the start-up period) are tested. transaction between market participants. Fair value is
Recoverable amount is defined as the higher of value in use measured using observable inputs where these exist
and fair value less the costs of disposal. (multiples of net sales and/or EBITDA for recent transactions,
offers received from potential buyers, stock market multiples
Value in use is considered to be equal to the store’s for comparable companies) or based on analyses performed
discounted future cash flows over a period of up to five years by internal or external experts.
plus a terminal value. Fair value is estimated based on the
prices of recent transactions, industry practice, independent Additional tests are performed at the interim period-end
valuations or the estimated price at which the store could be when there is an indication of impairment. The main
sold to a competitor. impairment indicators used by the Group are as follows:
The discount rate and the perpetual growth rate applied are ■ internal impairment indicator: a material deterioration in
the same as for impairment tests on goodwill. the ratio of recurring operating income before depreciation
and amortisation to net revenues excluding petrol between
GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT the budget and the most recent forecast;
IAS 36 requires impairment tests to be performed annually at ■ external impairment indicator: a material increase in the
the level of each CGU or group of CGUs to which the discount rate and/or a severe downgrade in the IMF’s GDP
goodwill is allocated. growth forecast.
In accordance with this standard, goodwill is allocated to the Impairment losses recognised on goodwill are irreversible,
CGU or group of CGUs that is expected to benefit from the including those recorded at an interim period-end.
7.3.1 Impairment of goodwill and sensitivity The multi-criteria approach was used again to test Italian 1
goodwill for impairment at December 31, 2021. It showed that
value in use was lower than at December 31, 2020, reflecting
Based on the impairment tests carried out in 2021, the Group lower net sales and real estate asset market value compared to
recognised a 80 million-euro impairment loss against Italian the previous year. The resulting fair value represented Executive
goodwill. In 2020, partial impairment of Italian goodwill was also Management’s best estimate and led to the partial impairment of
recorded in an amount of 104 million euros. Italian goodwill in an amount of 80 million euros. Further to this
impairment loss, the net amount of Italian goodwill at
December 31, 2021 stood at 69 million euros. Countries for which impairment was 2
recognised against goodwill in 2021 Other countries
As a reminder, an impairment loss of 700 million euros was
For the other countries where the Group conducts business, the
recorded against Italian goodwill in 2017 to reflect the significant
analysis of sensitivity to a simultaneous change in the key inputs
decline in the value in use of the Group’s operations in this
based on reasonably possible assumptions did not reveal any
country. The indications of impairment prompted the Group to
probable scenario according to which the recoverable amount of
carry out an in-depth analysis to determine the Italian operations’
any of the groups of CGUs would be less than its carrying
fair value. This analysis adopted a multi-criteria valuation
approach which took into account multiples observed for
comparable companies in the retail sector in Europe, and the Main financial assumptions used to estimate 3
market value of Italian real estate assets, determined based on
value in use
independent appraisals.
The perpetual growth rates and discount rates (corresponding to
In the impairment tests carried out at December 31, 2020, partial the weighted average cost of capital – WACC) applied for
impairment of Italian goodwill was recorded in an amount of impairment testing purposes in 2021 and 2020 are presented
104 million euros. This reflected a decrease in 2020 net sales, below by CGU:
results, and the value of real estate assets in comparison with
2021 2020
Accounting principles
IAS 40 – Investment Property defines investment property as The fair value of investment property is measured twice a
property (land or a building or both) held to earn rentals or year:
for capital appreciation or both. Based on this definition,
■ by applying a multiple that is a function of (i) each shopping
investment property held by the Group consists of shopping
mall’s profitability and (ii) a country-specific capitalisation rate,
malls (retail and service units located behind the stores’
to the gross annualised rental revenue generated by each
check-out area) that are exclusively or jointly owned and
property; or
represent a surface area of at least 2,500 square metres.
These assets generate cash flows that are largely ■ by obtaining independent valuations prepared using two
independent of the cash flows generated by the Group’s methods: the discounted cash flows method and the yield
other retail assets. method. Valuers generally also compare the results of applying
these methods to market values per square metre and to
Investment property is recognised at cost and is depreciated
recent transaction values.
on a straight-line basis over the same period as
owner-occupied property (see Note 7.2). In view of the limited external data available, particularly
concerning capitalisation rates, the complexity of the
Rental revenue generated by investment property is reported
property valuation process and the use of passing rents to
in the income statement under “Other revenue” on a
value the Group’s own properties, the fair value of investment
straight-line basis over the lease term. The incentives granted
property is determined on the basis of level 3 inputs.
by the Group under its leases are an integral part of the net
rental revenue and are recognised over the lease term (see
Note 6.1).
Rental revenue generated by investment property, reported in the The estimated fair value of investment property at December 31,
income statement under “Other revenue”, totalled 44 million 2021 was 703 million euros, versus 633 million euros at
euros in 2021 versus 43 million euros in 2020. Operating costs December 31, 2020. Changes in fair values in the various
directly attributable to the properties amounted to 11 million countries (at constant exchange rates) were not individually
euros in 2021 and 13 million euros in 2020. material.
8.1 Accounting principles
Accounting principles
Leases concern: This lease commitment is subsequently measured at
amortised cost using the effective interest method.
■ mainly property assets, both used directly by the Group and
sub-let to third parties, such as store premises sub-let to The lease commitment may be adjusted if the lease has been
franchisees and retail units located in shopping malls and modified or the lease term has been changed, or in order to
shopping centres; take into account contractual changes in lease payments 3
resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to
■ to a lesser extent, vehicles; as well as
determine those payments.
■ a few warehousing, IT and storage contracts with a lease
Recognition of right-of-use assets
Right-of-use assets are measured at cost, which includes:
Since January 1, 2019, all leases (excluding the recognition
exemptions set out in IFRS 16 – see below) have been ■ the amount of the initial measurement of the lease
included in the statement of financial position by recognising commitment;
a right-of-use asset and a lease commitment corresponding
to the present value of the lease payments due over the
■ any prepaid lease payments made to the lessor; 4
reasonably certain term of the lease. ■ any initial direct costs incurred;
In the income statement, IFRS 16 provides for the recognition ■ an estimate of the costs to be incurred in dismantling the
of a depreciation charge in current operating expenses and underlying asset or restoring the underlying asset to the
an interest charge in financial income and expenses. condition required by the terms and conditions of the
In the statement of cash flows (lease payments, representing
payments of interest and repayments of the lease Right-of-use assets are then depreciated on a straight-line
commitment, impact financing cash flows). basis over the lease term used to measure the lease
commitment. 5
Recognition of lease commitments
The value of the right-of-use asset may be adjusted if the
Amounts taken into account in the initial measurement of the
lease has been modified or the lease term has been changed,
lease commitment are:
or in order to take into account contractual changes in lease
■ fixed lease payments, less any lease incentives receivable payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used
from the lessor; to determine those payments. In the event the lease is
terminated before the end of the lease term under IFRS 16,
■ variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;
the impact of derecognising the right-of-use asset (write-off
■ amounts expected to be payable under residual value of a non-current asset) and lease commitment will be
guarantees; included within non-recurring items.
■ the exercise price of a purchase option if the option is When the lease contracts provide for initial payment of
reasonably certain to be exercised; and leasehold rights to the former lessee of the premises, these
■ penalties for terminating or not renewing the lease, if this is rights will be accounted for as a component of the
reasonably certain. right-of-use asset.
Lease payments are discounted at the interest rate implicit in Payments under short-term leases (12 months or less) or
the lease if this can be readily determined and otherwise at under leases of a low-value underlying asset are recognised
the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate (case applied in in recurring operating expenses on a straight-line basis over
the lease term (IFRS 16 recognition exemptions).
practice). The discount rate is tied to the weighted average
date for repayment of the outstanding lease commitment. The recoverable amount of the right-of-use asset is tested
The discount rate is calculated for each country using a for impairment whenever events or changes in the market
risk-free yield curve and a spread (the same spread is applied environment indicate that the asset may have suffered a loss
for all subsidiaries in a given country). The risk-free yield in value. Impairment testing procedures are identical to those
curve is updated quarterly, while the spread and rating are for property and equipment and intangible assets described
updated annually, except in the case of a significant event in Note 7.3.
expected to impact assessment of a subsidiary’s credit risk.
Accounting principles
The consolidated statement of financial position includes the of their net profit or loss is therefore reported as a separate
Group’s share of the change in the net assets of companies component of recurring operating income (“Net
accounted for by the equity method (associates and joint income/(loss) of equity-accounted companies”), in
ventures), as adjusted to comply with Group accounting accordance with the recommendation no. 2013-01 of the
policies, from the date when significant influence or joint French accounting standards setter (ANC).
control is acquired until the date when it is lost.
The carrying amount of investments in equity-accounted
Companies accounted for by the equity method are an companies is tested for impairment in line with the
integral part of the Group’s operations and the Group’s share accounting principles described in Note 7.3.
Shareholders’ Non-current Net sales/ income/
(in millions of euros) % interest Total assets equity assets Revenues (loss)
Carmila (France) 36% 5,185 2,330 4,758 352 (9)
Provencia SA (France) 50% 448 286 266 830 23
Market Pay (France) 39% 478 178 329 104 (14) (France)(1) 9% 481 177 215 698 14
Ulysse (Tunisia) 25% 135 90 120 342 8
Mestdagh (Belgium) 25% 289 33 96 637 (1)
Costasol (Spain) 34% 93 45 57 148 7
Carrefour SA (Turkey)(1) 38% 301 (8) 164 755 (29)
Other companies(2) N/A 1,021 411 527 1,632 (21)
(1) Financial data published for the year 2020.
(2) Corresponding to a total of 190 companies, none of which is individually material.
At December 31, 2021, the two main associates were Carmila Cajoo 1
with a carrying amount of 749 million euros (December 31, 2020: On July 29, 2021, the Group acquired a 40% non-controlling
782 million euros) and Provencia with a carrying amount of interest in Cajoo, a French trailblazer in quick commerce, which
132 million euros (December 31, 2020: 130 million euros). These has been accounted for by the equity method in the Group’s
two associates represented 70% of the total value of consolidated financial statements since that date.
equity-accounted companies at end-2021.
All of the summary financial data presented in the table above In 2021, additional impairment of 10 million euros on the
have been taken from the financial statements of associates, Showroomprivé shares was recognised against non-recurring
restated where necessary to reflect adjustments made to expenses in order to align their value with the company’s share 2
harmonise accounting methods on application of equity price at December 31, 2021.
accounting. These data have not been adjusted for any changes
in fair value recognised at the time of the acquisition or for any In August 2020, Showroomprivé (SRP Groupe) carried out a
loss of control and elimination of the Group’s share of profit or capital increase to which Carrefour elected not to subscribe,
loss arising on asset disposals or acquisitions carried out between leading to the dilution of the Group’s interest in that company,
the Group and the associate. from 20.52% to 8.84%. The effect of this dilution combined with
the alignment of the value of the shares with their stock market
MAIN CHANGES IN INVESTMENTS IN EQUITY-ACCOUNTED price led to a provision reversal in non-recurring income of
COMPANIES IN 2021 23 million euros in 2020. 3
Focus on Carmila
On May 18, 2021, Carrefour opted to receive a portion of its
dividend in shares. Carmila was set up in 2014 by the Group and its co-investment
partners. Its corporate purpose is to enhance the value of the
On June 9, 2021, at the end of the Preference Share Plan of shopping centres adjacent to Carrefour hypermarkets in France,
May 16, 2018, the capital was reduced following the conversion Spain and Italy. Carmila is accounted for by the equity method
of 112,611 Class B shares into 31,850 Class A shares. because the governance rules established with the co-investors
On June 29, 2021, Carmila also carried out a capital increase allows Carrefour to exercise significant influence over Carmila.
under the Preference Share Plan for key employees and company Up until its merger with Cardety on June 12, 2017, Carmila’s 4
officers. governance was organised by a shareholders’ agreement
Further to the various transactions in Carmila’s capital, between Carrefour (which held a 42% stake in Carmila) and other
Carrefour’s interest in Carmila increased from 35.40% at institutional investors (which held the remaining 58% stake). This
December 31, 2020 to 35.51% at December 31, 2021. The agreement specified the composition of the Board of Directors
associated accretive effect, which was not material, was and listed the decisions requiring the Board’s prior approval
recognised in non-recurring income and expenses in accordance (votes subject to a simple or qualified majority, depending on the
with the Group’s accounting principles. importance of the matters discussed).
Market Pay
In parallel with the merger of Carmila into Cardety, the corporate
governance rules were adjusted (restructuring of its governance
On April 29, 2021, the Group completed the sale of a 60% and management bodies, and amendments to its Articles of
interest in Market Pay (see Note 2.3). The Group’s residual interest Association and the Board of Directors’ Internal Rules). In light of
in Market Pay (around 40%) was accounted for by the equity the amended corporate governance rules, the Group considers
method in the consolidated financial statements as from April 29, that it has significant influence over Carmila, which is accounted
2021, for an amount of 73 million euros. for using the equity method. The Group’s position is primarily
Following a capital increase in the second half of the year, the derived from the fact that the Carrefour group is not represented
Group’s interest in Market Pay was reduced to 39% at by a majority on the Board of Directors (comprising 13 members,
December 31, 2021. of which nine independent from Carrefour and four appointed by
Carrefour as of December 31, 2021). Therefore, the Group does
Cargan-LOG not have the unilateral ability to direct decisions requiring the
In May 2021, Carrefour and Argan created the real estate Board’s prior consent, which concern a portion of the relevant
company Cargan-LOG (see Note 2.3). The entity, which is activities.
60%-owned by Argan and 40% by Carrefour (through the
contribution of three warehouses), has been accounted for by
the equity method in the consolidated financial statements as
from May 2021, for an amount of 30 million euros.
The following table presents key financial data for Carmila at December 31, 2021 and 2020 (as published in Carmila’s consolidated
financial statements(1)). Carmila’s European Public Real Estate Association Net Tangible Assets (EPRA NTA), corresponding to net assets
excluding transfer costs, financial instruments at fair value and the deferred tax effect, amounted to 3,580 million euros at December 31,
Carmila Provencia Pay Ulysse Mestdagh Costasol Carrefour SA
(in millions of euros) (France) (France) (France) (Tunisia) (Belgium) (Spain) (Turkey)
Net sales (sales of goods) − 582 − 4 58 97 0
Franchise fees − 8 − 3 8 2 3
Property development revenue(1) 7 − − − − − −
Sales of services 18 − − − (0) 0 −
Fees and other operating expenses (7) − (81) − − (6) −
Receivables at closing 61 22 81 1 9 34 0
Payables at closing (82) − (5) − − (6) −
(1) Amounts are presented before elimination of the Group’s share in the associate of revenues and proceeds arising on transactions carried out
between the Group and the associate.
Accounting principles
Income tax expense comprises current taxes and deferred be realised or the liability will be settled, based on tax rates
taxes. It includes the Cotisation sur la Valeur Ajoutée des and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted
Entreprises (CVAE) local business tax in France assessed on by the end of the reporting period. Deferred tax assets and
the value-added generated by the business, which is reported liabilities are not discounted and are classified in the
under income tax expense because the Group considers that statement of financial position under non-current assets and
it meets the definition of a tax on income contained in IAS 12 non-current liabilities.
– Income Tax.
The recoverability of deferred tax assets is assessed 3
Deferred taxes are calculated on all temporary differences separately for each tax entity, based on estimates of future
between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the taxable profits contained in the business plan for the country
consolidated statement of financial position and their tax concerned (prepared as described in Note 7.3) and the
basis (except in the specific cases referred to in IAS 12), and amount of deferred tax liabilities at the period-end. A
carried-forward tax losses. They are measured at the tax rates valuation allowance is recorded to write down deferred tax
that are expected to apply to the period when the asset will assets whose recovery is not considered probable.
10.1 Income tax expense for the period
Theoretical income tax for 2021 and 2020 has been calculated by multiplying consolidated income before tax by the standard French
corporate income tax rate. For 2021, theoretical income tax expense amounted to 464 million euros compared with actual net income
tax expense of 372 million euros, as follows:
Changes in
Income tax consolidation
on other scope,
December 31, Deferred comprehensive translation
2020 income income adjustment, December 31,
(in millions of euros) restated(1) (expense) tax (OCI) other 2021 2
Tax loss carryforwards 1,030 (103) − 13 940
Property and equipment 106 (1) − 3 108
Non-deductible provisions(1) 606 11 (9) 18 626
Goodwill amortisation allowed for tax purposes 296 (3) − (7) 286
Other intangible assets 19 (1) − 1 20
Inventories 102 2 − (1) 103
Financial instruments 132 29 (1) (4) 156 3
Other temporary differences 39 81 − (8) 112
Deferred tax assets before netting 2,331 15 (9) 15 2,352
Effect of netting deferred tax assets and
(568) 80 5 (205) (688)
Deferred tax assets after netting 1,763 96 (5) (190) 1,664
Valuation allowances on deferred tax assets(1) (1,083) 66 (3) (12) (1,033)
Net deferred tax assets 679 161 (8) (202) 631 4
Property and equipment (342) (38) − (15) (395)
Provisions recorded solely for tax purposes (410) 77 − 0 (333)
Goodwill amortisation allowed for tax purposes (106) (2) − (3) (112)
Other intangible assets (12) 0 − 1 (12)
Inventories (14) 4 − 0 (10)
Financial instruments (15) (33) (4) 5 (47)
Other temporary differences (136) (17) − (1) (154) 5
Deferred tax liabilities before netting (1,035) (10) (4) (13) (1,062)
Effect of netting deferred tax assets
568 (80) (5) 205 688
and liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities after netting (467) (90) (9) 192 (374)
NET DEFERRED TAXES 213 71 (17) (10) 257
(1) The amounts at December 31, 2020 of “non-deductible provisions” and “impairment of deferred tax assets” have been restated by (78) million
euros and 78 million euros respectively, following adjustments to align the financial statement presentation with the IFRS IC decision on employee
benefits which resulted in the reversal of 312 million euros’ worth of provisions for termination benefit obligations (see Note 4).
