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Jumharia Djamereng

Abstract: Teaching young learners is not an easy job.

Then, vocabulary is central of language teaching and
learning. Therefore, in this paper, the writer would like to
elaborate some theories and practice of teaching
vocabulary by using English songs as the media. Dealing
with the characteristic of young learner students, song is
one of appropriate ways to create a good atmosphere to
make teaching and learning process fresh and interesting

Key Words : Vocabulary, Young Learner, Song as media


Teaching young learners is not an easy job. The young learners

sometimes face some problems in learning English as foreign
language. Consequently the teacher should be creative and
become a good model in teaching English for their student. The
objective of teaching English in elementary is to prepare
children to have comparative value in the globalization Era and
introduce English at early ages.
Vocabulary is central of language teaching and learning.
Through vocabulary we can express ideas, emotions and desires.
Besides that, through good command in teaching vocabulary on
a certain language the students can express ideas effectively and
To teach vocabulary in Elementary, especially for young
learners, is not an easy way. Teaching young learner is different
from teaching adults. We must have extra power to teach them,
because the young learners have certain characteristic and need
certain treatment. So we must give basic vocabulary to make
them understand English. Before continuing the next step the

teacher must have preparation to teach children, for example the
teacher must prepare a media as the teaching tools.
In this paper, the writer would like to elaborate some
theories and practice of teaching vocabulary by using English
songs as the media. Dealing with the characteristic of young
learner students, as it is stated by Murphy “teacher can use
songs to teach vocabulary to students”. Song is one of
appropriate ways to create a good atmosphere to make teaching
and learning process fresh and interesting .


1. Characteristics of Young Learners
As a group, young learners are very diverse. They come
from many different backgrounds, have many different profiles,
and learn English in many varied contexts.
Young language learners vary greatly in terms of their
language competence even within the same age group. In
addition, learners may vary in terms of the skills they have
acquired in their home language(s), depending on their age and
how many languages they use in daily communication. Learners
may also vary in terms of their proficiency level in the different
language skills—reading, writing speaking, and listening. Some
learners may understand almost everything said in English but
may not be able to speak confidently. Other learners may be able
to read and write quite well, but become completely lost in
casual conversations. In terms of experience with literacy, the
differences are huge; some learners demonstrate literacy skills in
70 Instructing for learning their native language while others,
even in the same age group, do not. In addition, young learners
differ in how they learn best. They also differ in terms of their
socioeconomic status, as well as the countries in which they are
learning English. All teachers working with young learners can
benefit from understanding more about the diversity represented
in this population.
We explained the distinction between Inner, Outer, and
Expanding Circle countries and discussed the pros and cons of
using this paradigm to describe the contexts in which English
language teachers work; therefore, we will not review this
discussion here. Nevertheless, for the reasons explained in we
will use the paradigm here to describe the characteristics of
young learners.
2. Characteristics of Learners at Each Stage of
In addition to understanding the cognitive stages, it is
important to understand how to translate these stages into
learner behaviors at each stage.
a. Preschool (ages 2–4)
This is a sensitive period for language development.
Children at this stage are usually quite good imitators of speech
sounds. They do not work well in groups and prefer to work
alone on something that interests them although they enjoy
parallel play (i.e., playing alongside other children but not
directly with them). They have very short attention spans and
love to repeat the same activity over and over again. They need
concrete experiences.
b. Grades K–2 (ages 5–7)
Like preschoolers, they need concrete experiences and
love to name objects, define things, and learn about objects in
their own world. They learn new concepts best when they are
taught in binary opposites. They learn the meaning of large by
referencing it with something in their world that is small.
Children at this age also have vivid imaginations and respond
well to stories of fantasy. At this age, they learn best through
oral language, so they love being told stories with a solid
beginning, middle, and end. It is important for teachers to
remember that young learners at this age are unskilled in using
the small muscles (e.g., the intrinsic muscles) and coordinating
fine-tuned motor skills. Reinforcing regular routines helps
learners at this age.
c. Grades 3–5 (ages 8–10)
At this stage, children begin to develop characteristics of
concrete operations, such as the ability to understand cause and
effect. They are also most open at this age to people, situations,
and ideas that are different from their own experiences.

Introducing children to information about other cultures and
countries at this stage is very important. In addition, children at
this age can learn how to work with other students, particularly
in groups, and they like writing notes to each other and to pen
pals, and creating skits and participating in role plays. Like
children in younger grades, they continue to benefit from
imaginative and creative play, and they also like a story that has
a definite beginning, middle, and end. Using rubrics and peer
assessments can be used with children at this age.
Based on the assumption above, the sample in this
research included in grades 3-5 (ages 8-10). In this level the
students still like to play so the researcher used English songs to
made the students more interested.
3. Teaching English To Children
In language learning context it is believed that children
will learn a foreign language more actively under certain
conditions. Therefore, there are some assumption about
language learning that should be considered when teaching
English to children. The assumption below different sources
(Larsen Freeman, Mackey, Richard and Rodgers)
1. Learning should be fun and natural for children. In
order for them to be successful in learning the target language,
there must be the absence of stress. Children are believed not to
learn language forms directly, commons are believed to be
helpful for children to interpret meanings.
2. The language should be first presented through
sounds, not written symbols. After children can produce the
sound with the truth, they may begin to read the symbol in target
3. Children more sensitive to anything that touches the
senses, they read easily to physical object.
4. Meaning should be made perceptible through concrete
object or by the presentation of experience.
5. The idea that teaching should start from what the
students already know in order to encourage association
processes seems to favor children.


