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STS 5000

Substation Test Set
STS 5000

Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test System

for Current, Voltage and Power Transformers
Capacitance - Tan Delta Diagnostic System with the optional module TD 5000

• Fully automatic
• PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software
• Primary injection testing capabilities: up to 800 A
for automatic testing, assessment and report
or up to 7000 A with the optional module BUX
5000 • IEC 61850-9-2 communication protocol

• Variable output frequency: 15÷500 Hz • USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC
• Power dissipation factor test with the optional
module TD 5000 ( voltage up to 12 kV) • Compact and lightweight

• 2000 V AC high-pot test • Patented technology for capacitance and Tan

Delta measurement
• Local control by large graphic display

• Tan Delta test on rotative machines (generators

and motors)



BUX 2000 - BUX 3000 - BUX 5000






Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

The following table lists the tests that can be performed on CTs, VTs, PTs and ground grid.


1 CT Ratio, Voltage mode 16 PT Ratio per TAP
2 CT Ratio, polarity and burden with 17 PT Vector group
high AC current* 18 PT Static and dynamic resistance of
3 CT Burden, secondary side; ALF/ISF Tap Changer contacts
4 CT Excitation curve 19 PT No-load current
5 CT Winding or burden resistance 20 PT Magnetic Balance
6 CT Voltage withstand 21 PT Short-circuit impedance
7 CT Rogowski coil transformers 22 PT Tan Delta measurements
8 CT Low power transformers 23 CB Tan Delta measurements
9 CT Tan Delta measurements 24 CB, RELAY Current threshold and timing*
10 VT Ratio; polarity 25 R Ground resistance and resistivity
11 VT Burden, secondary side 26 R Step and touch voltages
12 VT Ratio, electronic transformers 27 L Measurement of line impedance
13 VT Voltage withstand and of the related parameters
14 VT Remote polarity check 28 Capacitor Measurement of the
15 VT Tan Delta measurements banks capacitance

Tests are performed in accordance with the following IEC

standards: IEC61869-2; IEC61869-3; EN 60044-1; EN 60044-2;
EN 60044-5; EN 60044-7; EN 60044-8; EN 60076-1, and also in
accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.13.1. and C57,12-90. Resistance
tests are performed according to the following standards:
EN50522, EN61936-1, IEEE80-2000, IEEE 81-1983, DIN VDE 0101 and


TD 5000




STS 5000

The following optional modules enhance the STS 5000 features. IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values
• The high voltage (HV) generator TD 5000 performs the STS 5000 has the facility to test CT, VT, both conventional and
measurement of the tan Delta, capacitance and power factor of non conventional, Merging Unit (MU) using the IEC 61850-9-2 (SV)
any device, at the frequency of the mains or in a wide frequency protocol. The STS 5000 generates current or voltage signal and
range. injects these quantities into the CT or VT under test.
• The circuit switch option STCS performs the automatic The STS 5000 then reads the data from the network (Sample
measurment of PT’s turn ratio, of winding resistance and also Values) in order to perform a variety of different tests.
testing the operation of the Load or no-Load Tap Changer • Possibility to test CT ratio and polarity check up to 2000 A (with
• The extremely high current BUX 5000, BUX 3000 and BUX 2000 BUX 2000 ), 3000 A (with BUX 3000) or 5000/ 7000 A (with BUX 5000)
options perform high current tests, with currents up to 5000 A • Possibility to test VT ratio and polarity up to 2 kV
• The STLG module allows performing high current grid resistance • Test of MU
and overhead lines tests.
TDMS - Test & Data Management Software
System Description
TDMS, Test & Data Management Software, is a powerful
The STS family includes 4 models: STS 5000, STS 4000, STS 3000 software package providing data management for acceptance
light and TDX 5000. STS 5000 is not equipped with: AC and DC and maintenance testing activities. Electrical apparatus data and
high current outputs. STS 3000 light is not equipped with: AC and test results are saved in the TDMS database for historical results
DC high current outputs, AC and DC high and low voltage outputs, analysis. The TDMS database organizes test data and results for
and current and voltage meters. All models can be connected to the majority of electrical apparatus tested with ISA test sets and
the Tan Delta module TD 5000; STS 5000 and STS 4000 can be related software.
connected to the very high current module BUX 5000, BUX 3000
and BUX 2000. STS 5000 includes six output generators: high AC PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software
current; low AC current; high DC current; low DC current; high AC
voltage; low AC voltage. PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software is a powerful
In the local control mode, the selected output is adjustable and software application, included in TDMS software, that optionally
metered on the large, graphic LCD display. With the control knob allows the remote control of the STS family: STS 5000, STS 4000,
and the LCD display, it is possible to enter the MENU mode, that STS 3000 light and TDX 5000.
allows to set many functions, that make STS 5000 a very powerful The software performs various tasks, such as:
testing device, with manual and automatic testing capabilities, • Control STS and TD remotely from PC
and with the possibility to transfer test results to a PC via • Create test plan
ETHERNET or Pen Drive. The TDMS software, which comes with • Download stored test results via Ethernet cable
the test set, allows to download, display and analyse test results • Create and customize test reports
obtained in local mode. Remote maintenance and diagnostic of • Print test results
the instrument is available via Ethernet. TDMS operates with all
This program runs under Windows© environment.
Windows® versions.
Note: Windows is trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The ease of operation has been the first goal of STS 5000. This is
why the LCD display is so large and the dialogue in MENU mode
is made easy. Connection diagrams are available according with
the test window. STS 5000 includes three measurement inputs:
• DC voltage (10 V DC)
• AC voltage:
- High range (300 V AC)
- Low range (3 V AC)
• Current (10 A AC or DC)
All these inputs are independent among them and allow the
measurement of CT or VT outputs or of another source.
In addition, a digital input (up to 300 V) is available: it can measure
the timing of a wet or dry contact. The instrument is housed in a
transportable aluminium box, which is provided with removable
cover and handles for ease of transportation. A transport trolley
can also be supplied upon request.
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

STS 5000 - Front Panel


Safety Digital Current DC voltage

Key input input input


AC voltage

V/I Output

Power Multifunction Start/Stop Emergency

ON/OFF function knob push-button

STS 5000 - Side Panels

High-current External booster output
High-voltage output

Remote start devices input
Safety warnings Interfaces
STS 5000

Test Plan Editor

Test Plan Editor is an innovative and advanced software module Up to 64 settings can be stored and recalled. Settings are
allowing the operator to define and plan a sequence of tests. permanently stored in the memory and new settings can be
The operator defines the desired sequence of tests and sets the written to the same address after confirmation. During the test, test
parameters of each test. results can be stored in the memory. At the end of test, settings and
Test Plan Editor creates a sequence of tests to be performed test results can be transmitted to a PC provided with TDMS. The
automatically. This feature is available for the test of current, software allows saving, exporting and analysing test results.
voltage and power transformers. It is also possibile to create a
test sequence for primary and secondary injection.
Test plans can be saved or recalled, like test results.