(2) Utilised tax loss carryforwards primarily concerned France, Brazil and Argentina.
Accounting principles
In accordance with IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities Contingent liabilities, which are not recognised in the
and Contingent Assets, a provision is recorded when, at the statement of financial position, are defined as:
period-end, the Group has a present obligation (legal or
■ possible obligations that arise from past events and whose
constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an
existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be
non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events
required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can
not wholly within the control of the Group; or
be made of the amount of the obligation. The amount of the
provision is estimated based on the nature of the obligation ■ present obligations that arise from past events but are not
and the most probable assumptions. Provisions are recognised because it is not probable that an outflow of
discounted when the effect of the time value of money is resources embodying economic benefits will be required
material. Provisions are discounted when the effect of the to settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation
time value of money is material. cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.
Effect of
December 31, Reversals in foreign
2020 of surplus Discounting exchange December 31,
(in millions of euros) restated Increases provisions Utilisations adjustment rates Other(4) 2021
Employee benefits(1) 839 67 (38) (59) (34) 3 7 786
Claims and litigation 788 294 (150) (88) − 1 (1) 844
Tax litigations 524 90 (83) (29) − 2 (1) 503
Employee related disputes 113 66 (34) (34) − (1) (1) 109
Legal disputes 150 138 (33) (24) − (0) 1 232
Restructuring 245 284 (25) (148) − 0 − 356
Provisions related to
banking and insurance 261 14 (18) (10) − 0 − 247
Other(3) 224 37 (15) (31) − 2 4 222
TOTAL PROVISIONS 2,357 696 (246) (336) (34) 7 11 2,455
(1) See Note 4. Following the final IFRIC IC decision published in May 2021 on IAS 19, the published financial statements as of December 31, 2020
were restated retrospectively to reflect the application of this decision.
(2) Provisions relating to the banking and insurance businesses include provisions for credit risk on loan commitments (off-balance sheet) recognised
in accordance with IFRS 9, and provisions set aside to cover insurance underwriting risk.
(3) Other provisions mainly concern onerous contracts. They also include provisions for dismantling assets under property leases or for restoring
assets to the requisite condition, recognised against the related right-of-use asset following application of IFRS 16 (see Note 8).
(4) Other changes are not material over the period; they correspond mainly to the provisions booked in the opening balance sheets in connection
with the acquisitions of Wellcome in Taiwan (see Note 3.2.2) and Supersol in Spain (see Note 2.3).
Group companies are involved in a certain number of At December 31, 2021, claims and legal proceedings involving the
pre-litigation and litigation proceedings in the normal course of Group were covered by provisions totalling 844 million euros,
business. They are also subject to tax audits that may result in compared with 788 million euros at December 31, 2020. No
reassessments. The main claims and legal proceedings are details are provided because the Group considers that disclosure
described below. In each case, the risk is assessed by Group of the amount set aside in each case could be seriously
management and their advisors. detrimental to its interests.
Accounting principles
Group employees receive short-term benefits (paid vacation, render the related services) are classified as current liabilities
paid sick leave and statutory profit-sharing bonuses), (under “Other payables”) and recorded as an expense for the
long-term benefits (such as long-service awards and year in which the employees render the related services (see
seniority bonuses) and post-employment benefits (such as Note 6.2.2). Post-employment benefits and other long-term
length-of-service awards and supplementary pension benefits are measured and recognised as described in
benefits). Post-employment benefits may be paid under Note 12.1.
defined contribution or defined benefit plans.
Two types of share-based payment plans have been set up
All of these benefits are accounted for in accordance with for management and selected employees – stock option
IAS 19 – Employee Benefits. Short-term benefits (i.e., benefits plans and performance share plans. These plans fall within
expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the the scope of IFRS 2 – Share-based Payment and are
end of the annual reporting period in which the employees accounted for as described in Note 12.2.
Accounting principles
Post-employment benefits are employee benefits that are The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually using
payable after the completion of employment. The Group’s the projected unit credit method, taking into account
post-employment benefit plans include both defined actuarial assumptions such as future salary levels, retirement
contribution plans and defined benefit plans. age, mortality, staff turnover and the discount rate.
DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS The discount rate corresponds to the interest rate observed
at the period-end for investment grade corporate bonds with
Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit
a maturity close to that of the defined benefit obligation. The
plans under which the Group pays regular contributions into
calculations are performed by a qualified actuary.
a separate entity that is responsible for the plan’s
administrative and financial management as well as for the The net liability recorded for defined benefit plans
payment of benefits, such that the Group has no obligation corresponds to the present value of the defined benefit
to pay further contributions if the plan assets are insufficient. obligation less the fair value of plan assets (if any). The cost
Examples include government-sponsored pension schemes, recognised in the income statement comprises:
defined contribution supplementary pension plans and
■ current service cost, past service cost and the gain or loss
defined contribution pension funds.
on plan amendments or settlements (if any), recorded in
The contributions are recorded as an expense for the period operating expense;
in which they become due.
■ interest expense on the defined benefit liability, net of
DEFINED BENEFIT AND LONG-TERM BENEFIT PLANS interest income on the plan assets, recorded in net financial
A liability is recognised for defined benefit obligations that are
determined by reference to the plan participants’ years of Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability
service with the Group. (comprising actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan
assets and any change in the effect of the asset ceiling) are
recognised immediately in “Other comprehensive income”.
12.1.1 Description of the main defined benefit ■ rights vest subject to the achievement of annual performance 1
conditions: the performance criteria and specified targets are
chosen among those used by the Board of Directors to
The main defined benefit plans concern supplementary pension determine the annual variable component of the Executive
benefits paid annually in some countries to retired employees of Officer’s compensation;
the Group, and length-of-service awards provided for in ■ the annual vesting rate under the plan will vary depending on
collective bargaining agreements that are paid to employees the achievement rates for the performance criteria, and the
upon retirement. The plans, which are presented below, mainly aggregate annual percentages applied for a given beneficiary,
concern France, Belgium and Italy. all employers combined, will be capped at 30%. 2
FRENCH PLANS The Group has externalised the plan’s management to an
Group employees in France are entitled to a length-of-service insurance company, through a deferred annuity contract fully
award when they retire, determined in accordance with the law invested in euro-denominated funds.
and the applicable collective bargaining agreement. The award is BELGIAN PLANS
measured as a multiple of the individual’s monthly salary for the
The Group’s main commitments in Belgium concern
last 12 months before retirement, determined by reference to his
“prepensions” and the “solidarity fund”.
or her years of service, and may be capped for certain plans in
place. The prepension scheme provides for the payment of
unemployment benefits during the period from the retirement
In this respect, the Group retrospectively applied the IFRS IC
age proposed in the collective bargaining agreement to the
decision of May 2021 relating to IAS 19, which resulted in a
statutory retirement age. Carrefour is committed to topping up
restatement of the amount of provisions for the employees
the benefits paid by the Belgian State, so that the individuals
concerned (see Note 4 for more details).
concerned receive 95% of their final net salary. The retirement
In 2009, the Group set up a supplementary defined benefit age under Belgian law, amended in 2015, is 65 (unless otherwise
pension plan, amended in 2015. Following publication of provided). Under the collective bargaining agreement applicable
government order 2019-697 dated July 3, 2019 (on transposition to Carrefour, employees are eligible for prepension benefits from
into French law of the European “Portability” Directive), the
supplementary pension plan was cancelled by decision of the
the age of 62 (unless otherwise provided). 4
The solidarity fund is a corporate supplementary pension plan
Board of Directors on April 20, 2020 and the provision carried in
that offers participants the choice between a lump sum payment
the consolidated statement of financial position at
on retirement or a monthly pension for the rest of their lives. The
December 31, 2019 was reversed in full in 2020.
plan was closed in 1994 and replaced by a defined contribution
In addition, at its meeting of April 20, 2020, the Board of plan. Consequently, the projected benefit obligation only
Directors decided to set up a new supplementary defined benefit concerns pension rights that vested before 1994.
pension plan that meets the requirements of Article L. 137-11-2,
Furthermore, as of 2016, an additional provision has been
as amended, of the French Social Security Code (Code de la
sécurité sociale), effective from January 1, 2020. The main
recorded for defined contribution plans with a minimum legal
guaranteed yield, in view of the current economic conditions.
characteristics of the new plan are as follows:
■ beneficiaries will retain the annual rights accrued in the event ITALIAN PLANS
that they leave the Company; The Group’s commitments in Italy primarily concern the
Trattemento di Fine Rapporto (TFR) deferred salary scheme. The
■ the rights accrued in a given year will be calculated based on
TFR scheme underwent a radical reform in 2007, with employers
the compensation for that year (reference compensation),
now required to pay contributions to an independent pension
without exceeding 60 times the annual social security ceiling;
fund in full discharge of their liability. The Group’s obligation
therefore only concerns deferred salary rights that vested before
2020 (in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Current service cost 42 16 0 1 59
Past service cost (plan amendments and curtailments) (9) − − − (9)
Settlements and other(1) (46) − (1) − (46)
Service cost (13) 16 (1) 1 3
Interest cost (discount effect) 6 3 1 1 10
Return on plan assets (0) (2) − (0) (2)
Other items 0 0 − − 1
EXPENSE (INCOME) FOR 2020 (7) 18 0 1 12
2021 (in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Current service cost 46 18 0 1 66
Past service cost (plan amendments and curtailments) (6) − − (0) (6)
Settlements and other(1) (23) − (1) − (23)
Service cost 17 18 (1) 1 36
Interest cost (discount effect) 2 2 0 1 5
Return on plan assets (0) (1) − (0) (1)
Other items (1) − − (0) (1)
EXPENSE (INCOME) FOR 2021 18 19 (0) 2 39
(1) In 2021, this line primarily includes the impact of curtailments recognised following the remeasurement of commitments made under the
restructuring plans implemented in France (Note 2.2) and recognised in non-recurring income. In 2020, this line included the impact of cancelling
the supplementary defined benefit pension plan as decided by the Board of Directors in April 2020 (see above).
The net expense for 2021 corresponds to 58 million euros recognised in employee benefits expense, 23 million euros recognised in
non-recurring income, and 4 million euros recorded in financial expense. In 2020, the net expense for the year was 12 million euros.
(in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Defined benefit obligation restated 474 470 106 43 1,094
Fair value of plan assets (16) (227) − (12) (255)
Provision at December 31, 2020 restated 459 243 106 33 839
Defined benefit obligation 465 442 88 60 1,055
Fair value of plan assets (20) (228) − (21) (269)
Provision at December 31, 2021 445 215 88 39 786
(in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Provision at January 1, 2020 restated 481 233 116 35 864
Movements recorded in the income statement (7) 18 0 1 12
Benefits paid directly by the employer (11) (11) (10) (0) (32)
Effect of changes in scope of consolidation (16) − − − (16) 2
Change in actuarial gains and losses 11 8 (0) 2 20
Other 0 (5) − (5) (9)
Provision at December 31, 2020 restated 459 243 106 33 839
Movements recorded in the income statement 18 19 − 2 39
Benefits paid directly by the employer (11) (15) (15) (1) (42)
Effect of changes in scope of consolidation (14) − − 7 (7)
Change in actuarial gains and losses(1) (7) (25) (3) 1 (34) 3
Other 1 (8) − (3) (9)
Provision at December 31, 2021 445 215 88 39 786
(1) This line breaks down as follows:
2020 (in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total 4
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to experience (7) 3 (3) 0 (8)
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to demographic assumption
(16) 0 − 2 (14)
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to financial assumption changes 34 13 3 (0) 51
Return on plan assets (greater)/less than discount rate (0) (8) − (0) (9)
Changes in actuarial gains and losses 2020 11 8 − 2 20
2021 (in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to experience (1) 3 (0) 0 3
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to demographic assumption
8 − (0) 1 9
Actuarial (gain)/loss due to financial assumption changes (14) (16) (3) (1) (33)
Return on plan assets (greater)/less than discount rate (0) (13) − (0) (13)
Changes in actuarial gains and losses 2021 (7) (25) (3) 1 (34)
(1) Eurozone discount rates decreased in 2020, from 0.75% at end-2019 to 0.40% at end-2020. These rates increased in 2021 to represent 0.80% at
the year-end.
(in millions of euros) France Belgium Italy countries Group total
Fair value at December 31, 2019 7 229 − 11 246
Return on plan assets 0 2 − 0 2
Benefits paid out of plan assets (0) (18) − (2) (20)
Actuarial gain/(loss) 0 8 − 0 9
Other 9 7 − 3 19
Fair value at December 31, 2020 16 227 − 12 255
Return on plan assets 0 1 − 0 1
Benefits paid out of plan assets (0) (21) − (4) (25)
Actuarial gain/(loss) 0 13 − 0 13
Other 5 8 − 12 25
Fair value at December 31, 2021 20 228 − 21 269
All bonds and equities held in plan asset portfolios are listed securities.
2021 2020
Retirement age 63-67 62-67
Rate of future salary increases 2.0% to 2.6% 2.0% to 2.5%
Inflation rate 2.0% 1.8%
Discount rate 0.80% 0.40%
At December 31, 2021, a discount rate of 0.80% was used for IAS 19 resulted in a reduction in the average duration of plans in
France, Belgium and Italy (December 31, 2020: 0.40%). The France of approximately three years.
discount rate is based on an index of AA-rated corporate bonds
Sensitivity tests show that:
with maturities that correspond to the expected cash outflows of
the plans. ■ a 25-bps increase in the discount rate would reduce the
defined benefit obligation under the French, Belgian and Italian
In 2021, the average duration of the defined benefit obligation
plans by around 23 million euros;
under French, Belgian and Italian plans was 9.9 years, 9.2 years
and 10.5 years respectively (versus 13.8 years, 9.5 years and ■ a 25-bps increase in the inflation rate would increase the
11.2 years in 2020). The application of the IFRS IC decision on defined benefit obligation under the French, Belgian and Italian
plans by around 17 million euros.
Accounting principles
Two types of share-based payment plans have been set up options and the share price on the grant date for
for members of management and selected employees – performance shares. Performance conditions that are not
stock option plans and performance share plans. based on market conditions are not taken into account to
estimate the fair value of stock options and performance
As the plans are equity-settled, the benefit represented by the
shares at the measurement date. However, they are taken
share-based payment is recorded in employee benefits
into account in estimates of the number of shares that are
expense with a corresponding increase in shareholders’
expected to vest, as updated at each period-end based on
equity in accordance with IFRS 2 – Share-based Payment.
the expected achievement rate for the non-market
The cost recorded in employee benefits expense
performance conditions.
corresponds to the fair value of the equity instruments on the
grant date (i.e., the date on which grantees are informed of The cost calculated as described above is recognised on a
the plan’s characteristics and terms). Fair value is determined straight-line basis over the vesting period.
using the Black-Scholes option pricing model for stock
The cost of share-based payment plans for 2021 recorded under employee benefits expense in recurring operating income was
26 million euros, with a corresponding increase in equity (2020: (23) million euros).
Details of the stock option and performance share plans set up for Executive Management and selected employees are presented
The table below shows the main assumptions used to calculate the fair value of the options awarded in 2017.
Fair value of the options at the grant date Brazil 2017 “Pre-IPO” Plan 3
Exercise price (in reals) 11.7
Estimated fair value of the share at the grant date (in reals) 11.7
Volatility (in %) 29.02%
Dividend growth (in %) 1.35%
Risk-free interest rate (in %) 10.25%
Expected average life of share option (years) 2.72
Model Binomial 4
Fair value option at grant date (in reals) 3.73
2021 2020
Options outstanding at January 1 1,822,472 3,310,923
Options granted during the year − − 5
Options exercised during the year (140,500) (543,451)
Options cancelled or that expired during the year − (945,000)
Recalculation of pending shares 944,999 −
Options outstanding at December 31 2,626,971 1,822,472
On June 26, 2017, Atacadão’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ ■ maximum dilution: 2.5% of the total amount of ordinary shares
Meeting approved a regular stock option plan (“regular plan”) comprising the share capital; and
providing for annual grants of stock options subject to the
■ exercise price: to be determined by the Board of Directors
following conditions:
when granting stock options. The price will take into account
■ vesting period: 36 months after the grant date; the share price during a maximum of 30 days preceding the
date of grant.
■ maximum exercise period: end of the sixth year following the
date of the stock option plan;
On September 26, 2019, the Board of Directors of Atacadão decided to award the first options, as shown below:
Brazil 2019 “Regular” Plan
Grant date September 26, 2019
Number of options granted 3,978,055
Life of the options 6 years
Number of grantees 92
From September 26, 2022 to
Exercise period
September 26, 2025 8
Number of options outstanding 3,159,255
Exercise price (in reals) 21.98
The table below shows the main assumptions used to calculate the fair value of the options awarded in 2019.
Fair value of the options at the grant date Brazil 2019 “Regular” Plan
Exercise price (in reals) 21.98
Estimated fair value of the share at the grant date (in reals) 21.98
Volatility (in %) 27.20%
Dividend growth (in %) 1.09%
Risk-free interest rate (in %) 5.57%
Expected average life of share option (years) 3
Model Binomial
Fair value option at grant date (in reals) 5.20
2021 2020
Options outstanding at January 1 3,163,617 3,612,789
Options granted during the year − −
Options exercised during the year − −
Options cancelled or that expired during the year (199,055) (449,172)
Recalculation of pending shares 194,693 −
Options outstanding at December 31 3,159,255 3,163,617
Movements in performance share grants related to the 2019 plan were as follows: 1
2021 2020
Shares allotted at January 1 2,933,646 3,232,646
Shares granted during the year − −
Shares delivered to the grantees during the year − −
Shares cancelled during the year (299,100) (299,000)
Shares allotted at December 31 2,634,546 2,933,646 2
The performance conditions under the 2019 plan were met as of The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
December 31, 2021. The shares will vest subject to a service Directors’ meeting at which the rights were granted. The number
condition whereby the beneficiary must still be employed by the of shares that vest will depend on the achievement of four
Group on February 27, 2022. performance conditions:
On February 26, 2020, based on the Compensation Committee’s ■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring
recommendation, the Board of Directors decided to use the operating income growth for 25% and free cash flow growth
authorisation given in the 25th resolution of the Annual for 25%);
Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 14, 2019 to grant new or
■ A condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
existing performance shares. The plan provided for the grant of a
benchmarking the Carrefour share price against a panel of
maximum of 2,604,597 shares (representing 0.32% of the share
companies in the retail sector (for 25%);
capital). The shares will vest only if the grantee remains with the
Group until the end of the vesting period and several ■ a CSR-related condition for 25%.
performance conditions are met.
