Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Transesterifi
Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Transesterifi
Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Transesterifi
25 May 2017
Production of biodiesel by
14 October 2017
6 December 2017
enzymatic transesterification
Cite as: Arumugam A.,
Ponnusami V.. Production of
of waste sardine oil and
biodiesel by enzymatic
transesterification of waste
sardine oil and evaluation of its
evaluation of its engine
engine performance.
Heliyon 3 (2017) e00486.
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.
* Corresponding author.
Waste sardine oil, a byproduct of fish industry, was employed as a low cost
feedstock for biodiesel production. It has relatively high free fatty acid (FFA)
content (32 mg KOH/g of oil). Lipase enzyme immobilized on activated carbon
was used as the catalyst for the transesterification reaction. Process variables viz.
reaction temperature, water content and oil to methanol molar ratio were
optimized. Optimum methanol to oil molar ratio, water content and temperature
were found to be 9:1, 10 v/v% and 30 °C respectively. Reusability of immobilized
lipase was studied and it was found after 5 cycles of reuse there was about 13%
drop in FAME yield. Engine performance of the produced biodiesel was studied in
a Variable Compression Engine and the results confirm that waste sardine oil is a
potential alternate and low-cost feedstock for biodiesel production.
1. Introduction
The increase in environmental awareness and depletion of petroleum based diesel
had paved the way for the search of alternate fuels. Among several options
available, biodiesel is highly attractive and scalable. Biodiesel is preferred over
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Article No~e00486
First generation biodiesels were mainly derived from edible plant and animal
sources. With increasing awareness on food security, second generation biodiesels
were produced from non-edible feedstock like non-edible vegetable oils, used
vegetable oils, and animal fats. Some of the second generation biodiesel
feedstocks, derived from plant sources, reported in the recent past include Castor
oil [2], Jatropha [3], Calophyllum inophyllum [4], Karanja [5], cotton seed [6],
neem [7], and used sun flower oil [8]. Similarly, animals wastes like beef tallow,
lard, and fish oil are low-value byproducts of meat and fishery industry and were
recently used as alternate feedstock for biodiesel production. Among them fish oil
is least explored as a raw material for biodiesel production. An enormous quantity
of waste is generated by fish industry, and indiscriminate disposal of these wastes
poses a threat to the environment. In 2014, world fish production was estimated to
be around 167 million tonnes [9]. Roughly about 50% of the total volume of fish
processed is discarded as waste during fish processing. Oil content in the waste
varies from 40% to 65% [10]. A recent survey reports that about 102,850 tons of
wastes are generated by fish processing industry located in Newfoundland and
Labrador alone, and this accounts for about 25% of the total fish waste generated in
Canada [11].
Generally, these wastes are used in low-value applications like animal feed [10]. In
some cases, where EicosaPentaenoic Acid (EPA) and DocosaHexaenoic Acid
(DHA) content of the oil is greater than 20%, these waste can also be used for the
recovery of a high-value product namely omega-3 concentrate which is used in
pharmaceutical and functional food applications. Ethyl esters of of eicosapentae-
noic acid and docosahexaenoic acid obtained by ethanolysis of sardine oil and tuna
oil were effective for the treatment of arteriosclerosis obliterans and hyperlipemia
[12, 13, 14]. However, EPA and DHA contents are usually very much lower than
20%, and therefore, recovery of omega-3 from fish oil is not economical. Thus,
most of the fish wastes are only used in low-value applications as indicated earlier.
In this scenario, use of fish oil waste for biodiesel production looks both
economically and environmentally attractive.
In canning industry, the mostly used oily fishes are sardine, mackerel, and tuna.
Processing of sardine, an important fish widely used in the commercial market,
also leads to discharge of considerable amount of wastes that include head, liver,
and intestine [15]. Waste sardine oil refers to the wastes which are collected during
canning process. Annual production of sardine oil was about 571,639 tons in the
year 2014 [16]. Reports on conversion of sardine oil into biodiesel are very much
limited as mentioned earlier. Therefore, the present work aims at conversion of
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Article No~e00486
sardine oil into fatty acid methyl esters with potential application as biodiesel
through enzymatic transesterification.
Costa et al., 2013 utilized waste oil extracted from fish canning industry for
biodiesel production. The initial acid pre-treatment was done with sulfuric acid.
Biodiesel yield of 73.9 wt% was obtained by alkali catalyzed transesterification
with 1 wt. % catalyst and 60 vol. % of the methanolic solution [17].
This work is the first of its kind to report biodiesel production from waste sardine
oil catalyzed by lipase immobilized on activated carbon support matrix. Effect of
methanol to oil ratio (6:1–12:1), temperature (30 to 50 °C) and water content (5%
v/v − 15% v/v) were studied and optimized. Reusability of immobilized enzyme
was studied at 30 °C. Produced diesel was blended with petroleum diesel (10:90
ratio), and its performance and emission characteristics were evaluated using a
Variable compression ratio (VCR) engine.