1. Definition of Media
Frequently, Instructional media is used by turns, the
terms are medium or communication media, as said by Hamalik
(1986) where he sees that the communication relation will run
well with the maximal result if uses medium called
communication media at the same time, Gagne and Briggs
(1975) implicitly said that learning media includes physical
media which is used to convey the contents of learning material,
consists of book, tape recorder, CD, video camera, video
recorder, film, slide, photo, picture, graph, television and
computer. In the other hand, media is learning source component
or physical vehicle which contains instructional material in the
learner environment that can stimulate the learner to study.
The term “ Media” even usually connected or changed to
word “ technology” which is from latin word tekne ( art ) and
logos ( knowledge ).
Webster states, “ art “ is skill which is got through
experience, student and observation. So that, technology is not
more than a knowledge which discusses skill that is got through
experience, student and observation. If connected to the
education and learning, technology has meaning as: Enlarge the
concept about media, where technology is not only things, tools,
material or instruments, but also contains behavior, action,
organization, and management which related to knowledge
Based on the assumptions above, the writer defines
media as a supporter in learning process, where media can help
the teacher in delivering the material in order the students can
understand clearly and easily.
2. The Property of Instructional Media
Gerlac and Ely state that three characteristics of media
are clues why media is used and anything that can be done by
media that may the teacher can not do it.
a. Fixative Property
This property describes the ability of media to record,
save, conserve as well as construct an event or object. The event

or object can be reorganized and rearranged with media such as
photograph, video, tape, computer floppy disc, and film.
b. Manipulative Property
Transformation an event or object is possible because
media has manipulative property. The event that takes a long
time can be presentated to the students in two or three minutes
by time – lapse recording. The ability of media from the
manipulative property needs serious attention because if there is
a mistake in rearranging the event organizing or editing the
wrong parts so it will also happen wrong interpretation that
absolutely will be confusing and even misleading so that it can
change their behaviour to the wrong direction.
c. Distributive Property
Distributive property of media is possible an object or
event transported through space and presented event at the same
time to the students by experience stimulation which is same
relatively about the event.
3. The Function and Benefit of Instructional Media
Hamalik states that the using of instructional media in
teaching learning process can raise the new desire and interest,
raise the motivation and stimulation in learning activity, and
even bring the psychology effect to the students.
Levi and Lentz state for the function of instructional
media, especially visual media, they are (a) attention function,
(b) affective function, (b) cognitive function and (d)
compensation function.
The attention function visual media is core, it is
interesting and direct the students’ attention to concentrate to the
subject related to the visual meaning which presentate or
participate the learning material text.
Affective function visual media can be seen from the
students’ enjoyment degree when study ( or reading ) the picture
Cognitive function visual media is seen by the
observation finding which states that visual or picture sign
accelerates the function achievement to understand as well as
remember the information or massage which is contained in the

Compensation function of the instructional media is seen
from the observation result that visual media which gives
context to understand the text can help the students who are
weak in reading to organize information in text and re-remember
From the explanations about, it can be concluded that
media can bring the positive effect or stimulate the students in
learning process, the characteristics of the students in leaning
are different, so through media especially audiovisual aid can
help the students.
4. Kinds of Media
Generally, Media can be classified into three kinds, they
a. Visual, visual aids are things that just can be seen. For
example: film, strip, transparencies, micro projection,
blackboard and picture;
b. Audio, audio aids just can be listened, for example:
photograph, recorder, tramples, electronic, radio, etc.
c. Audio visual. Audio visual aids can be listened and sighted,
example: film and TV.
In this research, the writer used audio visual media
namely songs video. By using songs video can attract the
students attention to be focused in the learning objective then
the students imitating the gesture in the video.

1. The Definition Song
According to Oxford song is short piece of music with
words that you sing. Song is a relatively short musical
composition for humans voice (possibly accompanied by other
musical instruments), which features words or lyric.
2. Learning Vocabulary Through Song
One of the fun ways to learn the common vocabulary of
any language is through the use of music to help a student
remember of any language is through the use of music to help a
student remember the word easily. This is also true of true