Movements in performance share grants related to the 2020 plan were as follows:
2021 2020
Shares allotted at January 1 2,520,262 −
Shares granted during the year − 2,604,597
Shares delivered to the grantees during the year − −
Shares cancelled during the year (174,839) (84,335)
Shares allotted at December 31 2,345,423 2,520,262
On February 17, 2021, based on the Compensation Committee’s ■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring
recommendation, Carrefour SA’s Board of Directors decided to operating income growth for 25% and net free cash flow
use the authorisation given in the 25th resolution of the Annual growth for 25%);
Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 14, 2019 to grant new or
■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
existing performance shares. The plan provided for the grant of a
benchmarking the Carrefour share price against a panel of
maximum of 3,000,000 shares (representing 0.37% of the share
companies in the retail sector (for 25%); and
capital). The shares will vest only if the grantee remains with the
Group until the end of the vesting period and several ■ a CSR-related condition for 25%.
performance conditions are met. 8
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
Directors’ meeting at which the rights were granted. The number
of shares that vest will depend on the achievement of four
performance conditions:
Movements in performance share grants related to the 2021 plan were as follows:
Shares allotted at January 1 −
Shares granted during the year 3,000,000
Shares delivered to the grantees during the year −
Shares cancelled during the year (72,400)
Shares allotted at December 31 2,927,600
B. ATACADÃO PERFORMANCE SHARE PLANS ■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring
On November 10, 2020, the Board of Directors of Atacadão operating income for 20% and free cash flow for 20%);
decided to grant rights to existing or new Atacadão shares. This ■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
plan was approved by Atacadão’s Shareholders’ Meeting held on benchmarking the Atacadão share price against a panel of
April 14, 2020. companies in the retail sector (for 20%);
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of ■ a condition linked to the Company’s digital transformation (for
Directors’ Meeting at which the rights were granted. The number 20%);
of shares that vest will depend on the achievement of five
performance conditions: ■ a CSR-related condition (for 20%).
Movements in performance share grants under the Brazil 2020 “Regular plan” were as follows: 1
2021 2020
Shares allotted at January 1 999,403 −
Shares granted during the year 29,965 999,403
Shares delivered to the grantees during the year − −
Shares cancelled during the year (52,228) −
Shares allotted at December 31 977,140 999,403 2
On August 25, 2021, the Board of Directors of Atacadão decided ■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
to grant rights to existing or new Atacadão shares. This plan was benchmarking the Atacadão share price against a panel of
approved by Atacadão’s Shareholders’ Meeting held on companies in the retail sector (for 20%);
April 14, 2020.
■ a condition linked to the Company’s digital transformation (for
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of 20%);
Directors’ Meeting at which the rights were granted. The number
of shares that vest will depend on the achievement of five
■ a CSR-related condition (for 20%). 3
performance conditions:
■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring
operating income for 20% and free cash flow for 20%);
Movements in performance share grants under the Brazil 2021 “Regular plan” were as follows:
Shares allotted at January 1 −
Shares granted during the year 1,556,541
Shares delivered to the grantees during the year −
Shares cancelled during the year (33,306)
Shares allotted at December 31 1,523,235
2021 2020
Senior Directors 365 379
Directors 1,761 1,794
Managers 32,395 31,978
Employees 284,500 277,148
Average number of Group employees 319,021 311,299
Number of Group employees at the year-end 319,565 322,164
13.1 Capital management In order to maintain or adjust its gearing, the Group may take on
new borrowings or retire existing borrowings, adjust the dividend
paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new
The parent company, Carrefour SA, must have sufficient equity to
comply with the provisions of the French Commercial Code. shares, buy back shares or sell assets in order to use the proceeds
to pay down debt.
The Group owns interests in a certain number of financial
services companies (banks, insurance companies). These
subsidiaries must have sufficient equity to comply with capital 13.2 Share capital and treasury stock
adequacy ratios and the minimum capital rules set by their local
banking and insurance supervisors. 13.2.1 Share capital
Capital management objectives (equity and debt capital) are to:
At December 31, 2021, the share capital was made up of 3
■ ensure that the Group can continue operating as a going 775,895,892 ordinary shares with a par value of 2.5 euros each, all
concern, in particular by maintaining high levels of liquid fully paid.
■ optimise shareholder returns;
■ keep gearing at an appropriate level, in order to minimise the
cost of capital and maintain the Group’s credit rating at a level
that allows it to access a wide range of financing sources and
instruments. 4
(in thousands of shares) 2021 2020
Outstanding at January 1 817,624 807,266
Issued for cash − −
Issued under performance share plans − −
Issued in payment of dividends − 10,358
Cancelled shares(1) (41,728) − 5
Outstanding at December 31 775,896 817,624
(1) See Note 2.6.
Accounting principles
Treasury stock is recorded as a deduction from shareholders’ equity, at cost. Gains and losses from sales of treasury stock (and
the related tax effect) are recorded directly in equity without affecting net income for the year.
At December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, a total of 9,457,539 shares were held in treasury.
Shares held in treasury are intended for the Group’s performance share plans. 7
All rights attached to these shares are suspended for as long as they are held in treasury.
13.3 Dividends
In February 2021, the Group announced that its dividend policy On May 28, 2021, the dividend was paid out in an amount of
would be returning to normal following nearly ten years of 383 million euros.
dividends with a dividend reinvestment option.
At the Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 21, 2021, the
shareholders decided to set the 2020 dividend at 0.48 euro per
share to be paid entirely in cash.
2021 2020
Group share (in millions of euros) Pre-tax Tax Net Pre-tax Tax Net
Effective portion of changes in the fair value
54 (13) 41 (8) 1 (7)
of cash flow hedges
Changes in the fair value of debt instruments
(5) 1 (4) (3) 1 (2)
through other comprehensive income
Exchange differences on translating foreign
88 0 88 (697) 0 (697)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently
137 (11) 126 (707) 2 (705)
to profit or loss
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans
33 (6) 27 (20) 0 (20)
Changes in the fair value of equity instruments
0 (0) (0) (1) 0 (1)
through other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 33 (6) 27 (21) 0 (21)
170 (18) 153 (728) 2 (726)
2021 2020
Non-controlling interests (in millions of euros) Pre-tax Tax Net Pre-tax Tax Net
Effective portion of changes in the fair value
3 (1) 2 1 0 1
of cash flow hedges
Changes in the fair value of debt instruments
(5) 1 (4) (3) 1 (2)
through other comprehensive income
Exchange differences on translating foreign
28 0 28 (333) 0 (333)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently
25 0 26 (335) 1 (334)
to profit or loss
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans
1 0 1 (1) 0 (1)
Changes in the fair value of equity instruments
0 (0) (0) 0 0 0
through other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 1 0 1 (1) 0 (1)
26 0 27 (336) 1 (335)
(1) Exchange differences recognised on translating foreign operations in 2021 mainly reflect the increase in the value of the New Taiwan dollar and
the very slight increase in the value of the Brazilian real. Differences in 2020 mainly reflected the significant decline in the Brazilian real during the
(2) Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability recognised in 2021 reflects the increase in discount rates applied for the eurozone, from 0.40%
at end-December 2020 to 0.80% at end-December 2021. In 2020, these discount rates had decreased, from 0.75% at end-December 2019 to
0.40% at end-December 2020.
The following tables present the key information from the sub-groups’ consolidated financial statements: 2
Statement of financial position (in millions of euros) December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Total assets 3,486 3,849
Total liabilities excluding shareholders’ equity 2,963 3,385
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests − −
(1) The net income of the Carrefour Banque sub-group includes the capital gain realised on the sale of the Belgian finance company Fimaser in 2021
(see Note 3.2). At the level of the Carrefour group, as the sale constitutes a transaction with minority shareholders, it was recognised directly in
consolidated equity at December 31, 2021. 4
Statement of financial position (in millions of euros) December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Non-current assets 4,444 4,142
Current assets 4,880 3,985
Non-current liabilities (excluding shareholders’ equity) 1,812 1,577
Current liabilities 4,601 3,877
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 35 13
As Carrefour SA owns 72% of Atacadão SA, the distribution of net ■ 2020 net profit of 484 million euros breaks down into
income is different at the level of the consolidated financial 326 million euros attributable to the Carrefour group and
statements of the Carrefour group: 158 million euros attributable to non-controlling interests.
■ 2021 net profit of 529 million euros breaks down into There are no individually material non-controlling interests in
354 million euros attributable to the Carrefour group and other subsidiaries.
175 million euros attributable to non-controlling interests;
Accounting principles
In accordance with IAS 33 – Earnings Per Share, basic Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting net
earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income, income, Group share and the weighted average number of
Group share by the weighted average number of shares shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential
outstanding during the period. Treasury stock is not ordinary shares. Dilutive potential ordinary shares correspond
considered to be outstanding and is therefore deducted from exclusively to the stock options and performance shares
the number of shares used for the calculation. Contingently presented in Note 12.2. Their dilutive effect is calculated by
issuable shares are treated as outstanding and included in the the treasury stock method provided for in IAS 33, which
calculation only from the date when all necessary conditions consists in applying the proceeds that would be generated
are satisfied. from the exercise of stock options to the purchase of shares
at market price (defined as the average share price for the
period). In accordance with this method, stock options are
considered to be potentially dilutive if they are in the money
(the exercise price considered includes the fair value of the
services rendered by the grantee, in accordance with IFRS 2
– Share-based Payment).
Accounting principles
NON-DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS This category also includes investments in equity instruments
In accordance with IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, the main (primarily shares) that the Group has irrevocably elected to
financial assets are classified in one of the following three classify in this category. In this case, when the shares are
categories: sold, the unrealised gains or losses previously carried in
equity (other comprehensive income) will not be reclassified
■ financial assets at amortised cost; to profit or loss; only dividends will be transferred to the 3
■ financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income statement.
income (FVOCI); This category notably includes investments in
■ financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL). non-consolidated companies which the Group has elected
to recognise at fair value through other comprehensive
Their classification determines their accounting treatment.
income (an option generally chosen by the Group).
Financial assets are classified by the Group upon initial
recognition, based on the characteristics of the contractual The fair value of listed securities corresponds to their market
cash flows and the objective behind the asset’s purchase price. For unlisted securities, fair value is determined first and
(business model). foremost by reference to recent transactions or by using 4
valuation techniques based on reliable and observable market
Purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the
data. However, where there is no observable market data for
trade date, defined as the date on which the Group is
comparable companies, the fair value of unlisted securities is
committed to buying or selling the asset.
usually measured based on the present value of future
(i) Financial assets at amortised cost estimated cash flows or on the revised net asset value, as
calculated by reference to internal inputs (level 3 of the fair
Financial assets at amortised cost are debt instruments
value hierarchy).
(mainly loans and receivables) that give rise to contractual
cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest (iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
on the principal amount outstanding and that are held within 5
This category includes all debt instruments that are not
a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect
eligible to be classified as financial assets at amortised cost or
contractual cash flows.
at fair value through other comprehensive income, as well as
They are initially recognised at fair value and are investments in equity instruments such as shares which the
subsequently measured at amortised cost by the effective Group has chosen not to measure at fair value through other
interest method. For short-term receivables with no specified comprehensive income.
interest rate, fair value is considered to be equal to the
They are measured at fair value with changes in fair value
original invoice amount.
recognised in the income statement, under financial income
These assets are impaired as described below. or expense.
Financial assets at amortised cost include trade receivables, Impairment
other loans and receivables (reported under other financial
Trade receivables and other current financial assets (other
assets), deposits and guarantees, and consumer credit
than consumer credit granted by the financial services
granted by the financial services companies.
companies) carried at amortised cost are impaired based on
(ii) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive the total lifetime expected losses resulting from a payment
income default, pursuant to the simplified approach allowed under
IFRS 9. Impairment is calculated using a provision matrix,
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income are debt instruments that give rise to contractual
which is applied to receivables past due and not yet past due 7
(provision rates based on the length of time past due, as
cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest
calculated for each country and each receivable with similar
on the principal amount outstanding and that are held within
a business model whose objective is achieved by both
collecting contractual cash flows and selling underlying For consumer credit granted by the financial services
financial assets. These financial assets are measured at fair companies and other non-current financial assets carried at
value, with changes in fair value recognised in other amortised cost, impairment is determined using the general
comprehensive income, under “Changes in the fair value of approach available under IFRS 9 and corresponds:
debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive
income” until the underlying assets are sold, at which time
■ on initial recognition of the asset, to expected losses over 8
the next 12 months;
they are transferred to profit or loss.
■ when the credit risk significantly increases, to the total
lifetime expected losses resulting from default.
The approach applied to consumer credit granted by the
financial services companies is described in Note 6.5.1.
Non-derivative financial assets held by the Group (i) Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
The main non-derivative financial assets held by the Group Hedge accounting is applied if, and only if, the following
are as follows: conditions are met:
■ non-current financial assets: this line of the statement of ■ the hedging instrument and hedged item forming the
financial position mainly includes deposits and guarantees, hedging relationship are eligible for hedge accounting;
investments of insurance companies (corresponding mainly
■ at the inception of the hedge, there is a clearly identified
to bonds and other debt securities) and of the Group’s
and formally documented hedging relationship and the
other financial services companies, along with investments
effectiveness of the hedge can be demonstrated
in non-consolidated companies;
(qualitative and prospective tests);
■ trade receivables; ■ there is formal designation and structured documentation
■ consumer credit granted by the financial services of the hedging relationship and the entity’s risk
companies (see Note 6.5.1); management objective and strategy for undertaking the
■ other current financial assets: mainly debt securities held by
the financial services companies and measured at fair value, The derivatives used by the Group may be qualified as either
along with short-term deposits. cash flow hedges or fair value hedges. At December 31, 2021,
no hedges were in place in respect of the Group’s net
NON-DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL LIABILITIES investment in foreign operations.
Non-derivative financial liabilities are initially recognised at
Cash flow hedges
fair value plus transaction costs and premiums directly
attributable to their issue. They are subsequently measured at For instruments qualified as cash flow hedges, the portion of
amortised cost. the change in fair value determined to be an effective hedge
is recognised in other comprehensive income and
Non-derivative financial liabilities held by the Group
accumulated in other comprehensive income until the
The main non-derivative financial liabilities held by the Group hedged transaction affects profit. The ineffective portion of
are as follows: the change in fair value is recognised in the income
■ borrowings: “Borrowings – portion due in more than one statement, under financial income and expense.
year” and “Borrowings – portion due in less than one year” The main cash flow hedges consist of interest rate options
include bonds and notes issued by the Group, other bank and swaps that convert variable rate debt to fixed rate debt,
loans and overdrafts, and any financial liabilities related to and forward purchases of foreign currencies that hedge
securitised receivables for which the credit risk is retained future goods purchases in foreign currency.
by the Group;
Fair value hedges
■ lease commitments: these result from applying IFRS 16
Changes in fair value of instruments qualified as fair value
from January 1, 2019 and also include 275 million euros in
hedges are recognised in the income statement, with the
finance lease commitments recognised at December 31,
effective portion offsetting changes in the fair value of the
2018 in accordance with IAS 17 and reclassified within lease
hedged item.
Swaps set up to convert fixed rate bonds and notes to
■ suppliers and other creditors;
variable rate qualified as fair value hedge. The hedged portion
■ consumer credit financing granted by the financial services of the underlying financial liability is remeasured at fair value.
companies (see Note 6.5.2); Changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement
■ other payables: other payables classified in current liabilities and are offset by the effective portion of symmetrical
correspond to all other operating payables (mainly accrued changes in the fair value of the interest rate swaps. At
employee benefits expense and amounts due to suppliers December 31, 2021, as at December 31, 2020, the financing
of non-current assets) and miscellaneous liabilities. facilities arranged for Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão in
April 2020 and September 2021 respectively were subject to
DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS fair value hedges (see Note 14.2.3).
The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its (ii) Other derivative instruments
exposure to risks arising in the course of business, mainly
interest rate and currency risks. Exceptionally, the risk of Other derivative instruments are measured at fair value, with
changes in the prices of certain commodities – mainly diesel changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss. Derivative
– may also be hedged. instruments used by the Group include interest rate and
currency swaps and vanilla interest rate options.
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value. They are
subsequently measured at fair value with the resulting
unrealised gains and losses recorded as explained below.
FAIR VALUE CALCULATION METHOD The fair value of long-term borrowings is estimated based on
The fair values of currency and interest rate instruments are the quoted market price for bonds and notes or the value of
determined using market-recognised pricing models or future cash flows discounted based on market conditions for
prices quoted by external financial institutions. similar instruments (in terms of currency, maturity, interest
rate and other characteristics).
Values estimated using pricing models are based on
discounted future cash flows for futures and forward Fair value measurements of derivative financial instruments
contracts or, for options, the Black & Scholes option pricing incorporate counterparty risk in the case of instruments with 2
model. The models are calibrated using market data such as a positive fair value, and own credit risk for instruments with a
yield curves and exchange rates obtained from recognised negative fair value. Credit risk is measured using the
financial data services. mathematical models commonly used by market analysts. At
December 31, 2021 and 2020, the effect of incorporating
these two types of risk was not material.
