100 Concepts PDF
100 Concepts PDF
100 Concepts PDF
Co-Founder HyGuru
Disclaimer: this webinar is for educational purposes; not affiliated with USMLE, NBME, ECFMG
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Lower Extremity
Trunk & Upper Extremities
• A neonate presents with fever. It is noted he is very
irritable. A sepsis workup is initiated. CSF needs to be
collected, what is the likely anatomical location for the
• Between L3 and L5
• What meningeal layer?
• Subarachnoid space (dural sac ends at S2)
Lumbar Puncture • Anatomical landmarks:
• Supraspinous ligament
• Interspinous ligament
• Ligamentum flavum
• Meninges:
• Epidural space
• Dura Mater
• Arachnoid Mater
• Sub-arachnoid space
Lumbar Puncture
• A 40 year old obese patient presents with back pain
that radiates down to the lower limb after lifting a box.
What reflexes may be diminished?
• Most likely region is the lumbar (L5 to S1)
• Reflexes review:
• S1-S2 à Achilles
• L3-L4 à Patellar
Herniated IV Disc • C5-C6 à Biceps
• C7 à Triceps
• A 80 yo woman with acute onset of
back pain may have a compression
fracture causing what type of
abnormal curvature?
• Kyphosis
• Where is the most likely region of the vertebrae?
Spine Curvatures • Thoracic Spine
Radial (C5 to T1) Midshaft of humerus Drunk or crutches boy Can present with
Lowest down in BP who now has wrist drop decreased grip strength
and loss of sensation to
posterior hand
Median (C6-C8, T1) Proximal: supracondylar Pope blessing when Thenar eminence
humerus fraction asked to flex fingers atrophy
Distal: (proximal lesion)
Carpal Tunnel Median claw when
asked to extend fingers
(distal lesion)
Ulnar (C8, T1) Proximal: medial FOSH Hypothenar eminence
epicondyle OK gesture when asked atrophy
Distal: hook of hamate to flex fingers (proximal
Ulnar claw when asked
to extend fingers (distal
• A 45-year-old woman is found to have adenocarcinoma of
the left breast. Resection of the tumor is scheduled, and the
physician also plans to obtain samples of the draining
nodes. To find these nodes, a radiotracer is injected
adjacent to the tumor and images are obtained. The first
draining sentinel node in this patient is most likely found at
which of the following locations?
a) Contralateral neck
b) Ipsilateral axilla
c) Ipsilateral mediastinum
d) Ipsilateral supraclavicle
Median Nerve:
Pope blessing when
asked to flex fingers
Ulnar Nerve:
OK gesture when
asked to flex fingers
• Distal lesion:
• Ask the patient to extend the fingers
Ulnar Nerve:
Ulnar claw
Median Nerve:
Median claw aka ape
Smith Fracture Colles Fracture
• Get hit ventrally
• Get dorsally hit at at the wrist when
Distal Radius the wrist when it
Fractures it is extended
is flexed.
• Buzz word is
• Fragment gets dinner fork
anteriorly. • “Curved
Dinner Fork
• Distal radius fractures:
• Smith
‘Fall on the • Colles
hand’ for the • Carpal fractures:
USMLE • Scaphoid:
• USMLE clues:
• Tenderness in the anatomic snuff box
• X-ray clear, however patient at risk for
avascular necrosis
• Hamate:
• USMLE clues:
• Ulnar nerve damage
• Forearm fractures:
• Radial head fracture
• A 60-year-old man has tenderness in the region distally
between the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus and
extensor pollicis brevis (anatomical snuffbox) after falling
on the palm of his right hand. A fracture of which of the
following carpal bones is most likely in this patient?
• (A) Hamate
• (E) Triquetrum
• A child is on the playground and falls. He is holding his arm
in an inferolateral placement. What is the likely diagnosis?
• Clavicle Fracture
• A patient presents after trauma. He is
noted to have decreased resistance
with his arms outstretched, adducted
and thumbs pointed down. What is
the likely affected structure?
• Supraspinatus muscle
Rotator Cuff
• What is the likely innervation?
• Suprascapular nerve
• How many degrees of
abduction is the supraspinatus
muscle responsible for?
• 0 to 15 degrees.
• 0 - 15 degrees
• Supraspina
• 15 - 90 degrees
• Deltoid
Rotator cuff • 90 - 180 degrees
abduction • Trapezius
• Serratus
• A painter has increased
pain when lifting his
arm above his head. He
has pain underneath
the acromion. MRI is
bursitis shown. What is the
likely diagnosis?
• Subacromial
• A 40 yo plumber reports left elbow
swelling for the past few months. The
Elbow swelling was worsened and became
Pathology more painful. He has redness near his
elbow. No fever. Elbow is tender to
palpation. What is the likely
• Olecranon bursitis
• Tennis. Medial
• Common • Golf.
Elbow extensor • Common
tendon. flexor tendon
• Pt plays • Medial
tennis and it epicondyle
hurts when • Hand-trick
he is opening
a door.
• A child is in the park. He is playing and is noted to have
trauma after he was pulled up by the arm by his family
member to avoid oncoming traffic. What is the liley
• Nursemaid’s elbow
• Annular ligament tear at the radial neck
• A patient presents after getting cut by an
electrical saw. He is noted to have an injury
to the brachial artery at the cubital fossa.
What is the structure medial to the affected
brachial artery?
Winged Scapula
for the
• A patient has a STEMI with troponin elevation. He is
emergently taken to the cath lab for PCI. What is the path
of cannulation from the femoral artery?
• Femoral artery à external iliac à common iliac à
aorta à coronary artery
Lower Extremities
• An elderly female presents after a fall in the nursing hope.