Example of Test Plan Editor for CT Tests

Nominal values window: from these nominal data, Tests header window: test reference data
the program computes the nominal saturation knee

Tolerances window allows setting the tolerances for Test selection window: it allows selecting the test to
each of the available tests be performed

At the end of the programming, starting the first test will execute the complete sequence.
During the test, test results are stored in the memory. The test set minimizes the test
duration, in order to avoid over-heating the components. The same feature is available
when controlling the test set via PC by PADS.
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Test of Current Trasformer

CT Ratio and Polarity Voltage Method

The ratio measurement is performed applying high-voltage AC to
the CT secondary and measuring the CT primary voltage. Input
parameters are: the nominal primary and secondary current,
from which the program computes the nominal ratio, the voltage
range, the nominal test voltage and the test frequency. The display
• The voltage output, the secondary voltage and the current during
the test
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity

CT Ratio and Burden Current Method

The ratio measurement is performed applying high current to the CT
primary and measuring the CT secondary current. The burden can be
by-passed or left in series for the measurement. In this instance, the
voltage drop is measured. The secondary current can be measured by
a clamp. Input parameters are: the nominal primary and secondary
current, from which the program computes the nominal ratio and the
nominal test current. The display shows:
• The actual primary current
• The corresponding secondary current
• The value of the secondary curent with the nominal primary
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift andpolarity
When the burden is tested, the following parameters are displayed:
• The voltage drop across the burden • For the burden: VA rating at the
nominal current, angle and power factor

CT Burden Secondary Side

The burden measurement is performed applying low AC current to
the CT burden and measuring the voltage drop.
Input parameters are: the nominal secondary current and the
nominal test current. The display shows:
• The actual current output
• The voltage drop across the burden
• For the burden: VA rating at the nominal current, angle and
power factor
• The actual ALF/ISF
STS 5000

CT Excitation Curve
The excitation curve is tested connecting the high AC voltage
to the CT secondary, ramping the voltage and measuring at the
meantime the output current and voltage.
Input parameters are taken from the CT nominal value window.
Other inputs are: maximum test voltage, maximum current and
test frequency. The test set controls the output voltage and
current during the test and stops as the knee is recognized. The
display shows:
• The characteristic curve
• The actual voltage knee and the error with respect to the
• The actual current error at knee

Winding Resistance
The resistance (not impedance) is measured connecting the
low DC current source to the winding or burden, and measuring
the test current and the voltage drop. Input parameters are: the
nominal resistance, the connected output, the test current and
the resistance limits.
It is also possible to compensate the test temperature. The test
set controls the output current and voltage during the test, and
stops as the test current is reached. The display shows:
• The test current
• The voltage drop
• The measured resistance and the compensated
• The test duration and the current deviation when the
measurement was achieved

Voltage Withstand
The test is performed connecting the high AC voltage source
between the CT secondary cabling and the ground.
Input parameters are: maximum test current (with automatic
switch-off), test time, output range, test voltage, test frequency.
The display shows:
• During the HV ramping, the test voltage and current
• As the test is completed, the maximum current, the total
elapsed time and the isolation impedance
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Rogowski Coil
The test is performed connecting the high AC current source to
the primary side, and connecting the CT secondary side to the
low-voltage measurement. Input parameters are: the nominal
primary current and the nominal secondary voltage, from which
the program computes the nominal ratio, the current range, the
test current and the test frequency.
The display shows:
• The range current and the test current
• The actual test current, the secondary voltage and the value of
the primary current with the nominal secondary voltage
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity

Low Power
The test is performed connecting the high AC current source to
the primary side and connecting the CT secondary side to the
low-voltage measurement. Input parameters are: the nominal
primary current and the nominal secondary voltage, from which
the program computes the nominal ratio, the current range, the
test current and the test frequency.
The display shows:
• The range current and the test current
• The actual test current, the secondary voltage and the value of
the primary current with the nominal secondary voltage
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity

Remote Polarity Check

The test is performed generating a special AC current waveform on
the primary side and measuring the secondary current drop, with the
optional PLCK polarity checker.
Input parameters are: the test current, the time interval and the
test result (Pass/Fail). The display shows the test current and
records the test result of the different points.
STS 5000

Power Factor, Capacitance and Tan Delta

With TD 5000 optional module

The test is performed using the TD 5000 optional module, and

then connecting the high AC voltage source to test target.
Input parameters are: Winding, test voltage and frequency, test
mode, and the nominal capacitance, PF, DF.
The display shows the following data:
• Test voltage, current and frequency
• Capacitance, Tan Delta and power factor
• Power data: active, reactive and apparent
• Impedance: module, argument and components

Test of Voltage Transformer

VT Ratio and Polarity
The ratio measurement is performed applying high voltage to
the VT primary and measuring the VT secondary voltage. Input
parameters are: the nominal primary and secondary voltage,
from which the program computes the nominal ratio, type of
connection (Y or Delta), the HV range, the nominal test voltage
and frequency and the selected voltage meter. The display
• The actual test voltage
• The secondary voltage
• The value of the secondary voltage with the
nominal primary voltage
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity.

VT Burden
The burden measurement is performed applying low AC voltage
to the VT burden and measuring the corresponding current.
Input parameters are: the nominal secondary voltage, the voltage
range, the test voltage and frequency.
The display shows:
• The actual voltage output
• The output current
• For the burden: VA rating at the nominal voltage, angle and
power factor
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Ratio of Electronic Transformer

The ratio measurement is performed applying high voltage to the
VT primary, and measuring the low-level VT secondary voltage.
Input parameters are: the nominal primary and secondary
voltage, from which the program computes the nominal ratio,
type of connection (Y or Delta), the HV range, the nominal test
voltage and frequency. The display shows:
• The actual test voltage
• The secondary voltage
• The value of the secondary voltage with the nominal primary
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity

Voltage Withstand
The test is performed connecting the high AC voltage between the
VT secondary cabling and the ground.
Input parameters are: maximum test current (with automatic
switch-off), test time, output range, test voltage and test frequency.
The display shows:
• During the HV ramping, the test voltage and current
• As the test is completed, the maximum current, the total
elapsed time and the isolation impedance

Remote Polarity Check

The test is performed connecting the high AC voltage source to the
primary side and measuring the secondary voltage, with the optional
PLCK polarity sensor.
Input parameters are: the test current, the time interval and the
test result (Pass/Fail). The display shows the test current and
records the test result of the different points.
STS 5000