14.1 Financial instruments by category
Breakdown by category
Fair value Fair instruments Derivative
through value not instruments
At December 31, 2021 Carrying profit through Amortised designated designated Fair 4
(in millions of euros) amount or loss OCI cost as hedges as hedges value
Investments in non-consolidated companies 126 14 112 − − − 126
Other long-term investments 1,026 159 163 704 − − 1,026
Other non-current financial assets 1,152 174 274 704 − − 1,152
Consumer credit granted by the financial
5,294 − − 5,294 − − 5,294
services companies
Trade receivables 2,581 − − 2,581 − − 2,581 5
Other current financial assets 532 − 79 246 24 182 532
Other current assets(1) 467 − − 467 − − 467
Cash and cash equivalents 3,703 3,703 − − − − 3,703
ASSETS 13,729 3,877 353 9,292 24 182 13,729
Total borrowings 6,834 − − 6,793 22 18 7,101
Total lease commitment 4,597 − − 4,597 − − 4,597
Total consumer credit financing 4,441 − − 4,431 1 9 4,441
Suppliers and other creditors 13,072 − − 13,072 − − 13,072
Other current payables(2) 2,660 − − 2,660 − − 2,660
LIABILITIES 31,604 − − 31,553 24 27 31,871
(1) Excluding prepaid expenses.
(2) Excluding deferred revenue.
Breakdown by category
Fair value Fair instruments Derivative
through value not instruments
At December 31, 2020 Carrying profit through Amortised designated designated Fair
(in millions of euros) amount or loss OCI cost as hedges as hedges value
Investments in non-consolidated companies 105 12 94 − − − 105
Other long-term investments 1,106 252 150 704 − − 1,106
Other non-current financial assets 1,212 264 244 704 − − 1,212
Consumer credit granted by the financial
5,227 − − 5,227 − − 5,227
services companies
Trade receivables 2,526 − − 2,526 − − 2,526
Other current financial assets 368 − 57 191 20 101 368
Other current assets(1) 484 − − 484 − − 484
Cash and cash equivalents 4,439 4,439 − − − − 4,439
ASSETS 14,256 4,703 300 9,132 20 101 14,256
Total borrowings 7,389 − − 7,324 32 32 7,807
Total lease commitment 4,723 − − 4,723 − − 4,723
Total consumer credit financing 4,574 − − 4,558 1 15 4,574
Suppliers and other creditors 12,560 − − 12,560 − − 12,560
Other current payables(2) 2,524 − − 2,524 − − 2,524
LIABILITIES 31,769 − − 31,689 33 47 32,188
(1) Excluding prepaid expenses.
(2) Excluding deferred revenue.
December 31, 2021
(in millions of euros) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Investments in non-consolidated companies − 14 112 126
Other long-term investments 322 − − 322
Other current financial assets – Fair Value through OCI 79 − − 79
Other current financial assets – Derivative instruments − 207 − 207
Cash and cash equivalents 3,703 − − 3,703
Consumer credit financing – Derivative instruments recorded
− (11) − (11)
in liabilities
Borrowings – Derivative instruments recorded in liabilities − (40) − (40)
December 31, 2020
(in millions of euros) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Investments in non-consolidated companies − 12 94 105
Other long-term investments 402 − − 402
Other current financial assets – Fair Value through OCI 57 − − 57
Other current financial assets – Derivative instruments − 122 − 122
Cash and cash equivalents 4,439 − − 4,439
Consumer credit financing – Derivative instruments recorded
− (15) − (15)
in liabilities
Borrowings – Derivative instruments recorded in liabilities − (64) (0) (64)
Book value
Face value of the debt
On April 25, 2021, the Group redeemed 871 million euros worth The bonds are recognised at amortised cost, excluding the
of 3.875% 11-year bonds. conversion feature.
The Group’s financial position and liquidity were solid at Two EUR/USD cross-currency swaps for 250 million US dollars
December 31, 2021. The average maturity of Carrefour SA’s bond were arranged at the inception of the transaction in 2018 for the
debt was 3.1 years at end-December 2021, compared with same maturity. The swaps have been accounted for as a cash
3.6 years at end-December 2020. flow hedge and had a positive fair value of 80 million euros at
December 31, 2021.
In accordance with IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, conversion
options on the bonds qualify as embedded derivatives and are The fair value in euros of the currency swap for 500 million US
therefore accounted for separately from inception. Subsequent dollars set up in 2017 to hedge bonds redeemable in cash issued
changes in the fair value of these options are recognised in on June 7, 2017 (classified as a cash flow hedge for accounting
income and set off against changes in the fair value of the call purposes) was a positive 40 million euros at December 31, 2021.
options purchased on Carrefour shares in parallel with the bond
issue. At December 31, 2021, their fair value amounted to
22 million euros.
“Latin America borrowings” include in particular the financing These euro- and US dollar-denominated facilities, which were
facilities in US dollars and euros set up and swapped for reals by originally fixed-rate, were converted into Brazilian reals and
Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão in April 2020 and in indexed to the CDI rate at the time of issue through
September 2021, for an amount of 1,500 million reals cross-currency swaps over the life of the borrowings. These
(approximately 237 million euros at the December 31, 2021
closing rate) and 1,937 million reals (approximately 306 million
instruments are documented and recognised as hedges (Fair
Value Hedge).
euros at the December 31, 2021 closing rate), respectively.
Accounting principles 4
Cash includes cash on hand and demand deposits.
Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments with an original maturity of less than three months that are readily convertible to
a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
There are no material restrictions on the Group’s ability to At December 31, 2021, as at December 31, 2020, there was no
recover or use the assets and settle the liabilities of foreign restricted cash.
operations, except for those resulting from local regulations in its
host countries. The local supervisory authorities may require
banking subsidiaries to comply with certain capital, liquidity and
other ratios and to limit their exposure to other Group parties.
Before Before
(in millions of euros) hedging After hedging hedging After hedging
Fixed rate borrowings 6,518 5,936 7,047 6,785
Variable rate borrowings 276 857 278 539
6,793 6,793 7,324 7,324
Total Liabilities
arising from
Other current financing
(in millions of euros) financial assets(1) Borrowings activities
At December 31, 2020 (334) 7,389 7,055
Changes from financing cash flows (21) (726) (748) 2
Change in current financial assets (21) − (21)
Issuance of bonds − − −
Repayments of bonds − (871) (871)
Net financial interests paid − (158) (158)
Other changes in borrowings − 302 302
Non-cash changes (143) 171 29
Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates (2) 7 6 3
Effect of changes in scope of consolidation (0) (0) (1)
Changes in fair values (95) (14) (109)
Finance costs, net − 172 172
Other movements(2) (46) 6 (39)
At December 31, 2021 (498) 6,834 6,336
(1) The current portion of amounts receivable from finance sub-leasing arrangements totalling 34 million euro is not included in this caption.
(2) In 2021, other changes in other current financial assets included the reversal of the impairment loss recorded on the financial receivable relating to
the 20% stake in Carrefour China (see Note 14.2.5).
Accounting principles
This item corresponds mainly to finance costs.
In accordance with IFRS 16, it also includes interest expenses on leases along with interest income on finance sub-leasing (see
Note 8).
Other financial income and expenses consist notably of discounting adjustments, taxes on financial transactions, late interest
payable on certain liabilities, or the effects of hyperinflation in Argentina.
The following tables analyse the cash flows generated by the Group’s financial liabilities by period.
The cash flows relating to the Group’s lease commitments (established based on reasonably certain lease terms within the meaning of
IFRS 16) are presented by maturity in Note 8.3.
The following table shows the sensitivity of total borrowings to changes in interest rates over one year: 1
50-bps decline 50-bps increase
The following table shows the effect of an increase/decrease in exchange rates on currency instruments:
Currency translation risk is the risk of an unfavourable change in The translation risk on foreign operations outside the eurozone
exchange rates reducing the value of the net assets of a mainly concerns the Brazilian real and Argentine peso. For
subsidiary whose functional currency is not the euro, after example, changes in the average exchange rates used in 2021
conversion into euros for inclusion in the Group’s consolidated compared with those for 2020 decreased consolidated net sales
statement of financial position. by 1,317 million euros, or 1.8% of 2021 net sales, and recurring
operating income by 69 million euros, or 3.0% of 2021 recurring
The consolidated statement of financial position and income
operating income.
statement are exposed to a currency translation risk:
consolidated financial ratios are affected by changes in exchange Lastly, when financing is arranged locally, it is generally
rates used to translate the income and net assets of foreign denominated in local currency.
subsidiaries operating outside the eurozone.
Hedging results and effectiveness
The table below reconciles, according to risk category, equity items and the assessment of other comprehensive income from hedge
in fair value Heading Amount
of hedging that includes transferred Heading of P&L
instruments Ineffectiveness ineffectiveness from CFH affected by the 8
(in millions of euros) in OCI recognised in P&L of hedging reserve to P&L reclassification
Cash Flow Hedge
Interest rate risk 18 − − (2) - Financial result
Foreign exchange risk 16 − − − N/A
Discontinuation of hedge
− − − (7) - Financial result
Accounting principles
Commitments given and received by the Group that are not recognised in the statement of financial position correspond to
contractual obligations whose performance depends on the occurrence of conditions or transactions after the period-end.
There are four types of off-balance sheet commitments, related to cash transactions, retailing operations, acquisitions and
disposal of securities and leases.
By maturity
By maturity
Off-balance sheet commitments related to cash transactions Off-balance sheet commitments related to securities consist of
include: commitments to purchase and sell securities received from or
given to third parties:
■ credit commitments given to customers by the Group’s
financial services companies in the course of their operating ■ for the most part in France, in connection with the Group’s
activities, and credit commitments received from banks; franchising activities;
■ mortgages and other guarantees given or received, mainly in ■ including immediately exercisable put and call options and
connection with the Group’s real estate activities; sellers’ warranties given to third parties. No value is attributed
to sellers’ warranties received by the Group.
■ committed lines of credit available to the Group but not drawn
down at the period-end. Off-balance sheet commitments related to leases correspond to
minimum payments under non-cancellable operating leases
Off-balance sheet commitments related to operations mainly
qualifying for the exemptions set out in IFRS 16 and also the
IFRS 16 leases for which the underlying assets have not been
■ commitments to purchase land given in connection with the made available as of December 31, 2021.
Group’s expansion programmes;
■ miscellaneous commitments arising from commercial
■ commitments given for construction work to be performed in
connection with the Group’s expansion programmes;
■ rent guarantees and guarantees from shopping mall operators;
■ guarantees for the payment of receivables.
In early January 2022, the Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão obtained On January 24, 2022, the General Superintendence of CADE (the
bank financing facilities in US dollars that were immediately
swapped for Brazilian reals. The post-swap debt totalled
Brazilian competition authority) issued decision no. 85/2022
recommending that the acquisition of Grupo BIG by Carrefour
2,900 million Brazilian reals (representing approximately Brazil should be approved. This transaction is now being analysed
459 million euros at the closing rate on December 31, 2021), with by the CADE tribunal, which has until June 2022 to make a final
maturities of 16 to 17 months. decision on the recommendations of the General
Fees 2021
Non-audit services provided to the parent, Carrefour SA, and its subsidiaries by the Statutory Auditors include mainly services in relation
to the issuance of certificates and agreed-upon procedures on financial information and internal control or due-diligence in the context
of an acquisition or a disposal.
18.1 Fully consolidated companies at December 31, 2021
Percent interest Percent interest
used in used in
FRANCE consolidation FRANCE consolidation
Percent interest Percent interest
used in used in
ITALY consolidation SWITZERLAND consolidation
Percent interest Percent interest
used in used in
FRANCE consolidation FRANCE consolidation
used in
SAS DF19 50 BELGIUM consolidation
SCB 26
SCGR DISTRIBUTION 50 Percent interest
SCI 2C 50 used in
BRAZIL consolidation
SCI 2F 50
Percent interest
SCI LATOUR 60 used in
SCI PONT D’ALLIER 50 SPAIN consolidation
Percent interest
used in Percent interest
POLAND consolidation used in
C SERVICES 30 TUNISIA consolidation
6.7 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated
financial statements
This is a translation into English of the statutory auditors’ report Emphasis of Matter
on the consolidated financial statements of the Company issued We draw attention to the following matter, without calling into
in French and it is provided solely for the convenience of English question the opinion expressed above:
speaking users.
■ the impact of the change in accounting policy, set out in
This statutory auditors’ report includes information required by notes 1.2 and 4 of the consolidated financial statements,
European regulation and French law, such as information about following the May 2021 publication of the IFRS IC clarifying the
the appointment of the statutory auditors or verification of the rules for attachment of benefit rights to periods of service in
management report and other documents provided to calculation of the provision for employee benefits falling within
shareholders. the scope of IAS19.
This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in ■ The impact of the change in accounting policy set out in
accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards notes 1.2 and 6.3 of the financial consolidated statements,
applicable in France. following the April 2021 publication of the IFRS IC clarifying the
For the year ended December 31, 2021 rules for recognition of configuration and customization costs
related to SaaS (Software as a Service) contracts.
To the Carrefour Shareholders’ Meeting,
Justification of Assessments - Key Audit Matters
Due to the global crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the
In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your
Shareholders’ Meetings, we have audited the accompanying
financial statements of this period have been prepared and 4
audited under specific conditions. Indeed, this crisis and the
consolidated financial statements of Carrefour for the year ended
exceptional measures taken in the context of the state of sanitary
December 31, 2021.
emergency have had numerous consequences for companies,
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true particularly on their operations and their financing, and have led
and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial to greater uncertainties on their future prospects. Those
position of the Group as at December 31, 2021 and of the results measures, such as travel restrictions and remote working, have
of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with also had an impact on the companies’ internal organization and
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the the performance of the audits.
European Union.
It is in this complex and evolving context that, in accordance with 5
The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report the requirements of Articles L.823-9 and R.823-7 of the French
to the Audit Committee. Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to the
justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit
Basis for Opinion matters relating to risks of material misstatement that, in our
AUDIT FRAMEWORK professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
We conducted our audit in accordance with professional the consolidated financial statements of the current period, as
standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence well as how we addressed those risks.
we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
for our opinion. consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our
Our responsibilities under those standards are further described opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
in the Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the specific items of the consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report.
We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with
independence requirements of the French Commercial Code
(code de commerce) and the French Code of ethics (code de 7
déontologie) for statutory auditors, for the period from
January 1st, 2021 to the date of our report and specifically we did
not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in
Article 5 (1) of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014.
Based on the work we have performed, we conclude that the As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional 1
presentation of the financial statements intended to be included standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises
in the annual financial report complies, in all material respects, professional judgment throughout the audit and furthermore:
with the European single electronic format.
■ Identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the
We have no responsibility to verify that the financial statements consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or
that will ultimately be included by your company in the annual error, designs and performs audit procedures responsive to
financial report filed with the AMF are in agreement with those on those risks, and obtains audit evidence considered to be
which we have performed our work. sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The
risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from 2
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may
We were appointed as statutory auditors of Carrefour by the involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
Shareholders’ Meetings held on April 15, 2003 for Deloitte & misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
Associés, and on June 21, 2011 for Mazars.
■ Obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the
As at December 31, 2021, Deloitte & Associés, and Mazars were in audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the 19th year, and 11th year of total uninterrupted engagement. the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged
with Governance for the Consolidated Financial ■ Evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and 3
the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management in the consolidated financial
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair statements.
presentation of the consolidated financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as ■ Assesses the appropriateness of management’s use of the
adopted by the European Union and for such internal control as going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists
of consolidated financial statements that are free from material related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the 4
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions
is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going
going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless uncertainty exists, there is a requirement to draw attention in
it is expected to liquidate the Company or to cease operations. the audit report to the related disclosures in the consolidated
The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial financial statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or
reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and inadequate, to modify the opinion expressed therein.
risks management systems and where applicable, its internal
audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting
■ Evaluates the overall presentation of the consolidated financial 5
statements and assesses whether these statements represent
procedures. the underlying transactions and events in a manner that
The consolidated financial statements were approved by the achieves fair presentation.
Board of Directors. ■ Obtains sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the
financial information of the entities or business activities within
Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial
of the Consolidated Financial Statements statements. The statutory auditor is responsible for the
OBJECTIVES AND AUDIT APPROACH direction, supervision and performance of the audit of the
Our role is to issue a report on the consolidated financial consolidated financial statements and for the opinion
statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance expressed on these consolidated financial statements.
about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole REPORT TO THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
are free from material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a
high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit We submit to the Audit Committee a report which includes in
conducted in accordance with professional standards will always particular a description of the scope of the audit and the audit
detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can program implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also
arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, report, if any, significant deficiencies in internal control regarding
the accounting and financial reporting procedures that we have
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on identified. 7
the basis of these consolidated financial statements. Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material
As specified in Article L.823-10-1 of the French Commercial misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most
Code (code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements
assurance on the viability of the Company or the quality of of the current period and which are therefore the key audit
management of the affairs of the Company. matters, that we are required to describe in this audit report.
We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration (code de commerce) and in the French Code of Ethics (code de
provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) N° 537-2014, déontologie) for statutory auditors. Where appropriate, we
confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules discuss with the Audit Committee the risks that may reasonably
applicable in France such as they are set in particular by be thought to bear on our independence, and the related
Articles L.822-10 to L.822-14 of the French Commercial Code safeguards.
7.2 Balance sheet
December 31, 2021
December 31,
depreciation and
(in millions of euros) Note Gross impairment Net Net
Intangible fixed assets 4.2 19 (18) 1 3
Tangible fixed assets 4.2 2 (2) 0 0
Financial investments 4.1 37,451 (7,870) 29,580 29,602
Fixed assets 37,471 (7,890) 29,582 29,605
Accounts receivable 10.1 934 (17) 917 935
Cash and marketable securities 5.2 207 (58) 149 134
Current assets 1,141 (75) 1,066 1,069
Prepayments and deferred charges 10.1 62 - 62 41
TOTAL ASSETS 38,674 (7,965) 30,709 30,715
December 31, December 31,
(in millions of euros) Note 2021 2020
Share capital 7.1 1,940 2,044
Issue and merger premiums 7.2 16,587 17,183
Legal reserve 7.3 204 202 5
Regulated reserves 7.3 378 378
Other reserves 7.3 39 39
Retained earnings 7.3 2,268 2,102
Net income for the year 7.3 837 550
Tax-driven provisions - -
Shareholders’ equity 7.3 22,252 22,498
Provision for contingencies and charges 6 122 167 6
Financial liabilities 5.1 5,913 6,740
Trade payables 5 9
Accrued taxes and payroll costs 10.2 209 101
Operating liabilities 214 110
Other miscellaneous liabilities 10.2 2,207 1,166
Accruals and deferred revenue 10.2 - 35
Miscellaneous liabilities 2,207 1,201
7.4 Notes to the Company financial statements
Carrefour SA is the parent company of the Carrefour group. It also conducts an external financing policy on behalf of the
Group on the banking and capital markets, designed to maintain
It acts as a holding company through investments conferring
an appropriate level of liquidity and meet its commitments and
direct or indirect control over Group entities.
investment requirements.