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Where S0 and St refer to protein concentration in the solution before and after
immobilization. Protein concentration was determined using Lowry’s method. The
specific enzyme activity of immobilized lipase was determined using olive oil
emulsion method [21].
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Article No~e00486
was analyzed with DELTA 1600-L (specification is shown in Table 2). The engine
was started with no load, and the required speed and steady state condition were
attained by adjusting the feed control. Data acquisition system was used to measure
power output, rpm, exhaust gas temperature, and fuel consumption.
O 0-15.00% 0.01%
CO2 0-20.00% 0.01%
Hydrocarbons 0–20000 ppm 1 ppm
NOX 0–2000 ppm 1 ppm
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Article No~e00486
biodiesel yield. Optimum values of these variables in turn depend on the biodiesel
feedstock used, source of lipase and type of immobilization. Therefore, effect of
these variables of biodiesel yield was studied.
[(Fig._1)TD$IG] 6:1 5%
(a) 100
(b) 10%
12:1 100 15%
FAME Percentage Yield
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
6:1 9:1 12:1 5% 10% 15%
Methanol: oil (molar) Water content (v/v%)
(c) 100
(d) 100
FAME Percentage Yield
80 35 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
25 30 35 40 1 2 3 4 5
Temperature oC Number of cycles
Fig. 1. (a) Effect of methanol to oil molar ratio (6:1, 9:1, 12:1) on methanolysis of waste sardine oil for
temperature 30 °C and reaction time of 10 h (b) Effect of percentage water content (5%, 10%, 15%) on
methanolysis of waste sardine oil for 9:1 molar ratio of methanol to oil, temperature 30 °C, and reaction
time of 10 h (c) Effect of temperature (T = 25, 30, 35 and 40 °C) on methanolysis of waste sardine oil
for methanol to oil molar ratio of 9:1 and reaction time of 10 h (d) Reusability studies Immobilized
lipase on methanolysis of waste sardine oil at optimum conditions.
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Article No~e00486
through recombination of ester and glycerol [28]. Also use of excess methanol, a
polar short chain linear alcohol, beyond a certain level may lead to structural
changes in lipase and cause enzyme deactivation [29]. Various approaches had
been followed by previous researchers to reduce enzyme denaturation. This
includes: (i) stepwise addition of methanol (ii) use of other acyl acceptors like
ethanol, 2-butanol, 2-propanol, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, etc. as alternate to
methanol and (iii) use of organic solvents. But, all of these approaches have their
own advantages and disadvantages [18]. Overall, simple single step addition of
methanol has been most commonly accepted by researchers as best option.
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Article No~e00486
3.2.4. Reusability
The reusability for the lipase immobilized on activated carbon was studied for five
cycles. From Fig. 1(d), it can be seen that FAME yield decreased very slowly upon
each successive transesterification cycle. After five successive cycles, there was
about 13% reduction in FAME yield. The percentage reduction in biodiesel yield
was likely due to leaching of the lipase from the support matrix [32].
Cloud point of biodiesel (16 °C) was higher than for a diesel fuel. This is a cause
for concern, particularly, if the biodiesel is to be used in countries where the
ambient temperature is below its operability limits, leading to potential cold start
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Article No~e00486
problems. However, use of additives, preheating and filtration before injection can
be useful to overcome this issue and to improve low-temperature operation of
biodiesel. Thus, sardine oil could be an alternative feedstock for biodiesel
production. Ester content of the biodiesel produced was found to be: 9-
Hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (Z)- (C17H32O2) − 13.2%; Hexadecanoic acid,
methyl ester (C17H34O2) − 19.41%; Tridecanoic acid, methyl ester (C14H28O2) −
14.95%; 5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoic acid, methyl ester (C21H34O2) − 16.25%;
10-methyl octadecenoic acid, methyl ester: (C20H40O2) − 19.13%; Octadecanoic
acid, methyl ester: (C19H38O2) − 10.49%.