Power Factor, Capacitance and Tan Delta

With TD 5000 optional module

The test is performed using the TD 5000 optional module and then
connecting the high AC voltage source to the test target.
Input parameters are: Winding, test voltage and frequency, test
mode and the nominal capacitance, PF, DF.
The display shows the following data:
• Test voltage, current and frequency
• Capacitance, Tan Delta and power factor
• Power data: active, reactive and apparent
• Impedance: module, argument and components

Test of Power Transformer

Ratio per TAP

The ratio measurement is performed applying high voltage to
the PT primary and measuring the PT secondary voltage for each
tap. If the option STCS or STCS PLUS is available, connection is
performed via the option and the test is completely automatic.
Input parameters are: the nominal primary and secondary
voltage, from which the program computes the nominal ratio,
type of connection (Y or Delta), the type of Tap changer, the HV
range, the nominal test voltage and frequency and the selected
voltage meter. The display shows:
• The test current and angle
• The test voltage, primary and secondary
• Actual ratio and ratio error
• Phase shift and polarity

Vector Group
The test is performed connecting the high AC voltage source
between PT primary windings, while the others are short-
circuited. The test is composed by two measures of secondary
windings voltage and phase shift. If the STCS option is available,
connection is performed via the option and the test is completely
automatic. Input parameters are: the test voltage and frequency,
the nominal turn ratio, the presence of neutral winding.
The display shows:
• Test voltage and frequency
• Test connections
• Phase displacement and connection
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Static and Dynamic Winding Resistance

and TAP Changer Test
The test is performed applying DC current to the PT primary
plus Tap Changer and measuring the voltage drop. The tester
measures the resistance peak during the switch and the
resistance after the selection. If the option STCS or STCS PLUS
is available, the connection is performed via the option and
the test is completely automatic. Input parameters are: the tap
number, the type of Tap changer, the current range, the test
current, the nominal resistance and the resistance limits. It is
also possible to compensate the test temperature. The test set
controls the output current during the test and issues the Tap
Change command. The display shows:
• The test current
• The tap number
• For the static resistance: the test voltage and resistance, also
• For the dynamic resistance: the measured values are the
Ripple and the Slope and a graphical representation of current
and resistance profiles. The dynamic resistance measurement is
performed also without the STCS or STCS PLUS option.

No-Load Current

The test is performed using TD 5000 optional module or

using the internal high voltage source up to 2kV and then
connecting the high AC voltage source to the test target. Input
parameters are: the tap number, the type of Tap changer, the test
voltage and the frequency. The test set applies the high voltage and
measures the output current during the test.
The display shows:
• The test voltage
• The current and the phase shift
• The power losses
• The reactance

Short-Circuit Impedance
The test is performed applying low AC current to the winding
under test, while other windings are short-circuited and measuring
the associated voltage and phase shift.
Input parameters are: the test current and frequency, the type of
winding and the phase under test. It is also possible to compensate
the test temperature. The test set measures the output voltage
and computes the related parameters. The display shows:
• Phase shift; the power loss; the R, X, Z and inductance of the
• Short-circuit impedance in Per Unit
STS 5000

Power Factor, Capacitance and Tan Delta

With TD 5000 optional module

The test is performed using the TD 5000 optional module and then
connecting the high AC voltage source to test target.
Input parameters are: Winding, test voltage and frequency, test
mode and the nominal capacitance, PF, DF.
The display shows the following data:
• Test voltage, current and frequency
• Capacitance, Tan Delta and power factor
• Power data: active, reactive and apparent
• Impedance: module, argument and components

Breaker and Relay Testing

CB - Primary and Secondary Relay Tests
The selection allows to inject the test parameter and
measuring the relay threshold and trip delay of a breaker
or of a relay. It is also possible to measure external volta-
ges and currents. With the option BUX 5000 it is possible to
perform high current tests, up to 7000 A. Input parameters
are: current range, output current, output voltage and fre-
quency. It is possible to enable the time measurement on
the digital input or on the fall of the applied current (bre-
aker tests) and to set the type of digital input (wet or dry).
The display shows the following data:
• Test current or test voltage
• Trip time
• Closing time
• External voltage and current measurements

Circuit Breaker Testing

Contact Resistance
The contact resistance test is performed using the high DC
current output. The test set measures the contact resistance
down to the µOhm range. With the same selection it is also
possible to measure higher resistances. Input parameters are:
current output range, test current and resistance limits.
The display shows:
• DC current
• DC voltage
• Resistance
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Power Factor, Capacitance and Tan Delta

with TD 5000 optional module
The test is performed using the TD 5000 optional module and
then connecting the high AC voltage source to test target. Input
parameters are: Winding, test voltage and frequency, test mode
and the nominal capacitance, PF, DF.
The display shows the following data:
• Test voltage, current and frequency
• Capacitance, Tan Delta and power factor
• Power data: active, reactive and apparent
• Impedance: module, argument and components.

Ground Grid Testing

Ground Grid Impedance

The test of ground grid impedance is performed applying current
between the ground grid and the auxiliary ground spikes. With
the STLG option the test is performed using an overhead line to
connect to the remote ground.
For the impedance test, input parameters are: output voltage
range, test current, test frequency.
The display shows:
• Test Probe Distance
• Output Voltage
• Test Probe Voltage
• Output Current
• Phase Shift
• Earth impedance
• Evaluation

Step and Touch Voltages

The step and touch voltages test is performed applying current
between the ground grid and the auxiliary ground spikes and
measuring the step or touch voltage with the test probes. With
the STLG option, the current generation is performed using
an overhead line to connect to the remote ground. Thanks to
the STLG option, higher test currents can be achieved. Input
parameters are: substation fault current, fault clearance time,
parallel resistance on the test probes. Other selections are:
output voltage range, test current, test frequency. Last, the
operator selects the measurement mode: manual or on STS and
the reference standard.
The display shows the following data: test current, location
description, location coordinates, measured voltage, voltage in
case of actual fault.
STS 5000

Soil Resistivity
The test of soil resistivity is performed applying AC voltage to the
current spikes and measuring the injected current and the voltage
across the voltage spikes. For the resistivity test, input parameters
are: voltage range, test current, test frequency.
The display shows:
• Location
• Probes Distance
• Output Voltage
• Voltage Between Probes
• Output Current
• Corresponding Resistivity
• Evaluation

Line Impedance Measurement

Line Impedance
The line impedance test has the purpose of verifying the
computed value of the Earth coefficient KL for the HV overhead
lines. This is a critical parameter for the setting of a distance
relay: a wrong value causes the false fault location. The test
is performed injecting current into the lines, in many modes:
line to line, three lines to ground, with or without current in
parallel lines. With the STLG option, the current generation can
be performed even in presence of induced voltages. The device
measures the injected current and the corresponding voltage
drop and phase shift. Input parameters are: maximum test
voltage and test current. Other parameters are the line material
and the test temperature. Tests are performed at frequencies
± 5 Hz with respect to the line frequency, in order to remove
the noise. To the left, the display shows the measured and
computed values of the impedances; to the right, the computed
corrective factors.