Carrefour SA is the head of a tax consolidation group comprising
the parent company and the major French subsidiaries.
Despite the continuing effects of the health crisis throughout 2021, Carrefour SA was able to continue to operate normally. The health
crisis did not therefore affect its ability to continue as a going concern.
3.1 Basis of preparation 3.2 Foreign currency translation
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared Income and expenses recorded in foreign currencies are
and are presented in accordance with the principles and policies translated at the exchange rate in force on the transaction date.
defined in Autorité des normes comptables (ANC) Regulation
Receivables and payables denominated in foreign currency are
2014-03, approved by government order of September 8, 2014
recorded in the balance sheet at the closing exchange rate. The
and amended by all subsequently published Regulations.
difference arising from the application of the year-end rate is
The Carrefour SA financial statements are presented in millions of recorded in the balance sheet under “Prepayments and deferred
euros, rounded to the nearest million. As a result, there may be charges” or “Accruals and deferred revenue”. A provision is set
rounding differences between the amounts reported in the aside for the extent of unrealised losses at the reporting date.
various statements. 3
Assets and liabilities are measured according to the historical cost
There were no changes in measurement or presentation
methods in 2021 compared with the previous year, with the
exception of the change in accounting policy for pension benefit
obligations (see Note 6.2).
The preparation of financial statements involves the use of
management estimates and assumptions that may affect the
reported amounts of certain assets, liabilities, income and
expenses. Due to the uncertainty inherent in any measurement
process, amounts reported in future financial statements may
differ from the currently estimated values.
4.1 Financial investments
4.1.1 Accounting treatment and measurement 6
Financial investments consist of shares in subsidiaries and Value in use is estimated based on a range of criteria including:
affiliates (including any allocated merger deficits), loans and
■ the Company’s interest in the investee’s net assets;
advances to subsidiaries and affiliates and other financial assets.
■ projected future cash flows from the investment;
Shares in subsidiaries and affiliates are stated at cost.
■ a fair value measurement of the net assets based on reasonable
At January 1, 2016, on the first-time application of ANC
business projections or observable data if they exist (multiples
Regulation 2015-06, merger deficits resulting mainly from the
of net sales and/or income statement aggregates for recent
merger of Carrefour-Promodès in 2000 were allocated to the
transactions, offers received from buyers, stock market
investments in Carrefour France, Norfin Holder, Caparbel,
multiples for comparable companies) or based on analyses
Carrefour Nederland BV and Hyparlo based on the respective
performed by internal or external experts, adjusted where
unrealised gains as at that date.
applicable for net debt.
Shares in subsidiaries and affiliates are tested for impairment at
An impairment loss is recorded when the net carrying amount
each year-end to confirm that their net carrying amount
(including, where applicable, the net carrying amount of any
(including the net carrying amount of any allocated merger
allocated merger deficit) exceeds value in use.
deficits) does not exceed their value in use.
Impairment losses are recorded in net financial expense, along
with amounts written off on disposal of the interests concerned.
Gains and losses on disposal of shares in subsidiaries and affiliates
are recorded in non-recurring income or expenses.
allocated to
Shares in shares in
subsidiaries and subsidiaries and Other financial Financial assets, Financial assets,
(in millions of euros) affiliates affiliates assets net in 2021 net in 2020
Gross amount at January 1 25,846 11,407 0 37,254 37,293
Capital increases and acquisitions(1) 418 418 -
Capital reductions and disposals/liquidations(2) (220) (220) (39)
Gross amount at December 31 (A) 26,044 11,407 0 37,451 37,254
Impairment at January 1 (2,642) (5,010) - (7,652) (7,412)
Increases(3) (241) (241) (268)
Reversals(3) 23 23 28
Accumulated impairment at December 31 (B) (2,860) (5,010) 0 (7,870) (7,652)
NET TOTAL (A) - (B) 23,183 6,397 0 29,581 29,602
(1) The main movements during the 2021 financial year relate to:
• the addition of Match Topco shares for 72.7 million euros, corresponding to the value of the contribution of the remaining 40% of the Market Pay
shares to Match Topco as part of the sale of Market Pay (see “Significant events of the year”);
• the increase in Carrefour Management’s capital by an amount of 95.2 million euros;
• the increase in Carrefour Italy’s capital by 45 million euros;
• the increase in Soca BV’s capital by 204.6 million euros.
(2) Liquidations in 2021 mainly concern the retirement of Market Pay shares for 15.3 million euros and of Soca BV shares for 204.6 million euros.
(3) Impairment of shares in subsidiaries and affiliates for the year mainly concerns:
• Carrefour Italy for 126.2 million euros;
• Carrefour Systèmes d’Information for 25.8 million euros;
• Carrefour Management for 88.9 million euros (the provision for negative net assets recognised in provisions for contingencies and charges at
December 31, 2020 in the amount of 95.2 million euros was reversed in 2021).
• In addition, a 22.8-million-euro reversal was recognised for Guyenne & Gascogne.
Details of allocated shares in subsidiaries and deficits are presented in Note 12.
4.1.3 Carrefour France SAS 4.2 Tangible and intangible fixed assets
At December 31, 2021, the net carrying amount of the shares in Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost, corresponding to the
Carrefour France SAS including allocated merger deficits purchase price and ancillary expenses.
amounted to 6,222 million euros, unchanged from December 31,
Intangible fixed assets are mainly composed of software, stated
at acquisition cost.
No additional impairment losses (or reversals of previous
Intangible fixed assets are amortised and tangible fixed assets are
write-downs, mainly recorded in 2017), were recognised further
depreciated over their estimated useful lives, as follows:
to the impairment tests performed on the merger deficit
allocated to Carrefour France shares at December 31, 2021 and ■ software: 3 to 8 years;
December 31, 2020.
■ computer equipment: 3 years;
Value in use is estimated based on the sum of discounted future
■ building fixtures and fittings: 8 years;
cash flows for a period of five years, plus a terminal value
calculated by projecting data for the final year using a perpetuity ■ other: 3 to 10 years.
growth rate. A specific discount rate by country is used for the If the net carrying amount of a tangible or intangible fixed asset is
calculation. Future cash flows used in the impairment tests were not expected to be recovered through the future economic
estimated based on financial projections prepared by benefits generated by the asset, an impairment loss is recognised
country-level Executive Management teams and approved by the for the difference between its carrying amount and the higher of
Group’s Executive Management. value in use and fair value.
The main financial assumptions used for the purposes of
discounting Carrefour France SAS’s future cash flows were a
post-tax discount rate of 5.1% (5.5% in 2020), and a perpetuity
growth rate of 1.3% (1.6% in 2020).
5.1 Borrowings
At December 31, 2021, borrowings broke down as follows:
December 31,
December 31, 2021 2020
Due within Due in 1 to beyond 5
(in millions of euros) 1 year 5 years 5 years Total Total
Bonds 1,000 3,383 1,500 5,883 6,686
Accrued interest 30 30 53
FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 1,030 3,383 1,500 5,913 6,739
December 31, December 31,
2021 2020
Initially, none of the treasury shares held by the Company were impairment of 26.9 million euros). A provision for contingencies
allocated to specific plans. Accordingly, they were recognised and charges in the amount of 38.5 million euros was recorded at
within “Cash and cash equivalents” as “Treasury shares (available)” December 31, 2021 in respect of the share delivery expected in
and written down if their carrying amount exceeded the most February 2022, offset by the recognition of accrued income of
recent share price. At the end of 2021, the Company decided to 34.6 million euros corresponding to the amount to be rebilled to
use treasury shares for the 2019 free share plan, which is subsidiaries in respect of the shares that will be delivered to their
expected to be delivered in February 2022. The treasury shares employees.
earmarked for the plan have therefore been reclassified from
At December 31, 2021, cash and marketable securities comprise
“Treasury shares (available)” to “Treasury shares (allocated to
9,457,539 Carrefour shares, of which 2,634,546 shares have been
specific plans)” for their net carrying amount at the
allocated to specific plans and 6,822,993 shares are available, for
reclassification date (the previously-recognised impairment
a gross amount of 207 million euros.
cannot be reversed), corresponding to 38.5 million euros (gross
amount of 65.4 million euros and previously-recognised
Number Number
of Gross Net of Gross Net
(in millions of euros) shares value Impairment value shares value Impairment value
Amount at January 1, 2021 9,457,539 233 (101) 133 - - - -
Reclassification to treasury shares
allocated to specific plans (2,634,546) (65) 27 (39) 2,634,546 39 - 39
Net charge to/reversal of impairment
of available treasury shares 16 16
AMOUNT AT DECEMBER 31, 2021 6,822,993 168 (58) 110 2,634,546 39 - 39
Carrefour shares held at December 31, 2021 and not allocated to specific plans are measured based on the latest known quoted price,
i.e., 16.105 euros, and their carrying amount is 110 million euros.
5.3 Liquidity
5.3.1 Credit facilities
At December 31, 2021, the Group had two undrawn syndicated Carrefour also has a 5 billion-euro commercial paper programme
lines of credit obtained from a pool of leading banks, for a total described in a prospectus filed with the Banque de France.
of 3.9 billion euros.
As a reminder, in May 2021, Carrefour exercised its option to 5.3.3 Securing the Group’s long-term
extend its two credit facilities totalling 3.9 billion euros, from financing
June 2025 to June 2026. This option has been applied to more
than 99% of the Group’s banking facilities. Group policy consists On April 25, 2021, the Group redeemed 871 million euros worth
of keeping these facilities on stand-by to support the commercial of 3.875% 11-year bonds.
paper programme.
The Group’s financial position and liquidity were solid at
The loan agreements for the syndicated lines of credit include December 31, 2021. The average maturity of Carrefour SA’s bond
the usual commitment clauses, including pari passu, negative debt was 3.1 years at end-December 2021, compared with
pledge, change of control and cross-default clauses and a clause 3.6 years at end-December 2020. 6
restricting substantial sales of assets. The pricing grid may be
adjusted up or down to reflect changes in the long-term credit
rating. 5.4 Risk hedging
5.4.1 Interest rate risk
5.3.2 Financing programmes
Interest rate risk is the risk of a change in interest rates leading to
Carrefour has 12 billion euros of available financing through its
an increase in the Group’s net borrowing costs.
Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) programme, aimed at
maintaining a presence in the debt market through regular debt Interest rate hedging is managed by Corporate Treasury and
issuance, mainly in euros, in order to create a balanced maturity Financing. The hedging strategy and methods used to limit
profile. The Group updated the Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) interest rate exposures and optimise borrowing costs are updated
programme in June 2021 to include a CSR component. The on a monthly basis.
Group prepared and published a Sustainability-Linked Bond-type Long-term borrowings are generally at fixed rates of interest and
framework aimed at increasing the consideration given to CSR do not therefore give rise to any exposure to rising interest rates.
issues in Carrefour SA’s bond financing. Following approval by Financial instruments are nonetheless used to hedge borrowings
the AMF, Carrefour SA is the first CAC 40 issuer to include an against the risk of changes in interest rates.
option of this type in its EMTN programme, further aligning its
financing strategy with the Group’s CSR objectives and ambitions.
Interest rate hedging instruments are used mainly to limit the On March 22, 2018, Carrefour issued another 500 million US
effects of changes in exchange rates on the Company’s dollars’ worth of six-year cash-settled convertible bonds
variable-rate borrowings. These are mainly basic swaps and (maturing in March 2024). As for the 2017 bond issue, two
options. EUR/USD cross-currency swaps for 250 million US dollars with
the same maturity were arranged in parallel to the bond issue.
Details of derivative instruments outstanding and their carrying
amounts are presented in Note 10. These operations, for which a EUR/USD cross-currency swap
was arranged in euros, provide the Company with the equivalent
of standard euro-denominated bond financing.
5.4.2 Currency risk
Currency risk is the risk of an unfavourable change in exchange 5.4.3 Equity risk
rates having an adverse effect on cash flows from transactions
denominated in foreign currency. Company policy is to avoid taking positions on its own shares or
those of other companies, except in response to particular
As a holding company, Carrefour is exposed to currency risk on
circumstances or needs.
specific transactions (capital increases or dividend payments)
with certain foreign subsidiaries whose functional currency is not From time to time, the Company buys back its shares on the
the euro. Currency risk on these transactions can in certain cases market or purchases call options on its shares. These shares are
be hedged by forward currency purchases. mainly used to cover stock option and performance share plans.
On June 7, 2017, Carrefour issued 500 million US dollars’ worth The equity risk associated with the conversion options embedded
of six-year cash-settled convertible bonds (maturing in in the bonds issued by the Group in June 2017 and March 2018 is
June 2023) to institutional investors. A EUR/USD cross-currency fully hedged by symmetrical options contracted with banks.
swap for 500 million US dollars with the same maturity was
arranged in parallel to the bond issue in 2017.
A provision is recorded when (i) the Company has an obligation towards a third party, (ii) the amount of the obligation can be reliably
estimated, (iii) it is probable that an outflow of resources will be necessary to settle the obligation and (iv) no equivalent economic
benefit is expected to be received in return.
December 31, Other December 31,
(in millions of euros) 2020 Increases Used Surplus movements 2021
Obligations to deliver shares 0 39 39
Pension obligations 0 0
Provisions for shares in subsidiaries
and affiliates 95 25 (95) 0 25
Disputes and miscellaneous risks 73 14 (8) (20) 58
Provision for contingencies and charges 168 77 (103) (20) 122
On financial assets 7,652 241 (23) 7,870
On accounts receivable 221 (205) 17
On other items (marketable securities) 101 (16) (27) 58
Impairment 7,974 241 (205) (39) (27) 7,945
TOTAL PROVISIONS AND IMPAIRMENT 8,141 319 (307) (59) (27) 8,067
Performance share and stock option plans settled in authorisation given in the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting 1
existing shares held on June 14, 2019 to grant new or existing performance
shares. The plan provided for the grant of a maximum of
At the grant date, the Company does not recognise any expense
2,300,000 shares (excluding shares granted to the Executive
in payroll costs in respect of performance shares and stock
Officer), representing 0.28% of the share capital. The shares will
options, but on delivery of the performance shares or exercise of
vest only if the grantee remains with the Group until the end of
the stock options.
the vesting period and several performance conditions are met.
A provision is recognised when (i) the Company decides to set up
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
a stock option or performance share plan, (ii) the Company has
an obligation to deliver existing shares to grantees and (iii) it is
Directors’ meeting at which the plan was decided. The number of 2
shares that vest will depend on the achievement of four
probable or certain that an outflow of resources will be necessary
performance conditions:
to settle the obligation without any equivalent economic benefit
being received in return. ■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring
operating income growth for 25% and adjusted free cash flow
When the vesting of performance shares or stock options is
growth for 25%);
explicitly subject to a service condition requiring the grantee’s
continued presence at Carrefour for a specified future period, the ■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
provision is recognised on a straight-line basis over the vesting benchmarking the Carrefour share price against a panel of
period. companies in the retail sector (for 25%); and 3
2019 Plan ■ a CSR-related condition for 25%.
On February 27, 2019, based on the Compensation Committee’s 2021 Plan
recommendation, the Board of Directors decided to use the
On February 17, 2021, based on the Compensation Committee’s
authorisation given in the 14th resolution of the Annual
recommendation, the Board of Directors decided to use the
Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 17, 2016 to grant new or
authorisation given in the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
existing performance shares. This plan provided for the grant of a
held on June 14, 2019 to grant new or existing performance
maximum of 3,366,200 shares (excluding shares granted to the
shares. The plan provided for the grant of a maximum of
Executive Officer), representing 0.43% of the share capital. The
2,664,670 shares excluding shares granted the Executive Officer 4
shares will vest only if the grantee remains with the Group until
(representing 0.33% of the share capital). The shares will vest only
the end of the vesting period and several performance conditions
if the grantee remains with the Group until the end of the vesting
are met.
period and several performance conditions are met.
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
Directors’ meeting at which the plan was decided. The number of
Directors’ meeting at which the plan was decided. The number of
shares that vest will depend on the achievement of four
shares that vest will depend on the achievement of four
performance conditions:
performance conditions:
■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring ■ two conditions linked to financial performance (recurring 5
operating income growth for 25% and free cash flow growth
operating income growth for 25% and adjusted free cash flow
for 25%);
growth for 25%);
■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR), ■ a condition linked to an external performance criterion (TSR),
benchmarking the Carrefour share price against a panel of
benchmarking the Carrefour share price against a panel of
companies in the retail sector (for 25%); and
companies in the retail sector (for 25%); and
■ a CSR-related condition for 25%. ■ a CSR-related condition for 25%.
As mentioned in Note 5.2, the shares that will be delivered to the
grantees in February 2022 will be treasury shares held by the Characteristics 6
Company. The main characteristics of the three performance share plans
outstanding are presented below:
2020 Plan
On February 26, 2020, based on the Compensation Committee’s
recommendation, the Board of Directors decided to use the
2021 2020
Number of performance shares granted at January 1 5,453,908 3,232,646
Shares granted during the year 3,000,000 2,604,597
Shares delivered to grantees during the year - -
Shares cancelled during the year(1) (546,339) (383,335)
(1) Including 299,100 shares cancelled under the 2019 Plan, 174,839 shares cancelled under the 2020 Plan and 72,400 shares cancelled under the
2021 Plan.
6.2 Provisions for pension benefit amendments, the Company has changed its accounting policy in
order to align the measurement of its pension benefits with the
obligations method used to prepare its IFRS consolidated financial
statements. The 0.8-million-euro impact of the change in
Pension benefit obligations corresponding to amounts payable to accounting policy was recorded in retained earnings at
employees on retirement are measured using the projected unit December 31, 2021.
credit method. The main actuarial assumptions used to measure
the obligations are described below.