English language. Children are some of the most receptive to
this style of studying, yet adult are also happy to have some fun
while studying. Let us look at some of the fun ways to use songs
remember to remember English language vocabulary words.
One of the most basic songs a person can use for
remember vocabulary in simply repeating some word is words
in a row. The words can be associated with a kind of dance to
help the students remember certain vocabulary. It is good to
maintain a simple rhythm while saying or singing the song.
Andrew Picket created that the functional songs are:
 To make students active subconscious long term memory in
 Drill rhythm and structure
 Enhance grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and more.
 Make learning English fun for learners. They create a
relaxed atmosphere and get learners motivated with
enthusiasm for learning.
1) Some opinions of the importance of song using in
learning activities.
A foreign language class should be enjoyable, motivating
and creative. Song with their musical background can bring into
the classroom atmosphere of quietly, fun, and informality which
is far more conducive environment for language learning then a
strictly requirement atmosphere.
2) Music (song) can help
Music has influence for the teacher and students. As a
teacher, we can use music to make, to change the students
mental, and support the study society. Music helps the students
to memorized and to the best. Music can stimulate, freshen and
get study hard. Music so influenced to the study society.
Research showing that study is more easily and interest if the
students were in receptive place and comfortable.
Within listening the contemporary music while studying,
the body will get the stimulus to be changed. Not only the
students mentality but the entire listener. The items we should
attention in choosing the music are :
a) Kinds of contemporary singer.
b) Kinds of music (music with positive aim).

Music is one of the basic expressions of the human spirit,
and it has recently become an important part of foreign language
teaching, it is one of its essential elements. Folk songs are also
important to the study if a foreign language, for both their
vocabulary and social background. The students’ memory may
also be helped by the rhythm and melodies of the songs. They
represent national characteristic, customs, and tastes, with
tremendous clarification and strength.
3. The Advantage of Music
Music is not only present while the studying process, of
course, but music can improve the studying in other way. We
can use the music for :
a. Making fresh and effective the study society,
b. Make our thinking be rest and interest to study,
c. Build an associative positive in our self,
d. Increasing our brain productive,
e. To help in increasing the study process.
Music influence our thinking, and thinking influence the
study process. Kinds of specific music can make our brain get
fresh and relaxed. So music is used to increase our ability to
4. The Advantage to Song in Language Teaching and
There are two kind of human’s mind, rational and
emotional mind. The rational mind works by analyzing fact
logically, while emotional mind works based on intuition. Even
though both of them difference in their ways, they work
harmony and influence each other.
It based on the function of two hemisphere of the brain.
The right hemisphere specialized for music and recognition of
complex visual patterns. The left hemisphere specialized for
music and recognition of complex visual patterns. The left
hemisphere specialized for analytical ability and some aspect of
In accordance to this phenomenon in the educational
area, educators call it as motivation. Classroom motivation
affects both learning and behavior of students. Students who are
motivated to learn, who are interested in what they are doing

learn more. Therefore, it is important to activate the right
hemisphere of brain (emotional mind) to arise motivation in
learning. Music the expression of human can be used for this
1. For many reasons students feel insecure in receiving a
new language. Therefore, song and music can help students
relax and create an enjoyable classroom atmosphere.
2. Music and song are reflection of the time and place
that produced it. Thus, helps to give a cultural input to the
3. Song can provide language input. We can expose
students to the rhythm of language.
4. Song can be used as a supplement to the text book or
can serve as the text itself in a variety of teaching situation such
as using song after a regular lesson, singing a song for chance of
5. Song can be used a student as a text in the same way
as passage, sort story, or poetry, or other of piece of authentic
6. Song can arise students’ interest.
The suggestion for teaching vocabulary as follows;
1) The position of the students were rearranged into the
students sit in some rows and one seat for one student.
Where the teacher and students interact face to face, in
order to get the students to imitate the gesture easily. It
can made the students feel flexible.
2) Gave more motivation to the students in order to be
active in learning process. Such as giving then wise
word to built their self confidence to study more and
3) Gave more intensive guidance to the students for
understand and pronounce the vocabulary in the song.
4) Gave some games that had relation with the lesson to
motivate the students.
5) Gave awards to the successful person and the most

After finishing the experiment, the writer concluded the
advantages of using English Songs to teach vocabulary to the
fifth year student of SDN 234 Temmalebba. The advantages
could be described as follows:
1. Using English children songs is an effective way in
improving students’ vocabulary. It is supported by the achieving
of the ideal score in the second cycle namely in participation
80% and in vocabulary evaluation mean score 71,4. The scores
of students increased in every cycle. Furthermore, arranging
using English children songs makes classroom situation
interesting and the students enjoy the teaching and learning
process during the acting.
2. Teaching vocabulary through English songs is one
effective and an interesting way that can be applied in any
classrooms. The results of this research suggest that song are
used not only for fun, but more important, for the useful practice
and review of language lessons, thus leading toward the goal of
improving learners' communicative competence.

3. The researcher concluded the best way in teaching

vocabulary by using songs are:
a. Get the students position as comfortable as to imitate the
gesture easily. It can made the students feel flexible.
b. Giving more motivation like giving wise word that can built
students’ spirit to study hard and to be active in learning process.
c. Giving more intensive guidance to the students about the
material or vocabularies which are listen from the song and
giving opportunity for all of the students to be active in order to
understand and pronunciate the vocabularies well which are in
the song
d. Giving some kinds of games which relate to the lesson, so
that the students can understand and giving a punishment who is
lost in the game that can motivated the students.
e. Giving award such as little gift to the successful and the
most active students.

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