Other Functions
Pads Software
The PADS software is a powerful application, included in the
TDMS software, which provides connectivity to the instruments
of the STS family. The software performs various tasks, such as:
• Edit and upload to the instrument the test headers
• Create and modify plans containing one or more tests
• Optionally remote control of the execution of test plans (start,
interruption, results assessment)
• Download and save results of tests previously performed by
the instrument
• Open and save results on the PC
• Print test results
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

STS 5000 Specification

The internal generator has six outputs: High AC current; Low AC OUTPUT A VA DURATION
current, High DC current; Low DC current, High AC voltage, Low AC V s
voltage. Output adjustment is automatically performed once the 2000 1.25 2500 60 15 to 500
test has been set. The generated frequency can be userdefined or 2000 1 2000 130 15 to 500
synchronized to the supply frequency (with optional power line 2000 0.5 1000 > 2 hours 15 to 500
synchronizer). The following specification applies to the separate
use of these outputs. 1000 2.5 2500 60 15 to 500
1000 2 2000 130 15 to 500
High AC Current Output - Supply 230 V AC */** 1000 1 1000 > 2 hours 15 to 500

CURRENT MAX DURATA MAX FREQUENCY 500 5 2500 60 15 to 500

OUTPUT POWER PROVA Hz 500 4 2000 130 15 to 500
500 2 1000 > 2 hours 15 to 500
800 4800 25 15 to 500
600 3780 200 15 to 500 The test set measures the current generated by the HV output.
400 2560 500 15 to 500
300 1940 15 min 15 to 500
200 1300 > 2 hours 15 to 500
5 < 0.2% reading < 0.05% range < 0.1°
0.5 < 0.05% reading < 0.05% range < 0.1°
NOTE: the output amplitude may decrease for frequency below 50
0.05 < 0.1% reading < 0.1% range < 0.2°
Hz and above 60 Hz.
• Connection: two high-current safety sockets, with safety
• Accuracy values refer to the internal measurements of the
• Measurement accuracy: < 0.1 % of the reading,< 0.1% of the range
• Accuracies are typical values
• Phase error: < 0.1°
• Output power is reduced with the supply of 110 V
• The output amplitude may decrease for frequency below 50 Hz
High DC Current Output */**
and above 200 Hz
CURRENT MAX MAX TEST Low AC current output **
OUTPUT POWER DURATION • Maximum output current: 6 A or 3 A AC
A DC W s
• Maximum output voltage: 70 V AC or 140 V AC
400 2600 140
• Maximum output power: 360 VA
300 1950 3 min
• Connection: two safety 4 mm banana sockets
200 1300 > 2 hours
• Frequency range: 15 - 500 Hz
100 630 >> 2 hours
Low DC current output **
• Connection: two high-current sockets, with safety protection • Maximum output current: 6 A DC
• Accuracy: < 0.2% of the reading, < 0.05% of the range
• Maximum output voltage: 65 V DC
• Maximum output power: 360 W
High AC Voltage output **
• Connection: two safety 4 mm banana sockets
The high AC voltage output is isolated by a HV switch inside the
test set. This switch is closed only when the operator selects a high- Low AC Voltage output **
voltage test, after the enable key is turned ON and after the START
• Voltage range: 140 or 70 V AC
button is pressed.
Three voltage ranges are available. • Output power: 420 VA
• Frequency range: 15 - 500 Hz
• Output connection: two HV safety sockets
• Measurement accuracy: < 0.05% of the reading, < 0.05% of the • Connection: two safety 4 mm banana sockets
• Phase error: 0.1° (2000 V range) Output frequency
• AC output frequency range: 15 to 500 Hz
* Output not available on the STS 4000 model • Frequency resolution: 10 mHz
** Output not available on the STS 3000 light
and TDX 5000 models
STS 5000

Measuring Inputs
Current and Voltage For the CT, VT and PT ratio measurement, the following applies.
It is possible to meter the current and the voltage of an external • Range: 0 to 9999
generator. Three metering groups are available: • Resolution: 1
• AC or DC current, up to 10 A • Accuracy: <0.15% of the reading <%0.15% of the range
• AC voltage, with two connections:
Resistance measurement
- High range, up to 300 V AC
- Low range, up to 3 V AC For the resistance test, the following applies:
• DC voltage, up to 10 V DC
The selected input is shown in the front panel by an LED SOURCE RANGE ACCURACY

Resolution and Accuracy HIGH DC CURRENT 10 µOhm to < 0.7%

400 A 10 mOhm < 0.5%
reading & range 6 A 10 Ohm < 0.2%
DC V METER 100 Ohm to < 0.6%
AC CURRENT 1 A; 10 A <%0.05 <%0.05
20 kOhm < 0.5%
DC CURRENT 1 A; 10 A <%0.03 <% 0.08
HIGH AC VOLTAGE 300 mV; 3 V; <%0.15 <%0.05 Accuracies are typical values.
30 V; 300 V <%0.05 <%0.05
LOW AC VOLTAGE 30 mV <%0.1 <%0.25 Colour Display
300 mV <%0.08 <%0.08 The large graphic display has the following characteristics:
• Pixels: 640 x 480, coloured
3V <%0.03 <%0.08
• LCD type: TFT
DC VOLTAGE 10 mV; 100 mV <%0.05 <%0.15 • View area: 132 x 99 mm
1 V; 10 V <%0.03 <%0.08 • Backlight

Binary Input - Timer Other Characteristics

Communication interfaces
The test set allows testing protection relays. In this mode of
operation, the test current or voltage can be ramped or stepped. • ETHERNET for the PC connection
As the output changes, a timer is started; the timer stops as the • USB port for the USB key
Digital input senses that the relay has tripped or the output cut is Interfaces to external modules:
cut. Characteristics of the Digital input: • Commands to TD 5000 and STCS
• The input may be selected as Normal Open, Normal Closed • Alarms to a flashing light
• The timer can start from an analog input ( current or voltage) • Remote start input
• The timer can start and stop at the changing of the digital Mains supply
input, both dry or wet contact
100-230 V ± 15%; 48-62 Hz.
• Type of input: either dry or under voltage. Maximum input: 300
Maximum supply current: 16 A
V AC or DC
• Voltage thresholds: 5 V, 24 V, 48 V or > 80 V Dimensions: 450 (W) x 400 (H) x 230 (D) mm
• Timer resolution: 1 ms
Weight: 29 kg
Phase Angle
Applicable Standards
The test set measures the phase angle between the two AC
selected parameters which are used during the test. The test set conforms to the EEC directives regarding
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low-Voltage instruments.
A) Electromagnetic Compatibility: Directive no. 2004/108/EC.
B) Low Voltage Directive: Directive n. 2006/95/EC. Applicable
PHASE 0 - 360 0.01° < 0.1°
standards: CEI EN 61010-1:2010.
In particular:
• Input/output protection: IP 2X - IEC69529; IP 4X for HV output
OTHER MEASUREMENTS: • Operating temperature: -10° to 55 °C; storage: -20 °C to 70 °C
Starting from the internal and external measurements, • Relative humidity: 5-95% without condensing
the test set computes the following parameters:

Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Optional Accessories
Accessories Supplied
Connection Cables BUX 2000 - BUX 3000 - BUX 5000
• One mains supply cable, 2 m long
High Current Booster
• One grounding cable, 6 m long The three optional current boosters BUX 2000, BUX 3000 and
BUX 5000 allow performing tests up to 2000A, 3000 A or 5000 A.
• One interface cable for the USB port
The option is made of a module, which incorporates:
• One ETHERNET interface cable
• A power transformer, which generates a low-voltage, high-
• One USB pen drive current output
• Two high-voltage connection cables, 6 m long (10 m long • A metering CT, which measures the output current,
optionally), 5 kV, with earth screen and sendsthe metering to STS 5000
• Six connection cables (three red and three black,) 2.5 sq.
mm,6 m long (10 m long optionally), for the connection of:
DC current output, low AC voltage output and digital input
• Four clamps to connect low voltage or low current or
measurements, two red and two black, with a short cable
terminating with a banana socket
• Six “Kelvin” clamps, with two sockets each, to connect
generator and measurement
• One cable for the 3 V measurement connection, shielded, 6 m
long (10 m long optionally)
• One cable for the 10 V measurement connection, shielded, 2.5 Option features:
sq. mm, 6 m long (10 m long optionally)
BUX 2000
• Four crocodiles for measurements connections (two red and
• One short cable, red, for the current measurement A VA s
• One connection cables transport case 500 700 INFINITE
• Extra long connection cables for EHV equipment (> 700 kV) can 1000 1500 60
be supplied optionally 2000 5000 25

Transport Case
The transit case allows delivering STS 5000 with no concern about BUX 3000
shocks up to a fall of 1 m. This case is supplied with handles and
A VA s
STSA and STSA 3V - Surge Arresters 1000 900 INFINITE
These devices apply to all STS models. They limit voltage surges 2000 2400 300
generated at 10 V or 3 V voltage measurement inputs respectively 3000 4800 60
if, during the winding resistance test, the circuit is erroneously
opened. They include a surge arrester plus two fuses.
BUX 5000


A VA s

1000 700 INFINITE

2000 1500 300
3000 2700 30
4000 4200 20
5000 5500 10

• Frequency: 15 Hz - 500 Hz*

• Weight: BUX 2000 18 kg, BUX 3000 15 kg, BUX 5000 19 kg
without current cables and clamps
• Dimensions for models BUX 2000 and BUX 3000: external
diameter 190 mm; height 120 mm
STS 5000

• Dimensions for model BUX 5000: external diameter 200 mm; • Two relays for the Tap Changer Up and Down commands up to
height 170 mm 240 V, 1 A AC, or up to 110 V, 0.1 A DC
All high current boosters are supplied with: • Multipolar connector STS EXT. DEVICE for communication with
• High current cable, made of 4 cables, 95 sq. mm, 1.2 m long, STS 5000 or STS 4000
with 2 high current clamps for BUX3000
• 4 cables, 95 sq. mm, 2 m long, with 2 high current clamps for
BUX 2000
• 12 cables, 95 sq. mm, 0.8 m long, with 4 high current clamps
for BUX 5000
• One power supply cable , 20 m long
• One measurement cable, 20 m long, with the
output current measurement
• In addition, the option is provided with 2 metering cables for
the connection of the CT secondary
* The output amplitude may decrease for frequency below 50 Hz STCS PLUS + JUNCTION BOX
and above 60 Hz
STCS plus can be supplied with the most suitable cable set
STCS Plus Switch Module according to the dimensions of the transformer: transformers up
The external module STCS Plus allows to run automatically and to 500 kV or up to 150 kV. Both configurations can be supplied with
with a single set up any kind of tests on power transformer. Only standard-length multipolar cables (15 meters) or with multipolar
two multipolar cables are needed, one for the primary side and cables of extended length (30 meters) for combined use with
one for the secondary side, each placed on its own cable reel in equipped vans.
order to have a unique and complete connection to the power
transformer. The option includes also two junction boxes that STCS Switch Module
allow an easy connection of the multipolar cables to the transformer The external module STCS allows performing automatically the
bushings. One of these boxes is equipped with a switch high current following PT tests: ratio per tap; no load current, vector group,
for automatic measurement of the short circuit impedance. short-circuit impedance, leakage reactance, winding resistance,
The lid of STCS PLUS is removable. OLTC dynamic test. The connection to the transformer under test,
STCS PLUS optional set, allows to perform the following tests to STS and to the measurement taps is performed just once; then,
automatically and with a single setup connection: all transformer tests are performed without interruptions.
• Ratio per tap • Winding resistance
• No load current • OLTC dynamic test
• Vector group • Demagnetization
• Short-circuit impedance • Magnetic Balance
• Leakage reactance

This option applies to STS 5000 and STS 4000. Device characteristics:
Advantages: • Inputs from STS: 300 V AC or 6 A DC
• Fast measurement and single set-up for all the tests • Tap Changer Up and Down: 240 V AC or 110 V DC
• Low probability of connection errors
• Outputs to STS measurements: 300 V AC or DC and 10 V DC
The STCS Plus option also includes:
• Connection to each of the activated generators on STS 5000 o STS The option comes complete with the following connection cables
4000 for performing a specific test. Voltage test maximum 400 V, (which can also be ordered separately):
maximum test current 6 A • 10 Coaxial cables, for low voltage connections
• Connection to each of the measurement inputs activated to STS
• 2 Cables, 2 m long, for the connection of the STS HV output to the
5000 or STS 4000 for the execution of a specific test
STCS input
• Connections for controlling the high current switch present in
one of the junction boxes • 6 Cables, 2 m long, for low voltage connections
• 1 connection cable to the EXT. DEVICES connector of STS
• 6 converters, from banana to terminator
• 8 “Kelvin” type clamps, for the connection of the PT generator and
Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