6.2.1 Termination benefit obligations
The Company applies the rules set out under ANC
Recommendation 2013-02 for the recognition and measurement Company employees in France are legally entitled to a lump-sum
of pension benefits and other obligations. The recommendation payment on retirement, with all rights vested to the persons
was amended on November 5, 2021. In accordance with the concerned expensed during the year they are incurred.
The assumptions used to calculate the provision are as follows:
The provision at December 31, 2021 reflects the full amount of the present value of pension benefit obligations (including actuarial gains
and losses and past service costs), net of plan assets. At December 31, 2021, the obligation net of plan assets corresponded to
234 thousand euros in assets.
In addition, at its meeting of April 20, 2020, the Board of ■ rights vest subject to the achievement of annual performance 1
Directors decided to set up a new supplementary pension plan conditions: the performance criteria and specified targets are
that meets the requirements of Article L. 137-11-2, as amended, chosen among those used by the Board of Directors to
of the French Social Security Code (Code de la sécurité sociale), determine the annual variable component of the Executive
effective from January 1, 2020. The main characteristics of the Officer’s compensation;
new plan are as follows:
■ the annual vesting rate under the plan will vary depending on
■ beneficiaries will retain the annual rights accrued in the event the achievement rates for the performance criteria, and the
that they leave the Company; aggregate annual percentages applied for a given beneficiary,
■ the rights accrued in a given year will be calculated based on all employers combined, will be capped at 30%. 2
the compensation for that year (reference compensation), The Group has externalised the plan’s management to an
without exceeding 60 times the annual social security ceiling; insurance company.
7.1 Share capital 7.2 Issue and merger premiums
At December 31, 2021, the share capital was made up of Issue premiums represent the difference between the nominal
775,895,892 ordinary shares with a par value of 2.50 euros each, amount of shares issued and the amount, net of costs, of cash or
versus 817,623,840 shares at December 31, 2020. in-kind contributions received by Carrefour SA. 4
The change during the year corresponds to the shares cancelled
in connection with the capital reductions carried out in July and
October 2021.
Issue and reserves, Total 5
merger retained shareholders’
(in millions of euros) Share capital premiums earnings Net income equity
Shareholders’ equity at December 31, 2020 2,044 17,182 2,721 550 22,498
Appropriation of net income for 2020 167 (550) (383)
Share capital reduction (104) (596) (700)
Other movements 1 1
Net income for 2021 837 837 6
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AT DECEMBER 31, 2021 1,940 16,587 2,889 837 22,252
At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 21, 2021, the 7.4 Treasury share reserve
shareholders decided to set the 2020 dividend at 0.48 euro per
share. The dividend was paid on May 28, 2021 for a total amount At December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, a total of
of 383.1 million euros. Dividends not paid on Carrefour shares 9,457,539 shares were held in treasury.
held in treasury on the ex-dividend date, in the amount of
9.4 million euros, were credited to retained earnings. Shares held in treasury are intended for the Group’s performance
share plans. All rights attached to these shares are suspended for
As mentioned in Note 2, further to buying back treasury shares as long as they are held in treasury.
for a total amount of 700 million euros, the Company carried out
two capital reductions through the cancellation of shares: (i) an The net carrying amount of Carrefour shares held at
initial capital reduction in July 2021 involving the cancellation of December 31, 2021 was 148 million euros (see Note 5.2) versus
29,475,225 shares, corresponding to a capital reduction of 132 million euros at December 31, 2020.
73.7 million euros and an impact on premiums of 426.3 million
euros; (ii) a second capital reduction in October 2021 involving
the cancellation of 12,252,723 shares, corresponding to a capital
reduction of 30.6 million euros; and (iii) an impact on premiums
of 169.4 million euros.
Other movements correspond to the impact of the change in
policy for pension benefit obligations (see Note 6.2).
Net financial income breaks down as follows:
In 2021, dividends received stood at 517 million euros, mainly Further to their remeasurement at December 31, 2021, the
including: Company recognised an increase of 218.4 million euros in the
net charge to impairment of shares in subsidiaries and affiliates,
■ 182.8 million euros from Spanish subsidiary Norfin Holder;
and 69.8 million euros in net reversals of provisions for shares in
■ 90.3 million euros from Brazilian subsidiary Atacadão; subsidiaries and affiliates (see Note 6).
■ 85.6 million euros from French subsidiary CRFP8; The increase for the year also includes a reversal of impairment
■ 45 million euros from Belgian subsidiary Caparbel. of marketable securities for 15.7 million euros and a charge to
impairment in respect of the delivery of treasury shares under the
Interest expense was mainly attributable to bond issues. 2019 free share plan for 38.5 million euros (see Note 5.2).
Other financial income and expenses include the deferral of bond
redemption premiums as well as exchange gains and losses.
9.1 Breakdown of net income and corresponding tax
(in millions of euros) Before tax Tax After tax
Recurring income before profit-sharing 254 254
Non-recurring income, net 264 (66) 198
Group relief 385 385
2021 NET INCOME 518 319 837
The income tax benefit for 2021 corresponds to net income from tax consolidation. 3
Tax credits deductible from income tax expense are reported in the income statement under “Income tax”.
The amount of 250 million euros recorded in liabilities corresponds to deferred taxes arising on share contribution transactions
qualifying for preferential tax treatment under Article 210B of the French General Tax Code (Code général des impôts).
10.1 Accounts receivable and accrued assets
Accounts receivable mainly correspond to intra-group receivables related to the provision of services, in which case the receivables are
recognised when the service is provided.
They are recorded in the balance sheet at their nominal amount. An impairment loss is recorded when there is a risk that they may not
be recovered.
December 31, Due within Due in 1 to beyond December 31, Due within
(in millions of euros) 2021 1 year 5 years 5 years 2020 1 year
Bank borrowings - - -0 -0
Trade payables 5 5 9 9
Accrued taxes and payroll costs 209 209 101 101
Other liabilities(1) 2,207 2,207 1,166 1,166
Translation gains - - 35 35
TOTAL 2,421 2,421 1,311 1,311
(1) Other liabilities essentially correspond to intra-group payables.
Due Due
Derivative instruments used December 31, within Due in 1 beyond December 31, December 31, December 31,
(in millions of euros) 2021 1 year to 5 years 5 years 2020 2021 2020 2
Purchased calls 883 883 815 22 17
Currency swaps 883 883 815 120(1) 52
EUR/USD on convertible bonds
Purchased interest rate options
(caps) 100 100 600 0
Purchased swaptions 575 300 275 650 8 2
Sold swaptions (250) (250) (300) (4) (13) 3
TOTAL 2,191 150 2,041 - 2,580 146 58
(1) A EUR/USD cross-currency swap for 500 million US dollars was arranged in 2017 in parallel to and with the same maturity as a cash-settled
convertible bond issue on June 7, 2017.
Two EUR/USD cross-currency swaps for 250 million US dollars with the same maturity were arranged in March 2018 in parallel to a
500-million-US-dollar cash-settled convertible bond issue.
2021 2020
Managerial 4 5
10.5.2 Compensation
Details of management compensation are provided in the management report.
No events have occurred since the year-end that would have a material impact on the Company at December 31, 2021.
Gross Net
amount amount
of of
Reserves merger merger
and losses losses Last Last
(in millions of Share retained % Investment Investment, allocated allocated published published Dividends
euros) capital earnings interest at cost net to shares to shares income revenue received
1. Subsidiaries (over 50% owned)
CARMA 23 94 50.0% 44 44 - - 5 0 0
Banque 101 355 60.0% 124 124 - - (14) 278 0
France 1,995 5 99.6% 3,979 3,979 6,952 2,243 (39) 15 0
MANAGEMENT 0 (99) 100.0% 118 6 - - 4 0 0
D’INFORMATION 164 (141) 100.0% 168 0 - - 35 405 0
CRFP 8 3,381 196 74.8% 2,528 2,528 - - 120 0 86
CRFP 13 863 454 38.0% 385 385 - - (24) 0 0
GASCOGNE 106 (34) 100.0% 428 250 - - (57) 12 0
HYPARLO 63 60 100.0% 450 450 180 155 (77) 0 0
TOTAL 8,223 7,767 7,132 2,398 (46) 709 86
ASIA 170 (166) 100.0% 190 4 0
Nederland BV 2,259 1,316 100.0% 3,603 3,603 767 675 0
HOLDER 2 4,324 79.9% 3,177 3,177 2,872 2,688 183
CAPARBEL 6,334 9 100.0% 6,334 6,334 636 636 45
TOTAL 13,304 13,119 4,275 3,998 0 0 228
2. Affiliates (10%-50% owned)
ATACADÃO 1,200 1,265 32.8% 251 251 - - 90
FINANCE 6,816 633 25.0% 1,668 1,668 - - 0
ITALIA 1,289 (391) 30.0% 2,237 32 - - 0
TOTAL 4,156 1,951 0 0 0 0 90
Gross Net
amount amount
of of
Reserves merger merger
and losses losses Last Last
(in millions of Share retained % Investment Investment, allocated allocated published published Dividends
euros) capital earnings interest at cost net to shares to shares income revenue received
1. Other subsidiaries 2
France 11 11 0 0 67
International 0 0 0 0
2. Other investments
France 101 96 0 0 20
International 248 240 0 0 26
subsidiaries 3
(total) 8,234 7,778 7,132 2,398 153
(total) 13,304 13,119 4,275 3,998 228
French affiliates
(total) 101 96 0 0 20
affiliates (total) 4,404 2,190 0 0 117
TOTAL 26,043 23,183 11,407 6,397 517
Data in greyed out cells are not provided because their disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to the Company’s interests.
The columns “Share capital”, “Reserves and retained earnings”, “Last published income” and “Last published revenue” correspond to
information for 2020 since the 2021 data have not yet been authorised for issue by the appropriate governance bodies.
For the year ended December 31, 2021 prepare the Carrefour Group's IFRS consolidated accounts. Our
opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
This is a translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report
on the financial statements of the Company issued in French and
it is provided solely for the convenience of English-speaking Justification of Assessments – Key Audit
This Statutory Auditors’ report includes information required by
European regulation and French law, such as information about Due to the global crisis related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the
the appointment of the Statutory Auditors or verification of the financial statements of this period have been prepared and
management report and other documents provided to audited under specific conditions. Indeed, this crisis and the
shareholders. exceptional measures taken in the context of the state of sanitary
emergency have had numerous consequences for companies,
This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in
particularly on their operations and their financing, and have led
accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards
to greater uncertainties on their future prospects. Those
applicable in France.
measures, such as travel restrictions and remote working, have
To the Carrefour Shareholders’ Meeting, also had an impact on the companies' internal organisation and
the performance of the audits.
Opinion It is this complex and evolving context that, in accordance with
the requirements of Articles L. 823-9 and R. 823-7 of the French
In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your Commercial Code (code de commerce) relating to the
Shareholders’ Meeting, we have audited the accompanying justification of our assessments, we inform you of the key audit
financial statements of Carrefour for the year ended matters relating to risks of material misstatement that, in our
December 31, 2021. professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view the financial statements of the current period, as well as how we
of the assets and liabilities and of the financial position of the addressed those risks.
Company as of December 31, 2021 and of the results of its These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
operations for the year then ended in accordance with French financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion
accounting principles. thereon and we do not provide a separate opinion on specific
The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report items of the financial statements.
to the Audit Committee.
Key Audit Matter
Basis for Opinion
Measurement of the value in use of the shares
Audit Framework in Carrefour France SAS
We conducted our audit in accordance with professional (See notes 4.1.1, 4.1.3, and 12 to the financial statements)
standards applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence As of December 31, 2021, the net book value of the shares in
we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis Carrefour France S.A.S. including allocated merger losses
for our opinion. amounted to €6,222 million.
Our responsibilities under those standards are further described As stated in Note 4.1.1 to the financial statements, shares in
in the “Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the subsidiaries and affiliates are subject to impairment tests at each
Financial Statements” section of our report. year-end in order to verify that their net carrying amount
(including, where necessary, the net carrying amount of allocated
Independence merger losses) does not exceed their value in use. Otherwise, an
impairment loss is recognized in the financial result.
We conducted our audit engagement in compliance with As stated in Note 4.1.3 to the financial statements, the value in
independence requirements of rules required by the French use of the shares in Carrefour France S.A.S. has been determined
Commercial Code (code de commerce) and the French Code of based on projections of future cash flows established by the
ethics (code de déontologie) for statutory auditors for the period country's Executive Management and validated by the Group’s
from January 1, 2021 to the date of our report, and specifically Executive Management, based on significant judgments from
we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to Management, such as the discounting of future cash flows over a
in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) N° 537/2014. period of five years with a determination of a terminal value
calculated from the extrapolation of the final year's data to the
Emphasis of Matter perpetual growth rate and the use of a specific discount rate per
We draw attention, to the following matter described in note 6.2
The test performed as at December 31, 2021 on the merger
to the financial statements regarding the recommendation by the
losses allocated to the shares of Carrefour France does not put
ANC n°2013-02 modified on November 5, 2021, in order to align
forward the need to recognize in the financial statements an
the provision for employee benefits with the method used to
additional impairment loss or a reversal of impairment which has
been mainly booked during the 2017 financial year.
Due to the significant net carrying amount of the shares, where applicable, with the information obtained by your 1
uncertainties relating mainly to the probability of the realization Company from controlled companies that are included in the
of the future cash flow forecasts used to measure the value in scope of consolidation. Based on this work, we attest the
use and sensitivity to changes of the financial data and accuracy and fair presentation of this information.
assumptions used, we considered the measurement of the value
in use of the shares in Carrefour France S.A.S. to be a key audit
Other information
In accordance with French law, we have verified that the required
Responses as part of our audit information concerning purchase of investments and controlling 2
interests and the identity of the shareholders and holders of the
In order to estimate the value in use of the shares in Carrefour voting rights has been properly disclosed in the management
France S.A.S. as determined by management, our work mainly report.
consisted in:
■ assessing the appropriateness of the methodology used to Report on Other Legal and Regulatory
determine the value in use; Requirements
■ analyzing the consistency of the cash flow forecasts used with
our understanding of the group’s strategic outlook and Format of presentation of the financial 3
guidance for French operations and with the management’s statements included in the annual financial
latest assessment;
■ compare the actual performance observed for past periods
with the previous forecasts to verify the reliability of the We have also verified, in accordance with the professional
forecasting process; standard applicable in France relating to the procedures
■ ensuring that the value resulting from future cash flow performed by the statutory auditor relating to the annual and
forecasts has been adjusted to the amount of net debt; consolidated financial statements presented in the European
The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial ■ Evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
reporting process and the effectiveness of internal control and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
risks management systems and, where applicable, its internal disclosures made by management in the financial statements.
audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting
■ Assesses the appropriateness of management’s use of the
going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
The financial statements were approved by the Board of evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists
Directors. related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This
assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the
Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit
date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions
of the Financial Statements may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going
concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material
Objectives and audit approach uncertainty exists, there is a requirement to draw attention in
the audit report to the related disclosures in the financial
Our role is to issue a report on the financial statements. Our statements or, if such disclosures are not provided or
objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the inadequate, to modify the opinion expressed therein.
financial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, ■ Evaluates the overall presentation of the financial statements
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance and assesses whether these statements represent the
with professional standards will always detect a material underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud fair presentation.
or error and are considered material if, individually or in the
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the Report to the Audit Committee
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial
statements. We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes in
As specified in Article L. 823-10-1 of the French Commercial particular a description of the scope of the audit and the audit
Code (code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include program implemented, as well as the results of our audit. We also
assurance on the viability of the Company or the quality of report, if any, significant deficiencies in internal control regarding
management of the Company’s affairs. the accounting and financial reporting procedures that we have
As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional
standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material
professional judgment throughout the audit and furthermore: misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current
■ Identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of the period and which are therefore the key audit matter that we are
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs and required to describe in this report.
performs audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtains audit evidence considered to be sufficient and We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration
appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The risk of not provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014,
detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher confirming our independence within the meaning of the rules
than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve applicable in France such as they are set in particular by Articles
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or L. 822-10 to L. 822-14 of the French Commercial Code (code de
the override of internal control. commerce) and in the French Code of Ethics (code de
déontologie) for statutory auditors. Where appropriate, we
■ Obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the discuss with the Audit Committee the risks that may reasonably
audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in be thought to bear on our independence, and the related
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an safeguards.
opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control.
8.1.1 Corporate name, trade and companies 8.3.1 Main shareholders 416
register and legal entity identification 8.3.2 Crossing of thresholds reported
number (LEI) 408 to the Company in 2021 417
8.1.2 Head office, phone number and website 408 8.3.3 Information referred to in Article L. 233-13
8.1.3 Legal form and term 408 of the French Commercial Code 418
8.1.4 Main provisions of the Articles of Association 408 8.3.4 Information referred to in Article L. 22-10-11
of the French Commercial Code 418
8.2 Information about the capital 411
Registered with the Evry Trade and Companies Register under no. 652 014 051
LEI: 549300B8P6MUJ1YWTS08
French public limited company (société anonyme) governed by This Board of Directors’ decision to combine the duties of
the provisions of the French Commercial Code (Code de Chairman and Chief Executive Officer met the objective to
commerce). simplify the decision-making process and enhance the efficiency
and responsiveness of the Company’s governance (see
By decision of the Shareholders’ Meeting of July 28, 2008, the
Section 3.1.1 of this Universal Registration Document).
Company adopted the form of a société anonyme (public limited
company) with a Board of Directors. Following its deliberations The term of the Company, which began on July 11, 1959, will
on June 21, 2011, the Board of Directors decided to combine the expire on July 10, 2058, unless the Company is wound up in
duties of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. advance or its term is extended.