2405-8440/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2405-8440/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Table 4. The comparison of biodiesel production from various sources using immobilized lipase on different support matrix in the literature with the present
Jegannathan et al. 2010 [33] κ-carrageenan Palm oil lipase PS from Burkholderia 72 h 100.0
Juan Camilo Naranjoa et al. Activated carbon Palm oil Candida 12 h 100.0
2010 [34] antarctica B lipase
Jingjing Zheng et al. 2012 [35] K2SO4 micro-crystals Soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, olive oil, camellia oil, corn oil and Pseudomonas cepacia lipase 12 h 99.8
rapeseed oil
Yao Wang 2014 [36] Acrylic resin crude algal oils Novozym 435 4h 99.1
Huang Y et al. 2010 [37] Resin Lard oil Novozym 435 and Lipozyme 20 h 97.6
Kaili Nie et al. 2011 [38] Textile fibre Salad oil and Waste oil Candida sp. 99–125 lipase 30 h 96.0
Li et al. 2010 [39] Micro-aqueous phase Sapium sebiferum oil Lipase from 12 h 97.1
Pseudomonas cepacia G63
Present work Activated carbon Sardine oil Lipase from Aspergillus niger 10 h 94.0
Yucel, 2011 [40] Olive pomace Pomace oil Lipase from Thermomyces 24 h 93.0
Kawakami et al, 2011 [41] Silica monolith Jatropha oil Burkholderia cepacia lipase 12 h 90.0
Huang et al, 2015 [42] Crystalline PVA microspheres Microalgae Rhizomucor miehei lipase 24 h 90.0
Yan et al. 2010 [43] Cross-linking and lipase coating with Waste cooking oil Geotrichum sp. Lipase 4h 85.0
Kalantari et al. 2013 [44] Magnetic silica nanocomposite Soybean oil lipase from Pseudomonas cepa- 24 h 55.0
Roman et al. 2017 [45] Chitosan Coconut oil Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase 24 h 12.0
Article No~e00486
Ramani Kandasamy et al. 2010 Activated carbon Olive oil Pseudomonas gessardii 2h -
Article No~e00486
0 0.0
20 40 60 80 100
Percentage engine load
Fig. 2. Performance characteristics of sardine oil biodiesel. (BTE - Break thermal efficiency; SFC -
Specific fuel consumption; BD - 10% Biodiesel blend; DF - Petroleum based diesel fuel) (a) Variation
in specific fuel consumption with load for diesel fuel and B10. (b) Variation in brake thermal efficiency
with load for diesel fuel and B10.
compared to petroleum diesel. High viscosity, density and low heat content of
biodiesel blend when compared with that of diesel attribute to the high SFC. The
presence of additional oxygen molecules in the fuel ensures better/complete
combustion of the fuel. This is considered to be the major reason for higher SFC
and higher power generation [50]. The ignition performance of the fuel is also
improved due to oxygenated nature of the biodiesel. Cetane number was greater
than that of diesel fuel [51].
50 6000
CO2 (ppm)
CO (ppm)
HC (ppm)
Concentration (ppm)
40 NOx (ppm)
Concentration, ppm
0 0
Biodiesel Diesel fuel
Fig. 3. Emission characteristics of biodiesel compared with petroleum diesel. (a) Variation in CO2 and
CO emission at 100% load for diesel fuel and biodiesel. (b) Variation in HC and NOX emission with
100% load for diesel fuel and biodiesel.
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Article No~e00486
The formation of CO was 22.2% lower at 100% load in biodiesel due to the
presence of oxygen atoms as mentioned earlier [53]. However, higher oxygen
content of the fuel results in a reduction in the calorific value in biodiesels. Fig. 3
shows that biodiesel (B10) emits less amount of hydrocarbon compared to diesel
fuel (36% reduction). The partially or completely burnt hydrocarbons are found in
the emissions from the engine [54]. Once again this is attributed the presence of
oxygen molecules in the fuel [55].
NOX are generated in a diesel engine because of high flame temperature, peak
pressure prevailing inside the cylinder, nitrogen content of the fuel and the
residence time of the fuel inside the cylinder [56]. Biodiesel shows 25% reduction
in NOx emissions compared to diesel fuel, which is essentially due to the reduction
of temperature in the combustion chamber. Higher the temperature, greater is the
amount of NOx emission. The residence time or ignition delay may be less in ester-
based fuel because of its high cetane number [55]. The delay period for the ester is
reduced because of the presence of oxygen which increases the ignition quality.
4. Conclusion
Biodiesel was produced from waste sardine oil, a non-edible renewable source, by
transesterification catalyzed by lipase immobilized on activated carbon. The
optimal conditions for methanolysis are 9:1 (mol/mol) methanol to oil ratio, 10%
water content and 30 °C. Under these optimal conditions, about 94.55% of methyl
ester yield was obtained. Immobilized enzyme could be used for 5 cycles without
appreciable loss in activity. Specific energy consumption and exhaust emissions
also saw substantial advantages in biodiesel as compared with diesel fuel. The
performance analysis of 10% blend of waste sardine biodiesel with diesel fuel
showed that sardine oil biodiesel used along with petroleum fuel as a blend
improves the engine performance and minimizes emission of air pollutants in the
flue gas. Use of such blended fuel does not require any key hardware alteration to
the structure.
2405-8440/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Article No~e00486
Author contribution statement
A. Arumugam: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the
experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed reagents, materials,
analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Additional information
No additional information is available for this paper.
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