• 1 Ground cable, 6 m long STLG - Module Ground Testing and Line

• 2 Transit cases
Impedance Measurement
The option allows performing both the measurement of: soil
20A DC Booster - Winding Resistance Test resistivity, ground grid resistance, step and touch tests and
The 20A DC STCS booster allows to perform resistance tests on a PT overhead lines zero sequence and mutual coupling coefficients.
with a current up to 20 A DC, instead of the 6 A DC provided by STS This option applies to STS 5000 and 4000 models.
5000 or STS 4000. The option applies to STS 5000 and STS 4000 and STLG is a high power transformer, which increases the output
must be connected to STCS, which controls it. current. A high current switch allows selecting the desired
Booster characteristics: current range. A voltage meter displays the generated voltage.
• Maximum output current: 20 A DC The option takes its power from the EXT. BOOSTER connector
• Maximum power on output sockets: 400 W of STS. Output current and voltage are metered and sent back
• Current output switch: controlled by STCS to STS measuring inputs; a third output allows STS to know the
• Current output amplitude: controlled by STS 5000 or STS 4000 selected range.
The option comes complete with all the necessary connection Device characteristics are the following:
cables. • Input: from STS 5000, via the booster connector
• Output current ranges: 11, 22, 35, 55, 105 A AC
• Output power: 1800 VA steady; 5200 VA peak for 10 s
• High current range selector switch
• Analogue output voltage meter. Meter range: 600 V AC
• Outputs to STS 5000: selected current output range, output
current and output voltage.
All necessary connection cables are included in the option.
Current clamp provided: 400 A range.
Housing: black plastic case, with handles.
Weight: 25 kg.
Dimensions: 23 x 33 x 44 cm.


STDE Power Transformer Demagnetizer

This option allows neutralizing the residual magnetization of the
power transformer core after the winding resistance test.
The principle of the option is to apply a constant current of
alternate polarities to the transformer winding, as per the IEEE
0062 1995 standard.
Device characteristics.
• Constant current, voltage limited generator STLG
• Maximum test current: 7 A DC
• Maximum test voltage: 70 V DC
• Output current stability: better than 0.5% of the rated value
• Automatic current direction reversal
The option is connected to STS via the control connector, which
supplies its circuits and issues the generation commands.
The power is taken from the STS low-power DC current generator.
• Housing: plastic case with handle

STS 5000

STSG - Safety Groundung Module Line Impedance Kit

During tests, STLG is connected to the overhead line to be The kit is made of STLG - Line and Grid module and STSG - safety
tested. The purpose of the STSG optional device is to protect the grounding module, without the line and grid accessories.
operator against possible high voltage spikes.
STSG incorporates three voltage suppressors and one high current PLCK Polarity Checker Module
switch, to connect three-Safetyelines in parallel. This option Checking the correct connection of CT’s and VT’s to protection
applies to STS 5000 and 4000 models, in conjunction with STLG. relays is a problem because relays can be hundreds of meters away
Option characteristics: from the transformer. PLCK easilys solves the issue. When this test
• Nominal AC spark-over voltage: 1000 V rms is started, STS 5000 generates a special, not sinusoidal waveform,
• Impulse spark-over voltage: 2000 V peak which is injected into the connection cables. The polarity check is
• Short-circuit proof with 25 kAeff / 100 ms; 36 kAeff / 75 ms easily performed by connecting it at the relay site. PLCK hast wo
• Connection via three cylindrical ball studs 16, 20 or 25 mm lights: green and red. The green light turns on when the polarity is
diameter. The ball diameter must be specified at o der correct; the red light turns on when the polarity is wrong.
• Metal aluminum box with handle
• Weight: 9.1 kg
• Dimensions: 41 x 21 x 13.5 cm
• Grounding cable included:, 2m


Ground Grid Test Accessories Kit

Remote Safety Switch
This option applies to STS 5000 and 4000 models. The option
is the kit of connection cables, auxiliary spikes and other If it is desired to start the test remotely from the test set, the
accessories that allows connecting STS or STLG to the testing optional switch allows to do it, up to the distance of 20 m, which is
devices and performing all types of tests. The kit includes: the length of the cable provided.
• Four earth spikes for the soil resistivity test and for the earth
resistance test
• Two auxiliary earth spikes, for tests in small sites
• Three cables, wound on wheels, 200 m long
• One mains synchronizer device, to synchronize the STS
generation to the mains
• Two test probes for the step and touch test
• One voltage meter, digital, type true RMS, for the earth resistance
and step and touch tests
• One resistor box for the step and touch test
This kit is not supplied with Line Impedance


Current Clamp
The current clamp allows to avoid the opening of the secondary
current circuit when performing the primary test of CT burden.
The clamp ratio is 1000/1; maximum primary current 100 A and
maximum cable diameter 12 mm.


Multifunction Substation Maintenance & Commissioning Test Equipment

Warning Strobe Light Optional Software

The warning strobe light alerts when the test is completed, or when PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software
there are alarms. The light is self-powered, and turns on (flashes) PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software is a powerful
upon the test set command. A siren is also included. software application, included in TDMS software, that allow the
remote control of the STS family: STS 5000, STS 4000, TDX 5000.
Transport Case These devices allow performing tests of: CTs, VTs, PTs, CBs and
Transport cases for STS 5000, TD 5000 and BUX 3000 are available; almost all other power devices in electrical substation.
all of them allow transporting the device with non concern about
shocks or falls up to 1 m. The case is complete with handles and


Foldable Trolley
The trolley eases the transport of STS 5000, especially when the
optional TD 5000 has to be used too. The trolley is designed to host
both instruments and also the high-voltage cable for TD 5000.


TD 5000

Capacitance and Tan Delta Diagnostic System

for High - Voltage Apparatus

• Optional module for STS 5000 and STS 4000 The following table lists the tests that can be performed on power
transformers and high-voltage apparatus:
test set, standard module for STS 3000 light
• Tan Delta (or dissipation factor DF): from 0 to more than 100%
• Capacitance: from 1 pF to 200 µF
• Tan Delta, capacitance, dissipation factor • Power factor : from 0 to 100%
measurements and for exciting current test
General Characteristics
• Output voltage from 12 V up to 12 kV The high-voltage generator TD 5000 performs the measurement
of the Tan Delta, of the dissipation factor and of the capacitance
• Variable output frequency: 1 - 500 Hz of a transformer or of a bushing, at the frequency of the mains or
in a wide frequency range. The measurement is performed by the
module, which is equipped with a patent pending technology.
• PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software The measurement circuitry incorporates a reference high voltage
for automatic testing, assessment and report capacitor, rated 200 pF, with a tan delta better than 0.005%, plus
a reference resistor bridge, with accuracy better than 0.01%, and
thermal drift less than 1 ppM/°C.
• Compact and lightweight The patented circuitry and the variable frequency output make
test results immune from external noise.
• Patented technology Available test selections:
• Ungrounded: UST-A; UST-B; UST A+B
• Grounded: GST; GSTg-A; GSTg-B; GSTg-A+B
TD 5000 is powered and controlled by STS 5000, STS 4000.
Type of generator: HV generator with electronic control.