The Director(s) representing employees are not taken into The Board of Directors’ deliberations are recorded in minutes
kept in a special register in accordance with the applicable
account for the determination of the maximum number of
Directors provided for by the French Commercial Code, or for legislation or Article R. 225-22 of the French Commercial Code,
the enforcement of Article L. 225-18-1 paragraph 1 of the in electronic format. In such a case, the minutes are signed using
French Commercial Code. an electronic signature that complies with the minimum
requirements of an advanced electronic signature provided for in
The office of the Director(s) representing employees expires Article 26 of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 of the European
before its term under the conditions provided for by law and this Parliament and of the Council of July 23, 2014 on electronic
Article, in particular in the case of the termination of his/her/their identification and trusted services for electronic transactions
employment agreement, except in the event of an intergroup
transfer. If the conditions provided for in Article L. 225-27-1 of
within the internal market. The Secretary of the Board of
Directors is authorised to certify copies and extracts of meeting
the French Commercial Code are not fulfilled at the end of a minutes.
given financial year, the office of the Director(s) representing
employees expires at the end of the meeting during which the The Board of Directors determines the Company’s business
Board of Directors acknowledges that the Company is no longer strategy and oversees its implementation.
subject to the said legal requirement. Subject to the powers expressly attributed to the Shareholders’
In the event of a vacancy, for any reason, of the office of a Meetings and within the scope of the corporate purpose, the
Director representing employees, the vacant seat is filled Board of Directors deals with all matters relating to the proper
according to the conditions provided for in Article L. 225-34 of management of the Company and, through its proceedings,
the French Commercial Code. Until the date of replacement of handles other matters concerning it.
the Director representing employees, the Board of Directors may The Board conducts the controls and audits that it deems
validly meet and deliberate. appropriate. The Directors receive all information needed to
In addition to the provisions of Article L. 225-29 paragraph 2 of perform their duties and may consult any documents that they
the French Commercial Code, and for the avoidance of doubt, it deem useful.
is specified that the failure of the committee(s) designated by the
8.2 Information about the capital
Share capital reductions Capital reduction on October 20, 2021
Capital reduction on July 28, 2021 Further to the implementation of its share buyback programme
and pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Shareholders’
Further to the implementation of its share buyback programme Meeting of May 21, 2021 (21st resolution), the Board of Directors
and pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Shareholders’ decided to reduce the Company’s share capital by cancelling
Meeting of May 21, 2021 (21st resolution), the Board of Directors shares purchased under the programme.
decided to reduce the Company’s share capital by cancelling
shares purchased under the programme.
The Company’s share capital was accordingly reduced by a
nominal amount of 30,631,807.50 euros (thirty million, six
The Company’s share capital was accordingly reduced by a hundred and thirty-one thousand, eight hundred and seven euros
nominal amount of 73,688,062.50 euros (seventy-three million, and fifty cents) through the cancellation of 12,252,723 Company
six hundred and eighty-eight thousand, sixty-two euros and fifty shares.
cents) through the cancellation of 29,475,225 Company shares. Following the reduction, the share capital amounted to
Following the reduction, the share capital amounted to 1,939,739,730 euros (one billion, nine hundred and thirty-nine
1,970,371,537.50 euros (one billion, nine hundred and seventy million, seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand, seven hundred
million, three hundred and seventy-one thousand, five hundred and thirty euros), divided into 775,895,892 shares with a par value
and thirty-seven euros and fifty cents), divided into of 2.50 euros each. 4
788,148,615 shares with a par value of 2.50 euros each. Shares not representing capital: number and primary
Amount of convertible or exchangeable securities or securities
with stock purchase warrants
Information on the conditions governing any right of 5
acquisition and/or any obligation relating to unpaid share
capital, or on any undertaking to increase the capital
Information on the capital of any member of the Group that is
under option or subject to a conditional or unconditional
agreement to be put under option, and the details of such
Type amount Duration Expiry date Use during 2021
Issue of shares and/or marketable securities with pre-emptive
subscription rights
• Shares €500 million 26 months July 21, 2023 -
• Other marketable securities €4.5 billion 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Issue of shares and/or marketable securities without
pre-emptive subscription rights as part of a public tender
or public exchange offer made by the Company for another
• Shares €175 million 26 months July 21, 2023 -
• Other marketable securities €1.5 billion 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Issue of shares and/or marketable securities without
pre-emptive subscription rights (private placement)
• Shares €175 million 26 months July 21, 2023 -
• Other marketable securities €1.5 billion 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Issue of shares and/or marketable securities to remunerate
contributions-in-kind granted to the Company in an amount
of up to 10% of the share capital 10% 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Capital increase by incorporation of reserves, profits and
premiums €500 million 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Capital increase in favour of employees who are members
of a Company savings plan (shareholder waiver of pre-emptive
subscription rights) €35 million 26 months July 21, 2023 -
Free allotment of new or existing Company shares to salaried 0.25%
employees and officers of the Company and its affiliates (Company
(shareholder waiver of pre-emptive subscription rights) officers) 26 months July 21, 2023 -
i.e., approximately
10% of the 5.10% of the
Company’s Company’s share
Transactions in Company shares capital 18 months Nov. 20, 2022 capital
The purchase, sale or transfer of shares may be carried out The maximum purchase price per share is 25 euros and the
and paid for by any means, on one or more occasions, on the maximum number of shares that may be purchased is
open market or through a private transaction, including the 81,762,284 (representing approximately 10% of the share
use of option mechanisms, derivatives – in particular the capital at December 31, 2020). The total amount that the
purchase of call options – or securities giving a right to shares Company may use to buy back its own shares may not exceed
of the Company, under the terms set forth by the market 2,044,059,600 euros.
authorities. Moreover, the maximum portion of capital that
Given that the Company already held 9,457,539 treasury
can be purchased, sold or transferred as blocks of securities
shares at May 21, 2021, representing 1.16% of the share capital
may extend to the entire share buyback programme.
as of that date, the maximum number of shares that may be
The Company may not use the authority granted by the purchased under this authorisation is 72,304,745.
Shareholders’ Meeting of May 21, 2021 and continue to
6. Term of the share buyback programme:
implement its share buyback programme in the event of a
public offer involving shares or other securities issued or Eighteen months from May 21, 2021 pursuant to the
initiated by the Company. authorisation granted at the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e., until
November 20, 2022.
5. Maximum percentage of capital, maximum number and
characteristics of the shares the Company intends to
purchase and maximum purchase price:
7. Transactions carried out by way of purchase, sale or transfer under the previous share buyback programme:
Percentage of capital held directly and indirectly by the Company (in shares and as a percentage)
at the beginning of the previous programme on May 21, 2021 9,457,539/1.16%
Number of shares cancelled over the past 24 months 41,727,948
Number of shares held at December 31, 2021 (in shares and as a percentage) 9,457,539/1.22%
Gross book value of the portfolio (in euros) 206,503,138.98
Market value of the portfolio (in euros) 152,313,665.60
Number of shares purchased 41,727,948
Number of shares sold -
Transaction costs (in euros) 350,000
Average purchase price (in euros) 16.77
Average sale price -
Grant of options
There were no longer any Carrefour stock option plans outstanding at December 31, 2021.
Grant of shares
On February 17, 2021, based on the Compensation Committee’s The number of shares that vest will depend on the achievement
recommendation, the Board of Directors decided to use the of four performance conditions, each with a weighting of 25%:
authorisation given in the 25th resolution of the Shareholders’
■ two conditions linked to financial performance: recurring
Meeting held on June 14, 2019 to grant performance shares (new
operating income and adjusted free cash flow;
or existing) to 691 Group employees. Shares granted under this
plan will vest only if the grantee remains with the Group until the ■ one condition linked to share performance: total shareholder
end of the vesting period and several performance conditions are return;
met. ■ a CSR-related condition.
The vesting period is three years from the date of the Board of
Directors’ meeting at which the rights were granted.
Details of the performance share plans in progress at December 31, 2021 are presented below. 1
2020 Performance 2021 Performance
Plan Plan
Date of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting June 14, 2019 June 14, 2019
Grant date February 26, 2020 February 17, 2021
Vesting date(1) February 26, 2023 February 17, 2024
Number of shares awarded at grant date 2,604,597 3,000,000
of which to Company Officers 304,597 335,330
Number of grantees at grant date 516 691
Fair value of one share (in euros)(2) 13.05 11.85
(1) The shares will vest only if the grantee remains with the Group until the end of the vesting period and several performance conditions are met.
(2) The Carrefour share price on the grant date (reference price) adjusted for estimated dividends not received during the vesting period.
The 2019 performance share plan expired on February 27, 2022. assessment period: the performance level achieved for the
The Carrefour group's performance with regard to this plan was recurring operating income criterion was 136% (2,350 thousand 3
100%. The corresponding shares were delivered to the grantees euros compared with a target of 2,142 thousand euros); the
in accordance with the terms of the relevant regulation. performance level achieved for the free cash flow criterion was
150% (1,930 thousand euros compared with a target of
A total of 2,587,146 shares were delivered under this plan.
1,200 thousand euros); the performance level of the TSR criterion
The performance achieved by the Group (capped at 100% of the was 50%, for a positioning at the median of the panel of
shares allocated) breaks down as follows over the performance companies; and the performance level achieved for the
CSR criterion was 136% (114.5% compared with a 100% target).
Movements in performance shares in 2021 were as follows:
2020 2021
Number of performance shares granted at January 1 3,232,646 5,377,309
of which shares outstanding 0 0
Shares granted during the year(1) 2,604,597(2) 3,000,000
Shares delivered to grantees during the year - - 5
Shares cancelled during the year(3) (459,934) (469,740)
Number of performance shares granted at December 31 5,377,309 7,907,569
of which shares outstanding -
(1) 2021 performance share plan decided by the Board of Directors on February 17, 2021.
(2) 2020 performance share plan decided by the Board of Directors on February 26, 2020.
(3) Shares cancelled under the 2019, 2020 and 2021 performance share plans.
8.3 Shareholders
At December 31, 2021, the share capital amounted to The number of voting rights at December 31, 2021 was
1,939,739,730 euros (one billion, nine hundred and thirty-nine 955,881,146. After deducting the voting rights that cannot be
million, seven hundred and thirty-nine thousand, seven hundred exercised, the total number of voting rights is 946,423,607.
and thirty euros), divided into 775,895,892 shares with a par value
of 2.50 euros each.
The Company is authorised to identify bearer shares.
To the Company’s knowledge, the breakdown of the capital and voting rights at December 31, 2020 was as follows:
Employee shareholding
At December 31, 2021, Group employees held 0.93% of the Company’s share capital through the Company mutual fund. 5
To the Company’s knowledge, the crossing of the following statutory thresholds was reported by the shareholders to the Company and
the AMF in 2021:
Percentage of Percentage of
share capital voting rights
Date held at the held at the
threshold Upward or Threshold declaration declaration Number
Shareholders was crossed downward crossed date date of shares
Bank of America Corporation 01/01/2021 Downward 5.00% 2.91% 2.29% 23,818,315
Correction to
Bank of America Corporation 01/01/2021 declaration 5.00% 7.32% 5.76% 59,865,080
Bank of America Corporation 05/12/2021 Downward 5.00% 1.56% 1.22% 12,736,193
Cervinia Europe 09/01/2021 Downward 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% -
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 09/01/2021 Upward 5.00% 6.52% 5.08% 51,395,071
To the Company’s knowledge, the composition of the share The summary table of current delegations of authority and
capital is as shown in the table in Section 8.3.1 of this Universal powers granted to the Board of Directors appears in Section 8.2.2
Registration Document. of this Universal Registration Document. Any delegation whose
implementation is likely to jeopardise a public offer is suspended
To the Company’s knowledge, there is no agreement between its
during the public offer period.
principal shareholders that could result in a change of control of
the Company if implemented subsequently.
9.1 Publicly available documents 420 9.5 Information incorporated by reference 421
9.2.1 Person responsible for the Universal 9.6.1 Universal Registration Document
Registration Document and the Annual concordance table 422
Financial Report 420 9.6.2 Annual financial report concordance table 424
9.2.2 Declaration by the person responsible 9.6.3 Management report concordance table 424
for the Universal Registration Document
and the Annual Financial Report 420 9.6.4 Corporate governance report concordance
table 426
9.3 Person responsible for the financial 9.6.5 Extra-financial performance concordance
table 427
information 420
9.6.6 SASB, GRI and TCFD concordance table 428
Documents concerning the Company and, in particular, its Articles of Association, financial statements and the reports presented to its
Shareholders’ Meetings by the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors may be consulted at the head office at 93, avenue de Paris,
91300 Massy, France.
These documents are also available on the Company’s website:
“I hereby certify that the information contained in this Universal management report gives a true and fair view of the changes in
Registration Document is, to the best of my knowledge, true and the business, results and financial position of the Company and
correct, and that there are no omissions that are likely to affect of all the consolidated companies, and that it describes the main
its import. risks and uncertainties to which they are subject.”
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the financial April 28, 2022
statements were prepared in accordance with applicable
Alexandre Bompard
accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the assets
and liabilities, financial position and results of operations of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Company and of all the consolidated companies, and that the
Matthieu Malige
Chief Financial Officer
9.4 Persons responsible for auditing the financial
Pursuant to European directives, following the audit reform renewal of the appointment of Deloitte & Associés as Statutory
which caps the number of consecutive years of a Statutory Auditor. This renewal was proposed to and approved by the
Auditor’s engagement at 24 years, and on the recommendation shareholders at the May 21, 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting. In
of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors, meeting on compliance with current regulations, the renewal of the
October 27, 2020, decided not to propose the renewal of the appointments of the alternate Statutory Auditors was not
appointment of KPMG as Statutory Auditor and to propose the proposed. 4
In accordance with Article 19 of EU Regulation no. 2017/1129 of The information included in the abovementioned Universal
June 14, 2017, this Universal Registration Document includes by Registration Documents, other than that indicated above, is, 5
reference the following information, to which the reader is where applicable, superseded or updated by the information
invited to refer: included in this Universal Registration Document. The
abovementioned Universal Registration Documents are available
■ for the financial year ended December 31, 2020: consolidated
under the conditions described in Section 9.1 “Publicly available
financial statements, Company financial statements and related
documents” of this Universal Registration Document.
Statutory Auditors’ reports included in the
Universal Registration Document filed with the French financial
markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers – AMF) on
April 8, 2021 under number D.21-0275, on pages 247 to 340,
341 to 344, 345 to 365 and 366 to 368 respectively;
■ for the financial year ended December 31, 2019: consolidated
financial statements, Company financial statements and related
Statutory Auditors’ reports included in the
Universal Registration Document filed with the French financial
markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers – AMF) on
April 30, 2020 under number D.20-0421, on pages 223 to 308,
313 to 334, 309 to 312 and 335 to 338 respectively;
Appendices I and II of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980 of March 14, 2019 Chapter/Section no.
1/ Persons responsible, third-party information, statements by experts
and approval by competent authorities
1.1. Name and function of the person responsible 9.2-9.3
1.2. Declaration by the person responsible 9.2
1.3. Information on the expert report 2.4.3
1.4. Third-party information 1
1.5. Statement of filing without prior approval from the competent authority 1st page
2/ Statutory Auditors
2.1. Identity 9.4
2.2. Change, if any N/A
3/ Risk factors 4.1
4/ Information concerning the issuer
4.1. Corporate name and purpose 8.1.1
4.2. Place of registration, registration number and legal entity identification number (LEI) 8.1.1-8.1.2
4.3. Creation and term 8.1.3
4.4. Head office, legal form, applicable legislation, head office address and phone number, website 8.1.2-8.1.3
5/ Business overview
5.1. Principal activities 1.4
6.6 (Notes 6.1, 6.1.2 and 6.5)
5.2. Principal markets 1.1.2-1.1.3-1.2-1.4
6.6 (Notes 5.1 and 6.1.1)
5.3. Key events in the issuer’s business development 1.6.1-1.6.2-1.6.3
5.3, 5.4.2, 5.4.5
6.6 (Notes 2, 3.2 and 16)
5.4. Strategy and objectives 1.1.6
5.3, 5.4.2
6.6 (Notes 2 and 3)
5.5. Issuer’s dependence 6.6 (Note 14.7)
5.6. Competitive position 1.2.7-1.5.1
5.7. Investments 5.4.2, 5.4.5
6.6 (Notes 2 and 3.2)
6/ Organisational structure
6.1. Brief description of the Group 1.1-1.6.6
6.2. List of significant subsidiaries 6.6 (Note 18)
7.4 (Note 12)
7/ Review of financial position and earnings
7.1. Financial position 5.2-5.6.6
7.2. Operating income 5.1
8/ Cash and cash equivalents and capital
8.1. Information concerning capital resources 5.2.1-6.5
6.6 (Note 13) 7.4 (Note 7)
8.2. Cash flow 5.2.3
8.3. Borrowing requirements and funding structure 5.2.2-5.2.4
6.6 (Note 14)
8.4. Restrictions on the use of capital resources 5.2.5
6.6 (Note 14.2.4)
8.5. Anticipated sources of funds 5.2.6
9/ Regulatory environment 4.1.1
10/ Trend information
10.1. Most significant trends since the end of the last financial year 5.3, 5.4.5
10.2. Events reasonably likely to have a material effect on prospects 5.3
Appendices I and II of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980 of March 14, 2019 Chapter/Section no.