She is noted to have pain in the groin area, and on exam
her left femur is shorter than her right, and is laterally
rotated. What is the likely diagnosis?
• Femoral neck fracture.
• What is the likely vascular complication if left untreated?
• Disruption of the medial circumflex femoral artery
Femoral à avascular necrosis.
• A patient presents with back pain that radiates down to the
lower limb after lifting a box. What embryological structure
is the herniated disc most likely derived from?
• Notochord which becomes nucleus pulposis.
• He now presents with weakened hip extension and knee
flexion. What is the likely structure affected?
• Sciatic nerve
Sciatic • Responsible for hip extension and knee flexion
Nerve Injury
• Passenger in a rear end collision hits her knees on the
dashboard. On exam her leg is now shortened and medially
rotated. What is the underlying deformity?
• Posterior hip dislocation
• Mechanism: Femoral head is taken out of the acetabular
head à ischium is fractured à ischiofemoral ligament is
Hip • Exam will show shortened and medially rotated extremity
Dislocation • Patients may have foot drop as sciatic nerve also branches
into the common peroneal and anterior tibial nerve.
• A 17 yo male presents after being hit by a car in the parking
lot. He has a high stepping gait and there is a large
contusion with point tenderness to the proximal right leg.
What is the likely nerve affected?
• Common peroneal nerve
• PED:
• Peroneal everts and dorsiflexes
Foot Drop
• Fibular Neck Fractures can lead to common peroneal
nerve injury
Foot Drop
• 63 yo man presents with difficulty walking after receiving a
gluteal steroid injection for refractory OA. He is noted to have
leaning towards his right side when walking. When asked to
stand on his right leg, his left hip tilts downward. What is the
likely injured nerve?
• Superior gluteal nerve
• Muscle that are affected?
• Gluteus Medius
• Gluteus Minimus
Trendelenburg gait • Ability to pull the pelvis up and abduction of thigh lost.
• Femoral Nerve:
• A child presents to the PICU. He is noted to need
central access via cannulation of the femoral vein
at the inguinal ligament. Multiple attempts to
pass the catheter are tried until finally a vein is
accessed. Three days later he is noted to have
decreased leg extension, and a diminished
patellar reflex. What is the likely nerve which is
Lower implicated?
Extremity • Femoral nerve (L2-L4)
• Motor: quadriceps, sartorius
Nerves • Sensory to anterior thigh
• Tibial Nerve:
• A patient presents with a cystic fluid collection on
the posterior portion of the knee. He is unable to
plantar flex or curl his toes inward. Would this
patient have issues with inversion or eversion?
• Inversion
• Tibial nerve is motor to plantaris (TIP)
• It is also sensory to the sole of the foot
Tibial Nerve
• A patient presents with difficulty in climbing stairs. It is
noted that the patient is unable to get up from the
examiner chair as well. The patient has PMH significant for
posterior hip dislocation. Which nerve may be implicated?
• Inferior gluteal nerve
• Motor to the gluteus maximus
gluteal nerve
• A female presents with urinary incontinence. She is 2 weeks
post giving birth to baby boy. Chart review notes a
procedure involving “anesthetic being injected medial to
the ischial spine near the sacrospinus ligament.” Which of
the following nerves may be implicated?
• Pudendal (S2-S4)
• Motor: external urethral and anal sphincters
• Sensory: perineum
• During a study of bladder function, a healthy 20-year-old
man drinks 1 L of water and delay. Which of the following
muscles permits his voluntary control of micturition?
• A. Coccygeus
• B. Detrusor
Direct vs. Indirect inguinal Hernia
Direct Indirect
• Directly into the • Passes thru deep
abdomen inguinal ring
(medial to (lateral to vessels)
vessels) • Usually right (1/3)
• Old man bilateral
• NOT in scrotum • Young male (0-3)
• IN scrotum
• A 6-year-old boy has a large intra-abdominal mass in the
midline just above the symphysis pubis. During an
operation, a cystic mass is found attached to the umbilicus
and the apex of the bladder. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis?
• Hydrocele
• Urachal cyst
• A 3629-g (8-lb) male newborn is delivered at term. During
the initial examination, urine is found to be leaking from
the umbilicus. This patient most likely has an abnormality
of which of the following fetal structures?
Superior and
inferior epigastric
Rectal varices
• Plantar fasciitis
• Inflammation of the plantar
Foot aponeurosis
Attaches to the medial tubercle of
Pathology the calcaneus.
• A 23-year-old female college basketball player presents in
Sports Clinic after she felt a "pop" in her knee after coming
down with a rebound. To examine the patient, you have her
lie down on the table with her knees flexed 90 degrees.
With your hand around her knee you are able to draw the
tibia toward you from underneath the femur. Likely
affected structure?
Pathology • Soccer player complains of her knee giving out after she fell
on her knee flexed. Her leg is able to be forced backwards
relative to the femur after grasping the tibia from a 90 deg
angle. Likely affected structure?
• Posterior cruciate ligament tear.
• Football player gets tackled in the lateral side of the knee
while running in the red-zone. There are multiple injuries
which make up this complex. What are likely pathologies?
• Medial meniscus originally described.
• Remember the MCL prevents hyper-abduction of
leg at the knee and extension of leg at the knee.
• A patient is noted to have excess varus laxity at the knee.
Knee What is the likely structure implicated?
LCL tear
Pathology •
• LCL prevents hyper adduction of leg at the knee
• A 65-year-old female presents with complaints of
intermittent knee pain and locking for the past 4 weeks.
Her symptoms are aggravated when twisting or squatting.
On physical exam there is a mild effusion. Diagnosis?
• Meniscus tear.
• McMurrays test
Ankle Sprain