TD 5000
Capacitance and Tan Delta Diagnostic Equipment

Generator Characteristics From 1kOhm to 1400 MOhm. Accuracy, typical 0.3% of the value
± 0.1%, guaranteed <0.5% of the value. Resolution: 6 digits.
OUTPUT OUTPUT DURATION Measurement ranges: 10 kW, 100 kW, 1 MW. Resolution (6 digits):
V A T Max 0.1 mW; accuracy: <0.5% of the value ± 1 mW.
12000 300 mA 240 s 1 to 500 The same ranges and accuracies are applied to reactive and
12000 125 mA > 1 hour 1 to 500 apparent power measurements.
12000 100 mA steady 1 to 500 Inductance
• Measurement range 1: from 1 H to 10 kH. Resolution (6 digits):
Note1: the maximum voltage output may decrease for frequency 0.1 mH; accuracy, typical: 0.3% of the value ± 0.5 mH; guarante-
below 40hz and above 400Hz. ed: 0.5% of the value
Note2: at 10 kV the output (current value and duration) has the • Measurement range 2: from 100 H to 10 MH. Resolution (6 digi-
same characteristic. ts): 1 H; accuracy, typical: 0.3% of the value; guaranteed: <0.5%
of the value
Voltage and current output metering accuracy and resolution.
Excitation Current
MEASURE ACCURACY ACCURACY • Range 1: 10 mA. Resolution: 0.1 µA; accuracy, typical: 0.2% of
± % (rdg) ± % (rg) ± % (rdg) ± % (rg) the value ± 0.1µA; guaranteed: 0.3% of the value ± 0.1µA
• Range 2: 300 mA. Resolution 1 mA; accuracy, typical: 0.2% of the
value ± 1 mA; guaranteed: 0.5% of the value ± 0.5% of the range
12000 V AC 1 V ± 0.2% ± 0.5 V < 0.3% + 1 V
5 A AC 0.1 mA ± 0.2% ± 0.1 mA < 0.5% Output Frequency
(@ inputs A AC output frequency range: 1 to 500 Hz.
or B> 10 mA)
Max Interference Conditions at Line
<10 mA AC 0.1µA ± 0.2% ± 0.1 µA < 0.3% + 0.1 µA
(@ inputs A or B) • Electrostatic: 15 mA rms of the interference current into any
lead or cable with no loss of measurement accuracy.
Applicable to a maximum ratio of interference current to
• Frequency range: 1 to 500 Hz
specimen current 20:1
• Connections: by a double shielded HV connector,
• Electromagnetic: 500 µT, at 50 Hz in any direction
two Ground sockets (case and external shield of HV cable), and two
measurement sockets (A and B) TD 5000 Dimensions: 440 (W) x 345 (H) x 210 (D) mm
Weight: 25 kg
Test Measurements
Capacitance Standard Accessories
• Measurement range 1: from 1 pF to 5µF. Resolution: 6 digits. Testing Cables
Accuracy, typical: ± 0.03% of the value ± 0.1 pF; guaranteed: < 0.1%
of the value +1pF (from 45 to 70 Hz) The option comes complete with the following connection
• Measurement range 2: from 5 µF to 200 µF. cables:
Resolution: 6 digits. Accuracy, tipical: ±0.1% of the value ±0.1 nF, • 1 yellow-green connection cable, 6 m long, for the ground
guaranteed: <0.5% of the value ±1 nF connections, terminated with terminator on one side, and with
a clamp on the other side
Tan Delta or Dissipation Factor DF • 2 yellow-green connection cables, 1 m long, for the ground
• Measurement range 1: from 0 to 10% (capacitive). Resolution: 5 connections, terminated with terminators
digits; accuracy, typical: 0.05% of the value ± 0.005 %; guaranteed: • 1 yellow-green connection cable, 2 m long, for the ground
0.1% of the value ± 0.005 % (from 45 to 70 Hz, current < 10 mA) connections, terminated with terminators
• 1 power cable to the BOOSTERS connector of STS, 1 m long
• Measurement range 2: from 0 to 100%. Resolution: 5 digits; accu-
• 1 power cable to the BOOSTERS connector of STS, 2 m long
racy, typical: 0.3% of the value ± 0.01 %; guaranteed: 0.5% of the
• 1 High voltage connection cable, 20 m long, 25 kV, with earth
value ± 0.02 % screen, for the connection to the device under test, terminated
• Measurement range 3: over 100%. Resolution: 5 digits; accuracy, on the device side with an isolated banana plug, and on the TD
typical: 0.5% of the value ± 0.03 %; guaranteed: 0.8% of the value 5000 side with two plugs: one for the HV and the other one for
± 0.05 % the ground. The cable is mounted on a wheel
Power Factor PF (or cos (φ)) • 1 clamp, 25 mm opening, with a connector which mates with
the HV cable
• Measurement range 1: from 0 to 10% (capacitive). Resolution: 5 • 1 bigger clamp, 40 mm opening, with a connector which mates
digits; accuracy, typical: 0.05% of the value ± 0.005 %; guaranteed: with the HV cable
0.1% of the value ± 0.005 % (from 45 to 70 Hz, current < 10 mA) • 2 shielded connection cables, 20 m long, for the connection to
• Measurement range 2: from 0 to 100%. Resolution: 5 digits; accu- the metering points. Terminated on the TD 5000 side with the
racy, typical: 0.3% of the value ± 0.02 %; guaranteed: 0.5% of the metering connector, and on the device side with a banana plug.
value ± 0.02 % Cables are mounted on wheels.
• 2 clamps, 25 mm opening, terminated with banana sockets,
TD 5000

which allow connecting to the metering point

• 2 Kelvin type clamps, 40 mm opening, with banana plugs, which
allow connecting to the metering point
• 1 hot collar cable, 1m long, with connector
• 1 signals connection cable to the EXT. DEVICES
connector of STS, 1 m long
• 1 signals connection cable to the EXT. DEVICES
connector of STS, 2 m long
• 1 connection cables transport case
• Extra long connection cables for EHV equipment (> 700 kV) can
be supplied optionally

Foldable Trolley CAP-CAL

The trolley eases the transport of TD 5000 and is designed to host
both instruments and also the high-voltage cable.
Stoil Cell for the HV Test of the Dielectric Oil
Transport Case
The option allows testing that the oil characteristics of isolation
The transit case allows delivering TD 5000 with no concern about
are met and that there is no contamination.
shocks up to a fall of 1 m.
The option is made of a suitable glass container with electrodes;
the electrodes are connected to the option TD 5000 for the test
Optional Accessories execution. The test result, displayed by STS 5000, is the oil Tan
Delta. Cell characteristics are the followings:
RCTD - Compensating Reactor • Maximum test voltage: 12 kV
This module is useful for testing Tan Delta in rotating machines • Cell volume: about 1l
with TD 5000 and allows increasing the test current and getting • Capacitance of the empty cell: 60 pF
the maximum test voltage with high capacitive burdens. Each
RCTD is composed by two inductors with a nominal value of
40H and a steady current of 0.4A. The maximum current on each
inductor can be up to 1A for more than 10s. The inductors can
be connected in parallel on the load in order to increase the test
frequency. It is possible to connect two RCTD in parallel in order
to have three or four inductors connected together (2 x 80 H total).