11/ Profit forecasts and estimates N/A
12/ Administrative, management and supervisory bodies and Executive Management
12.1. Board of Directors and Executive Management 3.2-3.3
12.2. Conflicts of interest within the administrative, management and supervisory bodies
and Executive Management
13/ Compensation and benefits
13.1. Compensation and benefits in kind 3.4
13.2. Amounts provisioned or recorded for pensions, retirement benefits or other benefits 6.6 (Note 12.1)
14/ Operation of administrative and management bodies
14.1. Expiration of current terms of office
14.2. Service contracts
14.3. Information on the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee 3.2.3
14.4. Statement on compliance with the applicable corporate governance regime Introduction of 3/3.5
14.5. Potential material impacts on corporate governance N/A
15/ Employees
15.1. Number of employees and breakdown of the workforce
15.2. Director shareholdings and stock options 3.2.1-3.4.3
15.3. Arrangements for involving employees in the capital 2.2.3
16/ Main shareholders
16.1. Exceeding the threshold 8.3.1-8.3.2
16.2. Existence of different voting rights
16.3. Direct or indirect control 8.3.1
16.4. Arrangements that could result in a change of control if implemented
17/ Related-party transactions 6.6 (Note 9.3)
18/ Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities,
financial position and profits and losses
18.1. Historical financial information 6
18.2. Interim and other financial information N/A
18.3. Auditing of historical annual financial information 6.7
18.4. Pro forma financial information N/A
18.5. Dividend policy 5.6.3
18.6. Legal and arbitration proceedings 4.3
18.7. Significant change in the issuer’s financial position 5.4.3
6.6 (Note 16)
19/ Additional information
19.1. Share capital
19.1.1. Subscribed share capital 8.2
19.1.2. Other shares 8.2 7
19.1.3. Treasury shares 8.2
19.1.4. Marketable securities 8.2
19.1.5. Vesting conditions 8.2
19.1.6. Options or agreements 8.2
19.1.7. History of share capital 8.2
19.2. Memorandum and Articles of Association
19.2.1. Corporate purpose 8.1 8
19.2.2. Rights and privileges of shares 8.1
19.2.3. Change in control 8.1
20/Material contracts N/A
21/Documents available 9.1
Sections of Article L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier) Chapter/Section no.
1/Company financial statements 7.1 to 7.4
2/Consolidated financial statements 6.1 to 6.6
3/Management report
Analysis of change in sales 5.1
Analysis of results 5.1
Analysis of financial position 5.2
Foreseeable changes in the situation of the Company and of the Group 5.3
Principal risks and uncertainties 4.1.1
Capital structure and factors that could have an impact in the event of a public offer N/A
Treasury share buybacks carried out by the Company 8.2.3
4/Declaration of the person responsible for the annual financial report 9.2.2
5/Statutory Auditors’ reports on the Company financial statements and consolidated financial statements 6.7 and 7.5
6/Corporate governance report 3 and 8
Reference texts Chapter/Section no.
French Commercial L. 225-102-1 Collective bargaining agreements entered into by the 2.2.3
Code Company and their impact on the Company’s financial
performance and employee working conditions
French Commercial L. 225-102-2 If the Company operates a facility of the type referred N/A
Code to in Article L. 515-36 of the French Environmental Code
(Code de l’environnement):
• description of risk prevention policy regarding
technological accidents;
• report on civil liability insurance coverage for property
and people and details on how the Company plans to
ensure that victims are adequately compensated in the
event of a technological accident for which the Company
is liable (including “Seveso” facilities)
French Commercial L. 225-102-4 Duty of care plan enabling the Company to identify risks 2.3.1
Code and prevent serious violations as regards human rights and
fundamental freedoms, health, safety, and the environment
due to the Company’s operations and those of its suppliers
and subcontractors
French Commercial L. 232-1 Research and development activities 5.6.4
Information regarding corporate governance
French Monetary and L. 621-18-2 Transactions involving the Company’s shares carried out 3.6
Financial Code by executives and related persons
French Commercial
L. 225-184 Options granted to or subscribed or purchased during the
financial year by the Company Officers and each of the top
8.2.3 4
ten employees who are not Company Officers, and options
granted to all employees, by category
Information about the Company and capital
French Commercial L. 225-211 Details of purchases and sales of treasury shares 8.2.3
Code during the financial year
Information relating to treasury share buybacks carried out 8.2
by the Company with a view to allocating them to
employees and/or executives 5
R. 228-90 Possible adjustments for securities giving access to the N/A
French Commercial capital in the event of buybacks of shares or financial
Code transactions
French Commercial L. 225-102 Report on employee profit-sharing as of the last day of the 8.3.1
Code financial year, and proportion of capital represented by
shares held by employees under the Company savings plan
and by current and former employees under Company
mutual funds 6
French Commercial L. 464-2 Injunctions or financial penalties for anti-competitive N/A
Code practices
French Commercial L. 233-13 Identity of private individuals or legal entities holding, 8.3.1 and 8.3.3
Code directly or indirectly, more than one-twentieth, one-tenth,
three-twentieths, one-fifth, one-quarter, one-third,
one-half, two-thirds, eighteen-twentieths or
nineteen-twentieths of the share capital or voting rights at
Shareholders’ Meetings
French Monetary and L. 511-6 The amount of loans due within less than two years granted N/A
Financial Code by the Company on an ancillary basis to micro-enterprises,
SMEs or middle-market companies with which it has
economic ties justifying such loans
Information related to the financial statements
French Commercial L. 232-6 Possible changes in the presentation of the financial N/A
Code statements and the valuation methods used
French General Tax 34.9 and 223 quater Additional tax information N/A
Code 8
French Commercial R. 225-102 Company earnings performance in the last five financial 5.6.6
Code years
Reference texts Section no.
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-8 Compensation policy for Company Officers 3.4.1,,, and
French Commercial Code L.. 22-10- L. 22-10-34 I, Information about compensation 3.4
R.. 22-10-
Information about the Company’s Executive Management
and general management
French Commercial Code L. 225-37-4 List of all the Company Officers’ positions and the duties
they performed in any company during the financial year
French Commercial Code L. 225-37-4 Related-party agreements entered into between a Company 3.7
Officer or a shareholder holding more than 10% of the voting
rights, and a subsidiary
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Description of the authorisation procedure for routine 3.7
agreements entered into on an arm’s length basis
French Commercial Code L. 225-37-4 Executive Management’s choice of management methods
French Commercial Code L. 225-37-4 Summary of outstanding delegations of authority and powers 8.2.2
granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting to the Board of
Directors concerning capital increases
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Composition of the Board of Directors, conditions of 3.2
preparation and organisation of the Board of Directors’ work
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Application of the principle of gender equality 3.1.2
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Limitations of powers of the Chief Executive Officer
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Reference to the Corporate Governance Code 3.1
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-10 Specific rules governing shareholders’ participation 8.1.4
in Shareholders’ Meetings
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Rules applicable to the appointment and replacement 8.1.4
of members of the Board of Directors and to amendments
of the Company’s Articles of Association
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Powers of the Board of Directors, including in particular the 3.1.1, 3.2.2
issue or buyback of shares and 8.2.3
French Commercial Code L. 225-185 Conditions under which options may be exercised 3.4.3
and held by the Executive Officers
French Commercial Code L. 225-197-1 Conditions under which performance shares granted 3.4.3
to the Executive Officers may be held
Information about the capital
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Structure and change of the Company’s capital 8.2, 8.3
Factors that could have an impact in the event of a public offer N/A
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Statutory restrictions about the exercise of voting rights N/A
and share transfers or contractual clauses brought to the
Company’s knowledge
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Direct or indirect interests in the Company’s capital brought 8.3
to the Company’s knowledge
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 List of holders of any security conferring special rights of N/A
control and description of these securities
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Control mechanisms provided under a possible employee N/A
share ownership scheme when the rights of control are not
exercised by employees
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Agreements between shareholders brought to the Company’s N/A
knowledge and which may result in restrictions on share
transfers and the exercise of voting rights
Reference texts Section no.
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Agreements concluded by the Company that are amended N/A
or terminated in the event of a change in control
of the Company, unless this disclosure would seriously harm
its interests (except in cases of a legal obligation to disclose)
French Commercial Code L. 22-10-11 Agreements providing for compensation to members 3.4
of the Board of Directors or employees if they resign
or are dismissed without real and serious cause
or if their employment ends as a result of a public offer
Carrefour established its strategy and reporting in accordance ensure its completeness. The concordance table below
with the principles of the SASB (Sustainability, Accounting cross-references the key principles of these three frameworks
Standards Board), the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), and the (2021 update) with the CSR report.
TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) to
SASB – Sustainability
disclosure URD Website Other sources
Fleet fuel management 2.1.3 Climate see Climate section - CSR policy CDP – Climate: C4.1a, C12.1d Overview of objectives commitments:
and performance 2020 case study – /csr-commitment
Expanding the biomethane
fleet in France
Air emissions from refrigeration 2.1.3 Climate see Climate section - CSR policy CDP – Climate: C2.2a, C2.3 Overview of objectives commitments:
and performance
Energy management 2.1.3 Climate see Climate section - CSR policy CDP – Climate: C8.2a Overview of objectives commitments:
and performance
Food waste management Combating food waste see Biodiversity and Climate CDP – Climate: C12.1b
and food insecurity sections - CSR policy commitments:
Data security Personal data see Health, nutrition and product
protection quality and safety section - CSR Governance, laws and policy commitments:
/csr-commitment -
Food safety Our products and our see Health, nutrition and product
customers’ health quality and safety section - CSR
policy commitments:
/csr-commitment -
Product health & nutrition Our products and our see Health, nutrition and product
customers’ health quality and safety section - CSR
policy commitments:
/csr-commitment -
Product labelling & marketing Methodology for the
detailed analysis of risks responsible-conduct
associated with the duty of
care -
Labor practices Attracting, supporting see Employees section - CSR policy
and developing talent commitments: Protecting employee
health, safety and quality of /csr-commitment
life -
Management of Supporting the see Biodiversity and Business CDP – Forest: F2, F4
environmental & social transition to sustainable conduct and Supply chain sections -
impacts in the supply chain agriculture CSR policy commitments: Protecting biodiversity
for the supply of sensitive raw /csr-commitment
materials Respect for human
rights and labour rights Developing ecodesign
and a circular economy for
Number of (1) retail locations 1.1.3 Operating regions
and (2) distribution centres 1.4 Description of the Group’s
businesses carrefour-group-locations -
SASB – Sustainability
disclosure URD Website Other sources
Total area of (1) retail space and 1.1.2 Business overview -
(2) distribution centres Across all distribution
1.4 Description of the Group’s
businesses -
Number of vehicles in Unavailable - CDP – Climate: C4.3b
commercial fleet 2
Ton-miles travelled Unavailable - -
No. GRI disclosure URD Website
102-21 Consulting stakeholders on Stakeholder dialogue
economic, environmental, and social 2.2.1 CSR and duty of care plan
topics governance and methodology
102-22 Composition of the highest 3.2 The Board of Directors
governance body and its committees 3.3 The Group Executive Committee -
102-23 Chair of the highest governance body 3.2 The Board of Directors
3.3 The Group Executive Committee - 2
102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest 3.2 The Board of Directors
governance body 3.3 The Group Executive Committee -
102-25 Conflicts of interest Fair practices
102-26 Role of highest governance body in 3.2 The Board of Directors
setting purpose, values, and strategy 3.3 The Group Executive Committee -
102-27 Collective knowledge of highest 3.2 The Board of Directors
governance body 3.3 The Group Executive Committee - 3
102-28 Evaluating the highest governance 3.2 The Board of Directors
body’s performance 3.3 The Group Executive Committee -
102-29 Identifying and managing economic, CSR methodology
environmental, and social impacts
102-30 Effectiveness of risk management 2.1 Non-financial policies, action
processes plans and performance csr-commitment
102-31 Review of economic, environmental, CSR governance
and social topics
102-32 Highest governance body’s role CSR governance
in sustainability reporting
102-33 Communicating critical concerns CSR governance -
102-34 Nature and total number of critical CSR governance
concerns -
102-35 Remuneration policies 3.4 Compensation and benefits see Employees section - CSR policy 5
granted to Company Officers commitments:
102-36 Process for determining remuneration 3.4 Compensation and benefits see Employees section - CSR policy
granted to Company Officers commitments:
102-37 Stakeholders’ involvement in 3.4 Compensation and benefits
remuneration granted to Company Officers - 6
102-38 Annual total compensation ratio 3.4 Compensation and benefits see Employees section - CSR policy
granted to Company Officers commitments:
102-39 Percentage increase in annual total 3.4 Compensation and benefits
compensation ratio granted to Company Officers -
Stakeholder engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups Stakeholder dialogue 7 Our ability to adapt to change
2.2.1 CSR and duty of care plan
governance and methodology csr-commitment
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements Measures for preventing
and mitigating risks
No. GRI disclosure URD Website
GRI 200
GRI 201 – Economic performance
201-1 Direct economic value generated 5. Business review as of December 31,
and distributed 2021 -
201-2 Financial implications and other risks Unavailable
and opportunities due to climate
change - 2
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations Diversity and our employees’
and other retirement plans skills
3.4 Compensation and benefits
granted to Company Officers -
201-4 Financial assistance received from N/A
government -
GRI 202 – Market presence
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage Unavailable see Employees section - CSR policy 3
by gender compared to local commitments:
minimum wage
202-2 Proportion of senior management Unavailable see Employees section - CSR policy
hired from the local community commitments:
GRI 203 – Indirect economic impacts
203-1 Infrastructure investments and N/A
services supported -
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts N/A -
GRI 204 – Procurement practices
204-1 Proportion of spending on local Geographic footprint see Business conduct and Supply
suppliers chain section - CSR policy
GRI 205 – Anti-corruption
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related Fair practices
to corruption Governance, laws and
205-2 Communication and training Fair practices
about anti-corruption policies Governance, laws and
and procedures regulations
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption
responsible-conduct 6
and actions taken
GRI 206 – Anti-competitive behaviour
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive Fair practices
behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly
practices responsible-conduct
GRI 207 – Tax
207-1 Approach to tax Fair practices Governance, laws and 7
207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk
management regulations
6.6 (Note 10) Income tax
207-3 Stakeholder engagement and 7.3 Statement of cash flows responsible-conduct
management of concerns related
to tax
207-4 Country-by-country reporting
No. GRI disclosure URD Website
GRI 305 – Emissions
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG Helping stores become
carbon neutral see Climate section - CSR policy
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
GHG emissions intensity
Reduction of GHG emissions Promoting low carbon 2
305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting Unavailable Unavailable
substances (ODS)
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides Unavailable Unavailable
(SOX), and other significant air
GRI 306 – Waste
306-1 Waste generation and significant 3
waste-related impacts
306-2 Management of significant Combating food waste see Biodiversity and Climate sections -
waste-related impacts and food insecurity CSR policy commitments: Limiting the environmental
306-3 Waste generated
impact of our plants /csr-commitment
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal
306-5 Waste directed to disposal
GRI 307 – Environmental compliance 4
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental Limiting the environmental see Biodiversity section - CSR policy
laws and regulations impact of our plants commitments:
GRI 308 – Supplier environmental assessment
308-1 New suppliers that were screened 2.2.3 Risk assessment, prevention see Biodiversity section - CSR policy
using environmental criteria and mitigation measures commitments:
308-2 Negative environmental impacts
in the supply chain and actions taken Protecting biodiversity for the
supply of sensitive raw materials
No. GRI disclosure URD Website
GRI 408 – Child labor
408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant Protecting biodiversity for
risk for incidents of child labor the supply of sensitive raw materials responsible-conduct Respect for human rights see Business conduct and Supply chain
and labour rights section - CSR policy commitments:
2.2 Carrefour’s duty of care plan
recommendations TCFD subcategories Website sources
Disclose the a) Describe the board’s 2.2.1 CSR and duty of care plan see Climate section - CSR policy CDP –
organization’s oversight of governance and methodology commitments: Climate:
governance around climate-related risks C1.1a, C1.1.b
climate-related risks and opportunities. Overview of objectives /csr-commitment
and opportunities. b) Describe Stakeholder dialogue
2.2.1 CSR and duty of care plan
CDP – 2
management’s role in Climate:
assessing and managing governance and methodology C1.2, C1.2a
climate-related risks
and opportunities.
Disclose the actual a) Describe the Stakeholder dialogue see Climate section - CSR policy CDP –
and potential impacts climate-related risks Content of the Group’s commitments: Climate:
of climate-related and opportunities the map of CSR risks C2.1a,
risks and organization has 1.2.6 The need to preserve /csr-commitment C2.1b, C2.2a 3
opportunities on the identified over the short, natural resources
organization’s medium, and long term.
businesses, strategy, b) Describe the impact Transformation of see Climate section - CSR policy CDP –
and financial of climate-related risks production and consumption commitments: Climate:
planning where such and opportunities on the modes C2.2a,
information is organization’s 2.1.3 Climate /csr-commitment C2.3a, C2.4a
material. businesses, strategy,
and financial planning.
c) Describe the resilience Map of the Group’s see Climate section - CSR policy CDP –
of the organization’s CSR risks commitments: Climate:
strategy, taking into 2.1.3 Climate C3.1b,
consideration different /csr-commitment C3.1d, C3.1e
scenarios, including a
2°C or lower scenario.
Risk management
Disclose how the a) Describe the Stakeholder dialogue see Performance section - CSR CDP – 5
organization organization’s processes 2.1.1 CSR methodology and policy commitments: Climate:
identifies, assesses, for identifying and non-financial risks and C2.1a,
and manages assessing climate-related performance /csr-commitment C2.1b, C2.2
climate-related risks. risks. Overview of objectives Identifying and defining
risks associated with the
environment, human rights,
and health and safety
b) Describe the CSR methodology see Climate section - CSR policy CDP – 6
organization’s processes Map of the Group’s commitments: Climate:
for managing CSR risks C2.2a
climate-related risks. 2.1.3 Climate /csr-commitment
2.2.3 Risk assessment,
prevention and mitigation
c) Describe how Content of the Group’s CDP –
processes for identifying, map of CSR risks Climate:
assessing, and managing 2.2.3 Risk assessment, C2.2 7
climate-related risks are prevention and mitigation
integrated into the measures
organization’s overall risk
Shareholders' Club
Autorisation 93261
92535 Levallois-Perret Cedex
Tél. : 0805 902 902
Société anonyme with capital of 1,886,659,465 euros
Head office: 93, avenue de Paris — 91300 Massy
652 014 051 RCS Évry