Digital Thermo Hygrometer

A number of tests performed by STS, such as coil resistance, Tan
Delta are influenced by temperature and humidity. The option
allows measuring these parameters and to input them into the
test settings. Meter characteristics:
• Temperature range:- 10°C to 60°C
CAP - CAL Calibrator Module • Temperature measurement accuracy: ± 0.4°C
Purpose of the calibrator is to check the correctness of TD • Humidity measurement range: 5 % to 95% RH
5000 measurement. The calibrator includes an extremely high • Accuracy of humidity measurement: ± 2.5% RH, over the whole range
accuracy high voltage capacitor, which comes with a certificate • Dimensions: 141 x 71 x 27 mm. Weight: 150 g
issued by ISA lab.
Capacitance and Tan Delta Diagnostic Equipment

Ordering Information Optional Accessories

72175 Stud 20 mm for Step & Touch testing kit
10175 STS 5000 - with TDMS software*, standard
73175 Stud 25 mm for Step & Touch testing kit
test cable kit, STSA and
74175 Stud 16 mm for Step & Touch testing kit
37175 aluminium transport case
19102 Earth Resistance and Soil Resistivity Kit
20175 STS 4000 - with TDMS software*, standard
27175 STDE demagnetizer module
test cable kit, STSA and
13175 STOIL Cell for the eletric test of insulating
37175 aluminium transport case
oil of the transformer
65175 TDX 5000 with TDMS software*, standard
40175 CAP-CAL Calibration module
test cable kit and
41175 PLCK - Polarity checker
38175 aluminium transport case 42175 Remote safety switch
31175 STS 3000 light - with TD 5000, TDMS 43175 Warning strobe light
11175 software*, standard test cable kit, foldable 44175 Digital thermo hygrometer
trolley 47175 RCTD - Compensating reactor for TD 5000
37175 aluminium transport case with transport case
11175 TD 5000 module for the high-voltage test 48175 Cable test kit for RCTD
of Tan Delta for transformers and 16102 Current Clamp 1/1000 Max 100A
bushings, supplied with test cables, 90175 SFRA 5000, supplied with cables, software
39175 aluminium transport case and transport case
18175 and foldable trolley 15175 Cable test kit with case for STS 5000
14175 Cable test kit for TD 5000
16175 Optional long cable test kit for STS 5000
17175 Heavy duty plastic transport case for STS 5000
Optional Accessories 18175 Trolley for STS family test sets and TD 5000
19175 Heavy duty plastic transport case for TD 5000
CODE MODULE 51175 Heavy duty plastic transport case for
BUX 3000
10176P PADS software (primary)- Primary, CTs, 52175 BU2000-STS adaptor
VTs test module* 57175 Extra long connection cables for EHV
10176T PADS software (trasfo)- Power transformer equipment
and Tan Delta test module*
10176F PADS (full)- Full software suite (includes
10176P & 10176T)* *PADS - Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software is NOT included into
63175 BUX 5000 - External Advanced Booster up to basic unit price. It should be expressely ordered.
5000 A supplied with transport case
50175 BUX 3000 - External Advanced Booster up For USA and Germany, only STS 3000 light with TD 5000 and/or TDX
to 3000 A supplied with transport case 5000 test sets are available.
56175 BUX 2000 - External Advanced Booster up
to 2000 A supplied with transport case
12175 STCS Circuit switch module and with
22175 Cable test kit for STCS
33175 STCS PLUS switch module
23185 150kV Cable test kit for STCS PLUS
25185 150kV Cable test kit for STCS PLUS for TEST VAN
34175 500kV Cable test kit for STCS PLUS
24185 500kV Cable test kit for STCS PLUS for TEST VAN
32175 20A DC STCS Booster
81175 Step & Touch testing kit:
. ST-LG Line & ground grid module (100 A booster)
. Cables set for STLG
. Heavy duty plastic transport case for STLG
. ST-SG Safety grounding module
. Heavy duty plastic transport case for STSG
. Step & touch, earth resistance/resistivity
84175 Line Impedance testing kit:
STLG Line & ground grid module (100 A booster)
. Cables set for STLG
. Heavy duty plastic transport case for STLG
. STSG Safety grounding module
. Heavy duty plastic transport case for STSG
Comparison Table of the STS Family Tests

1 CT Ratio, Voltage mode NOT AVAILABLE

2 CT Ratio, polarity and burden with high AC current
3 CT Burden; secondary side NOT AVAILABLE
4 CT Excitation curve NOT AVAILABLE
5 CT Winding or burden resistance NOT AVAILABLE
6 CT Voltage withstand NOT AVAILABLE
7 CT Remote polarity check NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
8 CT Rogowski coil transformers WITH BUX 3000 NOT AVAILABLE
9 CT Low power transformers WITH BUX 3000 NOT AVAILABLE
10 CT Tan(δ) measurements WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000
11 VT Ratio; polarity NOT AVAILABLE
12 VT Burden, secondary side NOT AVAILABLE
13 VT Ratio, electronic transformers NOT AVAILABLE
14 VT Voltage withstand NOT AVAILABLE
15 VT Remote polarity check NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
16 VT Tan(δ) measurements WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000
18 PT Static and dynamic resistance of Tap Changer
19 PT Excitation current WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000
20 PT Magnetic Balance NOT AVAILABLE
21 PT Short circuit impedance NOT AVAILABLE
22 PT Tan(δ) measurements WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000
23 CB High DC current micro-Ohmmeter test NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE
24 CB Tan(δ) measurements WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000
25 VT CB RELAY Current threshold and timing NOT AVAILABLE
26 R Ground resistance and resistivity NOT AVAILABLE
27 R Step and touch voltages NOT AVAILABLE
28 L Measurement of line impedance and of the
related parameters NOT AVAILABLE

29 Capacitor Measurement of the capacitance WITH TD 5000 WITH TD 5000

DS STS 5000 EN - REV. 12/2022

ISA - Altanova Group Srl

Via Prati Bassi 22,
21020 Taino (Va) - ITALY
Phone +39 0331 95 60 81

The product and the information contained herein may be changed at any time without prior notification. This document nor any parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form either
electronically or mechanically, including photocopying and recording, without the express written consent of ISA - Altanova Group Srl.

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